diff --git a/bin/Utils/CodeSign.py b/bin/Utils/CodeSign.py index 52ca3de00..a38f0cb8f 100644 --- a/bin/Utils/CodeSign.py +++ b/bin/Utils/CodeSign.py @@ -1,196 +1,196 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright Hannah von Reth # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. import os from pathlib import Path import subprocess import tempfile import secrets from CraftCore import CraftCore from CraftOS.osutils import OsUtils, LockFile from CraftSetupHelper import SetupHelper from Utils import CraftChoicePrompt, CraftCache import utils def signWindows(fileNames : [str]) -> bool: if not CraftCore.settings.getboolean("CodeSigning", "Enabled", False): return True if not CraftCore.compiler.isWindows: CraftCore.log.warning("Code signing is currently only supported on Windows") return True signTool = CraftCore.cache.findApplication("signtool", forceCache=True) if not signTool: env = SetupHelper.getMSVCEnv() signTool = CraftCore.cache.findApplication("signtool", env["PATH"], forceCache=True) if not signTool: CraftCore.log.warning("Code signing requires a VisualStudio installation") return False command = [signTool, "sign", "/tr", "http://timestamp.digicert.com", "/td", "SHA256", "/fd", "SHA256", "/a"] certFile = CraftCore.settings.get("CodeSigning", "Certificate", "") subjectName = CraftCore.settings.get("CodeSigning", "CommonName", "") certProtected = CraftCore.settings.getboolean("CodeSigning", "Protected", False) kwargs = dict() if certFile: command += ["/f", certFile] if subjectName: command += ["/n", subjectName] if certProtected: password = CraftChoicePrompt.promptForPassword(message='Enter the password for your package signing certificate', key="WINDOWS_CODE_SIGN_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD") command += ["/p", password] kwargs["secret"] = [password] if True or CraftCore.debug.verbose() > 0: command += ["/v"] else: command += ["/q"] for args in utils.limitCommandLineLength(command, fileNames): if not utils.system(args, **kwargs): return False return True class _MacSignScope(LockFile, utils.ScopedEnv): __REAL_HOME = None def __init__(self): LockFile.__init__(self, "keychainLock") # ci setups tend to mess with the env and we need the users real home if not _MacSignScope.__REAL_HOME: user = subprocess.getoutput("id -un") _MacSignScope.__REAL_HOME = Path("/Users") / user utils.ScopedEnv.__init__(self, {"HOME": str(_MacSignScope.__REAL_HOME)}) self.certFileApplication = CraftCore.settings.get("CodeSigning", "MacCertificateApplication", "") self.certFilesInstaller = CraftCore.settings.get("CodeSigning", "MacCertificateInstaller", "") if self._useCertFile: self.__loginKeychainTemp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self.loginKeychain = Path(self.__loginKeychainTemp.name) / "craft.keychain" else: self.__loginKeychainTemp = None self.loginKeychain = CraftCore.settings.get("CodeSigning", "MacKeychainPath", os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain")) @property def _useCertFile(self): return self.certFileApplication or self.certFilesInstaller def __unlock(self): if self._useCertFile: password = secrets.token_urlsafe(16) if not utils.system(["security", "create-keychain", "-p", password, self.loginKeychain], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, secret=[password]): return False def importCert(cert, pwKey): pw = CraftChoicePrompt.promptForPassword(message=f"Enter the password for your package signing certificate: {Path(cert).name}", key=pwKey) return utils.system(["security", "import", cert, "-k", self.loginKeychain, "-P", pw, "-T", "/usr/bin/codesign", "-T", "/usr/bin/productsign"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, secret=[password]) if self.certFileApplication: if not importCert(self.certFileApplication, "MAC_CERTIFICATE_APPLICATION_PASSWORD"): return False if self.certFilesInstaller: if not importCert(self.certFilesInstaller, "MAC_CERTIFICATE_INSTALLER_PASSWORD"): return False # needed for productsign, codesign works without - if not utils.system(["security", "set-key-partition-list", "-S", "apple-tool:,apple:,codesign:", "-s" ,"-k", password, self.loginKeychain], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, secret=[password]): + if not utils.system(["security", "set-key-partition-list", "-S", "apple-tool:,apple:,codesign:", "-s", "-k", password, self.loginKeychain], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, secret=[password]): CraftCore.log.error("Failed to set key partition list.") return False else: if CraftCore.settings.getboolean("CodeSigning", "Protected", False): password = CraftChoicePrompt.promptForPassword(message="Enter the password for your signing keychain", key="MAC_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD") if not utils.system(["security", "unlock-keychain", "-p", password, self.loginKeychain], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, secret=[password]): CraftCore.log.error("Failed to unlock keychain.") return False return True def __enter__(self): LockFile.__enter__(self) utils.ScopedEnv.__enter__(self) if not self.__unlock(): raise Exception("Failed to setup keychain") return None return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, trback): if self._useCertFile: utils.system(["security", "delete-keychain", self.loginKeychain]) self.__loginKeychainTemp.cleanup() utils.ScopedEnv.__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, trback) LockFile.__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, trback) def signMacApp(appPath : str): if not CraftCore.settings.getboolean("CodeSigning", "Enabled", False): return True # special case, two independent setups of craft might want to sign at the same time and only one keychain can be unlocked at a time with _MacSignScope() as scope: devID = CraftCore.settings.get("CodeSigning", "MacDeveloperId") # Recursively sign app if not utils.system(["codesign", "--keychain", scope.loginKeychain, "--sign", f"Developer ID Application: {devID}", "--force", "--preserve-metadata=entitlements", "--options", "runtime", "--verbose=99", "--deep", appPath]): return False ## Verify signature if not utils.system(["codesign", "--display", "--verbose", appPath]): return False if not utils.system(["codesign", "--verify", "--verbose", "--strict", appPath]): return False # TODO: this step might require notarisation utils.system(["spctl", "-a", "-t", "exec", "-vv", appPath]) ## Validate that the key used for signing the binary matches the expected TeamIdentifier ## needed to pass the SocketApi through the sandbox #if not utils.system("codesign -dv %s 2>&1 | grep 'TeamIdentifier=%s'" % (self.appPath, teamIdentifierFromConfig)): #return False return True def signMacPackage(packagePath : str): if not CraftCore.settings.getboolean("CodeSigning", "Enabled", False): return True # special case, two independent setups of craft might want to sign at the same time and only one keychain can be unlocked at a time with _MacSignScope() as scope: packagePath = Path(packagePath) devID = CraftCore.settings.get("CodeSigning", "MacDeveloperId") if packagePath.name.endswith(".dmg"): # sign dmg if not utils.system(["codesign", "--force", "--keychain", scope.loginKeychain, "--sign", f"Developer ID Application: {devID}", packagePath]): return False # TODO: this step would require notarisation # verify dmg signature utils.system(["spctl", "-a", "-t", "open", "--context", "context:primary-signature", packagePath]) else: # sign pkg packagePathTmp = f"{packagePath}.sign" if not utils.system(["productsign", "--keychain", scope.loginKeychain, "--sign", f"Developer ID Installer: {devID}", packagePath, packagePathTmp]): return False utils.moveFile(packagePathTmp, packagePath) return True