diff --git a/klipper/klipper.cpp b/klipper/klipper.cpp index 119dd0311..412b472b0 100644 --- a/klipper/klipper.cpp +++ b/klipper/klipper.cpp @@ -1,1034 +1,1044 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) by Andrew Stanley-Jones Copyright (C) 2000 by Carsten Pfeiffer Copyright (C) 2004 Esben Mose Hansen Copyright (C) 2008 by Dmitry Suzdalev This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "klipper.h" #include #include "klipper_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "configdialog.h" #include "klippersettings.h" #include "urlgrabber.h" #include "history.h" #include "historyitem.h" #include "historymodel.h" #include "historystringitem.h" #include "klipperpopup.h" #ifdef HAVE_PRISON #include #endif #include #if HAVE_X11 #include #include #endif namespace { /** * Use this when manipulating the clipboard * from within clipboard-related signals. * * This avoids issues such as mouse-selections that immediately * disappear. * pattern: Resource Acqusition is Initialisation (RAII) * * (This is not threadsafe, so don't try to use such in threaded * applications). */ struct Ignore { Ignore(int& locklevel) : locklevelref(locklevel) { locklevelref++; } ~Ignore() { locklevelref--; } private: int& locklevelref; }; } // config == KGlobal::config for process, otherwise applet Klipper::Klipper(QObject* parent, const KSharedConfigPtr& config, KlipperMode mode) : QObject( parent ) , m_overflowCounter( 0 ) , m_locklevel( 0 ) , m_config( config ) , m_pendingContentsCheck( false ) , m_mode(mode) { if (m_mode == KlipperMode::Standalone) { setenv("KSNI_NO_DBUSMENU", "1", 1); } QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerService(QStringLiteral("org.kde.klipper")); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject(QStringLiteral("/klipper"), this, QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots); updateTimestamp(); // read initial X user time m_clip = qApp->clipboard(); connect( m_clip, &QClipboard::changed, this, &Klipper::newClipData ); connect( &m_overflowClearTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Klipper::slotClearOverflow); m_pendingCheckTimer.setSingleShot( true ); connect( &m_pendingCheckTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &Klipper::slotCheckPending); m_history = new History( this ); m_popup = new KlipperPopup(m_history); m_popup->setShowHelp(m_mode == KlipperMode::Standalone); connect(m_history, &History::changed, m_popup, &KlipperPopup::slotHistoryChanged); connect(m_history, &History::topIsUserSelectedSet, m_popup, &KlipperPopup::slotTopIsUserSelectedSet); // we need that collection, otherwise KToggleAction is not happy :} m_collection = new KActionCollection( this ); m_toggleURLGrabAction = new KToggleAction( this ); m_collection->addAction( QStringLiteral("clipboard_action"), m_toggleURLGrabAction ); m_toggleURLGrabAction->setText(i18n("Enable Clipboard Actions")); KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(m_toggleURLGrabAction, QKeySequence(Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_X)); connect( m_toggleURLGrabAction, &QAction::toggled, this, &Klipper::setURLGrabberEnabled); /* * Create URL grabber */ m_myURLGrabber = new URLGrabber(m_history); connect( m_myURLGrabber, &URLGrabber::sigPopup, this, &Klipper::showPopupMenu ); connect( m_myURLGrabber, &URLGrabber::sigDisablePopup, this, &Klipper::disableURLGrabber ); /* * Load configuration settings */ loadSettings(); // load previous history if configured if (m_bKeepContents) { loadHistory(); } m_clearHistoryAction = m_collection->addAction( QStringLiteral("clear-history") ); m_clearHistoryAction->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edit-clear-history")) ); m_clearHistoryAction->setText( i18n("C&lear Clipboard History") ); KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(m_clearHistoryAction, QKeySequence()); connect(m_clearHistoryAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Klipper::slotAskClearHistory); QString CONFIGURE=QStringLiteral("configure"); m_configureAction = m_collection->addAction( CONFIGURE ); m_configureAction->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme(CONFIGURE) ); m_configureAction->setText( i18n("&Configure Klipper...") ); connect(m_configureAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Klipper::slotConfigure); m_quitAction = m_collection->addAction( QStringLiteral("quit") ); m_quitAction->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("application-exit")) ); m_quitAction->setText( i18nc("@item:inmenu Quit Klipper", "&Quit") ); connect(m_quitAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Klipper::slotQuit); m_repeatAction = m_collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("repeat_action")); m_repeatAction->setText(i18n("Manually Invoke Action on Current Clipboard")); KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(m_repeatAction, QKeySequence(Qt::ALT+Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_R)); connect(m_repeatAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Klipper::slotRepeatAction); // add an edit-possibility m_editAction = m_collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("edit_clipboard")); m_editAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("document-properties"))); m_editAction->setText(i18n("&Edit Contents...")); KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(m_editAction, QKeySequence()); connect(m_editAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() { editData(m_history->first()); } ); #ifdef HAVE_PRISON // add barcode for mobile phones m_showBarcodeAction = m_collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("show-barcode")); m_showBarcodeAction->setText(i18n("&Show Barcode...")); KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(m_showBarcodeAction, QKeySequence()); connect(m_showBarcodeAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() { showBarcode(m_history->first()); } ); #endif // Cycle through history m_cycleNextAction = m_collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("cycleNextAction")); m_cycleNextAction->setText(i18n("Next History Item")); KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(m_cycleNextAction, QKeySequence()); connect(m_cycleNextAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Klipper::slotCycleNext); m_cyclePrevAction = m_collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("cyclePrevAction")); m_cyclePrevAction->setText(i18n("Previous History Item")); KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(m_cyclePrevAction, QKeySequence()); connect(m_cyclePrevAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Klipper::slotCyclePrev); // Action to show Klipper popup on mouse position m_showOnMousePos = m_collection->addAction(QStringLiteral("show-on-mouse-pos")); m_showOnMousePos->setText(i18n("Open Klipper at Mouse Position")); KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(m_showOnMousePos, QKeySequence()); connect(m_showOnMousePos, &QAction::triggered, this, &Klipper::slotPopupMenu); connect ( history(), &History::topChanged, this, &Klipper::slotHistoryTopChanged ); connect( m_popup, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &Klipper::slotStartShowTimer ); if (m_mode == KlipperMode::Standalone) { m_popup->plugAction( m_toggleURLGrabAction ); m_popup->plugAction( m_clearHistoryAction ); m_popup->plugAction( m_configureAction ); m_popup->plugAction( m_repeatAction ); m_popup->plugAction( m_editAction ); #ifdef HAVE_PRISON m_popup->plugAction( m_showBarcodeAction ); #endif m_popup->plugAction( m_quitAction ); } // session manager interaction if (m_mode == KlipperMode::Standalone) { connect(qApp, &QGuiApplication::commitDataRequest, this, &Klipper::saveSession); } connect(this, &Klipper::passivePopup, this, [this] (const QString &caption, const QString &text) { if (m_notification) { m_notification->setTitle(caption); m_notification->setText(text); } else { m_notification = KNotification::event(KNotification::Notification, caption, text, QStringLiteral("klipper")); } } ); } Klipper::~Klipper() { delete m_myURLGrabber; } // DBUS QString Klipper::getClipboardContents() { return getClipboardHistoryItem(0); } void Klipper::showKlipperPopupMenu() { slotPopupMenu(); } void Klipper::showKlipperManuallyInvokeActionMenu() { slotRepeatAction(); } // DBUS - don't call from Klipper itself void Klipper::setClipboardContents(const QString &s) { if (s.isEmpty()) return; Ignore lock( m_locklevel ); updateTimestamp(); HistoryItemPtr item(HistoryItemPtr(new HistoryStringItem(s))); setClipboard( *item, Clipboard | Selection); history()->insert( item ); } // DBUS - don't call from Klipper itself void Klipper::clearClipboardContents() { updateTimestamp(); slotClearClipboard(); } // DBUS - don't call from Klipper itself void Klipper::clearClipboardHistory() { updateTimestamp(); slotClearClipboard(); history()->slotClear(); saveSession(); } // DBUS - don't call from Klipper itself void Klipper::saveClipboardHistory() { if ( m_bKeepContents ) { // save the clipboard eventually saveHistory(); } } void Klipper::slotStartShowTimer() { m_showTimer.start(); } void Klipper::loadSettings() { // Security bug 142882: If user has save clipboard turned off, old data should be deleted from disk static bool firstrun = true; if (!firstrun && m_bKeepContents && !KlipperSettings::keepClipboardContents()) { saveHistory(true); } firstrun=false; m_bKeepContents = KlipperSettings::keepClipboardContents(); m_bReplayActionInHistory = KlipperSettings::replayActionInHistory(); m_bNoNullClipboard = KlipperSettings::preventEmptyClipboard(); // 0 is the id of "Ignore selection" radiobutton m_bIgnoreSelection = KlipperSettings::ignoreSelection(); m_bIgnoreImages = KlipperSettings::ignoreImages(); m_bSynchronize = KlipperSettings::syncClipboards(); // NOTE: not used atm - kregexpeditor is not ported to kde4 m_bUseGUIRegExpEditor = KlipperSettings::useGUIRegExpEditor(); m_bSelectionTextOnly = KlipperSettings::selectionTextOnly(); m_bURLGrabber = KlipperSettings::uRLGrabberEnabled(); // this will cause it to loadSettings too setURLGrabberEnabled(m_bURLGrabber); history()->setMaxSize( KlipperSettings::maxClipItems() ); // Convert 4.3 settings if (KlipperSettings::synchronize() != 3) { // 2 was the id of "Ignore selection" radiobutton m_bIgnoreSelection = KlipperSettings::synchronize() == 2; // 0 was the id of "Synchronize contents" radiobutton m_bSynchronize = KlipperSettings::synchronize() == 0; KConfigSkeletonItem* item = KlipperSettings::self()->findItem(QStringLiteral("SyncClipboards")); item->setProperty(m_bSynchronize); item = KlipperSettings::self()->findItem(QStringLiteral("IgnoreSelection")); item->setProperty(m_bIgnoreSelection); item = KlipperSettings::self()->findItem(QStringLiteral("Synchronize")); // Mark property as converted. item->setProperty(3); KlipperSettings::self()->save(); KlipperSettings::self()->load(); } if (m_bKeepContents && !m_saveFileTimer) { m_saveFileTimer = new QTimer(this); m_saveFileTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_saveFileTimer->setInterval(5000); connect(m_saveFileTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this] { QtConcurrent::run(this, &Klipper::saveHistory, false); } ); connect(m_history, &History::changed, m_saveFileTimer, static_cast(&QTimer::start)); } else { delete m_saveFileTimer; m_saveFileTimer = nullptr; } } void Klipper::saveSettings() const { m_myURLGrabber->saveSettings(); KlipperSettings::self()->setVersion(QStringLiteral(KLIPPER_VERSION_STRING)); KlipperSettings::self()->save(); // other settings should be saved automatically by KConfigDialog } void Klipper::showPopupMenu( QMenu* menu ) { Q_ASSERT( menu != nullptr ); QSize size = menu->sizeHint(); // geometry is not valid until it's shown QPoint pos = QCursor::pos(); // ### We can't know where the systray icon is (since it can be hidden or shown // in several places), so the cursor position is the only option. if ( size.height() < pos.y() ) pos.ry() -= size.height(); menu->popup(pos); } bool Klipper::loadHistory() { static const char failed_load_warning[] = "Failed to load history resource. Clipboard history cannot be read."; // don't use "appdata", klipper is also a kicker applet QFile history_file(QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("klipper/history2.lst"))); if ( !history_file.exists() ) { qCWarning(KLIPPER_LOG) << failed_load_warning << ": " << "History file does not exist" ; return false; } if ( !history_file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { qCWarning(KLIPPER_LOG) << failed_load_warning << ": " << history_file.errorString() ; return false; } QDataStream file_stream( &history_file ); if( file_stream.atEnd()) { qCWarning(KLIPPER_LOG) << failed_load_warning << ": " << "Error in reading data" ; return false; } QByteArray data; quint32 crc; file_stream >> crc >> data; if( crc32( 0, reinterpret_cast( data.data() ), data.size() ) != crc ) { qCWarning(KLIPPER_LOG) << failed_load_warning << ": " << "CRC checksum does not match" ; return false; } QDataStream history_stream( &data, QIODevice::ReadOnly ); char* version; history_stream >> version; delete[] version; // The list needs to be reversed, as it is saved // youngest-first to keep the most important clipboard // items at the top, but the history is created oldest // first. QVector reverseList; for ( HistoryItemPtr item = HistoryItem::create( history_stream ); !item.isNull(); item = HistoryItem::create( history_stream ) ) { reverseList.prepend( item ); } history()->slotClear(); for ( auto it = reverseList.constBegin(); it != reverseList.constEnd(); ++it ) { history()->forceInsert(*it); } if ( !history()->empty() ) { setClipboard( *history()->first(), Clipboard | Selection ); } return true; } void Klipper::saveHistory(bool empty) { QMutexLocker lock(m_history->model()->mutex()); static const char failed_save_warning[] = "Failed to save history. Clipboard history cannot be saved."; // don't use "appdata", klipper is also a kicker applet QString history_file_name(QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("klipper/history2.lst"))); if ( history_file_name.isNull() || history_file_name.isEmpty() ) { // try creating the file QDir dir(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation)); if (!dir.mkpath(QStringLiteral("klipper"))) { qCWarning(KLIPPER_LOG) << failed_save_warning ; return; } history_file_name = dir.absoluteFilePath(QStringLiteral("klipper/history2.lst")); } if ( history_file_name.isNull() || history_file_name.isEmpty() ) { qCWarning(KLIPPER_LOG) << failed_save_warning ; return; } QSaveFile history_file( history_file_name ); if (!history_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { qCWarning(KLIPPER_LOG) << failed_save_warning ; return; } QByteArray data; QDataStream history_stream( &data, QIODevice::WriteOnly ); history_stream << KLIPPER_VERSION_STRING; // const char* if (!empty) { HistoryItemConstPtr item = history()->first(); if (item) { do { history_stream << item.data(); item = HistoryItemConstPtr(history()->find(item->next_uuid())); } while (item != history()->first()); } } quint32 crc = crc32( 0, reinterpret_cast( data.data() ), data.size() ); QDataStream ds ( &history_file ); ds << crc << data; if (!history_file.commit()) { qCWarning(KLIPPER_LOG) << failed_save_warning ; } } // save session on shutdown. Don't simply use the c'tor, as that may not be called. void Klipper::saveSession() { if ( m_bKeepContents ) { // save the clipboard eventually saveHistory(); } saveSettings(); } void Klipper::disableURLGrabber() { KMessageBox::information( 0L, i18n( "You can enable URL actions later by left-clicking on the " "Klipper icon and selecting 'Enable Clipboard Actions'" ) ); setURLGrabberEnabled( false ); } void Klipper::slotConfigure() { if (KConfigDialog::showDialog(QStringLiteral("preferences"))) { return; } ConfigDialog *dlg = new ConfigDialog( nullptr, KlipperSettings::self(), this, m_collection ); connect(dlg, &KConfigDialog::settingsChanged, this, &Klipper::loadSettings); dlg->show(); } void Klipper::slotQuit() { // If the menu was just opened, likely the user // selected quit by accident while attempting to // click the Klipper icon. if ( m_showTimer.elapsed() < 300 ) { return; } saveSession(); int autoStart = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel(nullptr, i18n("Should Klipper start automatically when you login?"), i18n("Automatically Start Klipper?"), KGuiItem(i18n("Start")), KGuiItem(i18n("Do Not Start")), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), QStringLiteral("StartAutomatically")); KConfigGroup config( KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "General"); if ( autoStart == KMessageBox::Yes ) { config.writeEntry("AutoStart", true); } else if ( autoStart == KMessageBox::No) { config.writeEntry("AutoStart", false); } else // cancel chosen don't quit return; config.sync(); qApp->quit(); } void Klipper::slotPopupMenu() { m_popup->ensureClean(); m_popup->slotSetTopActive(); showPopupMenu( m_popup ); } void Klipper::slotRepeatAction() { auto top = qSharedPointerCast( history()->first() ); if ( top ) { m_myURLGrabber->invokeAction( top ); } } void Klipper::setURLGrabberEnabled( bool enable ) { if (enable != m_bURLGrabber) { m_bURLGrabber = enable; m_lastURLGrabberTextSelection.clear(); m_lastURLGrabberTextClipboard.clear(); KlipperSettings::setURLGrabberEnabled(enable); } m_toggleURLGrabAction->setChecked( enable ); // make it update its settings m_myURLGrabber->loadSettings(); } void Klipper::slotHistoryTopChanged() { if ( m_locklevel ) { return; } auto topitem = history()->first(); if ( topitem ) { setClipboard( *topitem, Clipboard | Selection ); } if ( m_bReplayActionInHistory && m_bURLGrabber ) { slotRepeatAction(); } } void Klipper::slotClearClipboard() { Ignore lock( m_locklevel ); m_clip->clear(QClipboard::Selection); m_clip->clear(QClipboard::Clipboard); } HistoryItemPtr Klipper::applyClipChanges( const QMimeData* clipData ) { if ( m_locklevel ) { return HistoryItemPtr(); } Ignore lock( m_locklevel ); HistoryItemPtr item = HistoryItem::create( clipData ); history()->insert( item ); return item; } void Klipper::newClipData( QClipboard::Mode mode ) { if ( m_locklevel ) { return; } if( mode == QClipboard::Selection && blockFetchingNewData()) return; checkClipData( mode == QClipboard::Selection ? true : false ); } // Protection against too many clipboard data changes. Lyx responds to clipboard data // requests with setting new clipboard data, so if Lyx takes over clipboard, // Klipper notices, requests this data, this triggers "new" clipboard contents // from Lyx, so Klipper notices again, requests this data, ... you get the idea. const int MAX_CLIPBOARD_CHANGES = 10; // max changes per second bool Klipper::blockFetchingNewData() { #if HAVE_X11 // Hacks for #85198 and #80302. // #85198 - block fetching new clipboard contents if Shift is pressed and mouse is not, // this may mean the user is doing selection using the keyboard, in which case // it's possible the app sets new clipboard contents after every change - Klipper's // history would list them all. // #80302 - OOo (v1.1.3 at least) has a bug that if Klipper requests its clipboard contents // while the user is doing a selection using the mouse, OOo stops updating the clipboard // contents, so in practice it's like the user has selected only the part which was // selected when Klipper asked first. // Use XQueryPointer rather than QApplication::mouseButtons()/keyboardModifiers(), because // Klipper needs the very current state. if (!KWindowSystem::isPlatformX11()) { return false; } xcb_connection_t *c = QX11Info::connection(); const xcb_query_pointer_cookie_t cookie = xcb_query_pointer_unchecked(c, QX11Info::appRootWindow()); QScopedPointer queryPointer(xcb_query_pointer_reply(c, cookie, nullptr)); if (queryPointer.isNull()) { return false; } if (((queryPointer->mask & (XCB_KEY_BUT_MASK_SHIFT | XCB_KEY_BUT_MASK_BUTTON_1)) == XCB_KEY_BUT_MASK_SHIFT) // BUG: 85198 || ((queryPointer->mask & XCB_KEY_BUT_MASK_BUTTON_1) == XCB_KEY_BUT_MASK_BUTTON_1)) { // BUG: 80302 m_pendingContentsCheck = true; m_pendingCheckTimer.start( 100 ); return true; } m_pendingContentsCheck = false; if ( m_overflowCounter == 0 ) m_overflowClearTimer.start( 1000 ); if( ++m_overflowCounter > MAX_CLIPBOARD_CHANGES ) return true; #endif return false; } void Klipper::slotCheckPending() { if( !m_pendingContentsCheck ) return; m_pendingContentsCheck = false; // blockFetchingNewData() will be called again updateTimestamp(); newClipData( QClipboard::Selection ); // always selection } void Klipper::checkClipData( bool selectionMode ) { if ( ignoreClipboardChanges() ) // internal to klipper, ignoring QSpinBox selections { // keep our old clipboard, thanks // This won't quite work, but it's close enough for now. // The trouble is that the top selection =! top clipboard // but we don't track that yet. We will.... auto top = history()->first(); if ( top ) { setClipboard( *top, selectionMode ? Selection : Clipboard); } return; } qCDebug(KLIPPER_LOG) << "Checking clip data"; const QMimeData* data = m_clip->mimeData( selectionMode ? QClipboard::Selection : QClipboard::Clipboard ); if ( !data ) { qCWarning(KLIPPER_LOG) << "No data in clipboard. This not not supposed to happen."; return; } bool changed = true; // ### FIXME (only relevant under polling, might be better to simply remove polling and rely on XFixes) bool clipEmpty = data->formats().isEmpty(); if (clipEmpty) { // Might be a timeout. Try again clipEmpty = data->formats().isEmpty(); qCDebug(KLIPPER_LOG) << "was empty. Retried, now " << (clipEmpty?" still empty":" no longer empty"); } if ( changed && clipEmpty && m_bNoNullClipboard ) { auto top = history()->first(); if ( top ) { // keep old clipboard after someone set it to null qCDebug(KLIPPER_LOG) << "Resetting clipboard (Prevent empty clipboard)"; setClipboard( *top, selectionMode ? Selection : Clipboard ); } return; } // this must be below the "bNoNullClipboard" handling code! // XXX: I want a better handling of selection/clipboard in general. // XXX: Order sensitive code. Must die. if ( selectionMode && m_bIgnoreSelection ) return; if( selectionMode && m_bSelectionTextOnly && !data->hasText()) return; if( data->hasUrls() ) ; // ok else if( data->hasText() ) ; // ok else if( data->hasImage() ) { if( m_bIgnoreImages ) return; } else // unknown, ignore return; HistoryItemPtr item = applyClipChanges( data ); if (changed) { qCDebug(KLIPPER_LOG) << "Synchronize?" << m_bSynchronize; if ( m_bSynchronize && item ) { setClipboard( *item, selectionMode ? Clipboard : Selection ); } } QString& lastURLGrabberText = selectionMode ? m_lastURLGrabberTextSelection : m_lastURLGrabberTextClipboard; if( m_bURLGrabber && item && data->hasText()) { m_myURLGrabber->checkNewData( qSharedPointerConstCast(item) ); // Make sure URLGrabber doesn't repeat all the time if klipper reads the same // text all the time (e.g. because XFixes is not available and the application // has broken TIMESTAMP target). Using most recent history item may not always // work. if ( item->text() != lastURLGrabberText ) { lastURLGrabberText = item->text(); } } else { lastURLGrabberText.clear(); } } void Klipper::setClipboard( const HistoryItem& item, int mode ) { Ignore lock( m_locklevel ); Q_ASSERT( ( mode & 1 ) == 0 ); // Warn if trying to pass a boolean as a mode. if ( mode & Selection ) { qCDebug(KLIPPER_LOG) << "Setting selection to <" << item.text() << ">"; m_clip->setMimeData( item.mimeData(), QClipboard::Selection ); } if ( mode & Clipboard ) { qCDebug(KLIPPER_LOG) << "Setting clipboard to <" << item.text() << ">"; m_clip->setMimeData( item.mimeData(), QClipboard::Clipboard ); } } void Klipper::slotClearOverflow() { m_overflowClearTimer.stop(); if( m_overflowCounter > MAX_CLIPBOARD_CHANGES ) { qCDebug(KLIPPER_LOG) << "App owning the clipboard/selection is lame"; // update to the latest data - this unfortunately may trigger the problem again newClipData( QClipboard::Selection ); // Always the selection. } m_overflowCounter = 0; } QStringList Klipper::getClipboardHistoryMenu() { QStringList menu; auto item = history()->first(); if (item) { do { menu << item->text(); item = history()->find(item->next_uuid()); } while (item != history()->first()); } return menu; } QString Klipper::getClipboardHistoryItem(int i) { auto item = history()->first(); if (item) { do { if (i-- == 0) { return item->text(); } item = history()->find(item->next_uuid()); } while (item != history()->first()); } return QString(); } // // changing a spinbox in klipper's config-dialog causes the lineedit-contents // of the spinbox to be selected and hence the clipboard changes. But we don't // want all those items in klipper's history. See #41917 // bool Klipper::ignoreClipboardChanges() const { QWidget *focusWidget = qApp->focusWidget(); if ( focusWidget ) { if ( focusWidget->inherits( "QSpinBox" ) || (focusWidget->parentWidget() && focusWidget->inherits("QLineEdit") && focusWidget->parentWidget()->inherits("QSpinWidget")) ) { return true; } } return false; } void Klipper::updateTimestamp() { #if HAVE_X11 if (KWindowSystem::isPlatformX11()) { QX11Info::setAppTime(QX11Info::getTimestamp()); } #endif } void Klipper::editData(const QSharedPointer< const HistoryItem > &item) { QPointer dlg(new QDialog()); dlg->setWindowTitle( i18n("Edit Contents") ); QDialogButtonBox *buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, dlg); buttons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Return); connect(buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, dlg.data(), &QDialog::accept); connect(buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, dlg.data(), &QDialog::reject); connect(dlg.data(), &QDialog::finished, dlg.data(), [this, dlg, item](int result) { emit editFinished(item, result); dlg->deleteLater(); } ); KTextEdit *edit = new KTextEdit( dlg ); edit->setAcceptRichText(false); if (item) { edit->setPlainText( item->text() ); } edit->setFocus(); edit->setMinimumSize( 300, 40 ); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(dlg); layout->addWidget(edit); layout->addWidget(buttons); dlg->adjustSize(); connect(dlg.data(), &QDialog::accepted, this, [this, edit, item]() { QString text = edit->toPlainText(); if (item) { m_history->remove( item ); } m_history->insert(HistoryItemPtr(new HistoryStringItem(text))); if (m_myURLGrabber) { m_myURLGrabber->checkNewData(HistoryItemConstPtr(m_history->first())); } }); if (m_mode == KlipperMode::Standalone) { dlg->setModal(true); dlg->exec(); } else if (m_mode == KlipperMode::DataEngine) { dlg->open(); } } #ifdef HAVE_PRISON class BarcodeLabel : public QLabel { public: BarcodeLabel(Prison::AbstractBarcode *barcode, QWidget *parent = nullptr) : QLabel(parent) , m_barcode(barcode) { setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding); setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(m_barcode->toImage(size()))); } protected: void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override { QLabel::resizeEvent(event); setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(m_barcode->toImage(event->size()))); } private: QScopedPointer m_barcode; }; void Klipper::showBarcode(const QSharedPointer< const HistoryItem > &item) { using namespace Prison; QPointer dlg(new QDialog()); dlg->setWindowTitle( i18n("Mobile Barcode") ); QDialogButtonBox *buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok, dlg); buttons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Return); connect(buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, dlg.data(), &QDialog::accept); connect(dlg.data(), &QDialog::finished, dlg.data(), &QDialog::deleteLater); QWidget* mw = new QWidget(dlg); QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(mw); - AbstractBarcode *qrCode = createBarcode(QRCode); - AbstractBarcode *dataMatrix = createBarcode(DataMatrix); - if (item) { - qrCode->setData(item->text()); - dataMatrix->setData(item->text()); + { + AbstractBarcode *qrCode = createBarcode(QRCode); + if (qrCode) { + if(item) { + qrCode->setData(item->text()); + } + BarcodeLabel *qrCodeLabel = new BarcodeLabel(qrCode, mw); + layout->addWidget(qrCodeLabel); + } + } + { + AbstractBarcode *dataMatrix = createBarcode(DataMatrix); + if (dataMatrix) { + if (item) { + dataMatrix->setData(item->text()); + } + BarcodeLabel *dataMatrixLabel = new BarcodeLabel(dataMatrix, mw); + layout->addWidget(dataMatrixLabel); + } } - BarcodeLabel *qrCodeLabel = new BarcodeLabel(qrCode, mw); - BarcodeLabel *dataMatrixLabel = new BarcodeLabel(dataMatrix, mw); - layout->addWidget(qrCodeLabel); - layout->addWidget(dataMatrixLabel); mw->setFocus(); QVBoxLayout *vBox = new QVBoxLayout(dlg); vBox->addWidget(mw); vBox->addWidget(buttons); dlg->adjustSize(); if (m_mode == KlipperMode::Standalone) { dlg->setModal(true); dlg->exec(); } else if (m_mode == KlipperMode::DataEngine) { dlg->open(); } } #endif //HAVE_PRISON void Klipper::slotAskClearHistory() { int clearHist = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(nullptr, i18n("Really delete entire clipboard history?"), i18n("Delete clipboard history?"), KStandardGuiItem::yes(), KStandardGuiItem::no(), QStringLiteral("really_clear_history"), KMessageBox::Dangerous); if (clearHist == KMessageBox::Yes) { history()->slotClear(); slotClearClipboard(); saveHistory(); } } void Klipper::slotCycleNext() { //do cycle and show popup only if we have something in clipboard if (m_history->first()) { m_history->cycleNext(); emit passivePopup(i18n("Clipboard history"), cycleText()); } } void Klipper::slotCyclePrev() { //do cycle and show popup only if we have something in clipboard if (m_history->first()) { m_history->cyclePrev(); emit passivePopup(i18n("Clipboard history"), cycleText()); } } QString Klipper::cycleText() const { const int WIDTH_IN_PIXEL = 400; auto itemprev = m_history->prevInCycle(); auto item = m_history->first(); auto itemnext = m_history->nextInCycle(); QFontMetrics font_metrics(m_popup->fontMetrics()); QString result(QStringLiteral("")); if (itemprev) { result += QLatin1String(""); } result += QLatin1String(""); if (itemnext) { result += QLatin1String(""); } result += QLatin1String("
"); result += i18n("up"); result += QLatin1String(""); result += font_metrics.elidedText(itemprev->text().simplified().toHtmlEscaped(), Qt::ElideMiddle, WIDTH_IN_PIXEL); result += QLatin1String("
"); result += i18n("current"); result += QLatin1String(""); result += font_metrics.elidedText(item->text().simplified().toHtmlEscaped(), Qt::ElideMiddle, WIDTH_IN_PIXEL); result += QLatin1String("
"); result += i18n("down"); result += QLatin1String(""); result += font_metrics.elidedText(itemnext->text().simplified().toHtmlEscaped(), Qt::ElideMiddle, WIDTH_IN_PIXEL); result += QLatin1String("
"); return result; } diff --git a/ksmserver/switchuserdialog.cpp b/ksmserver/switchuserdialog.cpp index 1711b5f3c..d1f6e69e6 100644 --- a/ksmserver/switchuserdialog.cpp +++ b/ksmserver/switchuserdialog.cpp @@ -1,169 +1,171 @@ /* * Copyright 2015 Kai Uwe Broulik * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "switchuserdialog.h" #include "ksmserver_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KSMSwitchUserDialog::KSMSwitchUserDialog(KDisplayManager *dm, KWayland::Client::PlasmaShell *plasmaShell, QWindow *parent) : QQuickView(parent) , m_displayManager(dm) , m_waylandPlasmaShell(plasmaShell) { setClearBeforeRendering(true); setColor(QColor(Qt::transparent)); setFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::BypassWindowManagerHint); setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView); QPoint globalPosition(QCursor::pos()); foreach (QScreen *s, QGuiApplication::screens()) { if (s->geometry().contains(globalPosition)) { setScreen(s); break; } } // Qt doesn't set this on unmanaged windows //FIXME: or does it? if (KWindowSystem::isPlatformX11()) { XChangeProperty( QX11Info::display(), winId(), XInternAtom( QX11Info::display(), "WM_WINDOW_ROLE", False ), XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)"logoutdialog", strlen( "logoutdialog" )); XClassHint classHint; classHint.res_name = const_cast("ksmserver"); classHint.res_class = const_cast("ksmserver"); XSetClassHint(QX11Info::display(), winId(), &classHint); } KDeclarative::KDeclarative kdeclarative; kdeclarative.setDeclarativeEngine(engine()); kdeclarative.setupBindings(); } void KSMSwitchUserDialog::init() { rootContext()->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("screenGeometry"), screen()->geometry()); KPackage::Package package = KPackage::PackageLoader::self()->loadPackage("Plasma/LookAndFeel"); KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeglobals"), "KDE"); const QString packageName = cg.readEntry("LookAndFeelPackage", QString()); if (!packageName.isEmpty()) { package.setPath(packageName); } const QString fileName = package.filePath("userswitchermainscript"); if (QFile::exists(fileName)) { setSource(QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileName)); } else { qCWarning(KSMSERVER) << "Couldn't find a theme for the Switch User dialog" << fileName; return; } if (!errors().isEmpty()) { qCWarning(KSMSERVER) << errors(); } connect(rootObject(), SIGNAL(dismissed()), this, SIGNAL(dismissed())); connect(rootObject(), SIGNAL(ungrab()), this, SLOT(ungrab())); connect(screen(), &QScreen::geometryChanged, this, [this] { setGeometry(screen()->geometry()); }); QQuickView::show(); requestActivate(); KWindowSystem::setState(winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar|NET::SkipPager); // in case you change this make sure to adjust ungrab() also setKeyboardGrabEnabled(true); } bool KSMSwitchUserDialog::event(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::PlatformSurface) { switch (static_cast(e)->surfaceEventType()) { case QPlatformSurfaceEvent::SurfaceCreated: setupWaylandIntegration(); KWindowEffects::enableBlurBehind(winId(), true); break; case QPlatformSurfaceEvent::SurfaceAboutToBeDestroyed: delete m_shellSurface; m_shellSurface = nullptr; break; } } return QQuickView::event(e); } void KSMSwitchUserDialog::setupWaylandIntegration() { if (m_shellSurface) { // already setup return; } using namespace KWayland::Client; if (!m_waylandPlasmaShell) { return; } Surface *s = Surface::fromWindow(this); if (!s) { return; } m_shellSurface = m_waylandPlasmaShell->createSurface(s, this); // TODO: set a proper window type to indicate to KWin that this is the logout dialog // maybe we need a dedicated type for it? m_shellSurface->setPosition(geometry().topLeft()); } void KSMSwitchUserDialog::ungrab() { + // Allow the screenlocker to grab them immediately setKeyboardGrabEnabled(false); + setMouseGrabEnabled(false); } diff --git a/runners/bookmarks/browsers/firefox.cpp b/runners/bookmarks/browsers/firefox.cpp index 72df92a6f..5d5bb646c 100644 --- a/runners/bookmarks/browsers/firefox.cpp +++ b/runners/bookmarks/browsers/firefox.cpp @@ -1,165 +1,177 @@ /* * Copyright 2007 Glenn Ergeerts * Copyright 2012 Glenn Ergeerts * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "firefox.h" #include #include #include "bookmarksrunner_defs.h" #include #include #include #include #include "bookmarkmatch.h" #include "favicon.h" #include "fetchsqlite.h" #include "faviconfromblob.h" Firefox::Firefox(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_favicon(new FallbackFavicon(this)), - m_fetchsqlite(nullptr) + m_fetchsqlite(nullptr), + m_fetchsqlite_fav(nullptr) { reloadConfiguration(); //qDebug() << "Loading Firefox Bookmarks Browser"; } Firefox::~Firefox() { if (!m_dbCacheFile.isEmpty()) { QFile db_CacheFile(m_dbCacheFile); if (db_CacheFile.exists()) { //qDebug() << "Cache file was removed: " << db_CacheFile.remove(); } } //qDebug() << "Deleted Firefox Bookmarks Browser"; } void Firefox::prepare() { if (m_dbCacheFile.isEmpty()) { m_dbCacheFile = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation) + QStringLiteral("/bookmarkrunnerfirefoxdbfile.sqlite"); } + if (m_dbCacheFile_fav.isEmpty()) { + m_dbCacheFile_fav = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation) + QStringLiteral("/bookmarkrunnerfirefoxfavdbfile.sqlite"); + } if (!m_dbFile.isEmpty()) { m_fetchsqlite = new FetchSqlite(m_dbFile, m_dbCacheFile); m_fetchsqlite->prepare(); + } + if (!m_dbFile_fav.isEmpty()) { + m_fetchsqlite_fav = new FetchSqlite(m_dbFile_fav, m_dbCacheFile_fav); + m_fetchsqlite_fav->prepare(); delete m_favicon; m_favicon = nullptr; - m_favicon = FaviconFromBlob::firefox(m_fetchsqlite, this); + m_favicon = FaviconFromBlob::firefox(m_fetchsqlite_fav, this); } } QList< BookmarkMatch > Firefox::match(const QString& term, bool addEverything) { QList< BookmarkMatch > matches; if (!m_fetchsqlite) { return matches; } //qDebug() << "Firefox bookmark: match " << term; QString tmpTerm = term; QString query; if (addEverything) { query = QStringLiteral("SELECT moz_bookmarks.fk, moz_bookmarks.title, moz_places.url," \ "moz_places.favicon_id FROM moz_bookmarks, moz_places WHERE " \ "moz_bookmarks.type = 1 AND moz_bookmarks.fk = moz_places.id"); } else { const QString escapedTerm = tmpTerm.replace('\'', QLatin1String("\\'")); query = QString("SELECT moz_bookmarks.fk, moz_bookmarks.title, moz_places.url," \ "moz_places.favicon_id FROM moz_bookmarks, moz_places WHERE " \ "moz_bookmarks.type = 1 AND moz_bookmarks.fk = moz_places.id AND " \ "(moz_bookmarks.title LIKE '%" + escapedTerm + "%' or moz_places.url LIKE '%" + escapedTerm + "%')"); } QList results = m_fetchsqlite->query(query, QMap()); foreach(QVariantMap result, results) { const QString title = result.value(QStringLiteral("title")).toString(); const QUrl url = result.value(QStringLiteral("url")).toUrl(); if (url.scheme().contains(QStringLiteral("place"))) { //Don't use bookmarks with empty title, url or Firefox intern url //qDebug() << "element " << url << " was not added"; continue; } BookmarkMatch bookmarkMatch( m_favicon, term, title, url.toString()); bookmarkMatch.addTo(matches, addEverything); } return matches; } void Firefox::teardown() { if(m_fetchsqlite) { m_fetchsqlite->teardown(); + } + if(m_fetchsqlite_fav) { + m_fetchsqlite_fav->teardown(); delete m_favicon; m_favicon = nullptr; } } void Firefox::reloadConfiguration() { KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")), QStringLiteral("General") ); if (QSqlDatabase::isDriverAvailable(QStringLiteral("QSQLITE"))) { KConfigGroup grp = config; /* This allows the user to specify a profile database */ m_dbFile = grp.readEntry("dbfile", QLatin1String("")); if (m_dbFile.isEmpty() || QFile::exists(m_dbFile)) { //Try to get the right database file, the default profile is used KConfig firefoxProfile(QDir::homePath() + "/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini", KConfig::SimpleConfig); QStringList profilesList = firefoxProfile.groupList(); profilesList = profilesList.filter(QRegExp(QStringLiteral("^Profile\\d+$"))); int size = profilesList.size(); QString profilePath; if (size == 1) { // There is only 1 profile so we select it KConfigGroup fGrp = firefoxProfile.group(profilesList.first()); profilePath = fGrp.readEntry("Path", ""); } else { // There are multiple profiles, find the default one foreach(const QString & profileName, profilesList) { KConfigGroup fGrp = firefoxProfile.group(profileName); if (fGrp.readEntry("Default", 0)) { profilePath = fGrp.readEntry("Path", ""); break; } } } if (profilePath.isEmpty()) { //qDebug() << "No default firefox profile found"; return; } //qDebug() << "Profile " << profilePath << " found"; profilePath.prepend(QStringLiteral("%1/.mozilla/firefox/").arg(QDir::homePath())); m_dbFile = profilePath + "/places.sqlite"; grp.writeEntry("dbfile", m_dbFile); + m_dbFile_fav = profilePath + "/favicons.sqlite"; } } else { //qDebug() << "SQLITE driver isn't available"; } } diff --git a/runners/bookmarks/browsers/firefox.h b/runners/bookmarks/browsers/firefox.h index f85c298ec..11d9d3f46 100644 --- a/runners/bookmarks/browsers/firefox.h +++ b/runners/bookmarks/browsers/firefox.h @@ -1,48 +1,51 @@ /* * Copyright 2007 Glenn Ergeerts * Copyright 2012 Glenn Ergeerts * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef FIREFOX_H #define FIREFOX_H #include #include "browser.h" class KJob; class Favicon; class FetchSqlite; class Firefox : public QObject, public Browser { Q_OBJECT public: explicit Firefox(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~Firefox() override; QList match(const QString& term, bool addEverything) override; public Q_SLOTS: void teardown() override; void prepare() override; private: virtual void reloadConfiguration(); QString m_dbFile; + QString m_dbFile_fav; QString m_dbCacheFile; + QString m_dbCacheFile_fav; Favicon * m_favicon; FetchSqlite *m_fetchsqlite; + FetchSqlite *m_fetchsqlite_fav; }; #endif // FIREFOX_H diff --git a/runners/bookmarks/faviconfromblob.cpp b/runners/bookmarks/faviconfromblob.cpp index ad47e6ba4..3861b8b38 100644 --- a/runners/bookmarks/faviconfromblob.cpp +++ b/runners/bookmarks/faviconfromblob.cpp @@ -1,148 +1,149 @@ /* * Copyright 2007 Glenn Ergeerts * Copyright 2012 Glenn Ergeerts * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "faviconfromblob.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bookmarksrunner_defs.h" #include "fetchsqlite.h" #include #include #include #include #define dbFileName m_profileCacheDirectory + QDir::separator() + "Favicons.sqlite" class StaticQuery : public BuildQuery { public: StaticQuery(const QString &query) : m_query(query) {} QString query(QSqlDatabase *database) const override { Q_UNUSED(database); return m_query; } private: const QString m_query; }; class ChromeQuery : public BuildQuery { public: ChromeQuery() {} QString query(QSqlDatabase *database) const override { //qDebug() << "tables: " << database->tables(); if(database->tables().contains(QStringLiteral("favicon_bitmaps"))) { return QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM favicons " \ "inner join icon_mapping on icon_mapping.icon_id = favicons.id " \ "inner join favicon_bitmaps on icon_mapping.icon_id = favicon_bitmaps.icon_id " \ "WHERE page_url = :url ORDER BY height desc LIMIT 1;"); } return QStringLiteral("SELECT * FROM favicons inner join icon_mapping " \ "on icon_mapping.icon_id = favicons.id " \ "WHERE page_url = :url LIMIT 1;"); } }; FaviconFromBlob *FaviconFromBlob::chrome(const QString &profileDirectory, QObject *parent) { QString profileName = QFileInfo(profileDirectory).fileName(); QString faviconCache = QStringLiteral("%1/KRunner-Chrome-Favicons-%2.sqlite") .arg(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation), profileName); FetchSqlite *fetchSqlite = new FetchSqlite(profileDirectory + QStringLiteral("/Favicons"), faviconCache, parent); return new FaviconFromBlob(profileName, new ChromeQuery(), QStringLiteral("image_data"), fetchSqlite, parent); } FaviconFromBlob *FaviconFromBlob::firefox(FetchSqlite *fetchSqlite, QObject *parent) { - QString faviconQuery = QStringLiteral("SELECT moz_favicons.data FROM moz_favicons" \ - " inner join moz_places ON moz_places.favicon_id = moz_favicons.id" \ - " WHERE moz_places.url = :url LIMIT 1;"); + QString faviconQuery = QStringLiteral("SELECT moz_icons.data FROM moz_icons" \ + " INNER JOIN moz_icons_to_pages ON moz_icons.id = moz_icons_to_pages.icon_id" \ + " INNER JOIN moz_pages_w_icons ON moz_icons_to_pages.page_id = moz_pages_w_icons.id" \ + " WHERE moz_pages_w_icons.page_url = :url LIMIT 1;"); return new FaviconFromBlob(QStringLiteral("firefox-default"), new StaticQuery(faviconQuery), QStringLiteral("data"), fetchSqlite, parent); } FaviconFromBlob::FaviconFromBlob(const QString &profileName, BuildQuery *buildQuery, const QString &blobColumn, FetchSqlite *fetchSqlite, QObject *parent) : Favicon(parent), m_buildQuery(buildQuery), m_blobcolumn(blobColumn), m_fetchsqlite(fetchSqlite) { m_profileCacheDirectory = QStringLiteral("%1/KRunner-Favicons-%2") .arg(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation), profileName); //qDebug() << "got cache directory: " << m_profileCacheDirectory; cleanCacheDirectory(); QDir().mkpath(m_profileCacheDirectory); } FaviconFromBlob::~FaviconFromBlob() { cleanCacheDirectory(); delete m_buildQuery; } void FaviconFromBlob::prepare() { m_fetchsqlite->prepare(); } void FaviconFromBlob::teardown() { m_fetchsqlite->teardown(); } void FaviconFromBlob::cleanCacheDirectory() { foreach(const QFileInfo &file, QDir(m_profileCacheDirectory).entryInfoList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { //qDebug() << "Removing file " << file.absoluteFilePath() << ": " << QFile(file.absoluteFilePath()).remove(); } QDir().rmdir(m_profileCacheDirectory); } QIcon FaviconFromBlob::iconFor(const QString &url) { //qDebug() << "got url: " << url; QString fileChecksum = QString::number(qChecksum(url.toLatin1(), url.toLatin1().size())); QFile iconFile( m_profileCacheDirectory + QDir::separator() + fileChecksum + QStringLiteral("_favicon") ); if(iconFile.size() == 0) iconFile.remove(); if(!iconFile.exists()) { QMap bindVariables; - bindVariables.insert(QStringLiteral("url"), url); + bindVariables.insert(QStringLiteral(":url"), url); QList faviconFound = m_fetchsqlite->query(m_buildQuery, bindVariables); if(faviconFound.isEmpty()) return defaultIcon(); QByteArray iconData = faviconFound.first().value(m_blobcolumn).toByteArray(); //qDebug() << "Favicon found: " << iconData.size() << " bytes"; - if(iconData.size() <=0) + if(iconData.size() <=0) return defaultIcon(); iconFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly); iconFile.write(iconData); iconFile.close(); } return QIcon(iconFile.fileName()); }