diff --git a/kcms/activities/qml/activitiesTab/ActivitiesView.qml b/kcms/activities/qml/activitiesTab/ActivitiesView.qml index 5713be4f1..bb3e43b67 100644 --- a/kcms/activities/qml/activitiesTab/ActivitiesView.qml +++ b/kcms/activities/qml/activitiesTab/ActivitiesView.qml @@ -1,198 +1,196 @@ /* vim:set foldenable foldmethod=marker: * * Copyright (C) 2015 Ivan Cukic * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, * or (at your option) any later version, as published by the Free * Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ import QtQuick 2.0 import org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.0 as QtControls import org.kde.activities 0.1 as Activities import org.kde.activities.settings 0.1 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore Item { id: root anchors.fill: parent QtControls.Button { id: buttonCreateActivity text: i18nd("kcm_activities5", "Create activity...") iconName: "list-add" anchors { top: parent.top left: parent.left } onClicked: ActivitySettings.newActivity(); enabled: !dialogCreateActivityLoader.itemVisible visible: ActivitySettings.newActivityAuthorized } Loader { id: dialogCreateActivityLoader property bool itemVisible: status == Loader.Ready && item.visible z: 1 anchors { top: buttonCreateActivity.bottom left: buttonCreateActivity.left } } QtControls.ScrollView { anchors { top: buttonCreateActivity.bottom topMargin: units.smallSpacing left: parent.left right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } enabled: !dialogCreateActivityLoader.itemVisible ListView { width: parent.width // anchors.fill: parent model: Activities.ActivityModel { id: kactivities } SystemPalette { id: palette colorGroup: SystemPalette.Active } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// delegate: Rectangle { width: parent.width Behavior on height { PropertyAnimation { duration: units.shortDuration } } height: icon.height + units.smallSpacing * 2 + (dialogConfigureLoader.itemVisible ? dialogConfigureLoader.height : 0) + (dialogDeleteLoader.itemVisible ? dialogDeleteLoader.height : 0) color: (model.index % 2 == 0) ? palette.base : palette.alternateBase Item { id: header height: units.iconSizes.medium anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right top: parent.top } QIconItem { id: icon icon: model.icon width: height height: parent.height anchors { left: parent.left top: parent.top topMargin: units.smallSpacing bottomMargin: units.smallSpacing } } QtControls.Label { text: model.name - anchors { - left: icon.right - right: buttons.left - leftMargin: units.largeSpacing - verticalCenter: icon.verticalCenter - } + anchors.fill: parent } Row { id: buttons spacing: units.smallSpacing anchors { right: parent.right rightMargin: units.smallSpacing verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } QtControls.Button { id: buttonConfigure iconName: "configure" onClicked: ActivitySettings.configureActivity(model.id); } QtControls.Button { id: buttonDelete iconName: "edit-delete" onClicked: ActivitySettings.deleteActivity(model.id); visible: ActivitySettings.newActivityAuthorized + + // Disable the button when there's only one activity + enabled: activitiesList.count > 1 } visible: !dialogDeleteLoader.itemVisible } visible: !dialogConfigureLoader.itemVisible } Loader { id: dialogConfigureLoader property bool itemVisible: status == Loader.Ready && item.visible anchors { left: parent.left top: parent.top } } Loader { id: dialogDeleteLoader property bool itemVisible: status == Loader.Ready && item.visible anchors { left: parent.left top: header.bottom } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } } }