diff --git a/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserbrowser.cpp b/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserbrowser.cpp index 5795c2b84..d2be6816c 100644 --- a/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserbrowser.cpp +++ b/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserbrowser.cpp @@ -1,122 +1,122 @@ /*************************************************************************** componentchooserbrowser.cpp ------------------- copyright : (C) 2002 by Joseph Wenninger email : jowenn@kde.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * * published by the Free Software Foundationi * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "componentchooserbrowser.h" #include #include #include #include #include "../migrationlib/kdelibs4config.h" #include CfgBrowser::CfgBrowser(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), Ui::BrowserConfig_UI(),CfgPlugin() { setupUi(this); connect(lineExec, &KLineEdit::textChanged, this, &CfgBrowser::configChanged); connect(radioKIO, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &CfgBrowser::configChanged); connect(radioExec, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &CfgBrowser::configChanged); connect(btnSelectBrowser, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &CfgBrowser::selectBrowser); } CfgBrowser::~CfgBrowser() { } void CfgBrowser::configChanged() { emit changed(true); } void CfgBrowser::defaults() { load(0); } void CfgBrowser::load(KConfig *) { KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")), QStringLiteral("General") ); QString exec = config.readPathEntry( QStringLiteral("BrowserApplication"), QLatin1String("") ); if (exec.isEmpty()) { radioKIO->setChecked(true); m_browserExec = exec; m_browserService = 0; } else { radioExec->setChecked(true); if (exec.startsWith('!')) { m_browserExec = exec.mid(1); m_browserService = 0; } else { m_browserService = KService::serviceByStorageId( exec ); if (m_browserService) m_browserExec = m_browserService->desktopEntryName(); else m_browserExec.clear(); } } lineExec->setText(m_browserExec); emit changed(false); } void CfgBrowser::save(KConfig *) { - KSharedConfig::Ptr profile = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals"), KConfig::SimpleConfig); + KSharedConfig::Ptr profile = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")); KConfigGroup config(profile, QStringLiteral("General")); QString exec; if (radioExec->isChecked()) { exec = lineExec->text(); if (m_browserService && (exec == m_browserExec)) exec = m_browserService->storageId(); // Use service else if (!exec.isEmpty()) exec = '!' + exec; // Literal command } config.writePathEntry( QStringLiteral("BrowserApplication"), exec); // KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global config.sync(); - Kdelibs4SharedConfig::syncConfigGroup(&config, QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")); + Kdelibs4SharedConfig::syncConfigGroup(QLatin1String("General"), "kdeglobals"); KGlobalSettings::self()->emitChange(KGlobalSettings::SettingsChanged); emit changed(false); } void CfgBrowser::selectBrowser() { QList urlList; KOpenWithDialog dlg(urlList, i18n("Select preferred Web browser application:"), QString(), this); if (dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; m_browserService = dlg.service(); if (m_browserService) { m_browserExec = m_browserService->desktopEntryName(); if (m_browserExec.isEmpty()) m_browserExec = m_browserService->exec(); } else { m_browserExec = dlg.text(); } lineExec->setText(m_browserExec); } diff --git a/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserfilemanager.cpp b/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserfilemanager.cpp index a04cced88..f1b807177 100644 --- a/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserfilemanager.cpp +++ b/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserfilemanager.cpp @@ -1,142 +1,142 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2008 David Faure This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or ( at your option ) version 3 or, at the discretion of KDE e.V. ( which shall act as a proxy as in section 14 of the GPLv3 ), any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "componentchooserfilemanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../migrationlib/kdelibs4config.h" CfgFileManager::CfgFileManager(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), Ui::FileManagerConfig_UI(),CfgPlugin() { setupUi(this); connect(btnSelectFileManager, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &CfgFileManager::slotAddFileManager); } CfgFileManager::~CfgFileManager() { } void CfgFileManager::configChanged() { emit changed(true); } void CfgFileManager::defaults() { load(0); } static KService::List appOffers() { return KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query(QStringLiteral("inode/directory"), QStringLiteral("Application")); } void CfgFileManager::load(KConfig *) { qDeleteAll(mDynamicWidgets); mDynamicWidgets.clear(); const KService::List apps = appOffers(); bool first = true; Q_FOREACH(const KService::Ptr& service, apps) { QRadioButton* button = new QRadioButton(service->name(), this); connect(button, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &CfgFileManager::configChanged); button->setProperty("storageId", service->storageId()); radioLayout->addWidget(button); if (first) { button->setChecked(true); first = false; } mDynamicWidgets << button; } emit changed(false); } static const char s_DefaultApplications[] = "Default Applications"; static const char s_AddedAssociations[] = "Added Associations"; static const char s_RemovedAssociations[] = "Removed Associations"; void CfgFileManager::save(KConfig *) { QString storageId; Q_FOREACH(QRadioButton* button, qFindChildren(this)) { if (button->isChecked()) { storageId = button->property("storageId").toString(); } } kDebug() << storageId; if (!storageId.isEmpty()) { // This is taken from filetypes/mimetypedata.cpp KSharedConfig::Ptr profile = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("mimeapps.list"), KConfig::NoGlobals, QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation); if (!profile->isConfigWritable(true)) // warn user if mimeapps.list is root-owned (#155126/#94504) return; const QString mime = QStringLiteral("inode/directory"); KConfigGroup addedApps(profile, s_AddedAssociations); QStringList userApps = addedApps.readXdgListEntry(mime); userApps.removeAll(storageId); // remove if present, to make it first in the list userApps.prepend(storageId); addedApps.writeXdgListEntry(mime, userApps); // Save the default file manager as per mime-apps spec 1.0.1 KConfigGroup defaultApp(profile, s_DefaultApplications); defaultApp.writeXdgListEntry(mime, QStringList(storageId)); - Kdelibs4SharedConfig::syncConfigGroup(&addedApps, QStringLiteral("mimeapps.list")); + Kdelibs4SharedConfig::syncConfigGroup(QLatin1String("Added Associations"), QStringLiteral("mimeapps.list")); profile->sync(); // Clean out any kde-mimeapps.list which would take precedence any cancel our changes. // (also taken from filetypes/mimetypedata.cpp) const QString desktops = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP")); foreach (const QString &desktop, desktops.split(":", QString::SkipEmptyParts)) { const QString file = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation) + QLatin1Char('/') + desktop.toLower() + QLatin1String("-mimeapps.list"); if (QFileInfo::exists(file)) { qDebug() << "Cleaning up" << file; KConfig conf(file, KConfig::NoGlobals); KConfigGroup(&conf, s_DefaultApplications).deleteEntry(mime); KConfigGroup(&conf, s_AddedAssociations).deleteEntry(mime); KConfigGroup(&conf, s_RemovedAssociations).deleteEntry(mime); } } KBuildSycocaProgressDialog::rebuildKSycoca(this); } emit changed(false); } void CfgFileManager::slotAddFileManager() { KProcess proc; proc << QStringLiteral("keditfiletype5"); proc << QStringLiteral("inode/directory"); if (proc.execute() == 0) { load(0); } } diff --git a/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserterminal.cpp b/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserterminal.cpp index 36f12962c..9df33656c 100644 --- a/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserterminal.cpp +++ b/kcms/componentchooser/componentchooserterminal.cpp @@ -1,114 +1,114 @@ /*************************************************************************** componentchooser.cpp - description ------------------- copyright : (C) 2002 by Joseph Wenninger email : jowenn@kde.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License verstion 2 as * * published by the Free Software Foundation * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "componentchooserterminal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../migrationlib/kdelibs4config.h" CfgTerminalEmulator::CfgTerminalEmulator(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), Ui::TerminalEmulatorConfig_UI(), CfgPlugin() { setupUi(this); connect(terminalLE, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &CfgTerminalEmulator::configChanged); connect(terminalCB, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &CfgTerminalEmulator::configChanged); connect(otherCB, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, &CfgTerminalEmulator::configChanged); connect(btnSelectTerminal, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &CfgTerminalEmulator::selectTerminalApp); } CfgTerminalEmulator::~CfgTerminalEmulator() { } void CfgTerminalEmulator::configChanged() { emit changed(true); } void CfgTerminalEmulator::defaults() { load(0); } void CfgTerminalEmulator::load(KConfig *) { KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")), "General"); QString terminal = config.readPathEntry("TerminalApplication",QStringLiteral("konsole")); if (terminal == QLatin1String("konsole")) { terminalLE->setText(QStringLiteral("xterm")); terminalCB->setChecked(true); } else { terminalLE->setText(terminal); otherCB->setChecked(true); } emit changed(false); } void CfgTerminalEmulator::save(KConfig *) { - KSharedConfig::Ptr profile = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals"), KConfig::SimpleConfig); + KSharedConfig::Ptr profile = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")); KConfigGroup config(profile, QStringLiteral("General")); const QString terminal = terminalCB->isChecked() ? QStringLiteral("konsole") : terminalLE->text(); config.writePathEntry("TerminalApplication", terminal); // KConfig::Normal|KConfig::Global); config.sync(); - Kdelibs4SharedConfig::syncConfigGroup(&config, QStringLiteral("kdeglobals")); + Kdelibs4SharedConfig::syncConfigGroup(QLatin1String("General"), "kdeglobals"); KGlobalSettings::self()->emitChange(KGlobalSettings::SettingsChanged); QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(QStringLiteral("org.kde.klauncher5"), QStringLiteral("/KLauncher"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.KLauncher"), QStringLiteral("reparseConfiguration")); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message); emit changed(false); } void CfgTerminalEmulator::selectTerminalApp() { QList urlList; KOpenWithDialog dlg(urlList, i18n("Select preferred terminal application:"), QString(), this); // hide "Run in &terminal" here, we don't need it for a Terminal Application dlg.hideRunInTerminal(); if (dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; QString client = dlg.text(); if (!client.isEmpty()) { terminalLE->setText(client); } } // vim: sw=4 ts=4 noet diff --git a/kcms/input/mouse.cpp b/kcms/input/mouse.cpp index f7d030f26..3b1f4dda8 100644 --- a/kcms/input/mouse.cpp +++ b/kcms/input/mouse.cpp @@ -1,762 +1,763 @@ /* * mouse.cpp * * Copyright (c) 1997 Patrick Dowler dowler@morgul.fsh.uvic.ca * * Layout management, enhancements: * Copyright (c) 1999 Dirk A. Mueller * * SC/DC/AutoSelect/ChangeCursor: * Copyright (c) 2000 David Faure * * Double click interval, drag time & dist * Copyright (c) 2000 Bernd Gehrmann * * Large cursor support * Visual activation TODO: speed * Copyright (c) 2000 Rik Hemsley * * White cursor support * TODO: give user the option to choose a certain cursor font * -> Theming * * General/Advanced tabs * Copyright (c) 2000 Brad Hughes * * redesign for KDE 2.2 * Copyright (c) 2001 Ralf Nolden * * Logitech mouse support * Copyright (C) 2004 Brad Hards * * Requires the Qt widget libraries, available at no cost at * http://www.troll.no/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #undef Below #undef Above #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mouse.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef Below #include "../migrationlib/kdelibs4config.h" K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(MouseConfigFactory, registerPlugin(); // mouse ) K_EXPORT_PLUGIN(MouseConfigFactory("kcminput")) MouseConfig::MouseConfig(QWidget *parent, const QVariantList &args) : KCModule(parent, args) { setQuickHelp( i18n("


This module allows you to choose various" " options for the way in which your pointing device works. Your" " pointing device may be a mouse, trackball, or some other hardware" " that performs a similar function.")); QString wtstr; QBoxLayout *top = new QVBoxLayout(this); top->setMargin(0); tabwidget = new QTabWidget(this); top->addWidget(tabwidget); generalTab = new KMouseDlg(this); QButtonGroup *group = new QButtonGroup( generalTab ); group->setExclusive( true ); group->addButton( generalTab->singleClick ); group->addButton( generalTab->doubleClick ); tabwidget->addTab(generalTab, i18n("&General")); group = new QButtonGroup( generalTab ); group->setExclusive( true ); group->addButton( generalTab->rightHanded,RIGHT_HANDED ); group->addButton( generalTab->leftHanded,LEFT_HANDED ); connect(group, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(group, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(slotHandedChanged(int))); wtstr = i18n("If you are left-handed, you may prefer to swap the" " functions of the left and right buttons on your pointing device" " by choosing the 'left-handed' option. If your pointing device" " has more than two buttons, only those that function as the" " left and right buttons are affected. For example, if you have" " a three-button mouse, the middle button is unaffected."); generalTab->handedBox->setWhatsThis( wtstr ); connect(generalTab->doubleClick, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(changed())); wtstr = i18n("The default behavior in KDE is to select and activate" " icons with a single click of the left button on your pointing" " device. This behavior is consistent with what you would expect" " when you click links in most web browsers. If you would prefer" " to select with a single click, and activate with a double click," " check this option."); generalTab->doubleClick->setWhatsThis( wtstr ); wtstr = i18n("Activates and opens a file or folder with a single click."); generalTab->singleClick->setWhatsThis( wtstr ); connect(generalTab->singleClick, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changed())); // Only allow setting reversing scroll polarity if we have scroll buttons unsigned char map[20]; if ( XGetPointerMapping(QX11Info::display(), map, 20) >= 5 ) { generalTab->cbScrollPolarity->setEnabled( true ); generalTab->cbScrollPolarity->show(); } else { generalTab->cbScrollPolarity->setEnabled( false ); generalTab->cbScrollPolarity->hide(); } connect(generalTab->cbScrollPolarity, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(generalTab->cbScrollPolarity, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotScrollPolarityChanged())); // Advanced tab advancedTab = new QWidget(0); advancedTab->setObjectName("Advanced Tab"); tabwidget->addTab(advancedTab, i18n("Advanced")); QFormLayout *lay = new QFormLayout(advancedTab); accel = new KDoubleNumInput(0.1, 20, 2, advancedTab, 0.1, 1); accel->setSuffix(i18n(" x")); lay->addRow(i18n("Pointer acceleration:"), accel); connect(accel, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(changed())); wtstr = i18n("

This option allows you to change the relationship" " between the distance that the mouse pointer moves on the" " screen and the relative movement of the physical device" " itself (which may be a mouse, trackball, or some other" " pointing device.)

" " A high value for the acceleration will lead to large" " movements of the mouse pointer on the screen even when" " you only make a small movement with the physical device." " Selecting very high values may result in the mouse pointer" " flying across the screen, making it hard to control.

"); accel->setWhatsThis( wtstr ); thresh = new KIntNumInput(20, advancedTab); thresh->setRange(0,20,1); thresh->setSteps(1,1); lay->addRow(i18n("Pointer threshold:"), thresh); connect(thresh, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(thresh, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotThreshChanged(int))); slotThreshChanged(thresh->value()); wtstr = i18n("

The threshold is the smallest distance that the" " mouse pointer must move on the screen before acceleration" " has any effect. If the movement is smaller than the threshold," " the mouse pointer moves as if the acceleration was set to 1X;

" " thus, when you make small movements with the physical device," " there is no acceleration at all, giving you a greater degree" " of control over the mouse pointer. With larger movements of" " the physical device, you can move the mouse pointer" " rapidly to different areas on the screen.

"); thresh->setWhatsThis( wtstr ); // It would be nice if the user had a test field. // Selecting such values in milliseconds is not intuitive doubleClickInterval = new KIntNumInput(2000, advancedTab); doubleClickInterval->setRange(0, 2000, 100); doubleClickInterval->setSuffix(i18n(" msec")); doubleClickInterval->setSteps(100, 100); lay->addRow(i18n("Double click interval:"), doubleClickInterval); connect(doubleClickInterval, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); wtstr = i18n("The double click interval is the maximal time" " (in milliseconds) between two mouse clicks which" " turns them into a double click. If the second" " click happens later than this time interval after" " the first click, they are recognized as two" " separate clicks."); doubleClickInterval->setWhatsThis( wtstr ); dragStartTime = new KIntNumInput(2000, advancedTab); dragStartTime->setRange(0, 2000, 100); dragStartTime->setSuffix(i18n(" msec")); dragStartTime->setSteps(100, 100); lay->addRow(i18n("Drag start time:"), dragStartTime); connect(dragStartTime, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); wtstr = i18n("If you click with the mouse (e.g. in a multi-line" " editor) and begin to move the mouse within the" " drag start time, a drag operation will be initiated."); dragStartTime->setWhatsThis( wtstr ); dragStartDist = new KIntNumInput(20, advancedTab); dragStartDist->setRange(1, 20, 1); dragStartDist->setSteps(1,1); lay->addRow(i18n("Drag start distance:"), dragStartDist); connect(dragStartDist, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(dragStartDist, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotDragStartDistChanged(int))); slotDragStartDistChanged(dragStartDist->value()); wtstr = i18n("If you click with the mouse and begin to move the" " mouse at least the drag start distance, a drag" " operation will be initiated."); dragStartDist->setWhatsThis( wtstr ); wheelScrollLines = new KIntNumInput(3, advancedTab); wheelScrollLines->setRange(1, 12, 1); wheelScrollLines->setSteps(1,1); lay->addRow(i18n("Mouse wheel scrolls by:"), wheelScrollLines); connect(wheelScrollLines, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(wheelScrollLines, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotWheelScrollLinesChanged(int))); slotWheelScrollLinesChanged(wheelScrollLines->value()); wtstr = i18n("If you use the wheel of a mouse, this value determines the number of lines to scroll for each wheel movement. Note that if this number exceeds the number of visible lines, it will be ignored and the wheel movement will be handled as a page up/down movement."); wheelScrollLines->setWhatsThis(wtstr); { QWidget *mouse = new QWidget(this); mouse->setObjectName("Mouse Navigation"); tabwidget->addTab(mouse, i18n("Mouse Navigation")); QFormLayout *form = new QFormLayout(mouse); mouseKeys = new QCheckBox(i18n("&Move pointer with keyboard (using the num pad)"), mouse); form->addRow(mouseKeys); mk_delay = new KIntNumInput(mouse); mk_delay->setRange(1, 1000, 50); mk_delay->setSuffix(i18n(" msec")); form->addRow(i18n("&Acceleration delay:"), mk_delay); mk_interval = new KIntNumInput(0, mouse); mk_interval->setRange(1, 1000, 10); mk_interval->setSuffix(i18n(" msec")); form->addRow(i18n("R&epeat interval:"), mk_interval); mk_time_to_max = new KIntNumInput(0, mouse); mk_time_to_max->setRange(100, 10000, 200); mk_time_to_max->setSuffix(i18n(" msec")); form->addRow(i18n("Acceleration &time:"), mk_time_to_max); mk_max_speed = new KIntNumInput(0, mouse); mk_max_speed->setRange(1, 2000, 20); mk_max_speed->setSuffix(i18n(" pixel/sec")); form->addRow(i18n("Ma&ximum speed:"), mk_max_speed); mk_curve = new KIntNumInput(0, mouse); mk_curve->setRange(-1000, 1000, 100); form->addRow(i18n("Acceleration &profile:"), mk_curve); connect(mouseKeys, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(checkAccess())); connect(mouseKeys, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(mk_delay, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(mk_interval, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(mk_time_to_max, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(mk_max_speed, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); connect(mk_curve, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changed())); } settings = new MouseSettings; KAboutData* about = new KAboutData(QStringLiteral("kcmmouse"), i18n("Mouse"), QStringLiteral("1.0"), QString(), KAboutLicense::GPL, i18n("(c) 1997 - 2005 Mouse developers")); about->addAuthor(i18n("Patrick Dowler")); about->addAuthor(i18n("Dirk A. Mueller")); about->addAuthor(i18n("David Faure")); about->addAuthor(i18n("Bernd Gehrmann")); about->addAuthor(i18n("Rik Hemsley")); about->addAuthor(i18n("Brad Hughes")); about->addAuthor(i18n("Ralf Nolden")); about->addAuthor(i18n("Brad Hards")); setAboutData( about ); } void MouseConfig::checkAccess() { mk_delay->setEnabled(mouseKeys->isChecked()); mk_interval->setEnabled(mouseKeys->isChecked()); mk_time_to_max->setEnabled(mouseKeys->isChecked()); mk_max_speed->setEnabled(mouseKeys->isChecked()); mk_curve->setEnabled(mouseKeys->isChecked()); } MouseConfig::~MouseConfig() { delete settings; } double MouseConfig::getAccel() { return accel->value(); } void MouseConfig::setAccel(double val) { accel->setValue(val); } int MouseConfig::getThreshold() { return thresh->value(); } void MouseConfig::setThreshold(int val) { thresh->setValue(val); } int MouseConfig::getHandedness() { if (generalTab->rightHanded->isChecked()) return RIGHT_HANDED; else return LEFT_HANDED; } void MouseConfig::setHandedness(int val) { generalTab->rightHanded->setChecked(false); generalTab->leftHanded->setChecked(false); if (val == RIGHT_HANDED){ generalTab->rightHanded->setChecked(true); generalTab->mousePix->setPixmap(KStandardDirs::locate("data", "kcminput/pics/mouse_rh.png")); } else{ generalTab->leftHanded->setChecked(true); generalTab->mousePix->setPixmap(KStandardDirs::locate("data", "kcminput/pics/mouse_lh.png")); } settings->m_handedNeedsApply = true; } void MouseConfig::load() { KConfig config( "kcminputrc" ); settings->load(&config); generalTab->rightHanded->setEnabled(settings->handedEnabled); generalTab->leftHanded->setEnabled(settings->handedEnabled); if ( generalTab->cbScrollPolarity->isEnabled() ) generalTab->cbScrollPolarity->setEnabled(settings->handedEnabled); generalTab->cbScrollPolarity->setChecked( settings->reverseScrollPolarity ); setAccel(settings->accelRate); setThreshold(settings->thresholdMove); setHandedness(settings->handed); doubleClickInterval->setValue(settings->doubleClickInterval); dragStartTime->setValue(settings->dragStartTime); dragStartDist->setValue(settings->dragStartDist); wheelScrollLines->setValue(settings->wheelScrollLines); generalTab->singleClick->setChecked( settings->singleClick ); generalTab->doubleClick->setChecked(!settings->singleClick); KConfig ac("kaccessrc"); KConfigGroup group = ac.group("Mouse"); mouseKeys->setChecked(group.readEntry("MouseKeys", false)); mk_delay->setValue(group.readEntry("MKDelay", 160)); int interval = group.readEntry("MKInterval", 5); mk_interval->setValue(interval); // Default time to reach maximum speed: 5000 msec int time_to_max = group.readEntry("MKTimeToMax", (5000+interval/2)/interval); time_to_max = group.readEntry("MK-TimeToMax", time_to_max*interval); mk_time_to_max->setValue(time_to_max); // Default maximum speed: 1000 pixels/sec // (The old default maximum speed from KDE <= 3.4 // (100000 pixels/sec) was way too fast) long max_speed = group.readEntry("MKMaxSpeed", interval); max_speed = max_speed * 1000 / interval; if (max_speed > 2000) max_speed = 2000; max_speed = group.readEntry("MK-MaxSpeed", int(max_speed)); mk_max_speed->setValue(max_speed); mk_curve->setValue(group.readEntry("MKCurve", 0)); checkAccess(); emit changed(false); } void MouseConfig::save() { settings->accelRate = getAccel(); settings->thresholdMove = getThreshold(); settings->handed = getHandedness(); settings->doubleClickInterval = doubleClickInterval->value(); settings->dragStartTime = dragStartTime->value(); settings->dragStartDist = dragStartDist->value(); settings->wheelScrollLines = wheelScrollLines->value(); settings->singleClick = !generalTab->doubleClick->isChecked(); settings->reverseScrollPolarity = generalTab->cbScrollPolarity->isChecked(); settings->apply(); - KConfig config( "kcminputrc", KConfig::SimpleConfig ); + KConfig config( "kcminputrc" ); settings->save(&config); - KConfig ac("kaccessrc", KConfig::SimpleConfig); + KConfig ac("kaccessrc"); KConfigGroup group = ac.group("Mouse"); int interval = mk_interval->value(); group.writeEntry("MouseKeys", mouseKeys->isChecked()); group.writeEntry("MKDelay", mk_delay->value()); group.writeEntry("MKInterval", interval); group.writeEntry("MK-TimeToMax", mk_time_to_max->value()); group.writeEntry("MKTimeToMax", (mk_time_to_max->value() + interval/2)/interval); group.writeEntry("MK-MaxSpeed", mk_max_speed->value()); group.writeEntry("MKMaxSpeed", (mk_max_speed->value()*interval + 500)/1000); group.writeEntry("MKCurve", mk_curve->value()); group.sync(); group.writeEntry("MKCurve", mk_curve->value()); // restart kaccess KToolInvocation::startServiceByDesktopName("kaccess"); emit changed(false); } void MouseConfig::defaults() { setThreshold(2); setAccel(2); setHandedness(RIGHT_HANDED); generalTab->cbScrollPolarity->setChecked( false ); doubleClickInterval->setValue(400); dragStartTime->setValue(500); dragStartDist->setValue(4); wheelScrollLines->setValue(3); generalTab->doubleClick->setChecked( !KDE_DEFAULT_SINGLECLICK ); generalTab->singleClick->setChecked( KDE_DEFAULT_SINGLECLICK ); mouseKeys->setChecked(false); mk_delay->setValue(160); mk_interval->setValue(5); mk_time_to_max->setValue(5000); mk_max_speed->setValue(1000); mk_curve->setValue(0); checkAccess(); changed(); } /** No descriptions */ void MouseConfig::slotHandedChanged(int val){ if(val==RIGHT_HANDED) generalTab->mousePix->setPixmap(KStandardDirs::locate("data", "kcminput/pics/mouse_rh.png")); else generalTab->mousePix->setPixmap(KStandardDirs::locate("data", "kcminput/pics/mouse_lh.png")); settings->m_handedNeedsApply = true; } void MouseSettings::load(KConfig *config, Display *dpy) { int accel_num, accel_den, threshold; double accel; XGetPointerControl( dpy, &accel_num, &accel_den, &threshold ); accel = float(accel_num) / float(accel_den); // get settings from X server int h = RIGHT_HANDED; unsigned char map[20]; num_buttons = XGetPointerMapping(dpy, map, 20); handedEnabled = true; // ## keep this in sync with KGlobalSettings::mouseSettings if( num_buttons == 1 ) { /* disable button remapping */ handedEnabled = false; } else if( num_buttons == 2 ) { if ( (int)map[0] == 1 && (int)map[1] == 2 ) h = RIGHT_HANDED; else if ( (int)map[0] == 2 && (int)map[1] == 1 ) h = LEFT_HANDED; else /* custom button setup: disable button remapping */ handedEnabled = false; } else { middle_button = (int)map[1]; if ( (int)map[0] == 1 && (int)map[2] == 3 ) h = RIGHT_HANDED; else if ( (int)map[0] == 3 && (int)map[2] == 1 ) h = LEFT_HANDED; else { /* custom button setup: disable button remapping */ handedEnabled = false; } } KConfigGroup group = config->group("Mouse"); double a = group.readEntry("Acceleration",-1.0); if (a == -1) accelRate = accel; else accelRate = a; int t = group.readEntry("Threshold",-1); if (t == -1) thresholdMove = threshold; else thresholdMove = t; QString key = group.readEntry("MouseButtonMapping"); if (key == "RightHanded") handed = RIGHT_HANDED; else if (key == "LeftHanded") handed = LEFT_HANDED; #ifdef __GNUC__ #warning was key == NULL how was this working? is key.isNull() what the coder meant? #endif else if (key.isNull()) handed = h; reverseScrollPolarity = group.readEntry( "ReverseScrollPolarity", false); m_handedNeedsApply = false; // SC/DC/AutoSelect/ChangeCursor group = config->group("KDE"); doubleClickInterval = group.readEntry("DoubleClickInterval", 400); dragStartTime = group.readEntry("StartDragTime", 500); dragStartDist = group.readEntry("StartDragDist", 4); wheelScrollLines = group.readEntry("WheelScrollLines", 3); singleClick = group.readEntry("SingleClick", KDE_DEFAULT_SINGLECLICK); } void MouseConfig::slotThreshChanged(int value) { thresh->setSuffix(i18np(" pixel", " pixels", value)); } void MouseConfig::slotDragStartDistChanged(int value) { dragStartDist->setSuffix(i18np(" pixel", " pixels", value)); } void MouseConfig::slotWheelScrollLinesChanged(int value) { wheelScrollLines->setSuffix(i18np(" line", " lines", value)); } void MouseSettings::apply(bool force) { if (!QX11Info::isPlatformX11()) { return; } XChangePointerControl( QX11Info::display(), true, true, int(qRound(accelRate*10)), 10, thresholdMove); // 256 might seems extreme, but X has already been known to return 32, // and we don't want to truncate things. Xlib limits the table to 256 bytes, // so it's a good uper bound.. unsigned char map[256]; num_buttons = XGetPointerMapping(QX11Info::display(), map, 256); int remap=(num_buttons>=1); if (handedEnabled && (m_handedNeedsApply || force)) { if( num_buttons == 1 ) { map[0] = (unsigned char) 1; } else if( num_buttons == 2 ) { if (handed == RIGHT_HANDED) { map[0] = (unsigned char) 1; map[1] = (unsigned char) 3; } else { map[0] = (unsigned char) 3; map[1] = (unsigned char) 1; } } else // 3 buttons and more { if (handed == RIGHT_HANDED) { map[0] = (unsigned char) 1; map[1] = (unsigned char) middle_button; map[2] = (unsigned char) 3; } else { map[0] = (unsigned char) 3; map[1] = (unsigned char) middle_button; map[2] = (unsigned char) 1; } } int retval; if (remap) while ((retval=XSetPointerMapping(QX11Info::display(), map, num_buttons)) == MappingBusy) /* keep trying until the pointer is free */ { }; // apply reverseScrollPolarity Display *dpy = QX11Info::display(); Atom prop_wheel_emulation = XInternAtom(dpy, EVDEV_PROP_WHEEL, True); Atom prop_scroll_distance = XInternAtom(dpy, EVDEV_PROP_SCROLL_DISTANCE, True); Atom prop_wheel_emulation_axes = XInternAtom(dpy, EVDEV_PROP_WHEEL_AXES, True); int ndevices_return; XIDeviceInfo *info = XIQueryDevice(dpy, XIAllDevices, &ndevices_return); for (int i = 0; i < ndevices_return; ++i) { if ((info + i)->use == XISlavePointer) { int deviceid = (info + i)->deviceid; Status status; Atom type_return; int format_return; unsigned long num_items_return; unsigned long bytes_after_return; unsigned char *data = nullptr; unsigned char *data2 = nullptr; //data returned is an 1 byte boolean status = XIGetProperty(dpy, deviceid, prop_wheel_emulation, 0, 1, False, XA_INTEGER, &type_return, &format_return, &num_items_return, &bytes_after_return, &data); if (status != Success) { continue; } // pointer device without wheel emulation if (type_return != XA_INTEGER || data == NULL || *data == False) { status = XIGetProperty(dpy, deviceid, prop_scroll_distance, 0, 3, False, XA_INTEGER, &type_return, &format_return, &num_items_return, &bytes_after_return, &data2); // negate scroll distance if (status == Success && type_return == XA_INTEGER && format_return == 32 && num_items_return == 3) { int32_t *vals = (int32_t*)data2; for (unsigned long i=0; igroup("Mouse"); - group.writeEntry("Acceleration",accelRate); - group.writeEntry("Threshold",thresholdMove); + KSharedConfig::Ptr kcminputProfile = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kcminputrc"); + KConfigGroup kcminputGroup(kcminputProfile, "Mouse"); + kcminputGroup.writeEntry("Acceleration",accelRate); + kcminputGroup.writeEntry("Threshold",thresholdMove); if (handed == RIGHT_HANDED) - group.writeEntry("MouseButtonMapping",QString("RightHanded")); + kcminputGroup.writeEntry("MouseButtonMapping",QString("RightHanded")); else - group.writeEntry("MouseButtonMapping",QString("LeftHanded")); - group.writeEntry( "ReverseScrollPolarity", reverseScrollPolarity ); + kcminputGroup.writeEntry("MouseButtonMapping",QString("LeftHanded")); + kcminputGroup.writeEntry( "ReverseScrollPolarity", reverseScrollPolarity ); - Kdelibs4SharedConfig::syncConfigGroup(&group, "kinputrc"); + Kdelibs4SharedConfig::syncConfigGroup(QLatin1String("Mouse"), "kcminputrc"); - KSharedConfig::Ptr profile = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeglobals", KConfig::SimpleConfig); - group = KConfigGroup(profile, "KDE"); + KSharedConfig::Ptr profile = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeglobals"); + KConfigGroup group(profile, "KDE"); group.writeEntry("DoubleClickInterval", doubleClickInterval, KConfig::Persistent); group.writeEntry("StartDragTime", dragStartTime, KConfig::Persistent); group.writeEntry("StartDragDist", dragStartDist, KConfig::Persistent); group.writeEntry("WheelScrollLines", wheelScrollLines, KConfig::Persistent); group.writeEntry("SingleClick", singleClick, KConfig::Persistent); - Kdelibs4SharedConfig::syncConfigGroup(&group, "kdeglobals"); + Kdelibs4SharedConfig::syncConfigGroup(QLatin1String("KDE"), "kdeglobals"); group.sync(); config->sync(); KGlobalSettings::self()->emitChange(KGlobalSettings::SettingsChanged, KGlobalSettings::SETTINGS_MOUSE); } void MouseConfig::slotScrollPolarityChanged() { settings->m_handedNeedsApply = true; } #include "mouse.moc" diff --git a/kcms/migrationlib/kdelibs4config.h b/kcms/migrationlib/kdelibs4config.h index bb2dca241..a2f4139e5 100644 --- a/kcms/migrationlib/kdelibs4config.h +++ b/kcms/migrationlib/kdelibs4config.h @@ -1,44 +1,41 @@ /* * * Copyright (C) 2014 David Edmundson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include #include #include class Kdelibs4SharedConfig { public: - static KSharedConfig::Ptr openConfig(const QString &fileName, KConfig::OpenFlags mode=KConfig::SimpleConfig) + static void syncConfigGroup(const QLatin1String &sourceGroup, const QString &fileName) { Kdelibs4Migration migration; QString configDirPath = migration.saveLocation("config"); - return KSharedConfig::openConfig(configDirPath + '/' + fileName); - } - - static void syncConfigGroup(KConfigGroup *sourceGroup, const QString &fileName) - { - KSharedConfigPtr kde4Config = openConfig(fileName); - KConfigGroup kde4ConfigGroup = kde4Config->group(sourceGroup->name()); - sourceGroup->copyTo(&kde4ConfigGroup); + KSharedConfigPtr kde4Config = KSharedConfig::openConfig(configDirPath + '/' + fileName); + KSharedConfigPtr simpleConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeglobals", KConfig::SimpleConfig); + KConfigGroup simpleConfigGroup(simpleConfig, sourceGroup); + KConfigGroup kde4ConfigGroup = kde4Config->group(sourceGroup); + simpleConfigGroup.copyTo(&kde4ConfigGroup); kde4ConfigGroup.sync(); } };