diff --git a/applets/notifications/package/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml b/applets/notifications/package/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml index 5ad8dbbff..4615a1912 100644 --- a/applets/notifications/package/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml +++ b/applets/notifications/package/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml @@ -1,584 +1,583 @@ /* * Copyright 2019 Kai Uwe Broulik * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ pragma Singleton import QtQuick 2.8 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as Components import org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0 import org.kde.notificationmanager 1.0 as NotificationManager import org.kde.taskmanager 0.1 as TaskManager import org.kde.plasma.private.notifications 2.0 as Notifications import ".." // This singleton object contains stuff shared between all notification plasmoids, namely: // - Popup creation and placement // - Do not disturb mode QtObject { id: globals // Listened to by "ago" label in NotificationHeader to update all of them in unison signal timeChanged property bool inhibited: false onInhibitedChanged: { var pa = pulseAudio.item; if (!pa) { return; } var stream = pa.notificationStream; if (!stream) { return; } if (inhibited) { // Only remember that we muted if previously not muted. if (!stream.muted) { notificationSettings.notificationSoundsInhibited = true; stream.mute(); } } else { // Only unmute if we previously muted it. if (notificationSettings.notificationSoundsInhibited) { stream.unmute(); } notificationSettings.notificationSoundsInhibited = false; } notificationSettings.save(); } // Some parts of the code rely on plasmoid.nativeInterface and since we're in a singleton here // this is named "plasmoid" property QtObject plasmoid: plasmoids[0] // HACK When a plasmoid is destroyed, QML sets its value to "null" in the Array // so we then remove it so we have a working "plasmoid" again onPlasmoidChanged: { if (!plasmoid) { // this doesn't emit a change, only in ratePlasmoids() it will detect the change plasmoids.splice(0, 1); // remove first ratePlasmoids(); } } // all notification plasmoids property var plasmoids: [] property int popupLocation: { switch (notificationSettings.popupPosition) { // Auto-determine location based on plasmoid location case NotificationManager.Settings.CloseToWidget: if (!plasmoid) { return Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight; // just in case } var alignment = 0; if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge) { alignment |= Qt.AlignLeft; } else if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge) { alignment |= Qt.AlignRight; } else { // would be nice to do plasmoid.compactRepresentationItem.mapToItem(null) and then // position the popups depending on the relative position within the panel alignment |= Qt.application.layoutDirection === Qt.RightToLeft ? Qt.AlignLeft : Qt.AlignRight; } if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge) { alignment |= Qt.AlignTop; } else { alignment |= Qt.AlignBottom; } return alignment; case NotificationManager.Settings.TopLeft: return Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft; case NotificationManager.Settings.TopCenter: return Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignHCenter; case NotificationManager.Settings.TopRight: return Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignRight; case NotificationManager.Settings.BottomLeft: return Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignLeft; case NotificationManager.Settings.BottomCenter: return Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignHCenter; case NotificationManager.Settings.BottomRight: return Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight; } } readonly property QtObject focusDialog: plasmoid.nativeInterface.focussedPlasmaDialog onFocusDialogChanged: positionPopups() // The raw width of the popup's content item, the Dialog itself adds some margins property int popupWidth: units.gridUnit * 18 property int popupEdgeDistance: units.largeSpacing * 2 property int popupSpacing: units.largeSpacing // How much vertical screen real estate the notification popups may consume readonly property real popupMaximumScreenFill: 0.75 onPopupLocationChanged: Qt.callLater(positionPopups) Component.onCompleted: checkInhibition() function adopt(plasmoid) { // this doesn't emit a change, only in ratePlasmoids() it will detect the change globals.plasmoids.push(plasmoid); ratePlasmoids(); } // Sorts plasmoids based on a heuristic to find a suitable plasmoid to follow when placing popups function ratePlasmoids() { var plasmoidScore = function(plasmoid) { if (!plasmoid) { return 0; } var score = 0; // Prefer plasmoids in a panel, prefer horizontal panels over vertical ones if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge || plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge) { score += 1; } else if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge || plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge) { score += 2; } // Prefer iconified plasmoids if (!plasmoid.expanded) { ++score; } // Prefer plasmoids on primary screen if (plasmoid.nativeInterface && plasmoid.nativeInterface.isPrimaryScreen(plasmoid.screenGeometry)) { ++score; } return score; } var newPlasmoids = plasmoids; newPlasmoids.sort(function (a, b) { var scoreA = plasmoidScore(a); var scoreB = plasmoidScore(b); // Sort descending by score if (scoreA < scoreB) { return 1; } else if (scoreA > scoreB) { return -1; } else { return 0; } }); globals.plasmoids = newPlasmoids; } function checkInhibition() { globals.inhibited = Qt.binding(function() { var inhibited = false; if (!NotificationManager.Server.valid) { return false; } var inhibitedUntil = notificationSettings.notificationsInhibitedUntil; if (!isNaN(inhibitedUntil.getTime())) { inhibited |= (new Date().getTime() < inhibitedUntil.getTime()); } if (notificationSettings.notificationsInhibitedByApplication) { inhibited |= true; } if (notificationSettings.inhibitNotificationsWhenScreensMirrored) { inhibited |= notificationSettings.screensMirrored; } return inhibited; }); } function revokeInhibitions() { notificationSettings.notificationsInhibitedUntil = undefined; notificationSettings.revokeApplicationInhibitions(); // overrules current mirrored screen setup, updates again when screen configuration changes notificationSettings.screensMirrored = false; notificationSettings.save(); } function rectIntersect(rect1 /*dialog*/, rect2 /*popup*/) { return rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width && rect2.x < rect1.x + rect1.width && rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height && rect2.y < rect1.y + rect1.height; } function positionPopups() { if (!plasmoid) { return; } var screenRect = Qt.rect(plasmoid.screenGeometry.x + plasmoid.availableScreenRect.x, plasmoid.screenGeometry.y + plasmoid.availableScreenRect.y, plasmoid.availableScreenRect.width, plasmoid.availableScreenRect.height); if (screenRect.width <= 0 || screenRect.height <= 0) { return; } var y = screenRect.y; if (popupLocation & Qt.AlignBottom) { y += screenRect.height - popupEdgeDistance; } else { y += popupEdgeDistance; } var x = screenRect.x; if (popupLocation & Qt.AlignLeft) { x += popupEdgeDistance; } for (var i = 0; i < popupInstantiator.count; ++i) { let popup = popupInstantiator.objectAt(i); // Popup width is fixed, so don't rely on the actual window size var popupEffectiveWidth = popupWidth + popup.margins.left + popup.margins.right; if (popupLocation & Qt.AlignHCenter) { popup.x = x + (screenRect.width - popupEffectiveWidth) / 2; } else if (popupLocation & Qt.AlignRight) { popup.x = x + screenRect.width - popupEdgeDistance - popupEffectiveWidth; } else { popup.x = x; } if (popupLocation & Qt.AlignTop) { // We want to calculate the new position based on its original target position to avoid positioning it and then // positioning it again, hence the temporary Qt.rect with explicit "y" and not just the popup as a whole if (focusDialog && focusDialog.visible && focusDialog !== popup && rectIntersect(focusDialog, Qt.rect(popup.x, y, popup.width, popup.height))) { y = focusDialog.y + focusDialog.height + popupEdgeDistance; } popup.y = y; // If the popup isn't ready yet, ignore its occupied space for now. // We'll reposition everything in onHeightChanged eventually. y += popup.height + (popup.height > 0 ? popupSpacing : 0); } else { y -= popup.height; if (focusDialog && focusDialog.visible && focusDialog !== popup && rectIntersect(focusDialog, Qt.rect(popup.x, y, popup.width, popup.height))) { y = focusDialog.y - popup.height - popupEdgeDistance; } popup.y = y; if (popup.height > 0) { y -= popupSpacing; } } // don't let notifications take more than popupMaximumScreenFill of the screen var visible = true; if (i > 0) { // however always show at least one popup if (popupLocation & Qt.AlignTop) { visible = (popup.y + popup.height < screenRect.y + (screenRect.height * popupMaximumScreenFill)); } else { visible = (popup.y > screenRect.y + (screenRect.height * (1 - popupMaximumScreenFill))); } } popup.visible = visible; } } property QtObject popupNotificationsModel: NotificationManager.Notifications { limit: plasmoid ? (Math.ceil(plasmoid.availableScreenRect.height / (theme.mSize(theme.defaultFont).height * 4))) : 0 showExpired: false showDismissed: false blacklistedDesktopEntries: notificationSettings.popupBlacklistedApplications blacklistedNotifyRcNames: notificationSettings.popupBlacklistedServices whitelistedDesktopEntries: globals.inhibited ? notificationSettings.doNotDisturbPopupWhitelistedApplications : [] whitelistedNotifyRcNames: globals.inhibited ? notificationSettings.doNotDisturbPopupWhitelistedServices : [] showJobs: notificationSettings.jobsInNotifications sortMode: NotificationManager.Notifications.SortByTypeAndUrgency groupMode: NotificationManager.Notifications.GroupDisabled urgencies: { var urgencies = 0; // Critical always except in do not disturb mode when disabled in settings if (!globals.inhibited || notificationSettings.criticalPopupsInDoNotDisturbMode) { urgencies |= NotificationManager.Notifications.CriticalUrgency; } // Normal only when not in do not disturb mode if (!globals.inhibited) { urgencies |= NotificationManager.Notifications.NormalUrgency; } // Low only when enabled in settings and not in do not disturb mode if (!globals.inhibited && notificationSettings.lowPriorityPopups) { urgencies |=NotificationManager.Notifications.LowUrgency; } return urgencies; } } property QtObject notificationSettings: NotificationManager.Settings { onNotificationsInhibitedUntilChanged: globals.checkInhibition() } property QtObject tasksModel: TaskManager.TasksModel { groupMode: TaskManager.TasksModel.GroupApplications groupInline: false } // This periodically checks whether do not disturb mode timed out and updates the "minutes ago" labels property QtObject timeSource: PlasmaCore.DataSource { engine: "time" connectedSources: ["Local"] interval: 60000 // 1 min intervalAlignment: PlasmaCore.Types.AlignToMinute onDataChanged: { checkInhibition(); globals.timeChanged(); } } property Instantiator popupInstantiator: Instantiator { model: popupNotificationsModel delegate: NotificationPopup { // so Instantiator can access that after the model row is gone readonly property var notificationId: model.notificationId popupWidth: globals.popupWidth type: model.urgency === NotificationManager.Notifications.CriticalUrgency && notificationSettings.keepCriticalAlwaysOnTop ? PlasmaCore.Dialog.CriticalNotification : PlasmaCore.Dialog.Notification notificationType: model.type applicationName: model.applicationName applicationIconSource: model.applicationIconName originName: model.originName || "" time: model.updated || model.created configurable: model.configurable // For running jobs instead of offering a "close" button that might lead the user to // think that will cancel the job, we offer a "dismiss" button that hides it in the history dismissable: model.type === NotificationManager.Notifications.JobType && model.jobState !== NotificationManager.Notifications.JobStateStopped // TODO would be nice to be able to "pin" jobs when they autohide && notificationSettings.permanentJobPopups closable: model.closable summary: model.summary body: model.body || "" icon: model.image || model.iconName hasDefaultAction: model.hasDefaultAction || false timeout: model.timeout // Increase default timeout for notifications with a URL so you have enough time // to interact with the thumbnail or bring the window to the front where you want to drag it into defaultTimeout: notificationSettings.popupTimeout + (model.urls && model.urls.length > 0 ? 5000 : 0) // When configured to not keep jobs open permanently, we autodismiss them after the standard timeout dismissTimeout: !notificationSettings.permanentJobPopups && model.type === NotificationManager.Notifications.JobType && model.jobState !== NotificationManager.Notifications.JobStateStopped ? defaultTimeout : 0 urls: model.urls || [] urgency: model.urgency || NotificationManager.Notifications.NormalUrgency jobState: model.jobState || 0 percentage: model.percentage || 0 jobError: model.jobError || 0 suspendable: !!model.suspendable killable: !!model.killable jobDetails: model.jobDetails || null configureActionLabel: model.configureActionLabel || "" actionNames: model.actionNames actionLabels: model.actionLabels hasReplyAction: model.hasReplyAction || false replyActionLabel: model.replyActionLabel || "" replyPlaceholderText: model.replyPlaceholderText || "" replySubmitButtonText: model.replySubmitButtonText || "" replySubmitButtonIconName: model.replySubmitButtonIconName || "" onExpired: popupNotificationsModel.expire(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)) onHoverEntered: model.read = true onCloseClicked: popupNotificationsModel.close(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)) onDismissClicked: model.dismissed = true onConfigureClicked: popupNotificationsModel.configure(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)) onDefaultActionInvoked: { if (defaultActionFallbackWindowIdx) { if (!defaultActionFallbackWindowIdx.valid) { console.warn("Failed fallback notification activation as window no longer exists"); return; } // When it's a group, activate the window highest in stacking order (presumably last used) if (tasksModel.data(defaultActionFallbackWindowIdx, TaskManager.AbstractTasksModel.IsGroupParent)) { let highestStacking = -1; let highestIdx = undefined; for (let i = 0; i < tasksModel.rowCount(defaultActionFallbackWindowIdx); ++i) { const idx = tasksModel.index(i, 0, defaultActionFallbackWindowIdx); const stacking = tasksModel.data(idx, TaskManager.AbstractTasksModel.StackingOrder); if (stacking > highestStacking) { highestStacking = stacking; highestIdx = tasksModel.makePersistentModelIndex(defaultActionFallbackWindowIdx.row, i); } } if (highestIdx && highestIdx.valid) { tasksModel.requestActivate(highestIdx); popupNotificationsModel.close(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)); } return; } tasksModel.requestActivate(defaultActionFallbackWindowIdx); popupNotificationsModel.close(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)); return; } popupNotificationsModel.invokeDefaultAction(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)) popupNotificationsModel.close(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)) } onActionInvoked: { popupNotificationsModel.invokeAction(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0), actionName) popupNotificationsModel.close(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)) } onReplied: { popupNotificationsModel.reply(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0), text); popupNotificationsModel.close(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)); } onOpenUrl: { Qt.openUrlExternally(url); popupNotificationsModel.close(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)) } onFileActionInvoked: popupNotificationsModel.close(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)) onSuspendJobClicked: popupNotificationsModel.suspendJob(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)) onResumeJobClicked: popupNotificationsModel.resumeJob(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)) onKillJobClicked: popupNotificationsModel.killJob(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)) // popup width is fixed onHeightChanged: positionPopups() Component.onCompleted: { if (model.type === NotificationManager.Notifications.NotificationType && model.desktopEntry) { // Register apps that were seen spawning a popup so they can be configured later // Apps with notifyrc can already be configured anyway if (!model.notifyRcName) { notificationSettings.registerKnownApplication(model.desktopEntry); notificationSettings.save(); } // If there is no default action, check if there is a window we could activate instead if (!model.hasDefaultAction) { for (let i = 0; i < tasksModel.rowCount(); ++i) { const idx = tasksModel.index(i, 0); const appId = tasksModel.data(idx, TaskManager.AbstractTasksModel.AppId); if (appId === model.desktopEntry + ".desktop") { - console.log("Associated window titled", tasksModel.data(idx, Qt.DisplayRole), "of", appId, "with this notification"); // Takes a row number, not a QModelIndex defaultActionFallbackWindowIdx = tasksModel.makePersistentModelIndex(i); hasDefaultAction = true; break; } } } } // Tell the model that we're handling the timeout now popupNotificationsModel.stopTimeout(popupNotificationsModel.index(index, 0)); } } onObjectAdded: { positionPopups(); object.visible = true; } onObjectRemoved: { var notificationId = object.notificationId // Popup might have been destroyed because of a filter change, tell the model to do the timeout work for us again // cannot use QModelIndex here as the model row is already gone popupNotificationsModel.startTimeout(notificationId); positionPopups(); } } // TODO use pulseaudio-qt for this once it becomes a framework property QtObject pulseAudio: Loader { source: "PulseAudio.qml" } property Connections screenWatcher: Connections { target: plasmoid onAvailableScreenRectChanged: repositionTimer.start() onScreenGeometryChanged: repositionTimer.start() } // Normally popups are repositioned through Qt.callLater but in case of e.g. screen geometry changes we want to compress that property Timer repositionTimer: Timer { interval: 250 onTriggered: positionPopups() } // Keeps the Inhibited property on DBus in sync with our inhibition handling property Binding serverInhibitedBinding: Binding { target: NotificationManager.Server property: "inhibited" value: globals.inhibited } property Notifications.GlobalShortcuts shortcuts: Notifications.GlobalShortcuts { onToggleDoNotDisturbTriggered: { var oldInhibited = globals.inhibited; if (oldInhibited) { globals.revokeInhibitions(); } else { // Effectively "in a year" is "until turned off" var d = new Date(); d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 1); notificationSettings.notificationsInhibitedUntil = d; notificationSettings.save(); } checkInhibition(); if (globals.inhibited !== oldInhibited) { showDoNotDisturbOsd(globals.inhibited); } } } }