diff --git a/doc/kcontrol/fonts/index.docbook b/doc/kcontrol/fonts/index.docbook index 8d5e948fb..a3934f9ff 100644 --- a/doc/kcontrol/fonts/index.docbook +++ b/doc/kcontrol/fonts/index.docbook @@ -1,153 +1,153 @@ ]>
Fonts &Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail; &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf; &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail; 2018-03-24 Plasma 5.12 KDE KControl fonts Fonts This module is designed to allow you to easily select different fonts for different parts of the &kde; Desktop. Here's a screenshot of the fonts settings module The fonts settings module The panel consists of different font groups to give you a lot of flexibility in configuring your fonts: General: Used everywhere when the other font groups do not apply Fixed width: Anywhere a non-proportional font is specified Small: When small fonts are used Toolbar: Font used in &kde; application toolbars Menu: Font used in &kde; application menus Window title: Font used in the window title Taskbar: Font used in the taskbar panel applet Desktop: Font used on the desktop to label icons Each font has a corresponding Choose... button. By clicking on this button, a dialog box appears. You can use this dialog box to choose a new font, a font style and size. Then press Ok. An example of the font you have chosen will be displayed in the space between the font group name and the Choose... button. When you are done, simply click OK and all the necessary components of &kde; will be restarted so your changes can take affect immediately. The Adjust All Fonts... button allows you to quickly set properties for all the fonts selected above. A font selection dialog similar to the standard one will appear, but you will notice checkboxes that allow you to change the Font, Font style or Size independently of each other. You can choose any one, two, or three of these options, and they will be applied to all the font groups. Adjusting all fonts The Adjust All Fonts... dialog For example, if you have selected several different font faces above, and realize they are all a size too big (this often happens when you change screen resolution, for instance), you can apply a new font size to all the fonts, without affecting your customized font faces and styles. Anti-aliasing text Default anti-aliasing settings are those used system wide by your distribution and labelled Vendor Default. You can disable all anti-aliasing by choosing Disabled in the drop down box. To use different anti-aliasing setting, simply choose Enabled from the box on the right of Use anti-aliasing: and enable the custom settings. Placing a mark in the Exclude range: checkbox will allow you to specify which range of fonts will not be anti-aliased. This range is specified with the two combo boxes below. You can also choose the method used to create an anti-alias look to your fonts, and how strongly it should be applied changing the Sub-pixel rendering and -font hintig. If you are not familiar with the individual methods, +font hinting. If you are not familiar with the individual methods, you should leave this option alone. The ability to use anti-aliased fonts and icons requires that you have support in both the display server and the &Qt; toolkit, that you have suitable fonts installed, and that you are using the built-in font serving capabilities of the display server. If you still are having problems, please contact the appropriate &kde; mailing list. Fonts DPI Force fonts DPI: proposes you an alternate DPI other than your system one which is used as default when this setting is on Disabled. You can check what DPI your X server is set to by running xdpyinfo | grep resolution in a terminal window and then change the DPI using the drop down box. This will be applied to newly started applications only.
diff --git a/doc/kcontrol/kcmnotify/index.docbook b/doc/kcontrol/kcmnotify/index.docbook index 741141211..d69d66243 100644 --- a/doc/kcontrol/kcmnotify/index.docbook +++ b/doc/kcontrol/kcmnotify/index.docbook @@ -1,117 +1,117 @@ ]>
System Notification Settings &Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail; 2018-03-25 Plasma 5.12 KDE Systemsettings system notification notification System Notification Settings &plasma;, like all applications, needs to inform the user when a problem occurs, a task is completed, or something has happened. &plasma; uses a set of System Notifications to keep the user informed on what is happening. Using this module, you can determine what &plasma; does to communicate each event. To configure a notification, simply select the application from the drop down box at the top of the dialog labeled Event source:. This will lead to a list of all configurable notifications for the application. The list of notifications includes 6 columns to the left of the notification name. These columns (from left to right) are: Play a sound This does exactly what you think it does. If an icon is present in this column, &plasma; will play a specific sound over the speakers. This is commonly used by games in &plasma; for starting a new game, or other action within the game. Show a message in a pop up If an icon is present in this column, &plasma; will open a message box and inform the user of the notification. This is probably the most commonly selected option for alerting users to an error. Log to a file If an icon is present in this column, &plasma; will write certain information to a file on disk for later retrieval. This is useful for tracking problems or important system changes. Mark taskbar entry If an icon is present in this column, &plasma; will cause the taskbar to flash until the user has clicked the taskbar entry. This is most useful when you want the user to look at the program (such as a new email message was received, or the users name was said on an IRC channel). Run command If an icon is present in this column, a separate program will be executed when this notification is performed. This can be used to execute a program to help restore data, shutdown a potentially compromised system or email another user to alert them to a problem. -If you want to remove sound notifications from all applications with a single click use Disable all sounds for all event sources +If you want to remove sound notifications from all applications with a single click use Disable all sounds for all of these events Change a notification To make a change to a notification, click on the name of the notification once with the &LMB;. The notification will be highlighted and the checkboxes for all notification types are enabled. You can have more than one event triggered by a single notification. As an example, it is easy to have a sound played and a message box appear in response to a system notification. One notification does not prevent other notifications from operating. The following list details each of the notification types and how to use them. Play a sound If a mark is in this checkbox, &plasma; will play a sound everytime this notification is initiated. To specify the sound, use the text box to the right of the checkbox to enter the folder location of the sound file you want &plasma; to play. You can use the folder button (located to the far right of the dialog box) to browse your directory tree. To hear a test of your sound, simply click on the play button (small button directly to the right of Play a sound.) Show a message in a pop up If a mark is in this checkbox, &plasma; will open a message box and inform the user of the notification. The text of the box can not be changed from this dialog. Log to a file If a mark is in this checkbox, &plasma; will write certain information to a file on disk for later retrieval. To specify the log file to use, enter the pathname in the text box to the right of the checkbox. You can use the folder button (located to the far right of the dialog box) to browse your directory tree. Mark taskbar entry If a mark is in this checkbox, &plasma; will cause the taskbar of the program sending the notification to flash until the user has clicked the taskbar entry. Run command If a mark is in this checkbox, a separate program will be executed when this notification is performed. To specify the program to execute, enter the pathname in the text box to the right of the checkbox. You can use the folder button (located to the far right of the dialog box) to browse your directory tree. You can use the icon columns (located to the left of the notifications) to quickly select or deselect the options. Clicking in the column with the &LMB; will toggle the notification on and off.