diff --git a/src/KDbNativeStatementBuilder.cpp b/src/KDbNativeStatementBuilder.cpp index e1d82961..1b03f01c 100644 --- a/src/KDbNativeStatementBuilder.cpp +++ b/src/KDbNativeStatementBuilder.cpp @@ -1,533 +1,535 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003-2017 JarosÅ‚aw Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KDbNativeStatementBuilder.h" #include "KDbConnection.h" #include "kdb_debug.h" #include "KDbDriverBehavior.h" #include "KDbDriver_p.h" #include "KDbExpression.h" #include "KDbLookupFieldSchema.h" #include "KDbOrderByColumn.h" #include "KDbQueryAsterisk.h" #include "KDbQuerySchema.h" #include "KDbQuerySchemaParameter.h" #include "KDbRelationship.h" KDbSelectStatementOptions::~KDbSelectStatementOptions() { } //================================================ class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KDbNativeStatementBuilder::Private { public: Private() {} //! @todo use equivalent of QPointer KDbConnection *connection; KDb::IdentifierEscapingType dialect; private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(Private) }; //================================================ KDbNativeStatementBuilder::KDbNativeStatementBuilder(KDbConnection *connection, KDb::IdentifierEscapingType dialect) : d(new Private) { d->connection = connection; d->dialect = dialect; } KDbNativeStatementBuilder::~KDbNativeStatementBuilder() { delete d; } static bool selectStatementInternal(KDbEscapedString *target, KDbConnection *connection, KDb::IdentifierEscapingType dialect, KDbQuerySchema* querySchema, const KDbSelectStatementOptions& options, const QList& parameters) { Q_ASSERT(target); Q_ASSERT(querySchema); //"SELECT FROM ..." is theoretically allowed " //if (querySchema.fieldCount()<1) // return QString(); // Each SQL identifier needs to be escaped in the generated query. const KDbDriver *driver = dialect == KDb::DriverEscaping ? connection->driver() : nullptr; if (!querySchema->statement().isEmpty()) { //! @todo replace with KDbNativeQuerySchema? It shouldn't be here. *target = querySchema->statement(); return true; } //! @todo looking at singleTable is visually nice but a field name can conflict //! with function or variable name... int number = 0; QList* tables = querySchema->tables(); bool singleTable = tables->count() <= 1; if (singleTable) { //make sure we will have single table: foreach(KDbField *f, *querySchema->fields()) { if (querySchema->isColumnVisible(number) && f->table() && f->table()->lookupFieldSchema(*f)) { //uups, no, there's at least one left join singleTable = false; break; } number++; } } KDbEscapedString sql; //final sql string sql.reserve(4096); KDbEscapedString s_additional_joins; //additional joins needed for lookup fields KDbEscapedString s_additional_fields; //additional fields to append to the fields list int internalUniqueTableAliasNumber = 0; //used to build internalUniqueTableAliases int internalUniqueQueryAliasNumber = 0; //used to build internalUniqueQueryAliases number = 0; QList subqueries_for_lookup_data; // subqueries will be added to FROM section const QString kdb_subquery_prefix = QStringLiteral("__kdb_subquery_"); KDbQuerySchemaParameterValueListIterator paramValuesIt(parameters); KDbQuerySchemaParameterValueListIterator *paramValuesItPtr = parameters.isEmpty() ? nullptr : ¶mValuesIt; foreach(KDbField *f, *querySchema->fields()) { if (querySchema->isColumnVisible(number)) { if (!sql.isEmpty()) sql += ", "; if (f->isQueryAsterisk()) { KDbQueryAsterisk *asterisk = static_cast(f); if (!singleTable && asterisk->isSingleTableAsterisk()) { //single-table * sql.append(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, asterisk->table()->name())).append(".*"); } else { /* All-tables asterisk NOTE: do not output in this form because there can be extra tables automatically added for obtaining lookup data what changes number of fields. Reliable solution to that: for tables T1..Tn output T1.*,..Tn.* Example for Northwind: - instead of: SELECT * FROM orders LEFT OUTER JOIN customers ON orders.customerid=customers.customerid - use this: SELECT orders.*, customers.contactname FROM orders LEFT OUTER JOIN customers ON orders.customerid=customers.customerid */ KDbEscapedString s_tables; for (KDbTableSchema *table : *tables) { if (!s_tables.isEmpty()) { s_tables += ", "; } s_tables.append(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, table->name()) + QLatin1String(".*")); } sql += s_tables; } } else { if (f->isExpression()) { sql += f->expression().toString(driver, paramValuesItPtr); } else { if (!f->table()) {//sanity check return false; } QString tableName; int tablePosition = querySchema->tableBoundToColumn(number); if (tablePosition >= 0) { tableName = KDb::iifNotEmpty(querySchema->tableAlias(tablePosition), f->table()->name()); } if (options.addVisibleLookupColumns()) { // try to find table/alias name harder if (tableName.isEmpty()) { tableName = querySchema->tableAlias(f->table()->name()); } if (tableName.isEmpty()) { tableName = f->table()->name(); } } if (!singleTable && !tableName.isEmpty()) { sql.append(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, tableName)).append('.'); } sql += KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, f->name()); } const QString aliasString(querySchema->columnAlias(number)); if (!aliasString.isEmpty()) { sql.append(" AS ").append(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, aliasString)); } //! @todo add option that allows to omit "AS" keyword } KDbLookupFieldSchema *lookupFieldSchema = (options.addVisibleLookupColumns() && f->table()) ? f->table()->lookupFieldSchema(*f) : nullptr; if (lookupFieldSchema && lookupFieldSchema->boundColumn() >= 0) { // Lookup field schema found // Now we also need to fetch "visible" value from the lookup table, not only the value of binding. // -> build LEFT OUTER JOIN clause for this purpose (LEFT, not INNER because the binding can be broken) // "LEFT OUTER JOIN lookupTable ON thisTable.thisField=lookupTable.boundField" KDbLookupFieldSchemaRecordSource recordSource = lookupFieldSchema->recordSource(); if (recordSource.type() == KDbLookupFieldSchemaRecordSource::Type::Table) { KDbTableSchema *lookupTable = connection->tableSchema(recordSource.name()); KDbFieldList* visibleColumns = nullptr; KDbField *boundField = nullptr; if (lookupTable && lookupFieldSchema->boundColumn() < lookupTable->fieldCount() && (visibleColumns = lookupTable->subList(lookupFieldSchema->visibleColumns())) && (boundField = lookupTable->field(lookupFieldSchema->boundColumn()))) { //add LEFT OUTER JOIN if (!s_additional_joins.isEmpty()) s_additional_joins += ' '; const QString internalUniqueTableAlias( QLatin1String("__kdb_") + lookupTable->name() + QLatin1Char('_') + QString::number(internalUniqueTableAliasNumber++)); s_additional_joins += KDbEscapedString("LEFT OUTER JOIN %1 AS %2 ON %3.%4=%5.%6") .arg(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, lookupTable->name())) .arg(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, internalUniqueTableAlias)) .arg(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, querySchema->tableAliasOrName(f->table()->name()))) .arg(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, f->name())) .arg(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, internalUniqueTableAlias)) .arg(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, boundField->name())); //add visibleField to the list of SELECTed fields //if it is not yet present there if (!s_additional_fields.isEmpty()) s_additional_fields += ", "; //! @todo Add lookup schema option for separator other than ' ' or even option for placeholders like "Name ? ?" //! @todo Add possibility for joining the values at client side. s_additional_fields += visibleColumns->sqlFieldsList( connection, QLatin1String(" || ' ' || "), internalUniqueTableAlias, dialect); } delete visibleColumns; } else if (recordSource.type() == KDbLookupFieldSchemaRecordSource::Type::Query) { KDbQuerySchema *lookupQuery = connection->querySchema(recordSource.name()); if (!lookupQuery) { kdbWarning() << "!lookupQuery"; return false; } const KDbQueryColumnInfo::Vector fieldsExpanded( lookupQuery->fieldsExpanded(connection)); if (lookupFieldSchema->boundColumn() >= fieldsExpanded.count()) { kdbWarning() << "lookupFieldSchema->boundColumn() >= fieldsExpanded.count()"; return false; } KDbQueryColumnInfo *boundColumnInfo = fieldsExpanded.at(lookupFieldSchema->boundColumn()); if (!boundColumnInfo) { kdbWarning() << "!boundColumnInfo"; return false; } KDbField *boundField = boundColumnInfo->field(); if (!boundField) { kdbWarning() << "!boundField"; return false; } //add LEFT OUTER JOIN if (!s_additional_joins.isEmpty()) s_additional_joins += ' '; KDbEscapedString internalUniqueQueryAlias(KDb::escapeIdentifier( driver, kdb_subquery_prefix + lookupQuery->name() + QLatin1Char('_') + QString::number(internalUniqueQueryAliasNumber++))); KDbNativeStatementBuilder builder(connection, dialect); KDbEscapedString subSql; if (!builder.generateSelectStatement(&subSql, lookupQuery, options, parameters)) { return false; } s_additional_joins += KDbEscapedString("LEFT OUTER JOIN (%1) AS %2 ON %3.%4=%5.%6") .arg(subSql) .arg(internalUniqueQueryAlias) .arg(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, f->table()->name())) .arg(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, f->name())) .arg(internalUniqueQueryAlias) .arg(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, boundColumnInfo->aliasOrName())); if (!s_additional_fields.isEmpty()) s_additional_fields += ", "; const QList visibleColumns(lookupFieldSchema->visibleColumns()); KDbEscapedString expression; foreach(int visibleColumnIndex, visibleColumns) { //! @todo Add lookup schema option for separator other than ' ' or even option for placeholders like "Name ? ?" //! @todo Add possibility for joining the values at client side. if (fieldsExpanded.count() <= visibleColumnIndex) { kdbWarning() << "fieldsExpanded.count() <= (*visibleColumnsIt) : " << fieldsExpanded.count() << " <= " << visibleColumnIndex; return false; } if (!expression.isEmpty()) expression += " || ' ' || "; expression += ( internalUniqueQueryAlias + '.' + KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, fieldsExpanded.value(visibleColumnIndex)->aliasOrName()) ); } s_additional_fields += expression; } else { kdbWarning() << "unsupported record source type" << recordSource.typeName(); return false; } } } number++; } //add lookup fields if (!s_additional_fields.isEmpty()) sql += (", " + s_additional_fields); if (driver && options.alsoRetrieveRecordId()) { //append rowid column //! @todo Check if the rowid isn't already part of regular SELECT columns, if so, don't add KDbEscapedString s; if (!sql.isEmpty()) s = ", "; - if (querySchema->masterTable()) - s += KDbEscapedString(querySchema->tableAliasOrName(querySchema->masterTable()->name())) + '.'; + if (querySchema->masterTable()) { + s += KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, querySchema->tableAliasOrName(querySchema->masterTable()->name())); + s += '.'; + } s += KDbDriverPrivate::behavior(driver)->ROW_ID_FIELD_NAME; sql += s; } if (sql.isEmpty()) { sql.prepend("SELECT"); // "SELECT FROM ..." case } else { sql.prepend("SELECT "); } if (!tables->isEmpty() || !subqueries_for_lookup_data.isEmpty()) { sql += " FROM "; KDbEscapedString s_from; number = 0; foreach(KDbTableSchema *table, *tables) { if (!s_from.isEmpty()) s_from += ", "; s_from += KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, table->name()); const QString aliasString(querySchema->tableAlias(number)); if (!aliasString.isEmpty()) s_from.append(" AS ").append(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, aliasString)); number++; } // add subqueries for lookup data int subqueries_for_lookup_data_counter = 0; foreach(KDbQuerySchema* subQuery, subqueries_for_lookup_data) { if (!s_from.isEmpty()) s_from += ", "; KDbEscapedString subSql; if (!selectStatementInternal(&subSql, connection, dialect, subQuery, options, parameters)) { return false; } s_from += '(' + subSql + ") AS " + KDb::escapeIdentifier( driver, kdb_subquery_prefix + QString::number(subqueries_for_lookup_data_counter++)); } sql += s_from; } KDbEscapedString s_where; s_where.reserve(4096); //JOINS if (!s_additional_joins.isEmpty()) { sql += ' ' + s_additional_joins + ' '; } //! @todo: we're using WHERE for joins now; use INNER/LEFT/RIGHT JOIN later //WHERE bool wasWhere = false; //for later use foreach(KDbRelationship *rel, *querySchema->relationships()) { if (s_where.isEmpty()) { wasWhere = true; } else s_where += " AND "; KDbEscapedString s_where_sub; foreach(const KDbField::Pair &pair, *rel->fieldPairs()) { if (!s_where_sub.isEmpty()) s_where_sub += " AND "; s_where_sub += KDbEscapedString(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, pair.first->table()->name())) + '.' + KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, pair.first->name()) + " = " + KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, pair.second->table()->name()) + '.' + KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, pair.second->name()); } if (rel->fieldPairs()->count() > 1) { s_where_sub.prepend('('); s_where_sub += ')'; } s_where += s_where_sub; } //EXPLICITLY SPECIFIED WHERE EXPRESSION if (!querySchema->whereExpression().isNull()) { if (wasWhere) { //! @todo () are not always needed s_where = '(' + s_where + ") AND (" + querySchema->whereExpression().toString(driver, paramValuesItPtr) + ')'; } else { s_where = querySchema->whereExpression().toString(driver, paramValuesItPtr); } } if (!s_where.isEmpty()) sql += " WHERE " + s_where; //! @todo (js) add other sql parts //(use wasWhere here) // ORDER BY KDbEscapedString orderByString(querySchema->orderByColumnList()->toSqlString( !singleTable /*includeTableName*/, connection, querySchema, dialect)); const QVector pkeyFieldsOrder(querySchema->pkeyFieldsOrder(connection)); if (dialect == KDb::DriverEscaping && orderByString.isEmpty() && !pkeyFieldsOrder.isEmpty()) { // Native only: add automatic ORDER BY if there is no explicitly defined one // (especially helps when there are complex JOINs) KDbOrderByColumnList automaticPKOrderBy; const KDbQueryColumnInfo::Vector fieldsExpanded(querySchema->fieldsExpanded(connection)); foreach(int pkeyFieldsIndex, pkeyFieldsOrder) { if (pkeyFieldsIndex < 0) // no field mentioned in this query continue; if (pkeyFieldsIndex >= fieldsExpanded.count()) { kdbWarning() << "ORDER BY: (*it) >= fieldsExpanded.count() - " << pkeyFieldsIndex << " >= " << fieldsExpanded.count(); continue; } KDbQueryColumnInfo *ci = fieldsExpanded[ pkeyFieldsIndex ]; automaticPKOrderBy.appendColumn(ci); } orderByString = automaticPKOrderBy.toSqlString(!singleTable /*includeTableName*/, connection, querySchema, dialect); } if (!orderByString.isEmpty()) sql += (" ORDER BY " + orderByString); //kdbDebug() << sql; *target = sql; return true; } bool KDbNativeStatementBuilder::generateSelectStatement(KDbEscapedString *target, KDbQuerySchema* querySchema, const KDbSelectStatementOptions& options, const QList& parameters) const { return selectStatementInternal(target, d->connection, d->dialect, querySchema, options, parameters); } bool KDbNativeStatementBuilder::generateSelectStatement(KDbEscapedString *target, KDbQuerySchema* querySchema, const QList& parameters) const { return selectStatementInternal(target, d->connection, d->dialect, querySchema, KDbSelectStatementOptions(), parameters); } bool KDbNativeStatementBuilder::generateSelectStatement(KDbEscapedString *target, KDbTableSchema* tableSchema, const KDbSelectStatementOptions& options) const { return generateSelectStatement(target, tableSchema->query(), options); } bool KDbNativeStatementBuilder::generateCreateTableStatement(KDbEscapedString *target, const KDbTableSchema& tableSchema) const { if (!target) { return false; } // Each SQL identifier needs to be escaped in the generated query. const KDbDriver *driver = d->dialect == KDb::DriverEscaping ? d->connection->driver() : nullptr; KDbEscapedString sql; sql.reserve(4096); sql = KDbEscapedString("CREATE TABLE ") + KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, tableSchema.name()) + " ("; bool first = true; for (const KDbField *field : *tableSchema.fields()) { if (first) first = false; else sql += ", "; KDbEscapedString v = KDbEscapedString(KDb::escapeIdentifier(driver, field->name())) + ' '; const bool autoinc = field->isAutoIncrement(); const bool pk = field->isPrimaryKey() || (autoinc && driver && driver->behavior()->AUTO_INCREMENT_REQUIRES_PK); //! @todo warning: ^^^^^ this allows only one autonumber per table when AUTO_INCREMENT_REQUIRES_PK==true! const KDbField::Type type = field->type(); // cache: evaluating type of expressions can be expensive if (autoinc && d->connection->driver()->behavior()->SPECIAL_AUTO_INCREMENT_DEF) { if (pk) v.append(d->connection->driver()->behavior()->AUTO_INCREMENT_TYPE).append(' ') .append(d->connection->driver()->behavior()->AUTO_INCREMENT_PK_FIELD_OPTION); else v.append(d->connection->driver()->behavior()->AUTO_INCREMENT_TYPE).append(' ') .append(d->connection->driver()->behavior()->AUTO_INCREMENT_FIELD_OPTION); } else { if (autoinc && !d->connection->driver()->behavior()->AUTO_INCREMENT_TYPE.isEmpty()) v += d->connection->driver()->behavior()->AUTO_INCREMENT_TYPE; else v += d->connection->driver()->sqlTypeName(type, *field); if (KDbField::isIntegerType(type) && field->isUnsigned()) { v.append(' ').append(d->connection->driver()->behavior()->UNSIGNED_TYPE_KEYWORD); } if (KDbField::isFPNumericType(type) && field->precision() > 0) { if (field->scale() > 0) v += QString::fromLatin1("(%1,%2)").arg(field->precision()).arg(field->scale()); else v += QString::fromLatin1("(%1)").arg(field->precision()); } else if (type == KDbField::Text) { int realMaxLen; if (d->connection->driver()->behavior()->TEXT_TYPE_MAX_LENGTH == 0) { realMaxLen = field->maxLength(); // allow to skip (N) } else { // max length specified by driver if (field->maxLength() == 0) { // as long as possible realMaxLen = d->connection->driver()->behavior()->TEXT_TYPE_MAX_LENGTH; } else { // not longer than specified by driver realMaxLen = qMin(d->connection->driver()->behavior()->TEXT_TYPE_MAX_LENGTH, field->maxLength()); } } if (realMaxLen > 0) { v += QString::fromLatin1("(%1)").arg(realMaxLen); } } if (autoinc) { v.append(' ').append(pk ? d->connection->driver()->behavior()->AUTO_INCREMENT_PK_FIELD_OPTION : d->connection->driver()->behavior()->AUTO_INCREMENT_FIELD_OPTION); } else { //! @todo here is automatically a single-field key created if (pk) v += " PRIMARY KEY"; } if (!pk && field->isUniqueKey()) v += " UNIQUE"; ///@todo IS this ok for all engines?: if (!autoinc && !field->isPrimaryKey() && field->isNotNull()) if (!autoinc && !pk && field->isNotNull()) v += " NOT NULL"; //only add not null option if no autocommit is set if (d->connection->driver()->supportsDefaultValue(*field) && field->defaultValue().isValid()) { KDbEscapedString valToSql(d->connection->driver()->valueToSql(field, field->defaultValue())); if (!valToSql.isEmpty()) //for sanity v += " DEFAULT " + valToSql; } } sql += v; } sql += ')'; *target = sql; return true; }