diff --git a/src/common/KReportPluginMetaData.cpp b/src/common/KReportPluginMetaData.cpp index e6b3bcf6..d02777a2 100644 --- a/src/common/KReportPluginMetaData.cpp +++ b/src/common/KReportPluginMetaData.cpp @@ -1,89 +1,89 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2010 by Adam Pigg (adam@piggz.co.uk) Copyright (C) 2015 Jarosław Staniek This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KReportPluginMetaData.h" #include #include "kreport_debug.h" class KReportPluginMetaData::Private { public: Private(KReportPluginMetaData *metaData) : isBuiltIn(false), isStatic(false) { - const QString s = metaData->value(QLatin1String("X-KReport-Priority")); + const QString s = metaData->value(QLatin1String("X-KReport-PluginInfo-Priority")); bool ok; int i = s.toInt(&ok); priority = ok ? i : 100; // default priority is low } int priority; bool isBuiltIn; bool isStatic; }; // --- KReportPluginMetaData::KReportPluginMetaData(const QJsonObject &metaData) : KPluginMetaData(metaData, QString()), d(new Private(this)) { //kreportDebug() << rawData(); } KReportPluginMetaData::KReportPluginMetaData(const QPluginLoader &loader) : KPluginMetaData(loader), d(new Private(this)) { //kreportDebug() << rawData(); } KReportPluginMetaData::~KReportPluginMetaData() { delete d; } QString KReportPluginMetaData::id() const { return pluginId(); } int KReportPluginMetaData::priority() const { return d->priority; } bool KReportPluginMetaData::isBuiltIn() const { return d->isBuiltIn; } void KReportPluginMetaData::setBuiltIn(bool set) { d->isBuiltIn = set; } bool KReportPluginMetaData::isStatic() const { return d->isStatic; } void KReportPluginMetaData::setStatic(bool set) { d->isStatic = set; } diff --git a/src/items/check/check.json b/src/items/check/check.json index d689c1cf..ee94ab45 100644 --- a/src/items/check/check.json +++ b/src/items/check/check.json @@ -1,81 +1,81 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Authors": [ { "Email": "kexi@kde.org", "Name": "Kexi Team", "Name[ast]": "L'equipu Kexi", "Name[ca@valencia]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[ca]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[cs]": "Tým Kexi", "Name[de]": "Kexi-Team", "Name[es]": "El equipo de Kexi", "Name[fi]": "Kexi-työryhmä", "Name[fr]": "L'équipe Kexi", "Name[gl]": "Equipo de Kexi", "Name[ia]": "Equipa de Kexi", "Name[it]": "La squadra di Kexi", "Name[nl]": "Het team van Kexi", "Name[pl]": "Zespół Kexi", "Name[pt]": "Equipa do Kexi", "Name[pt_BR]": "Equipe do Kexi", "Name[sk]": "Tím Kexi", "Name[sv]": "Kexi-gruppen", "Name[tr]": "Kexi Ekibi", "Name[uk]": "Команда Kexi", "Name[x-test]": "xxKexi Teamxx" } ], "Category": "", "Dependencies": [], "Description": "Check box element for Reports", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Element de casella de selecció per informes", "Description[ca]": "Element de casella de selecció per informes", "Description[de]": "Ankreuzfeld für Berichte", "Description[en_GB]": "Tick box element for Reports", "Description[es]": "Elemento de casilla de verificación para Reports", "Description[fi]": "Valintaruutuelementti raportteihin", "Description[gl]": "Caixa para marcar para informes.", "Description[it]": "Elemento «casella» per rapporti", "Description[nl]": "Keuzevakje-element voor rapporten", "Description[pl]": "Element pora wyboru dla raportów", "Description[pt]": "Elemento de opção de marcação para os Relatórios", "Description[pt_BR]": "Elemento Caixa de verificação para Relatórios", "Description[sk]": "Prvok zaškrtávacieho políčka pre Reports", "Description[sv]": "Element med kryssruta för rapporter", "Description[tr]": "Raporlar için işaret kutusu ögesi", "Description[uk]": "Елемент пункту позначки для звітів", "Description[x-test]": "xxCheck box element for Reportsxx", "EnabledByDefault": true, "Icon": "kreport-checkbox-element", "Id": "org.kde.kreport.checkbox", "License": "LGPL", "Name": "Check box", "Name[ast]": "Caxellu", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Casella de selecció", "Name[ca]": "Casella de selecció", "Name[de]": "Ankreuzfeld", "Name[en_GB]": "Tick box", "Name[es]": "Casilla de verificación", "Name[fi]": "Valintaruutu", "Name[gl]": "Caixa para marcar", "Name[ia]": "Quadrato de verifica", "Name[it]": "Casella", "Name[nl]": "Keuzevakje", "Name[pl]": "Pole wyboru", "Name[pt]": "Opção de marcação", "Name[pt_BR]": "Caixa de verificação", "Name[sk]": "Zaškrtávacie políčko", "Name[sv]": "Kryssruta", "Name[tr]": "İşaret kutusu", "Name[uk]": "Пункт позначки", "Name[x-test]": "xxCheck boxxx", "ServiceTypes": [ "KReport/Element" ], "Version": "3.1", "Website": "http://kexi-project.org" }, "X-KDE-PluginInfo-LegacyName": "check", - "X-KReport-Priority": "5" + "X-KReport-PluginInfo-Priority": "5" } diff --git a/src/items/field/field.json b/src/items/field/field.json index 39d8b3f4..3842930b 100644 --- a/src/items/field/field.json +++ b/src/items/field/field.json @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Authors": [ { "Email": "kexi@kde.org", "Name": "Kexi Team", "Name[ast]": "L'equipu Kexi", "Name[ca@valencia]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[ca]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[cs]": "Tým Kexi", "Name[de]": "Kexi-Team", "Name[es]": "El equipo de Kexi", "Name[fi]": "Kexi-työryhmä", "Name[fr]": "L'équipe Kexi", "Name[gl]": "Equipo de Kexi", "Name[ia]": "Equipa de Kexi", "Name[it]": "La squadra di Kexi", "Name[nl]": "Het team van Kexi", "Name[pl]": "Zespół Kexi", "Name[pt]": "Equipa do Kexi", "Name[pt_BR]": "Equipe do Kexi", "Name[sk]": "Tím Kexi", "Name[sv]": "Kexi-gruppen", "Name[tr]": "Kexi Ekibi", "Name[uk]": "Команда Kexi", "Name[x-test]": "xxKexi Teamxx" } ], "Category": "", "Dependencies": [], "Description": "Field element for Reports", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Element de camp per informes", "Description[ca]": "Element de camp per informes", "Description[de]": "Feldelement für Berichte", "Description[es]": "Elemento de campo para Reports", "Description[fi]": "Kenttäelementti raportteihin", "Description[gl]": "Campo para informes.", "Description[it]": "Elemento «campo» per rapporti", "Description[nl]": "Veld-element voor rapporten", "Description[pl]": "Element pola dla raportów", "Description[pt]": "Elemento de campo para os Relatórios", "Description[pt_BR]": "Elemento Campo para Relatórios", "Description[sk]": "Prvok poľa pre Reports", "Description[sv]": "Fältelement för rapporter", "Description[tr]": "Raporlar için giriş ögesi", "Description[uk]": "Елемент поля для звітів", "Description[x-test]": "xxField element for Reportsxx", "EnabledByDefault": true, "Icon": "kreport-field-element", "Id": "org.kde.kreport.field", "License": "LGPL", "Name": "Field", "Name[ast]": "Campu", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Camp", "Name[ca]": "Camp", "Name[cs]": "Pole", "Name[de]": "Feld", "Name[es]": "Campo", "Name[fi]": "Kenttä", "Name[gl]": "Campo", "Name[ia]": "Campo", "Name[it]": "Campo", "Name[nl]": "Veld", "Name[pl]": "Pole", "Name[pt]": "Campo", "Name[pt_BR]": "Campo", "Name[sk]": "Pole", "Name[sv]": "Fält", "Name[tr]": "Giriş", "Name[uk]": "Поле", "Name[x-test]": "xxFieldxx", "ServiceTypes": [ "KReport/Element" ], "Version": "3.1", "Website": "http://kexi-project.org" }, "X-KDE-PluginInfo-LegacyName": "field", - "X-KReport-Priority": "1" + "X-KReport-PluginInfo-Priority": "1" } diff --git a/src/items/image/image.json b/src/items/image/image.json index ed0d54a1..8fd311a2 100644 --- a/src/items/image/image.json +++ b/src/items/image/image.json @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Authors": [ { "Email": "kexi@kde.org", "Name": "Kexi Team", "Name[ast]": "L'equipu Kexi", "Name[ca@valencia]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[ca]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[cs]": "Tým Kexi", "Name[de]": "Kexi-Team", "Name[es]": "El equipo de Kexi", "Name[fi]": "Kexi-työryhmä", "Name[fr]": "L'équipe Kexi", "Name[gl]": "Equipo de Kexi", "Name[ia]": "Equipa de Kexi", "Name[it]": "La squadra di Kexi", "Name[nl]": "Het team van Kexi", "Name[pl]": "Zespół Kexi", "Name[pt]": "Equipa do Kexi", "Name[pt_BR]": "Equipe do Kexi", "Name[sk]": "Tím Kexi", "Name[sv]": "Kexi-gruppen", "Name[tr]": "Kexi Ekibi", "Name[uk]": "Команда Kexi", "Name[x-test]": "xxKexi Teamxx" } ], "Category": "", "Dependencies": [], "Description": "Image element for Reports", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Element d'imatge per informes", "Description[ca]": "Element d'imatge per informes", "Description[de]": "Bildelement für Berichte", "Description[es]": "Elemento de imagen para Reports", "Description[fi]": "Kuvaelementti raportteihin", "Description[gl]": "Imaxe para informes.", "Description[it]": "Elemento «immagine» per rapporti", "Description[nl]": "Afbeeldingselement voor rapporten", "Description[pl]": "Element obrazu dla raportów", "Description[pt]": "Elemento de imagem para os Relatórios", "Description[pt_BR]": "Elemento Imagem para Relatórios", "Description[sk]": "Prvok obrázku pre Reports", "Description[sv]": "Bildelement för rapporter", "Description[tr]": "Raporlar için Resim ögesi", "Description[uk]": "Елемент зображення для звітів", "Description[x-test]": "xxImage element for Reportsxx", "EnabledByDefault": true, "Icon": "kreport-image-element", "Id": "org.kde.kreport.image", "License": "LGPL", "Name": "Image", "Name[ast]": "Imaxe", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Imatge", "Name[ca]": "Imatge", "Name[cs]": "Obrázek", "Name[de]": "Bild", "Name[es]": "Imagen", "Name[fi]": "Kuva", "Name[gl]": "Imaxe", "Name[it]": "Immagine", "Name[nl]": "Afbeelding", "Name[pl]": "Obraz", "Name[pt]": "Imagem", "Name[pt_BR]": "Imagem", "Name[sk]": "Obrázok", "Name[sv]": "Bild", "Name[tr]": "Resim", "Name[uk]": "Зображення", "Name[x-test]": "xxImagexx", "Name[zh_CN]": "图像", "ServiceTypes": [ "KReport/Element" ], "Version": "3.1", "Website": "http://kexi-project.org" }, "X-KDE-PluginInfo-LegacyName": "image", - "X-KReport-Priority": "1" + "X-KReport-PluginInfo-Priority": "1" } diff --git a/src/items/label/label.json b/src/items/label/label.json index 61ecf857..c36bbc09 100644 --- a/src/items/label/label.json +++ b/src/items/label/label.json @@ -1,81 +1,81 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Authors": [ { "Email": "kexi@kde.org", "Name": "Kexi Team", "Name[ast]": "L'equipu Kexi", "Name[ca@valencia]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[ca]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[cs]": "Tým Kexi", "Name[de]": "Kexi-Team", "Name[es]": "El equipo de Kexi", "Name[fi]": "Kexi-työryhmä", "Name[fr]": "L'équipe Kexi", "Name[gl]": "Equipo de Kexi", "Name[ia]": "Equipa de Kexi", "Name[it]": "La squadra di Kexi", "Name[nl]": "Het team van Kexi", "Name[pl]": "Zespół Kexi", "Name[pt]": "Equipa do Kexi", "Name[pt_BR]": "Equipe do Kexi", "Name[sk]": "Tím Kexi", "Name[sv]": "Kexi-gruppen", "Name[tr]": "Kexi Ekibi", "Name[uk]": "Команда Kexi", "Name[x-test]": "xxKexi Teamxx" } ], "Category": "", "Dependencies": [], "Description": "Label element for Reports", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Element d'etiqueta per informes", "Description[ca]": "Element d'etiqueta per informes", "Description[de]": "Beschriftungselement für Berichte", "Description[es]": "Elemento de etiqueta para Reports", "Description[fi]": "Selite-elementti raportteihin", "Description[gl]": "Etiqueta para informes.", "Description[it]": "Elemento «etichetta» per rapporti", "Description[nl]": "Labelelement voor rapporten", "Description[pl]": "Element etykiety dla raportów", "Description[pt]": "Elemento de legenda para os Relatórios", "Description[pt_BR]": "Elemento Legenda para Relatórios", "Description[sk]": "Prvok popisu pre Reports", "Description[sv]": "Etikettelement för rapporter", "Description[tr]": "Raporlar için Etiket ögesi", "Description[uk]": "Елемент мітки для звітів", "Description[x-test]": "xxLabel element for Reportsxx", "EnabledByDefault": true, "Icon": "kreport-label-element", "Id": "org.kde.kreport.label", "License": "LGPL", "Name": "Label", "Name[ast]": "Etiqueta", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Etiqueta", "Name[ca]": "Etiqueta", "Name[cs]": "Popisek", "Name[de]": "Beschriftungsfeld", "Name[es]": "Etiqueta", "Name[fi]": "Selite", "Name[fr]": "Étiquette", "Name[gl]": "Etiqueta", "Name[ia]": "Etiquetta", "Name[it]": "Etichetta", "Name[pl]": "Etykieta", "Name[pt]": "Legenda", "Name[pt_BR]": "Legenda", "Name[sk]": "Štítok", "Name[sv]": "Etikett", "Name[tr]": "Etiket", "Name[uk]": "Мітка", "Name[x-test]": "xxLabelxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "标签", "ServiceTypes": [ "KReport/Element" ], "Version": "3.1", "Website": "http://kexi-project.org" }, "X-KDE-PluginInfo-LegacyName": "label", - "X-KReport-Priority": "1" + "X-KReport-PluginInfo-Priority": "1" } diff --git a/src/items/text/text.json b/src/items/text/text.json index a5fc406e..fcac2fe7 100644 --- a/src/items/text/text.json +++ b/src/items/text/text.json @@ -1,78 +1,78 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Authors": [ { "Email": "kexi@kde.org", "Name": "Kexi Team", "Name[ast]": "L'equipu Kexi", "Name[ca@valencia]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[ca]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[cs]": "Tým Kexi", "Name[de]": "Kexi-Team", "Name[es]": "El equipo de Kexi", "Name[fi]": "Kexi-työryhmä", "Name[fr]": "L'équipe Kexi", "Name[gl]": "Equipo de Kexi", "Name[ia]": "Equipa de Kexi", "Name[it]": "La squadra di Kexi", "Name[nl]": "Het team van Kexi", "Name[pl]": "Zespół Kexi", "Name[pt]": "Equipa do Kexi", "Name[pt_BR]": "Equipe do Kexi", "Name[sk]": "Tím Kexi", "Name[sv]": "Kexi-gruppen", "Name[tr]": "Kexi Ekibi", "Name[uk]": "Команда Kexi", "Name[x-test]": "xxKexi Teamxx" } ], "Category": "", "Dependencies": [], "Description": "Text element for Reports", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Element de text per informes", "Description[ca]": "Element de text per informes", "Description[cs]": "Textové prvky pro hlášení", "Description[de]": "Textelement für Berichte", "Description[es]": "Elemento de texto para Reports", "Description[fi]": "Tekstielementti raportteihin", "Description[fr]": "Element de texte pour Rapports", "Description[gl]": "Texto para informes.", "Description[it]": "Elemento «testo» per rapporti", "Description[nl]": "Tekstelement voor rapporten", "Description[pl]": "Element tekstowy dla raportów", "Description[pt]": "Elemento de texto para os Relatórios", "Description[pt_BR]": "Elemento Texto para Relatórios", "Description[sk]": "Prvok textu pre Reports", "Description[sv]": "Textelement för rapporter", "Description[tr]": "Raporlar için Metin ögesi", "Description[uk]": "Елемент тексту для звітів", "Description[x-test]": "xxText element for Reportsxx", "EnabledByDefault": true, "Icon": "kreport-text-element", "Id": "org.kde.kreport.text", "License": "LGPL", "Name": "Text", "Name[ast]": "Testu", "Name[es]": "Texto", "Name[fi]": "Teksti", "Name[fr]": "Texte", "Name[gl]": "Texto", "Name[ia]": "Texto", "Name[it]": "Testo", "Name[nl]": "Tekst", "Name[pl]": "Tekst", "Name[pt]": "Texto", "Name[pt_BR]": "Texto", "Name[tr]": "Metin", "Name[uk]": "Текст", "Name[x-test]": "xxTextxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "文字", "ServiceTypes": [ "KReport/Element" ], "Version": "3.1", "Website": "http://kexi-project.org" }, "X-KDE-PluginInfo-LegacyName": "text", - "X-KReport-Priority": "1" + "X-KReport-PluginInfo-Priority": "1" } diff --git a/src/plugins/barcode/kreport_barcodeplugin.json b/src/plugins/barcode/kreport_barcodeplugin.json index 7c4f956d..98309aee 100644 --- a/src/plugins/barcode/kreport_barcodeplugin.json +++ b/src/plugins/barcode/kreport_barcodeplugin.json @@ -1,79 +1,79 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Authors": [ { "Email": "kexi@kde.org", "Name": "Kexi Team", "Name[ast]": "L'equipu Kexi", "Name[ca@valencia]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[ca]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[cs]": "Tým Kexi", "Name[de]": "Kexi-Team", "Name[es]": "El equipo de Kexi", "Name[fi]": "Kexi-työryhmä", "Name[fr]": "L'équipe Kexi", "Name[gl]": "Equipo de Kexi", "Name[ia]": "Equipa de Kexi", "Name[it]": "La squadra di Kexi", "Name[nl]": "Het team van Kexi", "Name[pl]": "Zespół Kexi", "Name[pt]": "Equipa do Kexi", "Name[pt_BR]": "Equipe do Kexi", "Name[sk]": "Tím Kexi", "Name[sv]": "Kexi-gruppen", "Name[tr]": "Kexi Ekibi", "Name[uk]": "Команда Kexi", "Name[x-test]": "xxKexi Teamxx" } ], "Category": "", "Dependencies": [], "Description": "Barcode element for Reports", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Element de codi de barres per informes", "Description[ca]": "Element de codi de barres per informes", "Description[de]": "Strichcode-Element für Berichte", "Description[es]": "Elemento de código de barras para Reports", "Description[fi]": "Viivakoodielementti raportteihin", "Description[gl]": "Código de barras para informes.", "Description[it]": "Elemento «codice a barre» per rapporti", "Description[nl]": "Barcode-element voor rapporten", "Description[pl]": "Element kodu kreskowego dla raportów", "Description[pt]": "Elemento de código de barras para os Relatórios", "Description[pt_BR]": "Elemento Código de barras para Relatórios", "Description[sk]": "Prvok čiarového kódu pre Reports", "Description[sv]": "Streckkodselement för rapporter", "Description[tr]": "Raporlar için Barkod ögesi", "Description[uk]": "Елемент штрихкоду для звітів", "Description[x-test]": "xxBarcode element for Reportsxx", "EnabledByDefault": true, "Icon": "kreport-barcode-element", "Id": "org.kde.kreport.barcode", "License": "LGPL", "Name": "Barcode", "Name[ast]": "Códigu de barres", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Codi de barres", "Name[ca]": "Codi de barres", "Name[cs]": "Čárový kód", "Name[de]": "Strichcode", "Name[es]": "Código de barras", "Name[fi]": "Viivakoodi", "Name[gl]": "Código de barras", "Name[ia]": "Codice a barras", "Name[it]": "Codice a barre", "Name[pl]": "Kod paskowy", "Name[pt]": "Código de Barras", "Name[pt_BR]": "Código de barras", "Name[sk]": "Čiarový kód", "Name[sv]": "Streckkod", "Name[tr]": "Barkod", "Name[uk]": "Штрихкод", "Name[x-test]": "xxBarcodexx", "ServiceTypes": [ "KReport/Element" ], "Version": "3.1", "Website": "http://kexi-project.org" }, "X-KDE-PluginInfo-LegacyName": "barcode", - "X-KReport-Priority": "50" + "X-KReport-PluginInfo-Priority": "50" } diff --git a/src/plugins/chart/KReportChartPlugin.cpp b/src/plugins/chart/KReportChartPlugin.cpp index 075b837f..793d3e7e 100644 --- a/src/plugins/chart/KReportChartPlugin.cpp +++ b/src/plugins/chart/KReportChartPlugin.cpp @@ -1,73 +1,72 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2010 by Adam Pigg (adam@piggz.co.uk) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KReportChartPlugin.h" #include "KReportItemChart.h" #include "KReportDesignerItemChart.h" #include "KReportPluginInfo.h" #ifdef KREPORT_SCRIPTING #include "krscriptchart.h" #endif #include K_EXPORT_KOREPORT_ITEMPLUGIN(KoReportChartPlugin, chartplugin) KReportChartPlugin::KReportChartPlugin(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KReportPluginInterface(parent) { Q_UNUSED(args); KoReportPluginInfo *info = new KoReportPluginInfo(); info->setClassName("chart"); info->setIcon(koIcon("office-chart-area")); info->setName(tr("Chart")); - info->setPriority(10); setInfo(info); } KReportChartPlugin::~KReportChartPlugin() { } QObject* KReportChartPlugin::createRendererInstance(const QDomNode& element) { return new KReportItemChart(element); } QObject* KReportChartPlugin::createDesignerInstance(const QDomNode& element, KoReportDesigner* designer, QGraphicsScene* scene) { return new KReportDesignerItemChart(element, designer, scene); } QObject* KReportChartPlugin::createDesignerInstance(KoReportDesigner* designer, QGraphicsScene* scene, const QPointF& pos) { return new KReportDesignerItemChart(designer, scene, pos); } #ifdef KREPORT_SCRIPTING QObject* KoReportChartPlugin::createScriptInstance(KReportItemBase* item) { KoReportItemChart *chart = dynamic_cast(item); if (chart) { return new Scripting::Chart(chart); } return 0; } #endif diff --git a/src/plugins/chart/kreport_chartplugin.json b/src/plugins/chart/kreport_chartplugin.json index 03bbcba4..3bb3cac9 100644 --- a/src/plugins/chart/kreport_chartplugin.json +++ b/src/plugins/chart/kreport_chartplugin.json @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Authors": [ { "Email": "kexi@kde.org", "Name": "Kexi Team", "Name[ast]": "L'equipu Kexi", "Name[ca@valencia]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[ca]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[cs]": "Tým Kexi", "Name[de]": "Kexi-Team", "Name[es]": "El equipo de Kexi", "Name[fi]": "Kexi-työryhmä", "Name[fr]": "L'équipe Kexi", "Name[gl]": "Equipo de Kexi", "Name[ia]": "Equipa de Kexi", "Name[it]": "La squadra di Kexi", "Name[nl]": "Het team van Kexi", "Name[pl]": "Zespół Kexi", "Name[pt]": "Equipa do Kexi", "Name[pt_BR]": "Equipe do Kexi", "Name[sk]": "Tím Kexi", "Name[sv]": "Kexi-gruppen", "Name[tr]": "Kexi Ekibi", "Name[uk]": "Команда Kexi", "Name[x-test]": "xxKexi Teamxx" } ], "Category": "", "Dependencies": [], "Description": "Chart element for Reports", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Element de gràfic per informes", "Description[ca]": "Element de gràfic per informes", "Description[de]": "Diagrammelement für Berichte", "Description[es]": "Elemento de gráfica para Reports", "Description[fi]": "Kaavioelementti raportteihin", "Description[gl]": "Gráfica para informes.", "Description[it]": "Elemento «grafico» per rapporti", "Description[nl]": "Grafiekelement voor rapporten", "Description[pl]": "Element tabeli dla raportów", "Description[pt]": "Elemento de gráfico para os Relatórios", "Description[pt_BR]": "Elemento Gráfico para Relatórios", "Description[sk]": "Prvky grafu pre správy", "Description[sv]": "Diagramelement för rapporter", "Description[tr]": "Raporlar için Grafik ögesi", "Description[uk]": "Елемент діаграми для звітів", "Description[x-test]": "xxChart element for Reportsxx", "EnabledByDefault": true, "Icon": "report-chart-element", "Id": "org.kde.kreport.chart", "License": "LGPL", "Name": "Chart", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Gràfic", "Name[ca]": "Gràfic", "Name[cs]": "Graf", "Name[de]": "Diagramm", "Name[es]": "Gráfica", "Name[fi]": "Kaavio", "Name[gl]": "Gráfica", "Name[ia]": "Diagramma", "Name[it]": "Grafico", "Name[nl]": "Grafiek", "Name[pl]": "Wykres", "Name[pt]": "Gráfico", "Name[pt_BR]": "Gráfico", "Name[sk]": "Graf", "Name[sv]": "Diagram", "Name[tr]": "Grafik", "Name[uk]": "Діаграма", "Name[x-test]": "xxChartxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "图表", "ServiceTypes": [ "KReport/Element" ], "Version": "3.1", "Website": "http://kexi-project.org" }, "X-KDE-PluginInfo-LegacyName": "chart", - "X-KReport-Priority": "50" + "X-KReport-PluginInfo-Priority": "50" } diff --git a/src/plugins/maps/kreport_mapsplugin.json b/src/plugins/maps/kreport_mapsplugin.json index 45eaca65..4db535ac 100644 --- a/src/plugins/maps/kreport_mapsplugin.json +++ b/src/plugins/maps/kreport_mapsplugin.json @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Authors": [ { "Email": "kexi@kde.org", "Name": "Kexi Team", "Name[ast]": "L'equipu Kexi", "Name[ca@valencia]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[ca]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[cs]": "Tým Kexi", "Name[de]": "Kexi-Team", "Name[es]": "El equipo de Kexi", "Name[fi]": "Kexi-työryhmä", "Name[fr]": "L'équipe Kexi", "Name[gl]": "Equipo de Kexi", "Name[ia]": "Equipa de Kexi", "Name[it]": "La squadra di Kexi", "Name[nl]": "Het team van Kexi", "Name[pl]": "Zespół Kexi", "Name[pt]": "Equipa do Kexi", "Name[pt_BR]": "Equipe do Kexi", "Name[sk]": "Tím Kexi", "Name[sv]": "Kexi-gruppen", "Name[tr]": "Kexi Ekibi", "Name[uk]": "Команда Kexi", "Name[x-test]": "xxKexi Teamxx" } ], "Category": "", "Dependencies": [], "Description": "Maps element for Reports", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Element de mapes per informes", "Description[ca]": "Element de mapes per informes", "Description[de]": "Kartenelement für Berichte", "Description[es]": "Elemento de mapas para Reports", "Description[fi]": "Karttaelementti raportteihin", "Description[gl]": "Elemento de mapas para informes.", "Description[it]": "Elemento «mappe» per rapporti", "Description[nl]": "Kaartelement voor rapporten", "Description[pl]": "Element mapy dla raportów", "Description[pt]": "Elemento de mapas para os Relatórios", "Description[pt_BR]": "Elemento Mapas para Relatórios", "Description[sk]": "Prvok máp pre Reports", "Description[sv]": "Kartelement för rapporter", "Description[tr]": "Raporlar için Haritalar ögesi", "Description[uk]": "Елемент карти для звітів", "Description[x-test]": "xxMaps element for Reportsxx", "EnabledByDefault": true, "Icon": "kreport-maps-element", "Id": "org.kde.kreport.maps", "License": "LGPL", "Name": "Maps", "Name[ast]": "Mapes", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Mapes", "Name[ca]": "Mapes", "Name[cs]": "Mapy", "Name[de]": "Karten", "Name[es]": "Mapas", "Name[fi]": "Kartta", "Name[gl]": "Mapas", "Name[ia]": "Mappas", "Name[it]": "Mappe", "Name[nl]": "Kaarten", "Name[pl]": "Mapy", "Name[pt]": "Mapas", "Name[pt_BR]": "Mapas", "Name[sk]": "Mapy", "Name[sv]": "Kartor", "Name[tr]": "Haritalar", "Name[uk]": "Карти", "Name[x-test]": "xxMapsxx", "ServiceTypes": [ "KReport/Element" ], "Version": "3.1", "Website": "http://kexi-project.org" }, "X-KDE-PluginInfo-LegacyName": "maps", - "X-KReport-Priority": "50" + "X-KReport-PluginInfo-Priority": "50" } diff --git a/src/plugins/web/KReportWebPlugin.cpp b/src/plugins/web/KReportWebPlugin.cpp index 497c9a81..17ad21da 100644 --- a/src/plugins/web/KReportWebPlugin.cpp +++ b/src/plugins/web/KReportWebPlugin.cpp @@ -1,74 +1,65 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright Shreya Pandit This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KReportWebPlugin.h" #include "KReportDesignerItemWeb.h" #include "KReportPluginMetaData.h" #include KREPORT_PLUGIN_FACTORY(KReportWebPlugin, "kreport_webplugin.json") KReportWebPlugin::KReportWebPlugin(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KReportPluginInterface(parent) { Q_UNUSED(args) -#if 0 - KReportPluginMetaData *info = new KReportPluginInfo(); - info->setClassName("web"); - info->setName(tr("Web browser")); - info->setIcon(koIcon("report_web_element")); - info->setPriority(40); - - setInfo(info); -#endif } KReportWebPlugin::~KReportWebPlugin() { } QObject *KReportWebPlugin::createRendererInstance(const QDomNode &element) { return new KReportItemWeb(element); } QObject *KReportWebPlugin::createDesignerInstance(const QDomNode &element, KReportDesigner *designer, QGraphicsScene *scene) { return new KReportDesignerItemWeb(element, designer, scene); } QObject *KReportWebPlugin::createDesignerInstance(KReportDesigner *designer, QGraphicsScene *scene,const QPointF &pos) { return new KReportDesignerItemWeb(designer, scene, pos); } #ifdef KREPORT_SCRIPTING QObject *KReportWebPlugin::createScriptInstance(KReportItemBase *item) { Q_UNUSED(item); // KoReportItemweb *image = dynamic_cast(item); // if (image) { // return new Scripting::Web(image); return nullptr; } #endif #include "KReportWebPlugin.moc" diff --git a/src/plugins/web/kreport_webplugin.json b/src/plugins/web/kreport_webplugin.json index a8a96092..b4ce97ef 100644 --- a/src/plugins/web/kreport_webplugin.json +++ b/src/plugins/web/kreport_webplugin.json @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Authors": [ { "Email": "kexi@kde.org", "Name": "Kexi Team", "Name[ast]": "L'equipu Kexi", "Name[ca@valencia]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[ca]": "L'equip del Kexi", "Name[cs]": "Tým Kexi", "Name[de]": "Kexi-Team", "Name[es]": "El equipo de Kexi", "Name[fi]": "Kexi-työryhmä", "Name[fr]": "L'équipe Kexi", "Name[gl]": "Equipo de Kexi", "Name[ia]": "Equipa de Kexi", "Name[it]": "La squadra di Kexi", "Name[nl]": "Het team van Kexi", "Name[pl]": "Zespół Kexi", "Name[pt]": "Equipa do Kexi", "Name[pt_BR]": "Equipe do Kexi", "Name[sk]": "Tím Kexi", "Name[sv]": "Kexi-gruppen", "Name[tr]": "Kexi Ekibi", "Name[uk]": "Команда Kexi", "Name[x-test]": "xxKexi Teamxx" } ], "Category": "", "Dependencies": [], "Description": "Web browser element for Reports", "Description[ca@valencia]": "Element de navegador web per informes", "Description[ca]": "Element de navegador web per informes", "Description[de]": "Webbrowser-Element für Berichte", "Description[es]": "Elemento de navegador Web para Reports", "Description[fi]": "Verkkoselainelementti raportteihin", "Description[gl]": "Elemento de navegador web para informes", "Description[it]": "Elemento «browser web» per rapporti", "Description[nl]": "Webbrowserelement voor rapporten", "Description[pl]": "Element przeglądarki dla raportów", "Description[pt]": "Elemento de navegador Web para os Relatórios", "Description[pt_BR]": "Elemento Navegador Web para Relatórios", "Description[sk]": "Prvok webového prehliadača pre správy", "Description[sv]": "Webbläsarelement för rapporter", "Description[tr]": "Raporlar için Web Tarayıcı ögesi", "Description[uk]": "Елемент засобу для перегляду інтернету для звітів", "Description[x-test]": "xxWeb browser element for Reportsxx", "EnabledByDefault": true, "Icon": "kreport-web-element", "Id": "org.kde.kreport.web", "License": "LGPL", "Name": "Web browser", "Name[ast]": "Restolador web", "Name[ca@valencia]": "Navegador web", "Name[ca]": "Navegador web", "Name[cs]": "Webový prohlížeč", "Name[de]": "Webbrowser", "Name[es]": "Navegador web", "Name[fr]": "Navigateur web", "Name[gl]": "Navegador web", "Name[ia]": "Navigator Web", "Name[it]": "Browser web", "Name[nl]": "Webbrowser", "Name[pl]": "Przeglądarka sieciowa", "Name[pt]": "Navegador Web", "Name[sk]": "Webový prehliadač", "Name[sv]": "Webbläsare", "Name[tr]": "Web Tarayıcısı", "Name[uk]": "Переглядач інтернету", "Name[x-test]": "xxWeb browserxx", "Name[zh_CN]": "网页浏览器", "ServiceTypes": [ "KReport/Element" ], "Version": "3.1", "Website": "http://kexi-project.org" }, "X-KDE-PluginInfo-LegacyName": "web", - "X-KReport-Priority": "50" + "X-KReport-PluginInfo-Priority": "50" }