diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index f12af05db..51cba81c4 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,172 +1,173 @@ project(Kdenlive) # An odd patch version number means development version, while an even one means # stable release. An additional number can be used for bugfix-only releases. # KDE Application Version, managed by release script set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MAJOR "19") set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MINOR "03") set (KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MICRO "70") set(KDENLIVE_VERSION ${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MAJOR}.${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MINOR}.${KDE_APPLICATIONS_VERSION_MICRO}) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) if(POLICY CMP0063) cmake_policy(SET CMP0063 NEW) endif() if (POLICY CMP0053) cmake_policy(SET CMP0053 NEW) endif() if (BUILD_FUZZING) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${KDENLIVE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link,address") endif() +SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-unknown-warning-option") # To be switched on when releasing. option(RELEASE_BUILD "Remove Git revision from program version" ON) option(BUILD_TESTING "Build tests" ON) option(BUILD_FUZZING "Build fuzzing target" OFF) # Minimum versions of main dependencies. set(MLT_MIN_MAJOR_VERSION 6) set(MLT_MIN_MINOR_VERSION 12) set(MLT_MIN_PATCH_VERSION 0) set(MLT_MIN_VERSION ${MLT_MIN_MAJOR_VERSION}.${MLT_MIN_MINOR_VERSION}.${MLT_MIN_PATCH_VERSION}) # KDE Frameworks find_package(ECM 5.18.0 REQUIRED CONFIG) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules) include(KDECompilerSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE) include(FeatureSummary) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(GenerateExportHeader) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(ECMOptionalAddSubdirectory) include(ECMMarkNonGuiExecutable) include(ECMAddAppIcon) include(ECMQtDeclareLoggingCategory) include(ECMEnableSanitizers) add_definitions(-DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"kdenlive\") find_package(KF5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Archive Bookmarks CoreAddons Config ConfigWidgets DBusAddons KIO WidgetsAddons NotifyConfig NewStuff XmlGui Notifications GuiAddons TextWidgets IconThemes Declarative Solid OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS DocTools FileMetaData Crash Purpose) # Qt set(QT_MIN_VERSION 5.7.0) find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core DBus Widgets Svg Quick Concurrent QuickWidgets) find_package(Qt5 OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS WebKitWidgets QUIET) add_definitions(-DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_URL_CAST_FROM_STRING) set(DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS "${DEFAULT_CXX_FLAGS} ${Qt5Widgets_EXECUTABLE_COMPILE_FLAGS}") # MLT find_package(MLT ${MLT_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED) set_package_properties(MLT PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Multimedia framework" URL "https://mltframework.org" PURPOSE "Required to do video processing") message(STATUS "Found MLT++: ${MLTPP_LIBRARIES}") # Windows include(CheckIncludeFiles) check_include_files(malloc.h HAVE_MALLOC_H) check_include_files(pthread.h HAVE_PTHREAD_H) if(WIN32) find_package(DrMinGW) set(MLT_PREFIX "..") else() set(MLT_PREFIX ${MLT_ROOT_DIR}) endif() # Optional deps status find_package(KF5 5.23.0 OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS XmlGui QUIET) if (KF5XmlGui_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found KF5 >= 5.23.0 enabling icon coloring") else() message(STATUS "KF5 < 5.23.0 Disable icon coloring") set(KF5_ICON_COMPATIBILITY TRUE) endif() if (KF5FileMetaData_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found KF5 FileMetadata to extract file metadata") set(KF5_FILEMETADATA TRUE) else() message(STATUS "KF5 FileMetadata not found, file metadata will not be available") endif() if (KF5Purpose_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found KF5 Purpose, filesharing enabled") set(KF5_PURPOSE TRUE) else() message(STATUS "KF5 Purpose not found, filesharing disabled") endif() if(KF5DocTools_FOUND) add_subdirectory(doc) kdoctools_install(po) endif() # Get current version. set(KDENLIVE_VERSION_STRING "${KDENLIVE_VERSION}") if(NOT RELEASE_BUILD AND EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) # Probably a Git workspace; determine the revision. find_package(Git QUIET) if(GIT_FOUND) exec_program(${GIT_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ARGS "log -n 1 --pretty=format:\"%h\"" OUTPUT_VARIABLE KDENLIVE_GIT_REVISION) message(STATUS "Kdenlive Git revision: ${KDENLIVE_GIT_REVISION}") set(KDENLIVE_VERSION_STRING "${KDENLIVE_VERSION} (rev. ${KDENLIVE_GIT_REVISION})") else() message(STATUS "Kdenlive Git revision could not be determined") endif() endif() include(rttr.CMakeLists.txt) feature_summary(WHAT ALL INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) set(FFMPEG_SUFFIX "" CACHE STRING "FFmpeg custom suffix") configure_file(config-kdenlive.h.cmake config-kdenlive.h @ONLY) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fPIC") # Sources add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(renderer) add_subdirectory(thumbnailer) add_subdirectory(data) ki18n_install(po) include(GNUInstallDirs) install(FILES AUTHORS COPYING README.md DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR}) install(FILES kdenlive.categories DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_CONFDIR}) ############################ # Tests ############################ if (BUILD_TESTING) message(STATUS "Building tests") add_subdirectory(tests) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -fexceptions") include_directories( ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/src ${MLT_INCLUDE_DIR} ${MLTPP_INCLUDE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/external ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib src) add_executable(runTests ${Tests_SRCS}) set_property(TARGET runTests PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 14) target_link_libraries(runTests kdenliveLib) add_test(runTests runTests -d yes) endif() if (BUILD_FUZZING) message(STATUS "Building fuzzing") set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/clang++) - set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${KDENLIVE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link,address") + set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${KDENLIVE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link,address") add_subdirectory(fuzzer) endif() diff --git a/fuzzer/fakeit_standalone.hpp b/fuzzer/fakeit_standalone.hpp index 366aeaaa8..9a9d9e0ba 100644 --- a/fuzzer/fakeit_standalone.hpp +++ b/fuzzer/fakeit_standalone.hpp @@ -1,9346 +1,9355 @@ #pragma once /* * FakeIt - A Simplified C++ Mocking Framework * Copyright (c) Eran Pe'er 2013 * Generated: 2018-08-17 00:22:01.852984 * Distributed under the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE file at: * https://github.com/eranpeer/FakeIt */ +#if defined __GNUC__ +# pragma GCC diagnostic push +# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-virtual-dtor" +# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsuggest-override" +#endif #include #include #include #include #include #if defined (__GNUG__) || _MSC_VER >= 1900 #define THROWS noexcept(false) #define NO_THROWS noexcept(true) #elif defined (_MSC_VER) #define THROWS throw(...) #define NO_THROWS #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template struct naked_type { typedef typename std::remove_cv::type>::type type; }; template< class T > struct tuple_arg { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct tuple_arg < T& > { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct tuple_arg < T&& > { typedef T&& type; }; template using ArgumentsTuple = std::tuple < arglist... > ; template< class T > struct test_arg { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct test_arg< T& > { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct test_arg< T&& > { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct production_arg { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct production_arg< T& > { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct production_arg< T&& > { typedef T&& type; }; template class is_ostreamable { struct no {}; #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900 template static decltype(operator<<(std::declval(), std::declval())) test(std::ostream &s, const T1 &t); #else template static auto test(std::ostream &s, const T1 &t) -> decltype(s << t); #endif static no test(...); public: static const bool value = std::is_arithmetic::value || std::is_pointer::value || std::is_same())), std::ostream &>::value; }; template <> class is_ostreamable { public: static const bool value = true; }; template class is_ostreamable& (*)(std::basic_ios&)> { public: static const bool value = true; }; template class is_ostreamable& (*)(std::basic_ostream&)> { public: static const bool value = true; }; template struct VTableMethodType { #if defined (__GNUG__) typedef R(*type)(void *, arglist...); #elif defined (_MSC_VER) typedef R(__thiscall *type)(void *, arglist...); #endif }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct FakeitContext; template struct MockObject { virtual ~MockObject() THROWS { }; virtual C &get() = 0; virtual FakeitContext &getFakeIt() = 0; }; struct MethodInfo { static unsigned int nextMethodOrdinal() { static std::atomic_uint ordinal{0}; return ++ordinal; } MethodInfo(unsigned int anId, std::string aName) : _id(anId), _name(aName) { } unsigned int id() const { return _id; } std::string name() const { return _name; } void setName(const std::string &value) { _name = value; } private: unsigned int _id; std::string _name; }; struct UnknownMethod { static MethodInfo &instance() { static MethodInfo instance(MethodInfo::nextMethodOrdinal(), "unknown"); return instance; } }; } namespace fakeit { class Destructible { public: virtual ~Destructible() {} }; } namespace fakeit { struct Invocation : Destructible { static unsigned int nextInvocationOrdinal() { static std::atomic_uint invocationOrdinal{0}; return ++invocationOrdinal; } struct Matcher { virtual ~Matcher() THROWS { } virtual bool matches(Invocation &invocation) = 0; virtual std::string format() const = 0; }; Invocation(unsigned int ordinal, MethodInfo &method) : _ordinal(ordinal), _method(method), _isVerified(false) { } virtual ~Invocation() override = default; unsigned int getOrdinal() const { return _ordinal; } MethodInfo &getMethod() const { return _method; } void markAsVerified() { _isVerified = true; } bool isVerified() const { return _isVerified; } virtual std::string format() const = 0; private: const unsigned int _ordinal; MethodInfo &_method; bool _isVerified; }; } #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template struct Formatter; template <> struct Formatter { static std::string format(bool const &val) { return val ? "true" : "false"; } }; template <> struct Formatter { static std::string format(char const &val) { std::string s; s += "'"; s += val; s += "'"; return s; } }; template <> struct Formatter { static std::string format(char const* const &val) { std::string s; if(val != nullptr) { s += '"'; s += val; s += '"'; } else { s = "[nullptr]"; } return s; } }; template <> struct Formatter { static std::string format(char* const &val) { return Formatter::format( val ); } }; template struct Formatter::value>::type> { static std::string format(C const &) { return "?"; } }; template struct Formatter::value>::type> { static std::string format(C const &val) { std::ostringstream os; os << val; return os.str(); } }; template using TypeFormatter = Formatter::type>; } namespace fakeit { template struct TuplePrinter { static void print(std::ostream &strm, const Tuple &t) { TuplePrinter::print(strm, t); strm << ", " << fakeit::TypeFormatter(t))>::format(std::get(t)); } }; template struct TuplePrinter { static void print(std::ostream &strm, const Tuple &t) { strm << fakeit::TypeFormatter(t))>::format(std::get<0>(t)); } }; template struct TuplePrinter { static void print(std::ostream &, const Tuple &) { } }; template void print(std::ostream &strm, const std::tuple &t) { strm << "("; TuplePrinter::print(strm, t); strm << ")"; } template std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &strm, const std::tuple &t) { print(strm, t); return strm; } } namespace fakeit { template struct ActualInvocation : public Invocation { struct Matcher : public virtual Destructible { virtual bool matches(ActualInvocation &actualInvocation) = 0; virtual std::string format() const = 0; }; ActualInvocation(unsigned int ordinal, MethodInfo &method, const typename fakeit::production_arg::type... args) : Invocation(ordinal, method), _matcher{ nullptr } , actualArguments{ std::forward(args)... } { } ArgumentsTuple & getActualArguments() { return actualArguments; } void setActualMatcher(Matcher *matcher) { this->_matcher = matcher; } Matcher *getActualMatcher() { return _matcher; } virtual std::string format() const override { std::ostringstream out; out << getMethod().name(); print(out, actualArguments); return out.str(); } private: Matcher *_matcher; ArgumentsTuple actualArguments; }; template std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &strm, const ActualInvocation &ai) { strm << ai.format(); return strm; } } #include namespace fakeit { struct ActualInvocationsContainer { virtual void clear() = 0; virtual ~ActualInvocationsContainer() NO_THROWS { } }; struct ActualInvocationsSource { virtual void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const = 0; virtual ~ActualInvocationsSource() NO_THROWS { } }; struct InvocationsSourceProxy : public ActualInvocationsSource { InvocationsSourceProxy(ActualInvocationsSource *inner) : _inner(inner) { } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { _inner->getActualInvocations(into); } private: std::shared_ptr _inner; }; struct UnverifiedInvocationsSource : public ActualInvocationsSource { UnverifiedInvocationsSource(InvocationsSourceProxy decorated) : _decorated(decorated) { } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { std::unordered_set all; _decorated.getActualInvocations(all); for (fakeit::Invocation *i : all) { if (!i->isVerified()) { into.insert(i); } } } private: InvocationsSourceProxy _decorated; }; struct AggregateInvocationsSource : public ActualInvocationsSource { AggregateInvocationsSource(std::vector &sources) : _sources(sources) { } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { std::unordered_set tmp; for (ActualInvocationsSource *source : _sources) { source->getActualInvocations(tmp); } filter(tmp, into); } protected: bool shouldInclude(fakeit::Invocation *) const { return true; } private: std::vector _sources; void filter(std::unordered_set &source, std::unordered_set &target) const { for (Invocation *i:source) { if (shouldInclude(i)) { target.insert(i); } } } }; } namespace fakeit { class Sequence { private: protected: Sequence() { } virtual ~Sequence() THROWS { } public: virtual void getExpectedSequence(std::vector &into) const = 0; virtual void getInvolvedMocks(std::vector &into) const = 0; virtual unsigned int size() const = 0; friend class VerifyFunctor; }; class ConcatenatedSequence : public virtual Sequence { private: const Sequence &s1; const Sequence &s2; protected: ConcatenatedSequence(const Sequence &seq1, const Sequence &seq2) : s1(seq1), s2(seq2) { } public: virtual ~ConcatenatedSequence() { } unsigned int size() const override { return s1.size() + s2.size(); } const Sequence &getLeft() const { return s1; } const Sequence &getRight() const { return s2; } void getExpectedSequence(std::vector &into) const override { s1.getExpectedSequence(into); s2.getExpectedSequence(into); } virtual void getInvolvedMocks(std::vector &into) const override { s1.getInvolvedMocks(into); s2.getInvolvedMocks(into); } friend inline ConcatenatedSequence operator+(const Sequence &s1, const Sequence &s2); }; class RepeatedSequence : public virtual Sequence { private: const Sequence &_s; const int times; protected: RepeatedSequence(const Sequence &s, const int t) : _s(s), times(t) { } public: ~RepeatedSequence() { } unsigned int size() const override { return _s.size() * times; } friend inline RepeatedSequence operator*(const Sequence &s, int times); friend inline RepeatedSequence operator*(int times, const Sequence &s); void getInvolvedMocks(std::vector &into) const override { _s.getInvolvedMocks(into); } void getExpectedSequence(std::vector &into) const override { for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) _s.getExpectedSequence(into); } int getTimes() const { return times; } const Sequence &getSequence() const { return _s; } }; inline ConcatenatedSequence operator+(const Sequence &s1, const Sequence &s2) { return ConcatenatedSequence(s1, s2); } inline RepeatedSequence operator*(const Sequence &s, int times) { if (times <= 0) throw std::invalid_argument("times"); return RepeatedSequence(s, times); } inline RepeatedSequence operator*(int times, const Sequence &s) { if (times <= 0) throw std::invalid_argument("times"); return RepeatedSequence(s, times); } } namespace fakeit { enum class VerificationType { Exact, AtLeast, NoMoreInvocations }; enum class UnexpectedType { Unmocked, Unmatched }; struct VerificationEvent { VerificationEvent(VerificationType aVerificationType) : _verificationType(aVerificationType), _line(0) { } virtual ~VerificationEvent() = default; VerificationType verificationType() const { return _verificationType; } void setFileInfo(const char * aFile, int aLine, const char * aCallingMethod) { _file = aFile; _callingMethod = aCallingMethod; _line = aLine; } const char * file() const { return _file; } int line() const { return _line; } const char * callingMethod() const { return _callingMethod; } private: VerificationType _verificationType; const char * _file; int _line; const char * _callingMethod; }; struct NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent : public VerificationEvent { ~NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent() = default; NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent( std::vector &allTheIvocations, std::vector &anUnverifedIvocations) : VerificationEvent(VerificationType::NoMoreInvocations), _allIvocations(allTheIvocations), _unverifedIvocations(anUnverifedIvocations) { } const std::vector &allIvocations() const { return _allIvocations; } const std::vector &unverifedIvocations() const { return _unverifedIvocations; } private: const std::vector _allIvocations; const std::vector _unverifedIvocations; }; struct SequenceVerificationEvent : public VerificationEvent { ~SequenceVerificationEvent() = default; SequenceVerificationEvent(VerificationType aVerificationType, std::vector &anExpectedPattern, std::vector &anActualSequence, int anExpectedCount, int anActualCount) : VerificationEvent(aVerificationType), _expectedPattern(anExpectedPattern), _actualSequence(anActualSequence), _expectedCount(anExpectedCount), _actualCount(anActualCount) { } const std::vector &expectedPattern() const { return _expectedPattern; } const std::vector &actualSequence() const { return _actualSequence; } int expectedCount() const { return _expectedCount; } int actualCount() const { return _actualCount; } private: const std::vector _expectedPattern; const std::vector _actualSequence; const int _expectedCount; const int _actualCount; }; struct UnexpectedMethodCallEvent { UnexpectedMethodCallEvent(UnexpectedType unexpectedType, const Invocation &invocation) : _unexpectedType(unexpectedType), _invocation(invocation) { } const Invocation &getInvocation() const { return _invocation; } UnexpectedType getUnexpectedType() const { return _unexpectedType; } const UnexpectedType _unexpectedType; const Invocation &_invocation; }; } namespace fakeit { struct VerificationEventHandler { virtual void handle(const SequenceVerificationEvent &e) = 0; virtual void handle(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) = 0; }; struct EventHandler : public VerificationEventHandler { using VerificationEventHandler::handle; virtual void handle(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) = 0; }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { struct UnexpectedMethodCallEvent; struct SequenceVerificationEvent; struct NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent; struct EventFormatter { virtual std::string format(const fakeit::UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) = 0; virtual std::string format(const fakeit::SequenceVerificationEvent &e) = 0; virtual std::string format(const fakeit::NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) = 0; }; } #ifdef FAKEIT_ASSERT_ON_UNEXPECTED_METHOD_INVOCATION #include #endif namespace fakeit { struct FakeitContext : public EventHandler, protected EventFormatter { virtual ~FakeitContext() = default; void handle(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) override { fireEvent(e); auto &eh = getTestingFrameworkAdapter(); #ifdef FAKEIT_ASSERT_ON_UNEXPECTED_METHOD_INVOCATION assert(!"Unexpected method invocation"); #endif eh.handle(e); } void handle(const SequenceVerificationEvent &e) override { fireEvent(e); auto &eh = getTestingFrameworkAdapter(); return eh.handle(e); } void handle(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) override { fireEvent(e); auto &eh = getTestingFrameworkAdapter(); return eh.handle(e); } std::string format(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) override { auto &eventFormatter = getEventFormatter(); return eventFormatter.format(e); } std::string format(const SequenceVerificationEvent &e) override { auto &eventFormatter = getEventFormatter(); return eventFormatter.format(e); } std::string format(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) override { auto &eventFormatter = getEventFormatter(); return eventFormatter.format(e); } void addEventHandler(EventHandler &eventListener) { _eventListeners.push_back(&eventListener); } void clearEventHandlers() { _eventListeners.clear(); } protected: virtual EventHandler &getTestingFrameworkAdapter() = 0; virtual EventFormatter &getEventFormatter() = 0; private: std::vector _eventListeners; void fireEvent(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &evt) { for (auto listener : _eventListeners) listener->handle(evt); } void fireEvent(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &evt) { for (auto listener : _eventListeners) listener->handle(evt); } void fireEvent(const SequenceVerificationEvent &evt) { for (auto listener : _eventListeners) listener->handle(evt); } }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { struct DefaultEventFormatter : public EventFormatter { virtual std::string format(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) override { std::ostringstream out; out << "Unexpected method invocation: "; out << e.getInvocation().format() << std::endl; if (UnexpectedType::Unmatched == e.getUnexpectedType()) { out << " Could not find any recorded behavior to support this method call."; } else { out << " An unmocked method was invoked. All used virtual methods must be stubbed!"; } return out.str(); } virtual std::string format(const SequenceVerificationEvent &e) override { std::ostringstream out; out << "Verification error" << std::endl; out << "Expected pattern: "; const std::vector expectedPattern = e.expectedPattern(); out << formatExpectedPattern(expectedPattern) << std::endl; out << "Expected matches: "; formatExpectedCount(out, e.verificationType(), e.expectedCount()); out << std::endl; out << "Actual matches : " << e.actualCount() << std::endl; auto actualSequence = e.actualSequence(); out << "Actual sequence : total of " << actualSequence.size() << " actual invocations"; if (actualSequence.size() == 0) { out << "."; } else { out << ":" << std::endl; } formatInvocationList(out, actualSequence); return out.str(); } virtual std::string format(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) override { std::ostringstream out; out << "Verification error" << std::endl; out << "Expected no more invocations!! but the following unverified invocations were found:" << std::endl; formatInvocationList(out, e.unverifedIvocations()); return out.str(); } static std::string formatExpectedPattern(const std::vector &expectedPattern) { std::string expectedPatternStr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < expectedPattern.size(); i++) { Sequence *s = expectedPattern[i]; expectedPatternStr += formatSequence(*s); if (i < expectedPattern.size() - 1) expectedPatternStr += " ... "; } return expectedPatternStr; } private: static std::string formatSequence(const Sequence &val) { const ConcatenatedSequence *cs = dynamic_cast(&val); if (cs) { return format(*cs); } const RepeatedSequence *rs = dynamic_cast(&val); if (rs) { return format(*rs); } std::vector vec; val.getExpectedSequence(vec); return vec[0]->format(); } static void formatExpectedCount(std::ostream &out, fakeit::VerificationType verificationType, int expectedCount) { if (verificationType == fakeit::VerificationType::Exact) out << "exactly "; if (verificationType == fakeit::VerificationType::AtLeast) out << "at least "; out << expectedCount; } static void formatInvocationList(std::ostream &out, const std::vector &actualSequence) { size_t max_size = actualSequence.size(); if (max_size > 50) max_size = 50; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max_size; i++) { out << " "; auto invocation = actualSequence[i]; out << invocation->format(); if (i < max_size - 1) out << std::endl; } if (actualSequence.size() > max_size) out << std::endl << " ..."; } static std::string format(const ConcatenatedSequence &val) { std::ostringstream out; out << formatSequence(val.getLeft()) << " + " << formatSequence(val.getRight()); return out.str(); } static std::string format(const RepeatedSequence &val) { std::ostringstream out; const ConcatenatedSequence *cs = dynamic_cast(&val.getSequence()); const RepeatedSequence *rs = dynamic_cast(&val.getSequence()); if (rs || cs) out << '('; out << formatSequence(val.getSequence()); if (rs || cs) out << ')'; out << " * " << val.getTimes(); return out.str(); } }; } namespace fakeit { struct FakeitException { std::exception err; virtual ~FakeitException() = default; virtual std::string what() const = 0; friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const FakeitException &val) { os << val.what(); return os; } }; struct UnexpectedMethodCallException : public FakeitException { UnexpectedMethodCallException(std::string format) : _format(format) { } virtual std::string what() const override { return _format; } private: std::string _format; }; } namespace fakeit { struct DefaultEventLogger : public fakeit::EventHandler { DefaultEventLogger(EventFormatter &formatter) : _formatter(formatter), _out(std::cout) { } virtual void handle(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) override { _out << _formatter.format(e) << std::endl; } virtual void handle(const SequenceVerificationEvent &e) override { _out << _formatter.format(e) << std::endl; } virtual void handle(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) override { _out << _formatter.format(e) << std::endl; } private: EventFormatter &_formatter; std::ostream &_out; }; } namespace fakeit { class AbstractFakeit : public FakeitContext { public: virtual ~AbstractFakeit() = default; protected: virtual fakeit::EventHandler &accessTestingFrameworkAdapter() = 0; virtual EventFormatter &accessEventFormatter() = 0; }; class DefaultFakeit : public AbstractFakeit { DefaultEventFormatter _formatter; fakeit::EventFormatter *_customFormatter; fakeit::EventHandler *_testingFrameworkAdapter; public: DefaultFakeit() : _formatter(), _customFormatter(nullptr), _testingFrameworkAdapter(nullptr) { } virtual ~DefaultFakeit() = default; void setCustomEventFormatter(fakeit::EventFormatter &customEventFormatter) { _customFormatter = &customEventFormatter; } void resetCustomEventFormatter() { _customFormatter = nullptr; } void setTestingFrameworkAdapter(fakeit::EventHandler &testingFrameforkAdapter) { _testingFrameworkAdapter = &testingFrameforkAdapter; } void resetTestingFrameworkAdapter() { _testingFrameworkAdapter = nullptr; } protected: fakeit::EventHandler &getTestingFrameworkAdapter() override { if (_testingFrameworkAdapter) return *_testingFrameworkAdapter; return accessTestingFrameworkAdapter(); } EventFormatter &getEventFormatter() override { if (_customFormatter) return *_customFormatter; return accessEventFormatter(); } EventFormatter &accessEventFormatter() override { return _formatter; } }; } #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template static std::string to_string(const T &n) { std::ostringstream stm; stm << n; return stm.str(); } } namespace fakeit { struct VerificationException : public std::exception { virtual ~VerificationException() NO_THROWS{}; VerificationException(std::string format) : _format(format) { } friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const VerificationException &val) { os << val.what(); return os; } void setFileInfo(std::string aFile, int aLine, std::string aCallingMethod) { _file = aFile; _callingMethod = aCallingMethod; _line = aLine; } const std::string& file() const { return _file; } int line() const { return _line; } const std::string& callingMethod() const { return _callingMethod; } const char* what() const NO_THROWS override{ return _format.c_str(); } private: std::string _file; int _line; std::string _callingMethod; std::string _format; }; struct NoMoreInvocationsVerificationException : public VerificationException { NoMoreInvocationsVerificationException(std::string format) : VerificationException(format) { } }; struct SequenceVerificationException : public VerificationException { SequenceVerificationException(std::string format) : VerificationException(format) { } }; struct StandaloneAdapter : public EventHandler { std::string formatLineNumner(std::string file, int num){ #ifndef __GNUG__ return file + std::string("(") + fakeit::to_string(num) + std::string(")"); #else return file + std::string(":") + fakeit::to_string(num); #endif } virtual ~StandaloneAdapter() = default; StandaloneAdapter(EventFormatter &formatter) : _formatter(formatter) { } virtual void handle(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &evt) override { std::string format = _formatter.format(evt); UnexpectedMethodCallException ex(format); throw ex; } virtual void handle(const SequenceVerificationEvent &evt) override { std::string format(formatLineNumner(evt.file(), evt.line()) + ": " + _formatter.format(evt)); SequenceVerificationException e(format); e.setFileInfo(evt.file(), evt.line(), evt.callingMethod()); throw e; } virtual void handle(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &evt) override { std::string format(formatLineNumner(evt.file(), evt.line()) + ": " + _formatter.format(evt)); NoMoreInvocationsVerificationException e(format); e.setFileInfo(evt.file(), evt.line(), evt.callingMethod()); throw e; } private: EventFormatter &_formatter; }; class StandaloneFakeit : public DefaultFakeit { public: virtual ~StandaloneFakeit() = default; StandaloneFakeit() : _standaloneAdapter(*this) { } static StandaloneFakeit &getInstance() { static StandaloneFakeit instance; return instance; } protected: fakeit::EventHandler &accessTestingFrameworkAdapter() override { return _standaloneAdapter; } private: StandaloneAdapter _standaloneAdapter; }; } static fakeit::DefaultFakeit& Fakeit = fakeit::StandaloneFakeit::getInstance(); #include #include #include #undef max #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct VirtualOffsetSelector { unsigned int offset; virtual unsigned int offset0(int) { return offset = 0; } virtual unsigned int offset1(int) { return offset = 1; } virtual unsigned int offset2(int) { return offset = 2; } virtual unsigned int offset3(int) { return offset = 3; } virtual unsigned int offset4(int) { return offset = 4; } virtual unsigned int offset5(int) { return offset = 5; } virtual unsigned int offset6(int) { return offset = 6; } virtual unsigned int offset7(int) { return offset = 7; } virtual unsigned int offset8(int) { return offset = 8; } virtual unsigned int offset9(int) { return offset = 9; } virtual unsigned int offset10(int) { return offset = 10; } virtual unsigned int offset11(int) { return offset = 11; } virtual unsigned int offset12(int) { return offset = 12; } virtual unsigned int offset13(int) { return offset = 13; } virtual unsigned int offset14(int) { return offset = 14; } virtual unsigned int offset15(int) { return offset = 15; } virtual unsigned int offset16(int) { return offset = 16; } virtual unsigned int offset17(int) { return offset = 17; } virtual unsigned int offset18(int) { return offset = 18; } virtual unsigned int offset19(int) { return offset = 19; } virtual unsigned int offset20(int) { return offset = 20; } virtual unsigned int offset21(int) { return offset = 21; } virtual unsigned int offset22(int) { return offset = 22; } virtual unsigned int offset23(int) { return offset = 23; } virtual unsigned int offset24(int) { return offset = 24; } virtual unsigned int offset25(int) { return offset = 25; } virtual unsigned int offset26(int) { return offset = 26; } virtual unsigned int offset27(int) { return offset = 27; } virtual unsigned int offset28(int) { return offset = 28; } virtual unsigned int offset29(int) { return offset = 29; } virtual unsigned int offset30(int) { return offset = 30; } virtual unsigned int offset31(int) { return offset = 31; } virtual unsigned int offset32(int) { return offset = 32; } virtual unsigned int offset33(int) { return offset = 33; } virtual unsigned int offset34(int) { return offset = 34; } virtual unsigned int offset35(int) { return offset = 35; } virtual unsigned int offset36(int) { return offset = 36; } virtual unsigned int offset37(int) { return offset = 37; } virtual unsigned int offset38(int) { return offset = 38; } virtual unsigned int offset39(int) { return offset = 39; } virtual unsigned int offset40(int) { return offset = 40; } virtual unsigned int offset41(int) { return offset = 41; } virtual unsigned int offset42(int) { return offset = 42; } virtual unsigned int offset43(int) { return offset = 43; } virtual unsigned int offset44(int) { return offset = 44; } virtual unsigned int offset45(int) { return offset = 45; } virtual unsigned int offset46(int) { return offset = 46; } virtual unsigned int offset47(int) { return offset = 47; } virtual unsigned int offset48(int) { return offset = 48; } virtual unsigned int offset49(int) { return offset = 49; } virtual unsigned int offset50(int) { return offset = 50; } virtual unsigned int offset51(int) { return offset = 51; } virtual unsigned int offset52(int) { return offset = 52; } virtual unsigned int offset53(int) { return offset = 53; } virtual unsigned int offset54(int) { return offset = 54; } virtual unsigned int offset55(int) { return offset = 55; } virtual unsigned int offset56(int) { return offset = 56; } virtual unsigned int offset57(int) { return offset = 57; } virtual unsigned int offset58(int) { return offset = 58; } virtual unsigned int offset59(int) { return offset = 59; } virtual unsigned int offset60(int) { return offset = 60; } virtual unsigned int offset61(int) { return offset = 61; } virtual unsigned int offset62(int) { return offset = 62; } virtual unsigned int offset63(int) { return offset = 63; } virtual unsigned int offset64(int) { return offset = 64; } virtual unsigned int offset65(int) { return offset = 65; } virtual unsigned int offset66(int) { return offset = 66; } virtual unsigned int offset67(int) { return offset = 67; } virtual unsigned int offset68(int) { return offset = 68; } virtual unsigned int offset69(int) { return offset = 69; } virtual unsigned int offset70(int) { return offset = 70; } virtual unsigned int offset71(int) { return offset = 71; } virtual unsigned int offset72(int) { return offset = 72; } virtual unsigned int offset73(int) { return offset = 73; } virtual unsigned int offset74(int) { return offset = 74; } virtual unsigned int offset75(int) { return offset = 75; } virtual unsigned int offset76(int) { return offset = 76; } virtual unsigned int offset77(int) { return offset = 77; } virtual unsigned int offset78(int) { return offset = 78; } virtual unsigned int offset79(int) { return offset = 79; } virtual unsigned int offset80(int) { return offset = 80; } virtual unsigned int offset81(int) { return offset = 81; } virtual unsigned int offset82(int) { return offset = 82; } virtual unsigned int offset83(int) { return offset = 83; } virtual unsigned int offset84(int) { return offset = 84; } virtual unsigned int offset85(int) { return offset = 85; } virtual unsigned int offset86(int) { return offset = 86; } virtual unsigned int offset87(int) { return offset = 87; } virtual unsigned int offset88(int) { return offset = 88; } virtual unsigned int offset89(int) { return offset = 89; } virtual unsigned int offset90(int) { return offset = 90; } virtual unsigned int offset91(int) { return offset = 91; } virtual unsigned int offset92(int) { return offset = 92; } virtual unsigned int offset93(int) { return offset = 93; } virtual unsigned int offset94(int) { return offset = 94; } virtual unsigned int offset95(int) { return offset = 95; } virtual unsigned int offset96(int) { return offset = 96; } virtual unsigned int offset97(int) { return offset = 97; } virtual unsigned int offset98(int) { return offset = 98; } virtual unsigned int offset99(int) { return offset = 99; } virtual unsigned int offset100(int) { return offset = 100; } virtual unsigned int offset101(int) { return offset = 101; } virtual unsigned int offset102(int) { return offset = 102; } virtual unsigned int offset103(int) { return offset = 103; } virtual unsigned int offset104(int) { return offset = 104; } virtual unsigned int offset105(int) { return offset = 105; } virtual unsigned int offset106(int) { return offset = 106; } virtual unsigned int offset107(int) { return offset = 107; } virtual unsigned int offset108(int) { return offset = 108; } virtual unsigned int offset109(int) { return offset = 109; } virtual unsigned int offset110(int) { return offset = 110; } virtual unsigned int offset111(int) { return offset = 111; } virtual unsigned int offset112(int) { return offset = 112; } virtual unsigned int offset113(int) { return offset = 113; } virtual unsigned int offset114(int) { return offset = 114; } virtual unsigned int offset115(int) { return offset = 115; } virtual unsigned int offset116(int) { return offset = 116; } virtual unsigned int offset117(int) { return offset = 117; } virtual unsigned int offset118(int) { return offset = 118; } virtual unsigned int offset119(int) { return offset = 119; } virtual unsigned int offset120(int) { return offset = 120; } virtual unsigned int offset121(int) { return offset = 121; } virtual unsigned int offset122(int) { return offset = 122; } virtual unsigned int offset123(int) { return offset = 123; } virtual unsigned int offset124(int) { return offset = 124; } virtual unsigned int offset125(int) { return offset = 125; } virtual unsigned int offset126(int) { return offset = 126; } virtual unsigned int offset127(int) { return offset = 127; } virtual unsigned int offset128(int) { return offset = 128; } virtual unsigned int offset129(int) { return offset = 129; } virtual unsigned int offset130(int) { return offset = 130; } virtual unsigned int offset131(int) { return offset = 131; } virtual unsigned int offset132(int) { return offset = 132; } virtual unsigned int offset133(int) { return offset = 133; } virtual unsigned int offset134(int) { return offset = 134; } virtual unsigned int offset135(int) { return offset = 135; } virtual unsigned int offset136(int) { return offset = 136; } virtual unsigned int offset137(int) { return offset = 137; } virtual unsigned int offset138(int) { return offset = 138; } virtual unsigned int offset139(int) { return offset = 139; } virtual unsigned int offset140(int) { return offset = 140; } virtual unsigned int offset141(int) { return offset = 141; } virtual unsigned int offset142(int) { return offset = 142; } virtual unsigned int offset143(int) { return offset = 143; } virtual unsigned int offset144(int) { return offset = 144; } virtual unsigned int offset145(int) { return offset = 145; } virtual unsigned int offset146(int) { return offset = 146; } virtual unsigned int offset147(int) { return offset = 147; } virtual unsigned int offset148(int) { return offset = 148; } virtual unsigned int offset149(int) { return offset = 149; } virtual unsigned int offset150(int) { return offset = 150; } virtual unsigned int offset151(int) { return offset = 151; } virtual unsigned int offset152(int) { return offset = 152; } virtual unsigned int offset153(int) { return offset = 153; } virtual unsigned int offset154(int) { return offset = 154; } virtual unsigned int offset155(int) { return offset = 155; } virtual unsigned int offset156(int) { return offset = 156; } virtual unsigned int offset157(int) { return offset = 157; } virtual unsigned int offset158(int) { return offset = 158; } virtual unsigned int offset159(int) { return offset = 159; } virtual unsigned int offset160(int) { return offset = 160; } virtual unsigned int offset161(int) { return offset = 161; } virtual unsigned int offset162(int) { return offset = 162; } virtual unsigned int offset163(int) { return offset = 163; } virtual unsigned int offset164(int) { return offset = 164; } virtual unsigned int offset165(int) { return offset = 165; } virtual unsigned int offset166(int) { return offset = 166; } virtual unsigned int offset167(int) { return offset = 167; } virtual unsigned int offset168(int) { return offset = 168; } virtual unsigned int offset169(int) { return offset = 169; } virtual unsigned int offset170(int) { return offset = 170; } virtual unsigned int offset171(int) { return offset = 171; } virtual unsigned int offset172(int) { return offset = 172; } virtual unsigned int offset173(int) { return offset = 173; } virtual unsigned int offset174(int) { return offset = 174; } virtual unsigned int offset175(int) { return offset = 175; } virtual unsigned int offset176(int) { return offset = 176; } virtual unsigned int offset177(int) { return offset = 177; } virtual unsigned int offset178(int) { return offset = 178; } virtual unsigned int offset179(int) { return offset = 179; } virtual unsigned int offset180(int) { return offset = 180; } virtual unsigned int offset181(int) { return offset = 181; } virtual unsigned int offset182(int) { return offset = 182; } virtual unsigned int offset183(int) { return offset = 183; } virtual unsigned int offset184(int) { return offset = 184; } virtual unsigned int offset185(int) { return offset = 185; } virtual unsigned int offset186(int) { return offset = 186; } virtual unsigned int offset187(int) { return offset = 187; } virtual unsigned int offset188(int) { return offset = 188; } virtual unsigned int offset189(int) { return offset = 189; } virtual unsigned int offset190(int) { return offset = 190; } virtual unsigned int offset191(int) { return offset = 191; } virtual unsigned int offset192(int) { return offset = 192; } virtual unsigned int offset193(int) { return offset = 193; } virtual unsigned int offset194(int) { return offset = 194; } virtual unsigned int offset195(int) { return offset = 195; } virtual unsigned int offset196(int) { return offset = 196; } virtual unsigned int offset197(int) { return offset = 197; } virtual unsigned int offset198(int) { return offset = 198; } virtual unsigned int offset199(int) { return offset = 199; } virtual unsigned int offset200(int) { return offset = 200; } virtual unsigned int offset201(int) { return offset = 201; } virtual unsigned int offset202(int) { return offset = 202; } virtual unsigned int offset203(int) { return offset = 203; } virtual unsigned int offset204(int) { return offset = 204; } virtual unsigned int offset205(int) { return offset = 205; } virtual unsigned int offset206(int) { return offset = 206; } virtual unsigned int offset207(int) { return offset = 207; } virtual unsigned int offset208(int) { return offset = 208; } virtual unsigned int offset209(int) { return offset = 209; } virtual unsigned int offset210(int) { return offset = 210; } virtual unsigned int offset211(int) { return offset = 211; } virtual unsigned int offset212(int) { return offset = 212; } virtual unsigned int offset213(int) { return offset = 213; } virtual unsigned int offset214(int) { return offset = 214; } virtual unsigned int offset215(int) { return offset = 215; } virtual unsigned int offset216(int) { return offset = 216; } virtual unsigned int offset217(int) { return offset = 217; } virtual unsigned int offset218(int) { return offset = 218; } virtual unsigned int offset219(int) { return offset = 219; } virtual unsigned int offset220(int) { return offset = 220; } virtual unsigned int offset221(int) { return offset = 221; } virtual unsigned int offset222(int) { return offset = 222; } virtual unsigned int offset223(int) { return offset = 223; } virtual unsigned int offset224(int) { return offset = 224; } virtual unsigned int offset225(int) { return offset = 225; } virtual unsigned int offset226(int) { return offset = 226; } virtual unsigned int offset227(int) { return offset = 227; } virtual unsigned int offset228(int) { return offset = 228; } virtual unsigned int offset229(int) { return offset = 229; } virtual unsigned int offset230(int) { return offset = 230; } virtual unsigned int offset231(int) { return offset = 231; } virtual unsigned int offset232(int) { return offset = 232; } virtual unsigned int offset233(int) { return offset = 233; } virtual unsigned int offset234(int) { return offset = 234; } virtual unsigned int offset235(int) { return offset = 235; } virtual unsigned int offset236(int) { return offset = 236; } virtual unsigned int offset237(int) { return offset = 237; } virtual unsigned int offset238(int) { return offset = 238; } virtual unsigned int offset239(int) { return offset = 239; } virtual unsigned int offset240(int) { return offset = 240; } virtual unsigned int offset241(int) { return offset = 241; } virtual unsigned int offset242(int) { return offset = 242; } virtual unsigned int offset243(int) { return offset = 243; } virtual unsigned int offset244(int) { return offset = 244; } virtual unsigned int offset245(int) { return offset = 245; } virtual unsigned int offset246(int) { return offset = 246; } virtual unsigned int offset247(int) { return offset = 247; } virtual unsigned int offset248(int) { return offset = 248; } virtual unsigned int offset249(int) { return offset = 249; } virtual unsigned int offset250(int) { return offset = 250; } virtual unsigned int offset251(int) { return offset = 251; } virtual unsigned int offset252(int) { return offset = 252; } virtual unsigned int offset253(int) { return offset = 253; } virtual unsigned int offset254(int) { return offset = 254; } virtual unsigned int offset255(int) { return offset = 255; } virtual unsigned int offset256(int) { return offset = 256; } virtual unsigned int offset257(int) { return offset = 257; } virtual unsigned int offset258(int) { return offset = 258; } virtual unsigned int offset259(int) { return offset = 259; } virtual unsigned int offset260(int) { return offset = 260; } virtual unsigned int offset261(int) { return offset = 261; } virtual unsigned int offset262(int) { return offset = 262; } virtual unsigned int offset263(int) { return offset = 263; } virtual unsigned int offset264(int) { return offset = 264; } virtual unsigned int offset265(int) { return offset = 265; } virtual unsigned int offset266(int) { return offset = 266; } virtual unsigned int offset267(int) { return offset = 267; } virtual unsigned int offset268(int) { return offset = 268; } virtual unsigned int offset269(int) { return offset = 269; } virtual unsigned int offset270(int) { return offset = 270; } virtual unsigned int offset271(int) { return offset = 271; } virtual unsigned int offset272(int) { return offset = 272; } virtual unsigned int offset273(int) { return offset = 273; } virtual unsigned int offset274(int) { return offset = 274; } virtual unsigned int offset275(int) { return offset = 275; } virtual unsigned int offset276(int) { return offset = 276; } virtual unsigned int offset277(int) { return offset = 277; } virtual unsigned int offset278(int) { return offset = 278; } virtual unsigned int offset279(int) { return offset = 279; } virtual unsigned int offset280(int) { return offset = 280; } virtual unsigned int offset281(int) { return offset = 281; } virtual unsigned int offset282(int) { return offset = 282; } virtual unsigned int offset283(int) { return offset = 283; } virtual unsigned int offset284(int) { return offset = 284; } virtual unsigned int offset285(int) { return offset = 285; } virtual unsigned int offset286(int) { return offset = 286; } virtual unsigned int offset287(int) { return offset = 287; } virtual unsigned int offset288(int) { return offset = 288; } virtual unsigned int offset289(int) { return offset = 289; } virtual unsigned int offset290(int) { return offset = 290; } virtual unsigned int offset291(int) { return offset = 291; } virtual unsigned int offset292(int) { return offset = 292; } virtual unsigned int offset293(int) { return offset = 293; } virtual unsigned int offset294(int) { return offset = 294; 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} virtual unsigned int offset312(int) { return offset = 312; } virtual unsigned int offset313(int) { return offset = 313; } virtual unsigned int offset314(int) { return offset = 314; } virtual unsigned int offset315(int) { return offset = 315; } virtual unsigned int offset316(int) { return offset = 316; } virtual unsigned int offset317(int) { return offset = 317; } virtual unsigned int offset318(int) { return offset = 318; } virtual unsigned int offset319(int) { return offset = 319; } virtual unsigned int offset320(int) { return offset = 320; } virtual unsigned int offset321(int) { return offset = 321; } virtual unsigned int offset322(int) { return offset = 322; } virtual unsigned int offset323(int) { return offset = 323; } virtual unsigned int offset324(int) { return offset = 324; } virtual unsigned int offset325(int) { return offset = 325; } virtual unsigned int offset326(int) { return offset = 326; } virtual unsigned int offset327(int) { return offset = 327; } virtual unsigned int offset328(int) { return offset = 328; 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} virtual unsigned int offset346(int) { return offset = 346; } virtual unsigned int offset347(int) { return offset = 347; } virtual unsigned int offset348(int) { return offset = 348; } virtual unsigned int offset349(int) { return offset = 349; } virtual unsigned int offset350(int) { return offset = 350; } virtual unsigned int offset351(int) { return offset = 351; } virtual unsigned int offset352(int) { return offset = 352; } virtual unsigned int offset353(int) { return offset = 353; } virtual unsigned int offset354(int) { return offset = 354; } virtual unsigned int offset355(int) { return offset = 355; } virtual unsigned int offset356(int) { return offset = 356; } virtual unsigned int offset357(int) { return offset = 357; } virtual unsigned int offset358(int) { return offset = 358; } virtual unsigned int offset359(int) { return offset = 359; } virtual unsigned int offset360(int) { return offset = 360; } virtual unsigned int offset361(int) { return offset = 361; } virtual unsigned int offset362(int) { return offset = 362; 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} virtual unsigned int offset397(int) { return offset = 397; } virtual unsigned int offset398(int) { return offset = 398; } virtual unsigned int offset399(int) { return offset = 399; } virtual unsigned int offset400(int) { return offset = 400; } virtual unsigned int offset401(int) { return offset = 401; } virtual unsigned int offset402(int) { return offset = 402; } virtual unsigned int offset403(int) { return offset = 403; } virtual unsigned int offset404(int) { return offset = 404; } virtual unsigned int offset405(int) { return offset = 405; } virtual unsigned int offset406(int) { return offset = 406; } virtual unsigned int offset407(int) { return offset = 407; } virtual unsigned int offset408(int) { return offset = 408; } virtual unsigned int offset409(int) { return offset = 409; } virtual unsigned int offset410(int) { return offset = 410; } virtual unsigned int offset411(int) { return offset = 411; } virtual unsigned int offset412(int) { return offset = 412; } virtual unsigned int offset413(int) { return offset = 413; } virtual unsigned int offset414(int) { return offset = 414; } virtual unsigned int offset415(int) { return offset = 415; } virtual unsigned int offset416(int) { return offset = 416; } virtual unsigned int offset417(int) { return offset = 417; } virtual unsigned int offset418(int) { return offset = 418; } virtual unsigned int offset419(int) { return offset = 419; } virtual unsigned int offset420(int) { return offset = 420; } virtual unsigned int offset421(int) { return offset = 421; } virtual unsigned int offset422(int) { return offset = 422; } virtual unsigned int offset423(int) { return offset = 423; } virtual unsigned int offset424(int) { return offset = 424; } virtual unsigned int offset425(int) { return offset = 425; } virtual unsigned int offset426(int) { return offset = 426; } virtual unsigned int offset427(int) { return offset = 427; } virtual unsigned int offset428(int) { return offset = 428; } virtual unsigned int offset429(int) { return offset = 429; } virtual unsigned int offset430(int) { return offset = 430; } virtual unsigned int offset431(int) { return offset = 431; } virtual unsigned int offset432(int) { return offset = 432; } virtual unsigned int offset433(int) { return offset = 433; } virtual unsigned int offset434(int) { return offset = 434; } virtual unsigned int offset435(int) { return offset = 435; } virtual unsigned int offset436(int) { return offset = 436; } virtual unsigned int offset437(int) { return offset = 437; } virtual unsigned int offset438(int) { return offset = 438; } virtual unsigned int offset439(int) { return offset = 439; } virtual unsigned int offset440(int) { return offset = 440; } virtual unsigned int offset441(int) { return offset = 441; } virtual unsigned int offset442(int) { return offset = 442; } virtual unsigned int offset443(int) { return offset = 443; } virtual unsigned int offset444(int) { return offset = 444; } virtual unsigned int offset445(int) { return offset = 445; } virtual unsigned int offset446(int) { return offset = 446; } virtual unsigned int offset447(int) { return offset = 447; } virtual unsigned int offset448(int) { return offset = 448; } virtual unsigned int offset449(int) { return offset = 449; } virtual unsigned int offset450(int) { return offset = 450; } virtual unsigned int offset451(int) { return offset = 451; } virtual unsigned int offset452(int) { return offset = 452; } virtual unsigned int offset453(int) { return offset = 453; } virtual unsigned int offset454(int) { return offset = 454; } virtual unsigned int offset455(int) { return offset = 455; } virtual unsigned int offset456(int) { return offset = 456; } virtual unsigned int offset457(int) { return offset = 457; } virtual unsigned int offset458(int) { return offset = 458; } virtual unsigned int offset459(int) { return offset = 459; } virtual unsigned int offset460(int) { return offset = 460; } virtual unsigned int offset461(int) { return offset = 461; } virtual unsigned int offset462(int) { return offset = 462; } virtual unsigned int offset463(int) { return offset = 463; } virtual unsigned int offset464(int) { return offset = 464; } virtual unsigned int offset465(int) { return offset = 465; } virtual unsigned int offset466(int) { return offset = 466; } virtual unsigned int offset467(int) { return offset = 467; } virtual unsigned int offset468(int) { return offset = 468; } virtual unsigned int offset469(int) { return offset = 469; } virtual unsigned int offset470(int) { return offset = 470; } virtual unsigned int offset471(int) { return offset = 471; } virtual unsigned int offset472(int) { return offset = 472; } virtual unsigned int offset473(int) { return offset = 473; } virtual unsigned int offset474(int) { return offset = 474; } virtual unsigned int offset475(int) { return offset = 475; } virtual unsigned int offset476(int) { return offset = 476; } virtual unsigned int offset477(int) { return offset = 477; } virtual unsigned int offset478(int) { return offset = 478; } virtual unsigned int offset479(int) { return offset = 479; } virtual unsigned int offset480(int) { return offset = 480; } virtual unsigned int offset481(int) { return offset = 481; } virtual unsigned int offset482(int) { return offset = 482; } virtual unsigned int offset483(int) { return offset = 483; } virtual unsigned int offset484(int) { return offset = 484; } virtual unsigned int offset485(int) { return offset = 485; } virtual unsigned int offset486(int) { return offset = 486; } virtual unsigned int offset487(int) { return offset = 487; } virtual unsigned int offset488(int) { return offset = 488; } virtual unsigned int offset489(int) { return offset = 489; } virtual unsigned int offset490(int) { return offset = 490; } virtual unsigned int offset491(int) { return offset = 491; } virtual unsigned int offset492(int) { return offset = 492; } virtual unsigned int offset493(int) { return offset = 493; } virtual unsigned int offset494(int) { return offset = 494; } virtual unsigned int offset495(int) { return offset = 495; } virtual unsigned int offset496(int) { return offset = 496; } virtual unsigned int offset497(int) { return offset = 497; } virtual unsigned int offset498(int) { return offset = 498; } virtual unsigned int offset499(int) { return offset = 499; } virtual unsigned int offset500(int) { return offset = 500; } virtual unsigned int offset501(int) { return offset = 501; } virtual unsigned int offset502(int) { return offset = 502; } virtual unsigned int offset503(int) { return offset = 503; } virtual unsigned int offset504(int) { return offset = 504; } virtual unsigned int offset505(int) { return offset = 505; } virtual unsigned int offset506(int) { return offset = 506; } virtual unsigned int offset507(int) { return offset = 507; } virtual unsigned int offset508(int) { return offset = 508; } virtual unsigned int offset509(int) { return offset = 509; } virtual unsigned int offset510(int) { return offset = 510; } virtual unsigned int offset511(int) { return offset = 511; } virtual unsigned int offset512(int) { return offset = 512; } virtual unsigned int offset513(int) { return offset = 513; } virtual unsigned int offset514(int) { return offset = 514; } virtual unsigned int offset515(int) { return offset = 515; } virtual unsigned int offset516(int) { return offset = 516; } virtual unsigned int offset517(int) { return offset = 517; } virtual unsigned int offset518(int) { return offset = 518; } virtual unsigned int offset519(int) { return offset = 519; } virtual unsigned int offset520(int) { return offset = 520; } virtual unsigned int offset521(int) { return offset = 521; } virtual unsigned int offset522(int) { return offset = 522; } virtual unsigned int offset523(int) { return offset = 523; } virtual unsigned int offset524(int) { return offset = 524; } virtual unsigned int offset525(int) { return offset = 525; } virtual unsigned int offset526(int) { return offset = 526; } virtual unsigned int offset527(int) { return offset = 527; } virtual unsigned int offset528(int) { return offset = 528; } virtual unsigned int offset529(int) { return offset = 529; } virtual unsigned int offset530(int) { return offset = 530; } virtual unsigned int offset531(int) { return offset = 531; } virtual unsigned int offset532(int) { return offset = 532; } virtual unsigned int offset533(int) { return offset = 533; } virtual unsigned int offset534(int) { return offset = 534; } virtual unsigned int offset535(int) { return offset = 535; } virtual unsigned int offset536(int) { return offset = 536; } virtual unsigned int offset537(int) { return offset = 537; } virtual unsigned int offset538(int) { return offset = 538; } virtual unsigned int offset539(int) { return offset = 539; } virtual unsigned int offset540(int) { return offset = 540; } virtual unsigned int offset541(int) { return offset = 541; } virtual unsigned int offset542(int) { return offset = 542; } virtual unsigned int offset543(int) { return offset = 543; } virtual unsigned int offset544(int) { return offset = 544; } virtual unsigned int offset545(int) { return offset = 545; } virtual unsigned int offset546(int) { return offset = 546; } virtual unsigned int offset547(int) { return offset = 547; } virtual unsigned int offset548(int) { return offset = 548; } virtual unsigned int offset549(int) { return offset = 549; } virtual unsigned int offset550(int) { return offset = 550; } virtual unsigned int offset551(int) { return offset = 551; } virtual unsigned int offset552(int) { return offset = 552; } virtual unsigned int offset553(int) { return offset = 553; } virtual unsigned int offset554(int) { return offset = 554; } virtual unsigned int offset555(int) { return offset = 555; } virtual unsigned int offset556(int) { return offset = 556; } virtual unsigned int offset557(int) { return offset = 557; } virtual unsigned int offset558(int) { return offset = 558; } virtual unsigned int offset559(int) { return offset = 559; } virtual unsigned int offset560(int) { return offset = 560; } virtual unsigned int offset561(int) { return offset = 561; } virtual unsigned int offset562(int) { return offset = 562; } virtual unsigned int offset563(int) { return offset = 563; } virtual unsigned int offset564(int) { return offset = 564; } virtual unsigned int offset565(int) { return offset = 565; } virtual unsigned int offset566(int) { return offset = 566; } virtual unsigned int offset567(int) { return offset = 567; } virtual unsigned int offset568(int) { return offset = 568; } virtual unsigned int offset569(int) { return offset = 569; } virtual unsigned int offset570(int) { return offset = 570; } virtual unsigned int offset571(int) { return offset = 571; } virtual unsigned int offset572(int) { return offset = 572; } virtual unsigned int offset573(int) { return offset = 573; } virtual unsigned int offset574(int) { return offset = 574; } virtual unsigned int offset575(int) { return offset = 575; } virtual unsigned int offset576(int) { return offset = 576; } virtual unsigned int offset577(int) { return offset = 577; } virtual unsigned int offset578(int) { return offset = 578; } virtual unsigned int offset579(int) { return offset = 579; } virtual unsigned int offset580(int) { return offset = 580; } virtual unsigned int offset581(int) { return offset = 581; } virtual unsigned int offset582(int) { return offset = 582; } virtual unsigned int offset583(int) { return offset = 583; } virtual unsigned int offset584(int) { return offset = 584; } virtual unsigned int offset585(int) { return offset = 585; } virtual unsigned int offset586(int) { return offset = 586; } virtual unsigned int offset587(int) { return offset = 587; } virtual unsigned int offset588(int) { return offset = 588; } virtual unsigned int offset589(int) { return offset = 589; } virtual unsigned int offset590(int) { return offset = 590; } virtual unsigned int offset591(int) { return offset = 591; } virtual unsigned int offset592(int) { return offset = 592; } virtual unsigned int offset593(int) { return offset = 593; } virtual unsigned int offset594(int) { return offset = 594; } virtual unsigned int offset595(int) { return offset = 595; } virtual unsigned int offset596(int) { return offset = 596; } virtual unsigned int offset597(int) { return offset = 597; } virtual unsigned int offset598(int) { return offset = 598; } virtual unsigned int offset599(int) { return offset = 599; } virtual unsigned int offset600(int) { return offset = 600; } virtual unsigned int offset601(int) { return offset = 601; } virtual unsigned int offset602(int) { return offset = 602; } virtual unsigned int offset603(int) { return offset = 603; } virtual unsigned int offset604(int) { return offset = 604; } virtual unsigned int offset605(int) { return offset = 605; } virtual unsigned int offset606(int) { return offset = 606; } virtual unsigned int offset607(int) { return offset = 607; } virtual unsigned int offset608(int) { return offset = 608; } virtual unsigned int offset609(int) { return offset = 609; } virtual unsigned int offset610(int) { return offset = 610; } virtual unsigned int offset611(int) { return offset = 611; } virtual unsigned int offset612(int) { return offset = 612; } virtual unsigned int offset613(int) { return offset = 613; } virtual unsigned int offset614(int) { return offset = 614; } virtual unsigned int offset615(int) { return offset = 615; } virtual unsigned int offset616(int) { return offset = 616; } virtual unsigned int offset617(int) { return offset = 617; } virtual unsigned int offset618(int) { return offset = 618; } virtual unsigned int offset619(int) { return offset = 619; } virtual unsigned int offset620(int) { return offset = 620; } virtual unsigned int offset621(int) { return offset = 621; } virtual unsigned int offset622(int) { return offset = 622; } virtual unsigned int offset623(int) { return offset = 623; } virtual unsigned int offset624(int) { return offset = 624; } virtual unsigned int offset625(int) { return offset = 625; } virtual unsigned int offset626(int) { return offset = 626; } virtual unsigned int offset627(int) { return offset = 627; } virtual unsigned int offset628(int) { return offset = 628; } virtual unsigned int offset629(int) { return offset = 629; } virtual unsigned int offset630(int) { return offset = 630; } virtual unsigned int offset631(int) { return offset = 631; } virtual unsigned int offset632(int) { return offset = 632; } virtual unsigned int offset633(int) { return offset = 633; } virtual unsigned int offset634(int) { return offset = 634; } virtual unsigned int offset635(int) { return offset = 635; } virtual unsigned int offset636(int) { return offset = 636; } virtual unsigned int offset637(int) { return offset = 637; } virtual unsigned int offset638(int) { return offset = 638; } virtual unsigned int offset639(int) { return offset = 639; } virtual unsigned int offset640(int) { return offset = 640; } virtual unsigned int offset641(int) { return offset = 641; } virtual unsigned int offset642(int) { return offset = 642; } virtual unsigned int offset643(int) { return offset = 643; } virtual unsigned int offset644(int) { return offset = 644; } virtual unsigned int offset645(int) { return offset = 645; } virtual unsigned int offset646(int) { return offset = 646; } virtual unsigned int offset647(int) { return offset = 647; } virtual unsigned int offset648(int) { return offset = 648; } virtual unsigned int offset649(int) { return offset = 649; } virtual unsigned int offset650(int) { return offset = 650; } virtual unsigned int offset651(int) { return offset = 651; } virtual unsigned int offset652(int) { return offset = 652; } virtual unsigned int offset653(int) { return offset = 653; } virtual unsigned int offset654(int) { return offset = 654; } virtual unsigned int offset655(int) { return offset = 655; } virtual unsigned int offset656(int) { return offset = 656; } virtual unsigned int offset657(int) { return offset = 657; } virtual unsigned int offset658(int) { return offset = 658; } virtual unsigned int offset659(int) { return offset = 659; } virtual unsigned int offset660(int) { return offset = 660; } virtual unsigned int offset661(int) { return offset = 661; } virtual unsigned int offset662(int) { return offset = 662; } virtual unsigned int offset663(int) { return offset = 663; } virtual unsigned int offset664(int) { return offset = 664; } virtual unsigned int offset665(int) { return offset = 665; } virtual unsigned int offset666(int) { return offset = 666; } virtual unsigned int offset667(int) { return offset = 667; } virtual unsigned int offset668(int) { return offset = 668; } virtual unsigned int offset669(int) { return offset = 669; } virtual unsigned int offset670(int) { return offset = 670; } virtual unsigned int offset671(int) { return offset = 671; } virtual unsigned int offset672(int) { return offset = 672; } virtual unsigned int offset673(int) { return offset = 673; } virtual unsigned int offset674(int) { return offset = 674; } virtual unsigned int offset675(int) { return offset = 675; } virtual unsigned int offset676(int) { return offset = 676; } virtual unsigned int offset677(int) { return offset = 677; } virtual unsigned int offset678(int) { return offset = 678; } virtual unsigned int offset679(int) { return offset = 679; } virtual unsigned int offset680(int) { return offset = 680; } virtual unsigned int offset681(int) { return offset = 681; } virtual unsigned int offset682(int) { return offset = 682; } virtual unsigned int offset683(int) { return offset = 683; } virtual unsigned int offset684(int) { return offset = 684; } virtual unsigned int offset685(int) { return offset = 685; } virtual unsigned int offset686(int) { return offset = 686; } virtual unsigned int offset687(int) { return offset = 687; } virtual unsigned int offset688(int) { return offset = 688; } virtual unsigned int offset689(int) { return offset = 689; } virtual unsigned int offset690(int) { return offset = 690; } virtual unsigned int offset691(int) { return offset = 691; } virtual unsigned int offset692(int) { return offset = 692; } virtual unsigned int offset693(int) { return offset = 693; } virtual unsigned int offset694(int) { return offset = 694; } virtual unsigned int offset695(int) { return offset = 695; } virtual unsigned int offset696(int) { return offset = 696; } virtual unsigned int offset697(int) { return offset = 697; } virtual unsigned int offset698(int) { return offset = 698; } virtual unsigned int offset699(int) { return offset = 699; } virtual unsigned int offset700(int) { return offset = 700; } virtual unsigned int offset701(int) { return offset = 701; } virtual unsigned int offset702(int) { return offset = 702; } virtual unsigned int offset703(int) { return offset = 703; } virtual unsigned int offset704(int) { return offset = 704; } virtual unsigned int offset705(int) { return offset = 705; } virtual unsigned int offset706(int) { return offset = 706; } virtual unsigned int offset707(int) { return offset = 707; } virtual unsigned int offset708(int) { return offset = 708; } virtual unsigned int offset709(int) { return offset = 709; } virtual unsigned int offset710(int) { return offset = 710; } virtual unsigned int offset711(int) { return offset = 711; } virtual unsigned int offset712(int) { return offset = 712; } virtual unsigned int offset713(int) { return offset = 713; } virtual unsigned int offset714(int) { return offset = 714; } virtual unsigned int offset715(int) { return offset = 715; } virtual unsigned int offset716(int) { return offset = 716; } virtual unsigned int offset717(int) { return offset = 717; } virtual unsigned int offset718(int) { return offset = 718; } virtual unsigned int offset719(int) { return offset = 719; } virtual unsigned int offset720(int) { return offset = 720; } virtual unsigned int offset721(int) { return offset = 721; } virtual unsigned int offset722(int) { return offset = 722; } virtual unsigned int offset723(int) { return offset = 723; } virtual unsigned int offset724(int) { return offset = 724; } virtual unsigned int offset725(int) { return offset = 725; } virtual unsigned int offset726(int) { return offset = 726; } virtual unsigned int offset727(int) { return offset = 727; } virtual unsigned int offset728(int) { return offset = 728; } virtual unsigned int offset729(int) { return offset = 729; } virtual unsigned int offset730(int) { return offset = 730; } virtual unsigned int offset731(int) { return offset = 731; } virtual unsigned int offset732(int) { return offset = 732; } virtual unsigned int offset733(int) { return offset = 733; } virtual unsigned int offset734(int) { return offset = 734; } virtual unsigned int offset735(int) { return offset = 735; } virtual unsigned int offset736(int) { return offset = 736; } virtual unsigned int offset737(int) { return offset = 737; } virtual unsigned int offset738(int) { return offset = 738; } virtual unsigned int offset739(int) { return offset = 739; } virtual unsigned int offset740(int) { return offset = 740; } virtual unsigned int offset741(int) { return offset = 741; } virtual unsigned int offset742(int) { return offset = 742; } virtual unsigned int offset743(int) { return offset = 743; } virtual unsigned int offset744(int) { return offset = 744; } virtual unsigned int offset745(int) { return offset = 745; } virtual unsigned int offset746(int) { return offset = 746; } virtual unsigned int offset747(int) { return offset = 747; } virtual unsigned int offset748(int) { return offset = 748; } virtual unsigned int offset749(int) { return offset = 749; } virtual unsigned int offset750(int) { return offset = 750; } virtual unsigned int offset751(int) { return offset = 751; } virtual unsigned int offset752(int) { return offset = 752; } virtual unsigned int offset753(int) { return offset = 753; } virtual unsigned int offset754(int) { return offset = 754; } virtual unsigned int offset755(int) { return offset = 755; } virtual unsigned int offset756(int) { return offset = 756; } virtual unsigned int offset757(int) { return offset = 757; } virtual unsigned int offset758(int) { return offset = 758; } virtual unsigned int offset759(int) { return offset = 759; } virtual unsigned int offset760(int) { return offset = 760; } virtual unsigned int offset761(int) { return offset = 761; } virtual unsigned int offset762(int) { return offset = 762; } virtual unsigned int offset763(int) { return offset = 763; } virtual unsigned int offset764(int) { return offset = 764; } virtual unsigned int offset765(int) { return offset = 765; } virtual unsigned int offset766(int) { return offset = 766; } virtual unsigned int offset767(int) { return offset = 767; } virtual unsigned int offset768(int) { return offset = 768; } virtual unsigned int offset769(int) { return offset = 769; } virtual unsigned int offset770(int) { return offset = 770; } virtual unsigned int offset771(int) { return offset = 771; } virtual unsigned int offset772(int) { return offset = 772; } virtual unsigned int offset773(int) { return offset = 773; } virtual unsigned int offset774(int) { return offset = 774; } virtual unsigned int offset775(int) { return offset = 775; } virtual unsigned int offset776(int) { return offset = 776; } virtual unsigned int offset777(int) { return offset = 777; } virtual unsigned int offset778(int) { return offset = 778; } virtual unsigned int offset779(int) { return offset = 779; } virtual unsigned int offset780(int) { return offset = 780; } virtual unsigned int offset781(int) { return offset = 781; } virtual unsigned int offset782(int) { return offset = 782; } virtual unsigned int offset783(int) { return offset = 783; } virtual unsigned int offset784(int) { return offset = 784; } virtual unsigned int offset785(int) { return offset = 785; } virtual unsigned int offset786(int) { return offset = 786; } virtual unsigned int offset787(int) { return offset = 787; } virtual unsigned int offset788(int) { return offset = 788; } virtual unsigned int offset789(int) { return offset = 789; } virtual unsigned int offset790(int) { return offset = 790; } virtual unsigned int offset791(int) { return offset = 791; } virtual unsigned int offset792(int) { return offset = 792; } virtual unsigned int offset793(int) { return offset = 793; } virtual unsigned int offset794(int) { return offset = 794; } virtual unsigned int offset795(int) { return offset = 795; } virtual unsigned int offset796(int) { return offset = 796; } virtual unsigned int offset797(int) { return offset = 797; } virtual unsigned int offset798(int) { return offset = 798; } virtual unsigned int offset799(int) { return offset = 799; } virtual unsigned int offset800(int) { return offset = 800; } virtual unsigned int offset801(int) { return offset = 801; } virtual unsigned int offset802(int) { return offset = 802; } virtual unsigned int offset803(int) { return offset = 803; } virtual unsigned int offset804(int) { return offset = 804; } virtual unsigned int offset805(int) { return offset = 805; } virtual unsigned int offset806(int) { return offset = 806; } virtual unsigned int offset807(int) { return offset = 807; } virtual unsigned int offset808(int) { return offset = 808; } virtual unsigned int offset809(int) { return offset = 809; } virtual unsigned int offset810(int) { return offset = 810; } virtual unsigned int offset811(int) { return offset = 811; } virtual unsigned int offset812(int) { return offset = 812; } virtual unsigned int offset813(int) { return offset = 813; } virtual unsigned int offset814(int) { return offset = 814; } virtual unsigned int offset815(int) { return offset = 815; } virtual unsigned int offset816(int) { return offset = 816; } virtual unsigned int offset817(int) { return offset = 817; } virtual unsigned int offset818(int) { return offset = 818; } virtual unsigned int offset819(int) { return offset = 819; } virtual unsigned int offset820(int) { return offset = 820; } virtual unsigned int offset821(int) { return offset = 821; } virtual unsigned int offset822(int) { return offset = 822; } virtual unsigned int offset823(int) { return offset = 823; } virtual unsigned int offset824(int) { return offset = 824; } virtual unsigned int offset825(int) { return offset = 825; } virtual unsigned int offset826(int) { return offset = 826; } virtual unsigned int offset827(int) { return offset = 827; } virtual unsigned int offset828(int) { return offset = 828; } virtual unsigned int offset829(int) { return offset = 829; } virtual unsigned int offset830(int) { return offset = 830; } virtual unsigned int offset831(int) { return offset = 831; } virtual unsigned int offset832(int) { return offset = 832; } virtual unsigned int offset833(int) { return offset = 833; } virtual unsigned int offset834(int) { return offset = 834; } virtual unsigned int offset835(int) { return offset = 835; } virtual unsigned int offset836(int) { return offset = 836; } virtual unsigned int offset837(int) { return offset = 837; } virtual unsigned int offset838(int) { return offset = 838; } virtual unsigned int offset839(int) { return offset = 839; } virtual unsigned int offset840(int) { return offset = 840; } virtual unsigned int offset841(int) { return offset = 841; } virtual unsigned int offset842(int) { return offset = 842; } virtual unsigned int offset843(int) { return offset = 843; } virtual unsigned int offset844(int) { return offset = 844; } virtual unsigned int offset845(int) { return offset = 845; } virtual unsigned int offset846(int) { return offset = 846; } virtual unsigned int offset847(int) { return offset = 847; } virtual unsigned int offset848(int) { return offset = 848; } virtual unsigned int offset849(int) { return offset = 849; } virtual unsigned int offset850(int) { return offset = 850; } virtual unsigned int offset851(int) { return offset = 851; } virtual unsigned int offset852(int) { return offset = 852; } virtual unsigned int offset853(int) { return offset = 853; } virtual unsigned int offset854(int) { return offset = 854; } virtual unsigned int offset855(int) { return offset = 855; } virtual unsigned int offset856(int) { return offset = 856; } virtual unsigned int offset857(int) { return offset = 857; } virtual unsigned int offset858(int) { return offset = 858; } virtual unsigned int offset859(int) { return offset = 859; } virtual unsigned int offset860(int) { return offset = 860; } virtual unsigned int offset861(int) { return offset = 861; } virtual unsigned int offset862(int) { return offset = 862; } virtual unsigned int offset863(int) { return offset = 863; } virtual unsigned int offset864(int) { return offset = 864; } virtual unsigned int offset865(int) { return offset = 865; } virtual unsigned int offset866(int) { return offset = 866; } virtual unsigned int offset867(int) { return offset = 867; } virtual unsigned int offset868(int) { return offset = 868; } virtual unsigned int offset869(int) { return offset = 869; } virtual unsigned int offset870(int) { return offset = 870; } virtual unsigned int offset871(int) { return offset = 871; } virtual unsigned int offset872(int) { return offset = 872; } virtual unsigned int offset873(int) { return offset = 873; } virtual unsigned int offset874(int) { return offset = 874; } virtual unsigned int offset875(int) { return offset = 875; } virtual unsigned int offset876(int) { return offset = 876; } virtual unsigned int offset877(int) { return offset = 877; } virtual unsigned int offset878(int) { return offset = 878; } virtual unsigned int offset879(int) { return offset = 879; } virtual unsigned int offset880(int) { return offset = 880; } virtual unsigned int offset881(int) { return offset = 881; } virtual unsigned int offset882(int) { return offset = 882; } virtual unsigned int offset883(int) { return offset = 883; } virtual unsigned int offset884(int) { return offset = 884; } virtual unsigned int offset885(int) { return offset = 885; } virtual unsigned int offset886(int) { return offset = 886; } virtual unsigned int offset887(int) { return offset = 887; } virtual unsigned int offset888(int) { return offset = 888; } virtual unsigned int offset889(int) { return offset = 889; } virtual unsigned int offset890(int) { return offset = 890; } virtual unsigned int offset891(int) { return offset = 891; } virtual unsigned int offset892(int) { return offset = 892; } virtual unsigned int offset893(int) { return offset = 893; } virtual unsigned int offset894(int) { return offset = 894; } virtual unsigned int offset895(int) { return offset = 895; } virtual unsigned int offset896(int) { return offset = 896; } virtual unsigned int offset897(int) { return offset = 897; } virtual unsigned int offset898(int) { return offset = 898; } virtual unsigned int offset899(int) { return offset = 899; } virtual unsigned int offset900(int) { return offset = 900; } virtual unsigned int offset901(int) { return offset = 901; } virtual unsigned int offset902(int) { return offset = 902; } virtual unsigned int offset903(int) { return offset = 903; } virtual unsigned int offset904(int) { return offset = 904; } virtual unsigned int offset905(int) { return offset = 905; } virtual unsigned int offset906(int) { return offset = 906; } virtual unsigned int offset907(int) { return offset = 907; } virtual unsigned int offset908(int) { return offset = 908; } virtual unsigned int offset909(int) { return offset = 909; } virtual unsigned int offset910(int) { return offset = 910; } virtual unsigned int offset911(int) { return offset = 911; } virtual unsigned int offset912(int) { return offset = 912; } virtual unsigned int offset913(int) { return offset = 913; } virtual unsigned int offset914(int) { return offset = 914; } virtual unsigned int offset915(int) { return offset = 915; } virtual unsigned int offset916(int) { return offset = 916; } virtual unsigned int offset917(int) { return offset = 917; } virtual unsigned int offset918(int) { return offset = 918; } virtual unsigned int offset919(int) { return offset = 919; } virtual unsigned int offset920(int) { return offset = 920; } virtual unsigned int offset921(int) { return offset = 921; } virtual unsigned int offset922(int) { return offset = 922; } virtual unsigned int offset923(int) { return offset = 923; } virtual unsigned int offset924(int) { return offset = 924; } virtual unsigned int offset925(int) { return offset = 925; } virtual unsigned int offset926(int) { return offset = 926; } virtual unsigned int offset927(int) { return offset = 927; } virtual unsigned int offset928(int) { return offset = 928; } virtual unsigned int offset929(int) { return offset = 929; } virtual unsigned int offset930(int) { return offset = 930; } virtual unsigned int offset931(int) { return offset = 931; } virtual unsigned int offset932(int) { return offset = 932; } virtual unsigned int offset933(int) { return offset = 933; } virtual unsigned int offset934(int) { return offset = 934; } virtual unsigned int offset935(int) { return offset = 935; } virtual unsigned int offset936(int) { return offset = 936; } virtual unsigned int offset937(int) { return offset = 937; } virtual unsigned int offset938(int) { return offset = 938; } virtual unsigned int offset939(int) { return offset = 939; } virtual unsigned int offset940(int) { return offset = 940; } virtual unsigned int offset941(int) { return offset = 941; } virtual unsigned int offset942(int) { return offset = 942; } virtual unsigned int offset943(int) { return offset = 943; } virtual unsigned int offset944(int) { return offset = 944; } virtual unsigned int offset945(int) { return offset = 945; } virtual unsigned int offset946(int) { return offset = 946; } virtual unsigned int offset947(int) { return offset = 947; } virtual unsigned int offset948(int) { return offset = 948; } virtual unsigned int offset949(int) { return offset = 949; } virtual unsigned int offset950(int) { return offset = 950; } virtual unsigned int offset951(int) { return offset = 951; } virtual unsigned int offset952(int) { return offset = 952; } virtual unsigned int offset953(int) { return offset = 953; } virtual unsigned int offset954(int) { return offset = 954; } virtual unsigned int offset955(int) { return offset = 955; } virtual unsigned int offset956(int) { return offset = 956; } virtual unsigned int offset957(int) { return offset = 957; } virtual unsigned int offset958(int) { return offset = 958; } virtual unsigned int offset959(int) { return offset = 959; } virtual unsigned int offset960(int) { return offset = 960; } virtual unsigned int offset961(int) { return offset = 961; } virtual unsigned int offset962(int) { return offset = 962; } virtual unsigned int offset963(int) { return offset = 963; } virtual unsigned int offset964(int) { return offset = 964; } virtual unsigned int offset965(int) { return offset = 965; } virtual unsigned int offset966(int) { return offset = 966; } virtual unsigned int offset967(int) { return offset = 967; } virtual unsigned int offset968(int) { return offset = 968; } virtual unsigned int offset969(int) { return offset = 969; } virtual unsigned int offset970(int) { return offset = 970; } virtual unsigned int offset971(int) { return offset = 971; } virtual unsigned int offset972(int) { return offset = 972; } virtual unsigned int offset973(int) { return offset = 973; } virtual unsigned int offset974(int) { return offset = 974; } virtual unsigned int offset975(int) { return offset = 975; } virtual unsigned int offset976(int) { return offset = 976; } virtual unsigned int offset977(int) { return offset = 977; } virtual unsigned int offset978(int) { return offset = 978; } virtual unsigned int offset979(int) { return offset = 979; } virtual unsigned int offset980(int) { return offset = 980; } virtual unsigned int offset981(int) { return offset = 981; } virtual unsigned int offset982(int) { return offset = 982; } virtual unsigned int offset983(int) { return offset = 983; } virtual unsigned int offset984(int) { return offset = 984; } virtual unsigned int offset985(int) { return offset = 985; } virtual unsigned int offset986(int) { return offset = 986; } virtual unsigned int offset987(int) { return offset = 987; } virtual unsigned int offset988(int) { return offset = 988; } virtual unsigned int offset989(int) { return offset = 989; } virtual unsigned int offset990(int) { return offset = 990; } virtual unsigned int offset991(int) { return offset = 991; } virtual unsigned int offset992(int) { return offset = 992; } virtual unsigned int offset993(int) { return offset = 993; } virtual unsigned int offset994(int) { return offset = 994; } virtual unsigned int offset995(int) { return offset = 995; } virtual unsigned int offset996(int) { return offset = 996; } virtual unsigned int offset997(int) { return offset = 997; } virtual unsigned int offset998(int) { return offset = 998; } virtual unsigned int offset999(int) { return offset = 999; } virtual unsigned int offset1000(int) { return offset = 1000; } }; } namespace fakeit { template TARGET union_cast(SOURCE source) { union { SOURCE source; TARGET target; } u; u.source = source; return u.target; } } namespace fakeit { class NoVirtualDtor : public std::runtime_error { public: NoVirtualDtor() :std::runtime_error("Can't mock the destructor. No virtual destructor was found") {} }; class VTUtils { public: template static unsigned int getOffset(R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { auto sMethod = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); VirtualOffsetSelector offsetSelctor; return (offsetSelctor.*sMethod)(0); } template static typename std::enable_if::value, unsigned int>::type getDestructorOffset() { VirtualOffsetSelector offsetSelctor; union_cast(&offsetSelctor)->~C(); return offsetSelctor.offset; } template static typename std::enable_if::value, unsigned int>::type getDestructorOffset() { throw NoVirtualDtor(); } template static typename std::enable_if::value, bool>::type hasVirtualDestructor() { return true; } template static typename std::enable_if::value, bool>::type hasVirtualDestructor() { return false; } template static unsigned int getVTSize() { struct Derrived : public C { virtual void endOfVt() { } }; unsigned int vtSize = getOffset(&Derrived::endOfVt); return vtSize; } }; } #ifdef _MSC_VER namespace fakeit { typedef unsigned long dword_; struct TypeDescriptor { TypeDescriptor() : ptrToVTable(0), spare(0) { int **tiVFTPtr = (int **) (&typeid(void)); int *i = (int *) tiVFTPtr[0]; char *type_info_vft_ptr = (char *) i; ptrToVTable = type_info_vft_ptr; } char *ptrToVTable; dword_ spare; char name[8]; }; struct PMD { int mdisp; int pdisp; int vdisp; PMD() : mdisp(0), pdisp(-1), vdisp(0) { } }; struct RTTIBaseClassDescriptor { RTTIBaseClassDescriptor() : pTypeDescriptor(nullptr), numContainedBases(0), attributes(0) { } const std::type_info *pTypeDescriptor; dword_ numContainedBases; struct PMD where; dword_ attributes; }; template struct RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor { RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor() : signature(0), attributes(0), numBaseClasses(0), pBaseClassArray(nullptr) { pBaseClassArray = new RTTIBaseClassDescriptor *[1 + sizeof...(baseclasses)]; addBaseClass < C, baseclasses...>(); } ~RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor() { for (int i = 0; i < 1 + sizeof...(baseclasses); i++) { RTTIBaseClassDescriptor *desc = pBaseClassArray[i]; delete desc; } delete[] pBaseClassArray; } dword_ signature; dword_ attributes; dword_ numBaseClasses; RTTIBaseClassDescriptor **pBaseClassArray; template void addBaseClass() { static_assert(std::is_base_of::value, "C must be a derived class of BaseType"); RTTIBaseClassDescriptor *desc = new RTTIBaseClassDescriptor(); desc->pTypeDescriptor = &typeid(BaseType); pBaseClassArray[numBaseClasses] = desc; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numBaseClasses; i++) { pBaseClassArray[i]->numContainedBases++; } numBaseClasses++; } template void addBaseClass() { static_assert(std::is_base_of::value, "invalid inheritance list"); addBaseClass(); addBaseClass(); } }; template struct RTTICompleteObjectLocator { #ifdef _WIN64 RTTICompleteObjectLocator(const std::type_info &unused) : signature(0), offset(0), cdOffset(0), typeDescriptorOffset(0), classDescriptorOffset(0) { } dword_ signature; dword_ offset; dword_ cdOffset; dword_ typeDescriptorOffset; dword_ classDescriptorOffset; #else RTTICompleteObjectLocator(const std::type_info &info) : signature(0), offset(0), cdOffset(0), pTypeDescriptor(&info), pClassDescriptor(new RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor()) { } ~RTTICompleteObjectLocator() { delete pClassDescriptor; } dword_ signature; dword_ offset; dword_ cdOffset; const std::type_info *pTypeDescriptor; struct RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor *pClassDescriptor; #endif }; struct VirtualTableBase { static VirtualTableBase &getVTable(void *instance) { fakeit::VirtualTableBase *vt = (fakeit::VirtualTableBase *) (instance); return *vt; } VirtualTableBase(void **firstMethod) : _firstMethod(firstMethod) { } void *getCookie(int index) { return _firstMethod[-2 - index]; } void setCookie(int index, void *value) { _firstMethod[-2 - index] = value; } void *getMethod(unsigned int index) const { return _firstMethod[index]; } void setMethod(unsigned int index, void *method) { _firstMethod[index] = method; } protected: void **_firstMethod; }; template struct VirtualTable : public VirtualTableBase { class Handle { friend struct VirtualTable; void **firstMethod; Handle(void **method) : firstMethod(method) { } public: VirtualTable &restore() { VirtualTable *vt = (VirtualTable *) this; return *vt; } }; static VirtualTable &getVTable(C &instance) { fakeit::VirtualTable *vt = (fakeit::VirtualTable *) (&instance); return *vt; } void copyFrom(VirtualTable &from) { unsigned int size = VTUtils::getVTSize(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { _firstMethod[i] = from.getMethod(i); } } VirtualTable() : VirtualTable(buildVTArray()) { } ~VirtualTable() { } void dispose() { _firstMethod--; RTTICompleteObjectLocator *locator = (RTTICompleteObjectLocator *) _firstMethod[0]; delete locator; _firstMethod -= numOfCookies; delete[] _firstMethod; } unsigned int dtor(int) { C *c = (C *) this; C &cRef = *c; auto vt = VirtualTable::getVTable(cRef); void *dtorPtr = vt.getCookie(numOfCookies - 1); void(*method)(C *) = reinterpret_cast(dtorPtr); method(c); return 0; } void setDtor(void *method) { void *dtorPtr = union_cast(&VirtualTable::dtor); unsigned int index = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); _firstMethod[index] = dtorPtr; setCookie(numOfCookies - 1, method); } unsigned int getSize() { return VTUtils::getVTSize(); } void initAll(void *value) { auto size = getSize(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { setMethod(i, value); } } Handle createHandle() { Handle h(_firstMethod); return h; } private: class SimpleType { }; static_assert(sizeof(unsigned int (SimpleType::*)()) == sizeof(unsigned int (C::*)()), "Can't mock a type with multiple inheritance or with non-polymorphic base class"); static const unsigned int numOfCookies = 3; static void **buildVTArray() { int vtSize = VTUtils::getVTSize(); auto array = new void *[vtSize + numOfCookies + 1]{}; RTTICompleteObjectLocator *objectLocator = new RTTICompleteObjectLocator( typeid(C)); array += numOfCookies; array[0] = objectLocator; array++; return array; } VirtualTable(void **firstMethod) : VirtualTableBase(firstMethod) { } }; } #else #ifndef __clang__ #include #include namespace fakeit { template class has_one_base { }; template class has_one_base> : public std::false_type { }; template class has_one_base> : public has_one_base::type> { }; template<> class has_one_base> : public std::true_type { }; template class is_simple_inheritance_layout : public has_one_base::type> { }; } #endif namespace fakeit { struct VirtualTableBase { static VirtualTableBase &getVTable(void *instance) { fakeit::VirtualTableBase *vt = (fakeit::VirtualTableBase *) (instance); return *vt; } VirtualTableBase(void **firstMethod) : _firstMethod(firstMethod) { } void *getCookie(int index) { return _firstMethod[-3 - index]; } void setCookie(int index, void *value) { _firstMethod[-3 - index] = value; } void *getMethod(unsigned int index) const { return _firstMethod[index]; } void setMethod(unsigned int index, void *method) { _firstMethod[index] = method; } protected: void **_firstMethod; }; template struct VirtualTable : public VirtualTableBase { #ifndef __clang__ static_assert(is_simple_inheritance_layout::value, "Can't mock a type with multiple inheritance"); #endif class Handle { friend struct VirtualTable; void **firstMethod; Handle(void **method) : firstMethod(method) { } public: VirtualTable &restore() { VirtualTable *vt = (VirtualTable *) this; return *vt; } }; static VirtualTable &getVTable(C &instance) { fakeit::VirtualTable *vt = (fakeit::VirtualTable *) (&instance); return *vt; } void copyFrom(VirtualTable &from) { unsigned int size = VTUtils::getVTSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { _firstMethod[i] = from.getMethod(i); } } VirtualTable() : VirtualTable(buildVTArray()) { } void dispose() { _firstMethod--; _firstMethod--; _firstMethod -= numOfCookies; delete[] _firstMethod; } unsigned int dtor(int) { C *c = (C *) this; C &cRef = *c; auto vt = VirtualTable::getVTable(cRef); unsigned int index = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); void *dtorPtr = vt.getMethod(index); void(*method)(C *) = union_cast(dtorPtr); method(c); return 0; } void setDtor(void *method) { unsigned int index = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); void *dtorPtr = union_cast(&VirtualTable::dtor); _firstMethod[index] = method; _firstMethod[index + 1] = dtorPtr; } unsigned int getSize() { return VTUtils::getVTSize(); } void initAll(void *value) { unsigned int size = getSize(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { setMethod(i, value); } } const std::type_info *getTypeId() { return (const std::type_info *) (_firstMethod[-1]); } Handle createHandle() { Handle h(_firstMethod); return h; } private: static const unsigned int numOfCookies = 2; static void **buildVTArray() { int size = VTUtils::getVTSize(); auto array = new void *[size + 2 + numOfCookies]{}; array += numOfCookies; array++; array[0] = const_cast(&typeid(C)); array++; return array; } VirtualTable(void **firstMethod) : VirtualTableBase(firstMethod) { } }; } #endif namespace fakeit { struct NoMoreRecordedActionException { }; template struct MethodInvocationHandler : Destructible { virtual R handleMethodInvocation(const typename fakeit::production_arg::type... args) = 0; }; } #include namespace fakeit { #ifdef __GNUG__ #ifndef __clang__ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic" #endif #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( push ) #pragma warning( disable : 4200 ) #endif template class FakeObject { VirtualTable vtable; static const size_t SIZE = sizeof(C) - sizeof(VirtualTable); char instanceArea[SIZE ? SIZE : 0]; FakeObject(FakeObject const &) = delete; FakeObject &operator=(FakeObject const &) = delete; public: FakeObject() : vtable() { initializeDataMembersArea(); } ~FakeObject() { vtable.dispose(); } void initializeDataMembersArea() { for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) instanceArea[i] = (char) 0; } void setMethod(unsigned int index, void *method) { vtable.setMethod(index, method); } VirtualTable &getVirtualTable() { return vtable; } void setVirtualTable(VirtualTable &t) { vtable = t; } void setDtor(void *dtor) { vtable.setDtor(dtor); } }; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( pop ) #endif #ifdef __GNUG__ #ifndef __clang__ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #endif } namespace fakeit { struct MethodProxy { MethodProxy(unsigned int id, unsigned int offset, void *vMethod) : _id(id), _offset(offset), _vMethod(vMethod) { } unsigned int getOffset() const { return _offset; } unsigned int getId() const { return _id; } void *getProxy() const { return union_cast(_vMethod); } private: unsigned int _id; unsigned int _offset; void *_vMethod; }; } #include namespace fakeit { struct InvocationHandlerCollection { static const unsigned int VT_COOKIE_INDEX = 0; virtual Destructible *getInvocatoinHandlerPtrById(unsigned int index) = 0; static InvocationHandlerCollection *getInvocationHandlerCollection(void *instance) { VirtualTableBase &vt = VirtualTableBase::getVTable(instance); InvocationHandlerCollection *invocationHandlerCollection = (InvocationHandlerCollection *) vt.getCookie( InvocationHandlerCollection::VT_COOKIE_INDEX); return invocationHandlerCollection; } }; template class MethodProxyCreator { public: template MethodProxy createMethodProxy(unsigned int offset) { return MethodProxy(id, offset, union_cast(&MethodProxyCreator::methodProxyX < id > )); } protected: R methodProxy(unsigned int id, const typename fakeit::production_arg::type... args) { InvocationHandlerCollection *invocationHandlerCollection = InvocationHandlerCollection::getInvocationHandlerCollection( this); MethodInvocationHandler *invocationHandler = (MethodInvocationHandler *) invocationHandlerCollection->getInvocatoinHandlerPtrById( id); return invocationHandler->handleMethodInvocation(std::forward::type>(args)...); } template R methodProxyX(arglist ... args) { return methodProxy(id, std::forward::type>(args)...); } }; } namespace fakeit { class InvocationHandlers : public InvocationHandlerCollection { std::vector> &_methodMocks; std::vector &_offsets; unsigned int getOffset(unsigned int id) const { unsigned int offset = 0; for (; offset < _offsets.size(); offset++) { if (_offsets[offset] == id) { break; } } return offset; } public: InvocationHandlers( std::vector> &methodMocks, std::vector &offsets) : _methodMocks(methodMocks), _offsets(offsets) { for (std::vector::iterator it = _offsets.begin(); it != _offsets.end(); ++it) { *it = std::numeric_limits::max(); } } Destructible *getInvocatoinHandlerPtrById(unsigned int id) override { unsigned int offset = getOffset(id); std::shared_ptr ptr = _methodMocks[offset]; return ptr.get(); } }; template struct DynamicProxy { static_assert(std::is_polymorphic::value, "DynamicProxy requires a polymorphic type"); DynamicProxy(C &inst) : instance(inst), originalVtHandle(VirtualTable::getVTable(instance).createHandle()), _methodMocks(VTUtils::getVTSize()), _offsets(VTUtils::getVTSize()), _invocationHandlers(_methodMocks, _offsets) { _cloneVt.copyFrom(originalVtHandle.restore()); _cloneVt.setCookie(InvocationHandlerCollection::VT_COOKIE_INDEX, &_invocationHandlers); getFake().setVirtualTable(_cloneVt); } void detach() { getFake().setVirtualTable(originalVtHandle.restore()); } ~DynamicProxy() { _cloneVt.dispose(); } C &get() { return instance; } void Reset() { _methodMocks = {}; _methodMocks.resize(VTUtils::getVTSize()); _members = {}; _offsets = {}; _offsets.resize(VTUtils::getVTSize()); _cloneVt.copyFrom(originalVtHandle.restore()); } void Clear() { } template void stubMethod(R(C::*vMethod)(arglist...), MethodInvocationHandler *methodInvocationHandler) { auto offset = VTUtils::getOffset(vMethod); MethodProxyCreator creator; bind(creator.template createMethodProxy(offset), methodInvocationHandler); } void stubDtor(MethodInvocationHandler *methodInvocationHandler) { auto offset = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); MethodProxyCreator creator; bindDtor(creator.createMethodProxy<0>(offset), methodInvocationHandler); } template bool isMethodStubbed(R(C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { unsigned int offset = VTUtils::getOffset(vMethod); return isBinded(offset); } bool isDtorStubbed() { unsigned int offset = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); return isBinded(offset); } template Destructible *getMethodMock(R(C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { auto offset = VTUtils::getOffset(vMethod); std::shared_ptr ptr = _methodMocks[offset]; return ptr.get(); } Destructible *getDtorMock() { auto offset = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); std::shared_ptr ptr = _methodMocks[offset]; return ptr.get(); } template void stubDataMember(DATA_TYPE C::*member, const arglist &... initargs) { DATA_TYPE C::*theMember = (DATA_TYPE C::*) member; C &mock = get(); DATA_TYPE *memberPtr = &(mock.*theMember); _members.push_back( std::shared_ptr > {new DataMemeberWrapper < DATA_TYPE, arglist...>(memberPtr, initargs...)}); } template void getMethodMocks(std::vector &into) const { for (std::shared_ptr ptr : _methodMocks) { DATA_TYPE p = dynamic_cast(ptr.get()); if (p) { into.push_back(p); } } } VirtualTable &getOriginalVT() { VirtualTable &vt = originalVtHandle.restore(); return vt; } private: template class DataMemeberWrapper : public Destructible { private: DATA_TYPE *dataMember; public: DataMemeberWrapper(DATA_TYPE *dataMem, const arglist &... initargs) : dataMember(dataMem) { new(dataMember) DATA_TYPE{initargs ...}; } ~DataMemeberWrapper() override { dataMember->~DATA_TYPE(); } }; static_assert(sizeof(C) == sizeof(FakeObject), "This is a problem"); C &instance; typename VirtualTable::Handle originalVtHandle; VirtualTable _cloneVt; std::vector> _methodMocks; std::vector> _members; std::vector _offsets; InvocationHandlers _invocationHandlers; FakeObject &getFake() { return reinterpret_cast &>(instance); } void bind(const MethodProxy &methodProxy, Destructible *invocationHandler) { getFake().setMethod(methodProxy.getOffset(), methodProxy.getProxy()); _methodMocks[methodProxy.getOffset()].reset(invocationHandler); _offsets[methodProxy.getOffset()] = methodProxy.getId(); } void bindDtor(const MethodProxy &methodProxy, Destructible *invocationHandler) { getFake().setDtor(methodProxy.getProxy()); _methodMocks[methodProxy.getOffset()].reset(invocationHandler); _offsets[methodProxy.getOffset()] = methodProxy.getId(); } template DATA_TYPE getMethodMock(unsigned int offset) { std::shared_ptr ptr = _methodMocks[offset]; return dynamic_cast(ptr.get()); } template void checkMultipleInheritance() { C *ptr = (C *) (unsigned int) 1; BaseClass *basePtr = ptr; int delta = (unsigned long) basePtr - (unsigned long) ptr; if (delta > 0) { throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("multiple inheritance is not supported")); } } bool isBinded(unsigned int offset) { std::shared_ptr ptr = _methodMocks[offset]; return ptr.get() != nullptr; } }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template struct apply_func { template static R applyTuple(std::function f, std::tuple &t, Args &... args) { return apply_func::template applyTuple(f, t, std::get(t), args...); } }; template<> struct apply_func < 0 > { template static R applyTuple(std::function f, std::tuple & , Args &... args) { return f(args...); } }; struct TupleDispatcher { template static R applyTuple(std::function f, std::tuple &t) { return apply_func::template applyTuple(f, t); } template static R invoke(std::function func, const std::tuple &arguments) { std::tuple &args = const_cast &>(arguments); return applyTuple(func, args); } template static void for_each(TupleType &&, FunctionType &, std::integral_constant::type>::value>) { } template::type>::value>::type> static void for_each(TupleType &&t, FunctionType &f, std::integral_constant) { f(I, std::get < I >(t)); for_each(std::forward < TupleType >(t), f, std::integral_constant()); } template static void for_each(TupleType &&t, FunctionType &f) { for_each(std::forward < TupleType >(t), f, std::integral_constant()); } template static void for_each(TupleType1 &&, TupleType2 &&, FunctionType &, std::integral_constant::type>::value>) { } template::type>::value>::type> static void for_each(TupleType1 &&t, TupleType2 &&t2, FunctionType &f, std::integral_constant) { f(I, std::get < I >(t), std::get < I >(t2)); for_each(std::forward < TupleType1 >(t), std::forward < TupleType2 >(t2), f, std::integral_constant()); } template static void for_each(TupleType1 &&t, TupleType2 &&t2, FunctionType &f) { for_each(std::forward < TupleType1 >(t), std::forward < TupleType2 >(t2), f, std::integral_constant()); } }; } namespace fakeit { template struct ActualInvocationHandler : Destructible { virtual R handleMethodInvocation(ArgumentsTuple & args) = 0; }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct DefaultValueInstatiationException { virtual ~DefaultValueInstatiationException() = default; virtual std::string what() const = 0; }; template struct is_constructible_type { static const bool value = std::is_default_constructible::type>::value && !std::is_abstract::type>::value; }; template struct DefaultValue; template struct DefaultValue::value>::type> { static C &value() { if (std::is_reference::value) { typename naked_type::type *ptr = nullptr; return *ptr; } class Exception : public DefaultValueInstatiationException { virtual std::string what() const override { return (std::string("Type ") + std::string(typeid(C).name()) + std::string( " is not default constructible. Could not instantiate a default return value")).c_str(); } }; throw Exception(); } }; template struct DefaultValue::value>::type> { static C &value() { static typename naked_type::type val{}; return val; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static void value() { return; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static bool &value() { static bool value{false}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static char &value() { static char value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static char16_t &value() { static char16_t value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static char32_t &value() { static char32_t value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static wchar_t &value() { static wchar_t value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static short &value() { static short value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static int &value() { static int value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static long &value() { static long value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static long long &value() { static long long value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static std::string &value() { static std::string value{}; return value; } }; } namespace fakeit { struct IMatcher : Destructible { ~IMatcher() = default; virtual std::string format() const = 0; }; template struct TypedMatcher : IMatcher { virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const = 0; }; template struct TypedMatcherCreator { virtual ~TypedMatcherCreator() = default; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const = 0; }; template struct ComparisonMatcherCreator : public TypedMatcherCreator { virtual ~ComparisonMatcherCreator() = default; ComparisonMatcherCreator(const T &arg) : _expected(arg) { } struct Matcher : public TypedMatcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : _expected(expected) { } const T _expected; }; const T &_expected; }; namespace internal { template struct TypedAnyMatcher : public TypedMatcherCreator { virtual ~TypedAnyMatcher() = default; TypedAnyMatcher() { } struct Matcher : public TypedMatcher { virtual bool matches(const T &) const override { return true; } virtual std::string format() const override { return "Any"; } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(); } }; template struct EqMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~EqMatcherCreator() = default; EqMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual std::string format() const override { return TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual == this->_expected; } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; template struct GtMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~GtMatcherCreator() = default; GtMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual > this->_expected; } virtual std::string format() const override { return std::string(">") + TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; template struct GeMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~GeMatcherCreator() = default; GeMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual >= this->_expected; } virtual std::string format() const override { return std::string(">=") + TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; template struct LtMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~LtMatcherCreator() = default; LtMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual < this->_expected; } virtual std::string format() const override { return std::string("<") + TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; template struct LeMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~LeMatcherCreator() = default; LeMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual <= this->_expected; } virtual std::string format() const override { return std::string("<=") + TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; template struct NeMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~NeMatcherCreator() = default; NeMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual != this->_expected; } virtual std::string format() const override { return std::string("!=") + TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; } struct AnyMatcher { } static _; template internal::TypedAnyMatcher Any() { internal::TypedAnyMatcher rv; return rv; } template internal::EqMatcherCreator Eq(const T &arg) { internal::EqMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } template internal::GtMatcherCreator Gt(const T &arg) { internal::GtMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } template internal::GeMatcherCreator Ge(const T &arg) { internal::GeMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } template internal::LtMatcherCreator Lt(const T &arg) { internal::LtMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } template internal::LeMatcherCreator Le(const T &arg) { internal::LeMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } template internal::NeMatcherCreator Ne(const T &arg) { internal::NeMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } } namespace fakeit { template struct ArgumentsMatcherInvocationMatcher : public ActualInvocation::Matcher { virtual ~ArgumentsMatcherInvocationMatcher() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _matchers.size(); i++) delete _matchers[i]; } ArgumentsMatcherInvocationMatcher(const std::vector &args) : _matchers(args) { } virtual bool matches(ActualInvocation &invocation) override { if (invocation.getActualMatcher() == this) return true; return matches(invocation.getActualArguments()); } virtual std::string format() const override { std::ostringstream out; out << "("; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _matchers.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) out << ", "; IMatcher *m = dynamic_cast(_matchers[i]); out << m->format(); } out << ")"; return out.str(); } private: struct MatchingLambda { MatchingLambda(const std::vector &matchers) : _matchers(matchers) { } template void operator()(int index, A &actualArg) { TypedMatcher::type> *matcher = dynamic_cast::type> *>(_matchers[index]); if (_matching) _matching = matcher->matches(actualArg); } bool isMatching() { return _matching; } private: bool _matching = true; const std::vector &_matchers; }; virtual bool matches(ArgumentsTuple& actualArguments) { MatchingLambda l(_matchers); fakeit::TupleDispatcher::for_each(actualArguments, l); return l.isMatching(); } const std::vector _matchers; }; template struct UserDefinedInvocationMatcher : ActualInvocation::Matcher { virtual ~UserDefinedInvocationMatcher() = default; UserDefinedInvocationMatcher(std::function match) : matcher{match} { } virtual bool matches(ActualInvocation &invocation) override { if (invocation.getActualMatcher() == this) return true; return matches(invocation.getActualArguments()); } virtual std::string format() const override { return {"( user defined matcher )"}; } private: virtual bool matches(ArgumentsTuple& actualArguments) { return TupleDispatcher::invoke::type...>(matcher, actualArguments); } const std::function matcher; }; template struct DefaultInvocationMatcher : public ActualInvocation::Matcher { virtual ~DefaultInvocationMatcher() = default; DefaultInvocationMatcher() { } virtual bool matches(ActualInvocation &invocation) override { return matches(invocation.getActualArguments()); } virtual std::string format() const override { return {"( Any arguments )"}; } private: virtual bool matches(const ArgumentsTuple&) { return true; } }; } namespace fakeit { template class RecordedMethodBody : public MethodInvocationHandler, public ActualInvocationsSource, public ActualInvocationsContainer { struct MatchedInvocationHandler : ActualInvocationHandler { virtual ~MatchedInvocationHandler() = default; MatchedInvocationHandler(typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher, ActualInvocationHandler *invocationHandler) : _matcher{matcher}, _invocationHandler{invocationHandler} { } virtual R handleMethodInvocation(ArgumentsTuple & args) override { Destructible &destructable = *_invocationHandler; ActualInvocationHandler &invocationHandler = dynamic_cast &>(destructable); return invocationHandler.handleMethodInvocation(args); } typename ActualInvocation::Matcher &getMatcher() const { Destructible &destructable = *_matcher; typename ActualInvocation::Matcher &matcher = dynamic_cast::Matcher &>(destructable); return matcher; } private: std::shared_ptr _matcher; std::shared_ptr _invocationHandler; }; FakeitContext &_fakeit; MethodInfo _method; std::vector> _invocationHandlers; std::vector> _actualInvocations; MatchedInvocationHandler *buildMatchedInvocationHandler( typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *invocationMatcher, ActualInvocationHandler *invocationHandler) { return new MatchedInvocationHandler(invocationMatcher, invocationHandler); } MatchedInvocationHandler *getInvocationHandlerForActualArgs(ActualInvocation &invocation) { for (auto i = _invocationHandlers.rbegin(); i != _invocationHandlers.rend(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr curr = *i; Destructible &destructable = *curr; MatchedInvocationHandler &im = asMatchedInvocationHandler(destructable); if (im.getMatcher().matches(invocation)) { return &im; } } return nullptr; } MatchedInvocationHandler &asMatchedInvocationHandler(Destructible &destructable) { MatchedInvocationHandler &im = dynamic_cast(destructable); return im; } ActualInvocation &asActualInvocation(Destructible &destructable) const { ActualInvocation &invocation = dynamic_cast &>(destructable); return invocation; } public: RecordedMethodBody(FakeitContext &fakeit, std::string name) : _fakeit(fakeit), _method{MethodInfo::nextMethodOrdinal(), name} { } virtual ~RecordedMethodBody() NO_THROWS { } MethodInfo &getMethod() { return _method; } bool isOfMethod(MethodInfo &method) { return method.id() == _method.id(); } void addMethodInvocationHandler(typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher, ActualInvocationHandler *invocationHandler) { ActualInvocationHandler *mock = buildMatchedInvocationHandler(matcher, invocationHandler); std::shared_ptr destructable{mock}; _invocationHandlers.push_back(destructable); } void reset() { _invocationHandlers.clear(); _actualInvocations.clear(); } void clear() override { _actualInvocations.clear(); } R handleMethodInvocation(const typename fakeit::production_arg::type... args) override { unsigned int ordinal = Invocation::nextInvocationOrdinal(); MethodInfo &method = this->getMethod(); auto actualInvocation = new ActualInvocation(ordinal, method, std::forward::type>(args)...); std::shared_ptr actualInvocationDtor{actualInvocation}; auto invocationHandler = getInvocationHandlerForActualArgs(*actualInvocation); if (invocationHandler) { auto &matcher = invocationHandler->getMatcher(); actualInvocation->setActualMatcher(&matcher); _actualInvocations.push_back(actualInvocationDtor); try { return invocationHandler->handleMethodInvocation(actualInvocation->getActualArguments()); } catch (NoMoreRecordedActionException &) { } } UnexpectedMethodCallEvent event(UnexpectedType::Unmatched, *actualInvocation); _fakeit.handle(event); std::string format{_fakeit.format(event)}; UnexpectedMethodCallException e(format); throw e; } void scanActualInvocations(const std::function &)> &scanner) { for (auto destructablePtr : _actualInvocations) { ActualInvocation &invocation = asActualInvocation(*destructablePtr); scanner(invocation); } } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { for (auto destructablePtr : _actualInvocations) { Invocation &invocation = asActualInvocation(*destructablePtr); into.insert(&invocation); } } void setMethodDetails(const std::string &mockName, const std::string &methodName) { const std::string fullName{mockName + "." + methodName}; _method.setName(fullName); } }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct Quantity { Quantity(const int q) : quantity(q) { } const int quantity; } static Once(1); template struct Quantifier : public Quantity { Quantifier(const int q, const R &val) : Quantity(q), value(val) { } const R &value; }; template<> struct Quantifier : public Quantity { explicit Quantifier(const int q) : Quantity(q) { } }; struct QuantifierFunctor : public Quantifier { QuantifierFunctor(const int q) : Quantifier(q) { } template Quantifier operator()(const R &value) { return Quantifier(quantity, value); } }; template struct Times : public Quantity { Times() : Quantity(q) { } template static Quantifier of(const R &value) { return Quantifier(q, value); } static Quantifier Void() { return Quantifier(q); } }; #if defined (__GNUG__) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900) inline QuantifierFunctor operator "" _Times(unsigned long long n) { return QuantifierFunctor((int) n); } inline QuantifierFunctor operator "" _Time(unsigned long long n) { if (n != 1) throw std::invalid_argument("Only 1_Time is supported. Use X_Times (with s) if X is bigger than 1"); return QuantifierFunctor((int) n); } #endif } #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template struct Action : Destructible { virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple &) = 0; virtual bool isDone() = 0; }; template struct Repeat : Action { virtual ~Repeat() = default; Repeat(std::function::type...)> func) : f(func), times(1) { } Repeat(std::function::type...)> func, long t) : f(func), times(t) { } virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple & args) override { times--; return TupleDispatcher::invoke(f, args); } virtual bool isDone() override { return times == 0; } private: std::function::type...)> f; long times; }; template struct RepeatForever : public Action { virtual ~RepeatForever() = default; RepeatForever(std::function::type...)> func) : f(func) { } virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple & args) override { return TupleDispatcher::invoke(f, args); } virtual bool isDone() override { return false; } private: std::function::type...)> f; }; template struct ReturnDefaultValue : public Action { virtual ~ReturnDefaultValue() = default; virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple &) override { return DefaultValue::value(); } virtual bool isDone() override { return false; } }; template struct ReturnDelegateValue : public Action { ReturnDelegateValue(std::function::type...)> delegate) : _delegate(delegate) { } virtual ~ReturnDelegateValue() = default; virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple & args) override { return TupleDispatcher::invoke(_delegate, args); } virtual bool isDone() override { return false; } private: std::function::type...)> _delegate; }; } namespace fakeit { template struct MethodStubbingProgress { virtual ~MethodStubbingProgress() THROWS { } template typename std::enable_if::value, MethodStubbingProgress &>::type Return(const R &r) { return Do([r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }); } template typename std::enable_if::value, MethodStubbingProgress &>::type Return(const R &r) { return Do([&r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }); } MethodStubbingProgress & Return(const Quantifier &q) { const R &value = q.value; auto method = [value](const arglist &...) -> R { return value; }; return DoImpl(new Repeat(method, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Return(const first &f, const second &s, const tail &... t) { Return(f); return Return(s, t...); } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type AlwaysReturn(const R &r) { return AlwaysDo([r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }); } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type AlwaysReturn(const R &r) { return AlwaysDo([&r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }); } MethodStubbingProgress & Return() { return Do([](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return DefaultValue::value(); }); } void AlwaysReturn() { return AlwaysDo([](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return DefaultValue::value(); }); } template MethodStubbingProgress &Throw(const E &e) { return Do([e](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { throw e; }); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Throw(const Quantifier &q) { const E &value = q.value; auto method = [value](const arglist &...) -> R { throw value; }; return DoImpl(new Repeat(method, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Throw(const first &f, const second &s, const tail &... t) { Throw(f); return Throw(s, t...); } template void AlwaysThrow(const E &e) { return AlwaysDo([e](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { throw e; }); } virtual MethodStubbingProgress & Do(std::function::type...)> method) { return DoImpl(new Repeat(method)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Do(const Quantifier &q) { return DoImpl(new Repeat(q.value, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Do(const first &f, const second &s, const tail &... t) { Do(f); return Do(s, t...); } virtual void AlwaysDo(std::function::type...)> method) { DoImpl(new RepeatForever(method)); } protected: virtual MethodStubbingProgress &DoImpl(Action *action) = 0; private: MethodStubbingProgress &operator=(const MethodStubbingProgress &other) = delete; }; template struct MethodStubbingProgress { virtual ~MethodStubbingProgress() THROWS { } MethodStubbingProgress &Return() { auto lambda = [](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> void { return DefaultValue::value(); }; return Do(lambda); } virtual MethodStubbingProgress &Do( std::function::type...)> method) { return DoImpl(new Repeat(method)); } void AlwaysReturn() { return AlwaysDo([](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> void { return DefaultValue::value(); }); } MethodStubbingProgress & Return(const Quantifier &q) { auto method = [](const arglist &...) -> void { return DefaultValue::value(); }; return DoImpl(new Repeat(method, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress &Throw(const E &e) { return Do([e](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> void { throw e; }); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Throw(const Quantifier &q) { const E &value = q.value; auto method = [value](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> void { throw value; }; return DoImpl(new Repeat(method, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Throw(const first &f, const second &s, const tail &... t) { Throw(f); return Throw(s, t...); } template void AlwaysThrow(const E e) { return AlwaysDo([e](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> void { throw e; }); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Do(const Quantifier &q) { return DoImpl(new Repeat(q.value, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Do(const first &f, const second &s, const tail &... t) { Do(f); return Do(s, t...); } virtual void AlwaysDo(std::function::type...)> method) { DoImpl(new RepeatForever(method)); } protected: virtual MethodStubbingProgress &DoImpl(Action *action) = 0; private: MethodStubbingProgress &operator=(const MethodStubbingProgress &other) = delete; }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { class Finally { private: std::function _finallyClause; Finally(const Finally &); Finally &operator=(const Finally &); public: explicit Finally(std::function f) : _finallyClause(f) { } ~Finally() { _finallyClause(); } }; } namespace fakeit { template struct ActionSequence : ActualInvocationHandler { ActionSequence() { clear(); } void AppendDo(Action *action) { append(action); } virtual R handleMethodInvocation(ArgumentsTuple & args) override { std::shared_ptr destructablePtr = _recordedActions.front(); Destructible &destructable = *destructablePtr; Action &action = dynamic_cast &>(destructable); std::function finallyClause = [&]() -> void { if (action.isDone()) _recordedActions.erase(_recordedActions.begin()); }; Finally onExit(finallyClause); return action.invoke(args); } private: struct NoMoreRecordedAction : Action { virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple &) override { throw NoMoreRecordedActionException(); } virtual bool isDone() override { return false; } }; void append(Action *action) { std::shared_ptr destructable{action}; _recordedActions.insert(_recordedActions.end() - 1, destructable); } void clear() { _recordedActions.clear(); auto actionPtr = std::shared_ptr {new NoMoreRecordedAction()}; _recordedActions.push_back(actionPtr); } std::vector> _recordedActions; }; } namespace fakeit { template class DataMemberStubbingRoot { private: public: DataMemberStubbingRoot(const DataMemberStubbingRoot &) = default; DataMemberStubbingRoot() = default; void operator=(const DATA_TYPE&) { } }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct Xaction { virtual void commit() = 0; }; } namespace fakeit { template struct SpyingContext : Xaction { virtual void appendAction(Action *action) = 0; virtual std::function getOriginalMethod() = 0; }; } namespace fakeit { template struct StubbingContext : public Xaction { virtual void appendAction(Action *action) = 0; }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template class MatchersCollector { std::vector &_matchers; public: template using ArgType = typename std::tuple_element>::type; template using NakedArgType = typename naked_type>::type; template using ArgMatcherCreatorType = decltype(std::declval>>()); MatchersCollector(std::vector &matchers) : _matchers(matchers) { } void CollectMatchers() { } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible, Head>::value, void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &value) { TypedMatcher> *d = Eq>(value).createMatcher(); _matchers.push_back(d); } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible, Head>::value , void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &head, const Tail &... tail) { CollectMatchers(head); MatchersCollector c(_matchers); c.CollectMatchers(tail...); } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of>, Head>::value, void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &creator) { TypedMatcher> *d = creator.createMatcher(); _matchers.push_back(d); } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of>, Head>::value, void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &head, const Tail &... tail) { CollectMatchers(head); MatchersCollector c(_matchers); c.CollectMatchers(tail...); } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_same::value, void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &) { TypedMatcher> *d = Any>().createMatcher(); _matchers.push_back(d); } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_same::value, void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &head, const Tail &... tail) { CollectMatchers(head); MatchersCollector c(_matchers); c.CollectMatchers(tail...); } }; } namespace fakeit { template class MethodMockingContext : public Sequence, public ActualInvocationsSource, public virtual StubbingContext, public virtual SpyingContext, private Invocation::Matcher { public: struct Context : Destructible { virtual typename std::function getOriginalMethod() = 0; virtual std::string getMethodName() = 0; virtual void addMethodInvocationHandler(typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher, ActualInvocationHandler *invocationHandler) = 0; virtual void scanActualInvocations(const std::function &)> &scanner) = 0; virtual void setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) = 0; virtual bool isOfMethod(MethodInfo &method) = 0; virtual ActualInvocationsSource &getInvolvedMock() = 0; }; private: class Implementation { Context *_stubbingContext; ActionSequence *_recordedActionSequence; typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *_invocationMatcher; bool _commited; Context &getStubbingContext() const { return *_stubbingContext; } public: Implementation(Context *stubbingContext) : _stubbingContext(stubbingContext), _recordedActionSequence(new ActionSequence()), _invocationMatcher { new DefaultInvocationMatcher()}, _commited(false) { } ~Implementation() { delete _stubbingContext; if (!_commited) { delete _recordedActionSequence; delete _invocationMatcher; } } ActionSequence &getRecordedActionSequence() { return *_recordedActionSequence; } std::string format() const { std::string s = getStubbingContext().getMethodName(); s += _invocationMatcher->format(); return s; } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const { auto scanner = [&](ActualInvocation &a) { if (_invocationMatcher->matches(a)) { into.insert(&a); } }; getStubbingContext().scanActualInvocations(scanner); } bool matches(Invocation &invocation) { MethodInfo &actualMethod = invocation.getMethod(); if (!getStubbingContext().isOfMethod(actualMethod)) { return false; } ActualInvocation &actualInvocation = dynamic_cast &>(invocation); return _invocationMatcher->matches(actualInvocation); } void commit() { getStubbingContext().addMethodInvocationHandler(_invocationMatcher, _recordedActionSequence); _commited = true; } void appendAction(Action *action) { getRecordedActionSequence().AppendDo(action); } void setMethodBodyByAssignment(std::function::type...)> method) { appendAction(new RepeatForever(method)); commit(); } void setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { getStubbingContext().setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); } void getInvolvedMocks(std::vector &into) const { into.push_back(&getStubbingContext().getInvolvedMock()); } typename std::function getOriginalMethod() { return getStubbingContext().getOriginalMethod(); } void setInvocationMatcher(typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher) { delete _invocationMatcher; _invocationMatcher = matcher; } }; protected: MethodMockingContext(Context *stubbingContext) : _impl{new Implementation(stubbingContext)} { } MethodMockingContext(MethodMockingContext &) = default; MethodMockingContext(MethodMockingContext &&other) : _impl(std::move(other._impl)) { } virtual ~MethodMockingContext() NO_THROWS { } std::string format() const override { return _impl->format(); } unsigned int size() const override { return 1; } void getInvolvedMocks(std::vector &into) const override { _impl->getInvolvedMocks(into); } void getExpectedSequence(std::vector &into) const override { const Invocation::Matcher *b = this; Invocation::Matcher *c = const_cast(b); into.push_back(c); } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { _impl->getActualInvocations(into); } bool matches(Invocation &invocation) override { return _impl->matches(invocation); } void commit() override { _impl->commit(); } void setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { _impl->setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); } void setMatchingCriteria(std::function predicate) { typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher{ new UserDefinedInvocationMatcher(predicate)}; _impl->setInvocationMatcher(matcher); } void setMatchingCriteria(const std::vector &matchers) { typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher{ new ArgumentsMatcherInvocationMatcher(matchers)}; _impl->setInvocationMatcher(matcher); } void appendAction(Action *action) override { _impl->appendAction(action); } void setMethodBodyByAssignment(std::function::type...)> method) { _impl->setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } template::type> void setMatchingCriteria(const matcherCreators &... matcherCreator) { std::vector matchers; MatchersCollector<0, arglist...> c(matchers); c.CollectMatchers(matcherCreator...); MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(matchers); } private: typename std::function getOriginalMethod() override { return _impl->getOriginalMethod(); } std::shared_ptr _impl; }; template class MockingContext : public MethodMockingContext { MockingContext &operator=(const MockingContext &) = delete; public: MockingContext(typename MethodMockingContext::Context *stubbingContext) : MethodMockingContext(stubbingContext) { } MockingContext(MockingContext &) = default; MockingContext(MockingContext &&other) : MethodMockingContext(std::move(other)) { } MockingContext &setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); return *this; } MockingContext &Using(const arglist &... args) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(args...); return *this; } template MockingContext &Using(const arg_matcher &... arg_matchers) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(arg_matchers...); return *this; } MockingContext &Matching(std::function matcher) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(matcher); return *this; } MockingContext &operator()(const arglist &... args) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(args...); return *this; } MockingContext &operator()(std::function matcher) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(matcher); return *this; } void operator=(std::function method) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type operator=(const R &r) { auto method = [r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }; MethodMockingContext::setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type operator=(const R &r) { auto method = [&r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }; MethodMockingContext::setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } }; template class MockingContext : public MethodMockingContext { MockingContext &operator=(const MockingContext &) = delete; public: MockingContext(typename MethodMockingContext::Context *stubbingContext) : MethodMockingContext(stubbingContext) { } MockingContext(MockingContext &) = default; MockingContext(MockingContext &&other) : MethodMockingContext(std::move(other)) { } MockingContext &setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); return *this; } MockingContext &Using(const arglist &... args) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(args...); return *this; } template MockingContext &Using(const arg_matcher &... arg_matchers) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(arg_matchers...); return *this; } MockingContext &Matching(std::function matcher) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(matcher); return *this; } MockingContext &operator()(const arglist &... args) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(args...); return *this; } MockingContext &operator()(std::function matcher) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(matcher); return *this; } void operator=(std::function method) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } }; class DtorMockingContext : public MethodMockingContext { public: DtorMockingContext(MethodMockingContext::Context *stubbingContext) : MethodMockingContext(stubbingContext) { } DtorMockingContext(DtorMockingContext &other) : MethodMockingContext(other) { } DtorMockingContext(DtorMockingContext &&other) : MethodMockingContext(std::move(other)) { } void operator=(std::function method) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } DtorMockingContext &setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); return *this; } }; } namespace fakeit { template class MockImpl : private MockObject, public virtual ActualInvocationsSource { public: MockImpl(FakeitContext &fakeit, C &obj) : MockImpl(fakeit, obj, true) { } MockImpl(FakeitContext &fakeit) : MockImpl(fakeit, *(createFakeInstance()), false){ FakeObject *fake = asFakeObject(_instanceOwner.get()); fake->getVirtualTable().setCookie(1, this); } virtual ~MockImpl() NO_THROWS { _proxy.detach(); } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { std::vector vec; _proxy.getMethodMocks(vec); for (ActualInvocationsSource *s : vec) { s->getActualInvocations(into); } } void initDataMembersIfOwner() { if (isOwner()) { FakeObject *fake = asFakeObject(_instanceOwner.get()); fake->initializeDataMembersArea(); } } void reset() { _proxy.Reset(); initDataMembersIfOwner(); } void clear() { std::vector vec; _proxy.getMethodMocks(vec); for (ActualInvocationsContainer *s : vec) { s->clear(); } initDataMembersIfOwner(); } virtual C &get() override { return _proxy.get(); } virtual FakeitContext &getFakeIt() override { return _fakeit; } template::value>::type> DataMemberStubbingRoot stubDataMember(DATA_TYPE T::*member, const arglist &... ctorargs) { _proxy.stubDataMember(member, ctorargs...); return DataMemberStubbingRoot(); } template::value>::type> MockingContext stubMethod(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { return MockingContext(new UniqueMethodMockingContextImpl < id, R, arglist... > (*this, vMethod)); } DtorMockingContext stubDtor() { return DtorMockingContext(new DtorMockingContextImpl(*this)); } private: std::shared_ptr> _instanceOwner; DynamicProxy _proxy; FakeitContext &_fakeit; MockImpl(FakeitContext &fakeit, C &obj, bool isSpy) : _instanceOwner(isSpy ? nullptr : asFakeObject(&obj)) , _proxy{obj} , _fakeit(fakeit) {} static FakeObject* asFakeObject(void* instance){ return reinterpret_cast *>(instance); } template class MethodMockingContextBase : public MethodMockingContext::Context { protected: MockImpl &_mock; virtual RecordedMethodBody &getRecordedMethodBody() = 0; public: MethodMockingContextBase(MockImpl &mock) : _mock(mock) { } virtual ~MethodMockingContextBase() = default; void addMethodInvocationHandler(typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher, ActualInvocationHandler *invocationHandler) { getRecordedMethodBody().addMethodInvocationHandler(matcher, invocationHandler); } void scanActualInvocations(const std::function &)> &scanner) { getRecordedMethodBody().scanActualInvocations(scanner); } void setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { getRecordedMethodBody().setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); } bool isOfMethod(MethodInfo &method) { return getRecordedMethodBody().isOfMethod(method); } ActualInvocationsSource &getInvolvedMock() { return _mock; } std::string getMethodName() { return getRecordedMethodBody().getMethod().name(); } }; template class MethodMockingContextImpl : public MethodMockingContextBase { protected: R (C::*_vMethod)(arglist...); public: virtual ~MethodMockingContextImpl() = default; MethodMockingContextImpl(MockImpl &mock, R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) : MethodMockingContextBase(mock), _vMethod(vMethod) { } virtual std::function getOriginalMethod() override { void *mPtr = MethodMockingContextBase::_mock.getOriginalMethod(_vMethod); C * instance = &(MethodMockingContextBase::_mock.get()); return [=](arglist&... args) -> R { auto m = union_cast::type>(mPtr); return m(instance, std::forward(args)...); }; } }; template class UniqueMethodMockingContextImpl : public MethodMockingContextImpl { protected: virtual RecordedMethodBody &getRecordedMethodBody() override { return MethodMockingContextBase::_mock.template stubMethodIfNotStubbed( MethodMockingContextBase::_mock._proxy, MethodMockingContextImpl::_vMethod); } public: UniqueMethodMockingContextImpl(MockImpl &mock, R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) : MethodMockingContextImpl(mock, vMethod) { } }; class DtorMockingContextImpl : public MethodMockingContextBase { protected: virtual RecordedMethodBody &getRecordedMethodBody() override { return MethodMockingContextBase::_mock.stubDtorIfNotStubbed( MethodMockingContextBase::_mock._proxy); } public: virtual ~DtorMockingContextImpl() = default; DtorMockingContextImpl(MockImpl &mock) : MethodMockingContextBase(mock) { } virtual std::function getOriginalMethod() override { C &instance = MethodMockingContextBase::_mock.get(); return [=, &instance]() -> void { }; } }; static MockImpl *getMockImpl(void *instance) { FakeObject *fake = asFakeObject(instance); MockImpl *mock = reinterpret_cast *>(fake->getVirtualTable().getCookie( 1)); return mock; } bool isOwner(){ return _instanceOwner != nullptr;} void unmockedDtor() {} void unmocked() { ActualInvocation<> invocation(Invocation::nextInvocationOrdinal(), UnknownMethod::instance()); UnexpectedMethodCallEvent event(UnexpectedType::Unmocked, invocation); auto &fakeit = getMockImpl(this)->_fakeit; fakeit.handle(event); std::string format = fakeit.format(event); UnexpectedMethodCallException e(format); throw e; } static C *createFakeInstance() { FakeObject *fake = new FakeObject(); void *unmockedMethodStubPtr = union_cast(&MockImpl::unmocked); void *unmockedDtorStubPtr = union_cast(&MockImpl::unmockedDtor); fake->getVirtualTable().initAll(unmockedMethodStubPtr); if (VTUtils::hasVirtualDestructor()) fake->setDtor(unmockedDtorStubPtr); return reinterpret_cast(fake); } template void *getOriginalMethod(R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { auto vt = _proxy.getOriginalVT(); auto offset = VTUtils::getOffset(vMethod); void *origMethodPtr = vt.getMethod(offset); return origMethodPtr; } void *getOriginalDtor() { auto vt = _proxy.getOriginalVT(); auto offset = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); void *origMethodPtr = vt.getMethod(offset); return origMethodPtr; } template RecordedMethodBody &stubMethodIfNotStubbed(DynamicProxy &proxy, R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { if (!proxy.isMethodStubbed(vMethod)) { proxy.template stubMethod(vMethod, createRecordedMethodBody < R, arglist... > (*this, vMethod)); } Destructible *d = proxy.getMethodMock(vMethod); RecordedMethodBody *methodMock = dynamic_cast *>(d); return *methodMock; } RecordedMethodBody &stubDtorIfNotStubbed(DynamicProxy &proxy) { if (!proxy.isDtorStubbed()) { proxy.stubDtor(createRecordedDtorBody(*this)); } Destructible *d = proxy.getDtorMock(); RecordedMethodBody *dtorMock = dynamic_cast *>(d); return *dtorMock; } template static RecordedMethodBody *createRecordedMethodBody(MockObject &mock, R(C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { return new RecordedMethodBody(mock.getFakeIt(), typeid(vMethod).name()); } static RecordedMethodBody *createRecordedDtorBody(MockObject &mock) { return new RecordedMethodBody(mock.getFakeIt(), "dtor"); } }; } namespace fakeit { template struct Prototype; template struct Prototype { typedef R Type(Args...); typedef R ConstType(Args...) const; template struct MemberType { typedef Type(C::*type); typedef ConstType(C::*cosntType); static type get(type t) { return t; } static cosntType getconst(cosntType t) { return t; } }; }; template struct UniqueMethod { R (C::*method)(arglist...); UniqueMethod(R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) : method(vMethod) { } int uniqueId() { return X; } }; } namespace fakeit { namespace internal { } using namespace fakeit::internal; template class Mock : public ActualInvocationsSource { MockImpl impl; public: virtual ~Mock() = default; static_assert(std::is_polymorphic::value, "Can only mock a polymorphic type"); Mock() : impl(Fakeit) { } explicit Mock(C &obj) : impl(Fakeit, obj) { } virtual C &get() { return impl.get(); } C &operator()() { return get(); } void Reset() { impl.reset(); } void ClearInvocationHistory() { impl.clear(); } template::value>::type> DataMemberStubbingRoot Stub(DATA_TYPE C::* member, const arglist &... ctorargs) { return impl.stubDataMember(member, ctorargs...); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R (T::*vMethod)(arglist...) const) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...) volatile) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...) const volatile) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { return impl.template stubMethod(vMethod); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...) const) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...) volatile) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...) const volatile) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } DtorMockingContext dtor() { return impl.stubDtor(); } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { impl.getActualInvocations(into); } }; } #include namespace fakeit { class RefCount { private: int count; public: void AddRef() { count++; } int Release() { return --count; } }; template class smart_ptr { private: T *pData; RefCount *reference; public: smart_ptr() : pData(0), reference(0) { reference = new RefCount(); reference->AddRef(); } smart_ptr(T *pValue) : pData(pValue), reference(0) { reference = new RefCount(); reference->AddRef(); } smart_ptr(const smart_ptr &sp) : pData(sp.pData), reference(sp.reference) { reference->AddRef(); } ~smart_ptr() THROWS { if (reference->Release() == 0) { delete reference; delete pData; } } T &operator*() { return *pData; } T *operator->() { return pData; } smart_ptr &operator=(const smart_ptr &sp) { if (this != &sp) { if (reference->Release() == 0) { delete reference; delete pData; } pData = sp.pData; reference = sp.reference; reference->AddRef(); } return *this; } }; } namespace fakeit { class WhenFunctor { struct StubbingChange { friend class WhenFunctor; virtual ~StubbingChange() THROWS { if (std::uncaught_exception()) { return; } _xaction.commit(); } StubbingChange(StubbingChange &other) : _xaction(other._xaction) { } private: StubbingChange(Xaction &xaction) : _xaction(xaction) { } Xaction &_xaction; }; public: template struct MethodProgress : MethodStubbingProgress { friend class WhenFunctor; virtual ~MethodProgress() override = default; MethodProgress(MethodProgress &other) : _progress(other._progress), _context(other._context) { } MethodProgress(StubbingContext &xaction) : _progress(new StubbingChange(xaction)), _context(xaction) { } protected: virtual MethodStubbingProgress &DoImpl(Action *action) override { _context.appendAction(action); return *this; } private: smart_ptr _progress; StubbingContext &_context; }; WhenFunctor() { } template MethodProgress operator()(const StubbingContext &stubbingContext) { StubbingContext &rootWithoutConst = const_cast &>(stubbingContext); MethodProgress progress(rootWithoutConst); return progress; } }; } namespace fakeit { class FakeFunctor { private: template void fake(const StubbingContext &root) { StubbingContext &rootWithoutConst = const_cast &>(root); rootWithoutConst.appendAction(new ReturnDefaultValue()); rootWithoutConst.commit(); } void operator()() { } public: template void operator()(const H &head, const M &... tail) { fake(head); this->operator()(tail...); } }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { struct InvocationUtils { static void sortByInvocationOrder(std::unordered_set &ivocations, std::vector &result) { auto comparator = [](Invocation *a, Invocation *b) -> bool { return a->getOrdinal() < b->getOrdinal(); }; std::set sortedIvocations(comparator); for (auto i : ivocations) sortedIvocations.insert(i); for (auto i : sortedIvocations) result.push_back(i); } static void collectActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &actualInvocations, std::vector &invocationSources) { for (auto source : invocationSources) { source->getActualInvocations(actualInvocations); } } static void selectNonVerifiedInvocations(std::unordered_set &actualInvocations, std::unordered_set &into) { for (auto invocation : actualInvocations) { if (!invocation->isVerified()) { into.insert(invocation); } } } static void collectInvocationSources(std::vector &) { } template static void collectInvocationSources(std::vector &into, const ActualInvocationsSource &mock, const list &... tail) { into.push_back(const_cast(&mock)); collectInvocationSources(into, tail...); } static void collectSequences(std::vector &) { } template static void collectSequences(std::vector &vec, const Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { vec.push_back(&const_cast(sequence)); collectSequences(vec, tail...); } static void collectInvolvedMocks(std::vector &allSequences, std::vector &involvedMocks) { for (auto sequence : allSequences) { sequence->getInvolvedMocks(involvedMocks); } } template static T &remove_const(const T &s) { return const_cast(s); } }; } #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct MatchAnalysis { std::vector actualSequence; std::vector matchedInvocations; int count; void run(InvocationsSourceProxy &involvedInvocationSources, std::vector &expectedPattern) { getActualInvocationSequence(involvedInvocationSources, actualSequence); count = countMatches(expectedPattern, actualSequence, matchedInvocations); } private: static void getActualInvocationSequence(InvocationsSourceProxy &involvedMocks, std::vector &actualSequence) { std::unordered_set actualInvocations; collectActualInvocations(involvedMocks, actualInvocations); InvocationUtils::sortByInvocationOrder(actualInvocations, actualSequence); } static int countMatches(std::vector &pattern, std::vector &actualSequence, std::vector &matchedInvocations) { int end = -1; int count = 0; int startSearchIndex = 0; while (findNextMatch(pattern, actualSequence, startSearchIndex, end, matchedInvocations)) { count++; startSearchIndex = end; } return count; } static void collectActualInvocations(InvocationsSourceProxy &involvedMocks, std::unordered_set &actualInvocations) { involvedMocks.getActualInvocations(actualInvocations); } static bool findNextMatch(std::vector &pattern, std::vector &actualSequence, int startSearchIndex, int &end, std::vector &matchedInvocations) { for (auto sequence : pattern) { int index = findNextMatch(sequence, actualSequence, startSearchIndex); if (index == -1) { return false; } collectMatchedInvocations(actualSequence, matchedInvocations, index, sequence->size()); startSearchIndex = index + sequence->size(); } end = startSearchIndex; return true; } static void collectMatchedInvocations(std::vector &actualSequence, std::vector &matchedInvocations, int start, int length) { int indexAfterMatchedPattern = start + length; for (; start < indexAfterMatchedPattern; start++) { matchedInvocations.push_back(actualSequence[start]); } } static bool isMatch(std::vector &actualSequence, std::vector &expectedSequence, int start) { bool found = true; for (unsigned int j = 0; found && j < expectedSequence.size(); j++) { Invocation *actual = actualSequence[start + j]; Invocation::Matcher *expected = expectedSequence[j]; found = found && expected->matches(*actual); } return found; } static int findNextMatch(Sequence *&pattern, std::vector &actualSequence, int startSearchIndex) { std::vector expectedSequence; pattern->getExpectedSequence(expectedSequence); for (int i = startSearchIndex; i < ((int) actualSequence.size() - (int) expectedSequence.size() + 1); i++) { if (isMatch(actualSequence, expectedSequence, i)) { return i; } } return -1; } }; } namespace fakeit { struct SequenceVerificationExpectation { friend class SequenceVerificationProgress; ~SequenceVerificationExpectation() THROWS { if (std::uncaught_exception()) { return; } VerifyExpectation(_fakeit); } void setExpectedPattern(std::vector expectedPattern) { _expectedPattern = expectedPattern; } void setExpectedCount(const int count) { _expectedCount = count; } void setFileInfo(const char * file, int line, const char * callingMethod) { _file = file; _line = line; _testMethod = callingMethod; } private: VerificationEventHandler &_fakeit; InvocationsSourceProxy _involvedInvocationSources; std::vector _expectedPattern; int _expectedCount; const char * _file; int _line; const char * _testMethod; bool _isVerified; SequenceVerificationExpectation( VerificationEventHandler &fakeit, InvocationsSourceProxy mocks, std::vector &expectedPattern) : _fakeit(fakeit), _involvedInvocationSources(mocks), _expectedPattern(expectedPattern), _expectedCount(-1), _line(0), _isVerified(false) { } void VerifyExpectation(VerificationEventHandler &verificationErrorHandler) { if (_isVerified) return; _isVerified = true; MatchAnalysis ma; ma.run(_involvedInvocationSources, _expectedPattern); if (isAtLeastVerification() && atLeastLimitNotReached(ma.count)) { return handleAtLeastVerificationEvent(verificationErrorHandler, ma.actualSequence, ma.count); } if (isExactVerification() && exactLimitNotMatched(ma.count)) { return handleExactVerificationEvent(verificationErrorHandler, ma.actualSequence, ma.count); } markAsVerified(ma.matchedInvocations); } std::vector &collectSequences(std::vector &vec) { return vec; } template std::vector &collectSequences(std::vector &vec, const Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { vec.push_back(&const_cast(sequence)); return collectSequences(vec, tail...); } static void markAsVerified(std::vector &matchedInvocations) { for (auto i : matchedInvocations) { i->markAsVerified(); } } bool isAtLeastVerification() { return _expectedCount < 0; } bool isExactVerification() { return !isAtLeastVerification(); } bool atLeastLimitNotReached(int actualCount) { return actualCount < -_expectedCount; } bool exactLimitNotMatched(int actualCount) { return actualCount != _expectedCount; } void handleExactVerificationEvent(VerificationEventHandler &verificationErrorHandler, std::vector actualSequence, int count) { SequenceVerificationEvent evt(VerificationType::Exact, _expectedPattern, actualSequence, _expectedCount, count); evt.setFileInfo(_file, _line, _testMethod); return verificationErrorHandler.handle(evt); } void handleAtLeastVerificationEvent(VerificationEventHandler &verificationErrorHandler, std::vector actualSequence, int count) { SequenceVerificationEvent evt(VerificationType::AtLeast, _expectedPattern, actualSequence, -_expectedCount, count); evt.setFileInfo(_file, _line, _testMethod); return verificationErrorHandler.handle(evt); } }; } namespace fakeit { class ThrowFalseEventHandler : public VerificationEventHandler { void handle(const SequenceVerificationEvent &) override { throw false; } void handle(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &) override { throw false; } }; } namespace fakeit { struct FakeitContext; class SequenceVerificationProgress { friend class UsingFunctor; friend class VerifyFunctor; friend class UsingProgress; smart_ptr _expectationPtr; SequenceVerificationProgress(SequenceVerificationExpectation *ptr) : _expectationPtr(ptr) { } SequenceVerificationProgress( FakeitContext &fakeit, InvocationsSourceProxy sources, std::vector &allSequences) : SequenceVerificationProgress(new SequenceVerificationExpectation(fakeit, sources, allSequences)) { } virtual void verifyInvocations(const int times) { _expectationPtr->setExpectedCount(times); } class Terminator { smart_ptr _expectationPtr; bool toBool() { try { ThrowFalseEventHandler eh; _expectationPtr->VerifyExpectation(eh); return true; } catch (bool e) { return e; } } public: Terminator(smart_ptr expectationPtr) : _expectationPtr(expectationPtr) { }; operator bool() { return toBool(); } bool operator!() const { return !const_cast(this)->toBool(); } }; public: ~SequenceVerificationProgress() THROWS { }; operator bool() const { return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } bool operator!() const { return !Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator Never() { Exactly(0); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator Once() { Exactly(1); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator Twice() { Exactly(2); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator AtLeastOnce() { verifyInvocations(-1); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator Exactly(const int times) { if (times < 0) { throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("bad argument times:").append(fakeit::to_string(times))); } verifyInvocations(times); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator Exactly(const Quantity &q) { Exactly(q.quantity); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator AtLeast(const int times) { if (times < 0) { throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("bad argument times:").append(fakeit::to_string(times))); } verifyInvocations(-times); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator AtLeast(const Quantity &q) { AtLeast(q.quantity); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } SequenceVerificationProgress setFileInfo(const char * file, int line, const char * callingMethod) { _expectationPtr->setFileInfo(file, line, callingMethod); return *this; } }; } namespace fakeit { class UsingProgress { fakeit::FakeitContext &_fakeit; InvocationsSourceProxy _sources; void collectSequences(std::vector &) { } template void collectSequences(std::vector &vec, const fakeit::Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { vec.push_back(&const_cast(sequence)); collectSequences(vec, tail...); } public: UsingProgress(fakeit::FakeitContext &fakeit, InvocationsSourceProxy source) : _fakeit(fakeit), _sources(source) { } template SequenceVerificationProgress Verify(const fakeit::Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { std::vector allSequences; collectSequences(allSequences, sequence, tail...); SequenceVerificationProgress progress(_fakeit, _sources, allSequences); return progress; } }; } namespace fakeit { class UsingFunctor { friend class VerifyFunctor; FakeitContext &_fakeit; public: UsingFunctor(FakeitContext &fakeit) : _fakeit(fakeit) { } template UsingProgress operator()(const ActualInvocationsSource &head, const list &... tail) { std::vector allMocks{&InvocationUtils::remove_const(head), &InvocationUtils::remove_const(tail)...}; InvocationsSourceProxy aggregateInvocationsSource{new AggregateInvocationsSource(allMocks)}; UsingProgress progress(_fakeit, aggregateInvocationsSource); return progress; } }; } #include namespace fakeit { class VerifyFunctor { FakeitContext &_fakeit; public: VerifyFunctor(FakeitContext &fakeit) : _fakeit(fakeit) { } template SequenceVerificationProgress operator()(const Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { std::vector allSequences{&InvocationUtils::remove_const(sequence), &InvocationUtils::remove_const(tail)...}; std::vector involvedSources; InvocationUtils::collectInvolvedMocks(allSequences, involvedSources); InvocationsSourceProxy aggregateInvocationsSource{new AggregateInvocationsSource(involvedSources)}; UsingProgress usingProgress(_fakeit, aggregateInvocationsSource); return usingProgress.Verify(sequence, tail...); } }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { class VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress { friend class VerifyNoOtherInvocationsFunctor; struct VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation { friend class VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress; ~VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation() THROWS { if (std::uncaught_exception()) { return; } VerifyExpectation(_fakeit); } void setFileInfo(const char * file, int line, const char * callingMethod) { _file = file; _line = line; _callingMethod = callingMethod; } private: VerificationEventHandler &_fakeit; std::vector _mocks; const char * _file; int _line; const char * _callingMethod; bool _isVerified; VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation(VerificationEventHandler &fakeit, std::vector mocks) : _fakeit(fakeit), _mocks(mocks), _line(0), _isVerified(false) { } VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation(VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation &other) = default; void VerifyExpectation(VerificationEventHandler &verificationErrorHandler) { if (_isVerified) return; _isVerified = true; std::unordered_set actualInvocations; InvocationUtils::collectActualInvocations(actualInvocations, _mocks); std::unordered_set nonVerifiedInvocations; InvocationUtils::selectNonVerifiedInvocations(actualInvocations, nonVerifiedInvocations); if (nonVerifiedInvocations.size() > 0) { std::vector sortedNonVerifiedInvocations; InvocationUtils::sortByInvocationOrder(nonVerifiedInvocations, sortedNonVerifiedInvocations); std::vector sortedActualInvocations; InvocationUtils::sortByInvocationOrder(actualInvocations, sortedActualInvocations); NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent evt(sortedActualInvocations, sortedNonVerifiedInvocations); evt.setFileInfo(_file, _line, _callingMethod); return verificationErrorHandler.handle(evt); } } }; fakeit::smart_ptr _ptr; VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress(VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation *ptr) : _ptr(ptr) { } VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress(FakeitContext &fakeit, std::vector &invocationSources) : VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress( new VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation(fakeit, invocationSources) ) { } bool toBool() { try { ThrowFalseEventHandler ev; _ptr->VerifyExpectation(ev); return true; } catch (bool e) { return e; } } public: ~VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress() THROWS { }; VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress setFileInfo(const char * file, int line, const char * callingMethod) { _ptr->setFileInfo(file, line, callingMethod); return *this; } operator bool() const { return const_cast(this)->toBool(); } bool operator!() const { return !const_cast(this)->toBool(); } }; } namespace fakeit { class VerifyNoOtherInvocationsFunctor { FakeitContext &_fakeit; public: VerifyNoOtherInvocationsFunctor(FakeitContext &fakeit) : _fakeit(fakeit) { } void operator()() { } template VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress operator()(const ActualInvocationsSource &head, const list &... tail) { std::vector invocationSources{&InvocationUtils::remove_const(head), &InvocationUtils::remove_const(tail)...}; VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress progress{_fakeit, invocationSources}; return progress; } }; } namespace fakeit { class SpyFunctor { private: template void spy(const SpyingContext &root) { SpyingContext &rootWithoutConst = const_cast &>(root); auto methodFromOriginalVT = rootWithoutConst.getOriginalMethod(); rootWithoutConst.appendAction(new ReturnDelegateValue(methodFromOriginalVT)); rootWithoutConst.commit(); } void operator()() { } public: template void operator()(const H &head, const M &... tail) { spy(head); this->operator()(tail...); } }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { class VerifyUnverifiedFunctor { FakeitContext &_fakeit; public: VerifyUnverifiedFunctor(FakeitContext &fakeit) : _fakeit(fakeit) { } template SequenceVerificationProgress operator()(const Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { std::vector allSequences{&InvocationUtils::remove_const(sequence), &InvocationUtils::remove_const(tail)...}; std::vector involvedSources; InvocationUtils::collectInvolvedMocks(allSequences, involvedSources); InvocationsSourceProxy aggregateInvocationsSource{new AggregateInvocationsSource(involvedSources)}; InvocationsSourceProxy unverifiedInvocationsSource{ new UnverifiedInvocationsSource(aggregateInvocationsSource)}; UsingProgress usingProgress(_fakeit, unverifiedInvocationsSource); return usingProgress.Verify(sequence, tail...); } }; class UnverifiedFunctor { public: UnverifiedFunctor(FakeitContext &fakeit) : Verify(fakeit) { } VerifyUnverifiedFunctor Verify; template UnverifiedInvocationsSource operator()(const ActualInvocationsSource &head, const list &... tail) { std::vector allMocks{&InvocationUtils::remove_const(head), &InvocationUtils::remove_const(tail)...}; InvocationsSourceProxy aggregateInvocationsSource{new AggregateInvocationsSource(allMocks)}; UnverifiedInvocationsSource unverifiedInvocationsSource{aggregateInvocationsSource}; return unverifiedInvocationsSource; } }; } namespace fakeit { static UsingFunctor Using(Fakeit); static VerifyFunctor Verify(Fakeit); static VerifyNoOtherInvocationsFunctor VerifyNoOtherInvocations(Fakeit); static UnverifiedFunctor Unverified(Fakeit); static SpyFunctor Spy; static FakeFunctor Fake; static WhenFunctor When; template class SilenceUnusedVariableWarnings { void use(void *) { } SilenceUnusedVariableWarnings() { use(&Fake); use(&When); use(&Spy); use(&Using); use(&Verify); use(&VerifyNoOtherInvocations); use(&_); } }; } #ifdef _MSC_VER #define __func__ __FUNCTION__ #endif #define MOCK_TYPE(mock) \ std::remove_reference::type #define OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR(mock, method, prototype) \ fakeit::Prototype::MemberType::get(&MOCK_TYPE(mock)::method) #define CONST_OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR(mock, method, prototype) \ fakeit::Prototype::MemberType::getconst(&MOCK_TYPE(mock)::method) #define Dtor(mock) \ mock.dtor().setMethodDetails(#mock,"destructor") #define Method(mock, method) \ mock.template stub<__COUNTER__>(&MOCK_TYPE(mock)::method).setMethodDetails(#mock,#method) #define OverloadedMethod(mock, method, prototype) \ mock.template stub<__COUNTER__>(OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR( mock , method, prototype )).setMethodDetails(#mock,#method) #define ConstOverloadedMethod(mock, method, prototype) \ mock.template stub<__COUNTER__>(CONST_OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR( mock , method, prototype )).setMethodDetails(#mock,#method) #define Verify(...) \ Verify( __VA_ARGS__ ).setFileInfo(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__) #define Using(...) \ Using( __VA_ARGS__ ) #define VerifyNoOtherInvocations(...) \ VerifyNoOtherInvocations( __VA_ARGS__ ).setFileInfo(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__) #define Fake(...) \ Fake( __VA_ARGS__ ) #define When(call) \ When(call) + +#if defined __GNUC__ +# pragma GCC diagnostic pop +#endif diff --git a/tests/fakeit.hpp b/tests/fakeit.hpp index b9f4a1a93..94431d21d 100644 --- a/tests/fakeit.hpp +++ b/tests/fakeit.hpp @@ -1,9388 +1,9391 @@ #pragma once /* * FakeIt - A Simplified C++ Mocking Framework * Copyright (c) Eran Pe'er 2013 * Generated: 2018-08-17 00:22:40.428924 * Distributed under the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE file at: * https://github.com/eranpeer/FakeIt */ #ifndef fakeit_h__ #define fakeit_h__ #if defined __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-function-type" +# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wsuggest-override" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #if defined (__GNUG__) || _MSC_VER >= 1900 #define THROWS noexcept(false) #define NO_THROWS noexcept(true) #elif defined (_MSC_VER) #define THROWS throw(...) #define NO_THROWS #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template struct naked_type { typedef typename std::remove_cv::type>::type type; }; template< class T > struct tuple_arg { typedef T type; }; template< class T > struct tuple_arg < T& > { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct tuple_arg < T&& > { typedef T&& type; }; template using ArgumentsTuple = std::tuple < arglist... > ; template< class T > struct test_arg { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct test_arg< T& > { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct test_arg< T&& > { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct production_arg { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct production_arg< T& > { typedef T& type; }; template< class T > struct production_arg< T&& > { typedef T&& type; }; template class is_ostreamable { struct no {}; #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900 template static decltype(operator<<(std::declval(), std::declval())) test(std::ostream &s, const T1 &t); #else template static auto test(std::ostream &s, const T1 &t) -> decltype(s << t); #endif static no test(...); public: static const bool value = std::is_arithmetic::value || std::is_pointer::value || std::is_same())), std::ostream &>::value; }; template <> class is_ostreamable { public: static const bool value = true; }; template class is_ostreamable& (*)(std::basic_ios&)> { public: static const bool value = true; }; template class is_ostreamable& (*)(std::basic_ostream&)> { public: static const bool value = true; }; template struct VTableMethodType { #if defined (__GNUG__) typedef R(*type)(void *, arglist...); #elif defined (_MSC_VER) typedef R(__thiscall *type)(void *, arglist...); #endif }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct FakeitContext; template struct MockObject { virtual ~MockObject() THROWS { }; virtual C &get() = 0; virtual FakeitContext &getFakeIt() = 0; }; struct MethodInfo { static unsigned int nextMethodOrdinal() { static std::atomic_uint ordinal{0}; return ++ordinal; } MethodInfo(unsigned int anId, std::string aName) : _id(anId), _name(aName) { } unsigned int id() const { return _id; } std::string name() const { return _name; } void setName(const std::string &value) { _name = value; } private: unsigned int _id; std::string _name; }; struct UnknownMethod { static MethodInfo &instance() { static MethodInfo instance(MethodInfo::nextMethodOrdinal(), "unknown"); return instance; } }; } namespace fakeit { class Destructible { public: virtual ~Destructible() {} }; } namespace fakeit { struct Invocation : Destructible { static unsigned int nextInvocationOrdinal() { static std::atomic_uint invocationOrdinal{0}; return ++invocationOrdinal; } struct Matcher { virtual ~Matcher() THROWS { } virtual bool matches(Invocation &invocation) = 0; virtual std::string format() const = 0; }; Invocation(unsigned int ordinal, MethodInfo &method) : _ordinal(ordinal), _method(method), _isVerified(false) { } virtual ~Invocation() override = default; unsigned int getOrdinal() const { return _ordinal; } MethodInfo &getMethod() const { return _method; } void markAsVerified() { _isVerified = true; } bool isVerified() const { return _isVerified; } virtual std::string format() const = 0; private: const unsigned int _ordinal; MethodInfo &_method; bool _isVerified; }; } #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template struct Formatter; template <> struct Formatter { static std::string format(bool const &val) { return val ? "true" : "false"; } }; template <> struct Formatter { static std::string format(char const &val) { std::string s; s += "'"; s += val; s += "'"; return s; } }; template <> struct Formatter { static std::string format(char const* const &val) { std::string s; if(val != nullptr) { s += '"'; s += val; s += '"'; } else { s = "[nullptr]"; } return s; } }; template <> struct Formatter { static std::string format(char* const &val) { return Formatter::format( val ); } }; template struct Formatter::value>::type> { static std::string format(C const &) { return "?"; } }; template struct Formatter::value>::type> { static std::string format(C const &val) { std::ostringstream os; os << val; return os.str(); } }; template using TypeFormatter = Formatter::type>; } namespace fakeit { template struct TuplePrinter { static void print(std::ostream &strm, const Tuple &t) { TuplePrinter::print(strm, t); strm << ", " << fakeit::TypeFormatter(t))>::format(std::get(t)); } }; template struct TuplePrinter { static void print(std::ostream &strm, const Tuple &t) { strm << fakeit::TypeFormatter(t))>::format(std::get<0>(t)); } }; template struct TuplePrinter { static void print(std::ostream &, const Tuple &) { } }; template void print(std::ostream &strm, const std::tuple &t) { strm << "("; TuplePrinter::print(strm, t); strm << ")"; } template std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &strm, const std::tuple &t) { print(strm, t); return strm; } } namespace fakeit { template struct ActualInvocation : public Invocation { struct Matcher : public virtual Destructible { virtual bool matches(ActualInvocation &actualInvocation) = 0; virtual std::string format() const = 0; }; ActualInvocation(unsigned int ordinal, MethodInfo &method, const typename fakeit::production_arg::type... args) : Invocation(ordinal, method), _matcher{ nullptr } , actualArguments{ std::forward(args)... } { } ArgumentsTuple & getActualArguments() { return actualArguments; } void setActualMatcher(Matcher *matcher) { this->_matcher = matcher; } Matcher *getActualMatcher() { return _matcher; } virtual std::string format() const override { std::ostringstream out; out << getMethod().name(); print(out, actualArguments); return out.str(); } private: Matcher *_matcher; ArgumentsTuple actualArguments; }; template std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &strm, const ActualInvocation &ai) { strm << ai.format(); return strm; } } #include namespace fakeit { struct ActualInvocationsContainer { virtual void clear() = 0; virtual ~ActualInvocationsContainer() NO_THROWS { } }; struct ActualInvocationsSource { virtual void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const = 0; virtual ~ActualInvocationsSource() NO_THROWS { } }; struct InvocationsSourceProxy : public ActualInvocationsSource { InvocationsSourceProxy(ActualInvocationsSource *inner) : _inner(inner) { } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { _inner->getActualInvocations(into); } private: std::shared_ptr _inner; }; struct UnverifiedInvocationsSource : public ActualInvocationsSource { UnverifiedInvocationsSource(InvocationsSourceProxy decorated) : _decorated(decorated) { } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { std::unordered_set all; _decorated.getActualInvocations(all); for (fakeit::Invocation *i : all) { if (!i->isVerified()) { into.insert(i); } } } private: InvocationsSourceProxy _decorated; }; struct AggregateInvocationsSource : public ActualInvocationsSource { AggregateInvocationsSource(std::vector &sources) : _sources(sources) { } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { std::unordered_set tmp; for (ActualInvocationsSource *source : _sources) { source->getActualInvocations(tmp); } filter(tmp, into); } protected: bool shouldInclude(fakeit::Invocation *) const { return true; } private: std::vector _sources; void filter(std::unordered_set &source, std::unordered_set &target) const { for (Invocation *i:source) { if (shouldInclude(i)) { target.insert(i); } } } }; } namespace fakeit { class Sequence { private: protected: Sequence() { } virtual ~Sequence() THROWS { } public: virtual void getExpectedSequence(std::vector &into) const = 0; virtual void getInvolvedMocks(std::vector &into) const = 0; virtual unsigned int size() const = 0; friend class VerifyFunctor; }; class ConcatenatedSequence : public virtual Sequence { private: const Sequence &s1; const Sequence &s2; protected: ConcatenatedSequence(const Sequence &seq1, const Sequence &seq2) : s1(seq1), s2(seq2) { } public: virtual ~ConcatenatedSequence() { } unsigned int size() const override { return s1.size() + s2.size(); } const Sequence &getLeft() const { return s1; } const Sequence &getRight() const { return s2; } void getExpectedSequence(std::vector &into) const override { s1.getExpectedSequence(into); s2.getExpectedSequence(into); } virtual void getInvolvedMocks(std::vector &into) const override { s1.getInvolvedMocks(into); s2.getInvolvedMocks(into); } friend inline ConcatenatedSequence operator+(const Sequence &s1, const Sequence &s2); }; class RepeatedSequence : public virtual Sequence { private: const Sequence &_s; const int times; protected: RepeatedSequence(const Sequence &s, const int t) : _s(s), times(t) { } public: ~RepeatedSequence() { } unsigned int size() const override { return _s.size() * times; } friend inline RepeatedSequence operator*(const Sequence &s, int times); friend inline RepeatedSequence operator*(int times, const Sequence &s); void getInvolvedMocks(std::vector &into) const override { _s.getInvolvedMocks(into); } void getExpectedSequence(std::vector &into) const override { for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) _s.getExpectedSequence(into); } int getTimes() const { return times; } const Sequence &getSequence() const { return _s; } }; inline ConcatenatedSequence operator+(const Sequence &s1, const Sequence &s2) { return ConcatenatedSequence(s1, s2); } inline RepeatedSequence operator*(const Sequence &s, int times) { if (times <= 0) throw std::invalid_argument("times"); return RepeatedSequence(s, times); } inline RepeatedSequence operator*(int times, const Sequence &s) { if (times <= 0) throw std::invalid_argument("times"); return RepeatedSequence(s, times); } } namespace fakeit { enum class VerificationType { Exact, AtLeast, NoMoreInvocations }; enum class UnexpectedType { Unmocked, Unmatched }; struct VerificationEvent { VerificationEvent(VerificationType aVerificationType) : _verificationType(aVerificationType), _line(0) { } virtual ~VerificationEvent() = default; VerificationType verificationType() const { return _verificationType; } void setFileInfo(const char * aFile, int aLine, const char * aCallingMethod) { _file = aFile; _callingMethod = aCallingMethod; _line = aLine; } const char * file() const { return _file; } int line() const { return _line; } const char * callingMethod() const { return _callingMethod; } private: VerificationType _verificationType; const char * _file; int _line; const char * _callingMethod; }; struct NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent : public VerificationEvent { ~NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent() = default; NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent( std::vector &allTheIvocations, std::vector &anUnverifedIvocations) : VerificationEvent(VerificationType::NoMoreInvocations), _allIvocations(allTheIvocations), _unverifedIvocations(anUnverifedIvocations) { } const std::vector &allIvocations() const { return _allIvocations; } const std::vector &unverifedIvocations() const { return _unverifedIvocations; } private: const std::vector _allIvocations; const std::vector _unverifedIvocations; }; struct SequenceVerificationEvent : public VerificationEvent { ~SequenceVerificationEvent() = default; SequenceVerificationEvent(VerificationType aVerificationType, std::vector &anExpectedPattern, std::vector &anActualSequence, int anExpectedCount, int anActualCount) : VerificationEvent(aVerificationType), _expectedPattern(anExpectedPattern), _actualSequence(anActualSequence), _expectedCount(anExpectedCount), _actualCount(anActualCount) { } const std::vector &expectedPattern() const { return _expectedPattern; } const std::vector &actualSequence() const { return _actualSequence; } int expectedCount() const { return _expectedCount; } int actualCount() const { return _actualCount; } private: const std::vector _expectedPattern; const std::vector _actualSequence; const int _expectedCount; const int _actualCount; }; struct UnexpectedMethodCallEvent { UnexpectedMethodCallEvent(UnexpectedType unexpectedType, const Invocation &invocation) : _unexpectedType(unexpectedType), _invocation(invocation) { } const Invocation &getInvocation() const { return _invocation; } UnexpectedType getUnexpectedType() const { return _unexpectedType; } const UnexpectedType _unexpectedType; const Invocation &_invocation; }; } namespace fakeit { struct VerificationEventHandler { virtual void handle(const SequenceVerificationEvent &e) = 0; virtual void handle(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) = 0; }; struct EventHandler : public VerificationEventHandler { using VerificationEventHandler::handle; virtual void handle(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) = 0; }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { struct UnexpectedMethodCallEvent; struct SequenceVerificationEvent; struct NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent; struct EventFormatter { virtual std::string format(const fakeit::UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) = 0; virtual std::string format(const fakeit::SequenceVerificationEvent &e) = 0; virtual std::string format(const fakeit::NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) = 0; }; } #ifdef FAKEIT_ASSERT_ON_UNEXPECTED_METHOD_INVOCATION #include #endif namespace fakeit { struct FakeitContext : public EventHandler, protected EventFormatter { virtual ~FakeitContext() = default; void handle(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) override { fireEvent(e); auto &eh = getTestingFrameworkAdapter(); #ifdef FAKEIT_ASSERT_ON_UNEXPECTED_METHOD_INVOCATION assert(!"Unexpected method invocation"); #endif eh.handle(e); } void handle(const SequenceVerificationEvent &e) override { fireEvent(e); auto &eh = getTestingFrameworkAdapter(); return eh.handle(e); } void handle(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) override { fireEvent(e); auto &eh = getTestingFrameworkAdapter(); return eh.handle(e); } std::string format(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) override { auto &eventFormatter = getEventFormatter(); return eventFormatter.format(e); } std::string format(const SequenceVerificationEvent &e) override { auto &eventFormatter = getEventFormatter(); return eventFormatter.format(e); } std::string format(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) override { auto &eventFormatter = getEventFormatter(); return eventFormatter.format(e); } void addEventHandler(EventHandler &eventListener) { _eventListeners.push_back(&eventListener); } void clearEventHandlers() { _eventListeners.clear(); } protected: virtual EventHandler &getTestingFrameworkAdapter() = 0; virtual EventFormatter &getEventFormatter() = 0; private: std::vector _eventListeners; void fireEvent(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &evt) { for (auto listener : _eventListeners) listener->handle(evt); } void fireEvent(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &evt) { for (auto listener : _eventListeners) listener->handle(evt); } void fireEvent(const SequenceVerificationEvent &evt) { for (auto listener : _eventListeners) listener->handle(evt); } }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { struct DefaultEventFormatter : public EventFormatter { virtual std::string format(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) override { std::ostringstream out; out << "Unexpected method invocation: "; out << e.getInvocation().format() << std::endl; if (UnexpectedType::Unmatched == e.getUnexpectedType()) { out << " Could not find any recorded behavior to support this method call."; } else { out << " An unmocked method was invoked. All used virtual methods must be stubbed!"; } return out.str(); } virtual std::string format(const SequenceVerificationEvent &e) override { std::ostringstream out; out << "Verification error" << std::endl; out << "Expected pattern: "; const std::vector expectedPattern = e.expectedPattern(); out << formatExpectedPattern(expectedPattern) << std::endl; out << "Expected matches: "; formatExpectedCount(out, e.verificationType(), e.expectedCount()); out << std::endl; out << "Actual matches : " << e.actualCount() << std::endl; auto actualSequence = e.actualSequence(); out << "Actual sequence : total of " << actualSequence.size() << " actual invocations"; if (actualSequence.size() == 0) { out << "."; } else { out << ":" << std::endl; } formatInvocationList(out, actualSequence); return out.str(); } virtual std::string format(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) override { std::ostringstream out; out << "Verification error" << std::endl; out << "Expected no more invocations!! but the following unverified invocations were found:" << std::endl; formatInvocationList(out, e.unverifedIvocations()); return out.str(); } static std::string formatExpectedPattern(const std::vector &expectedPattern) { std::string expectedPatternStr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < expectedPattern.size(); i++) { Sequence *s = expectedPattern[i]; expectedPatternStr += formatSequence(*s); if (i < expectedPattern.size() - 1) expectedPatternStr += " ... "; } return expectedPatternStr; } private: static std::string formatSequence(const Sequence &val) { const ConcatenatedSequence *cs = dynamic_cast(&val); if (cs) { return format(*cs); } const RepeatedSequence *rs = dynamic_cast(&val); if (rs) { return format(*rs); } std::vector vec; val.getExpectedSequence(vec); return vec[0]->format(); } static void formatExpectedCount(std::ostream &out, fakeit::VerificationType verificationType, int expectedCount) { if (verificationType == fakeit::VerificationType::Exact) out << "exactly "; if (verificationType == fakeit::VerificationType::AtLeast) out << "at least "; out << expectedCount; } static void formatInvocationList(std::ostream &out, const std::vector &actualSequence) { size_t max_size = actualSequence.size(); if (max_size > 50) max_size = 50; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max_size; i++) { out << " "; auto invocation = actualSequence[i]; out << invocation->format(); if (i < max_size - 1) out << std::endl; } if (actualSequence.size() > max_size) out << std::endl << " ..."; } static std::string format(const ConcatenatedSequence &val) { std::ostringstream out; out << formatSequence(val.getLeft()) << " + " << formatSequence(val.getRight()); return out.str(); } static std::string format(const RepeatedSequence &val) { std::ostringstream out; const ConcatenatedSequence *cs = dynamic_cast(&val.getSequence()); const RepeatedSequence *rs = dynamic_cast(&val.getSequence()); if (rs || cs) out << '('; out << formatSequence(val.getSequence()); if (rs || cs) out << ')'; out << " * " << val.getTimes(); return out.str(); } }; } namespace fakeit { struct FakeitException { std::exception err; virtual ~FakeitException() = default; virtual std::string what() const = 0; friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const FakeitException &val) { os << val.what(); return os; } }; struct UnexpectedMethodCallException : public FakeitException { UnexpectedMethodCallException(std::string format) : _format(format) { } virtual std::string what() const override { return _format; } private: std::string _format; }; } namespace fakeit { struct DefaultEventLogger : public fakeit::EventHandler { DefaultEventLogger(EventFormatter &formatter) : _formatter(formatter), _out(std::cout) { } virtual void handle(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &e) override { _out << _formatter.format(e) << std::endl; } virtual void handle(const SequenceVerificationEvent &e) override { _out << _formatter.format(e) << std::endl; } virtual void handle(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &e) override { _out << _formatter.format(e) << std::endl; } private: EventFormatter &_formatter; std::ostream &_out; }; } namespace fakeit { class AbstractFakeit : public FakeitContext { public: virtual ~AbstractFakeit() = default; protected: virtual fakeit::EventHandler &accessTestingFrameworkAdapter() = 0; virtual EventFormatter &accessEventFormatter() = 0; }; class DefaultFakeit : public AbstractFakeit { DefaultEventFormatter _formatter; fakeit::EventFormatter *_customFormatter; fakeit::EventHandler *_testingFrameworkAdapter; public: DefaultFakeit() : _formatter(), _customFormatter(nullptr), _testingFrameworkAdapter(nullptr) { } virtual ~DefaultFakeit() = default; void setCustomEventFormatter(fakeit::EventFormatter &customEventFormatter) { _customFormatter = &customEventFormatter; } void resetCustomEventFormatter() { _customFormatter = nullptr; } void setTestingFrameworkAdapter(fakeit::EventHandler &testingFrameforkAdapter) { _testingFrameworkAdapter = &testingFrameforkAdapter; } void resetTestingFrameworkAdapter() { _testingFrameworkAdapter = nullptr; } protected: fakeit::EventHandler &getTestingFrameworkAdapter() override { if (_testingFrameworkAdapter) return *_testingFrameworkAdapter; return accessTestingFrameworkAdapter(); } EventFormatter &getEventFormatter() override { if (_customFormatter) return *_customFormatter; return accessEventFormatter(); } EventFormatter &accessEventFormatter() override { return _formatter; } }; } #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template static std::string to_string(const T &n) { std::ostringstream stm; stm << n; return stm.str(); } } namespace fakeit { struct VerificationException : public FakeitException { virtual ~VerificationException() = default; void setFileInfo(const char *file, int line, const char *callingMethod) { _file = file; _callingMethod = callingMethod; _line = line; } const char *file() const { return _file; } int line() const { return _line; } const char *callingMethod() const { return _callingMethod; } private: const char *_file; int _line; const char *_callingMethod; }; struct NoMoreInvocationsVerificationException : public VerificationException { NoMoreInvocationsVerificationException(std::string format) : _format(format) { } virtual std::string what() const override { return _format; } private: std::string _format; }; struct SequenceVerificationException : public VerificationException { SequenceVerificationException(const std::string &format) : _format(format) { } virtual std::string what() const override { return _format; } private: std::string _format; }; class CatchAdapter : public EventHandler { EventFormatter &_formatter; std::string formatLineNumber(std::string file, int num) { #ifndef __GNUG__ return file + std::string("(") + fakeit::to_string(num) + std::string(")"); #else return file + std::string(":") + fakeit::to_string(num); #endif } public: virtual ~CatchAdapter() = default; CatchAdapter(EventFormatter &formatter) : _formatter(formatter) {} void fail( std::string vetificationType, Catch::SourceLineInfo sourceLineInfo, std::string failingExpression, std::string fomattedMessage, Catch::ResultWas::OfType resultWas = Catch::ResultWas::OfType::ExpressionFailed ){ Catch::AssertionHandler catchAssertionHandler( vetificationType, sourceLineInfo, failingExpression, Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal ); INTERNAL_CATCH_TRY { \ CATCH_INTERNAL_SUPPRESS_PARENTHESES_WARNINGS \ catchAssertionHandler.handleMessage(resultWas, fomattedMessage); \ CATCH_INTERNAL_UNSUPPRESS_PARENTHESES_WARNINGS \ } INTERNAL_CATCH_CATCH(catchAssertionHandler) { \ INTERNAL_CATCH_REACT(catchAssertionHandler) \ } } virtual void handle(const UnexpectedMethodCallEvent &evt) override { std::string format = _formatter.format(evt); fail("UnexpectedMethodCall",::Catch::SourceLineInfo("Unknown file",0),"",format, Catch::ResultWas::OfType::ExplicitFailure); } virtual void handle(const SequenceVerificationEvent &evt) override { std::string format(formatLineNumber(evt.file(), evt.line()) + ": " + _formatter.format(evt)); std::string expectedPattern {DefaultEventFormatter::formatExpectedPattern(evt.expectedPattern())}; fail("Verify",::Catch::SourceLineInfo(evt.file(),evt.line()),expectedPattern,format); } virtual void handle(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &evt) override { std::string format(formatLineNumber(evt.file(), evt.line()) + ": " + _formatter.format(evt)); fail("VerifyNoMoreInvocations",::Catch::SourceLineInfo(evt.file(),evt.line()),"",format); } }; class CatchFakeit : public DefaultFakeit { public: virtual ~CatchFakeit() = default; CatchFakeit() : _formatter(), _catchAdapter(_formatter) {} static CatchFakeit &getInstance() { static CatchFakeit instance; return instance; } protected: fakeit::EventHandler &accessTestingFrameworkAdapter() override { return _catchAdapter; } EventFormatter &accessEventFormatter() override { return _formatter; } private: DefaultEventFormatter _formatter; CatchAdapter _catchAdapter; }; } static fakeit::DefaultFakeit& Fakeit = fakeit::CatchFakeit::getInstance(); #include #include #include #undef max #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct VirtualOffsetSelector { unsigned int offset; virtual unsigned int offset0(int) { return offset = 0; } virtual unsigned int offset1(int) { return offset = 1; } virtual unsigned int offset2(int) { return offset = 2; } virtual unsigned int offset3(int) { return offset = 3; } virtual unsigned int offset4(int) { return offset = 4; } virtual unsigned int offset5(int) { return offset = 5; } virtual unsigned int offset6(int) { return offset = 6; } virtual unsigned int offset7(int) { return offset = 7; } virtual unsigned int offset8(int) { return offset = 8; } virtual unsigned int offset9(int) { return offset = 9; } virtual unsigned int offset10(int) { return offset = 10; } virtual unsigned int offset11(int) { return offset = 11; } virtual unsigned int offset12(int) { return offset = 12; } virtual unsigned int offset13(int) { return offset = 13; } virtual unsigned int offset14(int) { return offset = 14; } virtual unsigned int offset15(int) { return offset = 15; } virtual unsigned int offset16(int) { return offset = 16; } virtual unsigned int offset17(int) { return offset = 17; } virtual unsigned int offset18(int) { return offset = 18; } virtual unsigned int offset19(int) { return offset = 19; } virtual unsigned int offset20(int) { return offset = 20; } virtual unsigned int offset21(int) { return offset = 21; } virtual unsigned int offset22(int) { return offset = 22; } virtual unsigned int offset23(int) { return offset = 23; } virtual unsigned int offset24(int) { return offset = 24; } virtual unsigned int offset25(int) { return offset = 25; } virtual unsigned int offset26(int) { return offset = 26; } virtual unsigned int offset27(int) { return offset = 27; } virtual unsigned int offset28(int) { return offset = 28; } virtual unsigned int offset29(int) { return offset = 29; } virtual unsigned int offset30(int) { return offset = 30; } virtual unsigned int offset31(int) { return offset = 31; } virtual unsigned int offset32(int) { return offset = 32; } virtual unsigned int offset33(int) { return offset = 33; } virtual unsigned int offset34(int) { return offset = 34; } virtual unsigned int offset35(int) { return offset = 35; } virtual unsigned int offset36(int) { return offset = 36; } virtual unsigned int offset37(int) { return offset = 37; } virtual unsigned int offset38(int) { return offset = 38; } virtual unsigned int offset39(int) { return offset = 39; } virtual unsigned int offset40(int) { return offset = 40; } virtual unsigned int offset41(int) { return offset = 41; } virtual unsigned int offset42(int) { return offset = 42; } virtual unsigned int offset43(int) { return offset = 43; } virtual unsigned int offset44(int) { return offset = 44; } virtual unsigned int offset45(int) { return offset = 45; } virtual unsigned int offset46(int) { return offset = 46; } virtual unsigned int offset47(int) { return offset = 47; } virtual unsigned int offset48(int) { return offset = 48; } virtual unsigned int offset49(int) { return offset = 49; } virtual unsigned int offset50(int) { return offset = 50; } virtual unsigned int offset51(int) { return offset = 51; } virtual unsigned int offset52(int) { return offset = 52; } virtual unsigned int offset53(int) { return offset = 53; } virtual unsigned int offset54(int) { return offset = 54; } virtual unsigned int offset55(int) { return offset = 55; } virtual unsigned int offset56(int) { return offset = 56; } virtual unsigned int offset57(int) { return offset = 57; } virtual unsigned int offset58(int) { return offset = 58; } virtual unsigned int offset59(int) { return offset = 59; } virtual unsigned int offset60(int) { return offset = 60; } virtual unsigned int offset61(int) { return offset = 61; } virtual unsigned int offset62(int) { return offset = 62; } virtual unsigned int offset63(int) { return offset = 63; } virtual unsigned int offset64(int) { return offset = 64; } virtual unsigned int offset65(int) { return offset = 65; } virtual unsigned int offset66(int) { return offset = 66; } virtual unsigned int offset67(int) { return offset = 67; } virtual unsigned int offset68(int) { return offset = 68; } virtual unsigned int offset69(int) { return offset = 69; } virtual unsigned int offset70(int) { return offset = 70; } virtual unsigned int offset71(int) { return offset = 71; } virtual unsigned int offset72(int) { return offset = 72; } virtual unsigned int offset73(int) { return offset = 73; } virtual unsigned int offset74(int) { return offset = 74; } virtual unsigned int offset75(int) { return offset = 75; } virtual unsigned int offset76(int) { return offset = 76; } virtual unsigned int offset77(int) { return offset = 77; } virtual unsigned int offset78(int) { return offset = 78; } virtual unsigned int offset79(int) { return offset = 79; } virtual unsigned int offset80(int) { return offset = 80; } virtual unsigned int offset81(int) { return offset = 81; } virtual unsigned int offset82(int) { return offset = 82; } virtual unsigned int offset83(int) { return offset = 83; } virtual unsigned int offset84(int) { return offset = 84; } virtual unsigned int offset85(int) { return offset = 85; } virtual unsigned int offset86(int) { return offset = 86; } virtual unsigned int offset87(int) { return offset = 87; } virtual unsigned int offset88(int) { return offset = 88; } virtual unsigned int offset89(int) { return offset = 89; } virtual unsigned int offset90(int) { return offset = 90; } virtual unsigned int offset91(int) { return offset = 91; } virtual unsigned int offset92(int) { return offset = 92; } virtual unsigned int offset93(int) { return offset = 93; } virtual unsigned int offset94(int) { return offset = 94; } virtual unsigned int offset95(int) { return offset = 95; } virtual unsigned int offset96(int) { return offset = 96; } virtual unsigned int offset97(int) { return offset = 97; } virtual unsigned int offset98(int) { return offset = 98; } virtual unsigned int offset99(int) { return offset = 99; } virtual unsigned int offset100(int) { return offset = 100; } virtual unsigned int offset101(int) { return offset = 101; } virtual unsigned int offset102(int) { return offset = 102; } virtual unsigned int offset103(int) { return offset = 103; } virtual unsigned int offset104(int) { return offset = 104; } virtual unsigned int offset105(int) { return offset = 105; } virtual unsigned int offset106(int) { return offset = 106; } virtual unsigned int offset107(int) { return offset = 107; } virtual unsigned int offset108(int) { return offset = 108; } virtual unsigned int offset109(int) { return offset = 109; } virtual unsigned int offset110(int) { return offset = 110; } virtual unsigned int offset111(int) { return offset = 111; } virtual unsigned int offset112(int) { return offset = 112; } virtual unsigned int offset113(int) { return offset = 113; } virtual unsigned int offset114(int) { return offset = 114; } virtual unsigned int offset115(int) { return offset = 115; } virtual unsigned int offset116(int) { return offset = 116; } virtual unsigned int offset117(int) { return offset = 117; } virtual unsigned int offset118(int) { return offset = 118; } virtual unsigned int offset119(int) { return offset = 119; } virtual unsigned int offset120(int) { return offset = 120; } virtual unsigned int offset121(int) { return offset = 121; } virtual unsigned int offset122(int) { return offset = 122; } virtual unsigned int offset123(int) { return offset = 123; } virtual unsigned int offset124(int) { return offset = 124; } virtual unsigned int offset125(int) { return offset = 125; } virtual unsigned int offset126(int) { return offset = 126; } virtual unsigned int offset127(int) { return offset = 127; } virtual unsigned int offset128(int) { return offset = 128; } virtual unsigned int offset129(int) { return offset = 129; } virtual unsigned int offset130(int) { return offset = 130; } virtual unsigned int offset131(int) { return offset = 131; } virtual unsigned int offset132(int) { return offset = 132; } virtual unsigned int offset133(int) { return offset = 133; } virtual unsigned int offset134(int) { return offset = 134; } virtual unsigned int offset135(int) { return offset = 135; } virtual unsigned int offset136(int) { return offset = 136; } virtual unsigned int offset137(int) { return offset = 137; } virtual unsigned int offset138(int) { return offset = 138; } virtual unsigned int offset139(int) { return offset = 139; } virtual unsigned int offset140(int) { return offset = 140; } virtual unsigned int offset141(int) { return offset = 141; } virtual unsigned int offset142(int) { return offset = 142; } virtual unsigned int offset143(int) { return offset = 143; } virtual unsigned int offset144(int) { return offset = 144; } virtual unsigned int offset145(int) { return offset = 145; } virtual unsigned int offset146(int) { return offset = 146; } virtual unsigned int offset147(int) { return offset = 147; } virtual unsigned int offset148(int) { return offset = 148; } virtual unsigned int offset149(int) { return offset = 149; } virtual unsigned int offset150(int) { return offset = 150; } virtual unsigned int offset151(int) { return offset = 151; } virtual unsigned int offset152(int) { return offset = 152; } virtual unsigned int offset153(int) { return offset = 153; } virtual unsigned int offset154(int) { return offset = 154; } virtual unsigned int offset155(int) { return offset = 155; } virtual unsigned int offset156(int) { return offset = 156; } virtual unsigned int offset157(int) { return offset = 157; } virtual unsigned int offset158(int) { return offset = 158; } virtual unsigned int offset159(int) { return offset = 159; } virtual unsigned int offset160(int) { return offset = 160; } virtual unsigned int offset161(int) { return offset = 161; } virtual unsigned int offset162(int) { return offset = 162; } virtual unsigned int offset163(int) { return offset = 163; } virtual unsigned int offset164(int) { return offset = 164; } virtual unsigned int offset165(int) { return offset = 165; } virtual unsigned int offset166(int) { return offset = 166; } virtual unsigned int offset167(int) { return offset = 167; } virtual unsigned int offset168(int) { return offset = 168; } virtual unsigned int offset169(int) { return offset = 169; } virtual unsigned int offset170(int) { return offset = 170; } virtual unsigned int offset171(int) { return offset = 171; } virtual unsigned int offset172(int) { return offset = 172; } virtual unsigned int offset173(int) { return offset = 173; } virtual unsigned int offset174(int) { return offset = 174; } virtual unsigned int offset175(int) { return offset = 175; } virtual unsigned int offset176(int) { return offset = 176; } virtual unsigned int offset177(int) { return offset = 177; } virtual unsigned int offset178(int) { return offset = 178; } virtual unsigned int offset179(int) { return offset = 179; } virtual unsigned int offset180(int) { return offset = 180; } virtual unsigned int offset181(int) { return offset = 181; } virtual unsigned int offset182(int) { return offset = 182; } virtual unsigned int offset183(int) { return offset = 183; } virtual unsigned int offset184(int) { return offset = 184; } virtual unsigned int offset185(int) { return offset = 185; } virtual unsigned int offset186(int) { return offset = 186; } virtual unsigned int offset187(int) { return offset = 187; } virtual unsigned int offset188(int) { return offset = 188; } virtual unsigned int offset189(int) { return offset = 189; } virtual unsigned int offset190(int) { return offset = 190; } virtual unsigned int offset191(int) { return offset = 191; } virtual unsigned int offset192(int) { return offset = 192; } virtual unsigned int offset193(int) { return offset = 193; } virtual unsigned int offset194(int) { return offset = 194; } virtual unsigned int offset195(int) { return offset = 195; } virtual unsigned int offset196(int) { return offset = 196; } virtual unsigned int offset197(int) { return offset = 197; } virtual unsigned int offset198(int) { return offset = 198; } virtual unsigned int offset199(int) { return offset = 199; } virtual unsigned int offset200(int) { return offset = 200; } virtual unsigned int offset201(int) { return offset = 201; } virtual unsigned int offset202(int) { return offset = 202; } virtual unsigned int offset203(int) { return offset = 203; } virtual unsigned int offset204(int) { return offset = 204; } virtual unsigned int offset205(int) { return offset = 205; } virtual unsigned int offset206(int) { return offset = 206; } virtual unsigned int offset207(int) { return offset = 207; } virtual unsigned int offset208(int) { return offset = 208; } virtual unsigned int offset209(int) { return offset = 209; } virtual unsigned int offset210(int) { return offset = 210; } virtual unsigned int offset211(int) { return offset = 211; } virtual unsigned int offset212(int) { return offset = 212; } virtual unsigned int offset213(int) { return offset = 213; } virtual unsigned int offset214(int) { return offset = 214; } virtual unsigned int offset215(int) { return offset = 215; } virtual unsigned int offset216(int) { return offset = 216; } virtual unsigned int offset217(int) { return offset = 217; } virtual unsigned int offset218(int) { return offset = 218; } virtual unsigned int offset219(int) { return offset = 219; } virtual unsigned int offset220(int) { return offset = 220; } virtual unsigned int offset221(int) { return offset = 221; } virtual unsigned int offset222(int) { return offset = 222; } virtual unsigned int offset223(int) { return offset = 223; } virtual unsigned int offset224(int) { return offset = 224; } virtual unsigned int offset225(int) { return offset = 225; } virtual unsigned int offset226(int) { return offset = 226; } virtual unsigned int offset227(int) { return offset = 227; } virtual unsigned int offset228(int) { return offset = 228; } virtual unsigned int offset229(int) { return offset = 229; } virtual unsigned int offset230(int) { return offset = 230; } virtual unsigned int offset231(int) { return offset = 231; } virtual unsigned int offset232(int) { return offset = 232; } virtual unsigned int offset233(int) { return offset = 233; } virtual unsigned int offset234(int) { return offset = 234; } virtual unsigned int offset235(int) { return offset = 235; } virtual unsigned int offset236(int) { return offset = 236; } virtual unsigned int offset237(int) { return offset = 237; } virtual unsigned int offset238(int) { return offset = 238; } virtual unsigned int offset239(int) { return offset = 239; } virtual unsigned int offset240(int) { return offset = 240; } virtual unsigned int offset241(int) { return offset = 241; } virtual unsigned int offset242(int) { return offset = 242; } virtual unsigned int offset243(int) { return offset = 243; } virtual unsigned int offset244(int) { return offset = 244; } virtual unsigned int offset245(int) { return offset = 245; } virtual unsigned int offset246(int) { return offset = 246; } virtual unsigned int offset247(int) { return offset = 247; } virtual unsigned int offset248(int) { return offset = 248; } virtual unsigned int offset249(int) { return offset = 249; } virtual unsigned int offset250(int) { return offset = 250; } virtual unsigned int offset251(int) { return offset = 251; } virtual unsigned int offset252(int) { return offset = 252; } virtual unsigned int offset253(int) { return offset = 253; } virtual unsigned int offset254(int) { return offset = 254; } virtual unsigned int offset255(int) { return offset = 255; } virtual unsigned int offset256(int) { return offset = 256; } virtual unsigned int offset257(int) { return offset = 257; } virtual unsigned int offset258(int) { return offset = 258; } virtual unsigned int offset259(int) { return offset = 259; } virtual unsigned int offset260(int) { return offset = 260; } virtual unsigned int offset261(int) { return offset = 261; } virtual unsigned int offset262(int) { return offset = 262; } virtual unsigned int offset263(int) { return offset = 263; } virtual unsigned int offset264(int) { return offset = 264; } virtual unsigned int offset265(int) { return offset = 265; } virtual unsigned int offset266(int) { return offset = 266; } virtual unsigned int offset267(int) { return offset = 267; } virtual unsigned int offset268(int) { return offset = 268; } virtual unsigned int offset269(int) { return offset = 269; } virtual unsigned int offset270(int) { return offset = 270; } virtual unsigned int offset271(int) { return offset = 271; } virtual unsigned int offset272(int) { return offset = 272; } virtual unsigned int offset273(int) { return offset = 273; } virtual unsigned int offset274(int) { return offset = 274; } virtual unsigned int offset275(int) { return offset = 275; } virtual unsigned int offset276(int) { return offset = 276; } virtual unsigned int offset277(int) { return offset = 277; } virtual unsigned int offset278(int) { return offset = 278; } virtual unsigned int offset279(int) { return offset = 279; } virtual unsigned int offset280(int) { return offset = 280; } virtual unsigned int offset281(int) { return offset = 281; } virtual unsigned int offset282(int) { return offset = 282; } virtual unsigned int offset283(int) { return offset = 283; } virtual unsigned int offset284(int) { return offset = 284; } virtual unsigned int offset285(int) { return offset = 285; } virtual unsigned int offset286(int) { return offset = 286; } virtual unsigned int offset287(int) { return offset = 287; } virtual unsigned int offset288(int) { return offset = 288; } virtual unsigned int offset289(int) { return offset = 289; } virtual unsigned int offset290(int) { return offset = 290; } virtual unsigned int offset291(int) { return offset = 291; } virtual unsigned int offset292(int) { return offset = 292; } virtual unsigned int offset293(int) { return offset = 293; } virtual unsigned int offset294(int) { return offset = 294; } virtual unsigned int offset295(int) { return offset = 295; } virtual unsigned int offset296(int) { return offset = 296; } virtual unsigned int offset297(int) { return offset = 297; } virtual unsigned int offset298(int) { return offset = 298; } virtual unsigned int offset299(int) { return offset = 299; } virtual unsigned int offset300(int) { return offset = 300; } virtual unsigned int offset301(int) { return offset = 301; } virtual unsigned int offset302(int) { return offset = 302; } virtual unsigned int offset303(int) { return offset = 303; } virtual unsigned int offset304(int) { return offset = 304; } virtual unsigned int offset305(int) { return offset = 305; } virtual unsigned int offset306(int) { return offset = 306; } virtual unsigned int offset307(int) { return offset = 307; } virtual unsigned int offset308(int) { return offset = 308; } virtual unsigned int offset309(int) { return offset = 309; } virtual unsigned int offset310(int) { return offset = 310; } virtual unsigned int offset311(int) { return offset = 311; } virtual unsigned int offset312(int) { return offset = 312; } virtual unsigned int offset313(int) { return offset = 313; } virtual unsigned int offset314(int) { return offset = 314; } virtual unsigned int offset315(int) { return offset = 315; } virtual unsigned int offset316(int) { return offset = 316; } virtual unsigned int offset317(int) { return offset = 317; } virtual unsigned int offset318(int) { return offset = 318; } virtual unsigned int offset319(int) { return offset = 319; } virtual unsigned int offset320(int) { return offset = 320; } virtual unsigned int offset321(int) { return offset = 321; } virtual unsigned int offset322(int) { return offset = 322; } virtual unsigned int offset323(int) { return offset = 323; } virtual unsigned int offset324(int) { return offset = 324; } virtual unsigned int offset325(int) { return offset = 325; } virtual unsigned int offset326(int) { return offset = 326; } virtual unsigned int offset327(int) { return offset = 327; } virtual unsigned int offset328(int) { return offset = 328; } virtual unsigned int offset329(int) { return offset = 329; } virtual unsigned int offset330(int) { return offset = 330; } virtual unsigned int offset331(int) { return offset = 331; } virtual unsigned int offset332(int) { return offset = 332; } virtual unsigned int offset333(int) { return offset = 333; } virtual unsigned int offset334(int) { return offset = 334; } virtual unsigned int offset335(int) { return offset = 335; } virtual unsigned int offset336(int) { return offset = 336; } virtual unsigned int offset337(int) { return offset = 337; } virtual unsigned int offset338(int) { return offset = 338; } virtual unsigned int offset339(int) { return offset = 339; } virtual unsigned int offset340(int) { return offset = 340; } virtual unsigned int offset341(int) { return offset = 341; } virtual unsigned int offset342(int) { return offset = 342; } virtual unsigned int offset343(int) { return offset = 343; } virtual unsigned int offset344(int) { return offset = 344; } virtual unsigned int offset345(int) { return offset = 345; } virtual unsigned int offset346(int) { return offset = 346; } virtual unsigned int offset347(int) { return offset = 347; } virtual unsigned int offset348(int) { return offset = 348; } virtual unsigned int offset349(int) { return offset = 349; } virtual unsigned int offset350(int) { return offset = 350; } virtual unsigned int offset351(int) { return offset = 351; } virtual unsigned int offset352(int) { return offset = 352; } virtual unsigned int offset353(int) { return offset = 353; } virtual unsigned int offset354(int) { return offset = 354; } virtual unsigned int offset355(int) { return offset = 355; } virtual unsigned int offset356(int) { return offset = 356; } virtual unsigned int offset357(int) { return offset = 357; } virtual unsigned int offset358(int) { return offset = 358; } virtual unsigned int offset359(int) { return offset = 359; } virtual unsigned int offset360(int) { return offset = 360; } virtual unsigned int offset361(int) { return offset = 361; } virtual unsigned int offset362(int) { return offset = 362; } virtual unsigned int offset363(int) { return offset = 363; } virtual unsigned int offset364(int) { return offset = 364; } virtual unsigned int offset365(int) { return offset = 365; } virtual unsigned int offset366(int) { return offset = 366; } virtual unsigned int offset367(int) { return offset = 367; } virtual unsigned int offset368(int) { return offset = 368; } virtual unsigned int offset369(int) { return offset = 369; } virtual unsigned int offset370(int) { return offset = 370; } virtual unsigned int offset371(int) { return offset = 371; } virtual unsigned int offset372(int) { return offset = 372; } virtual unsigned int offset373(int) { return offset = 373; } virtual unsigned int offset374(int) { return offset = 374; } virtual unsigned int offset375(int) { return offset = 375; } virtual unsigned int offset376(int) { return offset = 376; } virtual unsigned int offset377(int) { return offset = 377; } virtual unsigned int offset378(int) { return offset = 378; } virtual unsigned int offset379(int) { return offset = 379; } virtual unsigned int offset380(int) { return offset = 380; } virtual unsigned int offset381(int) { return offset = 381; } virtual unsigned int offset382(int) { return offset = 382; } virtual unsigned int offset383(int) { return offset = 383; } virtual unsigned int offset384(int) { return offset = 384; } virtual unsigned int offset385(int) { return offset = 385; } virtual unsigned int offset386(int) { return offset = 386; } virtual unsigned int offset387(int) { return offset = 387; } virtual unsigned int offset388(int) { return offset = 388; } virtual unsigned int offset389(int) { return offset = 389; } virtual unsigned int offset390(int) { return offset = 390; } virtual unsigned int offset391(int) { return offset = 391; } virtual unsigned int offset392(int) { return offset = 392; } virtual unsigned int offset393(int) { return offset = 393; } virtual unsigned int offset394(int) { return offset = 394; } virtual unsigned int offset395(int) { return offset = 395; } virtual unsigned int offset396(int) { return offset = 396; } virtual unsigned int offset397(int) { return offset = 397; } virtual unsigned int offset398(int) { return offset = 398; } virtual unsigned int offset399(int) { return offset = 399; } virtual unsigned int offset400(int) { return offset = 400; } virtual unsigned int offset401(int) { return offset = 401; } virtual unsigned int offset402(int) { return offset = 402; } virtual unsigned int offset403(int) { return offset = 403; } virtual unsigned int offset404(int) { return offset = 404; } virtual unsigned int offset405(int) { return offset = 405; } virtual unsigned int offset406(int) { return offset = 406; } virtual unsigned int offset407(int) { return offset = 407; } virtual unsigned int offset408(int) { return offset = 408; } virtual unsigned int offset409(int) { return offset = 409; } virtual unsigned int offset410(int) { return offset = 410; } virtual unsigned int offset411(int) { return offset = 411; } virtual unsigned int offset412(int) { return offset = 412; } virtual unsigned int offset413(int) { return offset = 413; } virtual unsigned int offset414(int) { return offset = 414; } virtual unsigned int offset415(int) { return offset = 415; } virtual unsigned int offset416(int) { return offset = 416; } virtual unsigned int offset417(int) { return offset = 417; } virtual unsigned int offset418(int) { return offset = 418; } virtual unsigned int offset419(int) { return offset = 419; } virtual unsigned int offset420(int) { return offset = 420; } virtual unsigned int offset421(int) { return offset = 421; } virtual unsigned int offset422(int) { return offset = 422; } virtual unsigned int offset423(int) { return offset = 423; } virtual unsigned int offset424(int) { return offset = 424; } virtual unsigned int offset425(int) { return offset = 425; } virtual unsigned int offset426(int) { return offset = 426; } virtual unsigned int offset427(int) { return offset = 427; } virtual unsigned int offset428(int) { return offset = 428; } virtual unsigned int offset429(int) { return offset = 429; } virtual unsigned int offset430(int) { return offset = 430; } virtual unsigned int offset431(int) { return offset = 431; } virtual unsigned int offset432(int) { return offset = 432; } virtual unsigned int offset433(int) { return offset = 433; } virtual unsigned int offset434(int) { return offset = 434; } virtual unsigned int offset435(int) { return offset = 435; } virtual unsigned int offset436(int) { return offset = 436; } virtual unsigned int offset437(int) { return offset = 437; } virtual unsigned int offset438(int) { return offset = 438; } virtual unsigned int offset439(int) { return offset = 439; } virtual unsigned int offset440(int) { return offset = 440; } virtual unsigned int offset441(int) { return offset = 441; } virtual unsigned int offset442(int) { return offset = 442; } virtual unsigned int offset443(int) { return offset = 443; } virtual unsigned int offset444(int) { return offset = 444; } virtual unsigned int offset445(int) { return offset = 445; } virtual unsigned int offset446(int) { return offset = 446; } virtual unsigned int offset447(int) { return offset = 447; } virtual unsigned int offset448(int) { return offset = 448; } virtual unsigned int offset449(int) { return offset = 449; } virtual unsigned int offset450(int) { return offset = 450; } virtual unsigned int offset451(int) { return offset = 451; } virtual unsigned int offset452(int) { return offset = 452; } virtual unsigned int offset453(int) { return offset = 453; } virtual unsigned int offset454(int) { return offset = 454; } virtual unsigned int offset455(int) { return offset = 455; } virtual unsigned int offset456(int) { return offset = 456; } virtual unsigned int offset457(int) { return offset = 457; } virtual unsigned int offset458(int) { return offset = 458; } virtual unsigned int offset459(int) { return offset = 459; } virtual unsigned int offset460(int) { return offset = 460; } virtual unsigned int offset461(int) { return offset = 461; } virtual unsigned int offset462(int) { return offset = 462; } virtual unsigned int offset463(int) { return offset = 463; } virtual unsigned int offset464(int) { return offset = 464; } virtual unsigned int offset465(int) { return offset = 465; } virtual unsigned int offset466(int) { return offset = 466; } virtual unsigned int offset467(int) { return offset = 467; } virtual unsigned int offset468(int) { return offset = 468; } virtual unsigned int offset469(int) { return offset = 469; } virtual unsigned int offset470(int) { return offset = 470; } virtual unsigned int offset471(int) { return offset = 471; } virtual unsigned int offset472(int) { return offset = 472; } virtual unsigned int offset473(int) { return offset = 473; } virtual unsigned int offset474(int) { return offset = 474; } virtual unsigned int offset475(int) { return offset = 475; } virtual unsigned int offset476(int) { return offset = 476; } virtual unsigned int offset477(int) { return offset = 477; } virtual unsigned int offset478(int) { return offset = 478; } virtual unsigned int offset479(int) { return offset = 479; } virtual unsigned int offset480(int) { return offset = 480; } virtual unsigned int offset481(int) { return offset = 481; } virtual unsigned int offset482(int) { return offset = 482; } virtual unsigned int offset483(int) { return offset = 483; } virtual unsigned int offset484(int) { return offset = 484; } virtual unsigned int offset485(int) { return offset = 485; } virtual unsigned int offset486(int) { return offset = 486; } virtual unsigned int offset487(int) { return offset = 487; } virtual unsigned int offset488(int) { return offset = 488; } virtual unsigned int offset489(int) { return offset = 489; } virtual unsigned int offset490(int) { return offset = 490; } virtual unsigned int offset491(int) { return offset = 491; } virtual unsigned int offset492(int) { return offset = 492; } virtual unsigned int offset493(int) { return offset = 493; } virtual unsigned int offset494(int) { return offset = 494; } virtual unsigned int offset495(int) { return offset = 495; } virtual unsigned int offset496(int) { return offset = 496; } virtual unsigned int offset497(int) { return offset = 497; } virtual unsigned int offset498(int) { return offset = 498; } virtual unsigned int offset499(int) { return offset = 499; } virtual unsigned int offset500(int) { return offset = 500; } virtual unsigned int offset501(int) { return offset = 501; } virtual unsigned int offset502(int) { return offset = 502; } virtual unsigned int offset503(int) { return offset = 503; } virtual unsigned int offset504(int) { return offset = 504; } virtual unsigned int offset505(int) { return offset = 505; } virtual unsigned int offset506(int) { return offset = 506; } virtual unsigned int offset507(int) { return offset = 507; } virtual unsigned int offset508(int) { return offset = 508; } virtual unsigned int offset509(int) { return offset = 509; } virtual unsigned int offset510(int) { return offset = 510; } virtual unsigned int offset511(int) { return offset = 511; } virtual unsigned int offset512(int) { return offset = 512; } virtual unsigned int offset513(int) { return offset = 513; } virtual unsigned int offset514(int) { return offset = 514; } virtual unsigned int offset515(int) { return offset = 515; } virtual unsigned int offset516(int) { return offset = 516; } virtual unsigned int offset517(int) { return offset = 517; } virtual unsigned int offset518(int) { return offset = 518; } virtual unsigned int offset519(int) { return offset = 519; } virtual unsigned int offset520(int) { return offset = 520; } virtual unsigned int offset521(int) { return offset = 521; } virtual unsigned int offset522(int) { return offset = 522; } virtual unsigned int offset523(int) { return offset = 523; } virtual unsigned int offset524(int) { return offset = 524; } virtual unsigned int offset525(int) { return offset = 525; } virtual unsigned int offset526(int) { return offset = 526; } virtual unsigned int offset527(int) { return offset = 527; } virtual unsigned int offset528(int) { return offset = 528; } virtual unsigned int offset529(int) { return offset = 529; } virtual unsigned int offset530(int) { return offset = 530; } virtual unsigned int offset531(int) { return offset = 531; } virtual unsigned int offset532(int) { return offset = 532; } virtual unsigned int offset533(int) { return offset = 533; } virtual unsigned int offset534(int) { return offset = 534; } virtual unsigned int offset535(int) { return offset = 535; } virtual unsigned int offset536(int) { return offset = 536; } virtual unsigned int offset537(int) { return offset = 537; } virtual unsigned int offset538(int) { return offset = 538; } virtual unsigned int offset539(int) { return offset = 539; } virtual unsigned int offset540(int) { return offset = 540; } virtual unsigned int offset541(int) { return offset = 541; } virtual unsigned int offset542(int) { return offset = 542; } virtual unsigned int offset543(int) { return offset = 543; } virtual unsigned int offset544(int) { return offset = 544; } virtual unsigned int offset545(int) { return offset = 545; } virtual unsigned int offset546(int) { return offset = 546; } virtual unsigned int offset547(int) { return offset = 547; } virtual unsigned int offset548(int) { return offset = 548; } virtual unsigned int offset549(int) { return offset = 549; } virtual unsigned int offset550(int) { return offset = 550; } virtual unsigned int offset551(int) { return offset = 551; } virtual unsigned int offset552(int) { return offset = 552; } virtual unsigned int offset553(int) { return offset = 553; } virtual unsigned int offset554(int) { return offset = 554; } virtual unsigned int offset555(int) { return offset = 555; } virtual unsigned int offset556(int) { return offset = 556; } virtual unsigned int offset557(int) { return offset = 557; } virtual unsigned int offset558(int) { return offset = 558; } virtual unsigned int offset559(int) { return offset = 559; } virtual unsigned int offset560(int) { return offset = 560; } virtual unsigned int offset561(int) { return offset = 561; } virtual unsigned int offset562(int) { return offset = 562; } virtual unsigned int offset563(int) { return offset = 563; } virtual unsigned int offset564(int) { return offset = 564; } virtual unsigned int offset565(int) { return offset = 565; } virtual unsigned int offset566(int) { return offset = 566; } virtual unsigned int offset567(int) { return offset = 567; } virtual unsigned int offset568(int) { return offset = 568; } virtual unsigned int offset569(int) { return offset = 569; } virtual unsigned int offset570(int) { return offset = 570; } virtual unsigned int offset571(int) { return offset = 571; } virtual unsigned int offset572(int) { return offset = 572; } virtual unsigned int offset573(int) { return offset = 573; } virtual unsigned int offset574(int) { return offset = 574; } virtual unsigned int offset575(int) { return offset = 575; } virtual unsigned int offset576(int) { return offset = 576; } virtual unsigned int offset577(int) { return offset = 577; } virtual unsigned int offset578(int) { return offset = 578; } virtual unsigned int offset579(int) { return offset = 579; } virtual unsigned int offset580(int) { return offset = 580; } virtual unsigned int offset581(int) { return offset = 581; } virtual unsigned int offset582(int) { return offset = 582; } virtual unsigned int offset583(int) { return offset = 583; } virtual unsigned int offset584(int) { return offset = 584; } virtual unsigned int offset585(int) { return offset = 585; } virtual unsigned int offset586(int) { return offset = 586; } virtual unsigned int offset587(int) { return offset = 587; } virtual unsigned int offset588(int) { return offset = 588; } virtual unsigned int offset589(int) { return offset = 589; } virtual unsigned int offset590(int) { return offset = 590; } virtual unsigned int offset591(int) { return offset = 591; } virtual unsigned int offset592(int) { return offset = 592; } virtual unsigned int offset593(int) { return offset = 593; } virtual unsigned int offset594(int) { return offset = 594; } virtual unsigned int offset595(int) { return offset = 595; } virtual unsigned int offset596(int) { return offset = 596; } virtual unsigned int offset597(int) { return offset = 597; } virtual unsigned int offset598(int) { return offset = 598; } virtual unsigned int offset599(int) { return offset = 599; } virtual unsigned int offset600(int) { return offset = 600; } virtual unsigned int offset601(int) { return offset = 601; } virtual unsigned int offset602(int) { return offset = 602; } virtual unsigned int offset603(int) { return offset = 603; } virtual unsigned int offset604(int) { return offset = 604; } virtual unsigned int offset605(int) { return offset = 605; } virtual unsigned int offset606(int) { return offset = 606; } virtual unsigned int offset607(int) { return offset = 607; } virtual unsigned int offset608(int) { return offset = 608; } virtual unsigned int offset609(int) { return offset = 609; } virtual unsigned int offset610(int) { return offset = 610; } virtual unsigned int offset611(int) { return offset = 611; } virtual unsigned int offset612(int) { return offset = 612; } virtual unsigned int offset613(int) { return offset = 613; } virtual unsigned int offset614(int) { return offset = 614; } virtual unsigned int offset615(int) { return offset = 615; } virtual unsigned int offset616(int) { return offset = 616; } virtual unsigned int offset617(int) { return offset = 617; } virtual unsigned int offset618(int) { return offset = 618; } virtual unsigned int offset619(int) { return offset = 619; } virtual unsigned int offset620(int) { return offset = 620; } virtual unsigned int offset621(int) { return offset = 621; } virtual unsigned int offset622(int) { return offset = 622; } virtual unsigned int offset623(int) { return offset = 623; } virtual unsigned int offset624(int) { return offset = 624; } virtual unsigned int offset625(int) { return offset = 625; } virtual unsigned int offset626(int) { return offset = 626; } virtual unsigned int offset627(int) { return offset = 627; } virtual unsigned int offset628(int) { return offset = 628; } virtual unsigned int offset629(int) { return offset = 629; } virtual unsigned int offset630(int) { return offset = 630; } virtual unsigned int offset631(int) { return offset = 631; } virtual unsigned int offset632(int) { return offset = 632; } virtual unsigned int offset633(int) { return offset = 633; } virtual unsigned int offset634(int) { return offset = 634; } virtual unsigned int offset635(int) { return offset = 635; } virtual unsigned int offset636(int) { return offset = 636; } virtual unsigned int offset637(int) { return offset = 637; } virtual unsigned int offset638(int) { return offset = 638; } virtual unsigned int offset639(int) { return offset = 639; } virtual unsigned int offset640(int) { return offset = 640; } virtual unsigned int offset641(int) { return offset = 641; } virtual unsigned int offset642(int) { return offset = 642; } virtual unsigned int offset643(int) { return offset = 643; } virtual unsigned int offset644(int) { return offset = 644; } virtual unsigned int offset645(int) { return offset = 645; } virtual unsigned int offset646(int) { return offset = 646; } virtual unsigned int offset647(int) { return offset = 647; } virtual unsigned int offset648(int) { return offset = 648; } virtual unsigned int offset649(int) { return offset = 649; } virtual unsigned int offset650(int) { return offset = 650; } virtual unsigned int offset651(int) { return offset = 651; } virtual unsigned int offset652(int) { return offset = 652; } virtual unsigned int offset653(int) { return offset = 653; } virtual unsigned int offset654(int) { return offset = 654; } virtual unsigned int offset655(int) { return offset = 655; } virtual unsigned int offset656(int) { return offset = 656; } virtual unsigned int offset657(int) { return offset = 657; } virtual unsigned int offset658(int) { return offset = 658; } virtual unsigned int offset659(int) { return offset = 659; } virtual unsigned int offset660(int) { return offset = 660; } virtual unsigned int offset661(int) { return offset = 661; } virtual unsigned int offset662(int) { return offset = 662; } virtual unsigned int offset663(int) { return offset = 663; } virtual unsigned int offset664(int) { return offset = 664; } virtual unsigned int offset665(int) { return offset = 665; } virtual unsigned int offset666(int) { return offset = 666; } virtual unsigned int offset667(int) { return offset = 667; } virtual unsigned int offset668(int) { return offset = 668; } virtual unsigned int offset669(int) { return offset = 669; } virtual unsigned int offset670(int) { return offset = 670; } virtual unsigned int offset671(int) { return offset = 671; } virtual unsigned int offset672(int) { return offset = 672; } virtual unsigned int offset673(int) { return offset = 673; } virtual unsigned int offset674(int) { return offset = 674; } virtual unsigned int offset675(int) { return offset = 675; } virtual unsigned int offset676(int) { return offset = 676; } virtual unsigned int offset677(int) { return offset = 677; } virtual unsigned int offset678(int) { return offset = 678; } virtual unsigned int offset679(int) { return offset = 679; } virtual unsigned int offset680(int) { return offset = 680; } virtual unsigned int offset681(int) { return offset = 681; } virtual unsigned int offset682(int) { return offset = 682; } virtual unsigned int offset683(int) { return offset = 683; } virtual unsigned int offset684(int) { return offset = 684; } virtual unsigned int offset685(int) { return offset = 685; } virtual unsigned int offset686(int) { return offset = 686; } virtual unsigned int offset687(int) { return offset = 687; } virtual unsigned int offset688(int) { return offset = 688; } virtual unsigned int offset689(int) { return offset = 689; } virtual unsigned int offset690(int) { return offset = 690; } virtual unsigned int offset691(int) { return offset = 691; } virtual unsigned int offset692(int) { return offset = 692; } virtual unsigned int offset693(int) { return offset = 693; } virtual unsigned int offset694(int) { return offset = 694; } virtual unsigned int offset695(int) { return offset = 695; } virtual unsigned int offset696(int) { return offset = 696; } virtual unsigned int offset697(int) { return offset = 697; } virtual unsigned int offset698(int) { return offset = 698; } virtual unsigned int offset699(int) { return offset = 699; } virtual unsigned int offset700(int) { return offset = 700; } virtual unsigned int offset701(int) { return offset = 701; } virtual unsigned int offset702(int) { return offset = 702; } virtual unsigned int offset703(int) { return offset = 703; } virtual unsigned int offset704(int) { return offset = 704; } virtual unsigned int offset705(int) { return offset = 705; } virtual unsigned int offset706(int) { return offset = 706; } virtual unsigned int offset707(int) { return offset = 707; } virtual unsigned int offset708(int) { return offset = 708; } virtual unsigned int offset709(int) { return offset = 709; } virtual unsigned int offset710(int) { return offset = 710; } virtual unsigned int offset711(int) { return offset = 711; } virtual unsigned int offset712(int) { return offset = 712; } virtual unsigned int offset713(int) { return offset = 713; } virtual unsigned int offset714(int) { return offset = 714; } virtual unsigned int offset715(int) { return offset = 715; } virtual unsigned int offset716(int) { return offset = 716; } virtual unsigned int offset717(int) { return offset = 717; } virtual unsigned int offset718(int) { return offset = 718; } virtual unsigned int offset719(int) { return offset = 719; } virtual unsigned int offset720(int) { return offset = 720; } virtual unsigned int offset721(int) { return offset = 721; } virtual unsigned int offset722(int) { return offset = 722; } virtual unsigned int offset723(int) { return offset = 723; } virtual unsigned int offset724(int) { return offset = 724; } virtual unsigned int offset725(int) { return offset = 725; } virtual unsigned int offset726(int) { return offset = 726; } virtual unsigned int offset727(int) { return offset = 727; } virtual unsigned int offset728(int) { return offset = 728; } virtual unsigned int offset729(int) { return offset = 729; } virtual unsigned int offset730(int) { return offset = 730; } virtual unsigned int offset731(int) { return offset = 731; } virtual unsigned int offset732(int) { return offset = 732; } virtual unsigned int offset733(int) { return offset = 733; } virtual unsigned int offset734(int) { return offset = 734; } virtual unsigned int offset735(int) { return offset = 735; } virtual unsigned int offset736(int) { return offset = 736; } virtual unsigned int offset737(int) { return offset = 737; } virtual unsigned int offset738(int) { return offset = 738; } virtual unsigned int offset739(int) { return offset = 739; } virtual unsigned int offset740(int) { return offset = 740; } virtual unsigned int offset741(int) { return offset = 741; } virtual unsigned int offset742(int) { return offset = 742; } virtual unsigned int offset743(int) { return offset = 743; } virtual unsigned int offset744(int) { return offset = 744; } virtual unsigned int offset745(int) { return offset = 745; } virtual unsigned int offset746(int) { return offset = 746; } virtual unsigned int offset747(int) { return offset = 747; } virtual unsigned int offset748(int) { return offset = 748; } virtual unsigned int offset749(int) { return offset = 749; } virtual unsigned int offset750(int) { return offset = 750; } virtual unsigned int offset751(int) { return offset = 751; } virtual unsigned int offset752(int) { return offset = 752; } virtual unsigned int offset753(int) { return offset = 753; } virtual unsigned int offset754(int) { return offset = 754; } virtual unsigned int offset755(int) { return offset = 755; } virtual unsigned int offset756(int) { return offset = 756; } virtual unsigned int offset757(int) { return offset = 757; } virtual unsigned int offset758(int) { return offset = 758; } virtual unsigned int offset759(int) { return offset = 759; } virtual unsigned int offset760(int) { return offset = 760; } virtual unsigned int offset761(int) { return offset = 761; } virtual unsigned int offset762(int) { return offset = 762; } virtual unsigned int offset763(int) { return offset = 763; } virtual unsigned int offset764(int) { return offset = 764; } virtual unsigned int offset765(int) { return offset = 765; } virtual unsigned int offset766(int) { return offset = 766; } virtual unsigned int offset767(int) { return offset = 767; } virtual unsigned int offset768(int) { return offset = 768; } virtual unsigned int offset769(int) { return offset = 769; } virtual unsigned int offset770(int) { return offset = 770; } virtual unsigned int offset771(int) { return offset = 771; } virtual unsigned int offset772(int) { return offset = 772; } virtual unsigned int offset773(int) { return offset = 773; } virtual unsigned int offset774(int) { return offset = 774; } virtual unsigned int offset775(int) { return offset = 775; } virtual unsigned int offset776(int) { return offset = 776; } virtual unsigned int offset777(int) { return offset = 777; } virtual unsigned int offset778(int) { return offset = 778; } virtual unsigned int offset779(int) { return offset = 779; } virtual unsigned int offset780(int) { return offset = 780; } virtual unsigned int offset781(int) { return offset = 781; } virtual unsigned int offset782(int) { return offset = 782; } virtual unsigned int offset783(int) { return offset = 783; } virtual unsigned int offset784(int) { return offset = 784; } virtual unsigned int offset785(int) { return offset = 785; } virtual unsigned int offset786(int) { return offset = 786; } virtual unsigned int offset787(int) { return offset = 787; } virtual unsigned int offset788(int) { return offset = 788; } virtual unsigned int offset789(int) { return offset = 789; } virtual unsigned int offset790(int) { return offset = 790; } virtual unsigned int offset791(int) { return offset = 791; } virtual unsigned int offset792(int) { return offset = 792; } virtual unsigned int offset793(int) { return offset = 793; } virtual unsigned int offset794(int) { return offset = 794; } virtual unsigned int offset795(int) { return offset = 795; } virtual unsigned int offset796(int) { return offset = 796; } virtual unsigned int offset797(int) { return offset = 797; } virtual unsigned int offset798(int) { return offset = 798; } virtual unsigned int offset799(int) { return offset = 799; } virtual unsigned int offset800(int) { return offset = 800; } virtual unsigned int offset801(int) { return offset = 801; } virtual unsigned int offset802(int) { return offset = 802; } virtual unsigned int offset803(int) { return offset = 803; } virtual unsigned int offset804(int) { return offset = 804; } virtual unsigned int offset805(int) { return offset = 805; } virtual unsigned int offset806(int) { return offset = 806; } virtual unsigned int offset807(int) { return offset = 807; } virtual unsigned int offset808(int) { return offset = 808; } virtual unsigned int offset809(int) { return offset = 809; } virtual unsigned int offset810(int) { return offset = 810; } virtual unsigned int offset811(int) { return offset = 811; } virtual unsigned int offset812(int) { return offset = 812; } virtual unsigned int offset813(int) { return offset = 813; } virtual unsigned int offset814(int) { return offset = 814; } virtual unsigned int offset815(int) { return offset = 815; } virtual unsigned int offset816(int) { return offset = 816; } virtual unsigned int offset817(int) { return offset = 817; } virtual unsigned int offset818(int) { return offset = 818; } virtual unsigned int offset819(int) { return offset = 819; } virtual unsigned int offset820(int) { return offset = 820; } virtual unsigned int offset821(int) { return offset = 821; } virtual unsigned int offset822(int) { return offset = 822; } virtual unsigned int offset823(int) { return offset = 823; } virtual unsigned int offset824(int) { return offset = 824; } virtual unsigned int offset825(int) { return offset = 825; } virtual unsigned int offset826(int) { return offset = 826; } virtual unsigned int offset827(int) { return offset = 827; } virtual unsigned int offset828(int) { return offset = 828; } virtual unsigned int offset829(int) { return offset = 829; } virtual unsigned int offset830(int) { return offset = 830; } virtual unsigned int offset831(int) { return offset = 831; } virtual unsigned int offset832(int) { return offset = 832; } virtual unsigned int offset833(int) { return offset = 833; } virtual unsigned int offset834(int) { return offset = 834; } virtual unsigned int offset835(int) { return offset = 835; } virtual unsigned int offset836(int) { return offset = 836; } virtual unsigned int offset837(int) { return offset = 837; } virtual unsigned int offset838(int) { return offset = 838; } virtual unsigned int offset839(int) { return offset = 839; } virtual unsigned int offset840(int) { return offset = 840; } virtual unsigned int offset841(int) { return offset = 841; } virtual unsigned int offset842(int) { return offset = 842; } virtual unsigned int offset843(int) { return offset = 843; } virtual unsigned int offset844(int) { return offset = 844; } virtual unsigned int offset845(int) { return offset = 845; } virtual unsigned int offset846(int) { return offset = 846; } virtual unsigned int offset847(int) { return offset = 847; } virtual unsigned int offset848(int) { return offset = 848; } virtual unsigned int offset849(int) { return offset = 849; } virtual unsigned int offset850(int) { return offset = 850; } virtual unsigned int offset851(int) { return offset = 851; } virtual unsigned int offset852(int) { return offset = 852; } virtual unsigned int offset853(int) { return offset = 853; } virtual unsigned int offset854(int) { return offset = 854; } virtual unsigned int offset855(int) { return offset = 855; } virtual unsigned int offset856(int) { return offset = 856; } virtual unsigned int offset857(int) { return offset = 857; } virtual unsigned int offset858(int) { return offset = 858; } virtual unsigned int offset859(int) { return offset = 859; } virtual unsigned int offset860(int) { return offset = 860; } virtual unsigned int offset861(int) { return offset = 861; } virtual unsigned int offset862(int) { return offset = 862; } virtual unsigned int offset863(int) { return offset = 863; } virtual unsigned int offset864(int) { return offset = 864; } virtual unsigned int offset865(int) { return offset = 865; } virtual unsigned int offset866(int) { return offset = 866; } virtual unsigned int offset867(int) { return offset = 867; } virtual unsigned int offset868(int) { return offset = 868; } virtual unsigned int offset869(int) { return offset = 869; } virtual unsigned int offset870(int) { return offset = 870; } virtual unsigned int offset871(int) { return offset = 871; } virtual unsigned int offset872(int) { return offset = 872; } virtual unsigned int offset873(int) { return offset = 873; } virtual unsigned int offset874(int) { return offset = 874; } virtual unsigned int offset875(int) { return offset = 875; } virtual unsigned int offset876(int) { return offset = 876; } virtual unsigned int offset877(int) { return offset = 877; } virtual unsigned int offset878(int) { return offset = 878; } virtual unsigned int offset879(int) { return offset = 879; } virtual unsigned int offset880(int) { return offset = 880; } virtual unsigned int offset881(int) { return offset = 881; } virtual unsigned int offset882(int) { return offset = 882; } virtual unsigned int offset883(int) { return offset = 883; } virtual unsigned int offset884(int) { return offset = 884; } virtual unsigned int offset885(int) { return offset = 885; } virtual unsigned int offset886(int) { return offset = 886; } virtual unsigned int offset887(int) { return offset = 887; } virtual unsigned int offset888(int) { return offset = 888; } virtual unsigned int offset889(int) { return offset = 889; } virtual unsigned int offset890(int) { return offset = 890; } virtual unsigned int offset891(int) { return offset = 891; } virtual unsigned int offset892(int) { return offset = 892; } virtual unsigned int offset893(int) { return offset = 893; } virtual unsigned int offset894(int) { return offset = 894; } virtual unsigned int offset895(int) { return offset = 895; } virtual unsigned int offset896(int) { return offset = 896; } virtual unsigned int offset897(int) { return offset = 897; } virtual unsigned int offset898(int) { return offset = 898; } virtual unsigned int offset899(int) { return offset = 899; } virtual unsigned int offset900(int) { return offset = 900; } virtual unsigned int offset901(int) { return offset = 901; } virtual unsigned int offset902(int) { return offset = 902; } virtual unsigned int offset903(int) { return offset = 903; } virtual unsigned int offset904(int) { return offset = 904; } virtual unsigned int offset905(int) { return offset = 905; } virtual unsigned int offset906(int) { return offset = 906; } virtual unsigned int offset907(int) { return offset = 907; } virtual unsigned int offset908(int) { return offset = 908; } virtual unsigned int offset909(int) { return offset = 909; } virtual unsigned int offset910(int) { return offset = 910; } virtual unsigned int offset911(int) { return offset = 911; } virtual unsigned int offset912(int) { return offset = 912; } virtual unsigned int offset913(int) { return offset = 913; } virtual unsigned int offset914(int) { return offset = 914; } virtual unsigned int offset915(int) { return offset = 915; } virtual unsigned int offset916(int) { return offset = 916; } virtual unsigned int offset917(int) { return offset = 917; } virtual unsigned int offset918(int) { return offset = 918; } virtual unsigned int offset919(int) { return offset = 919; } virtual unsigned int offset920(int) { return offset = 920; } virtual unsigned int offset921(int) { return offset = 921; } virtual unsigned int offset922(int) { return offset = 922; } virtual unsigned int offset923(int) { return offset = 923; } virtual unsigned int offset924(int) { return offset = 924; } virtual unsigned int offset925(int) { return offset = 925; } virtual unsigned int offset926(int) { return offset = 926; } virtual unsigned int offset927(int) { return offset = 927; } virtual unsigned int offset928(int) { return offset = 928; } virtual unsigned int offset929(int) { return offset = 929; } virtual unsigned int offset930(int) { return offset = 930; } virtual unsigned int offset931(int) { return offset = 931; } virtual unsigned int offset932(int) { return offset = 932; } virtual unsigned int offset933(int) { return offset = 933; } virtual unsigned int offset934(int) { return offset = 934; } virtual unsigned int offset935(int) { return offset = 935; } virtual unsigned int offset936(int) { return offset = 936; } virtual unsigned int offset937(int) { return offset = 937; } virtual unsigned int offset938(int) { return offset = 938; } virtual unsigned int offset939(int) { return offset = 939; } virtual unsigned int offset940(int) { return offset = 940; } virtual unsigned int offset941(int) { return offset = 941; } virtual unsigned int offset942(int) { return offset = 942; } virtual unsigned int offset943(int) { return offset = 943; } virtual unsigned int offset944(int) { return offset = 944; } virtual unsigned int offset945(int) { return offset = 945; } virtual unsigned int offset946(int) { return offset = 946; } virtual unsigned int offset947(int) { return offset = 947; } virtual unsigned int offset948(int) { return offset = 948; } virtual unsigned int offset949(int) { return offset = 949; } virtual unsigned int offset950(int) { return offset = 950; } virtual unsigned int offset951(int) { return offset = 951; } virtual unsigned int offset952(int) { return offset = 952; } virtual unsigned int offset953(int) { return offset = 953; } virtual unsigned int offset954(int) { return offset = 954; } virtual unsigned int offset955(int) { return offset = 955; } virtual unsigned int offset956(int) { return offset = 956; } virtual unsigned int offset957(int) { return offset = 957; } virtual unsigned int offset958(int) { return offset = 958; } virtual unsigned int offset959(int) { return offset = 959; } virtual unsigned int offset960(int) { return offset = 960; } virtual unsigned int offset961(int) { return offset = 961; } virtual unsigned int offset962(int) { return offset = 962; } virtual unsigned int offset963(int) { return offset = 963; } virtual unsigned int offset964(int) { return offset = 964; } virtual unsigned int offset965(int) { return offset = 965; } virtual unsigned int offset966(int) { return offset = 966; } virtual unsigned int offset967(int) { return offset = 967; } virtual unsigned int offset968(int) { return offset = 968; } virtual unsigned int offset969(int) { return offset = 969; } virtual unsigned int offset970(int) { return offset = 970; } virtual unsigned int offset971(int) { return offset = 971; } virtual unsigned int offset972(int) { return offset = 972; } virtual unsigned int offset973(int) { return offset = 973; } virtual unsigned int offset974(int) { return offset = 974; } virtual unsigned int offset975(int) { return offset = 975; } virtual unsigned int offset976(int) { return offset = 976; } virtual unsigned int offset977(int) { return offset = 977; } virtual unsigned int offset978(int) { return offset = 978; } virtual unsigned int offset979(int) { return offset = 979; } virtual unsigned int offset980(int) { return offset = 980; } virtual unsigned int offset981(int) { return offset = 981; } virtual unsigned int offset982(int) { return offset = 982; } virtual unsigned int offset983(int) { return offset = 983; } virtual unsigned int offset984(int) { return offset = 984; } virtual unsigned int offset985(int) { return offset = 985; } virtual unsigned int offset986(int) { return offset = 986; } virtual unsigned int offset987(int) { return offset = 987; } virtual unsigned int offset988(int) { return offset = 988; } virtual unsigned int offset989(int) { return offset = 989; } virtual unsigned int offset990(int) { return offset = 990; } virtual unsigned int offset991(int) { return offset = 991; } virtual unsigned int offset992(int) { return offset = 992; } virtual unsigned int offset993(int) { return offset = 993; } virtual unsigned int offset994(int) { return offset = 994; } virtual unsigned int offset995(int) { return offset = 995; } virtual unsigned int offset996(int) { return offset = 996; } virtual unsigned int offset997(int) { return offset = 997; } virtual unsigned int offset998(int) { return offset = 998; } virtual unsigned int offset999(int) { return offset = 999; } virtual unsigned int offset1000(int) { return offset = 1000; } }; } namespace fakeit { template TARGET union_cast(SOURCE source) { union { SOURCE source; TARGET target; } u; u.source = source; return u.target; } } namespace fakeit { class NoVirtualDtor : public std::runtime_error { public: NoVirtualDtor() :std::runtime_error("Can't mock the destructor. No virtual destructor was found") {} }; class VTUtils { public: template static unsigned int getOffset(R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { auto sMethod = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); VirtualOffsetSelector offsetSelctor; return (offsetSelctor.*sMethod)(0); } template static typename std::enable_if::value, unsigned int>::type getDestructorOffset() { VirtualOffsetSelector offsetSelctor; union_cast(&offsetSelctor)->~C(); return offsetSelctor.offset; } template static typename std::enable_if::value, unsigned int>::type getDestructorOffset() { throw NoVirtualDtor(); } template static typename std::enable_if::value, bool>::type hasVirtualDestructor() { return true; } template static typename std::enable_if::value, bool>::type hasVirtualDestructor() { return false; } template static unsigned int getVTSize() { struct Derrived : public C { virtual void endOfVt() { } }; unsigned int vtSize = getOffset(&Derrived::endOfVt); return vtSize; } }; } #ifdef _MSC_VER namespace fakeit { typedef unsigned long dword_; struct TypeDescriptor { TypeDescriptor() : ptrToVTable(0), spare(0) { int **tiVFTPtr = (int **) (&typeid(void)); int *i = (int *) tiVFTPtr[0]; char *type_info_vft_ptr = (char *) i; ptrToVTable = type_info_vft_ptr; } char *ptrToVTable; dword_ spare; char name[8]; }; struct PMD { int mdisp; int pdisp; int vdisp; PMD() : mdisp(0), pdisp(-1), vdisp(0) { } }; struct RTTIBaseClassDescriptor { RTTIBaseClassDescriptor() : pTypeDescriptor(nullptr), numContainedBases(0), attributes(0) { } const std::type_info *pTypeDescriptor; dword_ numContainedBases; struct PMD where; dword_ attributes; }; template struct RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor { RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor() : signature(0), attributes(0), numBaseClasses(0), pBaseClassArray(nullptr) { pBaseClassArray = new RTTIBaseClassDescriptor *[1 + sizeof...(baseclasses)]; addBaseClass < C, baseclasses...>(); } ~RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor() { for (int i = 0; i < 1 + sizeof...(baseclasses); i++) { RTTIBaseClassDescriptor *desc = pBaseClassArray[i]; delete desc; } delete[] pBaseClassArray; } dword_ signature; dword_ attributes; dword_ numBaseClasses; RTTIBaseClassDescriptor **pBaseClassArray; template void addBaseClass() { static_assert(std::is_base_of::value, "C must be a derived class of BaseType"); RTTIBaseClassDescriptor *desc = new RTTIBaseClassDescriptor(); desc->pTypeDescriptor = &typeid(BaseType); pBaseClassArray[numBaseClasses] = desc; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numBaseClasses; i++) { pBaseClassArray[i]->numContainedBases++; } numBaseClasses++; } template void addBaseClass() { static_assert(std::is_base_of::value, "invalid inheritance list"); addBaseClass(); addBaseClass(); } }; template struct RTTICompleteObjectLocator { #ifdef _WIN64 RTTICompleteObjectLocator(const std::type_info &unused) : signature(0), offset(0), cdOffset(0), typeDescriptorOffset(0), classDescriptorOffset(0) { } dword_ signature; dword_ offset; dword_ cdOffset; dword_ typeDescriptorOffset; dword_ classDescriptorOffset; #else RTTICompleteObjectLocator(const std::type_info &info) : signature(0), offset(0), cdOffset(0), pTypeDescriptor(&info), pClassDescriptor(new RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor()) { } ~RTTICompleteObjectLocator() { delete pClassDescriptor; } dword_ signature; dword_ offset; dword_ cdOffset; const std::type_info *pTypeDescriptor; struct RTTIClassHierarchyDescriptor *pClassDescriptor; #endif }; struct VirtualTableBase { static VirtualTableBase &getVTable(void *instance) { fakeit::VirtualTableBase *vt = (fakeit::VirtualTableBase *) (instance); return *vt; } VirtualTableBase(void **firstMethod) : _firstMethod(firstMethod) { } void *getCookie(int index) { return _firstMethod[-2 - index]; } void setCookie(int index, void *value) { _firstMethod[-2 - index] = value; } void *getMethod(unsigned int index) const { return _firstMethod[index]; } void setMethod(unsigned int index, void *method) { _firstMethod[index] = method; } protected: void **_firstMethod; }; template struct VirtualTable : public VirtualTableBase { class Handle { friend struct VirtualTable; void **firstMethod; Handle(void **method) : firstMethod(method) { } public: VirtualTable &restore() { VirtualTable *vt = (VirtualTable *) this; return *vt; } }; static VirtualTable &getVTable(C &instance) { fakeit::VirtualTable *vt = (fakeit::VirtualTable *) (&instance); return *vt; } void copyFrom(VirtualTable &from) { unsigned int size = VTUtils::getVTSize(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { _firstMethod[i] = from.getMethod(i); } } VirtualTable() : VirtualTable(buildVTArray()) { } ~VirtualTable() { } void dispose() { _firstMethod--; RTTICompleteObjectLocator *locator = (RTTICompleteObjectLocator *) _firstMethod[0]; delete locator; _firstMethod -= numOfCookies; delete[] _firstMethod; } unsigned int dtor(int) { C *c = (C *) this; C &cRef = *c; auto vt = VirtualTable::getVTable(cRef); void *dtorPtr = vt.getCookie(numOfCookies - 1); void(*method)(C *) = reinterpret_cast(dtorPtr); method(c); return 0; } void setDtor(void *method) { void *dtorPtr = union_cast(&VirtualTable::dtor); unsigned int index = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); _firstMethod[index] = dtorPtr; setCookie(numOfCookies - 1, method); } unsigned int getSize() { return VTUtils::getVTSize(); } void initAll(void *value) { auto size = getSize(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { setMethod(i, value); } } Handle createHandle() { Handle h(_firstMethod); return h; } private: class SimpleType { }; static_assert(sizeof(unsigned int (SimpleType::*)()) == sizeof(unsigned int (C::*)()), "Can't mock a type with multiple inheritance or with non-polymorphic base class"); static const unsigned int numOfCookies = 3; static void **buildVTArray() { int vtSize = VTUtils::getVTSize(); auto array = new void *[vtSize + numOfCookies + 1]{}; RTTICompleteObjectLocator *objectLocator = new RTTICompleteObjectLocator( typeid(C)); array += numOfCookies; array[0] = objectLocator; array++; return array; } VirtualTable(void **firstMethod) : VirtualTableBase(firstMethod) { } }; } #else #ifndef __clang__ #include #include namespace fakeit { template class has_one_base { }; template class has_one_base> : public std::false_type { }; template class has_one_base> : public has_one_base::type> { }; template<> class has_one_base> : public std::true_type { }; template class is_simple_inheritance_layout : public has_one_base::type> { }; } #endif namespace fakeit { struct VirtualTableBase { static VirtualTableBase &getVTable(void *instance) { fakeit::VirtualTableBase *vt = (fakeit::VirtualTableBase *) (instance); return *vt; } VirtualTableBase(void **firstMethod) : _firstMethod(firstMethod) { } void *getCookie(int index) { return _firstMethod[-3 - index]; } void setCookie(int index, void *value) { _firstMethod[-3 - index] = value; } void *getMethod(unsigned int index) const { return _firstMethod[index]; } void setMethod(unsigned int index, void *method) { _firstMethod[index] = method; } protected: void **_firstMethod; }; template struct VirtualTable : public VirtualTableBase { #ifndef __clang__ static_assert(is_simple_inheritance_layout::value, "Can't mock a type with multiple inheritance"); #endif class Handle { friend struct VirtualTable; void **firstMethod; Handle(void **method) : firstMethod(method) { } public: VirtualTable &restore() { VirtualTable *vt = (VirtualTable *) this; return *vt; } }; static VirtualTable &getVTable(C &instance) { fakeit::VirtualTable *vt = (fakeit::VirtualTable *) (&instance); return *vt; } void copyFrom(VirtualTable &from) { unsigned int size = VTUtils::getVTSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { _firstMethod[i] = from.getMethod(i); } } VirtualTable() : VirtualTable(buildVTArray()) { } void dispose() { _firstMethod--; _firstMethod--; _firstMethod -= numOfCookies; delete[] _firstMethod; } unsigned int dtor(int) { C *c = (C *) this; C &cRef = *c; auto vt = VirtualTable::getVTable(cRef); unsigned int index = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); void *dtorPtr = vt.getMethod(index); void(*method)(C *) = union_cast(dtorPtr); method(c); return 0; } void setDtor(void *method) { unsigned int index = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); void *dtorPtr = union_cast(&VirtualTable::dtor); _firstMethod[index] = method; _firstMethod[index + 1] = dtorPtr; } unsigned int getSize() { return VTUtils::getVTSize(); } void initAll(void *value) { unsigned int size = getSize(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++) { setMethod(i, value); } } const std::type_info *getTypeId() { return (const std::type_info *) (_firstMethod[-1]); } Handle createHandle() { Handle h(_firstMethod); return h; } private: static const unsigned int numOfCookies = 2; static void **buildVTArray() { int size = VTUtils::getVTSize(); auto array = new void *[size + 2 + numOfCookies]{}; array += numOfCookies; array++; array[0] = const_cast(&typeid(C)); array++; return array; } VirtualTable(void **firstMethod) : VirtualTableBase(firstMethod) { } }; } #endif namespace fakeit { struct NoMoreRecordedActionException { }; template struct MethodInvocationHandler : Destructible { virtual R handleMethodInvocation(const typename fakeit::production_arg::type... args) = 0; }; } #include namespace fakeit { #ifdef __GNUG__ #ifndef __clang__ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic" #endif #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( push ) #pragma warning( disable : 4200 ) #endif template class FakeObject { VirtualTable vtable; static const size_t SIZE = sizeof(C) - sizeof(VirtualTable); char instanceArea[SIZE ? SIZE : 0]; FakeObject(FakeObject const &) = delete; FakeObject &operator=(FakeObject const &) = delete; public: FakeObject() : vtable() { initializeDataMembersArea(); } ~FakeObject() { vtable.dispose(); } void initializeDataMembersArea() { for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) instanceArea[i] = (char) 0; } void setMethod(unsigned int index, void *method) { vtable.setMethod(index, method); } VirtualTable &getVirtualTable() { return vtable; } void setVirtualTable(VirtualTable &t) { vtable = t; } void setDtor(void *dtor) { vtable.setDtor(dtor); } }; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( pop ) #endif #ifdef __GNUG__ #ifndef __clang__ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #endif } namespace fakeit { struct MethodProxy { MethodProxy(unsigned int id, unsigned int offset, void *vMethod) : _id(id), _offset(offset), _vMethod(vMethod) { } unsigned int getOffset() const { return _offset; } unsigned int getId() const { return _id; } void *getProxy() const { return union_cast(_vMethod); } private: unsigned int _id; unsigned int _offset; void *_vMethod; }; } #include namespace fakeit { struct InvocationHandlerCollection { static const unsigned int VT_COOKIE_INDEX = 0; virtual Destructible *getInvocatoinHandlerPtrById(unsigned int index) = 0; static InvocationHandlerCollection *getInvocationHandlerCollection(void *instance) { VirtualTableBase &vt = VirtualTableBase::getVTable(instance); InvocationHandlerCollection *invocationHandlerCollection = (InvocationHandlerCollection *) vt.getCookie( InvocationHandlerCollection::VT_COOKIE_INDEX); return invocationHandlerCollection; } }; template class MethodProxyCreator { public: template MethodProxy createMethodProxy(unsigned int offset) { return MethodProxy(id, offset, union_cast(&MethodProxyCreator::methodProxyX < id > )); } protected: R methodProxy(unsigned int id, const typename fakeit::production_arg::type... args) { InvocationHandlerCollection *invocationHandlerCollection = InvocationHandlerCollection::getInvocationHandlerCollection( this); MethodInvocationHandler *invocationHandler = (MethodInvocationHandler *) invocationHandlerCollection->getInvocatoinHandlerPtrById( id); return invocationHandler->handleMethodInvocation(std::forward::type>(args)...); } template R methodProxyX(arglist ... args) { return methodProxy(id, std::forward::type>(args)...); } }; } namespace fakeit { class InvocationHandlers : public InvocationHandlerCollection { std::vector> &_methodMocks; std::vector &_offsets; unsigned int getOffset(unsigned int id) const { unsigned int offset = 0; for (; offset < _offsets.size(); offset++) { if (_offsets[offset] == id) { break; } } return offset; } public: InvocationHandlers( std::vector> &methodMocks, std::vector &offsets) : _methodMocks(methodMocks), _offsets(offsets) { for (std::vector::iterator it = _offsets.begin(); it != _offsets.end(); ++it) { *it = std::numeric_limits::max(); } } Destructible *getInvocatoinHandlerPtrById(unsigned int id) override { unsigned int offset = getOffset(id); std::shared_ptr ptr = _methodMocks[offset]; return ptr.get(); } }; template struct DynamicProxy { static_assert(std::is_polymorphic::value, "DynamicProxy requires a polymorphic type"); DynamicProxy(C &inst) : instance(inst), originalVtHandle(VirtualTable::getVTable(instance).createHandle()), _methodMocks(VTUtils::getVTSize()), _offsets(VTUtils::getVTSize()), _invocationHandlers(_methodMocks, _offsets) { _cloneVt.copyFrom(originalVtHandle.restore()); _cloneVt.setCookie(InvocationHandlerCollection::VT_COOKIE_INDEX, &_invocationHandlers); getFake().setVirtualTable(_cloneVt); } void detach() { getFake().setVirtualTable(originalVtHandle.restore()); } ~DynamicProxy() { _cloneVt.dispose(); } C &get() { return instance; } void Reset() { _methodMocks = {}; _methodMocks.resize(VTUtils::getVTSize()); _members = {}; _offsets = {}; _offsets.resize(VTUtils::getVTSize()); _cloneVt.copyFrom(originalVtHandle.restore()); } void Clear() { } template void stubMethod(R(C::*vMethod)(arglist...), MethodInvocationHandler *methodInvocationHandler) { auto offset = VTUtils::getOffset(vMethod); MethodProxyCreator creator; bind(creator.template createMethodProxy(offset), methodInvocationHandler); } void stubDtor(MethodInvocationHandler *methodInvocationHandler) { auto offset = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); MethodProxyCreator creator; bindDtor(creator.createMethodProxy<0>(offset), methodInvocationHandler); } template bool isMethodStubbed(R(C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { unsigned int offset = VTUtils::getOffset(vMethod); return isBinded(offset); } bool isDtorStubbed() { unsigned int offset = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); return isBinded(offset); } template Destructible *getMethodMock(R(C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { auto offset = VTUtils::getOffset(vMethod); std::shared_ptr ptr = _methodMocks[offset]; return ptr.get(); } Destructible *getDtorMock() { auto offset = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); std::shared_ptr ptr = _methodMocks[offset]; return ptr.get(); } template void stubDataMember(DATA_TYPE C::*member, const arglist &... initargs) { DATA_TYPE C::*theMember = (DATA_TYPE C::*) member; C &mock = get(); DATA_TYPE *memberPtr = &(mock.*theMember); _members.push_back( std::shared_ptr > {new DataMemeberWrapper < DATA_TYPE, arglist...>(memberPtr, initargs...)}); } template void getMethodMocks(std::vector &into) const { for (std::shared_ptr ptr : _methodMocks) { DATA_TYPE p = dynamic_cast(ptr.get()); if (p) { into.push_back(p); } } } VirtualTable &getOriginalVT() { VirtualTable &vt = originalVtHandle.restore(); return vt; } private: template class DataMemeberWrapper : public Destructible { private: DATA_TYPE *dataMember; public: DataMemeberWrapper(DATA_TYPE *dataMem, const arglist &... initargs) : dataMember(dataMem) { new(dataMember) DATA_TYPE{initargs ...}; } ~DataMemeberWrapper() override { dataMember->~DATA_TYPE(); } }; static_assert(sizeof(C) == sizeof(FakeObject), "This is a problem"); C &instance; typename VirtualTable::Handle originalVtHandle; VirtualTable _cloneVt; std::vector> _methodMocks; std::vector> _members; std::vector _offsets; InvocationHandlers _invocationHandlers; FakeObject &getFake() { return reinterpret_cast &>(instance); } void bind(const MethodProxy &methodProxy, Destructible *invocationHandler) { getFake().setMethod(methodProxy.getOffset(), methodProxy.getProxy()); _methodMocks[methodProxy.getOffset()].reset(invocationHandler); _offsets[methodProxy.getOffset()] = methodProxy.getId(); } void bindDtor(const MethodProxy &methodProxy, Destructible *invocationHandler) { getFake().setDtor(methodProxy.getProxy()); _methodMocks[methodProxy.getOffset()].reset(invocationHandler); _offsets[methodProxy.getOffset()] = methodProxy.getId(); } template DATA_TYPE getMethodMock(unsigned int offset) { std::shared_ptr ptr = _methodMocks[offset]; return dynamic_cast(ptr.get()); } template void checkMultipleInheritance() { C *ptr = (C *) (unsigned int) 1; BaseClass *basePtr = ptr; int delta = (unsigned long) basePtr - (unsigned long) ptr; if (delta > 0) { throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("multiple inheritance is not supported")); } } bool isBinded(unsigned int offset) { std::shared_ptr ptr = _methodMocks[offset]; return ptr.get() != nullptr; } }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template struct apply_func { template static R applyTuple(std::function f, std::tuple &t, Args &... args) { return apply_func::template applyTuple(f, t, std::get(t), args...); } }; template<> struct apply_func < 0 > { template static R applyTuple(std::function f, std::tuple & , Args &... args) { return f(args...); } }; struct TupleDispatcher { template static R applyTuple(std::function f, std::tuple &t) { return apply_func::template applyTuple(f, t); } template static R invoke(std::function func, const std::tuple &arguments) { std::tuple &args = const_cast &>(arguments); return applyTuple(func, args); } template static void for_each(TupleType &&, FunctionType &, std::integral_constant::type>::value>) { } template::type>::value>::type> static void for_each(TupleType &&t, FunctionType &f, std::integral_constant) { f(I, std::get < I >(t)); for_each(std::forward < TupleType >(t), f, std::integral_constant()); } template static void for_each(TupleType &&t, FunctionType &f) { for_each(std::forward < TupleType >(t), f, std::integral_constant()); } template static void for_each(TupleType1 &&, TupleType2 &&, FunctionType &, std::integral_constant::type>::value>) { } template::type>::value>::type> static void for_each(TupleType1 &&t, TupleType2 &&t2, FunctionType &f, std::integral_constant) { f(I, std::get < I >(t), std::get < I >(t2)); for_each(std::forward < TupleType1 >(t), std::forward < TupleType2 >(t2), f, std::integral_constant()); } template static void for_each(TupleType1 &&t, TupleType2 &&t2, FunctionType &f) { for_each(std::forward < TupleType1 >(t), std::forward < TupleType2 >(t2), f, std::integral_constant()); } }; } namespace fakeit { template struct ActualInvocationHandler : Destructible { virtual R handleMethodInvocation(ArgumentsTuple & args) = 0; }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct DefaultValueInstatiationException { virtual ~DefaultValueInstatiationException() = default; virtual std::string what() const = 0; }; template struct is_constructible_type { static const bool value = std::is_default_constructible::type>::value && !std::is_abstract::type>::value; }; template struct DefaultValue; template struct DefaultValue::value>::type> { static C &value() { if (std::is_reference::value) { typename naked_type::type *ptr = nullptr; return *ptr; } class Exception : public DefaultValueInstatiationException { virtual std::string what() const override { return (std::string("Type ") + std::string(typeid(C).name()) + std::string( " is not default constructible. Could not instantiate a default return value")).c_str(); } }; throw Exception(); } }; template struct DefaultValue::value>::type> { static C &value() { static typename naked_type::type val{}; return val; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static void value() { return; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static bool &value() { static bool value{false}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static char &value() { static char value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static char16_t &value() { static char16_t value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static char32_t &value() { static char32_t value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static wchar_t &value() { static wchar_t value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static short &value() { static short value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static int &value() { static int value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static long &value() { static long value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static long long &value() { static long long value{0}; return value; } }; template<> struct DefaultValue { static std::string &value() { static std::string value{}; return value; } }; } namespace fakeit { struct IMatcher : Destructible { ~IMatcher() = default; virtual std::string format() const = 0; }; template struct TypedMatcher : IMatcher { virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const = 0; }; template struct TypedMatcherCreator { virtual ~TypedMatcherCreator() = default; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const = 0; }; template struct ComparisonMatcherCreator : public TypedMatcherCreator { virtual ~ComparisonMatcherCreator() = default; ComparisonMatcherCreator(const T &arg) : _expected(arg) { } struct Matcher : public TypedMatcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : _expected(expected) { } const T _expected; }; const T &_expected; }; namespace internal { template struct TypedAnyMatcher : public TypedMatcherCreator { virtual ~TypedAnyMatcher() = default; TypedAnyMatcher() { } struct Matcher : public TypedMatcher { virtual bool matches(const T &) const override { return true; } virtual std::string format() const override { return "Any"; } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(); } }; template struct EqMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~EqMatcherCreator() = default; EqMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual std::string format() const override { return TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual == this->_expected; } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; template struct GtMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~GtMatcherCreator() = default; GtMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual > this->_expected; } virtual std::string format() const override { return std::string(">") + TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; template struct GeMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~GeMatcherCreator() = default; GeMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual >= this->_expected; } virtual std::string format() const override { return std::string(">=") + TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; template struct LtMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~LtMatcherCreator() = default; LtMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual < this->_expected; } virtual std::string format() const override { return std::string("<") + TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; template struct LeMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~LeMatcherCreator() = default; LeMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual <= this->_expected; } virtual std::string format() const override { return std::string("<=") + TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; template struct NeMatcherCreator : public ComparisonMatcherCreator { virtual ~NeMatcherCreator() = default; NeMatcherCreator(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator(expected) { } struct Matcher : public ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher { Matcher(const T &expected) : ComparisonMatcherCreator::Matcher(expected) { } virtual bool matches(const T &actual) const override { return actual != this->_expected; } virtual std::string format() const override { return std::string("!=") + TypeFormatter::format(this->_expected); } }; virtual TypedMatcher *createMatcher() const override { return new Matcher(this->_expected); } }; } struct AnyMatcher { } static _; template internal::TypedAnyMatcher Any() { internal::TypedAnyMatcher rv; return rv; } template internal::EqMatcherCreator Eq(const T &arg) { internal::EqMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } template internal::GtMatcherCreator Gt(const T &arg) { internal::GtMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } template internal::GeMatcherCreator Ge(const T &arg) { internal::GeMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } template internal::LtMatcherCreator Lt(const T &arg) { internal::LtMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } template internal::LeMatcherCreator Le(const T &arg) { internal::LeMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } template internal::NeMatcherCreator Ne(const T &arg) { internal::NeMatcherCreator rv(arg); return rv; } } namespace fakeit { template struct ArgumentsMatcherInvocationMatcher : public ActualInvocation::Matcher { virtual ~ArgumentsMatcherInvocationMatcher() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _matchers.size(); i++) delete _matchers[i]; } ArgumentsMatcherInvocationMatcher(const std::vector &args) : _matchers(args) { } virtual bool matches(ActualInvocation &invocation) override { if (invocation.getActualMatcher() == this) return true; return matches(invocation.getActualArguments()); } virtual std::string format() const override { std::ostringstream out; out << "("; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _matchers.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) out << ", "; IMatcher *m = dynamic_cast(_matchers[i]); out << m->format(); } out << ")"; return out.str(); } private: struct MatchingLambda { MatchingLambda(const std::vector &matchers) : _matchers(matchers) { } template void operator()(int index, A &actualArg) { TypedMatcher::type> *matcher = dynamic_cast::type> *>(_matchers[index]); if (_matching) _matching = matcher->matches(actualArg); } bool isMatching() { return _matching; } private: bool _matching = true; const std::vector &_matchers; }; virtual bool matches(ArgumentsTuple& actualArguments) { MatchingLambda l(_matchers); fakeit::TupleDispatcher::for_each(actualArguments, l); return l.isMatching(); } const std::vector _matchers; }; template struct UserDefinedInvocationMatcher : ActualInvocation::Matcher { virtual ~UserDefinedInvocationMatcher() = default; UserDefinedInvocationMatcher(std::function match) : matcher{match} { } virtual bool matches(ActualInvocation &invocation) override { if (invocation.getActualMatcher() == this) return true; return matches(invocation.getActualArguments()); } virtual std::string format() const override { return {"( user defined matcher )"}; } private: virtual bool matches(ArgumentsTuple& actualArguments) { return TupleDispatcher::invoke::type...>(matcher, actualArguments); } const std::function matcher; }; template struct DefaultInvocationMatcher : public ActualInvocation::Matcher { virtual ~DefaultInvocationMatcher() = default; DefaultInvocationMatcher() { } virtual bool matches(ActualInvocation &invocation) override { return matches(invocation.getActualArguments()); } virtual std::string format() const override { return {"( Any arguments )"}; } private: virtual bool matches(const ArgumentsTuple&) { return true; } }; } namespace fakeit { template class RecordedMethodBody : public MethodInvocationHandler, public ActualInvocationsSource, public ActualInvocationsContainer { struct MatchedInvocationHandler : ActualInvocationHandler { virtual ~MatchedInvocationHandler() = default; MatchedInvocationHandler(typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher, ActualInvocationHandler *invocationHandler) : _matcher{matcher}, _invocationHandler{invocationHandler} { } virtual R handleMethodInvocation(ArgumentsTuple & args) override { Destructible &destructable = *_invocationHandler; ActualInvocationHandler &invocationHandler = dynamic_cast &>(destructable); return invocationHandler.handleMethodInvocation(args); } typename ActualInvocation::Matcher &getMatcher() const { Destructible &destructable = *_matcher; typename ActualInvocation::Matcher &matcher = dynamic_cast::Matcher &>(destructable); return matcher; } private: std::shared_ptr _matcher; std::shared_ptr _invocationHandler; }; FakeitContext &_fakeit; MethodInfo _method; std::vector> _invocationHandlers; std::vector> _actualInvocations; MatchedInvocationHandler *buildMatchedInvocationHandler( typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *invocationMatcher, ActualInvocationHandler *invocationHandler) { return new MatchedInvocationHandler(invocationMatcher, invocationHandler); } MatchedInvocationHandler *getInvocationHandlerForActualArgs(ActualInvocation &invocation) { for (auto i = _invocationHandlers.rbegin(); i != _invocationHandlers.rend(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr curr = *i; Destructible &destructable = *curr; MatchedInvocationHandler &im = asMatchedInvocationHandler(destructable); if (im.getMatcher().matches(invocation)) { return &im; } } return nullptr; } MatchedInvocationHandler &asMatchedInvocationHandler(Destructible &destructable) { MatchedInvocationHandler &im = dynamic_cast(destructable); return im; } ActualInvocation &asActualInvocation(Destructible &destructable) const { ActualInvocation &invocation = dynamic_cast &>(destructable); return invocation; } public: RecordedMethodBody(FakeitContext &fakeit, std::string name) : _fakeit(fakeit), _method{MethodInfo::nextMethodOrdinal(), name} { } virtual ~RecordedMethodBody() NO_THROWS { } MethodInfo &getMethod() { return _method; } bool isOfMethod(MethodInfo &method) { return method.id() == _method.id(); } void addMethodInvocationHandler(typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher, ActualInvocationHandler *invocationHandler) { ActualInvocationHandler *mock = buildMatchedInvocationHandler(matcher, invocationHandler); std::shared_ptr destructable{mock}; _invocationHandlers.push_back(destructable); } void reset() { _invocationHandlers.clear(); _actualInvocations.clear(); } void clear() override { _actualInvocations.clear(); } R handleMethodInvocation(const typename fakeit::production_arg::type... args) override { unsigned int ordinal = Invocation::nextInvocationOrdinal(); MethodInfo &method = this->getMethod(); auto actualInvocation = new ActualInvocation(ordinal, method, std::forward::type>(args)...); std::shared_ptr actualInvocationDtor{actualInvocation}; auto invocationHandler = getInvocationHandlerForActualArgs(*actualInvocation); if (invocationHandler) { auto &matcher = invocationHandler->getMatcher(); actualInvocation->setActualMatcher(&matcher); _actualInvocations.push_back(actualInvocationDtor); try { return invocationHandler->handleMethodInvocation(actualInvocation->getActualArguments()); } catch (NoMoreRecordedActionException &) { } } UnexpectedMethodCallEvent event(UnexpectedType::Unmatched, *actualInvocation); _fakeit.handle(event); std::string format{_fakeit.format(event)}; UnexpectedMethodCallException e(format); throw e; } void scanActualInvocations(const std::function &)> &scanner) { for (auto destructablePtr : _actualInvocations) { ActualInvocation &invocation = asActualInvocation(*destructablePtr); scanner(invocation); } } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { for (auto destructablePtr : _actualInvocations) { Invocation &invocation = asActualInvocation(*destructablePtr); into.insert(&invocation); } } void setMethodDetails(const std::string &mockName, const std::string &methodName) { const std::string fullName{mockName + "." + methodName}; _method.setName(fullName); } }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct Quantity { Quantity(const int q) : quantity(q) { } const int quantity; } static Once(1); template struct Quantifier : public Quantity { Quantifier(const int q, const R &val) : Quantity(q), value(val) { } const R &value; }; template<> struct Quantifier : public Quantity { explicit Quantifier(const int q) : Quantity(q) { } }; struct QuantifierFunctor : public Quantifier { QuantifierFunctor(const int q) : Quantifier(q) { } template Quantifier operator()(const R &value) { return Quantifier(quantity, value); } }; template struct Times : public Quantity { Times() : Quantity(q) { } template static Quantifier of(const R &value) { return Quantifier(q, value); } static Quantifier Void() { return Quantifier(q); } }; #if defined (__GNUG__) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900) inline QuantifierFunctor operator "" _Times(unsigned long long n) { return QuantifierFunctor((int) n); } inline QuantifierFunctor operator "" _Time(unsigned long long n) { if (n != 1) throw std::invalid_argument("Only 1_Time is supported. Use X_Times (with s) if X is bigger than 1"); return QuantifierFunctor((int) n); } #endif } #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template struct Action : Destructible { virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple &) = 0; virtual bool isDone() = 0; }; template struct Repeat : Action { virtual ~Repeat() = default; Repeat(std::function::type...)> func) : f(func), times(1) { } Repeat(std::function::type...)> func, long t) : f(func), times(t) { } virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple & args) override { times--; return TupleDispatcher::invoke(f, args); } virtual bool isDone() override { return times == 0; } private: std::function::type...)> f; long times; }; template struct RepeatForever : public Action { virtual ~RepeatForever() = default; RepeatForever(std::function::type...)> func) : f(func) { } virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple & args) override { return TupleDispatcher::invoke(f, args); } virtual bool isDone() override { return false; } private: std::function::type...)> f; }; template struct ReturnDefaultValue : public Action { virtual ~ReturnDefaultValue() = default; virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple &) override { return DefaultValue::value(); } virtual bool isDone() override { return false; } }; template struct ReturnDelegateValue : public Action { ReturnDelegateValue(std::function::type...)> delegate) : _delegate(delegate) { } virtual ~ReturnDelegateValue() = default; virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple & args) override { return TupleDispatcher::invoke(_delegate, args); } virtual bool isDone() override { return false; } private: std::function::type...)> _delegate; }; } namespace fakeit { template struct MethodStubbingProgress { virtual ~MethodStubbingProgress() THROWS { } template typename std::enable_if::value, MethodStubbingProgress &>::type Return(const R &r) { return Do([r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }); } template typename std::enable_if::value, MethodStubbingProgress &>::type Return(const R &r) { return Do([&r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }); } MethodStubbingProgress & Return(const Quantifier &q) { const R &value = q.value; auto method = [value](const arglist &...) -> R { return value; }; return DoImpl(new Repeat(method, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Return(const first &f, const second &s, const tail &... t) { Return(f); return Return(s, t...); } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type AlwaysReturn(const R &r) { return AlwaysDo([r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }); } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type AlwaysReturn(const R &r) { return AlwaysDo([&r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }); } MethodStubbingProgress & Return() { return Do([](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return DefaultValue::value(); }); } void AlwaysReturn() { return AlwaysDo([](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return DefaultValue::value(); }); } template MethodStubbingProgress &Throw(const E &e) { return Do([e](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { throw e; }); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Throw(const Quantifier &q) { const E &value = q.value; auto method = [value](const arglist &...) -> R { throw value; }; return DoImpl(new Repeat(method, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Throw(const first &f, const second &s, const tail &... t) { Throw(f); return Throw(s, t...); } template void AlwaysThrow(const E &e) { return AlwaysDo([e](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { throw e; }); } virtual MethodStubbingProgress & Do(std::function::type...)> method) { return DoImpl(new Repeat(method)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Do(const Quantifier &q) { return DoImpl(new Repeat(q.value, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Do(const first &f, const second &s, const tail &... t) { Do(f); return Do(s, t...); } virtual void AlwaysDo(std::function::type...)> method) { DoImpl(new RepeatForever(method)); } protected: virtual MethodStubbingProgress &DoImpl(Action *action) = 0; private: MethodStubbingProgress &operator=(const MethodStubbingProgress &other) = delete; }; template struct MethodStubbingProgress { virtual ~MethodStubbingProgress() THROWS { } MethodStubbingProgress &Return() { auto lambda = [](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> void { return DefaultValue::value(); }; return Do(lambda); } virtual MethodStubbingProgress &Do( std::function::type...)> method) { return DoImpl(new Repeat(method)); } void AlwaysReturn() { return AlwaysDo([](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> void { return DefaultValue::value(); }); } MethodStubbingProgress & Return(const Quantifier &q) { auto method = [](const arglist &...) -> void { return DefaultValue::value(); }; return DoImpl(new Repeat(method, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress &Throw(const E &e) { return Do([e](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> void { throw e; }); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Throw(const Quantifier &q) { const E &value = q.value; auto method = [value](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> void { throw value; }; return DoImpl(new Repeat(method, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Throw(const first &f, const second &s, const tail &... t) { Throw(f); return Throw(s, t...); } template void AlwaysThrow(const E e) { return AlwaysDo([e](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> void { throw e; }); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Do(const Quantifier &q) { return DoImpl(new Repeat(q.value, q.quantity)); } template MethodStubbingProgress & Do(const first &f, const second &s, const tail &... t) { Do(f); return Do(s, t...); } virtual void AlwaysDo(std::function::type...)> method) { DoImpl(new RepeatForever(method)); } protected: virtual MethodStubbingProgress &DoImpl(Action *action) = 0; private: MethodStubbingProgress &operator=(const MethodStubbingProgress &other) = delete; }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { class Finally { private: std::function _finallyClause; Finally(const Finally &); Finally &operator=(const Finally &); public: explicit Finally(std::function f) : _finallyClause(f) { } ~Finally() { _finallyClause(); } }; } namespace fakeit { template struct ActionSequence : ActualInvocationHandler { ActionSequence() { clear(); } void AppendDo(Action *action) { append(action); } virtual R handleMethodInvocation(ArgumentsTuple & args) override { std::shared_ptr destructablePtr = _recordedActions.front(); Destructible &destructable = *destructablePtr; Action &action = dynamic_cast &>(destructable); std::function finallyClause = [&]() -> void { if (action.isDone()) _recordedActions.erase(_recordedActions.begin()); }; Finally onExit(finallyClause); return action.invoke(args); } private: struct NoMoreRecordedAction : Action { virtual R invoke(const ArgumentsTuple &) override { throw NoMoreRecordedActionException(); } virtual bool isDone() override { return false; } }; void append(Action *action) { std::shared_ptr destructable{action}; _recordedActions.insert(_recordedActions.end() - 1, destructable); } void clear() { _recordedActions.clear(); auto actionPtr = std::shared_ptr {new NoMoreRecordedAction()}; _recordedActions.push_back(actionPtr); } std::vector> _recordedActions; }; } namespace fakeit { template class DataMemberStubbingRoot { private: public: DataMemberStubbingRoot(const DataMemberStubbingRoot &) = default; DataMemberStubbingRoot() = default; void operator=(const DATA_TYPE&) { } }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct Xaction { virtual void commit() = 0; }; } namespace fakeit { template struct SpyingContext : Xaction { virtual void appendAction(Action *action) = 0; virtual std::function getOriginalMethod() = 0; }; } namespace fakeit { template struct StubbingContext : public Xaction { virtual void appendAction(Action *action) = 0; }; } #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fakeit { template class MatchersCollector { std::vector &_matchers; public: template using ArgType = typename std::tuple_element>::type; template using NakedArgType = typename naked_type>::type; template using ArgMatcherCreatorType = decltype(std::declval>>()); MatchersCollector(std::vector &matchers) : _matchers(matchers) { } void CollectMatchers() { } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible, Head>::value, void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &value) { TypedMatcher> *d = Eq>(value).createMatcher(); _matchers.push_back(d); } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible, Head>::value , void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &head, const Tail &... tail) { CollectMatchers(head); MatchersCollector c(_matchers); c.CollectMatchers(tail...); } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of>, Head>::value, void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &creator) { TypedMatcher> *d = creator.createMatcher(); _matchers.push_back(d); } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of>, Head>::value, void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &head, const Tail &... tail) { CollectMatchers(head); MatchersCollector c(_matchers); c.CollectMatchers(tail...); } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_same::value, void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &) { TypedMatcher> *d = Any>().createMatcher(); _matchers.push_back(d); } template typename std::enable_if< std::is_same::value, void> ::type CollectMatchers(const Head &head, const Tail &... tail) { CollectMatchers(head); MatchersCollector c(_matchers); c.CollectMatchers(tail...); } }; } namespace fakeit { template class MethodMockingContext : public Sequence, public ActualInvocationsSource, public virtual StubbingContext, public virtual SpyingContext, private Invocation::Matcher { public: struct Context : Destructible { virtual typename std::function getOriginalMethod() = 0; virtual std::string getMethodName() = 0; virtual void addMethodInvocationHandler(typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher, ActualInvocationHandler *invocationHandler) = 0; virtual void scanActualInvocations(const std::function &)> &scanner) = 0; virtual void setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) = 0; virtual bool isOfMethod(MethodInfo &method) = 0; virtual ActualInvocationsSource &getInvolvedMock() = 0; }; private: class Implementation { Context *_stubbingContext; ActionSequence *_recordedActionSequence; typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *_invocationMatcher; bool _commited; Context &getStubbingContext() const { return *_stubbingContext; } public: Implementation(Context *stubbingContext) : _stubbingContext(stubbingContext), _recordedActionSequence(new ActionSequence()), _invocationMatcher { new DefaultInvocationMatcher()}, _commited(false) { } ~Implementation() { delete _stubbingContext; if (!_commited) { delete _recordedActionSequence; delete _invocationMatcher; } } ActionSequence &getRecordedActionSequence() { return *_recordedActionSequence; } std::string format() const { std::string s = getStubbingContext().getMethodName(); s += _invocationMatcher->format(); return s; } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const { auto scanner = [&](ActualInvocation &a) { if (_invocationMatcher->matches(a)) { into.insert(&a); } }; getStubbingContext().scanActualInvocations(scanner); } bool matches(Invocation &invocation) { MethodInfo &actualMethod = invocation.getMethod(); if (!getStubbingContext().isOfMethod(actualMethod)) { return false; } ActualInvocation &actualInvocation = dynamic_cast &>(invocation); return _invocationMatcher->matches(actualInvocation); } void commit() { getStubbingContext().addMethodInvocationHandler(_invocationMatcher, _recordedActionSequence); _commited = true; } void appendAction(Action *action) { getRecordedActionSequence().AppendDo(action); } void setMethodBodyByAssignment(std::function::type...)> method) { appendAction(new RepeatForever(method)); commit(); } void setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { getStubbingContext().setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); } void getInvolvedMocks(std::vector &into) const { into.push_back(&getStubbingContext().getInvolvedMock()); } typename std::function getOriginalMethod() { return getStubbingContext().getOriginalMethod(); } void setInvocationMatcher(typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher) { delete _invocationMatcher; _invocationMatcher = matcher; } }; protected: MethodMockingContext(Context *stubbingContext) : _impl{new Implementation(stubbingContext)} { } MethodMockingContext(MethodMockingContext &) = default; MethodMockingContext(MethodMockingContext &&other) : _impl(std::move(other._impl)) { } virtual ~MethodMockingContext() NO_THROWS { } std::string format() const override { return _impl->format(); } unsigned int size() const override { return 1; } void getInvolvedMocks(std::vector &into) const override { _impl->getInvolvedMocks(into); } void getExpectedSequence(std::vector &into) const override { const Invocation::Matcher *b = this; Invocation::Matcher *c = const_cast(b); into.push_back(c); } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { _impl->getActualInvocations(into); } bool matches(Invocation &invocation) override { return _impl->matches(invocation); } void commit() override { _impl->commit(); } void setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { _impl->setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); } void setMatchingCriteria(std::function predicate) { typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher{ new UserDefinedInvocationMatcher(predicate)}; _impl->setInvocationMatcher(matcher); } void setMatchingCriteria(const std::vector &matchers) { typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher{ new ArgumentsMatcherInvocationMatcher(matchers)}; _impl->setInvocationMatcher(matcher); } void appendAction(Action *action) override { _impl->appendAction(action); } void setMethodBodyByAssignment(std::function::type...)> method) { _impl->setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } template::type> void setMatchingCriteria(const matcherCreators &... matcherCreator) { std::vector matchers; MatchersCollector<0, arglist...> c(matchers); c.CollectMatchers(matcherCreator...); MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(matchers); } private: typename std::function getOriginalMethod() override { return _impl->getOriginalMethod(); } std::shared_ptr _impl; }; template class MockingContext : public MethodMockingContext { MockingContext &operator=(const MockingContext &) = delete; public: MockingContext(typename MethodMockingContext::Context *stubbingContext) : MethodMockingContext(stubbingContext) { } MockingContext(MockingContext &) = default; MockingContext(MockingContext &&other) : MethodMockingContext(std::move(other)) { } MockingContext &setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); return *this; } MockingContext &Using(const arglist &... args) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(args...); return *this; } template MockingContext &Using(const arg_matcher &... arg_matchers) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(arg_matchers...); return *this; } MockingContext &Matching(std::function matcher) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(matcher); return *this; } MockingContext &operator()(const arglist &... args) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(args...); return *this; } MockingContext &operator()(std::function matcher) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(matcher); return *this; } void operator=(std::function method) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type operator=(const R &r) { auto method = [r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }; MethodMockingContext::setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } template typename std::enable_if::value, void>::type operator=(const R &r) { auto method = [&r](const typename fakeit::test_arg::type...) -> R { return r; }; MethodMockingContext::setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } }; template class MockingContext : public MethodMockingContext { MockingContext &operator=(const MockingContext &) = delete; public: MockingContext(typename MethodMockingContext::Context *stubbingContext) : MethodMockingContext(stubbingContext) { } MockingContext(MockingContext &) = default; MockingContext(MockingContext &&other) : MethodMockingContext(std::move(other)) { } MockingContext &setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); return *this; } MockingContext &Using(const arglist &... args) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(args...); return *this; } template MockingContext &Using(const arg_matcher &... arg_matchers) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(arg_matchers...); return *this; } MockingContext &Matching(std::function matcher) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(matcher); return *this; } MockingContext &operator()(const arglist &... args) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(args...); return *this; } MockingContext &operator()(std::function matcher) { MethodMockingContext::setMatchingCriteria(matcher); return *this; } void operator=(std::function method) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } }; class DtorMockingContext : public MethodMockingContext { public: DtorMockingContext(MethodMockingContext::Context *stubbingContext) : MethodMockingContext(stubbingContext) { } DtorMockingContext(DtorMockingContext &other) : MethodMockingContext(other) { } DtorMockingContext(DtorMockingContext &&other) : MethodMockingContext(std::move(other)) { } void operator=(std::function method) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodBodyByAssignment(method); } DtorMockingContext &setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { MethodMockingContext::setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); return *this; } }; } namespace fakeit { template class MockImpl : private MockObject, public virtual ActualInvocationsSource { public: MockImpl(FakeitContext &fakeit, C &obj) : MockImpl(fakeit, obj, true) { } MockImpl(FakeitContext &fakeit) : MockImpl(fakeit, *(createFakeInstance()), false){ FakeObject *fake = asFakeObject(_instanceOwner.get()); fake->getVirtualTable().setCookie(1, this); } virtual ~MockImpl() NO_THROWS { _proxy.detach(); } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { std::vector vec; _proxy.getMethodMocks(vec); for (ActualInvocationsSource *s : vec) { s->getActualInvocations(into); } } void initDataMembersIfOwner() { if (isOwner()) { FakeObject *fake = asFakeObject(_instanceOwner.get()); fake->initializeDataMembersArea(); } } void reset() { _proxy.Reset(); initDataMembersIfOwner(); } void clear() { std::vector vec; _proxy.getMethodMocks(vec); for (ActualInvocationsContainer *s : vec) { s->clear(); } initDataMembersIfOwner(); } virtual C &get() override { return _proxy.get(); } virtual FakeitContext &getFakeIt() override { return _fakeit; } template::value>::type> DataMemberStubbingRoot stubDataMember(DATA_TYPE T::*member, const arglist &... ctorargs) { _proxy.stubDataMember(member, ctorargs...); return DataMemberStubbingRoot(); } template::value>::type> MockingContext stubMethod(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { return MockingContext(new UniqueMethodMockingContextImpl < id, R, arglist... > (*this, vMethod)); } DtorMockingContext stubDtor() { return DtorMockingContext(new DtorMockingContextImpl(*this)); } private: std::shared_ptr> _instanceOwner; DynamicProxy _proxy; FakeitContext &_fakeit; MockImpl(FakeitContext &fakeit, C &obj, bool isSpy) : _instanceOwner(isSpy ? nullptr : asFakeObject(&obj)) , _proxy{obj} , _fakeit(fakeit) {} static FakeObject* asFakeObject(void* instance){ return reinterpret_cast *>(instance); } template class MethodMockingContextBase : public MethodMockingContext::Context { protected: MockImpl &_mock; virtual RecordedMethodBody &getRecordedMethodBody() = 0; public: MethodMockingContextBase(MockImpl &mock) : _mock(mock) { } virtual ~MethodMockingContextBase() = default; void addMethodInvocationHandler(typename ActualInvocation::Matcher *matcher, ActualInvocationHandler *invocationHandler) { getRecordedMethodBody().addMethodInvocationHandler(matcher, invocationHandler); } void scanActualInvocations(const std::function &)> &scanner) { getRecordedMethodBody().scanActualInvocations(scanner); } void setMethodDetails(std::string mockName, std::string methodName) { getRecordedMethodBody().setMethodDetails(mockName, methodName); } bool isOfMethod(MethodInfo &method) { return getRecordedMethodBody().isOfMethod(method); } ActualInvocationsSource &getInvolvedMock() { return _mock; } std::string getMethodName() { return getRecordedMethodBody().getMethod().name(); } }; template class MethodMockingContextImpl : public MethodMockingContextBase { protected: R (C::*_vMethod)(arglist...); public: virtual ~MethodMockingContextImpl() = default; MethodMockingContextImpl(MockImpl &mock, R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) : MethodMockingContextBase(mock), _vMethod(vMethod) { } virtual std::function getOriginalMethod() override { void *mPtr = MethodMockingContextBase::_mock.getOriginalMethod(_vMethod); C * instance = &(MethodMockingContextBase::_mock.get()); return [=](arglist&... args) -> R { auto m = union_cast::type>(mPtr); return m(instance, std::forward(args)...); }; } }; template class UniqueMethodMockingContextImpl : public MethodMockingContextImpl { protected: virtual RecordedMethodBody &getRecordedMethodBody() override { return MethodMockingContextBase::_mock.template stubMethodIfNotStubbed( MethodMockingContextBase::_mock._proxy, MethodMockingContextImpl::_vMethod); } public: UniqueMethodMockingContextImpl(MockImpl &mock, R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) : MethodMockingContextImpl(mock, vMethod) { } }; class DtorMockingContextImpl : public MethodMockingContextBase { protected: virtual RecordedMethodBody &getRecordedMethodBody() override { return MethodMockingContextBase::_mock.stubDtorIfNotStubbed( MethodMockingContextBase::_mock._proxy); } public: virtual ~DtorMockingContextImpl() = default; DtorMockingContextImpl(MockImpl &mock) : MethodMockingContextBase(mock) { } virtual std::function getOriginalMethod() override { C &instance = MethodMockingContextBase::_mock.get(); return [=, &instance]() -> void { }; } }; static MockImpl *getMockImpl(void *instance) { FakeObject *fake = asFakeObject(instance); MockImpl *mock = reinterpret_cast *>(fake->getVirtualTable().getCookie( 1)); return mock; } bool isOwner(){ return _instanceOwner != nullptr;} void unmockedDtor() {} void unmocked() { ActualInvocation<> invocation(Invocation::nextInvocationOrdinal(), UnknownMethod::instance()); UnexpectedMethodCallEvent event(UnexpectedType::Unmocked, invocation); auto &fakeit = getMockImpl(this)->_fakeit; fakeit.handle(event); std::string format = fakeit.format(event); UnexpectedMethodCallException e(format); throw e; } static C *createFakeInstance() { FakeObject *fake = new FakeObject(); void *unmockedMethodStubPtr = union_cast(&MockImpl::unmocked); void *unmockedDtorStubPtr = union_cast(&MockImpl::unmockedDtor); fake->getVirtualTable().initAll(unmockedMethodStubPtr); if (VTUtils::hasVirtualDestructor()) fake->setDtor(unmockedDtorStubPtr); return reinterpret_cast(fake); } template void *getOriginalMethod(R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { auto vt = _proxy.getOriginalVT(); auto offset = VTUtils::getOffset(vMethod); void *origMethodPtr = vt.getMethod(offset); return origMethodPtr; } void *getOriginalDtor() { auto vt = _proxy.getOriginalVT(); auto offset = VTUtils::getDestructorOffset(); void *origMethodPtr = vt.getMethod(offset); return origMethodPtr; } template RecordedMethodBody &stubMethodIfNotStubbed(DynamicProxy &proxy, R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { if (!proxy.isMethodStubbed(vMethod)) { proxy.template stubMethod(vMethod, createRecordedMethodBody < R, arglist... > (*this, vMethod)); } Destructible *d = proxy.getMethodMock(vMethod); RecordedMethodBody *methodMock = dynamic_cast *>(d); return *methodMock; } RecordedMethodBody &stubDtorIfNotStubbed(DynamicProxy &proxy) { if (!proxy.isDtorStubbed()) { proxy.stubDtor(createRecordedDtorBody(*this)); } Destructible *d = proxy.getDtorMock(); RecordedMethodBody *dtorMock = dynamic_cast *>(d); return *dtorMock; } template static RecordedMethodBody *createRecordedMethodBody(MockObject &mock, R(C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { return new RecordedMethodBody(mock.getFakeIt(), typeid(vMethod).name()); } static RecordedMethodBody *createRecordedDtorBody(MockObject &mock) { return new RecordedMethodBody(mock.getFakeIt(), "dtor"); } }; } namespace fakeit { template struct Prototype; template struct Prototype { typedef R Type(Args...); typedef R ConstType(Args...) const; template struct MemberType { typedef Type(C::*type); typedef ConstType(C::*cosntType); static type get(type t) { return t; } static cosntType getconst(cosntType t) { return t; } }; }; template struct UniqueMethod { R (C::*method)(arglist...); UniqueMethod(R (C::*vMethod)(arglist...)) : method(vMethod) { } int uniqueId() { return X; } }; } namespace fakeit { namespace internal { } using namespace fakeit::internal; template class Mock : public ActualInvocationsSource { MockImpl impl; public: virtual ~Mock() = default; static_assert(std::is_polymorphic::value, "Can only mock a polymorphic type"); Mock() : impl(Fakeit) { } explicit Mock(C &obj) : impl(Fakeit, obj) { } virtual C &get() { return impl.get(); } C &operator()() { return get(); } void Reset() { impl.reset(); } void ClearInvocationHistory() { impl.clear(); } template::value>::type> DataMemberStubbingRoot Stub(DATA_TYPE C::* member, const arglist &... ctorargs) { return impl.stubDataMember(member, ctorargs...); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R (T::*vMethod)(arglist...) const) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...) volatile) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...) const volatile) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { return impl.template stubMethod(vMethod); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...) const) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...) volatile) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...) const volatile) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } template::value && std::is_base_of::value>::type> MockingContext stub(R(T::*vMethod)(arglist...)) { auto methodWithoutConstVolatile = reinterpret_cast(vMethod); return impl.template stubMethod(methodWithoutConstVolatile); } DtorMockingContext dtor() { return impl.stubDtor(); } void getActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &into) const override { impl.getActualInvocations(into); } }; } #include namespace fakeit { class RefCount { private: int count; public: void AddRef() { count++; } int Release() { return --count; } }; template class smart_ptr { private: T *pData; RefCount *reference; public: smart_ptr() : pData(0), reference(0) { reference = new RefCount(); reference->AddRef(); } smart_ptr(T *pValue) : pData(pValue), reference(0) { reference = new RefCount(); reference->AddRef(); } smart_ptr(const smart_ptr &sp) : pData(sp.pData), reference(sp.reference) { reference->AddRef(); } ~smart_ptr() THROWS { if (reference->Release() == 0) { delete reference; delete pData; } } T &operator*() { return *pData; } T *operator->() { return pData; } smart_ptr &operator=(const smart_ptr &sp) { if (this != &sp) { if (reference->Release() == 0) { delete reference; delete pData; } pData = sp.pData; reference = sp.reference; reference->AddRef(); } return *this; } }; } namespace fakeit { class WhenFunctor { struct StubbingChange { friend class WhenFunctor; virtual ~StubbingChange() THROWS { if (std::uncaught_exception()) { return; } _xaction.commit(); } StubbingChange(StubbingChange &other) : _xaction(other._xaction) { } private: StubbingChange(Xaction &xaction) : _xaction(xaction) { } Xaction &_xaction; }; public: template struct MethodProgress : MethodStubbingProgress { friend class WhenFunctor; virtual ~MethodProgress() override = default; MethodProgress(MethodProgress &other) : _progress(other._progress), _context(other._context) { } MethodProgress(StubbingContext &xaction) : _progress(new StubbingChange(xaction)), _context(xaction) { } protected: virtual MethodStubbingProgress &DoImpl(Action *action) override { _context.appendAction(action); return *this; } private: smart_ptr _progress; StubbingContext &_context; }; WhenFunctor() { } template MethodProgress operator()(const StubbingContext &stubbingContext) { StubbingContext &rootWithoutConst = const_cast &>(stubbingContext); MethodProgress progress(rootWithoutConst); return progress; } }; } namespace fakeit { class FakeFunctor { private: template void fake(const StubbingContext &root) { StubbingContext &rootWithoutConst = const_cast &>(root); rootWithoutConst.appendAction(new ReturnDefaultValue()); rootWithoutConst.commit(); } void operator()() { } public: template void operator()(const H &head, const M &... tail) { fake(head); this->operator()(tail...); } }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { struct InvocationUtils { static void sortByInvocationOrder(std::unordered_set &ivocations, std::vector &result) { auto comparator = [](Invocation *a, Invocation *b) -> bool { return a->getOrdinal() < b->getOrdinal(); }; std::set sortedIvocations(comparator); for (auto i : ivocations) sortedIvocations.insert(i); for (auto i : sortedIvocations) result.push_back(i); } static void collectActualInvocations(std::unordered_set &actualInvocations, std::vector &invocationSources) { for (auto source : invocationSources) { source->getActualInvocations(actualInvocations); } } static void selectNonVerifiedInvocations(std::unordered_set &actualInvocations, std::unordered_set &into) { for (auto invocation : actualInvocations) { if (!invocation->isVerified()) { into.insert(invocation); } } } static void collectInvocationSources(std::vector &) { } template static void collectInvocationSources(std::vector &into, const ActualInvocationsSource &mock, const list &... tail) { into.push_back(const_cast(&mock)); collectInvocationSources(into, tail...); } static void collectSequences(std::vector &) { } template static void collectSequences(std::vector &vec, const Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { vec.push_back(&const_cast(sequence)); collectSequences(vec, tail...); } static void collectInvolvedMocks(std::vector &allSequences, std::vector &involvedMocks) { for (auto sequence : allSequences) { sequence->getInvolvedMocks(involvedMocks); } } template static T &remove_const(const T &s) { return const_cast(s); } }; } #include #include #include namespace fakeit { struct MatchAnalysis { std::vector actualSequence; std::vector matchedInvocations; int count; void run(InvocationsSourceProxy &involvedInvocationSources, std::vector &expectedPattern) { getActualInvocationSequence(involvedInvocationSources, actualSequence); count = countMatches(expectedPattern, actualSequence, matchedInvocations); } private: static void getActualInvocationSequence(InvocationsSourceProxy &involvedMocks, std::vector &actualSequence) { std::unordered_set actualInvocations; collectActualInvocations(involvedMocks, actualInvocations); InvocationUtils::sortByInvocationOrder(actualInvocations, actualSequence); } static int countMatches(std::vector &pattern, std::vector &actualSequence, std::vector &matchedInvocations) { int end = -1; int count = 0; int startSearchIndex = 0; while (findNextMatch(pattern, actualSequence, startSearchIndex, end, matchedInvocations)) { count++; startSearchIndex = end; } return count; } static void collectActualInvocations(InvocationsSourceProxy &involvedMocks, std::unordered_set &actualInvocations) { involvedMocks.getActualInvocations(actualInvocations); } static bool findNextMatch(std::vector &pattern, std::vector &actualSequence, int startSearchIndex, int &end, std::vector &matchedInvocations) { for (auto sequence : pattern) { int index = findNextMatch(sequence, actualSequence, startSearchIndex); if (index == -1) { return false; } collectMatchedInvocations(actualSequence, matchedInvocations, index, sequence->size()); startSearchIndex = index + sequence->size(); } end = startSearchIndex; return true; } static void collectMatchedInvocations(std::vector &actualSequence, std::vector &matchedInvocations, int start, int length) { int indexAfterMatchedPattern = start + length; for (; start < indexAfterMatchedPattern; start++) { matchedInvocations.push_back(actualSequence[start]); } } static bool isMatch(std::vector &actualSequence, std::vector &expectedSequence, int start) { bool found = true; for (unsigned int j = 0; found && j < expectedSequence.size(); j++) { Invocation *actual = actualSequence[start + j]; Invocation::Matcher *expected = expectedSequence[j]; found = found && expected->matches(*actual); } return found; } static int findNextMatch(Sequence *&pattern, std::vector &actualSequence, int startSearchIndex) { std::vector expectedSequence; pattern->getExpectedSequence(expectedSequence); for (int i = startSearchIndex; i < ((int) actualSequence.size() - (int) expectedSequence.size() + 1); i++) { if (isMatch(actualSequence, expectedSequence, i)) { return i; } } return -1; } }; } namespace fakeit { struct SequenceVerificationExpectation { friend class SequenceVerificationProgress; ~SequenceVerificationExpectation() THROWS { if (std::uncaught_exception()) { return; } VerifyExpectation(_fakeit); } void setExpectedPattern(std::vector expectedPattern) { _expectedPattern = expectedPattern; } void setExpectedCount(const int count) { _expectedCount = count; } void setFileInfo(const char * file, int line, const char * callingMethod) { _file = file; _line = line; _testMethod = callingMethod; } private: VerificationEventHandler &_fakeit; InvocationsSourceProxy _involvedInvocationSources; std::vector _expectedPattern; int _expectedCount; const char * _file; int _line; const char * _testMethod; bool _isVerified; SequenceVerificationExpectation( VerificationEventHandler &fakeit, InvocationsSourceProxy mocks, std::vector &expectedPattern) : _fakeit(fakeit), _involvedInvocationSources(mocks), _expectedPattern(expectedPattern), _expectedCount(-1), _line(0), _isVerified(false) { } void VerifyExpectation(VerificationEventHandler &verificationErrorHandler) { if (_isVerified) return; _isVerified = true; MatchAnalysis ma; ma.run(_involvedInvocationSources, _expectedPattern); if (isAtLeastVerification() && atLeastLimitNotReached(ma.count)) { return handleAtLeastVerificationEvent(verificationErrorHandler, ma.actualSequence, ma.count); } if (isExactVerification() && exactLimitNotMatched(ma.count)) { return handleExactVerificationEvent(verificationErrorHandler, ma.actualSequence, ma.count); } markAsVerified(ma.matchedInvocations); } std::vector &collectSequences(std::vector &vec) { return vec; } template std::vector &collectSequences(std::vector &vec, const Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { vec.push_back(&const_cast(sequence)); return collectSequences(vec, tail...); } static void markAsVerified(std::vector &matchedInvocations) { for (auto i : matchedInvocations) { i->markAsVerified(); } } bool isAtLeastVerification() { return _expectedCount < 0; } bool isExactVerification() { return !isAtLeastVerification(); } bool atLeastLimitNotReached(int actualCount) { return actualCount < -_expectedCount; } bool exactLimitNotMatched(int actualCount) { return actualCount != _expectedCount; } void handleExactVerificationEvent(VerificationEventHandler &verificationErrorHandler, std::vector actualSequence, int count) { SequenceVerificationEvent evt(VerificationType::Exact, _expectedPattern, actualSequence, _expectedCount, count); evt.setFileInfo(_file, _line, _testMethod); return verificationErrorHandler.handle(evt); } void handleAtLeastVerificationEvent(VerificationEventHandler &verificationErrorHandler, std::vector actualSequence, int count) { SequenceVerificationEvent evt(VerificationType::AtLeast, _expectedPattern, actualSequence, -_expectedCount, count); evt.setFileInfo(_file, _line, _testMethod); return verificationErrorHandler.handle(evt); } }; } namespace fakeit { class ThrowFalseEventHandler : public VerificationEventHandler { void handle(const SequenceVerificationEvent &) override { throw false; } void handle(const NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent &) override { throw false; } }; } namespace fakeit { struct FakeitContext; class SequenceVerificationProgress { friend class UsingFunctor; friend class VerifyFunctor; friend class UsingProgress; smart_ptr _expectationPtr; SequenceVerificationProgress(SequenceVerificationExpectation *ptr) : _expectationPtr(ptr) { } SequenceVerificationProgress( FakeitContext &fakeit, InvocationsSourceProxy sources, std::vector &allSequences) : SequenceVerificationProgress(new SequenceVerificationExpectation(fakeit, sources, allSequences)) { } virtual void verifyInvocations(const int times) { _expectationPtr->setExpectedCount(times); } class Terminator { smart_ptr _expectationPtr; bool toBool() { try { ThrowFalseEventHandler eh; _expectationPtr->VerifyExpectation(eh); return true; } catch (bool e) { return e; } } public: Terminator(smart_ptr expectationPtr) : _expectationPtr(expectationPtr) { }; operator bool() { return toBool(); } bool operator!() const { return !const_cast(this)->toBool(); } }; public: ~SequenceVerificationProgress() THROWS { }; operator bool() const { return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } bool operator!() const { return !Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator Never() { Exactly(0); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator Once() { Exactly(1); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator Twice() { Exactly(2); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator AtLeastOnce() { verifyInvocations(-1); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator Exactly(const int times) { if (times < 0) { throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("bad argument times:").append(fakeit::to_string(times))); } verifyInvocations(times); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator Exactly(const Quantity &q) { Exactly(q.quantity); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator AtLeast(const int times) { if (times < 0) { throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("bad argument times:").append(fakeit::to_string(times))); } verifyInvocations(-times); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } Terminator AtLeast(const Quantity &q) { AtLeast(q.quantity); return Terminator(_expectationPtr); } SequenceVerificationProgress setFileInfo(const char * file, int line, const char * callingMethod) { _expectationPtr->setFileInfo(file, line, callingMethod); return *this; } }; } namespace fakeit { class UsingProgress { fakeit::FakeitContext &_fakeit; InvocationsSourceProxy _sources; void collectSequences(std::vector &) { } template void collectSequences(std::vector &vec, const fakeit::Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { vec.push_back(&const_cast(sequence)); collectSequences(vec, tail...); } public: UsingProgress(fakeit::FakeitContext &fakeit, InvocationsSourceProxy source) : _fakeit(fakeit), _sources(source) { } template SequenceVerificationProgress Verify(const fakeit::Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { std::vector allSequences; collectSequences(allSequences, sequence, tail...); SequenceVerificationProgress progress(_fakeit, _sources, allSequences); return progress; } }; } namespace fakeit { class UsingFunctor { friend class VerifyFunctor; FakeitContext &_fakeit; public: UsingFunctor(FakeitContext &fakeit) : _fakeit(fakeit) { } template UsingProgress operator()(const ActualInvocationsSource &head, const list &... tail) { std::vector allMocks{&InvocationUtils::remove_const(head), &InvocationUtils::remove_const(tail)...}; InvocationsSourceProxy aggregateInvocationsSource{new AggregateInvocationsSource(allMocks)}; UsingProgress progress(_fakeit, aggregateInvocationsSource); return progress; } }; } #include namespace fakeit { class VerifyFunctor { FakeitContext &_fakeit; public: VerifyFunctor(FakeitContext &fakeit) : _fakeit(fakeit) { } template SequenceVerificationProgress operator()(const Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { std::vector allSequences{&InvocationUtils::remove_const(sequence), &InvocationUtils::remove_const(tail)...}; std::vector involvedSources; InvocationUtils::collectInvolvedMocks(allSequences, involvedSources); InvocationsSourceProxy aggregateInvocationsSource{new AggregateInvocationsSource(involvedSources)}; UsingProgress usingProgress(_fakeit, aggregateInvocationsSource); return usingProgress.Verify(sequence, tail...); } }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { class VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress { friend class VerifyNoOtherInvocationsFunctor; struct VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation { friend class VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress; ~VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation() THROWS { if (std::uncaught_exception()) { return; } VerifyExpectation(_fakeit); } void setFileInfo(const char * file, int line, const char * callingMethod) { _file = file; _line = line; _callingMethod = callingMethod; } private: VerificationEventHandler &_fakeit; std::vector _mocks; const char * _file; int _line; const char * _callingMethod; bool _isVerified; VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation(VerificationEventHandler &fakeit, std::vector mocks) : _fakeit(fakeit), _mocks(mocks), _line(0), _isVerified(false) { } VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation(VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation &other) = default; void VerifyExpectation(VerificationEventHandler &verificationErrorHandler) { if (_isVerified) return; _isVerified = true; std::unordered_set actualInvocations; InvocationUtils::collectActualInvocations(actualInvocations, _mocks); std::unordered_set nonVerifiedInvocations; InvocationUtils::selectNonVerifiedInvocations(actualInvocations, nonVerifiedInvocations); if (nonVerifiedInvocations.size() > 0) { std::vector sortedNonVerifiedInvocations; InvocationUtils::sortByInvocationOrder(nonVerifiedInvocations, sortedNonVerifiedInvocations); std::vector sortedActualInvocations; InvocationUtils::sortByInvocationOrder(actualInvocations, sortedActualInvocations); NoMoreInvocationsVerificationEvent evt(sortedActualInvocations, sortedNonVerifiedInvocations); evt.setFileInfo(_file, _line, _callingMethod); return verificationErrorHandler.handle(evt); } } }; fakeit::smart_ptr _ptr; VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress(VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation *ptr) : _ptr(ptr) { } VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress(FakeitContext &fakeit, std::vector &invocationSources) : VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress( new VerifyNoOtherInvocationsExpectation(fakeit, invocationSources) ) { } bool toBool() { try { ThrowFalseEventHandler ev; _ptr->VerifyExpectation(ev); return true; } catch (bool e) { return e; } } public: ~VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress() THROWS { }; VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress setFileInfo(const char * file, int line, const char * callingMethod) { _ptr->setFileInfo(file, line, callingMethod); return *this; } operator bool() const { return const_cast(this)->toBool(); } bool operator!() const { return !const_cast(this)->toBool(); } }; } namespace fakeit { class VerifyNoOtherInvocationsFunctor { FakeitContext &_fakeit; public: VerifyNoOtherInvocationsFunctor(FakeitContext &fakeit) : _fakeit(fakeit) { } void operator()() { } template VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress operator()(const ActualInvocationsSource &head, const list &... tail) { std::vector invocationSources{&InvocationUtils::remove_const(head), &InvocationUtils::remove_const(tail)...}; VerifyNoOtherInvocationsVerificationProgress progress{_fakeit, invocationSources}; return progress; } }; } namespace fakeit { class SpyFunctor { private: template void spy(const SpyingContext &root) { SpyingContext &rootWithoutConst = const_cast &>(root); auto methodFromOriginalVT = rootWithoutConst.getOriginalMethod(); rootWithoutConst.appendAction(new ReturnDelegateValue(methodFromOriginalVT)); rootWithoutConst.commit(); } void operator()() { } public: template void operator()(const H &head, const M &... tail) { spy(head); this->operator()(tail...); } }; } #include #include namespace fakeit { class VerifyUnverifiedFunctor { FakeitContext &_fakeit; public: VerifyUnverifiedFunctor(FakeitContext &fakeit) : _fakeit(fakeit) { } template SequenceVerificationProgress operator()(const Sequence &sequence, const list &... tail) { std::vector allSequences{&InvocationUtils::remove_const(sequence), &InvocationUtils::remove_const(tail)...}; std::vector involvedSources; InvocationUtils::collectInvolvedMocks(allSequences, involvedSources); InvocationsSourceProxy aggregateInvocationsSource{new AggregateInvocationsSource(involvedSources)}; InvocationsSourceProxy unverifiedInvocationsSource{ new UnverifiedInvocationsSource(aggregateInvocationsSource)}; UsingProgress usingProgress(_fakeit, unverifiedInvocationsSource); return usingProgress.Verify(sequence, tail...); } }; class UnverifiedFunctor { public: UnverifiedFunctor(FakeitContext &fakeit) : Verify(fakeit) { } VerifyUnverifiedFunctor Verify; template UnverifiedInvocationsSource operator()(const ActualInvocationsSource &head, const list &... tail) { std::vector allMocks{&InvocationUtils::remove_const(head), &InvocationUtils::remove_const(tail)...}; InvocationsSourceProxy aggregateInvocationsSource{new AggregateInvocationsSource(allMocks)}; UnverifiedInvocationsSource unverifiedInvocationsSource{aggregateInvocationsSource}; return unverifiedInvocationsSource; } }; } namespace fakeit { static UsingFunctor Using(Fakeit); static VerifyFunctor Verify(Fakeit); static VerifyNoOtherInvocationsFunctor VerifyNoOtherInvocations(Fakeit); static UnverifiedFunctor Unverified(Fakeit); static SpyFunctor Spy; static FakeFunctor Fake; static WhenFunctor When; template class SilenceUnusedVariableWarnings { void use(void *) { } SilenceUnusedVariableWarnings() { use(&Fake); use(&When); use(&Spy); use(&Using); use(&Verify); use(&VerifyNoOtherInvocations); use(&_); } }; } #ifdef _MSC_VER #define __func__ __FUNCTION__ #endif #define MOCK_TYPE(mock) \ std::remove_reference::type #define OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR(mock, method, prototype) \ fakeit::Prototype::MemberType::get(&MOCK_TYPE(mock)::method) #define CONST_OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR(mock, method, prototype) \ fakeit::Prototype::MemberType::getconst(&MOCK_TYPE(mock)::method) #define Dtor(mock) \ mock.dtor().setMethodDetails(#mock,"destructor") #define Method(mock, method) \ mock.template stub<__COUNTER__>(&MOCK_TYPE(mock)::method).setMethodDetails(#mock,#method) #define OverloadedMethod(mock, method, prototype) \ mock.template stub<__COUNTER__>(OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR( mock , method, prototype )).setMethodDetails(#mock,#method) #define ConstOverloadedMethod(mock, method, prototype) \ mock.template stub<__COUNTER__>(CONST_OVERLOADED_METHOD_PTR( mock , method, prototype )).setMethodDetails(#mock,#method) #define Verify(...) \ Verify( __VA_ARGS__ ).setFileInfo(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__) #define Using(...) \ Using( __VA_ARGS__ ) #define VerifyNoOtherInvocations(...) \ VerifyNoOtherInvocations( __VA_ARGS__ ).setFileInfo(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__) #define Fake(...) \ Fake( __VA_ARGS__ ) #define When(call) \ When(call) #ifdef __clang__ //# ifdef __ICC // icpc defines the __clang__ macro //# pragma warning(pop) //# else //# pragma clang diagnostic pop //# endif -#elif defined __GNUC__ +#endif + +#if defined __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #endif