diff --git a/src/bin/bin.cpp b/src/bin/bin.cpp index a65f410c2..ebc8c5e94 100644 --- a/src/bin/bin.cpp +++ b/src/bin/bin.cpp @@ -1,3121 +1,3121 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2012 Till Theato Copyright (C) 2014 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle This file is part of Kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "bin.h" #include "bincommands.h" #include "clipcreator.hpp" #include "core.h" #include "dialogs/clipcreationdialog.h" #include "doc/documentchecker.h" #include "doc/docundostack.hpp" #include "doc/kdenlivedoc.h" #include "effects/effectstack/model/effectstackmodel.hpp" #include "jobs/audiothumbjob.hpp" #include "jobs/jobmanager.h" #include "jobs/loadjob.hpp" #include "jobs/thumbjob.hpp" #include "kdenlive_debug.h" #include "kdenlivesettings.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mlt++/Mlt.h" #include "mltcontroller/clipcontroller.h" #include "mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.h" #include "monitor/monitor.h" #include "project/dialogs/slideshowclip.h" #include "project/invaliddialog.h" #include "project/projectcommands.h" #include "project/projectmanager.h" #include "projectclip.h" #include "projectfolder.h" #include "projectfolderup.h" #include "projectitemmodel.h" #include "projectsortproxymodel.h" #include "projectsubclip.h" #include "titler/titlewidget.h" #include "ui_qtextclip_ui.h" #include "undohelper.hpp" #include "xml/xml.hpp" #include "xml/xml.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "kdenlive_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * @class BinItemDelegate * @brief This class is responsible for drawing items in the QTreeView. */ class BinItemDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate { public: explicit BinItemDelegate(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent) { connect(this, &QStyledItemDelegate::closeEditor, [&]() { m_editorOpen = false; }); } void setDar(double dar) { m_dar = dar; } void setEditorData(QWidget *w, const QModelIndex &i) const override { if (!m_editorOpen) { QStyledItemDelegate::setEditorData(w, i); m_editorOpen = true; } } bool editorEvent(QEvent *event, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) override { Q_UNUSED(model); Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(index); if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { auto *me = (QMouseEvent *)event; if (m_audioDragRect.contains(me->pos())) { dragType = PlaylistState::AudioOnly; } else if (m_videoDragRect.contains(me->pos())) { dragType = PlaylistState::VideoOnly; } else { dragType = PlaylistState::Disabled; } } event->ignore(); return false; } void updateEditorGeometry(QWidget *editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const override { if (index.column() != 0) { QStyledItemDelegate::updateEditorGeometry(editor, option, index); return; } QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option; initStyleOption(&opt, index); QRect r1 = option.rect; int type = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::ItemTypeRole).toInt(); int decoWidth = 0; if (opt.decorationSize.height() > 0) { decoWidth += r1.height() * m_dar; } int mid = 0; if (type == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem || type == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem) { mid = (int)((r1.height() / 2)); } r1.adjust(decoWidth, 0, 0, -mid); QFont ft = option.font; ft.setBold(true); QFontMetricsF fm(ft); QRect r2 = fm.boundingRect(r1, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, index.data(AbstractProjectItem::DataName).toString()).toRect(); editor->setGeometry(r2); } QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const override { QSize hint = QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index); QString text = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::DataName).toString(); QRectF r = option.rect; QFont ft = option.font; ft.setBold(true); QFontMetricsF fm(ft); QStyle *style = option.widget ? option.widget->style() : QApplication::style(); const int textMargin = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_FocusFrameHMargin) + 1; int width = fm.boundingRect(r, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, text).width() + option.decorationSize.width() + 2 * textMargin; hint.setWidth(width); int type = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::ItemTypeRole).toInt(); if (type == AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem || type == AbstractProjectItem::FolderUpItem) { return QSize(hint.width(), qMin(option.fontMetrics.lineSpacing() + 4, hint.height())); } if (type == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { return QSize(hint.width(), qMax(option.fontMetrics.lineSpacing() * 2 + 4, qMax(hint.height(), option.decorationSize.height()))); } if (type == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem) { return QSize(hint.width(), qMax(option.fontMetrics.lineSpacing() * 2 + 4, qMin(hint.height(), (int)(option.decorationSize.height() / 1.5)))); } QIcon icon = qvariant_cast(index.data(Qt::DecorationRole)); QString line1 = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); QString line2 = index.data(Qt::UserRole).toString(); int textW = qMax(option.fontMetrics.width(line1), option.fontMetrics.width(line2)); QSize iconSize = icon.actualSize(option.decorationSize); return {qMax(textW, iconSize.width()) + 4, option.fontMetrics.lineSpacing() * 2 + 4}; } void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const override { if (index.column() == 0 && !index.data().isNull()) { QRect r1 = option.rect; painter->save(); painter->setClipRect(r1); QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option); initStyleOption(&opt, index); int type = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::ItemTypeRole).toInt(); QStyle *style = opt.widget ? opt.widget->style() : QApplication::style(); const int textMargin = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_FocusFrameHMargin) + 1; // QRect r = QStyle::alignedRect(opt.direction, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, opt.decorationSize, r1); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, painter, opt.widget); if ((option.state & static_cast(QStyle::State_Selected)) != 0) { painter->setPen(option.palette.highlightedText().color()); } else { painter->setPen(option.palette.text().color()); } QRect r = r1; QFont font = painter->font(); font.setBold(true); painter->setFont(font); if (type == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem || type == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem) { int decoWidth = 0; if (opt.decorationSize.height() > 0) { r.setWidth(r.height() * m_dar); QPixmap pix = opt.icon.pixmap(opt.icon.actualSize(r.size())); // Draw icon decoWidth += r.width() + textMargin; r.setWidth(r.height() * pix.width() / pix.height()); painter->drawPixmap(r, pix, QRect(0, 0, pix.width(), pix.height())); } int mid = (int)((r1.height() / 2)); r1.adjust(decoWidth, 0, 0, -mid); QRect r2 = option.rect; r2.adjust(decoWidth, mid, 0, 0); QRectF bounding; painter->drawText(r1, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, index.data(AbstractProjectItem::DataName).toString(), &bounding); font.setBold(false); painter->setFont(font); QString subText = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::DataDuration).toString(); if (!subText.isEmpty()) { r2.adjust(0, bounding.bottom() - r2.top(), 0, 0); QColor subTextColor = painter->pen().color(); subTextColor.setAlphaF(.5); painter->setPen(subTextColor); // Draw usage counter int usage = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::UsageCount).toInt(); if (usage > 0) { subText.append(QString().sprintf(" [%d]", usage)); } painter->drawText(r2, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, subText, &bounding); // Add audio/video icons for selective drag int cType = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::ClipType).toInt(); bool hasAudioAndVideo = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::ClipHasAudioAndVideo).toBool(); if (hasAudioAndVideo && (cType == ClipType::AV || cType == ClipType::Playlist) && (opt.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver)) { bounding.moveLeft(bounding.right() + (2 * textMargin)); bounding.adjust(0, textMargin, 0, -textMargin); QIcon aDrag = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("audio-volume-medium")); m_audioDragRect = bounding.toRect(); m_audioDragRect.setWidth(m_audioDragRect.height()); aDrag.paint(painter, m_audioDragRect, Qt::AlignLeft); m_videoDragRect = m_audioDragRect; m_videoDragRect.moveLeft(m_audioDragRect.right()); QIcon vDrag = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("kdenlive-show-video")); vDrag.paint(painter, m_videoDragRect, Qt::AlignLeft); } else { //m_audioDragRect = QRect(); //m_videoDragRect = QRect(); } } if (type == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { // Overlay icon if necessary QVariant v = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::IconOverlay); if (!v.isNull()) { QIcon reload = QIcon::fromTheme(v.toString()); r.setTop(r.bottom() - bounding.height()); r.setWidth(bounding.height()); reload.paint(painter, r); } int jobProgress = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::JobProgress).toInt(); auto status = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::JobStatus).value(); if (status == JobManagerStatus::Pending || status == JobManagerStatus::Running) { // Draw job progress bar int progressWidth = option.fontMetrics.averageCharWidth() * 8; int progressHeight = option.fontMetrics.ascent() / 4; QRect progress(r1.x() + 1, opt.rect.bottom() - progressHeight - 2, progressWidth, progressHeight); painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter->setBrush(Qt::darkGray); if (status == JobManagerStatus::Running) { painter->drawRoundedRect(progress, 2, 2); painter->setBrush((option.state & static_cast((QStyle::State_Selected) != 0)) != 0 ? option.palette.text() : option.palette.highlight()); progress.setWidth((progressWidth - 2) * jobProgress / 100); painter->drawRoundedRect(progress, 2, 2); } else { // Draw kind of a pause icon progress.setWidth(3); painter->drawRect(progress); progress.moveLeft(progress.right() + 3); painter->drawRect(progress); } } bool jobsucceeded = index.data(AbstractProjectItem::JobSuccess).toBool(); if (!jobsucceeded) { QIcon warning = QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("process-stop")); warning.paint(painter, r2); } } } else { // Folder or Folder Up items int decoWidth = 0; if (opt.decorationSize.height() > 0) { r.setWidth(r.height() * m_dar); QPixmap pix = opt.icon.pixmap(opt.icon.actualSize(r.size())); // Draw icon decoWidth += r.width() + textMargin; r.setWidth(r.height() * pix.width() / pix.height()); painter->drawPixmap(r, pix, QRect(0, 0, pix.width(), pix.height())); } r1.adjust(decoWidth, 0, 0, 0); QRectF bounding; painter->drawText(r1, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop, index.data(AbstractProjectItem::DataName).toString(), &bounding); } painter->restore(); } else { QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); } } private: mutable bool m_editorOpen{false}; mutable QRect m_audioDragRect; mutable QRect m_videoDragRect; double m_dar{1.778}; public: PlaylistState::ClipState dragType{PlaylistState::Disabled}; }; MyListView::MyListView(QWidget *parent) : QListView(parent) { setViewMode(QListView::IconMode); setMovement(QListView::Static); setResizeMode(QListView::Adjust); setUniformItemSizes(true); setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::DragDrop); setAcceptDrops(true); setDragEnabled(true); viewport()->setAcceptDrops(true); } void MyListView::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event) { QListView::focusInEvent(event); if (event->reason() == Qt::MouseFocusReason) { emit focusView(); } } MyTreeView::MyTreeView(QWidget *parent) : QTreeView(parent) { setEditing(false); } void MyTreeView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { QTreeView::mousePressEvent(event); if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { m_startPos = event->pos(); QModelIndex ix = indexAt(m_startPos); if (ix.isValid()) { QAbstractItemDelegate *del = itemDelegate(ix); m_dragType = static_cast(del)->dragType; } else { m_dragType = PlaylistState::Disabled; } } } void MyTreeView::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event) { QTreeView::focusInEvent(event); if (event->reason() == Qt::MouseFocusReason) { emit focusView(); } } void MyTreeView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { bool dragged = false; if ((event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) != 0u) { int distance = (event->pos() - m_startPos).manhattanLength(); if (distance >= QApplication::startDragDistance()) { dragged = performDrag(); } } if (!dragged) { QTreeView::mouseMoveEvent(event); } } void MyTreeView::closeEditor(QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint hint) { QAbstractItemView::closeEditor(editor, hint); setEditing(false); } void MyTreeView::editorDestroyed(QObject *editor) { QAbstractItemView::editorDestroyed(editor); setEditing(false); } bool MyTreeView::isEditing() const { return state() == QAbstractItemView::EditingState; } void MyTreeView::setEditing(bool edit) { setState(edit ? QAbstractItemView::EditingState : QAbstractItemView::NoState); } bool MyTreeView::performDrag() { QModelIndexList bases = selectedIndexes(); QModelIndexList indexes; for (int i = 0; i < bases.count(); i++) { if (bases.at(i).column() == 0) { indexes << bases.at(i); } } if (indexes.isEmpty()) { return false; } // Check if we want audio or video only emit updateDragMode(m_dragType); auto *drag = new QDrag(this); drag->setMimeData(model()->mimeData(indexes)); QModelIndex ix = indexes.constFirst(); if (ix.isValid()) { QIcon icon = ix.data(AbstractProjectItem::DataThumbnail).value(); QPixmap pix = icon.pixmap(iconSize()); QSize size = pix.size(); QImage image(size, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); image.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&image); p.setOpacity(0.7); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, pix); p.setOpacity(1); if (indexes.count() > 1) { QPalette palette; int radius = size.height() / 3; p.setBrush(palette.highlight()); p.setPen(palette.highlightedText().color()); p.drawEllipse(QPoint(size.width() / 2, size.height() / 2), radius, radius); p.drawText(size.width() / 2 - radius, size.height() / 2 - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius, Qt::AlignCenter, QString::number(indexes.count())); } p.end(); drag->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); } drag->exec(); return true; } SmallJobLabel::SmallJobLabel(QWidget *parent) : QPushButton(parent) { setFixedWidth(0); setFlat(true); m_timeLine = new QTimeLine(500, this); QObject::connect(m_timeLine, &QTimeLine::valueChanged, this, &SmallJobLabel::slotTimeLineChanged); QObject::connect(m_timeLine, &QTimeLine::finished, this, &SmallJobLabel::slotTimeLineFinished); hide(); } const QString SmallJobLabel::getStyleSheet(const QPalette &p) { KColorScheme scheme(p.currentColorGroup(), KColorScheme::Window); QColor bg = scheme.background(KColorScheme::LinkBackground).color(); QColor fg = scheme.foreground(KColorScheme::LinkText).color(); QString style = QStringLiteral("QPushButton {margin:3px;padding:2px;background-color: rgb(%1, %2, %3);border-radius: 4px;border: none;color: rgb(%4, %5, %6)}") .arg(bg.red()) .arg(bg.green()) .arg(bg.blue()) .arg(fg.red()) .arg(fg.green()) .arg(fg.blue()); bg = scheme.background(KColorScheme::ActiveBackground).color(); fg = scheme.foreground(KColorScheme::ActiveText).color(); style.append( QStringLiteral("\nQPushButton:hover {margin:3px;padding:2px;background-color: rgb(%1, %2, %3);border-radius: 4px;border: none;color: rgb(%4, %5, %6)}") .arg(bg.red()) .arg(bg.green()) .arg(bg.blue()) .arg(fg.red()) .arg(fg.green()) .arg(fg.blue())); return style; } void SmallJobLabel::setAction(QAction *action) { m_action = action; } void SmallJobLabel::slotTimeLineChanged(qreal value) { setFixedWidth(qMin(value * 2, qreal(1.0)) * sizeHint().width()); update(); } void SmallJobLabel::slotTimeLineFinished() { if (m_timeLine->direction() == QTimeLine::Forward) { // Show m_action->setVisible(true); } else { // Hide m_action->setVisible(false); setText(QString()); } } void SmallJobLabel::slotSetJobCount(int jobCount) { QMutexLocker lk(&m_locker); if (jobCount > 0) { // prepare animation setText(i18np("%1 job", "%1 jobs", jobCount)); setToolTip(i18np("%1 pending job", "%1 pending jobs", jobCount)); if (style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Widget_Animate, nullptr, this) != 0) { setFixedWidth(sizeHint().width()); m_action->setVisible(true); return; } if (m_action->isVisible()) { setFixedWidth(sizeHint().width()); update(); return; } setFixedWidth(0); m_action->setVisible(true); int wantedWidth = sizeHint().width(); setGeometry(-wantedWidth, 0, wantedWidth, height()); m_timeLine->setDirection(QTimeLine::Forward); if (m_timeLine->state() == QTimeLine::NotRunning) { m_timeLine->start(); } } else { if (style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_Widget_Animate, nullptr, this) != 0) { setFixedWidth(0); m_action->setVisible(false); return; } // hide m_timeLine->setDirection(QTimeLine::Backward); if (m_timeLine->state() == QTimeLine::NotRunning) { m_timeLine->start(); } } } LineEventEater::LineEventEater(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { } bool LineEventEater::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::ShortcutOverride: if (((QKeyEvent *)event)->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { emit clearSearchLine(); } break; case QEvent::Resize: // Workaround Qt BUG 54676 emit showClearButton(((QResizeEvent *)event)->size().width() > QFontMetrics(QApplication::font()).averageCharWidth() * 8); break; default: break; } return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } Bin::Bin(std::shared_ptr model, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , isLoading(false) , m_itemModel(std::move(model)) , m_itemView(nullptr) , m_doc(nullptr) , m_extractAudioAction(nullptr) , m_transcodeAction(nullptr) , m_clipsActionsMenu(nullptr) , m_inTimelineAction(nullptr) , m_listType((BinViewType)KdenliveSettings::binMode()) , m_iconSize(160, 90) , m_propertiesPanel(nullptr) , m_blankThumb() , m_invalidClipDialog(nullptr) , m_gainedFocus(false) , m_audioDuration(0) , m_processedAudio(0) { m_layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); // Create toolbar for buttons m_toolbar = new QToolBar(this); int size = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize); QSize iconSize(size, size); m_toolbar->setIconSize(iconSize); m_toolbar->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly); m_layout->addWidget(m_toolbar); m_layout->setSpacing(0); m_layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); // Search line m_proxyModel = new ProjectSortProxyModel(this); m_proxyModel->setDynamicSortFilter(true); m_searchLine = new QLineEdit(this); m_searchLine->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Preferred); // m_searchLine->setClearButtonEnabled(true); m_searchLine->setPlaceholderText(i18n("Search")); m_searchLine->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); connect(m_searchLine, &QLineEdit::textChanged, m_proxyModel, &ProjectSortProxyModel::slotSetSearchString); auto *leventEater = new LineEventEater(this); m_searchLine->installEventFilter(leventEater); connect(leventEater, &LineEventEater::clearSearchLine, m_searchLine, &QLineEdit::clear); connect(leventEater, &LineEventEater::showClearButton, this, &Bin::showClearButton); setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); connect(m_itemModel.get(), &ProjectItemModel::refreshPanel, this, &Bin::refreshPanel); connect(m_itemModel.get(), &ProjectItemModel::refreshAudioThumbs, this, &Bin::doRefreshAudioThumbs); connect(m_itemModel.get(), &ProjectItemModel::refreshClip, this, &Bin::refreshClip); connect(m_itemModel.get(), &ProjectItemModel::updateTimelineProducers, this, &Bin::updateTimelineProducers); connect(m_itemModel.get(), &ProjectItemModel::emitMessage, this, &Bin::emitMessage); // Connect models m_proxyModel->setSourceModel(m_itemModel.get()); connect(m_itemModel.get(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged, m_proxyModel, &ProjectSortProxyModel::slotDataChanged); connect(m_proxyModel, &ProjectSortProxyModel::selectModel, this, &Bin::selectProxyModel); connect(m_itemModel.get(), static_cast(&ProjectItemModel::itemDropped), this, static_cast(&Bin::slotItemDropped)); connect(m_itemModel.get(), static_cast &, const QModelIndex &)>(&ProjectItemModel::itemDropped), this, static_cast &, const QModelIndex &)>(&Bin::slotItemDropped)); connect(m_itemModel.get(), &ProjectItemModel::effectDropped, this, &Bin::slotEffectDropped); connect(m_itemModel.get(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged, this, &Bin::slotItemEdited); connect(this, &Bin::refreshPanel, this, &Bin::doRefreshPanel); // Zoom slider QWidget *container = new QWidget(this); auto *lay = new QHBoxLayout; m_slider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, this); m_slider->setMaximumWidth(100); m_slider->setMinimumWidth(40); m_slider->setRange(0, 10); m_slider->setValue(KdenliveSettings::bin_zoom()); connect(m_slider, &QAbstractSlider::valueChanged, this, &Bin::slotSetIconSize); auto *tb1 = new QToolButton(this); tb1->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("zoom-in"))); connect(tb1, &QToolButton::clicked, [&]() { m_slider->setValue(qMin(m_slider->value() + 1, m_slider->maximum())); }); auto *tb2 = new QToolButton(this); tb2->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("zoom-out"))); connect(tb2, &QToolButton::clicked, [&]() { m_slider->setValue(qMax(m_slider->value() - 1, m_slider->minimum())); }); lay->addWidget(tb2); lay->addWidget(m_slider); lay->addWidget(tb1); container->setLayout(lay); auto *widgetslider = new QWidgetAction(this); widgetslider->setDefaultWidget(container); // View type KSelectAction *listType = new KSelectAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-tree")), i18n("View Mode"), this); pCore->window()->actionCollection()->addAction(QStringLiteral("bin_view_mode"), listType); QAction *treeViewAction = listType->addAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-tree")), i18n("Tree View")); listType->addAction(treeViewAction); treeViewAction->setData(BinTreeView); if (m_listType == treeViewAction->data().toInt()) { listType->setCurrentAction(treeViewAction); } pCore->window()->actionCollection()->addAction(QStringLiteral("bin_view_mode_tree"), treeViewAction); QAction *iconViewAction = listType->addAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-list-icons")), i18n("Icon View")); iconViewAction->setData(BinIconView); if (m_listType == iconViewAction->data().toInt()) { listType->setCurrentAction(iconViewAction); } pCore->window()->actionCollection()->addAction(QStringLiteral("bin_view_mode_icon"), iconViewAction); QAction *disableEffects = new QAction(i18n("Disable Bin Effects"), this); connect(disableEffects, &QAction::triggered, [this](bool disable) { this->setBinEffectsEnabled(!disable); }); disableEffects->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("favorite"))); disableEffects->setData("disable_bin_effects"); disableEffects->setCheckable(true); disableEffects->setChecked(false); pCore->window()->actionCollection()->addAction(QStringLiteral("disable_bin_effects"), disableEffects); m_renameAction = KStandardAction::renameFile(this, SLOT(slotRenameItem()), this); m_renameAction->setText(i18n("Rename")); m_renameAction->setData("rename"); pCore->window()->actionCollection()->addAction(QStringLiteral("rename"), m_renameAction); listType->setToolBarMode(KSelectAction::MenuMode); connect(listType, static_cast(&KSelectAction::triggered), this, &Bin::slotInitView); // Settings menu QMenu *settingsMenu = new QMenu(i18n("Settings"), this); settingsMenu->addAction(listType); QMenu *sliderMenu = new QMenu(i18n("Zoom"), this); sliderMenu->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("zoom-in"))); sliderMenu->addAction(widgetslider); settingsMenu->addMenu(sliderMenu); // Column show / hide actions m_showDate = new QAction(i18n("Show date"), this); m_showDate->setCheckable(true); connect(m_showDate, &QAction::triggered, this, &Bin::slotShowDateColumn); m_showDesc = new QAction(i18n("Show description"), this); m_showDesc->setCheckable(true); connect(m_showDesc, &QAction::triggered, this, &Bin::slotShowDescColumn); settingsMenu->addAction(m_showDate); settingsMenu->addAction(m_showDesc); settingsMenu->addAction(disableEffects); auto *button = new QToolButton; button->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("kdenlive-menu"))); button->setToolTip(i18n("Options")); button->setMenu(settingsMenu); button->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); m_toolbar->addWidget(button); // small info button for pending jobs m_infoLabel = new SmallJobLabel(this); m_infoLabel->setStyleSheet(SmallJobLabel::getStyleSheet(palette())); connect(pCore->jobManager().get(), &JobManager::jobCount, m_infoLabel, &SmallJobLabel::slotSetJobCount); QAction *infoAction = m_toolbar->addWidget(m_infoLabel); m_jobsMenu = new QMenu(this); // connect(m_jobsMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &Bin::slotPrepareJobsMenu); m_cancelJobs = new QAction(i18n("Cancel All Jobs"), this); m_cancelJobs->setCheckable(false); m_discardCurrentClipJobs = new QAction(i18n("Cancel Current Clip Jobs"), this); m_discardCurrentClipJobs->setCheckable(false); m_discardPendingJobs = new QAction(i18n("Cancel Pending Jobs"), this); m_discardPendingJobs->setCheckable(false); m_jobsMenu->addAction(m_cancelJobs); m_jobsMenu->addAction(m_discardCurrentClipJobs); m_jobsMenu->addAction(m_discardPendingJobs); m_infoLabel->setMenu(m_jobsMenu); m_infoLabel->setAction(infoAction); // Hack, create toolbar spacer QWidget *spacer = new QWidget(); spacer->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); m_toolbar->addWidget(spacer); // Add search line m_toolbar->addWidget(m_searchLine); m_binTreeViewDelegate = new BinItemDelegate(this); // connect(pCore->projectManager(), SIGNAL(projectOpened(Project*)), this, SLOT(setProject(Project*))); m_headerInfo = QByteArray::fromBase64(KdenliveSettings::treeviewheaders().toLatin1()); m_propertiesPanel = new QScrollArea(this); m_propertiesPanel->setFrameShape(QFrame::NoFrame); // Insert listview m_itemView = new MyTreeView(this); m_layout->addWidget(m_itemView); // Info widget for failed jobs, other errors m_infoMessage = new KMessageWidget(this); m_layout->addWidget(m_infoMessage); m_infoMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false); connect(m_infoMessage, &KMessageWidget::hideAnimationFinished, this, &Bin::slotResetInfoMessage); // m_infoMessage->setWordWrap(true); m_infoMessage->hide(); connect(this, &Bin::requesteInvalidRemoval, this, &Bin::slotQueryRemoval); connect(this, SIGNAL(displayBinMessage(QString, KMessageWidget::MessageType)), this, SLOT(doDisplayMessage(QString, KMessageWidget::MessageType))); } Bin::~Bin() { blockSignals(true); m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->blockSignals(true); setEnabled(false); m_propertiesPanel = nullptr; abortOperations(); m_itemModel->clean(); } QDockWidget *Bin::clipPropertiesDock() { return m_propertiesDock; } void Bin::abortOperations() { m_infoMessage->hide(); blockSignals(true); if (m_propertiesPanel) { for (QWidget *w : m_propertiesPanel->findChildren()) { delete w; } } delete m_itemView; m_itemView = nullptr; blockSignals(false); } bool Bin::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { if (!m_monitor->isActive()) { m_monitor->slotActivateMonitor(); } bool success = QWidget::eventFilter(obj, event); if (m_gainedFocus) { auto *mouseEvent = static_cast(event); auto *view = qobject_cast(obj->parent()); if (view) { QModelIndex idx = view->indexAt(mouseEvent->pos()); m_gainedFocus = false; if (idx.isValid()) { std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(idx)); editMasterEffect(item); } else { editMasterEffect(nullptr); } } // make sure we discard the focus indicator m_gainedFocus = false; } return success; } if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) { auto *mouseEvent = static_cast(event); auto *view = qobject_cast(obj->parent()); if (view) { QModelIndex idx = view->indexAt(mouseEvent->pos()); if (!idx.isValid()) { // User double clicked on empty area slotAddClip(); } else { slotItemDoubleClicked(idx, mouseEvent->pos()); } } else { qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG) << " +++++++ NO VIEW-------!!"; } return true; } if (event->type() == QEvent::Wheel) { auto *e = static_cast(event); if ((e != nullptr) && e->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) { slotZoomView(e->delta() > 0); // emit zoomView(e->delta() > 0); return true; } } return QWidget::eventFilter(obj, event); } void Bin::refreshIcons() { QList allMenus = this->findChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < allMenus.count(); i++) { QMenu *m = allMenus.at(i); QIcon ic = m->icon(); if (ic.isNull() || ic.name().isEmpty()) { continue; } QIcon newIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(ic.name()); m->setIcon(newIcon); } QList allButtons = this->findChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < allButtons.count(); i++) { QToolButton *m = allButtons.at(i); QIcon ic = m->icon(); if (ic.isNull() || ic.name().isEmpty()) { continue; } QIcon newIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(ic.name()); m->setIcon(newIcon); } } void Bin::slotSaveHeaders() { if ((m_itemView != nullptr) && m_listType == BinTreeView) { // save current treeview state (column width) auto *view = static_cast(m_itemView); m_headerInfo = view->header()->saveState(); KdenliveSettings::setTreeviewheaders(m_headerInfo.toBase64()); } } void Bin::slotZoomView(bool zoomIn) { if (m_itemModel->rowCount() == 0) { // Don't zoom on empty bin return; } int progress = (zoomIn) ? 1 : -1; m_slider->setValue(m_slider->value() + progress); } Monitor *Bin::monitor() { return m_monitor; } const QStringList Bin::getFolderInfo(const QModelIndex &selectedIx) { QModelIndexList indexes; if (selectedIx.isValid()) { indexes << selectedIx; } else { indexes = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); } if (indexes.isEmpty()) { // return root folder info QStringList folderInfo; folderInfo << QString::number(-1); folderInfo << QString(); return folderInfo; } QModelIndex ix = indexes.constFirst(); if (ix.isValid() && (m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->isSelected(ix) || selectedIx.isValid())) { return m_itemModel->getEnclosingFolderInfo(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(ix)); } // return root folder info QStringList folderInfo; folderInfo << QString::number(-1); folderInfo << QString(); return folderInfo; } void Bin::slotAddClip() { // Check if we are in a folder QString parentFolder = getCurrentFolder(); ClipCreationDialog::createClipsCommand(m_doc, parentFolder, m_itemModel); } std::shared_ptr Bin::getFirstSelectedClip() { const QModelIndexList indexes = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (indexes.isEmpty()) { return std::shared_ptr(); } for (const QModelIndex &ix : indexes) { std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(ix)); if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { auto clip = std::static_pointer_cast(item); if (clip) { return clip; } } } return nullptr; } void Bin::slotDeleteClip() { const QModelIndexList indexes = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); std::vector> items; bool included = false; bool usedFolder = false; auto checkInclusion = [](bool accum, std::shared_ptr item) { return accum || std::static_pointer_cast(item)->isIncludedInTimeline(); }; for (const QModelIndex &ix : indexes) { if (!ix.isValid() || ix.column() != 0) { continue; } std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(ix)); if (!item) { qDebug() << "Suspicious: item not found when trying to delete"; continue; } included = included || item->accumulate(false, checkInclusion); // Check if we are deleting non-empty folders: usedFolder = usedFolder || item->childCount() > 0; items.push_back(item); } if (included && (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("This will delete all selected clips from timeline")) != KMessageBox::Continue)) { return; } if (usedFolder && (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("This will delete all folder content")) != KMessageBox::Continue)) { return; } Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; for (const auto &item : items) { m_itemModel->requestBinClipDeletion(item, undo, redo); } pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, i18n("Delete bin Clips")); } void Bin::slotReloadClip() { const QModelIndexList indexes = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); for (const QModelIndex &ix : indexes) { if (!ix.isValid() || ix.column() != 0) { continue; } std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(ix)); std::shared_ptr currentItem = nullptr; if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { currentItem = std::static_pointer_cast(item); } else if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem) { currentItem = std::static_pointer_cast(item)->getMasterClip(); } if (currentItem) { emit openClip(std::shared_ptr()); if (currentItem->clipType() == ClipType::Playlist) { // Check if a clip inside playlist is missing QString path = currentItem->url(); QFile f(path); QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(&f, false); f.close(); DocumentChecker d(QUrl::fromLocalFile(path), doc); if (!d.hasErrorInClips() && doc.documentElement().hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("modified"))) { QString backupFile = path + QStringLiteral(".backup"); KIO::FileCopyJob *copyjob = KIO::file_copy(QUrl::fromLocalFile(path), QUrl::fromLocalFile(backupFile)); if (copyjob->exec()) { if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Unable to write to file %1", path)); } else { QTextStream out(&f); out << doc.toString(); f.close(); KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\nTo make sure you do not lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created.", backupFile)); } } } } - currentItem->reloadProducer(false); + currentItem->reloadProducer(false, true); } } } void Bin::slotLocateClip() { const QModelIndexList indexes = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); for (const QModelIndex &ix : indexes) { if (!ix.isValid() || ix.column() != 0) { continue; } std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(ix)); std::shared_ptr currentItem = nullptr; if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { currentItem = std::static_pointer_cast(item); } else if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem) { currentItem = std::static_pointer_cast(item)->getMasterClip(); } if (currentItem) { QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(currentItem->url()).adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFilename); bool exists = QFile(url.toLocalFile()).exists(); if (currentItem->hasUrl() && exists) { QDesktopServices::openUrl(url); qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG) << " / / " + url.toString(); } else { if (!exists) { emitMessage(i18n("Could not locate %1", url.toString()), 100, ErrorMessage); } return; } } } } void Bin::slotDuplicateClip() { const QModelIndexList indexes = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); for (const QModelIndex &ix : indexes) { if (!ix.isValid() || ix.column() != 0) { continue; } std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(ix)); if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { auto currentItem = std::static_pointer_cast(item); if (currentItem) { QDomDocument doc; QDomElement xml = currentItem->toXml(doc); if (!xml.isNull()) { QString currentName = Xml::getXmlProperty(xml, QStringLiteral("kdenlive:clipname")); if (currentName.isEmpty()) { QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(Xml::getXmlProperty(xml, QStringLiteral("resource"))); if (url.isValid()) { currentName = url.fileName(); } } if (!currentName.isEmpty()) { currentName.append(i18nc("append to clip name to indicate a copied idem", " (copy)")); Xml::setXmlProperty(xml, QStringLiteral("kdenlive:clipname"), currentName); } QString id; m_itemModel->requestAddBinClip(id, xml, item->parent()->clipId(), i18n("Duplicate clip")); selectClipById(id); } } } else if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem) { auto currentItem = std::static_pointer_cast(item); QString id; QPoint clipZone = currentItem->zone(); m_itemModel->requestAddBinSubClip(id, clipZone.x(), clipZone.y(), QString(), currentItem->getMasterClip()->clipId()); selectClipById(id); } } } void Bin::setMonitor(Monitor *monitor) { m_monitor = monitor; connect(m_monitor, &Monitor::addClipToProject, this, &Bin::slotAddClipToProject); connect(m_monitor, &Monitor::refreshCurrentClip, this, &Bin::slotOpenCurrent); connect(this, &Bin::openClip, [&](std::shared_ptr clip, int in, int out) { m_monitor->slotOpenClip(clip, in, out); }); } void Bin::setDocument(KdenliveDoc *project) { blockSignals(true); m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->blockSignals(true); setEnabled(false); // Cleanup previous project m_itemModel->clean(); delete m_itemView; m_itemView = nullptr; m_doc = project; int iconHeight = QFontInfo(font()).pixelSize() * 3.5; m_iconSize = QSize(iconHeight * pCore->getCurrentDar(), iconHeight); setEnabled(true); blockSignals(false); m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->blockSignals(false); connect(m_proxyAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_doc, SLOT(slotProxyCurrentItem(bool))); // connect(m_itemModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), m_itemView // connect(m_itemModel, SIGNAL(updateCurrentItem()), this, SLOT(autoSelect())); slotInitView(nullptr); bool binEffectsDisabled = getDocumentProperty(QStringLiteral("disablebineffects")).toInt() == 1; setBinEffectsEnabled(!binEffectsDisabled); } void Bin::createClip(const QDomElement &xml) { // Check if clip should be in a folder QString groupId = ProjectClip::getXmlProperty(xml, QStringLiteral("kdenlive:folderid")); std::shared_ptr parentFolder = m_itemModel->getFolderByBinId(groupId); if (!parentFolder) { parentFolder = m_itemModel->getRootFolder(); } QString path = Xml::getXmlProperty(xml, QStringLiteral("resource")); if (path.endsWith(QStringLiteral(".mlt")) || path.endsWith(QStringLiteral(".kdenlive"))) { QFile f(path); QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(&f, false); f.close(); DocumentChecker d(QUrl::fromLocalFile(path), doc); if (!d.hasErrorInClips() && doc.documentElement().hasAttribute(QStringLiteral("modified"))) { QString backupFile = path + QStringLiteral(".backup"); KIO::FileCopyJob *copyjob = KIO::file_copy(QUrl::fromLocalFile(path), QUrl::fromLocalFile(backupFile)); if (copyjob->exec()) { if (!f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Unable to write to file %1", path)); } else { QTextStream out(&f); out << doc.toString(); f.close(); KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\nTo make sure you do not lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created.", backupFile)); } } } } QString id = Xml::getTagContentByAttribute(xml, QStringLiteral("property"), QStringLiteral("name"), QStringLiteral("kdenlive:id")); if (id.isEmpty()) { id = QString::number(m_itemModel->getFreeClipId()); } auto newClip = ProjectClip::construct(id, xml, m_blankThumb, m_itemModel); parentFolder->appendChild(newClip); } QString Bin::slotAddFolder(const QString &folderName) { auto parentFolder = m_itemModel->getFolderByBinId(getCurrentFolder()); qDebug() << "pranteforder id" << parentFolder->clipId(); QString newId; Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; m_itemModel->requestAddFolder(newId, folderName.isEmpty() ? i18n("Folder") : folderName, parentFolder->clipId(), undo, redo); pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, i18n("Create bin folder")); // Edit folder name if (!folderName.isEmpty()) { // We already have a name, no need to edit return newId; } auto folder = m_itemModel->getFolderByBinId(newId); auto ix = m_itemModel->getIndexFromItem(folder); qDebug() << "selecting" << ix; if (ix.isValid()) { qDebug() << "ix valid"; m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); int row = ix.row(); const QModelIndex id = m_itemModel->index(row, 0, ix.parent()); const QModelIndex id2 = m_itemModel->index(row, m_itemModel->columnCount() - 1, ix.parent()); if (id.isValid() && id2.isValid()) { m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->select(QItemSelection(m_proxyModel->mapFromSource(id), m_proxyModel->mapFromSource(id2)), QItemSelectionModel::Select); } m_itemView->edit(m_proxyModel->mapFromSource(ix)); } return newId; } QModelIndex Bin::getIndexForId(const QString &id, bool folderWanted) const { QModelIndexList items = m_itemModel->match(m_itemModel->index(0, 0), AbstractProjectItem::DataId, QVariant::fromValue(id), 2, Qt::MatchRecursive); for (int i = 0; i < items.count(); i++) { auto *currentItem = static_cast(items.at(i).internalPointer()); AbstractProjectItem::PROJECTITEMTYPE type = currentItem->itemType(); if (folderWanted && type == AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem) { // We found our folder return items.at(i); } if (!folderWanted && type == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { // We found our clip return items.at(i); } } return {}; } void Bin::selectClipById(const QString &clipId, int frame, const QPoint &zone) { if (m_monitor->activeClipId() == clipId) { if (frame > -1) { m_monitor->slotSeek(frame); } if (!zone.isNull()) { m_monitor->slotLoadClipZone(zone); } return; } m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); std::shared_ptr clip = getBinClip(clipId); if (clip) { selectClip(clip); if (frame > -1) { m_monitor->slotSeek(frame); } if (!zone.isNull()) { m_monitor->slotLoadClipZone(zone); } } } void Bin::selectProxyModel(const QModelIndex &id) { if (isLoading) { // return; } if (id.isValid()) { if (id.column() != 0) { return; } std::shared_ptr currentItem = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(id)); if (currentItem) { // Set item as current so that it displays its content in clip monitor setCurrent(currentItem); if (currentItem->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { m_reloadAction->setEnabled(true); m_locateAction->setEnabled(true); m_duplicateAction->setEnabled(true); std::shared_ptr clip = std::static_pointer_cast(currentItem); ClipType::ProducerType type = clip->clipType(); m_openAction->setEnabled(type == ClipType::Image || type == ClipType::Audio || type == ClipType::Text || type == ClipType::TextTemplate); showClipProperties(clip, false); m_deleteAction->setText(i18n("Delete Clip")); m_proxyAction->setText(i18n("Proxy Clip")); emit findInTimeline(clip->clipId(), clip->timelineInstances()); } else if (currentItem->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem) { // A folder was selected, disable editing clip m_openAction->setEnabled(false); m_reloadAction->setEnabled(false); m_locateAction->setEnabled(false); m_duplicateAction->setEnabled(false); m_deleteAction->setText(i18n("Delete Folder")); m_proxyAction->setText(i18n("Proxy Folder")); } else if (currentItem->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem) { showClipProperties(std::static_pointer_cast(currentItem->parent()), false); m_openAction->setEnabled(false); m_reloadAction->setEnabled(false); m_locateAction->setEnabled(false); m_duplicateAction->setEnabled(false); m_deleteAction->setText(i18n("Delete Clip")); m_proxyAction->setText(i18n("Proxy Clip")); } m_deleteAction->setEnabled(true); } else { emit findInTimeline(QString()); m_reloadAction->setEnabled(false); m_locateAction->setEnabled(false); m_duplicateAction->setEnabled(false); m_openAction->setEnabled(false); m_deleteAction->setEnabled(false); } } else { // No item selected in bin m_openAction->setEnabled(false); m_deleteAction->setEnabled(false); showClipProperties(nullptr); emit findInTimeline(QString()); emit requestClipShow(nullptr); // clear effect stack emit requestShowEffectStack(QString(), nullptr, QSize(), false); // Display black bg in clip monitor emit openClip(std::shared_ptr()); } } std::vector Bin::selectedClipsIds(bool excludeFolders) { const QModelIndexList indexes = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); std::vector ids; // We define the lambda that will be executed on each item of the subset of nodes of the tree that are selected auto itemAdder = [excludeFolders, &ids](std::vector &ids_vec, std::shared_ptr item) { auto binItem = std::static_pointer_cast(item); if (!excludeFolders || (binItem->itemType() != AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem && binItem->itemType() != AbstractProjectItem::FolderUpItem)) { ids.push_back(binItem->clipId()); } return ids_vec; }; for (const QModelIndex &ix : indexes) { if (!ix.isValid() || ix.column() != 0) { continue; } std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(ix)); item->accumulate(ids, itemAdder); } return ids; } QList> Bin::selectedClips() { auto ids = selectedClipsIds(true); QList> ret; for (const auto &id : ids) { ret.push_back(m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id)); } return ret; } void Bin::slotInitView(QAction *action) { if (action) { m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); int viewType = action->data().toInt(); KdenliveSettings::setBinMode(viewType); if (viewType == m_listType) { return; } if (m_listType == BinTreeView) { // save current treeview state (column width) auto *view = static_cast(m_itemView); m_headerInfo = view->header()->saveState(); m_showDate->setEnabled(true); m_showDesc->setEnabled(true); } else { // remove the current folderUp item if any if (m_folderUp) { if (m_folderUp->parent()) { m_folderUp->parent()->removeChild(m_folderUp); } m_folderUp.reset(); } } m_listType = static_cast(viewType); } if (m_itemView) { delete m_itemView; } switch (m_listType) { case BinIconView: m_itemView = new MyListView(this); m_folderUp = ProjectFolderUp::construct(m_itemModel); m_showDate->setEnabled(false); m_showDesc->setEnabled(false); break; default: m_itemView = new MyTreeView(this); m_showDate->setEnabled(true); m_showDesc->setEnabled(true); break; } m_itemView->setMouseTracking(true); m_itemView->viewport()->installEventFilter(this); QSize zoom = m_iconSize * (m_slider->value() / 4.0); m_itemView->setIconSize(zoom); QPixmap pix(zoom); pix.fill(Qt::lightGray); m_blankThumb.addPixmap(pix); m_binTreeViewDelegate->setDar(pCore->getCurrentDar()); m_itemView->setModel(m_proxyModel); m_itemView->setSelectionModel(m_proxyModel->selectionModel()); m_layout->insertWidget(1, m_itemView); // setup some default view specific parameters if (m_listType == BinTreeView) { m_itemView->setItemDelegate(m_binTreeViewDelegate); auto *view = static_cast(m_itemView); view->setSortingEnabled(true); view->setWordWrap(true); connect(m_proxyModel, &QAbstractItemModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged, this, &Bin::slotSetSorting); connect(view, &MyTreeView::updateDragMode, m_itemModel.get(), &ProjectItemModel::setDragType, Qt::DirectConnection); m_proxyModel->setDynamicSortFilter(true); if (!m_headerInfo.isEmpty()) { view->header()->restoreState(m_headerInfo); } else { view->header()->resizeSections(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); view->resizeColumnToContents(0); view->setColumnHidden(1, true); view->setColumnHidden(2, true); } m_showDate->setChecked(!view->isColumnHidden(1)); m_showDesc->setChecked(!view->isColumnHidden(2)); connect(view->header(), &QHeaderView::sectionResized, this, &Bin::slotSaveHeaders); connect(view->header(), &QHeaderView::sectionClicked, this, &Bin::slotSaveHeaders); connect(view, &MyTreeView::focusView, this, &Bin::slotGotFocus); } else if (m_listType == BinIconView) { auto *view = static_cast(m_itemView); connect(view, &MyListView::focusView, this, &Bin::slotGotFocus); } m_itemView->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers); // DoubleClicked); m_itemView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); m_itemView->setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::DragDrop); m_itemView->setAlternatingRowColors(true); m_itemView->setAcceptDrops(true); m_itemView->setFocus(); } void Bin::slotSetIconSize(int size) { if (!m_itemView) { return; } KdenliveSettings::setBin_zoom(size); QSize zoom = m_iconSize; zoom = zoom * (size / 4.0); m_itemView->setIconSize(zoom); QPixmap pix(zoom); pix.fill(Qt::lightGray); m_blankThumb.addPixmap(pix); } void Bin::rebuildMenu() { m_transcodeAction = static_cast(pCore->window()->factory()->container(QStringLiteral("transcoders"), pCore->window())); m_extractAudioAction = static_cast(pCore->window()->factory()->container(QStringLiteral("extract_audio"), pCore->window())); m_clipsActionsMenu = static_cast(pCore->window()->factory()->container(QStringLiteral("clip_actions"), pCore->window())); m_menu->insertMenu(m_reloadAction, m_extractAudioAction); m_menu->insertMenu(m_reloadAction, m_transcodeAction); m_menu->insertMenu(m_reloadAction, m_clipsActionsMenu); m_inTimelineAction = m_menu->insertMenu(m_reloadAction, static_cast(pCore->window()->factory()->container(QStringLiteral("clip_in_timeline"), pCore->window()))); } void Bin::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { bool enableClipActions = false; ClipType::ProducerType type = ClipType::Unknown; bool isFolder = false; bool isImported = false; AbstractProjectItem::PROJECTITEMTYPE itemType = AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem; QString clipService; QString audioCodec; if (m_itemView) { QModelIndex idx = m_itemView->indexAt(m_itemView->viewport()->mapFromGlobal(event->globalPos())); if (idx.isValid()) { // User right clicked on a clip std::shared_ptr currentItem = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(idx)); itemType = currentItem->itemType(); if (currentItem) { enableClipActions = true; if (itemType == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { auto clip = std::static_pointer_cast(currentItem); if (clip) { m_proxyAction->blockSignals(true); emit findInTimeline(clip->clipId(), clip->timelineInstances()); clipService = clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("mlt_service")); m_proxyAction->setChecked(clip->hasProxy()); QList transcodeActions; if (m_transcodeAction) { transcodeActions = m_transcodeAction->actions(); } QStringList dataList; QString condition; audioCodec = clip->codec(true); QString videoCodec = clip->codec(false); type = clip->clipType(); if (clip->hasUrl()) { isImported = true; } bool noCodecInfo = false; if (audioCodec.isEmpty() && videoCodec.isEmpty()) { noCodecInfo = true; } for (int i = 0; i < transcodeActions.count(); ++i) { dataList = transcodeActions.at(i)->data().toStringList(); if (dataList.count() > 4) { condition = dataList.at(4); if (condition.isEmpty()) { transcodeActions.at(i)->setEnabled(true); continue; } if (noCodecInfo) { // No audio / video codec, this is an MLT clip, disable conditionnal transcoding transcodeActions.at(i)->setEnabled(false); continue; } if (condition.startsWith(QLatin1String("vcodec"))) { transcodeActions.at(i)->setEnabled(condition.section(QLatin1Char('='), 1, 1) == videoCodec); } else if (condition.startsWith(QLatin1String("acodec"))) { transcodeActions.at(i)->setEnabled(condition.section(QLatin1Char('='), 1, 1) == audioCodec); } } } } m_proxyAction->blockSignals(false); } else if (itemType == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem) { } } } } // Enable / disable clip actions m_proxyAction->setEnabled((m_doc->getDocumentProperty(QStringLiteral("enableproxy")).toInt() != 0) && enableClipActions); m_openAction->setEnabled(type == ClipType::Image || type == ClipType::Audio || type == ClipType::TextTemplate || type == ClipType::Text); m_reloadAction->setEnabled(enableClipActions); m_locateAction->setEnabled(enableClipActions); m_duplicateAction->setEnabled(enableClipActions); m_editAction->setVisible(!isFolder); m_clipsActionsMenu->setEnabled(enableClipActions); m_extractAudioAction->setEnabled(enableClipActions); m_openAction->setVisible(itemType != AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem); m_reloadAction->setVisible(itemType != AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem); m_duplicateAction->setVisible(itemType != AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem); m_inTimelineAction->setVisible(itemType != AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem); if (m_transcodeAction) { m_transcodeAction->setEnabled(enableClipActions); m_transcodeAction->menuAction()->setVisible(itemType != AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem && clipService.contains(QStringLiteral("avformat"))); } m_clipsActionsMenu->menuAction()->setVisible( itemType != AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem && (clipService.contains(QStringLiteral("avformat")) || clipService.contains(QStringLiteral("xml")) || clipService.contains(QStringLiteral("consumer")))); m_extractAudioAction->menuAction()->setVisible(!isFolder && !audioCodec.isEmpty()); m_locateAction->setVisible(itemType != AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem && (isImported)); // Show menu event->setAccepted(true); if (enableClipActions) { m_menu->exec(event->globalPos()); } else { // Clicked in empty area m_addButton->menu()->exec(event->globalPos()); } } void Bin::slotItemDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex &ix, const QPoint &pos) { std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(ix)); if (m_listType == BinIconView) { if (item->childCount() > 0 || item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem) { m_folderUp->changeParent(std::static_pointer_cast(item)); m_itemView->setRootIndex(ix); return; } if (item == m_folderUp) { std::shared_ptr parentItem = item->parent(); QModelIndex parent = getIndexForId(parentItem->parent()->clipId(), parentItem->parent()->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem); if (parentItem->parent() != m_itemModel->getRootFolder()) { // We are entering a parent folder m_folderUp->changeParent(std::static_pointer_cast(parentItem->parent())); } else { m_folderUp->changeParent(std::shared_ptr()); } m_itemView->setRootIndex(m_proxyModel->mapFromSource(parent)); return; } } else { if (ix.column() == 0 && item->childCount() > 0) { QRect IconRect = m_itemView->visualRect(ix); IconRect.setWidth((double)IconRect.height() / m_itemView->iconSize().height() * m_itemView->iconSize().width()); if (!pos.isNull() && (IconRect.contains(pos) || pos.y() > (IconRect.y() + IconRect.height() / 2))) { auto *view = static_cast(m_itemView); view->setExpanded(ix, !view->isExpanded(ix)); return; } } } if (ix.isValid()) { QRect IconRect = m_itemView->visualRect(ix); IconRect.setWidth((double)IconRect.height() / m_itemView->iconSize().height() * m_itemView->iconSize().width()); if (!pos.isNull() && ((ix.column() == 2 && item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) || (!IconRect.contains(pos) && pos.y() < (IconRect.y() + IconRect.height() / 2)))) { // User clicked outside icon, trigger rename m_itemView->edit(ix); return; } if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { std::shared_ptr clip = std::static_pointer_cast(item); if (clip) { if (clip->clipType() == ClipType::Text || clip->clipType() == ClipType::TextTemplate) { // m_propertiesPanel->setEnabled(false); showTitleWidget(clip); } else { slotSwitchClipProperties(clip); } } } } } void Bin::slotEditClip() { QString panelId = m_propertiesPanel->property("clipId").toString(); QModelIndex current = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(current)); if (item->clipId() != panelId) { // wrong clip return; } auto clip = std::static_pointer_cast(item); QString parentFolder = getCurrentFolder(); switch (clip->clipType()) { case ClipType::Text: case ClipType::TextTemplate: showTitleWidget(clip); break; case ClipType::SlideShow: showSlideshowWidget(clip); break; case ClipType::QText: ClipCreationDialog::createQTextClip(m_doc, parentFolder, this, clip.get()); break; default: break; } } void Bin::slotSwitchClipProperties() { QModelIndex current = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if (current.isValid()) { // User clicked in the icon, open clip properties std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(current)); std::shared_ptr currentItem = nullptr; if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { currentItem = std::static_pointer_cast(item); } else if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem) { currentItem = std::static_pointer_cast(item)->getMasterClip(); } if (currentItem) { slotSwitchClipProperties(currentItem); return; } } slotSwitchClipProperties(nullptr); } void Bin::slotSwitchClipProperties(const std::shared_ptr &clip) { if (clip == nullptr) { m_propertiesPanel->setEnabled(false); return; } if (clip->clipType() == ClipType::SlideShow) { m_propertiesPanel->setEnabled(false); showSlideshowWidget(clip); } else if (clip->clipType() == ClipType::QText) { m_propertiesPanel->setEnabled(false); QString parentFolder = getCurrentFolder(); ClipCreationDialog::createQTextClip(m_doc, parentFolder, this, clip.get()); } else { m_propertiesPanel->setEnabled(true); showClipProperties(clip); m_propertiesDock->show(); m_propertiesDock->raise(); } // Check if properties panel is not tabbed under Bin // if (!pCore->window()->isTabbedWith(m_propertiesDock, QStringLiteral("project_bin"))) { } void Bin::doRefreshPanel(const QString &id) { std::shared_ptr currentItem = getFirstSelectedClip(); if ((currentItem != nullptr) && currentItem->AbstractProjectItem::clipId() == id) { showClipProperties(currentItem, true); } } void Bin::showClipProperties(const std::shared_ptr &clip, bool forceRefresh) { if ((clip == nullptr) || !clip->isReady()) { for (QWidget *w : m_propertiesPanel->findChildren()) { delete w; } m_propertiesPanel->setProperty("clipId", QString()); m_propertiesPanel->setEnabled(false); return; } m_propertiesPanel->setEnabled(true); QString panelId = m_propertiesPanel->property("clipId").toString(); if (!forceRefresh && panelId == clip->AbstractProjectItem::clipId()) { // the properties panel is already displaying current clip, do nothing return; } // Cleanup widget for new content for (QWidget *w : m_propertiesPanel->findChildren()) { delete w; } m_propertiesPanel->setProperty("clipId", clip->AbstractProjectItem::clipId()); auto *lay = static_cast(m_propertiesPanel->layout()); if (lay == nullptr) { lay = new QVBoxLayout(m_propertiesPanel); m_propertiesPanel->setLayout(lay); } ClipPropertiesController *panel = clip->buildProperties(m_propertiesPanel); connect(this, &Bin::refreshTimeCode, panel, &ClipPropertiesController::slotRefreshTimeCode); connect(panel, &ClipPropertiesController::updateClipProperties, this, &Bin::slotEditClipCommand); connect(panel, &ClipPropertiesController::seekToFrame, m_monitor, static_cast(&Monitor::slotSeek)); connect(panel, &ClipPropertiesController::editClip, this, &Bin::slotEditClip); connect(panel, SIGNAL(editAnalysis(QString, QString, QString)), this, SLOT(slotAddClipExtraData(QString, QString, QString))); lay->addWidget(panel); } void Bin::slotEditClipCommand(const QString &id, const QMap &oldProps, const QMap &newProps) { auto *command = new EditClipCommand(this, id, oldProps, newProps, true); m_doc->commandStack()->push(command); } void Bin::reloadClip(const QString &id) { std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (!clip) { return; } clip->reloadProducer(); } void Bin::reloadMonitorIfActive(const QString &id) { if (m_monitor->activeClipId() == id) { slotOpenCurrent(); } } QStringList Bin::getBinFolderClipIds(const QString &id) const { QStringList ids; std::shared_ptr folder = m_itemModel->getFolderByBinId(id); if (folder) { for (int i = 0; i < folder->childCount(); i++) { std::shared_ptr child = std::static_pointer_cast(folder->child(i)); if (child->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { ids << child->clipId(); } } } return ids; } std::shared_ptr Bin::getBinClip(const QString &id) { std::shared_ptr clip = nullptr; if (id.contains(QLatin1Char('_'))) { clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id.section(QLatin1Char('_'), 0, 0)); } else if (!id.isEmpty()) { clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); } return clip; } void Bin::setWaitingStatus(const QString &id) { std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (clip) { clip->setClipStatus(AbstractProjectItem::StatusWaiting); } } void Bin::slotRemoveInvalidClip(const QString &id, bool replace, const QString &errorMessage) { Q_UNUSED(replace); std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (!clip) { return; } emit requesteInvalidRemoval(id, clip->url(), errorMessage); } void Bin::selectClip(const std::shared_ptr &clip) { QModelIndex ix = m_itemModel->getIndexFromItem(clip); int row = ix.row(); const QModelIndex id = m_itemModel->index(row, 0, ix.parent()); const QModelIndex id2 = m_itemModel->index(row, m_itemModel->columnCount() - 1, ix.parent()); if (id.isValid() && id2.isValid()) { m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->select(QItemSelection(m_proxyModel->mapFromSource(id), m_proxyModel->mapFromSource(id2)), QItemSelectionModel::Select); } m_itemView->scrollTo(m_proxyModel->mapFromSource(ix)); } void Bin::slotOpenCurrent() { std::shared_ptr currentItem = getFirstSelectedClip(); if (currentItem) { emit openClip(currentItem); } } void Bin::openProducer(std::shared_ptr controller) { emit openClip(std::move(controller)); } void Bin::openProducer(std::shared_ptr controller, int in, int out) { emit openClip(std::move(controller), in, out); } void Bin::emitItemUpdated(std::shared_ptr item) { emit itemUpdated(std::move(item)); } void Bin::emitRefreshPanel(const QString &id) { emit refreshPanel(id); } void Bin::setupGeneratorMenu() { if (!m_menu) { qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG) << "Warning, menu was not created, something is wrong"; return; } auto *addMenu = qobject_cast(pCore->window()->factory()->container(QStringLiteral("generators"), pCore->window())); if (addMenu) { QMenu *menu = m_addButton->menu(); menu->addMenu(addMenu); addMenu->setEnabled(!addMenu->isEmpty()); m_addButton->setMenu(menu); } addMenu = qobject_cast(pCore->window()->factory()->container(QStringLiteral("extract_audio"), pCore->window())); if (addMenu) { m_menu->addMenu(addMenu); addMenu->setEnabled(!addMenu->isEmpty()); m_extractAudioAction = addMenu; } addMenu = qobject_cast(pCore->window()->factory()->container(QStringLiteral("transcoders"), pCore->window())); if (addMenu) { m_menu->addMenu(addMenu); addMenu->setEnabled(!addMenu->isEmpty()); m_transcodeAction = addMenu; } addMenu = qobject_cast(pCore->window()->factory()->container(QStringLiteral("clip_actions"), pCore->window())); if (addMenu) { m_menu->addMenu(addMenu); addMenu->setEnabled(!addMenu->isEmpty()); m_clipsActionsMenu = addMenu; } addMenu = qobject_cast(pCore->window()->factory()->container(QStringLiteral("clip_in_timeline"), pCore->window())); if (addMenu) { m_inTimelineAction = m_menu->addMenu(addMenu); m_inTimelineAction->setEnabled(!addMenu->isEmpty()); } if (m_locateAction) { m_menu->addAction(m_locateAction); } if (m_reloadAction) { m_menu->addAction(m_reloadAction); } if (m_duplicateAction) { m_menu->addAction(m_duplicateAction); } if (m_proxyAction) { m_menu->addAction(m_proxyAction); } addMenu = qobject_cast(pCore->window()->factory()->container(QStringLiteral("clip_timeline"), pCore->window())); if (addMenu) { m_menu->addMenu(addMenu); addMenu->setEnabled(false); } m_menu->addAction(m_editAction); m_menu->addAction(m_openAction); m_menu->addAction(m_renameAction); m_menu->addAction(m_deleteAction); m_menu->insertSeparator(m_deleteAction); } void Bin::setupMenu(QMenu *addMenu, QAction *defaultAction, const QHash &actions) { // Setup actions QAction *first = m_toolbar->actions().at(0); m_deleteAction = actions.value(QStringLiteral("delete")); m_toolbar->insertAction(first, m_deleteAction); QAction *folder = actions.value(QStringLiteral("folder")); m_toolbar->insertAction(m_deleteAction, folder); m_editAction = actions.value(QStringLiteral("properties")); m_openAction = actions.value(QStringLiteral("open")); m_reloadAction = actions.value(QStringLiteral("reload")); m_duplicateAction = actions.value(QStringLiteral("duplicate")); m_locateAction = actions.value(QStringLiteral("locate")); m_proxyAction = actions.value(QStringLiteral("proxy")); auto *m = new QMenu(this); m->addActions(addMenu->actions()); m_addButton = new QToolButton(this); m_addButton->setMenu(m); m_addButton->setDefaultAction(defaultAction); m_addButton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup); m_toolbar->insertWidget(folder, m_addButton); m_menu = new QMenu(this); m_propertiesDock = pCore->window()->addDock(i18n("Clip Properties"), QStringLiteral("clip_properties"), m_propertiesPanel); m_propertiesDock->close(); // m_menu->addActions(addMenu->actions()); } const QString Bin::getDocumentProperty(const QString &key) { return m_doc->getDocumentProperty(key); } void Bin::slotUpdateJobStatus(const QString &id, int jobType, int status, const QString &label, const QString &actionName, const QString &details) { Q_UNUSED(id) Q_UNUSED(jobType) Q_UNUSED(status) Q_UNUSED(label) Q_UNUSED(actionName) Q_UNUSED(details) // TODO refac /* std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (clip) { clip->setJobStatus((AbstractClipJob::JOBTYPE)jobType, (ClipJobStatus)status); } if (status == JobCrashed) { QList actions = m_infoMessage->actions(); if (m_infoMessage->isHidden()) { if (!details.isEmpty()) { m_infoMessage->setText(label + QStringLiteral(" ") + i18n("Show log") + QStringLiteral("")); } else { m_infoMessage->setText(label); } m_infoMessage->setWordWrap(m_infoMessage->text().length() > 35); m_infoMessage->setMessageType(KMessageWidget::Warning); } if (!actionName.isEmpty()) { QAction *action = nullptr; QList collections = KActionCollection::allCollections(); for (int i = 0; i < collections.count(); ++i) { KActionCollection *coll = collections.at(i); action = coll->action(actionName); if (action) { break; } } if ((action != nullptr) && !actions.contains(action)) { m_infoMessage->addAction(action); } } if (!details.isEmpty()) { m_errorLog.append(details); } m_infoMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(true); m_infoMessage->animatedShow(); } */ } void Bin::doDisplayMessage(const QString &text, KMessageWidget::MessageType type, const QList &actions) { // Remove existing actions if any QList acts = m_infoMessage->actions(); while (!acts.isEmpty()) { QAction *a = acts.takeFirst(); m_infoMessage->removeAction(a); delete a; } m_infoMessage->setText(text); m_infoMessage->setWordWrap(text.length() > 35); for (QAction *action : actions) { m_infoMessage->addAction(action); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &Bin::slotMessageActionTriggered); } m_infoMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(actions.isEmpty()); m_infoMessage->setMessageType(type); m_infoMessage->animatedShow(); } void Bin::doDisplayMessage(const QString &text, KMessageWidget::MessageType type, const QString &logInfo) { // Remove existing actions if any QList acts = m_infoMessage->actions(); while (!acts.isEmpty()) { QAction *a = acts.takeFirst(); m_infoMessage->removeAction(a); delete a; } m_infoMessage->setText(text); m_infoMessage->setWordWrap(text.length() > 35); QAction *ac = new QAction(i18n("Show log"), this); m_infoMessage->addAction(ac); connect(ac, &QAction::triggered, [this, logInfo](bool) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, logInfo, i18n("Detailed log")); slotMessageActionTriggered(); }); m_infoMessage->setCloseButtonVisible(false); m_infoMessage->setMessageType(type); m_infoMessage->animatedShow(); } void Bin::refreshClip(const QString &id) { if (m_monitor->activeClipId() == id) { m_monitor->refreshMonitorIfActive(); } } void Bin::doRefreshAudioThumbs(const QString &id) { if (m_monitor->activeClipId() == id) { slotSendAudioThumb(id); } } void Bin::slotCreateProjectClip() { auto *act = qobject_cast(sender()); if (act == nullptr) { // Cannot access triggering action, something is wrong qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG) << "// Error in clip creation action"; return; } ClipType::ProducerType type = (ClipType::ProducerType)act->data().toInt(); QStringList folderInfo = getFolderInfo(); QString parentFolder = getCurrentFolder(); switch (type) { case ClipType::Color: ClipCreationDialog::createColorClip(m_doc, parentFolder, m_itemModel); break; case ClipType::SlideShow: ClipCreationDialog::createSlideshowClip(m_doc, parentFolder, m_itemModel); break; case ClipType::Text: ClipCreationDialog::createTitleClip(m_doc, parentFolder, QString(), m_itemModel); break; case ClipType::TextTemplate: ClipCreationDialog::createTitleTemplateClip(m_doc, parentFolder, m_itemModel); break; case ClipType::QText: ClipCreationDialog::createQTextClip(m_doc, parentFolder, this); break; default: break; } } void Bin::slotItemDropped(const QStringList &ids, const QModelIndex &parent) { std::shared_ptr parentItem; if (parent.isValid()) { parentItem = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(parent); parentItem = parentItem->getEnclosingFolder(false); } else { parentItem = m_itemModel->getRootFolder(); } auto *moveCommand = new QUndoCommand(); moveCommand->setText(i18np("Move Clip", "Move Clips", ids.count())); QStringList folderIds; for (const QString &id : ids) { if (id.contains(QLatin1Char('/'))) { // trying to move clip zone, not allowed. Ignore continue; } if (id.startsWith(QLatin1Char('#'))) { // moving a folder, keep it for later folderIds << id; continue; } std::shared_ptr currentItem = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (!currentItem) { continue; } std::shared_ptr currentParent = currentItem->parent(); if (currentParent != parentItem) { // Item was dropped on a different folder new MoveBinClipCommand(this, id, currentParent->clipId(), parentItem->clipId(), moveCommand); } } if (!folderIds.isEmpty()) { for (QString id : folderIds) { id.remove(0, 1); std::shared_ptr currentItem = m_itemModel->getFolderByBinId(id); if (!currentItem) { continue; } std::shared_ptr currentParent = currentItem->parent(); if (currentParent != parentItem) { // Item was dropped on a different folder new MoveBinFolderCommand(this, id, currentParent->clipId(), parentItem->clipId(), moveCommand); } } } if (moveCommand->childCount() == 0) { pCore->displayMessage(i18n("No valid clip to insert"), InformationMessage, 500); } else { m_doc->commandStack()->push(moveCommand); } } void Bin::slotAddEffect(QString id, const QStringList &effectData) { if (id.isEmpty()) { id = m_monitor->activeClipId(); } if (!id.isEmpty()) { std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (clip) { if (effectData.count() == 4) { // Paste effect from another stack std::shared_ptr sourceStack = pCore->getItemEffectStack(effectData.at(1).toInt(), effectData.at(2).toInt()); clip->copyEffect(sourceStack, effectData.at(3).toInt()); } else { clip->addEffect(effectData.constFirst()); } return; } } pCore->displayMessage(i18n("Select a clip to apply an effect"), InformationMessage, 500); } void Bin::slotEffectDropped(const QStringList &effectData, const QModelIndex &parent) { if (parent.isValid()) { std::shared_ptr parentItem = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(parent); if (parentItem->itemType() != AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { // effect only supported on clip items return; } m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); int row = parent.row(); const QModelIndex id = m_itemModel->index(row, 0, parent.parent()); const QModelIndex id2 = m_itemModel->index(row, m_itemModel->columnCount() - 1, parent.parent()); if (id.isValid() && id2.isValid()) { m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->select(QItemSelection(m_proxyModel->mapFromSource(id), m_proxyModel->mapFromSource(id2)), QItemSelectionModel::Select); } setCurrent(parentItem); bool res = false; if (effectData.count() == 4) { // Paste effect from another stack std::shared_ptr sourceStack = pCore->getItemEffectStack(effectData.at(1).toInt(), effectData.at(2).toInt()); res = std::static_pointer_cast(parentItem)->copyEffect(sourceStack, effectData.at(3).toInt()); } else { res = std::static_pointer_cast(parentItem)->addEffect(effectData.constFirst()); } if (!res) { pCore->displayMessage(i18n("Cannot add effect to clip"), InformationMessage); } } } void Bin::editMasterEffect(const std::shared_ptr &clip) { if (m_gainedFocus) { // Widget just gained focus, updating stack is managed in the eventfilter event, not from item return; } if (clip) { if (clip->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { std::shared_ptr clp = std::static_pointer_cast(clip); emit requestShowEffectStack(clp->clipName(), clp->m_effectStack, clp->getFrameSize(), false); return; } if (clip->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem) { if (auto ptr = clip->parentItem().lock()) { std::shared_ptr clp = std::static_pointer_cast(ptr); emit requestShowEffectStack(clp->clipName(), clp->m_effectStack, clp->getFrameSize(), false); } return; } } emit requestShowEffectStack(QString(), nullptr, QSize(), false); } void Bin::slotGotFocus() { m_gainedFocus = true; } void Bin::doMoveClip(const QString &id, const QString &newParentId) { std::shared_ptr currentItem = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (!currentItem) { return; } std::shared_ptr currentParent = currentItem->parent(); std::shared_ptr newParent = m_itemModel->getFolderByBinId(newParentId); currentItem->changeParent(newParent); } void Bin::doMoveFolder(const QString &id, const QString &newParentId) { std::shared_ptr currentItem = m_itemModel->getFolderByBinId(id); std::shared_ptr currentParent = currentItem->parent(); std::shared_ptr newParent = m_itemModel->getFolderByBinId(newParentId); currentParent->removeChild(currentItem); currentItem->changeParent(newParent); } void Bin::droppedUrls(const QList &urls, const QStringList &folderInfo) { QModelIndex current; if (folderInfo.isEmpty()) { current = m_proxyModel->mapToSource(m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->currentIndex()); } else { // get index for folder current = getIndexForId(folderInfo.constFirst(), true); } slotItemDropped(urls, current); } void Bin::slotAddClipToProject(const QUrl &url) { QList urls; urls << url; QModelIndex current = m_proxyModel->mapToSource(m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->currentIndex()); slotItemDropped(urls, current); } void Bin::slotItemDropped(const QList &urls, const QModelIndex &parent) { QString parentFolder = m_itemModel->getRootFolder()->clipId(); if (parent.isValid()) { // Check if drop occurred on a folder std::shared_ptr parentItem = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(parent); while (parentItem->itemType() != AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem) { parentItem = parentItem->parent(); } parentFolder = parentItem->clipId(); } ClipCreator::createClipsFromList(urls, true, parentFolder, m_itemModel); } void Bin::slotExpandUrl(const ItemInfo &info, const QString &url, QUndoCommand *command) { Q_UNUSED(info) Q_UNUSED(url) Q_UNUSED(command) // TODO reimplement this /* // Create folder to hold imported clips QString folderName = QFileInfo(url).fileName().section(QLatin1Char('.'), 0, 0); QString folderId = QString::number(getFreeFolderId()); new AddBinFolderCommand(this, folderId, folderName.isEmpty() ? i18n("Folder") : folderName, m_itemModel->getRootFolder()->clipId(), false, command); // Parse playlist clips QDomDocument doc; QFile file(url); doc.setContent(&file, false); file.close(); bool invalid = false; if (doc.documentElement().isNull()) { invalid = true; } QDomNodeList producers = doc.documentElement().elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("producer")); QDomNodeList tracks = doc.documentElement().elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("track")); if (invalid || producers.isEmpty()) { doDisplayMessage(i18n("Playlist clip %1 is invalid.", QFileInfo(url).fileName()), KMessageWidget::Warning); delete command; return; } if (tracks.count() > pCore->projectManager()->currentTimeline()->visibleTracksCount() + 1) { doDisplayMessage( i18n("Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to your project.", QFileInfo(url).fileName(), tracks.count()), KMessageWidget::Warning); delete command; return; } // Maps playlist producer IDs to (project) bin producer IDs. QMap idMap; // Maps hash IDs to (project) first playlist producer instance ID. This is // necessary to detect duplicate producer serializations produced by MLT. // This covers, for instance, images and titles. QMap hashToIdMap; QDir mltRoot(doc.documentElement().attribute(QStringLiteral("root"))); for (int i = 0; i < producers.count(); i++) { QDomElement prod = producers.at(i).toElement(); QString originalId = prod.attribute(QStringLiteral("id")); // track producer if (originalId.contains(QLatin1Char('_'))) { originalId = originalId.section(QLatin1Char('_'), 0, 0); } // slowmotion producer if (originalId.contains(QLatin1Char(':'))) { originalId = originalId.section(QLatin1Char(':'), 1, 1); } // We already have seen and mapped this producer. if (idMap.contains(originalId)) { continue; } // Check for duplicate producers, based on hash value of producer. // Be careful as to the kdenlive:file_hash! It is not unique for // title clips, nor color clips. Also not sure about image sequences. // So we use mlt service-specific hashes to identify duplicate producers. QString hash; QString mltService = Xml::getXmlProperty(prod, QStringLiteral("mlt_service")); if (mltService == QLatin1String("pixbuf") || mltService == QLatin1String("qimage") || mltService == QLatin1String("kdenlivetitle") || mltService == QLatin1String("color") || mltService == QLatin1String("colour")) { hash = mltService + QLatin1Char(':') + Xml::getXmlProperty(prod, QStringLiteral("kdenlive:clipname")) + QLatin1Char(':') + Xml::getXmlProperty(prod, QStringLiteral("kdenlive:folderid")) + QLatin1Char(':'); if (mltService == QLatin1String("kdenlivetitle")) { // Calculate hash based on title contents. hash.append( QString(QCryptographicHash::hash(Xml::getXmlProperty(prod, QStringLiteral("xmldata")).toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex())); } else if (mltService == QLatin1String("pixbuf") || mltService == QLatin1String("qimage") || mltService == QLatin1String("color") || mltService == QLatin1String("colour")) { hash.append(Xml::getXmlProperty(prod, QStringLiteral("resource"))); } QString singletonId = hashToIdMap.value(hash, QString()); if (singletonId.length() != 0) { // map duplicate producer ID to single bin clip producer ID. qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG) << "found duplicate producer:" << hash << ", reusing newID:" << singletonId; idMap.insert(originalId, singletonId); continue; } } // First occurrence of a producer, so allocate new bin clip producer ID. QString newId = QString::number(getFreeClipId()); idMap.insert(originalId, newId); qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG) << "originalId: " << originalId << ", newId: " << newId; // Ensure to register new bin clip producer ID in hash hashmap for // those clips that MLT likes to serialize multiple times. This is // indicated by having a hash "value" unqual "". See also above. if (hash.length() != 0) { hashToIdMap.insert(hash, newId); } // Add clip QDomElement clone = prod.cloneNode(true).toElement(); EffectsList::setProperty(clone, QStringLiteral("kdenlive:folderid"), folderId); // Do we have a producer that uses a resource property that contains a path? if (mltService == QLatin1String("avformat-novalidate") // av clip || mltService == QLatin1String("avformat") // av clip || mltService == QLatin1String("pixbuf") // image (sequence) clip || mltService == QLatin1String("qimage") // image (sequence) clip || mltService == QLatin1String("xml") // MLT playlist clip, someone likes recursion :) ) { // Make sure to correctly resolve relative resource paths based on // the playlist's root, not on this project's root QString resource = Xml::getXmlProperty(clone, QStringLiteral("resource")); if (QFileInfo(resource).isRelative()) { QFileInfo rootedResource(mltRoot, resource); qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG) << "fixed resource path for producer, newId:" << newId << "resource:" << rootedResource.absoluteFilePath(); EffectsList::setProperty(clone, QStringLiteral("resource"), rootedResource.absoluteFilePath()); } } ClipCreationDialog::createClipsCommand(this, clone, newId, command); } pCore->projectManager()->currentTimeline()->importPlaylist(info, idMap, doc, command); */ } void Bin::slotItemEdited(const QModelIndex &ix, const QModelIndex &, const QVector &roles) { if (ix.isValid() && roles.contains(AbstractProjectItem::DataName)) { // Clip renamed std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(ix); auto clip = std::static_pointer_cast(item); if (clip) { emit clipNameChanged(clip->AbstractProjectItem::clipId()); } } } void Bin::renameSubClipCommand(const QString &id, const QString &newName, const QString &oldName, int in, int out) { auto *command = new RenameBinSubClipCommand(this, id, newName, oldName, in, out); m_doc->commandStack()->push(command); } void Bin::renameSubClip(const QString &id, const QString &newName, const QString &oldName, int in, int out) { std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (!clip) { return; } std::shared_ptr sub = clip->getSubClip(in, out); if (!sub) { return; } sub->setName(newName); clip->setProducerProperty("kdenlive:clipzone." + oldName, QString()); clip->setProducerProperty("kdenlive:clipzone." + newName, QString::number(in) + QLatin1Char(';') + QString::number(out)); emit itemUpdated(sub); } Timecode Bin::projectTimecode() const { return m_doc->timecode(); } void Bin::slotStartFilterJob(const ItemInfo &info, const QString &id, QMap &filterParams, QMap &consumerParams, QMap &extraParams) { Q_UNUSED(info) Q_UNUSED(id) Q_UNUSED(filterParams) Q_UNUSED(consumerParams) Q_UNUSED(extraParams) // TODO refac /* std::shared_ptr clip = getBinClip(id); if (!clip) { return; } QMap producerParams = QMap(); producerParams.insert(QStringLiteral("producer"), clip->url()); if (info.cropDuration != GenTime()) { producerParams.insert(QStringLiteral("in"), QString::number((int)info.cropStart.frames(pCore->getCurrentFps()))); producerParams.insert(QStringLiteral("out"), QString::number((int)(info.cropStart + info.cropDuration).frames(pCore->getCurrentFps()))); extraParams.insert(QStringLiteral("clipStartPos"), QString::number((int)info.startPos.frames(pCore->getCurrentFps()))); extraParams.insert(QStringLiteral("clipTrack"), QString::number(info.track)); } else { // We want to process whole clip producerParams.insert(QStringLiteral("in"), QString::number(0)); producerParams.insert(QStringLiteral("out"), QString::number(-1)); } */ } void Bin::focusBinView() const { m_itemView->setFocus(); } void Bin::slotOpenClip() { std::shared_ptr clip = getFirstSelectedClip(); if (!clip) { return; } switch (clip->clipType()) { case ClipType::Text: case ClipType::TextTemplate: showTitleWidget(clip); break; case ClipType::Image: if (KdenliveSettings::defaultimageapp().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(QApplication::activeWindow(), i18n("Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog")); } else { QProcess::startDetached(KdenliveSettings::defaultimageapp(), QStringList() << clip->url()); } break; case ClipType::Audio: if (KdenliveSettings::defaultaudioapp().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(QApplication::activeWindow(), i18n("Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog")); } else { QProcess::startDetached(KdenliveSettings::defaultaudioapp(), QStringList() << clip->url()); } break; default: break; } } void Bin::updateTimecodeFormat() { emit refreshTimeCode(); } /* void Bin::slotGotFilterJobResults(const QString &id, int startPos, int track, const stringMap &results, const stringMap &filterInfo) { if (filterInfo.contains(QStringLiteral("finalfilter"))) { if (filterInfo.contains(QStringLiteral("storedata"))) { // Store returned data as clip extra data std::shared_ptr clip = getBinClip(id); if (clip) { QString key = filterInfo.value(QStringLiteral("key")); QStringList newValue = clip->updatedAnalysisData(key, results.value(key), filterInfo.value(QStringLiteral("offset")).toInt()); slotAddClipExtraData(id, newValue.at(0), newValue.at(1)); } } if (startPos == -1) { // Processing bin clip std::shared_ptr currentItem = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (!currentItem) { return; } std::shared_ptr ctl = std::static_pointer_cast(currentItem); EffectsList list = ctl->effectList(); QDomElement effect = list.effectById(filterInfo.value(QStringLiteral("finalfilter"))); QDomDocument doc; QDomElement e = doc.createElement(QStringLiteral("test")); doc.appendChild(e); e.appendChild(doc.importNode(effect, true)); if (!effect.isNull()) { QDomElement newEffect = effect.cloneNode().toElement(); QMap::const_iterator i = results.constBegin(); while (i != results.constEnd()) { EffectsList::setParameter(newEffect, i.key(), i.value()); ++i; } ctl->updateEffect(newEffect, effect.attribute(QStringLiteral("kdenlive_ix")).toInt()); emit requestClipShow(currentItem); // TODO use undo / redo for bin clip edit effect // EditEffectCommand *command = new EditEffectCommand(this, clip->track(), clip->startPos(), effect, newEffect, clip->selectedEffectIndex(), true, true); m_commandStack->push(command); emit clipItemSelected(clip); } // emit gotFilterJobResults(id, startPos, track, results, filterInfo); return; } // This is a timeline filter, forward results emit gotFilterJobResults(id, startPos, track, results, filterInfo); return; } // Currently, only the first value of results is used std::shared_ptr clip = getBinClip(id); if (!clip) { return; } // Check for return value int markersType = -1; if (filterInfo.contains(QStringLiteral("addmarkers"))) { markersType = filterInfo.value(QStringLiteral("addmarkers")).toInt(); } if (results.isEmpty()) { emit displayBinMessage(i18n("No data returned from clip analysis"), KMessageWidget::Warning); return; } bool dataProcessed = false; QString label = filterInfo.value(QStringLiteral("label")); QString key = filterInfo.value(QStringLiteral("key")); int offset = filterInfo.value(QStringLiteral("offset")).toInt(); QStringList value = results.value(key).split(QLatin1Char(';'), QString::SkipEmptyParts); // qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG)<<"// RESULT; "<setText(i18n("Auto Split Clip")); for (const QString &pos : value) { if (!pos.contains(QLatin1Char('='))) { continue; } int newPos = pos.section(QLatin1Char('='), 0, 0).toInt(); // Don't use scenes shorter than 1 second if (newPos - cutPos < 24) { continue; } new AddBinClipCutCommand(this, id, cutPos + offset, newPos + offset, true, command); cutPos = newPos; } if (command->childCount() == 0) { delete command; } else { m_doc->commandStack()->push(command); } } if (markersType >= 0) { // Add markers from returned data dataProcessed = true; int cutPos = 0; int index = 1; bool simpleList = false; double sourceFps = clip->getOriginalFps(); if (qFuzzyIsNull(sourceFps)) { sourceFps = pCore->getCurrentFps(); } if (filterInfo.contains(QStringLiteral("simplelist"))) { // simple list simpleList = true; } for (const QString &pos : value) { if (simpleList) { clip->getMarkerModel()->addMarker(GenTime((int)(pos.toInt() * pCore->getCurrentFps() / sourceFps), pCore->getCurrentFps()), label + pos, markersType); index++; continue; } if (!pos.contains(QLatin1Char('='))) { continue; } int newPos = pos.section(QLatin1Char('='), 0, 0).toInt(); // Don't use scenes shorter than 1 second if (newPos - cutPos < 24) { continue; } clip->getMarkerModel()->addMarker(GenTime(newPos + offset, pCore->getCurrentFps()), label + QString::number(index), markersType); index++; cutPos = newPos; } } if (!dataProcessed || filterInfo.contains(QStringLiteral("storedata"))) { // Store returned data as clip extra data QStringList newValue = clip->updatedAnalysisData(key, results.value(key), offset); slotAddClipExtraData(id, newValue.at(0), newValue.at(1)); } } */ void Bin::slotGetCurrentProjectImage(const QString &clipId, bool request) { Q_UNUSED(clipId) // TODO refact : look at this // if (!clipId.isEmpty()) { // (pCore->projectManager()->currentTimeline()->hideClip(clipId, request)); // } pCore->monitorManager()->projectMonitor()->slotGetCurrentImage(request); } // TODO: move title editing into a better place... void Bin::showTitleWidget(const std::shared_ptr &clip) { QString path = clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("resource")); QDir titleFolder(m_doc->projectDataFolder() + QStringLiteral("/titles")); titleFolder.mkpath(QStringLiteral(".")); TitleWidget dia_ui(QUrl(), m_doc->timecode(), titleFolder.absolutePath(), pCore->monitorManager()->projectMonitor(), pCore->window()); connect(&dia_ui, &TitleWidget::requestBackgroundFrame, this, &Bin::slotGetCurrentProjectImage); QDomDocument doc; QString xmldata = clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("xmldata")); if (xmldata.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(path)) { QFile file(path); doc.setContent(&file, false); file.close(); } else { doc.setContent(xmldata); } dia_ui.setXml(doc, clip->AbstractProjectItem::clipId()); if (dia_ui.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QMap newprops; newprops.insert(QStringLiteral("xmldata"), dia_ui.xml().toString()); if (dia_ui.duration() != clip->duration().frames(pCore->getCurrentFps()) + 1) { // duration changed, we need to update duration newprops.insert(QStringLiteral("out"), clip->framesToTime(dia_ui.duration() - 1)); int currentLength = clip->getProducerDuration(); if (currentLength != dia_ui.duration()) { newprops.insert(QStringLiteral("kdenlive:duration"), clip->framesToTime(dia_ui.duration())); } } // trigger producer reload newprops.insert(QStringLiteral("force_reload"), QStringLiteral("2")); if (!path.isEmpty()) { // we are editing an external file, asked if we want to detach from that file or save the result to that title file. if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(pCore->window(), i18n("You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your changes to the title " "file or save the changes for this project only?", path), i18n("Save Title"), KGuiItem(i18n("Save to title file")), KGuiItem(i18n("Save in project only"))) == KMessageBox::Yes) { // save to external file dia_ui.saveTitle(QUrl::fromLocalFile(path)); } else { newprops.insert(QStringLiteral("resource"), QString()); } } slotEditClipCommand(clip->AbstractProjectItem::clipId(), clip->currentProperties(newprops), newprops); } } void Bin::slotResetInfoMessage() { m_errorLog.clear(); QList actions = m_infoMessage->actions(); for (int i = 0; i < actions.count(); ++i) { m_infoMessage->removeAction(actions.at(i)); } } void Bin::emitMessage(const QString &text, int progress, MessageType type) { emit displayMessage(text, progress, type); } void Bin::slotSetSorting() { auto *view = qobject_cast(m_itemView); if (view) { int ix = view->header()->sortIndicatorSection(); m_proxyModel->setFilterKeyColumn(ix); } } void Bin::slotShowDateColumn(bool show) { auto *view = qobject_cast(m_itemView); if (view) { view->setColumnHidden(1, !show); } } void Bin::slotShowDescColumn(bool show) { auto *view = qobject_cast(m_itemView); if (view) { view->setColumnHidden(2, !show); } } void Bin::slotQueryRemoval(const QString &id, const QString &url, const QString &errorMessage) { if (m_invalidClipDialog) { if (!url.isEmpty()) { m_invalidClipDialog->addClip(id, url); } return; } QString message = i18n("Clip is invalid, will be removed from project."); if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) { message.append("\n" + errorMessage); } m_invalidClipDialog = new InvalidDialog(i18n("Invalid clip"), message, true, this); m_invalidClipDialog->addClip(id, url); int result = m_invalidClipDialog->exec(); if (result == QDialog::Accepted) { const QStringList ids = m_invalidClipDialog->getIds(); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; for (const QString &i : ids) { auto item = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(i); m_itemModel->requestBinClipDeletion(item, undo, redo); } } delete m_invalidClipDialog; m_invalidClipDialog = nullptr; } void Bin::slotRefreshClipThumbnail(const QString &id) { std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (!clip) { return; } clip->reloadProducer(true); } void Bin::slotAddClipExtraData(const QString &id, const QString &key, const QString &clipData, QUndoCommand *groupCommand) { std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (!clip) { return; } QString oldValue = clip->getProducerProperty(key); QMap oldProps; oldProps.insert(key, oldValue); QMap newProps; newProps.insert(key, clipData); auto *command = new EditClipCommand(this, id, oldProps, newProps, true, groupCommand); if (!groupCommand) { m_doc->commandStack()->push(command); } } void Bin::slotUpdateClipProperties(const QString &id, const QMap &properties, bool refreshPropertiesPanel) { std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if (clip) { clip->setProperties(properties, refreshPropertiesPanel); } } void Bin::updateTimelineProducers(const QString &id, const QMap &passProperties) { Q_UNUSED(id) Q_UNUSED(passProperties) // TODO REFAC // pCore->projectManager()->currentTimeline()->updateClipProperties(id, passProperties); // m_doc->renderer()->updateSlowMotionProducers(id, passProperties); } void Bin::showSlideshowWidget(const std::shared_ptr &clip) { QString folder = QFileInfo(clip->url()).absolutePath(); qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG) << " ** * CLIP ABS PATH: " << clip->url() << " = " << folder; SlideshowClip *dia = new SlideshowClip(m_doc->timecode(), folder, clip.get(), this); if (dia->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // edit clip properties QMap properties; properties.insert(QStringLiteral("out"), clip->framesToTime(m_doc->getFramePos(dia->clipDuration()) * dia->imageCount() - 1)); properties.insert(QStringLiteral("kdenlive:duration"), clip->framesToTime(m_doc->getFramePos(dia->clipDuration()) * dia->imageCount())); properties.insert(QStringLiteral("kdenlive:clipname"), dia->clipName()); properties.insert(QStringLiteral("ttl"), QString::number(m_doc->getFramePos(dia->clipDuration()))); properties.insert(QStringLiteral("loop"), QString::number(static_cast(dia->loop()))); properties.insert(QStringLiteral("crop"), QString::number(static_cast(dia->crop()))); properties.insert(QStringLiteral("fade"), QString::number(static_cast(dia->fade()))); properties.insert(QStringLiteral("luma_duration"), QString::number(m_doc->getFramePos(dia->lumaDuration()))); properties.insert(QStringLiteral("luma_file"), dia->lumaFile()); properties.insert(QStringLiteral("softness"), QString::number(dia->softness())); properties.insert(QStringLiteral("animation"), dia->animation()); QMap oldProperties; oldProperties.insert(QStringLiteral("out"), clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("out"))); oldProperties.insert(QStringLiteral("kdenlive:duration"), clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("kdenlive:duration"))); oldProperties.insert(QStringLiteral("kdenlive:clipname"), clip->name()); oldProperties.insert(QStringLiteral("ttl"), clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("ttl"))); oldProperties.insert(QStringLiteral("loop"), clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("loop"))); oldProperties.insert(QStringLiteral("crop"), clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("crop"))); oldProperties.insert(QStringLiteral("fade"), clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("fade"))); oldProperties.insert(QStringLiteral("luma_duration"), clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("luma_duration"))); oldProperties.insert(QStringLiteral("luma_file"), clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("luma_file"))); oldProperties.insert(QStringLiteral("softness"), clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("softness"))); oldProperties.insert(QStringLiteral("animation"), clip->getProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("animation"))); slotEditClipCommand(clip->AbstractProjectItem::clipId(), oldProperties, properties); } delete dia; } void Bin::setBinEffectsEnabled(bool enabled) { QAction *disableEffects = pCore->window()->actionCollection()->action(QStringLiteral("disable_bin_effects")); if (disableEffects) { if (enabled == disableEffects->isChecked()) { return; } disableEffects->blockSignals(true); disableEffects->setChecked(!enabled); disableEffects->blockSignals(false); } m_itemModel->setBinEffectsEnabled(enabled); pCore->projectManager()->disableBinEffects(!enabled); } void Bin::slotRenameItem() { const QModelIndexList indexes = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->selectedRows(0); for (const QModelIndex &ix : indexes) { if (!ix.isValid()) { continue; } m_itemView->setCurrentIndex(ix); m_itemView->edit(ix); return; } } void Bin::refreshProxySettings() { QList> clipList = m_itemModel->getRootFolder()->childClips(); auto *masterCommand = new QUndoCommand(); masterCommand->setText(m_doc->useProxy() ? i18n("Enable proxies") : i18n("Disable proxies")); // en/disable proxy option in clip properties for (QWidget *w : m_propertiesPanel->findChildren()) { static_cast(w)->enableProxy(m_doc->useProxy()); } if (!m_doc->useProxy()) { // Disable all proxies m_doc->slotProxyCurrentItem(false, clipList, false, masterCommand); } else { QList> toProxy; for (const std::shared_ptr &clp : clipList) { ClipType::ProducerType t = clp->clipType(); if (t == ClipType::Playlist) { toProxy << clp; continue; } else if ((t == ClipType::AV || t == ClipType::Video) && m_doc->autoGenerateProxy(clp->getProducerIntProperty(QStringLiteral("meta.media.width")))) { // Start proxy toProxy << clp; continue; } else if (t == ClipType::Image && m_doc->autoGenerateImageProxy(clp->getProducerIntProperty(QStringLiteral("meta.media.width")))) { // Start proxy toProxy << clp; continue; } } if (!toProxy.isEmpty()) { m_doc->slotProxyCurrentItem(true, toProxy, false, masterCommand); } } if (masterCommand->childCount() > 0) { m_doc->commandStack()->push(masterCommand); } else { delete masterCommand; } } QStringList Bin::getProxyHashList() { QStringList list; QList> clipList = m_itemModel->getRootFolder()->childClips(); for (const std::shared_ptr &clp : clipList) { if (clp->clipType() == ClipType::AV || clp->clipType() == ClipType::Video || clp->clipType() == ClipType::Playlist) { list << clp->hash(); } } return list; } void Bin::slotSendAudioThumb(const QString &id) { std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(id); if ((clip != nullptr) && clip->audioThumbCreated()) { m_monitor->prepareAudioThumb(clip->audioChannels(), clip->audioFrameCache); } else { m_monitor->prepareAudioThumb(0); } } bool Bin::isEmpty() const { if (m_itemModel->getRootFolder() == nullptr) { return true; } return !m_itemModel->getRootFolder()->hasChildClips(); } void Bin::reloadAllProducers() { if (m_itemModel->getRootFolder() == nullptr || m_itemModel->getRootFolder()->childCount() == 0 || !isEnabled()) { return; } QList> clipList = m_itemModel->getRootFolder()->childClips(); emit openClip(std::shared_ptr()); for (const std::shared_ptr &clip : clipList) { QDomDocument doc; QDomElement xml = clip->toXml(doc, false, false); // Make sure we reload clip length xml.removeAttribute(QStringLiteral("out")); Xml::removeXmlProperty(xml, QStringLiteral("length")); clip->resetProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("kdenlive:duration")); clip->resetProducerProperty(QStringLiteral("length")); if (!xml.isNull()) { clip->setClipStatus(AbstractProjectItem::StatusWaiting); clip->discardAudioThumb(); pCore->jobManager()->slotDiscardClipJobs(clip->clipId()); // We need to set a temporary id before all outdated producers are replaced; int jobId = pCore->jobManager()->startJob({clip->clipId()}, -1, QString(), xml); pCore->jobManager()->startJob({clip->clipId()}, jobId, QString(), 150, -1, true, true); pCore->jobManager()->startJob({clip->clipId()}, jobId, QString()); } } } void Bin::slotMessageActionTriggered() { m_infoMessage->animatedHide(); } void Bin::resetUsageCount() { const QList> clipList = m_itemModel->getRootFolder()->childClips(); for (const std::shared_ptr &clip : clipList) { clip->setRefCount(0); } } void Bin::getBinStats(uint *used, uint *unused, qint64 *usedSize, qint64 *unusedSize) { QList> clipList = m_itemModel->getRootFolder()->childClips(); for (const std::shared_ptr &clip : clipList) { if (clip->refCount() == 0) { *unused += 1; *unusedSize += clip->getProducerInt64Property(QStringLiteral("kdenlive:file_size")); } else { *used += 1; *usedSize += clip->getProducerInt64Property(QStringLiteral("kdenlive:file_size")); } } } QDir Bin::getCacheDir(CacheType type, bool *ok) const { return m_doc->getCacheDir(type, ok); } void Bin::rebuildProxies() { QList> clipList = m_itemModel->getRootFolder()->childClips(); QList> toProxy; for (const std::shared_ptr &clp : clipList) { if (clp->hasProxy()) { toProxy << clp; // Abort all pending jobs pCore->jobManager()->discardJobs(clp->clipId(), AbstractClipJob::PROXYJOB); clp->deleteProxy(); } } if (toProxy.isEmpty()) { return; } auto *masterCommand = new QUndoCommand(); masterCommand->setText(i18n("Rebuild proxies")); m_doc->slotProxyCurrentItem(true, toProxy, true, masterCommand); if (masterCommand->childCount() > 0) { m_doc->commandStack()->push(masterCommand); } else { delete masterCommand; } } void Bin::showClearButton(bool show) { m_searchLine->setClearButtonEnabled(show); } void Bin::saveZone(const QStringList &info, const QDir &dir) { if (info.size() != 3) { return; } std::shared_ptr clip = getBinClip(info.constFirst()); if (clip) { QPoint zone(info.at(1).toInt(), info.at(2).toInt()); clip->saveZone(zone, dir); } } void Bin::setCurrent(const std::shared_ptr &item) { switch (item->itemType()) { case AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem: { openProducer(std::static_pointer_cast(item)); std::shared_ptr clp = std::static_pointer_cast(item); emit requestShowEffectStack(clp->clipName(), clp->m_effectStack, clp->getFrameSize(), false); break; } case AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem: { auto subClip = std::static_pointer_cast(item); QPoint zone = subClip->zone(); openProducer(subClip->getMasterClip(), zone.x(), zone.y()); break; } case AbstractProjectItem::FolderUpItem: case AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem: default: break; } } void Bin::cleanup() { m_itemModel->requestCleanup(); } std::shared_ptr Bin::getClipEffectStack(int itemId) { std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(QString::number(itemId)); Q_ASSERT(clip != nullptr); std::shared_ptr effectStack = std::static_pointer_cast(clip)->m_effectStack; return effectStack; } size_t Bin::getClipDuration(int itemId) const { std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(QString::number(itemId)); Q_ASSERT(clip != nullptr); return clip->frameDuration(); } PlaylistState::ClipState Bin::getClipState(int itemId) const { std::shared_ptr clip = m_itemModel->getClipByBinID(QString::number(itemId)); Q_ASSERT(clip != nullptr); bool audio = clip->hasAudio(); bool video = clip->hasVideo(); return audio ? (video ? PlaylistState::Disabled : PlaylistState::AudioOnly) : PlaylistState::VideoOnly; } QString Bin::getCurrentFolder() { // Check parent item QModelIndex ix = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); std::shared_ptr parentFolder = m_itemModel->getRootFolder(); if (ix.isValid() && m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->isSelected(ix)) { std::shared_ptr currentItem = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(ix)); parentFolder = std::static_pointer_cast(currentItem->getEnclosingFolder()); } return parentFolder->clipId(); } void Bin::adjustProjectProfileToItem() { QModelIndex current = m_proxyModel->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if (current.isValid()) { // User clicked in the icon, open clip properties std::shared_ptr item = m_itemModel->getBinItemByIndex(m_proxyModel->mapToSource(current)); auto clip = std::static_pointer_cast(item); if (clip) { QDomDocument doc; LoadJob::checkProfile(clip->clipId(), clip->toXml(doc, false), clip->originalProducer()); } } } diff --git a/src/jobs/audiothumbjob.cpp b/src/jobs/audiothumbjob.cpp index 6b63827b8..39b7fa62f 100644 --- a/src/jobs/audiothumbjob.cpp +++ b/src/jobs/audiothumbjob.cpp @@ -1,343 +1,349 @@ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2017 by Nicolas Carion * * This file is part of Kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the * * membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership * * of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of * * version 3 of the license. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * ***************************************************************************/ #include "audiothumbjob.hpp" #include "bin/projectclip.h" #include "bin/projectitemmodel.h" #include "core.h" #include "doc/kdenlivedoc.h" #include "doc/kthumb.h" #include "kdenlivesettings.h" #include "klocalizedstring.h" #include "lib/audio/audioStreamInfo.h" #include "macros.hpp" #include "utils/thumbnailcache.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include AudioThumbJob::AudioThumbJob(const QString &binId) : AbstractClipJob(AUDIOTHUMBJOB, binId) , m_ffmpegProcess(nullptr) { } const QString AudioThumbJob::getDescription() const { return i18n("Extracting audio thumb from clip %1", m_clipId); } bool AudioThumbJob::computeWithMlt() { m_audioLevels.clear(); m_errorMessage.clear(); // MLT audio thumbs: slower but safer QString service = m_prod->get("mlt_service"); if (service == QLatin1String("avformat-novalidate")) { service = QStringLiteral("avformat"); } else if (service.startsWith(QLatin1String("xml"))) { service = QStringLiteral("xml-nogl"); } QScopedPointer audioProducer(new Mlt::Producer(*m_prod->profile(), service.toUtf8().constData(), m_prod->get("resource"))); if (!audioProducer->is_valid()) { m_errorMessage.append(i18n("Audio thumbs: cannot open file %1", m_prod->get("resource"))); return false; } audioProducer->set("video_index", "-1"); Mlt::Filter chans(*m_prod->profile(), "audiochannels"); Mlt::Filter converter(*m_prod->profile(), "audioconvert"); Mlt::Filter levels(*m_prod->profile(), "audiolevel"); audioProducer->attach(chans); audioProducer->attach(converter); audioProducer->attach(levels); int last_val = 0; double framesPerSecond = audioProducer->get_fps(); mlt_audio_format audioFormat = mlt_audio_s16; QStringList keys; keys.reserve(m_channels); for (int i = 0; i < m_channels; i++) { keys << "meta.media.audio_level." + QString::number(i); } for (int z = 0; z < m_lengthInFrames; ++z) { int val = (int)(100.0 * z / m_lengthInFrames); if (last_val != val) { emit jobProgress(val); last_val = val; } QScopedPointer mltFrame(audioProducer->get_frame()); if ((mltFrame != nullptr) && mltFrame->is_valid() && (mltFrame->get_int("test_audio") == 0)) { int samples = mlt_sample_calculator(float(framesPerSecond), m_frequency, z); mltFrame->get_audio(audioFormat, m_frequency, m_channels, samples); for (int channel = 0; channel < m_channels; ++channel) { double level = 256 * qMin(mltFrame->get_double(keys.at(channel).toUtf8().constData()) * 0.9, 1.0); m_audioLevels << level; } } else if (!m_audioLevels.isEmpty()) { for (int channel = 0; channel < m_channels; channel++) { m_audioLevels << m_audioLevels.last(); } } } m_done = true; return true; } bool AudioThumbJob::computeWithFFMPEG() { m_audioLevels.clear(); QStringList args; std::vector> channelFiles; for (int i = 0; i < m_channels; i++) { std::unique_ptr channelTmpfile(new QTemporaryFile()); if (!channelTmpfile->open()) { m_errorMessage.append(i18n("Audio thumbs: cannot create temporary file, check disk space and permissions\n")); return false; } channelTmpfile->close(); channelFiles.emplace_back(std::move(channelTmpfile)); } - args << QStringLiteral("-i") << QUrl::fromLocalFile(m_prod->get("resource")).toLocalFile(); + // Always create audio thumbs from the original source file, because proxy + // can have a different audio config (channels / mono/ stereo) + QString filePath = m_prod->get("kdenlive:originalurl"); + if (filePath.isEmpty()) { + filePath = m_prod->get("resource"); + } + args << QStringLiteral("-i") << QUrl::fromLocalFile(filePath).toLocalFile(); // Output progress info args << QStringLiteral("-progress"); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN args << QStringLiteral("-"); #else args << QStringLiteral("/dev/stdout"); #endif bool isFFmpeg = KdenliveSettings::ffmpegpath().contains(QLatin1String("ffmpeg")); args << QStringLiteral("-filter_complex:a"); if (m_channels == 1) { //TODO: this does not correcty generate the correct stream data args << QStringLiteral("aformat=channel_layouts=mono,%1=100").arg(isFFmpeg ? "aresample=async" : "sample_rates"); args << QStringLiteral("-map") << QStringLiteral("0:a%1").arg(m_audioStream > 0 ? ":" + QString::number(m_audioStream) : QString()) << QStringLiteral("-c:a") << QStringLiteral("pcm_s16le") << QStringLiteral("-y") << QStringLiteral("-f") << QStringLiteral("data") << channelFiles[0]->fileName(); } else { QString aformat = QStringLiteral("[0:a%1]%2=100,channelsplit=channel_layout=%3") .arg(m_audioStream > 0 ? ":" + QString::number(m_audioStream) : QString()) .arg(isFFmpeg ? "aresample=async" : "aformat=sample_rates=") .arg(m_channels > 2 ? "5.1" : "stereo"); for (int i = 0; i < m_channels; ++i) { aformat.append(QStringLiteral("[0:%1]").arg(i)); } args << aformat; for (int i = 0; i < m_channels; i++) { // Channel 1 args << QStringLiteral("-map") << QStringLiteral("[0:%1]").arg(i) << QStringLiteral("-c:a") << QStringLiteral("pcm_s16le") << QStringLiteral("-y") << QStringLiteral("-f") << QStringLiteral("data") << channelFiles[size_t(i)]->fileName(); } } m_ffmpegProcess = new QProcess; m_ffmpegProcess->start(KdenliveSettings::ffmpegpath(), args); connect(m_ffmpegProcess, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &AudioThumbJob::updateFfmpegProgress); m_ffmpegProcess->waitForFinished(-1); if (m_ffmpegProcess->exitStatus() != QProcess::CrashExit) { int dataSize = 0; std::vector rawChannels; std::vector sourceChannels; for (auto &channelFile : channelFiles) { channelFile->open(); sourceChannels.emplace_back(channelFile->readAll()); QByteArray &res = sourceChannels.back(); channelFile->close(); if (dataSize == 0) { dataSize = res.size(); } if (res.isEmpty() || res.size() != dataSize) { // Something went wrong, abort m_errorMessage.append(i18n("Audio thumbs: error reading audio thumbnail created with FFmpeg\n")); return false; } rawChannels.emplace_back((const qint16 *)res.constData()); } int progress = 0; std::vector channelsData; double offset = (double)dataSize / (2.0 * m_lengthInFrames); int intraOffset = 1; if (offset > 1000) { intraOffset = offset / 60; } else if (offset > 250) { intraOffset = offset / 10; } double factor = 800.0 / 32768; for (int i = 0; i < m_lengthInFrames; i++) { channelsData.resize((size_t)rawChannels.size()); std::fill(channelsData.begin(), channelsData.end(), 0); int pos = (int)(i * offset); int steps = 0; for (int j = 0; j < (int)offset && (pos + j < dataSize); j += intraOffset) { steps++; for (size_t k = 0; k < rawChannels.size(); k++) { channelsData[k] += abs(rawChannels[k][pos + j]); } } for (long &k : channelsData) { if (steps != 0) { k /= steps; } m_audioLevels << (int)((double)k * factor); } int p = 80 + (i * 20 / m_lengthInFrames); if (p != progress) { emit jobProgress(p); progress = p; } } m_done = true; return true; } QString err = m_ffmpegProcess->readAllStandardError(); delete m_ffmpegProcess; // m_errorMessage += err; // m_errorMessage.append(i18n("Failed to create FFmpeg audio thumbnails, we now try to use MLT")); qWarning() << "Failed to create FFmpeg audio thumbs:\n" << err << "\n---------------------"; return false; } void AudioThumbJob::updateFfmpegProgress() { QString result = m_ffmpegProcess->readAllStandardOutput(); const QStringList lines = result.split(QLatin1Char('\n')); for (const QString &data : lines) { if (data.startsWith(QStringLiteral("out_time_ms"))) { double ms = data.section(QLatin1Char('='), 1).toDouble(); emit jobProgress((int)(ms / m_binClip->duration().ms() / 10)); } else { m_logDetails += data + QStringLiteral("\n"); } } } bool AudioThumbJob::startJob() { if (m_done) { return true; } m_binClip = pCore->projectItemModel()->getClipByBinID(m_clipId); if (m_binClip->audioChannels() == 0 || m_binClip->audioThumbCreated()) { // nothing to do m_done = true; m_successful = true; return true; } m_prod = m_binClip->originalProducer(); m_frequency = m_binClip->audioInfo()->samplingRate(); m_frequency = m_frequency <= 0 ? 48000 : m_frequency; m_channels = m_binClip->audioInfo()->channels(); m_channels = m_channels <= 0 ? 2 : m_channels; m_lengthInFrames = m_prod->get_length(); m_audioStream = m_binClip->audioInfo()->ffmpeg_audio_index(); if ((m_prod == nullptr) || !m_prod->is_valid()) { m_errorMessage.append(i18n("Audio thumbs: cannot open project file %1", m_binClip->url())); m_done = true; m_successful = false; return false; } m_cachePath = m_binClip->getAudioThumbPath(); // checking for cached thumbs QImage image(m_cachePath); if (!image.isNull()) { // convert cached image int n = image.width() * image.height(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { QRgb p = image.pixel(i / m_channels, i % m_channels); m_audioLevels << qRed(p); m_audioLevels << qGreen(p); m_audioLevels << qBlue(p); m_audioLevels << qAlpha(p); } } if (!m_audioLevels.isEmpty()) { m_done = true; m_successful = true; return true; } bool ok = m_binClip->clipType() == ClipType::Playlist ? false : computeWithFFMPEG(); ok = ok ? ok : computeWithMlt(); Q_ASSERT(ok == m_done); if (ok && m_done && !m_audioLevels.isEmpty()) { // Put into an image for caching. int count = m_audioLevels.size(); image = QImage((int)lrint((count + 3) / 4.0 / m_channels), m_channels, QImage::Format_ARGB32); int n = image.width() * image.height(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { QRgb p; if ((4 * i + 3) < count) { p = qRgba(m_audioLevels.at(4 * i), m_audioLevels.at(4 * i + 1), m_audioLevels.at(4 * i + 2), m_audioLevels.at(4 * i + 3)); } else { int last = m_audioLevels.last(); int r = (4 * i + 0) < count ? m_audioLevels.at(4 * i + 0) : last; int g = (4 * i + 1) < count ? m_audioLevels.at(4 * i + 1) : last; int b = (4 * i + 2) < count ? m_audioLevels.at(4 * i + 2) : last; int a = last; p = qRgba(r, g, b, a); } image.setPixel(i / m_channels, i % m_channels, p); } image.save(m_cachePath); m_successful = true; return true; } m_done = true; m_successful = false; return false; } bool AudioThumbJob::commitResult(Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { Q_ASSERT(!m_resultConsumed); if (!m_done) { qDebug() << "ERROR: Trying to consume invalid results"; return false; } m_resultConsumed = true; if (!m_successful) { return false; } QList old = m_binClip->audioFrameCache; // note that the image is moved into lambda, it won't be available from this class anymore auto operation = [clip = m_binClip, audio = std::move(m_audioLevels)]() { clip->updateAudioThumbnail(audio); return true; }; auto reverse = [clip = m_binClip, audio = std::move(old)]() { clip->updateAudioThumbnail(audio); return true; }; bool ok = operation(); if (ok) { UPDATE_UNDO_REDO_NOLOCK(operation, reverse, undo, redo); } return ok; } diff --git a/src/timeline2/model/timelineitemmodel.cpp b/src/timeline2/model/timelineitemmodel.cpp index d66a74f71..1ef2407fe 100644 --- a/src/timeline2/model/timelineitemmodel.cpp +++ b/src/timeline2/model/timelineitemmodel.cpp @@ -1,620 +1,616 @@ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2017 by Nicolas Carion * * This file is part of Kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the * * membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership * * of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of * * version 3 of the license. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * ***************************************************************************/ #include "timelineitemmodel.hpp" #include "assets/keyframes/model/keyframemodel.hpp" #include "bin/model/markerlistmodel.hpp" #include "clipmodel.hpp" #include "compositionmodel.hpp" #include "core.h" #include "doc/docundostack.hpp" #include "groupsmodel.hpp" #include "kdenlivesettings.h" #include "macros.hpp" #include "trackmodel.hpp" #include "snapmodel.hpp" #include "transitions/transitionsrepository.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic" #include #pragma GCC diagnostic pop RTTR_REGISTRATION { using namespace rttr; registration::class_("TimelineItemModel"); } TimelineItemModel::TimelineItemModel(Mlt::Profile *profile, std::weak_ptr undo_stack) : TimelineModel(profile, std::move(undo_stack)) { } void TimelineItemModel::finishConstruct(const std::shared_ptr &ptr, const std::shared_ptr &guideModel) { ptr->weak_this_ = ptr; ptr->m_groups = std::make_unique(ptr); guideModel->registerSnapModel(std::static_pointer_cast(ptr->m_snaps)); } std::shared_ptr TimelineItemModel::construct(Mlt::Profile *profile, std::shared_ptr guideModel, std::weak_ptr undo_stack) { std::shared_ptr ptr(new TimelineItemModel(profile, std::move(undo_stack))); finishConstruct(ptr, std::move(guideModel)); return ptr; } TimelineItemModel::~TimelineItemModel() = default; QModelIndex TimelineItemModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { READ_LOCK(); QModelIndex result; if (parent.isValid()) { auto trackId = int(parent.internalId()); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); int clipId = getTrackById_const(trackId)->getClipByRow(row); if (clipId != -1) { result = createIndex(row, 0, quintptr(clipId)); } else if (row < getTrackClipsCount(trackId) + getTrackCompositionsCount(trackId)) { int compoId = getTrackById_const(trackId)->getCompositionByRow(row); if (compoId != -1) { result = createIndex(row, 0, quintptr(compoId)); } } else { // Invalid index requested Q_ASSERT(false); } } else if (row < getTracksCount() && row >= 0) { // Get sort order // row = getTracksCount() - 1 - row; auto it = m_allTracks.cbegin(); std::advance(it, row); int trackId = (*it)->getId(); result = createIndex(row, column, quintptr(trackId)); } return result; } /*QModelIndex TimelineItemModel::makeIndex(int trackIndex, int clipIndex) const { return index(clipIndex, 0, index(trackIndex)); }*/ QModelIndex TimelineItemModel::makeClipIndexFromID(int clipId) const { Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); int trackId = m_allClips.at(clipId)->getCurrentTrackId(); if (trackId == -1) { // Clip is not inserted in a track qDebug() << "/// WARNING; INVALID CLIP INDEX REQUESTED: "<getRowfromClip(clipId); return index(row, 0, makeTrackIndexFromID(trackId)); } QModelIndex TimelineItemModel::makeCompositionIndexFromID(int compoId) const { Q_ASSERT(m_allCompositions.count(compoId) > 0); int trackId = m_allCompositions.at(compoId)->getCurrentTrackId(); return index(getTrackById_const(trackId)->getRowfromComposition(compoId), 0, makeTrackIndexFromID(trackId)); } QModelIndex TimelineItemModel::makeTrackIndexFromID(int trackId) const { // we retrieve iterator Q_ASSERT(m_iteratorTable.count(trackId) > 0); auto it = m_iteratorTable.at(trackId); int ind = (int)std::distance(m_allTracks.begin(), it); // Get sort order // ind = getTracksCount() - 1 - ind; return index(ind); } QModelIndex TimelineItemModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const { READ_LOCK(); // qDebug() << "TimelineItemModel::parent"<< index; if (index == QModelIndex()) { return index; } const int id = static_cast(index.internalId()); if (!index.isValid() || isTrack(id)) { return QModelIndex(); } if (isClip(id)) { const int trackId = getClipTrackId(id); return makeTrackIndexFromID(trackId); } if (isComposition(id)) { const int trackId = getCompositionTrackId(id); return makeTrackIndexFromID(trackId); } return {}; } int TimelineItemModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { READ_LOCK(); if (parent.isValid()) { const int id = (int)parent.internalId(); if (!isTrack(id)) { // clips don't have children // if it is not a track, it is something invalid return 0; } return getTrackClipsCount(id) + getTrackCompositionsCount(id); } return getTracksCount(); } int TimelineItemModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return 1; } QHash TimelineItemModel::roleNames() const { QHash roles; roles[NameRole] = "name"; roles[ResourceRole] = "resource"; roles[ServiceRole] = "mlt_service"; roles[BinIdRole] = "binId"; roles[TrackIdRole] = "trackId"; roles[FakeTrackIdRole] = "fakeTrackId"; roles[FakePositionRole] = "fakePosition"; roles[StartRole] = "start"; roles[DurationRole] = "duration"; roles[MarkersRole] = "markers"; roles[KeyframesRole] = "keyframeModel"; roles[ShowKeyframesRole] = "showKeyframes"; roles[StatusRole] = "clipStatus"; roles[TypeRole] = "clipType"; roles[InPointRole] = "in"; roles[OutPointRole] = "out"; roles[FramerateRole] = "fps"; roles[GroupedRole] = "grouped"; roles[IsDisabledRole] = "disabled"; roles[IsAudioRole] = "audio"; - roles[AudioLevelsRole] = "audioLevels"; roles[AudioChannelsRole] = "audioChannels"; roles[IsCompositeRole] = "composite"; roles[IsLockedRole] = "locked"; roles[FadeInRole] = "fadeIn"; roles[FadeOutRole] = "fadeOut"; roles[FileHashRole] = "hash"; roles[SpeedRole] = "speed"; roles[HeightRole] = "trackHeight"; roles[TrackTagRole] = "trackTag"; roles[ItemIdRole] = "item"; roles[ItemATrack] = "a_track"; roles[HasAudio] = "hasAudio"; roles[CanBeAudioRole] = "canBeAudio"; roles[CanBeVideoRole] = "canBeVideo"; roles[ReloadThumbRole] = "reloadThumb"; roles[PositionOffsetRole] = "positionOffset"; roles[ThumbsFormatRole] = "thumbsFormat"; roles[AudioRecordRole] = "audioRecord"; roles[TrackActiveRole] = "trackActive"; roles[EffectNamesRole] = "effectNames"; roles[EffectsEnabledRole] = "isStackEnabled"; roles[GrabbedRole] = "isGrabbed"; return roles; } QVariant TimelineItemModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { READ_LOCK(); if (!m_tractor || !index.isValid()) { // qDebug() << "DATA abort. Index validity="< clip = m_allClips.at(id); // Get data for a clip switch (role) { // TODO case NameRole: case Qt::DisplayRole: { QString result = clip->getProperty("kdenlive:clipname"); if (result.isEmpty()) { result = clip->getProperty("kdenlive:originalurl"); if (result.isEmpty()) { result = clip->getProperty("resource"); } if (!result.isEmpty()) { result = QFileInfo(result).fileName(); } else { result = clip->getProperty("mlt_service"); } } return result; } case ResourceRole: { QString result = clip->getProperty("resource"); if (result == QLatin1String("")) { result = clip->getProperty("mlt_service"); } return result; } case FakeTrackIdRole: return clip->getFakeTrackId(); case FakePositionRole: return clip->getFakePosition(); case BinIdRole: return clip->binId(); case TrackIdRole: return clip->getCurrentTrackId(); case ServiceRole: return clip->getProperty("mlt_service"); break; - case AudioLevelsRole: - // Dumb property to trigger audio thumbs reload - return true; case AudioChannelsRole: return clip->audioChannels(); case HasAudio: return clip->audioEnabled(); case IsAudioRole: return clip->isAudioOnly(); case CanBeAudioRole: return clip->canBeAudio(); case CanBeVideoRole: return clip->canBeVideo(); case MarkersRole: { return QVariant::fromValue(clip->getMarkerModel().get()); } case KeyframesRole: { return QVariant::fromValue(clip->getKeyframeModel()); } case StatusRole: return QVariant::fromValue(clip->clipState()); case TypeRole: return QVariant::fromValue(clip->clipType()); case StartRole: return clip->getPosition(); case DurationRole: return clip->getPlaytime(); case GroupedRole: return m_groups->isInGroup(id); case EffectNamesRole: return clip->effectNames(); case InPointRole: return clip->getIn(); case OutPointRole: return clip->getOut(); case ShowKeyframesRole: return clip->showKeyframes(); case FadeInRole: return clip->fadeIn(); case FadeOutRole: return clip->fadeOut(); case ReloadThumbRole: return clip->forceThumbReload; case PositionOffsetRole: return clip->getOffset(); case SpeedRole: return clip->getSpeed(); case GrabbedRole: return clip->isGrabbed(); default: break; } } else if (isTrack(id)) { // qDebug() << "DATA REQUESTED FOR TRACK "<< id; switch (role) { case NameRole: case Qt::DisplayRole: { return getTrackById_const(id)->getProperty("kdenlive:track_name").toString(); } case TypeRole: return QVariant::fromValue(ClipType::ProducerType::Track); case DurationRole: // qDebug() << "DATA yielding duration" << m_tractor->get_playtime(); return getTrackById_const(id)->trackDuration(); case IsDisabledRole: // qDebug() << "DATA yielding mute" << 0; return getTrackById_const(id)->isAudioTrack() ? getTrackById_const(id)->isMute() : getTrackById_const(id)->isHidden(); case IsAudioRole: return getTrackById_const(id)->isAudioTrack(); case TrackTagRole: return getTrackTagById(id); case IsLockedRole: return getTrackById_const(id)->getProperty("kdenlive:locked_track").toInt() == 1; case HeightRole: { int collapsed = getTrackById_const(id)->getProperty("kdenlive:collapsed").toInt(); if (collapsed > 0) { return collapsed; } int height = getTrackById_const(id)->getProperty("kdenlive:trackheight").toInt(); // qDebug() << "DATA yielding height" << height; return (height > 0 ? height : 60); } case ThumbsFormatRole: return getTrackById_const(id)->getProperty("kdenlive:thumbs_format").toInt(); case IsCompositeRole: { case AudioRecordRole: return getTrackById_const(id)->getProperty("kdenlive:audio_rec").toInt(); } case TrackActiveRole: { return getTrackById_const(id)->isTimelineActive(); } case EffectNamesRole: { return getTrackById_const(id)->effectNames(); } case EffectsEnabledRole: { return getTrackById_const(id)->stackEnabled(); } default: break; } } else if (isComposition(id)) { std::shared_ptr compo = m_allCompositions.at(id); switch (role) { case NameRole: case Qt::DisplayRole: case ResourceRole: case ServiceRole: return compo->displayName(); break; case TypeRole: return QVariant::fromValue(ClipType::ProducerType::Composition); case StartRole: return compo->getPosition(); case TrackIdRole: return compo->getCurrentTrackId(); case DurationRole: return compo->getPlaytime(); case GroupedRole: return m_groups->isInGroup(id); case InPointRole: return 0; case OutPointRole: return 100; case BinIdRole: return 5; case KeyframesRole: { return QVariant::fromValue(compo->getEffectKeyframeModel()); } case ShowKeyframesRole: return compo->showKeyframes(); case ItemATrack: return compo->getForcedTrack(); case MarkersRole: { QVariantList markersList; return markersList; } case GrabbedRole: return compo->isGrabbed(); default: break; } } else { qDebug() << "UNKNOWN DATA requested " << index << roleNames()[role]; } return QVariant(); } void TimelineItemModel::setTrackProperty(int trackId, const QString &name, const QString &value) { std::shared_ptr track = getTrackById(trackId); track->setProperty(name, value); QVector roles; if (name == QLatin1String("kdenlive:track_name")) { roles.push_back(NameRole); } else if (name == QLatin1String("kdenlive:locked_track")) { roles.push_back(IsLockedRole); } else if (name == QLatin1String("hide")) { roles.push_back(IsDisabledRole); if (!track->isAudioTrack()) { pCore->requestMonitorRefresh(); } } else if (name == QLatin1String("kdenlive:timeline_active")) { roles.push_back(TrackActiveRole); } else if (name == QLatin1String("kdenlive:thumbs_format")) { roles.push_back(ThumbsFormatRole); } else if (name == QLatin1String("kdenlive:collapsed")) { roles.push_back(HeightRole); } else if (name == QLatin1String("kdenlive:audio_rec")) { roles.push_back(AudioRecordRole); } if (!roles.isEmpty()) { QModelIndex ix = makeTrackIndexFromID(trackId); emit dataChanged(ix, ix, roles); } } void TimelineItemModel::setTrackStackEnabled(int tid, bool enable) { std::shared_ptr track = getTrackById(tid); track->setEffectStackEnabled(enable); QModelIndex ix = makeTrackIndexFromID(tid); emit dataChanged(ix, ix, {TimelineModel::EffectsEnabledRole}); } void TimelineItemModel::importTrackEffects(int tid, std::weak_ptr service) { std::shared_ptr track = getTrackById(tid); track->importEffects(std::move(service)); } QVariant TimelineItemModel::getTrackProperty(int tid, const QString &name) const { return getTrackById_const(tid)->getProperty(name); } int TimelineItemModel::getFirstVideoTrackIndex() const { int trackId = -1; auto it = m_allTracks.cbegin(); while (it != m_allTracks.cend()) { trackId = (*it)->getId(); if (!(*it)->isAudioTrack()) { break; } ++it; } return trackId; } const QString TimelineItemModel::getTrackFullName(int tid) const { QString tag = getTrackTagById(tid); QString trackName = getTrackById_const(tid)->getProperty(QStringLiteral("kdenlive:track_name")).toString(); return trackName.isEmpty() ? tag : tag + QStringLiteral(" - ") + trackName; } const QString TimelineItemModel::groupsData() { return m_groups->toJson(); } bool TimelineItemModel::loadGroups(const QString &groupsData) { return m_groups->fromJson(groupsData); } void TimelineItemModel::notifyChange(const QModelIndex &topleft, const QModelIndex &bottomright, bool start, bool duration, bool updateThumb) { QVector roles; if (start) { roles.push_back(TimelineModel::StartRole); if (updateThumb) { roles.push_back(TimelineModel::InPointRole); } } if (duration) { roles.push_back(TimelineModel::DurationRole); if (updateThumb) { roles.push_back(TimelineModel::OutPointRole); } } emit dataChanged(topleft, bottomright, roles); } void TimelineItemModel::notifyChange(const QModelIndex &topleft, const QModelIndex &bottomright, const QVector &roles) { emit dataChanged(topleft, bottomright, roles); } void TimelineItemModel::buildTrackCompositing(bool rebuild) { auto it = m_allTracks.cbegin(); QScopedPointer field(m_tractor->field()); field->lock(); // Make sure all previous track compositing is removed if (rebuild) { QScopedPointer service(new Mlt::Service(field->get_service())); while ((service != nullptr) && service->is_valid()) { if (service->type() == transition_type) { Mlt::Transition t((mlt_transition)service->get_service()); QString serviceName = t.get("mlt_service"); if (t.get_int("internal_added") == 237) { // remove all compositing transitions field->disconnect_service(t); } } service.reset(service->producer()); } } QString composite = TransitionsRepository::get()->getCompositingTransition(); while (it != m_allTracks.cend()) { int trackId = getTrackMltIndex((*it)->getId()); if (!composite.isEmpty() && !(*it)->isAudioTrack()) { // video track, add composition std::unique_ptr transition = TransitionsRepository::get()->getTransition(composite); transition->set("internal_added", 237); transition->set("always_active", 1); field->plant_transition(*transition, 0, trackId); transition->set_tracks(0, trackId); } else if ((*it)->isAudioTrack()) { // audio mix std::unique_ptr transition = TransitionsRepository::get()->getTransition(QStringLiteral("mix")); transition->set("internal_added", 237); transition->set("always_active", 1); transition->set("sum", 1); field->plant_transition(*transition, 0, trackId); transition->set_tracks(0, trackId); } ++it; } field->unlock(); if (composite.isEmpty()) { pCore->displayMessage(i18n("Could not setup track compositing, check your install"), MessageType::ErrorMessage); } } void TimelineItemModel::notifyChange(const QModelIndex &topleft, const QModelIndex &bottomright, int role) { emit dataChanged(topleft, bottomright, {role}); } void TimelineItemModel::_beginRemoveRows(const QModelIndex &i, int j, int k) { // qDebug()<<"FORWARDING beginRemoveRows"< * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import Kdenlive.Controls 1.0 import QtQml.Models 2.2 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import 'Timeline.js' as Logic import com.enums 1.0 Rectangle { id: clipRoot property real timeScale: 1.0 property string clipName: '' property string clipResource: '' property string mltService: '' property string effectNames property int modelStart property real scrollX: 0 property int inPoint: 0 property int outPoint: 0 property int clipDuration: 0 property bool isAudio: false property int audioChannels property bool showKeyframes: false property bool isGrabbed: false property bool grouped: false - property var audioLevels property var markers property var keyframeModel property int clipStatus: 0 property int itemType: 0 property int fadeIn: 0 property int fadeOut: 0 property int binId: 0 property int positionOffset: 0 property var parentTrack property int trackIndex //Index in track repeater property int clipId //Id of the clip in the model property int trackId: -1 // Id of the parent track in the model property int fakeTid: -1 property int fakePosition: 0 property int originalTrackId: -1 property int originalX: x property int originalDuration: clipDuration property int lastValidDuration: clipDuration property int draggedX: x property bool selected: false property bool isLocked: parentTrack && parentTrack.isLocked == true property bool hasAudio property bool canBeAudio property bool canBeVideo property string hash: 'ccc' //TODO property double speed: 1.0 property color borderColor: 'black' property bool forceReloadThumb property bool isComposition: false width : clipDuration * timeScale; opacity: dragProxyArea.drag.active && dragProxy.draggedItem == clipId ? 0.8 : 1.0 signal trimmingIn(var clip, real newDuration, var mouse, bool shiftTrim) signal trimmedIn(var clip, bool shiftTrim) signal trimmingOut(var clip, real newDuration, var mouse, bool shiftTrim) signal trimmedOut(var clip, bool shiftTrim) onIsGrabbedChanged: { if (clipRoot.isGrabbed) { clipRoot.forceActiveFocus(); mouseArea.focus = true } } function clearAndMove(offset) { controller.requestClearSelection() controller.requestClipMove(clipRoot.clipId, clipRoot.trackId, clipRoot.modelStart - offset, true, true, true) controller.requestAddToSelection(clipRoot.clipId) } onInPointChanged: { if (parentTrack && parentTrack.isAudio && thumbsLoader.item) { thumbsLoader.item.reload() } } onClipResourceChanged: { if (itemType == ProducerType.Color) { color: Qt.darker(getColor(), 1.5) } } ToolTip { visible: mouseArea.containsMouse && !dragProxyArea.pressed font.pixelSize: root.baseUnit delay: 1000 timeout: 5000 background: Rectangle { color: activePalette.alternateBase border.color: activePalette.light } contentItem: Label { color: activePalette.text text: clipRoot.clipName + ' (' + timeline.timecode(clipRoot.inPoint) + '-' + timeline.timecode(clipRoot.outPoint) + ')' } } onKeyframeModelChanged: { console.log('keyframe model changed............') if (effectRow.keyframecanvas) { effectRow.keyframecanvas.requestPaint() } } onClipDurationChanged: { width = clipDuration * timeScale; } onModelStartChanged: { x = modelStart * timeScale; } onFakePositionChanged: { x = fakePosition * timeScale; } onFakeTidChanged: { if (clipRoot.fakeTid > -1 && parentTrack) { if (clipRoot.parent != dragContainer) { var pos = clipRoot.mapToGlobal(clipRoot.x, clipRoot.y); clipRoot.parent = dragContainer pos = clipRoot.mapFromGlobal(pos.x, pos.y) clipRoot.x = pos.x clipRoot.y = pos.y } clipRoot.y = Logic.getTrackById(clipRoot.fakeTid).y } } onForceReloadThumbChanged: { // TODO: find a way to force reload of clip thumbs if (thumbsLoader.item) { thumbsLoader.item.reload() } } onTimeScaleChanged: { x = modelStart * timeScale; width = clipDuration * timeScale; labelRect.x = scrollX > modelStart * timeScale ? scrollX - modelStart * timeScale : 0 if (parentTrack && parentTrack.isAudio) { thumbsLoader.item.reload(); } } onScrollXChanged: { labelRect.x = scrollX > modelStart * timeScale ? scrollX - modelStart * timeScale : 0 } border.color: selected ? root.selectionColor : grouped ? root.groupColor : borderColor border.width: isGrabbed ? 8 : 1.5 function updateDrag() { var itemPos = mapToItem(tracksContainerArea, 0, 0, clipRoot.width, clipRoot.height) initDrag(clipRoot, itemPos, clipRoot.clipId, clipRoot.modelStart, clipRoot.trackId, false) } function getColor() { if (clipStatus == ClipState.Disabled) { return 'grey' } if (itemType == ProducerType.Color) { var color = clipResource.substring(clipResource.length - 9) if (color[0] == '#') { return color } return '#' + color.substring(color.length - 8, color.length - 2) } return isAudio? root.audioColor : root.videoColor } /* function reparent(track) { console.log('TrackId: ',trackId) parent = track height = track.height parentTrack = track trackId = parentTrack.trackId console.log('Reparenting clip to Track: ', trackId) //generateWaveform() } */ property bool variableThumbs: (isAudio || itemType == ProducerType.Color || mltService === '') property bool isImage: itemType == ProducerType.Image property string baseThumbPath: variableThumbs ? '' : 'image://thumbnail/' + binId + '/' + (isImage ? '#0' : '#') property string inThumbPath: (variableThumbs || isImage ) ? baseThumbPath : baseThumbPath + Math.floor(inPoint * speed) property string outThumbPath: (variableThumbs || isImage ) ? baseThumbPath : baseThumbPath + Math.floor(outPoint * speed) DropArea { //Drop area for clips anchors.fill: clipRoot keys: 'kdenlive/effect' property string dropData property string dropSource property int dropRow: -1 onEntered: { dropData = drag.getDataAsString('kdenlive/effect') dropSource = drag.getDataAsString('kdenlive/effectsource') } onDropped: { console.log("Add effect: ", dropData) if (dropSource == '') { // drop from effects list controller.addClipEffect(clipRoot.clipId, dropData); } else { controller.copyClipEffect(clipRoot.clipId, dropSource); } dropSource = '' dropRow = -1 drag.acceptProposedAction } } - - onAudioLevelsChanged: { - if (parentTrack && parentTrack.isAudio && thumbsLoader.item) { - thumbsLoader.item.reload() - } - } MouseArea { id: mouseArea enabled: root.activeTool === 0 anchors.fill: clipRoot acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton hoverEnabled: root.activeTool === 0 cursorShape: dragProxyArea.drag.active ? Qt.ClosedHandCursor : Qt.OpenHandCursor onPressed: { root.stopScrolling = true if (mouse.button == Qt.RightButton) { if (timeline.selection.indexOf(clipRoot.clipId) == -1) { controller.requestAddToSelection(clipRoot.clipId, true) } clipMenu.clipId = clipRoot.clipId clipMenu.clipStatus = clipRoot.clipStatus clipMenu.clipFrame = Math.round(mouse.x / timeline.scaleFactor) clipMenu.grouped = clipRoot.grouped clipMenu.trackId = clipRoot.trackId clipMenu.canBeAudio = clipRoot.canBeAudio clipMenu.canBeVideo = clipRoot.canBeVideo clipMenu.popup() } } Keys.onShortcutOverride: event.accepted = clipRoot.isGrabbed && (event.key === Qt.Key_Left || event.key === Qt.Key_Right || event.key === Qt.Key_Up || event.key === Qt.Key_Down) Keys.onLeftPressed: { controller.requestClipMove(clipRoot.clipId, clipRoot.trackId, clipRoot.modelStart - 1, true, true, true); } Keys.onRightPressed: { controller.requestClipMove(clipRoot.clipId, clipRoot.trackId, clipRoot.modelStart + 1, true, true, true); } Keys.onUpPressed: { controller.requestClipMove(clipRoot.clipId, controller.getNextTrackId(clipRoot.trackId), clipRoot.modelStart, true, true, true); } Keys.onDownPressed: { controller.requestClipMove(clipRoot.clipId, controller.getPreviousTrackId(clipRoot.trackId), clipRoot.modelStart, true, true, true); } onPositionChanged: { var mapped = parentTrack.mapFromItem(clipRoot, mouse.x, mouse.y).x root.mousePosChanged(Math.round(mapped / timeline.scaleFactor)) } onEntered: { var itemPos = mapToItem(tracksContainerArea, 0, 0, width, height) initDrag(clipRoot, itemPos, clipRoot.clipId, clipRoot.modelStart, clipRoot.trackId, false) } onExited: { endDrag() } onWheel: zoomByWheel(wheel) Item { // Thumbs container anchors.fill: parent anchors.leftMargin: 0 anchors.rightMargin: 0 anchors.topMargin: clipRoot.border.width anchors.bottomMargin: clipRoot.border.width clip: true Loader { id: thumbsLoader asynchronous: true visible: status == Loader.Ready anchors.fill: parent source: parentTrack.isAudio ? (timeline.showAudioThumbnails ? "ClipAudioThumbs.qml" : "") : itemType == ProducerType.Color ? "" : timeline.showThumbnails ? "ClipThumbs.qml" : "" onLoaded: { item.reload() } } } Item { // Clipping container id: container anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 1.5 clip: true Rectangle { // text background id: labelRect color: clipRoot.selected ? 'darkred' : '#66000000' width: label.width + 2 height: label.height visible: clipRoot.width > width / 2 Text { id: label text: clipName + (clipRoot.speed != 1.0 ? ' [' + Math.round(clipRoot.speed*100) + '%]': '') font.pixelSize: root.baseUnit * 1.2 anchors { top: labelRect.top left: labelRect.left topMargin: 1 leftMargin: 1 } color: 'white' style: Text.Outline styleColor: 'black' } } Rectangle { // Offset info id: offsetRect color: 'darkgreen' width: offsetLabel.width + radius height: offsetLabel.height radius: height/3 x: labelRect.width + 4 visible: labelRect.visible && positionOffset != 0 MouseArea { id: offsetArea hoverEnabled: true cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { clearAndMove(positionOffset) } ToolTip { visible: offsetArea.containsMouse font.pixelSize: root.baseUnit delay: 1000 timeout: 5000 background: Rectangle { color: activePalette.alternateBase border.color: activePalette.light } contentItem: Label { color: activePalette.text text: i18n('Offset') + (positionOffset < 0 ? ( ': -' + timeline.timecode(-positionOffset)) : ': ' + timeline.timecode(positionOffset)) } } Text { id: offsetLabel text: positionOffset font.pixelSize: root.baseUnit * 1.2 anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter topMargin: 1 leftMargin: 1 } color: 'white' style: Text.Outline styleColor: 'black' } } } Rectangle { // effects id: effectsRect color: '#555555' width: effectLabel.width + 2 height: effectLabel.height x: labelRect.x anchors.top: labelRect.bottom visible: labelRect.visible && clipRoot.effectNames != '' Text { id: effectLabel text: clipRoot.effectNames font.pixelSize: root.baseUnit * 1.2 anchors { top: effectsRect.top left: effectsRect.left topMargin: 1 leftMargin: 1 // + ((isAudio || !settings.timelineShowThumbnails) ? 0 : inThumbnail.width) + 1 } color: 'white' //style: Text.Outline styleColor: 'black' } } Repeater { model: markers delegate: Item { anchors.fill: parent Rectangle { id: markerBase width: 1 height: parent.height x: (model.frame - clipRoot.inPoint) * timeScale; color: model.color } Rectangle { visible: mlabel.visible opacity: 0.7 x: markerBase.x radius: 2 width: mlabel.width + 4 height: mlabel.height anchors { bottom: parent.verticalCenter } color: model.color MouseArea { z: 10 anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor hoverEnabled: true onDoubleClicked: timeline.editMarker(clipRoot.clipId, clipRoot.modelStart + model.frame - clipRoot.inPoint) onClicked: timeline.position = (clipRoot.x + markerBase.x) / timeline.scaleFactor } } Text { id: mlabel visible: timeline.showMarkers && parent.width > width * 1.5 text: model.comment font.pixelSize: root.baseUnit x: markerBase.x anchors { bottom: parent.verticalCenter topMargin: 2 leftMargin: 2 } color: 'white' } } } KeyframeView { id: effectRow visible: clipRoot.showKeyframes && clipRoot.keyframeModel selected: clipRoot.selected inPoint: clipRoot.inPoint outPoint: clipRoot.outPoint masterObject: clipRoot kfrModel: clipRoot.keyframeModel } } states: [ State { name: 'locked' when: isLocked PropertyChanges { target: clipRoot color: root.lockedColor opacity: 0.8 z: 0 } }, State { name: 'normal' when: clipRoot.selected === false PropertyChanges { target: clipRoot color: Qt.darker(getColor(), 1.5) z: 0 } }, State { name: 'selected' when: clipRoot.selected === true PropertyChanges { target: clipRoot color: getColor() z: 3 } } ] Rectangle { id: compositionIn anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 2 anchors.leftMargin: 4 width: root.baseUnit * 1.2 height: width radius: 2 color: Qt.darker('mediumpurple') border.width: 2 border.color: 'green' opacity: 0 enabled: !clipRoot.isAudio && dragProxy.draggedItem == clipRoot.clipId visible: clipRoot.width > 4 * width MouseArea { id: compInArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor onEntered: parent.opacity = 0.7 onExited: { if (!pressed) { parent.opacity = 0 } } onPressed: { timeline.addCompositionToClip('', clipRoot.clipId, 0) endDrag() } onReleased: { parent.opacity = 0 } ToolTip { visible: compInArea.containsMouse && !dragProxyArea.pressed font.pixelSize: root.baseUnit delay: 1000 timeout: 5000 background: Rectangle { color: activePalette.alternateBase border.color: activePalette.light } contentItem: Label { color: activePalette.text text: i18n('Click to add composition') } } } } Rectangle { id: compositionOut anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 2 anchors.rightMargin: 4 width: root.baseUnit * 1.2 height: width radius: 2 color: Qt.darker('mediumpurple') border.width: 2 border.color: 'green' opacity: 0 enabled: !clipRoot.isAudio && dragProxy.draggedItem == clipRoot.clipId visible: clipRoot.width > 4 * width MouseArea { id: compOutArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor onEntered: { parent.opacity = 0.7 } onExited: { if (!pressed) { parent.opacity = 0 } } onPressed: { timeline.addCompositionToClip('', clipRoot.clipId, clipRoot.clipDuration - 1) endDrag() } onReleased: { parent.opacity = 0 } ToolTip { visible: compOutArea.containsMouse && !dragProxyArea.pressed font.pixelSize: root.baseUnit delay: 1000 timeout: 5000 background: Rectangle { color: activePalette.alternateBase border.color: activePalette.light } contentItem: Label { color: activePalette.text text: i18n('Click to add composition') } } } } TimelineTriangle { id: fadeInTriangle fillColor: 'green' width: Math.min(clipRoot.fadeIn * timeScale, clipRoot.width) height: clipRoot.height - clipRoot.border.width * 2 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.top: parent.top anchors.margins: clipRoot.border.width opacity: 0.3 } Rectangle { id: fadeInControl anchors.left: fadeInTriangle.width > radius? undefined : fadeInTriangle.left anchors.horizontalCenter: fadeInTriangle.width > radius? fadeInTriangle.right : undefined anchors.top: fadeInTriangle.top anchors.topMargin: -10 width: root.baseUnit * 2 height: width radius: width / 2 color: '#FF66FFFF' border.width: 2 border.color: 'green' enabled: !isLocked && !dragProxy.isComposition opacity: 0 visible : clipRoot.width > 3 * width Drag.active: fadeInMouseArea.drag.active MouseArea { id: fadeInMouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor drag.target: parent drag.minimumX: -root.baseUnit drag.maximumX: container.width drag.axis: Drag.XAxis drag.smoothed: false property int startX property int startFadeIn onEntered: parent.opacity = 0.7 onExited: { if (!pressed) { parent.opacity = 0 } } onPressed: { root.stopScrolling = true startX = Math.round(parent.x / timeScale) startFadeIn = clipRoot.fadeIn parent.anchors.left = undefined parent.anchors.horizontalCenter = undefined parent.opacity = 1 fadeInTriangle.opacity = 0.5 // parentTrack.clipSelected(clipRoot, parentTrack) TODO } onReleased: { root.stopScrolling = false fadeInTriangle.opacity = 0.3 parent.opacity = 0 if (fadeInTriangle.width > parent.radius) parent.anchors.horizontalCenter = fadeInTriangle.right else parent.anchors.left = fadeInTriangle.left console.log('released fade: ', clipRoot.fadeIn) timeline.adjustFade(clipRoot.clipId, 'fadein', clipRoot.fadeIn, startFadeIn) bubbleHelp.hide() } onPositionChanged: { if (mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton) { var delta = Math.round(parent.x / timeScale) - startX var duration = Math.max(0, startFadeIn + delta) duration = Math.min(duration, clipRoot.clipDuration) if (duration != clipRoot.fadeIn) { timeline.adjustFade(clipRoot.clipId, 'fadein', duration, -1) // Show fade duration as time in a "bubble" help. var s = timeline.timecode(Math.max(duration, 0)) bubbleHelp.show(clipRoot.x, parentTrack.y + clipRoot.height, s) } } } } SequentialAnimation on scale { loops: Animation.Infinite running: fadeInMouseArea.containsMouse && !fadeInMouseArea.pressed NumberAnimation { from: 1.0 to: 0.7 duration: 250 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } NumberAnimation { from: 0.7 to: 1.0 duration: 250 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } } TimelineTriangle { id: fadeOutCanvas fillColor: 'red' width: Math.min(clipRoot.fadeOut * timeScale, clipRoot.width) height: clipRoot.height - clipRoot.border.width * 2 anchors.right: parent.right anchors.top: parent.top anchors.margins: clipRoot.border.width opacity: 0.3 transform: Scale { xScale: -1; origin.x: fadeOutCanvas.width / 2} } Rectangle { id: fadeOutControl anchors.right: fadeOutCanvas.width > radius? undefined : fadeOutCanvas.right anchors.horizontalCenter: fadeOutCanvas.width > radius? fadeOutCanvas.left : undefined anchors.top: fadeOutCanvas.top anchors.topMargin: -10 width: root.baseUnit * 2 height: width radius: width / 2 color: '#66FFFFFF' border.width: 2 border.color: 'red' opacity: 0 enabled: !isLocked && !dragProxy.isComposition Drag.active: fadeOutMouseArea.drag.active visible : clipRoot.width > 3 * width MouseArea { id: fadeOutMouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor drag.target: parent drag.axis: Drag.XAxis drag.minimumX: -root.baseUnit drag.maximumX: container.width property int startX property int startFadeOut onEntered: parent.opacity = 0.7 onExited: { if (!pressed) { parent.opacity = 0 } } drag.smoothed: false onPressed: { root.stopScrolling = true startX = Math.round(parent.x / timeScale) startFadeOut = clipRoot.fadeOut parent.anchors.right = undefined parent.anchors.horizontalCenter = undefined parent.opacity = 1 fadeOutCanvas.opacity = 0.5 } onReleased: { fadeOutCanvas.opacity = 0.3 parent.opacity = 0 root.stopScrolling = false if (fadeOutCanvas.width > parent.radius) parent.anchors.horizontalCenter = fadeOutCanvas.left else parent.anchors.right = fadeOutCanvas.right timeline.adjustFade(clipRoot.clipId, 'fadeout', clipRoot.fadeOut, startFadeOut) bubbleHelp.hide() } onPositionChanged: { if (mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton) { var delta = startX - Math.round(parent.x / timeScale) var duration = Math.max(0, startFadeOut + delta) duration = Math.min(duration, clipRoot.clipDuration) if (clipRoot.fadeOut != duration) { timeline.adjustFade(clipRoot.clipId, 'fadeout', duration, -1) // Show fade duration as time in a "bubble" help. var s = timeline.timecode(Math.max(duration, 0)) bubbleHelp.show(clipRoot.x + clipRoot.width, parentTrack.y + clipRoot.height, s) } } } } SequentialAnimation on scale { loops: Animation.Infinite running: fadeOutMouseArea.containsMouse && !fadeOutMouseArea.pressed NumberAnimation { from: 1.0 to: 0.7 duration: 250 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } NumberAnimation { from: 0.7 to: 1.0 duration: 250 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } } } Rectangle { id: trimIn anchors.left: clipRoot.left anchors.leftMargin: 0 height: parent.height enabled: !isLocked width: 5 color: isAudio? 'green' : 'lawngreen' opacity: 0 Drag.active: trimInMouseArea.drag.active Drag.proposedAction: Qt.MoveAction visible: trimInMouseArea.pressed || (root.activeTool === 0 && !mouseArea.drag.active && clipRoot.width > 4 * width) MouseArea { id: trimInMouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true drag.target: parent drag.axis: Drag.XAxis drag.smoothed: false property bool shiftTrim: false property bool sizeChanged: false cursorShape: (containsMouse ? Qt.SizeHorCursor : Qt.ClosedHandCursor); onPressed: { root.stopScrolling = true clipRoot.originalX = clipRoot.x clipRoot.originalDuration = clipDuration parent.anchors.left = undefined shiftTrim = mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier parent.opacity = 0 } onReleased: { root.stopScrolling = false parent.anchors.left = clipRoot.left if (sizeChanged) { clipRoot.trimmedIn(clipRoot, shiftTrim) sizeChanged = false } } onPositionChanged: { if (mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton) { var delta = Math.round((trimIn.x) / timeScale) if (delta !== 0) { if (delta < -modelStart) { delta = -modelStart } var newDuration = clipDuration - delta sizeChanged = true clipRoot.trimmingIn(clipRoot, newDuration, mouse, shiftTrim) } } } onEntered: { if (!pressed) { parent.opacity = 0.5 } } onExited: { parent.opacity = 0 } } } Rectangle { id: trimOut anchors.right: clipRoot.right anchors.rightMargin: 0 height: parent.height width: 5 color: 'red' opacity: 0 enabled: !isLocked Drag.active: trimOutMouseArea.drag.active Drag.proposedAction: Qt.MoveAction visible: trimOutMouseArea.pressed || (root.activeTool === 0 && !mouseArea.drag.active && clipRoot.width > 4 * width) MouseArea { id: trimOutMouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true property bool shiftTrim: false property bool sizeChanged: false cursorShape: (containsMouse ? Qt.SizeHorCursor : Qt.ClosedHandCursor); drag.target: parent drag.axis: Drag.XAxis drag.smoothed: false onPressed: { root.stopScrolling = true clipRoot.originalDuration = clipDuration parent.anchors.right = undefined shiftTrim = mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier parent.opacity = 0 } onReleased: { root.stopScrolling = false parent.anchors.right = clipRoot.right if (sizeChanged) { clipRoot.trimmedOut(clipRoot, shiftTrim) sizeChanged = false } } onPositionChanged: { if (mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton) { var newDuration = Math.round((parent.x + parent.width) / timeScale) if (newDuration != clipDuration) { sizeChanged = true clipRoot.trimmingOut(clipRoot, newDuration, mouse, shiftTrim) } } } onEntered: { if (!pressed) { parent.opacity = 0.5 } } onExited: parent.opacity = 0 } } /*MenuItem { id: mergeItem text: i18n('Merge with next clip') onTriggered: timeline.mergeClipWithNext(trackIndex, index, false) } MenuItem { text: i18n('Rebuild Audio Waveform') onTriggered: timeline.remakeAudioLevels(trackIndex, index) }*/ /*onPopupVisibleChanged: { if (visible && application.OS !== 'OS X' && __popupGeometry.height > 0) { // Try to fix menu running off screen. This only works intermittently. menu.__yOffset = Math.min(0, Screen.height - (__popupGeometry.y + __popupGeometry.height + 40)) menu.__xOffset = Math.min(0, Screen.width - (__popupGeometry.x + __popupGeometry.width)) } }*/ } diff --git a/src/timeline2/view/qml/ClipAudioThumbs.qml b/src/timeline2/view/qml/ClipAudioThumbs.qml index 8e23c8999..e7ecbd4ab 100644 --- a/src/timeline2/view/qml/ClipAudioThumbs.qml +++ b/src/timeline2/view/qml/ClipAudioThumbs.qml @@ -1,66 +1,66 @@ import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import Kdenlive.Controls 1.0 import QtQml.Models 2.2 import com.enums 1.0 Row { id: waveform visible: clipStatus != ClipState.VideoOnly && parentTrack.isAudio && !parentTrack.isMute opacity: clipStatus == ClipState.Disabled ? 0.2 : 1 property int maxWidth: 1000 anchors.fill: parent property int scrollStart: scrollView.flickableItem.contentX - clipRoot.modelStart * timeline.scaleFactor property int scrollEnd: scrollStart + scrollView.viewport.width property int scrollMin: scrollView.flickableItem.contentX / timeline.scaleFactor property int scrollMax: scrollMin + scrollView.viewport.width / timeline.scaleFactor Timer { id: waveTimer interval: 50; running: false; repeat: false onTriggered: processReload() } onScrollStartChanged: { waveTimer.start() } function reload() { waveTimer.start() } function processReload() { // This is needed to make the model have the correct count. // Model as a property expression is not working in all cases. - if (!waveform.visible || !timeline.showAudioThumbnails || (waveform.scrollMin > clipRoot.modelStart + clipRoot.clipDuration) || (clipRoot.modelStart > waveform.scrollMax) || clipRoot.audioLevels == '') { + if (!waveform.visible || !timeline.showAudioThumbnails || (waveform.scrollMin > clipRoot.modelStart + clipRoot.clipDuration) || (clipRoot.modelStart > waveform.scrollMax)) { return; } var chunks = Math.ceil(waveform.width / waveform.maxWidth) if (waveformRepeater.model == undefined || chunks != waveformRepeater.model) { waveformRepeater.model = chunks } } Repeater { id: waveformRepeater TimelineWaveform { width: Math.min(waveform.width, waveform.maxWidth) height: waveform.height channels: clipRoot.audioChannels binId: clipRoot.binId isFirstChunk: index == 0 showItem: waveform.visible && (index * width) < waveform.scrollEnd && (index * width + width) > waveform.scrollStart format: timeline.audioThumbFormat inPoint: clipRoot.speed < 0 ? (Math.round(clipRoot.outPoint - (index * waveform.maxWidth / clipRoot.timeScale) * Math.abs(clipRoot.speed)) * channels) : (Math.round(clipRoot.inPoint + (index * waveform.maxWidth / clipRoot.timeScale) * clipRoot.speed) * channels) outPoint: clipRoot.speed < 0 ? (inPoint - Math.ceil(width / clipRoot.timeScale * Math.abs(clipRoot.speed)) * channels) : (inPoint + Math.round(width / clipRoot.timeScale * clipRoot.speed) * channels) /*inPoint: Math.round((clipFrameStart * Math.abs(clipRoot.timeScale)) + (index * waveform.maxWidth / clipRoot.timeScale) * clipRoot.speed) * channels outPoint: inPoint + Math.round(width / clipRoot.timeScale * clipRoot.speed) * channels*/ fillColor: activePalette.text onShowItemChanged: { if (showItem) { update(); } } } } } diff --git a/src/timeline2/view/qml/Track.qml b/src/timeline2/view/qml/Track.qml index dce7772b5..f743275a8 100644 --- a/src/timeline2/view/qml/Track.qml +++ b/src/timeline2/view/qml/Track.qml @@ -1,352 +1,346 @@ /* * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Meltytech, LLC * Author: Dan Dennedy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQml.Models 2.2 import com.enums 1.0 Column{ id: trackRoot property alias trackModel: trackModel.model property alias rootIndex : trackModel.rootIndex property bool isAudio property bool isMute property bool isHidden property real timeScale: 1.0 property bool isCurrentTrack: false property bool isLocked: false property int trackInternalId : -42 property int trackThumbsFormat property int itemType: 0 /*function redrawWaveforms() { for (var i = 0; i < repeater.count; i++) repeater.itemAt(i).generateWaveform() }*/ function clipAt(index) { return repeater.itemAt(index) } function isClip(type) { return type != ProducerType.Composition && type != ProducerType.Track; } width: clipRow.width DelegateModel { id: trackModel delegate: Item { property var itemModel : model z: model.clipType == ProducerType.Composition ? 5 : 0 Loader { id: loader Binding { target: loader.item property: "timeScale" value: trackRoot.timeScale when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "fakeTid" value: model.fakeTrackId when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item && isClip(model.clipType) } Binding { target: loader.item property: "fakePosition" value: model.fakePosition when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item && isClip(model.clipType) } Binding { target: loader.item property: "selected" value: loader.item ? root.timelineSelection.indexOf(loader.item.clipId) !== -1 : false when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && model.clipType != ProducerType.Track } Binding { target: loader.item property: "mltService" value: model.mlt_service when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "modelStart" value: model.start when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "scrollX" value: scrollView.flickableItem.contentX when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "fadeIn" value: model.fadeIn when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && isClip(model.clipType) } Binding { target: loader.item property: "positionOffset" value: model.positionOffset when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && isClip(model.clipType) } Binding { target: loader.item property: "effectNames" value: model.effectNames when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && isClip(model.clipType) } Binding { target: loader.item property: "clipStatus" value: model.clipStatus when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && isClip(model.clipType) } Binding { target: loader.item property: "fadeOut" value: model.fadeOut when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && isClip(model.clipType) } - Binding { - target: loader.item - property: "audioLevels" - value: model.audioLevels - when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && isClip(model.clipType) - } Binding { target: loader.item property: "showKeyframes" value: model.showKeyframes when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "isGrabbed" value: model.isGrabbed when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "keyframeModel" value: model.keyframeModel when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "aTrack" value: model.a_track when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item.clipType == ProducerType.Composition } Binding { target: loader.item property: "trackHeight" value: root.trackHeight when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item.clipType == ProducerType.Composition } Binding { target: loader.item property: "clipDuration" value: model.duration when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "inPoint" value: model.in when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "outPoint" value: model.out when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "grouped" value: model.grouped when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "clipName" value: model.name when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && loader.item } Binding { target: loader.item property: "clipResource" value: model.resource when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && isClip(model.clipType) } Binding { target: loader.item property: "speed" value: model.speed when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && isClip(model.clipType) } Binding { target: loader.item property: "forceReloadThumb" value: model.reloadThumb when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && isClip(model.clipType) } Binding { target: loader.item property: "binId" value: model.binId when: loader.status == Loader.Ready && isClip(model.clipType) } sourceComponent: { if (isClip(model.clipType)) { return clipDelegate } else if (model.clipType == ProducerType.Composition) { return compositionDelegate } else { // Track return undefined } } onLoaded: { item.clipId= model.item item.parentTrack = trackRoot if (isClip(model.clipType)) { console.log('loaded clip: ', model.start, ', ID: ', model.item, ', index: ', trackRoot.DelegateModel.itemsIndex,', TYPE:', model.clipType) item.isAudio= model.audio item.markers= model.markers item.hasAudio = model.hasAudio item.canBeAudio = model.canBeAudio item.canBeVideo = model.canBeVideo item.itemType = model.clipType item.audioChannels = model.audioChannels //item.binId= model.binId } else if (model.clipType == ProducerType.Composition) { console.log('loaded composition: ', model.start, ', ID: ', model.item, ', index: ', trackRoot.DelegateModel.itemsIndex) //item.aTrack = model.a_track } else { console.log('loaded unwanted element: ', model.item, ', index: ', trackRoot.DelegateModel.itemsIndex) } item.trackId = model.trackId //item.selected= trackRoot.selection.indexOf(item.clipId) !== -1 //console.log(width, height); } } } } Item { id: clipRow height: trackRoot.height Repeater { id: repeater; model: trackModel } } Component { id: clipDelegate Clip { height: trackRoot.height onTrimmingIn: { var new_duration = controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, newDuration, false, false, root.snapping, shiftTrim) if (new_duration > 0) { clip.lastValidDuration = new_duration clip.originalX = clip.draggedX // Show amount trimmed as a time in a "bubble" help. var delta = new_duration - clip.originalDuration var s = timeline.timecode(Math.abs(delta)) s = '%1%2 = %3'.arg((delta < 0)? '+' : (delta > 0)? '-' : '') .arg(s) .arg(timeline.timecode(clipDuration)) bubbleHelp.show(clip.x - 20, trackRoot.y + trackRoot.height, s) } } onTrimmedIn: { bubbleHelp.hide() controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, clip.originalDuration, false, false, root.snapping, shiftTrim) controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, clip.lastValidDuration, false, true, root.snapping, shiftTrim) } onTrimmingOut: { var new_duration = controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, newDuration, true, false, root.snapping, shiftTrim) if (new_duration > 0) { clip.lastValidDuration = new_duration // Show amount trimmed as a time in a "bubble" help. var delta = clip.originalDuration - new_duration var s = timeline.timecode(Math.abs(delta)) s = '%1%2 = %3'.arg((delta < 0)? '+' : (delta > 0)? '-' : '') .arg(s) .arg(timeline.timecode(new_duration)) bubbleHelp.show(clip.x + clip.width - 20, trackRoot.y + trackRoot.height, s) } } onTrimmedOut: { bubbleHelp.hide() controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, clip.originalDuration, true, false, root.snapping, shiftTrim) controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, clip.lastValidDuration, true, true, root.snapping, shiftTrim) } } } Component { id: compositionDelegate Composition { displayHeight: trackRoot.height / 2 opacity: 0.8 selected: root.timelineSelection.indexOf(clipId) !== -1 onTrimmingIn: { var new_duration = controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, newDuration, false, false, root.snapping) if (new_duration > 0) { clip.lastValidDuration = newDuration clip.originalX = clip.draggedX // Show amount trimmed as a time in a "bubble" help. var delta = newDuration - clip.originalDuration var s = timeline.timecode(Math.abs(delta)) s = '%1%2 = %3'.arg((delta < 0)? '+' : (delta > 0)? '-' : '') .arg(s) .arg(timeline.timecode(clipDuration)) bubbleHelp.show(clip.x + clip.width, trackRoot.y + trackRoot.height, s) } } onTrimmedIn: { bubbleHelp.hide() controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, clip.originalDuration, false, false, root.snapping) controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, clip.lastValidDuration, false, true, root.snapping) } onTrimmingOut: { var new_duration = controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, newDuration, true, false, root.snapping) if (new_duration > 0) { clip.lastValidDuration = newDuration // Show amount trimmed as a time in a "bubble" help. var delta = newDuration - clip.originalDuration var s = timeline.timecode(Math.abs(delta)) s = '%1%2 = %3'.arg((delta < 0)? '+' : (delta > 0)? '-' : '') .arg(s) .arg(timeline.timecode(clipDuration)) bubbleHelp.show(clip.x + clip.width, trackRoot.y + trackRoot.height, s) } } onTrimmedOut: { bubbleHelp.hide() controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, clip.originalDuration, true, false, root.snapping) controller.requestItemResize(clip.clipId, clip.lastValidDuration, true, true, root.snapping) } } } } diff --git a/src/timeline2/view/qml/timeline.qml b/src/timeline2/view/qml/timeline.qml index 948b52ca6..959c3af0d 100644 --- a/src/timeline2/view/qml/timeline.qml +++ b/src/timeline2/view/qml/timeline.qml @@ -1,1480 +1,1486 @@ import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQml.Models 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 as OLD import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import Kdenlive.Controls 1.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import 'Timeline.js' as Logic Rectangle { id: root objectName: "timelineview" SystemPalette { id: activePalette } color: activePalette.window property bool validMenu: false property color textColor: activePalette.text signal clipClicked() signal mousePosChanged(int position) signal zoomIn(bool onMouse) signal zoomOut(bool onMouse) FontMetrics { id: fontMetrics font.family: "Arial" } ClipMenu { id: clipMenu } CompositionMenu { id: compositionMenu } function fitZoom() { return scrollView.width / (timeline.duration * 1.1) } function scrollPos() { return scrollView.flickableItem.contentX } function goToStart(pos) { scrollView.flickableItem.contentX = pos } function updatePalette() { root.color = activePalette.window root.textColor = activePalette.text playhead.fillColor = activePalette.windowText ruler.repaintRuler() } function moveSelectedTrack(offset) { var cTrack = Logic.getTrackIndexFromId(timeline.activeTrack) var newTrack = cTrack + offset var max = tracksRepeater.count; if (newTrack < 0) { newTrack = max - 1; } else if (newTrack >= max) { newTrack = 0; } console.log('Setting curr tk: ', newTrack, 'MAX: ',max) timeline.activeTrack = tracksRepeater.itemAt(newTrack).trackInternalId } function zoomByWheel(wheel) { if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.AltModifier) { // Seek to next snap if (wheel.angleDelta.x > 0) { timeline.triggerAction('monitor_seek_snap_backward') } else { timeline.triggerAction('monitor_seek_snap_forward') } } else if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) { // Zoom if (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0) { root.zoomIn(true); } else { root.zoomOut(true); } } else if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) { // Vertical scroll var newScroll = Math.min(scrollView.flickableItem.contentY - wheel.angleDelta.y, trackHeaders.height - tracksArea.height + scrollView.__horizontalScrollBar.height + cornerstone.height) scrollView.flickableItem.contentY = Math.max(newScroll, 0) } else { // Horizontal scroll var newScroll = Math.min(scrollView.flickableItem.contentX - wheel.angleDelta.y, timeline.fullDuration * root.timeScale - (scrollView.width - scrollView.__verticalScrollBar.width)) scrollView.flickableItem.contentX = Math.max(newScroll, 0) } wheel.accepted = true } function continuousScrolling(x) { // This provides continuous scrolling at the left/right edges. if (x > scrollView.flickableItem.contentX + scrollView.width - 50) { scrollTimer.item = clip scrollTimer.backwards = false scrollTimer.start() } else if (x < 50) { scrollView.flickableItem.contentX = 0; scrollTimer.stop() } else if (x < scrollView.flickableItem.contentX + 50) { scrollTimer.item = clip scrollTimer.backwards = true scrollTimer.start() } else { scrollTimer.stop() } } function getTrackYFromId(a_track) { return Logic.getTrackYFromId(a_track) } function getTrackYFromMltIndex(a_track) { return Logic.getTrackYFromMltIndex(a_track) } function getTracksCount() { return Logic.getTracksList() } function getMousePos() { return (scrollView.flickableItem.contentX + tracksArea.mouseX) / timeline.scaleFactor } function getScrollPos() { return scrollView.flickableItem.contentX } function setScrollPos(pos) { return scrollView.flickableItem.contentX = pos } function getCopiedItemId() { return copiedClip } function getMouseTrack() { return Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(tracksArea.mouseY - ruler.height + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) } function getTrackColor(audio, header) { var col = activePalette.alternateBase if (audio) { col = Qt.tint(col, "#06FF00CC") } if (header) { col = Qt.darker(col, 1.05) } return col } function clearDropData() { clipBeingDroppedId = -1 droppedPosition = -1 droppedTrack = -1 scrollTimer.running = false scrollTimer.stop() } function isDragging() { return dragProxy.draggedItem > -1 && dragProxyArea.pressed } function initDrag(itemObject, itemCoord, itemId, itemPos, itemTrack, isComposition) { dragProxy.x = itemObject.modelStart * timeScale dragProxy.y = itemCoord.y dragProxy.width = itemObject.clipDuration * timeScale dragProxy.height = itemCoord.height dragProxy.masterObject = itemObject dragProxy.draggedItem = itemId dragProxy.sourceTrack = itemTrack dragProxy.sourceFrame = itemPos dragProxy.isComposition = isComposition dragProxy.verticalOffset = isComposition ? itemObject.displayHeight : 0 } function endDrag() { dragProxy.draggedItem = -1 dragProxy.x = 0 dragProxy.y = 0 dragProxy.width = 0 dragProxy.height = 0 dragProxy.verticalOffset = 0 } function getItemAtPos(tk, posx, isComposition) { var track = Logic.getTrackById(tk) var container = track.children[0] var tentativeClip = undefined //console.log('TESTING ITMES OK TK: ', tk, ', POS: ', posx, ', CHILREN: ', container.children.length, ', COMPO: ', isComposition) for (var i = 0 ; i < container.children.length; i++) { if (container.children[i].children.length == 0 || container.children[i].children[0].children.length == 0) { continue } tentativeClip = container.children[i].children[0].childAt(posx, 1) if (tentativeClip && tentativeClip.clipId && (tentativeClip.isComposition == isComposition)) { //console.log('found item with id: ', tentativeClip.clipId, ' IS COMPO: ', tentativeClip.isComposition) break } } return tentativeClip } property int headerWidth: timeline.headerWidth() property int activeTool: 0 property real baseUnit: fontMetrics.font.pointSize property color selectedTrackColor: Qt.rgba(activePalette.highlight.r, activePalette.highlight.g, activePalette.highlight.b, 0.2) property color frameColor: Qt.rgba(activePalette.shadow.r, activePalette.shadow.g, activePalette.shadow.b, 0.3) property bool stopScrolling: false property int duration: timeline.duration property color audioColor: timeline.audioColor property color videoColor: timeline.videoColor property color lockedColor: timeline.lockedColor property color selectionColor: timeline.selectionColor property color groupColor: timeline.groupColor property int clipBeingDroppedId: -1 property string clipBeingDroppedData property int droppedPosition: -1 property int droppedTrack: -1 property int clipBeingMovedId: -1 property int spacerGroup: -1 property int spacerFrame: -1 property int spacerClickFrame: -1 property real timeScale: timeline.scaleFactor property real snapping: timeline.snap ? 10 / Math.sqrt(timeScale) - 0.5 : -1 property var timelineSelection: timeline.selection property int trackHeight property int copiedClip: -1 property int zoomOnMouse: -1 property int viewActiveTrack: timeline.activeTrack //onCurrentTrackChanged: timeline.selection = [] onTimeScaleChanged: { if (root.zoomOnMouse >= 0) { scrollView.flickableItem.contentX = Math.max(0, root.zoomOnMouse * timeline.scaleFactor - tracksArea.mouseX) root.zoomOnMouse = -1 } else { scrollView.flickableItem.contentX = Math.max(0, (timeline.seekPosition > -1 ? timeline.seekPosition : timeline.position) * timeline.scaleFactor - (scrollView.width / 2)) } //root.snapping = timeline.snap ? 10 / Math.sqrt(root.timeScale) : -1 ruler.adjustStepSize() if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1 && dragProxy.masterObject) { // update dragged item pos dragProxy.masterObject.updateDrag() } } onViewActiveTrackChanged: { var tk = Logic.getTrackById(timeline.activeTrack) if (tk.y < scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) { scrollView.flickableItem.contentY = Math.max(0, tk.y - scrollView.height / 3) } else if (tk.y + tk.height > scrollView.flickableItem.contentY + scrollView.viewport.height) { scrollView.flickableItem.contentY = Math.min(trackHeaders.height - scrollView.height + scrollView.__horizontalScrollBar.height, tk.y - scrollView.height / 3) } } onActiveToolChanged: { if (root.activeTool == 2) { // Spacer activated endDrag() } else if (root.activeTool == 0) { var tk = getMouseTrack() if (tk < 0) { console.log('........ MOUSE OUTSIDE TRAKS\n\n.........') return } var pos = getMousePos() * timeline.scaleFactor var sourceTrack = Logic.getTrackById(tk) var allowComposition = tracksArea.mouseY- sourceTrack.y > sourceTrack.height / 2 var tentativeItem = undefined if (allowComposition) { tentativeItem = getItemAtPos(tk, pos, true) } if (!tentativeItem) { tentativeItem = getItemAtPos(tk, pos, false) } if (tentativeItem) { tentativeItem.updateDrag() } } } DropArea { //Drop area for compositions width: root.width - headerWidth height: root.height - ruler.height y: ruler.height x: headerWidth keys: 'kdenlive/composition' onEntered: { console.log("Trying to drop composition") if (clipBeingMovedId == -1) { console.log("No clip being moved") var track = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(drag.y + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) var frame = Math.round((drag.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) droppedPosition = frame if (track >= 0 && !controller.isAudioTrack(track)) { clipBeingDroppedData = drag.getDataAsString('kdenlive/composition') console.log("Trying to insert",track, frame, clipBeingDroppedData) clipBeingDroppedId = timeline.insertComposition(track, frame, clipBeingDroppedData, false) console.log("id",clipBeingDroppedId) continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) drag.acceptProposedAction() } else { drag.accepted = false } } } onPositionChanged: { if (clipBeingMovedId == -1) { var track = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(drag.y + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) if (track !=-1) { var frame = Math.round((drag.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) frame = controller.suggestSnapPoint(frame, Math.floor(root.snapping)) if (clipBeingDroppedId >= 0){ if (controller.isAudioTrack(track)) { // Don't allow moving composition to an audio track track = controller.getCompositionTrackId(clipBeingDroppedId) } controller.requestCompositionMove(clipBeingDroppedId, track, frame, true, false) continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) } else if (!controller.isAudioTrack(track)) { clipBeingDroppedData = drag.getDataAsString('kdenlive/composition') clipBeingDroppedId = timeline.insertComposition(track, frame, clipBeingDroppedData , false) continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) } } } } onExited:{ if (clipBeingDroppedId != -1) { controller.requestItemDeletion(clipBeingDroppedId, false) } clearDropData() } onDropped: { if (clipBeingDroppedId != -1) { var frame = controller.getCompositionPosition(clipBeingDroppedId) var track = controller.getCompositionTrackId(clipBeingDroppedId) // we simulate insertion at the final position so that stored undo has correct value controller.requestItemDeletion(clipBeingDroppedId, false) timeline.insertNewComposition(track, frame, clipBeingDroppedData, true) } clearDropData() } } DropArea { //Drop area for bin/clips /** @brief local helper function to handle the insertion of multiple dragged items */ function insertAndMaybeGroup(track, frame, droppedData) { var binIds = droppedData.split(";") if (binIds.length == 0) { return -1 } var id = -1 if (binIds.length == 1) { id = timeline.insertClip(timeline.activeTrack, frame, clipBeingDroppedData, false, true, false) } else { var ids = timeline.insertClips(timeline.activeTrack, frame, binIds, false, true, false) // if the clip insertion succeeded, request the clips to be grouped if (ids.length > 0) { timeline.selectItems(ids) id = ids[0] } } return id } property int fakeFrame: -1 property int fakeTrack: -1 width: root.width - headerWidth height: root.height - ruler.height y: ruler.height x: headerWidth keys: 'kdenlive/producerslist' onEntered: { if (clipBeingMovedId == -1) { //var track = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(drag.y) var track = Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(drag.y + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) if (track >= 0 && track < tracksRepeater.count) { var frame = Math.round((drag.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) droppedPosition = frame timeline.activeTrack = tracksRepeater.itemAt(track).trackInternalId //drag.acceptProposedAction() clipBeingDroppedData = drag.getDataAsString('kdenlive/producerslist') console.log('dropped data: ', clipBeingDroppedData) if (controller.normalEdit()) { clipBeingDroppedId = insertAndMaybeGroup(timeline.activeTrack, frame, clipBeingDroppedData) } else { // we want insert/overwrite mode, make a fake insert at end of timeline, then move to position clipBeingDroppedId = insertAndMaybeGroup(timeline.activeTrack, timeline.fullDuration, clipBeingDroppedData) fakeFrame = controller.suggestClipMove(clipBeingDroppedId, timeline.activeTrack, frame, timeline.position, Math.floor(root.snapping)) fakeTrack = timeline.activeTrack } continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) } else { drag.accepted = false } } } onExited:{ if (clipBeingDroppedId != -1) { controller.requestItemDeletion(clipBeingDroppedId, false) } clearDropData() } onPositionChanged: { if (clipBeingMovedId == -1) { var track = Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(drag.y + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) if (track >= 0 && track < tracksRepeater.count) { timeline.activeTrack = tracksRepeater.itemAt(track).trackInternalId var frame = Math.round((drag.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) if (clipBeingDroppedId >= 0){ fakeFrame = controller.suggestClipMove(clipBeingDroppedId, timeline.activeTrack, frame, timeline.position, Math.floor(root.snapping)) fakeTrack = timeline.activeTrack //controller.requestClipMove(clipBeingDroppedId, timeline.activeTrack, frame, true, false, false) continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) } else { frame = controller.suggestSnapPoint(frame, Math.floor(root.snapping)) if (controller.normalEdit()) { clipBeingDroppedId = insertAndMaybeGroup(timeline.activeTrack, frame, drag.getDataAsString('kdenlive/producerslist'), false, true) } else { // we want insert/overwrite mode, make a fake insert at end of timeline, then move to position clipBeingDroppedId = insertAndMaybeGroup(timeline.activeTrack, timeline.fullDuration, clipBeingDroppedData) fakeFrame = controller.suggestClipMove(clipBeingDroppedId, timeline.activeTrack, frame, timeline.position, Math.floor(root.snapping)) fakeTrack = timeline.activeTrack } continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) } } } } onDropped: { if (clipBeingDroppedId != -1) { var frame = controller.getClipPosition(clipBeingDroppedId) var track = controller.getClipTrackId(clipBeingDroppedId) if (!controller.normalEdit()) { frame = fakeFrame track = fakeTrack } /* We simulate insertion at the final position so that stored undo has correct value * NOTE: even if dropping multiple clips, requesting the deletion of the first one is * enough as internally it will request the group deletion */ controller.requestItemDeletion(clipBeingDroppedId, false) var binIds = clipBeingDroppedData.split(";") if (binIds.length == 1) { if (controller.normalEdit()) { timeline.insertClip(track, frame, clipBeingDroppedData, true, true, false) } else { timeline.insertClipZone(clipBeingDroppedData, track, frame) } } else { if (controller.normalEdit()) { timeline.insertClips(track, frame, binIds, true, true) } else { // TODO console.log('multiple clips insert/overwrite not supported yet') } } fakeTrack = -1 fakeFrame = -1 } clearDropData() } } OLD.Menu { id: menu property int clickedX property int clickedY onAboutToHide: { timeline.ungrabHack() } OLD.MenuItem { text: i18n('Paste') iconName: 'edit-paste' visible: copiedClip != -1 onTriggered: { timeline.pasteItem() } } OLD.MenuItem { text: i18n('Insert Space') onTriggered: { var track = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(menu.clickedY - ruler.height + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) var frame = Math.floor((menu.clickedX + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) timeline.insertSpace(track, frame); } } OLD.MenuItem { text: i18n('Remove Space On Active Track') onTriggered: { var track = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(menu.clickedY - ruler.height + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) var frame = Math.floor((menu.clickedX + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) timeline.removeSpace(track, frame); } } OLD.MenuItem { text: i18n('Remove Space') onTriggered: { var track = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(menu.clickedY - ruler.height + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) var frame = Math.floor((menu.clickedX + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) timeline.removeSpace(track, frame, true); } } OLD.MenuItem { id: addGuideMenu text: i18n('Add Guide') onTriggered: { timeline.switchGuide(timeline.position); } } OLD.MenuItem { id: editGuideMenu text: i18n('Edit Guide') visible: false onTriggered: { timeline.editGuide(timeline.position); } } AssetMenu { title: i18n('Insert a composition...') menuModel: transitionModel isTransition: true onAssetSelected: { var track = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(menu.clickedY - ruler.height + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY) var frame = Math.round((menu.clickedX + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) var id = timeline.insertComposition(track, frame, assetId, true) if (id == -1) { compositionFail.open() } } } onAboutToShow: { if (guidesModel.hasMarker(timeline.position)) { // marker at timeline position addGuideMenu.text = i18n('Remove Guide') editGuideMenu.visible = true } else { addGuideMenu.text = i18n('Add Guide') editGuideMenu.visible = false } console.log("pop menu") } } OLD.Menu { id: rulermenu property int clickedX property int clickedY OLD.MenuItem { id: addGuideMenu2 text: i18n('Add Guide') onTriggered: { timeline.switchGuide(timeline.position); } } OLD.MenuItem { id: editGuideMenu2 text: i18n('Edit Guide') visible: false onTriggered: { timeline.editGuide(timeline.position); } } OLD.MenuItem { id: addProjectNote text: i18n('Add Project Note') onTriggered: { timeline.triggerAction('add_project_note') } } onAboutToShow: { if (guidesModel.hasMarker(timeline.position)) { // marker at timeline position addGuideMenu2.text = i18n('Remove Guide') editGuideMenu2.visible = true } else { addGuideMenu2.text = i18n('Add Guide') editGuideMenu2.visible = false } console.log("pop menu") } } MessageDialog { id: compositionFail title: i18n("Timeline error") icon: StandardIcon.Warning text: i18n("Impossible to add a composition at that position. There might not be enough space") standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok } OLD.Menu { id: headerMenu property int trackId: -1 property int thumbsFormat: 0 property bool audioTrack: false property bool recEnabled: false onAboutToHide: { timeline.ungrabHack() } OLD.MenuItem { text: i18n('Add Track') onTriggered: { timeline.addTrack(timeline.activeTrack) } } OLD.MenuItem { text: i18n('Delete Track') onTriggered: { timeline.deleteTrack(timeline.activeTrack) } } OLD.MenuItem { visible: headerMenu.audioTrack id: showRec text: "Show Record Controls" onTriggered: { controller.setTrackProperty(headerMenu.trackId, "kdenlive:audio_rec", showRec.checked ? '1' : '0') } checkable: true checked: headerMenu.recEnabled } OLD.MenuItem { visible: headerMenu.audioTrack id: configRec text: "Configure Recording" onTriggered: { timeline.showConfig(4,2) } } OLD.Menu { title: i18n('Track thumbnails') visible: !headerMenu.audioTrack OLD.ExclusiveGroup { id: thumbStyle } OLD.MenuItem { text: "In frame" id: inFrame onTriggered:controller.setTrackProperty(headerMenu.trackId, "kdenlive:thumbs_format", 2) checkable: true exclusiveGroup: thumbStyle } OLD.MenuItem { text: "In / out frames" id: inOutFrame onTriggered:controller.setTrackProperty(headerMenu.trackId, "kdenlive:thumbs_format", 0) checkable: true checked: true exclusiveGroup: thumbStyle } OLD.MenuItem { text: "All frames" id: allFrame onTriggered:controller.setTrackProperty(headerMenu.trackId, "kdenlive:thumbs_format", 1) checkable: true exclusiveGroup: thumbStyle } OLD.MenuItem { text: "No thumbnails" id: noFrame onTriggered:controller.setTrackProperty(headerMenu.trackId, "kdenlive:thumbs_format", 3) checkable: true exclusiveGroup: thumbStyle } onAboutToShow: { switch(headerMenu.thumbsFormat) { case 3: noFrame.checked = true break case 2: inFrame.checked = true break case 1: allFrame.checked = true break default: inOutFrame.checked = true break } } } } Row { Column { id: headerContainer z: 1 Rectangle { id: cornerstone property bool selected: false // Padding between toolbar and track headers. width: headerWidth height: ruler.height color: 'transparent' //selected? shotcutBlue : activePalette.window border.color: selected? 'red' : 'transparent' border.width: selected? 1 : 0 z: 1 } Flickable { // Non-slider scroll area for the track headers. id: headerFlick contentY: scrollView.flickableItem.contentY width: headerWidth height: 100 interactive: false MouseArea { width: trackHeaders.width height: trackHeaders.height acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton onWheel: { var newScroll = Math.min(scrollView.flickableItem.contentY - wheel.angleDelta.y, height - tracksArea.height + scrollView.__horizontalScrollBar.height + cornerstone.height) scrollView.flickableItem.contentY = Math.max(newScroll, 0) } } Column { id: trackHeaders spacing: 0 Repeater { id: trackHeaderRepeater model: multitrack TrackHead { trackName: model.name thumbsFormat: model.thumbsFormat trackTag: model.trackTag isDisabled: model.disabled isComposite: model.composite isLocked: model.locked isActive: model.trackActive isAudio: model.audio showAudioRecord: model.audioRecord effectNames: model.effectNames isStackEnabled: model.isStackEnabled width: headerWidth current: item === timeline.activeTrack trackId: item height: model.trackHeight onIsLockedChanged: tracksRepeater.itemAt(index).isLocked = isLocked collapsed: height <= collapsedHeight onMyTrackHeightChanged: { collapsed = myTrackHeight <= collapsedHeight if (!collapsed) { controller.setTrackProperty(trackId, "kdenlive:trackheight", myTrackHeight) controller.setTrackProperty(trackId, "kdenlive:collapsed", "0") } else { controller.setTrackProperty(trackId, "kdenlive:collapsed", collapsedHeight) } // hack: change property to trigger transition adjustment root.trackHeight = root.trackHeight === 1 ? 0 : 1 } onClicked: { timeline.activeTrack = tracksRepeater.itemAt(index).trackInternalId console.log('track name: ',index, ' = ', model.name,'/',tracksRepeater.itemAt(index).trackInternalId) //timeline.selectTrackHead(currentTrack) } } } } Column { id: trackHeadersResizer spacing: 0 width: 5 Rectangle { id: resizer height: trackHeaders.height width: 3 x: root.headerWidth - 2 color: 'red' opacity: 0 Drag.active: headerMouseArea.drag.active Drag.proposedAction: Qt.MoveAction MouseArea { id: headerMouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true cursorShape: Qt.SizeHorCursor drag.target: parent drag.axis: Drag.XAxis drag.minimumX: 2 * baseUnit property double startX property double originalX drag.smoothed: false onPressed: { root.stopScrolling = true } onReleased: { root.stopScrolling = false parent.opacity = 0 } onEntered: parent.opacity = 0.5 onExited: parent.opacity = 0 onPositionChanged: { if (mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton) { parent.opacity = 0.5 headerWidth = Math.max(10, mapToItem(null, x, y).x + 2) timeline.setHeaderWidth(headerWidth) } } } } } } } MouseArea { id: tracksArea property real clickX property real clickY width: root.width - headerWidth height: root.height Keys.onDownPressed: { root.moveSelectedTrack(1) } Keys.onUpPressed: { root.moveSelectedTrack(-1) } // This provides continuous scrubbing and scimming at the left/right edges. hoverEnabled: true acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton | Qt.LeftButton | Qt.MidButton cursorShape: tracksArea.mouseY < ruler.height || root.activeTool === 0 ? Qt.ArrowCursor : root.activeTool === 1 ? Qt.IBeamCursor : Qt.SplitHCursor onWheel: { if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.AltModifier) { // Alt + wheel = seek to next snap point if (wheel.angleDelta.x > 0) { timeline.triggerAction('monitor_seek_snap_backward') } else { timeline.triggerAction('monitor_seek_snap_forward') } } else { var delta = wheel.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier ? timeline.fps() : 1 if (timeline.seekPosition > -1) { timeline.seekPosition = Math.min(timeline.seekPosition - (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0 ? delta : -delta), timeline.fullDuration - 1) } else { timeline.seekPosition = Math.min(timeline.position - (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0 ? delta : -delta), timeline.fullDuration - 1) } timeline.position = timeline.seekPosition } } onPressed: { focus = true if (mouse.buttons === Qt.MidButton || (root.activeTool == 0 && mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier)) { clickX = mouseX clickY = mouseY return } if (root.activeTool === 0 && mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier && mouse.y > ruler.height) { // rubber selection rubberSelect.x = mouse.x + tracksArea.x rubberSelect.y = mouse.y rubberSelect.originX = mouse.x rubberSelect.originY = rubberSelect.y rubberSelect.width = 0 rubberSelect.height = 0 } else if (mouse.button & Qt.LeftButton) { if (root.activeTool === 1) { // razor tool var y = mouse.y - ruler.height + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY timeline.cutClipUnderCursor((scrollView.flickableItem.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor, tracksRepeater.itemAt(Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(y)).trackInternalId) } if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1) { mouse.accepted = false return } if (root.activeTool === 2 && mouse.y > ruler.height) { // spacer tool var y = mouse.y - ruler.height + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY var frame = (scrollView.flickableItem.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor var track = (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) ? tracksRepeater.itemAt(Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(y)).trackInternalId : -1 spacerGroup = timeline.requestSpacerStartOperation(track, frame) if (spacerGroup > -1) { drag.axis = Drag.XAxis Drag.active = true Drag.proposedAction = Qt.MoveAction spacerClickFrame = frame spacerFrame = controller.getItemPosition(spacerGroup) } } else if (root.activeTool === 0 || mouse.y <= ruler.height) { if (mouse.y > ruler.height) { controller.requestClearSelection(); } timeline.seekPosition = Math.min((scrollView.flickableItem.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor, timeline.fullDuration - 1) timeline.position = timeline.seekPosition } } else if (mouse.button & Qt.RightButton) { menu.clickedX = mouse.x menu.clickedY = mouse.y if (mouse.y > ruler.height) { timeline.activeTrack = tracksRepeater.itemAt(Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(mouse.y - ruler.height + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY)).trackInternalId menu.popup() } else { // ruler menu rulermenu.popup() } } } property bool scim: false onExited: { scim = false } onPositionChanged: { if (pressed && ((mouse.buttons === Qt.MidButton) || (mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton && root.activeTool == 0 && mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier))) { var newScroll = Math.min(scrollView.flickableItem.contentX - (mouseX - clickX), timeline.fullDuration * root.timeScale - (scrollView.width - scrollView.__verticalScrollBar.width)) var vertScroll = Math.min(scrollView.flickableItem.contentY - (mouseY - clickY), trackHeaders.height - scrollView.height + scrollView.__horizontalScrollBar.height) scrollView.flickableItem.contentX = Math.max(newScroll, 0) scrollView.flickableItem.contentY = Math.max(vertScroll, 0) clickX = mouseX clickY = mouseY return } if (!pressed && !rubberSelect.visible && root.activeTool === 1) { cutLine.x = Math.floor((scrollView.flickableItem.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor) * timeline.scaleFactor - scrollView.flickableItem.contentX if (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) { timeline.position = Math.floor((scrollView.flickableItem.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor) } } if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1) { mouse.accepted = false return } var mousePos = Math.max(0, Math.round((mouse.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor)) root.mousePosChanged(mousePos) ruler.showZoneLabels = mouse.y < ruler.height if (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier && mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton && root.activeTool === 0 && !rubberSelect.visible && rubberSelect.y > 0) { // rubber selection rubberSelect.visible = true } if (rubberSelect.visible) { var newX = mouse.x var newY = mouse.y if (newX < rubberSelect.originX) { rubberSelect.x = newX + tracksArea.x rubberSelect.width = rubberSelect.originX - newX } else { rubberSelect.x = rubberSelect.originX + tracksArea.x rubberSelect.width = newX - rubberSelect.originX } if (newY < rubberSelect.originY) { rubberSelect.y = newY rubberSelect.height = rubberSelect.originY - newY } else { rubberSelect.y = rubberSelect.originY rubberSelect.height= newY - rubberSelect.originY } } else if (mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton) { if (root.activeTool === 0 || mouse.y < ruler.height) { timeline.seekPosition = Math.max(0, Math.min((scrollView.flickableItem.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor, timeline.fullDuration - 1)) timeline.position = timeline.seekPosition } else if (root.activeTool === 2 && spacerGroup > -1) { // Move group var track = controller.getItemTrackId(spacerGroup) var frame = Math.round((mouse.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) + spacerFrame - spacerClickFrame frame = controller.suggestItemMove(spacerGroup, track, frame, timeline.position, Math.floor(root.snapping)) continuousScrolling(mouse.x + scrollView.flickableItem.contentX) } scim = true } else { scim = false } } onReleased: { if (rubberSelect.visible) { rubberSelect.visible = false var y = rubberSelect.y - ruler.height + scrollView.flickableItem.contentY var topTrack = Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(Math.max(0, y)) var bottomTrack = Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(y + rubberSelect.height) if (bottomTrack >= topTrack) { var t = [] for (var i = topTrack; i <= bottomTrack; i++) { t.push(tracksRepeater.itemAt(i).trackInternalId) } var startFrame = (scrollView.flickableItem.contentX - tracksArea.x + rubberSelect.x) / timeline.scaleFactor var endFrame = (scrollView.flickableItem.contentX - tracksArea.x + rubberSelect.x + rubberSelect.width) / timeline.scaleFactor timeline.selectItems(t, startFrame, endFrame, mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier); } rubberSelect.y = -1 } else if (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) { // Shift click, process seek timeline.seekPosition = Math.min((scrollView.flickableItem.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor, timeline.fullDuration - 1) timeline.position = timeline.seekPosition } if (spacerGroup > -1) { var frame = controller.getItemPosition(spacerGroup) timeline.requestSpacerEndOperation(spacerGroup, spacerFrame, frame); spacerClickFrame = -1 spacerFrame = -1 spacerGroup = -1 } scim = false } Timer { id: scrubTimer interval: 25 repeat: true running: parent.scim && parent.containsMouse && (parent.mouseX < 50 || parent.mouseX > parent.width - 50) && (timeline.position * timeline.scaleFactor >= 50) onTriggered: { if (parent.mouseX < 50) timeline.seekPosition = Math.max(0, timeline.position - 10) else timeline.seekPosition = Math.min(timeline.position + 10, timeline.fullDuration - 1) } } Column { Flickable { // Non-slider scroll area for the Ruler. id: rulercontainer width: root.width - headerWidth height: fontMetrics.font.pixelSize * 2 contentX: scrollView.flickableItem.contentX contentWidth: Math.max(parent.width, timeline.fullDuration * timeScale) interactive: false clip: true Ruler { id: ruler width: rulercontainer.contentWidth height: parent.height Rectangle { id: seekCursor visible: timeline.seekPosition > -1 color: activePalette.highlight width: 4 height: ruler.height opacity: 0.5 x: timeline.seekPosition * timeline.scaleFactor } TimelinePlayhead { id: playhead visible: timeline.position > -1 height: baseUnit width: baseUnit * 1.5 fillColor: activePalette.windowText anchors.bottom: parent.bottom x: timeline.position * timeline.scaleFactor - (width / 2) } + MouseArea { + anchors.fill: parent + acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton + onWheel: zoomByWheel(wheel) + cursorShape: dragProxyArea.drag.active ? Qt.ClosedHandCursor : tracksArea.cursorShape + } } } OLD.ScrollView { id: scrollView width: root.width - headerWidth height: root.height - ruler.height y: ruler.height // Click and drag should seek, not scroll the timeline view flickableItem.interactive: false clip: true Rectangle { id: tracksContainerArea width: Math.max(scrollView.width - scrollView.__verticalScrollBar.width, timeline.fullDuration * timeScale) height: trackHeaders.height //Math.max(trackHeaders.height, scrollView.contentHeight - scrollView.__horizontalScrollBar.height) color: root.color Rectangle { // Drag proxy, responsible for clip / composition move id: dragProxy x: 0 y: 0 width: 0 height: 0 property int draggedItem: -1 property int sourceTrack property int sourceFrame property bool isComposition property int verticalOffset property var masterObject color: 'transparent' //opacity: 0.8 MouseArea { id: dragProxyArea anchors.fill: parent drag.target: parent drag.axis: Drag.XAxis drag.smoothed: false drag.minimumX: 0 property int dragFrame property bool shiftClick: false cursorShape: pressed ? Qt.ClosedHandCursor : Qt.OpenHandCursor enabled: root.activeTool == 0 onPressed: { console.log('+++++++++++++++++++ DRAG CLICKED +++++++++++++') if (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier || !(controller.isClip(dragProxy.draggedItem) || controller.isComposition(dragProxy.draggedItem))) { mouse.accepted = false return } dragFrame = -1 timeline.activeTrack = dragProxy.sourceTrack if (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) { if (timeline.selection.indexOf(dragProxy.draggedItem) == -1) { console.log('ADD SELECTION: ', dragProxy.draggedItem) controller.requestAddToSelection(dragProxy.draggedItem) } else { console.log('REMOVE SELECTION: ', dragProxy.draggedItem) controller.requestRemoveFromSelection(dragProxy.draggedItem) //endDrag() shiftClick = true return } shiftClick = true } else { if (timeline.selection.indexOf(dragProxy.draggedItem) == -1) { controller.requestAddToSelection(dragProxy.draggedItem, /*clear=*/ true) } shiftClick = false } timeline.showAsset(dragProxy.draggedItem) root.stopScrolling = true clipBeingMovedId = dragProxy.draggedItem if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1) { var tk = controller.getItemTrackId(dragProxy.draggedItem) var x = controller.getItemPosition(dragProxy.draggedItem) var posx = Math.round((parent.x)/ root.timeScale) var clickAccepted = true if (controller.normalEdit() && (tk != Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(parent.y) || x != posx)) { console.log('INCORRECT DRAG, Trying to recover item: ', parent.y,' XPOS: ',x,'=',posx,'on track: ',tk ,'\n!!!!!!!!!!') // Try to find correct item var tentativeClip = getItemAtPos(tk, mouseX + parent.x, dragProxy.isComposition) if (tentativeClip && tentativeClip.clipId) { clickAccepted = true dragProxy.draggedItem = tentativeClip.clipId dragProxy.x = tentativeClip.x dragProxy.y = tentativeClip.y dragProxy.width = tentativeClip.width dragProxy.height = tentativeClip.height dragProxy.masterObject = tentativeClip dragProxy.sourceTrack = tk dragProxy.sourceFrame = tentativeClip.modelStart dragProxy.isComposition = tentativeClip.isComposition } else { clickAccepted = false mouse.accepted = false dragProxy.draggedItem = -1 dragProxy.masterObject = undefined dragProxy.sourceFrame = -1 parent.x = 0 parent.y = 0 parent.width = 0 parent.height = 0 } } if (clickAccepted && dragProxy.draggedItem != -1) { focus = true; dragProxy.masterObject.originalX = dragProxy.masterObject.x dragProxy.masterObject.originalTrackId = dragProxy.masterObject.trackId dragProxy.masterObject.forceActiveFocus(); } } else { mouse.accepted = false parent.x = 0 parent.y = 0 parent.width = 0 parent.height = 0 } } onPositionChanged: { // we have to check item validity in the controller, because they could have been deleted since the beginning of the drag if (!shiftClick && dragProxy.draggedItem > -1 && mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton && (controller.isClip(dragProxy.draggedItem) || controller.isComposition(dragProxy.draggedItem))) { continuousScrolling(mouse.x + parent.x) var mapped = tracksContainerArea.mapFromItem(dragProxy, mouse.x, mouse.y).x root.mousePosChanged(Math.round(mapped / timeline.scaleFactor)) var posx = Math.round((parent.x)/ root.timeScale) var posy = Math.min(Math.max(0, mouse.y + parent.y - dragProxy.verticalOffset), tracksContainerArea.height) var tId = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(posy) if (dragProxy.masterObject && tId == dragProxy.masterObject.trackId) { if (posx == dragFrame) { return } } if (dragProxy.isComposition) { dragFrame = controller.suggestCompositionMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, tId, posx, timeline.position, Math.floor(root.snapping)) timeline.activeTrack = timeline.getItemMovingTrack(dragProxy.draggedItem) } else { if (!controller.normalEdit() && dragProxy.masterObject.parent != dragContainer) { var pos = dragProxy.masterObject.mapToGlobal(dragProxy.masterObject.x, dragProxy.masterObject.y); dragProxy.masterObject.parent = dragContainer pos = dragProxy.masterObject.mapFromGlobal(pos.x, pos.y) dragProxy.masterObject.x = pos.x dragProxy.masterObject.y = pos.y //console.log('bringing item to front') } dragFrame = controller.suggestClipMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, tId, posx, timeline.position, Math.floor(root.snapping)) timeline.activeTrack = timeline.getItemMovingTrack(dragProxy.draggedItem) } var delta = dragFrame - dragProxy.sourceFrame if (delta != 0) { var s = timeline.timecode(Math.abs(delta)) // remove leading zeroes if (s.substring(0, 3) === '00:') s = s.substring(3) s = ((delta < 0)? '-' : (delta > 0)? '+' : '') + s bubbleHelp.show(parent.x, ruler.height, s) } else bubbleHelp.hide() } } onReleased: { clipBeingMovedId = -1 if (!shiftClick && dragProxy.draggedItem > -1 && dragFrame > -1 && (controller.isClip(dragProxy.draggedItem) || controller.isComposition(dragProxy.draggedItem))) { var tId = controller.getItemTrackId(dragProxy.draggedItem) if (dragProxy.isComposition) { controller.requestCompositionMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, dragProxy.sourceTrack, dragProxy.sourceFrame, true, false, false) controller.requestCompositionMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, tId, dragFrame , true, true, true) } else { if (controller.normalEdit()) { controller.requestClipMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, dragProxy.sourceTrack, dragProxy.sourceFrame, true, false, false) controller.requestClipMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, tId, dragFrame , true, true, true) } else { // Fake move, only process final move timeline.endFakeMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, dragFrame, true, true, true) } } dragProxy.x = controller.getItemPosition(dragProxy.draggedItem) * timeline.scaleFactor dragProxy.sourceFrame = dragFrame bubbleHelp.hide() } } onDoubleClicked: { if (dragProxy.masterObject.keyframeModel) { var newVal = (dragProxy.height - mouseY) / dragProxy.height var newPos = Math.round(mouseX / timeScale) + dragProxy.masterObject.inPoint timeline.addEffectKeyframe(dragProxy.draggedItem, newPos, newVal) } } } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton onWheel: zoomByWheel(wheel) cursorShape: dragProxyArea.drag.active ? Qt.ClosedHandCursor : tracksArea.cursorShape } Column { // These make the striped background for the tracks. // It is important that these are not part of the track visual hierarchy; // otherwise, the clips will be obscured by the Track's background. Repeater { model: multitrack id: trackBaseRepeater delegate: Rectangle { width: tracksContainerArea.width border.width: 1 border.color: root.frameColor height: model.trackHeight color: tracksRepeater.itemAt(index) ? ((tracksRepeater.itemAt(index).trackInternalId === timeline.activeTrack) ? Qt.tint(getTrackColor(tracksRepeater.itemAt(index).isAudio, false), selectedTrackColor) : getTrackColor(tracksRepeater.itemAt(index).isAudio, false)) : 'red' } } } Column { id: tracksContainer Repeater { id: tracksRepeater; model: trackDelegateModel } Item { id: dragContainer z: 100 } Repeater { id: guidesRepeater; model: guidesDelegateModel } } Rectangle { id: cursor visible: timeline.position > -1 color: root.textColor width: Math.max(1, 1 * timeline.scaleFactor) opacity: (width > 2) ? 0.5 : 1 height: parent.height x: timeline.position * timeline.scaleFactor } } } } /*CornerSelectionShadow { y: tracksRepeater.count ? tracksRepeater.itemAt(currentTrack).y + ruler.height - scrollView.flickableItem.contentY : 0 clip: timeline.selection.length ? tracksRepeater.itemAt(currentTrack).clipAt(timeline.selection[0]) : null opacity: clip && clip.x + clip.width < scrollView.flickableItem.contentX ? 1 : 0 } CornerSelectionShadow { y: tracksRepeater.count ? tracksRepeater.itemAt(currentTrack).y + ruler.height - scrollView.flickableItem.contentY : 0 clip: timeline.selection.length ? tracksRepeater.itemAt(currentTrack).clipAt(timeline.selection[timeline.selection.length - 1]) : null opacity: clip && clip.x > scrollView.flickableItem.contentX + scrollView.width ? 1 : 0 anchors.right: parent.right mirrorGradient: true }*/ Rectangle { id: cutLine visible: root.activeTool == 1 && tracksArea.mouseY > ruler.height color: 'red' width: Math.max(1, 1 * timeline.scaleFactor) opacity: (width > 2) ? 0.5 : 1 height: root.height - scrollView.__horizontalScrollBar.height - ruler.height x: 0 //x: timeline.position * timeline.scaleFactor - scrollView.flickableItem.contentX y: ruler.height } } } Rectangle { id: bubbleHelp property alias text: bubbleHelpLabel.text color: root.color //application.toolTipBaseColor width: bubbleHelpLabel.width + 8 height: bubbleHelpLabel.height + 8 radius: 4 states: [ State { name: 'invisible'; PropertyChanges { target: bubbleHelp; opacity: 0} }, State { name: 'visible'; PropertyChanges { target: bubbleHelp; opacity: 0.8} } ] state: 'invisible' transitions: [ Transition { from: 'invisible' to: 'visible' OpacityAnimator { target: bubbleHelp; duration: 200; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } }, Transition { from: 'visible' to: 'invisible' OpacityAnimator { target: bubbleHelp; duration: 200; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } ] Label { id: bubbleHelpLabel color: activePalette.text //application.toolTipTextColor anchors.centerIn: parent font.pixelSize: root.baseUnit } function show(x, y, text) { bubbleHelp.x = x + tracksArea.x - scrollView.flickableItem.contentX - bubbleHelpLabel.width bubbleHelp.y = y + tracksArea.y - scrollView.flickableItem.contentY - bubbleHelpLabel.height bubbleHelp.text = text if (bubbleHelp.state !== 'visible') bubbleHelp.state = 'visible' } function hide() { bubbleHelp.state = 'invisible' bubbleHelp.opacity = 0 } } Rectangle { id: rubberSelect property int originX property int originY y: -1 color: Qt.rgba(activePalette.highlight.r, activePalette.highlight.g, activePalette.highlight.b, 0.4) border.color: activePalette.highlight border.width: 1 visible: false } /*DropShadow { source: bubbleHelp anchors.fill: bubbleHelp opacity: bubbleHelp.opacity horizontalOffset: 3 verticalOffset: 3 radius: 8 color: '#80000000' transparentBorder: true fast: true }*/ DelegateModel { id: trackDelegateModel model: multitrack delegate: Track { trackModel: multitrack rootIndex: trackDelegateModel.modelIndex(index) timeScale: timeline.scaleFactor width: tracksContainerArea.width height: trackHeight isAudio: audio trackThumbsFormat: thumbsFormat isCurrentTrack: item === timeline.activeTrack trackInternalId: item z: tracksRepeater.count - index } } DelegateModel { id: guidesDelegateModel model: guidesModel Item { id: guideRoot z: 20 Rectangle { id: guideBase width: 1 height: tracksContainer.height x: model.frame * timeScale; color: model.color } Rectangle { visible: mlabel.visible opacity: 0.7 x: guideBase.x y: mlabel.y radius: 2 width: mlabel.width + 4 height: mlabel.height color: model.color MouseArea { z: 10 anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor hoverEnabled: true property int startX drag.axis: Drag.XAxis drag.target: guideRoot onPressed: { drag.target = guideRoot startX = guideRoot.x } onReleased: { if (startX != guideRoot.x) { timeline.moveGuide(model.frame, model.frame + guideRoot.x / timeline.scaleFactor) } drag.target = undefined } onPositionChanged: { if (pressed) { var frame = Math.round(model.frame + guideRoot.x / timeline.scaleFactor) frame = controller.suggestSnapPoint(frame, root.snapping) guideRoot.x = (frame - model.frame) * timeline.scaleFactor } } drag.smoothed: false onDoubleClicked: { timeline.editGuide(model.frame) drag.target = undefined } onClicked: timeline.position = guideBase.x / timeline.scaleFactor } } Text { id: mlabel visible: timeline.showMarkers text: model.comment font.pixelSize: root.baseUnit x: guideBase.x + 2 y: scrollView.flickableItem.contentY color: 'white' } } } Connections { target: timeline onPositionChanged: if (!stopScrolling) Logic.scrollIfNeeded() onFrameFormatChanged: ruler.adjustFormat() onSelectionChanged: { //cornerstone.selected = timeline.isMultitrackSelected() if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1 && !timeline.exists(dragProxy.draggedItem)) { endDrag() } } } // This provides continuous scrolling at the left/right edges. Timer { id: scrollTimer interval: 25 repeat: true triggeredOnStart: true property var item property bool backwards onTriggered: { var delta = backwards? -10 : 10 if (item) item.x += delta scrollView.flickableItem.contentX += delta if (scrollView.flickableItem.contentX <= 0 || clipBeingMovedId == -1) stop() } } } diff --git a/src/timeline2/view/qml/timelineitems.cpp b/src/timeline2/view/qml/timelineitems.cpp index e1f8cc344..369e0cb3a 100644 --- a/src/timeline2/view/qml/timelineitems.cpp +++ b/src/timeline2/view/qml/timelineitems.cpp @@ -1,219 +1,225 @@ /* Based on Shotcut, Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Meltytech, LLC Copyright (C) 2019 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle This file is part of Kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "kdenlivesettings.h" #include "core.h" #include "bin/projectitemmodel.h" #include #include #include #include #include const QStringList chanelNames{"L", "R", "C", "LFE", "BL", "BR"}; class TimelineTriangle : public QQuickPaintedItem { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QColor fillColor MEMBER m_color) public: TimelineTriangle() { setAntialiasing(true); } void paint(QPainter *painter) override { QPainterPath path; path.moveTo(0, 0); path.lineTo(width(), 0); path.lineTo(0, height()); painter->fillPath(path, m_color); painter->setPen(Qt::white); painter->drawLine(width(), 0, 0, height()); } private: QColor m_color; }; class TimelinePlayhead : public QQuickPaintedItem { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QColor fillColor MEMBER m_color NOTIFY colorChanged) public: TimelinePlayhead() { connect(this, SIGNAL(colorChanged(QColor)), this, SLOT(update())); } void paint(QPainter *painter) override { QPainterPath path; path.moveTo(width(), 0); path.lineTo(width() / 2.0, height()); path.lineTo(0, 0); painter->fillPath(path, m_color); } signals: void colorChanged(const QColor &); private: QColor m_color; }; class TimelineWaveform : public QQuickPaintedItem { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QColor fillColor MEMBER m_color NOTIFY propertyChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int inPoint MEMBER m_inPoint NOTIFY propertyChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int channels MEMBER m_channels NOTIFY audioChannelsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString binId MEMBER m_binId NOTIFY levelsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int outPoint MEMBER m_outPoint NOTIFY outPointChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool format MEMBER m_format NOTIFY propertyChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool showItem MEMBER m_showItem NOTIFY showItemChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool isFirstChunk MEMBER m_firstChunk) public: TimelineWaveform() { setAntialiasing(false); // setClip(true); setEnabled(false); setRenderTarget(QQuickPaintedItem::FramebufferObject); setMipmap(true); setTextureSize(QSize(width(), height())); connect(this, &TimelineWaveform::levelsChanged, [&]() { if (!m_binId.isEmpty() && m_audioLevels.isEmpty()) { m_audioLevels = pCore->projectItemModel()->getAudioLevelsByBinID(m_binId); update(); } }); connect(this, &TimelineWaveform::propertyChanged, [&]() { update(); }); } void paint(QPainter *painter) override { - if (!m_showItem || m_audioLevels.isEmpty()) { + if (!m_showItem || m_binId.isEmpty()) { return; } + if (m_audioLevels.isEmpty()) { + m_audioLevels = pCore->projectItemModel()->getAudioLevelsByBinID(m_binId); + if (m_audioLevels.isEmpty()) { + return; + } + } qreal indicesPrPixel = qreal(m_outPoint - m_inPoint) / width(); QPen pen = painter->pen(); pen.setColor(m_color); pen.setWidthF(0); painter->setBrush(m_color); if (!KdenliveSettings::displayallchannels()) { // Draw merged channels QPainterPath path; path.moveTo(-1, height()); double i = 0; double increment = qMax(1., 1 / qAbs(indicesPrPixel)); double level; int lastIdx = -1; for (; i <= width(); i += increment) { int idx = m_inPoint + int(i * indicesPrPixel); if (idx + m_channels >= m_audioLevels.length() || idx < 0) { break; } if (lastIdx == idx) { continue; } lastIdx = idx; level = m_audioLevels.at(idx) / 256; for (int j = 1; j < m_channels; j++) { level = qMax(level, m_audioLevels.at(idx + j) / 256); } path.lineTo(i, height() - level * height()); } path.lineTo(i, height()); painter->drawPath(path); } else { double channelHeight = height() / (2 * m_channels); QFont font = painter->font(); font.setPixelSize(channelHeight - 1); painter->setFont(font); // Draw separate channels double i = 0; double increment = qMax(1., 1 / indicesPrPixel); double level; QRectF bgRect(0, 0, width(), 2 * channelHeight); QVector channelPaths(m_channels); for (int channel = 0; channel < m_channels; channel++) { double y = height() - (2 * channel * channelHeight) - channelHeight; channelPaths[channel].moveTo(-1, y); painter->setOpacity(0.2); if (channel % 2 == 0) { // Add dark background on odd channels bgRect.moveTo(0, y - channelHeight); painter->fillRect(bgRect, Qt::black); } // Draw channel median line painter->setPen(pen); painter->drawLine(QLineF(0., y, width(), y)); painter->setOpacity(1); int lastIdx = -1; for (i = 0; i <= width(); i += increment) { int idx = m_inPoint + ceil(i * indicesPrPixel); if (idx + channel >= m_audioLevels.length()) break; if (lastIdx == idx) { continue; } lastIdx = idx; level = m_audioLevels.at(idx + channel) * channelHeight / 256; channelPaths[channel].lineTo(i, y - level); } if (m_firstChunk && m_channels > 1 && m_channels < 7) { painter->drawText(2, y + channelHeight, chanelNames[channel]); } channelPaths[channel].lineTo(i, y); painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter->drawPath(channelPaths.value(channel)); QTransform tr(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 2 * y); painter->drawPath(tr.map(channelPaths.value(channel))); } } } signals: void levelsChanged(); void propertyChanged(); void inPointChanged(); void outPointChanged(); void showItemChanged(); void audioChannelsChanged(); private: QList m_audioLevels; int m_inPoint; int m_outPoint; QString m_binId; QColor m_color; bool m_format; bool m_showItem; int m_channels; bool m_firstChunk; }; void registerTimelineItems() { qmlRegisterType("Kdenlive.Controls", 1, 0, "TimelineTriangle"); qmlRegisterType("Kdenlive.Controls", 1, 0, "TimelinePlayhead"); qmlRegisterType("Kdenlive.Controls", 1, 0, "TimelineWaveform"); } #include "timelineitems.moc"