diff --git a/src/core/smartattributeparseddata.cpp b/src/core/smartattributeparseddata.cpp index b310a7b..8e16899 100644 --- a/src/core/smartattributeparseddata.cpp +++ b/src/core/smartattributeparseddata.cpp @@ -1,644 +1,644 @@ /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2018 by Caio Carvalho * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #include "smartattributeparseddata.h" #include "core/smartdiskinformation.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define MKELVIN_VALID_MIN ((qint64) ((-15LL*1000LL) + 273150LL)) #define MKELVIN_VALID_MAX ((qint64) ((100LL*1000LL) + 273150LL)) #define MSECOND_VALID_MIN 1ULL #define MSECOND_VALID_SHORT_MAX (60ULL * 60ULL * 1000ULL) #define MSECOND_VALID_LONG_MAX (30ULL * 365ULL * 24ULL * 60ULL * 60ULL * 1000ULL) static QMap tableUnit(); static SmartQuirk getQuirk(QString model, QString firmware); /** Creates a new SmartAttributeParsedData object. @param disk the reference to the disk that this attribute is allocated to @param jsonAttribute JSON attribute data */ SmartAttributeParsedData::SmartAttributeParsedData(SmartDiskInformation *disk, QJsonObject jsonAttribute) : m_Id(0), m_CurrentValue(0), m_WorstValue(0), m_Threshold(0), m_Raw(0), m_PrettyValue(0), m_CurrentValueValid(false), m_WorstValueValid(false), m_ThresholdValid(false), m_Prefailure(false), m_Online(false), m_GoodNow(true), m_GoodNowValid(false), m_GoodInThePast(true), m_GoodInThePastValid(false), m_Warn(false), m_PrettyUnit(SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown), m_Disk(disk), m_Quirk(SmartQuirk::None) { if (disk) m_Quirk = getQuirk(disk->model(), disk->firmware()); if (!jsonAttribute.isEmpty()) { QString id = QStringLiteral("id"); QString value = QStringLiteral("value"); QString worst = QStringLiteral("worst"); QString thresh = QStringLiteral("thresh"); QString raw = QStringLiteral("raw"); QString flags = QStringLiteral("flags"); QString prefailure = QStringLiteral("prefailure"); QString online = QStringLiteral("updated_online"); m_Id = jsonAttribute[id].toInt(); m_CurrentValue = jsonAttribute[value].toInt(); m_WorstValue = jsonAttribute[worst].toInt(); m_Threshold = jsonAttribute[thresh].toInt(); QJsonObject rawObj = jsonAttribute[raw].toObject(); m_Raw = rawObj[value].toVariant().toULongLong(); QJsonObject flagsObj = jsonAttribute[flags].toObject(); m_Prefailure = flagsObj[prefailure].toBool(); m_Online = flagsObj[online].toBool(); if (!updateUnit()) m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown; makePretty(); validateValues(); verifyAttribute(); } } /** @param other SmartAttributeParsedData to copy */ SmartAttributeParsedData::SmartAttributeParsedData(const SmartAttributeParsedData &other) : m_Id(other.id()), m_CurrentValue(other.currentValue()), m_WorstValue(other.worstValue()), m_Threshold(other.threshold()), m_Raw(other.raw()), m_PrettyValue(other.prettyValue()), m_CurrentValueValid(other.currentValueValid()), m_WorstValueValid(other.worstValueValid()), m_ThresholdValid(other.thresholdValid()), m_Prefailure(other.prefailure()), m_Online(other.online()), m_GoodNow(other.goodNow()), m_GoodNowValid(other.goodNowValid()), m_GoodInThePast(other.goodInThePast()), m_GoodInThePastValid(other.goodInThePastValid()), m_Warn(other.warn()), m_PrettyUnit(other.prettyUnit()), m_Disk(other.disk()), m_Quirk(other.m_Quirk) { } /** Validate values from the current attribute */ void SmartAttributeParsedData::validateValues() { m_CurrentValueValid = m_CurrentValue >= 1 && m_CurrentValue <= 0xFD; m_WorstValueValid = m_WorstValue >= 1 && m_WorstValue <= 0xFD; m_ThresholdValid = m_Threshold != 0xFE; if (m_Threshold >= 1 && m_Threshold <= 0xFD) { if (m_WorstValueValid) { m_GoodInThePast = m_GoodInThePast && (m_WorstValue > m_Threshold); m_GoodInThePastValid = true; } if (m_CurrentValueValid) { m_GoodNow = m_GoodNow && (m_CurrentValue > m_Threshold); m_GoodNowValid = true; } } m_Warn = (m_GoodNowValid && !m_GoodNow) || (m_GoodInThePastValid && !m_GoodInThePast); } /** Make a pretty value from raw based on attribute's id */ void SmartAttributeParsedData::makePretty() { if (m_PrettyUnit == SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown) return; switch (id()) { case 3: m_PrettyValue = raw() & 0xFFFF; break; case 5: m_PrettyValue = raw() & 0xFFFFFFFFU; break; case 9: m_PrettyValue = (raw() & 0xFFFFFFFFU) * 60 * 60 * 1000; break; case 170: m_PrettyValue = currentValue(); break; case 190: m_PrettyValue = (raw() & 0xFFFF) * 1000 + 273150; break; case 194: m_PrettyValue = (raw() & 0xFFFF) * 1000 + 273150; break; case 197: m_PrettyValue = (raw() & 0xFFFFFFFFU); break; case 222: m_PrettyValue = (raw() & 0xFFFFFFFFU) * 60 * 60 * 1000; break; case 228: m_PrettyValue = raw() * 60 * 1000; break; case 231: m_PrettyValue = (raw() & 0xFFFF) * 1000 + 273150; break; case 232: m_PrettyValue = currentValue(); break; case 240: m_PrettyValue = (raw() & 0xFFFFFFFFU) * 60 * 60 * 1000; break; case 241: m_PrettyValue = raw() * 65536ULL * 512ULL / 1000000ULL; break; case 242: m_PrettyValue = raw() * 65536ULL * 512ULL / 1000000ULL; break; default: m_PrettyValue = raw(); break; } } /** Verify attribute's unit */ void SmartAttributeParsedData::verifyAttribute() { if (id() == 3 || id() == 226) verifyShortTime(); else if (id() == 5 || id() == 187 || id() == 197 || id() == 198) verifySectors(); else if (id() == 9 || id() == 222 || id() == 240) verifyLongTime(); else if (id() == 190 || id() == 194 || id() == 231) verifyTemperature(); } void SmartAttributeParsedData::verifyTemperature() { if (prettyUnit() != SmartAttributeUnit::Milikelvin) return; if (prettyValue() < MKELVIN_VALID_MIN || prettyValue() > MKELVIN_VALID_MAX) m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown; } void SmartAttributeParsedData::verifyShortTime() { if (prettyUnit() != SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds) return; if (prettyValue() < MSECOND_VALID_MIN || prettyValue() > MSECOND_VALID_SHORT_MAX) m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown; } void SmartAttributeParsedData::verifyLongTime() { if (prettyUnit() != SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds) return; if (prettyValue() < MSECOND_VALID_MIN || prettyValue() > MSECOND_VALID_LONG_MAX) m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown; } void SmartAttributeParsedData::verifySectors() { if (prettyUnit() != SmartAttributeUnit::Sectors) return; - quint64 maxSectors = disk()->size() / 512ULL; + quint64 maxSectors = disk()->sectors(); if (prettyValue() == 0xFFFFFFFFULL || prettyValue() == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFULL || (maxSectors > 0 && prettyValue() > maxSectors)) m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown; else if ((id() == 5 || id() == 197) && prettyValue() > 0) m_Warn = true; } bool SmartAttributeParsedData::updateUnit() { if (m_Quirk) { switch (id()) { case 3: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_3_UNUSED) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown; return true; } break; case 4: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_4_UNUSED) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown; return true; } break; case 5: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_5_UNKNOWN) return false; break; case 9: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONMINUTES) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds; return true; } else if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONSECONDS) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds; return true; } else if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONHALFMINUTES) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds; return true; } else if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_UNKNOWN) return false; break; case 190: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_190_UNKNOWN) return false; break; case 192: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_192_EMERGENCYRETRACTCYCLECT) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::None; return true; } break; case 194: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_194_10XCELSIUS) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Milikelvin; return true; } else if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_194_UNKNOWN) return false; break; case 197: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_197_UNKNOWN) return false; break; case 198: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_198_UNKNOWN) return false; break; case 200: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_200_WRITEERRORCOUNT) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::None; return true; } break; case 201: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_201_DETECTEDTACOUNT) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::None; return true; } break; case 225: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_225_TOTALLBASWRITTEN) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::MB; return true; } break; case 226: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_226_TIMEWORKLOADMEDIAWEAR) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::SmallPercent; return true; } break; case 227: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_227_TIMEWORKLOADHOSTREADS) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::SmallPercent; return true; } break; case 228: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_228_WORKLOADTIMER) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds; return true; } break; case 232: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_232_AVAILABLERESERVEDSPACE) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Percent; return true; } break; case 233: if (m_Quirk & SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_233_MEDIAWEAROUTINDICATOR) { m_PrettyUnit = SmartAttributeUnit::Percent; return true; } break; } } if (tableUnit().contains(id())) { m_PrettyUnit = tableUnit()[id()]; return true; } return false; } static QMap tableUnit() { QMap table; table.insert(1, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(2, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(3, SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds); table.insert(4, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(5, SmartAttributeUnit::Sectors); table.insert(6, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(7, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(8, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(9, SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds); table.insert(10, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(11, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(12, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(13, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(170, SmartAttributeUnit::Percent); table.insert(171, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(172, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(175, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(176, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(177, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(178, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(179, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(180, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(181, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(182, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(183, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(184, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(187, SmartAttributeUnit::Sectors); table.insert(188, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(189, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(190, SmartAttributeUnit::Milikelvin); table.insert(191, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(192, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(193, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(194, SmartAttributeUnit::Milikelvin); table.insert(195, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(196, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(197, SmartAttributeUnit::Sectors); table.insert(198, SmartAttributeUnit::Sectors); table.insert(199, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(200, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(201, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(202, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(203, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(204, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(205, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(206, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(207, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(208, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(209, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(220, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(221, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(222, SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds); table.insert(223, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(224, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(225, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(226, SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds); table.insert(227, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(228, SmartAttributeUnit::None); table.insert(230, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(231, SmartAttributeUnit::Milikelvin); table.insert(232, SmartAttributeUnit::Percent); table.insert(233, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(234, SmartAttributeUnit::Sectors); table.insert(235, SmartAttributeUnit::Unknown); table.insert(240, SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds); table.insert(241, SmartAttributeUnit::MB); table.insert(242, SmartAttributeUnit::MB); table.insert(250, SmartAttributeUnit::None); return table; } static const QVector quirkDatabase() { typedef SmartAttributeParsedData::SmartQuirkDataBase QuirkDatabase; QVector quirkDb; quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^(FUJITSU MHY2120BH|FUJITSU MHY2250BH)$"), QStringLiteral("^0085000B$"), static_cast(SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONMINUTES | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_197_UNKNOWN | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_198_UNKNOWN)); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^FUJITSU MHR2040AT$"), QStringLiteral(), static_cast(SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONSECONDS | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_192_EMERGENCYRETRACTCYCLECT | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_200_WRITEERRORCOUNT)); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^FUJITSU MHS20[6432]0AT( .)?$"), QStringLiteral(), static_cast(SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONSECONDS | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_192_EMERGENCYRETRACTCYCLECT | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_200_WRITEERRORCOUNT | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_201_DETECTEDTACOUNT)); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^(" "FUJITSU M1623TAU|" "FUJITSU MHG2...ATU?.*|" "FUJITSU MHH2...ATU?.*|" "FUJITSU MHJ2...ATU?.*|" "FUJITSU MHK2...ATU?.*|" "FUJITSU MHL2300AT|" "FUJITSU MHM2(20|15|10|06)0AT|" "FUJITSU MHN2...AT|" "FUJITSU MHR2020AT|" "FUJITSU MHT2...(AH|AS|AT|BH)U?.*|" "FUJITSU MHU2...ATU?.*|" "FUJITSU MHV2...(AH|AS|AT|BH|BS|BT).*|" "FUJITSU MP[A-G]3...A[HTEV]U?.*" ")$"), QStringLiteral(), SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONSECONDS); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^(" "SAMSUNG SV4012H|" "SAMSUNG SP(0451|08[0124]2|12[0145]3|16[0145]4)[CN]" ")$"), QStringLiteral(), SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONHALFMINUTES); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^(" "SAMSUNG SV0412H|" "SAMSUNG SV1204H" ")$"), QStringLiteral(), static_cast(SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONHALFMINUTES | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_194_10XCELSIUS)); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^SAMSUNG SP40A2H$"), QStringLiteral("^RR100-07$"), SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONHALFMINUTES); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^SAMSUNG SP80A4H$"), QStringLiteral("^RT100-06$"), SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONHALFMINUTES); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^SAMSUNG SP8004H$"), QStringLiteral("^QW100-61$"), SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONHALFMINUTES); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^(" "Maxtor 2B0(0[468]|1[05]|20)H1|" "Maxtor 4G(120J6|160J[68])|" "Maxtor 4D0(20H1|40H2|60H3|80H4)" ")$"), QStringLiteral(), static_cast(SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONMINUTES | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_194_UNKNOWN)); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^(" "Maxtor 2F0[234]0[JL]0|" "Maxtor 8(1280A2|2160A4|2560A4|3840A6|4000A6|5120A8)|" "Maxtor 8(2160D2|3228D3|3240D3|4320D4|6480D6|8400D8|8455D8)|" "Maxtor 9(0510D4|0576D4|0648D5|0720D5|0840D6|0845D6|0864D6|1008D7|1080D8|1152D8)|" "Maxtor 9(1(360|350|202)D8|1190D7|10[12]0D6|0840D5|06[48]0D4|0510D3|1(350|202)E8|1010E6|0840E5|0640E4)|" "Maxtor 9(0512D2|0680D3|0750D3|0913D4|1024D4|1360D6|1536D6|1792D7|2048D8)|" "Maxtor 9(2732U8|2390U7|204[09]U6|1707U5|1366U4|1024U3|0845U3|0683U2)|" "Maxtor 4(R0[68]0[JL]0|R1[26]0L0|A160J0|R120L4)|" "Maxtor (91728D8|91512D7|91303D6|91080D5|90845D4|90645D3|90648D[34]|90432D2)|" "Maxtor 9(0431U1|0641U2|0871U2|1301U3|1741U4)|" "Maxtor (94091U8|93071U6|92561U5|92041U4|91731U4|91531U3|91361U3|91021U2|90841U2|90651U2)|" "Maxtor (33073U4|32049U3|31536U2|30768U1|33073H4|32305H3|31536H2|30768H1)|" "Maxtor (93652U8|92739U6|91826U4|91369U3|90913U2|90845U2|90435U1)|" "Maxtor 9(0684U2|1024U2|1362U3|1536U3|2049U4|2562U5|3073U6|4098U8)|" "Maxtor (54098[UH]8|53073[UH]6|52732[UH]6|52049[UH]4|51536[UH]3|51369[UH]3|51024[UH]2)|" "Maxtor 3(1024H1|1535H2|2049H2|3073H3|4098H4)( B)?|" "Maxtor 5(4610H6|4098H6|3073H4|2049H3|1536H2|1369H2|1023H2)|" "Maxtor 9(1023U2|1536U2|2049U3|2305U3|3073U4|4610U6|6147U8)|" "Maxtor 9(1023H2|1536H2|2049H3|2305H3|3073H4|4098H6|4610H6|6147H8)|" "Maxtor 5T0(60H6|40H4|30H3|20H2|10H1)|" "Maxtor (98196H8|96147H6)|" "Maxtor 4W(100H6|080H6|060H4|040H3|030H2)|" "Maxtor 6(E0[234]|K04)0L0|" "Maxtor 6(B(30|25|20|16|12|10|08)0[MPRS]|L(080[MLP]|(100|120)[MP]|160[MP]|200[MPRS]|250[RS]|300[RS]))0|" "Maxtor 6Y((060|080|120|160)L0|(060|080|120|160|200|250)P0|(060|080|120|160|200|250)M0)|" "Maxtor 7Y250[PM]0|" "Maxtor [45]A(25|30|32)0[JN]0|" "Maxtor 7L(25|30)0[SR]0" ")$"), QStringLiteral(), SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONMINUTES); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^(" "HITACHI_DK14FA-20B|" "HITACHI_DK23..-..B?|" "HITACHI_DK23FA-20J|HTA422020F9AT[JN]0|" "HE[JN]4230[23]0F9AT00|" "HTC4260[23]0G5CE00|HTC4260[56]0G8CE00" ")$"), QStringLiteral(), static_cast(SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_9_POWERONMINUTES | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_193_LOADUNLOAD)); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^HTS541010G9SA00$"), QStringLiteral("^MBZOC60P$"), SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_5_UNKNOWN); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^MCCOE64GEMPP$"), QStringLiteral("^2.9.0[3-9]$"), static_cast(SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_5_UNKNOWN | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_190_UNKNOWN)); quirkDb << QuirkDatabase(QStringLiteral("^INTEL SSDSA2(CT|BT|CW|BW)[0-9]{3}G3.*$"), QStringLiteral(), static_cast(SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_3_UNUSED | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_4_UNUSED | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_225_TOTALLBASWRITTEN | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_226_TIMEWORKLOADMEDIAWEAR | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_227_TIMEWORKLOADHOSTREADS | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_228_WORKLOADTIMER | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_232_AVAILABLERESERVEDSPACE | SmartQuirk::SMART_QUIRK_233_MEDIAWEAROUTINDICATOR)); return quirkDb; } static SmartQuirk getQuirk(QString model, QString firmware) { const QVector db = quirkDatabase(); QRegularExpression modelRegex; QRegularExpression firmwareRegex; for (const SmartAttributeParsedData::SmartQuirkDataBase &item : qAsConst(db)) { if (!item.model.isEmpty()) { modelRegex.setPattern(item.model); QRegularExpressionMatch match = modelRegex.match(model); if (!match.hasMatch()) continue; } if (!item.firmware.isEmpty()) { firmwareRegex.setPattern(item.firmware); QRegularExpressionMatch match = firmwareRegex.match(firmware); if (!match.hasMatch()) continue; } return item.quirk; } return SmartQuirk::None; } diff --git a/src/core/smartdiskinformation.cpp b/src/core/smartdiskinformation.cpp index 85a5dbb..30e1a6c 100644 --- a/src/core/smartdiskinformation.cpp +++ b/src/core/smartdiskinformation.cpp @@ -1,198 +1,198 @@ /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2018 by Caio Carvalho * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #include "core/smartdiskinformation.h" #include "core/smartattributeparseddata.h" #include static quint64 u64log2(quint64 n); /** Creates a new SmartDiskInformationObject */ SmartDiskInformation::SmartDiskInformation() : m_ModelName(QString()), m_FirmwareVersion(QString()), m_SerialNumber(QString()), - m_Size(0), + m_Sectors(0), m_Temperature(0), m_BadSectors(0), m_PoweredOn(0), m_PowerCycles(0), m_SmartStatus(false), m_BadAttributeNow(false), m_BadAttributeInThePast(false), m_SelfTestExecutionStatus(SmartStatus::SelfTestStatus::Success), m_Overall(SmartStatus::Overall::Bad) { } /** Update the number of bad sectors based on reallocated sector count and current pending sector attributes data */ void SmartDiskInformation::updateBadSectors() { std::unique_ptr reallocatedSectorCt(findAttribute(5)); std::unique_ptr currentPendingSector(findAttribute(197)); if (!reallocatedSectorCt && !currentPendingSector) m_BadSectors = 0; else if (reallocatedSectorCt && currentPendingSector) m_BadSectors = reallocatedSectorCt->prettyValue() + currentPendingSector->prettyValue(); else if (reallocatedSectorCt) m_BadSectors = reallocatedSectorCt->prettyValue(); else m_BadSectors = currentPendingSector->prettyValue(); } /** Update SMART overall data based on the quantity of bad sectors and the status of SMART attributes */ void SmartDiskInformation::updateOverall() { if (!smartStatus()) { m_Overall = SmartStatus::Overall::Bad; return; } - quint64 sector_threshold = u64log2(size() / 512) * 1024; + quint64 sector_threshold = u64log2(sectors()) * 1024; if (badSectors() >= sector_threshold) { m_Overall = SmartStatus::Overall::BadSectorsMany; return; } validateBadAttributes(); if (m_BadAttributeNow) { m_Overall = SmartStatus::Overall::BadNow; return; } if (badSectors() > 0) { m_Overall = SmartStatus::Overall::BadSectors; return; } if (m_BadAttributeInThePast) { m_Overall = SmartStatus::Overall::BadPast; return; } m_Overall = SmartStatus::Overall::Good; } /** Update the temperature value based on SMART attributes @return a boolean representing the status of the operation */ bool SmartDiskInformation::updateTemperature() { std::unique_ptr temperatureCelsius(findAttribute(231)); std::unique_ptr temperatureCelsius2(findAttribute(194)); std::unique_ptr airflowTemperatureCelsius(findAttribute(190)); if (temperatureCelsius != nullptr && temperatureCelsius->prettyUnit() == SmartAttributeUnit::Milikelvin) { m_Temperature = temperatureCelsius->prettyValue(); return true; } else if (temperatureCelsius2 != nullptr && temperatureCelsius2->prettyUnit() == SmartAttributeUnit::Milikelvin) { m_Temperature = temperatureCelsius2->prettyValue(); return true; } else if (airflowTemperatureCelsius != nullptr && airflowTemperatureCelsius->prettyUnit() == SmartAttributeUnit::Milikelvin) { m_Temperature = airflowTemperatureCelsius->prettyValue(); return true; } return false; } /** Update the powered on value based on SMART attributes @return a boolean representing the status of the operation */ bool SmartDiskInformation::updatePowerOn() { std::unique_ptr powerOnHours(findAttribute(9)); std::unique_ptr powerOnSeconds(findAttribute(233)); if (powerOnHours != nullptr && powerOnHours->prettyUnit() == SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds) { m_PoweredOn = powerOnHours->prettyValue(); return true; } else if (powerOnSeconds != nullptr && powerOnSeconds->prettyUnit() == SmartAttributeUnit::Miliseconds) { m_PoweredOn = powerOnSeconds->prettyValue(); return true; } return false; } /** Update the power cycles value based on SMART attributes @return a boolean representing the status of the operation */ bool SmartDiskInformation::updatePowerCycle() { std::unique_ptr powerCycleCount(findAttribute(12)); if (powerCycleCount != nullptr && powerCycleCount->prettyUnit() == SmartAttributeUnit::None) { m_PowerCycles = powerCycleCount->prettyValue(); return true; } return false; } /** Validate disk attributes status */ void SmartDiskInformation::validateBadAttributes() { for (const SmartAttributeParsedData &attribute : qAsConst(m_Attributes)) { if (attribute.prefailure()) { if (attribute.goodNowValid() && !attribute.goodNow()) m_BadAttributeNow = true; if (attribute.goodInThePastValid() && !attribute.goodInThePast()) m_BadAttributeInThePast = true; } } } /** Search for a attribute based on its id number @return a reference to the attribute */ SmartAttributeParsedData *SmartDiskInformation::findAttribute(quint32 id) { SmartAttributeParsedData *attr = nullptr; for (const SmartAttributeParsedData &attribute : qAsConst(m_Attributes)) { if (id == attribute.id()) { attr = new SmartAttributeParsedData(attribute); break; } } return attr; } static quint64 u64log2(quint64 n) { quint64 r; if (n <= 1) return 0; r = 0; for (;;) { n = n >> 1; if (!n) return r; r++; } return 0; } diff --git a/src/core/smartdiskinformation.h b/src/core/smartdiskinformation.h index dbf3d38..8b9c957 100644 --- a/src/core/smartdiskinformation.h +++ b/src/core/smartdiskinformation.h @@ -1,175 +1,175 @@ /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2018 by Caio Carvalho * * Copyright (C) 2018 by Andrius Štikonas * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #ifndef KPMCORE_SMARTDISKINFORMATION_H #define KPMCORE_SMARTDISKINFORMATION_H #include "core/smartstatus.h" #include #include class SmartAttributeParsedData; /** Disk information retrieved by SMART. It includes a list with your SMART attributes. @author Caio Carvalho */ class SmartDiskInformation { public: SmartDiskInformation(); public: void updateBadSectors(); void updateOverall(); bool updateTemperature(); bool updatePowerOn(); bool updatePowerCycle(); SmartAttributeParsedData *findAttribute(quint32 id); public: const QString model() const { return m_ModelName; /**< @return the disk model name */ } const QString firmware() const { return m_FirmwareVersion; /**< @return the disk firmware version */ } const QString serial() const { return m_SerialNumber; /**< @return the disk serial number */ } - quint64 size() const + quint64 sectors() const { - return m_Size; /**< @return disk size */ + return m_Sectors; /**< @return disk size */ } bool smartStatus() const { return m_SmartStatus; /**< @return a boolean representing SMART status */ } SmartStatus::SelfTestStatus selfTestExecutionStatus() const { return m_SelfTestExecutionStatus; /**< @return SMART self execution status */ } SmartStatus::Overall overall() const { return m_Overall; /**< @return SMART overall status */ } quint64 temperature() const { return m_Temperature; /**< @return disk temperature in kelvin */ } quint64 badSectors() const { return m_BadSectors; /**< @return the number of bad sectors */ } quint64 poweredOn() const { return m_PoweredOn; /**< @return quantity of time that device is powered on */ } quint64 powerCycles() const { return m_PowerCycles; /**< @return quantity of power cycles */ } QList attributes() const { return m_Attributes; /**< @return a list that contains the disk SMART attributes */ } public: void setModel(QString modelName) { m_ModelName = modelName; } void setFirmware(QString firmware) { m_FirmwareVersion = firmware; } void setSerial(QString serial) { m_SerialNumber = serial; } - void setSize(quint64 size) + void setSectors(quint64 numSectors) { - m_Size = size; + m_Sectors = numSectors; } void setPowerCycles(quint64 powerCycleCt) { m_PowerCycles = powerCycleCt; } void setSmartStatus(bool smartStatus) { m_SmartStatus = smartStatus; } void setSelfTestExecutionStatus(SmartStatus::SelfTestStatus status) { m_SelfTestExecutionStatus = status; } void addAttribute(SmartAttributeParsedData &attribute) { m_Attributes << attribute; } protected: void validateBadAttributes(); private: QString m_ModelName; QString m_FirmwareVersion; QString m_SerialNumber; - quint64 m_Size; + quint64 m_Sectors; quint64 m_Temperature; quint64 m_BadSectors; quint64 m_PoweredOn; quint64 m_PowerCycles; bool m_SmartStatus; bool m_BadAttributeNow; bool m_BadAttributeInThePast; SmartStatus::SelfTestStatus m_SelfTestExecutionStatus; SmartStatus::Overall m_Overall; QList m_Attributes; }; #endif // SMARTDISKINFORMATION_H diff --git a/src/core/smartparser.cpp b/src/core/smartparser.cpp index 294691e..f7a7377 100644 --- a/src/core/smartparser.cpp +++ b/src/core/smartparser.cpp @@ -1,161 +1,165 @@ /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2018 by Caio Carvalho * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #include "core/smartparser.h" #include "core/smartattributeparseddata.h" #include "core/smartdiskinformation.h" #include "util/externalcommand.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /** Creates a new SmartParser object @param device_path device path that indicates the device that SMART must analyse */ SmartParser::SmartParser(const QString &device_path) : m_DevicePath(device_path), m_DiskInformation(nullptr) { } SmartParser::~SmartParser() { delete m_DiskInformation; } /** Initialize SmartParser data, retrieve the information from SMART JSON and initialize the disk information data */ bool SmartParser::init() { loadSmartOutput(); if (m_SmartOutput.isEmpty()) return false; QJsonObject smartJson = m_SmartOutput.object(); QString model_name = QStringLiteral("model_name"); QString firmware = QStringLiteral("firmware_version"); QString serial_number = QStringLiteral("serial_number"); QString device = QStringLiteral("device"); QString smart_status = QStringLiteral("smart_status"); QString passed = QStringLiteral("passed"); QString self_test = QStringLiteral("self_test"); QString status = QStringLiteral("status"); QString value = QStringLiteral("value"); QString user_capacity = QStringLiteral("user_capacity"); + QString blocks = QStringLiteral("blocks"); if (!smartJson.contains(device)) { qDebug() << "smart disk open failed for " << devicePath() << ": " << strerror(errno); return false; } if (!smartJson.contains(smart_status)) { qDebug() << "getting smart status failed for " << devicePath() << ": " << strerror(errno); return false; } if (!smartJson.contains(model_name) || !smartJson.contains(firmware) || !smartJson.contains(serial_number)) { qDebug() << "getting disk identification data failed for " << devicePath() << ": " << strerror( errno); return false; } m_DiskInformation = new SmartDiskInformation(); QJsonObject smartStatus = smartJson[smart_status].toObject(); m_DiskInformation->setSmartStatus(smartStatus[passed].toBool()); m_DiskInformation->setModel(smartJson[model_name].toString()); m_DiskInformation->setFirmware(smartJson[firmware].toString()); m_DiskInformation->setSerial(smartJson[serial_number].toString()); - m_DiskInformation->setSize(smartJson[user_capacity].toVariant().toULongLong()); + + const auto user_capacity_object = smartJson[user_capacity].toObject(); + QString user_capacity_blocks = QStringLiteral("bytes"); + m_DiskInformation->setSectors(user_capacity_object[user_capacity_blocks].toVariant().toULongLong()); QJsonObject selfTest = smartJson[self_test].toObject(); QJsonObject selfTestStatus = selfTest[status].toObject(); m_DiskInformation->setSelfTestExecutionStatus(static_cast(selfTestStatus[value].toInt())); loadAttributes(); m_DiskInformation->updateBadSectors(); m_DiskInformation->updateOverall(); if (!m_DiskInformation->updateTemperature()) qDebug() << "getting temp failed for " << devicePath() << ": " << strerror(errno); if (!m_DiskInformation->updatePowerOn()) qDebug() << "getting powered on time failed for " << devicePath() << ": " << strerror(errno); if (!m_DiskInformation->updatePowerCycle()) qDebug() << "getting power cycles failed for " << devicePath() << ": " << strerror(errno); return true; } /** Run smartctl command and recover its output */ void SmartParser::loadSmartOutput() { if (m_SmartOutput.isEmpty()) { ExternalCommand smartctl(QStringLiteral("smartctl"), { QStringLiteral("--all"), QStringLiteral("--json"), devicePath() }); if (smartctl.run() && smartctl.exitCode() == 0) { QByteArray output = smartctl.rawOutput(); m_SmartOutput = QJsonDocument::fromJson(output); } else qDebug() << "smartctl initialization failed for " << devicePath() << ": " << strerror(errno); } } /** Load SMART disk attributes from JSON data */ void SmartParser::loadAttributes() { loadSmartOutput(); if (m_SmartOutput.isEmpty()) return; QJsonObject smartJson = m_SmartOutput.object(); QString ata_smart_attributes = QStringLiteral("ata_smart_attributes"); QString table = QStringLiteral("table"); QJsonObject ataSmartAttributes = smartJson[ata_smart_attributes].toObject(); QJsonArray attributeArray = ataSmartAttributes[table].toArray(); if (!m_DiskInformation) { qDebug() << "error loading smart attributes for " << devicePath() << ": " << strerror(errno); return; } for (const QJsonValue &value : qAsConst(attributeArray)) { SmartAttributeParsedData parsedObject(m_DiskInformation, value.toObject()); m_DiskInformation->addAttribute(parsedObject); } } diff --git a/src/util/externalcommandhelper.cpp b/src/util/externalcommandhelper.cpp index a2e7d6c..5ec790d 100644 --- a/src/util/externalcommandhelper.cpp +++ b/src/util/externalcommandhelper.cpp @@ -1,301 +1,302 @@ /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 by Andrius Štikonas * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see .* *************************************************************************/ #include "externalcommandhelper.h" #include "externalcommand_whitelist.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** Initialize ExternalCommandHelper Daemon and prepare DBus interface * * KAuth helper runs in the background until application exits. * To avoid forever running helper in case of application crash * ExternalCommand class opens a DBus service that we monitor for changes. * If helper is not busy then it exits when the client services gets * unregistered. Otherwise, * we wait for the current job to finish before exiting, so even in case * of main application crash, we do not leave partially moved data. * * This helper also starts another DBus interface where it listens to * command execution requests from the application that started the helper. * */ ActionReply ExternalCommandHelper::init(const QVariantMap& args) { Q_UNUSED(args) ActionReply reply; if (!QDBusConnection::systemBus().isConnected() || !QDBusConnection::systemBus().registerService(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kpmcore.helperinterface")) || !QDBusConnection::systemBus().registerObject(QStringLiteral("/Helper"), this, QDBusConnection::ExportAllSlots)) { qWarning() << QDBusConnection::systemBus().lastError().message(); reply.addData(QStringLiteral("success"), false); return reply; } m_loop = std::make_unique(); HelperSupport::progressStep(QVariantMap()); // End the loop and return only once the client is done using us. auto serviceWatcher = new QDBusServiceWatcher(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kpmcore.applicationinterface"), QDBusConnection::systemBus(), QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchForUnregistration, this); connect(serviceWatcher, &QDBusServiceWatcher::serviceUnregistered, [this]() { m_loop->exit(); }); m_loop->exec(); reply.addData(QStringLiteral("success"), true); // Also end the application loop started by KAuth's main() code. Our loop // exits when our client disappears. Without client we have no reason to // live. qApp->quit(); return reply; } + /** Reads the given number of bytes from the sourceDevice into the given buffer. @param sourceDevice device or file to read from @param buffer buffer to store the bytes read in @param offset offset where to begin reading @param size the number of bytes to read @return true on success */ bool ExternalCommandHelper::readData(const QString& sourceDevice, QByteArray& buffer, const qint64 offset, const qint64 size) { QFile device(sourceDevice); if (!device.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered)) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not open device %1 for reading.", sourceDevice); return false; } if (!device.seek(offset)) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not seek position %1 on device %2.", offset, sourceDevice); return false; } buffer = device.read(size); if (size != buffer.size()) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not read from device %1.", sourceDevice); return false; } return true; } /** Writes the data from buffer to a given device or file. @param targetDevice device or file to write to @param buffer the data that we write @param offset offset where to begin writing @return true on success */ bool ExternalCommandHelper::writeData(const QString &targetDevice, const QByteArray& buffer, const qint64 offset) { QFile device(targetDevice); if (!device.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Unbuffered)) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not open device %1 for writing.", targetDevice); return false; } if (!device.seek(offset)) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not seek position %1 on device %2.", offset, targetDevice); return false; } if (device.write(buffer) != buffer.size()) { qCritical() << xi18n("Could not write to device %1.", targetDevice); return false; } return true; } // If targetDevice is empty then return QByteArray with data that was read from disk. QVariantMap ExternalCommandHelper::copyblocks(const QString& sourceDevice, const qint64 sourceFirstByte, const qint64 sourceLength, const QString& targetDevice, const qint64 targetFirstByte, const qint64 blockSize) { QVariantMap reply; reply[QStringLiteral("success")] = true; const qint64 blocksToCopy = sourceLength / blockSize; qint64 readOffset = sourceFirstByte; qint64 writeOffset = targetFirstByte; qint32 copyDirection = 1; if (targetFirstByte > sourceFirstByte) { readOffset = sourceFirstByte + sourceLength - blockSize; writeOffset = targetFirstByte + sourceLength - blockSize; copyDirection = -1; } const qint64 lastBlock = sourceLength % blockSize; qint64 bytesWritten = 0; qint64 blocksCopied = 0; QByteArray buffer; int percent = 0; QTime t; t.start(); QVariantMap report; report[QStringLiteral("report")] = xi18nc("@info:progress", "Copying %1 blocks (%2 bytes) from %3 to %4, direction: %5.", blocksToCopy, sourceLength, readOffset, writeOffset, copyDirection == 1 ? i18nc("direction: left", "left") : i18nc("direction: right", "right")); HelperSupport::progressStep(report); bool rval = true; while (blocksCopied < blocksToCopy && !targetDevice.isEmpty()) { if (!(rval = readData(sourceDevice, buffer, readOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied * copyDirection, blockSize))) break; if (!(rval = writeData(targetDevice, buffer, writeOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied * copyDirection))) break; bytesWritten += buffer.size(); if (++blocksCopied * 100 / blocksToCopy != percent) { percent = blocksCopied * 100 / blocksToCopy; if (percent % 5 == 0 && t.elapsed() > 1000) { const qint64 mibsPerSec = (blocksCopied * blockSize / 1024 / 1024) / (t.elapsed() / 1000); const qint64 estSecsLeft = (100 - percent) * t.elapsed() / percent / 1000; report[QStringLiteral("report")]= xi18nc("@info:progress", "Copying %1 MiB/second, estimated time left: %2", mibsPerSec, QTime(0, 0).addSecs(estSecsLeft).toString()); HelperSupport::progressStep(report); } HelperSupport::progressStep(percent); } } // copy the remainder if (rval && lastBlock > 0) { Q_ASSERT(lastBlock < blockSize); const qint64 lastBlockReadOffset = copyDirection > 0 ? readOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied : sourceFirstByte; const qint64 lastBlockWriteOffset = copyDirection > 0 ? writeOffset + blockSize * blocksCopied : targetFirstByte; report[QStringLiteral("report")]= xi18nc("@info:progress", "Copying remainder of block size %1 from %2 to %3.", lastBlock, lastBlockReadOffset, lastBlockWriteOffset); HelperSupport::progressStep(report); rval = readData(sourceDevice, buffer, lastBlockReadOffset, lastBlock); if (rval) { if (targetDevice.isEmpty()) reply[QStringLiteral("targetByteArray")] = buffer; else rval = writeData(targetDevice, buffer, lastBlockWriteOffset); } if (rval) { HelperSupport::progressStep(100); bytesWritten += buffer.size(); } } report[QStringLiteral("report")] = xi18ncp("@info:progress argument 2 is a string such as 7 bytes (localized accordingly)", "Copying 1 block (%2) finished.", "Copying %1 blocks (%2) finished.", blocksCopied, i18np("1 byte", "%1 bytes", bytesWritten)); HelperSupport::progressStep(report); reply[QStringLiteral("success")] = rval; return reply; } bool ExternalCommandHelper::writeData(const QByteArray& buffer, const QString& targetDevice, const qint64 targetFirstByte) { // Do not allow using this helper for writing to arbitrary location if ( targetDevice.left(5) != QStringLiteral("/dev/") && !targetDevice.contains(QStringLiteral("/etc/fstab"))) return false; return writeData(targetDevice, buffer, targetFirstByte); } QVariantMap ExternalCommandHelper::start(const QString& command, const QStringList& arguments, const QByteArray& input, const int processChannelMode) { QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); QVariantMap reply; reply[QStringLiteral("success")] = true; if (command.isEmpty()) { reply[QStringLiteral("success")] = false; return reply; } // Compare with command whitelist QString basename = command.mid(command.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')) + 1); if (std::find(std::begin(allowedCommands), std::end(allowedCommands), basename) == std::end(allowedCommands)) { qInfo() << command <<" command is not one of the whitelisted command"; m_loop->exit(); reply[QStringLiteral("success")] = false; return reply; } // connect(&cmd, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &ExternalCommandHelper::onReadOutput); m_cmd.setEnvironment( { QStringLiteral("LVM_SUPPRESS_FD_WARNINGS=1") } ); m_cmd.setProcessChannelMode(static_cast(processChannelMode)); m_cmd.start(command, arguments); m_cmd.write(input); m_cmd.closeWriteChannel(); m_cmd.waitForFinished(-1); QByteArray output = m_cmd.readAllStandardOutput(); reply[QStringLiteral("output")] = output; reply[QStringLiteral("exitCode")] = m_cmd.exitCode(); return reply; } void ExternalCommandHelper::exit() { m_loop->exit(); QDBusConnection::systemBus().unregisterObject(QStringLiteral("/Helper")); QDBusConnection::systemBus().unregisterService(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kpmcore.helperinterface")); } void ExternalCommandHelper::onReadOutput() { /* const QByteArray s = cmd.readAllStandardOutput(); if(output.length() > 10*1024*1024) { // prevent memory overflow for badly corrupted file systems if (report()) report()->line() << xi18nc("@info:status", "(Command is printing too much output)"); return; } output += s; if (report()) *report() << QString::fromLocal8Bit(s);*/ } KAUTH_HELPER_MAIN("org.kde.kpmcore.externalcommand", ExternalCommandHelper)