diff --git a/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidget.cpp b/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidget.cpp index c5355b238..de8cc8a0d 100644 --- a/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidget.cpp +++ b/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidget.cpp @@ -1,4331 +1,4316 @@ /*************************************************************************** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * copyright (C) 2002-2014 * * Umbrello UML Modeller Authors * ***************************************************************************/ // own header #include "associationwidget.h" // app includes #include "association.h" #include "associationline.h" #include "associationpropertiesdialog.h" #include "associationwidgetpopupmenu.h" #include "assocrules.h" #include "attribute.h" #include "classifier.h" #include "classifierwidget.h" #include "debug_utils.h" #include "dialog_utils.h" #include "docwindow.h" #include "entity.h" #include "floatingtextwidget.h" #include "messagewidget.h" #include "objectwidget.h" #include "operation.h" #include "optionstate.h" #include "uml.h" #include "umldoc.h" #include "umlscene.h" #include "umlview.h" #include "umlwidget.h" #include "widget_utils.h" #include "instance.h" #include "instanceattribute.h" // kde includes #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 #include #include #endif #include // qt includes #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 #include #include #endif #include #include #include // system includes #include #define DBG_AW() DEBUG(QLatin1String("AssociationWidget")) DEBUG_REGISTER_DISABLED(AssociationWidget) using namespace Uml; /** * Constructor is private because the static create() methods shall * be used for constructing AssociationWidgets. * * @param scene The parent view of this widget. */ AssociationWidget::AssociationWidget(UMLScene *scene) : WidgetBase(scene, WidgetBase::wt_Association), m_positions_len(0), m_activated(false), m_unNameLineSegment(-1), m_nLinePathSegmentIndex(-1), m_pAssocClassLine(0), m_pAssocClassLineSel0(0), m_pAssocClassLineSel1(0), m_associationLine(new AssociationLine(this)), m_associationClass(0), m_associationType(Uml::AssociationType::Association), m_nameWidget(0) { m_role[0].setParent(this); m_role[1].setParent(this); // propagate line color and width set by base class constructor // which does not call the virtual methods from this class. setLineColor(lineColor()); setLineWidth(lineWidth()); setFlag(QGraphicsLineItem::ItemIsSelectable); setAcceptHoverEvents(true); } /** * This constructor is really only for loading from XMI, otherwise it * should not be allowed as it creates an incomplete associationwidget. * * @param scene The parent view of this widget. */ AssociationWidget* AssociationWidget::create(UMLScene *scene) { AssociationWidget* instance = new AssociationWidget(scene); return instance; } /** * Preferred constructor (static factory method.) * * @param scene The parent view of this widget. * @param pWidgetA Pointer to the role A widget for the association. * @param assocType The AssociationType::Enum for this association. * @param pWidgetB Pointer to the role B widget for the association. * @param umlobject Pointer to the underlying UMLObject (if applicable.) */ AssociationWidget* AssociationWidget::create (UMLScene *scene, UMLWidget* pWidgetA, Uml::AssociationType::Enum assocType, UMLWidget* pWidgetB, UMLObject *umlobject /* = 0 */) { AssociationWidget* instance = new AssociationWidget(scene); if (umlobject) { instance->setUMLObject(umlobject); } else { // set up UMLAssociation obj if assoc is represented and both roles are UML objects if (Uml::AssociationType::hasUMLRepresentation(assocType)) { UMLObject* umlRoleA = pWidgetA->umlObject(); UMLObject* umlRoleB = pWidgetB->umlObject(); if (umlRoleA != 0 && umlRoleB != 0) { bool swap; // This is not correct. We could very easily have more than one // of the same type of association between the same two objects. // Just create the association. This search should have been // done BEFORE creation of the widget, if it mattered to the code. // But lets leave check in here for the time being so that debugging // output is shown, in case there is a collision with code elsewhere. UMLDoc *doc = UMLApp::app()->document(); UMLAssociation *myAssoc = doc->findAssociation(assocType, umlRoleA, umlRoleB, &swap); if (myAssoc != 0) { switch (assocType) { case Uml::AssociationType::Generalization: case Uml::AssociationType::Dependency: case Uml::AssociationType::Association_Self: case Uml::AssociationType::Coll_Message_Self: case Uml::AssociationType::Seq_Message_Self: case Uml::AssociationType::Containment: case Uml::AssociationType::Realization: DBG_AW() << "Ignoring second construction of same assoctype " << assocType << " between " << umlRoleA->name() << " and " << umlRoleB->name(); break; default: DBG_AW() << "constructing a similar or exact same assoctype " << assocType << " between " << umlRoleA->name() << " and " << umlRoleB->name() << "as an already existing assoc (swap=" << swap << ")"; // now, just create a new association anyways myAssoc = 0; break; } } if (myAssoc == 0) { myAssoc = new UMLAssociation(assocType, umlRoleA, umlRoleB); // CHECK: myAssoc is not yet inserted at any parent UMLPackage - // need to check carefully that all callers do this, lest it be // orphaned. // ToolBarStateAssociation::addAssociationInViewAndDoc() is // okay in this regard. } instance->setUMLAssociation(myAssoc); } } } instance->setWidgetForRole(pWidgetA, RoleType::A); instance->setWidgetForRole(pWidgetB, RoleType::B); instance->setAssociationType(assocType); instance->calculateEndingPoints(); instance->associationLine()->calculateInitialEndPoints(); instance->associationLine()->reconstructSymbols(); //The AssociationWidget is set to Activated because it already has its side widgets instance->setActivated(true); // sync UML meta-data to settings here instance->mergeAssociationDataIntoUMLRepresentation(); // Collaboration messages need a name label because it's that // which lets operator== distinguish them, which in turn // permits us to have more than one message between two objects. if (instance->isCollaboration()) { // Create a temporary name to bring on setName() int collabID = instance->m_scene->generateCollaborationId(); instance->setName(QLatin1Char('m') + QString::number(collabID)); } return instance; } /** * Destructor. */ AssociationWidget::~AssociationWidget() { cleanup(); delete m_associationLine; } /** * Overriding the method from WidgetBase because we need to do * something extra in case this AssociationWidget represents * an attribute of a classifier. */ void AssociationWidget::setUMLObject(UMLObject *obj) { WidgetBase::setUMLObject(obj); if (obj == 0) return; UMLClassifier *klass = 0; UMLAttribute *attr = 0; UMLEntity *ent = 0; const UMLObject::ObjectType ot = obj->baseType(); switch (ot) { case UMLObject::ot_Association: setUMLAssociation(obj->asUMLAssociation()); break; case UMLObject::ot_Operation: setOperation(obj->asUMLOperation()); break; case UMLObject::ot_Attribute: klass = obj->umlParent()->asUMLClassifier(); connect(klass, SIGNAL(attributeRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)), this, SLOT(slotClassifierListItemRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*))); attr = obj->asUMLAttribute(); connect(attr, SIGNAL(attributeChanged()), this, SLOT(slotAttributeChanged())); break; case UMLObject::ot_EntityAttribute: ent = obj->umlParent()->asUMLEntity(); connect(ent, SIGNAL(entityAttributeRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)), this, SLOT(slotClassifierListItemRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*))); break; case UMLObject::ot_ForeignKeyConstraint: ent = obj->umlParent()->asUMLEntity(); connect(ent, SIGNAL(entityConstraintRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*)), this, SLOT(slotClassifierListItemRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem*))); break; case UMLObject::ot_InstanceAttribute: connect(obj->umlParent(), SIGNAL(attributeRemoved()), this, SLOT(slotClassifierListItemRemoved())); attr = obj->asUMLInstanceAttribute(); connect(attr, SIGNAL(attributeChanged()), this, SLOT(slotAttributeChanged())); break; default: uError() << "cannot associate UMLObject of type " << UMLObject::toString(ot); break; } } /** * Set all 'owned' child widgets to this font. */ void AssociationWidget::lwSetFont (QFont font) { if (m_nameWidget) { m_nameWidget->setFont(font); } m_role[RoleType::A].setFont(font); m_role[RoleType::B].setFont(font); } /** * Overrides operation from LinkWidget. * Required by FloatingTextWidget. * @todo Move to LinkWidget. */ UMLClassifier *AssociationWidget::operationOwner() { Uml::RoleType::Enum role = (isCollaboration() ? Uml::RoleType::B : Uml::RoleType::A); UMLObject *o = widgetForRole(role)->umlObject(); if (!o) { return 0; } UMLClassifier *c = o->asUMLClassifier(); if (!c) { uError() << "widgetForRole(" << role << ") is not a classifier"; } return c; } /** * Implements operation from LinkWidget. * Motivated by FloatingTextWidget. */ UMLOperation *AssociationWidget::operation() { return m_umlObject->asUMLOperation(); } /** * Implements operation from LinkWidget. * Motivated by FloatingTextWidget. */ void AssociationWidget::setOperation(UMLOperation *op) { if (m_umlObject) disconnect(m_umlObject, SIGNAL(modified()), m_nameWidget, SLOT(setMessageText())); m_umlObject = op; if (m_umlObject) connect(m_umlObject, SIGNAL(modified()), m_nameWidget, SLOT(setMessageText())); if (m_nameWidget) m_nameWidget->setMessageText(); } /** * Overrides operation from LinkWidget. * Required by FloatingTextWidget. */ QString AssociationWidget::customOpText() { return name(); } /** * Overrides operation from LinkWidget. * Required by FloatingTextWidget. */ void AssociationWidget::setCustomOpText(const QString &opText) { setName(opText); } /** * Calls setTextPosition on all the labels. * Overrides operation from LinkWidget. */ void AssociationWidget::resetTextPositions() { if (m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget) { setTextPosition(TextRole::MultiA); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget) { setTextPosition(Uml::TextRole::MultiB); } if (m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget) { setTextPosition(Uml::TextRole::ChangeA); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget) { setTextPosition(Uml::TextRole::ChangeB); } if (m_nameWidget) { setTextPosition(Uml::TextRole::Name); } if (m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget) { setTextPosition(Uml::TextRole::RoleAName); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget) { setTextPosition(Uml::TextRole::RoleBName); } } /** * Overrides operation from LinkWidget. * Required by FloatingTextWidget. * * @param ft The text widget which to update. */ void AssociationWidget::setMessageText(FloatingTextWidget *ft) { if (isCollaboration()) { ft->setSequenceNumber(m_SequenceNumber); if (m_umlObject != 0) { ft->setText(operationText(m_scene)); } else { ft->setText(name()); } } else { ft->setText(name()); } } /** * Sets the text of the given FloatingTextWidget. * Overrides operation from LinkWidget. * Required by FloatingTextWidget. */ void AssociationWidget::setText(FloatingTextWidget *ft, const QString &text) { Uml::TextRole::Enum role = ft->textRole(); switch (role) { case Uml::TextRole::Name: setName(text); break; case Uml::TextRole::RoleAName: setRoleName(text, RoleType::A); break; case Uml::TextRole::RoleBName: setRoleName(text, RoleType::B); break; case Uml::TextRole::MultiA: setMultiplicity(text, RoleType::A); break; case Uml::TextRole::MultiB: setMultiplicity(text, RoleType::B); break; default: uWarning() << "Unhandled TextRole: " << Uml::TextRole::toString(role); break; } } /** * Shows the association properties dialog and updates the * corresponding texts if its execution is successful. */ bool AssociationWidget::showPropertiesDialog() { bool result = false; UMLApp::app()->docWindow()->updateDocumentation(); QPointer dlg = new AssociationPropertiesDialog(static_cast(m_scene->activeView()), this); if (dlg->exec()) { UMLApp::app()->docWindow()->showDocumentation(this, true); result = true; } delete dlg; return result; } /** * Overrides operation from LinkWidget. * Required by FloatingTextWidget. */ QString AssociationWidget::lwOperationText() { return name(); } /** * Overrides operation from LinkWidget. * Required by FloatingTextWidget. * * @return classifier */ UMLClassifier* AssociationWidget::lwClassifier() { UMLObject *o = widgetForRole(RoleType::B)->umlObject(); UMLClassifier *c = o->asUMLClassifier(); return c; } /** * Overrides operation from LinkWidget. * Required by FloatingTextWidget. * * @param op The new operation string to set. */ void AssociationWidget::setOperationText(const QString &op) { if (!op.isEmpty()) { setName(op); } } /** * Calculates the m_unNameLineSegment value according to the new * NameText topleft corner PT. * It iterates through all AssociationLine's segments and for each one * calculates the sum of PT's distance to the start point + PT's * distance to the end point. The segment with the smallest sum will * be the RoleTextSegment (if this segment moves then the RoleText * will move with it). It sets m_unNameLineSegment to the start point * of the chosen segment. * * Overrides operation from LinkWidget (i.e. this method is also * required by FloatingTextWidget.) */ void AssociationWidget::calculateNameTextSegment() { if (!m_nameWidget) { return; } //changed to use the middle of the text //i think this will give a better result. //never know what sort of lines people come up with //and text could be long to give a false reading qreal xt = m_nameWidget->x(); qreal yt = m_nameWidget->y(); xt += m_nameWidget->width() / 2; yt += m_nameWidget->height() / 2; int size = m_associationLine->count(); //sum of length(PTP1) and length(PTP2) qreal total_length = 0; qreal smallest_length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i) { QPointF pi = m_associationLine->point( i ); QPointF pj = m_associationLine->point( i+1 ); qreal xtiDiff = xt - pi.x(); qreal xtjDiff = xt - pj.x(); qreal ytiDiff = yt - pi.y(); qreal ytjDiff = yt - pj.y(); total_length = sqrt( double(xtiDiff * xtiDiff + ytiDiff * ytiDiff) ) + sqrt( double(xtjDiff * xtjDiff + ytjDiff * ytjDiff) ); //this gives the closest point if (total_length < smallest_length || i == 0) { smallest_length = total_length; m_unNameLineSegment = i; } } } /** * Returns the UMLAssociation representation of this object. * * @return Pointer to the UMLAssociation that is represented by * this AsociationWidget. */ UMLAssociation* AssociationWidget::association() const { if (m_umlObject == 0 || m_umlObject->baseType() != UMLObject::ot_Association) return 0; return m_umlObject->asUMLAssociation(); } /** * Returns the UMLAttribute representation of this object. * * @return Pointer to the UMLAttribute that is represented by * this AsociationWidget. */ UMLAttribute* AssociationWidget::attribute() const { if (m_umlObject == 0) return 0; UMLObject::ObjectType ot = m_umlObject->baseType(); if (ot != UMLObject::ot_Attribute && ot != UMLObject::ot_EntityAttribute && ot != UMLObject::ot_InstanceAttribute) return 0; return m_umlObject->asUMLAttribute(); } #if 0 //:TODO: /** * Overrides the assignment operator. */ AssociationWidget& AssociationWidget::operator=(const AssociationWidget& other) { *m_associationLine = *other.m_associationLine; if (other.m_nameWidget) { m_nameWidget = new FloatingTextWidget(m_scene); *m_nameWidget = *(other.m_nameWidget); } else { m_nameWidget = 0; } for (unsigned r = (unsigned)A; r <= (unsigned)B; ++r) { WidgetRole& lhs = m_role[r]; const WidgetRole& rhs = other.m_role[r]; lhs.m_nIndex = rhs.m_nIndex; lhs.m_nTotalCount = rhs.m_nTotalCount; if (rhs.multiplicityWidget) { lhs.multiplicityWidget = new FloatingTextWidget(m_scene); *(lhs.multiplicityWidget) = *(rhs.multiplicityWidget); } else { lhs.multiplicityWidget = 0; } if (rhs.roleWidget) { lhs.roleWidget = new FloatingTextWidget(m_scene); *(lhs.roleWidget) = *(rhs.roleWidget); } else { lhs.roleWidget = 0; } if (rhs.changeabilityWidget) { lhs.changeabilityWidget = new FloatingTextWidget(m_scene); *(lhs.changeabilityWidget) = *(rhs.changeabilityWidget); } else { lhs.changeabilityWidget = 0; } lhs.umlWidget = rhs.umlWidget; lhs.m_WidgetRegion = rhs.m_WidgetRegion; } m_activated = other.m_activated; m_unNameLineSegment = other.m_unNameLineSegment; setUMLAssociation(other.association()); setSelected(other.isSelected()); return *this; } #endif //:TODO: /** * Overrides the equality test operator. */ bool AssociationWidget::operator==(const AssociationWidget& other) const { if (this == &other) return true; // if no model representation exists, then the widgets are not equal if (association() == 0 && other.association() == 0) return false; if (!m_umlObject || !other.m_umlObject ) { if (!other.m_umlObject && m_umlObject) return false; if (other.m_umlObject && !m_umlObject) return false; } else if (m_umlObject != other.m_umlObject) return false; if (associationType() != other.associationType()) return false; if (widgetIDForRole(RoleType::A) != other.widgetIDForRole(RoleType::A)) return false; if (widgetIDForRole(RoleType::B) != other.widgetIDForRole(RoleType::B)) return false; if (widgetForRole(RoleType::A)->isObjectWidget() && other.widgetForRole(RoleType::A)->isObjectWidget()) { if (widgetForRole(RoleType::A)->localID() != other.widgetForRole(RoleType::A)->localID()) return false; } if (widgetForRole(RoleType::B)->isObjectWidget() && other.widgetForRole(RoleType::B)->isObjectWidget()) { if (widgetForRole(RoleType::B)->localID() != other.widgetForRole(RoleType::B)->localID()) return false; } // Two objects in a collaboration can have multiple messages between each other. // Here we depend on the messages having names, and the names must be different. // That is the reason why collaboration messages have strange initial names like // "m29997" or similar. return (name() == other.name()); } /** * Overrides the != operator. */ bool AssociationWidget::operator!=(AssociationWidget& other) const { return !(*this == other); } /** * Returns a pointer to the association widget's line path. */ AssociationLine* AssociationWidget::associationLine() const { return m_associationLine; } /** * Activates the AssociationWidget after a load. * * @return true for success */ bool AssociationWidget::activate() { if (m_umlObject == 0 && AssociationType::hasUMLRepresentation(m_associationType)) { UMLObject *myObj = umlDoc()->findObjectById(m_nId); if (myObj == 0) { uError() << "cannot find UMLObject " << Uml::ID::toString(m_nId); return false; } else { const UMLObject::ObjectType ot = myObj->baseType(); if (ot == UMLObject::ot_Association) { UMLAssociation * myAssoc = myObj->asUMLAssociation(); setUMLAssociation(myAssoc); } else { setUMLObject(myObj); setAssociationType(m_associationType); } } } if (m_activated) return true; Uml::AssociationType::Enum type = associationType(); if (m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget == 0) setWidgetForRole(m_scene->findWidget(widgetIDForRole(RoleType::A)), RoleType::A); if (m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget == 0) setWidgetForRole(m_scene->findWidget(widgetIDForRole(RoleType::B)), RoleType::B); if (!m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget || !m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget) { DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "Cannot make association!"; return false; } calculateEndingPoints(); if (AssocRules::allowRole(type)) { for (unsigned r = RoleType::A; r <= RoleType::B; ++r) { AssociationWidgetRole& robj = m_role[r]; if (robj.roleWidget == 0) continue; robj.roleWidget->setLink(this); TextRole::Enum tr = (r == RoleType::A ? TextRole::RoleAName : TextRole::RoleBName); robj.roleWidget->setTextRole(tr); Uml::Visibility::Enum vis = visibility(Uml::RoleType::fromInt(r)); robj.roleWidget->setPreText(Uml::Visibility::toString(vis, true)); if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(robj.roleWidget->text())) robj.roleWidget->show(); else robj.roleWidget->hide(); if (m_scene->type() == DiagramType::Collaboration) robj.roleWidget->setUMLObject(robj.umlWidget->umlObject()); robj.roleWidget->activate(); } } if (m_nameWidget != 0) { m_nameWidget->setLink(this); m_nameWidget->setTextRole(calculateNameType(TextRole::Name)); if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(m_nameWidget->text())) { m_nameWidget->show(); } else { m_nameWidget->hide(); } m_nameWidget->activate(); calculateNameTextSegment(); } for (unsigned r = RoleType::A; r <= RoleType::B; ++r) { AssociationWidgetRole& robj = m_role[r]; FloatingTextWidget* pMulti = robj.multiplicityWidget; if (pMulti != 0 && AssocRules::allowMultiplicity(type, robj.umlWidget->baseType())) { pMulti->setLink(this); TextRole::Enum tr = (r == RoleType::A ? TextRole::MultiA : TextRole::MultiB); pMulti->setTextRole(tr); if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(pMulti->text())) pMulti->show(); else pMulti->hide(); pMulti->activate(); } FloatingTextWidget* pChangeWidget = robj.changeabilityWidget; if (pChangeWidget != 0) { pChangeWidget->setLink(this); TextRole::Enum tr = (r == RoleType::A ? TextRole::ChangeA : TextRole::ChangeB); pChangeWidget->setTextRole(tr); if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(pChangeWidget->text())) pChangeWidget->show(); else pChangeWidget->hide (); pChangeWidget->activate(); } } // Prepare the association class line if needed. if (m_associationClass && !m_pAssocClassLine) { createAssocClassLine(); } m_activated = true; return true; } /** * Set the widget of the given role. * Add this AssociationWidget at the widget. * If this AssociationWidget has an underlying UMLAssociation then set * the widget's underlying UMLObject at the UMLAssociation's role object. * * @param widget Pointer to the UMLWidget. * @param role Role for which to set the widget. */ void AssociationWidget::setWidgetForRole(UMLWidget* widget, Uml::RoleType::Enum role) { m_role[role].umlWidget = widget; if (widget) { m_role[role].umlWidget->addAssoc(this); if (m_umlObject && m_umlObject->baseType() == UMLObject::ot_Association) association()->setObject(widget->umlObject(), role); } } /** * Return the multiplicity FloatingTextWidget widget of the given role. * * @return Pointer to the multiplicity FloatingTextWidget object. */ FloatingTextWidget* AssociationWidget::multiplicityWidget(Uml::RoleType::Enum role) const { return m_role[role].multiplicityWidget; } /** * Read property of FloatingTextWidget* m_nameWidget. * * @return Pointer to the FloatingTextWidget name widget. */ FloatingTextWidget* AssociationWidget::nameWidget() const { return m_nameWidget; } /** * Return the given role's FloatingTextWidget object. * * @return Pointer to the role's FloatingTextWidget widget. */ FloatingTextWidget* AssociationWidget::roleWidget(Uml::RoleType::Enum role) const { return m_role[role].roleWidget; } /** * Return the given role's changeability FloatingTextWidget widget. */ FloatingTextWidget* AssociationWidget::changeabilityWidget(Uml::RoleType::Enum role) const { return m_role[role].changeabilityWidget; } /** * Return the FloatingTextWidget object indicated by the given TextRole::Enum. * * @return Pointer to the text role's FloatingTextWidget widget. */ FloatingTextWidget* AssociationWidget::textWidgetByRole(Uml::TextRole::Enum tr) const { switch (tr) { case Uml::TextRole::MultiA: return m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget; case Uml::TextRole::MultiB: return m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget; case Uml::TextRole::Name: case Uml::TextRole::Coll_Message: return m_nameWidget; case Uml::TextRole::RoleAName: return m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget; case Uml::TextRole::RoleBName: return m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget; case Uml::TextRole::ChangeA: return m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget; case Uml::TextRole::ChangeB: return m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget; default: break; } return 0; } /** * Returns the m_nameWidget's text. * * @return Text of the FloatingTextWidget name widget. */ QString AssociationWidget::name() const { if (m_nameWidget == 0) return QString(); return m_nameWidget->text(); } /** * Sets the text in the FloatingTextWidget widget representing the Name * of this association. */ void AssociationWidget::setName(const QString &strName) { // set attribute of UMLAssociation associated with this associationwidget UMLAssociation *umla = association(); if (umla) umla->setName(strName); bool newLabel = false; if (!m_nameWidget) { // Don't construct the FloatingTextWidget if the string is empty. if (! FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(strName)) return; newLabel = true; m_nameWidget = new FloatingTextWidget(m_scene, calculateNameType(Uml::TextRole::Name), strName); m_nameWidget->setParentItem(this); m_nameWidget->setLink(this); } else { m_nameWidget->setText(strName); if (! FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(strName)) { //m_nameWidget->hide(); m_scene->removeWidget(m_nameWidget); m_nameWidget = 0; return; } } setTextPosition(Uml::TextRole::Name); if (newLabel) { m_nameWidget->setActivated(); m_scene->addFloatingTextWidget(m_nameWidget); } m_nameWidget->show(); } void AssociationWidget::setStereotype(const QString &stereo) { UMLAssociation *umlassoc = association(); if (umlassoc) { umlassoc->setStereotype(stereo); if (!m_nameWidget) { QString text = umlassoc->stereotype(true); // Don't construct the FloatingTextWidget if the string is empty. if (! FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(text)) return; m_nameWidget = new FloatingTextWidget(m_scene, calculateNameType(Uml::TextRole::Name), text); m_nameWidget->setParentItem(this); m_nameWidget->setLink(this); m_nameWidget->activate(); setTextPosition(calculateNameType(Uml::TextRole::Name)); } else { m_nameWidget->setText(umlassoc->stereotype(true)); } } else { uDebug() << "not setting " << stereo << " because association is NULL"; } } /** * Return the given role's FloatingTextWidget widget text. * * @return The name set at the FloatingTextWidget. */ QString AssociationWidget::roleName(Uml::RoleType::Enum role) const { if (m_role[role].roleWidget == 0) return QString(); return m_role[role].roleWidget->text(); } /** * Sets the text to the FloatingTextWidget that display the Role text of this * association. * For this function to work properly, the associated widget * should already be set. */ void AssociationWidget::setRoleName(const QString &strRole, Uml::RoleType::Enum role) { Uml::AssociationType::Enum type = associationType(); //if the association is not supposed to have a Role FloatingTextWidget if (!AssocRules::allowRole(type)) { return; } TextRole::Enum tr = (role == RoleType::A ? TextRole::RoleAName : TextRole::RoleBName); setFloatingText(tr, strRole, m_role[role].roleWidget); if (m_role[role].roleWidget) { Uml::Visibility::Enum vis = visibility(role); if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(m_role[role].roleWidget->text())) { m_role[role].roleWidget->setPreText(Uml::Visibility::toString(vis, true)); //m_role[role].roleWidget->show(); } else { m_role[role].roleWidget->setPreText(QString()); //m_role[role].roleWidget->hide(); } } // set attribute of UMLAssociation associated with this associationwidget if (m_umlObject && m_umlObject->baseType() == UMLObject::ot_Association) association()->setRoleName(strRole, role); } /** * Set the documentation on the given role. */ void AssociationWidget::setRoleDocumentation(const QString &doc, Uml::RoleType::Enum role) { if (m_umlObject && m_umlObject->baseType() == UMLObject::ot_Association) association()->setRoleDoc(doc, role); else m_role[role].roleDocumentation = doc; } /** * Returns the given role's documentation. */ QString AssociationWidget::roleDocumentation(Uml::RoleType::Enum role) const { if (m_umlObject == 0 || m_umlObject->baseType() != UMLObject::ot_Association) return QString(); UMLAssociation *umla = m_umlObject->asUMLAssociation(); return umla->getRoleDoc(role); } /** * Change, create, or delete the FloatingTextWidget indicated by the given TextRole::Enum. * * @param tr TextRole::Enum of the FloatingTextWidget to change or create. * @param text Text string that controls the action: * If empty and ft is NULL then setFloatingText() is a no-op. * If empty and ft is non-NULL then the existing ft is deleted. * If non-empty and ft is NULL then a new FloatingTextWidget is created * and returned in ft with the text set. * If non-empty and ft is non-NULL then the existing ft text is modified. * @param ft Reference to the pointer to FloatingTextWidget to change or create. * On creation/deletion, the pointer value will be changed. */ void AssociationWidget::setFloatingText(Uml::TextRole::Enum role, const QString &text, FloatingTextWidget* &ft) { if (! FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(text)) { if (ft) { // Remove preexisting FloatingTextWidget m_scene->removeWidget(ft); // physically deletes ft ft = 0; } return; } if (ft == 0) { ft = new FloatingTextWidget(m_scene, role, text); ft->setParentItem(this); ft->setLink(this); ft->activate(); setTextPosition(role); m_scene->addFloatingTextWidget(ft); } else { bool newLabel = ft->text().isEmpty(); ft->setText(text); if (newLabel) setTextPosition(role); } ft->show(); } /** * Return the given role's multiplicity text. * * @return Text of the given role's multiplicity widget. */ QString AssociationWidget::multiplicity(Uml::RoleType::Enum role) const { if (m_role[role].multiplicityWidget == 0) return QString(); return m_role[role].multiplicityWidget->text(); } /** * Sets the text in the FloatingTextWidget representing the multiplicity * at the given side of the association. */ void AssociationWidget::setMultiplicity(const QString& text, Uml::RoleType::Enum role) { TextRole::Enum tr = (role == RoleType::A ? TextRole::MultiA : TextRole::MultiB); setFloatingText(tr, text, m_role[role].multiplicityWidget); if (m_umlObject && m_umlObject->baseType() == UMLObject::ot_Association) association()->setMultiplicity(text, role); } /** * Gets the visibility on the given role of the association. */ Visibility::Enum AssociationWidget::visibility(Uml::RoleType::Enum role) const { const UMLAssociation *assoc = association(); if (assoc) return assoc->visibility(role); const UMLAttribute *attr = attribute(); if (attr) return attr->visibility(); return m_role[role].visibility; } /** * Sets the visibility on the given role of the association. */ void AssociationWidget::setVisibility(Visibility::Enum value, Uml::RoleType::Enum role) { if (value != visibility(role) && m_umlObject) { // update our model object const UMLObject::ObjectType ot = m_umlObject->baseType(); if (ot == UMLObject::ot_Association) { UMLAssociation *a = association(); a->blockSignals(true); a->setVisibility(value, role); a->blockSignals(false); } else if (ot == UMLObject::ot_Attribute) { UMLAttribute *a = attribute(); a->blockSignals(true); a->setVisibility(value); a->blockSignals(false); } } m_role[role].visibility = value; // update role pre-text attribute as appropriate if (m_role[role].roleWidget) { QString scopeString = Visibility::toString(value, true); m_role[role].roleWidget->setPreText(scopeString); } } /** * Gets the changeability on the given end of the Association. */ Uml::Changeability::Enum AssociationWidget::changeability(Uml::RoleType::Enum role) const { if (m_umlObject == 0 || m_umlObject->baseType() != UMLObject::ot_Association) return m_role[role].changeability; UMLAssociation *umla = m_umlObject->asUMLAssociation(); return umla->changeability(role); } /** * Sets the changeability on the given end of the Association. */ void AssociationWidget::setChangeability(Uml::Changeability::Enum value, Uml::RoleType::Enum role) { if (value == changeability(role)) return; QString changeString = Uml::Changeability::toString(value); if (m_umlObject && m_umlObject->baseType() == UMLObject::ot_Association) // update our model object association()->setChangeability(value, role); m_role[role].changeability = value; // update our string representation setChangeWidget(changeString, role); } /** * For internal purposes only. * Other classes/users should use setChangeability() instead. */ void AssociationWidget::setChangeWidget(const QString &strChangeWidget, Uml::RoleType::Enum role) { bool newLabel = false; TextRole::Enum tr = (role == RoleType::A ? TextRole::ChangeA : TextRole::ChangeB); if (!m_role[role].changeabilityWidget) { // Don't construct the FloatingTextWidget if the string is empty. if (strChangeWidget.isEmpty()) return; newLabel = true; m_role[role].changeabilityWidget = new FloatingTextWidget(m_scene, tr, strChangeWidget); m_role[role].changeabilityWidget->setParentItem(this); m_role[role].changeabilityWidget->setLink(this); m_scene->addFloatingTextWidget(m_role[role].changeabilityWidget); m_role[role].changeabilityWidget->setPreText(QLatin1String("{")); // all types have this m_role[role].changeabilityWidget->setPostText(QLatin1String("}")); // all types have this } else { if (m_role[role].changeabilityWidget->text().isEmpty()) { newLabel = true; } m_role[role].changeabilityWidget->setText(strChangeWidget); } m_role[role].changeabilityWidget->setActivated(); if (newLabel) { setTextPosition(tr); } if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(m_role[role].changeabilityWidget->text())) m_role[role].changeabilityWidget->show(); else m_role[role].changeabilityWidget->hide(); } /** * Returns true if the line path starts at the given widget. */ bool AssociationWidget::linePathStartsAt(const UMLWidget* widget) { //:TODO: // QPointF lpStart = m_associationLine->point(0); // int startX = lpStart.x(); // int startY = lpStart.y(); // int wX = widget->x(); // int wY = widget->y(); // int wWidth = widget->width(); // int wHeight = widget->height(); // bool result = (startX >= wX && startX <= wX + wWidth && // startY >= wY && startY <= wY + wHeight); // return result; bool result = widget->contains(m_associationLine->point(0)); DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "widget=" << widget->name() << " / result=" << result; return result; } /** * This function calculates which role should be set for the m_nameWidget FloatingTextWidget. */ Uml::TextRole::Enum AssociationWidget::calculateNameType(Uml::TextRole::Enum defaultRole) { TextRole::Enum result = defaultRole; if (m_scene->type() == DiagramType::Collaboration) { if (m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget == m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget) { result = TextRole::Coll_Message;//for now same as other Coll_Message } else { result = TextRole::Coll_Message; } } else if (m_scene->type() == DiagramType::Sequence) { if (m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget == m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget) { result = TextRole::Seq_Message_Self; } else { result = TextRole::Seq_Message; } } return result; } /** * Gets the given role widget. * * @return Pointer to the role's UMLWidget. */ UMLWidget* AssociationWidget::widgetForRole(Uml::RoleType::Enum role) const { return m_role[role].umlWidget; } /** * CleansUp all the association's data in the related widgets. */ void AssociationWidget::cleanup() { //let any other associations know we are going so they can tidy their positions up if (m_role[RoleType::A].m_nTotalCount > 2) updateAssociations(m_role[RoleType::A].m_nTotalCount - 1, m_role[RoleType::A].m_WidgetRegion, RoleType::A); if (m_role[RoleType::B].m_nTotalCount > 2) updateAssociations(m_role[RoleType::B].m_nTotalCount - 1, m_role[RoleType::B].m_WidgetRegion, RoleType::B); m_role[RoleType::A].cleanup(); m_role[RoleType::B].cleanup(); if (m_nameWidget) { m_scene->removeWidget(m_nameWidget); m_nameWidget = 0; } if (m_umlObject && m_umlObject->baseType() == UMLObject::ot_Association) { /* We do not remove the UMLAssociation from the document. Why? - Well, for example we might be in the middle of a cut/paste. If the UMLAssociation is removed by the cut then upon pasteing we have a problem. This is not quite clean yet - there should be a way to explicitly delete a UMLAssociation. The Right Thing would be to have a ListView representation for UMLAssociation. ` IF we are cut n pasting, why are we handling this association as a pointer? We should be using the XMI representation for a cut and paste. This allows us to be clean here, AND a choice of recreating the object w/ same id IF its a "cut", or a new object if its a "copy" operation (in which case we wouldnt be here, in cleanup()). */ setUMLAssociation(0); } m_associationLine->cleanup(); removeAssocClassLine(); } /** * @brief Return state if the assocation line point in the near of the last context * menu event position is addable or not. * A point is addable if the association is not an Exception and there is no point in the near. * * @return true if point is addable */ bool AssociationWidget::isPointAddable() { if (!isSelected() || associationType() == Uml::AssociationType::Exception) return false; int i = m_associationLine->closestPointIndex(m_eventScenePos); return i == -1; } /** * @brief Return state if the assocation line point in the near of the last context * menu event position is removable or not. * A point is removable if the association is not an Exception and is not the start or end point. * * @return true if point is removable */ bool AssociationWidget::isPointRemovable() { if (!isSelected() || associationType() == Uml::AssociationType::Exception || m_associationLine->count() <= 2) return false; int i = m_associationLine->closestPointIndex(m_eventScenePos); return i > 0 && i < m_associationLine->count() - 1; } bool AssociationWidget::isAutoLayouted() { if (associationType() == Uml::AssociationType::Exception) return true; if (!isSelected() || m_associationLine->count() <= 2) return false; return m_associationLine->isAutoLayouted(); } /** * if layout of this widget can be changed * @return true if layout could be changed * @return false if layout could not be changed */ bool AssociationWidget::isLayoutChangeable() { return associationType() != Uml::AssociationType::Exception; } /** * Set our internal umlAssociation. */ void AssociationWidget::setUMLAssociation (UMLAssociation * assoc) { if (m_umlObject && m_umlObject->baseType() == UMLObject::ot_Association) { UMLAssociation *umla = association(); // safety check. Did some num-nuts try to set the existing // association again? If so, just bail here if (umla == assoc) return; //umla->disconnect(this); //Qt does disconnect automatically upon destruction. umla->nrof_parent_widgets--; // ANSWER: This is the wrong treatment of cut and paste. Associations that // are being cut/n pasted should be serialized to XMI, then reconstituted // (IF a paste operation) rather than passing around object pointers. Its // just too hard otherwise to prevent problems in the code. Bottom line: we need to // delete orphaned associations or we well get code crashes and memory leaks. if (umla->nrof_parent_widgets <= 0) { //umla->deleteLater(); } m_umlObject = 0; } if (assoc) { m_umlObject = assoc; // move counter to "0" from "-1" (which means, no assocwidgets) if (assoc->nrof_parent_widgets < 0) assoc->nrof_parent_widgets = 0; assoc->nrof_parent_widgets++; connect(assoc, SIGNAL(modified()), this, SLOT(syncToModel())); } } /** * Returns true if the Widget is either at the starting or ending side of the association. */ bool AssociationWidget::containsAsEndpoint(UMLWidget* widget) { return (widget == m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget || widget == m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget); } /** * Returns true if this AssociationWidget represents a collaboration message. */ bool AssociationWidget::isCollaboration() const { Uml::AssociationType::Enum at = associationType(); return (at == AssociationType::Coll_Message_Synchronous || at == AssociationType::Coll_Message_Asynchronous || at == AssociationType::Coll_Message_Self); } /** * Returns true if this AssociationWidget represents a self message. */ bool AssociationWidget::isSelf() const { return widgetForRole(Uml::RoleType::A) == widgetForRole(Uml::RoleType::B); } /** * Gets the association's type. * * @return This AssociationWidget's AssociationType::Enum. */ Uml::AssociationType::Enum AssociationWidget::associationType() const { if (m_umlObject == 0 || m_umlObject->baseType() != UMLObject::ot_Association) return m_associationType; UMLAssociation *umla = m_umlObject->asUMLAssociation(); return umla->getAssocType(); } /** * Sets the association's type. * * @param type The AssociationType::Enum to set. */ void AssociationWidget::setAssociationType(Uml::AssociationType::Enum type) { if (m_umlObject && m_umlObject->baseType() == UMLObject::ot_Association) { association()->setAssociationType(type); } m_associationType = type; // If the association new type is not supposed to have Multiplicity // FloatingTexts and a Role FloatingTextWidget then set the texts // to empty. // NB We do not physically delete the floatingtext widgets here because // those widgets are also stored in the UMLView::m_WidgetList. if (!AssocRules::allowMultiplicity(type, widgetForRole(RoleType::A)->baseType())) { if (m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget) { m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget->setName(QString()); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget) { m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget->setName(QString()); } } if (!AssocRules::allowRole(type)) { if (m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget) { m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget->setName(QString()); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget) { m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget->setName(QString()); } setRoleDocumentation(QString(), RoleType::A); setRoleDocumentation(QString(), RoleType::B); } m_associationLine->reconstructSymbols(); m_associationLine->updatePenStyle(); } /** * Gets the ID of the given role widget. */ Uml::ID::Type AssociationWidget::widgetIDForRole(Uml::RoleType::Enum role) const { if (m_role[role].umlWidget == 0) { if (m_umlObject && m_umlObject->baseType() == UMLObject::ot_Association) { UMLAssociation *umla = m_umlObject->asUMLAssociation(); return umla->getObjectId(role); } uError() << "umlWidget is NULL"; return Uml::ID::None; } if (m_role[role].umlWidget->isObjectWidget()) return m_role[role].umlWidget->localID(); Uml::ID::Type id = m_role[role].umlWidget->id(); return id; } /** * Gets the local ID of the given role widget. */ Uml::ID::Type AssociationWidget::widgetLocalIDForRole(Uml::RoleType::Enum role) const { if (m_role[role].umlWidget == 0) { if (m_umlObject && m_umlObject->baseType() == UMLObject::ot_Association) { UMLAssociation *umla = m_umlObject->asUMLAssociation(); return umla->getObjectId(role); } uError() << "umlWidget is NULL"; return Uml::ID::None; } Uml::ID::Type id = m_role[role].umlWidget->localID(); return id; } /** * Returns a QString Object representing this AssociationWidget. */ QString AssociationWidget::toString() const { QString string; static const QChar colon(QLatin1Char(':')); static const QChar space(QLatin1Char(' ')); if (widgetForRole(RoleType::A)) { string = widgetForRole(RoleType::A)->name(); } string.append(colon); if (m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget) { string += m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget->text(); } string.append(space); string.append(Uml::AssociationType::toStringI18n(associationType())); string.append(space); if (widgetForRole(RoleType::B)) { string += widgetForRole(RoleType::B)->name(); } string.append(colon); if (m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget) { string += m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget->text(); } return string; } /** * Adds a break point (if left mouse button). */ void AssociationWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { uDebug() << "widget = " << name() << " / type = " << baseTypeStr(); showPropertiesDialog(); event->accept(); } } /** * Overrides moveEvent. */ void AssociationWidget::moveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *me) { // 2004-04-30: Achim Spangler // Simple Approach to block moveEvent during load of XMI /// @todo avoid trigger of this event during load if (umlDoc()->loading()) { // hmmh - change of position during load of XMI // -> there is something wrong // -> avoid movement during opening // -> print warn and stay at old position uWarning() << "called during load of XMI for ViewType: " << m_scene->type() << ", and BaseType: " << baseType(); return; } /*to be here a line segment has moved. we need to see if the three text widgets needs to be moved. there are a few things to check first though: 1) Do they exist 2) does it need to move: 2a) for the multi widgets only move if they changed region, otherwise they are close enough 2b) for role name move if the segment it is on moves. */ //first see if either the first or last segments moved, else no need to recalculate their point positions QPointF oldNamePoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::Name); QPointF oldMultiAPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::MultiA); QPointF oldMultiBPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::MultiB); QPointF oldChangeAPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::ChangeA); QPointF oldChangeBPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::ChangeB); QPointF oldRoleAPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::RoleAName); QPointF oldRoleBPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::RoleBName); int movingPoint = m_associationLine->closestPointIndex(me->scenePos()); if (movingPoint != -1) m_associationLine->setPoint(movingPoint, me->scenePos()); int pos = m_associationLine->count() - 1;//set to last point for widget b if ( movingPoint == 1 || (movingPoint == pos-1) ) { calculateEndingPoints(); } if (m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget && (movingPoint == 1)) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::ChangeA, oldChangeAPoint); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget && (movingPoint == 1)) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::ChangeB, oldChangeBPoint); } if (m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget && (movingPoint == 1)) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::MultiA, oldMultiAPoint); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget && (movingPoint == pos-1)) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::MultiB, oldMultiBPoint); } if (m_nameWidget) { if (movingPoint == m_unNameLineSegment || movingPoint - 1 == m_unNameLineSegment) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::Name, oldNamePoint); } } if (m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::RoleAName, oldRoleAPoint); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::RoleBName, oldRoleBPoint); } if (m_pAssocClassLine) { computeAssocClassLine(); } } /** * Calculates and sets the first and last point in the Association's AssociationLine. * Each point is a middle point of its respecting UMLWidget's Bounding rectangle * or a corner of it. * This method picks which sides to use for the association. */ void AssociationWidget::calculateEndingPoints() { /* * For each UMLWidget the diagram is divided in four regions by its diagonals * as indicated below * Region 2 * \ / * \ / * +--------+ * | \ / | * Region 1 | >< | Region 3 * | / \ | * +--------+ * / \ * / \ * Region 4 * * Each diagonal is defined by two corners of the bounding rectangle * * To calculate the first point in the AssociationLine we have to find out in which * Region (defined by WidgetA's diagonals) is WidgetB's center * (let's call it Region M.) After that the first point will be the middle * point of the rectangle's side contained in Region M. * * To calculate the last point in the AssociationLine we repeat the above but * in the opposite direction (from widgetB to WidgetA) */ UMLWidget *pWidgetA = m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget; UMLWidget *pWidgetB = m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget; if (!pWidgetA || !pWidgetB) { uWarning() << "Returning - one of the role widgets is not set."; return; } int size = m_associationLine->count(); if (size < 2) { QPointF pA = pWidgetA->pos(); QPointF pB = pWidgetB->pos(); QPolygonF polyA = pWidgetA->shape().toFillPolygon().translated(pA); QPolygonF polyB = pWidgetB->shape().toFillPolygon().translated(pB); QLineF nearestPoints = Widget_Utils::closestPoints(polyA, polyB); if (nearestPoints.isNull()) { uError() << "Widget_Utils::closestPoints failed, falling back to simple widget positions"; } else { pA = nearestPoints.p1(); pB = nearestPoints.p2(); } m_associationLine->setEndPoints(pA, pB); } // See if an association to self. // See if it needs to be set up before we continue: // If self association/message and doesn't have the minimum 4 points // then create it. Make sure no points are out of bounds of viewing area. // This only happens on first time through that we are worried about. if (isSelf() && size < 4) { createPointsSelfAssociation(); return; } if (associationType() == AssociationType::Exception && size < 4) { createPointsException(); updatePointsException(); return; } // If the line has more than one segment change the values to calculate // from widget to point 1. qreal xB = pWidgetB->x() + pWidgetB->width() / 2; qreal yB = pWidgetB->y() + pWidgetB->height() / 2; if (size > 2) { QPointF p = m_associationLine->point(1); xB = p.x(); yB = p.y(); } doUpdates(QPointF(xB, yB), RoleType::A); // Now do the same for widgetB. // If the line has more than one segment change the values to calculate // from widgetB to the last point away from it. qreal xA = pWidgetA->x() + pWidgetA->width() / 2; qreal yA = pWidgetA->y() + pWidgetA->height() / 2; if (size > 2 ) { QPointF p = m_associationLine->point(size - 2); xA = p.x(); yA = p.y(); } doUpdates(QPointF(xA, yA), RoleType::B); computeAssocClassLine(); } /** * Used by @ref calculateEndingPoints. */ void AssociationWidget::doUpdates(const QPointF &otherP, RoleType::Enum role) { // Find widget region. Uml::Region::Enum oldRegion = m_role[role].m_WidgetRegion; UMLWidget *pWidget = m_role[role].umlWidget; QRectF rc(pWidget->x(), pWidget->y(), pWidget->width(), pWidget->height()); Uml::Region::Enum region = m_role[role].m_WidgetRegion; // alias for brevity region = findPointRegion(rc, otherP); // Move some regions to the standard ones. switch( region ) { case Uml::Region::NorthWest: region = Uml::Region::North; break; case Uml::Region::NorthEast: region = Uml::Region::East; break; case Uml::Region::SouthEast: region = Uml::Region::South; break; case Uml::Region::SouthWest: case Uml::Region::Center: region = Uml::Region::West; break; default: break; } int regionCount = getRegionCount(region, role) + 2; //+2 = (1 for this one and one to halve it) int totalCount = m_role[role].m_nTotalCount; if (oldRegion != region) { updateRegionLineCount(regionCount - 1, regionCount, region, role); updateAssociations(totalCount - 1, oldRegion, role); } else if (totalCount != regionCount) { updateRegionLineCount(regionCount - 1, regionCount, region, role); } else { updateRegionLineCount(m_role[role].m_nIndex, totalCount, region, role); } updateAssociations(regionCount, region, role); } /** * Read property of bool m_activated. */ bool AssociationWidget::isActivated() const { return m_activated; } /** * Set the m_activated flag of a widget but does not perform the Activate method. */ void AssociationWidget::setActivated(bool active) { m_activated = active; } /** * Synchronize this widget from the UMLAssociation. */ void AssociationWidget::syncToModel() { UMLAssociation *uml = association(); if (uml == 0) { UMLAttribute *attr = attribute(); if (attr == 0) return; setVisibility(attr->visibility(), RoleType::B); setRoleName(attr->name(), RoleType::B); return; } // block signals until finished uml->blockSignals(true); setName(uml->name()); setRoleName(uml->getRoleName(RoleType::A), RoleType::A); setRoleName(uml->getRoleName(RoleType::B), RoleType::B); setVisibility(uml->visibility(RoleType::A), RoleType::A); setVisibility(uml->visibility(RoleType::B), RoleType::B); setChangeability(uml->changeability(RoleType::A), RoleType::A); setChangeability(uml->changeability(RoleType::B), RoleType::B); setMultiplicity(uml->getMultiplicity(RoleType::A), RoleType::A); setMultiplicity(uml->getMultiplicity(RoleType::B), RoleType::B); uml->blockSignals(false); } /** * Merges/syncs the association widget data into UML object * representation. * This will synchronize UMLAssociation w/ this new Widget * CHECK: Can we get rid of this. */ void AssociationWidget::mergeAssociationDataIntoUMLRepresentation() { UMLAssociation *umlassoc = association(); UMLAttribute *umlattr = attribute(); if (umlassoc == 0 && umlattr == 0) return; // block emit modified signal, or we get a horrible loop m_umlObject->blockSignals(true); // would be desirable to do the following // so that we can be sure its back to initial state // in case we missed something here. //uml->init(); // floating text widgets FloatingTextWidget *text = nameWidget(); if (text) m_umlObject->setName(text->text()); text = roleWidget(RoleType::A); if (text && umlassoc) umlassoc->setRoleName(text->text(), RoleType::A); text = roleWidget(RoleType::B); if (text) { if (umlassoc) umlassoc->setRoleName(text->text(), RoleType::B); else if (umlattr) umlattr->setName(text->text()); } text = multiplicityWidget(RoleType::A); if (text && umlassoc) umlassoc->setMultiplicity(text->text(), RoleType::A); text = multiplicityWidget(RoleType::B); if (text && umlassoc) umlassoc->setMultiplicity(text->text(), RoleType::B); // unblock m_umlObject->blockSignals(false); } /** * Auxiliary method for widgetMoved(): * Saves all ideally computed floatingtext positions before doing any * kind of change. This is necessary because a single invocation of * calculateEndingPoints() modifies the AssociationLine ending points on ALL * AssociationWidgets. This means that if we don't save the old ideal * positions then they are irretrievably lost as soon as * calculateEndingPoints() is invoked. */ void AssociationWidget::saveIdealTextPositions() { m_oldNamePoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::Name); m_oldMultiAPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::MultiA); m_oldMultiBPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::MultiB); m_oldChangeAPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::ChangeA); m_oldChangeBPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::ChangeB); m_oldRoleAPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::RoleAName); m_oldRoleBPoint = calculateTextPosition(TextRole::RoleBName); } /** * Adjusts the ending point of the association that connects to Widget. */ void AssociationWidget::widgetMoved(UMLWidget* widget, qreal dx, qreal dy) { Q_UNUSED(dx); Q_UNUSED(dy); // Simple Approach to block moveEvent during load of XMI /// @todo avoid trigger of this event during load if (umlDoc()->loading()) { // change of position during load of XMI // -> there is something wrong // -> avoid movement during opening // -> print warn and stay at old position DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "called during load of XMI for ViewType: " << m_scene->type() << ", and BaseType: " << baseTypeStr(); return; } DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "association type=" << Uml::AssociationType::toString(associationType()); if (associationType() == AssociationType::Exception) { updatePointsException(); setTextPosition(TextRole::Name); } else { calculateEndingPoints(); computeAssocClassLine(); } // Assoc to self - move all points: if (isSelf()) { updatePointsSelfAssociation(); if (m_nameWidget && !m_nameWidget->isSelected()) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::Name, m_oldNamePoint); } }//end if widgetA = widgetB else if (m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget == widget) { if (m_nameWidget && m_unNameLineSegment == 0 && !m_nameWidget->isSelected() ) { //only calculate position and move text if the segment it is on is moving setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::Name, m_oldNamePoint); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget && m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget->changesShape()) m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget->updateGeometry(false); }//end if widgetA moved else if (m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget == widget) { const int size = m_associationLine->count(); if (m_nameWidget && (m_unNameLineSegment == size-2) && !m_nameWidget->isSelected() ) { //only calculate position and move text if the segment it is on is moving setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::Name, m_oldNamePoint); } if (m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget && m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget->changesShape()) m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget->updateGeometry(false); }//end if widgetB moved if (m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget && !m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget->isSelected()) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::RoleAName, m_oldRoleAPoint); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget && !m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget->isSelected()) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::RoleBName, m_oldRoleBPoint); } if (m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget && !m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget->isSelected()) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::MultiA, m_oldMultiAPoint); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget && !m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget->isSelected()) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::MultiB, m_oldMultiBPoint); } if (m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget && !m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget->isSelected()) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::ChangeA, m_oldChangeAPoint); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget && !m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget->isSelected()) { setTextPositionRelatively(TextRole::ChangeB, m_oldChangeBPoint); } } /** * Creates the points of the self association. * Method called when a widget end points are calculated by calculateEndingPoints(). */ void AssociationWidget::createPointsSelfAssociation() { UMLWidget *pWidgetA = m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget; const int DISTANCE = 50; qreal x = pWidgetA->x(); qreal y = pWidgetA->y(); qreal h = pWidgetA->height(); qreal w = pWidgetA->width(); // see if above widget ok to start if (y - DISTANCE > 0) { m_associationLine->setEndPoints(QPointF(x + w / 4, y) , QPointF(x + w * 3 / 4, y)); m_associationLine->insertPoint(1, QPointF(x + w / 4, y - DISTANCE)); m_associationLine->insertPoint(2, QPointF(x + w * 3 / 4, y - DISTANCE)); m_role[RoleType::A].m_WidgetRegion = m_role[RoleType::B].m_WidgetRegion = Uml::Region::North; } else { m_associationLine->setEndPoints(QPointF(x + w / 4, y + h), QPointF(x + w * 3 / 4, y + h)); m_associationLine->insertPoint(1, QPointF(x + w / 4, y + h + DISTANCE)); m_associationLine->insertPoint(2, QPointF(x + w * 3 / 4, y + h + DISTANCE)); m_role[RoleType::A].m_WidgetRegion = m_role[RoleType::B].m_WidgetRegion = Uml::Region::South; } } /** * Adjusts the points of the self association. * Method called when a widget was moved by widgetMoved(widget, x, y). */ void AssociationWidget::updatePointsSelfAssociation() { UMLWidget *pWidgetA = m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget; const int DISTANCE = 50; qreal x = pWidgetA->x(); qreal y = pWidgetA->y(); qreal h = pWidgetA->height(); qreal w = pWidgetA->width(); // see if above widget ok to start if (y - DISTANCE > 0) { m_associationLine->setEndPoints(QPointF(x + w / 4, y) , QPointF(x + w * 3 / 4, y)); m_associationLine->setPoint(1, QPointF(x + w / 4, y - DISTANCE)); m_associationLine->setPoint(2, QPointF(x + w * 3 / 4, y - DISTANCE)); m_role[RoleType::A].m_WidgetRegion = m_role[RoleType::B].m_WidgetRegion = Uml::Region::North; } else { m_associationLine->setEndPoints(QPointF(x + w / 4, y + h), QPointF(x + w * 3 / 4, y + h)); m_associationLine->setPoint(1, QPointF(x + w / 4, y + h + DISTANCE)); m_associationLine->setPoint(2, QPointF(x + w * 3 / 4, y + h + DISTANCE)); m_role[RoleType::A].m_WidgetRegion = m_role[RoleType::B].m_WidgetRegion = Uml::Region::South; } } /** * Creates the points of the association exception. * Method called when a widget end points are calculated by calculateEndingPoints(). */ void AssociationWidget::createPointsException() { UMLWidget *pWidgetA = m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget; UMLWidget *pWidgetB = m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget; qreal xa = pWidgetA->x(); qreal ya = pWidgetA->y(); qreal ha = pWidgetA->height(); qreal wa = pWidgetA->width(); qreal xb = pWidgetB->x(); qreal yb = pWidgetB->y(); qreal hb = pWidgetB->height(); //qreal wb = pWidgetB->width(); m_associationLine->setEndPoints(QPointF(xa + wa , ya + ha/2) , QPointF(xb , yb + hb/2)); m_associationLine->insertPoint(1, QPointF(xa + wa , ya + ha/2)); m_associationLine->insertPoint(2, QPointF(xb , yb + hb/2)); } /** * Adjusts the points of the association exception. * Method called when a widget was moved by widgetMoved(widget, x, y). */ void AssociationWidget::updatePointsException() { UMLWidget *pWidgetA = m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget; UMLWidget *pWidgetB = m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget; qreal xa = pWidgetA->x(); qreal ya = pWidgetA->y(); qreal ha = pWidgetA->height(); qreal wa = pWidgetA->width(); qreal xb = pWidgetB->x(); qreal yb = pWidgetB->y(); qreal hb = pWidgetB->height(); qreal wb = pWidgetB->width(); qreal xmil, ymil; qreal xdeb, ydeb; qreal xfin, yfin; qreal ESPACEX, ESPACEY; QPointF p1; QPointF p2; //calcul des coordonnées au milieu de la flèche eclair if (xb - xa - wa >= 45) { ESPACEX = 0; xdeb = xa + wa; xfin = xb; } else if (xa - xb - wb > 45) { ESPACEX = 0; xdeb = xa; xfin = xb + wb; } else { ESPACEX = 15; xdeb = xa + wa/2; xfin = xb + wb/2; } xmil = xdeb + (xfin - xdeb)/2; if (yb - ya - ha >= 45) { ESPACEY = 0; ydeb = ya + ha; yfin = yb; } else if (ya - yb - hb > 45) { ESPACEY = 0; ydeb = ya; yfin = yb + hb; } else { ESPACEY = 15; ydeb = ya + ha/2; yfin = yb + hb/2; } ymil = ydeb + (yfin - ydeb)/2; p1.setX(xmil + (xfin - xmil)*1/2); p1.setY(ymil + (yfin - ymil)*1/3); p2.setX(xmil - (xmil - xdeb)*1/2); p2.setY(ymil - (ymil - ydeb)*1/3); if (fabs(p1.x() - p2.x()) <= 10) ESPACEX = 15; if (fabs(p1.y() - p2.y()) <= 10) ESPACEY = 15; m_associationLine->setEndPoints(QPointF(xdeb, ydeb), QPointF(xfin, yfin)); m_associationLine->setPoint(1, QPointF(p1.x() + ESPACEX, p1.y() + ESPACEY)); m_associationLine->setPoint(2, QPointF(p2.x() - ESPACEX, p2.y() - ESPACEY)); m_role[RoleType::A].m_WidgetRegion = m_role[RoleType::B].m_WidgetRegion = Uml::Region::North; } /** * Finds out which region of rectangle 'rect' contains the point 'pos' and returns the region * number: * 1 = Region 1 * 2 = Region 2 * 3 = Region 3 * 4 = Region 4 * 5 = On diagonal 2 between Region 1 and 2 * 6 = On diagonal 1 between Region 2 and 3 * 7 = On diagonal 2 between Region 3 and 4 * 8 = On diagonal 1 between Region 4 and 1 * 9 = On diagonal 1 and On diagonal 2 (the center) */ Uml::Region::Enum AssociationWidget::findPointRegion(const QRectF& rect, const QPointF &pos) { qreal w = rect.width(); qreal h = rect.height(); qreal x = rect.x(); qreal y = rect.y(); qreal slope2 = w / h; qreal slope1 = slope2 *(-1.0); qreal b1 = x + w - (slope1 * y); qreal b2 = x - (slope2 * y); qreal eval1 = slope1 * pos.y() + b1; qreal eval2 = slope2 * pos.y() + b2; Uml::Region::Enum result = Uml::Region::Error; //if inside region 1 if (eval1 > pos.x() && eval2 > pos.x()) { result = Uml::Region::West; } //if inside region 2 else if (eval1 > pos.x() && eval2 < pos.x()) { result = Uml::Region::North; } //if inside region 3 else if (eval1 < pos.x() && eval2 < pos.x()) { result = Uml::Region::East; } //if inside region 4 else if (eval1 < pos.x() && eval2 > pos.x()) { result = Uml::Region::South; } //if inside region 5 else if (eval1 == pos.x() && eval2 < pos.x()) { result = Uml::Region::NorthWest; } //if inside region 6 else if (eval1 < pos.x() && eval2 == pos.x()) { result = Uml::Region::NorthEast; } //if inside region 7 else if (eval1 == pos.x() && eval2 > pos.x()) { result = Uml::Region::SouthEast; } //if inside region 8 else if (eval1 > pos.x() && eval2 == pos.x()) { result = Uml::Region::SouthWest; } //if inside region 9 else if (eval1 == pos.x() && eval2 == pos.x()) { result = Uml::Region::Center; } return result; } /** * Returns a point with interchanged X and Y coordinates. */ QPointF AssociationWidget::swapXY(const QPointF &p) { QPointF swapped( p.y(), p.x() ); return swapped; } #if 0 // not used at the moment /** * Calculates which point of segment P1P2 has a distance equal to * Distance from P1. * Let's say such point is PX, the distance from P1 to PX must be equal * to Distance and if PX is not a point of the segment P1P2 then the * function returns (-1, -1). */ QPointF AssociationWidget::calculatePointAtDistance(const QPointF &P1, const QPointF &P2, float Distance) { /* the distance D between points (x1, y1) and (x3, y3) has the following formula: --- ------------------------------ D = \ / 2 2 \ / (x3 - x1) + (y3 - y1) D, x1 and y1 are known and the point (x3, y3) is inside line (x1, y1)(x2, y2), so if the that line has the formula y = mx + b then y3 = m*x3 + b 2 2 2 D = (x3 - x1) + (y3 - y1) 2 2 2 2 2 D = x3 - 2*x3*x1 + x1 + y3 - 2*y3*y1 + y1 2 2 2 2 2 D - x1 - y1 = x3 - 2*x3*x1 + y3 - 2*y3*y1 2 2 2 2 2 D - x1 - y1 = x3 - 2*x3*x1 + (m*x3 + b) - 2*(m*x3 + b)*y1 2 2 2 2 2 2 D - x1 - y1 + 2*b*y1 - b = (m + 1)*x3 + (-2*x1 + 2*m*b -2*m*y1)*x3 2 2 2 2 C = - D + x1 + y1 - 2*b*y1 + b 2 A = (m + 1) B = (-2*x1 + 2*m*b -2*m*y1) and we have 2 A * x3 + B * x3 - C = 0 --------------- -B + --- / 2 \/ B - 4*A*C sol_1 = -------------------------------- 2*A --------------- -B - --- / 2 \/ B - 4*A*C sol_2 = -------------------------------- 2*A then in the distance formula we have only one variable x3 and that is easy to calculate */ int x1 = P1.y(); int y1 = P1.x(); int x2 = P2.y(); int y2 = P2.x(); if (x2 == x1) { return QPointF(x1, y1 + (int)Distance); } float slope = ((float)y2 - (float)y1) / ((float)x2 - (float)x1); float b = (y1 - slope*x1); float A = (slope * slope) + 1; float B = (2*slope*b) - (2*x1) - (2*slope*y1); float C = (b*b) - (Distance*Distance) + (x1*x1) + (y1*y1) - (2*b*y1); float t = B*B - 4*A*C; if (t < 0) { return QPointF(-1, -1); } float sol_1 = ((-1* B) + sqrt(t)) / (2*A); float sol_2 = ((-1*B) - sqrt(t)) / (2*A); if (sol_1 < 0.0 && sol_2 < 0.0) { return QPointF(-1, -1); } QPointF sol1Point((int)(slope*sol_1 + b), (int)(sol_1)); QPointF sol2Point((int)(slope*sol_2 + b), (int)(sol_2)); if (sol_1 < 0 && sol_2 >=0) { if (x2 > x1) { if (x1 <= sol_2 && sol_2 <= x2) return sol2Point; } else { if (x2 <= sol_2 && sol_2 <= x1) return sol2Point; } } else if (sol_1 >= 0 && sol_2 < 0) { if (x2 > x1) { if (x1 <= sol_1 && sol_1 <= x2) return sol1Point; } else { if (x2 <= sol_1 && sol_1 <= x1) return sol1Point; } } else { if (x2 > x1) { if (x1 <= sol_1 && sol_1 <= x2) return sol1Point; if (x1 <= sol_2 && sol_2 <= x2) return sol2Point; } else { if (x2 <= sol_1 && sol_1 <= x1) return sol1Point; if (x2 <= sol_2 && sol_2 <= x1) return sol2Point; } } return QPointF(-1, -1); } /** * Calculates which point of a perpendicular line to segment P1P2 that contains P2 * has a distance equal to Distance from P2, * Lets say such point is P3, the distance from P2 to P3 must be equal to Distance */ QPointF AssociationWidget::calculatePointAtDistanceOnPerpendicular(const QPointF &P1, const QPointF &P2, float Distance) { /* the distance D between points (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) has the following formula: --- ------------------------------ D = \ / 2 2 \ / (x3 - x2) + (y3 - y2) D, x2 and y2 are known and line P2P3 is perpendicular to line (x1, y1)(x2, y2), so if the line P1P2 has the formula y = m*x + b, then (x1 - x2) m = -----------, because it is perpendicular to line P1P2 (y2 - y1) also y2 = m*x2 + b => b = y2 - m*x2 then P3 = (x3, m*x3 + b) 2 2 2 D = (x3 - x2) + (y3 - y2) 2 2 2 2 2 D = x3 - 2*x3*x2 + x2 + y3 - 2*y3*y2 + y2 2 2 2 2 2 D - x2 - y2 = x3 - 2*x3*x2 + y3 - 2*y3*y2 2 2 2 2 2 D - x2 - y2 = x3 - 2*x3*x2 + (m*x3 + b) - 2*(m*x3 + b)*y2 2 2 2 2 2 2 D - x2 - y2 + 2*b*y2 - b = (m + 1)*x3 + (-2*x2 + 2*m*b -2*m*y2)*x3 2 2 2 2 C = - D + x2 + y2 - 2*b*y2 + b 2 A = (m + 1) B = (-2*x2 + 2*m*b -2*m*y2) and we have 2 A * x3 + B * x3 - C = 0 --------------- --- / 2 -B + \/ B - 4*A*C sol_1 = -------------------------------- 2*A --------------- --- / 2 -B - \/ B - 4*A*C sol_2 = -------------------------------- 2*A then in the distance formula we have only one variable x3 and that is easy to calculate */ if (P1.x() == P2.x()) { return QPointF((int)(P2.x() + Distance), P2.y()); } const int x1 = P1.y(); const int y1 = P1.x(); const int x2 = P2.y(); const int y2 = P2.x(); float slope = ((float)x1 - (float)x2) / ((float)y2 - (float)y1); float b = (y2 - slope*x2); float A = (slope * slope) + 1; float B = (2*slope*b) - (2*x2) - (2*slope*y2); float C = (b*b) - (Distance*Distance) + (x2*x2) + (y2*y2) - (2*b*y2); float t = B*B - 4*A*C; if (t < 0) { return QPointF(-1, -1); } float sol_1 = ((-1* B) + sqrt(t)) / (2*A); float sol_2 = ((-1*B) - sqrt(t)) / (2*A); if (sol_1 < 0 && sol_2 < 0) { return QPointF(-1, -1); } QPointF sol1Point((int)(slope*sol_1 + b), (int)sol_1); QPointF sol2Point((int)(slope*sol_2 + b), (int)sol_2); if (sol_1 < 0 && sol_2 >=0) { return sol2Point; } else if (sol_1 >= 0 && sol_2 < 0) { return sol1Point; } else { // Choose one solution, either will work fine if (slope >= 0) { if (sol_1 <= sol_2) return sol2Point; else return sol1Point; } else { if (sol_1 <= sol_2) return sol1Point; else return sol2Point; } } return QPointF(-1, -1); // never reached, just keep compilers happy } /** * Calculates the intersection (PS) between line P1P2 and a perpendicular line containing * P3, the result is returned in ResultingPoint. and result value represents the distance * between ResultingPoint and P3; if this value is negative an error ocurred. */ float AssociationWidget::perpendicularProjection(const QPointF& P1, const QPointF& P2, const QPointF& P3, QPointF& ResultingPoint) { //line P1P2 is Line 1 = y=slope1*x + b1 //line P3PS is Line 1 = y=slope2*x + b2 float slope2 = 0; float slope1 = 0; float sx = 0, sy = 0; int y2 = P2.x(); int y1 = P1.x(); int x2 = P2.y(); int x1 = P1.y(); int y3 = P3.x(); int x3 = P3.y(); float distance = 0; float b1 = 0; float b2 = 0; if (x2 == x1) { sx = x2; sy = y3; } else if (y2 == y1) { sy = y2; sx = x3; } else { slope1 = (y2 - y1)/ (x2 - x1); slope2 = (x1 - x2)/ (y2 - y1); b1 = y2 - (slope1 * x2); b2 = y3 - (slope2 * x3); sx = (b2 - b1) / (slope1 - slope2); sy = slope1*sx + b1; } distance = (int)(sqrt(((x3 - sx)*(x3 - sx)) + ((y3 - sy)*(y3 - sy)))); ResultingPoint.setX((int)sy); ResultingPoint.setY((int)sx); return distance; } #endif /** * Calculates the position of the text widget depending on the role * that widget is playing. * Returns the point at which to put the widget. */ QPointF AssociationWidget::calculateTextPosition(Uml::TextRole::Enum role) { const int SPACE = 2; QPointF p(-1, -1), q(-1, -1); // used to find out if association end point (p) // is at top or bottom edge of widget. if (role == TextRole::MultiA || role == TextRole::ChangeA || role == TextRole::RoleAName) { p = m_associationLine->point(0); q = m_associationLine->point(1); } else if (role == TextRole::MultiB || role == TextRole::ChangeB || role == TextRole::RoleBName) { const int lastSegment = m_associationLine->count() - 1; p = m_associationLine->point(lastSegment); q = m_associationLine->point(lastSegment - 1); } else if (role != TextRole::Name) { uError() << "called with unsupported TextRole::Enum " << role; return QPointF(-1, -1); } FloatingTextWidget *text = textWidgetByRole(role); int textW = 0, textH = 0; if (text) { textW = text->width(); textH = text->height(); } qreal x = 0.0, y = 0.0; if (role == TextRole::MultiA || role == TextRole::MultiB) { const bool isHorizontal = (p.y() == q.y()); const int atBottom = p.y() + SPACE; const int atTop = p.y() - SPACE - textH; const int atLeft = p.x() - SPACE - textW; const int atRight = p.x() + SPACE; y = (p.y() > q.y()) == isHorizontal ? atBottom : atTop; x = (p.x() < q.x()) == isHorizontal ? atRight : atLeft; } else if (role == TextRole::ChangeA || role == TextRole::ChangeB) { if (p.y() > q.y()) y = p.y() - SPACE - (textH * 2); else y = p.y() + SPACE + textH; if (p.x() < q.x()) x = p.x() + SPACE; else x = p.x() - SPACE - textW; } else if (role == TextRole::RoleAName || role == TextRole::RoleBName) { if (p.y() > q.y()) y = p.y() - SPACE - textH; else y = p.y() + SPACE; if (p.x() < q.x()) x = p.x() + SPACE; else x = p.x() - SPACE - textW; } else if (role == TextRole::Name) { calculateNameTextSegment(); if (m_unNameLineSegment == -1) { uWarning() << "TODO:negative line segment index"; m_unNameLineSegment = 0; } x = ( m_associationLine->point(m_unNameLineSegment).x() + m_associationLine->point(m_unNameLineSegment + 1).x() ) / 2; y = ( m_associationLine->point(m_unNameLineSegment).y() + m_associationLine->point(m_unNameLineSegment + 1).y() ) / 2; } if (text) { constrainTextPos(x, y, textW, textH, role); } p = QPointF( x, y ); return p; } /** * Return the mid point between p0 and p1 */ QPointF AssociationWidget::midPoint(const QPointF& p0, const QPointF& p1) { QPointF midP; if (p0.x() < p1.x()) midP.setX(p0.x() + (p1.x() - p0.x()) / 2); else midP.setX(p1.x() + (p0.x() - p1.x()) / 2); if (p0.y() < p1.y()) midP.setY(p0.y() + (p1.y() - p0.y()) / 2); else midP.setY(p1.y() + (p0.y() - p1.y()) / 2); return midP; } /** * Constrains the FloatingTextWidget X and Y values supplied. * Implements the abstract operation from LinkWidget. * * @param textX Candidate X value (may be modified by the constraint.) * @param textY Candidate Y value (may be modified by the constraint.) * @param textWidth Width of the text. * @param textHeight Height of the text. * @param tr Uml::Text_Role of the text. */ void AssociationWidget::constrainTextPos(qreal &textX, qreal &textY, qreal textWidth, qreal textHeight, Uml::TextRole::Enum tr) { const int textCenterX = textX + textWidth / 2; const int textCenterY = textY + textHeight / 2; const int lastSegment = m_associationLine->count() - 1; QPointF p0, p1; switch (tr) { case TextRole::RoleAName: case TextRole::MultiA: case TextRole::ChangeA: p0 = m_associationLine->point(0); p1 = m_associationLine->point(1); // If we are dealing with a single line then tie the // role label to the proper half of the line, i.e. // the role label must be closer to the "other" // role object. if (lastSegment == 1) p1 = midPoint(p0, p1); break; case TextRole::RoleBName: case TextRole::MultiB: case TextRole::ChangeB: p0 = m_associationLine->point(lastSegment - 1); p1 = m_associationLine->point(lastSegment); if (lastSegment == 1) p0 = midPoint(p0, p1); break; case TextRole::Name: case TextRole::Coll_Message: // CHECK: collab.msg texts seem to be TextRole::Name case TextRole::State: // CHECK: is this used? // Find the linepath segment to which the (textX, textY) is closest // and constrain to the corridor of that segment (see farther below) { int minDistSquare = 100000; // utopian initial value int lpIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lastSegment; ++i) { p0 = m_associationLine->point(i); p1 = m_associationLine->point(i + 1); QPointF midP = midPoint(p0, p1); const int deltaX = textCenterX - midP.x(); const int deltaY = textCenterY - midP.y(); const int cSquare = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY; if (cSquare < minDistSquare) { minDistSquare = cSquare; lpIndex = i; } } p0 = m_associationLine->point(lpIndex); p1 = m_associationLine->point(lpIndex + 1); } break; default: uError() << "unexpected TextRole::Enum " << tr; return; break; } /* Constraint: The midpoint between p0 and p1 is taken to be the center of a circle with radius D/2 where D is the distance between p0 and p1. The text center needs to be within this circle else it is constrained to the nearest point on the circle. */ p0 = swapXY(p0); // go to the natural coordinate system p1 = swapXY(p1); // with (0,0) in the lower left corner QPointF midP = midPoint(p0, p1); // If (textX,textY) is not inside the circle around midP then // constrain (textX,textY) to the nearest point on that circle. const int x0 = p0.x(); const int y0 = p0.y(); const int x1 = p1.x(); const int y1 = p1.y(); double r = sqrt((double)((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0))) / 2; if (textWidth > r) r = textWidth; // swap textCenter{X,Y} to convert from Qt coord.system. const QPointF origTextCenter(textCenterY, textCenterX); const int relX = fabs(origTextCenter.x() - midP.x()); const int relY = fabs(origTextCenter.y() - midP.y()); const double negativeWhenInsideCircle = relX * relX + relY * relY - r * r; if (negativeWhenInsideCircle <= 0.0) { return; } /* The original constraint was to snap the text position to the midpoint but that creates unpleasant visual jitter: textX = midP.y() - textWidth / 2; // go back to Qt coord.sys. textY = midP.x() - textHeight / 2; // go back to Qt coord.sys. Rather, we project the text position onto the closest point on the circle: Circle equation: relX^2 + relY^2 - r^2 = 0, or in other words relY^2 = r^2 - relX^2, or relY = sqrt(r^2 - relX^2) Line equation: relY = a * relX + b We can omit "b" because relX and relY are already relative to the circle origin, therefore we can also write: a = relY / relX To obtain the point of intersection between the circle of radius r and the line connecting the circle origin with the point (relX, relY), we equate the relY: a * x = sqrt(r^2 - x^2), or in other words a^2 * x^2 = r^2 - x^2, or x^2 * (a^2 + 1) = r^2, or x^2 = r^2 / (a^2 + 1), or x = sqrt(r^2 / (a^2 + 1)) and then y = a * x The resulting x and y are relative to the circle origin so we just add the circle origin (X, Y) to obtain the constrained (textX, textY). */ // Handle the special case, relX = 0. if (relX == 0) { if (origTextCenter.y() > midP.y()) textX = midP.y() + (int)r; // go back to Qt coord.sys. else textX = midP.y() - (int)r; // go back to Qt coord.sys. textX -= textWidth / 2; return; } const double a = (double)relY / (double)relX; const double x = sqrt(r*r / (a*a + 1)); const double y = a * x; if (origTextCenter.x() > midP.x()) textY = midP.x() + (int)x; // go back to Qt coord.sys. else textY = midP.x() - (int)x; // go back to Qt coord.sys. textY -= textHeight / 2; if (origTextCenter.y() > midP.y()) textX = midP.y() + (int)y; // go back to Qt coord.sys. else textX = midP.y() - (int)y; // go back to Qt coord.sys. textX -= textWidth / 2; } /** * Puts the text widget with the given role at the given position. * This method calls @ref calculateTextPostion to get the needed position. * I.e. the line segment it is on has moved and it should move the same * amount as the line. */ void AssociationWidget::setTextPosition(Uml::TextRole::Enum role) { bool startMove = false; if (m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget && m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget && m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget && m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget && m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget && m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget && m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_nameWidget && m_nameWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; if (startMove) { return; } FloatingTextWidget *ft = textWidgetByRole(role); if (ft == 0) return; QPointF pos = calculateTextPosition(role); ft->setX(pos.x()); ft->setY(pos.y()); } /** * Moves the text widget with the given role by the difference between * the two points. */ void AssociationWidget::setTextPositionRelatively(Uml::TextRole::Enum role, const QPointF &oldPosition) { bool startMove = false; if (m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget && m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget && m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget && m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget && m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget && m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget && m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; else if (m_nameWidget && m_nameWidget->getStartMove()) startMove = true; if (startMove) { return; } FloatingTextWidget *ft = textWidgetByRole(role); if (ft == 0) return; qreal ftX = ft->x(); qreal ftY = ft->y(); QPointF pos = calculateTextPosition(role); int relX = pos.x() - oldPosition.x(); int relY = pos.y() - oldPosition.y(); qreal ftNewX = ftX + relX; qreal ftNewY = ftY + relY; bool oldIgnoreSnapToGrid = ft->getIgnoreSnapToGrid(); ft->setIgnoreSnapToGrid(true); ft->setX(ftNewX); ft->setY(ftNewY); ft->setIgnoreSnapToGrid(oldIgnoreSnapToGrid); } /** * Remove dashed connecting line for association class. */ void AssociationWidget::removeAssocClassLine() { delete m_pAssocClassLineSel0; m_pAssocClassLineSel0 = 0; delete m_pAssocClassLineSel1; m_pAssocClassLineSel1 = 0; delete m_pAssocClassLine; m_pAssocClassLine = 0; if (m_associationClass) { m_associationClass->setClassAssociationWidget(0); m_associationClass = 0; } } /** * Creates the association class connecting line. */ void AssociationWidget::createAssocClassLine() { if (m_pAssocClassLine == 0) { m_pAssocClassLine = new QGraphicsLineItem(this); } QPen pen(lineColor(), lineWidth(), Qt::DashLine); m_pAssocClassLine->setPen(pen); // decoration points m_pAssocClassLineSel0 = Widget_Utils::decoratePoint(m_pAssocClassLine->line().p1(), m_pAssocClassLine); m_pAssocClassLineSel1 = Widget_Utils::decoratePoint(m_pAssocClassLine->line().p2(), m_pAssocClassLine); computeAssocClassLine(); selectAssocClassLine(false); } /** * Creates the association class connecting line using the specified * ClassifierWidget. * * @param classifier The ClassifierWidget to use. * @param linePathSegmentIndex The index of the segment where the * association class is created. */ void AssociationWidget::createAssocClassLine(ClassifierWidget* classifier, int linePathSegmentIndex) { m_nLinePathSegmentIndex = linePathSegmentIndex; if (m_nLinePathSegmentIndex < 0) { return; } m_associationClass = classifier; m_associationClass->setClassAssociationWidget(this); m_associationClass->addAssoc(this); // to get widgetMoved(...) for association classes createAssocClassLine(); } /** * Compute the end points of m_pAssocClassLine in case this * association has an attached association class. * TODO: The decoration points make no sense for now, because they are not movable. */ void AssociationWidget::computeAssocClassLine() { if (m_associationClass == 0 || m_pAssocClassLine == 0) { return; } if (m_nLinePathSegmentIndex < 0) { uError() << "m_nLinePathSegmentIndex is not set"; return; } QPointF segStart = m_associationLine->point(m_nLinePathSegmentIndex); QPointF segEnd = m_associationLine->point(m_nLinePathSegmentIndex + 1); const qreal midSegX = segStart.x() + (segEnd.x() - segStart.x()) / 2.0; const qreal midSegY = segStart.y() + (segEnd.y() - segStart.y()) / 2.0; QPointF segmentMidPoint(midSegX, midSegY); QLineF possibleAssocLine = QLineF(segmentMidPoint, m_associationClass->mapRectToScene(m_associationClass->rect()).center()); QPointF intersectionPoint; QLineF::IntersectType type = intersect(m_associationClass->mapRectToScene(m_associationClass->boundingRect()), possibleAssocLine, &intersectionPoint); // DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "intersect type=" << type << " / point=" << intersectionPoint; if (type == QLineF::BoundedIntersection) { m_pAssocClassLine->setLine(midSegX, midSegY, intersectionPoint.x(), intersectionPoint.y()); if (m_pAssocClassLineSel0 && m_pAssocClassLineSel1) { m_pAssocClassLineSel0->setPos(m_pAssocClassLine->line().p1()); m_pAssocClassLineSel1->setPos(m_pAssocClassLine->line().p2()); } } } /** * Renders the association class connecting line selected. */ void AssociationWidget::selectAssocClassLine(bool sel) { if (m_pAssocClassLineSel0 && m_pAssocClassLineSel1) { m_pAssocClassLineSel0->setVisible(sel); m_pAssocClassLineSel1->setVisible(sel); } } /** * Sets the association to be selected. */ void AssociationWidget::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * me) { // clear other selected stuff on the screen of ShiftKey if (me->modifiers() != Qt::ShiftModifier) { m_scene->clearSelected(); } if (me->button() == Qt::LeftButton && me->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) { if (checkRemovePoint(me->scenePos())) return; } // make sure we should be here depending on the button if (me->button() != Qt::RightButton && me->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } QPointF mep = me->scenePos(); // see if `mep' is on the connecting line to the association class if (onAssocClassLine(mep)) { setSelected(true); selectAssocClassLine(); return; } setSelected(!isSelected()); associationLine()->mousePressEvent(me); } /** * Displays the right mouse buttom menu if right button is pressed. */ void AssociationWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * me) { associationLine()->mouseReleaseEvent(me); } /** * Handles the selection from the popup menu. */ void AssociationWidget::slotMenuSelection(QAction* action) { QString oldText, newText; bool ok = false; Uml::AssociationType::Enum atype = associationType(); Uml::RoleType::Enum r = RoleType::B; ListPopupMenu::MenuType sel = ListPopupMenu::typeFromAction(action); DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "menu selection = " << ListPopupMenu::toString(sel); // if it's a collaboration message we now just use the code in floatingtextwidget // this means there's some redundant code below but that's better than duplicated code if (isCollaboration() && sel != ListPopupMenu::mt_Delete) { m_nameWidget->slotMenuSelection(action); return; } switch(sel) { case ListPopupMenu::mt_Properties: if (atype == AssociationType::Seq_Message || atype == AssociationType::Seq_Message_Self) { // show op dlg for seq. diagram here // don't worry about here, I don't think it can get here as // line is widget on seq. diagram // here just in case - remove later after testing DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "mt_Properties: assoctype is " << atype; } else { //standard assoc dialog UMLApp::app()->docWindow()->updateDocumentation(false); showPropertiesDialog(); } break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Add_Point: checkAddPoint(m_eventScenePos); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Delete_Point: checkRemovePoint(m_eventScenePos); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Auto_Layout_Spline: checkAutoLayoutSpline(); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Delete: if (!Dialog_Utils::askDeleteAssociation()) break; if (m_pAssocClassLineSel0) removeAssocClassLine(); else if (association()) m_scene->removeAssocInViewAndDoc(this); else m_scene->removeWidgetCmd(this); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Rename_MultiA: r = RoleType::A; // fall through case ListPopupMenu::mt_Rename_MultiB: if (m_role[r].multiplicityWidget) oldText = m_role[r].multiplicityWidget->text(); else oldText = QString(); newText = oldText; ok = Dialog_Utils::askName(i18n("Multiplicity"), i18n("Enter multiplicity:"), newText); if (ok && newText != oldText) { if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(newText)) { setMultiplicity(newText, r); } else { m_scene->removeWidget(m_role[r].multiplicityWidget); m_role[r].multiplicityWidget = 0; } } break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Rename_Name: if (m_nameWidget) oldText = m_nameWidget->text(); else oldText = QString(); newText = oldText; ok = Dialog_Utils::askName(i18n("Association Name"), i18n("Enter association name:"), newText); if (ok && newText != oldText) { if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(newText)) { setName(newText); } else if (m_nameWidget) { m_scene->removeWidget(m_nameWidget); m_nameWidget = 0; } } break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Rename_RoleAName: r = RoleType::A; // fall through case ListPopupMenu::mt_Rename_RoleBName: if (m_role[r].roleWidget) oldText = m_role[r].roleWidget->text(); else oldText = QString(); newText = oldText; ok = Dialog_Utils::askName(i18n("Role Name"), i18n("Enter role name:"), newText); if (ok && newText != oldText) { if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(newText)) { setRoleName(newText, r); } else { m_scene->removeWidget(m_role[r].roleWidget); m_role[r].roleWidget = 0; } } break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Change_Font: { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 bool ok = false; QFont fnt = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, font(), m_scene->activeView()); if (ok) #else QFont fnt = font(); if (KFontDialog::getFont(fnt, KFontChooser::NoDisplayFlags, m_scene->activeView())) #endif lwSetFont(fnt); } break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Line_Color: { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 QColor newColor = QColorDialog::getColor(lineColor()); if (newColor != lineColor()) { #else QColor newColor; if (KColorDialog::getColor(newColor)) { #endif m_scene->selectionSetLineColor(newColor); umlDoc()->setModified(true); } } break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Cut: m_scene->setStartedCut(); UMLApp::app()->slotEditCut(); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Copy: UMLApp::app()->slotEditCopy(); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Paste: UMLApp::app()->slotEditPaste(); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Reset_Label_Positions: resetTextPositions(); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_LayoutDirect: m_associationLine->setLayout(Uml::LayoutType::Direct); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_LayoutSpline: m_associationLine->setLayout(Uml::LayoutType::Spline); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_LayoutOrthogonal: m_associationLine->setLayout(Uml::LayoutType::Orthogonal); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_LayoutPolyline: m_associationLine->setLayout(Uml::LayoutType::Polyline); break; default: DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "MenuType " << ListPopupMenu::toString(sel) << " not implemented"; break; }//end switch } /** * Return the first font found being used by any child widget. (They * could be different fonts, so this is a slightly misleading method.) */ QFont AssociationWidget::font() const { //:TODO: find a general font for the association QFont font; if (m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget) font = m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget->font(); else if (m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget) font = m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget->font(); else if (m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget) font = m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget->font(); else if (m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget) font = m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget->font(); else if (m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget) font = m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget->font(); else if (m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget) font = m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget->font(); else if (m_nameWidget) font = m_nameWidget->font(); else font = m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget->font(); return font; } /** * Set all 'owned' child widgets to this text color. */ void AssociationWidget::setTextColor(const QColor &color) { WidgetBase::setTextColor(color); if (m_nameWidget) { m_nameWidget->setTextColor(color); } if (m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget) { m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget->setTextColor(color); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget) { m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget->setTextColor(color); } if (m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget) { m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget->setTextColor(color); } if (m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget) { m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget->setTextColor(color); } if (m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget) m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget->setTextColor(color); if (m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget) m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget->setTextColor(color); } void AssociationWidget::setLineColor(const QColor &color) { WidgetBase::setLineColor(color); QPen pen = m_associationLine->pen(); pen.setColor(color); m_associationLine->setPen(pen); } void AssociationWidget::setLineWidth(uint width) { WidgetBase::setLineWidth(width); QPen pen = m_associationLine->pen(); pen.setWidth(width); m_associationLine->setPen(pen); } bool AssociationWidget::checkAddPoint(const QPointF &scenePos) { if (associationType() == AssociationType::Exception) { return false; } // if there is no point around the mouse pointer, we insert a new one if (m_associationLine->closestPointIndex(scenePos) < 0) { int i = m_associationLine->closestSegmentIndex(scenePos); if (i < 0) { DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "no closest segment found!"; return false; } // switch type to see additional points by default if (m_associationLine->count() == 2) m_associationLine->setLayout(Uml::LayoutType::Polyline); m_associationLine->insertPoint(i + 1, scenePos); if (m_nLinePathSegmentIndex == i) { QPointF segStart = m_associationLine->point(i); QPointF segEnd = m_associationLine->point(i + 2); const int midSegX = segStart.x() + (segEnd.x() - segStart.x()) / 2; const int midSegY = segStart.y() + (segEnd.y() - segStart.y()) / 2; /* DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "segStart=" << segStart << ", segEnd=" << segEnd << ", midSeg=(" << midSegX << "," << midSegY << "), mp=" << mp; */ if (midSegX > scenePos.x() || midSegY < scenePos.y()) { m_nLinePathSegmentIndex++; DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "setting m_nLinePathSegmentIndex to " << m_nLinePathSegmentIndex; computeAssocClassLine(); } m_associationLine->update(); calculateNameTextSegment(); umlDoc()->setModified(true); setSelected(true); } return true; } else { DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "found point already close enough!"; return false; } } /** * Remove point close to the given point and redraw the association. * @param scenePos point which should be removed * @return success status of the remove action */ bool AssociationWidget::checkRemovePoint(const QPointF &scenePos) { int i = m_associationLine->closestPointIndex(scenePos); if (i == -1) return false; m_associationLine->setSelected(false); // there was a point so we remove the point m_associationLine->removePoint(i); // switch type back to simple line if (m_associationLine->count() == 2) m_associationLine->setLayout(Uml::LayoutType::Direct); // Maybe reattach association class connecting line // to different association linepath segment. const int numberOfLines = m_associationLine->count() - 1; if (m_nLinePathSegmentIndex >= numberOfLines) { m_nLinePathSegmentIndex = numberOfLines - 1; } calculateEndingPoints(); // select the line path m_associationLine->setSelected(true); m_associationLine->update(); calculateNameTextSegment(); umlDoc()->setModified(true); return true; } bool AssociationWidget::checkAutoLayoutSpline() { m_associationLine->enableAutoLayout(); m_associationLine->update(); return true; } /** * Moves the break point being dragged. */ void AssociationWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* me) { if (me->buttons() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } setSelected(true); associationLine()->mouseMoveEvent(me); moveEvent(me); m_scene->resizeSceneToItems(); } /** * Returns the Region the widget to line intersection is for the given * widget in this Association. If the given widget is not in the * Association then Region::Error is returned. * Used by @ref calculateEndingPoints to work these positions out for * another Association - since the number of Associations on the same * region for the same widget will mean the lines will need to be * spread out across the region. */ //Uml::Region::Enum AssociationWidget::getWidgetRegion(AssociationWidget * widget) const //{ // if (widget->widgetForRole(RoleType::A) == m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget) // return m_role[RoleType::A].m_WidgetRegion; // if (widget->widgetForRole(RoleType::B) == m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget) // return m_role[RoleType::B].m_WidgetRegion; // return Uml::Region::Error; //} /** * Returns the number of lines there are on the given region for * either widget A or B of the association. */ int AssociationWidget::getRegionCount(Uml::Region::Enum region, Uml::RoleType::Enum role) { if ((region == Uml::Region::Error) | (umlScene() == 0)) { return 0; } int widgetCount = 0; AssociationWidgetList list = m_scene->associationList(); foreach (AssociationWidget* assocwidget, list) { //don't count this association if (assocwidget == this) continue; const AssociationWidgetRole& otherA = assocwidget->m_role[RoleType::A]; const AssociationWidgetRole& otherB = assocwidget->m_role[RoleType::B]; const UMLWidget *a = otherA.umlWidget; const UMLWidget *b = otherB.umlWidget; /* //don't count associations to self if both of their end points are on the same region //they are different and placement won't interfere with them if (a == b && otherA.m_WidgetRegion == otherB.m_WidgetRegion) continue; */ if (m_role[role].umlWidget == a && region == otherA.m_WidgetRegion) widgetCount++; else if (m_role[role].umlWidget == b && region == otherB.m_WidgetRegion) widgetCount++; }//end foreach return widgetCount; } /** * Find the border point of the given rect when a line is drawn from the * given point to the rect. * @param rect rect of a classifier * @param line a line to the rect * @param intersectionPoint the intercept point on the border of the rect * @return the type of the intersection @ref QLineF::IntersectType */ QLineF::IntersectType AssociationWidget::intersect(const QRectF &rect, const QLineF &line, QPointF* intersectionPoint) { QList lines; lines << QLineF(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight()); lines << QLineF(rect.topRight(), rect.bottomRight()); lines << QLineF(rect.bottomRight(), rect.bottomLeft()); lines << QLineF(rect.bottomLeft(), rect.topLeft()); foreach (const QLineF& rectLine, lines) { QLineF::IntersectType type = rectLine.intersect(line, intersectionPoint); if (type == QLineF::BoundedIntersection) { return type; } } return QLineF::NoIntersection; } /** * Given a rectangle and a point, findInterceptOnEdge computes the * connecting line between the middle point of the rectangle and * the point, and returns the intercept of this line with the * the edge of the rectangle identified by `region'. * When the region is North or South, the X value is returned (Y is * constant.) * When the region is East or West, the Y value is returned (X is * constant.) * @todo This is buggy. Try replacing by intersect() */ qreal AssociationWidget::findInterceptOnEdge(const QRectF &rect, Uml::Region::Enum region, const QPointF &point) { // The Qt coordinate system has (0, 0) in the top left corner. // In order to go to the regular XY coordinate system with (0, 0) // in the bottom left corner, we swap the X and Y axis. // That's why the following assignments look twisted. const qreal rectHalfWidth = rect.height() / 2.0; const qreal rectHalfHeight = rect.width() / 2.0; const qreal rectMidX = rect.y() + rectHalfWidth; const qreal rectMidY = rect.x() + rectHalfHeight; const qreal dX = rectMidX - point.y(); const qreal dY = rectMidY - point.x(); switch (region) { case Uml::Region::West: region = Uml::Region::South; break; case Uml::Region::North: region = Uml::Region::West; break; case Uml::Region::East: region = Uml::Region::North; break; case Uml::Region::South: region = Uml::Region::East; break; default: break; } // Now we have regular coordinates with the point (0, 0) in the // bottom left corner. if (region == Uml::Region::North || region == Uml::Region::South) { if (dX == 0) return rectMidY; // should be rectMidX, but we go back to Qt coord.sys. if (dY == 0) { uError() << "usage error: " << "North/South (dY == 0)"; return -1.0; } const qreal m = dY / dX; qreal relativeX; if (region == Uml::Region::North) relativeX = rectHalfHeight / m; else relativeX = -rectHalfHeight / m; return (rectMidY + relativeX); // should be rectMidX, but we go back to Qt coord.sys. } else { if (dY == 0) return rectMidX; // should be rectMidY, but we go back to Qt coord.sys. if (dX == 0) { uError() << "usage error: " << "East/West (dX == 0)"; return -1.0; } const qreal m = dY / dX; qreal relativeY = m * rectHalfWidth; if (region == Uml::Region::West) relativeY = -relativeY; return (rectMidX + relativeY); // should be rectMidY, but we go back to Qt coord.sys. } } /** * Auxiliary method for updateAssociations(): * Put position into m_positions and assoc into m_ordered at the * correct index. * m_positions and m_ordered move in parallel and are sorted by * ascending position. */ void AssociationWidget::insertIntoLists(qreal position, const AssociationWidget* assoc) { bool did_insertion = false; for (int index = 0; index < m_positions_len; ++index) { if (position < m_positions[index]) { for (int moveback = m_positions_len; moveback > index; moveback--) m_positions[moveback] = m_positions[moveback - 1]; m_positions[index] = position; m_ordered.insert(index, const_cast(assoc)); did_insertion = true; break; } } if (! did_insertion) { m_positions[m_positions_len] = position; m_ordered.append(const_cast(assoc)); } m_positions_len++; } /** * Tells all the other view associations the new count for the * given widget on a certain region. And also what index they should be. */ void AssociationWidget::updateAssociations(int totalCount, Uml::Region::Enum region, Uml::RoleType::Enum role) { if ((region == Uml::Region::Error) | (umlScene() == 0)) { return; } AssociationWidgetList list = m_scene->associationList(); UMLWidget *ownWidget = m_role[role].umlWidget; m_positions_len = 0; m_ordered.clear(); // we order the AssociationWidget list by region and x/y value foreach (AssociationWidget* assocwidget, list) { AssociationWidgetRole *roleA = &assocwidget->m_role[RoleType::A]; AssociationWidgetRole *roleB = &assocwidget->m_role[RoleType::B]; UMLWidget *wA = roleA->umlWidget; UMLWidget *wB = roleB->umlWidget; // Skip self associations. if (wA == wB) continue; // Now we must find out with which end the assocwidget connects // to the input widget (ownWidget). bool inWidgetARegion = (ownWidget == wA && region == roleA->m_WidgetRegion); bool inWidgetBRegion = (ownWidget == wB && region == roleB->m_WidgetRegion); if (!inWidgetARegion && !inWidgetBRegion) continue; // Determine intercept position on the edge indicated by `region'. UMLWidget * otherWidget = (inWidgetARegion ? wB : wA); AssociationLine *linepath = assocwidget->associationLine(); QPointF refpoint; if (assocwidget->linePathStartsAt(otherWidget)) refpoint = linepath->point(linepath->count() - 2); else refpoint = linepath->point(1); // The point is authoritative if we're called for the second time // (i.e. role==B) or it is a waypoint on the line path. bool pointIsAuthoritative = (role == RoleType::B || linepath->count() > 2); if (! pointIsAuthoritative) { // If the point is not authoritative then we use the other // widget's center. refpoint.setX(otherWidget->scenePos().x() + otherWidget->width() / 2); refpoint.setY(otherWidget->scenePos().y() + otherWidget->height() / 2); } qreal intercept = findInterceptOnEdge(ownWidget->rect(), region, refpoint); if (intercept < 0) { DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "error from findInterceptOnEdge for" << " assocType=" << assocwidget->associationType() << " ownWidget=" << ownWidget->name() << " otherWidget=" << otherWidget->name(); continue; } insertIntoLists(intercept, assocwidget); } // while ((assocwidget = assoc_it.current())) // we now have an ordered list and we only have to call updateRegionLineCount int index = 1; foreach (AssociationWidget* assocwidget, m_ordered ) { if (ownWidget == assocwidget->widgetForRole(RoleType::A)) { assocwidget->updateRegionLineCount(index++, totalCount, region, RoleType::A); } else if (ownWidget == assocwidget->widgetForRole(RoleType::B)) { assocwidget->updateRegionLineCount(index++, totalCount, region, RoleType::B); } } // for (assocwidget = ordered.first(); ...) } /** * Called to tell the association that another association has added * a line to the region of one of its widgets. The widget is identified * by its role (A or B). * * Called by @ref updateAssociations which is called by * @ref calculateEndingPoints when required. */ void AssociationWidget::updateRegionLineCount(int index, int totalCount, Uml::Region::Enum region, Uml::RoleType::Enum role) { if ((region == Uml::Region::Error) | (umlScene() == 0)) { return; } // If the association is to self and the line ends are on the same region then // use a different calculation. if (isSelf() && m_role[RoleType::A].m_WidgetRegion == m_role[RoleType::B].m_WidgetRegion) { UMLWidget * pWidget = m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget; qreal x = pWidget->scenePos().x(); qreal y = pWidget->scenePos().y(); qreal wh = pWidget->height(); qreal ww = pWidget->width(); int size = m_associationLine->count(); // See if above widget ok to place assoc. switch( m_role[RoleType::A].m_WidgetRegion ) { case Uml::Region::North: m_associationLine->setPoint( 0, QPointF( x + ( ww / 4 ), y ) ); m_associationLine->setPoint( size - 1, QPointF(x + ( ww * 3 / 4 ), y ) ); break; case Uml::Region::South: m_associationLine->setPoint( 0, QPointF( x + ( ww / 4 ), y + wh ) ); m_associationLine->setPoint( size - 1, QPointF( x + ( ww * 3 / 4 ), y + wh ) ); break; case Uml::Region::East: m_associationLine->setPoint( 0, QPointF( x + ww, y + ( wh / 4 ) ) ); m_associationLine->setPoint( size - 1, QPointF( x + ww, y + ( wh * 3 / 4 ) ) ); break; case Uml::Region::West: m_associationLine->setPoint( 0, QPointF( x, y + ( wh / 4 ) ) ); m_associationLine->setPoint( size - 1, QPointF( x, y + ( wh * 3 / 4 ) ) ); break; default: break; }//end switch return; } AssociationWidgetRole& robj = m_role[role]; UMLWidget * pWidget = robj.umlWidget; robj.m_nIndex = index; robj.m_nTotalCount = totalCount; qreal x = pWidget->scenePos().x(); qreal y = pWidget->scenePos().y(); qreal ww = pWidget->width(); qreal wh = pWidget->height(); const bool angular = Settings::optionState().generalState.angularlines; qreal ch = 0; qreal cw = 0; if (angular) { uint nind = (role == RoleType::A ? 1 : m_associationLine->count() - 2); QPointF neighbour = m_associationLine->point(nind); if (neighbour.x() < x) cw = 0; else if (neighbour.x() > x + ww) cw = 0 + ww; else cw = neighbour.x() - x; if (neighbour.y() < y) ch = 0; else if (neighbour.y() > y + wh) ch = 0 + wh; else ch = neighbour.y() - y; } else { ch = wh * index / totalCount; cw = ww * index / totalCount; } qreal newX = x + cw; qreal newY = y + ch; QPointF pt; if (angular) { pt = QPointF(newX, newY); } else { UMLWidget *pWidgetA = m_role[RoleType::A].umlWidget; UMLWidget *pWidgetB = m_role[RoleType::B].umlWidget; QList polyListA = pWidgetA->shape().toSubpathPolygons(); QPolygonF polyA = polyListA.at(0); if (polyListA.size() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < polyListA.size(); i++) { polyA = polyA.united(polyListA.at(i)); } } polyA = polyA.translated(pWidgetA->pos()); QList polyListB = pWidgetB->shape().toSubpathPolygons(); QPolygonF polyB = polyListB.at(0); if (polyListB.size() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < polyListB.size(); i++) { polyB = polyB.united(polyListB.at(i)); } } polyB = polyB.translated(pWidgetB->pos()); QLineF nearestPoints = Widget_Utils::closestPoints(polyA, polyB); if (nearestPoints.isNull()) { uError() << "Widget_Utils::closestPoints failed, falling back to simple widget positions"; switch(region) { case Uml::Region::West: pt.setX(x); pt.setY(newY); break; case Uml::Region::North: pt.setX(newX); pt.setY(y); break; case Uml::Region::East: pt.setX(x + ww); pt.setY(newY); break; case Uml::Region::South: pt.setX(newX); pt.setY(y + wh); break; case Uml::Region::Center: pt.setX(x + ww / 2); pt.setY(y + wh / 2); break; default: break; } } else { if (role == RoleType::A) pt = nearestPoints.p1(); else pt = nearestPoints.p2(); } } if (role == RoleType::A) { m_associationLine->setPoint(0, pt); } else { m_associationLine->setPoint(m_associationLine->count() - 1, pt); } } /** * Sets the state of whether the widget is selected. * * @param _select The state of whether the widget is selected. */ void AssociationWidget::setSelected(bool _select /* = true */) { WidgetBase::setSelected(_select); if ( m_nameWidget) m_nameWidget->setSelected( _select ); m_role[RoleType::A].setSelected(_select); m_role[RoleType::B].setSelected(_select); // Update the docwindow for this association. // This is done last because each of the above setSelected calls // overwrites the docwindow, but we want the main association doc // to win. if (_select) { UMLApp::app()->docWindow()->showDocumentation(this, false); } else UMLApp::app()->docWindow()->updateDocumentation(true); m_associationLine->setSelected(_select); if (! _select) { // For now, if _select is true we don't make the assoc class line // selected. But that's certainly open for discussion. // At any rate, we need to deselect the assoc class line // if _select is false. selectAssocClassLine(false); } UMLApp::app()->document()->writeToStatusBar(_select ? i18n("Press Ctrl with left mouse click to delete a point") : QString()); } /** * Reimplement method from WidgetBase in order to check owned floating texts. * * @param p Point to be checked. * * @return pointer to widget at the provided point * @return 0 is no widget has been found */ UMLWidget* AssociationWidget::onWidget(const QPointF &p) { if (m_nameWidget && m_nameWidget->onWidget(p)) return m_nameWidget; UMLWidget *w = m_role[RoleType::A].onWidget(p); if (w) return w; w = m_role[RoleType::B].onWidget(p); if (w) return w; return nullptr; } /** * Returns true if the given point is on the connecting line to * the association class. Returns false if there is no association * class attached, or if the given point is not on the connecting * line. */ bool AssociationWidget::onAssocClassLine(const QPointF &point) { bool onLine = false; if (m_pAssocClassLine) { //:TODO: // const QPointF mapped = m_pAssocClassLine->mapFromParent(point); // bool onLine = m_pAssocClassLine->contains(mapped); // return onLine; UMLSceneItemList list = m_scene->collisions(point); UMLSceneItemList::iterator end(list.end()); for (UMLSceneItemList::iterator item_it(list.begin()); item_it != end; ++item_it) { if (*item_it == m_pAssocClassLine) { onLine = true; break; } } } DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << onLine; return onLine; } /** * Returns true if the given point is on the association line. * A circle (rectangle) around the point is used to obtain more tolerance. * @param point the point to check * @return flag whether point is on association line */ bool AssociationWidget::onAssociation(const QPointF& point) { // check the path const qreal diameter(4.0); QPainterPath path = m_associationLine->shape(); if (path.contains(point)) { DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "on path"; return true; } // check also the points if (m_associationLine->layout() == Uml::LayoutType::Spline) { if (m_associationLine->closestPointIndex(point, diameter) > -1) { DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "on spline point"; return true; } } return onAssocClassLine(point); } /** * Set all association points to x coordinate. */ void AssociationWidget::setXEntireAssoc(qreal x) { for (int i = 0; i < m_associationLine->count(); ++i) { QPointF p = m_associationLine->point(i); p.setX(x); m_associationLine->setPoint(i, p); } } /** * Set all association points to y coordinate. */ void AssociationWidget::setYEntireAssoc(qreal y) { for (int i = 0; i < m_associationLine->count(); ++i) { QPointF p = m_associationLine->point(i); p.setY(y); m_associationLine->setPoint(i, p); } } /** * Moves all the mid points (all expcept start /end) by the given amount. */ void AssociationWidget::moveMidPointsBy(qreal x, qreal y) { int pos = m_associationLine->count() - 1; for (int i = 1; i < (int)pos; ++i) { QPointF p = m_associationLine->point( i ); qreal newX = p.x() + x; qreal newY = p.y() + y; p.setX( newX ); p.setY( newY ); m_associationLine->setPoint( i, p ); } } /** * Moves the entire association by the given offset. */ void AssociationWidget::moveEntireAssoc(qreal x, qreal y) { //TODO: ADD SUPPORT FOR ASSOC. ON SEQ. DIAGRAMS WHEN NOTES BACK IN. moveMidPointsBy(x, y); // multi select if (umlScene()->selectedCount() > 1) { QPointF d(x, y); QPointF s = m_associationLine->startPoint() + d; QPointF e = m_associationLine->endPoint() + d; m_associationLine->setEndPoints(s, e); } calculateEndingPoints(); calculateNameTextSegment(); resetTextPositions(); } /** * Returns the bounding rectangle of all segments of the association. */ QRectF AssociationWidget::boundingRect() const { return m_associationLine->boundingRect(); } /** * Returns the shape of all segments of the association. */ QPainterPath AssociationWidget::shape() const { return m_associationLine->shape(); } /** * Connected to UMLClassifier::attributeRemoved() or UMLEntity::constraintRemoved() * in case this AssociationWidget is linked to a clasifier list item * (an attribute or a foreign key constraint) * * @param obj The UMLClassifierListItem removed. */ void AssociationWidget::slotClassifierListItemRemoved(UMLClassifierListItem* obj) { if (obj != m_umlObject) { DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "obj=" << obj << ": m_umlObject=" << m_umlObject; return; } m_umlObject = 0; m_scene->removeWidgetCmd(this); } /** * Connected to UMLObject::modified() in case this * AssociationWidget is linked to a classifer's attribute type. */ void AssociationWidget::slotAttributeChanged() { UMLAttribute *attr = attribute(); if (attr == 0) { uError() << "attribute() returns NULL"; return; } setVisibility(attr->visibility(), RoleType::B); setRoleName(attr->name(), RoleType::B); } void AssociationWidget::clipSize() { if (m_nameWidget) m_nameWidget->clipSize(); - if (m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget) - m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget->clipSize(); - - if (m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget) - m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget->clipSize(); - - if (m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget) - m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget->clipSize(); - - if (m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget) - m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget->clipSize(); - - if (m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget) - m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget->clipSize(); - - if (m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget) - m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget->clipSize(); + m_role[RoleType::A].clipSize(); + m_role[RoleType::B].clipSize(); if (m_associationClass) m_associationClass->clipSize(); } /** * Event handler for context menu events, called from the line segments. */ void AssociationWidget::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event) { event->accept(); UMLScene *scene = umlScene(); QWidget *parent = 0; if (scene) { parent = scene->activeView(); } if (!isSelected() && scene && !scene->selectedItems().isEmpty()) { Qt::KeyboardModifiers forSelection = (Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier); if ((event->modifiers() & forSelection) == 0) { scene->clearSelection(); } } setSelected(true); m_eventScenePos = event->scenePos(); const Uml::AssociationType::Enum type = onAssocClassLine(event->scenePos()) ? Uml::AssociationType::Anchor : associationType(); AssociationWidgetPopupMenu popup(parent, type, this); QAction *triggered = popup.exec(event->screenPos()); slotMenuSelection(triggered); } /** * Reimplemented event handler for hover enter events. */ void AssociationWidget::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { associationLine()->hoverEnterEvent(event); } /** * Reimplemented event handler for hover leave events. */ void AssociationWidget::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { associationLine()->hoverLeaveEvent(event); } /** * Reimplemented event handler for hover move events. */ void AssociationWidget::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { associationLine()->hoverMoveEvent(event); } /** * Saves this widget to the "assocwidget" XMI element. */ void AssociationWidget::saveToXMI1(QDomDocument &qDoc, QDomElement &qElement) { QDomElement assocElement = qDoc.createElement(QLatin1String("assocwidget")); WidgetBase::saveToXMI1(qDoc, assocElement); LinkWidget::saveToXMI1(qDoc, assocElement); if (m_umlObject) { assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("xmi.id"), Uml::ID::toString(m_umlObject->id())); } assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("type"), associationType()); if (!association()) { assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("visibilityA"), visibility(RoleType::A)); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("visibilityB"), visibility(RoleType::B)); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("changeabilityA"), changeability(RoleType::A)); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("changeabilityB"), changeability(RoleType::B)); if (m_umlObject == 0) { assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("roleAdoc"), roleDocumentation(RoleType::A)); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("roleBdoc"), roleDocumentation(RoleType::B)); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("documentation"), documentation()); } } assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("widgetaid"), Uml::ID::toString(widgetIDForRole(RoleType::A))); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("widgetbid"), Uml::ID::toString(widgetIDForRole(RoleType::B))); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("indexa"), m_role[RoleType::A].m_nIndex); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("indexb"), m_role[RoleType::B].m_nIndex); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("totalcounta"), m_role[RoleType::A].m_nTotalCount); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("totalcountb"), m_role[RoleType::B].m_nTotalCount); m_associationLine->saveToXMI1(qDoc, assocElement); if (m_nameWidget) { m_nameWidget->saveToXMI1(qDoc, assocElement); } if (multiplicityWidget(RoleType::A)) { multiplicityWidget(RoleType::A)->saveToXMI1(qDoc, assocElement); } if (multiplicityWidget(RoleType::B)) { multiplicityWidget(RoleType::B)->saveToXMI1(qDoc, assocElement); } if (roleWidget(RoleType::A)) { roleWidget(RoleType::A)->saveToXMI1(qDoc, assocElement); } if (roleWidget(RoleType::B)) { roleWidget(RoleType::B)->saveToXMI1(qDoc, assocElement); } if (changeabilityWidget(RoleType::A)) { changeabilityWidget(RoleType::A)->saveToXMI1(qDoc, assocElement); } if (changeabilityWidget(RoleType::B)) { changeabilityWidget(RoleType::B)->saveToXMI1(qDoc, assocElement); } if (m_associationClass) { QString acid = Uml::ID::toString(m_associationClass->id()); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("assocclass"), acid); assocElement.setAttribute(QLatin1String("aclsegindex"), m_nLinePathSegmentIndex); } qElement.appendChild(assocElement); } /** * Uses the supplied widgetList for resolving * the role A and role B widgets. (The other loadFromXMI1() queries * the UMLView for these widgets.) * Required for clipboard operations. */ bool AssociationWidget::loadFromXMI1(QDomElement& qElement, const UMLWidgetList& widgets, const MessageWidgetList* messages) { if (!WidgetBase::loadFromXMI1(qElement)) { return false; } if (!LinkWidget::loadFromXMI1(qElement)) { return false; } // load child widgets first QString widgetaid = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("widgetaid"), QLatin1String("-1")); QString widgetbid = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("widgetbid"), QLatin1String("-1")); Uml::ID::Type aId = Uml::ID::fromString(widgetaid); Uml::ID::Type bId = Uml::ID::fromString(widgetbid); UMLWidget *pWidgetA = Widget_Utils::findWidget(aId, widgets, messages); if (!pWidgetA) { uError() << "cannot find widget for roleA id " << Uml::ID::toString(aId); return false; } UMLWidget *pWidgetB = Widget_Utils::findWidget(bId, widgets, messages); if (!pWidgetB) { uError() << "cannot find widget for roleB id " << Uml::ID::toString(bId); return false; } setWidgetForRole(pWidgetA, RoleType::A); setWidgetForRole(pWidgetB, RoleType::B); QString type = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("type"), QLatin1String("-1")); Uml::AssociationType::Enum aType = Uml::AssociationType::fromInt(type.toInt()); QString id = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("xmi.id"), QLatin1String("-1")); bool oldStyleLoad = false; if (id == QLatin1String("-1")) { // xmi.id not present, ergo either a pure widget association, // or old (pre-1.2) style: // Everything is loaded from the AssociationWidget. // UMLAssociation may or may not be saved - if it is, it's a dummy. // Create the UMLAssociation if both roles are UML objects; // else load the info locally. if (Uml::AssociationType::hasUMLRepresentation(aType)) { // lack of an association in our widget AND presence of // both uml objects for each role clearly identifies this // as reading in an old-school file. Note it as such, and // create, and add, the UMLAssociation for this widget. // Remove this special code when backwards compatibility // with older files isn't important anymore. -b.t. UMLObject* umlRoleA = pWidgetA->umlObject(); UMLObject* umlRoleB = pWidgetB->umlObject(); if (!m_umlObject && umlRoleA && umlRoleB) { oldStyleLoad = true; // flag for further special config below if (aType == AssociationType::Aggregation || aType == AssociationType::Composition) { uWarning()<<" Old Style save file? swapping roles on association widget"<umlObject(); umlRoleB = pWidgetB->umlObject(); } setUMLAssociation(umlDoc()->createUMLAssociation(umlRoleA, umlRoleB, aType)); } } setDocumentation(qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("documentation"))); setRoleDocumentation(qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("roleAdoc")), RoleType::A); setRoleDocumentation(qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("roleBdoc")), RoleType::B); // visibility defaults to Public if it cant set it here.. QString visibilityA = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("visibilityA"), QLatin1String("0")); int vis = visibilityA.toInt(); if (vis >= 200) { // bkwd compat. vis -= 200; } setVisibility((Uml::Visibility::Enum)vis, RoleType::A); QString visibilityB = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("visibilityB"), QLatin1String("0")); vis = visibilityB.toInt(); if (vis >= 200) { // bkwd compat. vis -= 200; } setVisibility((Uml::Visibility::Enum)vis, RoleType::B); // Changeability defaults to "Changeable" if it cant set it here.. QString changeabilityA = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("changeabilityA"), QLatin1String("0")); if (changeabilityA.toInt() > 0) setChangeability(Uml::Changeability::fromInt(changeabilityA.toInt()), RoleType::A); QString changeabilityB = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("changeabilityB"), QLatin1String("0")); if (changeabilityB.toInt() > 0) setChangeability(Uml::Changeability::fromInt(changeabilityB.toInt()), RoleType::B); } else { // we should disconnect any prior association (can this happen??) if (m_umlObject && m_umlObject->baseType() == UMLObject::ot_Association) { UMLAssociation *umla = association(); umla->disconnect(this); umla->nrof_parent_widgets--; } // New style: The xmi.id is a reference to the UMLAssociation. // If the UMLObject is not found right now, we try again later // during the type resolution pass - see activate(). m_nId = Uml::ID::fromString(id); UMLObject *myObj = umlDoc()->findObjectById(m_nId); if (myObj) { const UMLObject::ObjectType ot = myObj->baseType(); if (ot != UMLObject::ot_Association) { setUMLObject(myObj); } else { UMLAssociation * myAssoc = myObj->asUMLAssociation(); setUMLAssociation(myAssoc); if (type == QLatin1String("-1")) aType = myAssoc->getAssocType(); } } } setAssociationType(aType); QString indexa = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("indexa"), QLatin1String("0")); QString indexb = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("indexb"), QLatin1String("0")); QString totalcounta = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("totalcounta"), QLatin1String("0")); QString totalcountb = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("totalcountb"), QLatin1String("0")); m_role[RoleType::A].m_nIndex = indexa.toInt(); m_role[RoleType::B].m_nIndex = indexb.toInt(); m_role[RoleType::A].m_nTotalCount = totalcounta.toInt(); m_role[RoleType::B].m_nTotalCount = totalcountb.toInt(); QString assocclassid = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("assocclass")); if (! assocclassid.isEmpty()) { Uml::ID::Type acid = Uml::ID::fromString(assocclassid); UMLWidget *w = Widget_Utils::findWidget(acid, widgets); if (w) { ClassifierWidget* aclWidget = static_cast(w); QString aclSegIndex = qElement.attribute(QLatin1String("aclsegindex"), QLatin1String("0")); createAssocClassLine(aclWidget, aclSegIndex.toInt()); } else { uError() << "cannot find assocclass " << assocclassid; } } //now load child elements QDomNode node = qElement.firstChild(); QDomElement element = node.toElement(); while (!element.isNull()) { QString tag = element.tagName(); if (tag == QLatin1String("linepath")) { if (!m_associationLine->loadFromXMI1(element)) { return false; } } else if (tag == QLatin1String("floatingtext") || tag == QLatin1String("UML:FloatingTextWidget")) { // for bkwd compatibility QString r = element.attribute(QLatin1String("role"), QLatin1String("-1")); if (r == QLatin1String("-1")) return false; Uml::TextRole::Enum role = Uml::TextRole::fromInt(r.toInt()); FloatingTextWidget *ft = new FloatingTextWidget(m_scene, role, QString(), Uml::ID::Reserved); if (! ft->loadFromXMI1(element)) { // Most likely cause: The FloatingTextWidget is empty. delete ft; node = element.nextSibling(); element = node.toElement(); continue; } // always need this ft->setParentItem(this); ft->setLink(this); ft->setSequenceNumber(m_SequenceNumber); ft->setFontCmd(ft->font()); switch(role) { case Uml::TextRole::MultiA: m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget = ft; if (oldStyleLoad) setMultiplicity(m_role[RoleType::A].multiplicityWidget->text(), RoleType::A); break; case Uml::TextRole::MultiB: m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget = ft; if (oldStyleLoad) setMultiplicity(m_role[RoleType::B].multiplicityWidget->text(), RoleType::B); break; case Uml::TextRole::ChangeA: m_role[RoleType::A].changeabilityWidget = ft; break; case Uml::TextRole::ChangeB: m_role[RoleType::B].changeabilityWidget = ft; break; case Uml::TextRole::Name: m_nameWidget = ft; if (oldStyleLoad) setName(m_nameWidget->text()); break; case Uml::TextRole::Coll_Message: case Uml::TextRole::Coll_Message_Self: m_nameWidget = ft; ft->setLink(this); ft->setActivated(); if (FloatingTextWidget::isTextValid(ft->text())) ft->show(); else ft->hide(); break; case Uml::TextRole::RoleAName: m_role[RoleType::A].roleWidget = ft; setRoleName(ft->text(), RoleType::A); break; case Uml::TextRole::RoleBName: m_role[RoleType::B].roleWidget = ft; setRoleName(ft->text(), RoleType::B); break; default: DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "unexpected FloatingTextWidget (TextRole::Enum " << role << ")"; delete ft; break; } } node = element.nextSibling(); element = node.toElement(); } return true; } /** * Queries the UMLView for resolving the role A and role B widgets. * .... */ bool AssociationWidget::loadFromXMI1(QDomElement& qElement) { UMLScene *scene = umlScene(); if (scene) { const UMLWidgetList& widgetList = scene->widgetList(); const MessageWidgetList& messageList = scene->messageList(); return loadFromXMI1(qElement, widgetList, &messageList); } else { DEBUG(DBG_SRC) << "This isn't on UMLScene yet, so can neither fetch" "messages nor widgets on umlscene"; return false; } } diff --git a/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidgetrole.cpp b/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidgetrole.cpp index 840abc8b1..4d6116bae 100644 --- a/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidgetrole.cpp +++ b/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidgetrole.cpp @@ -1,93 +1,105 @@ /*************************************************************************** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * copyright (C) 2002-2019 * * Umbrello UML Modeller Authors * ***************************************************************************/ #include "associationwidgetrole.h" #include "floatingtextwidget.h" #include "umlwidget.h" #include "umlscene.h" AssociationWidgetRole::AssociationWidgetRole() : multiplicityWidget(nullptr) , changeabilityWidget(nullptr) , roleWidget(nullptr) , umlWidget(nullptr) , m_WidgetRegion(Uml::Region::Error) , m_nIndex(0) , m_nTotalCount(0) , visibility(Uml::Visibility::Public) , changeability(Uml::Changeability::Changeable) , m_q(nullptr) { } void AssociationWidgetRole::cleanup() { if (umlWidget) { umlWidget->removeAssoc(m_q); umlWidget = nullptr; } if (roleWidget) { roleWidget->umlScene()->removeWidget(roleWidget); roleWidget = nullptr; } if (multiplicityWidget) { multiplicityWidget->umlScene()->removeWidget(multiplicityWidget); multiplicityWidget = nullptr; } if (changeabilityWidget) { changeabilityWidget->umlScene()->removeWidget(changeabilityWidget); changeabilityWidget = nullptr; } } void AssociationWidgetRole::setFont(const QFont &font) { if (roleWidget) roleWidget->setFont(font); if (multiplicityWidget) multiplicityWidget->setFont(font); if (changeabilityWidget) changeabilityWidget->setFont(font); } /** * Check owned floating texts * * @param p Point to be checked * * @return pointer to widget at the provided point p * @return 0 if no widget found */ UMLWidget* AssociationWidgetRole::onWidget(const QPointF &p) { if (multiplicityWidget && multiplicityWidget->onWidget(p)) return multiplicityWidget; else if (changeabilityWidget && changeabilityWidget->onWidget(p)) return changeabilityWidget; else if (roleWidget && roleWidget->onWidget(p)) return roleWidget; return nullptr; } /** * Sets the state of whether the widget is selected. * * @param _select The state of whether the widget is selected. */ void AssociationWidgetRole::setSelected(bool select) { if (roleWidget) roleWidget->setSelected(select); if (multiplicityWidget ) multiplicityWidget->setSelected(select); if (changeabilityWidget) changeabilityWidget->setSelected(select); } + +void AssociationWidgetRole::clipSize() +{ + if (multiplicityWidget) + multiplicityWidget->clipSize(); + + if (roleWidget) + roleWidget->clipSize(); + + if (changeabilityWidget) + changeabilityWidget->clipSize(); +} diff --git a/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidgetrole.h b/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidgetrole.h index 955f89607..0c289ea37 100644 --- a/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidgetrole.h +++ b/umbrello/umlwidgets/associationwidgetrole.h @@ -1,61 +1,62 @@ /*************************************************************************** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * copyright (C) 2002-2019 * * Umbrello UML Modeller Authors * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef ASSOCIATIONWIDGETROLE_H #define ASSOCIATIONWIDGETROLE_H #include "basictypes.h" #include class AssociationWidget; class FloatingTextWidget; class UMLWidget; class QPointF; /** * The AssociationWidgetRole struct gathers all information pertaining to the role. * The AssociationWidget class contains two AssociationWidgetRole objects, one for * each side of the association (A and B). */ class AssociationWidgetRole { public: FloatingTextWidget* multiplicityWidget; ///< information regarding multiplicity FloatingTextWidget* changeabilityWidget; ///< information regarding changeability FloatingTextWidget* roleWidget; ///< role's label of this association QPointer umlWidget; ///< UMLWidget at this role's side of this association Uml::Region::Enum m_WidgetRegion; ///< region of this role's widget int m_nIndex; ///< the index of where the line is on the region for this role int m_nTotalCount; ///< total amount of associations on the region this role's line is on // The following items are only used if m_pObject is not set. Uml::Visibility::Enum visibility; Uml::Changeability::Enum changeability; QString roleDocumentation; AssociationWidgetRole(); void setParent(AssociationWidget *parent) { m_q = parent; } void cleanup(); void setFont(const QFont &font); UMLWidget *onWidget(const QPointF &p); void setSelected(bool select); + void clipSize(); private: AssociationWidget *m_q; }; #endif // ASSOCIATIONWIDGETROLE_H