diff --git a/bin/win32libsupdater.py b/bin/win32libsupdater.py index 986680bdd..c4d72e9f2 100644 --- a/bin/win32libsupdater.py +++ b/bin/win32libsupdater.py @@ -1,228 +1,228 @@ # win32libsupdater.py import os import sys import utils import portage import subprocess import xml.dom.minidom from string import Template # pylint: disable=W0402 ################################################# KDEROOT = os.getenv("KDEROOT") KDEROOT.replace("\\", "/") ################################################# def getSvnVersion( path ): svninfo = subprocess.Popen( ['svn', 'info', '--xml', path ], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).communicate()[0] doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( svninfo ) latestcommit = doc.getElementsByTagName( "commit" )[0] rev = latestcommit.getAttribute( "revision" ) if rev == "": rev = "-unknown" return "svn" + rev def getGitVersion( path ): gitinfo = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'log', '-n 1', '--format=format:%H'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).communicate()[0] return "git" + str(gitinfo, "UTF-8") def svnRename( currentName, newName ): cmd = "svn --non-interactive rename %s %s" % ( currentName, newName ) utils.debug( "running command: %s" % cmd ) p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) return p.wait() == 0 def gitRename( currentName, newName ): p = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'mv', currentName, newName], shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) return p.wait() == 0 def svnAdd( newDir ): cmd = "svn --non-interactive add %s" % ( newDir ) ret = 0 utils.debug( "running command: %s" % cmd ) p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) return p.wait() == 0 def gitAdd( newDir ): p = subprocess.Popen( ['git', 'add', newDir], shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) return p.wait() == 0 doPretend = False if "-p" in sys.argv: doPretend = True sys.argv.remove('-p') if len( sys.argv ) < 2 or not os.path.isfile( sys.argv[ 1 ] ): print("packageList as first argument required!") print() print("%s [-p] packagelist" % sys.argv[ 0 ]) print("The option -p shows what") exit( 1 ) # parse the package file packagefile = open( sys.argv[ 1 ] ) addInfo = dict() for line in packagefile: if not line.startswith( '#' ): cat, pac, target, patchlvl = line.strip().split( ',' ) addInfo[ cat + "/" + pac ] = ( target, patchlvl ) packagefile.close() baseDependencies = """ def setDependencies( self ): if not utils.envAsBool( 'EMERGE_ENABLE_IMPLICID_BUILDTIME_DEPENDENCIES' ): self.buildDependencies[ 'virtual/bin-base' ] = 'default' """ for packageKey in addInfo: category, package = packageKey.split( '/' ) version = portage.PortageInstance.getNewestVersion( category, package ) srcTargets = portage.PortageInstance.getAllTargets( category, package, version ) binCategory, binPackage = portage.PortageInstance.getCorrespondingBinaryPackage( package ) if binPackage: utils.debug( "found a binary package for %s" % package, 1 ) binVersion = portage.PortageInstance.getNewestVersion( binCategory, binPackage ) binTargets = portage.PortageInstance.getAllTargets( binCategory, binPackage, binVersion ) description = "" metadata = portage.PortageInstance.getMetaData( category, package, version ) if "shortDescription" in metadata: description = metadata["shortDescription"] # check that the target from the source package which has been build is contained in the # binary package buildTarget = addInfo[ packageKey ] [ 0 ] if buildTarget == '': buildTarget = portage.PortageInstance.getDefaultTarget( category, package, version ) if addInfo[ packageKey ] [ 1 ]: buildTarget += "-" + addInfo[ packageKey ] [ 1 ] regenerateFile = False if not buildTarget in binTargets: utils.warning( "key %s not contained in binary package %s" % ( buildTarget, binPackage ) ) regenerateFile = True dependencies = baseDependencies # get buildDependencies from the source package runtimeDependencies, buildDependencies = portage.readChildren( category, package, version ) binRuntimeDependencies, binBuildDependencies = portage.readChildren( binCategory, binPackage, binVersion ) commonDependencies = dict() for i in runtimeDependencies: if i in runtimeDependencies and i in buildDependencies: commonDependencies[ i ] = buildDependencies[ i ] if not i in binRuntimeDependencies: regenerateFile = True for key in commonDependencies: dependencies += " self.runtimeDependencies[ '%s' ] = '%s'\n" % ( key, commonDependencies[ key ] ) if regenerateFile: template = Template( open( KDEROOT + '/emerge/bin/binaryPackage.py.template' ).read() ) targetkeys = list(binTargets.keys()) if 'svnHEAD' in binTargets and binTargets[ 'svnHEAD' ] == False: targetkeys.remove( 'svnHEAD' ) if not buildTarget in targetkeys: targetkeys.append( buildTarget ) targetsString = "'" + "', '".join( targetkeys ) + "'" result = template.safe_substitute( { 'revision': getGitVersion( os.path.join( KDEROOT, "emerge", "portage" ) ), 'package': binPackage, 'versionTargets': targetsString, 'defaultTarget': buildTarget, 'description': description, 'dependencies': dependencies } ) currentName = portage.getFilename( binCategory, binPackage, binVersion ) newName = portage.getFilename( binCategory, binPackage, buildTarget ) gitCurrentName = currentName.replace("%semerge\\" % KDEROOT ,"") gitNewName = newName.replace("%semerge\\" % KDEROOT ,"") if not doPretend: if not currentName == newName: if not gitRename( gitCurrentName, gitNewName ): utils.warning( 'failed to rename file %s' % os.path.basename( gitCurrentName ) ) continue f = open( newName, 'w+b' ) - f.write( result ) + f.write( bytes( result, "UTF-8") ) f.close() else: utils.debug("renaming/updating file %s" % gitNewName ) # check that all targets from the source package are contained in the binTargets # do we really need binaries for each and every target? # utils.new_line # for srcKey in srcTargets: # if not srcKey in binTargets: # utils.warning( "key %s not contained in binary package %s" % ( srcKey, binPackage ) ) # utils.new_line() # utils.info( "working on package %s" % package ) # utils.new_line() else: utils.warning( "no corresponding binary Package is available for %s!" % package ) buildTarget = addInfo[ packageKey ] [ 0 ] if buildTarget == '': buildTarget = portage.PortageInstance.getDefaultTarget( category, package, version ) regenerateFile = True if category == "win32libs-sources" and package.endswith("-src"): binCategory = "win32libs-bin" binPackage = package[:-4] binVersion = buildTarget else: continue dependencies = baseDependencies # get buildDependencies from the source package runtimeDependencies, buildDependencies = portage.readChildren( category, package, version ) for key in runtimeDependencies: if key in runtimeDependencies and key in buildDependencies: dependencies += " self.runtimeDependencies[ '%s' ] = '%s'\n" % ( key, buildDependencies[ key ] ) if regenerateFile: template = Template( open( KDEROOT + '/emerge/bin/binaryPackage.py.template' ).read() ) targetkeys = [ buildTarget ] targetsString = "'" + "', '".join( targetkeys ) + "'" result = template.safe_substitute( { 'revision': getGitVersion( os.path.join( KDEROOT, "emerge", "portage" ) ), 'package': binPackage, 'versionTargets': targetsString, 'defaultTarget': buildTarget, 'dependencies': dependencies } ) newName = portage.getFilename( binCategory, binPackage, buildTarget ) newDir = os.path.dirname( newName ) gitPath = newDir.replace("%semerge\\" % KDEROOT ,"") gitName = newName.replace("%semerge\\" % KDEROOT ,"") if not doPretend: if not os.path.exists( newDir ): os.makedirs( newDir ) if not gitAdd( gitPath ): utils.warning( 'failed to add directory %s' % os.path.basename( gitPath ) ) continue f = open( newName, 'w+b' ) f.write( result ) f.close() if not gitAdd( gitName ): utils.warning( 'failed to add file %s' % os.path.basename( gitName ) ) continue else: if not os.path.exists( newDir ): print("mkdir", newDir) print("git add", gitPath) print("write", newName) print("git add", gitName) diff --git a/portage/win32libs-bin/assuan2/assuan2-400.py b/portage/win32libs-bin/assuan2/assuan2-2.0.3.py similarity index 73% rename from portage/win32libs-bin/assuan2/assuan2-400.py rename to portage/win32libs-bin/assuan2/assuan2-2.0.3.py index c92a8bf34..f8459192e 100644 --- a/portage/win32libs-bin/assuan2/assuan2-400.py +++ b/portage/win32libs-bin/assuan2/assuan2-2.0.3.py @@ -1,37 +1,39 @@ # This package-script is automatically updated by the script win32libsupdater.py # which can be found in your emerge/bin folder. To update this package, run # win32libsupdater.py (and commit the results) -# based on revision svn1204666 +# based on revision git300e71be83450407a947422dca7250fbfcbbea49 from Package.BinaryPackageBase import * import os import info class subinfo( info.infoclass ): def setTargets( self ): repoUrl = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows' - for version in [ '2.0.1', '400' ]: + for version in [ '2.0.1', '400', '2.0.3' ]: self.targets[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'assuan2', version ) - self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'assuan2', version , '.tar.bz2.sha1' ) + self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'assuan2', version, '.tar.bz2.sha1' ) - self.defaultTarget = '400' + self.shortDescription = '''an IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages''' + + self.defaultTarget = '2.0.3' def setDependencies( self ): if not utils.envAsBool( 'EMERGE_ENABLE_IMPLICID_BUILDTIME_DEPENDENCIES' ): - self.buildDependencies[ 'gnuwin32/wget' ] = 'default' + self.buildDependencies[ 'virtual/bin-base' ] = 'default' self.runtimeDependencies[ 'win32libs-bin/gpg-error' ] = 'default' def setBuildOptions( self ): self.disableHostBuild = False self.disableTargetBuild = True class Package(BinaryPackageBase): def __init__(self): self.subinfo = subinfo() BinaryPackageBase.__init__( self ) if __name__ == '__main__': Package().execute() diff --git a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-bjam/boost-bjam-1.47.0.py b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-bjam/boost-bjam-1.48.0.py similarity index 78% copy from portage/win32libs-bin/boost-bjam/boost-bjam-1.47.0.py copy to portage/win32libs-bin/boost-bjam/boost-bjam-1.48.0.py index f608dc537..87fb91b0e 100644 --- a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-bjam/boost-bjam-1.47.0.py +++ b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-bjam/boost-bjam-1.48.0.py @@ -1,37 +1,38 @@ # This package-script is automatically updated by the script win32libsupdater.py # which can be found in your emerge/bin folder. To update this package, run # win32libsupdater.py (and commit the results) -# based on revision git886de0cc9b787069382ac2e9c21bfdd0f31d215d +# based on revision git300e71be83450407a947422dca7250fbfcbbea49 from Package.BinaryPackageBase import * import os import info class subinfo( info.infoclass ): def setTargets( self ): repoUrl = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows' - for version in [ '1.47.0' ]: + for version in [ '1.47.0', '1.48.0' ]: self.targets[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-bjam', version ) self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-bjam', version, '.tar.bz2.sha1' ) - self.defaultTarget = '1.47.0' + self.shortDescription = '''portable C++ libraries''' + + self.defaultTarget = '1.48.0' def setDependencies( self ): - self.dependencies['win32libs-bin/boost-headers'] = 'default' if not utils.envAsBool( 'EMERGE_ENABLE_IMPLICID_BUILDTIME_DEPENDENCIES' ): - self.buildDependencies[ 'gnuwin32/wget' ] = 'default' + self.buildDependencies[ 'virtual/bin-base' ] = 'default' def setBuildOptions( self ): self.disableHostBuild = False self.disableTargetBuild = True class Package(BinaryPackageBase): def __init__(self): self.subinfo = subinfo() BinaryPackageBase.__init__( self ) if __name__ == '__main__': Package().execute() diff --git a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-headers/boost-headers-1.47.0.py b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-headers/boost-headers-1.47.0.py deleted file mode 100644 index eccb243fe..000000000 --- a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-headers/boost-headers-1.47.0.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -# This package-script is automatically updated by the script win32libsupdater.py -# which can be found in your emerge/bin folder. To update this package, run -# win32libsupdater.py (and commit the results) -# based on revision git886de0cc9b787069382ac2e9c21bfdd0f31d215d - -from Package.BinaryPackageBase import * -import os -import info - -class subinfo( info.infoclass ): - def setTargets( self ): - repoUrl = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows' - - for version in [ '1.47.0' ]: - self.targets[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-headers', version, packagetypes=['lib'] ) - self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-headers', version, '.tar.bz2.sha1', packagetypes=['lib'] ) - - self.defaultTarget = '1.47.0' - - - def setDependencies( self ): - if not utils.envAsBool( 'EMERGE_ENABLE_IMPLICID_BUILDTIME_DEPENDENCIES' ): - self.buildDependencies[ 'gnuwin32/wget' ] = 'default' - - - def setBuildOptions( self ): - self.disableHostBuild = False - self.disableTargetBuild = True - -class Package(BinaryPackageBase): - def __init__(self): - self.subinfo = subinfo() - BinaryPackageBase.__init__( self ) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - Package().execute() diff --git a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-bjam/boost-bjam-1.47.0.py b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-headers/boost-headers-1.48.0.py similarity index 72% rename from portage/win32libs-bin/boost-bjam/boost-bjam-1.47.0.py rename to portage/win32libs-bin/boost-headers/boost-headers-1.48.0.py index f608dc537..5283198f2 100644 --- a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-bjam/boost-bjam-1.47.0.py +++ b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-headers/boost-headers-1.48.0.py @@ -1,37 +1,38 @@ # This package-script is automatically updated by the script win32libsupdater.py # which can be found in your emerge/bin folder. To update this package, run # win32libsupdater.py (and commit the results) -# based on revision git886de0cc9b787069382ac2e9c21bfdd0f31d215d +# based on revision git300e71be83450407a947422dca7250fbfcbbea49 from Package.BinaryPackageBase import * import os import info class subinfo( info.infoclass ): def setTargets( self ): repoUrl = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows' - for version in [ '1.47.0' ]: - self.targets[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-bjam', version ) - self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-bjam', version, '.tar.bz2.sha1' ) + for version in [ '1.47.0', '1.48.0' ]: + self.targets[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-headers', version ) + self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-headers', version, '.tar.bz2.sha1' ) - self.defaultTarget = '1.47.0' + self.shortDescription = '''portable C++ libraries''' + + self.defaultTarget = '1.48.0' def setDependencies( self ): - self.dependencies['win32libs-bin/boost-headers'] = 'default' if not utils.envAsBool( 'EMERGE_ENABLE_IMPLICID_BUILDTIME_DEPENDENCIES' ): - self.buildDependencies[ 'gnuwin32/wget' ] = 'default' + self.buildDependencies[ 'virtual/bin-base' ] = 'default' def setBuildOptions( self ): self.disableHostBuild = False self.disableTargetBuild = True class Package(BinaryPackageBase): def __init__(self): self.subinfo = subinfo() BinaryPackageBase.__init__( self ) if __name__ == '__main__': Package().execute() diff --git a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-program-options/boost-program-options-1.47.0.py b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-program-options/boost-program-options-1.48.0.py similarity index 78% rename from portage/win32libs-bin/boost-program-options/boost-program-options-1.47.0.py rename to portage/win32libs-bin/boost-program-options/boost-program-options-1.48.0.py index 1c7c9b405..5502c4b8c 100644 --- a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-program-options/boost-program-options-1.47.0.py +++ b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-program-options/boost-program-options-1.48.0.py @@ -1,37 +1,38 @@ # This package-script is automatically updated by the script win32libsupdater.py # which can be found in your emerge/bin folder. To update this package, run # win32libsupdater.py (and commit the results) -# based on revision git31d2961b9cd1a5fc8beda4856550e9250e17c7b8 +# based on revision git300e71be83450407a947422dca7250fbfcbbea49 from Package.BinaryPackageBase import * import os import info class subinfo( info.infoclass ): def setTargets( self ): repoUrl = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows' - for version in [ '1.44.0', '1.47.0' ]: + for version in [ '1.47.0', '1.44.0', '1.48.0' ]: self.targets[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-program-options', version ) self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-program-options', version, '.tar.bz2.sha1' ) - self.defaultTarget = '1.47.0' + self.shortDescription = '''portable C++ libraries''' + + self.defaultTarget = '1.48.0' def setDependencies( self ): - self.dependencies['win32libs-bin/boost-headers'] = 'default' if not utils.envAsBool( 'EMERGE_ENABLE_IMPLICID_BUILDTIME_DEPENDENCIES' ): - self.buildDependencies[ 'gnuwin32/wget' ] = 'default' + self.buildDependencies[ 'virtual/bin-base' ] = 'default' def setBuildOptions( self ): self.disableHostBuild = False self.disableTargetBuild = True class Package(BinaryPackageBase): def __init__(self): self.subinfo = subinfo() BinaryPackageBase.__init__( self ) if __name__ == '__main__': Package().execute() diff --git a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-python/boost-python-1.47.0.py b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-python/boost-python-1.48.0-1.py similarity index 77% rename from portage/win32libs-bin/boost-python/boost-python-1.47.0.py rename to portage/win32libs-bin/boost-python/boost-python-1.48.0-1.py index 6d88f1c90..a67589b97 100644 --- a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-python/boost-python-1.47.0.py +++ b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-python/boost-python-1.48.0-1.py @@ -1,37 +1,38 @@ # This package-script is automatically updated by the script win32libsupdater.py # which can be found in your emerge/bin folder. To update this package, run # win32libsupdater.py (and commit the results) -# based on revision git31d2961b9cd1a5fc8beda4856550e9250e17c7b8 +# based on revision git300e71be83450407a947422dca7250fbfcbbea49 from Package.BinaryPackageBase import * import os import info class subinfo( info.infoclass ): def setTargets( self ): repoUrl = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows' - for version in [ '1.44.0', '1.47.0' ]: + for version in [ '1.47.0', '1.44.0', '1.48.0-1' ]: self.targets[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-python', version ) self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-python', version, '.tar.bz2.sha1' ) - self.defaultTarget = '1.47.0' + self.shortDescription = '''portable C++ libraries''' + + self.defaultTarget = '1.48.0-1' def setDependencies( self ): - self.dependencies['win32libs-bin/boost-headers'] = 'default' if not utils.envAsBool( 'EMERGE_ENABLE_IMPLICID_BUILDTIME_DEPENDENCIES' ): - self.buildDependencies[ 'gnuwin32/wget' ] = 'default' + self.buildDependencies[ 'virtual/bin-base' ] = 'default' def setBuildOptions( self ): self.disableHostBuild = False self.disableTargetBuild = True class Package(BinaryPackageBase): def __init__(self): self.subinfo = subinfo() BinaryPackageBase.__init__( self ) if __name__ == '__main__': Package().execute() diff --git a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-system/boost-system-1.47.0.py b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-system/boost-system-1.48.0.py similarity index 78% rename from portage/win32libs-bin/boost-system/boost-system-1.47.0.py rename to portage/win32libs-bin/boost-system/boost-system-1.48.0.py index c6ee21f65..e4d71c53e 100644 --- a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-system/boost-system-1.47.0.py +++ b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-system/boost-system-1.48.0.py @@ -1,37 +1,38 @@ # This package-script is automatically updated by the script win32libsupdater.py # which can be found in your emerge/bin folder. To update this package, run # win32libsupdater.py (and commit the results) -# based on revision git31d2961b9cd1a5fc8beda4856550e9250e17c7b8 +# based on revision git300e71be83450407a947422dca7250fbfcbbea49 from Package.BinaryPackageBase import * import os import info class subinfo( info.infoclass ): def setTargets( self ): repoUrl = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows' - for version in [ '1.44.0', '1.47.0' ]: + for version in [ '1.47.0', '1.44.0', '1.48.0' ]: self.targets[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-system', version ) self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-system', version, '.tar.bz2.sha1' ) - self.defaultTarget = '1.47.0' + self.shortDescription = '''portable C++ libraries''' + + self.defaultTarget = '1.48.0' def setDependencies( self ): - self.dependencies['win32libs-bin/boost-headers'] = 'default' if not utils.envAsBool( 'EMERGE_ENABLE_IMPLICID_BUILDTIME_DEPENDENCIES' ): - self.buildDependencies[ 'gnuwin32/wget' ] = 'default' + self.buildDependencies[ 'virtual/bin-base' ] = 'default' def setBuildOptions( self ): self.disableHostBuild = False self.disableTargetBuild = True class Package(BinaryPackageBase): def __init__(self): self.subinfo = subinfo() BinaryPackageBase.__init__( self ) if __name__ == '__main__': Package().execute() diff --git a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-thread/boost-thread-1.47.0.py b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-thread/boost-thread-1.48.0.py similarity index 78% rename from portage/win32libs-bin/boost-thread/boost-thread-1.47.0.py rename to portage/win32libs-bin/boost-thread/boost-thread-1.48.0.py index 33675cbed..1a9cd2d94 100644 --- a/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-thread/boost-thread-1.47.0.py +++ b/portage/win32libs-bin/boost-thread/boost-thread-1.48.0.py @@ -1,37 +1,38 @@ # This package-script is automatically updated by the script win32libsupdater.py # which can be found in your emerge/bin folder. To update this package, run # win32libsupdater.py (and commit the results) -# based on revision git31d2961b9cd1a5fc8beda4856550e9250e17c7b8 +# based on revision git300e71be83450407a947422dca7250fbfcbbea49 from Package.BinaryPackageBase import * import os import info class subinfo( info.infoclass ): def setTargets( self ): repoUrl = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows' - for version in [ '1.44.0', '1.47.0' ]: + for version in [ '1.47.0', '1.44.0', '1.48.0' ]: self.targets[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-thread', version ) self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'boost-thread', version, '.tar.bz2.sha1' ) - self.defaultTarget = '1.47.0' + self.shortDescription = '''portable C++ libraries''' + + self.defaultTarget = '1.48.0' def setDependencies( self ): - self.dependencies['win32libs-bin/boost-headers'] = 'default' if not utils.envAsBool( 'EMERGE_ENABLE_IMPLICID_BUILDTIME_DEPENDENCIES' ): - self.buildDependencies[ 'gnuwin32/wget' ] = 'default' + self.buildDependencies[ 'virtual/bin-base' ] = 'default' def setBuildOptions( self ): self.disableHostBuild = False self.disableTargetBuild = True class Package(BinaryPackageBase): def __init__(self): self.subinfo = subinfo() BinaryPackageBase.__init__( self ) if __name__ == '__main__': Package().execute() diff --git a/portage/win32libs-bin/dbus/dbus-1.4.10.py b/portage/win32libs-bin/dbus/dbus-1.4.16.py similarity index 74% rename from portage/win32libs-bin/dbus/dbus-1.4.10.py rename to portage/win32libs-bin/dbus/dbus-1.4.16.py index 34405ad1c..979d95df8 100644 --- a/portage/win32libs-bin/dbus/dbus-1.4.10.py +++ b/portage/win32libs-bin/dbus/dbus-1.4.16.py @@ -1,37 +1,39 @@ # This package-script is automatically updated by the script win32libsupdater.py # which can be found in your emerge/bin folder. To update this package, run # win32libsupdater.py (and commit the results) -# based on revision gitd35af27bcc6e664356dcf0ecbb677c47a37ba6c7 +# based on revision git300e71be83450407a947422dca7250fbfcbbea49 from Package.BinaryPackageBase import * import os import info class subinfo( info.infoclass ): def setTargets( self ): repoUrl = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows' - for version in [ '1.4.0', '1.4.1', '1.4.1-1', '1.4.1-2', '1.4.0-1', '1.2.4-1', '1.4.10' ]: + for version in [ '1.4.0', '1.4.1', '1.2.4-1', '1.4.0-1', '1.4.1-1', '1.4.1-2', '1.4.10', '1.4.16' ]: self.targets[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'dbus', version ) self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'dbus', version, '.tar.bz2.sha1' ) - self.defaultTarget = '1.4.10' + self.shortDescription = '''Freedesktop message bus system (daemon and clients)''' + + self.defaultTarget = '1.4.16' def setDependencies( self ): if not utils.envAsBool( 'EMERGE_ENABLE_IMPLICID_BUILDTIME_DEPENDENCIES' ): - self.buildDependencies[ 'gnuwin32/wget' ] = 'default' + self.buildDependencies[ 'virtual/bin-base' ] = 'default' self.runtimeDependencies[ 'win32libs-bin/expat' ] = 'default' def setBuildOptions( self ): self.disableHostBuild = False self.disableTargetBuild = True class Package(BinaryPackageBase): def __init__(self): self.subinfo = subinfo() BinaryPackageBase.__init__( self ) if __name__ == '__main__': Package().execute() diff --git a/portage/win32libs-bin/gpgme/gpgme-1510-1.py b/portage/win32libs-bin/gpgme/gpgme-1.3.1-2.py similarity index 82% rename from portage/win32libs-bin/gpgme/gpgme-1510-1.py rename to portage/win32libs-bin/gpgme/gpgme-1.3.1-2.py index 9f5fd05dd..6ddbd1d4b 100644 --- a/portage/win32libs-bin/gpgme/gpgme-1510-1.py +++ b/portage/win32libs-bin/gpgme/gpgme-1.3.1-2.py @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ # This package-script is automatically updated by the script win32libsupdater.py # which can be found in your emerge/bin folder. To update this package, run # win32libsupdater.py (and commit the results) -# based on revision git9e68ba20b63f582f00614117ddfd24524f758f1c +# based on revision git300e71be83450407a947422dca7250fbfcbbea49 from Package.BinaryPackageBase import * import os import info class subinfo( info.infoclass ): def setTargets( self ): repoUrl = 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kde-windows' - for version in [ '1.1.4-3', '1.3.0', '1510', '1510-1', '1510-2' ]: + for version in [ '1.3.0', '1510-1', '1510-2', '1.1.4-3', '1510', '1.3.1-2' ]: self.targets[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'gpgme', version ) self.targetDigestUrls[ version ] = self.getPackage( repoUrl, 'gpgme', version, '.tar.bz2.sha1' ) self.shortDescription = '''GnuPG cryptography support library (runtime)''' - self.defaultTarget = '1510-2' + self.defaultTarget = '1.3.1-2' def setDependencies( self ): if not utils.envAsBool( 'EMERGE_ENABLE_IMPLICID_BUILDTIME_DEPENDENCIES' ): - self.buildDependencies[ 'gnuwin32/wget' ] = 'default' + self.buildDependencies[ 'virtual/bin-base' ] = 'default' self.runtimeDependencies[ 'win32libs-bin/assuan2' ] = 'default' self.runtimeDependencies[ 'win32libs-bin/gpg-error' ] = 'default' def setBuildOptions( self ): self.disableHostBuild = False self.disableTargetBuild = True class Package(BinaryPackageBase): def __init__(self): self.subinfo = subinfo() BinaryPackageBase.__init__( self ) if __name__ == '__main__': Package().execute()