diff --git a/bin/Packager/CollectionPackagerBase.py b/bin/Packager/CollectionPackagerBase.py index 3185e3f8d..2ad1f4ad9 100644 --- a/bin/Packager/CollectionPackagerBase.py +++ b/bin/Packager/CollectionPackagerBase.py @@ -1,335 +1,333 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright Hannah von Reth # copyright (c) 2010-2011 Patrick Spendrin # copyright (c) 2010 Andre Heinecke (code taken from the kdepim-ce-package.py) # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. import types import glob from Packager.PackagerBase import * from Blueprints.CraftDependencyPackage import DependencyType, CraftDependencyPackage from Blueprints.CraftPackageObject import * from Package.SourceOnlyPackageBase import * def toRegExp(fname, targetName) -> re: """ Read regular expressions from fname """ assert os.path.isabs(fname) if not os.path.isfile(fname): CraftCore.log.critical("%s not found at: %s" % (targetName.capitalize(), os.path.abspath(fname))) regex = [] with open(fname, "rt+") as f: for line in f: # Cleanup white spaces / line endings line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue try: # accept forward and backward slashes line = line.replace("/", r"[/\\]") tmp = f"^{line}$" re.compile(tmp) # for debug regex.append(tmp) CraftCore.log.debug(f"{line} added to {targetName} as {tmp}") except re.error as e: raise Exception(f"{tmp} is not a valid regular expression: {e}") return re.compile(f"({'|'.join(regex)})", re.IGNORECASE) class PackagerLists(object): """ This class provides some staticmethods that can be used as pre defined black or whitelists """ @staticmethod def runtimeBlacklist(): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "applications_blacklist.txt") @staticmethod def defaultWhitelist(): return [re.compile("^$")] @staticmethod def defaultBlacklist(): return [toRegExp(PackagerLists.runtimeBlacklist(), "blacklist")] class CollectionPackagerBase(PackagerBase): reMsvcDebugRt = re.compile(r"VCRUNTIME.*D\.DLL", re.IGNORECASE) @InitGuard.init_once def __init__(self, whitelists=None, blacklists=None): PackagerBase.__init__(self) if not whitelists: whitelists = [PackagerLists.defaultWhitelist] if not blacklists: blacklists = [PackagerLists.defaultBlacklist] if not self.whitelist_file: self.whitelist_file = whitelists if not self.blacklist_file: self.blacklist_file = blacklists self._whitelist = [] self._blacklist = [] self.scriptname = None self.__deployQtSdk = (OsUtils.isWin() and CraftCore.settings.getboolean("QtSDK", "Enabled", False) and CraftCore.settings.getboolean("QtSDK","PackageQtSDK",True)) self.__qtSdkDir = OsUtils.toNativePath(os.path.join(CraftCore.settings.get("QtSDK", "Path"), CraftCore.settings.get("QtSDK", "Version"), CraftCore.settings.get("QtSDK", "Compiler"))) if self.__deployQtSdk else None @property def whitelist(self): if not self._whitelist: for entry in self.whitelist_file: CraftCore.log.debug("reading whitelist: %s" % entry) if callable(entry): for line in entry(): self._whitelist.append(line) else: self._whitelist.append(self.read_whitelist(entry)) return self._whitelist @property def blacklist(self): if not self._blacklist: for entry in self.blacklist_file: CraftCore.log.debug("reading blacklist: %s" % entry) if callable(entry): if entry == PackagerLists.runtimeBlacklist: CraftCore.log.warn("Compat mode for PackagerLists.runtimeBlacklist -- please just use self.blacklist_file.append(\"myblacklist.txt\") instead of self.blacklist_file = [...]") self._blacklist.append(self.read_blacklist(entry())) continue for line in entry(): self._blacklist.append(line) else: self._blacklist.append(self.read_blacklist(entry)) return self._blacklist def __imageDirPattern(self, package, buildTarget): """ return base directory name for package related image directory """ directory = "image" if package.subinfo.options.useBuildType == True: directory += '-' + package.buildType() directory += '-' + buildTarget return directory def __getImageDirectories(self): """ return the image directories where the files are stored """ imageDirs = [] depList = CraftDependencyPackage(self.package).getDependencies(depType=DependencyType.Runtime|DependencyType.Packaging, ignoredPackages=self.ignoredPackages) for x in depList: _package = x.instance if isinstance(_package, SourceOnlyPackageBase): CraftCore.log.debug(f"Ignoring package it is source only: {x}") continue imageDirs.append((x.instance.imageDir(), x.subinfo.options.package.disableStriping)) # this loop collects the files from all image directories CraftCore.log.debug(f"__getImageDirectories: package: {x}, version: {x.version}") if self.__deployQtSdk: imageDirs.append((self.__qtSdkDir, False)) return imageDirs def read_whitelist(self, fname : str) -> re: if not os.path.isabs(fname): fname = os.path.join(self.packageDir(), fname) """ Read regular expressions from fname """ try: return toRegExp(fname, "whitelist") except Exception as e: raise BlueprintException(str(e), self.package) def read_blacklist(self, fname : str) -> re: if not os.path.isabs(fname): fname = os.path.join(self.packageDir(), fname) """ Read regular expressions from fname """ try: return toRegExp(fname, "blacklist") except Exception as e: raise BlueprintException(str(e), self.package) def whitelisted(self, filename : os.DirEntry, root : str, whiteList : [re]=None) -> bool: """ return True if pathname is included in the pattern, and False if not """ if whiteList is None: whiteList = self.whitelist return self.blacklisted(filename, root=root, blackList=whiteList, message="whitelisted") def blacklisted(self, filename : os.DirEntry, root : str, blackList : [re]=None, message : str="blacklisted") -> bool: """ return False if file is not blacklisted, and True if it is blacklisted """ if blackList is None: blackList = self.blacklist CraftCore.log.debug(f"Start filtering: {message}") return utils.regexFileFilter(filename, root, blackList) def _filterQtBuildType(self, filename): if not self.__deployQtSdk: return True filename = OsUtils.toNativePath(filename) if self.__qtSdkDir not in filename: return True if utils.isBinary(filename): if not CraftCore.cache.findApplication("dependencies"): raise BlueprintException("Deploying a QtSdk depends on dev-util/dependencies", CraftPackageObject.get("dev-util/dependencies")) _, imports = CraftCore.cache.getCommandOutput("dependencies", f"-imports {filename}") rt = CollectionPackagerBase.reMsvcDebugRt.findall(imports) out = False if self.buildType() == "Debug": out = rt is not [] else: out = not rt if not out: CraftCore.log.debug(f"Skipp {filename} as it has the wrong build type: {rt}") return out return True def copyFiles(self, srcDir, destDir) -> bool: """ Copy the binaries for the Package from srcDir to the imageDir directory """ CraftCore.log.debug("Copying %s -> %s" % (srcDir, destDir)) filesToSign = [] doSign = CraftCore.compiler.isWindows and CraftCore.settings.getboolean("CodeSigning", "Enabled", False) if doSign and CraftCore.settings.getboolean("CodeSigning", "SignCache", False): # files from the cache are already signed doSign = os.path.samefile(srcDir, self.imageDir()) for entry in utils.filterDirectoryContent(srcDir, self.whitelisted, self.blacklisted): if not self._filterQtBuildType(entry): continue entry_target = os.path.join(destDir, os.path.relpath(entry, srcDir)) if not utils.copyFile(entry, entry_target, linkOnly=False): return False if utils.isBinary(entry_target): if doSign: filesToSign.append(entry_target) if filesToSign: utils.sign(filesToSign) return True def internalCreatePackage(self, defines=None, seperateSymbolFiles=False, packageSymbols=True) -> bool: """ create a package """ seperateSymbolFiles = seperateSymbolFiles and CraftCore.settings.getboolean("Packager", "PackageDebugSymbols", False) archiveDir = self.archiveDir() if CraftCore.compiler.isMacOS: symbolSuffix = ".dSYM" symbolPattern = r".*\{0}/.*".format(symbolSuffix) else: if CraftCore.compiler.isMSVC(): symbolSuffix = ".pdb" else: symbolSuffix = ".sym" symbolPattern = r".*\{0}$".format(symbolSuffix) symbolPattern = re.compile(symbolPattern) if not seperateSymbolFiles: self.blacklist.append(symbolPattern) - CraftCore.log.debug("cleaning package dir: %s" % archiveDir) utils.cleanDirectory(archiveDir) if seperateSymbolFiles: utils.cleanDirectory(self.archiveDebugDir()) for directory, strip in self.__getImageDirectories(): if os.path.exists(directory): if not self.copyFiles(directory, archiveDir): return False else: CraftCore.log.critical("image directory %s does not exist!" % directory) return False if self.subinfo.options.package.movePluginsToBin: # Qt expects plugins and qml files below bin, on the target sytsem binPath = os.path.join(archiveDir, "bin") for path in [os.path.join(archiveDir, "plugins"), os.path.join(archiveDir, "qml")]: if os.path.isdir(path): if not utils.mergeTree(path, binPath): return False if not self.preArchive(): return False if seperateSymbolFiles: CraftCore.log.info(f"Move symbols to {self.archiveDebugDir()}") - utils.cleanDirectory(self.archiveDebugDir()) for sym in utils.filterDirectoryContent(archiveDir, whitelist=lambda x, root: utils.isBinary(x.path), blacklist=lambda x, root: True): sym = Path(sym).with_suffix(symbolSuffix) if sym.exists(): dest = Path(self.archiveDebugDir()) / os.path.relpath(sym, archiveDir) CraftCore.log.info(f"Move symbols: {sym} {dest}") if not utils.createDir(dest.parent): return False if CraftCore.compiler.isMacOS: if not utils.moveDir(sym, dest): return False else: if not utils.moveFile(sym, dest): return False CraftCore.log.info("Remove unused symbols") def symFilter(x : os.DirEntry, root): if CraftCore.compiler.isMacOS: if x.is_file(): return False else: if x.is_dir(): return False return utils.regexFileFilter(x, root, [symbolPattern]) for sym in utils.filterDirectoryContent(archiveDir, whitelist=symFilter, blacklist=lambda x, root: True): CraftCore.log.info(f"Delete symbols: {sym}") if CraftCore.compiler.isMacOS: if not utils.rmtree(sym): return False else: if not utils.deleteFile(sym): return False - if packageSymbols and os.path.exists(self.archiveDebugDir()): + if packageSymbols and os.listdir(self.archiveDebugDir()): dbgName = Path("{0}-dbg{1}".format(*os.path.splitext(defines["setupname"]))) if dbgName.exists(): dbgName.unlink() if not self._createArchive(dbgName, self.archiveDebugDir(), self.packageDestinationDir()): return False return True def preArchive(self): return True