diff --git a/libtaskmanager/tasktools.cpp b/libtaskmanager/tasktools.cpp index 5ebbb733c..1ca5a9411 100644 --- a/libtaskmanager/tasktools.cpp +++ b/libtaskmanager/tasktools.cpp @@ -1,313 +1,351 @@ /******************************************************************** Copyright 2016 Eike Hein This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "tasktools.h" #include "abstracttasksmodel.h" +#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include +#include +#include + +#include #include #include #include +#if HAVE_X11 +#include +#endif namespace TaskManager { AppData appDataFromUrl(const QUrl &url, const QIcon &fallbackIcon) { AppData data; data.url = url; if (url.hasQuery()) { QUrlQuery uQuery(url); if (uQuery.hasQueryItem(QLatin1String("iconData"))) { QString iconData(uQuery.queryItemValue(QLatin1String("iconData"))); QPixmap pixmap; QByteArray bytes = QByteArray::fromBase64(iconData.toLocal8Bit(), QByteArray::Base64UrlEncoding); pixmap.loadFromData(bytes); data.icon.addPixmap(pixmap); } } if (url.isLocalFile() && KDesktopFile::isDesktopFile(url.toLocalFile())) { KDesktopFile f(url.toLocalFile()); const KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByStorageId(f.fileName()); if (service && QUrl::fromLocalFile(service->entryPath()) == url) { data.name = service->name(); data.genericName = service->genericName(); data.id = service->storageId(); if (data.icon.isNull()) { data.icon = QIcon::fromTheme(service->icon()); } } else if (f.tryExec()) { data.name = f.readName(); data.genericName = f.readGenericName(); data.id = QUrl::fromLocalFile(f.fileName()).fileName(); if (data.icon.isNull()) { data.icon = QIcon::fromTheme(f.readIcon()); } } if (data.id.endsWith(".desktop")) { data.id = data.id.left(data.id.length() - 8); } } else if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("preferred")) { data.id = defaultApplication(url); const KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByStorageId(data.id); if (service) { QString desktopFile = service->entryPath(); // Update with resolved URL. data.url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(desktopFile); KDesktopFile f(desktopFile); KConfigGroup cg(&f, "Desktop Entry"); data.icon = QIcon::fromTheme(f.readIcon()); const QString exec = cg.readEntry("Exec", QString()); data.name = cg.readEntry("Name", QString()); if (data.name.isEmpty() && !exec.isEmpty()) { data.name = exec.split(' ').at(0); } data.genericName = f.readGenericName(); } } if (data.name.isEmpty()) { data.name = url.fileName(); } if (data.icon.isNull()) { data.icon = fallbackIcon; } return data; } AppData appDataFromAppId(const QString &appId) { AppData data; KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByStorageId(appId); if (service) { data.id = service->storageId(); data.name = service->name(); data.genericName = service->genericName(); data.url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(service->entryPath()); return data; } QString desktopFile = appId; if (!desktopFile.endsWith(QLatin1String(".desktop"))) { desktopFile.append(QLatin1String(".desktop")); } if (KDesktopFile::isDesktopFile(desktopFile) && QFile::exists(desktopFile)) { KDesktopFile f(desktopFile); data.id = QUrl::fromLocalFile(f.fileName()).fileName(); if (data.id.endsWith(QLatin1String(".desktop"))) { data.id = data.id.left(data.id.length() - 8); } data.name = f.readName(); data.genericName = f.readGenericName(); data.url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(desktopFile); } return data; } QString defaultApplication(const QUrl &url) { if (url.scheme() != QLatin1String("preferred")) { return QString(); } const QString &application = url.host(); if (application.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } if (application.compare(QLatin1String("mailer"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { KEMailSettings settings; // In KToolInvocation, the default is kmail; but let's be friendlier. QString command = settings.getSetting(KEMailSettings::ClientProgram); if (command.isEmpty()) { if (KService::Ptr kontact = KService::serviceByStorageId(QStringLiteral("kontact"))) { return kontact->storageId(); } else if (KService::Ptr kmail = KService::serviceByStorageId(QStringLiteral("kmail"))) { return kmail->storageId(); } } if (!command.isEmpty()) { if (settings.getSetting(KEMailSettings::ClientTerminal) == QLatin1String("true")) { KConfigGroup confGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "General"); const QString preferredTerminal = confGroup.readPathEntry("TerminalApplication", QStringLiteral("konsole")); command = preferredTerminal + QLatin1String(" -e ") + command; } return command; } } else if (application.compare(QLatin1String("browser"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "General"); QString browserApp = config.readPathEntry("BrowserApplication", QString()); if (browserApp.isEmpty()) { const KService::Ptr htmlApp = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->preferredService(QStringLiteral("text/html")); if (htmlApp) { browserApp = htmlApp->storageId(); } } else if (browserApp.startsWith('!')) { browserApp = browserApp.mid(1); } return browserApp; } else if (application.compare(QLatin1String("terminal"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { KConfigGroup confGroup(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "General"); return confGroup.readPathEntry("TerminalApplication", QStringLiteral("konsole")); } else if (application.compare(QLatin1String("filemanager"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { KService::Ptr service = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->preferredService(QStringLiteral("inode/directory")); if (service) { return service->storageId(); } } else if (KService::Ptr service = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->preferredService(application)) { return service->storageId(); } else { // Try the files in share/apps/kcm_componentchooser/*.desktop. QStringList directories = QStandardPaths::locateAll(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("kcm_componentchooser"), QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory); QStringList services; foreach(const QString& directory, directories) { QDir dir(directory); foreach(const QString& f, dir.entryList(QStringList("*.desktop"))) services += dir.absoluteFilePath(f); } foreach (const QString & service, services) { KConfig config(service, KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup cg = config.group(QByteArray()); const QString type = cg.readEntry("valueName", QString()); if (type.compare(application, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) { KConfig store(cg.readPathEntry("storeInFile", QStringLiteral("null"))); KConfigGroup storeCg(&store, cg.readEntry("valueSection", QString())); const QString exec = storeCg.readPathEntry(cg.readEntry("valueName", "kcm_componenchooser_null"), cg.readEntry("defaultImplementation", QString())); if (!exec.isEmpty()) { return exec; } break; } } } return QString(""); } bool launcherUrlsMatch(const QUrl &a, const QUrl &b, UrlComparisonMode mode) { if (mode == IgnoreQueryItems) { return (a.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveQuery) == b.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveQuery)); } return (a == b); } bool appsMatch(const QModelIndex &a, const QModelIndex &b) { const QString &aAppId = a.data(AbstractTasksModel::AppId).toString(); const QString &bAppId = b.data(AbstractTasksModel::AppId).toString(); if (!aAppId.isEmpty() && aAppId == bAppId) { return true; } const QUrl &aUrl = a.data(AbstractTasksModel::LauncherUrlWithoutIcon).toUrl(); const QUrl &bUrl = b.data(AbstractTasksModel::LauncherUrlWithoutIcon).toUrl(); if (aUrl.isValid() && aUrl == bUrl) { return true; } return false; } QRect screenGeometry(const QPoint &pos) { if (pos.isNull()) { return QRect(); } const QList &screens = QGuiApplication::screens(); QRect screenGeometry; int shortestDistance = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < screens.count(); ++i) { const QRect &geometry = screens.at(i)->geometry(); if (geometry.contains(pos)) { return geometry; } int distance = QPoint(geometry.topLeft() - pos).manhattanLength(); distance = qMin(distance, QPoint(geometry.topRight() - pos).manhattanLength()); distance = qMin(distance, QPoint(geometry.bottomRight() - pos).manhattanLength()); distance = qMin(distance, QPoint(geometry.bottomLeft() - pos).manhattanLength()); if (distance < shortestDistance) { shortestDistance = distance; screenGeometry = geometry; } } return screenGeometry; } +void runApp(const AppData &appData, const QList &urls) +{ + if (appData.url.isValid()) { + quint32 timeStamp = 0; + +#if HAVE_X11 + if (KWindowSystem::isPlatformX11()) { + timeStamp = QX11Info::appUserTime(); + } +#endif + + const KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopPath(appData.url.toLocalFile()); + + if (service && service->isApplication()) { + KRun::runApplication(*service, urls, nullptr, 0, {}, + KStartupInfo::createNewStartupIdForTimestamp(timeStamp)); + + KActivities::ResourceInstance::notifyAccessed(QUrl(QStringLiteral("applications:") + service->storageId()), + QStringLiteral("org.kde.libtaskmanager")); + } else { + new KRun(appData.url, 0, false, KStartupInfo::createNewStartupIdForTimestamp(timeStamp)); + + if (!appData.id.isEmpty()) { + KActivities::ResourceInstance::notifyAccessed(QUrl(QStringLiteral("applications:") + appData.id), + QStringLiteral("org.kde.libtaskmanager")); + } + } + } +} + } diff --git a/libtaskmanager/tasktools.h b/libtaskmanager/tasktools.h index f577eda80..dd1374325 100644 --- a/libtaskmanager/tasktools.h +++ b/libtaskmanager/tasktools.h @@ -1,131 +1,142 @@ /******************************************************************** Copyright 2016 Eike Hein This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #ifndef TASKTOOLS_H #define TASKTOOLS_H #include "taskmanager_export.h" #include #include #include namespace TaskManager { struct AppData { QString id; // Application id (*.desktop sans extension). QString name; // Application name. QString genericName; // Generic application name. QIcon icon; QUrl url; }; enum UrlComparisonMode { Strict = 0, IgnoreQueryItems }; /** * Fills in and returns an AppData struct based on the given URL. * * If the URL contains iconData in its query string, it is decoded and * set as AppData.icon, taking precedence over normal icon discovery. * * If the URL is using the preferred:// scheme, the URL it resolves to * is set as AppData.url. * * The supplied fallback icon is set as AppData.icon if no other icon * could be found. * * @see defaultApplication * @param url A URL to a .desktop file or executable, or a preferred:// URL. * @param fallbackIcon An icon to use when none could be read from the URL or * otherwise found. * @returns @c AppData filled in based on the given URL. */ TASKMANAGER_EXPORT AppData appDataFromUrl(const QUrl &url, const QIcon &fallbackIcon = QIcon()); /** * Fills in and returns an AppData struct based on the given application * id. * * Application ids are .desktop file names sans extension or an absolute * path to a .desktop file. * * NOTE: Unlike appDataFromUrl(), this makes no attempt to procure icon * data at this time. * * @see appDataFromUrl * @param appId An application id. * @returns @c AppData filled in based on the given application id. */ TASKMANAGER_EXPORT AppData appDataFromAppId(const QString &appId); /** * Returns an application id for an URL using the preferred:// scheme. * * Recognized values for the host component of the URL are: * - "browser" * - "mailer" * - "terminal" * - "windowmanager" * * If the host component matches none of the above, an attempt is made * to match to application links stored in kcm_componentchooser/. * * @param url A URL using the preferred:// scheme. * @returns an application id for the given URL. **/ TASKMANAGER_EXPORT QString defaultApplication(const QUrl &url); /** * Convenience function to compare two launcher URLs either strictly * or ignoring their query strings. * * @see LauncherTasksModel * @param a The first launcher URL. * @param b The second launcher URL. * @param c The comparison mode. Either Strict or IgnoreQueryItems. * @returns @c true if the URLs match. **/ TASKMANAGER_EXPORT bool launcherUrlsMatch(const QUrl &a, const QUrl &b, UrlComparisonMode mode = Strict); /** * Determines whether tasks model entries belong to the same app. * * @param a The first model index. * @param b The second model index. * @returns @c true if the model entries belong to the same app. **/ TASKMANAGER_EXPORT bool appsMatch(const QModelIndex &a, const QModelIndex &b); /** * Given global coordinates, returns the geometry of the screen they are * on, or the geometry of the screen they are closest to. * * @param pos Coordinates in global space. * @return The geometry of the screen containing pos or closest to pos. */ TASKMANAGER_EXPORT QRect screenGeometry(const QPoint &pos); + +/** + * Attempts to run the application described by the AppData struct that + * is passed in, optionally also handing the application a list of URLs + * to open. + * + * @param appData An application data struct. + * @param urls A list of URLs for the application to open. + */ +TASKMANAGER_EXPORT void runApp(const AppData &appData, + const QList &urls = QList()); } #endif diff --git a/libtaskmanager/waylandtasksmodel.cpp b/libtaskmanager/waylandtasksmodel.cpp index 1308f538a..8341c65bd 100644 --- a/libtaskmanager/waylandtasksmodel.cpp +++ b/libtaskmanager/waylandtasksmodel.cpp @@ -1,546 +1,527 @@ /******************************************************************** Copyright 2016 Eike Hein This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "waylandtasksmodel.h" #include "tasktools.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace TaskManager { class WaylandTasksModel::Private { public: Private(WaylandTasksModel *q); QList windows; QHash appDataCache; KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindowManagement *windowManagement = nullptr; void initWayland(); void addWindow(KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow *window); AppData appData(KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow *window); void dataChanged(KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow *window, int role); void dataChanged(KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow *window, const QVector &roles); private: WaylandTasksModel *q; }; WaylandTasksModel::Private::Private(WaylandTasksModel *q) : q(q) { } void WaylandTasksModel::Private::initWayland() { if (!KWindowSystem::isPlatformWayland()) { return; } KWayland::Client::ConnectionThread *connection = KWayland::Client::ConnectionThread::fromApplication(q); if (!connection) { return; } KWayland::Client::Registry *registry = new KWayland::Client::Registry(q); registry->create(connection); QObject::connect(registry, &KWayland::Client::Registry::plasmaWindowManagementAnnounced, [this, registry] (quint32 name, quint32 version) { windowManagement = registry->createPlasmaWindowManagement(name, version, q); QObject::connect(windowManagement, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindowManagement::interfaceAboutToBeReleased, q, [this] { q->beginResetModel(); windows.clear(); q->endResetModel(); } ); QObject::connect(windowManagement, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindowManagement::windowCreated, q, [this](KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow *window) { addWindow(window); } ); const auto windows = windowManagement->windows(); for (auto it = windows.constBegin(); it != windows.constEnd(); ++it) { addWindow(*it); } } ); registry->setup(); } void WaylandTasksModel::Private::addWindow(KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow *window) { if (windows.indexOf(window) != -1) { return; } const int count = windows.count(); q->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), count, count); windows.append(window); q->endInsertRows(); auto removeWindow = [window, this] { const int row = windows.indexOf(window); if (row != -1) { q->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row); windows.removeAt(row); appDataCache.remove(window); q->endRemoveRows(); } }; QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::unmapped, q, removeWindow); QObject::connect(window, &QObject::destroyed, q, removeWindow); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::titleChanged, q, [window, this] { dataChanged(window, Qt::DisplayRole); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::iconChanged, q, [window, this] { dataChanged(window, Qt::DecorationRole); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::appIdChanged, q, [window, this] { appDataCache.remove(window); dataChanged(window, QVector{AppId, AppName, GenericName, LauncherUrl, LauncherUrlWithoutIcon}); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::activeChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsActive); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::closeableChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsClosable); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::movableChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsMovable); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::resizableChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsResizable); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::fullscreenableChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsFullScreenable); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::fullscreenChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsFullScreen); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::maximizeableChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsMaximizable); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::maximizedChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsMaximized); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::minimizeableChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsMinimizable); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::minimizedChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsMinimized); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::keepAboveChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsKeepAbove); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::keepBelowChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsKeepBelow); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::shadeableChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsShadeable); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::virtualDesktopChangeableChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsVirtualDesktopChangeable); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::virtualDesktopChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, VirtualDesktop); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::onAllDesktopsChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsOnAllVirtualDesktops); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::geometryChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, QVector{Geometry, ScreenGeometry}); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::demandsAttentionChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, IsDemandingAttention); } ); QObject::connect(window, &KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow::skipTaskbarChanged, q, [window, this] { this->dataChanged(window, SkipTaskbar); } ); } AppData WaylandTasksModel::Private::appData(KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow *window) { const auto &it = appDataCache.constFind(window); if (it != appDataCache.constEnd()) { return *it; } const AppData &data = appDataFromAppId(window->appId()); appDataCache.insert(window, data); return data; } void WaylandTasksModel::Private::dataChanged(KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow *window, int role) { QModelIndex idx = q->index(windows.indexOf(window)); emit q->dataChanged(idx, idx, QVector{role}); } void WaylandTasksModel::Private::dataChanged(KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow *window, const QVector &roles) { QModelIndex idx = q->index(windows.indexOf(window)); emit q->dataChanged(idx, idx, roles); } WaylandTasksModel::WaylandTasksModel(QObject *parent) : AbstractWindowTasksModel(parent) , d(new Private(this)) { d->initWayland(); } WaylandTasksModel::~WaylandTasksModel() = default; QVariant WaylandTasksModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid() || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return QVariant(); } KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow *window = d->windows.at(index.row()); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return window->title(); } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { return window->icon(); } else if (role == AppId) { return window->appId(); } else if (role == AppName) { return d->appData(window).name; } else if (role == GenericName) { return d->appData(window).genericName; } else if (role == LauncherUrl || role == LauncherUrlWithoutIcon) { return d->appData(window).url; } else if (role == IsWindow) { return true; } else if (role == IsActive) { return window->isActive(); } else if (role == IsClosable) { return window->isCloseable(); } else if (role == IsMovable) { return window->isMovable(); } else if (role == IsResizable) { return window->isResizable(); } else if (role == IsMaximizable) { return window->isMaximizeable(); } else if (role == IsMaximized) { return window->isMaximized(); } else if (role == IsMinimizable) { return window->isMinimizeable(); } else if (role == IsMinimized) { return window->isMinimized(); } else if (role == IsKeepAbove) { return window->isKeepAbove(); } else if (role == IsKeepBelow) { return window->isKeepBelow(); } else if (role == IsFullScreenable) { return window->isFullscreenable(); } else if (role == IsFullScreen) { return window->isFullscreen(); } else if (role == IsShadeable) { return window->isShadeable(); } else if (role == IsShaded) { return window->isShaded(); } else if (role == IsVirtualDesktopChangeable) { return window->isVirtualDesktopChangeable(); } else if (role == VirtualDesktop) { return window->virtualDesktop(); } else if (role == IsOnAllVirtualDesktops) { return window->isOnAllDesktops(); } else if (role == Geometry) { return window->geometry(); } else if (role == ScreenGeometry) { return screenGeometry(window->geometry().center()); } else if (role == Activities) { // FIXME Implement. } else if (role == IsDemandingAttention) { return window->isDemandingAttention(); } else if (role == SkipTaskbar) { return window->skipTaskbar(); } else if (role == SkipPager) { // FIXME Implement. } else if (role == AppPid) { // FIXME Implement. } return QVariant(); } int WaylandTasksModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return parent.isValid() ? 0 : d->windows.count(); } QModelIndex WaylandTasksModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { return hasIndex(row, column, parent) ? createIndex(row, column, d->windows.at(row)) : QModelIndex(); } void WaylandTasksModel::requestActivate(const QModelIndex &index) { // FIXME Lacks transient handling of the XWindows version. if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } d->windows.at(index.row())->requestActivate(); } void WaylandTasksModel::requestNewInstance(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } - KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow* window = d->windows.at(index.row()); - - if (d->appDataCache.contains(window)) { - const AppData &data = d->appData(window); - - new KRun(data.url, 0, false); - - if (!data.id.isEmpty()) { - KActivities::ResourceInstance::notifyAccessed(QUrl(QStringLiteral("applications:") + data.id), - QStringLiteral("org.kde.libtaskmanager")); - } - } + runApp(d->appData(d->windows.at(index.row()))); } void WaylandTasksModel::requestOpenUrls(const QModelIndex &index, const QList &urls) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count() || urls.isEmpty()) { return; } - const QUrl &url = d->appData(d->windows.at(index.row())).url; - const KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopPath(url.toLocalFile()); - - if (service) { - KRun::runApplication(*service, urls, nullptr, 0); - - KActivities::ResourceInstance::notifyAccessed(QUrl(QStringLiteral("applications:") + service->storageId()), - QStringLiteral("org.kde.libtaskmanager")); - } + runApp(d->appData(d->windows.at(index.row())), urls); } void WaylandTasksModel::requestClose(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } d->windows.at(index.row())->requestClose(); } void WaylandTasksModel::requestMove(const QModelIndex &index) { // FIXME Move-to-desktop logic from XWindows version. (See also others.) if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } d->windows.at(index.row())->requestMove(); } void WaylandTasksModel::requestResize(const QModelIndex &index) { // FIXME Move-to-desktop logic from XWindows version. (See also others.) if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } d->windows.at(index.row())->requestResize(); } void WaylandTasksModel::requestToggleMinimized(const QModelIndex &index) { // FIXME Move-to-desktop logic from XWindows version. (See also others.) if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } d->windows.at(index.row())->requestToggleMinimized(); } void WaylandTasksModel::requestToggleMaximized(const QModelIndex &index) { // FIXME Move-to-desktop logic from XWindows version. (See also others.) if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } d->windows.at(index.row())->requestToggleMaximized(); } void WaylandTasksModel::requestToggleKeepAbove(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_UNUSED(index) // FIXME Implement. } void WaylandTasksModel::requestToggleKeepBelow(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_UNUSED(index) // FIXME Implement. } void WaylandTasksModel::requestToggleFullScreen(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_UNUSED(index) // FIXME Implement. } void WaylandTasksModel::requestToggleShaded(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } d->windows.at(index.row())->requestToggleShaded(); } void WaylandTasksModel::requestVirtualDesktop(const QModelIndex &index, qint32 desktop) { // FIXME Lacks add-new-desktop code from XWindows version. // FIXME Does this do the set-on-all-desktops stuff from the XWindows version? if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } d->windows.at(index.row())->requestVirtualDesktop(desktop); } void WaylandTasksModel::requestActivities(const QModelIndex &index, const QStringList &activities) { Q_UNUSED(index) Q_UNUSED(activities) } void WaylandTasksModel::requestPublishDelegateGeometry(const QModelIndex &index, const QRect &geometry, QObject *delegate) { /* FIXME: This introduces the dependency on Qt5::Quick. I might prefer reversing this and publishing the window pointer through the model, then calling PlasmaWindow::setMinimizeGeometry in the applet backend, rather than hand delegate items into the lib, keeping the lib more UI- agnostic. */ Q_UNUSED(geometry) if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const QQuickItem *item = qobject_cast(delegate); if (!item || !item->parentItem() || !item->window()) { return; } QWindow *itemWindow = item->window(); if (!itemWindow) { return; } using namespace KWayland::Client; Surface *surface = Surface::fromWindow(itemWindow); if (!surface) { return; } QRect rect(item->x(), item->y(), item->width(), item->height()); rect.moveTopLeft(item->parentItem()->mapToScene(rect.topLeft()).toPoint()); KWayland::Client::PlasmaWindow *window = d->windows.at(index.row()); window->setMinimizedGeometry(surface, rect); } } diff --git a/libtaskmanager/xwindowtasksmodel.cpp b/libtaskmanager/xwindowtasksmodel.cpp index 47a64bdba..5e0278df2 100644 --- a/libtaskmanager/xwindowtasksmodel.cpp +++ b/libtaskmanager/xwindowtasksmodel.cpp @@ -1,1401 +1,1384 @@ /******************************************************************** Copyright 2016 Eike Hein Copyright 2008 Aaron J. Seigo This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "xwindowtasksmodel.h" #include "tasktools.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace TaskManager { static const NET::Properties windowInfoFlags = NET::WMState | NET::XAWMState | NET::WMDesktop | NET::WMVisibleName | NET::WMGeometry | NET::WMFrameExtents | NET::WMWindowType | NET::WMPid; static const NET::Properties2 windowInfoFlags2 = NET::WM2DesktopFileName | NET::WM2Activities | NET::WM2WindowClass | NET::WM2AllowedActions; class XWindowTasksModel::Private { public: Private(XWindowTasksModel *q); ~Private(); QVector windows; QSet transients; QMultiHash transientsDemandingAttention; QHash windowInfoCache; QHash appDataCache; QHash delegateGeometries; WId activeWindow = -1; KSharedConfig::Ptr rulesConfig; KDirWatch *configWatcher = nullptr; QTimer sycocaChangeTimer; void init(); void addWindow(WId window); void removeWindow(WId window); void windowChanged(WId window, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2); void transientChanged(WId window, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2); void dataChanged(WId window, const QVector &roles); KWindowInfo* windowInfo(WId window); AppData appData(WId window); QIcon icon(WId window); static QString mimeType(); static QString groupMimeType(); QUrl windowUrl(WId window); QUrl launcherUrl(WId window, bool encodeFallbackIcon = true); QUrl serviceUrl(int pid, const QString &type, const QStringList &cmdRemovals); KService::List servicesFromPid(int pid); KService::List servicesFromCmdLine(const QString &cmdLine, const QString &processName); bool demandsAttention(WId window); private: XWindowTasksModel *q; }; XWindowTasksModel::Private::Private(XWindowTasksModel *q) : q(q) { } XWindowTasksModel::Private::~Private() { qDeleteAll(windowInfoCache); windowInfoCache.clear(); } void XWindowTasksModel::Private::init() { rulesConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("taskmanagerrulesrc")); configWatcher = new KDirWatch(q); foreach (const QString &location, QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation)) { configWatcher->addFile(location + QLatin1String("/taskmanagerrulesrc")); } QObject::connect(configWatcher, &KDirWatch::dirty, [this] { rulesConfig->reparseConfiguration(); }); QObject::connect(configWatcher, &KDirWatch::created, [this] { rulesConfig->reparseConfiguration(); }); QObject::connect(configWatcher, &KDirWatch::deleted, [this] { rulesConfig->reparseConfiguration(); }); sycocaChangeTimer.setSingleShot(true); sycocaChangeTimer.setInterval(100); QObject::connect(&sycocaChangeTimer, &QTimer::timeout, q, [this]() { if (!windows.count()) { return; } appDataCache.clear(); // Emit changes of all roles satisfied from app data cache. q->dataChanged(q->index(0, 0), q->index(windows.count() - 1, 0), QVector{Qt::DecorationRole, AbstractTasksModel::AppId, AbstractTasksModel::AppName, AbstractTasksModel::GenericName, AbstractTasksModel::LauncherUrl}); } ); void (KSycoca::*myDatabaseChangeSignal)(const QStringList &) = &KSycoca::databaseChanged; QObject::connect(KSycoca::self(), myDatabaseChangeSignal, q, [this](const QStringList &changedResources) { if (changedResources.contains(QLatin1String("services")) || changedResources.contains(QLatin1String("apps")) || changedResources.contains(QLatin1String("xdgdata-apps"))) { sycocaChangeTimer.start(); } } ); QObject::connect(KWindowSystem::self(), &KWindowSystem::windowAdded, q, [this](WId window) { addWindow(window); } ); QObject::connect(KWindowSystem::self(), &KWindowSystem::windowRemoved, q, [this](WId window) { removeWindow(window); } ); void (KWindowSystem::*myWindowChangeSignal)(WId window, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2) = &KWindowSystem::windowChanged; QObject::connect(KWindowSystem::self(), myWindowChangeSignal, q, [this](WId window, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2) { windowChanged(window, properties, properties2); } ); // Update IsActive for previously- and newly-active windows. QObject::connect(KWindowSystem::self(), &KWindowSystem::activeWindowChanged, q, [this](WId window) { const WId oldActiveWindow = activeWindow; activeWindow = window; int row = windows.indexOf(oldActiveWindow); if (row != -1) { dataChanged(oldActiveWindow, QVector{IsActive}); } row = windows.indexOf(window); if (row != -1) { dataChanged(window, QVector{IsActive}); } } ); activeWindow = KWindowSystem::activeWindow(); // Add existing windows. foreach(const WId window, KWindowSystem::windows()) { addWindow(window); } } void XWindowTasksModel::Private::addWindow(WId window) { // Don't add window twice. if (windows.contains(window)) { return; } KWindowInfo info(window, NET::WMWindowType | NET::WMState | NET::WMName | NET::WMVisibleName, NET::WM2TransientFor); NET::WindowType wType = info.windowType(NET::NormalMask | NET::DesktopMask | NET::DockMask | NET::ToolbarMask | NET::MenuMask | NET::DialogMask | NET::OverrideMask | NET::TopMenuMask | NET::UtilityMask | NET::SplashMask); const WId leader = info.transientFor(); // Handle transient. if (leader > 0 && leader != window && leader != QX11Info::appRootWindow() && !transients.contains(window) && windows.contains(leader)) { transients.insert(window); // Update demands attention state for leader. if (info.hasState(NET::DemandsAttention) && windows.contains(leader)) { transientsDemandingAttention.insertMulti(leader, window); dataChanged(leader, QVector{IsDemandingAttention}); } return; } // Ignore NET::Tool and other special window types; they are not considered tasks. if (wType != NET::Normal && wType != NET::Override && wType != NET::Unknown && wType != NET::Dialog && wType != NET::Utility) { return; } const int count = windows.count(); q->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), count, count); windows.append(window); q->endInsertRows(); } void XWindowTasksModel::Private::removeWindow(WId window) { const int row = windows.indexOf(window); if (row != -1) { q->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row); windows.removeAt(row); transientsDemandingAttention.remove(window); windowInfoCache.remove(window); appDataCache.remove(window); delegateGeometries.remove(window); q->endRemoveRows(); } else { // Could be a transient. // Removing a transient might change the demands attention state of the leader. if (transients.remove(window)) { const WId leader = transientsDemandingAttention.key(window, XCB_WINDOW_NONE); if (leader != XCB_WINDOW_NONE) { transientsDemandingAttention.remove(leader, window); dataChanged(leader, QVector{IsDemandingAttention}); } } } if (activeWindow == window) { activeWindow = -1; } } void XWindowTasksModel::Private::transientChanged(WId window, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2) { // Changes to a transient's state might change demands attention state for leader. if (properties & (NET::WMState | NET::XAWMState)) { const KWindowInfo info(window, NET::WMState | NET::XAWMState, NET::WM2TransientFor); const WId leader = info.transientFor(); if (!windows.contains(leader)) { return; } if (info.hasState(NET::DemandsAttention)) { if (!transientsDemandingAttention.values(leader).contains(window)) { transientsDemandingAttention.insertMulti(leader, window); dataChanged(leader, QVector{IsDemandingAttention}); } } else if (transientsDemandingAttention.remove(window)) { dataChanged(leader, QVector{IsDemandingAttention}); } // Leader might have changed. } else if (properties2 & NET::WM2TransientFor) { const KWindowInfo info(window, NET::WMState | NET::XAWMState, NET::WM2TransientFor); if (info.hasState(NET::DemandsAttention)) { const WId oldLeader = transientsDemandingAttention.key(window, XCB_WINDOW_NONE); if (oldLeader != XCB_WINDOW_NONE) { const WId leader = info.transientFor(); if (leader != oldLeader) { transientsDemandingAttention.remove(oldLeader, window); transientsDemandingAttention.insertMulti(leader, window); dataChanged(oldLeader, QVector{IsDemandingAttention}); dataChanged(leader, QVector{IsDemandingAttention}); } } } } } void XWindowTasksModel::Private::windowChanged(WId window, NET::Properties properties, NET::Properties2 properties2) { if (transients.contains(window)) { transientChanged(window, properties, properties2); return; } bool wipeInfoCache = false; bool wipeAppDataCache = false; QVector changedRoles; if (properties & (NET::WMName | NET::WMVisibleName | NET::WMPid) || properties2 & (NET::WM2DesktopFileName | NET::WM2WindowClass)) { wipeInfoCache = true; wipeAppDataCache = true; changedRoles << Qt::DisplayRole << Qt::DecorationRole << AppId << AppName << GenericName << LauncherUrl << AppPid; } if ((properties & NET::WMIcon) && !changedRoles.contains(Qt::DecorationRole)) { changedRoles << Qt::DecorationRole; } // FIXME TODO: It might be worth keeping track of which windows were demanding // attention (or not) to avoid emitting this role on every state change, as // TaskGroupingProxyModel needs to check for group-ability when a change to it // is announced and the queried state is false. if (properties & (NET::WMState | NET::XAWMState)) { wipeInfoCache = true; changedRoles << IsFullScreen << IsMaximized << IsMinimized << IsKeepAbove << IsKeepBelow; changedRoles << IsShaded << IsDemandingAttention << SkipTaskbar << SkipPager; } if (properties & NET::WMWindowType) { wipeInfoCache = true; changedRoles << SkipTaskbar; } if (properties2 & NET::WM2AllowedActions) { wipeInfoCache = true; changedRoles << IsClosable << IsMovable << IsResizable << IsMaximizable << IsMinimizable; changedRoles << IsFullScreenable << IsShadeable << IsVirtualDesktopChangeable; } if (properties & NET::WMDesktop) { wipeInfoCache = true; changedRoles << VirtualDesktop << IsOnAllVirtualDesktops; } if (properties & NET::WMGeometry) { wipeInfoCache = true; changedRoles << Geometry << ScreenGeometry; } if (properties2 & NET::WM2Activities) { changedRoles << Activities; } if (wipeInfoCache) { delete windowInfoCache.take(window); } if (wipeAppDataCache) { appDataCache.remove(window); } if (!changedRoles.isEmpty()) { dataChanged(window, changedRoles); } } void XWindowTasksModel::Private::dataChanged(WId window, const QVector &roles) { const int i = windows.indexOf(window); if (i == -1) { return; } QModelIndex idx = q->index(i); emit q->dataChanged(idx, idx, roles); } KWindowInfo* XWindowTasksModel::Private::windowInfo(WId window) { const auto &it = windowInfoCache.constFind(window); if (it != windowInfoCache.constEnd()) { return *it; } KWindowInfo *info = new KWindowInfo(window, windowInfoFlags, windowInfoFlags2); windowInfoCache.insert(window, info); return info; } AppData XWindowTasksModel::Private::appData(WId window) { const auto &it = appDataCache.constFind(window); if (it != appDataCache.constEnd()) { return *it; } const AppData &data = appDataFromUrl(windowUrl(window)); // If we weren't able to derive a launcher URL from the window meta data, // fall back to WM_CLASS Class string as app id. This helps with apps we // can't map to an URL due to existing outside the regular system // environment, e.g. wine clients. if (data.id.isEmpty() && data.url.isEmpty()) { AppData dataCopy = data; dataCopy.id = windowInfo(window)->windowClassClass(); appDataCache.insert(window, dataCopy); return dataCopy; } appDataCache.insert(window, data); return data; } QIcon XWindowTasksModel::Private::icon(WId window) { const AppData &app = appData(window); if (!app.icon.isNull()) { return app.icon; } QIcon icon; icon.addPixmap(KWindowSystem::icon(window, KIconLoader::SizeSmall, KIconLoader::SizeSmall, false)); icon.addPixmap(KWindowSystem::icon(window, KIconLoader::SizeSmallMedium, KIconLoader::SizeSmallMedium, false)); icon.addPixmap(KWindowSystem::icon(window, KIconLoader::SizeMedium, KIconLoader::SizeMedium, false)); icon.addPixmap(KWindowSystem::icon(window, KIconLoader::SizeLarge, KIconLoader::SizeLarge, false)); appDataCache[window].icon = icon; return icon; } QString XWindowTasksModel::Private::mimeType() { return QStringLiteral("windowsystem/winid"); } QString XWindowTasksModel::Private::groupMimeType() { return QStringLiteral("windowsystem/multiple-winids"); } QUrl XWindowTasksModel::Private::windowUrl(WId window) { QUrl url; const KWindowInfo *info = windowInfo(window); QString desktopFile = QString::fromUtf8(info->desktopFileName()); if (!desktopFile.isEmpty()) { KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByStorageId(desktopFile); if (service) { return QUrl::fromLocalFile(service->entryPath()); } if (!desktopFile.endsWith(QLatin1String(".desktop"))) { desktopFile.append(QLatin1String(".desktop")); } if (KDesktopFile::isDesktopFile(desktopFile) && QFile::exists(desktopFile)) { return QUrl::fromLocalFile(desktopFile); } } const QString &classClass = info->windowClassClass(); const QString &className = info->windowClassName(); KService::List services; bool triedPid = false; if (!(classClass.isEmpty() && className.isEmpty())) { int pid = NETWinInfo(QX11Info::connection(), window, QX11Info::appRootWindow(), NET::WMPid, 0).pid(); // For KCModules, if we matched on window class, etc, we would end up matching // to kcmshell5 itself - but we are more than likely interested in the actual // control module. Therefore we obtain this via the commandline. This commandline // may contain "kdeinit4:" or "[kdeinit]", so we remove these first. if (classClass == "kcmshell5") { url = serviceUrl(pid, QStringLiteral("KCModule"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("kdeinit5:") << QStringLiteral("[kdeinit]")); if (!url.isEmpty()) { return url; } } // Check to see if this wmClass matched a saved one ... KConfigGroup grp(rulesConfig, "Mapping"); KConfigGroup set(rulesConfig, "Settings"); // Evaluate MatchCommandLineFirst directives from config first. // Some apps have different launchers depending upon command line ... QStringList matchCommandLineFirst = set.readEntry("MatchCommandLineFirst", QStringList()); if (!classClass.isEmpty() && matchCommandLineFirst.contains(classClass)) { triedPid = true; services = servicesFromPid(pid); } // Try to match using className also. if (!className.isEmpty() && matchCommandLineFirst.contains("::"+className)) { triedPid = true; services = servicesFromPid(pid); } if (!classClass.isEmpty()) { // Evaluate any mapping rules that map to a specific .desktop file. QString mapped(grp.readEntry(classClass + "::" + className, QString())); if (mapped.endsWith(QLatin1String(".desktop"))) { url = QUrl(mapped); return url; } if (mapped.isEmpty()) { mapped = grp.readEntry(classClass, QString()); if (mapped.endsWith(QLatin1String(".desktop"))) { url = QUrl(mapped); return url; } } // Some apps, such as Wine, cannot use className to map to launcher name - as Wine itself is not a GUI app // So, Settings/ManualOnly lists window classes where the user will always have to manualy set the launcher ... QStringList manualOnly = set.readEntry("ManualOnly", QStringList()); if (!classClass.isEmpty() && manualOnly.contains(classClass)) { return url; } // Try matching both WM_CLASS instance and general class against StartupWMClass. // We do this before evaluating the mapping rules further, because StartupWMClass // is essentially a mapping rule, and we expect it to be set deliberately and // sensibly to instruct us what to do. Also, mapping rules // // StartupWMClass=STRING // // If true, it is KNOWN that the application will map at least one // window with the given string as its WM class or WM name hint. // // Source: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/startup-notification-spec/startup-notification-0.1.txt if (services.empty()) { services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ StartupWMClass)").arg(classClass)); } if (services.empty()) { services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ StartupWMClass)").arg(className)); } // Evaluate rewrite rules from config. if (services.empty()) { KConfigGroup rewriteRulesGroup(rulesConfig, QStringLiteral("Rewrite Rules")); if (rewriteRulesGroup.hasGroup(classClass)) { KConfigGroup rewriteGroup(&rewriteRulesGroup, classClass); const QStringList &rules = rewriteGroup.groupList(); for (const QString &rule : rules) { KConfigGroup ruleGroup(&rewriteGroup, rule); const QString propertyConfig = ruleGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Property"), QString()); QString matchProperty; if (propertyConfig == QLatin1String("ClassClass")) { matchProperty = classClass; } else if (propertyConfig == QLatin1String("ClassName")) { matchProperty = className; } if (matchProperty.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QString serviceSearchIdentifier = ruleGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Identifier"), QString()); if (serviceSearchIdentifier.isEmpty()) { continue; } QRegularExpression regExp(ruleGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Match"))); const auto match = regExp.match(matchProperty); if (match.hasMatch()) { const QString actualMatch = match.captured(QStringLiteral("match")); if (actualMatch.isEmpty()) { continue; } QString rewrittenString = ruleGroup.readEntry(QStringLiteral("Target")).arg(actualMatch); // If no "Target" is provided, instead assume the matched property (ClassClass/ClassName). if (rewrittenString.isEmpty()) { rewrittenString = matchProperty; } services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ %2)").arg(rewrittenString, serviceSearchIdentifier)); if (!services.isEmpty()) { break; } } } } } // Try matching mapped name against DesktopEntryName. if (!mapped.isEmpty() && services.empty()) { services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ DesktopEntryName)").arg(mapped)); } // Try matching mapped name against 'Name'. if (!mapped.isEmpty() && services.empty()) { services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ Name) and (not exist NoDisplay or not NoDisplay)").arg(mapped)); } // Try matching WM_CLASS general class against DesktopEntryName. if (services.empty()) { services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ DesktopEntryName)").arg(classClass)); } // Try matching WM_CLASS general class against 'Name'. // This has a shaky chance of success as WM_CLASS is untranslated, but 'Name' may be localized. if (services.empty()) { services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ Name) and (not exist NoDisplay or not NoDisplay)").arg(classClass)); } } // Ok, absolute *last* chance, try matching via pid (but only if we have not already tried this!) ... if (services.empty() && !triedPid) { services = servicesFromPid(pid); } } // Try to improve on a possible from-binary fallback. // If no services were found or we got a fake-service back from getServicesViaPid() // we attempt to improve on this by adding a loosely matched reverse-domain-name // DesktopEntryName. Namely anything that is '*.classClass.desktop' would qualify here. // // Illustrative example of a case where the above heuristics would fail to produce // a reasonable result: // - org.kde.dragonplayer.desktop // - binary is 'dragon' // - qapp appname and thus classClass is 'dragonplayer' // - classClass cannot directly match the desktop file because of RDN // - classClass also cannot match the binary because of name mismatch // - in the following code *.classClass can match org.kde.dragonplayer though if (services.empty() || services.at(0)->desktopEntryName().isEmpty()) { auto matchingServices = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' ~~ DesktopEntryName)").arg(classClass)); QMutableListIterator it(matchingServices); while (it.hasNext()) { auto service = it.next(); if (!service->desktopEntryName().endsWith("." + classClass)) { it.remove(); } } // Exactly one match is expected, otherwise we discard the results as to reduce // the likelihood of false-positive mappings. Since we essentially eliminate the // uniqueness that RDN is meant to bring to the table we could potentially end // up with more than one match here. if (matchingServices.length() == 1) { services = matchingServices; } } if (!services.empty()) { QString path = services[0]->entryPath(); if (path.isEmpty()) { path = services[0]->exec(); } if (!path.isEmpty()) { url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(path); } } return url; } QUrl XWindowTasksModel::Private::launcherUrl(WId window, bool encodeFallbackIcon) { const AppData &data = appData(window); if (!encodeFallbackIcon || !data.icon.name().isEmpty()) { return data.url; } QUrl url = data.url; // Forego adding the window icon pixmap if the URL is otherwise empty. if (!url.isValid()) { return QUrl(); } const QPixmap pixmap = KWindowSystem::icon(window, KIconLoader::SizeLarge, KIconLoader::SizeLarge, false); if (pixmap.isNull()) { return data.url; } QUrlQuery uQuery(url); QByteArray bytes; QBuffer buffer(&bytes); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); pixmap.save(&buffer, "PNG"); uQuery.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("iconData"), bytes.toBase64(QByteArray::Base64UrlEncoding)); url.setQuery(uQuery); return url; } QUrl XWindowTasksModel::Private::serviceUrl(int pid, const QString &type, const QStringList &cmdRemovals = QStringList()) { if (pid == 0) { return QUrl(); } KSysGuard::Processes procs; procs.updateOrAddProcess(pid); KSysGuard::Process *proc = procs.getProcess(pid); QString cmdline = proc ? proc->command().simplified() : QString(); // proc->command has a trailing space??? if (cmdline.isEmpty()) { return QUrl(); } foreach (const QString & r, cmdRemovals) { cmdline.replace(r, QLatin1String("")); } KService::List services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(type, QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ Exec)").arg(cmdline)); if (services.empty()) { // Could not find with complete command line, so strip out path part ... int slash = cmdline.lastIndexOf('/', cmdline.indexOf(' ')); if (slash > 0) { services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(type, QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ Exec)").arg(cmdline.mid(slash + 1))); } if (services.empty()) { return QUrl(); } } if (!services.isEmpty()) { QString path = services[0]->entryPath(); if (!QDir::isAbsolutePath(path)) { QString absolutePath = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, "kservices5/"+path); if (!absolutePath.isEmpty()) path = absolutePath; } if (QFile::exists(path)) { return QUrl::fromLocalFile(path); } } return QUrl(); } KService::List XWindowTasksModel::Private::servicesFromPid(int pid) { if (pid == 0) { return KService::List(); } KSysGuard::Processes procs; procs.updateOrAddProcess(pid); KSysGuard::Process *proc = procs.getProcess(pid); const QString &cmdLine = proc ? proc->command().simplified() : QString(); // proc->command has a trailing space??? if (cmdLine.isEmpty()) { return KService::List(); } return servicesFromCmdLine(cmdLine, proc->name()); } KService::List XWindowTasksModel::Private::servicesFromCmdLine(const QString &_cmdLine, const QString &processName) { QString cmdLine = _cmdLine; KService::List services; const int firstSpace = cmdLine.indexOf(' '); int slash = 0; services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ Exec)").arg(cmdLine)); if (services.empty()) { // Could not find with complete command line, so strip out the path part ... slash = cmdLine.lastIndexOf('/', firstSpace); if (slash > 0) { services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ Exec)").arg(cmdLine.mid(slash + 1))); } } if (services.empty() && firstSpace > 0) { // Could not find with arguments, so try without ... cmdLine = cmdLine.left(firstSpace); services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ Exec)").arg(cmdLine)); if (services.empty()) { slash = cmdLine.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slash > 0) { services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ Exec)").arg(cmdLine.mid(slash + 1))); } } } if (services.empty()) { KConfigGroup set(rulesConfig, "Settings"); const QStringList &runtimes = set.readEntry("TryIgnoreRuntimes", QStringList()); bool ignore = runtimes.contains(cmdLine); if (!ignore && slash > 0) { ignore = runtimes.contains(cmdLine.mid(slash + 1)); } if (ignore) { return servicesFromCmdLine(_cmdLine.mid(firstSpace + 1), processName); } } if (services.empty() && !processName.isEmpty() && !QStandardPaths::findExecutable(cmdLine).isEmpty()) { // cmdLine now exists without arguments if there were any. services << QExplicitlySharedDataPointer(new KService(processName, cmdLine, QString())); } return services; } bool XWindowTasksModel::Private::demandsAttention(WId window) { if (windows.contains(window)) { return ((windowInfo(window)->hasState(NET::DemandsAttention)) || transientsDemandingAttention.contains(window)); } return false; } XWindowTasksModel::XWindowTasksModel(QObject *parent) : AbstractWindowTasksModel(parent) , d(new Private(this)) { d->init(); } XWindowTasksModel::~XWindowTasksModel() { } QVariant XWindowTasksModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid() || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return QVariant(); } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return d->windowInfo(window)->visibleName(); } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { return d->icon(window); } else if (role == AppId) { return d->appData(window).id; } else if (role == AppName) { return d->appData(window).name; } else if (role == GenericName) { return d->appData(window).genericName; } else if (role == LauncherUrl) { return d->launcherUrl(window); } else if (role == LauncherUrlWithoutIcon) { return d->launcherUrl(window, false /* encodeFallbackIcon */); } else if (role == LegacyWinIdList) { return QVariantList() << window; } else if (role == MimeType) { return d->mimeType(); } else if (role == MimeData) { return QByteArray((char*)&window, sizeof(window));; } else if (role == IsWindow) { return true; } else if (role == IsActive) { return (window == d->activeWindow); } else if (role == IsClosable) { return d->windowInfo(window)->actionSupported(NET::ActionClose); } else if (role == IsMovable) { return d->windowInfo(window)->actionSupported(NET::ActionMove); } else if (role == IsResizable) { return d->windowInfo(window)->actionSupported(NET::ActionResize); } else if (role == IsMaximizable) { return d->windowInfo(window)->actionSupported(NET::ActionMax); } else if (role == IsMaximized) { const KWindowInfo *info = d->windowInfo(window); return info->hasState(NET::MaxHoriz) && info->hasState(NET::MaxVert); } else if (role == IsMinimizable) { return d->windowInfo(window)->actionSupported(NET::ActionMinimize); } else if (role == IsMinimized) { return d->windowInfo(window)->isMinimized(); } else if (role == IsKeepAbove) { return d->windowInfo(window)->hasState(NET::StaysOnTop); } else if (role == IsKeepBelow) { return d->windowInfo(window)->hasState(NET::KeepBelow); } else if (role == IsFullScreenable) { return d->windowInfo(window)->actionSupported(NET::ActionFullScreen); } else if (role == IsFullScreen) { return d->windowInfo(window)->hasState(NET::FullScreen); } else if (role == IsShadeable) { return d->windowInfo(window)->actionSupported(NET::ActionShade); } else if (role == IsShaded) { return d->windowInfo(window)->hasState(NET::Shaded); } else if (role == IsVirtualDesktopChangeable) { return d->windowInfo(window)->actionSupported(NET::ActionChangeDesktop); } else if (role == VirtualDesktop) { return d->windowInfo(window)->desktop(); } else if (role == IsOnAllVirtualDesktops) { return d->windowInfo(window)->onAllDesktops(); } else if (role == Geometry) { return d->windowInfo(window)->frameGeometry(); } else if (role == ScreenGeometry) { return screenGeometry(d->windowInfo(window)->frameGeometry().center()); } else if (role == Activities) { return d->windowInfo(window)->activities(); } else if (role == IsDemandingAttention) { return d->demandsAttention(window); } else if (role == SkipTaskbar) { const KWindowInfo *info = d->windowInfo(window); // _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY type windows should not be on task bars, // but they should be shown on pagers. return (info->hasState(NET::SkipTaskbar) || info->windowType(NET::UtilityMask) == NET::Utility); } else if (role == SkipPager) { return d->windowInfo(window)->hasState(NET::SkipPager); } else if (role == AppPid) { return d->windowInfo(window)->pid(); } return QVariant(); } int XWindowTasksModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return parent.isValid() ? 0 : d->windows.count(); } void XWindowTasksModel::requestActivate(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } if (index.row() >= 0 && index.row() < d->windows.count()) { WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); // Pull forward any transient demanding attention. if (d->transientsDemandingAttention.contains(window)) { window = d->transientsDemandingAttention.value(window); // Quote from legacy libtaskmanager: // "this is a work around for (at least?) kwin where a shaded transient will prevent the main // window from being brought forward unless the transient is actually pulled forward, most // easily reproduced by opening a modal file open/save dialog on an app then shading the file // dialog and trying to bring the window forward by clicking on it in a tasks widget // TODO: do we need to check all the transients for shaded?" } else if (!d->transients.isEmpty()) { foreach (const WId transient, d->transients) { KWindowInfo info(transient, NET::WMState, NET::WM2TransientFor); if (info.valid(true) && info.hasState(NET::Shaded) && info.transientFor() == window) { window = transient; break; } } } KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(window); } } void XWindowTasksModel::requestNewInstance(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } - const AppData &data = d->appData(d->windows.at(index.row())); - - if (data.url.isValid()) { - new KRun(data.url, 0, false, KStartupInfo::createNewStartupIdForTimestamp(QX11Info::appUserTime())); - - if (!data.id.isEmpty()) { - KActivities::ResourceInstance::notifyAccessed(QUrl(QStringLiteral("applications:") + data.id), - QStringLiteral("org.kde.libtaskmanager")); - } - } + runApp(d->appData(d->windows.at(index.row()))); } void XWindowTasksModel::requestOpenUrls(const QModelIndex &index, const QList &urls) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count() || urls.isEmpty()) { return; } - const QUrl &url = d->appData(d->windows.at(index.row())).url; - const KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopPath(url.toLocalFile()); - - if (service) { - KRun::runApplication(*service, urls, nullptr, 0, {}, KStartupInfo::createNewStartupIdForTimestamp(QX11Info::appUserTime())); - - KActivities::ResourceInstance::notifyAccessed(QUrl(QStringLiteral("applications:") + service->storageId()), - QStringLiteral("org.kde.libtaskmanager")); - } + runApp(d->appData(d->windows.at(index.row())), urls); } void XWindowTasksModel::requestClose(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } NETRootInfo ri(QX11Info::connection(), NET::CloseWindow); ri.closeWindowRequest(d->windows.at(index.row())); } void XWindowTasksModel::requestMove(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); const KWindowInfo *info = d->windowInfo(window); bool onCurrent = info->isOnCurrentDesktop(); if (!onCurrent) { KWindowSystem::setCurrentDesktop(info->desktop()); KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(window); } if (info->isMinimized()) { KWindowSystem::unminimizeWindow(window); } const QRect &geom = info->geometry(); NETRootInfo ri(QX11Info::connection(), NET::WMMoveResize); ri.moveResizeRequest(window, geom.center().x(), geom.center().y(), NET::Move); } void XWindowTasksModel::requestResize(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); const KWindowInfo *info = d->windowInfo(window); bool onCurrent = info->isOnCurrentDesktop(); if (!onCurrent) { KWindowSystem::setCurrentDesktop(info->desktop()); KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(window); } if (info->isMinimized()) { KWindowSystem::unminimizeWindow(window); } const QRect &geom = info->geometry(); NETRootInfo ri(QX11Info::connection(), NET::WMMoveResize); ri.moveResizeRequest(window, geom.bottomRight().x(), geom.bottomRight().y(), NET::BottomRight); } void XWindowTasksModel::requestToggleMinimized(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); const KWindowInfo *info = d->windowInfo(window); if (info->isMinimized()) { bool onCurrent = info->isOnCurrentDesktop(); // FIXME: Move logic up into proxy? (See also others.) if (!onCurrent) { KWindowSystem::setCurrentDesktop(info->desktop()); } KWindowSystem::unminimizeWindow(window); if (onCurrent) { KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(window); } } else { KWindowSystem::minimizeWindow(window); } } void XWindowTasksModel::requestToggleMaximized(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); const KWindowInfo *info = d->windowInfo(window); bool onCurrent = info->isOnCurrentDesktop(); bool restore = (info->hasState(NET::MaxHoriz) && info->hasState(NET::MaxVert)); // FIXME: Move logic up into proxy? (See also others.) if (!onCurrent) { KWindowSystem::setCurrentDesktop(info->desktop()); } if (info->isMinimized()) { KWindowSystem::unminimizeWindow(window); } NETWinInfo ni(QX11Info::connection(), window, QX11Info::appRootWindow(), NET::WMState, 0); if (restore) { ni.setState(0, NET::Max); } else { ni.setState(NET::Max, NET::Max); } if (!onCurrent) { KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(window); } } void XWindowTasksModel::requestToggleKeepAbove(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); const KWindowInfo *info = d->windowInfo(window); NETWinInfo ni(QX11Info::connection(), window, QX11Info::appRootWindow(), NET::WMState, 0); if (info->hasState(NET::StaysOnTop)) { ni.setState(0, NET::StaysOnTop); } else { ni.setState(NET::StaysOnTop, NET::StaysOnTop); } } void XWindowTasksModel::requestToggleKeepBelow(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); const KWindowInfo *info = d->windowInfo(window); NETWinInfo ni(QX11Info::connection(), window, QX11Info::appRootWindow(), NET::WMState, 0); if (info->hasState(NET::KeepBelow)) { ni.setState(0, NET::KeepBelow); } else { ni.setState(NET::KeepBelow, NET::KeepBelow); } } void XWindowTasksModel::requestToggleFullScreen(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); const KWindowInfo *info = d->windowInfo(window); NETWinInfo ni(QX11Info::connection(), window, QX11Info::appRootWindow(), NET::WMState, 0); if (info->hasState(NET::FullScreen)) { ni.setState(0, NET::FullScreen); } else { ni.setState(NET::FullScreen, NET::FullScreen); } } void XWindowTasksModel::requestToggleShaded(const QModelIndex &index) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); const KWindowInfo *info = d->windowInfo(window); NETWinInfo ni(QX11Info::connection(), window, QX11Info::appRootWindow(), NET::WMState, 0); if (info->hasState(NET::Shaded)) { ni.setState(0, NET::Shaded); } else { ni.setState(NET::Shaded, NET::Shaded); } } void XWindowTasksModel::requestVirtualDesktop(const QModelIndex &index, qint32 desktop) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); const KWindowInfo *info = d->windowInfo(window); if (desktop == 0) { if (info->onAllDesktops()) { KWindowSystem::setOnDesktop(window, KWindowSystem::currentDesktop()); KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(window); } else { KWindowSystem::setOnAllDesktops(window, true); } return; // FIXME Move add-new-desktop logic up into proxy. } else if (desktop > KWindowSystem::numberOfDesktops()) { desktop = KWindowSystem::numberOfDesktops() + 1; // FIXME Arbitrary limit of 20 copied from old code. if (desktop > 20) { return; } NETRootInfo ri(QX11Info::connection(), NET::NumberOfDesktops); ri.setNumberOfDesktops(desktop); } KWindowSystem::setOnDesktop(window, desktop); if (desktop == KWindowSystem::currentDesktop()) { KWindowSystem::forceActiveWindow(window); } } void XWindowTasksModel::requestActivities(const QModelIndex &index, const QStringList &activities) { if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); KWindowSystem::setOnActivities(window, activities); } void XWindowTasksModel::requestPublishDelegateGeometry(const QModelIndex &index, const QRect &geometry, QObject *delegate) { Q_UNUSED(delegate) if (!index.isValid() || index.model() != this || index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= d->windows.count()) { return; } const WId window = d->windows.at(index.row()); if (d->delegateGeometries.contains(window) && d->delegateGeometries.value(window) == geometry) { return; } NETWinInfo ni(QX11Info::connection(), window, QX11Info::appRootWindow(), 0, 0); NETRect rect; if (geometry.isValid()) { rect.pos.x = geometry.x(); rect.pos.y = geometry.y(); rect.size.width = geometry.width(); rect.size.height = geometry.height(); d->delegateGeometries.insert(window, geometry); } else { d->delegateGeometries.remove(window); } ni.setIconGeometry(rect); } WId XWindowTasksModel::winIdFromMimeData(const QMimeData *mimeData, bool *ok) { Q_ASSERT(mimeData); if (ok) { *ok = false; } if (!mimeData->hasFormat(Private::mimeType())) { return 0; } QByteArray data(mimeData->data(Private::mimeType())); if (data.size() != sizeof(WId)) { return 0; } WId id; memcpy(&id, data.data(), sizeof(WId)); if (ok) { *ok = true; } return id; } QList XWindowTasksModel::winIdsFromMimeData(const QMimeData *mimeData, bool *ok) { Q_ASSERT(mimeData); QList ids; if (ok) { *ok = false; } if (!mimeData->hasFormat(Private::groupMimeType())) { // Try to extract single window id. bool singularOk; WId id = winIdFromMimeData(mimeData, &singularOk); if (ok) { *ok = singularOk; } if (singularOk) { ids << id; } return ids; } QByteArray data(mimeData->data(Private::groupMimeType())); if ((unsigned int)data.size() < sizeof(int) + sizeof(WId)) { return ids; } int count = 0; memcpy(&count, data.data(), sizeof(int)); if (count < 1 || (unsigned int)data.size() < sizeof(int) + sizeof(WId) * count) { return ids; } WId id; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { memcpy(&id, data.data() + sizeof(int) + sizeof(WId) * i, sizeof(WId)); ids << id; } if (ok) { *ok = true; } return ids; } }