diff --git a/src/timeline2/model/timelinemodel.cpp b/src/timeline2/model/timelinemodel.cpp index cca0c4875..678b96ce2 100644 --- a/src/timeline2/model/timelinemodel.cpp +++ b/src/timeline2/model/timelinemodel.cpp @@ -1,3043 +1,3063 @@ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2017 by Nicolas Carion * * This file is part of Kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the * * membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership * * of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of * * version 3 of the license. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * ***************************************************************************/ #include "timelinemodel.hpp" #include "assets/model/assetparametermodel.hpp" #include "bin/projectclip.h" #include "bin/projectitemmodel.h" #include "clipmodel.hpp" #include "compositionmodel.hpp" #include "core.h" #include "doc/docundostack.hpp" #include "effects/effectsrepository.hpp" #include "effects/effectstack/model/effectstackmodel.hpp" #include "groupsmodel.hpp" #include "kdenlivesettings.h" #include "logger.hpp" #include "snapmodel.hpp" #include "timelinefunctions.hpp" #include "trackmodel.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "macros.hpp" #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic" #include #pragma GCC diagnostic pop RTTR_REGISTRATION { using namespace rttr; registration::class_("TimelineModel") .method("requestClipMove", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestClipMove))( parameter_names("clipId", "trackId", "position", "updateView", "logUndo", "invalidateTimeline")) .method("requestCompositionMove", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestCompositionMove))( parameter_names("compoId", "trackId", "position", "updateView", "logUndo")) .method("requestClipInsertion", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestClipInsertion))( parameter_names("binClipId", "trackId", "position", "id", "logUndo", "refreshView", "useTargets")) .method("requestItemDeletion", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestItemDeletion))(parameter_names("clipId", "logUndo")) .method("requestGroupMove", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestGroupMove))( parameter_names("itemId", "groupId", "delta_track", "delta_pos", "updateView", "logUndo")) .method("requestGroupDeletion", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestGroupDeletion))(parameter_names("clipId", "logUndo")) .method("requestItemResize", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestItemResize))( parameter_names("itemId", "size", "right", "logUndo", "snapDistance", "allowSingleResize")) .method("requestClipsGroup", select_overload &, bool, GroupType)>(&TimelineModel::requestClipsGroup))( parameter_names("itemIds", "logUndo", "type")) .method("requestClipUngroup", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestClipUngroup))(parameter_names("itemId", "logUndo")) .method("requestClipsUngroup", &TimelineModel::requestClipsUngroup)(parameter_names("itemIds", "logUndo")) .method("requestTrackInsertion", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestTrackInsertion))( parameter_names("pos", "id", "trackName", "audioTrack")) .method("requestTrackDeletion", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestTrackDeletion))(parameter_names("trackId")) .method("requestClearSelection", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestClearSelection))(parameter_names("onDeletion")) .method("requestAddToSelection", &TimelineModel::requestAddToSelection)(parameter_names("itemId", "clear")) .method("requestRemoveFromSelection", &TimelineModel::requestRemoveFromSelection)(parameter_names("itemId")) .method("requestSetSelection", select_overload &)>(&TimelineModel::requestSetSelection))(parameter_names("itemIds")) .method("requestFakeClipMove", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestFakeClipMove))( parameter_names("clipId", "trackId", "position", "updateView", "logUndo", "invalidateTimeline")) .method("requestFakeGroupMove", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestFakeGroupMove))( parameter_names("clipId", "groupId", "delta_track", "delta_pos", "updateView", "logUndo")) // (parameter_names("clipId", "groupId", "delta_track", "delta_pos", "updateView" "logUndo")) .method("suggestClipMove", &TimelineModel::suggestClipMove)(parameter_names("clipId", "trackId", "position", "cursorPosition", "snapDistance")) .method("suggestCompositionMove", &TimelineModel::suggestCompositionMove)(parameter_names("compoId", "trackId", "position", "cursorPosition", "snapDistance")) // .method("addSnap", &TimelineModel::addSnap)(parameter_names("pos")) // .method("removeSnap", &TimelineModel::addSnap)(parameter_names("pos")) // .method("requestCompositionInsertion", select_overload, int &, bool)>( // &TimelineModel::requestCompositionInsertion))( // parameter_names("transitionId", "trackId", "position", "length", "transProps", "id", "logUndo")) .method("requestClipTimeWarp", select_overload(&TimelineModel::requestClipTimeWarp))(parameter_names("clipId", "speed")); } int TimelineModel::next_id = 0; int TimelineModel::seekDuration = 30000; TimelineModel::TimelineModel(Mlt::Profile *profile, std::weak_ptr undo_stack) : QAbstractItemModel_shared_from_this() , m_tractor(new Mlt::Tractor(*profile)) , m_snaps(new SnapModel()) , m_undoStack(std::move(undo_stack)) , m_profile(profile) , m_blackClip(new Mlt::Producer(*profile, "color:black")) , m_lock(QReadWriteLock::Recursive) , m_timelineEffectsEnabled(true) , m_id(getNextId()) , m_overlayTrackCount(-1) , m_audioTarget(-1) , m_videoTarget(-1) , m_editMode(TimelineMode::NormalEdit) , m_blockRefresh(false) { // Create black background track m_blackClip->set("id", "black_track"); m_blackClip->set("mlt_type", "producer"); m_blackClip->set("aspect_ratio", 1); m_blackClip->set("length", INT_MAX); m_blackClip->set("set.test_audio", 0); m_blackClip->set("length", INT_MAX); m_blackClip->set_in_and_out(0, TimelineModel::seekDuration); m_tractor->insert_track(*m_blackClip, 0); TRACE_CONSTR(this); } TimelineModel::~TimelineModel() { std::vector all_ids; for (auto tracks : m_iteratorTable) { all_ids.push_back(tracks.first); } for (auto tracks : all_ids) { deregisterTrack_lambda(tracks, false)(); } for (const auto &clip : m_allClips) { clip.second->deregisterClipToBin(); } } int TimelineModel::getTracksCount() const { READ_LOCK(); int count = m_tractor->count(); if (m_overlayTrackCount > -1) { count -= m_overlayTrackCount; } Q_ASSERT(count >= 0); // don't count the black background track Q_ASSERT(count - 1 == static_cast(m_allTracks.size())); return count - 1; } int TimelineModel::getTrackIndexFromPosition(int pos) const { Q_ASSERT(pos >= 0 && pos < (int)m_allTracks.size()); READ_LOCK(); auto it = m_allTracks.begin(); while (pos > 0) { it++; pos--; } return (*it)->getId(); } int TimelineModel::getClipsCount() const { READ_LOCK(); int size = int(m_allClips.size()); return size; } int TimelineModel::getCompositionsCount() const { READ_LOCK(); int size = int(m_allCompositions.size()); return size; } int TimelineModel::getClipTrackId(int clipId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); const auto clip = m_allClips.at(clipId); return clip->getCurrentTrackId(); } int TimelineModel::getCompositionTrackId(int compoId) const { Q_ASSERT(m_allCompositions.count(compoId) > 0); const auto trans = m_allCompositions.at(compoId); return trans->getCurrentTrackId(); } int TimelineModel::getItemTrackId(int itemId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isItem(itemId)); if (isComposition(itemId)) { return getCompositionTrackId(itemId); } return getClipTrackId(itemId); } int TimelineModel::getClipPosition(int clipId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); const auto clip = m_allClips.at(clipId); int pos = clip->getPosition(); return pos; } double TimelineModel::getClipSpeed(int clipId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); return m_allClips.at(clipId)->getSpeed(); } int TimelineModel::getClipSplitPartner(int clipId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); return m_groups->getSplitPartner(clipId); } int TimelineModel::getClipIn(int clipId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); const auto clip = m_allClips.at(clipId); return clip->getIn(); } PlaylistState::ClipState TimelineModel::getClipState(int clipId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); const auto clip = m_allClips.at(clipId); return clip->clipState(); } const QString TimelineModel::getClipBinId(int clipId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); const auto clip = m_allClips.at(clipId); QString id = clip->binId(); return id; } int TimelineModel::getClipPlaytime(int clipId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isClip(clipId)); const auto clip = m_allClips.at(clipId); int playtime = clip->getPlaytime(); return playtime; } QSize TimelineModel::getClipFrameSize(int clipId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isClip(clipId)); const auto clip = m_allClips.at(clipId); return clip->getFrameSize(); } int TimelineModel::getTrackClipsCount(int trackId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); int count = getTrackById_const(trackId)->getClipsCount(); return count; } int TimelineModel::getClipByPosition(int trackId, int position) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); return getTrackById_const(trackId)->getClipByPosition(position); } int TimelineModel::getCompositionByPosition(int trackId, int position) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); return getTrackById_const(trackId)->getCompositionByPosition(position); } int TimelineModel::getTrackPosition(int trackId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); auto it = m_allTracks.begin(); int pos = (int)std::distance(it, (decltype(it))m_iteratorTable.at(trackId)); return pos; } int TimelineModel::getTrackMltIndex(int trackId) const { READ_LOCK(); // Because of the black track that we insert in first position, the mlt index is the position + 1 return getTrackPosition(trackId) + 1; } int TimelineModel::getTrackSortValue(int trackId, bool separated) const { if (separated) { return getTrackPosition(trackId) + 1; } auto it = m_allTracks.end(); int aCount = 0; int vCount = 0; bool isAudio = false; int trackPos = 0; while (it != m_allTracks.begin()) { --it; bool audioTrack = (*it)->isAudioTrack(); if (audioTrack) { aCount++; } else { vCount++; } if (trackId == (*it)->getId()) { isAudio = audioTrack; trackPos = audioTrack ? aCount : vCount; } } int trackDiff = aCount - vCount; if (trackDiff > 0) { // more audio tracks if (!isAudio) { trackPos -= trackDiff; } else if (trackPos > vCount) { return -trackPos; } } return isAudio ? ((aCount * trackPos) - 1) : (vCount + 1 - trackPos) * 2; } QList TimelineModel::getLowerTracksId(int trackId, TrackType type) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); QList results; auto it = m_iteratorTable.at(trackId); while (it != m_allTracks.begin()) { --it; if (type == TrackType::AnyTrack) { results << (*it)->getId(); continue; } bool audioTrack = (*it)->isAudioTrack(); if (type == TrackType::AudioTrack && audioTrack) { results << (*it)->getId(); } else if (type == TrackType::VideoTrack && !audioTrack) { results << (*it)->getId(); } } return results; } int TimelineModel::getPreviousVideoTrackIndex(int trackId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); auto it = m_iteratorTable.at(trackId); while (it != m_allTracks.begin()) { --it; if (it != m_allTracks.begin() && !(*it)->isAudioTrack()) { break; } } return it == m_allTracks.begin() ? 0 : (*it)->getId(); } int TimelineModel::getPreviousVideoTrackPos(int trackId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); auto it = m_iteratorTable.at(trackId); while (it != m_allTracks.begin()) { --it; if (it != m_allTracks.begin() && !(*it)->isAudioTrack()) { break; } } return it == m_allTracks.begin() ? 0 : getTrackMltIndex((*it)->getId()); } int TimelineModel::getMirrorVideoTrackId(int trackId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); auto it = m_iteratorTable.at(trackId); if (!(*it)->isAudioTrack()) { // we expected an audio track... return -1; } int count = 0; if (it != m_allTracks.end()) { ++it; } while (it != m_allTracks.end()) { if ((*it)->isAudioTrack()) { count++; } else { if (count == 0) { return (*it)->getId(); } count--; } ++it; } if (it != m_allTracks.end() && !(*it)->isAudioTrack() && count == 0) { return (*it)->getId(); } return -1; } int TimelineModel::getMirrorTrackId(int trackId) const { if (isAudioTrack(trackId)) { return getMirrorVideoTrackId(trackId); } return getMirrorAudioTrackId(trackId); } int TimelineModel::getMirrorAudioTrackId(int trackId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); auto it = m_iteratorTable.at(trackId); if ((*it)->isAudioTrack()) { // we expected a video track... return -1; } int count = 0; if (it != m_allTracks.begin()) { --it; } while (it != m_allTracks.begin()) { if (!(*it)->isAudioTrack()) { count++; } else { if (count == 0) { return (*it)->getId(); } count--; } --it; } if ((*it)->isAudioTrack() && count == 0) { return (*it)->getId(); } return -1; } void TimelineModel::setEditMode(TimelineMode::EditMode mode) { m_editMode = mode; } bool TimelineModel::normalEdit() const { return m_editMode == TimelineMode::NormalEdit; } bool TimelineModel::requestFakeClipMove(int clipId, int trackId, int position, bool updateView, bool invalidateTimeline, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { Q_UNUSED(updateView); Q_UNUSED(invalidateTimeline); Q_UNUSED(undo); Q_UNUSED(redo); Q_ASSERT(isClip(clipId)); m_allClips[clipId]->setFakePosition(position); bool trackChanged = false; if (trackId > -1) { if (trackId != m_allClips[clipId]->getFakeTrackId()) { if (getTrackById_const(trackId)->trackType() == m_allClips[clipId]->clipState()) { m_allClips[clipId]->setFakeTrackId(trackId); trackChanged = true; } } } QModelIndex modelIndex = makeClipIndexFromID(clipId); if (modelIndex.isValid()) { QVector roles{FakePositionRole}; if (trackChanged) { roles << FakeTrackIdRole; } notifyChange(modelIndex, modelIndex, roles); return true; } return false; } bool TimelineModel::requestClipMove(int clipId, int trackId, int position, bool updateView, bool invalidateTimeline, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { // qDebug() << "// FINAL MOVE: " << invalidateTimeline << ", UPDATE VIEW: " << updateView; if (trackId == -1) { return false; } Q_ASSERT(isClip(clipId)); if (m_allClips[clipId]->clipState() == PlaylistState::Disabled) { if (getTrackById_const(trackId)->trackType() == PlaylistState::AudioOnly && !m_allClips[clipId]->canBeAudio()) { return false; } if (getTrackById_const(trackId)->trackType() == PlaylistState::VideoOnly && !m_allClips[clipId]->canBeVideo()) { return false; } } else if (getTrackById_const(trackId)->trackType() != m_allClips[clipId]->clipState()) { // Move not allowed (audio / video mismatch) qDebug() << "// CLIP MISMATCH: " << getTrackById_const(trackId)->trackType() << " == " << m_allClips[clipId]->clipState(); return false; } std::function local_undo = []() { return true; }; std::function local_redo = []() { return true; }; bool ok = true; int old_trackId = getClipTrackId(clipId); bool notifyViewOnly = false; // qDebug()<<"MOVING CLIP FROM: "< 0); if (m_allClips[clipId]->getPosition() == position && getClipTrackId(clipId) == trackId) { TRACE_RES(true); return true; } if (m_groups->isInGroup(clipId)) { // element is in a group. int groupId = m_groups->getRootId(clipId); int current_trackId = getClipTrackId(clipId); int track_pos1 = getTrackPosition(trackId); int track_pos2 = getTrackPosition(current_trackId); int delta_track = track_pos1 - track_pos2; int delta_pos = position - m_allClips[clipId]->getPosition(); bool res = requestFakeGroupMove(clipId, groupId, delta_track, delta_pos, updateView, logUndo); TRACE_RES(res); return res; } std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; bool res = requestFakeClipMove(clipId, trackId, position, updateView, invalidateTimeline, undo, redo); if (res && logUndo) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Move clip")); } TRACE_RES(res); return res; } bool TimelineModel::requestClipMove(int clipId, int trackId, int position, bool updateView, bool logUndo, bool invalidateTimeline) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(clipId, trackId, position, updateView, logUndo, invalidateTimeline); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); if (m_allClips[clipId]->getPosition() == position && getClipTrackId(clipId) == trackId) { TRACE_RES(true); return true; } if (m_groups->isInGroup(clipId)) { // element is in a group. int groupId = m_groups->getRootId(clipId); int current_trackId = getClipTrackId(clipId); int track_pos1 = getTrackPosition(trackId); int track_pos2 = getTrackPosition(current_trackId); int delta_track = track_pos1 - track_pos2; int delta_pos = position - m_allClips[clipId]->getPosition(); return requestGroupMove(clipId, groupId, delta_track, delta_pos, updateView, logUndo); } std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; bool res = requestClipMove(clipId, trackId, position, updateView, invalidateTimeline, undo, redo); if (res && logUndo) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Move clip")); } TRACE_RES(res); return res; } bool TimelineModel::requestClipMoveAttempt(int clipId, int trackId, int position) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); if (m_allClips[clipId]->getPosition() == position && getClipTrackId(clipId) == trackId) { return true; } std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; bool res = true; if (m_groups->isInGroup(clipId)) { // element is in a group. int groupId = m_groups->getRootId(clipId); int current_trackId = getClipTrackId(clipId); int track_pos1 = getTrackPosition(trackId); int track_pos2 = getTrackPosition(current_trackId); int delta_track = track_pos1 - track_pos2; int delta_pos = position - m_allClips[clipId]->getPosition(); res = requestGroupMove(clipId, groupId, delta_track, delta_pos, false, false, undo, redo, false); } else { res = requestClipMove(clipId, trackId, position, false, false, undo, redo); } if (res) { undo(); } return res; } int TimelineModel::suggestItemMove(int itemId, int trackId, int position, int cursorPosition, int snapDistance) { if (isClip(itemId)) { return suggestClipMove(itemId, trackId, position, cursorPosition, snapDistance); } return suggestCompositionMove(itemId, trackId, position, cursorPosition, snapDistance); } int TimelineModel::suggestClipMove(int clipId, int trackId, int position, int cursorPosition, int snapDistance) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(clipId, trackId, position, cursorPosition, snapDistance); Q_ASSERT(isClip(clipId)); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); int currentPos = getClipPosition(clipId); int sourceTrackId = getClipTrackId(clipId); if (sourceTrackId > -1 && getTrackById_const(trackId)->isAudioTrack() != getTrackById_const(sourceTrackId)->isAudioTrack()) { // Trying move on incompatible track type, stay on same track trackId = sourceTrackId; } if (currentPos == position && sourceTrackId == trackId) { TRACE_RES(position); return position; } bool after = position > currentPos; if (snapDistance > 0) { // For snapping, we must ignore all in/outs of the clips of the group being moved std::vector ignored_pts; std::unordered_set all_items = {clipId}; if (m_groups->isInGroup(clipId)) { int groupId = m_groups->getRootId(clipId); all_items = m_groups->getLeaves(groupId); } for (int current_clipId : all_items) { if (getItemTrackId(current_clipId) != -1) { int in = getItemPosition(current_clipId); int out = in + getItemPlaytime(current_clipId); ignored_pts.push_back(in); ignored_pts.push_back(out); } } int snapped = getBestSnapPos(position, m_allClips[clipId]->getPlaytime(), m_editMode == TimelineMode::NormalEdit ? ignored_pts : std::vector(), cursorPosition, snapDistance); // qDebug() << "Starting suggestion " << clipId << position << currentPos << "snapped to " << snapped; if (snapped >= 0) { position = snapped; } } // we check if move is possible bool possible = m_editMode == TimelineMode::NormalEdit ? requestClipMove(clipId, trackId, position, true, false, false) : requestFakeClipMove(clipId, trackId, position, true, false, false); /*} else { possible = requestClipMoveAttempt(clipId, trackId, position); }*/ if (possible) { TRACE_RES(position); return position; } if (sourceTrackId == -1) { // not clear what to do hear, if the current move doesn't work. We could try to find empty space, but it might end up being far away... TRACE_RES(currentPos); return currentPos; } // Find best possible move if (!m_groups->isInGroup(clipId)) { // Try same track move if (trackId != sourceTrackId && sourceTrackId != -1) { qDebug() << "// TESTING SAME TRACVK MOVE: " << trackId << " = " << sourceTrackId; trackId = sourceTrackId; possible = requestClipMove(clipId, trackId, position, true, false, false); if (!possible) { qDebug() << "CANNOT MOVE CLIP : " << clipId << " ON TK: " << trackId << ", AT POS: " << position; } else { TRACE_RES(position); return position; } } int blank_length = getTrackById(trackId)->getBlankSizeNearClip(clipId, after); qDebug() << "Found blank" << blank_length; if (blank_length < INT_MAX) { if (after) { position = currentPos + blank_length; } else { position = currentPos - blank_length; } } else { TRACE_RES(currentPos); return currentPos; } possible = requestClipMove(clipId, trackId, position, true, false, false); TRACE_RES(possible ? position : currentPos); return possible ? position : currentPos; } // find best pos for groups int groupId = m_groups->getRootId(clipId); std::unordered_set all_items = m_groups->getLeaves(groupId); QMap trackPosition; // First pass, sort clips by track and keep only the first / last depending on move direction for (int current_clipId : all_items) { int clipTrack = getItemTrackId(current_clipId); if (clipTrack == -1) { continue; } int in = getItemPosition(current_clipId); if (trackPosition.contains(clipTrack)) { if (after) { // keep only last clip position for track int out = in + getItemPlaytime(current_clipId); if (trackPosition.value(clipTrack) < out) { trackPosition.insert(clipTrack, out); } } else { // keep only first clip position for track if (trackPosition.value(clipTrack) > in) { trackPosition.insert(clipTrack, in); } } } else { trackPosition.insert(clipTrack, after ? in + getItemPlaytime(current_clipId) : in); } } // Now check space on each track QMapIterator i(trackPosition); int blank_length = -1; while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); int track_space; if (!after) { // Check space before the position track_space = i.value() - getTrackById(i.key())->getBlankStart(i.value() - 1); if (blank_length == -1 || blank_length > track_space) { blank_length = track_space; } } else { // Check space after the position track_space = getTrackById(i.key())->getBlankEnd(i.value() + 1) - i.value() - 1; if (blank_length == -1 || blank_length > track_space) { blank_length = track_space; } } } if (blank_length != 0) { int updatedPos = currentPos + (after ? blank_length : -blank_length); possible = requestClipMove(clipId, trackId, updatedPos, true, false, false); if (possible) { TRACE_RES(updatedPos); return updatedPos; } } TRACE_RES(currentPos); return currentPos; } int TimelineModel::suggestCompositionMove(int compoId, int trackId, int position, int cursorPosition, int snapDistance) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(compoId, trackId, position, cursorPosition, snapDistance); Q_ASSERT(isComposition(compoId)); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); int currentPos = getCompositionPosition(compoId); int currentTrack = getCompositionTrackId(compoId); if (getTrackById_const(trackId)->isAudioTrack()) { // Trying move on incompatible track type, stay on same track trackId = currentTrack; } if (currentPos == position && currentTrack == trackId) { TRACE_RES(position); return position; } if (snapDistance > 0) { // For snapping, we must ignore all in/outs of the clips of the group being moved std::vector ignored_pts; if (m_groups->isInGroup(compoId)) { int groupId = m_groups->getRootId(compoId); auto all_items = m_groups->getLeaves(groupId); for (int current_compoId : all_items) { // TODO: fix for composition int in = getItemPosition(current_compoId); int out = in + getItemPlaytime(current_compoId); ignored_pts.push_back(in); ignored_pts.push_back(out); } } else { int in = currentPos; int out = in + getCompositionPlaytime(compoId); qDebug() << " * ** IGNORING SNAP PTS: " << in << "-" << out; ignored_pts.push_back(in); ignored_pts.push_back(out); } int snapped = getBestSnapPos(position, m_allCompositions[compoId]->getPlaytime(), ignored_pts, cursorPosition, snapDistance); qDebug() << "Starting suggestion " << compoId << position << currentPos << "snapped to " << snapped; if (snapped >= 0) { position = snapped; } } // we check if move is possible bool possible = requestCompositionMove(compoId, trackId, position, true, false); qDebug() << "Original move success" << possible; if (possible) { TRACE_RES(position); return position; } /*bool after = position > currentPos; int blank_length = getTrackById(trackId)->getBlankSizeNearComposition(compoId, after); qDebug() << "Found blank" << blank_length; if (blank_length < INT_MAX) { if (after) { return currentPos + blank_length; } return currentPos - blank_length; } return position;*/ TRACE_RES(currentPos); return currentPos; } bool TimelineModel::requestClipCreation(const QString &binClipId, int &id, PlaylistState::ClipState state, double speed, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { qDebug() << "requestClipCreation " << binClipId; QString bid = binClipId; if (binClipId.contains(QLatin1Char('/'))) { bid = binClipId.section(QLatin1Char('/'), 0, 0); } if (!pCore->projectItemModel()->hasClip(bid)) { qDebug() << " / / / /MASTER CLIP NOT FOUND"; return false; } std::shared_ptr master = pCore->projectItemModel()->getClipByBinID(bid); if (!master->isReady() || !master->isCompatible(state)) { qDebug() << "// CLIP NOT READY OR NOT COMPATIBLE: " << state; return false; } int clipId = TimelineModel::getNextId(); id = clipId; Fun local_undo = deregisterClip_lambda(clipId); ClipModel::construct(shared_from_this(), bid, clipId, state, speed); auto clip = m_allClips[clipId]; Fun local_redo = [clip, this, state]() { // We capture a shared_ptr to the clip, which means that as long as this undo object lives, the clip object is not deleted. To insert it back it is // sufficient to register it. registerClip(clip, true); clip->refreshProducerFromBin(state); return true; }; if (binClipId.contains(QLatin1Char('/'))) { int in = binClipId.section(QLatin1Char('/'), 1, 1).toInt(); int out = binClipId.section(QLatin1Char('/'), 2, 2).toInt(); int initLength = m_allClips[clipId]->getPlaytime(); bool res = true; if (in != 0) { res = requestItemResize(clipId, initLength - in, false, true, local_undo, local_redo); } res = res && requestItemResize(clipId, out - in + 1, true, true, local_undo, local_redo); if (!res) { bool undone = local_undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); return false; } } UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(local_redo, local_undo, undo, redo); return true; } bool TimelineModel::requestClipInsertion(const QString &binClipId, int trackId, int position, int &id, bool logUndo, bool refreshView, bool useTargets) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(binClipId, trackId, position, id, logUndo, refreshView, useTargets); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool result = requestClipInsertion(binClipId, trackId, position, id, logUndo, refreshView, useTargets, undo, redo); if (result && logUndo) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Insert Clip")); } TRACE_RES(result); return result; } bool TimelineModel::requestClipInsertion(const QString &binClipId, int trackId, int position, int &id, bool logUndo, bool refreshView, bool useTargets, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { Fun local_undo = []() { return true; }; Fun local_redo = []() { return true; }; qDebug() << "requestClipInsertion " << binClipId << " " << " " << trackId << " " << position; bool res = false; ClipType::ProducerType type = ClipType::Unknown; QString bid = binClipId.section(QLatin1Char('/'), 0, 0); // dropType indicates if we want a normal drop (disabled), audio only or video only drop PlaylistState::ClipState dropType = PlaylistState::Disabled; if (bid.startsWith(QLatin1Char('A'))) { dropType = PlaylistState::AudioOnly; bid = bid.remove(0, 1); } else if (bid.startsWith(QLatin1Char('V'))) { dropType = PlaylistState::VideoOnly; bid = bid.remove(0, 1); } if (!pCore->projectItemModel()->hasClip(bid)) { return false; } std::shared_ptr master = pCore->projectItemModel()->getClipByBinID(bid); type = master->clipType(); if (useTargets && m_audioTarget == -1 && m_videoTarget == -1) { useTargets = false; } if (dropType == PlaylistState::Disabled && (type == ClipType::AV || type == ClipType::Playlist)) { if (m_audioTarget >= 0 && m_videoTarget == -1 && useTargets) { // If audio target is set but no video target, only insert audio trackId = m_audioTarget; if (trackId > -1 && getTrackById_const(trackId)->isLocked()) { trackId = -1; } } else if (useTargets && getTrackById_const(trackId)->isLocked()) { // Video target set but locked trackId = m_audioTarget; if (trackId > -1 && getTrackById_const(trackId)->isLocked()) { trackId = -1; } } if (trackId == -1) { pCore->displayMessage(i18n("No available track for insert operation"), ErrorMessage); return false; } bool audioDrop = getTrackById_const(trackId)->isAudioTrack(); res = requestClipCreation(binClipId, id, getTrackById_const(trackId)->trackType(), 1.0, local_undo, local_redo); res = res && requestClipMove(id, trackId, position, refreshView, logUndo, local_undo, local_redo); int target_track; if (audioDrop) { target_track = m_videoTarget == -1 ? -1 : getTrackById_const(m_videoTarget)->isLocked() ? -1 : m_videoTarget; } else { target_track = m_audioTarget == -1 ? -1 : getTrackById_const(m_audioTarget)->isLocked() ? -1 : m_audioTarget; } qDebug() << "CLIP HAS A+V: " << master->hasAudioAndVideo(); int mirror = getMirrorTrackId(trackId); if (mirror > -1 && getTrackById_const(mirror)->isLocked()) { mirror = -1; } bool canMirrorDrop = !useTargets && mirror > -1; if (res && (canMirrorDrop || target_track > -1) && master->hasAudioAndVideo()) { if (!useTargets) { target_track = mirror; } // QList possibleTracks = m_audioTarget >= 0 ? QList() << m_audioTarget : getLowerTracksId(trackId, TrackType::AudioTrack); QList possibleTracks; qDebug() << "CREATING SPLIT " << target_track << " usetargets" << useTargets; if (target_track >= 0 && !getTrackById_const(target_track)->isLocked()) { possibleTracks << target_track; } if (possibleTracks.isEmpty()) { // No available audio track for splitting, abort pCore->displayMessage(i18n("No available track for split operation"), ErrorMessage); res = false; } else { std::function audio_undo = []() { return true; }; std::function audio_redo = []() { return true; }; int newId; res = requestClipCreation(binClipId, newId, audioDrop ? PlaylistState::VideoOnly : PlaylistState::AudioOnly, 1.0, audio_undo, audio_redo); if (res) { bool move = false; while (!move && !possibleTracks.isEmpty()) { int newTrack = possibleTracks.takeFirst(); move = requestClipMove(newId, newTrack, position, true, false, audio_undo, audio_redo); } // use lazy evaluation to group only if move was successful res = res && move && requestClipsGroup({id, newId}, audio_undo, audio_redo, GroupType::AVSplit); if (!res || !move) { pCore->displayMessage(i18n("Audio split failed: no viable track"), ErrorMessage); bool undone = audio_undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); } else { UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(audio_redo, audio_undo, local_undo, local_redo); } } else { pCore->displayMessage(i18n("Audio split failed: impossible to create audio clip"), ErrorMessage); bool undone = audio_undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); } } } } else { std::shared_ptr binClip = pCore->projectItemModel()->getClipByBinID(bid); if (dropType == PlaylistState::Disabled) { dropType = getTrackById_const(trackId)->trackType(); } else if (dropType != getTrackById_const(trackId)->trackType()) { qDebug() << "// INCORRECT DRAG, ABORTING"; return false; } QString normalisedBinId = binClipId; if (normalisedBinId.startsWith(QLatin1Char('A')) || normalisedBinId.startsWith(QLatin1Char('V'))) { normalisedBinId.remove(0, 1); } res = requestClipCreation(normalisedBinId, id, dropType, 1.0, local_undo, local_redo); res = res && requestClipMove(id, trackId, position, refreshView, logUndo, local_undo, local_redo); } if (!res) { bool undone = local_undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); id = -1; return false; } UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(local_redo, local_undo, undo, redo); return true; } bool TimelineModel::requestItemDeletion(int itemId, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (m_groups->isInGroup(itemId)) { return requestGroupDeletion(itemId, undo, redo); } if (isClip(itemId)) { return requestClipDeletion(itemId, undo, redo); } if (isComposition(itemId)) { return requestCompositionDeletion(itemId, undo, redo); } Q_ASSERT(false); return false; } bool TimelineModel::requestItemDeletion(int itemId, bool logUndo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(itemId, logUndo); Q_ASSERT(isItem(itemId)); QString actionLabel; if (m_groups->isInGroup(itemId)) { actionLabel = i18n("Remove group"); } else { if (isClip(itemId)) { actionLabel = i18n("Delete Clip"); } else { actionLabel = i18n("Delete Composition"); } } Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool res = requestItemDeletion(itemId, undo, redo); if (res && logUndo) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, actionLabel); } TRACE_RES(res); requestClearSelection(true); return res; } bool TimelineModel::requestClipDeletion(int clipId, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { int trackId = getClipTrackId(clipId); if (trackId != -1) { bool res = getTrackById(trackId)->requestClipDeletion(clipId, true, true, undo, redo); if (!res) { undo(); return false; } } auto operation = deregisterClip_lambda(clipId); auto clip = m_allClips[clipId]; Fun reverse = [this, clip]() { // We capture a shared_ptr to the clip, which means that as long as this undo object lives, the clip object is not deleted. To insert it back it is // sufficient to register it. registerClip(clip, true); return true; }; if (operation()) { UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(operation, reverse, undo, redo); return true; } undo(); return false; } bool TimelineModel::requestCompositionDeletion(int compositionId, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { int trackId = getCompositionTrackId(compositionId); if (trackId != -1) { bool res = getTrackById(trackId)->requestCompositionDeletion(compositionId, true, true, undo, redo); if (!res) { undo(); return false; } else { unplantComposition(compositionId); } } Fun operation = deregisterComposition_lambda(compositionId); auto composition = m_allCompositions[compositionId]; Fun reverse = [this, composition]() { // We capture a shared_ptr to the composition, which means that as long as this undo object lives, the composition object is not deleted. To insert it // back it is sufficient to register it. registerComposition(composition); return true; }; if (operation()) { UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(operation, reverse, undo, redo); return true; } undo(); return false; } std::unordered_set TimelineModel::getItemsInRange(int trackId, int start, int end, bool listCompositions) { Q_UNUSED(listCompositions) std::unordered_set allClips; if (trackId == -1) { for (const auto &track : m_allTracks) { if (track->isLocked()) { continue; } std::unordered_set clipTracks = getItemsInRange(track->getId(), start, end, listCompositions); allClips.insert(clipTracks.begin(), clipTracks.end()); } } else { std::unordered_set clipTracks = getTrackById(trackId)->getClipsInRange(start, end); allClips.insert(clipTracks.begin(), clipTracks.end()); if (listCompositions) { std::unordered_set compoTracks = getTrackById(trackId)->getCompositionsInRange(start, end); allClips.insert(compoTracks.begin(), compoTracks.end()); } } return allClips; } bool TimelineModel::requestFakeGroupMove(int clipId, int groupId, int delta_track, int delta_pos, bool updateView, bool logUndo) { TRACE(clipId, groupId, delta_track, delta_pos, updateView, logUndo); std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; bool res = requestFakeGroupMove(clipId, groupId, delta_track, delta_pos, updateView, logUndo, undo, redo); if (res && logUndo) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Move group")); } TRACE_RES(res); return res; } bool TimelineModel::requestFakeGroupMove(int clipId, int groupId, int delta_track, int delta_pos, bool updateView, bool finalMove, Fun &undo, Fun &redo, bool allowViewRefresh) { Q_UNUSED(updateView); Q_UNUSED(finalMove); Q_UNUSED(undo); Q_UNUSED(redo); Q_UNUSED(allowViewRefresh); QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Q_ASSERT(m_allGroups.count(groupId) > 0); bool ok = true; auto all_items = m_groups->getLeaves(groupId); Q_ASSERT(all_items.size() > 1); Fun local_undo = []() { return true; }; Fun local_redo = []() { return true; }; // Moving groups is a two stage process: first we remove the clips from the tracks, and then try to insert them back at their calculated new positions. // This way, we ensure that no conflict will arise with clips inside the group being moved Fun update_model = []() { return true; }; // Check if there is a track move // First, remove clips std::unordered_map old_track_ids, old_position, old_forced_track; for (int item : all_items) { int old_trackId = getItemTrackId(item); old_track_ids[item] = old_trackId; if (old_trackId != -1) { if (isClip(item)) { old_position[item] = m_allClips[item]->getPosition(); } else { old_position[item] = m_allCompositions[item]->getPosition(); old_forced_track[item] = m_allCompositions[item]->getForcedTrack(); } } } // Second step, calculate delta int audio_delta, video_delta; audio_delta = video_delta = delta_track; if (getTrackById(old_track_ids[clipId])->isAudioTrack()) { // Master clip is audio, so reverse delta for video clips video_delta = -delta_track; } else { audio_delta = -delta_track; } bool trackChanged = false; // Reverse sort. We need to insert from left to right to avoid confusing the view for (int item : all_items) { int current_track_id = old_track_ids[item]; int current_track_position = getTrackPosition(current_track_id); int d = getTrackById(current_track_id)->isAudioTrack() ? audio_delta : video_delta; int target_track_position = current_track_position + d; if (target_track_position >= 0 && target_track_position < getTracksCount()) { auto it = m_allTracks.cbegin(); std::advance(it, target_track_position); int target_track = (*it)->getId(); int target_position = old_position[item] + delta_pos; if (isClip(item)) { qDebug() << "/// SETTING FAKE CLIP: " << target_track << ", POSITION: " << target_position; m_allClips[item]->setFakePosition(target_position); if (m_allClips[item]->getFakeTrackId() != target_track) { trackChanged = true; } m_allClips[item]->setFakeTrackId(target_track); } else { } } else { qDebug() << "// ABORTING; MOVE TRIED ON TRACK: " << target_track_position << "..\n..\n.."; ok = false; } if (!ok) { bool undone = local_undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); return false; } } QModelIndex modelIndex; QVector roles{FakePositionRole}; if (trackChanged) { roles << FakeTrackIdRole; } for (int item : all_items) { if (isClip(item)) { modelIndex = makeClipIndexFromID(item); } else { modelIndex = makeCompositionIndexFromID(item); } notifyChange(modelIndex, modelIndex, roles); } return true; } bool TimelineModel::requestGroupMove(int itemId, int groupId, int delta_track, int delta_pos, bool updateView, bool logUndo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(itemId, groupId, delta_track, delta_pos, updateView, logUndo); std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; bool res = requestGroupMove(itemId, groupId, delta_track, delta_pos, updateView, logUndo, undo, redo); if (res && logUndo) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Move group")); } TRACE_RES(res); return res; } bool TimelineModel::requestGroupMove(int itemId, int groupId, int delta_track, int delta_pos, bool updateView, bool finalMove, Fun &undo, Fun &redo, bool allowViewRefresh) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Q_ASSERT(m_allGroups.count(groupId) > 0); Q_ASSERT(isItem(itemId)); if (getGroupElements(groupId).count(itemId) == 0) { // this group doesn't contain the clip, abort return false; } bool ok = true; auto all_items = m_groups->getLeaves(groupId); Q_ASSERT(all_items.size() > 1); Fun local_undo = []() { return true; }; Fun local_redo = []() { return true; }; // Sort clips. We need to delete from right to left to avoid confusing the view, and compositions from top to bottom std::vector sorted_clips(all_items.begin(), all_items.end()); std::sort(sorted_clips.begin(), sorted_clips.end(), [this, delta_track](int clipId1, int clipId2) { int p1 = isClip(clipId1) ? m_allClips[clipId1]->getPosition() : delta_track < 0 ? getTrackMltIndex(m_allCompositions[clipId1]->getCurrentTrackId()) : delta_track > 0 ? -getTrackMltIndex(m_allCompositions[clipId1]->getCurrentTrackId()) : m_allCompositions[clipId1]->getPosition(); int p2 = isClip(clipId2) ? m_allClips[clipId2]->getPosition() : delta_track < 0 ? getTrackMltIndex(m_allCompositions[clipId2]->getCurrentTrackId()) : delta_track > 0 ? -getTrackMltIndex(m_allCompositions[clipId2]->getCurrentTrackId()) : m_allCompositions[clipId2]->getPosition(); return p2 <= p1; }); // Moving groups is a two stage process: first we remove the clips from the tracks, and then try to insert them back at their calculated new positions. // This way, we ensure that no conflict will arise with clips inside the group being moved Fun update_model = []() { return true; }; // Check if there is a track move bool updatePositionOnly = false; if (delta_track == 0 && updateView) { updateView = false; allowViewRefresh = false; updatePositionOnly = true; update_model = [sorted_clips, this]() { QModelIndex modelIndex; QVector roles{StartRole}; for (int item : sorted_clips) { if (isClip(item)) { modelIndex = makeClipIndexFromID(item); } else { modelIndex = makeCompositionIndexFromID(item); } notifyChange(modelIndex, modelIndex, roles); } return true; }; } // First, remove clips std::unordered_map old_track_ids, old_position, old_forced_track; for (int item : sorted_clips) { int old_trackId = getItemTrackId(item); old_track_ids[item] = old_trackId; if (old_trackId != -1) { bool updateThisView = allowViewRefresh; if (isClip(item)) { ok = ok && getTrackById(old_trackId)->requestClipDeletion(item, updateThisView, finalMove, local_undo, local_redo); old_position[item] = m_allClips[item]->getPosition(); } else { // ok = ok && getTrackById(old_trackId)->requestCompositionDeletion(item, updateThisView, finalMove, local_undo, local_redo); old_position[item] = m_allCompositions[item]->getPosition(); old_forced_track[item] = m_allCompositions[item]->getForcedTrack(); } if (!ok) { bool undone = local_undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); return false; } } } // Second step, reinsert clips at correct positions int audio_delta, video_delta; audio_delta = video_delta = delta_track; if (getTrackById(old_track_ids[itemId])->isAudioTrack()) { // Master clip is audio, so reverse delta for video clips video_delta = -delta_track; } else { audio_delta = -delta_track; } // Reverse sort. We need to insert from left to right to avoid confusing the view std::reverse(std::begin(sorted_clips), std::end(sorted_clips)); for (int item : sorted_clips) { int current_track_id = old_track_ids[item]; int current_track_position = getTrackPosition(current_track_id); int d = getTrackById(current_track_id)->isAudioTrack() ? audio_delta : video_delta; int target_track_position = current_track_position + d; bool updateThisView = allowViewRefresh; if (target_track_position >= 0 && target_track_position < getTracksCount()) { auto it = m_allTracks.cbegin(); std::advance(it, target_track_position); int target_track = (*it)->getId(); int target_position = old_position[item] + delta_pos; if (isClip(item)) { ok = ok && requestClipMove(item, target_track, target_position, updateThisView, finalMove, local_undo, local_redo); } else { ok = ok && requestCompositionMove(item, target_track, old_forced_track[item], target_position, updateThisView, finalMove, local_undo, local_redo); } } else { qDebug() << "// ABORTING; MOVE TRIED ON TRACK: " << target_track_position << "..\n..\n.."; ok = false; } if (!ok) { bool undone = local_undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); return false; } } if (updatePositionOnly) { update_model(); PUSH_LAMBDA(update_model, local_redo); PUSH_LAMBDA(update_model, local_undo); } UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(local_redo, local_undo, undo, redo); return true; } bool TimelineModel::requestGroupDeletion(int clipId, bool logUndo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(clipId, logUndo); if (!m_groups->isInGroup(clipId)) { TRACE_RES(false); return false; } bool res = requestItemDeletion(clipId, logUndo); TRACE_RES(res); return res; } bool TimelineModel::requestGroupDeletion(int clipId, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { // we do a breadth first exploration of the group tree, ungroup (delete) every inner node, and then delete all the leaves. std::queue group_queue; group_queue.push(m_groups->getRootId(clipId)); std::unordered_set all_items; std::unordered_set all_compositions; while (!group_queue.empty()) { int current_group = group_queue.front(); bool isSelection = m_currentSelection == current_group; if (isSelection) { m_currentSelection = -1; } group_queue.pop(); Q_ASSERT(isGroup(current_group)); auto children = m_groups->getDirectChildren(current_group); int one_child = -1; // we need the id on any of the indices of the elements of the group for (int c : children) { if (isClip(c)) { all_items.insert(c); one_child = c; } else if (isComposition(c)) { all_compositions.insert(c); one_child = c; } else { Q_ASSERT(isGroup(c)); one_child = c; group_queue.push(c); } } if (one_child != -1) { if (m_groups->getType(current_group) == GroupType::Selection) { Q_ASSERT(isSelection); // in the case of a selection group, we delete the group but don't log it in the undo object Fun tmp_undo = []() { return true; }; Fun tmp_redo = []() { return true; }; m_groups->ungroupItem(one_child, tmp_undo, tmp_redo); } else { bool res = m_groups->ungroupItem(one_child, undo, redo); if (!res) { undo(); return false; } } } } for (int clip : all_items) { bool res = requestClipDeletion(clip, undo, redo); if (!res) { undo(); return false; } } for (int compo : all_compositions) { bool res = requestCompositionDeletion(compo, undo, redo); if (!res) { undo(); return false; } } return true; } int TimelineModel::requestItemResize(int itemId, int size, bool right, bool logUndo, int snapDistance, bool allowSingleResize) { if (logUndo) { qDebug() << "---------------------\n---------------------\nRESIZE W/UNDO CALLED\n++++++++++++++++\n++++"; } QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(itemId, size, right, logUndo, snapDistance, allowSingleResize); Q_ASSERT(isItem(itemId)); if (size <= 0) { TRACE_RES(-1); return -1; } int in = getItemPosition(itemId); int out = in + getItemPlaytime(itemId); if (snapDistance > 0 && getItemTrackId(itemId) != -1) { Fun temp_undo = []() { return true; }; Fun temp_redo = []() { return true; }; if (right && size > out - in && isClip(itemId)) { int targetPos = in + size - 1; int trackId = getItemTrackId(itemId); if (!getTrackById_const(trackId)->isBlankAt(targetPos)) { size = getTrackById_const(trackId)->getBlankEnd(out + 1) - in; } } else if (!right && size > (out - in) && isClip(itemId)) { int targetPos = out - size; int trackId = getItemTrackId(itemId); if (!getTrackById_const(trackId)->isBlankAt(targetPos)) { size = out - getTrackById_const(trackId)->getBlankStart(in - 1); } } int timelinePos = pCore->getTimelinePosition(); m_snaps->addPoint(timelinePos); int proposed_size = m_snaps->proposeSize(in, out, size, right, snapDistance); m_snaps->removePoint(timelinePos); if (proposed_size > 0) { // only test move if proposed_size is valid bool success = false; if (isClip(itemId)) { success = m_allClips[itemId]->requestResize(proposed_size, right, temp_undo, temp_redo, false); } else { success = m_allCompositions[itemId]->requestResize(proposed_size, right, temp_undo, temp_redo, false); } if (success) { temp_undo(); // undo temp move size = proposed_size; } } } Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; std::unordered_set all_items; if (!allowSingleResize && m_groups->isInGroup(itemId)) { int groupId = m_groups->getRootId(itemId); std::unordered_set items; if (m_groups->getType(groupId) == GroupType::AVSplit) { // Only resize group elements if it is an avsplit items = m_groups->getLeaves(groupId); } else { all_items.insert(itemId); } for (int id : items) { if (id == itemId) { all_items.insert(id); continue; } int start = getItemPosition(id); int end = in + getItemPlaytime(id); if (right) { if (out == end) { all_items.insert(id); } } else if (start == in) { all_items.insert(id); } } } else { all_items.insert(itemId); } bool result = true; for (int id : all_items) { int tid = getItemTrackId(id); if (tid > -1 && getTrackById_const(tid)->isLocked()) { continue; } result = result && requestItemResize(id, size, right, logUndo, undo, redo); } if (!result) { bool undone = undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); TRACE_RES(-1); return -1; } if (result && logUndo) { if (isClip(itemId)) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Resize clip")); } else { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Resize composition")); } } int res = result ? size : -1; TRACE_RES(res); return res; } bool TimelineModel::requestItemResize(int itemId, int size, bool right, bool logUndo, Fun &undo, Fun &redo, bool blockUndo) { Fun local_undo = []() { return true; }; Fun local_redo = []() { return true; }; Fun update_model = [itemId, right, logUndo, this]() { Q_ASSERT(isItem(itemId)); if (getItemTrackId(itemId) != -1) { qDebug() << "++++++++++\nRESIZING ITEM: " << itemId << "\n+++++++"; QModelIndex modelIndex = isClip(itemId) ? makeClipIndexFromID(itemId) : makeCompositionIndexFromID(itemId); notifyChange(modelIndex, modelIndex, !right, true, logUndo); } return true; }; bool result = false; if (isClip(itemId)) { result = m_allClips[itemId]->requestResize(size, right, local_undo, local_redo, logUndo); } else { Q_ASSERT(isComposition(itemId)); result = m_allCompositions[itemId]->requestResize(size, right, local_undo, local_redo, logUndo); } if (result) { if (!blockUndo) { PUSH_LAMBDA(update_model, local_undo); } PUSH_LAMBDA(update_model, local_redo); update_model(); UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(local_redo, local_undo, undo, redo); } return result; } int TimelineModel::requestClipsGroup(const std::unordered_set &ids, bool logUndo, GroupType type) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(ids, logUndo, type); if (type == GroupType::Selection || type == GroupType::Leaf) { // Selections shouldn't be done here. Call requestSetSelection instead TRACE_RES(-1); return -1; } Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; int result = requestClipsGroup(ids, undo, redo, type); if (result > -1 && logUndo) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Group clips")); } TRACE_RES(result); return result; } int TimelineModel::requestClipsGroup(const std::unordered_set &ids, Fun &undo, Fun &redo, GroupType type) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); + if (type != GroupType::Selection) { + requestClearSelection(); + } for (int id : ids) { if (isClip(id)) { if (getClipTrackId(id) == -1) { return -1; } } else if (isComposition(id)) { if (getCompositionTrackId(id) == -1) { return -1; } } else if (!isGroup(id)) { return -1; } } if (type == GroupType::Selection && ids.size() == 1) { // only one element selected, no group created return -1; } int groupId = m_groups->groupItems(ids, undo, redo, type); + if (type != GroupType::Selection) { + // we make sure that the undo and the redo are going to unselect before doing anything else + Fun unselect = [this]() { return requestClearSelection(); }; + PUSH_FRONT_LAMBDA(unselect, undo); + PUSH_FRONT_LAMBDA(unselect, redo); + } return groupId; } bool TimelineModel::requestClipsUngroup(const std::unordered_set &itemIds, bool logUndo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(itemIds, logUndo); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool result = true; requestClearSelection(); std::unordered_set roots; std::transform(itemIds.begin(), itemIds.end(), std::inserter(roots, roots.begin()), [&](int id) { return m_groups->getRootId(id); }); for (int root : roots) { result = result && requestClipUngroup(root, undo, redo); } if (!result) { bool undone = undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); } if (result && logUndo) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Ungroup clips")); } TRACE_RES(result); return result; } bool TimelineModel::requestClipUngroup(int itemId, bool logUndo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(itemId, logUndo); requestClearSelection(); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool result = true; result = requestClipUngroup(itemId, undo, redo); if (result && logUndo) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Ungroup clips")); } TRACE_RES(result); return result; } bool TimelineModel::requestClipUngroup(int itemId, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); - return m_groups->ungroupItem(itemId, undo, redo); + bool isSelection = m_groups->getType(m_groups->getRootId(itemId)) == GroupType::Selection; + if (!isSelection) { + requestClearSelection(); + } + bool res = m_groups->ungroupItem(itemId, undo, redo); + if (res && !isSelection) { + // we make sure that the undo and the redo are going to unselect before doing anything else + Fun unselect = [this]() { return requestClearSelection(); }; + PUSH_FRONT_LAMBDA(unselect, undo); + PUSH_FRONT_LAMBDA(unselect, redo); + } + return res; } bool TimelineModel::requestTrackInsertion(int position, int &id, const QString &trackName, bool audioTrack) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(position, id, trackName, audioTrack); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool result = requestTrackInsertion(position, id, trackName, audioTrack, undo, redo); if (result) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Insert Track")); } TRACE_RES(result); return result; } bool TimelineModel::requestTrackInsertion(int position, int &id, const QString &trackName, bool audioTrack, Fun &undo, Fun &redo, bool updateView) { // TODO: make sure we disable overlayTrack before inserting a track if (position == -1) { position = (int)(m_allTracks.size()); } if (position < 0 || position > (int)m_allTracks.size()) { return false; } int trackId = TimelineModel::getNextId(); id = trackId; Fun local_undo = deregisterTrack_lambda(trackId, true); TrackModel::construct(shared_from_this(), trackId, position, trackName, audioTrack); auto track = getTrackById(trackId); Fun local_redo = [track, position, updateView, this]() { // We capture a shared_ptr to the track, which means that as long as this undo object lives, the track object is not deleted. To insert it back it is // sufficient to register it. registerTrack(track, position, updateView); return true; }; UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(local_redo, local_undo, undo, redo); return true; } bool TimelineModel::requestTrackDeletion(int trackId) { // TODO: make sure we disable overlayTrack before deleting a track QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(trackId); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool result = requestTrackDeletion(trackId, undo, redo); if (result) { if (m_videoTarget == trackId) { m_videoTarget = -1; } if (m_audioTarget == trackId) { m_audioTarget = -1; } PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Delete Track")); } TRACE_RES(result); return result; } bool TimelineModel::requestTrackDeletion(int trackId, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); std::vector clips_to_delete; for (const auto &it : getTrackById(trackId)->m_allClips) { clips_to_delete.push_back(it.first); } Fun local_undo = []() { return true; }; Fun local_redo = []() { return true; }; for (int clip : clips_to_delete) { bool res = true; while (res && m_groups->isInGroup(clip)) { res = requestClipUngroup(clip, local_undo, local_redo); } if (res) { res = requestClipDeletion(clip, local_undo, local_redo); } if (!res) { bool u = local_undo(); Q_ASSERT(u); return false; } } int old_position = getTrackPosition(trackId); auto operation = deregisterTrack_lambda(trackId, true); std::shared_ptr track = getTrackById(trackId); Fun reverse = [this, track, old_position]() { // We capture a shared_ptr to the track, which means that as long as this undo object lives, the track object is not deleted. To insert it back it is // sufficient to register it. registerTrack(track, old_position); return true; }; if (operation()) { UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(operation, reverse, local_undo, local_redo); UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(local_redo, local_undo, undo, redo); return true; } local_undo(); return false; } void TimelineModel::registerTrack(std::shared_ptr track, int pos, bool doInsert, bool reloadView) { // qDebug() << "REGISTER TRACK" << track->getId() << pos; int id = track->getId(); if (pos == -1) { pos = static_cast(m_allTracks.size()); } Q_ASSERT(pos >= 0); Q_ASSERT(pos <= static_cast(m_allTracks.size())); // effective insertion (MLT operation), add 1 to account for black background track if (doInsert) { int error = m_tractor->insert_track(*track, pos + 1); Q_ASSERT(error == 0); // we might need better error handling... } // we now insert in the list auto posIt = m_allTracks.begin(); std::advance(posIt, pos); auto it = m_allTracks.insert(posIt, std::move(track)); // it now contains the iterator to the inserted element, we store it Q_ASSERT(m_iteratorTable.count(id) == 0); // check that id is not used (shouldn't happen) m_iteratorTable[id] = it; if (reloadView) { // don't reload view on each track load on project opening _resetView(); } } void TimelineModel::registerClip(const std::shared_ptr &clip, bool registerProducer) { int id = clip->getId(); qDebug() << " // /REQUEST TL CLP REGSTR: " << id << "\n--------\nCLIPS COUNT: " << m_allClips.size(); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(id) == 0); m_allClips[id] = clip; clip->registerClipToBin(clip->getProducer(), registerProducer); m_groups->createGroupItem(id); clip->setTimelineEffectsEnabled(m_timelineEffectsEnabled); } void TimelineModel::registerGroup(int groupId) { Q_ASSERT(m_allGroups.count(groupId) == 0); m_allGroups.insert(groupId); } Fun TimelineModel::deregisterTrack_lambda(int id, bool updateView) { return [this, id, updateView]() { // qDebug() << "DEREGISTER TRACK" << id; auto it = m_iteratorTable[id]; // iterator to the element int index = getTrackPosition(id); // compute index in list m_tractor->remove_track(static_cast(index + 1)); // melt operation, add 1 to account for black background track // send update to the model m_allTracks.erase(it); // actual deletion of object m_iteratorTable.erase(id); // clean table if (updateView) { _resetView(); } return true; }; } Fun TimelineModel::deregisterClip_lambda(int clipId) { return [this, clipId]() { // qDebug() << " // /REQUEST TL CLP DELETION: " << clipId << "\n--------\nCLIPS COUNT: " << m_allClips.size(); requestClearSelection(true); clearAssetView(clipId); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); Q_ASSERT(getClipTrackId(clipId) == -1); // clip must be deleted from its track at this point Q_ASSERT(!m_groups->isInGroup(clipId)); // clip must be ungrouped at this point auto clip = m_allClips[clipId]; m_allClips.erase(clipId); clip->deregisterClipToBin(); m_groups->destructGroupItem(clipId); return true; }; } void TimelineModel::deregisterGroup(int id) { Q_ASSERT(m_allGroups.count(id) > 0); m_allGroups.erase(id); } std::shared_ptr TimelineModel::getTrackById(int trackId) { Q_ASSERT(m_iteratorTable.count(trackId) > 0); return *m_iteratorTable[trackId]; } const std::shared_ptr TimelineModel::getTrackById_const(int trackId) const { Q_ASSERT(m_iteratorTable.count(trackId) > 0); return *m_iteratorTable.at(trackId); } bool TimelineModel::addTrackEffect(int trackId, const QString &effectId) { Q_ASSERT(m_iteratorTable.count(trackId) > 0); if ((*m_iteratorTable.at(trackId))->addEffect(effectId) == false) { QString effectName = EffectsRepository::get()->getName(effectId); pCore->displayMessage(i18n("Cannot add effect %1 to selected track", effectName), InformationMessage, 500); return false; } return true; } bool TimelineModel::copyTrackEffect(int trackId, const QString &sourceId) { QStringList source = sourceId.split(QLatin1Char('-')); Q_ASSERT(m_iteratorTable.count(trackId) > 0 && source.count() == 3); int itemType = source.at(0).toInt(); int itemId = source.at(1).toInt(); int itemRow = source.at(2).toInt(); std::shared_ptr effectStack = pCore->getItemEffectStack(itemType, itemId); if ((*m_iteratorTable.at(trackId))->copyEffect(effectStack, itemRow) == false) { pCore->displayMessage(i18n("Cannot paste effect to selected track"), InformationMessage, 500); return false; } return true; } std::shared_ptr TimelineModel::getClipPtr(int clipId) const { Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); return m_allClips.at(clipId); } bool TimelineModel::addClipEffect(int clipId, const QString &effectId, bool notify) { Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); bool result = m_allClips.at(clipId)->addEffect(effectId); if (!result && notify) { QString effectName = EffectsRepository::get()->getName(effectId); pCore->displayMessage(i18n("Cannot add effect %1 to selected clip", effectName), InformationMessage, 500); } return result; } bool TimelineModel::removeFade(int clipId, bool fromStart) { Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); return m_allClips.at(clipId)->removeFade(fromStart); } std::shared_ptr TimelineModel::getClipEffectStack(int itemId) { Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(itemId)); return m_allClips.at(itemId)->m_effectStack; } bool TimelineModel::copyClipEffect(int clipId, const QString &sourceId) { QStringList source = sourceId.split(QLatin1Char('-')); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) && source.count() == 3); int itemType = source.at(0).toInt(); int itemId = source.at(1).toInt(); int itemRow = source.at(2).toInt(); std::shared_ptr effectStack = pCore->getItemEffectStack(itemType, itemId); return m_allClips.at(clipId)->copyEffect(effectStack, itemRow); } bool TimelineModel::adjustEffectLength(int clipId, const QString &effectId, int duration, int initialDuration) { Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId)); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool res = m_allClips.at(clipId)->adjustEffectLength(effectId, duration, initialDuration, undo, redo); if (res && initialDuration > 0) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Adjust Fade")); } return res; } std::shared_ptr TimelineModel::getCompositionPtr(int compoId) const { Q_ASSERT(m_allCompositions.count(compoId) > 0); return m_allCompositions.at(compoId); } int TimelineModel::getNextId() { return TimelineModel::next_id++; } bool TimelineModel::isClip(int id) const { return m_allClips.count(id) > 0; } bool TimelineModel::isComposition(int id) const { return m_allCompositions.count(id) > 0; } bool TimelineModel::isItem(int id) const { return isClip(id) || isComposition(id); } bool TimelineModel::isTrack(int id) const { return m_iteratorTable.count(id) > 0; } bool TimelineModel::isGroup(int id) const { return m_allGroups.count(id) > 0; } void TimelineModel::updateDuration() { int current = m_blackClip->get_playtime() - TimelineModel::seekDuration; int duration = 0; for (const auto &tck : m_iteratorTable) { auto track = (*tck.second); duration = qMax(duration, track->trackDuration()); } if (duration != current) { // update black track length m_blackClip->set_in_and_out(0, duration + TimelineModel::seekDuration); emit durationUpdated(); } } int TimelineModel::duration() const { return m_tractor->get_playtime() - TimelineModel::seekDuration; } std::unordered_set TimelineModel::getGroupElements(int clipId) { int groupId = m_groups->getRootId(clipId); return m_groups->getLeaves(groupId); } Mlt::Profile *TimelineModel::getProfile() { return m_profile; } bool TimelineModel::requestReset(Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { std::vector all_ids; for (const auto &track : m_iteratorTable) { all_ids.push_back(track.first); } bool ok = true; for (int trackId : all_ids) { ok = ok && requestTrackDeletion(trackId, undo, redo); } return ok; } void TimelineModel::setUndoStack(std::weak_ptr undo_stack) { m_undoStack = std::move(undo_stack); } int TimelineModel::suggestSnapPoint(int pos, int snapDistance) { int snapped = m_snaps->getClosestPoint(pos); return (qAbs(snapped - pos) < snapDistance ? snapped : pos); } int TimelineModel::getBestSnapPos(int pos, int length, const std::vector &pts, int cursorPosition, int snapDistance) { if (!pts.empty()) { m_snaps->ignore(pts); } m_snaps->addPoint(cursorPosition); int snapped_start = m_snaps->getClosestPoint(pos); int snapped_end = m_snaps->getClosestPoint(pos + length); m_snaps->unIgnore(); m_snaps->removePoint(cursorPosition); int startDiff = qAbs(pos - snapped_start); int endDiff = qAbs(pos + length - snapped_end); if (startDiff < endDiff && startDiff <= snapDistance) { // snap to start return snapped_start; } if (endDiff <= snapDistance) { // snap to end return snapped_end - length; } return -1; } int TimelineModel::getNextSnapPos(int pos) { return m_snaps->getNextPoint(pos); } int TimelineModel::getPreviousSnapPos(int pos) { return m_snaps->getPreviousPoint(pos); } void TimelineModel::addSnap(int pos) { TRACE(pos); return m_snaps->addPoint(pos); } void TimelineModel::removeSnap(int pos) { TRACE(pos); return m_snaps->removePoint(pos); } void TimelineModel::registerComposition(const std::shared_ptr &composition) { int id = composition->getId(); Q_ASSERT(m_allCompositions.count(id) == 0); m_allCompositions[id] = composition; m_groups->createGroupItem(id); } bool TimelineModel::requestCompositionInsertion(const QString &transitionId, int trackId, int position, int length, std::unique_ptr transProps, int &id, bool logUndo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); // TRACE(transitionId, trackId, position, length, transProps.get(), id, logUndo); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool result = requestCompositionInsertion(transitionId, trackId, -1, position, length, std::move(transProps), id, undo, redo, logUndo); if (result && logUndo) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Insert Composition")); } // TRACE_RES(result); return result; } bool TimelineModel::requestCompositionInsertion(const QString &transitionId, int trackId, int compositionTrack, int position, int length, std::unique_ptr transProps, int &id, Fun &undo, Fun &redo, bool finalMove) { qDebug() << "Inserting compo track" << trackId << "pos" << position << "length" << length; int compositionId = TimelineModel::getNextId(); id = compositionId; Fun local_undo = deregisterComposition_lambda(compositionId); CompositionModel::construct(shared_from_this(), transitionId, compositionId, std::move(transProps)); auto composition = m_allCompositions[compositionId]; Fun local_redo = [composition, this]() { // We capture a shared_ptr to the composition, which means that as long as this undo object lives, the composition object is not deleted. To insert it // back it is sufficient to register it. registerComposition(composition); return true; }; bool res = requestCompositionMove(compositionId, trackId, compositionTrack, position, true, finalMove, local_undo, local_redo); qDebug() << "trying to move" << trackId << "pos" << position << "success " << res; if (res) { res = requestItemResize(compositionId, length, true, true, local_undo, local_redo, true); qDebug() << "trying to resize" << compositionId << "length" << length << "success " << res; } if (!res) { bool undone = local_undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); id = -1; return false; } UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(local_redo, local_undo, undo, redo); return true; } Fun TimelineModel::deregisterComposition_lambda(int compoId) { return [this, compoId]() { Q_ASSERT(m_allCompositions.count(compoId) > 0); Q_ASSERT(!m_groups->isInGroup(compoId)); // composition must be ungrouped at this point requestClearSelection(true); clearAssetView(compoId); m_allCompositions.erase(compoId); m_groups->destructGroupItem(compoId); return true; }; } int TimelineModel::getCompositionPosition(int compoId) const { Q_ASSERT(m_allCompositions.count(compoId) > 0); const auto trans = m_allCompositions.at(compoId); return trans->getPosition(); } int TimelineModel::getCompositionPlaytime(int compoId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(m_allCompositions.count(compoId) > 0); const auto trans = m_allCompositions.at(compoId); int playtime = trans->getPlaytime(); return playtime; } int TimelineModel::getItemPosition(int itemId) const { if (isClip(itemId)) { return getClipPosition(itemId); } return getCompositionPosition(itemId); } int TimelineModel::getItemPlaytime(int itemId) const { if (isClip(itemId)) { return getClipPlaytime(itemId); } return getCompositionPlaytime(itemId); } int TimelineModel::getTrackCompositionsCount(int trackId) const { Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); return getTrackById_const(trackId)->getCompositionsCount(); } bool TimelineModel::requestCompositionMove(int compoId, int trackId, int position, bool updateView, bool logUndo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Q_ASSERT(isComposition(compoId)); if (m_allCompositions[compoId]->getPosition() == position && getCompositionTrackId(compoId) == trackId) { return true; } if (m_groups->isInGroup(compoId)) { // element is in a group. int groupId = m_groups->getRootId(compoId); int current_trackId = getCompositionTrackId(compoId); int track_pos1 = getTrackPosition(trackId); int track_pos2 = getTrackPosition(current_trackId); int delta_track = track_pos1 - track_pos2; int delta_pos = position - m_allCompositions[compoId]->getPosition(); return requestGroupMove(compoId, groupId, delta_track, delta_pos, updateView, logUndo); } std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; int min = getCompositionPosition(compoId); int max = min + getCompositionPlaytime(compoId); int tk = getCompositionTrackId(compoId); bool res = requestCompositionMove(compoId, trackId, m_allCompositions[compoId]->getForcedTrack(), position, updateView, logUndo, undo, redo); if (tk > -1) { min = qMin(min, getCompositionPosition(compoId)); max = qMax(max, getCompositionPosition(compoId)); } else { min = getCompositionPosition(compoId); max = min + getCompositionPlaytime(compoId); } if (res && logUndo) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Move composition")); checkRefresh(min, max); } return res; } bool TimelineModel::isAudioTrack(int trackId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); auto it = m_iteratorTable.at(trackId); return (*it)->isAudioTrack(); } bool TimelineModel::requestCompositionMove(int compoId, int trackId, int compositionTrack, int position, bool updateView, bool finalMove, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Q_ASSERT(isComposition(compoId)); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); if (compositionTrack == -1 || (compositionTrack > 0 && trackId == getTrackIndexFromPosition(compositionTrack - 1))) { // qDebug() << "// compo track: " << trackId << ", PREVIOUS TK: " << getPreviousVideoTrackPos(trackId); compositionTrack = getPreviousVideoTrackPos(trackId); } if (compositionTrack == -1) { // it doesn't make sense to insert a composition on the last track qDebug() << "Move failed because of last track"; return false; } qDebug() << "Requesting composition move" << trackId << "," << position << " ( " << compositionTrack << " / " << (compositionTrack > 0 ? getTrackIndexFromPosition(compositionTrack - 1) : 0); Fun local_undo = []() { return true; }; Fun local_redo = []() { return true; }; bool ok = true; int old_trackId = getCompositionTrackId(compoId); bool notifyViewOnly = false; Fun update_model = []() { return true; }; if (updateView && old_trackId == trackId) { // Move on same track, only send view update updateView = false; notifyViewOnly = true; update_model = [compoId, this]() { QModelIndex modelIndex = makeCompositionIndexFromID(compoId); notifyChange(modelIndex, modelIndex, StartRole); return true; }; } if (old_trackId != -1) { Fun delete_operation = []() { return true; }; Fun delete_reverse = []() { return true; }; if (old_trackId != trackId) { delete_operation = [this, compoId]() { bool res = unplantComposition(compoId); if (res) m_allCompositions[compoId]->setATrack(-1, -1); return res; }; int oldAtrack = m_allCompositions[compoId]->getATrack(); delete_reverse = [this, compoId, oldAtrack, updateView]() { m_allCompositions[compoId]->setATrack(oldAtrack, oldAtrack <= 0 ? -1 : getTrackIndexFromPosition(oldAtrack - 1)); return replantCompositions(compoId, updateView); }; } ok = delete_operation(); if (!ok) qDebug() << "Move failed because of first delete operation"; if (ok) { if (notifyViewOnly) { PUSH_LAMBDA(update_model, local_undo); } UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(delete_operation, delete_reverse, local_undo, local_redo); ok = getTrackById(old_trackId)->requestCompositionDeletion(compoId, updateView, finalMove, local_undo, local_redo); } if (!ok) { qDebug() << "Move failed because of first deletion request"; bool undone = local_undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); return false; } } ok = getTrackById(trackId)->requestCompositionInsertion(compoId, position, updateView, finalMove, local_undo, local_redo); if (!ok) qDebug() << "Move failed because of second insertion request"; if (ok) { Fun insert_operation = []() { return true; }; Fun insert_reverse = []() { return true; }; if (old_trackId != trackId) { insert_operation = [this, compoId, compositionTrack, updateView]() { qDebug() << "-------------- ATRACK ----------------\n" << compositionTrack << " = " << getTrackIndexFromPosition(compositionTrack); m_allCompositions[compoId]->setATrack(compositionTrack, compositionTrack <= 0 ? -1 : getTrackIndexFromPosition(compositionTrack - 1)); return replantCompositions(compoId, updateView); }; insert_reverse = [this, compoId]() { bool res = unplantComposition(compoId); if (res) m_allCompositions[compoId]->setATrack(-1, -1); return res; }; } ok = insert_operation(); if (!ok) qDebug() << "Move failed because of second insert operation"; if (ok) { if (notifyViewOnly) { PUSH_LAMBDA(update_model, local_redo); } UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(insert_operation, insert_reverse, local_undo, local_redo); } } if (!ok) { bool undone = local_undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); return false; } update_model(); UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(local_redo, local_undo, undo, redo); return true; } bool TimelineModel::replantCompositions(int currentCompo, bool updateView) { // We ensure that the compositions are planted in a decreasing order of b_track. // For that, there is no better option than to disconnect every composition and then reinsert everything in the correct order. std::vector> compos; for (const auto &compo : m_allCompositions) { int trackId = compo.second->getCurrentTrackId(); if (trackId == -1 || compo.second->getATrack() == -1) { continue; } // Note: we need to retrieve the position of the track, that is its melt index. int trackPos = getTrackMltIndex(trackId); compos.emplace_back(trackPos, compo.first); if (compo.first != currentCompo) { unplantComposition(compo.first); } } // sort by decreasing b_track std::sort(compos.begin(), compos.end(), [](const std::pair &a, const std::pair &b) { return a.first > b.first; }); // replant QScopedPointer field(m_tractor->field()); field->lock(); // Unplant track compositing mlt_service nextservice = mlt_service_get_producer(field->get_service()); mlt_properties properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES(nextservice); QString resource = mlt_properties_get(properties, "mlt_service"); mlt_service_type mlt_type = mlt_service_identify(nextservice); QList trackCompositions; while (mlt_type == transition_type) { Mlt::Transition transition((mlt_transition)nextservice); nextservice = mlt_service_producer(nextservice); int internal = transition.get_int("internal_added"); if (internal > 0 && resource != QLatin1String("mix")) { trackCompositions << new Mlt::Transition(transition); field->disconnect_service(transition); transition.disconnect_all_producers(); } if (nextservice == nullptr) { break; } mlt_type = mlt_service_identify(nextservice); properties = MLT_SERVICE_PROPERTIES(nextservice); resource = mlt_properties_get(properties, "mlt_service"); } // Sort track compositing std::sort(trackCompositions.begin(), trackCompositions.end(), [](Mlt::Transition *a, Mlt::Transition *b) { return a->get_b_track() < b->get_b_track(); }); for (const auto &compo : compos) { int aTrack = m_allCompositions[compo.second]->getATrack(); Q_ASSERT(aTrack != -1 && aTrack < m_tractor->count()); int ret = field->plant_transition(*m_allCompositions[compo.second].get(), aTrack, compo.first); qDebug() << "Planting composition " << compo.second << "in " << aTrack << "/" << compo.first << "IN = " << m_allCompositions[compo.second]->getIn() << "OUT = " << m_allCompositions[compo.second]->getOut() << "ret=" << ret; Mlt::Transition &transition = *m_allCompositions[compo.second].get(); transition.set_tracks(aTrack, compo.first); mlt_service consumer = mlt_service_consumer(transition.get_service()); Q_ASSERT(consumer != nullptr); if (ret != 0) { field->unlock(); return false; } } // Replant last tracks compositing while (!trackCompositions.isEmpty()) { Mlt::Transition *firstTr = trackCompositions.takeFirst(); field->plant_transition(*firstTr, firstTr->get_a_track(), firstTr->get_b_track()); } field->unlock(); if (updateView) { QModelIndex modelIndex = makeCompositionIndexFromID(currentCompo); notifyChange(modelIndex, modelIndex, ItemATrack); } return true; } bool TimelineModel::unplantComposition(int compoId) { qDebug() << "Unplanting" << compoId; Mlt::Transition &transition = *m_allCompositions[compoId].get(); mlt_service consumer = mlt_service_consumer(transition.get_service()); Q_ASSERT(consumer != nullptr); QScopedPointer field(m_tractor->field()); field->lock(); field->disconnect_service(transition); int ret = transition.disconnect_all_producers(); mlt_service nextservice = mlt_service_get_producer(transition.get_service()); // mlt_service consumer = mlt_service_consumer(transition.get_service()); Q_ASSERT(nextservice == nullptr); // Q_ASSERT(consumer == nullptr); field->unlock(); return ret != 0; } bool TimelineModel::checkConsistency() { for (const auto &tck : m_iteratorTable) { auto track = (*tck.second); // Check parent/children link for tracks if (auto ptr = track->m_parent.lock()) { if (ptr.get() != this) { qDebug() << "Wrong parent for track" << tck.first; return false; } } else { qDebug() << "NULL parent for track" << tck.first; return false; } // check consistency of track if (!track->checkConsistency()) { qDebug() << "Consistency check failed for track" << tck.first; return false; } } // We store all in/outs of clips to check snap points std::map snaps; // Check parent/children link for clips for (const auto &cp : m_allClips) { auto clip = (cp.second); // Check parent/children link for tracks if (auto ptr = clip->m_parent.lock()) { if (ptr.get() != this) { qDebug() << "Wrong parent for clip" << cp.first; return false; } } else { qDebug() << "NULL parent for clip" << cp.first; return false; } if (getClipTrackId(cp.first) != -1) { snaps[clip->getPosition()] += 1; snaps[clip->getPosition() + clip->getPlaytime()] += 1; } if (!clip->checkConsistency()) { qDebug() << "Consistency check failed for clip" << cp.first; return false; } } for (const auto &cp : m_allCompositions) { auto clip = (cp.second); // Check parent/children link for tracks if (auto ptr = clip->m_parent.lock()) { if (ptr.get() != this) { qDebug() << "Wrong parent for compo" << cp.first; return false; } } else { qDebug() << "NULL parent for compo" << cp.first; return false; } if (getCompositionTrackId(cp.first) != -1) { snaps[clip->getPosition()] += 1; snaps[clip->getPosition() + clip->getPlaytime()] += 1; } } // Check snaps auto stored_snaps = m_snaps->_snaps(); if (snaps.size() != stored_snaps.size()) { qDebug() << "Wrong number of snaps: " << snaps.size() << " == " << stored_snaps.size(); return false; } for (auto i = snaps.begin(), j = stored_snaps.begin(); i != snaps.end(); ++i, ++j) { if (*i != *j) { qDebug() << "Wrong snap info at point" << (*i).first; return false; } } // We check consistency with bin model auto binClips = pCore->projectItemModel()->getAllClipIds(); // First step: all clips referenced by the bin model exist and are inserted for (const auto &binClip : binClips) { auto projClip = pCore->projectItemModel()->getClipByBinID(binClip); for (const auto &insertedClip : projClip->m_registeredClips) { if (auto ptr = insertedClip.second.lock()) { if (ptr.get() == this) { // check we are talking of this timeline if (!isClip(insertedClip.first)) { qDebug() << "Bin model registers a bad clip ID" << insertedClip.first; return false; } } } else { qDebug() << "Bin model registers a clip in a NULL timeline" << insertedClip.first; return false; } } } // Second step: all clips are referenced for (const auto &clip : m_allClips) { auto binId = clip.second->m_binClipId; auto projClip = pCore->projectItemModel()->getClipByBinID(binId); if (projClip->m_registeredClips.count(clip.first) == 0) { qDebug() << "Clip " << clip.first << "not registered in bin"; return false; } } // We now check consistency of the compositions. For that, we list all compositions of the tractor, and see if we have a matching one in our // m_allCompositions std::unordered_set remaining_compo; for (const auto &compo : m_allCompositions) { if (getCompositionTrackId(compo.first) != -1 && m_allCompositions[compo.first]->getATrack() != -1) { remaining_compo.insert(compo.first); // check validity of the consumer Mlt::Transition &transition = *m_allCompositions[compo.first].get(); mlt_service consumer = mlt_service_consumer(transition.get_service()); Q_ASSERT(consumer != nullptr); } } QScopedPointer field(m_tractor->field()); field->lock(); mlt_service nextservice = mlt_service_get_producer(field->get_service()); mlt_service_type mlt_type = mlt_service_identify(nextservice); while (nextservice != nullptr) { if (mlt_type == transition_type) { auto tr = (mlt_transition)nextservice; int currentTrack = mlt_transition_get_b_track(tr); int currentATrack = mlt_transition_get_a_track(tr); int currentIn = (int)mlt_transition_get_in(tr); int currentOut = (int)mlt_transition_get_out(tr); qDebug() << "looking composition IN: " << currentIn << ", OUT: " << currentOut << ", TRACK: " << currentTrack << " / " << currentATrack; int foundId = -1; // we iterate to try to find a matching compo for (int compoId : remaining_compo) { if (getTrackMltIndex(getCompositionTrackId(compoId)) == currentTrack && m_allCompositions[compoId]->getATrack() == currentATrack && m_allCompositions[compoId]->getIn() == currentIn && m_allCompositions[compoId]->getOut() == currentOut) { foundId = compoId; break; } } if (foundId == -1) { qDebug() << "Error, we didn't find matching composition IN: " << currentIn << ", OUT: " << currentOut << ", TRACK: " << currentTrack << " / " << currentATrack; field->unlock(); return false; } qDebug() << "Found"; remaining_compo.erase(foundId); } nextservice = mlt_service_producer(nextservice); if (nextservice == nullptr) { break; } mlt_type = mlt_service_identify(nextservice); } field->unlock(); if (!remaining_compo.empty()) { qDebug() << "Error: We found less compositions than expected. Compositions that have not been found:"; for (int compoId : remaining_compo) { qDebug() << compoId; } return false; } // We check consistency of groups if (!m_groups->checkConsistency(true, true)) { qDebug() << "== ERROR IN GROUP CONSISTENCY"; return false; } // Check that the selection is in a valid state: if (m_currentSelection != -1 && !isClip(m_currentSelection) && !isComposition(m_currentSelection) && !isGroup(m_currentSelection)) { qDebug() << "Selection is in inconsistent state"; return false; } return true; } void TimelineModel::setTimelineEffectsEnabled(bool enabled) { m_timelineEffectsEnabled = enabled; // propagate info to clips for (const auto &clip : m_allClips) { clip.second->setTimelineEffectsEnabled(enabled); } // TODO if we support track effects, they should be disabled here too } std::shared_ptr TimelineModel::producer() { return std::make_shared(tractor()); } void TimelineModel::checkRefresh(int start, int end) { if (m_blockRefresh) { return; } int currentPos = tractor()->position(); if (currentPos >= start && currentPos < end) { emit requestMonitorRefresh(); } } void TimelineModel::clearAssetView(int itemId) { emit requestClearAssetView(itemId); } std::shared_ptr TimelineModel::getCompositionParameterModel(int compoId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isComposition(compoId)); return std::static_pointer_cast(m_allCompositions.at(compoId)); } std::shared_ptr TimelineModel::getClipEffectStackModel(int clipId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isClip(clipId)); return std::static_pointer_cast(m_allClips.at(clipId)->m_effectStack); } std::shared_ptr TimelineModel::getTrackEffectStackModel(int trackId) { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); return getTrackById(trackId)->m_effectStack; } QStringList TimelineModel::extractCompositionLumas() const { QStringList urls; for (const auto &compo : m_allCompositions) { QString luma = compo.second->getProperty(QStringLiteral("resource")); if (!luma.isEmpty()) { urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(luma).toLocalFile(); } } urls.removeDuplicates(); return urls; } void TimelineModel::adjustAssetRange(int clipId, int in, int out) { Q_UNUSED(clipId) Q_UNUSED(in) Q_UNUSED(out) // pCore->adjustAssetRange(clipId, in, out); } void TimelineModel::requestClipReload(int clipId) { std::function local_undo = []() { return true; }; std::function local_redo = []() { return true; }; // in order to make the producer change effective, we need to unplant / replant the clip in int track int old_trackId = getClipTrackId(clipId); int oldPos = getClipPosition(clipId); int oldOut = getClipIn(clipId) + getClipPlaytime(clipId); // Check if clip out is longer than actual producer duration (if user forced duration) std::shared_ptr binClip = pCore->projectItemModel()->getClipByBinID(getClipBinId(clipId)); bool refreshView = oldOut > (int)binClip->frameDuration(); if (old_trackId != -1) { getTrackById(old_trackId)->requestClipDeletion(clipId, refreshView, true, local_undo, local_redo); } if (old_trackId != -1) { m_allClips[clipId]->refreshProducerFromBin(); getTrackById(old_trackId)->requestClipInsertion(clipId, oldPos, refreshView, true, local_undo, local_redo); } } void TimelineModel::replugClip(int clipId) { int old_trackId = getClipTrackId(clipId); if (old_trackId != -1) { getTrackById(old_trackId)->replugClip(clipId); } } void TimelineModel::requestClipUpdate(int clipId, const QVector &roles) { QModelIndex modelIndex = makeClipIndexFromID(clipId); if (roles.contains(TimelineModel::ReloadThumbRole)) { m_allClips[clipId]->forceThumbReload = !m_allClips[clipId]->forceThumbReload; } notifyChange(modelIndex, modelIndex, roles); } bool TimelineModel::requestClipTimeWarp(int clipId, double speed, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (qFuzzyCompare(speed, m_allClips[clipId]->getSpeed())) { return true; } std::function local_undo = []() { return true; }; std::function local_redo = []() { return true; }; int oldPos = getClipPosition(clipId); // in order to make the producer change effective, we need to unplant / replant the clip in int track bool success = true; int trackId = getClipTrackId(clipId); if (trackId != -1) { success = success && getTrackById(trackId)->requestClipDeletion(clipId, true, true, local_undo, local_redo); } if (success) { success = m_allClips[clipId]->useTimewarpProducer(speed, local_undo, local_redo); } if (trackId != -1) { success = success && getTrackById(trackId)->requestClipInsertion(clipId, oldPos, true, true, local_undo, local_redo); } if (!success) { local_undo(); return false; } UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(local_redo, local_undo, undo, redo); return success; } bool TimelineModel::requestClipTimeWarp(int clipId, double speed) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(clipId, speed); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; // Get main clip info int trackId = getClipTrackId(clipId); bool result = true; if (trackId != -1) { // Check if clip has a split partner int splitId = m_groups->getSplitPartner(clipId); if (splitId > -1) { result = requestClipTimeWarp(splitId, speed / 100.0, undo, redo); } if (result) { result = requestClipTimeWarp(clipId, speed / 100.0, undo, redo); } else { pCore->displayMessage(i18n("Change speed failed"), ErrorMessage); undo(); TRACE_RES(false); return false; } } else { // If clip is not inserted on a track, we just change the producer result = m_allClips[clipId]->useTimewarpProducer(speed, undo, redo); } if (result) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Change clip speed")); } TRACE_RES(result); return result; } const QString TimelineModel::getTrackTagById(int trackId) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); bool isAudio = getTrackById_const(trackId)->isAudioTrack(); int count = 1; int totalAudio = 2; auto it = m_allTracks.begin(); bool found = false; while ((isAudio || !found) && it != m_allTracks.end()) { if ((*it)->isAudioTrack()) { totalAudio++; if (isAudio && !found) { count++; } } else if (!isAudio) { count++; } if ((*it)->getId() == trackId) { found = true; } it++; } return isAudio ? QStringLiteral("A%1").arg(totalAudio - count) : QStringLiteral("V%1").arg(count - 1); } void TimelineModel::updateProfile(Mlt::Profile *profile) { m_profile = profile; m_tractor->set_profile(*m_profile); } int TimelineModel::getBlankSizeNearClip(int clipId, bool after) const { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(m_allClips.count(clipId) > 0); int trackId = getClipTrackId(clipId); if (trackId != -1) { return getTrackById_const(trackId)->getBlankSizeNearClip(clipId, after); } return 0; } int TimelineModel::getPreviousTrackId(int trackId) { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); auto it = m_iteratorTable.at(trackId); bool audioWanted = (*it)->isAudioTrack(); while (it != m_allTracks.begin()) { --it; if (it != m_allTracks.begin() && (*it)->isAudioTrack() == audioWanted) { break; } } return it == m_allTracks.begin() ? trackId : (*it)->getId(); } int TimelineModel::getNextTrackId(int trackId) { READ_LOCK(); Q_ASSERT(isTrack(trackId)); auto it = m_iteratorTable.at(trackId); bool audioWanted = (*it)->isAudioTrack(); while (it != m_allTracks.end()) { ++it; if (it != m_allTracks.end() && (*it)->isAudioTrack() == audioWanted) { break; } } return it == m_allTracks.end() ? trackId : (*it)->getId(); } bool TimelineModel::requestClearSelection(bool onDeletion) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(); if (m_currentSelection == -1) { TRACE_RES(true); return true; } if (isGroup(m_currentSelection)) { if (m_groups->getType(m_currentSelection) == GroupType::Selection) { m_groups->destructGroupItem(m_currentSelection); } } else { Q_ASSERT(onDeletion || isClip(m_currentSelection) || isComposition(m_currentSelection)); } m_currentSelection = -1; emit selectionChanged(); TRACE_RES(true); return true; } void TimelineModel::requestClearSelection(bool onDeletion, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { Fun operation = [this, onDeletion]() { requestClearSelection(onDeletion); return true; }; Fun reverse = [this, clips = getCurrentSelection()]() { return requestSetSelection(clips); }; if (operation()) { UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(operation, reverse, undo, redo); } } std::unordered_set TimelineModel::getCurrentSelection() const { READ_LOCK(); if (m_currentSelection == -1) { return {}; } if (isGroup(m_currentSelection)) { return m_groups->getLeaves(m_currentSelection); } else { Q_ASSERT(isClip(m_currentSelection) || isComposition(m_currentSelection)); return {m_currentSelection}; } } void TimelineModel::requestAddToSelection(int itemId, bool clear) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(itemId, clear); if (clear) { requestClearSelection(); } std::unordered_set selection = getCurrentSelection(); if (selection.count(itemId) == 0) { selection.insert(itemId); requestSetSelection(selection); } } void TimelineModel::requestRemoveFromSelection(int itemId) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(itemId); std::unordered_set selection = getCurrentSelection(); if (selection.count(itemId) > 0) { selection.erase(itemId); requestSetSelection(selection); } } bool TimelineModel::requestSetSelection(const std::unordered_set &ids) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); TRACE(ids); requestClearSelection(); // if the items are in groups, we must retrieve their topmost containing groups std::unordered_set roots; std::transform(ids.begin(), ids.end(), std::inserter(roots, roots.begin()), [&](int id) { return m_groups->getRootId(id); }); bool result = true; if (roots.size() == 0) { m_currentSelection = -1; } else if (roots.size() == 1) { m_currentSelection = *(roots.begin()); } else { Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; result = (m_currentSelection = m_groups->groupItems(ids, undo, redo, GroupType::Selection)) >= 0; Q_ASSERT(m_currentSelection >= 0); } emit selectionChanged(); return result; } bool TimelineModel::requestSetSelection(const std::unordered_set &ids, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { Fun reverse = [this]() { requestClearSelection(false); return true; }; Fun operation = [this, ids]() { return requestSetSelection(ids); }; if (operation()) { UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(operation, reverse, undo, redo); return true; } return false; } diff --git a/src/undohelper.hpp b/src/undohelper.hpp index 2ad168176..cc7e3c8a8 100644 --- a/src/undohelper.hpp +++ b/src/undohelper.hpp @@ -1,55 +1,63 @@ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2017 by Nicolas Carion * * This file is part of Kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the * * membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership * * of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of * * version 3 of the license. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef UNDOHELPER_H #define UNDOHELPER_H #include using Fun = std::function; /* @brief this macro executes an operation after a given lambda */ #define PUSH_LAMBDA(operation, lambda) \ lambda = [lambda, operation]() { \ bool v = lambda(); \ - return operation() && v; \ + return v && operation(); \ + }; + +/* @brief this macro executes an operation before a given lambda + */ +#define PUSH_FRONT_LAMBDA(operation, lambda) \ + lambda = [lambda, operation]() { \ + bool v = operation(); \ + return v && lambda(); \ }; #include /*@brief this is a generic class that takes fonctors as undo and redo actions. It just executes them when required by Qt Note that QUndoStack actually executes redo() when we push the undoCommand to the stack This is bad for us because we execute the command as we construct the undo Function. So to prevent it to be executed twice, there is a small hack in this command that prevent redoing if it has not been undone before. */ class FunctionalUndoCommand : public QUndoCommand { public: FunctionalUndoCommand(Fun undo, Fun redo, const QString &text, QUndoCommand *parent = nullptr); void undo() override; void redo() override; private: Fun m_undo, m_redo; bool m_undone; }; #endif diff --git a/tests/modeltest.cpp b/tests/modeltest.cpp index 68fd4f167..069264af3 100644 --- a/tests/modeltest.cpp +++ b/tests/modeltest.cpp @@ -1,1718 +1,1790 @@ #include "test_utils.hpp" using namespace fakeit; std::default_random_engine g(42); Mlt::Profile profile_model; TEST_CASE("Basic creation/deletion of a track", "[TrackModel]") { Logger::clear(); auto binModel = pCore->projectItemModel(); std::shared_ptr undoStack = std::make_shared(nullptr); std::shared_ptr guideModel = std::make_shared(undoStack); // Here we do some trickery to enable testing. // We mock the project class so that the undoStack function returns our undoStack Mock pmMock; When(Method(pmMock, undoStack)).AlwaysReturn(undoStack); ProjectManager &mocked = pmMock.get(); pCore->m_projectManager = &mocked; // We also mock timeline object to spy few functions and mock others TimelineItemModel tim(&profile_model, undoStack); Mock timMock(tim); auto timeline = std::shared_ptr(&timMock.get(), [](...) {}); TimelineItemModel::finishConstruct(timeline, guideModel); Fake(Method(timMock, adjustAssetRange)); // This is faked to allow to count calls Fake(Method(timMock, _resetView)); int id1 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackPosition(id1) == 0); // In the current implementation, when a track is added/removed, the model is notified with _resetView Verify(Method(timMock, _resetView)).Exactly(Once); RESET(timMock); int id2 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackPosition(id2) == 1); Verify(Method(timMock, _resetView)).Exactly(Once); RESET(timMock); int id3 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == 3); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackPosition(id3) == 2); Verify(Method(timMock, _resetView)).Exactly(Once); RESET(timMock); int id4; REQUIRE(timeline->requestTrackInsertion(1, id4)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == 4); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackPosition(id1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackPosition(id4) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackPosition(id2) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackPosition(id3) == 3); Verify(Method(timMock, _resetView)).Exactly(Once); RESET(timMock); // Test deletion REQUIRE(timeline->requestTrackDeletion(id3)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == 3); Verify(Method(timMock, _resetView)).Exactly(Once); RESET(timMock); REQUIRE(timeline->requestTrackDeletion(id1)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == 2); Verify(Method(timMock, _resetView)).Exactly(Once); RESET(timMock); REQUIRE(timeline->requestTrackDeletion(id4)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == 1); Verify(Method(timMock, _resetView)).Exactly(Once); RESET(timMock); REQUIRE(timeline->requestTrackDeletion(id2)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == 0); Verify(Method(timMock, _resetView)).Exactly(Once); RESET(timMock); SECTION("Delete a track with groups") { int tid1, tid2; REQUIRE(timeline->requestTrackInsertion(-1, tid1)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestTrackInsertion(-1, tid2)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); QString binId = createProducer(profile_model, "red", binModel); int length = 20; int cid1, cid2, cid3, cid4; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipInsertion(binId, tid1, 2, cid1)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipInsertion(binId, tid2, 0, cid2)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipInsertion(binId, tid2, length, cid3)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipInsertion(binId, tid2, 2 * length, cid4)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == 4); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == 2); auto g1 = std::unordered_set({cid1, cid3}); auto g2 = std::unordered_set({cid2, cid4}); auto g3 = std::unordered_set({cid1, cid4}); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipsGroup(g1)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipsGroup(g2)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipsGroup(g3)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->requestTrackDeletion(tid1)); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == 3); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); } binModel->clean(); pCore->m_projectManager = nullptr; Logger::print_trace(); } TEST_CASE("Basic creation/deletion of a clip", "[ClipModel]") { Logger::clear(); auto binModel = pCore->projectItemModel(); std::shared_ptr undoStack = std::make_shared(nullptr); std::shared_ptr guideModel = std::make_shared(undoStack); std::shared_ptr timeline = TimelineItemModel::construct(&profile_model, guideModel, undoStack); // Here we do some trickery to enable testing. // We mock the project class so that the undoStack function returns our undoStack Mock pmMock; When(Method(pmMock, undoStack)).AlwaysReturn(undoStack); ProjectManager &mocked = pmMock.get(); pCore->m_projectManager = &mocked; QString binId = createProducer(profile_model, "red", binModel); QString binId2 = createProducer(profile_model, "green", binModel); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == 0); int id1 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); int id2 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId2, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); int id3 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == 3); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); // Test deletion REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemDeletion(id2)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemDeletion(id3)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemDeletion(id1)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == 0); binModel->clean(); pCore->m_projectManager = nullptr; Logger::print_trace(); } TEST_CASE("Clip manipulation", "[ClipModel]") { Logger::clear(); auto binModel = pCore->projectItemModel(); binModel->clean(); std::shared_ptr undoStack = std::make_shared(nullptr); std::shared_ptr guideModel = std::make_shared(undoStack); // Here we do some trickery to enable testing. // We mock the project class so that the undoStack function returns our undoStack Mock pmMock; When(Method(pmMock, undoStack)).AlwaysReturn(undoStack); ProjectManager &mocked = pmMock.get(); pCore->m_projectManager = &mocked; // We also mock timeline object to spy few functions and mock others TimelineItemModel tim(&profile_model, undoStack); Mock timMock(tim); auto timeline = std::shared_ptr(&timMock.get(), [](...) {}); TimelineItemModel::finishConstruct(timeline, guideModel); Fake(Method(timMock, adjustAssetRange)); // This is faked to allow to count calls Fake(Method(timMock, _resetView)); Fake(Method(timMock, _beginInsertRows)); Fake(Method(timMock, _beginRemoveRows)); Fake(Method(timMock, _endInsertRows)); Fake(Method(timMock, _endRemoveRows)); QString binId = createProducer(profile_model, "red", binModel); QString binId2 = createProducer(profile_model, "blue", binModel); QString binId3 = createProducer(profile_model, "green", binModel); int cid1 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); int tid1 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); int tid2 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); int tid3 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); int cid2 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId2, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); int cid3 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId3, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); int cid4 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId2, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); Verify(Method(timMock, _resetView)).Exactly(3_Times); RESET(timMock); // for testing purposes, we make sure the clip will behave as regular clips // (ie their size is fixed, we cannot resize them past their original size) timeline->m_allClips[cid1]->m_endlessResize = false; timeline->m_allClips[cid2]->m_endlessResize = false; timeline->m_allClips[cid3]->m_endlessResize = false; timeline->m_allClips[cid4]->m_endlessResize = false; SECTION("Insert a clip in a track and change track") { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == -1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == -1); int pos = 10; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, pos)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == pos); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 0); // Check that the model was correctly notified CHECK_INSERT(Once); pos = 1; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid2, pos)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == pos); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 0); CHECK_MOVE(Once); // Check conflicts int pos2 = binModel->getClipByBinID(binId)->frameDuration(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, pos2)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == pos2); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); CHECK_INSERT(Once); REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, pos2 + 2)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == pos); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == pos2); CHECK_MOVE(Once); REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, pos2 - 2)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == pos); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == pos2); CHECK_MOVE(Once); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == pos2); CHECK_MOVE(Once); } int length = binModel->getClipByBinID(binId)->frameDuration(); SECTION("Insert consecutive clips") { REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); CHECK_INSERT(Once); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, length)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == length); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); CHECK_INSERT(Once); } SECTION("Resize orphan clip") { REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, 5, true) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(binModel->getClipByBinID(binId)->frameDuration() == length); auto inOut = std::pair{0, 4}; REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips[cid2]->getInOut() == inOut); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, 10, false) == -1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length + 1, true) == -1); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, 2, false) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); inOut = std::pair{3, 4}; REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips[cid2]->getInOut() == inOut); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length, true) == -1); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == 2); CAPTURE(timeline->m_allClips[cid2]->m_producer->get_in()); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length - 2, true) == -1); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length - 3, true) == length - 3); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length - 3); } SECTION("Resize inserted clips") { REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); CHECK_INSERT(Once); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid1, 5, true) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 0); CHECK_RESIZE(Once); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 5)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(binModel->getClipByBinID(binId)->frameDuration() == length); CHECK_INSERT(Once); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid1, 6, true) == -1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid1, 6, false) == -1); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); NO_OTHERS(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length - 5, false) == length - 5); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 10); CHECK_RESIZE(Once); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid1, 10, true) == 10); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); CHECK_RESIZE(Once); } SECTION("Change track of resized clips") { // // REQUIRE(timeline->allowClipMove(cid2, tid1, 5)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 5)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); // // REQUIRE(timeline->allowClipMove(cid1, tid2, 10)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid2, 10)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid1, 5, false) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); // // REQUIRE(timeline->allowClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 0); } SECTION("Clip Move") { REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 5)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 5 + length)); auto state = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5 + length); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 5); }; state(); REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 3 + length)); state(); REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); state(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 0)); auto state2 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5 + length); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 0); }; state2(); REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); state2(); REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, length - 5)); state2(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, length)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == length); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length - 5, true) == length - 5); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == length); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, length - 5)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == length - 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length - 10, false) == length - 10); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == length - 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 5); REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == length - 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 0)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == length - 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 0); } SECTION("Move and resize") { REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid1, length - 2, false) == length - 2); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); auto state = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid1) == length - 2); }; state(); // try to resize past the left end REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid1, length, false) == -1); state(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid1, length - 4, true) == length - 4); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, length - 4 + 1)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length - 2, false) == length - 2); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, length - 4 + 1)); auto state2 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid1) == length - 4); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == length - 4 + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length - 2); }; state2(); // the gap between the two clips is 1 frame, we try to resize them by 2 frames REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid1, length - 2, true) == -1); state2(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length, false) == -1); state2(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, length - 4)); auto state3 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid1) == length - 4); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == length - 4); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length - 2); }; state3(); // Now the gap is 0 frames, the resize should still fail REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid1, length - 2, true) == -1); state3(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length, false) == -1); state3(); // We move cid1 out of the way REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid2, 0)); // now resize should work REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid1, length - 2, true) == length - 2); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length, false) == length); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); } + SECTION("Group and selection") + { + REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); + REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, length + 3)); + REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid3, tid1, 2 * length + 5)); + auto pos_state = [&]() { + REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); + REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 3); + REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); + REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); + REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == tid1); + REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 0); + REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == length + 3); + REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid3) == 2 * length + 5); + }; + auto state0 = [&]() { + pos_state(); + REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->m_groups->isInGroup(cid1)); + REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->m_groups->isInGroup(cid2)); + REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->m_groups->isInGroup(cid3)); + }; + state0(); + + REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipsGroup({cid1, cid2})); + auto state = [&]() { + pos_state(); + REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->m_groups->isInGroup(cid3)); + REQUIRE(timeline->m_groups->isInGroup(cid1)); + int gid = timeline->m_groups->getRootId(cid1); + REQUIRE(timeline->m_groups->getLeaves(gid) == std::unordered_set{cid1, cid2}); + }; + state(); + + // undo/redo should work fine + undoStack->undo(); + state0(); + undoStack->redo(); + state(); + + // Tricky case, we do a non-trivial selection before undoing + REQUIRE(timeline->requestSetSelection({cid1, cid3})); + REQUIRE(timeline->getCurrentSelection() == std::unordered_set{cid1, cid2, cid3}); + undoStack->undo(); + state0(); + REQUIRE(timeline->requestSetSelection({cid1, cid3})); + REQUIRE(timeline->getCurrentSelection() == std::unordered_set{cid1, cid3}); + undoStack->redo(); + state(); + + // same thing, but when ungrouping manually + REQUIRE(timeline->requestSetSelection({cid1, cid3})); + REQUIRE(timeline->getCurrentSelection() == std::unordered_set{cid1, cid2, cid3}); + REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipUngroup(cid1)); + state0(); + + // normal undo/redo + undoStack->undo(); + state(); + undoStack->redo(); + state0(); + + // undo/redo mixed with selections + REQUIRE(timeline->requestSetSelection({cid1, cid3})); + REQUIRE(timeline->getCurrentSelection() == std::unordered_set{cid1, cid3}); + undoStack->undo(); + state(); + REQUIRE(timeline->requestSetSelection({cid1, cid3})); + REQUIRE(timeline->getCurrentSelection() == std::unordered_set{cid1, cid2, cid3}); + undoStack->redo(); + state0(); + } + SECTION("Group move") { REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, length + 3)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid3, tid1, 2 * length + 5)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid4, tid2, 4)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 3); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid4) == tid2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == length + 3); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid3) == 2 * length + 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid4) == 4); // check that move is possible without groups REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid3, tid1, 2 * length + 3)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); undoStack->undo(); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); // check that move is possible without groups REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid4, tid2, 9)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); undoStack->undo(); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); auto state = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 3); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid4) == tid2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == length + 3); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid3) == 2 * length + 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid4) == 4); }; state(); // grouping REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipsGroup({cid1, cid3})); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipsGroup({cid1, cid4})); // move left is now forbidden, because clip1 is at position 0 REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid3, tid1, 2 * length + 3)); state(); // this move is impossible, because clip1 runs into clip2 REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid4, tid2, 9)); state(); // this move is possible REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid3, tid1, 2 * length + 8)); auto state1 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 3); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid3) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid4) == tid2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 3); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == length + 3); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid3) == 2 * length + 8); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid4) == 7); }; state1(); // this move is possible REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid2, 8)); auto state2 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid3) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == tid2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid4) == tid3); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 8); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == length + 3); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid3) == 2 * length + 5 + 8); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid4) == 4 + 8); }; state2(); undoStack->undo(); state1(); undoStack->redo(); state2(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 3)); state1(); } SECTION("Group move consecutive clips") { REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 7)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 7 + length)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid3, tid1, 7 + 2 * length)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid4, tid1, 7 + 3 * length)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipsGroup({cid1, cid2, cid3, cid4})); auto state = [&](int tid, int start) { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid) == 4); int i = 0; for (int cid : std::vector({cid1, cid2, cid3, cid4})) { REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid) == tid); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid) == start + i * length); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid) == length); i++; } }; state(tid1, 7); auto check_undo = [&](int target, int tid, int oldTid) { state(tid, target); undoStack->undo(); state(oldTid, 7); undoStack->redo(); state(tid, target); undoStack->undo(); state(oldTid, 7); }; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 6)); qDebug() << "state1"; state(tid1, 6); undoStack->undo(); state(tid1, 7); undoStack->redo(); state(tid1, 6); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); qDebug() << "state2"; state(tid1, 0); undoStack->undo(); state(tid1, 6); undoStack->redo(); state(tid1, 0); undoStack->undo(); state(tid1, 6); undoStack->undo(); state(tid1, 7); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid3, tid1, 1 + 2 * length)); qDebug() << "state3"; check_undo(1, tid1, tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid4, tid1, 4 + 3 * length)); qDebug() << "state4"; check_undo(4, tid1, tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid4, tid1, 11 + 3 * length)); qDebug() << "state5"; check_undo(11, tid1, tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 13 + length)); qDebug() << "state6"; check_undo(13, tid1, tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 20)); qDebug() << "state7"; check_undo(20, tid1, tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid4, tid1, 7 + 4 * length)); qDebug() << "state8"; check_undo(length + 7, tid1, tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 7 + 2 * length)); qDebug() << "state9"; check_undo(length + 7, tid1, tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 7 + length)); qDebug() << "state10"; check_undo(length + 7, tid1, tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid2, 8 + length)); qDebug() << "state11"; check_undo(8, tid2, tid1); } SECTION("Group move to unavailable track") { REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 10)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid2, 12)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipsGroup({cid1, cid2})); auto state = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 10); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 12); }; state(); REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 10)); state(); REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 100)); state(); REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid3, 100)); state(); } SECTION("Group move with non-consecutive track ids") { int tid5 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); int cid6 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); Q_UNUSED(cid6); int tid6 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); REQUIRE(tid5 + 1 != tid6); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid5, 10)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid5, length + 10)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipsGroup({cid1, cid2})); auto state = [&](int t) { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(t) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == t); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == t); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 10); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 10 + length); }; state(tid5); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid6, 10)); state(tid6); } SECTION("Creation and movement of AV groups") { int tid6b = TrackModel::construct(timeline, -1, -1, QString(), true); int tid6 = TrackModel::construct(timeline, -1, -1, QString(), true); int tid5 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); int tid5b = TrackModel::construct(timeline); auto state0 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid5) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid6) == 0); }; state0(); QString binId3 = createProducerWithSound(profile_model, binModel); int cid6 = -1; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipInsertion(binId3, tid5, 3, cid6, true, true, false)); int cid7 = timeline->m_groups->getSplitPartner(cid6); auto check_group = [&]() { // we check that the av group was correctly created REQUIRE(timeline->getGroupElements(cid6) == std::unordered_set({cid6, cid7})); int g1 = timeline->m_groups->getDirectAncestor(cid6); REQUIRE(timeline->m_groups->getDirectChildren(g1) == std::unordered_set({cid6, cid7})); REQUIRE(timeline->m_groups->getType(g1) == GroupType::AVSplit); }; auto state = [&](int pos) { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid5) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid6) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid6) == tid5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid7) == tid6); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid6) == pos); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid7) == pos); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPtr(cid6)->clipState() == PlaylistState::VideoOnly); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPtr(cid7)->clipState() == PlaylistState::AudioOnly); check_group(); }; state(3); undoStack->undo(); state0(); undoStack->redo(); state(3); // test deletion + undo after selection REQUIRE(timeline->requestSetSelection({cid6})); REQUIRE(timeline->getCurrentSelection() == std::unordered_set{cid6, cid7}); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemDeletion(cid6, true)); state0(); undoStack->undo(); state(3); undoStack->redo(); state0(); undoStack->undo(); state(3); // simple translation on the right REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid6, tid5, 10, true, true, true)); state(10); undoStack->undo(); state(3); undoStack->redo(); state(10); // simple translation on the left, moving the audio clip this time REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid7, tid6, 1, true, true, true)); state(1); undoStack->undo(); state(10); undoStack->redo(); state(1); // change track, moving video REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid6, tid5b, 7, true, true, true)); auto state2 = [&](int pos) { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid5b) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid6b) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid6) == tid5b); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid7) == tid6b); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid6) == pos); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid7) == pos); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPtr(cid6)->clipState() == PlaylistState::VideoOnly); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPtr(cid7)->clipState() == PlaylistState::AudioOnly); check_group(); }; state2(7); undoStack->undo(); state(1); undoStack->redo(); state2(7); // change track, moving audio REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid7, tid6b, 2, true, true, true)); state2(2); undoStack->undo(); state2(7); undoStack->redo(); state2(2); undoStack->undo(); undoStack->undo(); state(1); } SECTION("Clip clone") { int cid6 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); int l = timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid6); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid6, l - 3, true, true, -1) == l - 3); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid6, l - 7, false, true, -1) == l - 7); int newId; std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; REQUIRE(TimelineFunctions::cloneClip(timeline, cid6, newId, PlaylistState::VideoOnly, undo, redo)); REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips[cid6]->binId() == timeline->m_allClips[newId]->binId()); // TODO check effects } binModel->clean(); pCore->m_projectManager = nullptr; Logger::print_trace(); } TEST_CASE("Check id unicity", "[ClipModel]") { Logger::clear(); auto binModel = pCore->projectItemModel(); binModel->clean(); std::shared_ptr undoStack = std::make_shared(nullptr); std::shared_ptr guideModel = std::make_shared(undoStack); // Here we do some trickery to enable testing. // We mock the project class so that the undoStack function returns our undoStack Mock pmMock; When(Method(pmMock, undoStack)).AlwaysReturn(undoStack); ProjectManager &mocked = pmMock.get(); pCore->m_projectManager = &mocked; // We also mock timeline object to spy few functions and mock others TimelineItemModel tim(&profile_model, undoStack); Mock timMock(tim); auto timeline = std::shared_ptr(&timMock.get(), [](...) {}); TimelineItemModel::finishConstruct(timeline, guideModel); RESET(timMock); QString binId = createProducer(profile_model, "red", binModel); std::vector track_ids; std::unordered_set all_ids; std::bernoulli_distribution coin(0.5); const int nbr = 20; for (int i = 0; i < nbr; i++) { if (coin(g)) { int tid = TrackModel::construct(timeline); REQUIRE(all_ids.count(tid) == 0); all_ids.insert(tid); track_ids.push_back(tid); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == track_ids.size()); } else { int cid = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); REQUIRE(all_ids.count(cid) == 0); all_ids.insert(cid); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == all_ids.size() - track_ids.size()); } } REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(all_ids.size() == nbr); REQUIRE(all_ids.size() != track_ids.size()); binModel->clean(); pCore->m_projectManager = nullptr; Logger::print_trace(); } TEST_CASE("Undo and Redo", "[ClipModel]") { Logger::clear(); auto binModel = pCore->projectItemModel(); binModel->clean(); std::shared_ptr undoStack = std::make_shared(nullptr); std::shared_ptr guideModel = std::make_shared(undoStack); // Here we do some trickery to enable testing. // We mock the project class so that the undoStack function returns our undoStack Mock pmMock; When(Method(pmMock, undoStack)).AlwaysReturn(undoStack); ProjectManager &mocked = pmMock.get(); pCore->m_projectManager = &mocked; // We also mock timeline object to spy few functions and mock others TimelineItemModel tim(&profile_model, undoStack); Mock timMock(tim); auto timeline = std::shared_ptr(&timMock.get(), [](...) {}); TimelineItemModel::finishConstruct(timeline, guideModel); RESET(timMock); QString binId = createProducer(profile_model, "red", binModel); QString binId2 = createProducer(profile_model, "blue", binModel); int cid1 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); int tid1 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); int tid2 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); int cid2 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId2, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); timeline->m_allClips[cid1]->m_endlessResize = false; timeline->m_allClips[cid2]->m_endlessResize = false; int length = 20; int nclips = timeline->m_allClips.size(); SECTION("requestCreateClip") { // an invalid clip id shouldn't get created { int temp; Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipCreation("impossible bin id", temp, PlaylistState::VideoOnly, 1., undo, redo)); } auto state0 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.size() == nclips); }; state0(); QString binId3 = createProducer(profile_model, "green", binModel); int cid3; { Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipCreation(binId3, cid3, PlaylistState::VideoOnly, 1., undo, redo)); pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, QString()); } auto state1 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.size() == nclips + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid3) == length); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == -1); }; state1(); QString binId4 = binId3 + "/1/10"; int cid4; { Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipCreation(binId4, cid4, PlaylistState::VideoOnly, 1., undo, redo)); pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, QString()); } auto state2 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.size() == nclips + 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid4) == 10); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid4) == -1); auto inOut = std::pair({1, 10}); REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.at(cid4)->getInOut() == inOut); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid3) == length); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == -1); }; state2(); undoStack->undo(); state1(); undoStack->undo(); state0(); undoStack->redo(); state1(); undoStack->redo(); state2(); } SECTION("requestInsertClip") { auto state0 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.size() == nclips); }; state0(); QString binId3 = createProducer(profile_model, "green", binModel); int cid3; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipInsertion(binId3, tid1, 12, cid3, true)); auto state1 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.size() == nclips + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid3) == length); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid3) == 12); }; state1(); QString binId4 = binId3 + "/1/10"; int cid4; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipInsertion(binId4, tid2, 17, cid4, true)); auto state2 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.size() == nclips + 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid4) == 10); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid4) == tid2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid4) == 17); auto inOut = std::pair({1, 10}); REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.at(cid4)->getInOut() == inOut); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid3) == length); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid3) == 12); }; state2(); undoStack->undo(); state1(); undoStack->undo(); state0(); undoStack->redo(); state1(); undoStack->redo(); state2(); } int init_index = undoStack->index(); SECTION("Basic move undo") { REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 5)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); CHECK_INSERT(Once); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 0); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); // Move on same track does not trigger insert/remove row CHECK_MOVE(0); undoStack->undo(); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); CHECK_MOVE(0); undoStack->redo(); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 0); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); CHECK_MOVE(0); undoStack->undo(); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); CHECK_MOVE(0); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 2 * length)); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 2 * length); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); CHECK_MOVE(0); undoStack->undo(); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); CHECK_MOVE(0); undoStack->redo(); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 2 * length); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); CHECK_MOVE(0); undoStack->undo(); CHECK_MOVE(0); undoStack->undo(); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == -1); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index); CHECK_REMOVE(Once); } SECTION("Basic resize orphan clip undo") { REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length - 5, true) == length - 5); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length - 5); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length - 10, false) == length - 10); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length - 10); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length, false) == -1); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length - 10); undoStack->undo(); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length - 5); undoStack->redo(); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length - 10); undoStack->undo(); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length - 5); undoStack->undo(); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length); } SECTION("Basic resize inserted clip undo") { REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == length); auto check = [&](int pos, int l) { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2) == l); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == pos); }; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 5)); INFO("Test 1"); check(5, length); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length - 5, true) == length - 5); INFO("Test 2"); check(5, length - 5); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length - 10, false) == length - 10); INFO("Test 3"); check(10, length - 10); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 3); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid2, length, false) == -1); INFO("Test 4"); check(10, length - 10); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 3); undoStack->undo(); INFO("Test 5"); check(5, length - 5); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); undoStack->redo(); INFO("Test 6"); check(10, length - 10); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 3); undoStack->undo(); INFO("Test 7"); check(5, length - 5); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); undoStack->undo(); INFO("Test 8"); check(5, length); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); } SECTION("Clip Insertion Undo") { QString binId3 = createProducer(profile_model, "red", binModel); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 5)); auto state1 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); }; state1(); int cid3; REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipInsertion(binId3, tid1, 5, cid3)); state1(); REQUIRE_FALSE(timeline->requestClipInsertion(binId3, tid1, 6, cid3)); state1(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipInsertion(binId3, tid1, 5 + length, cid3)); auto state2 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid3) == 5 + length); REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips[cid3]->isValid()); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); }; state2(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid3, tid1, 10 + length)); auto state3 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid3) == 10 + length); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 3); }; state3(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid3, 1, true) == 1); auto state4 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid3) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid3) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid3) == 10 + length); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 4); }; state4(); undoStack->undo(); state3(); undoStack->undo(); state2(); undoStack->undo(); state1(); undoStack->redo(); state2(); undoStack->redo(); state3(); undoStack->redo(); state4(); undoStack->undo(); state3(); undoStack->undo(); state2(); undoStack->undo(); state1(); } SECTION("Clip Deletion undo") { REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 5)); auto state1 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); }; state1(); int nbClips = timeline->getClipsCount(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemDeletion(cid1)); auto state2 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == nbClips - 1); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 2); }; state2(); undoStack->undo(); state1(); undoStack->redo(); state2(); undoStack->undo(); state1(); } SECTION("Select then delete") { REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 5)); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid2, 1)); auto state1 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid2) == tid2); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid2) == 1); }; state1(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestSetSelection({cid1, cid2})); int nbClips = timeline->getClipsCount(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemDeletion(cid1)); auto state2 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid2) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == nbClips - 2); }; state2(); undoStack->undo(); state1(); undoStack->redo(); state2(); undoStack->undo(); state1(); } SECTION("Track insertion undo") { std::map orig_trackPositions, final_trackPositions; for (const auto &it : timeline->m_iteratorTable) { int track = it.first; int pos = timeline->getTrackPosition(track); orig_trackPositions[track] = pos; if (pos >= 1) pos++; final_trackPositions[track] = pos; } auto checkPositions = [&](const std::map &pos) { for (const auto &p : pos) { REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackPosition(p.first) == p.second); } }; checkPositions(orig_trackPositions); int new_tid; REQUIRE(timeline->requestTrackInsertion(1, new_tid)); checkPositions(final_trackPositions); undoStack->undo(); checkPositions(orig_trackPositions); undoStack->redo(); checkPositions(final_trackPositions); undoStack->undo(); checkPositions(orig_trackPositions); } SECTION("Track deletion undo") { int nb_clips = timeline->getClipsCount(); int nb_tracks = timeline->getTracksCount(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 5)); auto state1 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackClipsCount(tid1) == 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid1) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid1) == 5); REQUIRE(undoStack->index() == init_index + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == nb_clips); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == nb_tracks); }; state1(); REQUIRE(timeline->requestTrackDeletion(tid1)); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == nb_clips - 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == nb_tracks - 1); undoStack->undo(); state1(); undoStack->redo(); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipsCount() == nb_clips - 1); REQUIRE(timeline->getTracksCount() == nb_tracks - 1); undoStack->undo(); state1(); } int clipCount = timeline->m_allClips.size(); SECTION("Clip creation and resize") { int cid6; auto state0 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.size() == clipCount); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); }; state0(); { std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipCreation(binId, cid6, PlaylistState::VideoOnly, 1., undo, redo)); pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, QString()); } int l = timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid6); auto state1 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.size() == clipCount + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->isClip(cid6)); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid6) == -1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid6) == l); }; state1(); { std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid6, l - 5, true, true, undo, redo, false)); pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, QString()); } auto state2 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.size() == clipCount + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->isClip(cid6)); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid6) == -1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid6) == l - 5); }; state2(); { std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid6, tid1, 7, true, true, undo, redo)); pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, QString()); } auto state3 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.size() == clipCount + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->isClip(cid6)); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid6) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid6) == 7); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid6) == l - 5); }; state3(); { std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; REQUIRE(timeline->requestItemResize(cid6, l - 6, false, true, undo, redo, false)); pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, QString()); } auto state4 = [&]() { REQUIRE(timeline->m_allClips.size() == clipCount + 1); REQUIRE(timeline->isClip(cid6)); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipTrackId(cid6) == tid1); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPosition(cid6) == 8); REQUIRE(timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid6) == l - 6); }; state4(); undoStack->undo(); state3(); undoStack->undo(); state2(); undoStack->undo(); state1(); undoStack->undo(); state0(); undoStack->redo(); state1(); undoStack->redo(); state2(); undoStack->redo(); state3(); undoStack->redo(); state4(); } binModel->clean(); pCore->m_projectManager = nullptr; Logger::print_trace(); } TEST_CASE("Snapping", "[Snapping]") { Logger::clear(); auto binModel = pCore->projectItemModel(); binModel->clean(); std::shared_ptr undoStack = std::make_shared(nullptr); std::shared_ptr guideModel = std::make_shared(undoStack); // Here we do some trickery to enable testing. // We mock the project class so that the undoStack function returns our undoStack Mock pmMock; When(Method(pmMock, undoStack)).AlwaysReturn(undoStack); ProjectManager &mocked = pmMock.get(); pCore->m_projectManager = &mocked; // We also mock timeline object to spy few functions and mock others TimelineItemModel tim(&profile_model, undoStack); Mock timMock(tim); auto timeline = std::shared_ptr(&timMock.get(), [](...) {}); TimelineItemModel::finishConstruct(timeline, guideModel); RESET(timMock); QString binId = createProducer(profile_model, "red", binModel, 50); QString binId2 = createProducer(profile_model, "blue", binModel); int tid1 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); int cid1 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); int tid2 = TrackModel::construct(timeline); int cid2 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId2, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); int cid3 = ClipModel::construct(timeline, binId2, -1, PlaylistState::VideoOnly); timeline->m_allClips[cid1]->m_endlessResize = false; timeline->m_allClips[cid2]->m_endlessResize = false; timeline->m_allClips[cid3]->m_endlessResize = false; int length = timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid1); int length2 = timeline->getClipPlaytime(cid2); SECTION("getBlankSizeNearClip") { REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 0)); // before REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid1, false) == 0); // after REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid1, true) == INT_MAX); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, 10)); // before REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid1, false) == 10); // after REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid1, true) == INT_MAX); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 25 + length)); // before REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid1, false) == 10); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid2, false) == 15); // after REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid1, true) == 15); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid2, true) == INT_MAX); REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid1, 10 + length)); // before REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid1, false) == 10); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid2, false) == 0); // after REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid1, true) == 0); REQUIRE(timeline->getTrackById(tid1)->getBlankSizeNearClip(cid2, true) == INT_MAX); } SECTION("Snap move to a single clip") { int beg = 30; // in the absence of other clips, a valid move shouldn't be modified for (int snap = -1; snap <= 5; ++snap) { REQUIRE(timeline->suggestClipMove(cid2, tid2, beg, -1, snap) == beg); REQUIRE(timeline->suggestClipMove(cid2, tid2, beg + length, -1, snap) == beg + length); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); } // We add a clip in first track to create snap points REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid1, tid1, beg)); // Now a clip in second track should snap to beginning auto check_snap = [&](int pos, int perturb, int snap) { if (snap >= perturb) { REQUIRE(timeline->suggestClipMove(cid2, tid2, pos + perturb, -1, snap) == pos); REQUIRE(timeline->suggestClipMove(cid2, tid2, pos - perturb, -1, snap) == pos); } else { REQUIRE(timeline->suggestClipMove(cid2, tid2, pos + perturb, -1, snap) == pos + perturb); REQUIRE(timeline->suggestClipMove(cid2, tid2, pos - perturb, -1, snap) == pos - perturb); } }; for (int snap = -1; snap <= 5; ++snap) { for (int perturb = 0; perturb <= 6; ++perturb) { // snap to beginning check_snap(beg, perturb, snap); check_snap(beg + length, perturb, snap); // snap to end check_snap(beg - length2, perturb, snap); check_snap(beg + length - length2, perturb, snap); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); } } // Same test, but now clip is moved in position 0 first REQUIRE(timeline->requestClipMove(cid2, tid2, 0)); for (int snap = -1; snap <= 5; ++snap) { for (int perturb = 0; perturb <= 6; ++perturb) { // snap to beginning check_snap(beg, perturb, snap); check_snap(beg + length, perturb, snap); // snap to end check_snap(beg - length2, perturb, snap); check_snap(beg + length - length2, perturb, snap); REQUIRE(timeline->checkConsistency()); } } } binModel->clean(); pCore->m_projectManager = nullptr; Logger::print_trace(); }