diff --git a/bin/BuildSystem/AutoToolsBuildSystem.py b/bin/BuildSystem/AutoToolsBuildSystem.py index 55d40646f..8f4e0f29a 100644 --- a/bin/BuildSystem/AutoToolsBuildSystem.py +++ b/bin/BuildSystem/AutoToolsBuildSystem.py @@ -1,155 +1,156 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # definitions for the autotools build system from BuildSystem.BuildSystemBase import * from shells import * import glob import re class AutoToolsBuildSystem(BuildSystemBase): def __init__(self): BuildSystemBase.__init__(self, "autotools") self._shell = BashShell() if not OsUtils.isWin(): self.platform = ""# hope for auto detection else: if CraftCore.compiler.isX86(): self.platform = "--host=i686-w64-mingw32 --build=i686-w64-mingw32 --target=i686-w64-mingw32 " else: self.platform = "--host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --build=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32 " def _execute(self, path, cmd, args=""): if not self.subinfo.options.useShadowBuild: envDir = self.sourceDir() else: envDir = self.buildDir() return self.shell.execute(path, cmd, args, envDir=envDir) @property def makeProgram(self): return "make" # make sure shell cant be overwritten @property def shell(self): return self._shell def configureDefaultDefines(self): """defining the default cmake cmd line""" return "" def configure(self): """configure the target""" if not self.subinfo.options.useShadowBuild: self.enterSourceDir() else: self.enterBuildDir() configure = os.path.join(self.sourceDir(), self.subinfo.options.configure.projectFile or "configure") self.shell.environment["CFLAGS"] = self.subinfo.options.configure.cflags + self.shell.environment["CFLAGS"] self.shell.environment["CXXFLAGS"] = self.subinfo.options.configure.cxxflags + self.shell.environment["CXXFLAGS"] self.shell.environment["LDFLAGS"] = self.subinfo.options.configure.ldflags + self.shell.environment["LDFLAGS"] if CraftCore.compiler.isMSVC() or self.subinfo.options.configure.bootstrap: autogen = os.path.join(self.sourceDir(), "autogen.sh") if os.path.exists(autogen): self._execute(self.sourceDir(), autogen) else: self._execute(self.sourceDir(), "autoreconf", "-f -i") if not self.subinfo.options.useShadowBuild: ret = self._execute(self.sourceDir(), configure, self.configureOptions(self)) else: ret = self._execute(self.buildDir(), configure, self.configureOptions(self)) return ret def make(self, dummyBuildType=None): """Using the *make program""" if not self.subinfo.options.useShadowBuild: self.enterSourceDir() else: self.enterBuildDir() command = self.makeProgram args = self.makeOptions() # adding Targets later if not self.subinfo.options.useShadowBuild: if not self._execute(self.sourceDir(), self.makeProgram, "clean"): print("while Make'ing. cmd: %s clean" % self.makeProgram) return False if not self._execute(self.sourceDir(), command, args): print("while Make'ing. cmd: %s" % command) return False else: if not self._execute(self.buildDir(), command, args): print("while Make'ing. cmd: %s" % command) return False return True def install(self): """Using *make install""" if not self.subinfo.options.useShadowBuild: self.enterSourceDir() else: self.enterBuildDir() command = self.makeProgram args = "install" if self.subinfo.options.install.useDestDir == True: - args += " DESTDIR=%s" % self.shell.toNativePath(self.installDir()) + args += f" DESTDIR={self.shell.toNativePath(self.installDir())}" if OsUtils.isWin(): + # TODO: try to use self._fixInstallPrefix() instead args += " prefix=" if self.subinfo.options.make.ignoreErrors: args += " -i" if self.subinfo.options.make.makeOptions: args += " %s" % self.subinfo.options.make.makeOptions if not self.subinfo.options.useShadowBuild: if not self._execute(self.sourceDir(), command, args): print("while installing. cmd: %s %s" % (command, args)) return False else: if not self._execute(self.buildDir(), command, args): print("while installing. cmd: %s %s" % (command, args)) return False if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.imageDir(), "lib")): return self._execute(os.path.join(self.imageDir(), "lib"), "rm", " -Rf *.la") else: return True def runTest(self): """running unittests""" return True def configureOptions(self, defines=""): """returns default configure options""" options = BuildSystemBase.configureOptions(self) if self.subinfo.options.configure.noDefaultOptions == False: if self.subinfo.options.install.useDestDir == False: options += " --prefix=%s " % self.shell.toNativePath(self.imageDir()) else: options += " --prefix=%s " % self.shell.toNativePath(self.mergeDestinationDir()) options += self.platform return options; def ccacheOptions(self): return " CC='ccache gcc' CXX='ccache g++' " def copyToMsvcImportLib(self): if not OsDetection.isWin(): return True reDlla = re.compile(r"\.dll\.a$") reLib = re.compile(r"^lib") for f in glob.glob(f"{self.installDir()}/lib/*.dll.a"): path, name = os.path.split(f) name = re.sub(reDlla, ".lib", name) name = re.sub(reLib, "", name) if not utils.copyFile(f, os.path.join(path, name), linkOnly=False): return False return True