diff --git a/bin/utils.py b/bin/utils.py index 93aebae86..064c74df3 100644 --- a/bin/utils.py +++ b/bin/utils.py @@ -1,1429 +1,1431 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """@brief utilities this file contains some helper functions for emerge """ # copyright: # Holger Schroeder # Patrick Spendrin # Ralf Habacker import http.client import ftplib import os.path import sys import urllib.parse import shutil import zipfile import tarfile import hashlib import traceback import tempfile import getpass import subprocess import re import inspect import types import datetime from operator import itemgetter if os.name == 'nt': import msvcrt # pylint: disable=F0401 else: import fcntl # pylint: disable=F0401 import configparser def abstract(): caller = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][3] raise NotImplementedError(caller + ' must be implemented in subclass') def envAsBool(key, default=False): """ return value of environment variable as bool value """ value = os.getenv(key) if value: return value.lower() in ['true', '1'] else: return default def isSourceOnly(): return envAsBool("EMERGE_SOURCEONLY") def LockFileName(lock_id): '''Generate a user global lock file. For id lock_id TODO: generate it smarter to prevent security issues and possible collisions. ''' if not envAsBool("EMERGE_%s_LOCK" % lock_id): return None try: return os.environ["EMERGE_%s_LOCK_FILE" % lock_id] except KeyError: pass return os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), "emerge%s-%s.lck" % (lock_id, getpass.getuser())) class LockFile(object): """Context manager for a user global lock file""" def __init__(self, file_name): self.file_name = file_name self.file_handle = None def __enter__(self): if not self.file_name: return self.file_handle = open(self.file_name, 'a') fh = self.file_handle if os.name == 'nt': fh.seek(0) while True: try: msvcrt.locking(fh.fileno(), msvcrt.LK_LOCK, 2147483647) except IOError: # after 15 secs (every 1 sec, 1 attempt -> 15 secs) # a exception is raised but we want to continue trying. continue break else: fcntl.flock(fh, fcntl.LOCK_EX) fh.truncate(0) print("%d" % os.getpid(), file=fh) fh.flush() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): fh = self.file_handle if fh is None: return self.file_handle = None if os.name == 'nt': fh.seek(0) msvcrt.locking(fh.fileno(), msvcrt.LK_UNLCK, 2147483647) else: fcntl.flock(fh, fcntl.LOCK_UN) try: fh.close() except IOError: traceback.print_exc() ### fetch functions #FIXME: get this from somewhere else: WGetExecutable = os.path.join( os.getenv( "KDEROOT" ), "bin", "wget.exe" ) if not os.path.exists( WGetExecutable ): WGetExecutable = os.path.join( os.getenv( "KDEROOT" ), "dev-utils", "bin", "wget.exe" ) def test4application( appname): """check if the application specified by 'appname' is available""" try: f = file('NUL:') p = subprocess.Popen( appname, stdout=f, stderr=f ) p.wait() return True except OSError: debug( "could not find application %s" % appname, 1 ) return False class Verbose(object): """ This class will work on the overall output verbosity It defines the interface for the option parser but before the default value is taken from the environment variable. There is only one verbosity value for all parts of emerge. Always updates the shell variable EMERGE_VERBOSE. """ __level = os.getenv("EMERGE_VERBOSE") if not __level or not __level.isdigit() or int(__level) < 0: __level = 1 else: __level = int(__level) @staticmethod def increase(): """increase verbosity""" Verbose.setLevel(Verbose.__level + 1) @staticmethod def decrease(): """decrease verbosity""" Verbose.setLevel(Verbose.__level - 1) @staticmethod def level(): return Verbose.__level @staticmethod def setLevel(newLevel): """ set the level by hand for quick and dirty changes """ Verbose.__level = max(0, newLevel) os.putenv("EMERGE_VERBOSE", str(newLevel)) def verbose( self ): """ returns the verbosity level for the application """ return Verbose.__level class TemporaryVerbosity(object): """Context handler for temporarily different verbosity""" def __init__(self, tempLevel): self.prevLevel = verbose() setVerbose(tempLevel) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, trback): setVerbose(self.prevLevel) def verbose(): """return the value of the verbose level""" return Verbose.level() def setVerbose( _verbose ): Verbose.setLevel(_verbose) def getFiles( urls, destdir, suffix='' , filenames = ''): """download files from 'url' into 'destdir'""" debug( "getfiles called. urls: %s, filenames: %s, suffix: %s" % ( urls, filenames, suffix ), 1 ) # make sure distfiles dir exists if ( not os.path.exists( destdir ) ): os.makedirs( destdir ) if type(urls) == list: urlList = urls else: urlList = urls.split() if filenames == '': filenames = [ os.path.basename(x) for x in urlList ] if type(filenames) == list: filenameList = filenames else: filenameList = filenames.split() dlist = list(zip( urlList , filenameList )) for url,filename in dlist: if ( not getFile( url + suffix, destdir , filename ) ): return False return True def getFile( url, destdir , filename='' ): """download file from 'url' into 'destdir'""" debug( "getFile called. url: %s" % url, 1 ) if url == "": error( "fetch: no url given" ) return False wgetpath = WGetExecutable if ( os.path.exists( wgetpath ) ): return wgetFile( url, destdir , filename ) scheme, host, path, _, _, _ = urllib.parse.urlparse( url ) filename = os.path.basename( path ) debug( "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % ( scheme, host, path, filename ) ) if ( scheme == "http" ): return getHttpFile( host, path, destdir, filename ) elif ( scheme == "ftp" ): return getFtpFile( host, path, destdir, filename ) else: error( "getFile: protocol not understood" ) return False def wgetFile( url, destdir, filename=''): """download file with wget from 'url' into 'destdir', if filename is given to the file specified""" compath = WGetExecutable command = "%s --no-check-certificate -c -t 10" % compath if os.environ.get("EMERGE_NO_PASSIVE_FTP"): command += " --no-passive-ftp " if(filename ==''): command += " -P %s" % destdir else: command += " -O %s" % os.path.join( destdir, filename ) command += " %s" % url debug( "wgetfile called", 1 ) ret = system( command ) debug( "wget ret: %s" % ret, 2) return ret def getFtpFile( host, path, destdir, filename ): """download file from a ftp host specified by 'host' and 'path' into 'destdir' using 'filename' as file name""" # FIXME check return values here (implement useful error handling)... debug( "FIXME getFtpFile called. %s %s" % ( host, path ), 1 ) ftp = ftplib.FTP( host ) ftp.login( "anonymous", "johndoe" ) with open( os.path.join( destdir, filename ), "wb" ) as outfile: ftp.retrbinary( "RETR " + path, outfile.write ) return True def getHttpFile( host, path, destdir, filename ): """download file from a http host specified by 'host' and 'path' into 'destdir' using 'filename' as file name""" # FIXME check return values here (implement useful error handling)... debug( "getHttpFile called. %s %s" % ( host, path ), 1 ) conn = http.client.HTTPConnection( host ) conn.request( "GET", path ) r1 = conn.getresponse() debug( "status: %s; reason: %s" % ( str( r1.status ), str( r1.reason ) ) ) count = 0 while r1.status == 302: if count > 10: debug( "Redirect loop" ) return False count += 1 _, host, path, _, _, _ = urllib.parse.urlparse( r1.getheader( "Location" ) ) debug( "Redirection: %s %s" % ( host, path ), 1 ) conn = http.client.HTTPConnection( host ) conn.request( "GET", path ) r1 = conn.getresponse() debug( "status: %s; reason: %s" % ( str( r1.status ), str( r1.reason ) ) ) data = r1.read() with open( os.path.join( destdir, filename ), "wb" ) as f: f.write( data ) return True def isCrEol(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as f: return str(f.readline(),'UTF-8').endswith("\r\n") def checkFilesDigests( downloaddir, filenames, digests=None ): """check digest of (multiple) files specified by 'filenames' from 'downloaddir'""" if digests != None: if type(digests) == list: digestList = digests elif digests.find("\n") != -1: digestList = digests.splitLines() else: digestList = [digests] i = 0 for filename in filenames: debug( "checking digest of: %s" % filename, 1 ) pathName = os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ) if digests == None: digestFileName = pathName + '.sha1' if not os.path.exists( digestFileName ): digestFileName, _ = os.path.splitext( pathName ) digestFileName += '.sha1' if not os.path.exists( digestFileName ): error( "digest validation request for file %s, but no digest file present" % pathName ) return False currentHash = digestFileSha1( pathName ) with open( digestFileName, "r" ) as f: line = f.readline() digest = re.search('\\b[0-9a-fA-F]{40}\\b', line) if not digest: error( " digestFile %s for file %s does not contain a valid checksum" % (digestFileName, pathName,) ) return False digest = digest.group(0) if len(digest) != len(currentHash) or digest.find(currentHash) == -1: error( "digest value for file %s (%s) do not match (%s)" % (pathName, currentHash, digest) ) return False # digest provided in digests parameter else: currentHash = digestFileSha1( pathName ) digest = digestList[i].strip() if len(digest) != len(currentHash) or digest.find(currentHash) == -1: error( "digest value for file %s (%s) do not match (%s)" % (pathName, currentHash, digest) ) return False i = i + 1 return True def createFilesDigests( downloaddir, filenames ): """create digests of (multiple) files specified by 'filenames' from 'downloaddir'""" digestList = list() for filename in filenames: pathName = os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ) digest = digestFileSha1( pathName ) entry = filename, digest digestList.append(entry) return digestList def createDigetFile(path): """creates a sha1 diget file""" digets = digestFileSha1(path) f = open(path + ".sha1","wb+") f.write(bytes(digets,"UTF-8")) f.write(bytes("\n",'UTF-8')) f.close() def printFilesDigests( digestFiles, buildTarget=None): size = len( digestFiles ) i = 0 for (fileName, digest) in digestFiles: print("%40s %s" % ( fileName, digest ), end=' ') if size == 1: if buildTarget == None: print(" '%s'" % ( digest )) else: print("self.targetDigests['%s'] = '%s'" % ( buildTarget, digest )) else: if buildTarget == None: if i == 0: print(" ['%s'," % ( digest )) elif i == size-1: print(" '%s']" % ( digest )) else: print(" '%s'," % ( digest )) i = i + 1 else: if i == 0: print("self.targetDigests['%s'] = ['%s'," % ( buildTarget, digest )) elif i == size-1: print(" '%s']" % ( digest )) else: print(" '%s'," % ( digest )) i = i + 1 ### unpack functions def unpackFiles( downloaddir, filenames, workdir ): """unpack (multiple) files specified by 'filenames' from 'downloaddir' into 'workdir'""" cleanDirectory( workdir ) for filename in filenames: debug( "unpacking this file: %s" % filename, 1 ) if ( not unpackFile( downloaddir, filename, workdir ) ): return False return True def unpackFile( downloaddir, filename, workdir ): """unpack file specified by 'filename' from 'downloaddir' into 'workdir'""" ( shortname, ext ) = os.path.splitext( filename ) if ( ext == ".zip" ): return unZip( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir ) elif ( ext == ".7z" ): return un7zip( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir ) elif ( ext == ".tgz" ): return unTar( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir ) elif ( ext == ".gz" or ext == ".bz2" or ext == ".lzma" or ext == ".xz" ): _, myext = os.path.splitext( shortname ) if ( myext == ".tar" ): return unTar( os.path.join( downloaddir, filename ), workdir ) else: error( "unpacking %s" % myext ) return False elif ( ext == ".exe" ): warning( "unpack ignoring exe file" ) return True else: error( "dont know how to unpack this file: %s" % filename ) return False def un7zip( fileName, destdir ): command = "7za x -r -y -o%s %s" % ( destdir, fileName ) if verbose() > 1: return system( command ) else: tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile() return system( command, stdout=tmp ) def unTar( fileName, destdir,uselinks = envAsBool("EMERGE_USE_SYMLINKS") ): """unpack tar file specified by 'file' into 'destdir'""" debug( "unTar called. file: %s, destdir: %s" % ( fileName, destdir ), 1 ) ( shortname, ext ) = os.path.splitext( fileName ) emerge_tmp = os.path.join(destdir,"emerge_tmp") mode = "r" if ( ext == ".gz" ): mode = "r:gz" elif(ext == ".bz2"): mode = "r:bz2" elif(ext == ".lzma" or ext == ".xz" ): un7zip( fileName, emerge_tmp ) _, tarname = os.path.split( shortname ) fileName = os.path.join( emerge_tmp , tarname ) if not os.path.exists( fileName ): error( "couldn't find file %s" % fileName ) return False try: with tarfile.open( fileName, mode ) as tar: # FIXME how to handle errors here ? for tarMember in tar: try: if not uselinks and tarMember.issym(): tarDir = os.path.dirname(tarMember.name) target = tarMember.linkname if not target.startswith("/"):#abspath? target = os.path.normpath("%s/%s"%(tarDir, target)).replace("\\","/") if target in tar.getnames(): tar.extract(target, emerge_tmp ) shutil.move(os.path.join( emerge_tmp , tarDir , tarMember.linkname ),os.path.join( destdir , tarMember.name )) else: - warning("link target %s for %s not included in tarfile" % ( target , tarMember.name )) + warning("link target %s for %s not included in tarfile" % ( target , tarMember.name)) else: tar.extract(tarMember, destdir ) except tarfile.TarError: error( "couldn't extract file %s to directory %s" % ( fileName, destdir ) ) return False return True except tarfile.TarError: error( "could not open existing tar archive: %s" % fileName ) return False finally: if os.path.exists(emerge_tmp): shutil.rmtree(emerge_tmp) def unZip( fileName, destdir ): """unzip file specified by 'file' into 'destdir'""" debug( "unZip called: file %s to destination %s" % ( fileName, destdir ), 1 ) if not os.path.exists( destdir ): os.makedirs( destdir ) try: zipObj = zipfile.ZipFile( fileName ) except (zipfile.BadZipfile, IOError): error( "couldn't extract file %s" % fileName ) return False for name in zipObj.namelist(): if not name.endswith( '/' ): dirname = os.path.join( destdir, os.path.dirname( name ) ) if not os.path.exists( dirname ): os.makedirs( dirname ) with open( os.path.join( destdir, name ), 'wb' ) as outfile: outfile.write( zipObj.read( name ) ) return True ### svn fetch/unpack functions def svnFetch( repo, destdir, username = None, password = None ): debug( "utils svnfetch: repo %s to destination %s" % ( repo, destdir ), 1 ) if ( not os.path.exists( destdir ) ): os.makedirs( destdir ) os.chdir( destdir ) ret = 0 #if ( len( os.listdir( destdir ) ) == 0 ): directory = os.path.basename( repo.replace( "/", "\\" ) ) path = os.path.join( destdir, directory ) debug( "path: %s" % path, 1 ) if ( not os.path.exists( path ) ): # not checked out yet command = "svn checkout %s" % repo if ( username != None ): command = command + " --username " + username if ( password != None ): command = command + " --password " + password with LockFile(LockFileName("SVN")): ret = system( command ) else: # already checked out, so only update os.chdir( path ) debug( "svn up cwd: %s" % os.getcwd(), 1 ) with LockFile(LockFileName("SVN")): ret = system( "svn update" ) if ( ret == 0 ): return True else: return False ### package dependencies functions def checkManifestFile( name, category, package, version ): if os.path.isfile( name ): with open( name, "rb" ) as f: header = f.readline() line = f.readline() if not '/' in line: # update the file line = "%s/%s:%s:%s" % ( package, category, package, version ) with open( name, "wb" ) as f: f.write( header ) f.write( line ) if ( line.startswith( "%s/%s:%s:" % ( category, package, version ) ) ): return True return False def info( message ): if verbose() > 0: print("emerge info: %s" % message) return True def debug( message, level=0 ): if verbose() > level and verbose() > 0: print("emerge debug:", message) sys.stdout.flush() return True def warning( message ): if verbose() > 0: print("emerge warning: %s" % message) return True def new_line( level=0 ): if verbose() > level and verbose() > 0: print() def debug_line( level=0 ): if verbose() > level and verbose() > 0: print("_" * 80) def error( message ): if verbose() > 0: print("emerge error: %s" % message, file=sys.stderr) return False def die( message ): print("emerge fatal error: %s" % message, file=sys.stderr) stopAllTimer() exit( 1 ) def traceMode(): """return the value of the trace level""" traceVal = os.getenv( "EMERGE_TRACE" ) if ( not traceVal == None and traceVal.isdigit() and int(traceVal) > 0 and verbose() > 0 ): return int( traceVal ) else: return 0 def trace( message, dummyLevel=0 ): if traceMode(): #> level: print("emerge trace:", message) sys.stdout.flush() return True def system(cmd, **kw ): """execute cmd in a shell. All keywords are passed to Popen. stdout and stderr might be changed depending on the chosen logging options.""" kw['shell'] = True return systemWithoutShell(cmd, **kw) def systemWithoutShell(cmd, **kw): """execute cmd. All keywords are passed to Popen. stdout and stderr might be changed depending on the chosen logging options.""" debug( "executing command: %s" % cmd, 1 ) if kw.get('stdout') is None: kw['stdout'] = sys.stdout if kw.get('stderr') is None: kw['stderr'] = sys.stderr redirected = False prevStreams = sys.stdout, sys.stderr try: if verbose() == 0 and kw['stdout']== sys.stdout and kw['stderr'] == sys.stderr: redirected = True sys.stderr = sys.stdout = file('test.outlog', 'wb') p = subprocess.Popen( cmd, **kw ) ret = p.wait() finally: if redirected: sys.stderr.close() sys.stdout, sys.stderr = prevStreams return ( ret == 0 ) def copySrcDirToDestDir( srcdir, destdir ): """ deprecated """ return copyDir( srcdir, destdir ) def moveSrcDirToDestDir( srcdir, destdir ): """ deprecated """ return moveDir( srcdir, destdir ) def getFileListFromDirectory( imagedir ): """ create a file list containing hashes """ ret = [] myimagedir = imagedir if ( not imagedir.endswith( "\\" ) ): myimagedir = myimagedir + "\\" for root, _, files in os.walk( imagedir ): for fileName in files: ret.append( ( os.path.join( root, fileName ).replace( myimagedir, "" ), digestFile( os.path.join( root, fileName ) ) ) ) return ret def isVersion( part ): ver_regexp = re.compile("^(cvs\\.)?(\\d+)((\\.\\d+)*)([a-z]?)((_(pre|p|beta|alpha|rc)\\d*)*)(-r(\\d+))?$") if ver_regexp.match( part ): return True else: return False def etcDir(): """the etc directory for portage""" return os.path.join( os.getenv( "KDEROOT" ), "etc", "portage" ) def packageSplit( fullname ): """ instead of using portage_versions.catpkgsplit use this function now """ splitname = fullname.split('-') x = 0 # fixes pylint warning about using possibly undefined loop variable. # maybe this could be simplified by using only one for loop. for x in range( len( splitname ) ): if isVersion( splitname[ x ] ): break package = splitname[ 0 ] version = splitname[ x ] for part in splitname[ 1 : x ]: package += '-' + part for part in splitname[ x + 1: ]: version += '-' + part return [ package, version ] def getManifestFiles(rootdir, package): """return a list of manifest files for package. The file names are relative to rootdir and normalized (lowercase on windows). Only return existing files - it sometimes happens that the manifest file exists in the manifest directory but not in the package directory""" result = [] manifestDir = os.path.join( rootdir, "manifest" ) if not os.path.exists( manifestDir ): debug("could not find manifest directory %s" % manifestDir, 2) else: fileNames = (os.path.normcase(x) for x in os.listdir(manifestDir) if x.endswith(".mft")) for fileName in fileNames: if package == packageSplit( fileName.replace( ".mft", ""))[0]: fullName = os.path.join(rootdir, "manifest", fileName) if os.path.exists(fullName): result.append(fileName) else: warning("did not find manifest file %s" % fullName) if not result: debug( "could not find any manifest files in %s for rootdir=%s, package=%s" % \ (manifestDir, rootdir, package), 2 ) return result def getFileListFromManifest(rootdir, package, withManifests=False): """ return sorted list according to the manifest files for deletion/import. Each item holds a file name and a digest. If a file name appears once with and once without digest (which often is the case for *.mft), it is only returned once with digest. The file names are normalized: on Windows, all lowercase. Do not return the names of manifest files unless explicitly requested. """ fileList = dict() manifestFiles = [os.path.join(rootdir, "manifest", x) for x in getManifestFiles(rootdir, package)] for manifestFile in manifestFiles: with open(manifestFile, 'rb' ) as fptr: for line in fptr: try: line = line.replace( "\n", "" ).replace( "\r", "" ) # check for digest having two spaces between filename and hash if not line.find( " " ) == -1: [ b, a ] = line.rsplit( " ", 2 ) # check for filname have spaces elif line.count( " " ) > 1: ri = line.rindex( " " ) b = line[ ri: ] a = line[ : ri - 1 ] # check for digest having one spaces elif not line.find( " " ) == -1: [ a, b ] = line.rsplit( " ", 2 ) else: a, b = line, "" except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703 die( "could not parse line %s" % line) a = os.path.normcase(a) if withManifests or os.path.join( rootdir, a) not in manifestFiles: if a not in fileList or not fileList[a]: # if it is not yet in the fileList or without digest: fileList[a] = b return sorted(list(fileList.items()), key = lambda x: x[0]) def unmergeFileList(rootdir, fileList, forced=False): """ delete files in the fileList if has matches or forced is True """ for filename, filehash in fileList: fullPath = os.path.join(rootdir, os.path.normcase( filename)) if os.path.isfile(fullPath): currentHash = digestFile(fullPath) if currentHash == filehash or filehash == "" or os.path.islink(fullPath): debug( "deleting file %s" % fullPath) os.remove(fullPath) else: if forced: warning( "file %s has different hash: %s %s, deleting anyway" % \ (fullPath, currentHash, filehash ) ) os.remove(fullPath) else: warning( "file %s has different hash: %s %s, run with option --force to delete it anyway" % \ (fullPath, currentHash, filehash ) ) elif not os.path.isdir(fullPath): warning( "file %s does not exist" % fullPath) def unmerge(rootdir, package, forced=False): """ delete files according to the manifest files. returns False if it found no manifest files.""" debug( "unmerge called: %s" % ( package ), 2 ) fileList = getFileListFromManifest(rootdir, package, withManifests=True) unmergeFileList(rootdir, fileList, forced) return bool(fileList) def cleanManifestDir(imageDir): manifestDir = os.path.join( imageDir, "manifest" ) if os.path.exists( manifestDir ): rmtree(manifestDir) def createManifestDir(imagedir, category, package, version ): """if not yet existing, create the manifest files for an imagedir like the kdewin-packager does""" if not hasManifestFile( imagedir, package ): createManifestFiles( imagedir, imagedir, category, package, version ) def hasManifestFile( imagedir, package ): if os.path.exists( os.path.join( imagedir, "manifest" ) ): for fileName in os.listdir( os.path.join( imagedir, "manifest" ) ): if fileName.startswith( package ) and fileName.endswith( "-bin.mft" ): return True return False def createManifestFiles( imagedir, destdir, category, package, version ): """create the manifest files for an imagedir like the kdewin-packager does""" debug( "createManifestFiles called: %s %s %s %s %s" % ( imagedir, destdir, category, package, version ), 1 ) myimagedir = imagedir if ( not imagedir.endswith( "\\" ) ): myimagedir = myimagedir + "\\" binList = list() libList = list() docList = list() dirType = 0 for root, _, files in os.walk( imagedir ): relativeRoot = root.replace( imagedir, "" ) if relativeRoot.startswith("\\manifest"): continue if relativeRoot.startswith( "\\bin" ): dirType = 1 elif relativeRoot.startswith( "\\lib" ): dirType = 2 elif relativeRoot.startswith( "\\share" ): dirType = 3 elif relativeRoot.startswith( "\\data" ): dirType = 4 elif relativeRoot.startswith( "\\etc" ): dirType = 5 elif relativeRoot.startswith( "\\include" ): dirType = 6 elif relativeRoot.startswith( "\\doc" ): dirType = 7 elif relativeRoot.startswith( "\\man" ): dirType = 8 else: dirType = 1 for fileName in files: if dirType == 1 or dirType == 2: binList.append( os.path.join( root, fileName ).replace( myimagedir, "" ) ) if dirType == 2: if fileName.endswith( ".a" ) or fileName.endswith( ".lib" ): libList.append( os.path.join( root, fileName ).replace( myimagedir, "" ) ) else: binList.append( os.path.join( root, fileName ).replace( myimagedir, "" ) ) if dirType == 3 or dirType == 4 or dirType == 5: binList.append( os.path.join( root, fileName ).replace( myimagedir, "" ) ) if dirType == 6: libList.append( os.path.join( root, fileName ).replace( myimagedir, "" ) ) if dirType == 7 or dirType == 8: docList.append( os.path.join( root, fileName ).replace( myimagedir, "" ) ) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join( destdir, "manifest" ) ): os.makedirs( os.path.join( destdir, "manifest" ) ) for mList, ext, description in [ (binList, 'bin', 'Binaries'), (libList, 'lib', 'developer files'), (docList, 'doc', 'Documentation')]: if mList: with open( os.path.join( destdir, "manifest", "%s-%s-%s.mft" % ( package, version, ext )), 'wb' ) as f: for fileName in mList: f.write( bytes( "%s %s\n" % ( fileName, digestFile( os.path.join( myimagedir, fileName ) ) ), "UTF-8" ) ) f.write( bytes( os.path.join( "manifest", "%s-%s-%s.mft\n" % ( package, version, ext ) ), "UTF-8" ) ) f.write( bytes( os.path.join( "manifest", "%s-%s-%s.ver\n" % ( package, version, ext ) ), "UTF-8" ) ) with open( os.path.join( destdir, "manifest", "%s-%s-%s.ver" % ( package, version, ext )), 'wb' ) as f: f.write( bytes( "%s %s %s\n%s/%s:%s:unknown" % ( package, version, description, category, package, version ), "UTF-8" ) ) return True def mergeImageDirToRootDir( imagedir, rootdir , linkOnly = envAsBool("EMERGE_USE_SYMLINKS")): copyDir( imagedir, rootdir , linkOnly) def moveEntries( srcdir, destdir ): for entry in os.listdir( srcdir ): #print "rootdir:", root debug( "entry: %s" % entry, 1 ) src = os.path.join( srcdir, entry ) dest = os.path.join( destdir, entry ) debug( "src: %s dest: %s" %( src, dest ), 1 ) if( os.path.isfile( dest ) ): os.remove( dest ) if( os.path.isdir( dest ) ): continue os.rename( src, dest ) def moveImageDirContents( imagedir, relSrcDir, relDestDir ): srcdir = os.path.join( imagedir, relSrcDir ) destdir = os.path.join( imagedir, relDestDir ) if ( not os.path.isdir( destdir ) ): os.mkdir( destdir ) moveEntries( srcdir, destdir ) os.chdir( imagedir ) os.removedirs( relSrcDir ) def fixCmakeImageDir( imagedir, rootdir ): """ when using DESTDIR=foo under windows, it does not _replace_ CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX with it, but prepends destdir to it. so when we want to be able to install imagedir into KDEROOT, we have to move things around... """ debug( "fixImageDir: %s %s" % ( imagedir, rootdir ), 1 ) # imagedir = e:\foo\thirdroot\tmp\dbus-0\image # rootdir = e:\foo\thirdroot # files are installed to # e:\foo\thirdroot\tmp\dbus-0\image\foo\thirdroot _, rootpath = os.path.splitdrive( rootdir ) #print "rp:", rootpath if ( rootpath.startswith( "\\" ) ): rootpath = rootpath[1:] # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = X:\ # -> files are installed to # x:\build\foo\dbus\image\ # --> all fine in this case #print "rp:", rootpath if len(rootpath) == 0: return tmp = os.path.join( imagedir, rootpath ) debug( "tmp: %s" % tmp, 1 ) tmpdir = os.path.join( imagedir, "tMpDiR" ) if ( not os.path.isdir( tmpdir ) ): os.mkdir( tmpdir ) moveEntries( tmp, tmpdir ) os.chdir( imagedir ) os.removedirs( rootpath ) moveEntries( tmpdir, imagedir ) cleanDirectory( tmpdir ) os.rmdir( tmpdir ) def cleanDirectory( directory ): debug("clean directory %s" % directory, 1) if ( os.path.exists( directory ) ): for root, dirs, files in os.walk( directory, topdown=False): for name in files: try: os.remove( os.path.join(root, name) ) except OSError: die( "couldn't delete file %s\n ( %s )" % ( name, os.path.join( root, name ) ) ) for name in dirs: try: os.rmdir( os.path.join(root, name) ) except OSError: die( "couldn't delete directory %s\n( %s )" % ( name, os.path.join( root, name ) ) ) else: os.makedirs( directory ) def sedFile( directory, fileName, sedcommand ): """ runs the given sed command on the given file """ olddir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir( directory ) backup = "%s.orig" % fileName if( os.path.isfile( backup ) ): os.remove( backup ) command = "sed -i.orig %s %s" % ( sedcommand, fileName ) system( command ) finally: os.chdir( olddir ) def digestFile( filepath ): """ md5-digests a file """ fileHash = hashlib.md5() if os.path.islink(filepath): tmp = resolveLink(filepath) if not os.path.exists(tmp): warning("cant resolve symbolic link target %s, returning \"\" as digests" % tmp) return "" filepath = tmp with open( filepath, "rb" ) as digFile: for line in digFile: fileHash.update( line ) return fileHash.hexdigest() def digestFileSha1( filepath ): """ sha1-digests a file """ fileHash = hashlib.sha1() with open( filepath, "rb" ) as hashFile: for line in hashFile: fileHash.update( line ) return fileHash.hexdigest() def getVCSType( url ): """ return the type of the vcs url """ if not url: return "" if isGitUrl( url ): return "git" elif url.find("://") == -1: return "svn" elif url.startswith("[hg]"): return "hg" elif url.find("svn:") >= 0 or url.find("https:") >= 0 or url.find("http:") >= 0: return "svn" ## \todo complete more cvs access schemes elif url.find("pserver:") >= 0: return "cvs" else: return "" def isGitUrl( Url ): """ this function returns true, if the Url given as parameter is a git url: it either starts with git:// or the first part before the first '|' ends with .git or if the url starts with the token [git] """ if Url.startswith('git://'): return True # split away branch and tags splitUrl = Url.split('|') if splitUrl[0].endswith(".git"): return True if Url.startswith("[git]"): return True return False def splitVCSUrl( Url ): """ this function splits up an url provided by Url into the server name, the path, a branch or tag; it will return a list with 3 strings according to the following scheme: git://servername/path.git|4.5branch|v4.5.1 will result in ['git://servername:path.git', '4.5branch', 'v4.5.1'] This also works for all other dvcs""" splitUrl = Url.split('|') if len(splitUrl) < 3: c = [x for x in splitUrl] for dummy in range(3 - len(splitUrl)): c.append('') else: c = splitUrl[0:3] return c def replaceVCSUrl( Url ): """ this function should be used to replace the url of a server this comes in useful if you e.g. need to switch the server url for a push url on gitorious.org """ configfile = os.path.join(etcDir(), "..", "emergehosts.conf" ) replacedict = dict() # FIXME handle svn/git usernames and settings with a distinct naming if ( os.getenv( "KDESVNUSERNAME" ) and os.getenv( "KDESVNUSERNAME" ) != "username" ) : replacedict[ "git://git.kde.org/" ] = "git@git.kde.org:" if os.path.exists( configfile ): config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read( configfile ) # add the default KDE stuff if the KDE username is set. for section in config.sections(): host = config.get( section, "host" ) replace = config.get( section, "replace" ) replacedict[ host ] = replace for host in list(replacedict.keys()): if not Url.find( host ) == -1: Url = Url.replace( host, replacedict[ host ] ) break return Url def createImportLibs( dll_name, basepath ): """creating the import libraries for the other compiler(if ANSI-C libs)""" dst = os.path.join( basepath, "lib" ) if( not os.path.exists( dst ) ): os.mkdir( dst ) # check whether the required binary tools exist HAVE_PEXPORTS = test4application( "pexports" ) USE_PEXPORTS = HAVE_PEXPORTS HAVE_LIB = test4application( "lib" ) HAVE_DLLTOOL = test4application( "dlltool" ) if verbose() > 1: print("pexports found:", HAVE_PEXPORTS) print("pexports used:", USE_PEXPORTS) print("lib found:", HAVE_LIB) print("dlltool found:", HAVE_DLLTOOL) dllpath = os.path.join( basepath, "bin", "%s.dll" % dll_name ) defpath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.def" % dll_name ) exppath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.exp" % dll_name ) imppath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.lib" % dll_name ) gccpath = os.path.join( basepath, "lib", "%s.dll.a" % dll_name ) if not HAVE_PEXPORTS and os.path.exists( defpath ): HAVE_PEXPORTS = True USE_PEXPORTS = False if not HAVE_PEXPORTS: warning( "system does not have pexports.exe" ) return False if not HAVE_LIB: warning( "system does not have lib.exe (from msvc)" ) if not HAVE_DLLTOOL: warning( "system does not have dlltool.exe" ) return False # create .def if USE_PEXPORTS: cmd = "pexports %s > %s " % ( dllpath, defpath ) system( cmd ) sedcmd = "sed -i \"s/^LIBRARY.*$/LIBRARY %s.dll/\" %s" % (dll_name, defpath) system( sedcmd ) if( HAVE_LIB and not os.path.isfile( imppath ) ): # create .lib cmd = "lib /machine:x86 /def:%s /out:%s" % ( defpath, imppath ) system( cmd ) if( HAVE_DLLTOOL and not os.path.isfile( gccpath ) ): # create .dll.a cmd = "dlltool -d %s -l %s" % ( defpath, gccpath ) system( cmd ) if os.path.exists( defpath ): os.remove( defpath ) if os.path.exists( exppath ): os.remove( exppath ) return True def toMSysPath( path ): path = path.replace( '\\', '/' ) if ( path[1] == ':' ): path = '/' + path[0].lower() + '/' + path[3:] return path def cleanPackageName( basename, packagename ): return os.path.basename( basename ).replace( packagename + "-", "" ).replace( ".py", "" ) def renameDir(src, dest): """ rename a directory """ debug("rename directory from %s to %s" % ( src, dest ), 2) if os.rename( src, dest ) == 0: return False else: return True def createDir(path): """Recursive directory creation function. Makes all intermediate-level directories needed to contain the leaf directory""" if not os.path.exists( path ): debug("creating directory %s " % ( path ), 2) os.makedirs( path ) return True def resolveLink(link): """tries to resolve a symlink""" if not os.path.islink(link): return link tmp = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(link) ),os.readlink(link)) if not os.path.exists(tmp): warning("cant resolve Link: %s" % link) return tmp def copyFile(src, dest,linkOnly = envAsBool("EMERGE_USE_SYMLINKS")): """ copy file from src to dest""" debug("copy file from %s to %s" % ( src, dest ), 2) destDir = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.exists(destDir): os.makedirs(destDir) if os.path.islink(src): src = resolveLink(src) if linkOnly: if src.endswith(".exe") or src.endswith("qt.conf"): os.link( src , dest ) else: if (os.path.exists(dest) or os.path.islink(dest)):#if link is invailid os.path.exists will return false warning("overiding existing link or file %s with %s" % (dest,src)) os.remove(dest) os.symlink(deSubstPath(src), dest ) else: shutil.copy(src,dest) return True def copyDir( srcdir, destdir,linkOnly=False ): """ copy directory from srcdir to destdir """ debug( "copyDir called. srcdir: %s, destdir: %s" % ( srcdir, destdir ), 2) if ( not srcdir.endswith( "\\" ) ): srcdir += "\\" if ( not destdir.endswith( "\\" ) ): destdir += "\\" for root, _, files in os.walk( srcdir ): # do not copy files under .svn directories, because they are write-protected # and the they cannot easily be deleted... if ( root.find( ".svn" ) == -1 ): tmpdir = root.replace( srcdir, destdir ) if not os.path.exists( tmpdir ): os.makedirs( tmpdir ) for fileName in files: copyFile(os.path.join( root, fileName ),os.path.join( tmpdir, fileName )) debug( "copy %s to %s" % ( os.path.join( root, fileName ), os.path.join( tmpdir, fileName ) ), 2) def moveDir( srcdir, destdir ): """ move directory from srcdir to destdir """ debug( "moveDir called. srcdir: %s, destdir: %s" % ( srcdir, destdir ), 1 ) shutil.move( srcdir, destdir ) def rmtree( directory ): """ recursively delete directory """ debug( "rmtree called. directory: %s" % ( directory ), 2 ) shutil.rmtree ( directory, True ) # ignore errors def moveFile(src, dest): """move file from src to dest""" debug("move file from %s to %s" % ( src, dest ), 2) os.rename( src, dest ) return True def deleteFile(fileName): """delete file """ if not os.path.exists( fileName ): return False debug("delete file %s " % ( fileName ), 2) os.remove( fileName ) return True def findFiles( directory, pattern=None, fileNames=None): """find files recursivly""" if fileNames == None: fileNames = [] pattern = pattern.lower() for entry in os.listdir(directory): if entry.find(".svn") > -1 or entry.find(".bak") > -1: continue fileName = os.path.join(directory, entry) if os.path.isdir(fileName): findFiles(fileName, pattern, fileNames) elif os.path.isfile(fileName) and pattern == None or entry.lower().find(pattern) > -1: fileNames.append(fileName) return fileNames def putenv(name, value): """set environment variable""" debug("set environment variable -- set %s=%s" % ( name, value ), 2) os.putenv( name, value ) return True def unixToDos(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as f: return str(f.read(),'UTF-8').replace('\n', '\r\n') def applyPatch(sourceDir, f, patchLevel='0'): """apply single patch""" cmd = "patch -d %s -p%s < %s" % (sourceDir, patchLevel, f) debug("applying %s" % cmd) if not isCrEol(f): p = subprocess.Popen([ "patch", "-d", sourceDir, "-p", str(patchLevel)], stdin = subprocess.PIPE) p.communicate(bytes(unixToDos(f),'UTF-8')) result = p.wait() == 0 else: result = system( cmd ) if not result: warning( "applying %s failed!" % f) return result def log(fn): def inner(*args, **argv): logdir = os.environ.get('EMERGE_LOG_DIR') if not logdir: return fn(*args, **argv) if os.path.isfile(logdir): die("EMERGE_LOG_DIR %s is a file" % logdir) if not os.path.exists(logdir): try: os.mkdir(logdir) except OSError: die("EMERGE_LOG_DIR %s can not be created" % logdir) logfile = "%s-%s-%s.log" % (args[0], args[1], args[2]) logfile = os.path.join(logdir, logfile) f = open(logfile, "a+") try: old_out = sys.stdout old_err = sys.stderr sys.stdout = f sys.stderr = f return fn(*args, **argv) finally: sys.stdout = old_out sys.stderr = old_err f.close() return inner def getWinVer(): ''' Returns the Windows Version of the system returns "0" if the Version can not be determined ''' try: result = str(subprocess.Popen("cmd /C ver", stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0],"windows-1252") except OSError: debug("Windows Version can not be determined", 1) return "0" version = re.search(r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+", result) if(version): return version.group(0) debug("Windows Version can not be determined", 1) return "0" def regQuery(key, value): ''' Query the registry key for value and return the result. ''' query = 'reg query "%s" /v "%s"' % (key, value) debug("Executing registry query %s " % query, 2) result = subprocess.Popen(query, stdout = subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] # Output of this command is either an error to stderr # or the key with the value in the next line reValue = re.compile(r"(\s*%s\s*REG_\w+\s*)(.*)" % value) match = reValue.search(str(result, 'windows-1252')) if match and match.group(2): return match.group(2).rstrip() return False def embedManifest(executable, manifest): ''' Embed a manifest to an executable using either the free kdewin manifest if it exists in dev-utils/bin or the one provided by the Microsoft Platform SDK if it is installed' ''' if not os.path.isfile(executable) or not os.path.isfile(manifest): # We die here because this is a problem with the portage files die("embedManifest %s or %s do not exist" % (executable, manifest)) debug("embedding ressource manifest %s into %s" % \ (manifest, executable), 2) mtExe = None mtExe = os.path.join(os.getenv("KDEROOT"), "dev-utils", "bin", "mt.exe") if(not os.path.isfile(mtExe)): # If there is no free manifest tool installed on the system # try to fallback on the manifest tool provided by visual studio sdkdir = regQuery("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows", "CurrentInstallFolder") if not sdkdir: debug("embedManifest could not find the Registry Key" " for the Windows SDK", 2) else: mtExe = r'%s' % os.path.join(sdkdir, "Bin", "mt.exe") if not os.path.isfile(os.path.normpath(mtExe)): debug("embedManifest could not find a mt.exe in\n\t %s" % \ os.path.dirname(mtExe), 2) if os.path.isfile(mtExe): system([mtExe, "-nologo", "-manifest", manifest, "-outputresource:%s;1" % executable]) else: debug("No manifest tool found. \n Ressource manifest for %s not embedded"\ % executable, 1) def getscriptname(): if __name__ == '__main__': return sys.argv[ 0 ] else: return __name__ def prependPath(*parts): """put path in front of the PATH environment variable, if it is not there yet. The last part must be a non empty string, otherwise we do nothing""" if parts[-1]: fullPath = os.path.join(*parts) old = os.getenv("PATH").split(';') if old[0] != fullPath: debug("adding %s to system path" % fullPath, 2) old.insert(0, fullPath) os.putenv( "PATH", ";".join(old)) _TIMERS = dict() def startTimer(name, level = 0): """starts a timer for meassurement""" if name in _TIMERS: die("%s already in timers" % name) _TIMERS[name] = (datetime.datetime.now() , level) if os.getenv("EMERGE_MEASURE_TIME") or level == 0 or verbose() > level and verbose() > 0: #debug( "Task: %s started" % name ) sys.stdout.flush() def stopTimer(name): """stops a timer for meassurement""" if not name in _TIMERS: debug( "%s not in timers" % name ) return startTime , level = _TIMERS[name] if os.getenv("EMERGE_MEASURE_TIME") or level == 0 or verbose() > level and verbose() > 0: delta = datetime.datetime.now() - startTime debug( "Task: %s stopped after: %s" % (name , delta) ) sys.stdout.flush() del _TIMERS[name] def stopAllTimer(): """stops all timer for meassurement""" keys = sorted(list(_TIMERS.items()) , key=itemgetter(1) , reverse=True) for key , _ in keys: stopTimer(key) _SUBST = None def deSubstPath(path): """desubstitude emerge short path""" + if not envAsBool("EMERGE_USE_SHORT_PATH"): + return path global _SUBST # pylint: disable=W0603 drive , tail = os.path.splitdrive(path) drive = drive.upper() if _SUBST == None: - tmp = str(subprocess.Popen("subst", stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0],"windows-1252 ").split("\r\n") + tmp = str(subprocess.Popen("subst", stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0],"windows-1252").split("\r\n") _SUBST = dict() for s in tmp: if s != "": key , val = s.split("\\: => ") _SUBST[key] = val if drive in list(_SUBST.keys()): deSubst = _SUBST[drive] + tail debug("desubstituded %s to %s" % (path , deSubst) , 1) return deSubst return path