diff --git a/src/KDbConnection.cpp b/src/KDbConnection.cpp index 75992297..2bb874bd 100644 --- a/src/KDbConnection.cpp +++ b/src/KDbConnection.cpp @@ -1,3490 +1,3494 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Jarosław Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KDbConnection.h" #include "KDbConnection_p.h" #include "KDbCursor.h" #include "KDbDriverBehavior.h" #include "KDbDriverMetaData.h" #include "KDbDriver_p.h" #include "KDbLookupFieldSchema.h" #include "KDbNativeStatementBuilder.h" #include "KDbQuerySchema.h" #include "KDbQuerySchema_p.h" #include "KDbRecordData.h" #include "KDbRecordEditBuffer.h" #include "KDbRelationship.h" #include "KDbSqlRecord.h" #include "KDbSqlResult.h" #include "KDbTableOrQuerySchema.h" #include "KDbTableSchemaChangeListener.h" #include "KDbTransactionData.h" #include "KDbTransactionGuard.h" #include "kdb_debug.h" #include #include #include /*! Version number of extended table schema. List of changes: * 2: (Kexi 2.5.0) Added maxLengthIsDefault property (type: bool, if true, KDbField::maxLengthStrategy() == KDbField::DefaultMaxLength) * 1: (Kexi 1.x) Initial version */ #define KDB_EXTENDED_TABLE_SCHEMA_VERSION 2 KDbConnectionInternal::KDbConnectionInternal(KDbConnection *conn) : connection(conn) { } class CursorDeleter { public: explicit CursorDeleter(KDbCursor *cursor) { delete cursor; } }; //================================================ class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KDbConnectionOptions::Private { public: Private() : connection(nullptr) {} Private(const Private &other) { copy(other); } #define KDbConnectionOptionsPrivateArgs(o) std::tie(o.connection) void copy(const Private &other) { KDbConnectionOptionsPrivateArgs((*this)) = KDbConnectionOptionsPrivateArgs(other); } bool operator==(const Private &other) const { return KDbConnectionOptionsPrivateArgs((*this)) == KDbConnectionOptionsPrivateArgs(other); } KDbConnection *connection; }; KDbConnectionOptions::KDbConnectionOptions() : d(new Private) { KDbUtils::PropertySet::insert("readOnly", false, tr("Read only", "Read only connection")); } KDbConnectionOptions::KDbConnectionOptions(const KDbConnectionOptions &other) : KDbUtils::PropertySet(other) , d(new Private(*other.d)) { } KDbConnectionOptions::~KDbConnectionOptions() { delete d; } KDbConnectionOptions& KDbConnectionOptions::operator=(const KDbConnectionOptions &other) { if (this != &other) { KDbUtils::PropertySet::operator=(other); d->copy(*other.d); } return *this; } bool KDbConnectionOptions::operator==(const KDbConnectionOptions &other) const { return KDbUtils::PropertySet::operator==(other) && *d == *other.d; } bool KDbConnectionOptions::isReadOnly() const { return property("readOnly").value().toBool(); } void KDbConnectionOptions::insert(const QByteArray &name, const QVariant &value, const QString &caption) { if (name == "readOnly") { setReadOnly(value.toBool()); return; } QString realCaption; if (property(name).caption().isEmpty()) { // don't allow to change the caption realCaption = caption; } KDbUtils::PropertySet::insert(name, value, realCaption); } void KDbConnectionOptions::setCaption(const QByteArray &name, const QString &caption) { if (name == "readOnly") { return; } KDbUtils::PropertySet::setCaption(name, caption); } void KDbConnectionOptions::setValue(const QByteArray &name, const QVariant &value) { if (name == "readOnly") { setReadOnly(value.toBool()); return; } KDbUtils::PropertySet::setValue(name, value); } void KDbConnectionOptions::remove(const QByteArray &name) { if (name == "readOnly") { return; } KDbUtils::PropertySet::remove(name); } void KDbConnectionOptions::setReadOnly(bool set) { if (d->connection && d->connection->isConnected()) { return; //sanity } KDbUtils::PropertySet::setValue("readOnly", set); } void KDbConnectionOptions::setConnection(KDbConnection *connection) { d->connection = connection; } //================================================ KDbConnectionPrivate::KDbConnectionPrivate(KDbConnection* const conn, KDbDriver *drv, const KDbConnectionData& _connData, const KDbConnectionOptions &_options) : conn(conn) , connData(_connData) , options(_options) , driver(drv) , dbProperties(conn) { options.setConnection(conn); } KDbConnectionPrivate::~KDbConnectionPrivate() { options.setConnection(nullptr); deleteAllCursors(); delete m_parser; qDeleteAll(tableSchemaChangeListeners); qDeleteAll(obsoleteQueries); } void KDbConnectionPrivate::deleteAllCursors() { QSet cursorsToDelete(cursors); cursors.clear(); for(KDbCursor* c : cursorsToDelete) { CursorDeleter deleter(c); } } void KDbConnectionPrivate::errorInvalidDBContents(const QString& details) { conn->m_result = KDbResult(ERR_INVALID_DATABASE_CONTENTS, KDbConnection::tr("Invalid database contents. %1").arg(details)); } QString KDbConnectionPrivate::strItIsASystemObject() const { return KDbConnection::tr("It is a system object."); } void KDbConnectionPrivate::setupKDbSystemSchema() { if (!m_internalKDbTables.isEmpty()) { return; //already set up } { KDbInternalTableSchema *t_objects = new KDbInternalTableSchema(QLatin1String("kexi__objects")); t_objects->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("o_id"), KDbField::Integer, KDbField::PrimaryKey | KDbField::AutoInc, KDbField::Unsigned)); t_objects->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("o_type"), KDbField::Byte, nullptr, KDbField::Unsigned)); t_objects->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("o_name"), KDbField::Text)); t_objects->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("o_caption"), KDbField::Text)); t_objects->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("o_desc"), KDbField::LongText)); //kdbDebug() << *t_objects; insertTable(t_objects); } { KDbInternalTableSchema *t_objectdata = new KDbInternalTableSchema(QLatin1String("kexi__objectdata")); t_objectdata->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("o_id"), KDbField::Integer, KDbField::NotNull, KDbField::Unsigned)); t_objectdata->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("o_data"), KDbField::LongText)); t_objectdata->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("o_sub_id"), KDbField::Text)); insertTable(t_objectdata); } { KDbInternalTableSchema *t_fields = new KDbInternalTableSchema(QLatin1String("kexi__fields")); t_fields->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("t_id"), KDbField::Integer, nullptr, KDbField::Unsigned)); t_fields->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("f_type"), KDbField::Byte, nullptr, KDbField::Unsigned)); t_fields->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("f_name"), KDbField::Text)); t_fields->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("f_length"), KDbField::Integer)); t_fields->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("f_precision"), KDbField::Integer)); t_fields->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("f_constraints"), KDbField::Integer)); t_fields->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("f_options"), KDbField::Integer)); t_fields->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("f_default"), KDbField::Text)); //these are additional properties: t_fields->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("f_order"), KDbField::Integer)); t_fields->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("f_caption"), KDbField::Text)); t_fields->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("f_help"), KDbField::LongText)); insertTable(t_fields); } { KDbInternalTableSchema *t_db = new KDbInternalTableSchema(QLatin1String("kexi__db")); t_db->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("db_property"), KDbField::Text, KDbField::NoConstraints, KDbField::NoOptions, 32)); t_db->addField(new KDbField(QLatin1String("db_value"), KDbField::LongText)); insertTable(t_db); } } void KDbConnectionPrivate::insertTable(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema) { KDbInternalTableSchema* internalTable = dynamic_cast(tableSchema); if (internalTable) { m_internalKDbTables.insert(internalTable); } else { m_tables.insert(tableSchema->id(), tableSchema); } m_tablesByName.insert(tableSchema->name(), tableSchema); } -void KDbConnectionPrivate::removeTable(const KDbTableSchema& tableSchema) +void KDbConnectionPrivate::removeTable(int id) { - KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::unregisterForChanges(conn, &tableSchema); - m_tablesByName.remove(tableSchema.name()); - KDbTableSchema *toDelete = m_tables.take(tableSchema.id()); - delete toDelete; + QScopedPointer toDelete(m_tables.take(id)); + if (!toDelete) { + kdbWarning() << "Could not find table to delete with id=" << id; + return; + } + KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::unregisterForChanges(conn, toDelete.data()); + const int count = m_tablesByName.remove(toDelete->name()); + Q_ASSERT_X(count == 1, "KDbConnectionPrivate::removeTable", "Table to remove not found"); } void KDbConnectionPrivate::takeTable(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema) { if (m_tables.isEmpty()) { return; } m_tables.take(tableSchema->id()); m_tablesByName.take(tableSchema->name()); } void KDbConnectionPrivate::renameTable(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema, const QString& newName) { m_tablesByName.take(tableSchema->name()); tableSchema->setName(newName); m_tablesByName.insert(tableSchema->name(), tableSchema); } void KDbConnectionPrivate::changeTableId(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema, int newId) { m_tables.take(tableSchema->id()); m_tables.insert(newId, tableSchema); } void KDbConnectionPrivate::clearTables() { m_tablesByName.clear(); qDeleteAll(m_internalKDbTables); m_internalKDbTables.clear(); QHash tablesToDelete(m_tables); m_tables.clear(); qDeleteAll(tablesToDelete); } void KDbConnectionPrivate::insertQuery(KDbQuerySchema* query) { m_queries.insert(query->id(), query); m_queriesByName.insert(query->name(), query); } void KDbConnectionPrivate::removeQuery(KDbQuerySchema* querySchema) { m_queriesByName.remove(querySchema->name()); m_queries.remove(querySchema->id()); delete querySchema; } void KDbConnectionPrivate::setQueryObsolete(KDbQuerySchema* query) { obsoleteQueries.insert(query); m_queriesByName.take(query->name()); m_queries.take(query->id()); } void KDbConnectionPrivate::clearQueries() { qDeleteAll(m_queries); m_queries.clear(); } KDbTableSchema* KDbConnectionPrivate::setupTableSchema(KDbTableSchema *table) { Q_ASSERT(table); QScopedPointer newTable(table); KDbCursor *cursor; if (!(cursor = conn->executeQuery( KDbEscapedString("SELECT t_id, f_type, f_name, f_length, f_precision, f_constraints, " "f_options, f_default, f_order, f_caption, f_help " "FROM kexi__fields WHERE t_id=%1 ORDER BY f_order") .arg(driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, table->id()))))) { return nullptr; } if (!cursor->moveFirst()) { if (!cursor->result().isError() && cursor->eof()) { conn->m_result = KDbResult(tr("Table has no fields defined.")); } conn->deleteCursor(cursor); return nullptr; } // For each field: load its schema KDbRecordData fieldData; bool ok = true; while (!cursor->eof()) { // kdbDebug()<<"@@@ f_name=="<value(2).asCString(); if (!cursor->storeCurrentRecord(&fieldData)) { ok = false; break; } KDbField *f = conn->setupField(fieldData); if (!f || !table->addField(f)) { ok = false; break; } cursor->moveNext(); } if (!ok) {//error: conn->deleteCursor(cursor); return nullptr; } if (!conn->deleteCursor(cursor)) { return nullptr; } if (!conn->loadExtendedTableSchemaData(table)) { return nullptr; } //store locally: insertTable(table); return newTable.take(); } KDbQuerySchema* KDbConnectionPrivate::setupQuerySchema(KDbQuerySchema *query) { Q_ASSERT(query); QScopedPointer newQuery(query); QString sql; if (!conn->loadDataBlock(query->id(), &sql, QLatin1String("sql"))) { conn->m_result = KDbResult( ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("Could not find definition for query \"%1\". Deleting this query is recommended.") .arg(query->name())); return nullptr; } if (!parser()->parse(KDbEscapedString(sql), query)) { conn->m_result = KDbResult( ERR_SQL_PARSE_ERROR, tr("

Could not load definition for query \"%1\". " "SQL statement for this query is invalid:

\n" "

This query can be edited only in Text View.

") .arg(query->name(), sql)); return nullptr; } insertQuery(query); return newQuery.take(); } KDbQuerySchemaFieldsExpanded *KDbConnectionPrivate::fieldsExpanded(const KDbQuerySchema *query) { return m_fieldsExpandedCache[query]; } void KDbConnectionPrivate::insertFieldsExpanded(const KDbQuerySchema *query, KDbQuerySchemaFieldsExpanded *cache) { m_fieldsExpandedCache.insert(query, cache); } //================================================ namespace { //! @internal static: list of internal KDb system table names class SystemTables : public QStringList { public: SystemTables() : QStringList({ QLatin1String("kexi__objects"), QLatin1String("kexi__objectdata"), QLatin1String("kexi__fields"), QLatin1String("kexi__db")}) {} }; } Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(SystemTables, g_kdbSystemTableNames) KDbConnection::KDbConnection(KDbDriver *driver, const KDbConnectionData& connData, const KDbConnectionOptions &options) : d(new KDbConnectionPrivate(this, driver, connData, options)) { if (d->connData.driverId().isEmpty()) { d->connData.setDriverId(d->driver->metaData()->id()); } } void KDbConnection::destroy() { disconnect(); //do not allow the driver to touch me: I will kill myself. d->driver->d->connections.remove(this); } KDbConnection::~KDbConnection() { KDbConnectionPrivate *thisD = d; d = nullptr; // make sure d is nullptr before destructing delete thisD; } KDbConnectionData KDbConnection::data() const { return d->connData; } KDbDriver* KDbConnection::driver() const { return d->driver; } bool KDbConnection::connect() { clearResult(); if (d->isConnected) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_ALREADY_CONNECTED, tr("Connection already established.")); return false; } d->serverVersion.clear(); if (!(d->isConnected = drv_connect())) { if (m_result.code() == ERR_NONE) { m_result.setCode(ERR_OTHER); } m_result.setMessage(d->driver->metaData()->isFileBased() ? tr("Could not open \"%1\" project file.") .arg(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(QFileInfo(d->connData.databaseName()).fileName())) : tr("Could not connect to \"%1\" database server.") .arg(d->connData.toUserVisibleString())); } if (d->isConnected && !d->driver->behavior()->USING_DATABASE_REQUIRED_TO_CONNECT) { if (!drv_getServerVersion(&d->serverVersion)) return false; } return d->isConnected; } bool KDbConnection::isDatabaseUsed() const { return !d->usedDatabase.isEmpty() && d->isConnected && drv_isDatabaseUsed(); } void KDbConnection::clearResult() { KDbResultable::clearResult(); } bool KDbConnection::disconnect() { clearResult(); if (!d->isConnected) return true; if (!closeDatabase()) return false; bool ok = drv_disconnect(); if (ok) d->isConnected = false; return ok; } bool KDbConnection::isConnected() const { return d->isConnected; } bool KDbConnection::checkConnected() { if (d->isConnected) { clearResult(); return true; } m_result = KDbResult(ERR_NO_CONNECTION, tr("Not connected to the database server.")); return false; } bool KDbConnection::checkIsDatabaseUsed() { if (isDatabaseUsed()) { clearResult(); return true; } m_result = KDbResult(ERR_NO_DB_USED, tr("Currently no database is used.")); return false; } QStringList KDbConnection::databaseNames(bool also_system_db) { //kdbDebug() << also_system_db; if (!checkConnected()) return QStringList(); QString tmpdbName; //some engines need to have opened any database before executing "create database" if (!useTemporaryDatabaseIfNeeded(&tmpdbName)) return QStringList(); QStringList list; bool ret = drv_getDatabasesList(&list); if (!tmpdbName.isEmpty()) { //whatever result is - now we have to close temporary opened database: if (!closeDatabase()) return QStringList(); } if (!ret) return QStringList(); if (also_system_db) return list; //filter system databases: for (QMutableListIterator it(list); it.hasNext();) { if (d->driver->isSystemDatabaseName(it.next())) { it.remove(); } } return list; } bool KDbConnection::drv_getDatabasesList(QStringList* list) { list->clear(); return true; } bool KDbConnection::drv_databaseExists(const QString &dbName, bool ignoreErrors) { QStringList list = databaseNames(true);//also system if (m_result.isError()) { return false; } if (list.indexOf(dbName) == -1) { if (!ignoreErrors) m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("The database \"%1\" does not exist.").arg(dbName)); return false; } return true; } bool KDbConnection::databaseExists(const QString &dbName, bool ignoreErrors) { // kdbDebug() << dbName << ignoreErrors; if (d->driver->behavior()->CONNECTION_REQUIRED_TO_CHECK_DB_EXISTENCE && !checkConnected()) return false; clearResult(); if (d->driver->metaData()->isFileBased()) { //for file-based db: file must exists and be accessible QFileInfo file(d->connData.databaseName()); if (!file.exists() || (!file.isFile() && !file.isSymLink())) { if (!ignoreErrors) m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("The database file \"%1\" does not exist.") .arg(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(QFileInfo(d->connData.databaseName()).fileName()))); return false; } if (!file.isReadable()) { if (!ignoreErrors) m_result = KDbResult(ERR_ACCESS_RIGHTS, tr("Database file \"%1\" is not readable.") .arg(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(QFileInfo(d->connData.databaseName()).fileName()))); return false; } if (!d->options.isReadOnly() && !file.isWritable()) { if (!ignoreErrors) m_result = KDbResult(ERR_ACCESS_RIGHTS, tr("Database file \"%1\" is not writable.") .arg(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(QFileInfo(d->connData.databaseName()).fileName()))); return false; } return true; } QString tmpdbName; //some engines need to have opened any database before executing "create database" const bool orig_skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase = d->skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase; d->skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase = true; bool ret = useTemporaryDatabaseIfNeeded(&tmpdbName); d->skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase = orig_skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase; if (!ret) return false; ret = drv_databaseExists(dbName, ignoreErrors); if (!tmpdbName.isEmpty()) { //whatever result is - now we have to close temporary opened database: if (!closeDatabase()) return false; } return ret; } #define createDatabase_CLOSE \ { if (!closeDatabase()) { \ m_result = KDbResult(KDbConnection::tr("Database \"%1\" has been created but " \ "could not be closed after creation.").arg(dbName)); \ return false; \ } } #define createDatabase_ERROR \ { createDatabase_CLOSE; return false; } bool KDbConnection::createDatabase(const QString &dbName) { if (d->driver->behavior()->CONNECTION_REQUIRED_TO_CREATE_DB && !checkConnected()) return false; if (databaseExists(dbName)) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_EXISTS, tr("Database \"%1\" already exists.").arg(dbName)); return false; } if (d->driver->isSystemDatabaseName(dbName)) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_SYSTEM_NAME_RESERVED, tr("Could not create database \"%1\". This name is reserved for system database.").arg(dbName)); return false; } if (d->driver->metaData()->isFileBased()) { //update connection data if filename differs if (QFileInfo(dbName).isAbsolute()) { d->connData.setDatabaseName(dbName); } else { d->connData.setDatabaseName( QFileInfo(d->connData.databaseName()).absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + QFileInfo(dbName).fileName()); } } QString tmpdbName; //some engines need to have opened any database before executing "create database" if (!useTemporaryDatabaseIfNeeded(&tmpdbName)) return false; //low-level create if (!drv_createDatabase(dbName)) { m_result.prependMessage(tr("Error creating database \"%1\" on the server.").arg(dbName)); (void)closeDatabase();//sanity return false; } if (!tmpdbName.isEmpty()) { //whatever result is - now we have to close temporary opened database: if (!closeDatabase()) return false; } if (!tmpdbName.isEmpty() || !d->driver->behavior()->IS_DB_OPEN_AFTER_CREATE) { //db need to be opened if (!useDatabase(dbName, false/*not yet kexi compatible!*/)) { m_result = KDbResult(tr("Database \"%1\" has been created but could not be opened.").arg(dbName)); return false; } } else { //just for the rule d->usedDatabase = dbName; d->isConnected = true; } KDbTransaction trans; if (d->driver->transactionsSupported()) { trans = beginTransaction(); if (!trans.isActive()) return false; } //-create system tables schema objects d->setupKDbSystemSchema(); //-physically create internal KDb tables foreach(KDbInternalTableSchema* t, d->internalKDbTables()) { if (!drv_createTable(*t)) createDatabase_ERROR; } //-insert KDb version info: // (for compatibility with Kexi expect the legacy kexidb_major_ver/kexidb_minor_ver values) KDbTableSchema *table = d->table(QLatin1String("kexi__db")); if (!table) createDatabase_ERROR; if (!insertRecord(table, QLatin1String("kexidb_major_ver"), KDb::version().major()) || !insertRecord(table, QLatin1String("kexidb_minor_ver"), KDb::version().minor())) createDatabase_ERROR; if (trans.isActive() && !commitTransaction(trans)) createDatabase_ERROR; createDatabase_CLOSE; return true; } #undef createDatabase_CLOSE #undef createDatabase_ERROR bool KDbConnection::useDatabase(const QString &dbName, bool kexiCompatible, bool *cancelled, KDbMessageHandler* msgHandler) { if (cancelled) *cancelled = false; //kdbDebug() << dbName << kexiCompatible; if (!checkConnected()) return false; QString my_dbName; if (dbName.isEmpty()) my_dbName = d->connData.databaseName(); else my_dbName = dbName; if (my_dbName.isEmpty()) return false; if (d->usedDatabase == my_dbName) return true; //already used if (!d->skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase) { if (!databaseExists(my_dbName, false /*don't ignore errors*/)) return false; //database must exist } if (!d->usedDatabase.isEmpty() && !closeDatabase()) //close db if already used return false; d->usedDatabase.clear(); if (!drv_useDatabase(my_dbName, cancelled, msgHandler)) { if (cancelled && *cancelled) return false; QString msg(tr("Opening database \"%1\" failed.").arg(my_dbName)); m_result.prependMessage(msg); return false; } if (d->serverVersion.isNull() && d->driver->behavior()->USING_DATABASE_REQUIRED_TO_CONNECT) { // get version just now, it was not possible earlier if (!drv_getServerVersion(&d->serverVersion)) return false; } //-create system tables schema objects d->setupKDbSystemSchema(); if (kexiCompatible && my_dbName.compare(anyAvailableDatabaseName(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) { //-get global database information bool ok; const int major = d->dbProperties.value(QLatin1String("kexidb_major_ver")).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { m_result = d->dbProperties.result(); return false; } const int minor = d->dbProperties.value(QLatin1String("kexidb_minor_ver")).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { m_result = d->dbProperties.result(); return false; } d->databaseVersion.setMajor(major); d->databaseVersion.setMinor(minor); } d->usedDatabase = my_dbName; return true; } bool KDbConnection::closeDatabase() { if (d->usedDatabase.isEmpty()) return true; //no db used if (!checkConnected()) return true; bool ret = true; /*! @todo (js) add CLEVER algorithm here for nested transactions */ if (d->driver->transactionsSupported()) { //rollback all transactions d->dontRemoveTransactions = true; //lock! foreach(const KDbTransaction& tr, d->transactions) { if (!rollbackTransaction(tr)) {//rollback as much as you can, don't stop on prev. errors ret = false; } else { kdbDebug() << "transaction rolled back!"; kdbDebug() << "trans.refcount==" << (tr.m_data ? QString::number(tr.m_data->refcount()) : QLatin1String("(null)")); } } d->dontRemoveTransactions = false; //unlock! d->transactions.clear(); //free trans. data } //delete own cursors: d->deleteAllCursors(); //delete own schemas d->clearTables(); d->clearQueries(); if (!drv_closeDatabase()) return false; d->usedDatabase.clear(); return ret; } QString KDbConnection::currentDatabase() const { return d->usedDatabase; } bool KDbConnection::useTemporaryDatabaseIfNeeded(QString* name) { if (d->driver->behavior()->USE_TEMPORARY_DATABASE_FOR_CONNECTION_IF_NEEDED && !isDatabaseUsed()) { //we have no db used, but it is required by engine to have used any! *name = anyAvailableDatabaseName(); if (name->isEmpty()) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_NO_DB_USED, tr("Could not find any database for temporary connection.")); return false; } const bool orig_skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase = d->skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase; d->skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase = true; bool ret = useDatabase(*name, false); d->skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase = orig_skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase; if (!ret) { m_result = KDbResult(m_result.code(), tr("Error during starting temporary connection using \"%1\" database name.").arg(*name)); return false; } } return true; } bool KDbConnection::dropDatabase(const QString &dbName) { if (d->driver->behavior()->CONNECTION_REQUIRED_TO_DROP_DB && !checkConnected()) return false; QString dbToDrop; if (dbName.isEmpty() && d->usedDatabase.isEmpty()) { if (!d->driver->metaData()->isFileBased() || (d->driver->metaData()->isFileBased() && d->connData.databaseName().isEmpty())) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_NO_NAME_SPECIFIED, tr("Could not delete database. Name is not specified.")); return false; } //this is a file driver so reuse previously passed filename dbToDrop = d->connData.databaseName(); } else { if (dbName.isEmpty()) { dbToDrop = d->usedDatabase; } else { if (d->driver->metaData()->isFileBased()) //lets get full path dbToDrop = QFileInfo(dbName).absoluteFilePath(); else dbToDrop = dbName; } } if (dbToDrop.isEmpty()) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_NO_NAME_SPECIFIED, tr("Could not delete database. Name is not specified.")); return false; } if (d->driver->isSystemDatabaseName(dbToDrop)) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_SYSTEM_NAME_RESERVED, tr("Could not delete system database \"%1\".").arg(dbToDrop)); return false; } if (isDatabaseUsed() && d->usedDatabase == dbToDrop) { //we need to close database because cannot drop used this database if (!closeDatabase()) return false; } QString tmpdbName; //some engines need to have opened any database before executing "drop database" if (!useTemporaryDatabaseIfNeeded(&tmpdbName)) return false; //ok, now we have access to dropping bool ret = drv_dropDatabase(dbToDrop); if (!tmpdbName.isEmpty()) { //whatever result is - now we have to close temporary opened database: if (!closeDatabase()) return false; } return ret; } QStringList KDbConnection::objectNames(int objectType, bool* ok) { if (!checkIsDatabaseUsed()) { if (ok) { *ok = false; } return QStringList(); } KDbEscapedString sql; if (objectType == KDb::AnyObjectType) { sql = "SELECT o_name FROM kexi__objects ORDER BY o_id"; } else { sql = KDbEscapedString("SELECT o_name FROM kexi__objects WHERE o_type=%1" " ORDER BY o_id").arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, objectType)); } QStringList list; const bool success = queryStringListInternal(&sql, &list, nullptr, nullptr, 0, KDb::isIdentifier); if (ok) { *ok = success; } if (!success) { m_result.prependMessage(tr("Could not retrieve list of object names.")); } return list; } QStringList KDbConnection::tableNames(bool alsoSystemTables, bool* ok) { bool success; QStringList list = objectNames(KDb::TableObjectType, &success); if (ok) { *ok = success; } if (!success) { m_result.prependMessage(tr("Could not retrieve list of table names.")); } if (alsoSystemTables && success) { list += kdbSystemTableNames(); } return list; } tristate KDbConnection::containsTable(const QString &tableName) { return drv_containsTable(tableName); } QStringList KDbConnection::kdbSystemTableNames() { return *g_kdbSystemTableNames; } KDbServerVersionInfo KDbConnection::serverVersion() const { return isConnected() ? d->serverVersion : KDbServerVersionInfo(); } KDbVersionInfo KDbConnection::databaseVersion() const { return isDatabaseUsed() ? d->databaseVersion : KDbVersionInfo(); } KDbProperties KDbConnection::databaseProperties() const { return d->dbProperties; } QList KDbConnection::tableIds(bool* ok) { return objectIds(KDb::TableObjectType, ok); } QList KDbConnection::queryIds(bool* ok) { return objectIds(KDb::QueryObjectType, ok); } QList KDbConnection::objectIds(int objectType, bool* ok) { if (!checkIsDatabaseUsed()) return QList(); KDbEscapedString sql; if (objectType == KDb::AnyObjectType) sql = "SELECT o_id, o_name FROM kexi__objects ORDER BY o_id"; else sql = "SELECT o_id, o_name FROM kexi__objects WHERE o_type=" + QByteArray::number(objectType) + " ORDER BY o_id"; KDbCursor *c = executeQuery(sql); if (!c) { if (ok) { *ok = false; } m_result.prependMessage(tr("Could not retrieve list of object identifiers.")); return QList(); } QList list; for (c->moveFirst(); !c->eof(); c->moveNext()) { QString tname = c->value(1).toString(); //kexi__objects.o_name if (KDb::isIdentifier(tname)) { list.append(c->value(0).toInt()); //kexi__objects.o_id } } deleteCursor(c); if (ok) { *ok = true; } return list; } //yeah, it is very efficient: #define C_A(a) , const QVariant& c ## a #define V_A0 d->driver->valueToSql( tableSchema->field(0), c0 ) #define V_A(a) + ',' + d->driver->valueToSql( \ tableSchema->field(a) ? tableSchema->field(a)->type() : KDbField::Text, c ## a ) // kdbDebug() << "******** " << QString("INSERT INTO ") + // escapeIdentifier(tableSchema->name()) + // " VALUES (" + vals + ")"; QSharedPointer KDbConnection::insertRecordInternal(const QString &tableSchemaName, KDbFieldList *fields, const KDbEscapedString &sql) { QSharedPointer res; if (!drv_beforeInsert(tableSchemaName,fields )) { return res; } res = prepareSql(sql); if (!res || res->lastResult().isError()) { res.clear(); return res; } if (!drv_afterInsert(tableSchemaName, fields)) { res.clear(); return res; } { // Fetching is needed to perform real execution at least for some backends. // Also we are not expecting record but let's delete if there's any. QSharedPointer record = res->fetchRecord(); Q_UNUSED(record) } if (res->lastResult().isError()) { res.clear(); } return res; } #define C_INS_REC(args, vals) \ QSharedPointer KDbConnection::insertRecord(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema args) { \ return insertRecordInternal(tableSchema->name(), tableSchema, \ KDbEscapedString("INSERT INTO ") + escapeIdentifier(tableSchema->name()) \ + " (" \ + tableSchema->sqlFieldsList(this) \ + ") VALUES (" + vals + ')'); \ } #define C_INS_REC_ALL \ C_INS_REC( C_A(0), V_A0 ) \ C_INS_REC( C_A(0) C_A(1), V_A0 V_A(1) ) \ C_INS_REC( C_A(0) C_A(1) C_A(2), V_A0 V_A(1) V_A(2) ) \ C_INS_REC( C_A(0) C_A(1) C_A(2) C_A(3), V_A0 V_A(1) V_A(2) V_A(3) ) \ C_INS_REC( C_A(0) C_A(1) C_A(2) C_A(3) C_A(4), V_A0 V_A(1) V_A(2) V_A(3) V_A(4) ) \ C_INS_REC( C_A(0) C_A(1) C_A(2) C_A(3) C_A(4) C_A(5), V_A0 V_A(1) V_A(2) V_A(3) V_A(4) V_A(5) ) \ C_INS_REC( C_A(0) C_A(1) C_A(2) C_A(3) C_A(4) C_A(5) C_A(6), V_A0 V_A(1) V_A(2) V_A(3) V_A(4) V_A(5) V_A(6) ) \ C_INS_REC( C_A(0) C_A(1) C_A(2) C_A(3) C_A(4) C_A(5) C_A(6) C_A(7), V_A0 V_A(1) V_A(2) V_A(3) V_A(4) V_A(5) V_A(6) V_A(7) ) C_INS_REC_ALL #undef V_A0 #undef V_A #undef C_INS_REC #define V_A0 value += d->driver->valueToSql( it.next(), c0 ); #define V_A( a ) value += (',' + d->driver->valueToSql( it.next(), c ## a )); #define C_INS_REC(args, vals) \ QSharedPointer KDbConnection::insertRecord(KDbFieldList* fields args) \ { \ KDbEscapedString value; \ const KDbField::List *flist = fields->fields(); \ QListIterator it(*flist); \ vals \ it.toFront(); \ QString tableName((it.hasNext() && it.peekNext()->table()) ? it.next()->table()->name() : QLatin1String("??")); \ return insertRecordInternal(tableName, fields, \ KDbEscapedString(QLatin1String("INSERT INTO ") + escapeIdentifier(tableName)) \ + " (" + fields->sqlFieldsList(this) \ + ") VALUES (" + value + ')'); \ } C_INS_REC_ALL #undef C_A #undef V_A #undef V_ALAST #undef C_INS_REC #undef C_INS_REC_ALL QSharedPointer KDbConnection::insertRecord(KDbTableSchema *tableSchema, const QList &values) { // Each SQL identifier needs to be escaped in the generated query. QSharedPointer res; const KDbField::List *flist = tableSchema->fields(); if (flist->isEmpty()) { return res; } KDbField::ListIterator fieldsIt(flist->constBegin()); QList::ConstIterator it = values.constBegin(); KDbEscapedString sql; sql.reserve(4096); while (fieldsIt != flist->constEnd() && (it != values.end())) { KDbField *f = *fieldsIt; if (sql.isEmpty()) { sql = KDbEscapedString("INSERT INTO ") + escapeIdentifier(tableSchema->name()) + " VALUES ("; } else { sql += ','; } sql += d->driver->valueToSql(f, *it); // kdbDebug() << "val" << i++ << ": " << d->driver->valueToSql( f, *it ); ++it; ++fieldsIt; } sql += ')'; m_result.setSql(sql); res = insertRecordInternal(tableSchema->name(), tableSchema, sql); return res; } QSharedPointer KDbConnection::insertRecord(KDbFieldList *fields, const QList &values) { // Each SQL identifier needs to be escaped in the generated query. QSharedPointer res; const KDbField::List *flist = fields->fields(); if (flist->isEmpty()) { return res; } KDbField::ListIterator fieldsIt(flist->constBegin()); KDbEscapedString sql; sql.reserve(4096); QList::ConstIterator it = values.constBegin(); const QString tableName(flist->first()->table()->name()); while (fieldsIt != flist->constEnd() && it != values.constEnd()) { KDbField *f = *fieldsIt; if (sql.isEmpty()) { sql = KDbEscapedString("INSERT INTO ") + escapeIdentifier(tableName) + '(' + fields->sqlFieldsList(this) + ") VALUES ("; } else { sql += ','; } sql += d->driver->valueToSql(f, *it); // kdbDebug() << "val" << i++ << ": " << d->driver->valueToSql( f, *it ); ++it; ++fieldsIt; if (fieldsIt == flist->constEnd()) break; } sql += ')'; m_result.setSql(sql); res = insertRecordInternal(tableName, fields, sql); return res; } inline static bool checkSql(const KDbEscapedString& sql, KDbResult* result) { Q_ASSERT(result); if (!sql.isValid()) { *result = KDbResult(ERR_SQL_EXECUTION_ERROR, KDbConnection::tr("SQL statement for execution is invalid or empty.")); result->setErrorSql(sql); //remember for error handling return false; } return true; } QSharedPointer KDbConnection::prepareSql(const KDbEscapedString& sql) { m_result.setSql(sql); return QSharedPointer(drv_prepareSql(sql)); } bool KDbConnection::executeSql(const KDbEscapedString& sql) { m_result.setSql(sql); if (!checkSql(sql, &m_result)) { return false; } if (!drv_executeSql(sql)) { m_result.setMessage(QString()); //clear as this could be most probably just "Unknown error" string. m_result.setErrorSql(sql); m_result.prependMessage(ERR_SQL_EXECUTION_ERROR, tr("Error while executing SQL statement.")); kdbWarning() << m_result; return false; } return true; } KDbField* KDbConnection::findSystemFieldName(const KDbFieldList& fieldlist) { for (KDbField::ListIterator it(fieldlist.fieldsIterator()); it != fieldlist.fieldsIteratorConstEnd(); ++it) { if (d->driver->isSystemFieldName((*it)->name())) return *it; } return nullptr; } //! Creates a KDbField list for kexi__fields, for sanity. Used by createTable() static KDbFieldList* createFieldListForKexi__Fields(KDbTableSchema *kexi__fieldsSchema) { if (!kexi__fieldsSchema) return nullptr; return kexi__fieldsSchema->subList( QList() << "t_id" << "f_type" << "f_name" << "f_length" << "f_precision" << "f_constraints" << "f_options" << "f_default" << "f_order" << "f_caption" << "f_help" ); } static QVariant buildLengthValue(const KDbField &f) { if (f.isFPNumericType()) { return f.scale(); } return f.maxLength(); } //! builds a list of values for field's @a f properties. Used by createTable(). static void buildValuesForKexi__Fields(QList& vals, KDbField* f) { const KDbField::Type type = f->type(); // cache: evaluating type of expressions can be expensive vals.clear(); vals << QVariant(f->table()->id()) << QVariant(type) << QVariant(f->name()) << buildLengthValue(*f) << QVariant(KDbField::isFPNumericType(type) ? f->precision() : 0) << QVariant(f->constraints()) << QVariant(f->options()) // KDb::variantToString() is needed here because the value can be of any QVariant type, // depending on f->type() << (f->defaultValue().isNull() ? QVariant() : QVariant(KDb::variantToString(f->defaultValue()))) << QVariant(f->order()) << QVariant(f->caption()) << QVariant(f->description()); } bool KDbConnection::storeMainFieldSchema(KDbField *field) { if (!field || !field->table()) return false; KDbFieldList *fl = createFieldListForKexi__Fields(d->table(QLatin1String("kexi__fields"))); if (!fl) return false; QList vals; buildValuesForKexi__Fields(vals, field); QList::ConstIterator valsIt = vals.constBegin(); bool first = true; KDbEscapedString sql("UPDATE kexi__fields SET "); foreach(KDbField *f, *fl->fields()) { sql.append((first ? QString() : QLatin1String(", ")) + f->name() + QLatin1Char('=') + d->driver->valueToSql(f, *valsIt)); if (first) first = false; ++valsIt; } delete fl; sql.append(KDbEscapedString(" WHERE t_id=%1 AND f_name=%2") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, field->table()->id())) .arg(escapeString(field->name()))); return executeSql(sql); } #define createTable_ERR \ { kdbDebug() << "ERROR!"; \ m_result.prependMessage(KDbConnection::tr("Creating table failed.")); \ rollbackAutoCommitTransaction(tg.transaction()); \ return false; } bool KDbConnection::createTable(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema, CreateTableOptions options) { if (!tableSchema || !checkIsDatabaseUsed()) return false; //check if there are any fields if (tableSchema->fieldCount() < 1) { clearResult(); m_result = KDbResult(ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_EMPTY_OBJECT, tr("Could not create table without fields.")); return false; } KDbInternalTableSchema* internalTable = dynamic_cast(tableSchema); const QString tableName(tableSchema->name()); if (!internalTable) { if (d->driver->isSystemObjectName(tableName)) { clearResult(); m_result = KDbResult(ERR_SYSTEM_NAME_RESERVED, tr("System name \"%1\" cannot be used as table name.") .arg(tableSchema->name())); return false; } KDbField *sys_field = findSystemFieldName(*tableSchema); if (sys_field) { clearResult(); m_result = KDbResult(ERR_SYSTEM_NAME_RESERVED, tr("System name \"%1\" cannot be used as one of fields in \"%2\" table.") .arg(sys_field->name(), tableName)); return false; } } bool previousSchemaStillKept = false; KDbTableSchema *existingTable = nullptr; if (options & CreateTableOption::DropDestination) { //get previous table (do not retrieve, though) existingTable = this->tableSchema(tableName); if (existingTable) { if (existingTable == tableSchema) { clearResult(); m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_EXISTS, tr("Could not create the same table \"%1\" twice.").arg(tableSchema->name())); return false; } //! @todo (js) update any structure (e.g. queries) that depend on this table! if (existingTable->id() > 0) tableSchema->setId(existingTable->id()); //copy id from existing table previousSchemaStillKept = true; if (!dropTableInternal(existingTable, false /*alsoRemoveSchema*/)) return false; } } else { if (!internalTable && this->tableSchema(tableSchema->name())) { clearResult(); m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_EXISTS, tr("Table \"%1\" already exists.").arg(tableSchema->name())); return false; } } KDbTransactionGuard tg; if (!beginAutoCommitTransaction(&tg)) return false; if (internalTable) { if (!drv_containsTable(internalTable->name())) { // internal table may exist if (!drv_createTable(*tableSchema)) { createTable_ERR; } } } else { if (!drv_createTable(*tableSchema)) { createTable_ERR; } } //add the object data to kexi__* tables if (!internalTable) { //update kexi__objects if (!storeNewObjectData(tableSchema)) createTable_ERR; KDbTableSchema *ts = d->table(QLatin1String("kexi__fields")); if (!ts) return false; //for sanity: remove field info (if any) for this table id if (!KDb::deleteRecords(this, *ts, QLatin1String("t_id"), tableSchema->id())) return false; KDbFieldList *fl = createFieldListForKexi__Fields(ts); if (!fl) return false; foreach(KDbField *f, *tableSchema->fields()) { QList vals; buildValuesForKexi__Fields(vals, f); if (!insertRecord(fl, vals)) createTable_ERR; } delete fl; if (!storeExtendedTableSchemaData(tableSchema)) createTable_ERR; } bool res = commitAutoCommitTransaction(tg.transaction()); if (res) { if (!internalTable) { if (previousSchemaStillKept) { //remove previous table schema - d->removeTable(*tableSchema); + d->removeTable(tableSchema->id()); } } //store locally d->insertTable(tableSchema); //ok, this table is not created by the connection tableSchema->setConnection(this); } return res; } KDbTableSchema *KDbConnection::copyTable(const KDbTableSchema &tableSchema, const KDbObject &newData) { clearResult(); if (this->tableSchema(tableSchema.name()) != &tableSchema) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("Table \"%1\" does not exist.").arg(tableSchema.name())); return nullptr; } KDbTableSchema *copiedTable = new KDbTableSchema(tableSchema, false /* !copyId*/); // copy name, caption, description copiedTable->setName(newData.name()); copiedTable->setCaption(newData.caption()); copiedTable->setDescription(newData.description()); // copy the structure and data if (!createTable(copiedTable, CreateTableOptions(CreateTableOption::Default) & ~CreateTableOptions(CreateTableOption::DropDestination))) { delete copiedTable; return nullptr; } if (!drv_copyTableData(tableSchema, *copiedTable)) { dropTable(copiedTable); delete copiedTable; return nullptr; } return copiedTable; } KDbTableSchema *KDbConnection::copyTable(const QString &tableName, const KDbObject &newData) { clearResult(); KDbTableSchema* ts = tableSchema(tableName); if (!ts) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("Table \"%1\" does not exist.").arg(tableName)); return nullptr; } return copyTable(*ts, newData); } bool KDbConnection::drv_copyTableData(const KDbTableSchema &tableSchema, const KDbTableSchema &destinationTableSchema) { KDbEscapedString sql = KDbEscapedString("INSERT INTO %1 SELECT * FROM %2") .arg(escapeIdentifier(destinationTableSchema.name())) .arg(escapeIdentifier(tableSchema.name())); return executeSql(sql); } bool KDbConnection::removeObject(int objId) { clearResult(); //remove table schema from kexi__* tables KDbTableSchema *kexi__objects = d->table(QLatin1String("kexi__objects")); KDbTableSchema *kexi__objectdata = d->table(QLatin1String("kexi__objectdata")); if (!kexi__objects || !kexi__objectdata || !KDb::deleteRecords(this, *kexi__objects, QLatin1String("o_id"), objId) //schema entry || !KDb::deleteRecords(this, *kexi__objectdata, QLatin1String("o_id"), objId)) //data blocks { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_DELETE_SERVER_ERROR, tr("Could not delete object's data.")); return false; } return true; } bool KDbConnection::drv_dropTable(const QString& tableName) { return executeSql(KDbEscapedString("DROP TABLE %1").arg(escapeIdentifier(tableName))); } tristate KDbConnection::dropTable(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema) { return dropTableInternal(tableSchema, true); } tristate KDbConnection::dropTableInternal(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema, bool alsoRemoveSchema) { // Each SQL identifier needs to be escaped in the generated query. clearResult(); if (!tableSchema) return false; //be sure that we handle the correct KDbTableSchema object: if (tableSchema->id() < 0 || this->tableSchema(tableSchema->name()) != tableSchema || this->tableSchema(tableSchema->id()) != tableSchema) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("Could not delete table \"%1\". %2") .arg(tr("Unexpected name or identifier."), tableSchema->name())); return false; } tristate res = KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::closeListeners(this, tableSchema); if (true != res) return res; //sanity checks: if (d->driver->isSystemObjectName(tableSchema->name())) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_SYSTEM_NAME_RESERVED, tr("Could not delete table \"%1\". %2") .arg(tableSchema->name(), d->strItIsASystemObject())); return false; } KDbTransactionGuard tg; if (!beginAutoCommitTransaction(&tg)) return false; //for sanity we're checking if this table exists physically const tristate result = drv_containsTable(tableSchema->name()); if (~result) { return cancelled; } if (result == true) { if (!drv_dropTable(tableSchema->name())) return false; } KDbTableSchema *ts = d->table(QLatin1String("kexi__fields")); if (!ts || !KDb::deleteRecords(this, *ts, QLatin1String("t_id"), tableSchema->id())) //field entries return false; //remove table schema from kexi__objects table if (!removeObject(tableSchema->id())) { return false; } if (alsoRemoveSchema) { //! @todo js: update any structure (e.g. queries) that depend on this table! tristate res = removeDataBlock(tableSchema->id(), QLatin1String("extended_schema")); if (!res) return false; - d->removeTable(*tableSchema); + d->removeTable(tableSchema->id()); } return commitAutoCommitTransaction(tg.transaction()); } tristate KDbConnection::dropTable(const QString& tableName) { clearResult(); KDbTableSchema* ts = tableSchema(tableName); if (!ts) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("Table \"%1\" does not exist.").arg(tableName)); return false; } return dropTable(ts); } tristate KDbConnection::alterTable(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema, KDbTableSchema* newTableSchema) { clearResult(); tristate res = KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::closeListeners(this, tableSchema); if (true != res) return res; if (tableSchema == newTableSchema) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_THE_SAME, tr("Could not alter table \"%1\" using the same table as destination.") .arg(tableSchema->name())); return false; } //! @todo (js) implement real altering //! @todo (js) update any structure (e.g. query) that depend on this table! bool ok = true; bool empty; #if 0 //! @todo uncomment: empty = isEmpty(tableSchema, ok) && ok; #else empty = true; #endif if (empty) { ok = createTable(newTableSchema, KDbConnection::CreateTableOption::Default | KDbConnection::CreateTableOption::DropDestination); } return ok; } bool KDbConnection::alterTableName(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema, const QString& newName, AlterTableNameOptions options) { clearResult(); if (tableSchema != this->tableSchema(tableSchema->id())) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("Unknown table \"%1\".").arg(tableSchema->name())); return false; } if (newName.isEmpty() || !KDb::isIdentifier(newName)) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_INVALID_IDENTIFIER, tr("Invalid table name \"%1\".").arg(newName)); return false; } const QString oldTableName = tableSchema->name(); const QString newTableName = newName.trimmed(); if (oldTableName.trimmed() == newTableName) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_THE_SAME, tr("Could not rename table \"%1\" using the same name.") .arg(newTableName)); return false; } //! @todo alter table name for server DB backends! //! @todo what about objects (queries/forms) that use old name? KDbTableSchema *tableToReplace = this->tableSchema(newName); const bool destTableExists = tableToReplace != nullptr; const int origID = destTableExists ? tableToReplace->id() : -1; //will be reused in the new table if (!(options & AlterTableNameOption::DropDestination) && destTableExists) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_EXISTS, tr("Could not rename table \"%1\" to \"%2\". Table \"%3\" already exists.") .arg(tableSchema->name(), newName, newName)); return false; } //helper: #define alterTableName_ERR \ tableSchema->setName(oldTableName) //restore old name KDbTransactionGuard tg; if (!beginAutoCommitTransaction(&tg)) return false; // drop the table replaced (with schema) if (destTableExists) { if (!dropTable(newName)) { return false; } // the new table owns the previous table's id: if (!executeSql( KDbEscapedString("UPDATE kexi__objects SET o_id=%1 WHERE o_id=%2 AND o_type=%3") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, origID)) .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, tableSchema->id())) .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, int(KDb::TableObjectType))))) { return false; } if (!executeSql(KDbEscapedString("UPDATE kexi__fields SET t_id=%1 WHERE t_id=%2") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, origID)) .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, tableSchema->id())))) { return false; } //maintain table ID d->changeTableId(tableSchema, origID); tableSchema->setId(origID); } if (!drv_alterTableName(tableSchema, newTableName)) { alterTableName_ERR; return false; } // Update kexi__objects //! @todo if (!executeSql(KDbEscapedString("UPDATE kexi__objects SET o_name=%1 WHERE o_id=%2") .arg(escapeString(tableSchema->name())) .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, tableSchema->id())))) { alterTableName_ERR; return false; } //! @todo what about caption? //restore old name: it will be changed soon! tableSchema->setName(oldTableName); if (!commitAutoCommitTransaction(tg.transaction())) { alterTableName_ERR; return false; } //update tableSchema: d->renameTable(tableSchema, newTableName); return true; } bool KDbConnection::drv_alterTableName(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema, const QString& newName) { const QString oldTableName = tableSchema->name(); tableSchema->setName(newName); if (!executeSql(KDbEscapedString("ALTER TABLE %1 RENAME TO %2") .arg(KDbEscapedString(escapeIdentifier(oldTableName)), KDbEscapedString(escapeIdentifier(newName))))) { tableSchema->setName(oldTableName); //restore old name return false; } return true; } bool KDbConnection::dropQuery(KDbQuerySchema* querySchema) { clearResult(); if (!querySchema) return false; KDbTransactionGuard tg; if (!beginAutoCommitTransaction(&tg)) return false; //remove query schema from kexi__objects table if (!removeObject(querySchema->id())) { return false; } //! @todo update any structure that depend on this table! d->removeQuery(querySchema); return commitAutoCommitTransaction(tg.transaction()); } bool KDbConnection::dropQuery(const QString& queryName) { clearResult(); KDbQuerySchema* qs = querySchema(queryName); if (!qs) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND, tr("Query \"%1\" does not exist.").arg(queryName)); return false; } return dropQuery(qs); } bool KDbConnection::drv_createTable(const KDbTableSchema& tableSchema) { const KDbNativeStatementBuilder builder(this, KDb::DriverEscaping); KDbEscapedString sql; if (!builder.generateCreateTableStatement(&sql,tableSchema)) { return false; } //kdbDebug() << "******** " << sql; return executeSql(sql); } bool KDbConnection::drv_createTable(const QString& tableName) { KDbTableSchema *ts = tableSchema(tableName); if (!ts) return false; return drv_createTable(*ts); } bool KDbConnection::beginAutoCommitTransaction(KDbTransactionGuard* tg) { if ((d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::IgnoreTransactions) || !d->autoCommit) { tg->setTransaction(KDbTransaction()); return true; } // commit current transaction (if present) for drivers // that allow single transaction per connection if (d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::SingleTransactions) { if (d->defaultTransactionStartedInside) //only commit internally started transaction if (!commitTransaction(d->default_trans, KDbTransaction::CommitOption::IgnoreInactive)) { tg->setTransaction(KDbTransaction()); return false; //we have a real error } d->defaultTransactionStartedInside = d->default_trans.isNull(); if (!d->defaultTransactionStartedInside) { tg->setTransaction(d->default_trans); tg->doNothing(); return true; //reuse externally started transaction } } else if (!(d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::MultipleTransactions)) { tg->setTransaction(KDbTransaction()); return true; //no trans. supported at all - just return } tg->setTransaction(beginTransaction()); return !m_result.isError(); } bool KDbConnection::commitAutoCommitTransaction(const KDbTransaction& trans) { if (d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::IgnoreTransactions) return true; if (trans.isNull() || !d->driver->transactionsSupported()) return true; if (d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::SingleTransactions) { if (!d->defaultTransactionStartedInside) //only commit internally started transaction return true; //give up } return commitTransaction(trans, KDbTransaction::CommitOption::IgnoreInactive); } bool KDbConnection::rollbackAutoCommitTransaction(const KDbTransaction& trans) { if (trans.isNull() || !d->driver->transactionsSupported()) return true; return rollbackTransaction(trans); } #define SET_ERR_TRANS_NOT_SUPP \ { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DRV_FEATURE, \ KDbConnection::tr("Transactions are not supported for \"%1\" driver.").arg( d->driver->metaData()->name() )); } #define SET_BEGIN_TR_ERROR \ { if (!m_result.isError()) \ m_result = KDbResult(ERR_ROLLBACK_OR_COMMIT_TRANSACTION, \ KDbConnection::tr("Begin transaction failed.")); } KDbTransaction KDbConnection::beginTransaction() { if (!checkIsDatabaseUsed()) return KDbTransaction(); KDbTransaction trans; if (d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::IgnoreTransactions) { //we're creating dummy transaction data here, //so it will look like active trans.m_data = new KDbTransactionData(this); d->transactions.append(trans); return trans; } if (d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::SingleTransactions) { if (d->default_trans.isActive()) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE, tr("Transaction already started.")); return KDbTransaction(); } if (!(trans.m_data = drv_beginTransaction())) { SET_BEGIN_TR_ERROR; return KDbTransaction(); } d->default_trans = trans; d->transactions.append(trans); return d->default_trans; } if (d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::MultipleTransactions) { if (!(trans.m_data = drv_beginTransaction())) { SET_BEGIN_TR_ERROR; return KDbTransaction(); } d->transactions.append(trans); return trans; } SET_ERR_TRANS_NOT_SUPP; return KDbTransaction(); } bool KDbConnection::commitTransaction(const KDbTransaction trans, KDbTransaction::CommitOptions options) { if (!isDatabaseUsed()) return false; if (!d->driver->transactionsSupported() && !(d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::IgnoreTransactions)) { SET_ERR_TRANS_NOT_SUPP; return false; } KDbTransaction t = trans; if (!t.isActive()) { //try default tr. if (!d->default_trans.isActive()) { if (options & KDbTransaction::CommitOption::IgnoreInactive) { return true; } clearResult(); m_result = KDbResult(ERR_NO_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE, tr("Transaction not started.")); return false; } t = d->default_trans; d->default_trans = KDbTransaction(); //now: no default tr. } bool ret = true; if (!(d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::IgnoreTransactions)) ret = drv_commitTransaction(t.m_data); if (t.m_data) t.m_data->setActive(false); //now this transaction if inactive if (!d->dontRemoveTransactions) //true=transaction obj will be later removed from list d->transactions.removeAt(d->transactions.indexOf(t)); if (!ret && !m_result.isError()) m_result = KDbResult(ERR_ROLLBACK_OR_COMMIT_TRANSACTION, tr("Error on commit transaction.")); return ret; } bool KDbConnection::rollbackTransaction(const KDbTransaction trans, KDbTransaction::CommitOptions options) { if (!isDatabaseUsed()) return false; if (!d->driver->transactionsSupported() && !(d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::IgnoreTransactions)) { SET_ERR_TRANS_NOT_SUPP; return false; } KDbTransaction t = trans; if (!t.isActive()) { //try default tr. if (!d->default_trans.isActive()) { if (options & KDbTransaction::CommitOption::IgnoreInactive) { return true; } clearResult(); m_result = KDbResult(ERR_NO_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE, tr("Transaction not started.")); return false; } t = d->default_trans; d->default_trans = KDbTransaction(); //now: no default tr. } bool ret = true; if (!(d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::IgnoreTransactions)) ret = drv_rollbackTransaction(t.m_data); if (t.m_data) t.m_data->setActive(false); //now this transaction if inactive if (!d->dontRemoveTransactions) //true=transaction obj will be later removed from list d->transactions.removeAt(d->transactions.indexOf(t)); if (!ret && !m_result.isError()) m_result = KDbResult(ERR_ROLLBACK_OR_COMMIT_TRANSACTION, tr("Error on rollback transaction.")); return ret; } #undef SET_ERR_TRANS_NOT_SUPP #undef SET_BEGIN_TR_ERROR /*bool KDbConnection::duringTransaction() { return drv_duringTransaction(); }*/ KDbTransaction KDbConnection::defaultTransaction() const { return d->default_trans; } void KDbConnection::setDefaultTransaction(const KDbTransaction& trans) { if (!isDatabaseUsed()) return; if (!(d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::IgnoreTransactions) && (!trans.isActive() || !d->driver->transactionsSupported())) { return; } d->default_trans = trans; } QList KDbConnection::transactions() { return d->transactions; } bool KDbConnection::autoCommit() const { return d->autoCommit; } bool KDbConnection::setAutoCommit(bool on) { if (d->autoCommit == on || d->driver->behavior()->features & KDbDriver::IgnoreTransactions) return true; if (!drv_setAutoCommit(on)) return false; d->autoCommit = on; return true; } KDbTransactionData* KDbConnection::drv_beginTransaction() { if (!executeSql(KDbEscapedString("BEGIN"))) return nullptr; return new KDbTransactionData(this); } bool KDbConnection::drv_commitTransaction(KDbTransactionData *) { return executeSql(KDbEscapedString("COMMIT")); } bool KDbConnection::drv_rollbackTransaction(KDbTransactionData *) { return executeSql(KDbEscapedString("ROLLBACK")); } bool KDbConnection::drv_setAutoCommit(bool /*on*/) { return true; } KDbCursor* KDbConnection::executeQuery(const KDbEscapedString& sql, KDbCursor::Options options) { if (sql.isEmpty()) return nullptr; KDbCursor *c = prepareQuery(sql, options); if (!c) return nullptr; if (!c->open()) {//err - kill that m_result = c->result(); CursorDeleter deleter(c); return nullptr; } return c; } KDbCursor* KDbConnection::executeQuery(KDbQuerySchema* query, const QList& params, KDbCursor::Options options) { KDbCursor *c = prepareQuery(query, params, options); if (!c) return nullptr; if (!c->open()) {//err - kill that m_result = c->result(); CursorDeleter deleter(c); return nullptr; } return c; } KDbCursor* KDbConnection::executeQuery(KDbQuerySchema* query, KDbCursor::Options options) { return executeQuery(query, QList(), options); } KDbCursor* KDbConnection::executeQuery(KDbTableSchema* table, KDbCursor::Options options) { return executeQuery(table->query(), options); } KDbCursor* KDbConnection::prepareQuery(KDbTableSchema* table, KDbCursor::Options options) { return prepareQuery(table->query(), options); } KDbCursor* KDbConnection::prepareQuery(KDbQuerySchema* query, const QList& params, KDbCursor::Options options) { KDbCursor* cursor = prepareQuery(query, options); if (cursor) cursor->setQueryParameters(params); return cursor; } bool KDbConnection::deleteCursor(KDbCursor *cursor) { if (!cursor) return false; if (cursor->connection() != this) {//illegal call kdbWarning() << "Could not delete the cursor not owned by the same connection!"; return false; } const bool ret = cursor->close(); CursorDeleter deleter(cursor); return ret; } //! @todo IMPORTANT: fix KDbConnection::setupObjectData() after refactoring bool KDbConnection::setupObjectData(const KDbRecordData &data, KDbObject *object) { if (data.count() < 5) { kdbWarning() << "Aborting, object data should have at least 5 elements, found" << data.count(); return false; } bool ok; const int id = data[0].toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return false; object->setId(id); const QString name(data[2].toString()); if (!KDb::isIdentifier(name)) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_INVALID_IDENTIFIER, tr("Invalid object name \"%1\".").arg(name)); return false; } object->setName(name); object->setCaption(data[3].toString()); object->setDescription(data[4].toString()); // kdbDebug()<<"@@@ KDbConnection::setupObjectData() == " << sdata.schemaDataDebugString(); return true; } tristate KDbConnection::loadObjectData(int type, int id, KDbObject* object) { KDbRecordData data; if (type == KDb::AnyObjectType) { if (true != querySingleRecord(KDbEscapedString("SELECT o_id, o_type, o_name, o_caption, " "o_desc FROM kexi__objects WHERE o_id=%1") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, id)), &data)) { return cancelled; } } else { if (true != querySingleRecord(KDbEscapedString("SELECT o_id, o_type, o_name, o_caption, o_desc " "FROM kexi__objects WHERE o_type=%1 AND o_id=%1") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, type)) .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, id)), &data)) { return cancelled; } } return setupObjectData(data, object); } tristate KDbConnection::loadObjectData(int type, const QString& name, KDbObject* object) { KDbRecordData data; if (true != querySingleRecord( KDbEscapedString("SELECT o_id, o_type, o_name, o_caption, o_desc " "FROM kexi__objects WHERE o_type=%1 AND o_name=%2") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, type)) .arg(escapeString(name)), &data)) { return cancelled; } return setupObjectData(data, object); } bool KDbConnection::storeObjectDataInternal(KDbObject* object, bool newObject) { KDbTableSchema *ts = d->table(QLatin1String("kexi__objects")); if (!ts) return false; if (newObject) { int existingID; if (true == querySingleNumber( KDbEscapedString("SELECT o_id FROM kexi__objects WHERE o_type=%1 AND o_name=%2") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, object->type())) .arg(escapeString(object->name())), &existingID)) { //we already have stored an object data with the same name and type: //just update it's properties as it would be existing object object->setId(existingID); newObject = false; } } if (newObject) { if (object->id() <= 0) {//get new ID QScopedPointer fl(ts->subList( QList() << "o_type" << "o_name" << "o_caption" << "o_desc")); if (!fl) { return false; } QSharedPointer result = insertRecord(fl.data(), QVariant(object->type()), QVariant(object->name()), QVariant(object->caption()), QVariant(object->description())); if (!result) { return false; } //fetch newly assigned ID //! @todo safe to cast it? quint64 obj_id = KDb::lastInsertedAutoIncValue(result, QLatin1String("o_id"), *ts); //kdbDebug() << "NEW obj_id == " << obj_id; if (obj_id == std::numeric_limits::max()) { return false; } object->setId(obj_id); return true; } else { QScopedPointer fl(ts->subList( QList() << "o_id" << "o_type" << "o_name" << "o_caption" << "o_desc")); return fl && insertRecord(fl.data(), QVariant(object->id()), QVariant(object->type()), QVariant(object->name()), QVariant(object->caption()), QVariant(object->description())); } } //existing object: return executeSql( KDbEscapedString("UPDATE kexi__objects SET o_type=%2, o_caption=%3, o_desc=%4 WHERE o_id=%1") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, object->id())) .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, object->type())) .arg(escapeString(object->caption())) .arg(escapeString(object->description()))); } bool KDbConnection::storeObjectData(KDbObject* object) { return storeObjectDataInternal(object, false); } bool KDbConnection::storeNewObjectData(KDbObject* object) { return storeObjectDataInternal(object, true); } QString KDbConnection::escapeIdentifier(const QString& id, KDb::IdentifierEscapingType escapingType) const { return escapingType == KDb::KDbEscaping ? KDb::escapeIdentifier(id) : escapeIdentifier(id); } KDbCursor* KDbConnection::executeQueryInternal(const KDbEscapedString& sql, KDbQuerySchema* query, const QList* params) { Q_ASSERT(!sql.isEmpty() || query); clearResult(); if (!sql.isEmpty()) { return executeQuery(sql); } if (!query) { return nullptr; } if (params) { return executeQuery(query, *params); } return executeQuery(query); } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleRecordInternal(KDbRecordData *data, const KDbEscapedString *sql, KDbQuerySchema *query, const QList *params, QueryRecordOptions options) { Q_ASSERT(sql || query); if (sql) { //! @todo does not work with non-SQL data sources m_result.setSql(d->driver->addLimitTo1(*sql, options & QueryRecordOption::AddLimitTo1)); } KDbCursor *cursor = executeQueryInternal(m_result.sql(), query, params); if (!cursor) { kdbWarning() << "!querySingleRecordInternal() " << m_result.sql(); return false; } if (!cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() || !cursor->storeCurrentRecord(data)) { const tristate result = cursor->result().isError() ? tristate(false) : tristate(cancelled); // kdbDebug() << "!cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() || cursor->storeCurrentRecord(data) // " // "m_result.sql()=" << m_result.sql(); m_result = cursor->result(); deleteCursor(cursor); return result; } return deleteCursor(cursor); } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleRecord(const KDbEscapedString &sql, KDbRecordData *data, QueryRecordOptions options) { return querySingleRecordInternal(data, &sql, nullptr, nullptr, options); } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleRecord(KDbQuerySchema *query, KDbRecordData *data, QueryRecordOptions options) { return querySingleRecordInternal(data, nullptr, query, nullptr, options); } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleRecord(KDbQuerySchema *query, KDbRecordData *data, const QList ¶ms, QueryRecordOptions options) { return querySingleRecordInternal(data, nullptr, query, ¶ms, options); } bool KDbConnection::checkIfColumnExists(KDbCursor *cursor, int column) { if (column >= cursor->fieldCount()) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_CURSOR_RECORD_FETCHING, tr("Column \"%1\" does not exist in the query.").arg(column)); return false; } return true; } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleStringInternal(const KDbEscapedString *sql, QString *value, KDbQuerySchema *query, const QList *params, int column, QueryRecordOptions options) { Q_ASSERT(sql || query); if (sql) { //! @todo does not work with non-SQL data sources m_result.setSql(d->driver->addLimitTo1(*sql, options & QueryRecordOption::AddLimitTo1)); } KDbCursor *cursor = executeQueryInternal(m_result.sql(), query, params); if (!cursor) { kdbWarning() << "!querySingleStringInternal()" << m_result.sql(); return false; } if (!cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof()) { const tristate result = cursor->result().isError() ? tristate(false) : tristate(cancelled); // kdbDebug() << "!cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof()" << m_result.sql(); deleteCursor(cursor); return result; } if (!checkIfColumnExists(cursor, column)) { deleteCursor(cursor); return false; } if (value) { *value = cursor->value(column).toString(); } return deleteCursor(cursor); } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleString(const KDbEscapedString &sql, QString *value, int column, QueryRecordOptions options) { return querySingleStringInternal(&sql, value, nullptr, nullptr, column, options); } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleString(KDbQuerySchema *query, QString *value, int column, QueryRecordOptions options) { return querySingleStringInternal(nullptr, value, query, nullptr, column, options); } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleString(KDbQuerySchema *query, QString *value, const QList ¶ms, int column, QueryRecordOptions options) { return querySingleStringInternal(nullptr, value, query, ¶ms, column, options); } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleNumberInternal(const KDbEscapedString *sql, int *number, KDbQuerySchema *query, const QList *params, int column, QueryRecordOptions options) { QString str; const tristate result = querySingleStringInternal(sql, &str, query, params, column, options); if (result != true) return result; bool ok; const int _number = str.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return false; if (number) { *number = _number; } return true; } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleNumber(const KDbEscapedString &sql, int *number, int column, QueryRecordOptions options) { return querySingleNumberInternal(&sql, number, nullptr, nullptr, column, options); } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleNumber(KDbQuerySchema *query, int *number, int column, QueryRecordOptions options) { return querySingleNumberInternal(nullptr, number, query, nullptr, column, options); } tristate KDbConnection::querySingleNumber(KDbQuerySchema *query, int *number, const QList ¶ms, int column, QueryRecordOptions options) { return querySingleNumberInternal(nullptr, number, query, ¶ms, column, options); } bool KDbConnection::queryStringListInternal(const KDbEscapedString *sql, QStringList *list, KDbQuerySchema *query, const QList *params, int column, bool (*filterFunction)(const QString &)) { if (sql) { m_result.setSql(*sql); } KDbCursor *cursor = executeQueryInternal(m_result.sql(), query, params); if (!cursor) { kdbWarning() << "!queryStringListInternal() " << m_result.sql(); return false; } cursor->moveFirst(); if (cursor->result().isError()) { m_result = cursor->result(); deleteCursor(cursor); return false; } if (!cursor->eof() && !checkIfColumnExists(cursor, column)) { deleteCursor(cursor); return false; } if (list) { list->clear(); } QStringList listResult; while (!cursor->eof()) { const QString str(cursor->value(column).toString()); if (!filterFunction || filterFunction(str)) { listResult.append(str); } if (!cursor->moveNext() && cursor->result().isError()) { m_result = cursor->result(); deleteCursor(cursor); return false; } } if (list) { *list = listResult; } return deleteCursor(cursor); } bool KDbConnection::queryStringList(const KDbEscapedString& sql, QStringList* list, int column) { return queryStringListInternal(&sql, list, nullptr, nullptr, column, nullptr); } bool KDbConnection::queryStringList(KDbQuerySchema* query, QStringList* list, int column) { return queryStringListInternal(nullptr, list, query, nullptr, column, nullptr); } bool KDbConnection::queryStringList(KDbQuerySchema* query, QStringList* list, const QList& params, int column) { return queryStringListInternal(nullptr, list, query, ¶ms, column, nullptr); } tristate KDbConnection::resultExists(const KDbEscapedString &sql, QueryRecordOptions options) { // optimization if (d->driver->behavior()->SELECT_1_SUBQUERY_SUPPORTED) { // this is at least for sqlite if ((options & QueryRecordOption::AddLimitTo1) && sql.left(6).toUpper() == "SELECT") { m_result.setSql(d->driver->addLimitTo1("SELECT 1 FROM (" + sql + ')')); } else { m_result.setSql(sql); } } else { if ((options & QueryRecordOption::AddLimitTo1) && sql.startsWith("SELECT")) { m_result.setSql(d->driver->addLimitTo1(sql)); } else { m_result.setSql(sql); } } KDbCursor *cursor = executeQuery(m_result.sql()); if (!cursor) { kdbWarning() << "!executeQuery()" << m_result.sql(); return cancelled; } if (!cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof()) { //kdbWarning() << "!cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof()" << m_result.sql(); m_result = cursor->result(); deleteCursor(cursor); return m_result.isError() ? cancelled : tristate(false); } return deleteCursor(cursor) ? tristate(true) : cancelled; } tristate KDbConnection::isEmpty(KDbTableSchema* table) { const KDbNativeStatementBuilder builder(this, KDb::DriverEscaping); KDbEscapedString sql; if (!builder.generateSelectStatement(&sql, table)) { return cancelled; } const tristate result = resultExists(sql); if (~result) { return cancelled; } return result == false; } //! Used by addFieldPropertyToExtendedTableSchemaData() static void createExtendedTableSchemaMainElementIfNeeded( QDomDocument* doc, QDomElement* extendedTableSchemaMainEl, bool* extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty) { if (!*extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty) return; //init document *extendedTableSchemaMainEl = doc->createElement(QLatin1String("EXTENDED_TABLE_SCHEMA")); doc->appendChild(*extendedTableSchemaMainEl); extendedTableSchemaMainEl->setAttribute(QLatin1String("version"), QString::number(KDB_EXTENDED_TABLE_SCHEMA_VERSION)); *extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty = false; } //! Used by addFieldPropertyToExtendedTableSchemaData() static void createExtendedTableSchemaFieldElementIfNeeded(QDomDocument* doc, QDomElement* extendedTableSchemaMainEl, const QString& fieldName, QDomElement* extendedTableSchemaFieldEl, bool append = true) { if (!extendedTableSchemaFieldEl->isNull()) return; *extendedTableSchemaFieldEl = doc->createElement(QLatin1String("field")); if (append) extendedTableSchemaMainEl->appendChild(*extendedTableSchemaFieldEl); extendedTableSchemaFieldEl->setAttribute(QLatin1String("name"), fieldName); } /*! @internal used by storeExtendedTableSchemaData() Creates DOM node for @a propertyName and @a propertyValue. Creates enclosing EXTENDED_TABLE_SCHEMA element if EXTENDED_TABLE_SCHEMA is true. Updates extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty and extendedTableSchemaMainEl afterwards. If extendedTableSchemaFieldEl is null, creates element (with optional "custom" attribute is @a custom is false). */ static void addFieldPropertyToExtendedTableSchemaData( const KDbField& f, const QByteArray &propertyName, const QVariant& propertyValue, QDomDocument* doc, QDomElement* extendedTableSchemaMainEl, QDomElement* extendedTableSchemaFieldEl, bool* extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty, bool custom = false) { createExtendedTableSchemaMainElementIfNeeded(doc, extendedTableSchemaMainEl, extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty); createExtendedTableSchemaFieldElementIfNeeded( doc, extendedTableSchemaMainEl, f.name(), extendedTableSchemaFieldEl); //create QDomElement extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyEl = doc->createElement(QLatin1String("property")); extendedTableSchemaFieldEl->appendChild(extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyEl); if (custom) extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyEl.setAttribute(QLatin1String("custom"), QLatin1String("true")); extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyEl.setAttribute(QLatin1String("name"), QLatin1String(propertyName)); QDomElement extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyValueEl; switch (propertyValue.type()) { case QVariant::String: extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyValueEl = doc->createElement(QLatin1String("string")); break; case QVariant::ByteArray: extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyValueEl = doc->createElement(QLatin1String("cstring")); break; case QVariant::Int: case QVariant::Double: case QVariant::UInt: case QVariant::LongLong: case QVariant::ULongLong: extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyValueEl = doc->createElement(QLatin1String("number")); break; case QVariant::Bool: extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyValueEl = doc->createElement(QLatin1String("bool")); break; default: //! @todo add more QVariant types kdbCritical() << "addFieldPropertyToExtendedTableSchemaData(): impl. error"; } extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyEl.appendChild(extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyValueEl); extendedTableSchemaFieldPropertyValueEl.appendChild( doc->createTextNode(propertyValue.toString())); } bool KDbConnection::storeExtendedTableSchemaData(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema) { //! @todo future: save in older versions if neeed QDomDocument doc(QLatin1String("EXTENDED_TABLE_SCHEMA")); QDomElement extendedTableSchemaMainEl; bool extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty = true; //for each field: foreach(KDbField* f, *tableSchema->fields()) { QDomElement extendedTableSchemaFieldEl; const KDbField::Type type = f->type(); // cache: evaluating type of expressions can be expensive if (f->visibleDecimalPlaces() >= 0/*nondefault*/ && KDb::supportsVisibleDecimalPlacesProperty(type)) { addFieldPropertyToExtendedTableSchemaData( *f, "visibleDecimalPlaces", f->visibleDecimalPlaces(), &doc, &extendedTableSchemaMainEl, &extendedTableSchemaFieldEl, &extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty); } if (type == KDbField::Text) { if (f->maxLengthStrategy() == KDbField::DefaultMaxLength) { addFieldPropertyToExtendedTableSchemaData( *f, "maxLengthIsDefault", true, &doc, &extendedTableSchemaMainEl, &extendedTableSchemaFieldEl, &extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty); } } // boolean field with "not null" // add custom properties const KDbField::CustomPropertiesMap customProperties(f->customProperties()); for (KDbField::CustomPropertiesMap::ConstIterator itCustom = customProperties.constBegin(); itCustom != customProperties.constEnd(); ++itCustom) { addFieldPropertyToExtendedTableSchemaData( *f, itCustom.key(), itCustom.value(), &doc, &extendedTableSchemaMainEl, &extendedTableSchemaFieldEl, &extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty, /*custom*/true); } // save lookup table specification, if present KDbLookupFieldSchema *lookupFieldSchema = tableSchema->lookupFieldSchema(*f); if (lookupFieldSchema) { createExtendedTableSchemaFieldElementIfNeeded( &doc, &extendedTableSchemaMainEl, f->name(), &extendedTableSchemaFieldEl, false/* !append */); lookupFieldSchema->saveToDom(&doc, &extendedTableSchemaFieldEl); if (extendedTableSchemaFieldEl.hasChildNodes()) { // this element provides the definition, so let's append it now createExtendedTableSchemaMainElementIfNeeded(&doc, &extendedTableSchemaMainEl, &extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty); extendedTableSchemaMainEl.appendChild(extendedTableSchemaFieldEl); } } } // Store extended schema information (see ExtendedTableSchemaInformation in Kexi Wiki) if (extendedTableSchemaStringIsEmpty) { #ifdef KDB_DEBUG_GUI KDb::alterTableActionDebugGUI(QLatin1String("** Extended table schema REMOVED.")); #endif if (!removeDataBlock(tableSchema->id(), QLatin1String("extended_schema"))) return false; } else { #ifdef KDB_DEBUG_GUI KDb::alterTableActionDebugGUI( QLatin1String("** Extended table schema set to:\n") + doc.toString(4)); #endif if (!storeDataBlock(tableSchema->id(), doc.toString(1), QLatin1String("extended_schema"))) return false; } return true; } bool KDbConnection::loadExtendedTableSchemaData(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema) { #define loadExtendedTableSchemaData_ERR \ { m_result = KDbResult(tr("Error while loading extended table schema.", \ "Extended schema for a table: loading error")); \ return false; } #define loadExtendedTableSchemaData_ERR2(details) \ { m_result = KDbResult(details); \ m_result.setMessageTitle(tr("Error while loading extended table schema.", \ "Extended schema for a table: loading error")); \ return false; } #define loadExtendedTableSchemaData_ERR3(data) \ { m_result = KDbResult(tr("Invalid XML data: %1").arg(data.left(1024))); \ m_result.setMessageTitle(tr("Error while loading extended table schema.", \ "Extended schema for a table: loading error")); \ return false; } // Load extended schema information, if present (see ExtendedTableSchemaInformation in Kexi Wiki) QString extendedTableSchemaString; tristate res = loadDataBlock(tableSchema->id(), &extendedTableSchemaString, QLatin1String("extended_schema")); if (!res) loadExtendedTableSchemaData_ERR; // extendedTableSchemaString will be just empty if there is no such data block if (extendedTableSchemaString.isEmpty()) return true; QDomDocument doc; QString errorMsg; int errorLine, errorColumn; if (!doc.setContent(extendedTableSchemaString, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn)) { loadExtendedTableSchemaData_ERR2( tr("Error in XML data: \"%1\" in line %2, column %3.\nXML data: %4") .arg(errorMsg).arg(errorLine).arg(errorColumn).arg(extendedTableSchemaString.left(1024))); } //! @todo look at the current format version (KDB_EXTENDED_TABLE_SCHEMA_VERSION) if (doc.doctype().name() != QLatin1String("EXTENDED_TABLE_SCHEMA")) loadExtendedTableSchemaData_ERR3(extendedTableSchemaString); QDomElement docEl = doc.documentElement(); if (docEl.tagName() != QLatin1String("EXTENDED_TABLE_SCHEMA")) loadExtendedTableSchemaData_ERR3(extendedTableSchemaString); for (QDomNode n = docEl.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { QDomElement fieldEl = n.toElement(); if (fieldEl.tagName() == QLatin1String("field")) { KDbField *f = tableSchema->field(fieldEl.attribute(QLatin1String("name"))); if (f) { //set properties of the field: //! @todo more properties for (QDomNode propNode = fieldEl.firstChild(); !propNode.isNull(); propNode = propNode.nextSibling()) { const QDomElement propEl = propNode.toElement(); bool ok; int intValue; if (propEl.tagName() == QLatin1String("property")) { QByteArray propertyName = propEl.attribute(QLatin1String("name")).toLatin1(); if (propEl.attribute(QLatin1String("custom")) == QLatin1String("true")) { //custom property const QVariant v(KDb::loadPropertyValueFromDom(propEl.firstChild(), &ok)); if (ok) { f->setCustomProperty(propertyName, v); } } else if (propertyName == "visibleDecimalPlaces") { if (KDb::supportsVisibleDecimalPlacesProperty(f->type())) { intValue = KDb::loadIntPropertyValueFromDom(propEl.firstChild(), &ok); if (ok) f->setVisibleDecimalPlaces(intValue); } } else if (propertyName == "maxLengthIsDefault") { if (f->type() == KDbField::Text) { const bool maxLengthIsDefault = KDb::loadPropertyValueFromDom(propEl.firstChild(), &ok).toBool(); if (ok) { f->setMaxLengthStrategy( maxLengthIsDefault ? KDbField::DefaultMaxLength : KDbField::DefinedMaxLength); } } } //! @todo more properties... } else if (propEl.tagName() == QLatin1String("lookup-column")) { KDbLookupFieldSchema *lookupFieldSchema = KDbLookupFieldSchema::loadFromDom(propEl); if (lookupFieldSchema) { kdbDebug() << f->name() << *lookupFieldSchema; tableSchema->setLookupFieldSchema(f->name(), lookupFieldSchema); } } } } else { kdbWarning() << "no such field:" << fieldEl.attribute(QLatin1String("name")) << "in table:" << tableSchema->name(); } } } return true; } KDbField* KDbConnection::setupField(const KDbRecordData &data) { bool ok = true; int f_int_type = data.at(1).toInt(&ok); if (f_int_type <= KDbField::InvalidType || f_int_type > KDbField::LastType) ok = false; if (!ok) return nullptr; KDbField::Type f_type = (KDbField::Type)f_int_type; const int f_len = qMax(0, data.at(3).toInt(&ok)); // defined limit if (!ok) { return nullptr; } //! @todo load maxLengthStrategy info to see if the maxLength is the default int f_prec = data.at(4).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return nullptr; KDbField::Constraints f_constr = (KDbField::Constraints)data.at(5).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return nullptr; KDbField::Options f_opts = (KDbField::Options)data.at(6).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return nullptr; QString name(data.at(2).toString()); if (!KDb::isIdentifier(name)) { name = KDb::stringToIdentifier(name); } KDbField *f = new KDbField( name, f_type, f_constr, f_opts, f_len, f_prec); QVariant defaultVariant = data.at(7); if (defaultVariant.isValid()) { defaultVariant = KDb::stringToVariant(defaultVariant.toString(), KDbField::variantType(f_type), &ok); if (ok) { f->setDefaultValue(defaultVariant); } else { kdbWarning() << "problem with KDb::stringToVariant(" << defaultVariant << ')'; ok = true; //problem with defaultValue is not critical } } f->setCaption(data.at(9).toString()); f->setDescription(data.at(10).toString()); return f; } KDbTableSchema* KDbConnection::tableSchema(const QString& tableName) { KDbTableSchema *t = d->table(tableName); if (t || tableName.isEmpty()) { return t; } //not found: retrieve schema QScopedPointer newTable(new KDbTableSchema); clearResult(); if (true != loadObjectData(KDb::TableObjectType, tableName, newTable.data())) { return nullptr; } return d->setupTableSchema(newTable.take()); } KDbTableSchema* KDbConnection::tableSchema(int tableId) { KDbTableSchema *t = d->table(tableId); if (t) return t; //not found: retrieve schema QScopedPointer newTable(new KDbTableSchema); clearResult(); if (true != loadObjectData(KDb::TableObjectType, tableId, newTable.data())) { return nullptr; } return d->setupTableSchema(newTable.take()); } tristate KDbConnection::loadDataBlock(int objectID, QString* dataString, const QString& dataID) { if (objectID <= 0) return false; return querySingleString( KDbEscapedString("SELECT o_data FROM kexi__objectdata WHERE o_id=%1 AND ") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, objectID)) + KDbEscapedString(KDb::sqlWhere(d->driver, KDbField::Text, QLatin1String("o_sub_id"), dataID.isEmpty() ? QVariant() : QVariant(dataID))), dataString); } bool KDbConnection::storeDataBlock(int objectID, const QString &dataString, const QString& dataID) { if (objectID <= 0) return false; KDbEscapedString sql( KDbEscapedString("SELECT kexi__objectdata.o_id FROM kexi__objectdata WHERE o_id=%1") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, objectID))); KDbEscapedString sql_sub(KDb::sqlWhere(d->driver, KDbField::Text, QLatin1String("o_sub_id"), dataID.isEmpty() ? QVariant() : QVariant(dataID))); const tristate result = resultExists(sql + " AND " + sql_sub); if (~result) { return false; } if (result == true) { return executeSql(KDbEscapedString("UPDATE kexi__objectdata SET o_data=%1 WHERE o_id=%2 AND ") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::LongText, dataString)) .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, objectID)) + sql_sub); } return executeSql( KDbEscapedString("INSERT INTO kexi__objectdata (o_id, o_data, o_sub_id) VALUES (") + KDbEscapedString::number(objectID) + ',' + d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::LongText, dataString) + ',' + d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Text, dataID) + ')'); } bool KDbConnection::copyDataBlock(int sourceObjectID, int destObjectID, const QString &dataID) { if (sourceObjectID <= 0 || destObjectID <= 0) return false; if (sourceObjectID == destObjectID) return true; if (!removeDataBlock(destObjectID, dataID)) // remove before copying return false; KDbEscapedString sql = KDbEscapedString( "INSERT INTO kexi__objectdata SELECT %1, t.o_data, t.o_sub_id " "FROM kexi__objectdata AS t WHERE o_id=%2") .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, destObjectID)) .arg(d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::Integer, sourceObjectID)); if (!dataID.isEmpty()) { sql += KDbEscapedString(" AND ") + KDb::sqlWhere(d->driver, KDbField::Text, QLatin1String("o_sub_id"), dataID); } return executeSql(sql); } bool KDbConnection::removeDataBlock(int objectID, const QString& dataID) { if (objectID <= 0) return false; if (dataID.isEmpty()) return KDb::deleteRecords(this, QLatin1String("kexi__objectdata"), QLatin1String("o_id"), QString::number(objectID)); else return KDb::deleteRecords(this, QLatin1String("kexi__objectdata"), QLatin1String("o_id"), KDbField::Integer, objectID, QLatin1String("o_sub_id"), KDbField::Text, dataID); } KDbQuerySchema* KDbConnection::querySchema(const QString& aQueryName) { QString queryName = aQueryName.toLower(); KDbQuerySchema *q = d->query(queryName); if (q || queryName.isEmpty()) { return q; } //not found: retrieve schema QScopedPointer newQuery(new KDbQuerySchema); clearResult(); if (true != loadObjectData(KDb::QueryObjectType, aQueryName, newQuery.data())) { return nullptr; } return d->setupQuerySchema(newQuery.take()); } KDbQuerySchema* KDbConnection::querySchema(int queryId) { KDbQuerySchema *q = d->query(queryId); if (q) return q; //not found: retrieve schema QScopedPointer newQuery(new KDbQuerySchema); clearResult(); if (true != loadObjectData(KDb::QueryObjectType, queryId, newQuery.data())) { return nullptr; } return d->setupQuerySchema(newQuery.take()); } bool KDbConnection::setQuerySchemaObsolete(const QString& queryName) { KDbQuerySchema* oldQuery = querySchema(queryName); if (!oldQuery) return false; d->setQueryObsolete(oldQuery); return true; } QString KDbConnection::escapeIdentifier(const QString& id) const { return d->driver->escapeIdentifier(id); } bool KDbConnection::isInternalTableSchema(const QString& tableName) { KDbTableSchema* schema = d->table(tableName); return (schema && schema->isInternal()) // these are here for compatiblility because we're no longer instantiate // them but can exist in projects created with previous Kexi versions: || tableName == QLatin1String("kexi__final") || tableName == QLatin1String("kexi__useractions"); } void KDbConnection::removeMe(KDbTableSchema *table) { if (table && d) { d->takeTable(table); } } QString KDbConnection::anyAvailableDatabaseName() { if (!d->availableDatabaseName.isEmpty()) { return d->availableDatabaseName; } return d->driver->behavior()->ALWAYS_AVAILABLE_DATABASE_NAME; } void KDbConnection::setAvailableDatabaseName(const QString& dbName) { d->availableDatabaseName = dbName; } //! @internal used in updateRecord(), insertRecord(), inline static void updateRecordDataWithNewValues( KDbConnection *conn, KDbQuerySchema* query, KDbRecordData* data, const KDbRecordEditBuffer::DbHash& b, QHash* columnsOrderExpanded) { *columnsOrderExpanded = query->columnsOrder(conn, KDbQuerySchema::ColumnsOrderMode::ExpandedList); QHash::ConstIterator columnsOrderExpandedIt; for (KDbRecordEditBuffer::DbHash::ConstIterator it = b.constBegin();it != b.constEnd();++it) { columnsOrderExpandedIt = columnsOrderExpanded->constFind(it.key()); if (columnsOrderExpandedIt == columnsOrderExpanded->constEnd()) { kdbWarning() << "(KDbConnection) \"now also assign new value in memory\" step" "- could not find item" << it.key()->aliasOrName(); continue; } (*data)[ columnsOrderExpandedIt.value() ] = it.value(); } } bool KDbConnection::updateRecord(KDbQuerySchema* query, KDbRecordData* data, KDbRecordEditBuffer* buf, bool useRecordId) { // Each SQL identifier needs to be escaped in the generated query. // kdbDebug() << *query; clearResult(); //--get PKEY if (buf->dbBuffer().isEmpty()) { kdbDebug() << " -- NO CHANGES DATA!"; return true; } KDbTableSchema *mt = query->masterTable(); if (!mt) { kdbWarning() << " -- NO MASTER TABLE!"; m_result = KDbResult(ERR_UPDATE_NO_MASTER_TABLE, tr("Could not update record because there is no master table defined.")); return false; } KDbIndexSchema *pkey = (mt->primaryKey() && !mt->primaryKey()->fields()->isEmpty()) ? mt->primaryKey() : nullptr; if (!useRecordId && !pkey) { kdbWarning() << " -- NO MASTER TABLE's PKEY!"; m_result = KDbResult(ERR_UPDATE_NO_MASTER_TABLES_PKEY, tr("Could not update record because master table has no primary key defined.")); //! @todo perhaps we can try to update without using PKEY? return false; } //update the record: KDbEscapedString sql; sql.reserve(4096); sql = KDbEscapedString("UPDATE ") + escapeIdentifier(mt->name()) + " SET "; KDbEscapedString sqlset, sqlwhere; sqlset.reserve(1024); sqlwhere.reserve(1024); KDbRecordEditBuffer::DbHash b = buf->dbBuffer(); //gather the fields which are updated ( have values in KDbRecordEditBuffer) KDbFieldList affectedFields; for (KDbRecordEditBuffer::DbHash::ConstIterator it = b.constBegin();it != b.constEnd();++it) { if (it.key()->field()->table() != mt) continue; // skip values for fields outside of the master table (e.g. a "visible value" of the lookup field) if (!sqlset.isEmpty()) sqlset += ','; KDbField* currentField = it.key()->field(); const bool affectedFieldsAddOk = affectedFields.addField(currentField); Q_ASSERT(affectedFieldsAddOk); sqlset += KDbEscapedString(escapeIdentifier(currentField->name())) + '=' + d->driver->valueToSql(currentField, it.value()); } if (pkey) { const QVector pkeyFieldsOrder(query->pkeyFieldsOrder(this)); //kdbDebug() << pkey->fieldCount() << " ? " << query->pkeyFieldCount(); if (pkey->fieldCount() != query->pkeyFieldCount(this)) { //sanity check kdbWarning() << " -- NO ENTIRE MASTER TABLE's PKEY SPECIFIED!"; m_result = KDbResult(ERR_UPDATE_NO_ENTIRE_MASTER_TABLES_PKEY, tr("Could not update record because it does not contain entire primary key of master table.")); return false; } if (!pkey->fields()->isEmpty()) { int i = 0; foreach(KDbField *f, *pkey->fields()) { if (!sqlwhere.isEmpty()) sqlwhere += " AND "; QVariant val(data->at(pkeyFieldsOrder.at(i))); if (val.isNull() || !val.isValid()) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_UPDATE_NULL_PKEY_FIELD, tr("Primary key's field \"%1\" cannot be empty.").arg(f->name())); //js todo: pass the field's name somewhere! return false; } sqlwhere += KDbEscapedString(escapeIdentifier(f->name())) + '=' + d->driver->valueToSql(f, val); i++; } } } else { //use RecordId sqlwhere = KDbEscapedString(escapeIdentifier(d->driver->behavior()->ROW_ID_FIELD_NAME)) + '=' + d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::BigInteger, (*data)[data->size() - 1]); } sql += (sqlset + " WHERE " + sqlwhere); //kdbDebug() << " -- SQL == " << ((sql.length() > 400) ? (sql.left(400) + "[.....]") : sql); // preprocessing before update if (!drv_beforeUpdate(mt->name(), &affectedFields)) return false; bool res = executeSql(sql); // postprocessing after update if (!drv_afterUpdate(mt->name(), &affectedFields)) return false; if (!res) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_UPDATE_SERVER_ERROR, tr("Record updating on the server failed.")); return false; } //success: now also assign new values in memory: QHash columnsOrderExpanded; updateRecordDataWithNewValues(this, query, data, b, &columnsOrderExpanded); return true; } bool KDbConnection::insertRecord(KDbQuerySchema* query, KDbRecordData* data, KDbRecordEditBuffer* buf, bool getRecordId) { // Each SQL identifier needs to be escaped in the generated query. clearResult(); //--get PKEY /*disabled: there may be empty records (with autoinc) if (buf.dbBuffer().isEmpty()) { kdbDebug() << " -- NO CHANGES DATA!"; return true; }*/ KDbTableSchema *mt = query->masterTable(); if (!mt) { kdbWarning() << " -- NO MASTER TABLE!"; m_result = KDbResult(ERR_INSERT_NO_MASTER_TABLE, tr("Could not insert record because there is no master table specified.")); return false; } KDbIndexSchema *pkey = (mt->primaryKey() && !mt->primaryKey()->fields()->isEmpty()) ? mt->primaryKey() : nullptr; if (!getRecordId && !pkey) { kdbWarning() << " -- WARNING: NO MASTER TABLE's PKEY"; } KDbEscapedString sqlcols, sqlvals; sqlcols.reserve(1024); sqlvals.reserve(1024); //insert the record: KDbEscapedString sql; sql.reserve(4096); sql = KDbEscapedString("INSERT INTO ") + escapeIdentifier(mt->name()) + " ("; KDbRecordEditBuffer::DbHash b = buf->dbBuffer(); // add default values, if available (for any column without value explicitly set) const KDbQueryColumnInfo::Vector fieldsExpanded( query->fieldsExpanded(this, KDbQuerySchema::FieldsExpandedMode::Unique)); int fieldsExpandedCount = fieldsExpanded.count(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldsExpandedCount; i++) { KDbQueryColumnInfo *ci = fieldsExpanded.at(i); if (ci->field() && KDb::isDefaultValueAllowed(*ci->field()) && !ci->field()->defaultValue().isNull() && !b.contains(ci)) { //kdbDebug() << "adding default value" << ci->field->defaultValue().toString() << "for column" << ci->field->name(); b.insert(ci, ci->field()->defaultValue()); } } //collect fields which have values in KDbRecordEditBuffer KDbFieldList affectedFields; if (b.isEmpty()) { // empty record inserting requested: if (!getRecordId && !pkey) { kdbWarning() << "MASTER TABLE's PKEY REQUIRED FOR INSERTING EMPTY RECORDS: INSERT CANCELLED"; m_result = KDbResult(ERR_INSERT_NO_MASTER_TABLES_PKEY, tr("Could not insert record because master table has no primary key specified.")); return false; } if (pkey) { const QVector pkeyFieldsOrder(query->pkeyFieldsOrder(this)); // kdbDebug() << pkey->fieldCount() << " ? " << query->pkeyFieldCount(); if (pkey->fieldCount() != query->pkeyFieldCount(this)) { // sanity check kdbWarning() << "NO ENTIRE MASTER TABLE's PKEY SPECIFIED!"; m_result = KDbResult(ERR_INSERT_NO_ENTIRE_MASTER_TABLES_PKEY, tr("Could not insert record because it does not contain " "entire master table's primary key.")); return false; } } //at least one value is needed for VALUES section: find it and set to NULL: KDbField *anyField = mt->anyNonPKField(); if (!anyField) { if (!pkey) { kdbWarning() << "WARNING: NO FIELD AVAILABLE TO SET IT TO NULL"; return false; } else { //try to set NULL in pkey field (could not work for every SQL engine!) anyField = pkey->fields()->first(); } } sqlcols += escapeIdentifier(anyField->name()); sqlvals += d->driver->valueToSql(anyField, QVariant()/*NULL*/); const bool affectedFieldsAddOk = affectedFields.addField(anyField); Q_ASSERT(affectedFieldsAddOk); } else { // non-empty record inserting requested: for (KDbRecordEditBuffer::DbHash::ConstIterator it = b.constBegin();it != b.constEnd();++it) { if (it.key()->field()->table() != mt) continue; // skip values for fields outside of the master table (e.g. a "visible value" of the lookup field) if (!sqlcols.isEmpty()) { sqlcols += ','; sqlvals += ','; } KDbField* currentField = it.key()->field(); const bool affectedFieldsAddOk = affectedFields.addField(currentField); Q_ASSERT(affectedFieldsAddOk); sqlcols += escapeIdentifier(currentField->name()); sqlvals += d->driver->valueToSql(currentField, it.value()); } } sql += (sqlcols + ") VALUES (" + sqlvals + ')'); // kdbDebug() << " -- SQL == " << sql; // low-level insert QSharedPointer result = insertRecordInternal(mt->name(), &affectedFields, sql); if (!result) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_INSERT_SERVER_ERROR, tr("Record inserting on the server failed.")); return false; } //success: now also assign a new value in memory: QHash columnsOrderExpanded; updateRecordDataWithNewValues(this, query, data, b, &columnsOrderExpanded); //fetch autoincremented values KDbQueryColumnInfo::List *aif_list = query->autoIncrementFields(this); quint64 recordId = 0; if (pkey && !aif_list->isEmpty()) { //! @todo now only if PKEY is present, this should also work when there's no PKEY KDbQueryColumnInfo *id_columnInfo = aif_list->first(); //! @todo safe to cast it? quint64 last_id = KDb::lastInsertedAutoIncValue(result, id_columnInfo->field()->name(), id_columnInfo->field()->table()->name(), &recordId); if (last_id == std::numeric_limits::max()) { //! @todo show error //! @todo remove just inserted record. How? Using ROLLBACK? return false; } KDbRecordData aif_data; KDbEscapedString getAutoIncForInsertedValue("SELECT " + query->autoIncrementSqlFieldsList(this) + " FROM " + escapeIdentifier(id_columnInfo->field()->table()->name()) + " WHERE " + escapeIdentifier(id_columnInfo->field()->name()) + '=' + QByteArray::number(last_id)); if (true != querySingleRecord(getAutoIncForInsertedValue, &aif_data)) { //! @todo show error return false; } int i = 0; foreach(KDbQueryColumnInfo *ci, *aif_list) { // kdbDebug() << "AUTOINCREMENTED FIELD" << fi->field->name() << "==" << aif_data[i].toInt(); ((*data)[ columnsOrderExpanded.value(ci)] = aif_data.value(i)).convert(ci->field()->variantType()); //cast to get proper type i++; } } else { recordId = result->lastInsertRecordId(); // kdbDebug() << "new recordId ==" << recordId; if (d->driver->behavior()->ROW_ID_FIELD_RETURNS_LAST_AUTOINCREMENTED_VALUE) { kdbWarning() << "d->driver->behavior()->ROW_ID_FIELD_RETURNS_LAST_AUTOINCREMENTED_VALUE"; return false; } } if (getRecordId && /*sanity check*/data->size() > fieldsExpanded.size()) { // kdbDebug() << "new ROWID ==" << ROWID; (*data)[data->size() - 1] = recordId; } return true; } bool KDbConnection::deleteRecord(KDbQuerySchema* query, KDbRecordData* data, bool useRecordId) { // Each SQL identifier needs to be escaped in the generated query. clearResult(); KDbTableSchema *mt = query->masterTable(); if (!mt) { kdbWarning() << " -- NO MASTER TABLE!"; m_result = KDbResult(ERR_DELETE_NO_MASTER_TABLE, tr("Could not delete record because there is no master table specified.")); return false; } KDbIndexSchema *pkey = (mt->primaryKey() && !mt->primaryKey()->fields()->isEmpty()) ? mt->primaryKey() : nullptr; //! @todo allow to delete from a table without pkey if (!useRecordId && !pkey) { kdbWarning() << " -- WARNING: NO MASTER TABLE's PKEY"; m_result = KDbResult(ERR_DELETE_NO_MASTER_TABLES_PKEY, tr("Could not delete record because there is no primary key for master table specified.")); return false; } //update the record: KDbEscapedString sql; sql.reserve(4096); sql = KDbEscapedString("DELETE FROM ") + escapeIdentifier(mt->name()) + " WHERE "; KDbEscapedString sqlwhere; sqlwhere.reserve(1024); if (pkey) { const QVector pkeyFieldsOrder(query->pkeyFieldsOrder(this)); //kdbDebug() << pkey->fieldCount() << " ? " << query->pkeyFieldCount(); if (pkey->fieldCount() != query->pkeyFieldCount(this)) { //sanity check kdbWarning() << " -- NO ENTIRE MASTER TABLE's PKEY SPECIFIED!"; m_result = KDbResult(ERR_DELETE_NO_ENTIRE_MASTER_TABLES_PKEY, tr("Could not delete record because it does not contain entire master table's primary key.")); return false; } int i = 0; foreach(KDbField *f, *pkey->fields()) { if (!sqlwhere.isEmpty()) sqlwhere += " AND "; QVariant val(data->at(pkeyFieldsOrder.at(i))); if (val.isNull() || !val.isValid()) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_DELETE_NULL_PKEY_FIELD, tr("Primary key's field \"%1\" cannot be empty.").arg(f->name())); //js todo: pass the field's name somewhere! return false; } sqlwhere += KDbEscapedString(escapeIdentifier(f->name())) + '=' + d->driver->valueToSql(f, val); i++; } } else {//use RecordId sqlwhere = KDbEscapedString(escapeIdentifier(d->driver->behavior()->ROW_ID_FIELD_NAME)) + '=' + d->driver->valueToSql(KDbField::BigInteger, (*data)[data->size() - 1]); } sql += sqlwhere; //kdbDebug() << " -- SQL == " << sql; if (!executeSql(sql)) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_DELETE_SERVER_ERROR, tr("Record deletion on the server failed.")); return false; } return true; } bool KDbConnection::deleteAllRecords(KDbQuerySchema* query) { clearResult(); KDbTableSchema *mt = query->masterTable(); if (!mt) { kdbWarning() << " -- NO MASTER TABLE!"; return false; } KDbIndexSchema *pkey = mt->primaryKey(); if (!pkey || pkey->fields()->isEmpty()) { kdbWarning() << "-- WARNING: NO MASTER TABLE's PKEY"; } KDbEscapedString sql = KDbEscapedString("DELETE FROM ") + escapeIdentifier(mt->name()); //kdbDebug() << "-- SQL == " << sql; if (!executeSql(sql)) { m_result = KDbResult(ERR_DELETE_SERVER_ERROR, tr("Record deletion on the server failed.")); return false; } return true; } int KDbConnection::recordCount(const KDbEscapedString& sql) { int count = -1; //will be changed only on success of querySingleNumber() const tristate result = querySingleNumber( KDbEscapedString("SELECT COUNT() FROM (") + sql + ") AS kdb__subquery", &count); if (~result) { count = 0; } return count; } int KDbConnection::recordCount(const KDbTableSchema& tableSchema) { //! @todo does not work with non-SQL data sources int count = -1; // will be changed only on success of querySingleNumber() const tristate result = querySingleNumber(KDbEscapedString("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ") + tableSchema.connection()->escapeIdentifier(tableSchema.name()), &count); if (~result) { count = 0; } return count; } int KDbConnection::recordCount(KDbQuerySchema* querySchema, const QList& params) { //! @todo does not work with non-SQL data sources int count = -1; //will be changed only on success of querySingleNumber() KDbNativeStatementBuilder builder(this, KDb::DriverEscaping); KDbEscapedString subSql; if (!builder.generateSelectStatement(&subSql, querySchema, params)) { return -1; } const tristate result = querySingleNumber( KDbEscapedString("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (") + subSql + ") AS kdb__subquery", &count); if (~result) { count = 0; } return count; } int KDbConnection::recordCount(KDbTableOrQuerySchema* tableOrQuery, const QList& params) { if (tableOrQuery) { if (tableOrQuery->table()) return recordCount(*tableOrQuery->table()); if (tableOrQuery->query()) return recordCount(tableOrQuery->query(), params); } return -1; } KDbConnectionOptions* KDbConnection::options() { return &d->options; } void KDbConnection::addCursor(KDbCursor* cursor) { d->cursors.insert(cursor); } void KDbConnection::takeCursor(KDbCursor* cursor) { if (d && !d->cursors.isEmpty()) { // checking because this may be called from ~KDbConnection() d->cursors.remove(cursor); } } KDbPreparedStatement KDbConnection::prepareStatement(KDbPreparedStatement::Type type, KDbFieldList* fields, const QStringList& whereFieldNames) { //! @todo move to ConnectionInterface just like we moved execute() and prepare() to KDbPreparedStatementInterface... KDbPreparedStatementInterface *iface = prepareStatementInternal(); if (!iface) return KDbPreparedStatement(); return KDbPreparedStatement(iface, type, fields, whereFieldNames); } KDbEscapedString KDbConnection::recentSqlString() const { return result().errorSql().isEmpty() ? m_result.sql() : result().errorSql(); } KDbEscapedString KDbConnection::escapeString(const QString& str) const { return d->driver->escapeString(str); } //! @todo extraMessages #if 0 static const char *extraMessages[] = { QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("KDbConnection", "Unknown error.") }; #endif diff --git a/src/KDbConnection_p.h b/src/KDbConnection_p.h index 9cf4e85d..b0652023 100644 --- a/src/KDbConnection_p.h +++ b/src/KDbConnection_p.h @@ -1,211 +1,210 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2005 Jarosław Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KDB_CONNECTION_P_H #define KDB_CONNECTION_P_H #include "KDbConnectionData.h" #include "KDbConnection.h" #include "KDbConnectionOptions.h" #include "kdb_export.h" #include "KDbParser.h" #include "KDbProperties.h" #include "KDbQuerySchema_p.h" #include "KDbVersionInfo.h" //! Interface for accessing connection's internal result, for use by drivers. class KDB_EXPORT KDbConnectionInternal { public: explicit KDbConnectionInternal(KDbConnection *conn); KDbConnection* const connection; private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(KDbConnectionInternal) }; class KDbConnectionPrivate { Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(KDbConnectionPrivate) public: KDbConnectionPrivate(KDbConnection* const conn, KDbDriver *drv, const KDbConnectionData& _connData, const KDbConnectionOptions &_options); ~KDbConnectionPrivate(); void deleteAllCursors(); void errorInvalidDBContents(const QString& details); QString strItIsASystemObject() const; inline KDbParser *parser() { return m_parser ? m_parser : (m_parser = new KDbParser(conn)); } inline KDbTableSchema* table(const QString& name) const { return m_tablesByName.value(name); } inline KDbTableSchema* table(int id) const { return m_tables.value(id); } //! used just for removing system KDbTableSchema objects on db close. inline QSet internalKDbTables() const { return m_internalKDbTables; } /*! Allocates all needed table KDb system objects for kexi__* KDb library's system tables schema. These objects are used internally in this connection and are added to list of tables (by name, not by id because these have no ids). */ void setupKDbSystemSchema(); void insertTable(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema); - /*! Removes table schema pointed by tableSchema.id() and tableSchema.name() - from internal structures and destroys it. Does not make any change at the backend. - Note that the table schema being removed may be not the same as @a tableSchema. */ - void removeTable(const KDbTableSchema& tableSchema); + /*! Removes table schema having identifier @a id from internal structures and destroys it. + Does not make any change at the backend. */ + void removeTable(int id); void takeTable(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema); void renameTable(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema, const QString& newName); void changeTableId(KDbTableSchema* tableSchema, int newId); void clearTables(); inline KDbQuerySchema* query(const QString& name) const { return m_queriesByName.value(name); } inline KDbQuerySchema* query(int id) const { return m_queries.value(id); } void insertQuery(KDbQuerySchema* query); /*! Removes @a querySchema from internal structures and destroys it. Does not make any change at the backend. */ void removeQuery(KDbQuerySchema* querySchema); void setQueryObsolete(KDbQuerySchema* query); void clearQueries(); /*! @return a full table schema for a table retrieved using 'kexi__*' system tables. Connection keeps ownership of the returned object. Used internally by tableSchema() methods. On failure deletes @a table and returns @c nullptr. */ KDbTableSchema* setupTableSchema(KDbTableSchema *table) Q_REQUIRED_RESULT; /*! @return a full query schema for a query using 'kexi__*' system tables. Connection keeps ownership of the returned object. Used internally by querySchema() methods. On failure deletes @a query and returns @c nullptr. */ KDbQuerySchema* setupQuerySchema(KDbQuerySchema *query) Q_REQUIRED_RESULT; //! @return cached fields expanded information for @a query KDbQuerySchemaFieldsExpanded *fieldsExpanded(const KDbQuerySchema *query); //! Inserts cached fields expanded information for @a query void insertFieldsExpanded(const KDbQuerySchema *query, KDbQuerySchemaFieldsExpanded *cache); KDbConnection* const conn; //!< The @a KDbConnection instance this @a KDbConnectionPrivate belongs to. KDbConnectionData connData; //!< the @a KDbConnectionData used within that connection. //! True for read only connection. Used especially for file-based drivers. KDbConnectionOptions options; //!< The driver this @a KDbConnection instance uses. KDbDriver * const driver; /*! Default transaction handle. If transactions are supported: Any operation on database (e.g. inserts) that is started without specifying transaction context, will be performed in the context of this transaction. */ KDbTransaction default_trans; QList transactions; QHash* > tableSchemaChangeListeners; QHash* > queryTableSchemaChangeListeners; //! Used in KDbConnection::setQuerySchemaObsolete( const QString& queryName ) //! to collect obsolete queries. THese are deleted on connection deleting. QSet obsoleteQueries; //! server version information for this connection. KDbServerVersionInfo serverVersion; //! Database version information for this connection. KDbVersionInfo databaseVersion; KDbParser *m_parser = nullptr; //! cursors created for this connection QSet cursors; //! Database properties KDbProperties dbProperties; QString availableDatabaseName; //!< used by anyAvailableDatabaseName() QString usedDatabase; //!< database name that is opened now (the currentDatabase() name) //! true if rollbackTransaction() and commitTransaction() shouldn't remove //! the transaction object from 'transactions' list; used by closeDatabase() bool dontRemoveTransactions = false; //! used to avoid endless recursion between useDatabase() and databaseExists() //! when useTemporaryDatabaseIfNeeded() works bool skipDatabaseExistsCheckInUseDatabase = false; /*! Used when single transactions are only supported (KDbDriver::SingleTransactions). True value means default KDbTransaction has been started inside connection object (by beginAutoCommitTransaction()), otherwise default transaction has been started outside of the object (e.g. before createTable()), so we shouldn't autocommit the transaction in commitAutoCommitTransaction(). Also, beginAutoCommitTransaction() doesn't restarts transaction if default_trans_started_inside is false. Such behavior allows user to execute a sequence of actions like CREATE TABLE...; INSERT DATA...; within a single transaction and commit it or rollback by hand. */ bool defaultTransactionStartedInside = false; bool isConnected = false; bool autoCommit = true; bool insideCloseDatabase = false; //!< helper: true while closeDatabase() is executed private: //! Table schemas retrieved on demand with tableSchema() QHash m_tables; QHash m_tablesByName; //! used just for removing system KDbTableSchema objects on db close. QSet m_internalKDbTables; //! Query schemas retrieved on demand with querySchema() QHash m_queries; QHash m_queriesByName; KDbUtils::AutodeletedHash m_fieldsExpandedCache; Q_DISABLE_COPY(KDbConnectionPrivate) }; #endif diff --git a/src/KDbTableSchemaChangeListener.cpp b/src/KDbTableSchemaChangeListener.cpp index 2fae80e9..59e1bf11 100644 --- a/src/KDbTableSchemaChangeListener.cpp +++ b/src/KDbTableSchemaChangeListener.cpp @@ -1,573 +1,573 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Jarosław Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KDbTableSchemaChangeListener.h" #include "KDbConnection.h" #include "KDbConnection_p.h" #include "KDbLookupFieldSchema.h" #include "kdb_debug.h" #ifdef KDB_TABLESCHEMACHANGELISTENER_DEBUG # define localDebug(...) kdbDebug(__VA_ARGS__) #else # define localDebug(...) if (true) {} else kdbDebug(__VA_ARGS__) #endif class KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate { public: KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate() { } //! Registers listener @a listener for changes in table @a table static void registerForChanges(KDbConnection *conn, KDbTableSchemaChangeListener *listener, const KDbTableSchema *table) { Q_ASSERT(conn); Q_ASSERT(listener); Q_ASSERT(table); QSet* listeners = conn->d->tableSchemaChangeListeners.value(table); if (!listeners) { listeners = new QSet(); conn->d->tableSchemaChangeListeners.insert(table, listeners); } localDebug() << "listener=" << listener << listener->name() << "table=" << table << table->name(); listeners->insert(listener); } //! Registers listener @a listener for changes in query @a query static void registerForChanges(KDbConnection *conn, KDbTableSchemaChangeListener *listener, const KDbQuerySchema *query) { Q_ASSERT(conn); Q_ASSERT(listener); Q_ASSERT(query); QSet *listeners = conn->d->queryTableSchemaChangeListeners.value(query); if (!listeners) { listeners = new QSet(); conn->d->queryTableSchemaChangeListeners.insert(query, listeners); } localDebug() << "listener=" << listener->name() << "query=" << query->name(); listeners->insert(listener); } //! Unregisters listener @a listener for changes in table @a table static void unregisterForChanges(KDbConnection *conn, KDbTableSchemaChangeListener *listener, const KDbTableSchema *table) { Q_ASSERT(conn); Q_ASSERT(table); QSet *listeners = conn->d->tableSchemaChangeListeners.value(table); if (!listeners) { return; } localDebug() << "listener=" << listener << (listener ? listener->name() : QString::fromLatin1("")) << "table=" << table << table->name(); if (listener) { listeners->remove(listener); } else { - listeners->clear(); + delete conn->d->tableSchemaChangeListeners.take(table); } } //! Unregisters listener @a listener for changes in query @a query static void unregisterForChanges(KDbConnection *conn, KDbTableSchemaChangeListener *listener, const KDbQuerySchema *query) { Q_ASSERT(conn); Q_ASSERT(query); QSet *listeners = conn->d->queryTableSchemaChangeListeners.value(query); if (!listeners) { return; } localDebug() << "listener=" << (listener ? listener->name() : QString::fromLatin1("")) << "query=" << query->name(); if (listener) { listeners->remove(listener); } else { listeners->clear(); } } //! Unregisters listener @a listener for any changes static void unregisterForChanges(KDbConnection *conn, KDbTableSchemaChangeListener* listener) { Q_ASSERT(conn); Q_ASSERT(listener); localDebug() << "listener=" << listener->name(); for (QSet *listeners : conn->d->tableSchemaChangeListeners) { listeners->remove(listener); } for (QSet *listeners : conn->d->queryTableSchemaChangeListeners) { listeners->remove(listener); } } //! Returns @c true if @a table1 depends on @a table2, that is, if: //! - @a table1 == @a table2, or //! - @a table1 has lookup columns that reference @a table2 static bool tableDependsOnTable(QSet *checkedTables, QSet *checkedQueries, KDbConnection *conn, const KDbTableSchema *table1, const KDbTableSchema *table2) { if (checkedTables->contains(table1)) { localDebug() << "Table" << table1 << table1->name() << "already checked"; return false; // protection against infinite recursion } checkedTables->insert(table1); localDebug() << "Checking if table" << table1 << table1->name() << "depends on table" << table2 << table2->name(); if (table1 == table2) { localDebug() << "Yes"; return true; } for (KDbLookupFieldSchema *lookup : table1->lookupFields()) { switch (lookup->recordSource().type()) { case KDbLookupFieldSchemaRecordSource::Type::Table: { const KDbTableSchema *sourceTable = conn->tableSchema(lookup->recordSource().name()); if (sourceTable && tableDependsOnTable(checkedTables, checkedQueries, conn, sourceTable, table2)) { return true; } break; } case KDbLookupFieldSchemaRecordSource::Type::Query: { const KDbQuerySchema *sourceQuery = conn->querySchema(lookup->recordSource().name()); if (sourceQuery && queryDependsOnTable(checkedTables, checkedQueries, conn, sourceQuery, table2)) { return true; } break; } default: kdbWarning() << "Unsupported lookup field's source type" << lookup->recordSource().typeName(); //! @todo support more record source types break; } } localDebug() << "No"; return false; } //! Returns @c true if @a table depends on @a query, that is, if: //! - @a table has lookup columns that reference @a query static bool tableDependsOnQuery(QSet *checkedTables, QSet *checkedQueries, KDbConnection *conn, const KDbTableSchema *table, const KDbQuerySchema *query) { if (checkedTables->contains(table)) { localDebug() << "Table" << table->name() << "already checked"; return false; // protection against infinite recursion } checkedTables->insert(table); localDebug() << "Checking if table" << table->name() << "depends on query" << query->name(); for (KDbLookupFieldSchema *lookup : table->lookupFields()) { switch (lookup->recordSource().type()) { case KDbLookupFieldSchemaRecordSource::Type::Table: { const KDbTableSchema *sourceTable = conn->tableSchema(lookup->recordSource().name()); if (sourceTable && tableDependsOnQuery(checkedTables, checkedQueries, conn, sourceTable, query)) { return true; } break; } case KDbLookupFieldSchemaRecordSource::Type::Query: { const KDbQuerySchema *sourceQuery = conn->querySchema(lookup->recordSource().name()); if (sourceQuery && queryDependsOnQuery(checkedTables, checkedQueries, conn, sourceQuery, query)) { return true; } break; } default: kdbWarning() << "Unsupported lookup field's source type" << lookup->recordSource().typeName(); //! @todo support more record source types } } return false; } //! Returns @c true if @a query depends on @a table, that is, if: //! - @a query references table that depends on @a table (dependency is checked using //! tableDependsOnTable()) static bool queryDependsOnTable(QSet *checkedTables, QSet *checkedQueries, KDbConnection *conn, const KDbQuerySchema *query, const KDbTableSchema *table) { if (checkedQueries->contains(query)) { localDebug() << "Query" << query->name() << "already checked"; return false; // protection against infinite recursion } checkedQueries->insert(query); localDebug() << "Checking if query" << query->name() << "depends on table" << table->name(); for (const KDbTableSchema *queryTable : *query->tables()) { if (tableDependsOnTable(checkedTables, checkedQueries, conn, queryTable, table)) { return true; } } return false; } //! Returns @c true if @a query1 depends on @a query2, that is, if: //! - @a query1 == @a query2, or //! - @a query2 references table that depends on @a query (dependency is checked using //! tableDependsOnQuery()) static bool queryDependsOnQuery(QSet *checkedTables, QSet *checkedQueries, KDbConnection *conn, const KDbQuerySchema *query1, const KDbQuerySchema *query2) { if (checkedQueries->contains(query1)) { localDebug() << "Query" << query1->name() << "already checked"; return false; // protection against infinite recursion } checkedQueries->insert(query1); localDebug() << "Checking if query" << query1->name() << "depends on query" << query2->name(); if (query1 == query2) { localDebug() << "Yes"; return true; } for (const KDbTableSchema *queryTable : *query1->tables()) { if (tableDependsOnQuery(checkedTables, checkedQueries, conn, queryTable, query2)) { return true; } } return false; } //! Inserts to @a *result all listeners that listen to changes in table @a table and other tables //! or queries depending on @a table. static void collectListeners(QSet *result, KDbConnection *conn, const KDbTableSchema *table) { Q_ASSERT(result); Q_ASSERT(conn); Q_ASSERT(table); // for all tables with listeners: for (QHash* >::ConstIterator it( conn->d->tableSchemaChangeListeners.constBegin()); it != conn->d->tableSchemaChangeListeners.constEnd(); ++it) { // check if it depends on our table QSet checkedTables; QSet checkedQueries; if (tableDependsOnTable(&checkedTables, &checkedQueries, conn, it.key(), table)) { QSet* set = it.value(); result->unite(*set); } } // for all queries with listeners: for (QHash* >::ConstIterator it( conn->d->queryTableSchemaChangeListeners.constBegin()); it != conn->d->queryTableSchemaChangeListeners.constEnd(); ++it) { // check if it depends on our table QSet checkedTables; QSet checkedQueries; if (queryDependsOnTable(&checkedTables, &checkedQueries, conn, it.key(), table)) { QSet* set = it.value(); result->unite(*set); } } } //! Inserts to @a *result all listeners that listen to changes in query @a table and other tables //! or queries depending on @a query. static void collectListeners(QSet *result, KDbConnection *conn, const KDbQuerySchema *query) { Q_ASSERT(result); Q_ASSERT(conn); Q_ASSERT(query); QSet* set = conn->d->queryTableSchemaChangeListeners.value(query); if (set) { result->unite(*set); } // for all tables with listeners: for (QHash* >::ConstIterator it( conn->d->tableSchemaChangeListeners.constBegin()); it != conn->d->tableSchemaChangeListeners.constEnd(); ++it) { // check if it depends on our query QSet checkedTables; QSet checkedQueries; if (tableDependsOnQuery(&checkedTables, &checkedQueries, conn, it.key(), query)) { QSet* set = it.value(); result->unite(*set); } } // for all queries with listeners: for (QHash* >::ConstIterator it( conn->d->queryTableSchemaChangeListeners.constBegin()); it != conn->d->queryTableSchemaChangeListeners.constEnd(); ++it) { // check if it depends on our query QSet checkedTables; QSet checkedQueries; if (queryDependsOnQuery(&checkedTables, &checkedQueries, conn, it.key(), query)) { QSet* set = it.value(); result->unite(*set); } } } QString name; Q_DISABLE_COPY(KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate) }; KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::KDbTableSchemaChangeListener() : d(new KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate) { } KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::~KDbTableSchemaChangeListener() { delete d; } QString KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::name() const { return d->name; } void KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::setName(const QString &name) { d->name = name; } // static void KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::registerForChanges(KDbConnection *conn, KDbTableSchemaChangeListener* listener, const KDbTableSchema* table) { if (!conn) { kdbWarning() << "Missing connection"; return; } if (!listener) { kdbWarning() << "Missing listener"; return; } if (!table) { kdbWarning() << "Missing table"; return; } KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate::registerForChanges(conn, listener, table); } // static void KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::registerForChanges(KDbConnection *conn, KDbTableSchemaChangeListener *listener, const KDbQuerySchema *query) { if (!conn) { kdbWarning() << "Missing connection"; return; } if (!listener) { kdbWarning() << "Missing listener"; return; } if (!query) { kdbWarning() << "Missing query"; return; } KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate::registerForChanges(conn, listener, query); } // static void KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::unregisterForChanges(KDbConnection *conn, KDbTableSchemaChangeListener* listener, const KDbTableSchema* table) { if (!conn) { kdbWarning() << "Missing connection"; return; } if (!listener) { kdbWarning() << "Missing listener"; return; } if (!table) { kdbWarning() << "Missing table"; return; } KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate::unregisterForChanges(conn, listener, table); } // static void KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::unregisterForChanges(KDbConnection *conn, const KDbTableSchema* table) { if (!conn) { kdbWarning() << "Missing connection"; return; } if (!table) { kdbWarning() << "Missing table"; return; } KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate::unregisterForChanges(conn, nullptr, table); } void KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::unregisterForChanges(KDbConnection *conn, KDbTableSchemaChangeListener *listener, const KDbQuerySchema *query) { if (!conn) { kdbWarning() << "Missing connection"; return; } if (!listener) { kdbWarning() << "Missing listener"; return; } if (!query) { kdbWarning() << "Missing query"; return; } KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate::unregisterForChanges(conn, listener, query); } // static void KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::unregisterForChanges(KDbConnection *conn, const KDbQuerySchema *query) { if (!conn) { kdbWarning() << "Missing connection"; return; } if (!query) { kdbWarning() << "Missing query"; return; } KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate::unregisterForChanges(conn, nullptr, query); } // static void KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::unregisterForChanges( KDbConnection *conn, KDbTableSchemaChangeListener* listener) { if (!conn) { kdbWarning() << "Missing connection"; return; } if (!listener) { kdbWarning() << "Missing listener"; return; } KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate::unregisterForChanges(conn, listener); } // static QList KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::listeners( KDbConnection *conn, const KDbTableSchema* table) { if (!conn) { kdbWarning() << "Missing connection"; return QList(); } if (!table) { kdbWarning() << "Missing table"; return QList(); } QSet result; KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate::collectListeners(&result, conn, table); return result.toList(); } // static QList KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::listeners( KDbConnection *conn, const KDbQuerySchema *query) { if (!conn) { kdbWarning() << "Missing connection"; return QList(); } if (!query) { kdbWarning() << "Missing query"; return QList(); } QSet result; KDbTableSchemaChangeListenerPrivate::collectListeners(&result, conn, query); return result.toList(); } // static tristate KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::closeListeners(KDbConnection *conn, const KDbTableSchema *table, const QList &except) { if (!conn) { kdbWarning() << "Missing connection"; return false; } if (!table) { kdbWarning() << "Missing table"; return false; } QSet toClose(listeners(conn, table).toSet().subtract(except.toSet())); tristate result = true; for (KDbTableSchemaChangeListener *listener : toClose) { const tristate localResult = listener->closeListener(); if (localResult != true) { result = localResult; } } return result; } // static tristate KDbTableSchemaChangeListener::closeListeners(KDbConnection *conn, const KDbQuerySchema *query, const QList &except) { if (!conn) { kdbWarning() << "Missing connection"; return false; } if (!query) { kdbWarning() << "Missing query"; return false; } QSet toClose(listeners(conn, query).toSet().subtract(except.toSet())); tristate result = true; for (KDbTableSchemaChangeListener *listener : toClose) { const tristate localResult = listener->closeListener(); if (localResult != true) { result = localResult; } } return result; }