diff --git a/src/common/KReportDesign_p.cpp b/src/common/KReportDesign_p.cpp index 00139042..ff9be56b 100644 --- a/src/common/KReportDesign_p.cpp +++ b/src/common/KReportDesign_p.cpp @@ -1,482 +1,483 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2001-2007 by OpenMFG, LLC * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 by Adam Pigg * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Jarosław Staniek * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "KReportDesign_p.h" #include "KReportElement.h" #include "KReportUtils.h" #include "KReportUtils_p.h" #include "KReportPluginManager.h" #include "KReportPluginInterface.h" +#include "kreport_debug.h" #include #include #include #include KReportDesign::Private::Private(KReportDesign *design) : q(design) , showGrid(DEFAULT_SHOW_GRID) , snapToGrid(DEFAULT_SNAP_TO_GRID) , gridDivisions(DEFAULT_GRID_DIVISIONS) , pageUnit(DEFAULT_UNIT) , sections(static_cast(KReportSection::Type::Detail)) { memset(static_cast(sections.data()), 0, sizeof(void*) * sections.length()); pageLayout.setUnits(QPageLayout::Point); // initializate because of https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-47551 } KReportDesign::Private::~Private() { qDeleteAll(sections); } KReportDesignGlobal::KReportDesignGlobal() : defaultSectionHeight(CM_TO_POINT(2.0)) , defaultSectionBackgroundColor(Qt::white) { defaultPageLayout.setUnits(QPageLayout::Point); defaultPageLayout.setMargins(QMarginsF(DEFAULT_PAGE_MARGIN_PT, DEFAULT_PAGE_MARGIN_PT, DEFAULT_PAGE_MARGIN_PT, DEFAULT_PAGE_MARGIN_PT)); defaultPageLayout.setMode(QPageLayout::StandardMode); defaultPageLayout.setOrientation(DEFAULT_PAGE_ORIENTATION); } KReportSection::Type KReportDesignGlobal::sectionType(const QString& typeName) { initSectionTypes(); return sectionTypesForName.value(typeName); // returns Invalid type for invalid name } inline uint qHash(KReportSection::Type sectionType, uint seed = 0) { return qHash(static_cast(sectionType), seed); } QString KReportDesignGlobal::sectionTypeName(KReportSection::Type sectionType) { initSectionTypes(); return sectionTypeNames.value(sectionType); } void KReportDesignGlobal::initSectionTypes() { if (!sectionTypesForName.isEmpty()) { return; } for (const SectionTypeInfo *info = sectionTypes; info->name; ++info) { sectionTypesForName.insert(QString::fromLatin1(info->name), info->type); sectionTypeNames.insert(info->type, QString::fromLatin1(info->name)); } } const KReportDesignGlobal::SectionTypeInfo KReportDesignGlobal::sectionTypes[] = { { KReportSection::Type::Invalid, "" }, { KReportSection::Type::PageHeaderAny, "header-page-any" }, { KReportSection::Type::PageHeaderEven, "header-page-even" }, { KReportSection::Type::PageHeaderOdd, "header-page-odd" }, { KReportSection::Type::PageHeaderFirst, "header-page-first" }, { KReportSection::Type::PageHeaderLast, "header-page-last" }, { KReportSection::Type::PageFooterAny, "footer-page-any" }, { KReportSection::Type::PageFooterEven, "footer-page-even" }, { KReportSection::Type::PageFooterOdd, "footer-page-odd" }, { KReportSection::Type::PageFooterFirst, "footer-page-first" }, { KReportSection::Type::PageFooterLast, "footer-page-last" }, { KReportSection::Type::ReportHeader, "header-report" }, { KReportSection::Type::ReportFooter, "footer-report" }, { KReportSection::Type::GroupHeader, "group-header" }, { KReportSection::Type::GroupFooter, "group-footer" }, { KReportSection::Type::Detail, "detail" }, { KReportSection::Type::Invalid, nullptr } }; Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(KReportDesignGlobal, s_global) //static KReportDesignGlobal* KReportDesignGlobal::self() { return s_global; } static void setStatus(KReportDesignReadingStatus *status, const QString& details, const QDomNode &node) { if (status) { status->setErrorDetails(details); status->setErrorLineNumber(node.lineNumber() == -1 ? 0 /* mark error */ : node.lineNumber()); status->setErrorColumnNumber(node.columnNumber() == -1 ? 0 /* mark error */ : node.columnNumber()); } } static bool checkElement(const QDomNode &node, KReportDesignReadingStatus *status) { if (node.isElement()) { return true; } setStatus(status, QString::fromLatin1("Element expected inside of <%1>") .arg(node.parentNode().toElement().tagName()), node); return false; } static void setNoAttributeStatus(const QDomElement &el, const QString &attrName, KReportDesignReadingStatus *status) { setStatus(status, QString::fromLatin1("Attribute \"%1\" expected inside of <%1>") .arg(attrName).arg(el.tagName()), el); } #if 0 // TODO unused for now static bool checkAttribute(const QDomElement &el, const char *attrName, KReportDesignReadingStatus *status) { if (el.hasAttribute(QLatin1String(attrName))) { return true; } setNoAttributeStatus(el, attrName, status); return false; } #endif KReportSection KReportDesign::Private::processSectionElement(const QDomElement &el, KReportDesignReadingStatus *status) { - qDebug() << el.nodeName(); + kreportDebug() << el.nodeName(); const KReportSection::Type sectionType = s_global->sectionType(KReportUtils::readSectionTypeNameAttribute(el)); if (sectionType == KReportSection::Type::Invalid) { setStatus(status, QString::fromLatin1( "Invalid value of report:section-type=\"%1\" in element <%2>") .arg(KReportUtils::readSectionTypeNameAttribute(el)) .arg(el.tagName()), el); return KReportSection(); } KReportSection section; section.setType(sectionType); const QSizeF size(KReportUtils::readSizeAttributes(el)); if (size.height() >= 0) { section.setHeight(size.height()); } section.setBackgroundColor( KReportUtils::attr(el, QLatin1String("fo:background-color"), QColor())); for (QDomNode node = el.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { if (!checkElement(node, status)) { return KReportSection(); } KReportElement element = processSectionElementChild(node.toElement(), status); if (!element.rect().isValid() || (status && status->isError())) { return KReportSection(); } (void)section.addElement(element); } return section; } KReportPluginInterface* KReportDesign::Private::findPlugin(const QString &typeName, const QDomElement &el, KReportDesignReadingStatus *status) { KReportPluginInterface* plugin = KReportPluginManager::self()->plugin(typeName); if (!plugin) { setStatus(status, QString::fromLatin1("No such plugin \"%1\"").arg(typeName), el); return nullptr; } return plugin; } KReportElement KReportDesign::Private::processSectionElementChild(const QDomElement &el, KReportDesignReadingStatus *status) { const QByteArray name = el.tagName().toLatin1(); const char* elNamespace = "report:"; if (!name.startsWith(elNamespace)) { unexpectedElement(el, status); return KReportElement(); } const QByteArray reportElementName = name.mid(qstrlen(elNamespace)); //qDebug() << "Found Report Element:" << reportElementName; KReportPluginInterface *plugin = findPlugin(QLatin1String(reportElementName), el, status); if (!plugin) { return KReportElement(); } KReportElement element = plugin->createElement(); if (!plugin->loadElement(&element, el, status)) { return KReportElement(); } element.setName(KReportUtils::readNameAttribute(el)); if (element.name().isEmpty()) { setNoAttributeStatus(el, QLatin1String("report:name"), status); return KReportElement(); } return element; } bool KReportDesign::Private::processGroupElement(const QDomElement &el, KReportDesignReadingStatus *status) { Q_UNUSED(el); Q_UNUSED(status); //! @todo return true; } //! The report:detail element contains a single report:section child of type 'detail' //! and 0 or more report:group children. bool KReportDesign::Private::processDetailElement(const QDomElement &el, KReportDesignReadingStatus *status) { QDomElement sectionEl; for (QDomNode node = el.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { if (!checkElement(node, status)) { return false; } QDomElement childEl = node.toElement(); const QByteArray name = childEl.tagName().toLatin1(); if (name == "report:section") { if (!sectionEl.isNull()) { return false; } KReportSection section = processSectionElement(childEl, status); if (status && status->isError()) { return false; } if (section.type() != KReportSection::Type::Detail) { setStatus(status, QString::fromLatin1("Only section of type \"detail\" allowed in "), el); return false; } q->addSection(section); } else if (name == "report:group") { if (!processGroupElement(childEl, status)) { return false; } } else { unexpectedElement(childEl, status); return false; } } // finally make sure we have one report:section (void)requiredChildElement(el, "report:section", status); if (status && status->isError()) { return false; } return true; } /*!
         *.. (up to 12 sections)
             // any number of groups
              *.. (group-header, group-footer)
 bool KReportDesign::Private::processBodyElementChild(const QDomElement &el,
                                                      KReportDesignReadingStatus *status)
     const QByteArray name = el.tagName().toLatin1();
     //kreportDebug() << name;
     if (name == "report:section") {
         KReportSection section = processSectionElement(el, status);
         if (status && status->isError()) {
             return false;
         if (q->hasSection(section.type())) {
             setStatus(status, QString::fromLatin1("Could not add two sections of type \"%1\" "
                                                   "to the same report design")
                                 .arg(s_global->sectionTypeName(section.type())), el);
             return false;
         if (section.type() == KReportSection::Type::Detail) {
                 QString::fromLatin1("Section of type \"detail\" not allowed in "), el);
             return false;
 #if 0 //TODO
         if (section(KReportSectionData::sectionTypeFromString(sectiontype)) == 0) {
     } else if (name == "report:detail") {
         if (!processDetailElement(el, status)) {
             return false;
 #if 0 //TODO
         ReportSectionDetail * rsd = new ReportSectionDetail(this);
     return true;
 /* NOTE: don't translate these extremely detailed messages. */
 //! @todo Load page options
 bool KReportDesign::Private::processContentElementChild(const QDomElement &el,
                                                         KReportDesignReadingStatus *status)
     const QByteArray name = el.tagName().toLatin1();
     QPageLayout defaultPageLayout = KReportDesign::defaultPageLayout();
     //kreportDebug() << name;
     if (name == "report:title") {
         title = el.text();
     } else if (name == "report:script") {
         script = el.firstChildElement().text();
         originalInterpreter = KReportUtils::attr(
             el, QLatin1String("report:script-interpreter"), QString());
     } else if (name == "report:grid") {
         showGrid = KReportUtils::attr(
             el, QLatin1String("report:grid-visible"), DEFAULT_SHOW_GRID);
         snapToGrid = KReportUtils::attr(
             el, QLatin1String("report:grid-snap"), DEFAULT_SNAP_TO_GRID);
         gridDivisions = KReportUtils::attr(
             el, QLatin1String("report:grid-divisions"), DEFAULT_GRID_DIVISIONS);
         const QString pageUnitString
             = KReportUtils::attr(el, QLatin1String("report:page-unit"), QString());
         pageUnit = KReportUnit::symbolToType(pageUnitString);
         if (!pageUnit.isValid()) {
             pageUnit = DEFAULT_UNIT;
             if (!pageUnitString.isEmpty()) {
-                qWarning() << "Invalid page unit" << pageUnitString << "specified in" << name
+                kreportWarning() << "Invalid page unit" << pageUnitString << "specified in" << name
                            << "element, defaulting to" << pageUnit.symbol();
     else if (name == "report:page-style") { // see https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/115314
         const QByteArray pagetype = el.text().toLatin1();
         if (pagetype == "predefined") {
                 KReportUtils::attr(el, QLatin1String("report:page-size"),
         } else if (pagetype.isEmpty() || pagetype == "custom") {
             QSizeF size(KReportUtils::attr(el, QLatin1String("fo:page-width"), -1.0),
                         KReportUtils::attr(el, QLatin1String("fo:page-height"), -1.0));
             if (size.isValid()) {
                 pageLayout.setPageSize(QPageSize(size, QPageSize::Point));
             } else {
         } else if (pagetype == "label") {
             //! @todo?
         QMarginsF margins(KReportUtils::attr(el, QLatin1String("fo:margin-left"),
                           KReportUtils::attr(el, QLatin1String("fo:margin-top"),
                           KReportUtils::attr(el, QLatin1String("fo:margin-right"),
                           KReportUtils::attr(el, QLatin1String("fo:margin-bottom"),
         bool b = pageLayout.setMargins(margins);
         if (!b) {
             qWarning() << "Failed to set page margins to" << margins;
         const QString s = KReportUtils::attr(
             el, QLatin1String("report:print-orientation"), QString());
         if (s == QLatin1String("portrait")) {
         } else if (s == QLatin1String("landscape")) {
         else {
     } else if (name == "report:body") {
         for (QDomNode node = el.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) {
             if (!checkElement(node, status)) {
                 return false;
             if (!processBodyElementChild(node.toElement(), status)) {
                 return false;
     return true;
 void KReportDesign::Private::unexpectedElement(const QDomElement &element,
                                                KReportDesignReadingStatus *status) const
     setStatus(status, QString::fromLatin1("Unexpected child element <%1> found in <%2>")
           .arg(element.tagName()).arg(element.parentNode().toElement().tagName()), element);
 QDomElement KReportDesign::Private::requiredChildElement(const QDomElement &parent,
                                                          const char* childElementName,
                                                          KReportDesignReadingStatus *status) const
     const QDomElement result = parent.firstChildElement(QLatin1String(childElementName));
     if (result.isNull()) {
         setStatus(status, QString::fromLatin1("Child element <%1> not found in <%2>")
               .arg(QLatin1String(childElementName)).arg(parent.tagName()), parent);
     return result;
 /* NOTE: don't translate these extremely detailed messages. */
 bool KReportDesign::Private::processDocument(const QDomDocument &doc,
                                              KReportDesignReadingStatus *status)
     const QDomElement rootEl = doc.documentElement();
     const QLatin1String rootElName("kexireport"); // legacy name kept for compatibility
     if (doc.doctype().name() != rootElName) {
         setStatus(status, QString::fromLatin1("Document type should be \"%1\"").arg(rootElName), rootEl);
         return false;
     if (rootEl.tagName() != rootElName) {
         setStatus(status, QString::fromLatin1("Root element should be <%1>").arg(rootElName), rootEl);
         return false;
     const QDomElement contentEl = requiredChildElement(rootEl, "report:content", status);
     if (status && status->isError()) {
         return false;
     //! @todo check namespaces as in:
 //    deleteDetail();
     for (QDomNode node = contentEl.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) {
         if (!checkElement(node, status)) {
             return false;
         if (!processContentElementChild(node.toElement(), status)) {
             return false;
     if (status) {
         *status = KReportDesignReadingStatus();
     return true;
diff --git a/src/renderer/KReportView.cpp b/src/renderer/KReportView.cpp
index 8542773c..6825df8b 100644
--- a/src/renderer/KReportView.cpp
+++ b/src/renderer/KReportView.cpp
@@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
 /* This file is part of the KDE project
    Copyright (C) 2015 by Adam Pigg (adam@piggz.co.uk)
    Copyright (C) 2017 Jarosław Staniek 
    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 #include "KReportView.h"
 #include "KReportPage.h"
 #include "KReportRenderObjects.h"
 #include "KReportPreRenderer.h"
 #include "KReportRendererBase.h"
 #include "kreport_debug.h"
 //! @internal
 class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KReportView::Private
     explicit Private()
         : reportPage(nullptr)
         , currentPage(1)
         , pageCount(0)
     //! Move to page @a page (counted from 1)
     void moveToPage(int page)
         if (page != currentPage && page >= 1 && page <= pageCount) {
             currentPage = page;
     QPointer reportDocument;
     QGraphicsView *reportView;
     QGraphicsScene *reportScene;
     KReportPage *reportPage;
     int currentPage;
     int pageCount;
     KReportRendererFactory factory;
 KReportView::KReportView(QWidget *parent)
         : QWidget(parent), d(new Private())
     d->reportView = new QGraphicsView(this);
     // page selector should be always visible:
     QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout;
     d->reportScene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
     delete d;
 void KReportView::moveToFirstPage()
 void KReportView::moveToLastPage()
 void KReportView::moveToNextPage()
     d->moveToPage(d->currentPage + 1);
 void KReportView::moveToPreviousPage()
     d->moveToPage(d->currentPage - 1);
 void KReportView::moveToPage(int page)
 int KReportView::currentPage() const
     return d->currentPage;
 int KReportView::pageCount() const
     return d->pageCount;
 void KReportView::setDocument(ORODocument* doc)
     d->reportDocument = doc;
     if (d->reportPage) {
         delete d->reportPage;
     d->pageCount = doc->pageCount();
     d->reportPage = new KReportPage(this, d->reportDocument);
     d->reportScene->setSceneRect(0,0,d->reportPage->rect().width() + 40, d->reportPage->rect().height() + 40);
 QAbstractScrollArea* KReportView::scrollArea()
     return d->reportView;
 void KReportView::refreshCurrentPage()
-    //qDebug() << "Refreshing current page" << d->currentPage;
+    //kreportDebug() << "Refreshing current page" << d->currentPage;
     if (d->reportPage) {