diff --git a/src/core.cpp b/src/core.cpp index 4d916eca4..cab067fac 100644 --- a/src/core.cpp +++ b/src/core.cpp @@ -1,766 +1,768 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2014 Till Theato This file is part of kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "core.h" #include "bin/bin.h" #include "bin/projectitemmodel.h" #include "capture/mediacapture.h" #include "doc/docundostack.hpp" #include "doc/kdenlivedoc.h" #include "jobs/jobmanager.h" #include "kdenlive_debug.h" #include "kdenlivesettings.h" #include "library/librarywidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mltconnection.h" #include "mltcontroller/clipcontroller.h" #include "monitor/monitormanager.h" #include "profiles/profilemodel.hpp" #include "profiles/profilerepository.hpp" #include "project/projectmanager.h" #include "timeline2/model/timelineitemmodel.hpp" #include "timeline2/view/timelinecontroller.h" #include "timeline2/view/timelinewidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_MAC #include #endif std::unique_ptr Core::m_self; Core::Core() : m_thumbProfile(nullptr) , m_capture(new MediaCapture(this)) { } void Core::prepareShutdown() { m_guiConstructed = false; QThreadPool::globalInstance()->clear(); } Core::~Core() { qDebug() << "deleting core"; if (m_monitorManager) { delete m_monitorManager; } // delete m_binWidget; if (m_projectManager) { delete m_projectManager; } ClipController::mediaUnavailable.reset(); } void Core::build(bool isAppImage, const QString &MltPath) { if (m_self) { return; } m_self.reset(new Core()); m_self->initLocale(); qRegisterMetaType("audioShortVector"); qRegisterMetaType>("QVector"); qRegisterMetaType("MessageType"); qRegisterMetaType("stringMap"); qRegisterMetaType("audioByteArray"); qRegisterMetaType>("QList"); qRegisterMetaType>("std::shared_ptr"); qRegisterMetaType>(); qRegisterMetaType("QDomElement"); qRegisterMetaType("requestClipInfo"); if (isAppImage) { QString appPath = qApp->applicationDirPath(); KdenliveSettings::setFfmpegpath(QDir::cleanPath(appPath + QStringLiteral("/ffmpeg"))); KdenliveSettings::setFfplaypath(QDir::cleanPath(appPath + QStringLiteral("/ffplay"))); KdenliveSettings::setFfprobepath(QDir::cleanPath(appPath + QStringLiteral("/ffprobe"))); KdenliveSettings::setRendererpath(QDir::cleanPath(appPath + QStringLiteral("/melt"))); MltConnection::construct(QDir::cleanPath(appPath + QStringLiteral("/../share/mlt/profiles"))); } else { // Open connection with Mlt MltConnection::construct(MltPath); } // load the profile from disk ProfileRepository::get()->refresh(); // load default profile m_self->m_profile = KdenliveSettings::default_profile(); if (m_self->m_profile.isEmpty()) { m_self->m_profile = ProjectManager::getDefaultProjectFormat(); KdenliveSettings::setDefault_profile(m_self->m_profile); } // Init producer shown for unavailable media // TODO make it a more proper image, it currently causes a crash on exit ClipController::mediaUnavailable = std::make_shared(ProfileRepository::get()->getProfile(m_self->m_profile)->profile(), "color:blue"); ClipController::mediaUnavailable->set("length", 99999999); m_self->m_projectItemModel = ProjectItemModel::construct(); // Job manager must be created before bin to correctly connect m_self->m_jobManager.reset(new JobManager(m_self.get())); } void Core::initGUI(const QUrl &Url) { m_guiConstructed = true; m_profile = KdenliveSettings::default_profile(); m_currentProfile = m_profile; profileChanged(); m_mainWindow = new MainWindow(); connect(this, &Core::showConfigDialog, m_mainWindow, &MainWindow::slotPreferences); // load default profile and ask user to select one if not found. if (m_profile.isEmpty()) { m_profile = ProjectManager::getDefaultProjectFormat(); profileChanged(); KdenliveSettings::setDefault_profile(m_profile); } if (!ProfileRepository::get()->profileExists(m_profile)) { KMessageBox::sorry(m_mainWindow, i18n("The default profile of Kdenlive is not set or invalid, press OK to set it to a correct value.")); // TODO this simple widget should be improved and probably use profileWidget // we get the list of profiles QVector> all_profiles = ProfileRepository::get()->getAllProfiles(); QStringList all_descriptions; for (const auto &profile : all_profiles) { all_descriptions << profile.first; } // ask the user bool ok; QString item = QInputDialog::getItem(m_mainWindow, i18n("Select Default Profile"), i18n("Profile:"), all_descriptions, 0, false, &ok); if (ok) { ok = false; for (const auto &profile : all_profiles) { if (profile.first == item) { m_profile = profile.second; ok = true; } } } if (!ok) { KMessageBox::error( m_mainWindow, i18n("The given profile is invalid. We default to the profile \"dv_pal\", but you can change this from Kdenlive's settings panel")); m_profile = QStringLiteral("dv_pal"); } KdenliveSettings::setDefault_profile(m_profile); profileChanged(); } m_projectManager = new ProjectManager(this); m_binWidget = new Bin(m_projectItemModel, m_mainWindow); m_library = new LibraryWidget(m_projectManager, m_mainWindow); connect(m_library, SIGNAL(addProjectClips(QList)), m_binWidget, SLOT(droppedUrls(QList))); connect(this, &Core::updateLibraryPath, m_library, &LibraryWidget::slotUpdateLibraryPath); m_monitorManager = new MonitorManager(this); // Producer queue, creating MLT::Producers on request /* m_producerQueue = new ProducerQueue(m_binController); connect(m_producerQueue, &ProducerQueue::gotFileProperties, m_binWidget, &Bin::slotProducerReady); connect(m_producerQueue, &ProducerQueue::replyGetImage, m_binWidget, &Bin::slotThumbnailReady); connect(m_producerQueue, &ProducerQueue::requestProxy, [this](const QString &id){ m_binWidget->startJob(id, AbstractClipJob::PROXYJOB);}); connect(m_producerQueue, &ProducerQueue::removeInvalidClip, m_binWidget, &Bin::slotRemoveInvalidClip, Qt::DirectConnection); connect(m_producerQueue, SIGNAL(addClip(QString, QMap)), m_binWidget, SLOT(slotAddUrl(QString, QMap))); connect(m_binController.get(), SIGNAL(createThumb(QDomElement, QString, int)), m_producerQueue, SLOT(getFileProperties(QDomElement, QString, int))); connect(m_binWidget, &Bin::producerReady, m_producerQueue, &ProducerQueue::slotProcessingDone, Qt::DirectConnection); // TODO connect(m_producerQueue, SIGNAL(removeInvalidProxy(QString,bool)), m_binWidget, SLOT(slotRemoveInvalidProxy(QString,bool)));*/ m_mainWindow->init(); projectManager()->init(Url, QString()); if (qApp->isSessionRestored()) { // NOTE: we are restoring only one window, because Kdenlive only uses one MainWindow m_mainWindow->restore(1, false); } QMetaObject::invokeMethod(pCore->projectManager(), "slotLoadOnOpen", Qt::QueuedConnection); m_mainWindow->show(); QThreadPool::globalInstance()->setMaxThreadCount(qMin(4, QThreadPool::globalInstance()->maxThreadCount())); } std::unique_ptr &Core::self() { if (!m_self) { qDebug() << "Error : Core has not been created"; } return m_self; } MainWindow *Core::window() { return m_mainWindow; } ProjectManager *Core::projectManager() { return m_projectManager; } MonitorManager *Core::monitorManager() { return m_monitorManager; } Monitor *Core::getMonitor(int id) { if (id == Kdenlive::ClipMonitor) { return m_monitorManager->clipMonitor(); } return m_monitorManager->projectMonitor(); } Bin *Core::bin() { return m_binWidget; } void Core::selectBinClip(const QString &clipId, int frame, const QPoint &zone) { m_binWidget->selectClipById(clipId, frame, zone); } std::shared_ptr Core::jobManager() { return m_jobManager; } LibraryWidget *Core::library() { return m_library; } void Core::initLocale() { QLocale systemLocale = QLocale(); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, nullptr); #else setlocale(LC_NUMERIC_MASK, nullptr); #endif // localeconv()->decimal_point does not give reliable results on Windows #ifndef Q_OS_WIN char *separator = localeconv()->decimal_point; if (QString::fromUtf8(separator) != QChar(systemLocale.decimalPoint())) { // qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG)<<"------\n!!! system locale is not similar to Qt's locale... be prepared for bugs!!!\n------"; // HACK: There is a locale conflict, so set locale to C // Make sure to override exported values or it won't work qputenv("LANG", "C"); #ifndef Q_OS_MAC setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); #else setlocale(LC_NUMERIC_MASK, "C"); #endif systemLocale = QLocale::c(); } #endif systemLocale.setNumberOptions(QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator); QLocale::setDefault(systemLocale); } std::unique_ptr &Core::getMltRepository() { return MltConnection::self()->getMltRepository(); } std::unique_ptr &Core::getCurrentProfile() const { return ProfileRepository::get()->getProfile(m_currentProfile); } const QString &Core::getCurrentProfilePath() const { return m_currentProfile; } bool Core::setCurrentProfile(const QString &profilePath) { if (m_currentProfile == profilePath) { // no change required return true; } if (ProfileRepository::get()->profileExists(profilePath)) { m_currentProfile = profilePath; m_thumbProfile.reset(); // inform render widget profileChanged(); m_mainWindow->updateRenderWidgetProfile(); if (m_guiConstructed && m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()) { m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->updateProfile(&getCurrentProfile()->profile()); checkProfileValidity(); } return true; } return false; } void Core::checkProfileValidity() { int offset = (getCurrentProfile()->profile().width() % 8) + (getCurrentProfile()->profile().height() % 2); if (offset > 0) { // Profile is broken, warn user if (m_binWidget) { m_binWidget->displayBinMessage(i18n("Your project profile is invalid, rendering might fail."), KMessageWidget::Warning); } } } double Core::getCurrentSar() const { return getCurrentProfile()->sar(); } double Core::getCurrentDar() const { return getCurrentProfile()->dar(); } double Core::getCurrentFps() const { return getCurrentProfile()->fps(); } QSize Core::getCurrentFrameDisplaySize() const { return {(int)(getCurrentProfile()->height() * getCurrentDar() + 0.5), getCurrentProfile()->height()}; } QSize Core::getCurrentFrameSize() const { return {getCurrentProfile()->width(), getCurrentProfile()->height()}; } void Core::requestMonitorRefresh() { if (!m_guiConstructed) return; m_monitorManager->refreshProjectMonitor(); } void Core::refreshProjectRange(QSize range) { if (!m_guiConstructed) return; m_monitorManager->refreshProjectRange(range); } int Core::getItemPosition(const ObjectId &id) { if (!m_guiConstructed) return 0; switch (id.first) { case ObjectType::TimelineClip: if (m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->isClip(id.second)) { return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->getClipPosition(id.second); } break; case ObjectType::TimelineComposition: if (m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->isComposition(id.second)) { return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->getCompositionPosition(id.second); } break; case ObjectType::BinClip: + case ObjectType::TimelineTrack: return 0; break; default: qDebug() << "ERROR: unhandled object type"; } return 0; } int Core::getItemIn(const ObjectId &id) { if (!m_guiConstructed || !m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline() || !m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()) { qDebug() << "/ / // QUERYING ITEM IN BUT GUI NOT BUILD!!"; return 0; } switch (id.first) { case ObjectType::TimelineClip: if (m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->isClip(id.second)) { return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->getClipIn(id.second); } else { qDebug()<<"// ERROR QUERYING NON CLIP PROPERTIES\n\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"; } break; case ObjectType::TimelineComposition: - return 0; - break; case ObjectType::BinClip: + case ObjectType::TimelineTrack: return 0; break; default: qDebug() << "ERROR: unhandled object type"; } return 0; } PlaylistState::ClipState Core::getItemState(const ObjectId &id) { if (!m_guiConstructed) return PlaylistState::Disabled; switch (id.first) { case ObjectType::TimelineClip: if (m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->isClip(id.second)) { return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->getClipState(id.second); } break; case ObjectType::TimelineComposition: return PlaylistState::VideoOnly; break; case ObjectType::BinClip: return m_binWidget->getClipState(id.second); break; case ObjectType::TimelineTrack: return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->isAudioTrack(id.second) ? PlaylistState::AudioOnly : PlaylistState::VideoOnly; default: qDebug() << "ERROR: unhandled object type"; break; } return PlaylistState::Disabled; } int Core::getItemDuration(const ObjectId &id) { if (!m_guiConstructed) return 0; switch (id.first) { case ObjectType::TimelineClip: if (m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->isClip(id.second)) { return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->getClipPlaytime(id.second); } break; case ObjectType::TimelineComposition: if (m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->isComposition(id.second)) { return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->getCompositionPlaytime(id.second); } break; case ObjectType::BinClip: return (int)m_binWidget->getClipDuration(id.second); break; + case ObjectType::TimelineTrack: + return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->duration(); default: qDebug() << "ERROR: unhandled object type"; } return 0; } int Core::getItemTrack(const ObjectId &id) { if (!m_guiConstructed) return 0; switch (id.first) { case ObjectType::TimelineClip: case ObjectType::TimelineComposition: return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->getItemTrackId(id.second); break; default: qDebug() << "ERROR: unhandled object type"; } return 0; } void Core::refreshProjectItem(const ObjectId &id) { if (!m_guiConstructed || m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->loading) return; switch (id.first) { case ObjectType::TimelineClip: if (m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->isClip(id.second)) { m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->refreshItem(id.second); } break; case ObjectType::TimelineComposition: if (m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->isComposition(id.second)) { m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->refreshItem(id.second); } break; case ObjectType::TimelineTrack: if (m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->isTrack(id.second)) { requestMonitorRefresh(); } break; case ObjectType::BinClip: m_monitorManager->refreshClipMonitor(); break; default: qDebug() << "ERROR: unhandled object type"; } } bool Core::hasTimelinePreview() const { if (!m_guiConstructed) { return false; } return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->renderedChunks().size() > 0; } KdenliveDoc *Core::currentDoc() { return m_projectManager->current(); } int Core::projectDuration() const { if (!m_guiConstructed) { return 0; } return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->duration(); } void Core::profileChanged() { GenTime::setFps(getCurrentFps()); } void Core::pushUndo(const Fun &undo, const Fun &redo, const QString &text) { undoStack()->push(new FunctionalUndoCommand(undo, redo, text)); } void Core::pushUndo(QUndoCommand *command) { undoStack()->push(command); } void Core::displayMessage(const QString &message, MessageType type, int timeout) { if (m_mainWindow) { m_mainWindow->displayMessage(message, type, timeout); } else { qDebug() << message; } } void Core::displayBinMessage(const QString &text, int type, const QList &actions) { m_binWidget->doDisplayMessage(text, (KMessageWidget::MessageType)type, actions); } void Core::displayBinLogMessage(const QString &text, int type, const QString &logInfo) { m_binWidget->doDisplayMessage(text, (KMessageWidget::MessageType)type, logInfo); } void Core::clearAssetPanel(int itemId) { if (m_guiConstructed) m_mainWindow->clearAssetPanel(itemId); } std::shared_ptr Core::getItemEffectStack(int itemType, int itemId) { if (!m_guiConstructed) return nullptr; switch (itemType) { case (int)ObjectType::TimelineClip: return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->getClipEffectStack(itemId); case (int)ObjectType::TimelineTrack: return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->getTrackEffectStackModel(itemId); break; case (int)ObjectType::BinClip: return m_binWidget->getClipEffectStack(itemId); default: return nullptr; } } std::shared_ptr Core::undoStack() { return projectManager()->undoStack(); } QMap Core::getVideoTrackNames() { if (!m_guiConstructed) return QMap(); return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getTrackNames(true); } QPair Core::getCompositionATrack(int cid) const { if (!m_guiConstructed) return {}; return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getCompositionATrack(cid); } bool Core::compositionAutoTrack(int cid) const { return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->compositionAutoTrack(cid); } void Core::setCompositionATrack(int cid, int aTrack) { if (!m_guiConstructed) return; m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->setCompositionATrack(cid, aTrack); } std::shared_ptr Core::projectItemModel() { return m_projectItemModel; } void Core::invalidateRange(QSize range) { if (!m_mainWindow || m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->loading) return; m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->invalidateZone(range.width(), range.height()); } void Core::invalidateItem(ObjectId itemId) { if (!m_mainWindow || m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->loading) return; switch (itemId.first) { case ObjectType::TimelineClip: case ObjectType::TimelineComposition: m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->invalidateItem(itemId.second); break; case ObjectType::TimelineTrack: m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->invalidateTrack(itemId.second); break; case ObjectType::BinClip: m_binWidget->invalidateClip(QString::number(itemId.second)); break; default: // compositions should not have effects break; } } double Core::getClipSpeed(int id) const { return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->getClipSpeed(id); } void Core::updateItemKeyframes(ObjectId id) { if (id.first == ObjectType::TimelineClip && m_mainWindow) { m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->updateClip(id.second, {TimelineModel::KeyframesRole}); } } void Core::updateItemModel(ObjectId id, const QString &service) { if (m_mainWindow && !m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->loading && service.startsWith(QLatin1String("fade")) && id.first == ObjectType::TimelineClip) { bool startFade = service == QLatin1String("fadein") || service == QLatin1String("fade_from_black"); m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->updateClip(id.second, {startFade ? TimelineModel::FadeInRole : TimelineModel::FadeOutRole}); } } void Core::showClipKeyframes(ObjectId id, bool enable) { if (id.first == ObjectType::TimelineClip) { m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->showClipKeyframes(id.second, enable); } else if (id.first == ObjectType::TimelineComposition) { m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->showCompositionKeyframes(id.second, enable); } } Mlt::Profile *Core::thumbProfile() { QMutexLocker lck(&m_thumbProfileMutex); if (!m_thumbProfile) { m_thumbProfile = std::make_unique(m_currentProfile.toStdString().c_str()); m_thumbProfile->set_height(144); int width = 144 * m_thumbProfile->dar() + 0.5; if (width % 8 > 0) { width += 8 - width % 8; } m_thumbProfile->set_width(width); } return m_thumbProfile.get(); } int Core::getTimelinePosition() const { if (m_mainWindow && m_guiConstructed) { return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->timelinePosition(); } return 0; } void Core::triggerAction(const QString &name) { QAction *action = m_mainWindow->actionCollection()->action(name); if (action) { action->trigger(); } } void Core::clean() { m_self.reset(); } void Core::startMediaCapture(bool checkAudio, bool checkVideo) { if (checkAudio && checkVideo) { m_capture->recordVideo(true); } else if (checkAudio) { m_capture->recordAudio(true); } m_mediaCaptureFile = m_capture->getCaptureOutputLocation(); } void Core::stopMediaCapture(bool checkAudio, bool checkVideo) { if (checkAudio && checkVideo) { m_capture->recordVideo(false); } else if (checkAudio) { m_capture->recordAudio(false); } } QStringList Core::getAudioCaptureDevices() { return m_capture->getAudioCaptureDevices(); } int Core::getMediaCaptureState() { return m_capture->getState(); } bool Core::isMediaCapturing() { return m_capture->isRecording(); } MediaCapture *Core::getAudioDevice() { return m_capture.get(); } QString Core::getProjectFolderName() { return m_monitorManager->getProjectFolder(); } QString Core::getTimelineClipBinId(int cid) { if (!m_guiConstructed) { return QString(); } if (m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->isClip(cid)) { return m_mainWindow->getCurrentTimeline()->controller()->getModel()->getClipBinId(cid); } return QString(); } int Core::getDurationFromString(const QString &time) { if (!m_guiConstructed) { return 0; } const QString duration = currentDoc()->timecode().reformatSeparators(time); return currentDoc()->timecode().getFrameCount(duration); } diff --git a/src/effects/effectstack/model/effectstackmodel.cpp b/src/effects/effectstack/model/effectstackmodel.cpp index 5fe0ad006..43769f739 100644 --- a/src/effects/effectstack/model/effectstackmodel.cpp +++ b/src/effects/effectstack/model/effectstackmodel.cpp @@ -1,1189 +1,1198 @@ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2017 by Nicolas Carion * * This file is part of Kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the * * membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership * * of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of * * version 3 of the license. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * ***************************************************************************/ #include "effectstackmodel.hpp" #include "assets/keyframes/model/keyframemodellist.hpp" #include "core.h" #include "doc/docundostack.hpp" #include "effectgroupmodel.hpp" #include "effectitemmodel.hpp" #include "effects/effectsrepository.hpp" #include "macros.hpp" #include "timeline2/model/timelinemodel.hpp" #include #include #include #include EffectStackModel::EffectStackModel(std::weak_ptr service, ObjectId ownerId, std::weak_ptr undo_stack) : AbstractTreeModel() , m_effectStackEnabled(true) , m_ownerId(std::move(ownerId)) , m_undoStack(std::move(undo_stack)) , m_lock(QReadWriteLock::Recursive) , m_loadingExisting(false) { m_masterService = std::move(service); } std::shared_ptr EffectStackModel::construct(std::weak_ptr service, ObjectId ownerId, std::weak_ptr undo_stack) { std::shared_ptr self(new EffectStackModel(std::move(service), ownerId, std::move(undo_stack))); self->rootItem = EffectGroupModel::construct(QStringLiteral("root"), self, true); return self; } void EffectStackModel::resetService(std::weak_ptr service) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); m_masterService = std::move(service); m_childServices.clear(); // replant all effects in new service for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))->plant(m_masterService); } } void EffectStackModel::addService(std::weak_ptr service) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); m_childServices.emplace_back(std::move(service)); for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))->plantClone(m_childServices.back()); } } void EffectStackModel::loadService(std::weak_ptr service) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); m_childServices.emplace_back(std::move(service)); for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))->loadClone(m_childServices.back()); } } void EffectStackModel::removeService(const std::shared_ptr &service) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); std::vector to_delete; for (int i = int(m_childServices.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { auto ptr = m_childServices[uint(i)].lock(); if (service->get_int("_childid") == ptr->get_int("_childid")) { for (int j = 0; j < rootItem->childCount(); ++j) { std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(j))->unplantClone(ptr); } to_delete.push_back(i); } } for (int i : to_delete) { m_childServices.erase(m_childServices.begin() + i); } } void EffectStackModel::removeCurrentEffect() { int ix = 0; if (auto ptr = m_masterService.lock()) { ix = ptr->get_int("kdenlive:activeeffect"); } if (ix < 0) { return; } std::shared_ptr effect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(ix)); if (effect) { removeEffect(effect); } } void EffectStackModel::removeEffect(const std::shared_ptr &effect) { qDebug() << "* * ** REMOVING EFFECT FROM STACK!!!\n!!!!!!!!!"; QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Q_ASSERT(m_allItems.count(effect->getId()) > 0); int parentId = -1; if (auto ptr = effect->parentItem().lock()) parentId = ptr->getId(); int current = 0; if (auto srv = m_masterService.lock()) { current = srv->get_int("kdenlive:activeeffect"); if (current >= rootItem->childCount() - 1) { srv->set("kdenlive:activeeffect", --current); } } int currentRow = effect->row(); Fun undo = addItem_lambda(effect, parentId); if (currentRow != rowCount() - 1) { Fun move = moveItem_lambda(effect->getId(), currentRow, true); PUSH_LAMBDA(move, undo); } Fun redo = removeItem_lambda(effect->getId()); bool res = redo(); if (res) { int inFades = int(m_fadeIns.size()); int outFades = int(m_fadeOuts.size()); m_fadeIns.erase(effect->getId()); m_fadeOuts.erase(effect->getId()); inFades = int(m_fadeIns.size()) - inFades; outFades = int(m_fadeOuts.size()) - outFades; QString effectName = EffectsRepository::get()->getName(effect->getAssetId()); Fun update = [this, current, inFades, outFades]() { // Required to build the effect view if (current < 0 || rowCount() == 0) { // Stack is now empty emit dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex(), {}); } else { QVector roles = {TimelineModel::EffectNamesRole}; if (inFades < 0) { roles << TimelineModel::FadeInRole; } if (outFades < 0) { roles << TimelineModel::FadeOutRole; } qDebug() << "// EMITTING UNDO DATA CHANGE: " << roles; emit dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex(), roles); } // TODO: only update if effect is fade or keyframe /*if (inFades < 0) { pCore->updateItemModel(m_ownerId, QStringLiteral("fadein")); } else if (outFades < 0) { pCore->updateItemModel(m_ownerId, QStringLiteral("fadeout")); }*/ pCore->updateItemKeyframes(m_ownerId); return true; }; Fun update2 = [this, inFades, outFades]() { // Required to build the effect view QVector roles = {TimelineModel::EffectNamesRole}; // TODO: only update if effect is fade or keyframe if (inFades < 0) { roles << TimelineModel::FadeInRole; } else if (outFades < 0) { roles << TimelineModel::FadeOutRole; } qDebug() << "// EMITTING REDO DATA CHANGE: " << roles; emit dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex(), roles); pCore->updateItemKeyframes(m_ownerId); return true; }; update(); PUSH_LAMBDA(update, redo); PUSH_LAMBDA(update2, undo); PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Delete effect %1", effectName)); } else { qDebug() << "..........FAILED EFFECT DELETION"; } } bool EffectStackModel::copyXmlEffect(QDomElement effect) { std::function undo = []() { return true; }; std::function redo = []() { return true; }; bool result = fromXml(effect, undo, redo); if (result) { PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Copy effect")); } return result; } QDomElement EffectStackModel::toXml(QDomDocument &document) { QDomElement container = document.createElement(QStringLiteral("effects")); int currentIn = pCore->getItemIn(m_ownerId); container.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("parentIn"), currentIn); for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr sourceEffect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i)); QDomElement sub = document.createElement(QStringLiteral("effect")); sub.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("id"), sourceEffect->getAssetId()); int filterIn = sourceEffect->filter().get_int("in"); int filterOut = sourceEffect->filter().get_int("out"); if (filterOut > filterIn) { sub.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("in"), filterIn); sub.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("out"), filterOut); } QStringList passProps {QStringLiteral("disable"), QStringLiteral("kdenlive:collapsed")}; for (const QString ¶m : passProps) { int paramVal = sourceEffect->filter().get_int(param.toUtf8().constData()); if (paramVal > 0) { Xml::setXmlProperty(sub, param, QString::number(paramVal)); } } QVector> params = sourceEffect->getAllParameters(); QLocale locale; for (const auto ¶m : params) { if (param.second.type() == QVariant::Double) { Xml::setXmlProperty(sub, param.first, locale.toString(param.second.toDouble())); } else { Xml::setXmlProperty(sub, param.first, param.second.toString()); } } container.appendChild(sub); } return container; } QDomElement EffectStackModel::rowToXml(int row, QDomDocument &document) { QDomElement container = document.createElement(QStringLiteral("effects")); if (row < 0 || row >= rootItem->childCount()) { return container; } int currentIn = pCore->getItemIn(m_ownerId); container.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("parentIn"), currentIn); std::shared_ptr sourceEffect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(row)); QDomElement sub = document.createElement(QStringLiteral("effect")); sub.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("id"), sourceEffect->getAssetId()); int filterIn = sourceEffect->filter().get_int("in"); int filterOut = sourceEffect->filter().get_int("out"); if (filterOut > filterIn) { sub.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("in"), filterIn); sub.setAttribute(QStringLiteral("out"), filterOut); } QStringList passProps {QStringLiteral("disable"), QStringLiteral("kdenlive:collapsed")}; for (const QString ¶m : passProps) { int paramVal = sourceEffect->filter().get_int(param.toUtf8().constData()); if (paramVal > 0) { Xml::setXmlProperty(sub, param, QString::number(paramVal)); } } QVector> params = sourceEffect->getAllParameters(); QLocale locale; for (const auto ¶m : params) { if (param.second.type() == QVariant::Double) { Xml::setXmlProperty(sub, param.first, locale.toString(param.second.toDouble())); } else { Xml::setXmlProperty(sub, param.first, param.second.toString()); } } container.appendChild(sub); return container; } bool EffectStackModel::fromXml(const QDomElement &effectsXml, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QDomNodeList nodeList = effectsXml.elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("effect")); int parentIn = effectsXml.attribute(QStringLiteral("parentIn")).toInt(); qDebug()<<"// GOT PREVIOUS PARENTIN: "<getItemIn(m_ownerId); PlaylistState::ClipState state = pCore->getItemState(m_ownerId); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.count(); ++i) { QDomElement node = nodeList.item(i).toElement(); const QString effectId = node.attribute(QStringLiteral("id")); bool isAudioEffect = EffectsRepository::get()->getType(effectId) == EffectType::Audio; if (isAudioEffect) { if (state != PlaylistState::AudioOnly) { continue; } } else if (state != PlaylistState::VideoOnly) { continue; } bool effectEnabled = true; if (Xml::hasXmlProperty(node, QLatin1String("disable"))) { effectEnabled = Xml::getXmlProperty(node, QLatin1String("disable")).toInt() != 1; } auto effect = EffectItemModel::construct(effectId, shared_from_this(), effectEnabled); const QString in = node.attribute(QStringLiteral("in")); const QString out = node.attribute(QStringLiteral("out")); if (!out.isEmpty()) { effect->filter().set("in", in.toUtf8().constData()); effect->filter().set("out", out.toUtf8().constData()); } QStringList keyframeParams = effect->getKeyframableParameters(); QVector> parameters; QDomNodeList params = node.elementsByTagName(QStringLiteral("property")); for (int j = 0; j < params.count(); j++) { QDomElement pnode = params.item(j).toElement(); const QString pName = pnode.attribute(QStringLiteral("name")); if (pName == QLatin1String("in") || pName == QLatin1String("out")) { continue; } if (keyframeParams.contains(pName)) { // This is a keyframable parameter, fix offset QString pValue = KeyframeModel::getAnimationStringWithOffset(effect, pnode.text(), currentIn - parentIn); parameters.append(QPair(pName, QVariant(pValue))); } else { parameters.append(QPair(pName, QVariant(pnode.text()))); } } effect->setParameters(parameters); Fun local_undo = removeItem_lambda(effect->getId()); // TODO the parent should probably not always be the root Fun local_redo = addItem_lambda(effect, rootItem->getId()); effect->prepareKeyframes(); connect(effect.get(), &AssetParameterModel::modelChanged, this, &EffectStackModel::modelChanged); connect(effect.get(), &AssetParameterModel::replugEffect, this, &EffectStackModel::replugEffect, Qt::DirectConnection); if (effectId == QLatin1String("fadein") || effectId == QLatin1String("fade_from_black")) { m_fadeIns.insert(effect->getId()); int duration = effect->filter().get_length() - 1; effect->filter().set("in", currentIn); effect->filter().set("out", currentIn + duration); } else if (effectId == QLatin1String("fadeout") || effectId == QLatin1String("fade_to_black")) { m_fadeOuts.insert(effect->getId()); int duration = effect->filter().get_length() - 1; int filterOut = pCore->getItemIn(m_ownerId) + pCore->getItemDuration(m_ownerId) - 1; effect->filter().set("in", filterOut - duration); effect->filter().set("out", filterOut); } local_redo(); UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(local_redo, local_undo, undo, redo); } if (true) { Fun update = [this]() { emit dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex(), {}); return true; }; update(); PUSH_LAMBDA(update, redo); PUSH_LAMBDA(update, undo); } return true; } bool EffectStackModel::copyEffect(const std::shared_ptr &sourceItem, PlaylistState::ClipState state) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (sourceItem->childCount() > 0) { // TODO: group return false; } bool audioEffect = sourceItem->isAudio(); if (audioEffect) { if (state == PlaylistState::VideoOnly) { // This effect cannot be used return false; } } else if (state == PlaylistState::AudioOnly) { return false; } std::shared_ptr sourceEffect = std::static_pointer_cast(sourceItem); const QString effectId = sourceEffect->getAssetId(); bool enabled = sourceEffect->isEnabled(); auto effect = EffectItemModel::construct(effectId, shared_from_this(), enabled); effect->setParameters(sourceEffect->getAllParameters()); if (!enabled) { effect->filter().set("disable", 1); } effect->filter().set("in", sourceEffect->filter().get_int("in")); effect->filter().set("out", sourceEffect->filter().get_int("out")); Fun local_undo = removeItem_lambda(effect->getId()); // TODO the parent should probably not always be the root Fun local_redo = addItem_lambda(effect, rootItem->getId()); effect->prepareKeyframes(); connect(effect.get(), &AssetParameterModel::modelChanged, this, &EffectStackModel::modelChanged); connect(effect.get(), &AssetParameterModel::replugEffect, this, &EffectStackModel::replugEffect, Qt::DirectConnection); QVector roles = {TimelineModel::EffectNamesRole}; if (effectId == QLatin1String("fadein") || effectId == QLatin1String("fade_from_black")) { m_fadeIns.insert(effect->getId()); int duration = effect->filter().get_length() - 1; int in = pCore->getItemIn(m_ownerId); effect->filter().set("in", in); effect->filter().set("out", in + duration); roles << TimelineModel::FadeInRole; } else if (effectId == QLatin1String("fadeout") || effectId == QLatin1String("fade_to_black")) { m_fadeOuts.insert(effect->getId()); int duration = effect->filter().get_length() - 1; int out = pCore->getItemIn(m_ownerId) + pCore->getItemDuration(m_ownerId) - 1; effect->filter().set("in", out - duration); effect->filter().set("out", out); roles << TimelineModel::FadeOutRole; } bool res = local_redo(); if (res) { Fun update = [this, roles]() { emit dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex(), roles); return true; }; } return res; } bool EffectStackModel::appendEffect(const QString &effectId, bool makeCurrent) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); auto effect = EffectItemModel::construct(effectId, shared_from_this()); PlaylistState::ClipState state = pCore->getItemState(m_ownerId); if (effect->isAudio()) { if (state == PlaylistState::VideoOnly) { // Cannot add effect to this clip return false; } } else if (state == PlaylistState::AudioOnly) { // Cannot add effect to this clip return false; } Fun undo = removeItem_lambda(effect->getId()); // TODO the parent should probably not always be the root Fun redo = addItem_lambda(effect, rootItem->getId()); effect->prepareKeyframes(); connect(effect.get(), &AssetParameterModel::modelChanged, this, &EffectStackModel::modelChanged); connect(effect.get(), &AssetParameterModel::replugEffect, this, &EffectStackModel::replugEffect, Qt::DirectConnection); int currentActive = getActiveEffect(); if (makeCurrent) { if (auto srvPtr = m_masterService.lock()) { srvPtr->set("kdenlive:activeeffect", rowCount()); } } bool res = redo(); if (res) { int inFades = 0; int outFades = 0; + if (effectId == QLatin1String("fadein") || effectId == QLatin1String("fade_from_black")) { int duration = effect->filter().get_length() - 1; int in = pCore->getItemIn(m_ownerId); effect->filter().set("in", in); effect->filter().set("out", in + duration); inFades++; } else if (effectId == QLatin1String("fadeout") || effectId == QLatin1String("fade_to_black")) { /*int duration = effect->filter().get_length() - 1; int out = pCore->getItemIn(m_ownerId) + pCore->getItemDuration(m_ownerId) - 1; effect->filter().set("in", out - duration); effect->filter().set("out", out);*/ outFades++; + } else if (m_ownerId.first == ObjectType::TimelineTrack) { + effect->filter().set("out", pCore->getItemDuration(m_ownerId)); } QString effectName = EffectsRepository::get()->getName(effectId); Fun update = [this, inFades, outFades]() { // TODO: only update if effect is fade or keyframe QVector roles = {TimelineModel::EffectNamesRole}; if (inFades > 0) { roles << TimelineModel::FadeInRole; } else if (outFades > 0) { roles << TimelineModel::FadeOutRole; } pCore->updateItemKeyframes(m_ownerId); emit dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex(), roles); return true; }; update(); PUSH_LAMBDA(update, redo); PUSH_LAMBDA(update, undo); PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Add effect %1", effectName)); } else if (makeCurrent) { if (auto srvPtr = m_masterService.lock()) { srvPtr->set("kdenlive:activeeffect", currentActive); } } return res; } bool EffectStackModel::adjustStackLength(bool adjustFromEnd, int oldIn, int oldDuration, int newIn, int duration, int offset, Fun &undo, Fun &redo, bool logUndo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); const int fadeInDuration = getFadePosition(true); const int fadeOutDuration = getFadePosition(false); int out = newIn + duration; for (const auto &leaf : rootItem->getLeaves()) { std::shared_ptr item = std::static_pointer_cast(leaf); if (item->effectItemType() == EffectItemType::Group) { // probably an empty group, ignore continue; } std::shared_ptr effect = std::static_pointer_cast(leaf); if (fadeInDuration > 0 && m_fadeIns.count(leaf->getId()) > 0) { int oldEffectIn = qMax(0, effect->filter().get_in()); int oldEffectOut = effect->filter().get_out(); qDebug() << "--previous effect: " << oldEffectIn << "-" << oldEffectOut; int effectDuration = qMin(effect->filter().get_length() - 1, duration); if (!adjustFromEnd && (oldIn != newIn || duration != oldDuration)) { // Clip start was resized, adjust effect in / out Fun operation = [effect, newIn, effectDuration, logUndo]() { effect->setParameter(QStringLiteral("in"), newIn, false); effect->setParameter(QStringLiteral("out"), newIn + effectDuration, logUndo); qDebug() << "--new effect: " << newIn << "-" << newIn + effectDuration; return true; }; bool res = operation(); if (!res) { return false; } Fun reverse = [effect, oldEffectIn, oldEffectOut, logUndo]() { effect->setParameter(QStringLiteral("in"), oldEffectIn, false); effect->setParameter(QStringLiteral("out"), oldEffectOut, logUndo); return true; }; PUSH_LAMBDA(operation, redo); PUSH_LAMBDA(reverse, undo); } else if (effectDuration < oldEffectOut - oldEffectIn || (logUndo && effect->filter().get_int("_refout") > 0)) { // Clip length changed, shorter than effect length so resize int referenceEffectOut = effect->filter().get_int("_refout"); if (referenceEffectOut <= 0) { referenceEffectOut = oldEffectOut; effect->filter().set("_refout", referenceEffectOut); } Fun operation = [effect, oldEffectIn, effectDuration, logUndo]() { effect->setParameter(QStringLiteral("out"), oldEffectIn + effectDuration, logUndo); return true; }; bool res = operation(); if (!res) { return false; } if (logUndo) { Fun reverse = [effect, referenceEffectOut]() { effect->setParameter(QStringLiteral("out"), referenceEffectOut, true); effect->filter().set("_refout", (char *)nullptr); return true; }; PUSH_LAMBDA(operation, redo); PUSH_LAMBDA(reverse, undo); } } } else if (fadeOutDuration > 0 && m_fadeOuts.count(leaf->getId()) > 0) { int effectDuration = qMin(fadeOutDuration, duration); int newFadeIn = out - effectDuration; int oldFadeIn = effect->filter().get_int("in"); int oldOut = effect->filter().get_int("out"); int referenceEffectIn = effect->filter().get_int("_refin"); if (referenceEffectIn <= 0) { referenceEffectIn = oldFadeIn; effect->filter().set("_refin", referenceEffectIn); } Fun operation = [effect, newFadeIn, out, logUndo]() { effect->setParameter(QStringLiteral("in"), newFadeIn, false); effect->setParameter(QStringLiteral("out"), out, logUndo); return true; }; bool res = operation(); if (!res) { return false; } if (logUndo) { Fun reverse = [effect, referenceEffectIn, oldOut]() { effect->setParameter(QStringLiteral("in"), referenceEffectIn, false); effect->setParameter(QStringLiteral("out"), oldOut, true); effect->filter().set("_refin", (char *)nullptr); return true; }; PUSH_LAMBDA(operation, redo); PUSH_LAMBDA(reverse, undo); } } else { // Not a fade effect, check for keyframes std::shared_ptr keyframes = effect->getKeyframeModel(); if (keyframes != nullptr) { // Effect has keyframes, update these keyframes->resizeKeyframes(oldIn, oldIn + oldDuration - 1, newIn, out - 1, offset, adjustFromEnd, undo, redo); QModelIndex index = getIndexFromItem(effect); Fun refresh = [effect, index]() { effect->dataChanged(index, index, QVector()); return true; }; refresh(); PUSH_LAMBDA(refresh, redo); PUSH_LAMBDA(refresh, undo); } else { qDebug() << "// NULL Keyframes---------"; } } } return true; } bool EffectStackModel::adjustFadeLength(int duration, bool fromStart, bool audioFade, bool videoFade, bool logUndo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (fromStart) { // Fade in if (m_fadeIns.empty()) { if (audioFade) { appendEffect(QStringLiteral("fadein")); } if (videoFade) { appendEffect(QStringLiteral("fade_from_black")); } } QList indexes; auto ptr = m_masterService.lock(); int in = 0; if (ptr) { in = ptr->get_int("in"); } int oldDuration = -1; for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { if (m_fadeIns.count(std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))->getId()) > 0) { std::shared_ptr effect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i)); if (oldDuration == -1) { oldDuration = effect->filter().get_length(); } effect->filter().set("in", in); duration = qMin(pCore->getItemDuration(m_ownerId), duration); effect->filter().set("out", in + duration); indexes << getIndexFromItem(effect); } } if (!indexes.isEmpty()) { emit dataChanged(indexes.first(), indexes.last(), QVector()); pCore->updateItemModel(m_ownerId, QStringLiteral("fadein")); if (videoFade) { int min = pCore->getItemPosition(m_ownerId); QSize range(min, min + qMax(duration, oldDuration)); pCore->refreshProjectRange(range); if (logUndo) { pCore->invalidateRange(range); } } } } else { // Fade out if (m_fadeOuts.empty()) { if (audioFade) { appendEffect(QStringLiteral("fadeout")); } if (videoFade) { appendEffect(QStringLiteral("fade_to_black")); } } int in = 0; auto ptr = m_masterService.lock(); if (ptr) { in = ptr->get_int("in"); } int itemDuration = pCore->getItemDuration(m_ownerId); int out = in + itemDuration; int oldDuration = -1; QList indexes; for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { if (m_fadeOuts.count(std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))->getId()) > 0) { std::shared_ptr effect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i)); if (oldDuration == -1) { oldDuration = effect->filter().get_length(); } effect->filter().set("out", out - 1); duration = qMin(itemDuration, duration); effect->filter().set("in", out - duration); indexes << getIndexFromItem(effect); } } if (!indexes.isEmpty()) { emit dataChanged(indexes.first(), indexes.last(), QVector()); pCore->updateItemModel(m_ownerId, QStringLiteral("fadeout")); if (videoFade) { int min = pCore->getItemPosition(m_ownerId); QSize range(min + itemDuration - qMax(duration, oldDuration), min + itemDuration); pCore->refreshProjectRange(range); if (logUndo) { pCore->invalidateRange(range); } } } } return true; } int EffectStackModel::getFadePosition(bool fromStart) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (fromStart) { if (m_fadeIns.empty()) { return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { if (*(m_fadeIns.begin()) == std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))->getId()) { std::shared_ptr effect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i)); return effect->filter().get_length() - 1; } } } else { if (m_fadeOuts.empty()) { return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { if (*(m_fadeOuts.begin()) == std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))->getId()) { std::shared_ptr effect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i)); return effect->filter().get_length() - 1; } } } return 0; } bool EffectStackModel::removeFade(bool fromStart) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); std::vector toRemove; for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { if ((fromStart && m_fadeIns.count(std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))->getId()) > 0) || (!fromStart && m_fadeOuts.count(std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))->getId()) > 0)) { toRemove.push_back(i); } } for (int i : toRemove) { std::shared_ptr effect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i)); removeEffect(effect); } return true; } void EffectStackModel::moveEffect(int destRow, const std::shared_ptr &item) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Q_ASSERT(m_allItems.count(item->getId()) > 0); int oldRow = item->row(); Fun undo = moveItem_lambda(item->getId(), oldRow); Fun redo = moveItem_lambda(item->getId(), destRow); bool res = redo(); if (res) { Fun update = [this]() { this->dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex(), {TimelineModel::EffectNamesRole}); return true; }; update(); UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(update, update, undo, redo); auto effectId = std::static_pointer_cast(item)->getAssetId(); QString effectName = EffectsRepository::get()->getName(effectId); PUSH_UNDO(undo, redo, i18n("Move effect %1", effectName)); } } void EffectStackModel::registerItem(const std::shared_ptr &item) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); // qDebug() << "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Planting effect"; QModelIndex ix; if (!item->isRoot()) { auto effectItem = std::static_pointer_cast(item); if (!m_loadingExisting) { // qDebug() << "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Planting effect in " << m_childServices.size(); effectItem->plant(m_masterService); for (const auto &service : m_childServices) { // qDebug() << "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Planting CLONE effect in " << (void *)service.lock().get(); effectItem->plantClone(service); } } effectItem->setEffectStackEnabled(m_effectStackEnabled); const QString &effectId = effectItem->getAssetId(); if (effectId == QLatin1String("fadein") || effectId == QLatin1String("fade_from_black")) { m_fadeIns.insert(effectItem->getId()); } else if (effectId == QLatin1String("fadeout") || effectId == QLatin1String("fade_to_black")) { m_fadeOuts.insert(effectItem->getId()); } ix = getIndexFromItem(effectItem); if (!effectItem->isAudio() && !m_loadingExisting) { pCore->refreshProjectItem(m_ownerId); pCore->invalidateItem(m_ownerId); } } AbstractTreeModel::registerItem(item); } void EffectStackModel::deregisterItem(int id, TreeItem *item) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (!item->isRoot()) { auto effectItem = static_cast(item); effectItem->unplant(m_masterService); for (const auto &service : m_childServices) { effectItem->unplantClone(service); } if (!effectItem->isAudio()) { pCore->refreshProjectItem(m_ownerId); pCore->invalidateItem(m_ownerId); } } AbstractTreeModel::deregisterItem(id, item); } void EffectStackModel::setEffectStackEnabled(bool enabled) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); m_effectStackEnabled = enabled; // Recursively updates children states for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))->setEffectStackEnabled(enabled); } emit dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex(), {TimelineModel::EffectsEnabledRole}); emit enabledStateChanged(); } std::shared_ptr EffectStackModel::getEffectStackRow(int row, const std::shared_ptr &parentItem) { return std::static_pointer_cast(parentItem ? parentItem->child(row) : rootItem->child(row)); } bool EffectStackModel::importEffects(const std::shared_ptr &sourceStack, PlaylistState::ClipState state) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); // TODO: manage fades, keyframes if clips don't have same size / in point bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < sourceStack->rowCount(); i++) { auto item = sourceStack->getEffectStackRow(i); // NO undo. this should only be used on project opening if (copyEffect(item, state)) { found = true; } } if (found) { modelChanged(); } return found; } void EffectStackModel::importEffects(const std::weak_ptr &service, PlaylistState::ClipState state, bool alreadyExist) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); m_loadingExisting = alreadyExist; if (auto ptr = service.lock()) { for (int i = 0; i < ptr->filter_count(); i++) { std::unique_ptr filter(ptr->filter(i)); if (filter->get("kdenlive_id") == nullptr) { // don't consider internal MLT stuff continue; } const QString effectId = qstrdup(filter->get("kdenlive_id")); // The MLT filter already exists, use it directly to create the effect std::shared_ptr effect; if (alreadyExist) { // effect is already plugged in the service effect = EffectItemModel::construct(std::move(filter), shared_from_this()); } else { // duplicate effect std::unique_ptr asset = EffectsRepository::get()->getEffect(effectId); asset->inherit(*(filter)); effect = EffectItemModel::construct(std::move(asset), shared_from_this()); } if (effect->isAudio()) { if (state == PlaylistState::VideoOnly) { // Don't import effect continue; } } else if (state == PlaylistState::AudioOnly) { // Don't import effect continue; } connect(effect.get(), &AssetParameterModel::modelChanged, this, &EffectStackModel::modelChanged); connect(effect.get(), &AssetParameterModel::replugEffect, this, &EffectStackModel::replugEffect, Qt::DirectConnection); Fun redo = addItem_lambda(effect, rootItem->getId()); effect->prepareKeyframes(); if (redo()) { if (effectId == QLatin1String("fadein") || effectId == QLatin1String("fade_from_black")) { m_fadeIns.insert(effect->getId()); int clipIn = ptr->get_int("in"); if (effect->filter().get_int("in") != clipIn) { // Broken fade, fix int filterLength = effect->filter().get_length() - 1; effect->filter().set("in", clipIn); effect->filter().set("out", clipIn + filterLength); } } else if (effectId == QLatin1String("fadeout") || effectId == QLatin1String("fade_to_black")) { m_fadeOuts.insert(effect->getId()); int clipOut = ptr->get_int("out"); if (effect->filter().get_int("out") != clipOut) { // Broken fade, fix int filterLength = effect->filter().get_length() - 1; effect->filter().set("in", clipOut - filterLength); effect->filter().set("out", clipOut); } } } } } m_loadingExisting = false; modelChanged(); } void EffectStackModel::setActiveEffect(int ix) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (auto ptr = m_masterService.lock()) { ptr->set("kdenlive:activeeffect", ix); } pCore->updateItemKeyframes(m_ownerId); } int EffectStackModel::getActiveEffect() const { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (auto ptr = m_masterService.lock()) { return ptr->get_int("kdenlive:activeeffect"); } return 0; } void EffectStackModel::slotCreateGroup(const std::shared_ptr &childEffect) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); auto groupItem = EffectGroupModel::construct(QStringLiteral("group"), shared_from_this()); rootItem->appendChild(groupItem); groupItem->appendChild(childEffect); } ObjectId EffectStackModel::getOwnerId() const { return m_ownerId; } bool EffectStackModel::checkConsistency() { if (!AbstractTreeModel::checkConsistency()) { return false; } std::vector> allFilters; // We do a DFS on the tree to retrieve all the filters std::stack> stck; stck.push(std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem)); while (!stck.empty()) { auto current = stck.top(); stck.pop(); if (current->effectItemType() == EffectItemType::Effect) { if (current->childCount() > 0) { qDebug() << "ERROR: Found an effect with children"; return false; } allFilters.push_back(std::static_pointer_cast(current)); continue; } for (int i = current->childCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { stck.push(std::static_pointer_cast(current->child(i))); } } for (const auto &service : m_childServices) { auto ptr = service.lock(); if (!ptr) { qDebug() << "ERROR: unavailable service"; return false; } // MLT inserts some default normalizer filters that are not managed by Kdenlive, which explains why the filter count is not equal int kdenliveFilterCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ptr->filter_count(); i++) { std::shared_ptr filt(ptr->filter(i)); if (filt->get("kdenlive_id") != nullptr) { kdenliveFilterCount++; } // qDebug() << "FILTER: "<filter(i)->get("mlt_service"); } if (kdenliveFilterCount != (int)allFilters.size()) { qDebug() << "ERROR: Wrong filter count: " << kdenliveFilterCount << " = " << allFilters.size(); return false; } int ct = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < allFilters.size(); ++i) { while (ptr->filter(ct)->get("kdenlive_id") == nullptr && ct < ptr->filter_count()) { ct++; } auto mltFilter = ptr->filter(ct); auto currentFilter = allFilters[i]->filter(); if (QString(currentFilter.get("mlt_service")) != QLatin1String(mltFilter->get("mlt_service"))) { qDebug() << "ERROR: filter " << i << "differ: " << ct << ", " << currentFilter.get("mlt_service") << " = " << mltFilter->get("mlt_service"); return false; } QVector> params = allFilters[i]->getAllParameters(); for (const auto &val : params) { // Check parameters values if (val.second != QVariant(mltFilter->get(val.first.toUtf8().constData()))) { qDebug() << "ERROR: filter " << i << "PARAMETER MISMATCH: " << val.first << " = " << val.second << " != " << mltFilter->get(val.first.toUtf8().constData()); return false; } } ct++; } } return true; } void EffectStackModel::adjust(const QString &effectId, const QString &effectName, double value) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr sourceEffect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i)); if (effectId == sourceEffect->getAssetId()) { sourceEffect->setParameter(effectName, QString::number(value)); return; } } } std::shared_ptr EffectStackModel::getAssetModelById(const QString &effectId) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr sourceEffect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i)); if (effectId == sourceEffect->getAssetId()) { return std::static_pointer_cast(sourceEffect); } } return nullptr; } bool EffectStackModel::hasFilter(const QString &effectId) const { READ_LOCK(); return rootItem->accumulate_const(false, [effectId](bool b, std::shared_ptr it) { if (b) return true; auto item = std::static_pointer_cast(it); if (item->effectItemType() == EffectItemType::Group) { return false; } auto sourceEffect = std::static_pointer_cast(it); return effectId == sourceEffect->getAssetId(); }); } double EffectStackModel::getFilterParam(const QString &effectId, const QString ¶mName) { READ_LOCK(); for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr sourceEffect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i)); if (effectId == sourceEffect->getAssetId()) { return sourceEffect->filter().get_double(paramName.toUtf8().constData()); } } return 0.0; } KeyframeModel *EffectStackModel::getEffectKeyframeModel() { if (rootItem->childCount() == 0) return nullptr; int ix = 0; if (auto ptr = m_masterService.lock()) { ix = ptr->get_int("kdenlive:activeeffect"); } if (ix < 0 || ix >= rootItem->childCount()) { return nullptr; } std::shared_ptr sourceEffect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(ix)); std::shared_ptr listModel = sourceEffect->getKeyframeModel(); if (listModel) { return listModel->getKeyModel(); } return nullptr; } void EffectStackModel::replugEffect(const std::shared_ptr &asset) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); auto effectItem = std::static_pointer_cast(asset); int oldRow = effectItem->row(); int count = rowCount(); for (int ix = oldRow; ix < count; ix++) { auto item = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(ix)); item->unplant(m_masterService); for (const auto &service : m_childServices) { item->unplantClone(service); } } std::unique_ptr effect = EffectsRepository::get()->getEffect(effectItem->getAssetId()); effect->inherit(effectItem->filter()); effectItem->resetAsset(std::move(effect)); for (int ix = oldRow; ix < count; ix++) { auto item = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(ix)); item->plant(m_masterService); for (const auto &service : m_childServices) { item->plantClone(service); } } } void EffectStackModel::cleanFadeEffects(bool outEffects, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); const auto &toDelete = outEffects ? m_fadeOuts : m_fadeIns; for (int id : toDelete) { auto effect = std::static_pointer_cast(getItemById(id)); Fun operation = removeItem_lambda(id); if (operation()) { Fun reverse = addItem_lambda(effect, rootItem->getId()); UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(operation, reverse, undo, redo); } } if (!toDelete.empty()) { Fun updateRedo = [this, toDelete, outEffects]() { for (int id : toDelete) { if (outEffects) { m_fadeOuts.erase(id); } else { m_fadeIns.erase(id); } } QVector roles = {TimelineModel::EffectNamesRole}; roles << (outEffects ? TimelineModel::FadeOutRole : TimelineModel::FadeInRole); emit dataChanged(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex(), roles); pCore->updateItemKeyframes(m_ownerId); return true; }; updateRedo(); PUSH_LAMBDA(updateRedo, redo); } } const QString EffectStackModel::effectNames() const { QStringList effects; for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { effects.append(EffectsRepository::get()->getName(std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))->getAssetId())); } return effects.join(QLatin1Char('/')); } bool EffectStackModel::isStackEnabled() const { return m_effectStackEnabled; } bool EffectStackModel::addEffectKeyFrame(int frame, double normalisedVal) { if (rootItem->childCount() == 0) return false; int ix = 0; if (auto ptr = m_masterService.lock()) { ix = ptr->get_int("kdenlive:activeeffect"); } if (ix < 0) { return false; } std::shared_ptr sourceEffect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(ix)); std::shared_ptr listModel = sourceEffect->getKeyframeModel(); + if (m_ownerId.first == ObjectType::TimelineTrack) { + sourceEffect->filter().set("out", pCore->getItemDuration(m_ownerId)); + } return listModel->addKeyframe(frame, normalisedVal); } bool EffectStackModel::removeKeyFrame(int frame) { if (rootItem->childCount() == 0) return false; int ix = 0; if (auto ptr = m_masterService.lock()) { ix = ptr->get_int("kdenlive:activeeffect"); } if (ix < 0) { return false; } std::shared_ptr sourceEffect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(ix)); std::shared_ptr listModel = sourceEffect->getKeyframeModel(); return listModel->removeKeyframe(GenTime(frame, pCore->getCurrentFps())); } bool EffectStackModel::updateKeyFrame(int oldFrame, int newFrame, QVariant normalisedVal) { if (rootItem->childCount() == 0) return false; int ix = 0; if (auto ptr = m_masterService.lock()) { ix = ptr->get_int("kdenlive:activeeffect"); } if (ix < 0) { return false; } std::shared_ptr sourceEffect = std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(ix)); std::shared_ptr listModel = sourceEffect->getKeyframeModel(); + if (m_ownerId.first == ObjectType::TimelineTrack) { + sourceEffect->filter().set("out", pCore->getItemDuration(m_ownerId)); + } return listModel->updateKeyframe(GenTime(oldFrame, pCore->getCurrentFps()), GenTime(newFrame, pCore->getCurrentFps()), std::move(normalisedVal)); }