diff --git a/applets/quicklaunch/package/contents/ui/IconItem.qml b/applets/quicklaunch/package/contents/ui/IconItem.qml index f2ff7c726..330f74e46 100644 --- a/applets/quicklaunch/package/contents/ui/IconItem.qml +++ b/applets/quicklaunch/package/contents/ui/IconItem.qml @@ -1,282 +1,283 @@ /* * Copyright 2015 David Rosca * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ import QtQuick 2.2 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.draganddrop 2.0 as DragAndDrop import "../code/layout.js" as LayoutManager Item { id: iconItem property int itemIndex : index property bool dragging : false property bool isPopupItem : false property var launcher : logic.launcherData(url) property string iconName : launcher.iconName || "fork" width: isPopupItem ? LayoutManager.popupItemWidth() : grid.cellWidth height: isPopupItem ? LayoutManager.popupItemHeight() : grid.cellHeight DragAndDrop.DragArea { id: dragArea width: Math.min(iconItem.width, iconItem.height) height: width enabled: !plasmoid.immutable defaultAction: Qt.MoveAction supportedActions: Qt.IgnoreAction | Qt.MoveAction delegate: icon mimeData { url: url source: iconItem } onDragStarted: { dragging = true; } onDrop: { dragging = false; if (action == Qt.MoveAction) { removeLauncher(); } } MouseArea { id: mouseArea anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: LayoutManager.itemPadding() hoverEnabled: true acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton onPressed: { if (mouse.button == Qt.RightButton) { contextMenu.refreshActions(); contextMenu.open(mouse.x, mouse.y); } } onClicked: { if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) { logic.openUrl(url) } } PlasmaCore.IconItem { id: icon anchors { top: parent.top left: parent.left } width: units.iconSizes.medium height: width + usesPlasmaTheme: false source: url == "quicklaunch:drop" ? "" : iconName active: mouseArea.containsMouse } PlasmaComponents.Label { id: label anchors { bottom : parent.bottom right : parent.right } text: iconItem.launcher.applicationName maximumLineCount: 1 wrapMode: Text.Wrap } PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem { anchors.fill: parent imagePath: "widgets/viewitem" prefix: "hover" visible: dragging || url == "quicklaunch:drop" } PlasmaCore.ToolTipArea { anchors.fill: parent active: !dragging mainText: iconItem.launcher.applicationName subText: iconItem.launcher.genericName icon: iconName } PlasmaComponents.ContextMenu { id: contextMenu property var jumpListItems : [] visualParent: mouseArea PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { id: jumpListSeparator separator: true } PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: i18n("Add Launcher...") icon: "list-add" onClicked: addLauncher() } PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: i18n("Edit Launcher...") icon: "document-edit" onClicked: editLauncher() } PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { text: i18n("Remove Launcher") icon: "list-remove" onClicked: removeLauncher() } PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { separator: true } PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { action: plasmoid.action("configure") } PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { action: plasmoid.action("remove") } function refreshActions() { for (var i = 0; i < jumpListItems.length; ++i) { var item = jumpListItems[i]; removeMenuItem(item); item.destroy(); } jumpListItems = []; for (var i = 0; i < launcher.jumpListActions.length; ++i) { var action = launcher.jumpListActions[i]; var item = menuItemComponent.createObject(iconItem, { "text": action.name, "icon": action.icon }); item.clicked.connect(function() { logic.openExec(this.exec); }.bind(action)); addMenuItem(item, jumpListSeparator); jumpListItems.push(item); } } } Component { id: menuItemComponent PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { } } } } states: [ State { name: "popup" when: isPopupItem AnchorChanges { target: dragArea anchors.left: dragArea.parent.left anchors.right: dragArea.parent.right anchors.top: dragArea.parent.top anchors.bottom: dragArea.parent.bottom } AnchorChanges { target: icon anchors.right: undefined anchors.bottom: undefined } AnchorChanges { target: label anchors.top: label.parent.top anchors.left: icon.right } PropertyChanges { target: label horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHLeft visible: true elide: Text.ElideRight anchors.leftMargin: units.smallSpacing anchors.rightMargin: units.smallSpacing } }, State { name: "grid" when: !isPopupItem AnchorChanges { target: dragArea anchors.verticalCenter: dragArea.parent.verticalCenter anchors.horizontalCenter: dragArea.parent.horizontalCenter } AnchorChanges { target: icon anchors.right: icon.parent.right anchors.bottom: label.visible ? label.top : icon.parent.bottom } AnchorChanges { target: label anchors.top: undefined anchors.left: label.parent.left } PropertyChanges { target: label horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter visible: showLauncherNames elide: Text.ElideNone } } ] function addLauncher() { logic.addLauncher(isPopupItem); } function editLauncher() { logic.editLauncher(url, itemIndex, isPopupItem); } function removeLauncher() { var m = isPopupItem ? popupModel : launcherModel; m.removeUrl(itemIndex); } }