diff --git a/bin/info.py b/bin/info.py index e30bd5de3..c719efd9e 100644 --- a/bin/info.py +++ b/bin/info.py @@ -1,344 +1,345 @@ ## # # @package this module contains the information class # the current work here is to access members only # by methods to be able to separate the access from # the definition import datetime import os import utils import compiler from options import * import types class infoclass(object): """this module contains the information class""" def __init__( self, RAW="" ): ### package options self.options = Options() self.options.readFromEnv() self.targets = dict() self.archiveNames = dict() # Specifiy that the fetched source should be placed into a # subdirectory of the default source directory self.targetInstSrc = dict() # Specifiy that the default source directory should have a suffix after # the package name. This is usefull for package which needs different sources. self.targetSrcSuffix = dict() self.targetConfigurePath = dict() self.targetInstallPath = dict() self.targetMergeSourcePath = dict() self.targetMergePath = dict() self.targetDigests = dict() self.targetDigestUrls = dict() ## \todo prelimary self.svnTargets = dict() self.hardDependencies = dict() self.softDependencies = dict() # dependencies is the common way to define dependencies that are both # run time and build time dependencies, it is equivalent to hardDependencies # runtimeDependencies and buildDependencies are not different when looking # at the build process itself, they will only make a difference when getting # output of the dependencies self.dependencies = dict() self.runtimeDependencies = dict() self.buildDependencies = dict() # a long and a short description for the package self.shortDescription = '' self.description = '' #a url to the projects homepage self.homepage = '' # the category that will be used in the installer for this package # you must only set this property if you want to override the default category # of the package self.categoryName = '' + self.revision = 0 self.patchToApply = dict() # key: target. Value: list(['patchname', patchdepth]) or ('patchname',patchdepth) self.isoDateToday = str( datetime.date.today() ).replace('-', '') self.svnTargets['svnHEAD'] = False self.svnServer = None # this will result in the use of the default server (either anonsvn.kde.org or svn.kde.org) self.defaultTarget = 'svnHEAD' self.buildTarget = 'svnHEAD' self.disableHostBuild = False self.disableTargetBuild = False self.package = utils.packageSplit(os.path.basename(utils.getCallerFilename()))[0] for x in RAW.splitlines(): if not x == '': # if version is not available then set it as -1 self.hardDependencies[ x ] = [ -1 ] self.setDependencies() self.setTargets() self.setSVNTargets() self.setBuildTarget() self.setBuildOptions() def setDependencies( self ): """default method for setting dependencies, override to set individual targets""" def setTargets( self ): """default method for setting targets, override to set individual targets""" def setSVNTargets( self ): """default method for setting svn targets, override to set individual targets""" def setBuildTarget( self, buildTarget = None): """setup current build target""" self.buildTarget = self.defaultTarget if not buildTarget == None: self.buildTarget = buildTarget elif not os.getenv( "EMERGE_TARGET" ) == None: self.buildTarget = os.getenv( "EMERGE_TARGET" ) if not self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) and not self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys()) : self.buildTarget = self.defaultTarget utils.debug("build target %s not defined in available targets %s %s" % (self.buildTarget, list(self.targets.keys()), list(self.svnTargets.keys())), 1) def setBuildOptions( self ): """default method for setting build options, override to set individual targets""" self.disableHostBuild = False self.disableTargetBuild = False def getPackage( self, repoUrl, name, version, ext='.tar.bz2', packagetypes=None ): """return archive file based package url""" if packagetypes is None: packagetypes = ['bin', 'lib'] if not os.getenv("EMERGE_PACKAGETYPES") is None: packagetypes += os.getenv("EMERGE_PACKAGETYPES").split(',') arch = "" if( os.getenv('EMERGE_ARCHITECTURE')=="x64"): arch = "-x64" if compiler.isMinGW_W32(): arch = "-x86" compilerName = "msvc" if os.getenv("KDECOMPILER") == "mingw": compilerName = "mingw" elif os.getenv("KDECOMPILER") == "mingw4": compilerName = "mingw4" elif os.getenv("KDECOMPILER") == "msvc2008": compilerName = "vc90" elif os.getenv("KDECOMPILER") == "msvc2010": compilerName = "vc100" ret = '' # TODO: return '\n'.join(repoUrl + '/' + name + arch + '-' + compilerName + '-' + version + '-' + p + ext for p in packagetypes) for packageType in packagetypes: ret += repoUrl + '/' + name + arch + '-' + compilerName + '-' + version + '-' + packageType + ext + '\n' return ret def packageDigests( self, name, version, ext='.tar.bz2', packagetypes=None ): # pylint: disable=W0613 """ return archive file based package digests relating to info.infoclass.packageUrls() The expected digest keys are build in the form []-- where version= compiler='vc90'|'mingw4' packagetype= architecture=|'-x64' exception: the mingw-w32 compiler uses x86-mingw4 to not collide with the mingw.org compiler example: # for x86 self.targetDigests['2.4.2-3-vc90-bin'] = '1b7c2171fb60669924c9d7174fc2e39161f7ef7b' self.targetDigests['2.4.2-3-vc90-lib'] = 'e48d8c535cd245bfcc617590d3142035c77b8aa2' # for x64 self.targetDigests['2.4.2-3-x64-vc90-lib'] = 'e48d8c535cd245bfcc617590d3142035c77b8aa2' self.targets['2.4.2-3'] = self.packageUrls(repoUrl, "fontconfig", "2.4.2-3") self.targetDigests['2.4.2-3'] = self.packageDigests("fontconfig", "2.4.2-3") """ if packagetypes is None: packagetypes = ['bin', 'lib'] if not os.getenv("EMERGE_PACKAGETYPES") is None: packagetypes += os.getenv("EMERGE_PACKAGETYPES").split(',') arch = "" if( os.getenv('EMERGE_ARCHITECTURE')=="x64"): arch = "-x64" if compiler.isMinGW_W32(): arch = "-x86" compilerName = "msvc" if os.getenv("KDECOMPILER") == "mingw": compilerName = "mingw" elif os.getenv("KDECOMPILER") == "mingw4": compilerName = "mingw4" elif os.getenv("KDECOMPILER") == "msvc2008": compilerName = "vc90" elif os.getenv("KDECOMPILER") == "msvc2010": compilerName = "vc100" # TODO: use list comprehension ret = [] for packageType in packagetypes: key = version + '-' + compilerName + '-' + packageType + arch ret.append(self.targetDigests[key]) return ret def getUnifiedPackage( self, repoUrl, name, version, ext='.tar.bz2', packagetypes=None): """return archive file based package url for unified packages""" if packagetypes is None: packagetypes = ['bin', 'lib'] if not os.getenv("EMERGE_PACKAGETYPES") is None: packagetypes += os.getenv("EMERGE_PACKAGETYPES").split(',') arch = "" if( os.getenv('EMERGE_ARCHITECTURE')=="x64"): arch = "-x64" ret = '' for packageType in packagetypes: ret += repoUrl + '/' + name + arch + '-' + version + '-' + packageType + ext + '\n' return ret def getPackageList( self, baseUrl, files ): """returns a package url for multiple files from the same base url""" # TODO: replace the entire function by # return '\n'.join(baseUrl + '/' + fileName) retFiles = "" for fileName in files : retFiles += baseUrl+'/'+fileName+'\n' return retFiles def hasTarget( self ): """return true if archive targets for the currently selected build target is available""" return self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) def target( self ): """return archive target""" if self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()): return self.targets[self.buildTarget] return "" def archiveName( self ): """returns the archive file name""" if self.buildTarget in list(self.archiveNames.keys()): return self.archiveNames[self.buildTarget] return "" def hasMultipleTargets( self ): """return whether we used a list of targets""" return type( self.targets[self.buildTarget] ) == list def targetCount( self ): """return the number of targets given either in a list, or split by a space character""" if self.hasMultipleTargets(): return len( self.targets[self.buildTarget] ) else: return len( self.targets[self.buildTarget].split() ) def targetAt( self, index ): """return the specified target at a specific position, or an empty string if out of bounds""" if self.targetCount() <= index: return "" if self.hasMultipleTargets(): return self.targets[self.buildTarget][index] else: return self.targets[self.buildTarget].split()[index] def hasSvnTarget( self ): """return true if version system based target for the currently selected build target is available""" return self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys()) def svnTarget( self ): """return version system based target for the currently selected build target""" if self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys()): return self.svnTargets[self.buildTarget] return "" def targetSourceSuffix(self): """return local source path suffix for the recent target""" if (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetSrcSuffix.keys()): return self.targetSrcSuffix[ self.buildTarget ] def hasTargetSourcePath(self): """return true if relative path appendable to local source path is given for the recent target""" return (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetInstSrc.keys()) def targetSourcePath(self): """return relative path appendable to local source path for the recent target""" if (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetInstSrc.keys()): return self.targetInstSrc[ self.buildTarget ] def hasConfigurePath(self): """return true if relative path appendable to local source path is given for the recent target""" return (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetConfigurePath.keys()) def configurePath(self): """return relative path appendable to local source path for the recent target""" if (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) and \ self.buildTarget in list(self.targetConfigurePath.keys()): return self.targetConfigurePath[ self.buildTarget ] def hasInstallPath(self): """return true if relative path appendable to local install path is given for the recent target""" return (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetInstallPath.keys()) def installPath(self): """return relative path appendable to local install path for the recent target""" if (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetInstallPath.keys()): return self.targetInstallPath[ self.buildTarget ] utils.die("no install path for this build target defined") def hasMergePath(self): """return true if relative path appendable to local merge path is given for the recent target""" return (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetMergePath.keys()) def mergePath(self): """return relative path appendable to local merge path for the recent target""" if (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetMergePath.keys()): return self.targetMergePath[ self.buildTarget ] def hasMergeSourcePath(self): """return true if relative path appendable to local merge source path is given for the recent target""" return (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetMergeSourcePath.keys()) def mergeSourcePath(self): """return relative path appendable to local merge source path for the recent target""" if (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetMergeSourcePath.keys()): return self.targetMergeSourcePath[ self.buildTarget ] def hasPatches(self): """return state for having patches for the recent target""" return (len( self.targets ) or len( self.svnTargets )) and self.buildTarget in list(self.patchToApply.keys()) def patchesToApply(self): """return patch informations for the recent build target""" if self.hasPatches(): return self.patchToApply[ self.buildTarget ] return ("", "") def hasTargetDigests(self): """return state if target has digest(s) for the recent build target""" return (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetDigests.keys()) def targetDigest(self): """return digest(s) for the recent build target. The return value could be a string or a list""" if self.hasTargetDigests(): return self.targetDigests[ self.buildTarget ] return '' def hasTargetDigestUrls(self): """return state if target has digest url(s) for the recent build target""" return (self.buildTarget in list(self.targets.keys()) or self.buildTarget in list(self.svnTargets.keys())) \ and self.buildTarget in list(self.targetDigestUrls.keys()) def targetDigestUrl(self): """return digest url(s) for the recent build target. The return value could be a string or a list""" if self.hasTargetDigestUrls(): return self.targetDigestUrls[ self.buildTarget ] return '' diff --git a/portage/win32libs/sqlite/sqlite-3.7.2.py b/portage/win32libs/sqlite/sqlite-3.7.2.py index b59dd405e..24b9710c8 100644 --- a/portage/win32libs/sqlite/sqlite-3.7.2.py +++ b/portage/win32libs/sqlite/sqlite-3.7.2.py @@ -1,45 +1,46 @@ import os import utils import info from Package.CMakePackageBase import * class subinfo(info.infoclass): def setTargets( self ): self.targets[''] = 'http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-amalgamation-' self.targets['3.7.2'] = 'http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-amalgamation-3_7_2.zip' self.targets[''] = 'http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-amalgamation-3071502.zip' self.targetDigests[''] = '1312016fdbb1dd6cb5a38bc05d1d051d9dc0e93e' self.targetDigests['3.7.2'] = "e37304dffaf6e1b38357113ee9845cadff05e958" self.patchToApply[''] = [("sqlite_cmake_and_wince_20130124.diff", 1)] self.patchToApply['3.7.2'] = [("sqlite_cmake_and_wince_20100923.diff", 1)] self.patchToApply[''] = [("sqlite_cmake_and_wince_20100923.diff", 1)] self.targetInstSrc[''] = "sqlite-" self.targetInstSrc[''] = "sqlite-amalgamation-3071502" self.shortDescription = "a library providing a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine" + self.revision = "20130203" self.defaultTarget = '' def setDependencies( self ): self.buildDependencies['virtual/base'] = 'default' if emergePlatform.isCrossCompilingEnabled(): self.dependencies['win32libs/wcecompat'] = 'default' class Package(CMakePackageBase): def __init__( self ): self.subinfo = subinfo() CMakePackageBase.__init__(self) if emergePlatform.isCrossCompilingEnabled() and self.isTargetBuild(): self.subinfo.options.configure.defines = "-DSTATIC_LIBRARY=ON" def make(self, unused=''): if self.isTargetBuild(): # Set the include path for the wcecompat files (e.g. errno.h). Setting it through # the Configure script generates errors due to the the backslashes in the path wcecompatincdir = os.path.join( os.path.join( self.mergeDestinationDir(), "include" ), "wcecompat" ) os.environ["TARGET_INCLUDE"] = wcecompatincdir + ";" + os.getenv("TARGET_INCLUDE") return CMakePackageBase.make( self ) if __name__ == '__main__': Package().execute()