diff --git a/kcms/touchpad/backends/x11/synapticstouchpad.cpp b/kcms/touchpad/backends/x11/synapticstouchpad.cpp index d2f41d70b..3eb3171ee 100644 --- a/kcms/touchpad/backends/x11/synapticstouchpad.cpp +++ b/kcms/touchpad/backends/x11/synapticstouchpad.cpp @@ -1,273 +1,273 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2013 Alexander Mezin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* //krazy:excludeall=copyright * This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and * permission notice: * * Copyright © 2002-2005,2007 Peter Osterlund * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies * and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice * appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Red Hat * not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution * of the software without specific, written prior permission. Red * Hat makes no representations about the suitability of this software * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied * warranty. * * THE AUTHORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Peter Osterlund (petero2@telia.com) */ #include #include #include "synapticstouchpad.h" #include #include -#include +#include #define SYN_MAX_BUTTONS 12 const struct Parameter synapticsProperties[] = { {"LeftEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGES, 32, 0}, {"RightEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGES, 32, 1}, {"TopEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGES, 32, 2}, {"BottomEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGES, 32, 3}, {"FingerLow", PT_INT, 0, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_FINGER, 32, 0}, {"FingerHigh", PT_INT, 0, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_FINGER, 32, 1}, {"MaxTapTime", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_TIME, 32, 0}, {"MaxTapMove", PT_INT, 0, 2000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_MOVE, 32, 0}, {"MaxDoubleTapTime", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_DURATIONS,32, 1}, {"SingleTapTimeout", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_DURATIONS,32, 0}, {"ClickTime", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_DURATIONS,32, 2}, {"FastTaps", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_FAST, 8, 0}, {"EmulateMidButtonTime", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_MIDDLE_TIMEOUT,32, 0}, {"EmulateTwoFingerMinZ", PT_INT, 0, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TWOFINGER_PRESSURE, 32, 0}, {"EmulateTwoFingerMinW", PT_INT, 0, 15, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TWOFINGER_WIDTH, 32, 0}, {"VertScrollDelta", PT_INT, -1000, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_DISTANCE, 32, 0}, {"HorizScrollDelta", PT_INT, -1000, 1000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_DISTANCE, 32, 1}, {"VertEdgeScroll", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_EDGE, 8, 0}, {"HorizEdgeScroll", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_EDGE, 8, 1}, {"CornerCoasting", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_EDGE, 8, 2}, {"VertTwoFingerScroll", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_TWOFINGER, 8, 0}, {"HorizTwoFingerScroll", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SCROLL_TWOFINGER, 8, 1}, {"MinSpeed", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 255.0, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SPEED, 0, /*float */ 0}, {"MaxSpeed", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 255.0, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SPEED, 0, /*float */ 1}, {"AccelFactor", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 1.0, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SPEED, 0, /*float */ 2}, /*{"TouchpadOff", PT_INT, 0, 2, SYNAPTICS_PROP_OFF, 8, 0},*/ {"LockedDrags", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_LOCKED_DRAGS, 8, 0}, {"LockedDragTimeout", PT_INT, 0, 30000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_LOCKED_DRAGS_TIMEOUT, 32, 0}, {"RTCornerButton", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 0}, {"RBCornerButton", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 1}, {"LTCornerButton", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 2}, {"LBCornerButton", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 3}, {"OneFingerTapButton", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 4}, {"TwoFingerTapButton", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 5}, {"ThreeFingerTapButton", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_TAP_ACTION, 8, 6}, {"ClickFinger1", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CLICK_ACTION, 8, 0}, {"ClickFinger2", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CLICK_ACTION, 8, 1}, {"ClickFinger3", PT_INT, 0, SYN_MAX_BUTTONS, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CLICK_ACTION, 8, 2}, {"CircularScrolling", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CIRCULAR_SCROLLING, 8, 0}, {"CircScrollDelta", PT_DOUBLE, .01, 3, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CIRCULAR_SCROLLING_DIST, 0 /* float */, 0}, {"CircScrollTrigger", PT_INT, 0, 8, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CIRCULAR_SCROLLING_TRIGGER, 8, 0}, {"PalmDetect", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_PALM_DETECT, 8, 0}, {"PalmMinWidth", PT_INT, 0, 15, SYNAPTICS_PROP_PALM_DIMENSIONS, 32, 0}, {"PalmMinZ", PT_INT, 0, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_PALM_DIMENSIONS, 32, 1}, {"CoastingSpeed", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_COASTING_SPEED, 0 /* float*/, 0}, {"CoastingFriction", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_COASTING_SPEED, 0 /* float*/, 1}, {"PressureMotionMinZ", PT_INT, 1, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_PRESSURE_MOTION, 32, 0}, {"PressureMotionMaxZ", PT_INT, 1, 255, SYNAPTICS_PROP_PRESSURE_MOTION, 32, 1}, {"PressureMotionMinFactor", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 10.0,SYNAPTICS_PROP_PRESSURE_MOTION_FACTOR, 0 /*float*/, 0}, {"PressureMotionMaxFactor", PT_DOUBLE, 0, 10.0,SYNAPTICS_PROP_PRESSURE_MOTION_FACTOR, 0 /*float*/, 1}, {"GrabEventDevice", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_GRAB, 8, 0}, {"TapAndDragGesture", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_GESTURES, 8, 0}, {"AreaLeftEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_AREA, 32, 0}, {"AreaRightEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_AREA, 32, 1}, {"AreaTopEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_AREA, 32, 2}, {"AreaBottomEdge", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_AREA, 32, 3}, {"HorizHysteresis", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_NOISE_CANCELLATION, 32, 0}, {"VertHysteresis", PT_INT, 0, 10000, SYNAPTICS_PROP_NOISE_CANCELLATION, 32, 1}, {"ClickPad", PT_BOOL, 0, 1, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CLICKPAD, 8, 0}, {"RightButtonAreaLeft", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 0}, {"RightButtonAreaRight", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 1}, {"RightButtonAreaTop", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 2}, {"RightButtonAreaBottom", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 3}, {"MiddleButtonAreaLeft", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 4}, {"MiddleButtonAreaRight", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 5}, {"MiddleButtonAreaTop", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 6}, {"MiddleButtonAreaBottom", PT_INT, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, SYNAPTICS_PROP_SOFTBUTTON_AREAS, 32, 7}, { NULL, PT_INT, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, 0 } }; SynapticsTouchpad::SynapticsTouchpad(Display *display, int deviceId): XlibTouchpad(display, deviceId), m_resX(1), m_resY(1) { m_capsAtom.intern(m_connection, SYNAPTICS_PROP_CAPABILITIES); m_touchpadOffAtom.intern(m_connection, SYNAPTICS_PROP_OFF); XcbAtom resolutionAtom(m_connection, SYNAPTICS_PROP_RESOLUTION); XcbAtom edgesAtom(m_connection, SYNAPTICS_PROP_EDGES); loadSupportedProperties(synapticsProperties); m_toRadians.append("CircScrollDelta"); PropertyInfo edges(m_display, m_deviceId, edgesAtom, 0); if (edges.i && edges.nitems == 4) { int w = qAbs(edges.i[1] - edges.i[0]); int h = qAbs(edges.i[3] - edges.i[2]); m_resX = w / 90; m_resY = h / 50; qDebug() << "Width: " << w << " height: " << h; qDebug() << "Approx. resX: " << m_resX << " resY: " << m_resY; } PropertyInfo resolution(m_display, m_deviceId, resolutionAtom, 0); if (resolution.i && resolution.nitems == 2 && resolution.i[0] > 1 && resolution.i[1] > 1) { m_resY = qMin(static_cast(resolution.i[0]), static_cast(INT_MAX)); m_resX = qMin(static_cast(resolution.i[1]), static_cast(INT_MAX)); qDebug() << "Touchpad resolution: x: " << m_resX << " y: " << m_resY; } m_scaleByResX.append("HorizScrollDelta"); m_scaleByResY.append("VertScrollDelta"); m_scaleByResX.append("MaxTapMove"); m_scaleByResY.append("MaxTapMove"); m_resX = qMax(10, m_resX); m_resY = qMax(10, m_resY); qDebug() << "Final resolution x:" << m_resX << " y:" << m_resY; m_negate["HorizScrollDelta"] = "InvertHorizScroll"; m_negate["VertScrollDelta"] = "InvertVertScroll"; m_supported.append(m_negate.values()); m_supported.append("Coasting"); PropertyInfo caps(m_display, m_deviceId, m_capsAtom.atom(), 0); if (!caps.b) { return; } enum TouchpadCapabilitiy { TouchpadHasLeftButton, TouchpadHasMiddleButton, TouchpadHasRightButton, TouchpadTwoFingerDetect, TouchpadThreeFingerDetect, TouchpadPressureDetect, TouchpadPalmDetect, TouchpadCapsCount }; QVector cap(TouchpadCapsCount, false); qCopy(caps.b, caps.b + qMin(cap.size(), static_cast(caps.nitems)), cap.begin()); if (!cap[TouchpadTwoFingerDetect]) { m_supported.removeAll("HorizTwoFingerScroll"); m_supported.removeAll("VertTwoFingerScroll"); m_supported.removeAll("TwoFingerTapButton"); } if (!cap[TouchpadThreeFingerDetect]) { m_supported.removeAll("ThreeFingerTapButton"); } if (!cap[TouchpadPressureDetect]) { m_supported.removeAll("FingerHigh"); m_supported.removeAll("FingerLow"); m_supported.removeAll("PalmMinZ"); m_supported.removeAll("PressureMotionMinZ"); m_supported.removeAll("PressureMotionMinFactor"); m_supported.removeAll("PressureMotionMaxZ"); m_supported.removeAll("PressureMotionMaxFactor"); m_supported.removeAll("EmulateTwoFingerMinZ"); } if (!cap[TouchpadPalmDetect]) { m_supported.removeAll("PalmDetect"); m_supported.removeAll("PalmMinWidth"); m_supported.removeAll("PalmMinZ"); m_supported.removeAll("EmulateTwoFingerMinW"); } for (QMap::Iterator i = m_negate.begin(); i != m_negate.end(); ++i) { if (!m_supported.contains(i.key())) { m_supported.removeAll(i.value()); } } m_paramList = synapticsProperties; } void SynapticsTouchpad::setTouchpadOff(int touchpadOff) { PropertyInfo off(m_display, m_deviceId, m_touchpadOffAtom.atom(), 0); if (off.b && *(off.b) != touchpadOff) { *(off.b) = touchpadOff; off.set(); } flush(); } int SynapticsTouchpad::touchpadOff() { PropertyInfo off(m_display, m_deviceId, m_touchpadOffAtom.atom(), 0); return off.value(0).toInt(); } XcbAtom &SynapticsTouchpad::touchpadOffAtom() { return m_touchpadOffAtom; } double SynapticsTouchpad::getPropertyScale(const QString &name) const { if (m_scaleByResX.contains(name) && m_scaleByResY.contains(name)) { return std::sqrt(static_cast(m_resX) * m_resX + static_cast(m_resY) * m_resY); } else if (m_scaleByResX.contains(name)) { return m_resX; } else if (m_scaleByResY.contains(name)) { return m_resY; } else if (m_toRadians.contains(name)) { return M_PI_4 / 45.0; } return 1.0; }