diff --git a/greeter/greeterapp.cpp b/greeter/greeterapp.cpp index 80df8a4..5a78d09 100644 --- a/greeter/greeterapp.cpp +++ b/greeter/greeterapp.cpp @@ -1,763 +1,767 @@ /******************************************************************** KSld - the KDE Screenlocker Daemon This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2004 Chris Howells Copyright (C) 2011 Martin Gräßlin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "greeterapp.h" #include "kscreensaversettings.h" #include "authenticator.h" #include "noaccessnetworkaccessmanagerfactory.h" #include "wallpaper_integration.h" #include "lnf_integration.h" #include // KDE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //Plasma #include #include #include // KWayland #include #include #include #include #include // Qt #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Wayland #include #include // X11 #include #include #include // #include #if HAVE_SECCOMP #include #include #endif // this is usable to fake a "screensaver" installation for testing // *must* be "0" for every public commit! #define TEST_SCREENSAVER 0 namespace ScreenLocker { // disable DrKonqi as the crash dialog blocks the restart of the locker void disableDrKonqi() { KCrash::setDrKonqiEnabled(false); } // run immediately, before Q_CORE_STARTUP functions // that would enable drkonqi Q_CONSTRUCTOR_FUNCTION(disableDrKonqi) class FocusOutEventFilter : public QAbstractNativeEventFilter { public: bool nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long int *result) override { Q_UNUSED(result) if (qstrcmp(eventType, "xcb_generic_event_t") != 0) { return false; } xcb_generic_event_t *event = reinterpret_cast(message); if ((event->response_type & ~0x80) == XCB_FOCUS_OUT) { return true; } return false; } }; // App UnlockApp::UnlockApp(int &argc, char **argv) : QGuiApplication(argc, argv) , m_resetRequestIgnoreTimer(new QTimer(this)) , m_delayedLockTimer(nullptr) , m_testing(false) , m_ignoreRequests(false) , m_immediateLock(false) , m_graceTime(0) , m_noLock(false) , m_defaultToSwitchUser(false) , m_wallpaperIntegration(new WallpaperIntegration(this)) , m_lnfIntegration(new LnFIntegration(this)) { m_authenticator = createAuthenticator(); connect(m_authenticator, &Authenticator::succeeded, this, &QCoreApplication::quit); initialize(); connect(this, &UnlockApp::screenAdded, this, &UnlockApp::desktopResized); connect(this, &UnlockApp::screenRemoved, this, &UnlockApp::desktopResized); if (QX11Info::isPlatformX11()) { installNativeEventFilter(new FocusOutEventFilter); } } UnlockApp::~UnlockApp() { //workaround QTBUG-55460 //will be fixed when themes port to QQC2 for (auto view: m_views) { if (QQuickItem *focusItem = view->activeFocusItem()) { focusItem->setFocus(false); } } qDeleteAll(m_views); if (m_ksldInterface) { org_kde_ksld_destroy(m_ksldInterface); } if (m_ksldRegistry) { delete m_ksldRegistry; } if (m_ksldConnection) { m_ksldConnection->deleteLater(); m_ksldConnectionThread->quit(); m_ksldConnectionThread->wait(); } } Authenticator *UnlockApp::createAuthenticator() { #if HAVE_SECCOMP struct stat buf; stat(KCHECKPASS_BIN, &buf); if (!(buf.st_mode & S_ISUID)) { m_supportsSeccomp = true; return new Authenticator(AuthenticationMode::Delayed, this); } #endif return new Authenticator(AuthenticationMode::Direct, this); } void UnlockApp::initialize() { initializeWayland(); // set up the request ignore timeout, so that multiple requests to sleep/suspend/shutdown // are not processed in quick (and confusing) succession) m_resetRequestIgnoreTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_resetRequestIgnoreTimer->setInterval(2000); connect(m_resetRequestIgnoreTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &UnlockApp::resetRequestIgnore); KScreenSaverSettings::self()->load(); KPackage::Package package = KPackage::PackageLoader::self()->loadPackage(QStringLiteral("Plasma/LookAndFeel")); KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")), "KDE"); m_packageName = cg.readEntry("LookAndFeelPackage", QString()); if (!m_packageName.isEmpty()) { package.setPath(m_packageName); } if (!KScreenSaverSettings::theme().isEmpty()) { package.setPath(KScreenSaverSettings::theme()); } m_mainQmlPath = package.fileUrl("lockscreenmainscript"); m_wallpaperIntegration->setConfig(KScreenSaverSettings::self()->sharedConfig()); m_wallpaperIntegration->setPluginName(KScreenSaverSettings::self()->wallpaperPlugin()); m_wallpaperIntegration->init(); m_lnfIntegration->setPackage(package); m_lnfIntegration->setConfig(KScreenSaverSettings::self()->sharedConfig()); m_lnfIntegration->init(); installEventFilter(this); } +QWindow *UnlockApp::getActiveScreen() +{ + QWindow *activeScreen = nullptr; + + if (m_views.isEmpty()) { + return activeScreen; + } + + foreach (KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *view, m_views) { + if (view->geometry().contains(QCursor::pos())) { + activeScreen = view; + break; + } + } + if (!activeScreen) { + activeScreen = m_views.first(); + } + + return activeScreen; +} + void UnlockApp::initializeWayland() { if (!platformName().startsWith(QLatin1String("wayland"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return; } using namespace KWayland::Client; auto *c = ConnectionThread::fromApplication(this); if (!c) { return; } Registry *r = new Registry(this); r->create(c); r->setup(); c->roundtrip(); const auto i = r->interface(Registry::Interface::PlasmaShell); if (i.name == 0) { return; } m_plasmaShell = r->createPlasmaShell(i.name, i.version, this); } void UnlockApp::loadWallpaperPlugin(KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *view) { auto package = m_wallpaperIntegration->package(); if (!package.isValid()) { qWarning() << "Error loading the wallpaper, no valid package loaded"; return; } auto qmlObject = new KDeclarative::QmlObjectSharedEngine(view); qmlObject->setInitializationDelayed(true); qmlObject->setPackage(package); qmlObject->rootContext()->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("wallpaper"), m_wallpaperIntegration); view->setProperty("wallpaperGraphicsObject", QVariant::fromValue(qmlObject)); connect(qmlObject, &KDeclarative::QmlObject::finished, this, [this, qmlObject, view] { auto item = qobject_cast(qmlObject->rootObject()); if (!item) { qWarning() << "Wallpaper needs to be a QtQuick Item"; return; } item->setParentItem(view->rootObject()); item->setZ(-1000); //set anchors QQmlExpression expr(qmlObject->engine()->rootContext(), item, QStringLiteral("parent")); QQmlProperty prop(item, QStringLiteral("anchors.fill")); prop.write(expr.evaluate()); view->rootContext()->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("wallpaper"), item); view->rootContext()->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("wallpaperIntegration"), m_wallpaperIntegration); } ); } void UnlockApp::desktopResized() { const int nScreens = screens().count(); // remove useless views and savers while (m_views.count() > nScreens) { m_views.takeLast()->deleteLater(); } // extend views and savers to current demand for (int i = m_views.count(); i < nScreens; ++i) { // create the view auto *view = new KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine(); view->setColor(Qt::black); // first create KDeclarative, to be sure that it created a KIO Network Factory KDeclarative::KDeclarative declarative; declarative.setDeclarativeEngine(view->engine()); declarative.setupBindings(); if (!m_testing) { if (QX11Info::isPlatformX11()) { view->setFlags(Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint); } else { view->setFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); } } if (m_ksldInterface) { view->create(); org_kde_ksld_x11window(m_ksldInterface, view->winId()); wl_display_flush(m_ksldConnection->display()); } if (m_plasmaShell) { using namespace KWayland::Client; if (Surface *surface = Surface::fromWindow(view)) { PlasmaShellSurface *shellSurface = m_plasmaShell->createSurface(surface, view); view->setProperty("plasmaShellSurface", QVariant::fromValue(shellSurface)); } } // engine stuff QQmlContext* context = view->engine()->rootContext(); const KUser user; const QString fullName = user.property(KUser::FullName).toString(); context->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("kscreenlocker_userName"), fullName.isEmpty() ? user.loginName() : fullName); context->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("kscreenlocker_userImage"), user.faceIconPath()); context->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("authenticator"), m_authenticator); context->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("org_kde_plasma_screenlocker_greeter_interfaceVersion"), 2); context->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("org_kde_plasma_screenlocker_greeter_view"), view); context->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("defaultToSwitchUser"), m_defaultToSwitchUser); context->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("config"), m_lnfIntegration->configuration()); view->setSource(m_mainQmlPath); // on error, load the fallback lockscreen to not lock the user out of the system if (view->status() != QQmlComponent::Ready) { static const QUrl fallbackUrl(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/fallbacktheme/LockScreen.qml"))); qWarning() << "Failed to load lockscreen QML, falling back to built-in locker"; m_mainQmlPath = fallbackUrl; view->setSource(fallbackUrl); } view->setResizeMode(KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine::SizeRootObjectToView); loadWallpaperPlugin(view); // overwrite the factory set by kdeclarative auto oldFactory = view->engine()->networkAccessManagerFactory(); view->engine()->setNetworkAccessManagerFactory(nullptr); delete oldFactory; view->engine()->setNetworkAccessManagerFactory(new NoAccessNetworkAccessManagerFactory); QQmlProperty lockProperty(view->rootObject(), QStringLiteral("locked")); lockProperty.write(m_immediateLock || (!m_noLock && !m_delayedLockTimer)); QQmlProperty sleepProperty(view->rootObject(), QStringLiteral("suspendToRamSupported")); sleepProperty.write(m_canSuspend); if (view->rootObject() && view->rootObject()->metaObject()->indexOfSignal(QMetaObject::normalizedSignature("suspendToRam()").constData()) != -1) { connect(view->rootObject(), SIGNAL(suspendToRam()), SLOT(suspendToRam())); } QQmlProperty hibernateProperty(view->rootObject(), QStringLiteral("suspendToDiskSupported")); hibernateProperty.write(m_canHibernate); if (view->rootObject() && view->rootObject()->metaObject()->indexOfSignal(QMetaObject::normalizedSignature("suspendToDisk()").constData()) != -1) { connect(view->rootObject(), SIGNAL(suspendToDisk()), SLOT(suspendToDisk())); } // verify that the engine's controller didn't change Q_ASSERT(dynamic_cast(view->engine()->networkAccessManagerFactory())); m_views << view; } // update geometry of all views and savers for (int i = 0; i < nScreens; ++i) { auto *view = m_views.at(i); auto screen = QGuiApplication::screens()[i]; view->setGeometry(screen->geometry()); KWayland::Client::PlasmaShellSurface *plasmaSurface = view->property("plasmaShellSurface").value(); if (plasmaSurface) { plasmaSurface->setPosition(view->geometry().topLeft()); } if (auto object = view->property("wallpaperGraphicsObject").value()) { //initialize with our size to avoid as much resize events as possible object->completeInitialization({ {QStringLiteral("width"), view->width()}, {QStringLiteral("height"), view->height()} }); } connect(screen, &QScreen::geometryChanged, view, [view, plasmaSurface](const QRect &geo) { view->setGeometry(geo); if (plasmaSurface) { plasmaSurface->setPosition(view->geometry().topLeft()); } } ); - if (m_testing) { + // on Wayland we may not use fullscreen as that puts all windows on one screen + if (m_testing || plasmaSurface || QX11Info::isPlatformX11()) { view->show(); } else { - // on Wayland we may not use fullscreen as that puts all windows on one screen - if (plasmaSurface) { - view->show(); - } else { - view->showFullScreen(); - } + view->showFullScreen(); } view->raise(); connect(view, &QQuickWindow::frameSwapped, this, [this, view] { markViewsAsVisible(view); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); } } void UnlockApp::markViewsAsVisible(KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *view) { disconnect(view, &QQuickWindow::frameSwapped, this, nullptr); QQmlProperty showProperty(view->rootObject(), QStringLiteral("viewVisible")); showProperty.write(true); // random state update, actually rather required on init only QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "getFocus", Qt::QueuedConnection); auto mime1 = new QMimeData; //Effectively we want to clear the clipboard //however some clipboard managers (like klipper with it's default settings) //will prevent an empty clipbard //we need some non-empty non-text mimeData to replace the clipboard so we don't leak real data to a user pasting into the text field //as the clipboard is cleared on close, klipper will then put the original text back when we exit mime1->setData(QStringLiteral("x-kde-lockscreen"), QByteArrayLiteral("empty")); //ownership is transferred QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(mime1, QClipboard::Clipboard); auto mime2 = new QMimeData; mime2->setData(QStringLiteral("x-kde-lockscreen"), QByteArrayLiteral("empty")); QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(mime2, QClipboard::Selection); } void UnlockApp::getFocus() { - if (m_views.isEmpty()) { + QWindow *activeScreen = getActiveScreen(); + + if (!activeScreen) { return; } - QWindow *w = nullptr; // this loop is required to make the qml/graphicsscene properly handle the shared keyboard input // ie. "type something into the box of every greeter" foreach (KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *view, m_views) { if (!m_testing) { view->setKeyboardGrabEnabled(true); // TODO - check whether this still works in master! } -// w->setFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason); // FIXME - } - // determine which window should actually be active and have the real input focus/grab - // FIXME - QWidget::underMouse() -// foreach (QQuickView *view, m_views) { -// if (view->underMouse()) { -// w = view; -// break; -// } -// } - if (!w) { // try harder - foreach (KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *view, m_views) { - if (view->geometry().contains(QCursor::pos())) { - w = view; - break; - } - } - } - if (!w) { // fallback solution - w = m_views.first(); } // activate window and grab input to be sure it really ends up there. // focus setting is still required for proper internal QWidget state (and eg. visual reflection) if (!m_testing) { - w->setKeyboardGrabEnabled(true); // TODO - check whether this still works in master! + activeScreen->setKeyboardGrabEnabled(true); // TODO - check whether this still works in master! } - w->requestActivate(); -// w->setFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason); // FIXME + activeScreen->requestActivate(); } void UnlockApp::setLockedPropertyOnViews() { delete m_delayedLockTimer; m_delayedLockTimer = nullptr; foreach (KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *view, m_views) { QQmlProperty lockProperty(view->rootObject(), QStringLiteral("locked")); lockProperty.write(true); } } void UnlockApp::resetRequestIgnore() { m_ignoreRequests = false; } void UnlockApp::suspendToRam() { if (m_ignoreRequests) { return; } m_ignoreRequests = true; m_resetRequestIgnoreTimer->start(); org_kde_ksld_suspendSystem(m_ksldInterface); } void UnlockApp::suspendToDisk() { if (m_ignoreRequests) { return; } m_ignoreRequests = true; m_resetRequestIgnoreTimer->start(); org_kde_ksld_hibernateSystem(m_ksldInterface); } void UnlockApp::setTesting(bool enable) { m_testing = enable; if (m_views.isEmpty()) { return; } if (enable) { // remove bypass window manager hint foreach (KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine * view, m_views) { view->setFlags(view->flags() & ~Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint); } } else { foreach (KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine * view, m_views) { view->setFlags(view->flags() | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint); } } } void UnlockApp::setTheme(const QString &theme) { if (theme.isEmpty() || !m_testing) { return; } m_packageName = theme; KPackage::Package package = KPackage::PackageLoader::self()->loadPackage(QStringLiteral("Plasma/LookAndFeel")); package.setPath(m_packageName); m_mainQmlPath = package.fileUrl("lockscreenmainscript"); } void UnlockApp::setImmediateLock(bool immediate) { m_immediateLock = immediate; } void UnlockApp::lockImmediately() { setImmediateLock(true); setLockedPropertyOnViews(); } bool UnlockApp::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (obj != this && event->type() == QEvent::Show) { KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *view = nullptr; foreach (KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *v, m_views) { if (v == obj) { view = v; break; } } if (view && view->winId() && QX11Info::isPlatformX11()) { // showing greeter view window, set property static Atom tag = XInternAtom(QX11Info::display(), "_KDE_SCREEN_LOCKER", False); XChangeProperty(QX11Info::display(), view->winId(), tag, tag, 32, PropModeReplace, nullptr, 0); } // no further processing return false; } + if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && QX11Info::isPlatformX11()) { + if (getActiveScreen()) { + getActiveScreen()->requestActivate(); + } + return false; + } + if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { // react if saver is visible shareEvent(event, qobject_cast(obj)); return false; // we don't care } else if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease) { // conditionally reshow the saver QKeyEvent *ke = static_cast(event); if (ke->key() != Qt::Key_Escape) { shareEvent(event, qobject_cast(obj)); return false; // irrelevant } return true; // don't pass } return false; } /* * This function forwards an event from one greeter window to all others * It's used to have the keyboard operate on all greeter windows (on every screen) * at once so that the user gets visual feedback on the screen he's looking at - * even if the focus is actually on a powered off screen. */ void UnlockApp::shareEvent(QEvent *e, KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *from) { // from can be NULL any time (because the parameter is passed as qobject_cast) // m_views.contains(from) is atm. supposed to be true but required if any further // QQuickView are added (which are not part of m_views) // this makes "from" an optimization (nullptr check aversion) if (from && m_views.contains(from)) { // NOTICE any recursion in the event sharing will prevent authentication on multiscreen setups! // Any change in regarded event processing shall be tested thoroughly! removeEventFilter(this); // prevent recursion! const bool accepted = e->isAccepted(); // store state foreach (KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *view, m_views) { if (view != from) { QCoreApplication::sendEvent(view, e); e->setAccepted(accepted); } } installEventFilter(this); } } void UnlockApp::setGraceTime(int milliseconds) { m_graceTime = milliseconds; if (milliseconds < 0 || m_delayedLockTimer || m_noLock || m_immediateLock) { return; } m_delayedLockTimer = new QTimer(this); m_delayedLockTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_delayedLockTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &UnlockApp::setLockedPropertyOnViews); m_delayedLockTimer->start(m_graceTime); } void UnlockApp::setNoLock(bool noLock) { m_noLock = noLock; } void UnlockApp::setDefaultToSwitchUser(bool defaultToSwitchUser) { m_defaultToSwitchUser = defaultToSwitchUser; } static void osdProgress(void *data, org_kde_ksld *org_kde_ksld, const char *icon, int32_t percent, const char *text) { Q_UNUSED(org_kde_ksld) reinterpret_cast(data)->osdProgress(QString::fromUtf8(icon), percent, QString::fromUtf8(text)); } static void osdText(void *data, org_kde_ksld *org_kde_ksld, const char *icon, const char *text) { Q_UNUSED(org_kde_ksld) reinterpret_cast(data)->osdText(QString::fromUtf8(icon), QString::fromUtf8(text)); } static void canSuspend(void *data, org_kde_ksld *org_kde_ksld, uint suspend) { Q_UNUSED(org_kde_ksld) reinterpret_cast(data)->updateCanSuspend(suspend); } static void canHibernate(void *data, org_kde_ksld *org_kde_ksld, uint hibernate) { Q_UNUSED(org_kde_ksld) reinterpret_cast(data)->updateCanHibernate(hibernate); } static const struct org_kde_ksld_listener s_listener { osdProgress, osdText, canSuspend, canHibernate }; void UnlockApp::setKsldSocket(int socket) { using namespace KWayland::Client; m_ksldConnection = new ConnectionThread; m_ksldConnection->setSocketFd(socket); m_ksldRegistry = new Registry(); EventQueue *queue = new EventQueue(m_ksldRegistry); connect(m_ksldRegistry, &Registry::interfaceAnnounced, this, [this, queue] (QByteArray interface, quint32 name, quint32 version) { if (interface != QByteArrayLiteral("org_kde_ksld")) { return; } m_ksldInterface = reinterpret_cast(wl_registry_bind(*m_ksldRegistry, name, &org_kde_ksld_interface, version)); queue->addProxy(m_ksldInterface); if (version >= 2) { org_kde_ksld_add_listener(m_ksldInterface, &s_listener, this); } for (auto v : m_views) { org_kde_ksld_x11window(m_ksldInterface, v->winId()); wl_display_flush(m_ksldConnection->display()); } } ); connect(m_ksldConnection, &ConnectionThread::connected, this, [this, queue] { m_ksldRegistry->create(m_ksldConnection); queue->setup(m_ksldConnection); m_ksldRegistry->setEventQueue(queue); m_ksldRegistry->setup(); wl_display_flush(m_ksldConnection->display()); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); m_ksldConnectionThread = new QThread(this); m_ksldConnection->moveToThread(m_ksldConnectionThread); m_ksldConnectionThread->start(); m_ksldConnection->initConnection(); } void UnlockApp::osdProgress(const QString &icon, int percent, const QString &additionalText) { for (auto v : m_views) { auto osd = v->rootObject()->findChild(QStringLiteral("onScreenDisplay")); if (!osd) { continue; } osd->setProperty("osdValue", percent); osd->setProperty("osdAdditionalText", additionalText); osd->setProperty("showingProgress", true); osd->setProperty("icon", icon); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(osd, "show"); } } void UnlockApp::osdText(const QString &icon, const QString &additionalText) { for (auto v : m_views) { auto osd = v->rootObject()->findChild(QStringLiteral("onScreenDisplay")); if (!osd) { continue; } osd->setProperty("showingProgress", false); osd->setProperty("osdValue", additionalText); osd->setProperty("icon", icon); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(osd, "show"); } } void UnlockApp::updateCanSuspend(bool set) { if (m_canSuspend == set) { return; } m_canSuspend = set; for (auto it = m_views.constBegin(), end = m_views.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) { QQmlProperty sleepProperty((*it)->rootObject(), QStringLiteral("suspendToRamSupported")); sleepProperty.write(m_canSuspend); } } void UnlockApp::updateCanHibernate(bool set) { if (m_canHibernate == set) { return; } m_canHibernate = set; for (auto it = m_views.constBegin(), end = m_views.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) { QQmlProperty hibernateProperty((*it)->rootObject(), QStringLiteral("suspendToDiskSupported")); hibernateProperty.write(m_canHibernate); } } } // namespace diff --git a/greeter/greeterapp.h b/greeter/greeterapp.h index 5036910..abe6ea7 100644 --- a/greeter/greeterapp.h +++ b/greeter/greeterapp.h @@ -1,127 +1,128 @@ /******************************************************************** KSld - the KDE Screenlocker Daemon This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2011 Martin Gräßlin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #ifndef SCREENLOCKER_GREETERAPP_H #define SCREENLOCKER_GREETERAPP_H #include #include #include namespace KWayland { namespace Client { class ConnectionThread; class Registry; class PlasmaShell; } } namespace KQuickAddons { class QuickViewSharedEngine; } class Authenticator; struct org_kde_ksld; namespace ScreenLocker { class Unlocker; class WallpaperIntegration; class LnFIntegration; class UnlockApp : public QGuiApplication { Q_OBJECT public: explicit UnlockApp(int &argc, char **argv); ~UnlockApp() override; void setTesting(bool enable); void setTheme(const QString &theme); void setImmediateLock(bool immediateLock); void lockImmediately(); void setGraceTime(int milliseconds); void setNoLock(bool noLock); void setKsldSocket(int socket); void setDefaultToSwitchUser(bool defaultToSwitchUser); void osdProgress(const QString &icon, int percent, const QString &additionalText); void osdText(const QString &icon, const QString &additionalText); void updateCanSuspend(bool set); void updateCanHibernate(bool set); bool supportsSeccomp() const { return m_supportsSeccomp; } public Q_SLOTS: void desktopResized(); protected: bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) override; private Q_SLOTS: void resetRequestIgnore(); void suspendToRam(); void suspendToDisk(); void getFocus(); void markViewsAsVisible(KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *view); void setLockedPropertyOnViews(); private: void initialize(); void initializeWayland(); void shareEvent(QEvent *e, KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *from); void loadWallpaperPlugin(KQuickAddons::QuickViewSharedEngine *view); Authenticator *createAuthenticator(); + QWindow *getActiveScreen(); QString m_packageName; QUrl m_mainQmlPath; QList m_views; QTimer *m_resetRequestIgnoreTimer; QTimer *m_delayedLockTimer; KPackage::Package m_package; bool m_testing; bool m_ignoreRequests; bool m_immediateLock; bool m_runtimeInitialized; Authenticator *m_authenticator; int m_graceTime; bool m_noLock; bool m_defaultToSwitchUser; bool m_canSuspend = false; bool m_canHibernate = false; KWayland::Client::ConnectionThread *m_ksldConnection = nullptr; KWayland::Client::Registry *m_ksldRegistry = nullptr; QThread *m_ksldConnectionThread = nullptr; org_kde_ksld *m_ksldInterface = nullptr; KWayland::Client::PlasmaShell *m_plasmaShell = nullptr; WallpaperIntegration *m_wallpaperIntegration; LnFIntegration *m_lnfIntegration; bool m_supportsSeccomp = false; }; } // namespace #endif // SCREENLOCKER_GREETERAPP_H