diff --git a/libnotificationmanager/server_p.cpp b/libnotificationmanager/server_p.cpp index e66d0a05d..e67e7bd79 100644 --- a/libnotificationmanager/server_p.cpp +++ b/libnotificationmanager/server_p.cpp @@ -1,399 +1,400 @@ /* * Copyright 2018-2019 Kai Uwe Broulik * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) version 3, or any * later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its * successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall * act as a proxy defined in Section 6 of version 3 of the license. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "server_p.h" #include "debug.h" #include "notificationsadaptor.h" #include "notification.h" #include "notification_p.h" #include "server.h" #include "utils_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace NotificationManager; ServerPrivate::ServerPrivate(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_inhibitionWatcher(new QDBusServiceWatcher(this)) { m_inhibitionWatcher->setConnection(QDBusConnection::sessionBus()); m_inhibitionWatcher->setWatchMode(QDBusServiceWatcher::WatchForUnregistration); connect(m_inhibitionWatcher, &QDBusServiceWatcher::serviceUnregistered, this, &ServerPrivate::onServiceUnregistered); } ServerPrivate::~ServerPrivate() = default; bool ServerPrivate::init() { if (m_valid) { return true; } new NotificationsAdaptor(this); if (!QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject(QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/Notifications"), this)) { qCWarning(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Failed to register Notification DBus object"; return false; } // Only the "dbus master" (effectively plasmashell) should be the true owner of notifications const bool master = Utils::isDBusMaster(); const QString notificationService = QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.Notifications"); QDBusConnectionInterface *dbusIface = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface(); if (!master) { connect(dbusIface, &QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceUnregistered, this, [=](const QString &serviceName) { if (serviceName == notificationService) { qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Lost ownership of" << serviceName << "service"; emit serviceOwnershipLost(); } }); } auto registration = dbusIface->registerService(notificationService, master ? QDBusConnectionInterface::ReplaceExistingService : QDBusConnectionInterface::DontQueueService, master ? QDBusConnectionInterface::DontAllowReplacement : QDBusConnectionInterface::AllowReplacement ); if (registration.value() != QDBusConnectionInterface::ServiceRegistered) { qCWarning(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Failed to register Notification service on DBus"; return false; } connect(this, &ServerPrivate::inhibitedChanged, this, [this] { // emit DBus change signal... QDBusMessage signal = QDBusMessage::createSignal( QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/Notifications"), QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"), QStringLiteral("PropertiesChanged") ); signal.setArguments({ QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.Notifications"), QVariantMap{ // updated {QStringLiteral("Inhibited"), inhibited()}, }, QStringList() // invalidated }); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(signal); }); qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Registered Notification service on DBus"; KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), QStringLiteral("Notifications")); const bool broadcastsEnabled = config.readEntry("ListenForBroadcasts", false); if (broadcastsEnabled) { qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Notification server is configured to listen for broadcasts"; QDBusConnection::systemBus().connect({}, {}, QStringLiteral("org.kde.BroadcastNotifications"), QStringLiteral("Notify"), this, SLOT(onBroadcastNotification(QMap))); } m_valid = true; return true; } uint ServerPrivate::Notify(const QString &app_name, uint replaces_id, const QString &app_icon, const QString &summary, const QString &body, const QStringList &actions, const QVariantMap &hints, int timeout) { const bool wasReplaced = replaces_id > 0; int notificationId = 0; if (wasReplaced) { notificationId = replaces_id; } else { // Avoid wrapping around to 0 in case of overflow if (!m_highestNotificationId) { ++m_highestNotificationId; } notificationId = m_highestNotificationId; ++m_highestNotificationId; } Notification notification(notificationId); notification.setSummary(summary); notification.setBody(body); notification.setApplicationName(app_name); notification.setActions(actions); notification.setTimeout(timeout); // might override some of the things we set above (like application name) notification.d->processHints(hints); // If we didn't get a pixmap, load the app_icon instead if (notification.d->image.isNull()) { notification.setIcon(app_icon); } uint pid = 0; if (notification.desktopEntry().isEmpty() || notification.applicationName().isEmpty()) { - qCInfo(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Notification from service" << message().service() << "didn't contain any identification information, this is an application bug!"; - + if (notification.desktopEntry().isEmpty() && notification.applicationName().isEmpty()) { + qCInfo(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Notification from service" << message().service() << "didn't contain any identification information, this is an application bug!"; + } QDBusReply pidReply = connection().interface()->servicePid(message().service()); if (pidReply.isValid()) { pid = pidReply.value(); } } // No desktop entry? Try to read the BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT in the environment of snaps if (notification.desktopEntry().isEmpty() && pid > 0) { const QString desktopEntry = Utils::desktopEntryFromPid(pid); if (!desktopEntry.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Resolved notification to be from desktop entry" << desktopEntry; notification.setDesktopEntry(desktopEntry); } } // No application name? Try to figure out the process name using the sender's PID if (notification.applicationName().isEmpty() && pid > 0) { const QString processName = Utils::processNameFromPid(pid); if (!processName.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Resolved notification to be from process name" << processName; notification.setApplicationName(processName); } } // If multiple identical notifications are sent in quick succession, refuse the request if (m_lastNotification.applicationName() == notification.applicationName() && m_lastNotification.summary() == notification.summary() && m_lastNotification.body() == notification.body() && m_lastNotification.desktopEntry() == notification.desktopEntry() && m_lastNotification.eventId() == notification.eventId() && m_lastNotification.actionNames() == notification.actionNames() && m_lastNotification.urls() == notification.urls() && m_lastNotification.created().msecsTo(notification.created()) < 1000) { qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Discarding excess notification creation request"; sendErrorReply(QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.Notifications.Error.ExcessNotificationGeneration"), QStringLiteral("Created too many similar notifications in quick succession")); return 0; } m_lastNotification = notification; if (wasReplaced) { notification.resetUpdated(); emit static_cast(parent())->notificationReplaced(replaces_id, notification); } else { emit static_cast(parent())->notificationAdded(notification); } return notificationId; } void ServerPrivate::CloseNotification(uint id) { // spec says "If the notification no longer exists, an empty D-BUS Error message is sent back." static_cast(parent())->closeNotification(id, Server::CloseReason::Revoked); } QStringList ServerPrivate::GetCapabilities() const { // should this be configurable somehow so the UI can tell what it implements? return QStringList{ QStringLiteral("body"), QStringLiteral("body-hyperlinks"), QStringLiteral("body-markup"), QStringLiteral("body-images"), QStringLiteral("icon-static"), QStringLiteral("actions"), QStringLiteral("x-kde-urls"), QStringLiteral("x-kde-origin-name"), QStringLiteral("x-kde-display-appname"), QStringLiteral("inhibitions") }; } QString ServerPrivate::GetServerInformation(QString &vendor, QString &version, QString &specVersion) const { vendor = QStringLiteral("KDE"); version = QLatin1String(PROJECT_VERSION); specVersion = QStringLiteral("1.2"); return QStringLiteral("Plasma"); } void ServerPrivate::onBroadcastNotification(const QMap &properties) { qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Received broadcast notification"; const auto currentUserId = KUserId::currentEffectiveUserId().nativeId(); // a QVariantList with ints arrives as QDBusArgument here, using a QStringList for simplicity const QStringList &userIds = properties.value(QStringLiteral("uids")).toStringList(); if (!userIds.isEmpty()) { auto it = std::find_if(userIds.constBegin(), userIds.constEnd(), [currentUserId](const QVariant &id) { bool ok; auto uid = id.toString().toLongLong(&ok); return ok && uid == currentUserId; }); if (it == userIds.constEnd()) { qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "It is not meant for us, ignoring"; return; } } bool ok; int timeout = properties.value(QStringLiteral("timeout")).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { timeout = -1; // -1 = server default, 0 would be "persistent" } Notify( properties.value(QStringLiteral("appName")).toString(), 0, // replaces_id properties.value(QStringLiteral("appIcon")).toString(), properties.value(QStringLiteral("summary")).toString(), properties.value(QStringLiteral("body")).toString(), {}, // no actions properties.value(QStringLiteral("hints")).toMap(), timeout ); } uint ServerPrivate::add(const Notification ¬ification) { // TODO check if notification with ID already exists and signal update instead if (notification.id() == 0) { ++m_highestNotificationId; notification.d->id = m_highestNotificationId; emit static_cast(parent())->notificationAdded(notification); } else { emit static_cast(parent())->notificationReplaced(notification.id(), notification); } return notification.id(); } uint ServerPrivate::Inhibit(const QString &desktop_entry, const QString &reason, const QVariantMap &hints) { const QString dbusService = message().service(); qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Request inhibit from service" << dbusService << "which is" << desktop_entry << "with reason" << reason; if (desktop_entry.isEmpty()) { // TODO return error return 0; } KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopName(desktop_entry); QString applicationName; if (service) { // should we check for this and error if it didn't find a service? applicationName = service->name(); } m_inhibitionWatcher->addWatchedService(dbusService); ++m_highestInhibitionCookie; m_inhibitions.insert(m_highestInhibitionCookie, { desktop_entry, applicationName, reason, hints }); m_inhibitionServices.insert(m_highestInhibitionCookie, dbusService); emit inhibitedChanged(); emit inhibitionAdded(); return m_highestInhibitionCookie; } void ServerPrivate::onServiceUnregistered(const QString &serviceName) { qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Inhibition service unregistered" << serviceName; const uint cookie = m_inhibitionServices.key(serviceName); if (!cookie) { qCInfo(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Unknown inhibition service unregistered" << serviceName; return; } // We do lookups in there again... UnInhibit(cookie); } void ServerPrivate::UnInhibit(uint cookie) { qCDebug(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Request release inhibition for cookie" << cookie; const QString service = m_inhibitionServices.value(cookie); if (service.isEmpty()) { qCInfo(NOTIFICATIONMANAGER) << "Requested to release inhibition with cookie" << cookie << "that doesn't exist"; // TODO if called from dbus raise error return; } m_inhibitionWatcher->removeWatchedService(service); m_inhibitions.remove(cookie); m_inhibitionServices.remove(cookie); if (m_inhibitions.isEmpty()) { emit inhibitedChanged(); emit inhibitionRemoved(); } } QList ServerPrivate::inhibitions() const { return m_inhibitions.values(); } bool ServerPrivate::inhibited() const { // TODO this currently only returns whether an app has an inhibition going, // there's no way for apps to query whether user enabled do not disturb from the applet // so they could change their behavior. return !m_inhibitions.isEmpty(); } void ServerPrivate::clearInhibitions() { if (m_inhibitions.isEmpty()) { return; } m_inhibitionWatcher->setWatchedServices(QStringList()); // remove all watches m_inhibitionServices.clear(); m_inhibitions.clear(); emit inhibitedChanged(); emit inhibitionRemoved(); }