diff --git a/bin/CraftCommands.py b/bin/CraftCommands.py index 547e16a05..e7c2e6200 100644 --- a/bin/CraftCommands.py +++ b/bin/CraftCommands.py @@ -1,434 +1,433 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright Hannah von Reth # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. import subprocess import tempfile import CraftBase from Blueprints.CraftDependencyPackage import CraftDependencyPackage, DependencyType from Blueprints.CraftVersion import CraftVersion from Blueprints.CraftPackageObject import CraftPackageObject from Utils.CraftTitleUpdater import CraftTitleUpdater from Utils import CraftTimer from options import * import glob import utils from pathlib import Path from collections import namedtuple def doExec(package, action): with CraftTimer.Timer("%s for %s" % (action, package), 1): CraftCore.debug.step("Action: %s for %s" % (action, package)) ret = package.instance.runAction(action) if not ret: if action == "fetch-binary": CraftCore.debug.step(f"{package} not found in cache") return False CraftCore.log.warning(f"Action: {action} for {package}:{package.version} FAILED") return ret # in general it would be nice to handle this with inheritance, but actually we don't wan't a blueprint to be able to change the behaviour of "all"... def handlePackage(package, buildAction, directTargets): with CraftTimer.Timer(f"HandlePackage {package}", 3) as timer: success = True actions = [] timer.hook = lambda : utils.notify(f"Craft {buildAction} {'succeeded' if success else 'failed'}", f"{package} after {timer}", buildAction) CraftCore.debug.debug_line() CraftCore.debug.step(f"Handling package: {package}, action: {buildAction}") if buildAction in ["all", "update"]: if CraftCore.settings.getboolean("Packager", "UseCache", "False"): if doExec(package, "fetch-binary"): return True if buildAction == "all": actions = ["fetch", "unpack", "compile", "cleanimage", "install", "post-install"] if CraftCore.settings.getboolean("ContinuousIntegration", "ClearBuildFolder", False): actions += ["cleanbuild"] actions += ["qmerge", "post-qmerge"] if CraftCore.settings.getboolean("Packager", "CreateCache"): onlyDirect = CraftCore.settings.getboolean("Packager", "CacheDirectTargetsOnly") if not onlyDirect or (onlyDirect and package in directTargets): actions += ["package"] elif buildAction == "update": actions = ["update"] else: actions = [buildAction] for action in actions: success = doExec(package, action) if not success: return False return True def resolvePackage(packageNames : [str], version : str=None) -> [CraftPackageObject]: package = CraftPackageObject(None) def resolveChildren(child): if child.isCategory(): for c in child.children.values(): resolveChildren(c) else: if version: UserOptions.addPackageOption(child, "version", version) package.children[child.name] = child for packageName in packageNames: child = CraftPackageObject.get(packageName) if not child: raise BlueprintNotFoundException(packageName) resolveChildren(child) return package def setOption(packageNames : [str], option : str) -> bool: if "=" not in option: CraftCore.log.error(f"Invalid option {option}") return False key, value = option.split("=", 1) for name in packageNames: package = CraftPackageObject.get(name) if not package: raise BlueprintNotFoundException(name) # create instance to make sure options are registered # version is a special case, it is build in and a non existing version causes an error during construction # skipping the check allows to replace an invalid version if option != "version" and not package.isCategory(): package.instance options = UserOptions.get(package) if not options.setOption(key, value): return False CraftCore.log.info(f"[{package}]\n{key}={getattr(options, key)}") return True def addBlueprintsRepository(url : str, args) -> bool: templateDir = os.path.join(CraftCore.standardDirs.craftBin(), "..", "internal_blueprints" ) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: iniPath = os.path.join(tmp, "version.ini") parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.read(iniPath) parser.add_section("General") parser["General"]["branches"] = "master" parser["General"]["defaulttarget"] = "master" parser["General"]["gitUrl"] = url with open(iniPath, "wt+") as out: parser.write(out) CraftCore.settings.set("Blueprints", "Locations", templateDir) CraftCore.settings.set("InternalTemp", "add-bluprints-template.ini", iniPath) package = resolvePackage(["add-bluprints-template"]) return run(package, "fetch", args) def destroyCraftRoot() -> bool: settingsFiles = {"kdesettings.ini", "CraftSettings.ini", "BlueprintSettings.ini"} dirsToKeep = [CraftCore.standardDirs.downloadDir(), os.path.join(CraftCore.standardDirs.craftBin(), ".."), os.path.join(CraftCore.standardDirs.craftRoot(), "python"), CraftCore.standardDirs.blueprintRoot()] # dirs with possible interesting sub dirs maybeKeepDir = [ CraftCore.standardDirs.craftRoot(), CraftCore.standardDirs.etcDir(), os.path.join(CraftCore.standardDirs.etcDir(), "blueprints")# might contain blueprintRoot ] def deleteEntry(path): if utils.OsUtils.isLink(path): CraftCore.log.debug(f"Skipping symlink {path}") return if os.path.isdir(path): if any(os.path.exists(x) and os.path.samefile(path, x) for x in maybeKeepDir): CraftCore.log.debug(f"Path {path} in maybeKeepDir") for entry in os.listdir(path): deleteEntry(os.path.join(path, entry)) elif any(os.path.exists(x) and os.path.samefile(path, x) for x in dirsToKeep): CraftCore.log.debug(f"Path {path} in dirsToKeep") else: utils.cleanDirectory(path) utils.OsUtils.rmDir(path, True) else: if os.path.basename(path) not in settingsFiles: utils.OsUtils.rm(path, True) del CraftCore.installdb deleteEntry(CraftCore.standardDirs.craftRoot()) return True def unShelve(shelve): packageNames = [] parser = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) parser.read(shelve, encoding="UTF-8") listVersion = 1 if "General" in parser: listVersion = int(parser["General"].get("version", listVersion)) Info = namedtuple("Info", "version revision") packages = {} # type: Info if listVersion == 1: for sections in parser.keys(): for packageName in parser[sections]: packages[packageName] = Info(parser[sections].get(packageName, None), None) elif listVersion == 2: for p, s in parser.items(): if p in {"General", "DEFAULT"}: continue packages[p] = Info(s.get("version", None), s.get("revision", None)) for p, info in packages.items(): if info.version: setOption([p], f"version={info.version}") if info.revision: setOption([p], f"revision={info.revision}") return packages.keys() def shelve(): listFile = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) listFile.add_section("General") listFile["General"]["version"] = "2" reDate = re.compile(r"\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d") for package, version, revision in CraftCore.installdb.getDistinctInstalled(): packageObject = CraftPackageObject.get(package) if not packageObject: CraftCore.log.warning(f"{package} is no longer known to Craft, it will not be added to the list") continue listFile.add_section(package) package = listFile[package] # TODO: clean our database patchLvl = version.split("-", 1) if len(patchLvl) == 2: # have we encoded a date or a patch lvl? clean = packageObject.subinfo.options.dailyUpdate and bool(reDate.match(patchLvl[1])) clean |= patchLvl[0] in packageObject.subinfo.patchLevel and str(packageObject.subinfo.patchLevel[patchLvl[0]] + packageObject.categoryInfo.patchLevel) == patchLvl[1] if clean: version = patchLvl[0] package["version"] = version if revision: # sadly we combine the revision with the branch "master-1234ac" package["revision"] = revision.split("-", 1)[1] with open(Path(CraftCore.standardDirs.craftRoot()) / "craft.shelve", "wt", encoding="UTF-8") as out: listFile.write(out) def packageIsOutdated(package): installed = CraftCore.installdb.getInstalledPackages(package) if not installed: return True for pack in installed: version = pack.getVersion() if not version: continue cacheVersion = pack.getCacheVersion() if cacheVersion and cacheVersion != CraftBase.CraftBase.cacheVersion(): # can only happen for packages installed from cache return True return package.version != version def invoke(command : str, directTargets : [CraftPackageObject]) -> bool: args = {} key = command argsPattern = re.compile(r"(.+)\((.*)\)") argsMatch = argsPattern.findall(command) if argsMatch: key = argsMatch[0][0] args = eval(f"dict({','.join(argsMatch[0][1:])})") subs = key.split(".") for p in directTargets: instance = p.instance path = [] for sub in subs: path += [sub] if hasattr(instance, sub): attr = getattr(instance, sub) if callable(attr): instance = attr(**args) else: instance = attr else: CraftCore.debug.printOut(f"{p} has no member {'.'.join(path)}", file=sys.stderr) return False CraftCore.log.debug(f"--get {command} on {p} -> {type(instance)}:{instance}") CraftCore.debug.printOut(instance) return True def run(package : [CraftPackageObject], action : str, args) -> bool: if package.isIgnored(): CraftCore.log.info(f"Skipping package because it has been ignored: {package}") return True directTargets = package.children.values() CraftCore.state.directTargets = directTargets if action == "get": return invoke(args.get, directTargets) elif action == "install-to-desktop": return installToDektop(directTargets) elif action == "create-download-cache": return createArchiveCache(directTargets) elif action == "print-files": return printFiles(directTargets) elif args.resolve_deps or action in ["all", "install-deps", "update"]: # work on the dependencies depPackage = CraftDependencyPackage(package) if args.resolve_deps: if not args.resolve_deps.capitalize() in DependencyType.__members__: CraftCore.log.error(f"Invalid dependency type {args.resolve_deps}, valid types are {DependencyType.__members__}") return False depType = DependencyType.__getattr__(args.resolve_deps.capitalize()) elif action == "install-deps": depType = DependencyType.Both else: depType = DependencyType.All depList = depPackage.getDependencies(depType=depType) packages = [] if not args.resolve_deps: for item in depList: if not item.name: continue # are we a real package if ((item in directTargets and (args.ignoreInstalled or (action == "update" and item.subinfo.hasSvnTarget()))) or packageIsOutdated(item)): packages.append(item) CraftCore.log.debug(f"dependency: {item}") elif item in directTargets: CraftCore.debug.step(f"{item} is up to date, nothing to do") else: packages = depList if not packages: CraftCore.log.debug("") if action == "install-deps": # we don't intend to build the package itself for x in directTargets: packages.remove(x) CraftTitleUpdater.usePackageProgressTitle(packages) while packages: info = packages[0] # in case we only want to see which packages are still to be build, simply return the package name if args.probe: CraftCore.log.warning(f"pretending {info}: {info.version}") else: if CraftCore.settings.getboolean("ContinuousIntegration", "Enabled", False): CraftCore.debug.debug_line() CraftCore.log.info(f"Status: {CraftTitleUpdater.instance}") else: CraftTitleUpdater.instance.updateTitle() if action in ["install-deps"]: action = "all" elif action == "update" and not info.isLatestVersionInstalled: action = "all" if not handlePackage(info, action, directTargets=directTargets): CraftCore.log.error(f"fatal error: package {info} {action} failed") return False packages.pop(0) else: for info in directTargets: if not handlePackage(info, action, directTargets=directTargets): return False CraftCore.debug.new_line() return True def cleanBuildFiles(cleanArchives, cleanImages, cleanInstalledImages, cleanBuildDir, packages): def cleanDir(dir): if os.path.isdir(dir): CraftCore.log.info(f"Cleaning: {dir}") utils.cleanDirectory(dir) utils.rmtree(dir) for p in packages: package = CraftPackageObject.get(p.path) if not package or package.isCategory(): continue CraftCore.log.debug(f"Checking package for unused files: {p.path}") instance = package.instance version = instance.version if version: imageGlob = instance.imageDir().replace(version, "*") else: imageGlob = instance.imageDir() # image directories if cleanImages: for dir in glob.glob(imageGlob): if package.isInstalled and not cleanInstalledImages: if dir == instance.imageDir(): continue cleanDir(dir) # archive directory if cleanArchives and os.path.exists(instance.archiveDir()): cleanDir(instance.archiveDir()) # build directory if cleanBuildDir: cleanDir(instance.buildDir()) def upgrade(args) -> bool: ENV_KEY = "CRAFT_CORE_UPDATED" if ENV_KEY not in os.environ: os.environ[ENV_KEY] = "1" # update the core if not run(CraftPackageObject.get("craft"), "all", args): return False # close the log file and the db UserOptions.instance()._save() CraftTitleUpdater.instance.stop() CraftCore.debug._fileHandler.close() del CraftCore.installdb return subprocess.call([sys.executable] + sys.argv) == 0 else: package = CraftPackageObject(None) for packageName, _, _ in CraftCore.installdb.getDistinctInstalled(): p = CraftPackageObject.get(packageName) if p: package.children[p.name] = p return run(package, "update", args) def installToDektop(packages): CraftCore.settings.set("Packager", "PackageType", "DesktopEntry") for p in packages: if not p.instance.createPackage(): return False return True def printFiles(packages): for p in packages: packageList = CraftCore.installdb.getInstalledPackages(p) for package in packageList: fileList = package.getFiles() fileList.sort() for file in fileList: CraftCore.log.info(file[0]) return True def createArchiveCache(packages : CraftPackageObject): from Source.ArchiveSource import ArchiveSource for p in packages: - # why do I need to access source class directly? - if isinstance(p.instance._sourceClass, ArchiveSource): + if not isinstance(p.instance, ArchiveSource): continue if not (p.instance.fetch() and p.instance.checkDigest() and p.instance.generateSrcManifest()): return False return True