diff --git a/applet/contents/ui/main.qml b/applet/contents/ui/main.qml index a8cd62a..0a371d9 100644 --- a/applet/contents/ui/main.qml +++ b/applet/contents/ui/main.qml @@ -1,415 +1,426 @@ /* Copyright 2014-2015 Harald Sitter This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0 import org.kde.plasma.private.volume 0.1 import "../code/icon.js" as Icon Item { id: main property bool volumeFeedback: Plasmoid.configuration.volumeFeedback property int maxVolumePercent: Plasmoid.configuration.maximumVolume property int maxVolumeValue: Math.round(maxVolumePercent * PulseAudio.NormalVolume / 100.0) property int volumeStep: Math.round(Plasmoid.configuration.volumeStep * PulseAudio.NormalVolume / 100.0) property string displayName: i18n("Audio Volume") property QtObject draggedStream: null Layout.minimumHeight: units.gridUnit * 12 Layout.minimumWidth: units.gridUnit * 12 Layout.preferredHeight: units.gridUnit * 20 Layout.preferredWidth: units.gridUnit * 20 Plasmoid.icon: sinkModel.preferredSink ? Icon.name(sinkModel.preferredSink.volume, sinkModel.preferredSink.muted) : Icon.name(0, true) Plasmoid.switchWidth: units.gridUnit * 12 Plasmoid.switchHeight: units.gridUnit * 12 - Plasmoid.toolTipMainText: displayName - Plasmoid.toolTipSubText: sinkModel.preferredSink ? i18n("Volume at %1%\n%2", volumePercent(sinkModel.preferredSink.volume), sinkModel.preferredSink.description) : "" + Plasmoid.toolTipMainText: { + var sink = sinkModel.preferredSink; + if (!sink) { + return displayName; + } + + if (sink.muted) { + return i18n("Audio Muted"); + } else { + return i18n("Volume at %1%", volumePercent(sink.volume)); + } + } + Plasmoid.toolTipSubText: sinkModel.preferredSink ? sinkModel.preferredSink.description : "" function boundVolume(volume) { return Math.max(PulseAudio.MinimalVolume, Math.min(volume, maxVolumeValue)); } function volumePercent(volume, max) { if (!max) { max = PulseAudio.NormalVolume; } return Math.round(volume / max * 100.0); } function increaseVolume() { if (!sinkModel.preferredSink) { return; } var volume = boundVolume(sinkModel.preferredSink.volume + volumeStep); var percent = volumePercent(volume, maxVolumeValue); sinkModel.preferredSink.muted = percent == 0; sinkModel.preferredSink.volume = volume; osd.show(percent); playFeedback(); } function decreaseVolume() { if (!sinkModel.preferredSink) { return; } var volume = boundVolume(sinkModel.preferredSink.volume - volumeStep); var percent = volumePercent(volume, maxVolumeValue); sinkModel.preferredSink.muted = percent == 0; sinkModel.preferredSink.volume = volume; osd.show(percent); playFeedback(); } function muteVolume() { if (!sinkModel.preferredSink) { return; } var toMute = !sinkModel.preferredSink.muted; sinkModel.preferredSink.muted = toMute; osd.show(toMute ? 0 : volumePercent(sinkModel.preferredSink.volume, maxVolumeValue)); playFeedback(); } function increaseMicrophoneVolume() { if (!sourceModel.defaultSource) { return; } var volume = boundVolume(sourceModel.defaultSource.volume + volumeStep); var percent = volumePercent(volume); sourceModel.defaultSource.muted = percent == 0; sourceModel.defaultSource.volume = volume; osd.showMicrophone(percent); } function decreaseMicrophoneVolume() { if (!sourceModel.defaultSource) { return; } var volume = boundVolume(sourceModel.defaultSource.volume - volumeStep); var percent = volumePercent(volume); sourceModel.defaultSource.muted = percent == 0; sourceModel.defaultSource.volume = volume; osd.showMicrophone(percent); } function muteMicrophone() { if (!sourceModel.defaultSource) { return; } var toMute = !sourceModel.defaultSource.muted; sourceModel.defaultSource.muted = toMute; osd.showMicrophone(toMute? 0 : volumePercent(sourceModel.defaultSource.volume)); } function beginMoveStream(type, stream) { if (type == "sink") { sourceView.visible = false; sourceViewHeader.visible = false; } else if (type == "source") { sinkView.visible = false; sinkViewHeader.visible = false; } tabBar.currentTab = devicesTab; } function endMoveStream() { tabBar.currentTab = streamsTab; sourceView.visible = true; sourceViewHeader.visible = true; sinkView.visible = true; sinkViewHeader.visible = true; } function playFeedback(sinkIndex) { if (!volumeFeedback) { return; } if (!sinkIndex) { sinkIndex = sinkModel.preferredSink.cardIndex; } feedback.play(sinkIndex); } Plasmoid.compactRepresentation: PlasmaCore.IconItem { source: plasmoid.icon active: mouseArea.containsMouse colorGroup: PlasmaCore.ColorScope.colorGroup MouseArea { id: mouseArea property int wheelDelta: 0 property bool wasExpanded: false anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.MiddleButton onPressed: { if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) { wasExpanded = plasmoid.expanded; } else if (mouse.button == Qt.MiddleButton) { muteVolume(); } } onClicked: { if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) { plasmoid.expanded = !wasExpanded; } } onWheel: { var delta = wheel.angleDelta.y || wheel.angleDelta.x; wheelDelta += delta; // Magic number 120 for common "one click" // See: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-wheelevent.html#angleDelta-prop while (wheelDelta >= 120) { wheelDelta -= 120; increaseVolume(); } while (wheelDelta <= -120) { wheelDelta += 120; decreaseVolume(); } } } } GlobalActionCollection { // KGlobalAccel cannot transition from kmix to something else, so if // the user had a custom shortcut set for kmix those would get lost. // To avoid this we hijack kmix name and actions. Entirely mental but // best we can do to not cause annoyance for the user. // The display name actually is updated to whatever registered last // though, so as far as user visible strings go we should be fine. // As of 2015-07-21: // componentName: kmix // actions: increase_volume, decrease_volume, mute name: "kmix" displayName: main.displayName GlobalAction { objectName: "increase_volume" text: i18n("Increase Volume") shortcut: Qt.Key_VolumeUp onTriggered: increaseVolume() } GlobalAction { objectName: "decrease_volume" text: i18n("Decrease Volume") shortcut: Qt.Key_VolumeDown onTriggered: decreaseVolume() } GlobalAction { objectName: "mute" text: i18n("Mute") shortcut: Qt.Key_VolumeMute onTriggered: muteVolume() } GlobalAction { objectName: "increase_microphone_volume" text: i18n("Increase Microphone Volume") shortcut: Qt.Key_MicVolumeUp onTriggered: increaseMicrophoneVolume() } GlobalAction { objectName: "decrease_microphone_volume" text: i18n("Decrease Microphone Volume") shortcut: Qt.Key_MicVolumeDown onTriggered: decreaseMicrophoneVolume() } GlobalAction { objectName: "mic_mute" text: i18n("Mute Microphone") shortcut: Qt.Key_MicMute onTriggered: muteMicrophone() } } VolumeOSD { id: osd } VolumeFeedback { id: feedback } PlasmaComponents.TabBar { id: tabBar anchors { top: parent.top left: parent.left right: parent.right } PlasmaComponents.TabButton { id: devicesTab text: i18n("Devices") } PlasmaComponents.TabButton { id: streamsTab text: i18n("Applications") } } PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea { id: scrollView; anchors { top: tabBar.bottom topMargin: units.smallSpacing left: parent.left right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } horizontalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff flickableItem.boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds; Item { width: streamsView.visible ? streamsView.width : devicesView.width height: streamsView.visible ? streamsView.height : devicesView.height ColumnLayout { id: streamsView visible: tabBar.currentTab == streamsTab property int maximumWidth: scrollView.viewport.width width: maximumWidth Layout.maximumWidth: maximumWidth Header { Layout.fillWidth: true visible: sinkInputView.count > 0 text: i18n("Playback Streams") } ListView { id: sinkInputView Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.minimumHeight: contentHeight Layout.maximumHeight: contentHeight model: PulseObjectFilterModel { filters: [ { role: "VirtualStream", value: false } ] sourceModel: SinkInputModel {} } boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds; delegate: StreamListItem { type: "sink-input" draggable: sinkView.count > 1 } } Header { Layout.fillWidth: true visible: sourceOutputView.count > 0 text: i18n("Capture Streams") } ListView { id: sourceOutputView Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.minimumHeight: contentHeight Layout.maximumHeight: contentHeight model: PulseObjectFilterModel { filters: [ { role: "VirtualStream", value: false } ] sourceModel: SourceOutputModel {} } boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds; delegate: StreamListItem { type: "source-input" draggable: sourceView.count > 1 } } } ColumnLayout { id: devicesView visible: tabBar.currentTab == devicesTab property int maximumWidth: scrollView.viewport.width width: maximumWidth Layout.maximumWidth: maximumWidth Header { id: sinkViewHeader Layout.fillWidth: true visible: sinkView.count > 0 text: i18n("Playback Devices") } ListView { id: sinkView Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.minimumHeight: contentHeight Layout.maximumHeight: contentHeight model: PulseObjectFilterModel { sortRole: "SortByDefault" sortOrder: Qt.DescendingOrder sourceModel: SinkModel { id: sinkModel } } boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds; delegate: DeviceListItem { type: "sink" } } Header { id: sourceViewHeader Layout.fillWidth: true visible: sourceView.count > 0 text: i18n("Capture Devices") } ListView { id: sourceView Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.minimumHeight: contentHeight Layout.maximumHeight: contentHeight model: PulseObjectFilterModel { sortRole: "SortByDefault" sortOrder: Qt.DescendingOrder sourceModel: SourceModel { id: sourceModel } } boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds; delegate: DeviceListItem { type: "source" } } } } } }