diff --git a/runners/services/servicerunner.cpp b/runners/services/servicerunner.cpp index 62c209d5f..b3fc0a302 100644 --- a/runners/services/servicerunner.cpp +++ b/runners/services/servicerunner.cpp @@ -1,485 +1,468 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2006 Aaron Seigo * Copyright (C) 2014 Vishesh Handa * Copyright (C) 2016 Harald Sitter * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "servicerunner.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" namespace { int weightedLength(const QString &query) { return KStringHandler::logicalLength(query); } } // namespace /** * @brief Finds all KServices for a given runner query */ class ServiceFinder { public: ServiceFinder(ServiceRunner *runner) : m_runner(runner) {} void match(Plasma::RunnerContext &context) { if (!context.isValid()) { return; } term = context.query(); weightedTermLength = weightedLength(term); matchExectuables(); matchNameKeywordAndGenericName(); matchCategories(); matchJumpListActions(); context.addMatches(matches); } private: void seen(const KService::Ptr &service) { m_seen.insert(service->storageId()); m_seen.insert(service->exec()); } void seen(const KServiceAction &action) { m_seen.insert(action.exec()); } bool hasSeen(const KService::Ptr &service) { return m_seen.contains(service->storageId()) && m_seen.contains(service->exec()); } bool hasSeen(const KServiceAction &action) { return m_seen.contains(action.exec()); } bool disqualify(const KService::Ptr &service) { auto ret = hasSeen(service) || service->noDisplay(); qCDebug(RUNNER_SERVICES) << service->name() << "disqualified?" << ret; seen(service); return ret; } qreal increaseMatchRelavance(const KService::Ptr &service, QVector &strList, QString category) { //Increment the relevance based on all the words (other than the first) of the query list qreal relevanceIncrement = 0; for(int i=1; iname().contains(strList[i], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevanceIncrement += 0.01; } } else if (category == QLatin1String("GenericName")) { if (service->genericName().contains(strList[i], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevanceIncrement += 0.01; } } else if (category == QLatin1String("Exec")) { if (service->exec().contains(strList[i], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevanceIncrement += 0.01; } } else if (category == QLatin1String("Comment")) { if (service->comment().contains(strList[i], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevanceIncrement += 0.01; } } } return relevanceIncrement; } QString generateQuery(QVector &strList) { QString keywordTemplate = QStringLiteral("exist Keywords"); QString genericNameTemplate = QStringLiteral("exist GenericName"); QString nameTemplate = QStringLiteral("exist Name"); QString commentTemplate = QStringLiteral("exist Comment"); // Search for applications which are executable and the term case-insensitive matches any of // * a substring of one of the keywords // * a substring of the GenericName field // * a substring of the Name field // Note that before asking for the content of e.g. Keywords and GenericName we need to ask if // they exist to prevent a tree evaluation error if they are not defined. foreach (QStringRef str, strList) { keywordTemplate += QStringLiteral(" and '%1' ~subin Keywords").arg(str.toString()); genericNameTemplate += QStringLiteral(" and '%1' ~~ GenericName").arg(str.toString()); nameTemplate += QStringLiteral(" and '%1' ~~ Name").arg(str.toString()); commentTemplate += QStringLiteral(" and '%1' ~~ Comment").arg(str.toString()); } QString finalQuery = QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ( (%1) or (%2) or (%3) or ('%4' ~~ Exec) or (%5) )") .arg(keywordTemplate, genericNameTemplate, nameTemplate, strList[0].toString(), commentTemplate); qCDebug(RUNNER_SERVICES) << "Final query : " << finalQuery; return finalQuery; } void setupMatch(const KService::Ptr &service, Plasma::QueryMatch &match) { const QString name = service->name(); match.setText(name); match.setData(service->storageId()); if (!service->genericName().isEmpty() && service->genericName() != name) { match.setSubtext(service->genericName()); } else if (!service->comment().isEmpty()) { match.setSubtext(service->comment()); } if (!service->icon().isEmpty()) { match.setIconName(service->icon()); } } void matchExectuables() { if (weightedTermLength < 2) { return; } // Search for applications which are executable and case-insensitively match the search term // See http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Services/Traders#The_KTrader_Query_Language // if the following is unclear to you. query = QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ('%1' =~ Name)").arg(term); KService::List services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), query); if (services.isEmpty()) { return; } foreach (const KService::Ptr &service, services) { qCDebug(RUNNER_SERVICES) << service->name() << "is an exact match!" << service->storageId() << service->exec(); if (disqualify(service)) { continue; } Plasma::QueryMatch match(m_runner); match.setType(Plasma::QueryMatch::ExactMatch); setupMatch(service, match); match.setRelevance(1); matches << match; } } void matchNameKeywordAndGenericName() { //Splitting the query term to match using subsequences QVector queryList = term.splitRef(QLatin1Char(' ')); // If the term length is < 3, no real point searching the Keywords and GenericName if (weightedTermLength < 3) { query = QStringLiteral("exist Exec and ( (exist Name and '%1' ~~ Name) or ('%1' ~~ Exec) )").arg(term); } else { //Match using subsequences (Bug: 262837) query = generateQuery(queryList); } KService::List services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), query); services += KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("KCModule"), query); qCDebug(RUNNER_SERVICES) << "got " << services.count() << " services from " << query; foreach (const KService::Ptr &service, services) { if (disqualify(service)) { continue; } const QString id = service->storageId(); const QString name = service->desktopEntryName(); const QString exec = service->exec(); Plasma::QueryMatch match(m_runner); match.setType(Plasma::QueryMatch::PossibleMatch); setupMatch(service, match); qreal relevance(0.6); // If the term was < 3 chars and NOT at the beginning of the App's name or Exec, then // chances are the user doesn't want that app. if (weightedTermLength < 3) { if (name.startsWith(term, Qt::CaseInsensitive) || exec.startsWith(term, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevance = 0.9; } else { continue; } } else if (service->name().contains(queryList[0], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevance = 0.8; relevance += increaseMatchRelavance(service, queryList, QStringLiteral("Name")); if (service->name().startsWith(queryList[0], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevance += 0.1; } } else if (service->genericName().contains(queryList[0], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevance = 0.65; relevance += increaseMatchRelavance(service, queryList, QStringLiteral("GenericName")); if (service->genericName().startsWith(queryList[0], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevance += 0.05; } } else if (service->exec().contains(queryList[0], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevance = 0.7; relevance += increaseMatchRelavance(service, queryList, QStringLiteral("Exec")); if (service->exec().startsWith(queryList[0], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevance += 0.05; } } else if (service->comment().contains(queryList[0], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevance = 0.5; relevance += increaseMatchRelavance(service, queryList, QStringLiteral("Comment")); if (service->comment().startsWith(queryList[0], Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevance += 0.05; } } if (service->categories().contains(QStringLiteral("KDE")) || service->serviceTypes().contains(QStringLiteral("KCModule"))) { qCDebug(RUNNER_SERVICES) << "found a kde thing" << id << match.subtext() << relevance; - if (id.startsWith(QLatin1String("kde-"))) { - qCDebug(RUNNER_SERVICES) << "old" << !service->isApplication(); - if (!service->isApplication()) { - // avoid showing old kcms and what not - continue; - } - - // This is an older version, let's disambiguate it - QString subtext(QStringLiteral("KDE3")); - - if (!match.subtext().isEmpty()) { - subtext.append(QStringLiteral(", ") + match.subtext()); - } - - match.setSubtext(subtext); - } else { - relevance += .09; - } + relevance += .09; } qCDebug(RUNNER_SERVICES) << service->name() << "is this relevant:" << relevance; match.setRelevance(relevance); if (service->serviceTypes().contains(QStringLiteral("KCModule"))) { match.setMatchCategory(i18n("System Settings")); } matches << match; } } void matchCategories() { //search for applications whose categories contains the query query = QStringLiteral("exist Exec and (exist Categories and '%1' ~subin Categories)").arg(term); auto services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"), query); foreach (const KService::Ptr &service, services) { qCDebug(RUNNER_SERVICES) << service->name() << "is an exact match!" << service->storageId() << service->exec(); if (disqualify(service)) { continue; } Plasma::QueryMatch match(m_runner); match.setType(Plasma::QueryMatch::PossibleMatch); setupMatch(service, match); qreal relevance = 0.6; if (service->categories().contains(QStringLiteral("X-KDE-More")) || !service->showInCurrentDesktop()) { relevance = 0.5; } if (service->isApplication()) { relevance += .04; } match.setRelevance(relevance); matches << match; } } void matchJumpListActions() { if (weightedTermLength < 3) { return; } query = QStringLiteral("exist Actions"); // doesn't work auto services = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("Application"));//, query); foreach (const KService::Ptr &service, services) { if (service->noDisplay()) { continue; } foreach (const KServiceAction &action, service->actions()) { if (action.text().isEmpty() || action.exec().isEmpty() || hasSeen(action)) { continue; } seen(action); if (!action.text().contains(term, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { continue; } Plasma::QueryMatch match(m_runner); match.setType(Plasma::QueryMatch::HelperMatch); if (!action.icon().isEmpty()) { match.setIconName(action.icon()); } else { match.setIconName(service->icon()); } match.setText(i18nc("Jump list search result, %1 is action (eg. open new tab), %2 is application (eg. browser)", "%1 - %2", action.text(), service->name())); match.setData(action.exec()); qreal relevance = 0.5; if (action.text().startsWith(term, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { relevance += 0.05; } match.setRelevance(relevance); matches << match; } } } ServiceRunner *m_runner; QSet m_seen; QList matches; QString query; QString term; int weightedTermLength; }; ServiceRunner::ServiceRunner(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args) : Plasma::AbstractRunner(parent, args) { Q_UNUSED(args) setObjectName( QStringLiteral("Application" )); setPriority(AbstractRunner::HighestPriority); addSyntax(Plasma::RunnerSyntax(QStringLiteral(":q:"), i18n("Finds applications whose name or description match :q:"))); } ServiceRunner::~ServiceRunner() { } QStringList ServiceRunner::categories() const { QStringList cat; cat << i18n("Applications") << i18n("System Settings"); return cat; } QIcon ServiceRunner::categoryIcon(const QString& category) const { if (category == i18n("Applications")) { return QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("applications-other")); } else if (category == i18n("System Settings")) { return QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("preferences-system")); } return Plasma::AbstractRunner::categoryIcon(category); } void ServiceRunner::match(Plasma::RunnerContext &context) { // This helper class aids in keeping state across numerous // different queries that together form the matches set. ServiceFinder finder(this); finder.match(context); } void ServiceRunner::run(const Plasma::RunnerContext &context, const Plasma::QueryMatch &match) { Q_UNUSED(context); if (match.type() == Plasma::QueryMatch::HelperMatch) { // Jump List Action KRun::run(match.data().toString(), {}, nullptr); return; } KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByStorageId(match.data().toString()); if (service) { KActivities::ResourceInstance::notifyAccessed( QUrl(QStringLiteral("applications:") + service->storageId()), QStringLiteral("org.kde.krunner") ); KRun::runService(*service, {}, nullptr, true); } } QMimeData * ServiceRunner::mimeDataForMatch(const Plasma::QueryMatch &match) { KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByStorageId(match.data().toString()); if (!service) { return nullptr; } QString path = service->entryPath(); if (!QDir::isAbsolutePath(path)) { path = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("kservices5/") + path); } if (path.isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } QMimeData *data = new QMimeData(); data->setUrls(QList{QUrl::fromLocalFile(path)}); return data; } K_EXPORT_PLASMA_RUNNER(services, ServiceRunner) #include "servicerunner.moc"