diff --git a/src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp b/src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp index f3aa2d6f2..3c4e083a9 100644 --- a/src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp +++ b/src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp @@ -1,967 +1,1005 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2012 Till Theato Copyright (C) 2014 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle Copyright (C) 2017 Nicolas Carion This file is part of Kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "projectitemmodel.h" #include "abstractprojectitem.h" #include "binplaylist.hpp" #include "core.h" #include "doc/kdenlivedoc.h" #include "filewatcher.hpp" #include "jobs/audiothumbjob.hpp" #include "jobs/jobmanager.h" #include "jobs/loadjob.hpp" #include "jobs/thumbjob.hpp" #include "kdenlivesettings.h" #include "macros.hpp" #include "profiles/profilemodel.hpp" #include "project/projectmanager.h" #include "projectclip.h" #include "projectfolder.h" #include "projectsubclip.h" #include "xml/xml.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ProjectItemModel::ProjectItemModel(QObject *parent) : AbstractTreeModel(parent) , m_lock(QReadWriteLock::Recursive) , m_binPlaylist(new BinPlaylist()) , m_fileWatcher(new FileWatcher()) , m_nextId(1) , m_blankThumb() , m_dragType(PlaylistState::Disabled) { QPixmap pix(QSize(160, 90)); pix.fill(Qt::lightGray); m_blankThumb.addPixmap(pix); connect(m_fileWatcher.get(), &FileWatcher::binClipModified, this, &ProjectItemModel::reloadClip); connect(m_fileWatcher.get(), &FileWatcher::binClipWaiting, this, &ProjectItemModel::setClipWaiting); connect(m_fileWatcher.get(), &FileWatcher::binClipMissing, this, &ProjectItemModel::setClipInvalid); } std::shared_ptr ProjectItemModel::construct(QObject *parent) { std::shared_ptr self(new ProjectItemModel(parent)); self->rootItem = ProjectFolder::construct(self); return self; } ProjectItemModel::~ProjectItemModel() = default; int ProjectItemModel::mapToColumn(int column) const { switch (column) { case 0: return AbstractProjectItem::DataName; break; case 1: return AbstractProjectItem::DataDate; break; case 2: return AbstractProjectItem::DataDescription; break; default: return AbstractProjectItem::DataName; } } QVariant ProjectItemModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { READ_LOCK(); if (!index.isValid()) { return QVariant(); } if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::EditRole) { std::shared_ptr item = getBinItemByIndex(index); auto type = static_cast(mapToColumn(index.column())); QVariant ret = item->getData(type); return ret; } if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { if (index.column() != 0) { return QVariant(); } // Data has to be returned as icon to allow the view to scale it std::shared_ptr item = getBinItemByIndex(index); QVariant thumb = item->getData(AbstractProjectItem::DataThumbnail); QIcon icon; if (thumb.canConvert()) { icon = thumb.value(); } else { qDebug() << "ERROR: invalid icon found"; } return icon; } std::shared_ptr item = getBinItemByIndex(index); return item->getData(static_cast(role)); } bool ProjectItemModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); std::shared_ptr item = getBinItemByIndex(index); if (item->rename(value.toString(), index.column())) { emit dataChanged(index, index, {role}); return true; } // Item name was not changed return false; } Qt::ItemFlags ProjectItemModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { /*return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEditable;*/ + READ_LOCK(); if (!index.isValid()) { return Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled; } std::shared_ptr item = getBinItemByIndex(index); AbstractProjectItem::PROJECTITEMTYPE type = item->itemType(); switch (type) { case AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem: return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEditable; break; case AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem: if (!item->statusReady()) { return Qt::ItemIsSelectable; } return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEditable; break; case AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem: return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled; break; case AbstractProjectItem::FolderUpItem: return Qt::ItemIsEnabled; break; default: return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable; } } // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction bool ProjectItemModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) { Q_UNUSED(row) Q_UNUSED(column) + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (action == Qt::IgnoreAction) { return true; } if (data->hasUrls()) { emit itemDropped(data->urls(), parent); return true; } if (data->hasFormat(QStringLiteral("kdenlive/producerslist"))) { // Dropping an Bin item const QStringList ids = QString(data->data(QStringLiteral("kdenlive/producerslist"))).split(QLatin1Char(';')); if (ids.constFirst().contains(QLatin1Char('/'))) { // subclip zone QStringList clipData = ids.constFirst().split(QLatin1Char('/')); if (clipData.length() >= 3) { QString id; return requestAddBinSubClip(id, clipData.at(1).toInt(), clipData.at(2).toInt(), QString(), clipData.at(0)); } else { // error, malformed clip zone, abort return false; } } else { emit itemDropped(ids, parent); } return true; } if (data->hasFormat(QStringLiteral("kdenlive/effect"))) { // Dropping effect on a Bin item QStringList effectData; effectData << QString::fromUtf8(data->data(QStringLiteral("kdenlive/effect"))); QStringList source = QString::fromUtf8(data->data(QStringLiteral("kdenlive/effectsource"))).split(QLatin1Char('-')); effectData << source; emit effectDropped(effectData, parent); return true; } if (data->hasFormat(QStringLiteral("kdenlive/clip"))) { const QStringList list = QString(data->data(QStringLiteral("kdenlive/clip"))).split(QLatin1Char(';')); QString id; return requestAddBinSubClip(id, list.at(1).toInt(), list.at(2).toInt(), QString(), list.at(0)); } return false; } QVariant ProjectItemModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { + READ_LOCK(); if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { QVariant columnName; switch (section) { case 0: columnName = i18n("Name"); break; case 1: columnName = i18n("Date"); break; case 2: columnName = i18n("Description"); break; default: columnName = i18n("Unknown"); break; } return columnName; } return QAbstractItemModel::headerData(section, orientation, role); } int ProjectItemModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { + READ_LOCK(); if (parent.isValid()) { return getBinItemByIndex(parent)->supportedDataCount(); } return std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem)->supportedDataCount(); } // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction Qt::DropActions ProjectItemModel::supportedDropActions() const { return Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction; } QStringList ProjectItemModel::mimeTypes() const { QStringList types; types << QStringLiteral("kdenlive/producerslist") << QStringLiteral("text/uri-list") << QStringLiteral("kdenlive/clip") << QStringLiteral("kdenlive/effect"); return types; } QMimeData *ProjectItemModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indices) const { + READ_LOCK(); // Mime data is a list of id's separated by ';'. // Clip ids are represented like: 2 (where 2 is the clip's id) // Clip zone ids are represented like: 2/10/200 (where 2 is the clip's id, 10 and 200 are in and out points) // Folder ids are represented like: #2 (where 2 is the folder's id) auto *mimeData = new QMimeData(); QStringList list; size_t duration = 0; for (int i = 0; i < indices.count(); i++) { QModelIndex ix = indices.at(i); if (!ix.isValid() || ix.column() != 0) { continue; } std::shared_ptr item = getBinItemByIndex(ix); AbstractProjectItem::PROJECTITEMTYPE type = item->itemType(); if (type == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { ClipType::ProducerType cType = item->clipType(); QString dragId = item->clipId(); if ((cType == ClipType::AV || cType == ClipType::Playlist)) { switch (m_dragType) { case PlaylistState::AudioOnly: dragId.prepend(QLatin1Char('A')); break; case PlaylistState::VideoOnly: dragId.prepend(QLatin1Char('V')); break; default: break; } } list << dragId; duration += (std::static_pointer_cast(item))->frameDuration(); } else if (type == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem) { QPoint p = item->zone(); list << std::static_pointer_cast(item)->getMasterClip()->clipId() + QLatin1Char('/') + QString::number(p.x()) + QLatin1Char('/') + QString::number(p.y()); } else if (type == AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem) { list << "#" + item->clipId(); } } if (!list.isEmpty()) { QByteArray data; data.append(list.join(QLatin1Char(';')).toUtf8()); mimeData->setData(QStringLiteral("kdenlive/producerslist"), data); mimeData->setText(QString::number(duration)); } return mimeData; } void ProjectItemModel::onItemUpdated(const std::shared_ptr &item, int role) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); auto tItem = std::static_pointer_cast(item); auto ptr = tItem->parentItem().lock(); if (ptr) { auto index = getIndexFromItem(tItem); emit dataChanged(index, index, {role}); } } void ProjectItemModel::onItemUpdated(const QString &binId, int role) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); std::shared_ptr item = getItemByBinId(binId); if (item) { onItemUpdated(item, role); } } std::shared_ptr ProjectItemModel::getClipByBinID(const QString &binId) { + READ_LOCK(); if (binId.contains(QLatin1Char('_'))) { return getClipByBinID(binId.section(QLatin1Char('_'), 0, 0)); } for (const auto &clip : m_allItems) { auto c = std::static_pointer_cast(clip.second.lock()); if (c->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem && c->clipId() == binId) { return std::static_pointer_cast(c); } } return nullptr; } const QList ProjectItemModel::getAudioLevelsByBinID(const QString &binId) { + READ_LOCK(); if (binId.contains(QLatin1Char('_'))) { return getAudioLevelsByBinID(binId.section(QLatin1Char('_'), 0, 0)); } for (const auto &clip : m_allItems) { auto c = std::static_pointer_cast(clip.second.lock()); if (c->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem && c->clipId() == binId) { return std::static_pointer_cast(c)->audioFrameCache; } } return QList(); } bool ProjectItemModel::hasClip(const QString &binId) { + READ_LOCK(); return getClipByBinID(binId) != nullptr; } std::shared_ptr ProjectItemModel::getFolderByBinId(const QString &binId) { + READ_LOCK(); for (const auto &clip : m_allItems) { auto c = std::static_pointer_cast(clip.second.lock()); if (c->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem && c->clipId() == binId) { return std::static_pointer_cast(c); } } return nullptr; } const QString ProjectItemModel::getFolderIdByName(const QString &folderName) { + READ_LOCK(); for (const auto &clip : m_allItems) { auto c = std::static_pointer_cast(clip.second.lock()); if (c->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem && c->name() == folderName) { return c->clipId(); } } return QString(); } std::shared_ptr ProjectItemModel::getItemByBinId(const QString &binId) { + READ_LOCK(); for (const auto &clip : m_allItems) { auto c = std::static_pointer_cast(clip.second.lock()); if (c->clipId() == binId) { return c; } } return nullptr; } void ProjectItemModel::setBinEffectsEnabled(bool enabled) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); return std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem)->setBinEffectsEnabled(enabled); } QStringList ProjectItemModel::getEnclosingFolderInfo(const QModelIndex &index) const { + READ_LOCK(); QStringList noInfo; noInfo << QString::number(-1); noInfo << QString(); if (!index.isValid()) { return noInfo; } std::shared_ptr currentItem = getBinItemByIndex(index); auto folder = currentItem->getEnclosingFolder(true); if ((folder == nullptr) || folder == rootItem) { return noInfo; } QStringList folderInfo; folderInfo << currentItem->clipId(); folderInfo << currentItem->name(); return folderInfo; } void ProjectItemModel::clean() { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); std::vector> toDelete; toDelete.reserve((size_t)rootItem->childCount()); for (int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); ++i) { toDelete.push_back(std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem->child(i))); } Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; for (const auto &child : toDelete) { requestBinClipDeletion(child, undo, redo); } Q_ASSERT(rootItem->childCount() == 0); m_nextId = 1; m_fileWatcher->clear(); } std::shared_ptr ProjectItemModel::getRootFolder() const { + READ_LOCK(); return std::static_pointer_cast(rootItem); } void ProjectItemModel::loadSubClips(const QString &id, const QMap &dataMap) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; loadSubClips(id, dataMap, undo, redo); } void ProjectItemModel::loadSubClips(const QString &id, const QMap &dataMap, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); std::shared_ptr clip = getClipByBinID(id); if (!clip) { return; } QMapIterator i(dataMap); QList missingThumbs; int maxFrame = clip->duration().frames(pCore->getCurrentFps()) - 1; while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); if (!i.value().contains(QLatin1Char(';'))) { // Problem, the zone has no in/out points continue; } int in = i.value().section(QLatin1Char(';'), 0, 0).toInt(); int out = i.value().section(QLatin1Char(';'), 1, 1).toInt(); if (maxFrame > 0) { out = qMin(out, maxFrame); } QString subId; requestAddBinSubClip(subId, in, out, i.key(), id, undo, redo); } } std::shared_ptr ProjectItemModel::getBinItemByIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const { + READ_LOCK(); return std::static_pointer_cast(getItemById((int)index.internalId())); } bool ProjectItemModel::requestBinClipDeletion(const std::shared_ptr &clip, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Q_ASSERT(clip); if (!clip) return false; int parentId = -1; if (auto ptr = clip->parent()) parentId = ptr->getId(); clip->selfSoftDelete(undo, redo); int id = clip->getId(); Fun operation = removeItem_lambda(id); Fun reverse = addItem_lambda(clip, parentId); bool res = operation(); if (res) { UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(operation, reverse, undo, redo); } return res; } void ProjectItemModel::registerItem(const std::shared_ptr &item) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); auto clip = std::static_pointer_cast(item); m_binPlaylist->manageBinItemInsertion(clip); AbstractTreeModel::registerItem(item); if (clip->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { auto clipItem = std::static_pointer_cast(clip); updateWatcher(clipItem); } } void ProjectItemModel::deregisterItem(int id, TreeItem *item) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); auto clip = static_cast(item); m_binPlaylist->manageBinItemDeletion(clip); // TODO : here, we should suspend jobs belonging to the item we delete. They can be restarted if the item is reinserted by undo AbstractTreeModel::deregisterItem(id, item); if (clip->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { auto clipItem = static_cast(clip); m_fileWatcher->removeFile(clipItem->clipId()); } } int ProjectItemModel::getFreeFolderId() { while (!isIdFree(QString::number(++m_nextId))) { }; return m_nextId; } int ProjectItemModel::getFreeClipId() { while (!isIdFree(QString::number(++m_nextId))) { }; return m_nextId; } bool ProjectItemModel::addItem(const std::shared_ptr &item, const QString &parentId, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); std::shared_ptr parentItem = getItemByBinId(parentId); if (!parentItem) { qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG) << " / / ERROR IN PARENT FOLDER"; return false; } if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem && parentItem->itemType() != AbstractProjectItem::FolderItem) { qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG) << " / / ERROR when inserting clip: a clip should be inserted in a folder"; return false; } if (item->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::SubClipItem && parentItem->itemType() != AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { qCDebug(KDENLIVE_LOG) << " / / ERROR when inserting subclip: a subclip should be inserted in a clip"; return false; } Fun operation = addItem_lambda(item, parentItem->getId()); int itemId = item->getId(); Fun reverse = removeItem_lambda(itemId); bool res = operation(); Q_ASSERT(item->isInModel()); if (res) { UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(operation, reverse, undo, redo); } return res; } bool ProjectItemModel::requestAddFolder(QString &id, const QString &name, const QString &parentId, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (!id.isEmpty() && !isIdFree(id)) { id = QString(); } if (id.isEmpty()) { id = QString::number(getFreeFolderId()); } std::shared_ptr new_folder = ProjectFolder::construct(id, name, std::static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this())); return addItem(new_folder, parentId, undo, redo); } bool ProjectItemModel::requestAddBinClip(QString &id, const QDomElement &description, const QString &parentId, Fun &undo, Fun &redo, const std::function &readyCallBack) { qDebug() << "/////////// requestAddBinClip" << parentId; QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (id.isEmpty()) { id = Xml::getTagContentByAttribute(description, QStringLiteral("property"), QStringLiteral("name"), QStringLiteral("kdenlive:id"), QStringLiteral("-1")); if (id == QStringLiteral("-1") || !isIdFree(id)) { id = QString::number(getFreeClipId()); } } Q_ASSERT(!id.isEmpty() && isIdFree(id)); qDebug() << "/////////// found id" << id; std::shared_ptr new_clip = ProjectClip::construct(id, description, m_blankThumb, std::static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this())); qDebug() << "/////////// constructed "; bool res = addItem(new_clip, parentId, undo, redo); qDebug() << "/////////// added " << res; if (res) { int loadJob = pCore->jobManager()->startJob({id}, -1, QString(), description, std::bind(readyCallBack, id)); pCore->jobManager()->startJob({id}, loadJob, QString(), 150, 0, true); pCore->jobManager()->startJob({id}, loadJob, QString()); } return res; } bool ProjectItemModel::requestAddBinClip(QString &id, const QDomElement &description, const QString &parentId, const QString &undoText) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool res = requestAddBinClip(id, description, parentId, undo, redo); if (res) { pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, undoText.isEmpty() ? i18n("Add bin clip") : undoText); } return res; } bool ProjectItemModel::requestAddBinClip(QString &id, const std::shared_ptr &producer, const QString &parentId, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (id.isEmpty()) { id = QString::number(producer->get_int("kdenlive:id")); if (!isIdFree(id)) { id = QString::number(getFreeClipId()); } } Q_ASSERT(!id.isEmpty() && isIdFree(id)); std::shared_ptr new_clip = ProjectClip::construct(id, m_blankThumb, std::static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()), producer); bool res = addItem(new_clip, parentId, undo, redo); if (res) { int blocking = pCore->jobManager()->getBlockingJobId(id, AbstractClipJob::LOADJOB); pCore->jobManager()->startJob({id}, blocking, QString(), 150, -1, true); pCore->jobManager()->startJob({id}, blocking, QString()); } return res; } bool ProjectItemModel::requestAddBinSubClip(QString &id, int in, int out, const QString &zoneName, const QString &parentId, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (id.isEmpty()) { id = QString::number(getFreeClipId()); } Q_ASSERT(!id.isEmpty() && isIdFree(id)); QString subId = parentId; if (subId.startsWith(QLatin1Char('A')) || subId.startsWith(QLatin1Char('V'))) { subId.remove(0, 1); } auto clip = getClipByBinID(subId); Q_ASSERT(clip->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem); auto tc = pCore->currentDoc()->timecode().getDisplayTimecodeFromFrames(in, KdenliveSettings::frametimecode()); std::shared_ptr new_clip = ProjectSubClip::construct(id, clip, std::static_pointer_cast(shared_from_this()), in, out, tc, zoneName); bool res = addItem(new_clip, subId, undo, redo); if (res) { int parentJob = pCore->jobManager()->getBlockingJobId(subId, AbstractClipJob::LOADJOB); pCore->jobManager()->startJob({id}, parentJob, QString(), 150, -1, true); } return res; } bool ProjectItemModel::requestAddBinSubClip(QString &id, int in, int out, const QString &zoneName, const QString &parentId) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool res = requestAddBinSubClip(id, in, out, zoneName, parentId, undo, redo); if (res) { pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, i18n("Add a sub clip")); } return res; } Fun ProjectItemModel::requestRenameFolder_lambda(const std::shared_ptr &folder, const QString &newName) { int id = folder->getId(); return [this, id, newName]() { auto currentFolder = std::static_pointer_cast(m_allItems[id].lock()); if (!currentFolder) { return false; } currentFolder->setName(newName); m_binPlaylist->manageBinFolderRename(currentFolder); auto index = getIndexFromItem(currentFolder); emit dataChanged(index, index, {AbstractProjectItem::DataName}); return true; }; } bool ProjectItemModel::requestRenameFolder(const std::shared_ptr &folder, const QString &name, Fun &undo, Fun &redo) { QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); QString oldName = folder->name(); auto operation = requestRenameFolder_lambda(folder, name); if (operation()) { auto reverse = requestRenameFolder_lambda(folder, oldName); UPDATE_UNDO_REDO(operation, reverse, undo, redo); return true; } return false; } bool ProjectItemModel::requestRenameFolder(std::shared_ptr folder, const QString &name) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool res = requestRenameFolder(std::move(folder), name, undo, redo); if (res) { pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, i18n("Rename Folder")); } return res; } bool ProjectItemModel::requestCleanup() { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; bool res = true; std::vector> to_delete; // Iterate to find clips that are not in timeline for (const auto &clip : m_allItems) { auto c = std::static_pointer_cast(clip.second.lock()); if (c->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem && !c->isIncludedInTimeline()) { to_delete.push_back(c); } } // it is important to execute deletion in a separate loop, because otherwise // the iterators of m_allItems get messed up for (const auto &c : to_delete) { res = requestBinClipDeletion(c, undo, redo); if (!res) { bool undone = undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); return false; } } pCore->pushUndo(undo, redo, i18n("Clean Project")); return true; } std::vector ProjectItemModel::getAllClipIds() const { + READ_LOCK(); std::vector result; for (const auto &clip : m_allItems) { auto c = std::static_pointer_cast(clip.second.lock()); if (c->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { result.push_back(c->clipId()); } } return result; } QStringList ProjectItemModel::getClipByUrl(const QFileInfo &url) const { + READ_LOCK(); QStringList result; for (const auto &clip : m_allItems) { auto c = std::static_pointer_cast(clip.second.lock()); if (c->itemType() == AbstractProjectItem::ClipItem) { if (QFileInfo(std::static_pointer_cast(c)->clipUrl()) == url) { result << c->clipId(); } } } return result; } bool ProjectItemModel::loadFolders(Mlt::Properties &folders) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); // At this point, we expect the folders properties to have a name of the form "x.y" where x is the id of the parent folder and y the id of the child. // Note that for root folder, x = -1 // The value of the property is the name of the child folder std::unordered_map> downLinks; // key are parents, value are children std::unordered_map upLinks; // key are children, value are parent std::unordered_map newIds; // we store the correspondence to the new ids std::unordered_map folderNames; newIds[-1] = getRootFolder()->clipId(); if (folders.count() == 0) return true; for (int i = 0; i < folders.count(); i++) { QString folderName = folders.get(i); QString id = folders.get_name(i); int parentId = id.section(QLatin1Char('.'), 0, 0).toInt(); int folderId = id.section(QLatin1Char('.'), 1, 1).toInt(); downLinks[parentId].push_back(folderId); upLinks[folderId] = parentId; folderNames[folderId] = folderName; qDebug() << "Found folder " << folderId << "name = " << folderName << "parent=" << parentId; } // In case there are some non-existant parent, we fall back to root for (const auto &f : downLinks) { if (upLinks.count(f.first) == 0) { upLinks[f.first] = -1; } if (f.first != -1 && downLinks.count(upLinks[f.first]) == 0) { qDebug() << "Warning: parent folder " << upLinks[f.first] << "for folder" << f.first << "is invalid. Folder will be placed in topmost directory."; upLinks[f.first] = -1; } } // We now do a BFS to construct the folders in order Q_ASSERT(downLinks.count(-1) > 0); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; std::queue queue; std::unordered_set seen; queue.push(-1); while (!queue.empty()) { int current = queue.front(); seen.insert(current); queue.pop(); if (current != -1) { QString id = QString::number(current); bool res = requestAddFolder(id, folderNames[current], newIds[upLinks[current]], undo, redo); if (!res) { bool undone = undo(); Q_ASSERT(undone); return false; } newIds[current] = id; } for (int c : downLinks[current]) { queue.push(c); } } return true; } bool ProjectItemModel::isIdFree(const QString &id) const { + READ_LOCK(); for (const auto &clip : m_allItems) { auto c = std::static_pointer_cast(clip.second.lock()); if (c->clipId() == id) { return false; } } return true; } void ProjectItemModel::loadBinPlaylist(Mlt::Tractor *documentTractor, Mlt::Tractor *modelTractor, std::unordered_map &binIdCorresp) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); clean(); Mlt::Properties retainList((mlt_properties)documentTractor->get_data("xml_retain")); qDebug() << "Loading bin playlist..."; if (retainList.is_valid()) { qDebug() << "retain is valid"; Mlt::Playlist playlist((mlt_playlist)retainList.get_data(BinPlaylist::binPlaylistId.toUtf8().constData())); if (playlist.is_valid() && playlist.type() == playlist_type) { qDebug() << "playlist is valid"; // Load bin clips qDebug() << "init bin"; // Load folders Mlt::Properties folderProperties; Mlt::Properties playlistProps(playlist.get_properties()); folderProperties.pass_values(playlistProps, "kdenlive:folder."); loadFolders(folderProperties); // Read notes QString notes = playlistProps.get("kdenlive:documentnotes"); pCore->projectManager()->setDocumentNotes(notes); Fun undo = []() { return true; }; Fun redo = []() { return true; }; qDebug() << "Found " << playlist.count() << "clips"; int max = playlist.count(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { QScopedPointer prod(playlist.get_clip(i)); std::shared_ptr producer(new Mlt::Producer(prod->parent())); qDebug() << "dealing with bin clip" << i; if (producer->is_blank() || !producer->is_valid()) { qDebug() << "producer is not valid or blank"; continue; } QString id = qstrdup(producer->get("kdenlive:id")); QString parentId = qstrdup(producer->get("kdenlive:folderid")); if (parentId.isEmpty()) { parentId = QStringLiteral("-1"); } qDebug() << "clip id" << id; if (id.contains(QLatin1Char('_'))) { // TODO refac ? /* // This is a track producer QString mainId = id.section(QLatin1Char('_'), 0, 0); // QString track = id.section(QStringLiteral("_"), 1, 1); if (m_clipList.contains(mainId)) { // The controller for this track producer already exists } else { // Create empty controller for this clip requestClipInfo info; info.imageHeight = 0; info.clipId = id; info.replaceProducer = true; emit slotProducerReady(info, ClipController::mediaUnavailable); } */ } else { QString newId = isIdFree(id) ? id : QString::number(getFreeClipId()); producer->set("_kdenlive_processed", 1); requestAddBinClip(newId, producer, parentId, undo, redo); binIdCorresp[id] = newId; qDebug() << "Loaded clip " << id << "under id" << newId; } } } } m_binPlaylist->setRetainIn(modelTractor); } /** @brief Save document properties in MLT's bin playlist */ void ProjectItemModel::saveDocumentProperties(const QMap &props, const QMap &metadata, std::shared_ptr guideModel) { m_binPlaylist->saveDocumentProperties(props, metadata, std::move(guideModel)); } void ProjectItemModel::saveProperty(const QString &name, const QString &value) { m_binPlaylist->saveProperty(name, value); } QMap ProjectItemModel::getProxies(const QString &root) { + READ_LOCK(); return m_binPlaylist->getProxies(root); } void ProjectItemModel::reloadClip(const QString &binId) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); std::shared_ptr clip = getClipByBinID(binId); if (clip) { clip->reloadProducer(); } } void ProjectItemModel::setClipWaiting(const QString &binId) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); std::shared_ptr clip = getClipByBinID(binId); if (clip) { clip->setClipStatus(AbstractProjectItem::StatusWaiting); } } void ProjectItemModel::setClipInvalid(const QString &binId) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); std::shared_ptr clip = getClipByBinID(binId); if (clip) { clip->setClipStatus(AbstractProjectItem::StatusMissing); // TODO: set producer as blank invalid } } void ProjectItemModel::updateWatcher(const std::shared_ptr &clipItem) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); if (clipItem->clipType() == ClipType::AV || clipItem->clipType() == ClipType::Audio || clipItem->clipType() == ClipType::Image || clipItem->clipType() == ClipType::Video || clipItem->clipType() == ClipType::Playlist || clipItem->clipType() == ClipType::TextTemplate) { m_fileWatcher->removeFile(clipItem->clipId()); m_fileWatcher->addFile(clipItem->clipId(), clipItem->clipUrl()); } } void ProjectItemModel::setDragType(PlaylistState::ClipState type) { + QWriteLocker locker(&m_lock); m_dragType = type; } int ProjectItemModel::clipsCount() const { + READ_LOCK(); return m_binPlaylist->count(); }