diff --git a/src/bin/projectsortproxymodel.cpp b/src/bin/projectsortproxymodel.cpp index 9f2a782f8..7b2abb65d 100644 --- a/src/bin/projectsortproxymodel.cpp +++ b/src/bin/projectsortproxymodel.cpp @@ -1,192 +1,191 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2014 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle This file is part of Kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "projectsortproxymodel.h" #include "abstractprojectitem.h" #include ProjectSortProxyModel::ProjectSortProxyModel(QObject *parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) , m_searchType(0) , m_searchRating(0) { m_collator.setLocale(QLocale()); m_collator.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); m_collator.setNumericMode(true); m_selection = new QItemSelectionModel(this); connect(m_selection, &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, this, &ProjectSortProxyModel::onCurrentRowChanged); setDynamicSortFilter(true); } // Responsible for item sorting! bool ProjectSortProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const { if (filterAcceptsRowItself(sourceRow, sourceParent)) { return true; } // accept if any of the children is accepted on it's own merits return hasAcceptedChildren(sourceRow, sourceParent); } bool ProjectSortProxyModel::filterAcceptsRowItself(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const { if (m_searchRating > 0) { // Column 7 contains the rating QModelIndex indexTag = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 7, sourceParent); if (sourceModel()->data(indexTag).toInt() != m_searchRating) { return false; } } if (m_searchType > 0) { // Column 3 contains the item type (video, image, title, etc) QModelIndex indexTag = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 3, sourceParent); if (sourceModel()->data(indexTag).toInt() != m_searchType) { return false; } } if (!m_searchTag.isEmpty()) { // Column 4 contains the item tag data QModelIndex indexTag = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 4, sourceParent); auto tagData = sourceModel()->data(indexTag); for (const QString &tag : m_searchTag) { if (!tagData.toString().contains(tag, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return false; } } } - + for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { QModelIndex index0 = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, i, sourceParent); if (!index0.isValid()) { return false; } auto data = sourceModel()->data(index0); if (data.toString().contains(m_searchString, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return true; } } - return false; } bool ProjectSortProxyModel::hasAcceptedChildren(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const { QModelIndex item = sourceModel()->index(sourceRow, 0, source_parent); if (!item.isValid()) { return false; } // check if there are children int childCount = item.model()->rowCount(item); if (childCount == 0) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { if (filterAcceptsRowItself(i, item)) { return true; } // recursive call -> NOTICE that this is depth-first searching, you're probably better off with breadth first search... if (hasAcceptedChildren(i, item)) { return true; } } return false; } bool ProjectSortProxyModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const { // Check item type (folder or clip) as defined in projectitemmodel int leftType = sourceModel()->data(left, AbstractProjectItem::ItemTypeRole).toInt(); int rightType = sourceModel()->data(right, AbstractProjectItem::ItemTypeRole).toInt(); if (leftType == rightType) { // Let the normal alphabetical sort happen const QVariant leftData = sourceModel()->data(left, Qt::DisplayRole); const QVariant rightData = sourceModel()->data(right, Qt::DisplayRole); if (leftData.type() == QVariant::DateTime) { return leftData.toDateTime() < rightData.toDateTime(); } return m_collator.compare(leftData.toString(), rightData.toString()) < 0; } if (sortOrder() == Qt::AscendingOrder) { return leftType < rightType; } return leftType > rightType; } QItemSelectionModel *ProjectSortProxyModel::selectionModel() { return m_selection; } void ProjectSortProxyModel::slotSetSearchString(const QString &str) { m_searchString = str; invalidateFilter(); } void ProjectSortProxyModel::slotSetFilters(const QStringList tagFilters, const int rateFilters, const int typeFilters) { m_searchType = typeFilters; m_searchRating = rateFilters; m_searchTag = tagFilters; invalidateFilter(); } void ProjectSortProxyModel::slotClearSearchFilters() { m_searchTag.clear(); m_searchRating = 0; m_searchType = 0; invalidateFilter(); } void ProjectSortProxyModel::onCurrentRowChanged(const QItemSelection ¤t, const QItemSelection &previous) { Q_UNUSED(previous) QModelIndexList indexes = current.indexes(); if (indexes.isEmpty()) { emit selectModel(QModelIndex()); return; } for (int ix = 0; ix < indexes.count(); ix++) { if (indexes.at(ix).column() == 0 || indexes.at(ix).column() == 7) { emit selectModel(indexes.at(ix)); break; } } } void ProjectSortProxyModel::slotDataChanged(const QModelIndex &ix1, const QModelIndex &ix2, const QVector &roles) { emit dataChanged(ix1, ix2, roles); } void ProjectSortProxyModel::selectAll() { QModelIndex topLeft = index(0, 0, QModelIndex()); QModelIndex bottomRight = index(rowCount(QModelIndex()) - 1, columnCount(QModelIndex()) - 1, QModelIndex()); QItemSelection selection(topLeft, bottomRight); m_selection->select(selection, QItemSelectionModel::Select); } diff --git a/src/timeline2/view/qml/timeline.qml b/src/timeline2/view/qml/timeline.qml index 1273dd71c..4c872413e 100644 --- a/src/timeline2/view/qml/timeline.qml +++ b/src/timeline2/view/qml/timeline.qml @@ -1,1440 +1,1440 @@ import QtQuick 2.11 import QtQml.Models 2.11 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 import Kdenlive.Controls 1.0 import 'Timeline.js' as Logic Rectangle { id: root objectName: "timelineview" SystemPalette { id: activePalette } color: activePalette.window property bool validMenu: false property color textColor: activePalette.text property bool dragInProgress: dragProxyArea.pressed || dragProxyArea.drag.active signal clipClicked() signal mousePosChanged(int position) signal showClipMenu(int cid) signal showCompositionMenu() signal showTimelineMenu() signal showRulerMenu() signal showHeaderMenu() signal zoomIn(bool onMouse) signal zoomOut(bool onMouse) signal processingDrag(bool dragging) FontMetrics { id: fontMetrics font: miniFont } onDragInProgressChanged: { processingDrag(!root.dragInProgress) } function endBinDrag() { clipDropArea.processDrop() } function fitZoom() { return scrollView.width / (timeline.duration * 1.1) } function scrollPos() { return scrollView.contentX } function goToStart(pos) { scrollView.contentX = pos } function checkDeletion(itemId) { if (dragProxy.draggedItem == itemId) { endDrag() } if (itemId == mainItemId) { mainItemId = -1 } } function updatePalette() { root.color = activePalette.window root.textColor = activePalette.text playhead.fillColor = activePalette.windowText ruler.repaintRuler() } function moveSelectedTrack(offset) { var cTrack = Logic.getTrackIndexFromId(timeline.activeTrack) var newTrack = cTrack + offset var max = tracksRepeater.count; if (newTrack < 0) { newTrack = max - 1; } else if (newTrack >= max) { newTrack = 0; } timeline.activeTrack = tracksRepeater.itemAt(newTrack).trackInternalId } function zoomByWheel(wheel) { if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.AltModifier) { // Seek to next snap if (wheel.angleDelta.x > 0) { timeline.triggerAction('monitor_seek_snap_backward') } else { timeline.triggerAction('monitor_seek_snap_forward') } } else if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) { root.wheelAccumulatedDelta += wheel.angleDelta.y; // Zoom if (root.wheelAccumulatedDelta >= defaultDeltasPerStep) { root.zoomIn(true); root.wheelAccumulatedDelta = 0; } else if (root.wheelAccumulatedDelta <= -defaultDeltasPerStep) { root.zoomOut(true); root.wheelAccumulatedDelta = 0; } } else if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) { // Vertical scroll var newScroll = Math.min(scrollView.contentY - wheel.angleDelta.y, trackHeaders.height - tracksArea.height + scrollView.ScrollBar.horizontal.height + ruler.height) scrollView.contentY = Math.max(newScroll, 0) } else { // Horizontal scroll var newScroll = Math.min(scrollView.contentX - wheel.angleDelta.y, timeline.fullDuration * root.timeScale - (scrollView.width - scrollView.ScrollBar.vertical.width)) scrollView.contentX = Math.max(newScroll, 0) } wheel.accepted = true } function continuousScrolling(x, y) { // This provides continuous scrolling at the left/right edges. if (x > scrollView.contentX + scrollView.width - 50) { scrollTimer.item = clip scrollTimer.horizontal = 10 scrollTimer.start() } else if (x < 50) { scrollView.contentX = 0; scrollTimer.horizontal = 0 scrollTimer.stop() } else if (x < scrollView.contentX + 50) { scrollTimer.item = clip scrollTimer.horizontal = -10 scrollTimer.start() } else { if (y > scrollView.contentY + scrollView.height - 50) { scrollTimer.vertical = 10 scrollTimer.start() } else if (y - scrollView.contentY < 50) { scrollTimer.vertical = -10 scrollTimer.start() } else { scrollTimer.vertical = 0 scrollTimer.horizontal = 0 scrollTimer.stop() } } } function getTrackYFromId(a_track) { return Logic.getTrackYFromId(a_track) } function getTrackYFromMltIndex(a_track) { return Logic.getTrackYFromMltIndex(a_track) } function getTracksCount() { return Logic.getTracksList() } function getMousePos() { if (tracksArea.containsMouse) { return (scrollView.contentX + tracksArea.mouseX) / timeline.scaleFactor } else { return -1; } } function getScrollPos() { return scrollView.contentX } function setScrollPos(pos) { return scrollView.contentX = pos } function getCopiedItemId() { return copiedClip } function getMouseTrack() { return Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(tracksArea.mouseY - ruler.height + scrollView.contentY) } function getTrackColor(audio, header) { var col = activePalette.alternateBase if (audio) { col = Qt.tint(col, "#06FF00CC") } if (header) { col = Qt.darker(col, 1.05) } return col } function clearDropData() { clipBeingDroppedId = -1 droppedPosition = -1 droppedTrack = -1 scrollTimer.running = false scrollTimer.stop() } function isDragging() { return dragInProgress } function initDrag(itemObject, itemCoord, itemId, itemPos, itemTrack, isComposition) { dragProxy.x = itemObject.modelStart * timeScale dragProxy.y = itemCoord.y dragProxy.width = itemObject.clipDuration * timeScale dragProxy.height = itemCoord.height dragProxy.masterObject = itemObject dragProxy.draggedItem = itemId dragProxy.sourceTrack = itemTrack dragProxy.sourceFrame = itemPos dragProxy.isComposition = isComposition dragProxy.verticalOffset = isComposition ? itemObject.displayHeight : 0 } function endDrag() { dragProxy.draggedItem = -1 dragProxy.x = 0 dragProxy.y = 0 dragProxy.width = 0 dragProxy.height = 0 dragProxy.verticalOffset = 0 } function getItemAtPos(tk, posx, isComposition) { var track = Logic.getTrackById(tk) var container = track.children[0] var tentativeClip = undefined //console.log('TESTING ITMES OK TK: ', tk, ', POS: ', posx, ', CHILREN: ', container.children.length, ', COMPO: ', isComposition) for (var i = 0 ; i < container.children.length; i++) { if (container.children[i].children.length == 0 || container.children[i].children[0].children.length == 0) { continue } tentativeClip = container.children[i].children[0].childAt(posx, 1) if (tentativeClip && tentativeClip.clipId && (tentativeClip.isComposition == isComposition)) { //console.log('found item with id: ', tentativeClip.clipId, ' IS COMPO: ', tentativeClip.isComposition) break } } return tentativeClip } Keys.onDownPressed: { root.moveSelectedTrack(1) } Keys.onUpPressed: { root.moveSelectedTrack(-1) } property int headerWidth: timeline.headerWidth() property int activeTool: 0 property real baseUnit: fontMetrics.font.pixelSize property real fontUnit: fontMetrics.font.pointSize property color selectedTrackColor: Qt.rgba(activePalette.highlight.r, activePalette.highlight.g, activePalette.highlight.b, 0.2) property color frameColor: Qt.rgba(activePalette.shadow.r, activePalette.shadow.g, activePalette.shadow.b, 0.3) property bool autoScrolling: timeline.autoScroll property int duration: timeline.duration property color audioColor: timeline.audioColor property color videoColor: timeline.videoColor property color titleColor: timeline.titleColor property color imageColor: timeline.imageColor property color slideshowColor: timeline.slideshowColor property color lockedColor: timeline.lockedColor property color selectionColor: timeline.selectionColor property color groupColor: timeline.groupColor property int mainItemId: -1 property int mainFrame: 0 property int clipBeingDroppedId: -1 property string clipBeingDroppedData property int droppedPosition: -1 property int droppedTrack: -1 property int clipBeingMovedId: -1 property int consumerPosition: proxy.position property int spacerGroup: -1 property int spacerFrame: -1 property int spacerClickFrame: -1 property real timeScale: timeline.scaleFactor property int snapping: (timeline.snap && (timeScale < 2 * baseUnit)) ? Math.floor(baseUnit / (timeScale > 3 ? timeScale / 2 : timeScale)) : -1 property var timelineSelection: timeline.selection property int trackHeight property int copiedClip: -1 property int zoomOnMouse: -1 property int viewActiveTrack: timeline.activeTrack property int wheelAccumulatedDelta: 0 readonly property int defaultDeltasPerStep: 120 property bool seekingFinished : proxy.seekFinished property int scrollMin: scrollView.contentX / timeline.scaleFactor property int scrollMax: scrollMin + scrollView.contentItem.width / timeline.scaleFactor property double dar: 16/9 property int collapsedHeight: baseUnit * 1.8 onSeekingFinishedChanged : { playhead.opacity = seekingFinished ? 1 : 0.5 } //onCurrentTrackChanged: timeline.selection = [] onTimeScaleChanged: { if (root.zoomOnMouse >= 0) { scrollView.contentX = Math.max(0, root.zoomOnMouse * timeline.scaleFactor - tracksArea.mouseX) root.zoomOnMouse = -1 } else { scrollView.contentX = Math.max(0, root.consumerPosition * timeline.scaleFactor - (scrollView.width / 2)) } //root.snapping = timeline.snap ? 10 / Math.sqrt(root.timeScale) : -1 ruler.adjustStepSize() if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1 && dragProxy.masterObject) { // update dragged item pos dragProxy.masterObject.updateDrag() } console.log('GOT SCALE: ', timeScale, ', BASE: ', baseUnit, ' - SNAPPING: ', snapping) } onConsumerPositionChanged: { if (autoScrolling) Logic.scrollIfNeeded() } onViewActiveTrackChanged: { var tk = Logic.getTrackById(timeline.activeTrack) if (tk.y < scrollView.contentY) { scrollView.contentY = Math.max(0, tk.y - scrollView.height / 3) } else if (tk.y + tk.height > scrollView.contentY + scrollView.contentItem.height) { var newY = Math.min(trackHeaders.height - scrollView.height + scrollView.ScrollBar.horizontal.height, tk.y - scrollView.height / 3) if (newY >= 0) { scrollView.contentY = newY } } } onActiveToolChanged: { if (root.activeTool == 2) { // Spacer activated endDrag() } else if (root.activeTool == 0) { var tk = getMouseTrack() if (tk < 0) { console.log('........ MOUSE OUTSIDE TRAKS\n\n.........') return } var pos = getMousePos() * timeline.scaleFactor var sourceTrack = Logic.getTrackById(tk) var allowComposition = tracksArea.mouseY- sourceTrack.y > sourceTrack.height / 2 var tentativeItem = undefined if (allowComposition) { tentativeItem = getItemAtPos(tk, pos, true) } if (!tentativeItem) { tentativeItem = getItemAtPos(tk, pos, false) } if (tentativeItem) { tentativeItem.updateDrag() } } } DropArea { //Drop area for compositions width: root.width - headerWidth height: root.height - ruler.height y: ruler.height x: headerWidth keys: 'kdenlive/composition' onEntered: { console.log("Trying to drop composition") if (clipBeingMovedId == -1 && clipBeingDroppedId == -1) { console.log("No clip being moved") var track = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(drag.y + scrollView.contentY) var frame = Math.round((drag.x + scrollView.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) droppedPosition = frame if (track >= 0 && !controller.isAudioTrack(track)) { clipBeingDroppedData = drag.getDataAsString('kdenlive/composition') console.log("Trying to insert",track, frame, clipBeingDroppedData) clipBeingDroppedId = timeline.insertComposition(track, frame, clipBeingDroppedData, false) console.log("id",clipBeingDroppedId) continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.contentX, drag.y + scrollView.contentY) drag.acceptProposedAction() } else { drag.accepted = false } } } onPositionChanged: { if (clipBeingMovedId == -1) { var track = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(drag.y + scrollView.contentY) if (track !=-1) { var frame = Math.round((drag.x + scrollView.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) if (clipBeingDroppedId >= 0){ if (controller.isAudioTrack(track)) { // Don't allow moving composition to an audio track track = controller.getCompositionTrackId(clipBeingDroppedId) } controller.suggestCompositionMove(clipBeingDroppedId, track, frame, root.consumerPosition, root.snapping) continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.contentX, drag.y + scrollView.contentY) } else if (!controller.isAudioTrack(track)) { frame = controller.suggestSnapPoint(frame, root.snapping) clipBeingDroppedData = drag.getDataAsString('kdenlive/composition') clipBeingDroppedId = timeline.insertComposition(track, frame, clipBeingDroppedData , false) continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.contentX, drag.y + scrollView.contentY) } } } } onExited:{ if (clipBeingDroppedId != -1) { // If we exit, remove composition controller.requestItemDeletion(clipBeingDroppedId, false) clearDropData() } } onDropped: { if (clipBeingDroppedId != -1) { var frame = controller.getCompositionPosition(clipBeingDroppedId) var track = controller.getCompositionTrackId(clipBeingDroppedId) // we simulate insertion at the final position so that stored undo has correct value controller.requestItemDeletion(clipBeingDroppedId, false) timeline.insertNewComposition(track, frame, clipBeingDroppedData, true) } clearDropData() } } DropArea { //Drop area for bin/clips id: clipDropArea /** @brief local helper function to handle the insertion of multiple dragged items */ function insertAndMaybeGroup(track, frame, droppedData) { var binIds = droppedData.split(";") if (binIds.length == 0) { return -1 } var id = -1 if (binIds.length == 1) { id = timeline.insertClip(timeline.activeTrack, frame, clipBeingDroppedData, false, true, false) } else { var ids = timeline.insertClips(timeline.activeTrack, frame, binIds, false, true, false) // if the clip insertion succeeded, request the clips to be grouped if (ids.length > 0) { timeline.selectItems(ids) id = ids[0] } } return id } property int fakeFrame: -1 property int fakeTrack: -1 width: root.width - headerWidth height: root.height - ruler.height y: ruler.height x: headerWidth keys: 'kdenlive/producerslist' function processDrop() { // Process the drop event, useful if drop event happens outside of drop area if (clipBeingDroppedId != -1) { var frame = controller.getClipPosition(clipBeingDroppedId) var track = controller.getClipTrackId(clipBeingDroppedId) if (!controller.normalEdit()) { frame = fakeFrame track = fakeTrack } /* We simulate insertion at the final position so that stored undo has correct value * NOTE: even if dropping multiple clips, requesting the deletion of the first one is * enough as internally it will request the group deletion */ controller.requestItemDeletion(clipBeingDroppedId, false) var binIds = clipBeingDroppedData.split(";") if (binIds.length == 1) { if (controller.normalEdit()) { timeline.insertClip(track, frame, clipBeingDroppedData, true, true, false) } else { timeline.insertClipZone(clipBeingDroppedData, track, frame) } } else { if (controller.normalEdit()) { timeline.insertClips(track, frame, binIds, true, true) } else { // TODO console.log('multiple clips insert/overwrite not supported yet') } } fakeTrack = -1 fakeFrame = -1 } clearDropData() } onEntered: { if (clipBeingMovedId == -1 && clipBeingDroppedId == -1) { //var track = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(drag.y) var track = Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(drag.y + scrollView.contentY) if (track >= 0 && track < tracksRepeater.count) { var frame = Math.round((drag.x + scrollView.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) droppedPosition = frame timeline.activeTrack = tracksRepeater.itemAt(track).trackInternalId //drag.acceptProposedAction() clipBeingDroppedData = drag.getDataAsString('kdenlive/producerslist') console.log('dropped data: ', clipBeingDroppedData) if (controller.normalEdit()) { clipBeingDroppedId = insertAndMaybeGroup(timeline.activeTrack, frame, clipBeingDroppedData) } else { // we want insert/overwrite mode, make a fake insert at end of timeline, then move to position clipBeingDroppedId = insertAndMaybeGroup(timeline.activeTrack, timeline.fullDuration, clipBeingDroppedData) if (clipBeingDroppedId > -1) { fakeFrame = controller.suggestClipMove(clipBeingDroppedId, timeline.activeTrack, frame, root.consumerPosition, root.snapping) fakeTrack = timeline.activeTrack } else { drag.accepted = false } } continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.contentX, drag.y + scrollView.contentY) } else { drag.accepted = false } } } onExited:{ if (clipBeingDroppedId != -1 && drag.y < drag.x) { // If we exit on top, remove clip controller.requestItemDeletion(clipBeingDroppedId, false) clearDropData() } else { // Clip is dropped } } onPositionChanged: { if (clipBeingMovedId == -1) { var track = Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(drag.y + scrollView.contentY) if (track >= 0 && track < tracksRepeater.count) { timeline.activeTrack = tracksRepeater.itemAt(track).trackInternalId var frame = Math.round((drag.x + scrollView.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) if (clipBeingDroppedId >= 0) { fakeFrame = controller.suggestClipMove(clipBeingDroppedId, timeline.activeTrack, frame, root.consumerPosition, root.snapping) fakeTrack = timeline.activeTrack //controller.requestClipMove(clipBeingDroppedId, timeline.activeTrack, frame, true, false, false) continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.contentX, drag.y + scrollView.contentY) } else { frame = controller.suggestSnapPoint(frame, root.snapping) if (controller.normalEdit()) { clipBeingDroppedId = insertAndMaybeGroup(timeline.activeTrack, frame, drag.getDataAsString('kdenlive/producerslist'), false, true) } else { // we want insert/overwrite mode, make a fake insert at end of timeline, then move to position clipBeingDroppedId = insertAndMaybeGroup(timeline.activeTrack, timeline.fullDuration, clipBeingDroppedData) fakeFrame = controller.suggestClipMove(clipBeingDroppedId, timeline.activeTrack, frame, root.consumerPosition, root.snapping) fakeTrack = timeline.activeTrack } continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.contentX, drag.y + scrollView.contentY) } } } } onDropped: { processDrop() } } DropArea { //Drop area for urls (direct drop from file manager) /** @brief local helper function to handle the insertion of multiple dragged items */ property int fakeFrame: -1 property int fakeTrack: -1 property var droppedUrls: [] width: root.width - headerWidth height: root.height - ruler.height y: ruler.height x: headerWidth keys: 'text/uri-list' onEntered: { drag.accepted = true droppedUrls.length = 0 for(var i in drag.urls){ var url = drag.urls[i] droppedUrls.push(Qt.resolvedUrl(url)) } } onExited:{ if (clipBeingDroppedId != -1) { controller.requestItemDeletion(clipBeingDroppedId, false) } clearDropData() } onPositionChanged: { if (clipBeingMovedId == -1) { var track = Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(drag.y + scrollView.contentY) if (track >= 0 && track < tracksRepeater.count) { timeline.activeTrack = tracksRepeater.itemAt(track).trackInternalId var frame = Math.round((drag.x + scrollView.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) if (clipBeingDroppedId >= 0) { //fakeFrame = controller.suggestClipMove(clipBeingDroppedId, timeline.activeTrack, frame, root.consumerPosition, Math.floor(root.snapping)) fakeTrack = timeline.activeTrack //controller.requestClipMove(clipBeingDroppedId, timeline.activeTrack, frame, true, false, false) continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.contentX, drag.y + scrollView.contentY) } else { frame = controller.suggestSnapPoint(frame, root.snapping) if (controller.normalEdit()) { //clipBeingDroppedId = insertAndMaybeGroup(timeline.activeTrack, frame, drag.getDataAsString('kdenlive/producerslist'), false, true) } else { // we want insert/overwrite mode, make a fake insert at end of timeline, then move to position //clipBeingDroppedId = insertAndMaybeGroup(timeline.activeTrack, timeline.fullDuration, clipBeingDroppedData) //fakeFrame = controller.suggestClipMove(clipBeingDroppedId, timeline.activeTrack, frame, root.consumerPosition, Math.floor(root.snapping)) fakeTrack = timeline.activeTrack } continuousScrolling(drag.x + scrollView.contentX, drag.y + scrollView.contentY) } } } } onDropped: { var frame = Math.round((drag.x + scrollView.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) var track = timeline.activeTrack //var binIds = clipBeingDroppedData.split(";") //if (binIds.length == 1) { if (controller.normalEdit()) { timeline.urlDropped(droppedUrls, frame, track) } else { //timeline.insertClipZone(clipBeingDroppedData, track, frame) } /*} else { if (controller.normalEdit()) { timeline.insertClips(track, frame, binIds, true, true) } else { // TODO console.log('multiple clips insert/overwrite not supported yet') } }*/ clearDropData() } } Row { Column { id: headerContainer width: headerWidth z: 1 Item { // Padding between toolbar and track headers. width: parent.width height: ruler.height Button { text: parent.width > metrics.boundingRect.width * 1.4 ? metrics.text : i18nc("Initial for Master", "M") anchors.fill: parent anchors.leftMargin: 2 anchors.rightMargin: 2 ToolTip.delay: 1000 ToolTip.timeout: 5000 ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.text: i18n("Show master effects") TextMetrics { id: metrics text: i18n("Master") } onClicked: { timeline.showMasterEffects() } } } Flickable { // Non-slider scroll area for the track headers. id: headerFlick contentY: scrollView.contentY width: parent.width y: ruler.height height: root.height - ruler.height interactive: false clip: true MouseArea { width: trackHeaders.width height: trackHeaders.height acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton onWheel: { var newScroll = Math.min(scrollView.contentY - wheel.angleDelta.y, height - tracksArea.height + scrollView.ScrollBar.horizontal.height + ruler.height) scrollView.contentY = Math.max(newScroll, 0) } } Column { id: trackHeaders spacing: 0 Repeater { id: trackHeaderRepeater model: multitrack TrackHead { trackName: model.name thumbsFormat: model.thumbsFormat trackTag: model.trackTag isDisabled: model.disabled isComposite: model.composite isLocked: model.locked isActive: model.trackActive isAudio: model.audio showAudioRecord: model.audioRecord effectNames: model.effectNames isStackEnabled: model.isStackEnabled width: headerWidth current: item === timeline.activeTrack trackId: item height: model.trackHeight onIsLockedChanged: tracksRepeater.itemAt(index).isLocked = isLocked collapsed: height <= root.collapsedHeight onMyTrackHeightChanged: { collapsed = myTrackHeight <= root.collapsedHeight if (!collapsed) { controller.setTrackProperty(trackId, "kdenlive:trackheight", myTrackHeight) controller.setTrackProperty(trackId, "kdenlive:collapsed", "0") } else { controller.setTrackProperty(trackId, "kdenlive:collapsed", root.collapsedHeight) } // hack: change property to trigger transition adjustment root.trackHeight = root.trackHeight === 1 ? 0 : 1 } } } } Column { id: trackHeadersResizer spacing: 0 width: root.baseUnit / 2 Rectangle { id: resizer height: trackHeaders.height width: root.baseUnit / 2 x: root.headerWidth - 2 color: 'red' opacity: 0 Drag.active: headerMouseArea.drag.active Drag.proposedAction: Qt.MoveAction MouseArea { id: headerMouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true cursorShape: Qt.SizeHorCursor drag.target: parent drag.axis: Drag.XAxis drag.minimumX: 2 * baseUnit property double startX property double originalX drag.smoothed: false onPressed: { root.autoScrolling = false } onReleased: { root.autoScrolling = timeline.autoScroll parent.opacity = 0 } onEntered: parent.opacity = 0.5 onExited: parent.opacity = 0 onPositionChanged: { if (mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton) { parent.opacity = 0.5 headerWidth = Math.max(10, mapToItem(null, x, y).x + 2) timeline.setHeaderWidth(headerWidth) } } } } } } } MouseArea { id: tracksArea property real clickX property real clickY width: root.width - root.headerWidth height: root.height x: root.headerWidth property bool shiftPress: false // This provides continuous scrubbing and scimming at the left/right edges. hoverEnabled: true preventStealing: true acceptedButtons: Qt.AllButtons cursorShape: root.activeTool === 0 ? Qt.ArrowCursor : root.activeTool === 1 ? Qt.IBeamCursor : Qt.SplitHCursor onWheel: { if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.AltModifier) { // Alt + wheel = seek to next snap point if (wheel.angleDelta.x > 0) { timeline.triggerAction('monitor_seek_snap_backward') } else { timeline.triggerAction('monitor_seek_snap_forward') } } else { var delta = wheel.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier ? timeline.fps() : 1 proxy.position = wheel.angleDelta.y > 0 ? Math.max(root.consumerPosition - delta, 0) : Math.min(root.consumerPosition + delta, timeline.fullDuration - 1) } } onPressed: { focus = true shiftPress = (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) && (mouse.y > ruler.height) if (mouse.buttons === Qt.MidButton || (root.activeTool == 0 && (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) && !shiftPress)) { clickX = mouseX clickY = mouseY return } if (root.activeTool === 0 && shiftPress && mouse.y > ruler.height) { // rubber selection rubberSelect.clickX = mouse.x + scrollView.contentX rubberSelect.clickY = mouse.y + scrollView.contentY rubberSelect.x = mouse.x + tracksArea.x rubberSelect.y = mouse.y rubberSelect.originX = rubberSelect.clickX rubberSelect.originY = rubberSelect.clickY rubberSelect.width = 0 rubberSelect.height = 0 } else if (mouse.button & Qt.LeftButton) { if (root.activeTool === 1) { // razor tool var y = mouse.y - ruler.height + scrollView.contentY if (y >= 0) { timeline.cutClipUnderCursor((scrollView.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor, tracksRepeater.itemAt(Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(y)).trackInternalId) } } if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1) { mouse.accepted = false return } if (root.activeTool === 2 && mouse.y > ruler.height) { // spacer tool var y = mouse.y - ruler.height + scrollView.contentY var frame = (scrollView.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor var track = (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) ? tracksRepeater.itemAt(Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(y)).trackInternalId : -1 spacerGroup = timeline.requestSpacerStartOperation(track, frame) if (spacerGroup > -1) { drag.axis = Drag.XAxis Drag.active = true Drag.proposedAction = Qt.MoveAction spacerClickFrame = frame spacerFrame = controller.getItemPosition(spacerGroup) } } else if (root.activeTool === 0 || mouse.y <= ruler.height) { if (mouse.y > ruler.height) { controller.requestClearSelection(); } proxy.position = Math.min((scrollView.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor, timeline.fullDuration - 1) } } else if (mouse.button & Qt.RightButton) { if (mouse.y > ruler.height) { timeline.activeTrack = tracksRepeater.itemAt(Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(mouse.y - ruler.height + scrollView.contentY)).trackInternalId root.mainFrame = Math.floor((mouse.x + scrollView.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) root.showTimelineMenu() } else { // ruler menu root.showRulerMenu() } } } property bool scim: false onExited: { scim = false } onPositionChanged: { if (pressed && ((mouse.buttons === Qt.MidButton) || (mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton && root.activeTool == 0 && (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) && !shiftPress))) { // Pan view var newScroll = Math.min(scrollView.contentX - (mouseX - clickX), timeline.fullDuration * root.timeScale - (scrollView.width - scrollView.ScrollBar.vertical.width)) var vertScroll = Math.min(scrollView.contentY - (mouseY - clickY), trackHeaders.height - scrollView.height + scrollView.ScrollBar.horizontal.height) scrollView.contentX = Math.max(newScroll, 0) scrollView.contentY = Math.max(vertScroll, 0) clickX = mouseX clickY = mouseY return } if (!pressed && !rubberSelect.visible && root.activeTool === 1) { cutLine.x = Math.floor((scrollView.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor) * timeline.scaleFactor - scrollView.contentX if (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) { // Seek proxy.position = Math.floor((scrollView.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor) } } var mousePos = Math.max(0, Math.round((mouse.x + scrollView.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor)) root.mousePosChanged(mousePos) ruler.showZoneLabels = mouse.y < ruler.height if (shiftPress && mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton && root.activeTool === 0 && !rubberSelect.visible && rubberSelect.y > 0) { // rubber selection, check if mouse move was enough var dx = rubberSelect.originX - (mouseX + scrollView.contentX) var dy = rubberSelect.originY - (mouseY + scrollView.contentY) if ((Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy)) > Qt.styleHints.startDragDistance) { rubberSelect.visible = true } } if (rubberSelect.visible) { var newX = mouse.x + scrollView.contentX var newY = mouse.y + scrollView.contentY console.log('got rubber: ', newX, ', CURRENT X: ', rubberSelect.clickX) if (newX < rubberSelect.originX) { rubberSelect.clickX = newX rubberSelect.x = newX - scrollView.contentX + tracksArea.x rubberSelect.width = rubberSelect.originX - newX } else { rubberSelect.width = newX - rubberSelect.clickX } if (newY < rubberSelect.originY) { rubberSelect.y = newY - scrollView.contentY rubberSelect.height = rubberSelect.originY - newY } else { rubberSelect.y = rubberSelect.originY - scrollView.contentY rubberSelect.height= newY - rubberSelect.originY } continuousScrolling(newX, newY) } else if ((pressedButtons & Qt.LeftButton) && !shiftPress) { if (root.activeTool === 0 || mouse.y < ruler.height) { proxy.position = Math.max(0, Math.min((scrollView.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor, timeline.fullDuration - 1)) } else if (root.activeTool === 2 && spacerGroup > -1) { // Move group var track = controller.getItemTrackId(spacerGroup) var frame = Math.round((mouse.x + scrollView.contentX) / timeline.scaleFactor) + spacerFrame - spacerClickFrame - frame = controller.suggestItemMove(spacerGroup, track, frame, root.consumerPosition, root.snapping) + frame = controller.suggestItemMove(spacerGroup, track, frame, root.consumerPosition, (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) ? 0 : root.snapping) continuousScrolling(mouse.x + scrollView.contentX, mouse.y + scrollView.contentY) } scim = true } else { scim = false } } onReleased: { if (rubberSelect.visible) { rubberSelect.visible = false var y = rubberSelect.y - ruler.height + scrollView.contentY var topTrack = Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(Math.max(0, y)) var bottomTrack = Logic.getTrackIndexFromPos(y + rubberSelect.height) if (bottomTrack >= topTrack) { var t = [] for (var i = topTrack; i <= bottomTrack; i++) { t.push(tracksRepeater.itemAt(i).trackInternalId) } var startFrame = (scrollView.contentX - tracksArea.x + rubberSelect.x) / timeline.scaleFactor var endFrame = (scrollView.contentX - tracksArea.x + rubberSelect.x + rubberSelect.width) / timeline.scaleFactor timeline.selectItems(t, startFrame, endFrame, mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier); } rubberSelect.y = -1 } else if (shiftPress) { if (root.activeTool == 1) { // Shift click, process seek proxy.position = Math.min((scrollView.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor, timeline.fullDuration - 1) } else if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1) { // Select item if (timeline.selection.indexOf(dragProxy.draggedItem) == -1) { controller.requestAddToSelection(dragProxy.draggedItem) } else { controller.requestRemoveFromSelection(dragProxy.draggedItem) } } else if (!rubberSelect.visible) { // Mouse release with shift press and no rubber select, seek proxy.position = Math.min((scrollView.contentX + mouse.x) / timeline.scaleFactor, timeline.fullDuration - 1) } return } if (spacerGroup > -1) { var frame = controller.getItemPosition(spacerGroup) timeline.requestSpacerEndOperation(spacerGroup, spacerFrame, frame); spacerClickFrame = -1 spacerFrame = -1 spacerGroup = -1 } scim = false } Column { Flickable { // Non-slider scroll area for the Ruler. id: rulercontainer width: root.width - headerWidth height: root.baseUnit * 2 contentX: scrollView.contentX contentWidth: Math.max(parent.width, timeline.fullDuration * timeScale) interactive: false clip: true Ruler { id: ruler width: rulercontainer.contentWidth height: parent.height /*Rectangle { id: seekCursor visible: proxy.seekPosition > -1 color: activePalette.highlight width: 4 height: ruler.height opacity: 0.5 x: proxy.seekPosition * timeline.scaleFactor }*/ TimelinePlayhead { id: playhead height: root.baseUnit * .8 width: root.baseUnit * 1.2 fillColor: activePalette.windowText anchors.bottom: parent.bottom x: root.consumerPosition * timeline.scaleFactor - (width / 2) } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton cursorShape: ruler.resizeActive ? Qt.SizeHorCursor : dragProxyArea.drag.active ? Qt.ClosedHandCursor : tracksArea.cursorShape } } } Flickable { id: scrollView width: root.width - headerWidth height: root.height - ruler.height y: ruler.height // Click and drag should seek, not scroll the timeline view //flickableItem.interactive: false clip: true interactive: false ScrollBar.horizontal: ScrollBar { } ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { } //ScrollBar.horizontal.interactive: false //ScrollBar.vertical.interactive: false //Component.onCompleted: contentItem.interactive = false contentWidth: tracksContainerArea.width contentHeight: tracksContainerArea.height Rectangle { id: tracksContainerArea width: Math.max(scrollView.width - scrollView.ScrollBar.vertical.width, timeline.fullDuration * timeScale) height: trackHeaders.height //Math.max(trackHeaders.height, scrollView.contentHeight - scrollView.__horizontalScrollBar.height) color: root.color Rectangle { // Drag proxy, responsible for clip / composition move id: dragProxy x: 0 y: 0 width: 0 height: 0 property int draggedItem: -1 property int sourceTrack property int sourceFrame property bool isComposition property int verticalOffset property var masterObject color: 'transparent' //opacity: 0.8 MouseArea { id: dragProxyArea anchors.fill: parent drag.target: parent drag.axis: Drag.XAxis drag.smoothed: false drag.minimumX: 0 property int dragFrame property bool moveMirrorTracks: true cursorShape: root.activeTool == 0 ? dragProxyArea.drag.active ? Qt.ClosedHandCursor : Qt.OpenHandCursor : tracksArea.cursorShape enabled: root.activeTool == 0 onPressed: { console.log('+++++++++++++++++++ DRAG CLICKED +++++++++++++') if (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier || mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) { mouse.accepted = false console.log('+++++++++++++++++++ Shift abort+++++++++++++') return } if (!timeline.exists(dragProxy.draggedItem)) { endDrag() mouse.accepted = false return } dragFrame = -1 moveMirrorTracks = !(mouse.modifiers & Qt.MetaModifier) timeline.activeTrack = dragProxy.sourceTrack if (timeline.selection.indexOf(dragProxy.draggedItem) == -1) { controller.requestAddToSelection(dragProxy.draggedItem, /*clear=*/ true) } timeline.showAsset(dragProxy.draggedItem) root.autoScrolling = false clipBeingMovedId = dragProxy.draggedItem if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1) { var tk = controller.getItemTrackId(dragProxy.draggedItem) var x = controller.getItemPosition(dragProxy.draggedItem) var posx = Math.round((parent.x)/ root.timeScale) var clickAccepted = true var currentMouseTrack = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(parent.y) if (controller.normalEdit() && (tk != currentMouseTrack || x != posx)) { console.log('INCORRECT DRAG, Trying to recover item: ', parent.y,' XPOS: ',x,'=',posx,'on track: ',tk ,'\n!!!!!!!!!!') // Try to find correct item var tentativeClip = getItemAtPos(currentMouseTrack, mouseX + parent.x, dragProxy.isComposition) if (tentativeClip && tentativeClip.clipId) { console.log('FOUND MISSING ITEM: ', tentativeClip.clipId) clickAccepted = true dragProxy.draggedItem = tentativeClip.clipId dragProxy.x = tentativeClip.x dragProxy.y = tentativeClip.y dragProxy.width = tentativeClip.width dragProxy.height = tentativeClip.height dragProxy.masterObject = tentativeClip dragProxy.sourceTrack = tk dragProxy.sourceFrame = tentativeClip.modelStart dragProxy.isComposition = tentativeClip.isComposition } else { console.log('COULD NOT FIND ITEM ') clickAccepted = false mouse.accepted = false dragProxy.draggedItem = -1 dragProxy.masterObject = undefined dragProxy.sourceFrame = -1 parent.x = 0 parent.y = 0 parent.width = 0 parent.height = 0 } } if (clickAccepted && dragProxy.draggedItem != -1) { focus = true; root.mainItemId = dragProxy.draggedItem dragProxy.masterObject.originalX = dragProxy.masterObject.x dragProxy.masterObject.originalTrackId = dragProxy.masterObject.trackId dragProxy.masterObject.forceActiveFocus(); } else { root.mainItemId = -1 } } else { mouse.accepted = false parent.x = 0 parent.y = 0 parent.width = 0 parent.height = 0 } } onPositionChanged: { // we have to check item validity in the controller, because they could have been deleted since the beginning of the drag if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1 && !timeline.exists(dragProxy.draggedItem)) { endDrag() return } if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1 && mouse.buttons === Qt.LeftButton && (controller.isClip(dragProxy.draggedItem) || controller.isComposition(dragProxy.draggedItem))) { continuousScrolling(mouse.x + parent.x, mouse.y + parent.y) var mapped = Math.max(0, tracksContainerArea.mapFromItem(dragProxy, mouse.x, mouse.y).x) root.mousePosChanged(Math.round(mapped / timeline.scaleFactor)) var posx = Math.round((parent.x)/ root.timeScale) var posy = Math.min(Math.max(0, mouse.y + parent.y - dragProxy.verticalOffset), tracksContainerArea.height) var tId = Logic.getTrackIdFromPos(posy) if (dragProxy.masterObject && tId == dragProxy.masterObject.trackId) { if (posx == dragFrame && controller.normalEdit()) { return } } if (dragProxy.isComposition) { dragFrame = controller.suggestCompositionMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, tId, posx, root.consumerPosition, (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) ? 0 : root.snapping) timeline.activeTrack = timeline.getItemMovingTrack(dragProxy.draggedItem) } else { if (!controller.normalEdit() && dragProxy.masterObject.parent != dragContainer) { var pos = dragProxy.masterObject.mapToGlobal(dragProxy.masterObject.x, dragProxy.masterObject.y); dragProxy.masterObject.parent = dragContainer pos = dragProxy.masterObject.mapFromGlobal(pos.x, pos.y) dragProxy.masterObject.x = pos.x dragProxy.masterObject.y = pos.y //console.log('bringing item to front') } dragFrame = controller.suggestClipMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, tId, posx, root.consumerPosition, (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) ? 0 : root.snapping, moveMirrorTracks) timeline.activeTrack = timeline.getItemMovingTrack(dragProxy.draggedItem) } var delta = dragFrame - dragProxy.sourceFrame if (delta != 0) { var s = timeline.simplifiedTC(Math.abs(delta)) s = ((delta < 0)? '-' : '+') + s + i18n("\nPosition:%1", timeline.simplifiedTC(dragFrame)) bubbleHelp.show(parent.x + mouseX, Math.max(ruler.height, Logic.getTrackYFromId(timeline.activeTrack)), s) } else bubbleHelp.hide() } } onReleased: { clipBeingMovedId = -1 root.autoScrolling = timeline.autoScroll if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1 && dragFrame > -1 && (controller.isClip(dragProxy.draggedItem) || controller.isComposition(dragProxy.draggedItem))) { var tId = controller.getItemTrackId(dragProxy.draggedItem) if (dragProxy.isComposition) { controller.requestCompositionMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, dragProxy.sourceTrack, dragProxy.sourceFrame, true, false, false) controller.requestCompositionMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, tId, dragFrame , true, true, true) } else { if (controller.normalEdit()) { controller.requestClipMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, dragProxy.sourceTrack, dragProxy.sourceFrame, moveMirrorTracks, true, false, false) controller.requestClipMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, tId, dragFrame , moveMirrorTracks, true, true, true) } else { // Fake move, only process final move timeline.endFakeMove(dragProxy.draggedItem, dragFrame, true, true, true) } } if (dragProxy.masterObject && dragProxy.masterObject.isGrabbed) { dragProxy.masterObject.grabItem() } dragProxy.x = controller.getItemPosition(dragProxy.draggedItem) * timeline.scaleFactor dragProxy.sourceFrame = dragFrame bubbleHelp.hide() } } onDoubleClicked: { if (dragProxy.masterObject.keyframeModel) { var newVal = (dragProxy.height - mouseY) / dragProxy.height var newPos = Math.round(mouseX / timeScale) + dragProxy.masterObject.inPoint timeline.addEffectKeyframe(dragProxy.draggedItem, newPos, newVal) } } } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton onWheel: zoomByWheel(wheel) cursorShape: dragProxyArea.drag.active ? Qt.ClosedHandCursor : tracksArea.cursorShape } Column { // These make the striped background for the tracks. // It is important that these are not part of the track visual hierarchy; // otherwise, the clips will be obscured by the Track's background. Repeater { model: multitrack id: trackBaseRepeater delegate: Rectangle { width: tracksContainerArea.width border.width: 1 border.color: root.frameColor height: model.trackHeight color: tracksRepeater.itemAt(index) ? ((tracksRepeater.itemAt(index).trackInternalId === timeline.activeTrack) ? Qt.tint(getTrackColor(tracksRepeater.itemAt(index).isAudio, false), selectedTrackColor) : getTrackColor(tracksRepeater.itemAt(index).isAudio, false)) : 'red' } } } Column { id: tracksContainer Repeater { id: tracksRepeater; model: trackDelegateModel } Item { id: dragContainer z: 100 } Repeater { id: guidesRepeater; model: guidesDelegateModel } } Rectangle { id: cursor visible: root.consumerPosition > -1 color: root.textColor width: Math.max(1, 1 * timeline.scaleFactor) opacity: (width > 2) ? 0.5 : 1 height: parent.height x: root.consumerPosition * timeline.scaleFactor } } } } Rectangle { id: cutLine visible: root.activeTool == 1 && tracksArea.mouseY > ruler.height color: 'red' width: Math.max(1, 1 * timeline.scaleFactor) opacity: (width > 2) ? 0.5 : 1 height: root.height - scrollView.ScrollBar.horizontal.height - ruler.height x: 0 //x: root.consumerPosition * timeline.scaleFactor - scrollView.contentX y: ruler.height } } } Rectangle { id: bubbleHelp property alias text: bubbleHelpLabel.text color: root.color //application.toolTipBaseColor width: bubbleHelpLabel.width + 6 height: bubbleHelpLabel.height + 6 radius: 3 states: [ State { name: 'invisible'; PropertyChanges { target: bubbleHelp; opacity: 0} }, State { name: 'visible'; PropertyChanges { target: bubbleHelp; opacity: 0.8} } ] state: 'invisible' transitions: [ Transition { from: 'invisible' to: 'visible' OpacityAnimator { target: bubbleHelp; duration: 200; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } }, Transition { from: 'visible' to: 'invisible' OpacityAnimator { target: bubbleHelp; duration: 200; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } ] Label { id: bubbleHelpLabel color: activePalette.text //application.toolTipTextColor anchors.centerIn: parent font: miniFont } function show(x, y, text) { bubbleHelp.text = text bubbleHelp.x = x + tracksArea.x - scrollView.contentX - bubbleHelp.width bubbleHelp.y = y + tracksArea.y - scrollView.contentY - bubbleHelp.height + ruler.height - 3 if (bubbleHelp.state !== 'visible') bubbleHelp.state = 'visible' } function hide() { bubbleHelp.state = 'invisible' bubbleHelp.opacity = 0 } } Rectangle { id: rubberSelect // Used to determine if drag start should trigger an event property int originX // Used to determine if drag start should trigger an event property int originY // Absolute position of the click event property int clickX property int clickY y: -1 color: Qt.rgba(activePalette.highlight.r, activePalette.highlight.g, activePalette.highlight.b, 0.4) border.color: activePalette.highlight border.width: 1 visible: false } /*DropShadow { source: bubbleHelp anchors.fill: bubbleHelp opacity: bubbleHelp.opacity horizontalOffset: 3 verticalOffset: 3 radius: 8 color: '#80000000' transparentBorder: true fast: true }*/ DelegateModel { id: trackDelegateModel model: multitrack delegate: Track { trackModel: multitrack rootIndex: trackDelegateModel.modelIndex(index) timeScale: timeline.scaleFactor width: tracksContainerArea.width height: trackHeight isAudio: audio trackThumbsFormat: thumbsFormat isCurrentTrack: item === timeline.activeTrack trackInternalId: item z: tracksRepeater.count - index } } DelegateModel { id: guidesDelegateModel model: guidesModel Item { id: guideRoot z: 20 Rectangle { id: guideBase width: 1 height: tracksContainer.height x: model.frame * timeScale; color: model.color } Rectangle { visible: mlabel.visible opacity: 0.7 x: guideBase.x y: mlabel.y radius: 2 width: mlabel.width + 4 height: mlabel.height color: model.color MouseArea { z: 10 anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor hoverEnabled: true property int startX drag.axis: Drag.XAxis drag.target: guideRoot onPressed: { drag.target = guideRoot startX = guideRoot.x } onReleased: { if (startX != guideRoot.x) { timeline.moveGuide(model.frame, model.frame + guideRoot.x / timeline.scaleFactor) } drag.target = undefined } onPositionChanged: { if (pressed) { var frame = Math.round(model.frame + guideRoot.x / timeline.scaleFactor) frame = controller.suggestSnapPoint(frame, root.snapping) guideRoot.x = (frame - model.frame) * timeline.scaleFactor } } drag.smoothed: false onDoubleClicked: { timeline.editGuide(model.frame) drag.target = undefined } onClicked: proxy.position = guideBase.x / timeline.scaleFactor } } Text { id: mlabel visible: timeline.showMarkers text: model.comment font: miniFont x: guideBase.x + 2 y: scrollView.contentY color: 'white' } } } Connections { target: timeline onFrameFormatChanged: ruler.adjustFormat() onSelectionChanged: { if (dragProxy.draggedItem > -1 && !timeline.exists(dragProxy.draggedItem)) { endDrag() } } } // This provides continuous scrolling at the left/right edges. Timer { id: scrollTimer interval: 25 repeat: true triggeredOnStart: true property var item property int horizontal: 0 property int vertical: 0 onTriggered: { if (vertical != 0) { scrollView.contentY += vertical if (scrollView.contentY <= 0) { scrollView.contentY = 0 vertical = 0 stop() } else { var maxScroll = trackHeaders.height - tracksArea.height + scrollView.ScrollBar.horizontal.height + ruler.height if (scrollView.contentY > maxScroll) { scrollView.contentY = maxScroll vertical = 0 stop() } } } if (item) item.x += horizontal scrollView.contentX += horizontal if (scrollView.contentX <= 0 || clipBeingMovedId == -1) stop() if (rubberSelect.visible) { rubberSelect.x -= horizontal rubberSelect.y -= vertical } } } }