diff --git a/kcms/fonts/fonts.cpp b/kcms/fonts/fonts.cpp index 9bb7dce36..0c0614834 100644 --- a/kcms/fonts/fonts.cpp +++ b/kcms/fonts/fonts.cpp @@ -1,880 +1,880 @@ /* Copyright 1997 Mark Donohoe Copyright 1999 Lars Knoll Copyright 2000 Rik Hemsley Ported to kcontrol2 by Geert Jansen. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "fonts.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //Added by qt3to4: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../krdb/krdb.h" #ifdef HAVE_FREETYPE #include #ifdef FT_LCD_FILTER_H #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include FT_LCD_FILTER_H #endif #endif #if HAVE_X11 #include #endif #if HAVE_X11 // X11 headers #undef Bool #undef Unsorted #undef None #endif static const char *const aa_rgb_xpm[] = { "12 12 3 1", "a c #0000ff", "# c #00ff00", ". c #ff0000", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa" }; static const char *const aa_bgr_xpm[] = { "12 12 3 1", ". c #0000ff", "# c #00ff00", "a c #ff0000", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa", "....####aaaa" }; static const char *const aa_vrgb_xpm[] = { "12 12 3 1", "a c #0000ff", "# c #00ff00", ". c #ff0000", "............", "............", "............", "............", "############", "############", "############", "############", "aaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaa" }; static const char *const aa_vbgr_xpm[] = { "12 12 3 1", ". c #0000ff", "# c #00ff00", "a c #ff0000", "............", "............", "............", "............", "############", "############", "############", "############", "aaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaaa" }; static const char *const *const aaPixmaps[] = { 0, 0, aa_rgb_xpm, aa_bgr_xpm, aa_vrgb_xpm, aa_vbgr_xpm }; /**** DLL Interface ****/ K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(FontFactory, registerPlugin();) /**** FontUseItem ****/ FontUseItem::FontUseItem( QWidget *parent, const QString &name, const QString &grp, const QString &key, const QString &rc, const QFont &default_fnt, bool f ) : KFontRequester(parent, f), _rcfile(rc), _rcgroup(grp), _rckey(key), _default(default_fnt) { KAcceleratorManager::setNoAccel(this); setTitle(name); readFont(); } void FontUseItem::setDefault() { setFont(_default, isFixedOnly()); } void FontUseItem::readFont() { const KConfig *config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(_rcfile).data(); const KConfigGroup group(config, _rcgroup); QFont tmpFnt(_default); setFont(group.readEntry(_rckey, tmpFnt), isFixedOnly()); } void FontUseItem::writeFont() { KConfig *config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(_rcfile).data(); if (_rcfile.isEmpty()) { KConfigGroup(config, _rcgroup).writeEntry(_rckey, font(), KConfig::Normal | KConfig::Global); } else { KConfigGroup(config, _rcgroup).writeEntry(_rckey, font()); config->sync(); } } void FontUseItem::applyFontDiff(const QFont &fnt, int fontDiffFlags) { QFont _font(font()); if (fontDiffFlags & KFontChooser::FontDiffSize) { _font.setPointSizeF(fnt.pointSizeF()); } if (fontDiffFlags & KFontChooser::FontDiffFamily) { if (!isFixedOnly() || QFontInfo(fnt).fixedPitch()) { _font.setFamily(fnt.family()); } } if (fontDiffFlags & KFontChooser::FontDiffStyle) { _font.setWeight(fnt.weight()); _font.setStyle(fnt.style()); _font.setUnderline(fnt.underline()); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800 _font.setStyleName(fnt.styleName()); #endif } setFont(_font, isFixedOnly()); } /**** FontAASettings ****/ #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) FontAASettings::FontAASettings(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), changesMade(false) { setObjectName("FontAASettings"); setModal(true); setWindowTitle(i18n("Configure Anti-Alias Settings")); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); QFormLayout *layout = new QFormLayout(); layout->setFieldGrowthPolicy(QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow); excludeRange = new QCheckBox(i18n("E&xclude range:"), this); QHBoxLayout *rangeLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); excludeFrom = new QDoubleSpinBox(this); excludeFrom->setRange(0.0, 72.0); excludeFrom->setValue(8.0); excludeFrom->setSingleStep(1.0); excludeFrom->setDecimals(1); excludeFrom->setSuffix(i18nc("abbreviation for unit of points", " pt")); rangeLayout->addWidget(excludeFrom); excludeToLabel = new QLabel(i18n(" to "), this); rangeLayout->addWidget(excludeToLabel); excludeTo = new QDoubleSpinBox(this); excludeTo->setRange(0.0, 72.0); excludeTo->setValue(15.0); excludeTo->setSingleStep(1.0); excludeTo->setDecimals(1); excludeTo->setSuffix(i18nc("abbreviation for unit of points", " pt")); rangeLayout->addWidget(excludeTo); layout->addRow(excludeRange, rangeLayout); QString subPixelWhatsThis = i18n("

If you have a TFT or LCD screen you" " can further improve the quality of displayed fonts by selecting" " this option.
Sub-pixel rendering is also known as ClearType(tm).
" " In order for sub-pixel rendering to" " work correctly you need to know how the sub-pixels of your display" " are aligned.

" "

On TFT or LCD displays a single pixel is actually composed of" " three sub-pixels, red, green and blue. Most displays" " have a linear ordering of RGB sub-pixel, some have BGR.
" " This feature does not work with CRT monitors.

"); subPixelLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Sub-pixel rendering type:"), this); subPixelLabel->setWhatsThis(subPixelWhatsThis); subPixelType = new QComboBox(this); layout->addRow(subPixelLabel, subPixelType); subPixelType->setEditable(false); subPixelType->setWhatsThis(subPixelWhatsThis); for (int t = KXftConfig::SubPixel::NotSet; t <= KXftConfig::SubPixel::Vbgr; ++t) { subPixelType->addItem(QPixmap(aaPixmaps[t]), i18n(KXftConfig::description((KXftConfig::SubPixel::Type)t).toUtf8())); } QLabel *hintingLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Hinting style:"), this); hintingStyle = new QComboBox(this); hintingStyle->setEditable(false); layout->addRow(hintingLabel, hintingStyle); for (int s = KXftConfig::Hint::NotSet; s <= KXftConfig::Hint::Full; ++s) { hintingStyle->addItem(i18n(KXftConfig::description((KXftConfig::Hint::Style)s).toUtf8())); } QString hintingText(i18n("Hinting is a process used to enhance the quality of fonts at small sizes.")); hintingStyle->setWhatsThis(hintingText); hintingLabel->setWhatsThis(hintingText); load(); enableWidgets(); QHBoxLayout *outerLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); outerLayout->addLayout(layout); outerLayout->addStretch(1); mainLayout->addLayout(outerLayout); mainLayout->addStretch(1); mainLayout->addSpacing(style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutBottomMargin)); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, this); buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL|Qt::Key_Return); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); connect(excludeRange, &QAbstractButton::toggled, this, &FontAASettings::changed); connect(excludeFrom, static_cast(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &FontAASettings::changed); connect(excludeTo, static_cast(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &FontAASettings::changed); connect(subPixelType, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &FontAASettings::changed); connect(hintingStyle, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &FontAASettings::changed); } bool FontAASettings::load() { double from, to; KXftConfig xft; if (xft.getExcludeRange(from, to)) { excludeRange->setChecked(true); } else { excludeRange->setChecked(false); from = 8.0; to = 15.0; } excludeFrom->setValue(from); excludeTo->setValue(to); KXftConfig::SubPixel::Type spType; xft.getSubPixelType(spType); int idx = getIndex(spType); subPixelType->setCurrentIndex(idx); KXftConfig::Hint::Style hStyle; if (!xft.getHintStyle(hStyle) || KXftConfig::Hint::NotSet == hStyle) { hStyle = KXftConfig::Hint::NotSet; xft.setHintStyle(hStyle); runRdb(KRdbExportXftSettings | KRdbExportGtkTheme); } hintingStyle->setCurrentIndex(getIndex(hStyle)); enableWidgets(); return xft.aliasingEnabled(); } bool FontAASettings::save(KXftConfig::AntiAliasing::State aaState) { KXftConfig xft; KConfig kglobals("kdeglobals", KConfig::NoGlobals); KConfigGroup grp(&kglobals, "General"); xft.setAntiAliasing(aaState); if (excludeRange->isChecked()) { xft.setExcludeRange(excludeFrom->value(), excludeTo->value()); } else { xft.setExcludeRange(0, 0); } KXftConfig::SubPixel::Type spType(getSubPixelType()); xft.setSubPixelType(spType); if (KXftConfig::SubPixel::NotSet == spType) { grp.revertToDefault("XftSubPixel"); } else { grp.writeEntry("XftSubPixel", KXftConfig::toStr(spType)); } if (KXftConfig::AntiAliasing::NotSet == aaState) { grp.revertToDefault("XftAntialias"); } else { grp.writeEntry("XftAntialias", aaState == KXftConfig::AntiAliasing::Enabled); } bool mod = false; KXftConfig::Hint::Style hStyle(getHintStyle()); xft.setHintStyle(hStyle); QString hs(KXftConfig::toStr(hStyle)); if (hs != grp.readEntry("XftHintStyle")) { if (KXftConfig::Hint::NotSet == hStyle) { grp.revertToDefault("XftHintStyle"); } else { grp.writeEntry("XftHintStyle", hs); } } mod = true; kglobals.sync(); if (!mod) { mod = xft.changed(); } xft.apply(); return mod; } void FontAASettings::defaults() { excludeRange->setChecked(false); excludeFrom->setValue(8.0); excludeTo->setValue(15.0); subPixelType->setCurrentIndex(getIndex(KXftConfig::SubPixel::NotSet)); hintingStyle->setCurrentIndex(getIndex(KXftConfig::Hint::NotSet)); enableWidgets(); } int FontAASettings::getIndex(KXftConfig::SubPixel::Type spType) { int pos = -1; int index; for (index = 0; index < subPixelType->count(); ++index) if (subPixelType->itemText(index) == i18n(KXftConfig::description(spType).toUtf8())) { pos = index; break; } return pos; } KXftConfig::SubPixel::Type FontAASettings::getSubPixelType() { int t; for (t = KXftConfig::SubPixel::NotSet; t <= KXftConfig::SubPixel::Vbgr; ++t) if (subPixelType->currentText() == i18n(KXftConfig::description((KXftConfig::SubPixel::Type)t).toUtf8())) { return (KXftConfig::SubPixel::Type)t; } return KXftConfig::SubPixel::NotSet; } int FontAASettings::getIndex(KXftConfig::Hint::Style hStyle) { int pos = -1; int index; for (index = 0; index < hintingStyle->count(); ++index) if (hintingStyle->itemText(index) == i18n(KXftConfig::description(hStyle).toUtf8())) { pos = index; break; } return pos; } KXftConfig::Hint::Style FontAASettings::getHintStyle() { int s; for (s = KXftConfig::Hint::NotSet; s <= KXftConfig::Hint::Full; ++s) if (hintingStyle->currentText() == i18n(KXftConfig::description((KXftConfig::Hint::Style)s).toUtf8())) { return (KXftConfig::Hint::Style)s; } return KXftConfig::Hint::Medium; } void FontAASettings::enableWidgets() { excludeFrom->setEnabled(excludeRange->isChecked()); excludeTo->setEnabled(excludeRange->isChecked()); excludeToLabel->setEnabled(excludeRange->isChecked()); #ifdef FT_LCD_FILTER_H static int ft_has_subpixel = -1; if (ft_has_subpixel == -1) { FT_Library ftLibrary; if (FT_Init_FreeType(&ftLibrary) == 0) { ft_has_subpixel = (FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(ftLibrary, FT_LCD_FILTER_DEFAULT) == FT_Err_Unimplemented_Feature) ? 0 : 1; FT_Done_FreeType(ftLibrary); } } subPixelType->setEnabled(ft_has_subpixel); #endif } #endif void FontAASettings::changed() { #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) changesMade = true; enableWidgets(); #endif } #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) int FontAASettings::exec() { const int i = QDialog::exec(); if (!i) { load(); // Reset settings... } return i && changesMade; } #endif /**** KFonts ****/ KFonts::KFonts(QWidget *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KCModule(parent, args) { QStringList nameGroupKeyRc; nameGroupKeyRc << i18nc("font usage", "General") << "General" << "font" << "" << i18nc("font usage", "Fixed width") << "General" << "fixed" << "" << i18nc("font usage", "Small") << "General" << "smallestReadableFont" << "" << i18nc("font usage", "Toolbar") << "General" << "toolBarFont" << "" << i18nc("font usage", "Menu") << "General" << "menuFont" << "" << i18nc("font usage", "Window title") << "WM" << "activeFont" << ""; QList defaultFontList; - // NOTE: keep in sync with kdelibs/kdeui/kernel/kglobalsettings.cpp + // NOTE: keep in sync with plasma-integration/src/platformtheme/kfontsettingsdata.cpp #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QFont f0("Lucida Grande", 13); // general/menu/desktop QFont f1("Monaco", 10); QFont f2("Lucida Grande", 11); // toolbar #elif defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_5) || defined(MEEGO_EDITION_HARMATTAN) QFont f0("Sans Serif", 16); // general/menu/desktop QFont f1("Monospace", 16; QFont f2("Sans Serif", 16); // toolbar #else QFont f0("Noto Sans", 10); // general/menu/desktop - QFont f1("Oxygen Mono", 9); // fixed font + QFont f1("Hack", 9); // fixed font QFont f2("Noto Sans", 9); // toolbar #endif QFont f3("Noto Sans", 10); // window title QFont f5("Noto Sans", 8); // smallestReadableFont defaultFontList << f0 << f1 << f5 << f2 << f0 << f3; QList fixedList; fixedList << false << true << false << false << false << false; QStringList quickHelpList; quickHelpList << i18n("Used for normal text (e.g. button labels, list items).") << i18n("A non-proportional font (i.e. typewriter font).") << i18n("Smallest font that is still readable well.") << i18n("Used to display text beside toolbar icons.") << i18n("Used by menu bars and popup menus.") << i18n("Used by the window titlebar."); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); layout->setMargin(0); QGridLayout *fontUseLayout = new QGridLayout(); layout->addLayout(fontUseLayout); fontUseLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 0); fontUseLayout->setColumnStretch(1, 1); fontUseLayout->setColumnStretch(2, 0); QList::ConstIterator defaultFontIt(defaultFontList.begin()); QList::ConstIterator fixedListIt(fixedList.begin()); QStringList::ConstIterator quickHelpIt(quickHelpList.begin()); QStringList::ConstIterator it(nameGroupKeyRc.begin()); unsigned int count = 0; while (it != nameGroupKeyRc.constEnd()) { QString name = *it; it++; QString group = *it; it++; QString key = *it; it++; QString file = *it; it++; FontUseItem *i = new FontUseItem( this, name, group, key, file, *defaultFontIt++, *fixedListIt++ ); fontUseList.append(i); connect(i, &KFontRequester::fontSelected, this, &KFonts::fontSelected); QLabel *fontUse = new QLabel(i18nc("Font role", "%1: ", name), this); fontUse->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); fontUse->setWhatsThis(*quickHelpIt++); fontUse->setBuddy(i); fontUseLayout->addWidget(fontUse, count, 0); fontUseLayout->addWidget(i, count, 1); ++count; } QHBoxLayout *hblay = new QHBoxLayout(); layout->addLayout(hblay); hblay->addStretch(); QPushButton *fontAdjustButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Ad&just All Fonts..."), this); fontAdjustButton->setWhatsThis(i18n("Click to change all fonts")); hblay->addWidget(fontAdjustButton); connect(fontAdjustButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &KFonts::slotApplyFontDiff); layout->addSpacing(style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing)); QGridLayout *lay = new QGridLayout(); layout->addLayout(lay); lay->setColumnStretch(3, 10); #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) QLabel *label = 0L; label = new QLabel(i18n("Use a&nti-aliasing:"), this); label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); lay->addWidget(label, 0, 0); cbAA = new QComboBox(this); cbAA->insertItem(AAEnabled, i18nc("Use anti-aliasing", "Enabled")); // change AASetting type if order changes cbAA->insertItem(AASystem, i18nc("Use anti-aliasing", "System Settings")); cbAA->insertItem(AADisabled, i18nc("Use anti-aliasing", "Disabled")); cbAA->setWhatsThis(i18n("If this option is selected, KDE will smooth the edges of curves in fonts.")); aaSettingsButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Configure..."), this); connect(aaSettingsButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &KFonts::slotCfgAa); label->setBuddy(cbAA); lay->addWidget(cbAA, 0, 1); lay->addWidget(aaSettingsButton, 0, 2); // Initialize aaSettingsButton state based on the current cbAA->currentIndex value, will be eventually updated at load() slotUseAntiAliasing(); connect(cbAA, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(slotUseAntiAliasing())); #endif #if HAVE_X11 checkboxForceDpi = new QCheckBox(i18n("Force fonts DPI:"), this); lay->addWidget(checkboxForceDpi, 1, 0); spinboxDpi = new QSpinBox(this); spinboxDpi->setRange(1, 1000); spinboxDpi->setSingleStep(24); // The common DPI values 72, 96 and 120 are multiples of 24 QString whatsthis = i18n( "

This option forces a specific DPI value for fonts. It may be useful" " when the real DPI of the hardware is not detected properly and it" " is also often misused when poor quality fonts are used that do not" " look well with DPI values other than 96 or 120 DPI.

" "

The use of this option is generally discouraged. For selecting proper DPI" " value a better option is explicitly configuring it for the whole X server if" " possible (e.g. DisplaySize in xorg.conf or adding -dpi value to" " ServerLocalArgs= in $KDEDIR/share/config/kdm/kdmrc). When fonts do not render" " properly with real DPI value better fonts should be used or configuration" " of font hinting should be checked.

"); spinboxDpi->setWhatsThis(whatsthis); checkboxForceDpi->setChecked(false); spinboxDpi->setEnabled(false); connect(spinboxDpi, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(changed())); connect(checkboxForceDpi, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(changed())); connect(checkboxForceDpi, &QAbstractButton::toggled, spinboxDpi, &QWidget::setEnabled); lay->addWidget(spinboxDpi, 1, 1); #endif layout->addStretch(1); #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) aaSettings = new FontAASettings(this); #endif } KFonts::~KFonts() { QList::Iterator it(fontUseList.begin()), end(fontUseList.end()); for (; it != end; ++it) { delete(*it); } fontUseList.clear(); } void KFonts::fontSelected() { emit changed(true); } void KFonts::defaults() { for (int i = 0; i < (int) fontUseList.count(); i++) { fontUseList.at(i)->setDefault(); } #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) useAA = AASystem; cbAA->setCurrentIndex(useAA); aaSettings->defaults(); #endif #if HAVE_X11 checkboxForceDpi->setChecked(false); spinboxDpi->setValue(96); #endif emit changed(true); } void KFonts::load() { QList::Iterator it(fontUseList.begin()), end(fontUseList.end()); for (; it != end; ++it) { (*it)->readFont(); } #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) useAA_original = useAA = aaSettings->load() ? AAEnabled : AADisabled; cbAA->setCurrentIndex(useAA); #endif KConfig _cfgfonts("kcmfonts"); KConfigGroup cfgfonts(&_cfgfonts, "General"); #if HAVE_X11 int dpicfg = cfgfonts.readEntry("forceFontDPI", 0); if (dpicfg <= 0) { checkboxForceDpi->setChecked(false); spinboxDpi->setValue(96); dpi_original = 0; } else { checkboxForceDpi->setChecked(true); spinboxDpi->setValue(dpicfg); dpi_original = dpicfg; }; #endif #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) if (cfgfonts.readEntry("dontChangeAASettings", true)) { useAA_original = useAA = AASystem; cbAA->setCurrentIndex(useAA); } #endif emit changed(false); } void KFonts::save() { QList::Iterator it(fontUseList.begin()), end(fontUseList.end()); for (; it != end; ++it) { (*it)->writeFont(); } KSharedConfig::openConfig()->sync(); KConfig _cfgfonts("kcmfonts"); KConfigGroup cfgfonts(&_cfgfonts, "General"); #if HAVE_X11 int dpi = (checkboxForceDpi->isChecked() ? spinboxDpi->value() : 0); cfgfonts.writeEntry("forceFontDPI", dpi); #endif #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) cfgfonts.writeEntry("dontChangeAASettings", cbAA->currentIndex() == AASystem); #endif cfgfonts.sync(); #if HAVE_X11 // if the setting is reset in the module, remove the dpi value, // otherwise don't explicitly remove it and leave any possible system-wide value if (dpi == 0 && dpi_original != 0) { QProcess proc; proc.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::ForwardedChannels); proc.start("xrdb", QStringList() << "-quiet" << "-remove" << "-nocpp"); if (proc.waitForStarted()) { proc.write(QByteArray("Xft.dpi\n")); proc.closeWriteChannel(); proc.waitForFinished(); } } #endif KGlobalSettings::self()->emitChange(KGlobalSettings::FontChanged); QApplication::processEvents(); // Process font change ourselves // Don't overwrite global settings unless explicitly asked for - e.g. the system // fontconfig setup may be much more complex than this module can provide. // TODO: With AASystem the changes already made by this module should be reverted somehow. #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) bool aaSave = false; if (cbAA->currentIndex() == AAEnabled ) { aaSave = aaSettings->save(KXftConfig::AntiAliasing::Enabled); } else if (cbAA->currentIndex() == AADisabled) { aaSave = aaSettings->save(KXftConfig::AntiAliasing::Disabled); } else { // If AASystem is selected, this removes all fontconfig settings made by // this module. aaSettings->defaults(); aaSave = aaSettings->save(KXftConfig::AntiAliasing::NotSet); } if (aaSave || (useAA != useAA_original) || dpi != dpi_original) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n( "

Some changes such as anti-aliasing or DPI will only affect newly started applications.

" ), i18n("Font Settings Changed"), "FontSettingsChanged"); useAA_original = useAA; dpi_original = dpi; } #else #if HAVE_X11 if (dpi != dpi_original) { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n( "

Some changes such as DPI will only affect newly started applications.

" ), i18n("Font Settings Changed"), "FontSettingsChanged"); dpi_original = dpi; } #endif #endif runRdb(KRdbExportXftSettings | KRdbExportGtkTheme); emit changed(false); } void KFonts::slotApplyFontDiff() { QFont font = QFont(fontUseList.first()->font()); KFontChooser::FontDiffFlags fontDiffFlags = 0; int ret = KFontDialog::getFontDiff(font, fontDiffFlags, KFontChooser::NoDisplayFlags, this); if (ret == KDialog::Accepted && fontDiffFlags) { for (int i = 0; i < (int) fontUseList.count(); i++) { fontUseList.at(i)->applyFontDiff(font, fontDiffFlags); } emit changed(true); } } void KFonts::slotUseAntiAliasing() { #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) useAA = static_cast< AASetting >(cbAA->currentIndex()); aaSettingsButton->setEnabled(useAA == AAEnabled); emit changed(true); #endif } void KFonts::slotCfgAa() { #if defined(HAVE_FONTCONFIG) && defined (HAVE_X11) if (aaSettings->exec()) { emit changed(true); } #endif } #include "fonts.moc"