diff --git a/applets/kimpanel/package/contents/ui/InputPanel.qml b/applets/kimpanel/package/contents/ui/InputPanel.qml index 7db009f82..156e5f953 100644 --- a/applets/kimpanel/package/contents/ui/InputPanel.qml +++ b/applets/kimpanel/package/contents/ui/InputPanel.qml @@ -1,309 +1,309 @@ /* * Copyright 2014-2017 Weng Xuetian * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 2.010-1301, USA. */ import QtQuick 2.6 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.plasma.private.kimpanel 0.1 as Kimpanel PlasmaCore.Dialog { id: inputpanel type: PlasmaCore.Dialog.PopupMenu flags: Qt.Popup | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt.WindowDoesNotAcceptFocus location: PlasmaCore.Types.Floating property bool verticalLayout: false property int highlightCandidate: -1 property int hoveredCandidate: -1 property font preferredFont: plasmoid.configuration.use_default_font ? theme.defaultFont : plasmoid.configuration.font property int baseSize: theme.mSize(preferredFont).height property rect position onPositionChanged : updatePosition(); onWidthChanged : updatePosition(); onHeightChanged : updatePosition(); mainItem: Item { Layout.minimumWidth: childrenRect.width Layout.minimumHeight: childrenRect.height Layout.maximumWidth: childrenRect.width Layout.maximumHeight: childrenRect.height Column { Row { id: textLabel width: auxLabel.width + preedit.width height: Math.max(preedit.height, auxLabel.height) PlasmaComponents.Label { id: auxLabel font: preferredFont } Item { id: preedit width: preeditLabel1.width + preeditLabel2.width + 2 height: Math.max(preeditLabel1.height, preeditLabel2.height) clip: true PlasmaComponents.Label { id: preeditLabel1 anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: parent.left font: preferredFont } Rectangle { color: theme.textColor height: baseSize width: 2 opacity: 0.8 z: 1 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.left: preeditLabel1.right } PlasmaComponents.Label { id: preeditLabel2 anchors.top: parent.top anchors.left: preeditLabel1.right font: preferredFont } } } GridLayout { flow: inputpanel.verticalLayout ? GridLayout.TopToBottom : GridLayout.LeftToRight columns: inputpanel.verticalLayout ? 1 : tableList.count + 1 rows: inputpanel.verticalLayout ? tableList.count + 1 : 1 columnSpacing: units.smallSpacing / 2 rowSpacing: units.smallSpacing / 2 Repeater { model: ListModel { id: tableList dynamicRoles: true } delegate: Item { width: candidate.width + highlight.marginHints.left + highlight.marginHints.right height: candidate.height + highlight.marginHints.top + highlight.marginHints.bottom Layout.minimumWidth: width Layout.minimumHeight: height Layout.maximumWidth: width Layout.maximumHeight: height Row { id: candidate width: childrenRect.width height: childrenRect.height x: highlight.marginHints.left y: highlight.marginHints.top PlasmaComponents.Label { id: tableLabel text: model.label font: preferredFont - opacity: highlight.visible ? 0.8 : 0.6 + opacity: 0.8 } PlasmaComponents.Label { id: textLabel text: model.text font: preferredFont } } MouseArea { id: candidateMouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onReleased: selectCandidate(model.index) onContainsMouseChanged: { inputpanel.hoveredCandidate = containsMouse ? model.index : -1; } } CandidateHighlight { id: highlight z: -1 visible: inputpanel.highlightCandidate === model.index || inputpanel.hoveredCandidate === model.index hover: candidateMouseArea.containsMouse selected: inputpanel.highlightCandidate === model.index || candidateMouseArea.pressed anchors { fill: parent } } } } Row { id: button width: inputpanel.baseSize * 2 height: inputpanel.baseSize Layout.minimumWidth: width Layout.minimumHeight: height Layout.maximumWidth: width Layout.maximumHeight: height PlasmaCore.IconItem { id: prevButton source: inputpanel.verticalLayout ? "arrow-left" : "arrow-up" width: inputpanel.baseSize height: width scale: prevButtonMouseArea.pressed ? 0.9 : 1 active: prevButtonMouseArea.containsMouse MouseArea { id: prevButtonMouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onReleased: action("LookupTablePageUp") } } PlasmaCore.IconItem { id: nextButton source: inputpanel.verticalLayout ? "arrow-right" : "arrow-down" width: inputpanel.baseSize height: width scale: nextButtonMouseArea.pressed ? 0.9 : 1 active: nextButtonMouseArea.containsMouse MouseArea { id: nextButtonMouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onReleased: action("LookupTablePageDown") } } } } } PlasmaCore.DataSource { id: inputPanelEngine engine: "kimpanel" connectedSources: ["inputpanel"] onDataChanged: timer.restart() } Kimpanel.Screen { id: screen } // Kimpanel's update may come in with in several DBus message. Use // timer to delegate the update so we get less flicker. Timer { id: timer interval: 1 onTriggered: updateUI() } } function updateUI() { var data = inputPanelEngine.data["inputpanel"]; if (!data) { return; } var auxVisible = data["AuxVisible"] ? true : false; var preeditVisible = data["PreeditVisible"] ? true : false; var lookupTableVisible = data["LookupTableVisible"] ? true : false; var pos = data["Position"] ? { 'x': data["Position"].x, 'y': data["Position"].y, 'w': data["Position"].width, 'h': data["Position"].height } : {'x' : 0, 'y': 0, 'w': 0, 'h': 0 }; inputpanel.position = Qt.rect(pos.x, pos.y, pos.w, pos.h); var newVisibility = auxVisible || preeditVisible || lookupTableVisible; if (!newVisibility) { // If we gonna hide anyway, don't do the update. inputpanel.hide(); return; } textLabel.visible = auxVisible || preeditVisible; auxLabel.text = (auxVisible && data["AuxText"]) ? data["AuxText"] : "" var preeditText = (preeditVisible && data["PreeditText"]) ? data["PreeditText"] : "" var caret = data["CaretPos"] ? data["CaretPos"] : 0; preeditLabel1.text = preeditText.substring(0, caret); preeditLabel2.text = preeditText.substring(caret); preedit.visible = preeditVisible; var layout = data["LookupTableLayout"] !== undefined ? data["LookupTableLayout"] : 0; inputpanel.highlightCandidate = data["LookupTableCursor"] !== undefined ? data["LookupTableCursor"] : -1; inputpanel.hoveredCandidate = -1; inputpanel.verticalLayout = (layout === 1) || (layout === 0 && plasmoid.configuration.vertical_lookup_table); button.visible = lookupTableVisible if (data["LookupTable"]) { var table = data["LookupTable"]; if (lookupTableVisible) { if (table.length < tableList.count) { tableList.remove(table.length, tableList.count - table.length); } for (var i = 0; i < table.length; i ++) { if (i >= tableList.count) { tableList.append({'label' : table[i].label, 'text': table[i].text, 'index': i}); } else { tableList.set(i, {'label' : table[i].label, 'text': table[i].text, 'index': i}); } } } else { tableList.clear(); } } // If we gonna show, do that after everything is ready. if (newVisibility) { inputpanel.show(); } } function updatePosition() { var rect = screen.geometryForPoint(position.x, position.y); var devicePerPixelRatio = screen.devicePixelRatioForPoint(position.x, position.y); var x, y; var width = inputpanel.width * devicePerPixelRatio; var height = inputpanel.height * devicePerPixelRatio; if (position.x < rect.x) { x = rect.x; } else { x = position.x; } if (position.y < rect.y) { y = rect.y; } else { y = position.y + position.height; } if (x + width > rect.x + rect.width) { x = rect.x + rect.width - width; } if (y + height > rect.y + rect.height) { if (y > rect.y + rect.height) { y = rect.y + rect.height - height - 40; } else { y = y - height - (position.height === 0 ? 40 : position.height); } } var newRect = screen.geometryForPoint(x, y); devicePerPixelRatio = screen.devicePixelRatioForPoint(x, y); inputpanel.x = newRect.x + (x - newRect.x) / devicePerPixelRatio; inputpanel.y = newRect.y + (y - newRect.y) / devicePerPixelRatio; } function action(key) { var service = inputPanelEngine.serviceForSource("inputpanel"); var operation = service.operationDescription(key); service.startOperationCall(operation); } function selectCandidate(index) { var service = inputPanelEngine.serviceForSource("inputpanel"); var operation = service.operationDescription("SelectCandidate"); operation.candidate = index; service.startOperationCall(operation); } }