diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index f09fa4e..37f0990 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,127 +1,127 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) project(libksysguard) set(PROJECT_VERSION "5.17.80") set(PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR 5) # check with non-Plasma consumers (e.g. KDevelop) before bumping these versions -set(QT_MIN_VERSION "5.11.0") +set(QT_MIN_VERSION "5.5.0") set(KF5_MIN_VERSION "5.62.0") find_package(ECM ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED NO_MODULE) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${ECM_MODULE_PATH}) include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(KDECompilerSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE) include(ECMAddTests) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(ECMSetupVersion) include(ECMQtDeclareLoggingCategory) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) include(CheckIncludeFiles) include(CheckLibraryExists) include(FeatureSummary) find_package(Qt5 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED CONFIG COMPONENTS DBus Network Widgets) find_package(Qt5WebEngineWidgets ${QT_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG) set_package_properties(Qt5WebEngineWidgets PROPERTIES URL "git://code.qt.org/qt/qtwebenginewidgets.git" DESCRIPTION "Qt WebEngine module (web browsing engine)" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Used by the HTML-based GUI ksysguard library" ) find_package(KF5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS CoreAddons Config I18n WindowSystem Completion Auth WidgetsAddons IconThemes ConfigWidgets Service GlobalAccel KIO) find_package(KF5 OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS Plasma) set_package_properties(KF5Plasma PROPERTIES URL "https://cgit.kde.org/plasma-framework.git/" DESCRIPTION "The library of the plasma project" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Used by signalplotter to use Plasma themes" ) find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) set_package_properties(ZLIB PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Support for gzip compressed files and data streams" URL "http://www.zlib.net" TYPE REQUIRED ) check_library_exists(c clock_gettime "time.h" HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME_C) ecm_setup_version(${PROJECT_VERSION} VARIABLE_PREFIX KSYSGUARD VERSION_HEADER "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ksysguard_version.h" PACKAGE_VERSION_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/KF5SysGuardConfigVersion.cmake" SOVERSION 7 ) find_package(X11) set_package_properties(X11 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "X11 libraries" URL "http://www.x.org" TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required for building the X11 based workspace" ) if(X11_FOUND) find_package(Qt5X11Extras REQUIRED) find_library(X11_XRes_LIB XRes ${X11_LIB_SEARCH_PATH}) find_path(X11_XRes_INCLUDE_PATH X11/extensions/XRes.h ${X11_INC_SEARCH_PATH}) if(X11_XRes_LIB AND X11_XRes_INCLUDE_PATH) set(X11_XRes_FOUND TRUE) endif() endif() set(HAVE_X11 ${X11_FOUND}) set(HAVE_XRES ${X11_XRes_FOUND}) set(HAVE_QTWEBENGINEWIDGETS ${Qt5WebEngineWidgets_FOUND}) configure_file(config-ksysguard.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-ksysguard.h ) add_definitions(-DQT_NO_URL_CAST_FROM_STRING) add_definitions(-DQT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER) add_definitions(-DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII) add_definitions(-DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII) add_definitions(-DQT_NO_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS_IN_CONNECT) #add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED TRUE) add_subdirectory( lsofui ) add_subdirectory( processcore ) add_subdirectory( processui ) if (KF5Plasma_FOUND) add_subdirectory( signalplotter ) endif() add_subdirectory( ksgrd ) if(BUILD_TESTING) add_subdirectory( tests ) endif() install(DIRECTORY scripts/ DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/ksysguard/scripts) set(CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR ${KDE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/KF5SysGuard) configure_package_config_file(KF5SysGuardConfig.cmake.in "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/KF5SysGuardConfig.cmake" INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/KF5SysGuardConfig.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/KF5SysGuardConfigVersion.cmake DESTINATION ${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) install(EXPORT libksysguardLibraryTargets NAMESPACE KF5:: DESTINATION ${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR} FILE KF5SysGuardLibraryTargets.cmake ) if (${ECM_VERSION} STRGREATER "5.58.0") install(FILES libksysguard.categories DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_LOGGINGCATEGORIESDIR}) else() install(FILES libksysguard.categories DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_CONFDIR}) endif() feature_summary(WHAT ALL INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) diff --git a/ksgrd/SensorManager.cpp b/ksgrd/SensorManager.cpp index d9542b4..5465b3d 100644 --- a/ksgrd/SensorManager.cpp +++ b/ksgrd/SensorManager.cpp @@ -1,450 +1,450 @@ /* KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 Chris Schlaeger This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ksgrd_debug.h" #include "SensorShellAgent.h" #include "SensorSocketAgent.h" #include "SensorManager.h" using namespace KSGRD; SensorManager::MessageEvent::MessageEvent( const QString &message ) : QEvent( QEvent::User ), mMessage( message ) { } QString SensorManager::MessageEvent::message() const { return mMessage; } SensorManager* KSGRD::SensorMgr; SensorManager::SensorManager(QObject * parent) : QObject(parent) { retranslate(); } int SensorManager::count() const { return mAgents.count(); } void SensorManager::retranslate() { // Fill the sensor description dictionary. mDict.clear(); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "Delta" ), i18n( "Change" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "Rate" ), i18n( "Rate" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "cpu" ), i18n( "CPU Load" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "idle" ), i18n( "Idling" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "nice" ), i18n( "Nice Load" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "user" ), i18n( "User Load" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "sys" ), i18nc( "@item sensor description", "System Load" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "wait" ), i18n( "Waiting" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "intr" ), i18n( "Interrupt Load" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "TotalLoad" ), i18n( "Total Load" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "mem" ), i18n( "Memory" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "physical" ), i18n( "Physical Memory" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "swap" ), i18n( "Swap Memory" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "cached" ), i18n( "Cached Memory" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "buf" ), i18n( "Buffered Memory" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "used" ), i18n( "Used Memory" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "application" ), i18n( "Application Memory" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "free" ), i18n( "Free Memory" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "active" ), i18n( "Active Memory" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "inactive" ), i18n( "Inactive Memory" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "wired" ), i18n( "Wired Memory" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "execpages" ), i18n( "Exec Pages" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "filepages" ), i18n( "File Pages" ) ); /* Processes */ mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "processes" ), i18n( "Processes" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "ps" ), i18n( "Process Controller" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "lastpid" ), i18n( "Last Process ID" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "procspawn" ), i18n( "Process Spawn Count" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "pscount" ), i18n( "Process Count" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "psidle" ), i18n( "Idle Processes Count" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "psrun" ), i18n( "Running Processes Count" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "pssleep" ), i18n( "Sleeping Processes Count" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "psstop" ), i18n( "Stopped Processes Count" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "pszombie" ), i18n( "Zombie Processes Count" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "pswait" ), i18n( "Waiting Processes Count" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "pslock" ), i18n( "Locked Processes Count" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "disk" ), i18n( "Disk Throughput" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "load" ), i18nc( "CPU Load", "Load" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "totalio" ), i18n( "Total Accesses" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "rio" ), i18n( "Read Accesses" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "wio" ), i18n( "Write Accesses" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "rblk" ), i18n( "Read Data" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "wblk" ), i18n( "Written Data" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "rtim" ), i18n( "Milliseconds spent reading" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "wtim" ), i18n( "Milliseconds spent writing" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "ioqueue" ), i18n( "I/Os currently in progress" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "pageIn" ), i18n( "Pages In" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "pageOut" ), i18n( "Pages Out" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "context" ), i18n( "Context Switches" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "trap" ), i18n( "Traps" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "syscall" ), i18n( "System Calls" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "network" ), i18n( "Network" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "interfaces" ), i18n( "Interfaces" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "receiver" ), i18n( "Receiver" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "transmitter" ), i18n( "Transmitter" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "data" ), i18n( "Data Rate" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "compressed" ), i18n( "Compressed Packets Rate" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "drops" ), i18n( "Dropped Packets Rate" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "errors" ), i18n( "Error Rate" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "fifo" ), i18n( "FIFO Overruns Rate" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "frame" ), i18n( "Frame Error Rate" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "multicast" ), i18n( "Multicast Packet Rate" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "packets" ), i18n( "Packet Rate" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "carrier" ), i18nc( "@item sensor description ('carrier' is a type of network signal)", "Carrier Loss Rate" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "collisions" ), i18n( "Collisions" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "dataTotal" ), i18n( "Data" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "compressedTotal" ), i18n( "Compressed Packets" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "dropsTotal" ), i18n( "Dropped Packets" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "errorsTotal" ), i18n( "Errors" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "fifoTotal" ), i18n( "FIFO Overruns" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "frameTotal" ), i18n( "Frame Errors" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "multicastTotal" ), i18n( "Multicast Packets" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "packetsTotal" ), i18n( "Packets" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "carrierTotal" ), i18nc( "@item sensor description ('carrier' is a type of network signal)", "Carrier Losses" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "collisionsTotal" ), i18n( "Collisions" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "sockets" ), i18n( "Sockets" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "count" ), i18n( "Total Number" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "list" ), i18n( "Table" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "apm" ), i18n( "Advanced Power Management" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "acpi" ), i18n( "ACPI" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "Cooling_Device" ), i18n( "Cooling Device" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "Current_State" ), i18n( "Current State" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "thermal_zone" ), i18n( "Thermal Zone" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "Thermal_Zone" ), i18n( "Thermal Zone" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "temperature" ), i18n( "Temperature" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "Temperature" ), i18n( "Temperature" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "AverageTemperature" ), i18n( "Average CPU Temperature" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "fan" ), i18n( "Fan" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "state" ), i18n( "State" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "battery" ), i18n( "Battery" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "batterycapacity" ), i18n( "Battery Capacity" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "batterycharge" ), i18n( "Battery Charge" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "batteryusage" ), i18n( "Battery Usage" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "batteryvoltage" ), i18n( "Battery Voltage" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "batteryrate" ), i18n( "Battery Discharge Rate" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "remainingtime" ), i18n( "Remaining Time" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "interrupts" ), i18n( "Interrupts" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "loadavg1" ), i18n( "Load Average (1 min)" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "loadavg5" ), i18n( "Load Average (5 min)" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "loadavg15" ), i18n( "Load Average (15 min)" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "clock" ), i18n( "Clock Frequency" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "AverageClock" ), i18n( "Average Clock Frequency" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "lmsensors" ), i18n( "Hardware Sensors" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "partitions" ), i18n( "Partition Usage" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "usedspace" ), i18n( "Used Space" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "freespace" ), i18n( "Free Space" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "filllevel" ), i18n( "Fill Level" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "usedinode" ), i18n( "Used Inodes" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "freeinode" ), i18n( "Free Inodes" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "inodelevel" ), i18n( "Inode Level" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "system" ), i18n( "System" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "uptime" ), i18n( "Uptime" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "SoftRaid" ), i18n( "Linux Soft Raid (md)" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "processors" ), i18n( "Processors" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "cores" ), i18n( "Cores" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "NumBlocks" ), i18n( "Number of Blocks" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "TotalDevices" ), i18n( "Total Number of Devices" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "FailedDevices" ), i18n( "Failed Devices" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "SpareDevices" ), i18n( "Spare Devices" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "NumRaidDevices" ), i18n( "Number of Raid Devices" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "WorkingDevices" ), i18n( "Working Devices" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "ActiveDevices" ), i18n( "Active Devices" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "DeviceNumber" ), i18n( "Number of Devices" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "ResyncingPercent" ), i18n( "Resyncing Percent" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "DiskInfo" ), i18n( "Disk Information" ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) { mDict.insert( QLatin1String( "cpu" ) + QString::number( i ), i18n( "CPU %1", i+1 ) ); mDict.insert( QLatin1String( "disk" ) + QString::number( i ), i18n( "Disk %1", i+1 ) ); } for ( int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { mDict.insert( QLatin1String( "batt" ) + QString::number( i ), i18n( "Battery %1", i ) ); mDict.insert( QLatin1String( "fan" ) + QString::number( i ), i18n( "Fan %1", i ) ); mDict.insert( QLatin1String( "temp" ) + QString::number( i ), i18n( "Temperature %1", i ) ); } mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "int00" ), i18n( "Total" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "softint" ), i18n( "Software Interrupts" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "hardint" ), i18n( "Hardware Interrupts" ) ); QString num; for ( int i = 1; i < 25; i++ ) { - num = QString::asprintf( "%.2d", i ); + num.sprintf( "%.2d", i ); mDict.insert( QLatin1String( "int" ) + num, ki18n( "Int %1" ).subs( i - 1, 3 ).toString() ); - num = QString::asprintf( "%.3d", i + 255); + num.sprintf( "%.3d", i + 255); mDict.insert( QLatin1String( "int" ) + num, ki18n( "Int %1" ).subs( i + 255, 4 ).toString() ); } mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "quality" ), i18n( "Link Quality" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "signal" ), i18n( "Signal Level" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "noise" ), i18n( "Noise Level" ) ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "nwid" ), i18n( "Rx Invalid Nwid Packets") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "nwidTotal" ), i18n( "Total Rx Invalid Nwid Packets") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "crypt" ), i18n( "Rx Invalid Crypt Packets") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "cryptTotal" ), i18n( "Total Rx Invalid Crypt Packets") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "frag" ), i18n( "Rx Invalid Frag Packets") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "fragTotal" ), i18n( "Total Rx Invalid Frag Packets") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "retry" ), i18n( "Tx Excessive Retries Packets") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "retryTotal" ), i18n( "Total Tx Excessive Retries Packets") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "misc" ), i18n( "Invalid Misc Packets") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "miscTotal" ), i18n( "Total Invalid Misc Packets") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "beacon" ), i18n( "Missed Beacons") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "beaconTotal" ), i18n( "Total Missed Beacons") ); mDict.insert( QStringLiteral( "logfiles" ), i18n( "Log Files") ); // TODO: translated descriptions not yet implemented. mUnits.clear(); mUnits.insert( QStringLiteral( "1/s" ), i18nc( "the unit 1 per second", "1/s" ) ); mUnits.insert( QStringLiteral( "kBytes" ), i18n( "kBytes" ) ); mUnits.insert( QStringLiteral( "min" ), i18nc( "the unit minutes", "min" ) ); mUnits.insert( QStringLiteral( "MHz" ), i18nc( "the frequency unit", "MHz" ) ); mUnits.insert( QStringLiteral( "%" ), i18nc( "a percentage", "%" ) ); mUnits.insert( QStringLiteral( "mA" ), i18nc( "the unit milliamperes", "mA" ) ); mUnits.insert( QStringLiteral( "mAh" ), i18nc( "the unit milliampere hours", "mAh" ) ); mUnits.insert( QStringLiteral( "mW" ), i18nc( "the unit milliwatts", "mW" ) ); mUnits.insert( QStringLiteral( "mWh" ), i18nc( "the unit milliwatt hours", "mWh" ) ); mUnits.insert( QStringLiteral( "mV" ), i18nc( "the unit millivolts", "mV" ) ); mTypes.clear(); mTypes.insert( QStringLiteral( "integer" ), i18n( "Integer Value" ) ); mTypes.insert( QStringLiteral( "float" ), i18n( "Floating Point Value" ) ); mTypes.insert( QStringLiteral( "table" ), i18n( "Process Controller" ) ); mTypes.insert( QStringLiteral( "listview" ), i18n( "Table" ) ); mTypes.insert( QStringLiteral( "logfile" ), i18n( "Log File") ); mBroadcaster = nullptr; } SensorManager::~SensorManager() { } bool SensorManager::engage( const QString &hostName, const QString &shell, const QString &command, int port ) { if ( !mAgents.contains( hostName ) ) { SensorAgent *agent = nullptr; if ( port == -1 ) agent = new SensorShellAgent( this ); else agent = new SensorSocketAgent( this ); if ( !agent->start( hostName.toLatin1(), shell, command, port ) ) { delete agent; return false; } mAgents.insert( hostName, agent ); connect( agent, &SensorAgent::reconfigure, this, &SensorManager::reconfigure ); emit hostAdded(agent,hostName); return true; } return false; } bool SensorManager::disengage( SensorAgent *agent ) { if(!agent) return false; const QString key = mAgents.key( const_cast( agent ) ); return disengage(key); } bool SensorManager::isConnected( const QString &hostName ) { return mAgents.contains( hostName ); } bool SensorManager::disengage( const QString &hostName ) { if ( mAgents.contains( hostName ) ) { mAgents.take( hostName )->deleteLater(); emit hostConnectionLost( hostName ); return true; } return false; } bool SensorManager::resynchronize( const QString &hostName ) { const SensorAgent *agent = mAgents.value( hostName ); if ( !agent ) return false; QString shell, command; int port; hostInfo( hostName, shell, command, port ); mAgents.remove( hostName ); qCDebug(LIBKSYSGUARD_KSGRD) << "Re-synchronizing connection to " << hostName; return engage( hostName, shell, command ); } void SensorManager::notify( const QString &msg ) const { /* This function relays text messages to the toplevel widget that * displays the message in a pop-up box. It must be used for objects * that might have been deleted before the pop-up box is closed. */ if ( mBroadcaster ) { MessageEvent *event = new MessageEvent( msg ); qApp->postEvent( mBroadcaster, event ); } } void SensorManager::setBroadcaster( QWidget *wdg ) { mBroadcaster = wdg; } void SensorManager::reconfigure( const SensorAgent* ) { emit update(); } bool SensorManager::sendRequest( const QString &hostName, const QString &req, SensorClient *client, int id ) { SensorAgent *agent = mAgents.value( hostName ); if ( !agent && hostName == QLatin1String("localhost")) { //we should always be able to reconnect to localhost engage(QStringLiteral("localhost"), QLatin1String(""), QStringLiteral("ksysguardd"), -1); agent = mAgents.value( hostName ); } if ( agent ) { agent->sendRequest( req, client, id ); return true; } return false; } const QString SensorManager::hostName( const SensorAgent *agent ) const { return mAgents.key( const_cast( agent ) ); } bool SensorManager::hostInfo( const QString &hostName, QString &shell, QString &command, int &port ) { const SensorAgent *agent = mAgents.value( hostName ); if ( agent ) { agent->hostInfo( shell, command, port ); return true; } return false; } QString SensorManager::translateUnit( const QString &unit ) const { if ( !unit.isEmpty() && mUnits.contains( unit ) ) return mUnits[ unit ]; else return unit; } QString SensorManager::translateSensorPath( const QString &path ) const { if ( !path.isEmpty() && mDict.contains( path ) ) return mDict[ path ]; else return path; } QString SensorManager::translateSensorType( const QString &type ) const { if ( !type.isEmpty() && mTypes.contains( type ) ) return mTypes[ type ]; else return type; } QString SensorManager::translateSensor( const QString &sensor ) const { QString out; int start = 0, end = 0; for ( ; ; ) { end = sensor.indexOf( QLatin1Char('/'), start ); if ( end > 0 ) out += translateSensorPath( sensor.mid( start, end - start ) ) + QLatin1Char('/'); else { out += translateSensorPath( sensor.right( sensor.length() - start ) ); break; } start = end + 1; } return out; } void SensorManager::readProperties( const KConfigGroup& cfg ) { mHostList = cfg.readEntry( "HostList" ,QStringList()); mCommandList = cfg.readEntry( "CommandList",QStringList() ); } void SensorManager::saveProperties( KConfigGroup &cfg ) { cfg.writeEntry( "HostList", mHostList ); cfg.writeEntry( "CommandList", mCommandList ); } void SensorManager::disconnectClient( SensorClient *client ) { QHashIterator it( mAgents ); while ( it.hasNext() ) it.next().value()->disconnectClient( client ); } diff --git a/processcore/process.cpp b/processcore/process.cpp index 3f0f221..3310f84 100644 --- a/processcore/process.cpp +++ b/processcore/process.cpp @@ -1,832 +1,832 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2007 John Tapsell This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "process.h" #include namespace KSysGuard { class ProcessPrivate { public: long pid; long parent_pid; Process *parent; QString login; qlonglong uid; qlonglong euid; qlonglong suid; qlonglong fsuid; qlonglong gid; qlonglong egid; qlonglong sgid; qlonglong fsgid; qlonglong tracerpid; QByteArray tty; qlonglong userTime; qlonglong sysTime; qlonglong startTime; int userUsage; int sysUsage; int totalUserUsage; int totalSysUsage; unsigned long numChildren; int niceLevel; Process::Scheduler scheduler; Process::IoPriorityClass ioPriorityClass; int ioniceLevel; qlonglong vmSize; qlonglong vmRSS; qlonglong vmURSS; qlonglong vmPSS; qlonglong vmSizeChange; qlonglong vmRSSChange; qlonglong vmURSSChange; qlonglong vmPSSChange; unsigned long pixmapBytes; bool hasManagedGuiWindow; QString name; QString command; Process::ProcessStatus status; qlonglong ioCharactersRead; qlonglong ioCharactersWritten; qlonglong ioReadSyscalls; qlonglong ioWriteSyscalls; qlonglong ioCharactersActuallyRead; qlonglong ioCharactersActuallyWritten; long ioCharactersReadRate; long ioCharactersWrittenRate; long ioReadSyscallsRate; long ioWriteSyscallsRate; long ioCharactersActuallyReadRate; long ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate; int numThreads; QList children; - QElapsedTimer timeKillWasSent; + QTime timeKillWasSent; int index; Process::Changes changes; int elapsedTimeMilliSeconds; int noNewPrivileges; QString cGroup; QString macContext; }; Process::Process() : d(new ProcessPrivate()) { clear(); } Process::Process(qlonglong _pid, qlonglong _ppid, Process *_parent) : d(new ProcessPrivate()) { clear(); d->pid = _pid; d->parent_pid = _ppid; d->parent = _parent; } Process::~Process() { delete d; } QString Process::niceLevelAsString() const { // Just some rough heuristic to map a number to how nice it is if (d->niceLevel == 0) return i18nc("Process Niceness", "Normal"); if (d->niceLevel >= 10) return i18nc("Process Niceness", "Very low priority"); if (d->niceLevel > 0) return i18nc("Process Niceness", "Low priority"); if (d->niceLevel <= -10) return i18nc("Process Niceness", "Very high priority"); if (d->niceLevel < 0) return i18nc("Process Niceness", "High priority"); return QString(); //impossible; } QString Process::ioniceLevelAsString() const { // Just some rough heuristic to map a number to how nice it is if (d->ioniceLevel == 4) return i18nc("Process Niceness", "Normal"); if (d->ioniceLevel >= 6) return i18nc("Process Niceness", "Very low priority"); if (d->ioniceLevel > 4) return i18nc("Process Niceness", "Low priority"); if (d->ioniceLevel <= 2) return i18nc("Process Niceness", "Very high priority"); if (d->ioniceLevel < 4) return i18nc("Process Niceness", "High priority"); return QString(); //impossible; } QString Process::ioPriorityClassAsString() const { switch (d->ioPriorityClass) { case None: return i18nc("Priority Class", "None"); case RealTime: return i18nc("Priority Class", "Real Time"); case BestEffort: return i18nc("Priority Class", "Best Effort"); case Idle: return i18nc("Priority Class", "Idle"); default: return i18nc("Priority Class", "Unknown"); } } QString Process::translatedStatus() const { switch (d->status) { case Running: return i18nc("process status", "running"); case Sleeping: return i18nc("process status", "sleeping"); case DiskSleep: return i18nc("process status", "disk sleep"); case Zombie: return i18nc("process status", "zombie"); case Stopped: return i18nc("process status", "stopped"); case Paging: return i18nc("process status", "paging"); case Ended: return i18nc("process status", "finished"); default: return i18nc("process status", "unknown"); } } QString Process::schedulerAsString() const { switch (d->scheduler) { case Fifo: return i18nc("Scheduler", "FIFO"); case RoundRobin: return i18nc("Scheduler", "Round Robin"); case Interactive: return i18nc("Scheduler", "Interactive"); case Batch: return i18nc("Scheduler", "Batch"); case SchedulerIdle: return i18nc("Scheduler", "Idle"); default: return QString(); } } void Process::clear() { d->pid = -1; d->parent_pid = -1; d->parent = nullptr; d->uid = 0; d->gid = -1; d->suid = d->euid = d->fsuid = -1; d->sgid = d->egid = d->fsgid = -1; d->tracerpid = -1; d->userTime = 0; d->sysTime = 0; d->startTime = 0; d->userUsage=0; d->sysUsage=0; d->totalUserUsage=0; d->totalSysUsage=0; d->numChildren=0; d->niceLevel=0; d->vmSize=0; d->vmRSS = 0; d->vmURSS = 0; d->vmPSS = 0; d->vmSizeChange = 0; d->vmRSSChange = 0; d->vmURSSChange = 0; d->vmPSSChange = 0; d->pixmapBytes = 0; d->hasManagedGuiWindow = false; d->status=OtherStatus; d->ioPriorityClass = None; d->ioniceLevel = -1; d->scheduler = Other; d->ioCharactersRead = 0; d->ioCharactersWritten = 0; d->ioReadSyscalls = 0; d->ioWriteSyscalls = 0; d->ioCharactersActuallyRead = 0; d->ioCharactersActuallyWritten = 0; d->ioCharactersReadRate = 0; d->ioCharactersWrittenRate = 0; d->ioReadSyscallsRate = 0; d->ioWriteSyscallsRate = 0; d->ioCharactersActuallyReadRate = 0; d->ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate = 0; d->elapsedTimeMilliSeconds = 0; d->numThreads = 0; d->changes = Process::Nothing; } long int Process::pid() const { return d->pid; } long int Process::parentPid() const { return d->parent_pid; } Process* Process::parent() const { return d->parent; } QString Process::login() const { return d->login; } qlonglong Process::uid() const { return d->uid; } qlonglong Process::euid() const { return d->euid; } qlonglong Process::suid() const { return d->suid; } qlonglong Process::fsuid() const { return d->fsuid; } qlonglong Process::gid() const { return d->gid; } qlonglong Process::egid() const { return d->egid; } qlonglong Process::sgid() const { return d->sgid; } qlonglong Process::fsgid() const { return d->fsgid; } qlonglong Process::tracerpid() const { return d->tracerpid; } QByteArray Process::tty() const { return d->tty; } qlonglong Process::userTime() const { return d->userTime; } qlonglong Process::sysTime() const { return d->sysTime; } qlonglong Process::startTime() const { return d->startTime; } int Process::noNewPrivileges() const { return d->noNewPrivileges; } int Process::userUsage() const { return d->userUsage; } int Process::sysUsage() const { return d->sysUsage; } int & Process::totalUserUsage() const { return d->totalUserUsage; } int & Process::totalSysUsage() const { return d->totalSysUsage; } long unsigned & Process::numChildren() const { return d->numChildren; } int Process::niceLevel() const { return d->niceLevel; } Process::Scheduler Process::scheduler() const { return d->scheduler; } Process::IoPriorityClass Process::ioPriorityClass() const { return d->ioPriorityClass; } int Process::ioniceLevel() const { return d->ioniceLevel; } qlonglong Process::vmSize() const { return d->vmSize; } qlonglong Process::vmRSS() const { return d->vmRSS; } qlonglong Process::vmURSS() const { return d->vmURSS; } qlonglong Process::vmPSS() const { return d->vmPSS; } qlonglong& Process::vmSizeChange() const { return d->vmSizeChange; } qlonglong& Process::vmRSSChange() const { return d->vmRSSChange; } qlonglong& Process::vmURSSChange() const { return d->vmURSSChange; } qlonglong Process::vmPSSChange() const { return d->vmPSSChange; } unsigned long& Process::pixmapBytes() const { return d->pixmapBytes; } bool& Process::hasManagedGuiWindow() const { return d->hasManagedGuiWindow; } QString Process::name() const { return d->name; } QString& Process::command() const { return d->command; } Process::ProcessStatus Process::status() const { return d->status; } qlonglong Process::ioCharactersRead() const { return d->ioCharactersRead; } qlonglong Process::ioCharactersWritten() const { return d->ioCharactersWritten; } qlonglong Process::ioReadSyscalls() const { return d->ioReadSyscalls; } qlonglong Process::ioWriteSyscalls() const { return d->ioWriteSyscalls; } qlonglong Process::ioCharactersActuallyRead() const { return d->ioCharactersActuallyRead; } qlonglong Process::ioCharactersActuallyWritten() const { return d->ioCharactersActuallyWritten; } long int Process::ioCharactersReadRate() const { return d->ioCharactersReadRate; } long int Process::ioCharactersWrittenRate() const { return d->ioCharactersWrittenRate; } long int Process::ioReadSyscallsRate() const { return d->ioReadSyscallsRate; } long int Process::ioWriteSyscallsRate() const { return d->ioWriteSyscallsRate; } long int Process::ioCharactersActuallyReadRate() const { return d->ioCharactersActuallyReadRate; } long int Process::ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate() const { return d->ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate; } int Process::numThreads() const { return d->numThreads; } QList< Process* > & Process::children() const { return d->children; } -QElapsedTimer Process::timeKillWasSent() const +QTime Process::timeKillWasSent() const { return d->timeKillWasSent; } int Process::index() const { return d->index; } Process::Changes Process::changes() const { return d->changes; } int Process::elapsedTimeMilliSeconds() const { return d->elapsedTimeMilliSeconds; } QString Process::cGroup() const { return d->cGroup; } QString Process::macContext() const { return d->macContext; } void Process::setParentPid(long int parent_pid) { d->parent_pid = parent_pid; } void Process::setParent(Process* parent) { d->parent = parent; } void Process::setLogin(const QString &login) { if(d->login == login) return; d->login = login; d->changes |= Process::Login; } void Process::setUid(qlonglong uid) { if(d->uid == uid) return; d->uid = uid; d->changes |= Process::Uids; } void Process::setEuid(qlonglong euid) { if(d->euid == euid) return; d->euid = euid; d->changes |= Process::Uids; } void Process::setSuid(qlonglong suid) { if(d->suid == suid) return; d->suid = suid; d->changes |= Process::Uids; } void Process::setFsuid(qlonglong fsuid) { if(d->fsuid == fsuid) return; d->fsuid = fsuid; d->changes |= Process::Uids; } void Process::setGid(qlonglong gid) { if(d->gid == gid) return; d->gid = gid; d->changes |= Process::Gids; } void Process::setEgid(qlonglong egid) { if(d->egid == egid) return; d->egid = egid; d->changes |= Process::Gids; } void Process::setSgid(qlonglong sgid) { if(d->sgid == sgid) return; d->sgid = sgid; d->changes |= Process::Gids; } void Process::setFsgid(qlonglong fsgid) { if(d->fsgid == fsgid) return; d->fsgid = fsgid; d->changes |= Process::Gids; } void Process::setTracerpid(qlonglong tracerpid) { if(d->tracerpid == tracerpid) return; d->tracerpid = tracerpid; d->changes |= Process::Tracerpid; } void Process::setTty(const QByteArray &tty) { if(d->tty == tty) return; d->tty = tty; d->changes |= Process::Tty; } void Process::setUserTime(qlonglong userTime) { d->userTime = userTime; } void Process::setSysTime(qlonglong sysTime) { d->sysTime = sysTime; } void Process::setStartTime(qlonglong startTime) { d->startTime = startTime; } void Process::setNoNewPrivileges(int number) { if(d->noNewPrivileges == number) return; d->noNewPrivileges = number; d->changes |= Process::Status; } void Process::setUserUsage(int _userUsage) { if(d->userUsage == _userUsage) return; d->userUsage = _userUsage; d->changes |= Process::Usage; } void Process::setSysUsage(int _sysUsage) { if(d->sysUsage == _sysUsage) return; d->sysUsage = _sysUsage; d->changes |= Process::Usage; } void Process::setTotalUserUsage(int _totalUserUsage) { if(d->totalUserUsage == _totalUserUsage) return; d->totalUserUsage = _totalUserUsage; d->changes |= Process::TotalUsage; } void Process::setTotalSysUsage(int _totalSysUsage) { if(d->totalSysUsage == _totalSysUsage) return; d->totalSysUsage = _totalSysUsage; d->changes |= Process::TotalUsage; } void Process::setNiceLevel(int _niceLevel) { if(d->niceLevel == _niceLevel) return; d->niceLevel = _niceLevel; d->changes |= Process::NiceLevels; } void Process::setScheduler(Scheduler _scheduler) { if(d->scheduler == _scheduler) return; d->scheduler = _scheduler; d->changes |= Process::NiceLevels; } void Process::setIoPriorityClass(IoPriorityClass _ioPriorityClass) { if(d->ioPriorityClass == _ioPriorityClass) return; d->ioPriorityClass = _ioPriorityClass; d->changes |= Process::NiceLevels; } void Process::setIoniceLevel(int _ioniceLevel) { if(d->ioniceLevel == _ioniceLevel) return; d->ioniceLevel = _ioniceLevel; d->changes |= Process::NiceLevels; } void Process::setVmSize(qlonglong _vmSize) { if(d->vmSizeChange != 0 || d->vmSize != 0) d->vmSizeChange = _vmSize - d->vmSize; if(d->vmSize == _vmSize) return; d->vmSize = _vmSize; d->changes |= Process::VmSize; } void Process::setVmRSS(qlonglong _vmRSS) { if(d->vmRSSChange != 0 || d->vmRSS != 0) d->vmRSSChange = _vmRSS - d->vmRSS; if(d->vmRSS == _vmRSS) return; d->vmRSS = _vmRSS; d->changes |= Process::VmRSS; } void Process::setVmURSS(qlonglong _vmURSS) { if(d->vmURSSChange != 0 || d->vmURSS != 0) d->vmURSSChange = _vmURSS - d->vmURSS; if(d->vmURSS == _vmURSS) return; d->vmURSS = _vmURSS; d->changes |= Process::VmURSS; } void Process::setVmPSS(qlonglong pss) { if (d->vmPSSChange != 0 || d->vmPSS != 0) { d->vmPSSChange = pss - d->vmPSS; } if (d->vmPSS == pss) { return; } d->vmPSS = pss; d->changes |= Process::VmPSS; } void Process::setName(const QString &_name) { if(d->name == _name) return; d->name = _name; d->changes |= Process::Name; } void Process::setCommand(const QString &_command) { if(d->command == _command) return; d->command = _command; d->changes |= Process::Command; } void Process::setStatus(ProcessStatus _status) { if(d->status == _status) return; d->status = _status; d->changes |= Process::Status; } void Process::setIoCharactersRead(qlonglong number) { if(d->ioCharactersRead == number) return; d->ioCharactersRead = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setIoCharactersWritten(qlonglong number) { if(d->ioCharactersWritten == number) return; d->ioCharactersWritten = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setIoReadSyscalls(qlonglong number) { if(d->ioReadSyscalls == number) return; d->ioReadSyscalls = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setIoWriteSyscalls(qlonglong number) { if(d->ioWriteSyscalls == number) return; d->ioWriteSyscalls = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setIoCharactersActuallyRead(qlonglong number) { if(d->ioCharactersActuallyRead == number) return; d->ioCharactersActuallyRead = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setIoCharactersActuallyWritten(qlonglong number) { if(d->ioCharactersActuallyWritten == number) return; d->ioCharactersActuallyWritten = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setIoCharactersReadRate(long number) { if(d->ioCharactersReadRate == number) return; d->ioCharactersReadRate = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setIoCharactersWrittenRate(long number) { if(d->ioCharactersWrittenRate == number) return; d->ioCharactersWrittenRate = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setIoReadSyscallsRate(long number) { if(d->ioReadSyscallsRate == number) return; d->ioReadSyscallsRate = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setIoWriteSyscallsRate(long number) { if(d->ioWriteSyscallsRate == number) return; d->ioWriteSyscallsRate = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setIoCharactersActuallyReadRate(long number) { if(d->ioCharactersActuallyReadRate == number) return; d->ioCharactersActuallyReadRate = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setIoCharactersActuallyWrittenRate(long number) { if(d->ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate == number) return; d->ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate = number; d->changes |= Process::IO; } void Process::setNumThreads(int number) { if(d->numThreads == number) return; d->numThreads = number; d->changes |= Process::NumThreads; } void Process::setIndex(int index) { d->index = index; } void Process::setElapsedTimeMilliSeconds(int value) { d->elapsedTimeMilliSeconds = value; } void Process::setChanges(KSysGuard::Process::Change changes) { d->changes = changes; } void Process::setCGroup(const QString &_cGroup) { if(d->cGroup == _cGroup) return; d->cGroup = _cGroup; d->changes |= Process::Status; } void Process::setMACContext(const QString &_macContext) { if(d->macContext == _macContext) return; d->macContext = _macContext; d->changes |= Process::Status; } } diff --git a/processcore/process.h b/processcore/process.h index 13cd598..1390314 100644 --- a/processcore/process.h +++ b/processcore/process.h @@ -1,276 +1,275 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2007 John Tapsell Copyright (C) 2015 Gregor Mi This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef PROCESS_H #define PROCESS_H #include #include -#include #include namespace KSysGuard { class ProcessPrivate; // forward decl d-ptr class Q_DECL_EXPORT Process { public: enum ProcessStatus { Running, Sleeping, DiskSleep, Zombie, Stopped, Paging, Ended, OtherStatus = 99 }; enum IoPriorityClass { None, RealTime, BestEffort, Idle }; enum Scheduler { Other = 0, Fifo, RoundRobin, Batch, SchedulerIdle, Interactive }; ///< Interactive is Solaris only Process(); Process(qlonglong _pid, qlonglong _ppid, Process *_parent); virtual ~Process(); long pid() const; ///< The system's ID for this process. 1 for init. -1 for our virtual 'parent of init' process used just for convenience. long parentPid() const; ///< The system's ID for the parent of this process. Set to -1 if it has no parent (e.g. 'init' on Linux). void setParentPid(long parent_pid); /** A guaranteed NON-NULL pointer for all real processes to the parent process except for the fake process with pid -1. * The Parent's pid is the same value as the parent_pid. The parent process will be also pointed * to by ProcessModel::mPidToProcess to there is no need to worry about mem management in using parent. * For process without a parent (such as 'init' on Linux, parent will point to a (fake) process with pid -1 to simplify things. * For the fake process, this will point to NULL */ Process *parent() const; void setParent(Process *parent); QList & children() const; // REF, make non-ref later! ///< A list of all the direct children that the process has. Children of children are not listed here, so note that children_pids <= numChildren unsigned long& numChildren() const; // REF, make non-ref later! QString login() const; void setLogin(const QString &login); ///< The user login name. Only used for processes on remote machines. Otherwise use uid to get the name qlonglong uid() const; void setUid(qlonglong uid); ///< The user id that the process is running as qlonglong euid() const; void setEuid(qlonglong euid); ///< The effective user id that the process is running as qlonglong suid() const; void setSuid(qlonglong suid); ///< The set user id that the process is running as qlonglong fsuid() const; void setFsuid(qlonglong fsuid); ///< The file system user id that the process is running as. qlonglong gid() const; void setGid(qlonglong gid); ///< The process group id that the process is running as qlonglong egid() const; void setEgid(qlonglong egid); ///< The effective group id that the process is running as qlonglong sgid() const; void setSgid(qlonglong sgid); ///< The set group id that the process is running as qlonglong fsgid() const; void setFsgid(qlonglong fsgid); ///< The file system group id that the process is running as qlonglong tracerpid() const; void setTracerpid(qlonglong tracerpid); ///< If this is being debugged, this is the process that is debugging it, or 0 otherwise QByteArray tty() const; void setTty(const QByteArray &tty); ///< The name of the tty the process owns qlonglong userTime() const; void setUserTime(qlonglong userTime); ///< The time, in 100ths of a second, spent in total on user calls. -1 if not known qlonglong sysTime() const; void setSysTime(qlonglong sysTime); ///< The time, in 100ths of a second, spent in total on system calls. -1 if not known /** * the value is expressed in clock ticks (since Linux 2.6; we only handle this case) since system boot */ qlonglong startTime() const; void setStartTime(qlonglong startTime); /// The time the process started after system boot. Since Linux 2.6, the value is expressed in clock ticks. See man proc. int userUsage() const; void setUserUsage(int userUsage); ///< Percentage (0 to 100). It might be more than 100% on multiple cpu core systems int sysUsage() const; void setSysUsage(int sysUsage); ///< Percentage (0 to 100). It might be more than 100% on multiple cpu core systems int& totalUserUsage() const; // REF, make non-ref later! void setTotalUserUsage(int totalUserUsage); ///< Percentage (0 to 100) from the sum of itself and all its children recursively. If there's no children, it's equal to userUsage. It might be more than 100% on multiple cpu core systems int& totalSysUsage() const; // REF, make non-ref later! void setTotalSysUsage(int totalSysUsage); ///< Percentage (0 to 100) from the sum of itself and all its children recursively. If there's no children, it's equal to sysUsage. It might be more than 100% on multiple cpu core systems int niceLevel() const; void setNiceLevel(int niceLevel); ///< If Scheduler = Other, niceLevel is the niceness (-20 to 20) of this process. A lower number means a higher priority. Otherwise sched priority (1 to 99) Scheduler scheduler() const; void setScheduler(Scheduler scheduler); ///< The scheduler this process is running in. See man sched_getscheduler for more info IoPriorityClass ioPriorityClass() const; void setIoPriorityClass(IoPriorityClass ioPriorityClass); ///< The IO priority class. See man ionice for detailed information. int ioniceLevel() const; void setIoniceLevel(int ioniceLevel); ///< IO Niceness (0 to 7) of this process. A lower number means a higher io priority. -1 if not known or not applicable because ioPriorityClass is Idle or None qlonglong vmSize() const; void setVmSize(qlonglong vmSize); ///< Virtual memory size in KiloBytes, including memory used, mmap'ed files, graphics memory etc, qlonglong vmRSS() const; void setVmRSS(qlonglong vmRSS); ///< Physical memory used by the process and its shared libraries. If the process and libraries are swapped to disk, this could be as low as 0 qlonglong vmURSS() const; void setVmURSS(qlonglong vmURSS); ///< Physical memory used only by the process, and not counting the code for shared libraries. Set to -1 if unknown qlonglong vmPSS() const; void setVmPSS(qlonglong vmPSS); ///< Proportional set size, the amount of private physical memory used by the process + the amount of shared memory used divided over the number of processes using it. QString name() const; void setName(const QString &name); ///< The name (e.g. "ksysguard", "konversation", "init") QString& command() const; // REF, make non-ref later! void setCommand(const QString &command); ///< The command the process was launched with ProcessStatus status() const; void setStatus( ProcessStatus status); ///< Whether the process is running/sleeping/etc qlonglong ioCharactersRead() const; void setIoCharactersRead(qlonglong number); ///< The number of bytes which this task has caused to be read from storage qlonglong ioCharactersWritten() const; void setIoCharactersWritten(qlonglong number); ///< The number of bytes which this task has caused, or shall cause to be written to disk. qlonglong ioReadSyscalls() const; void setIoReadSyscalls(qlonglong number); ///< Number of read I/O operations, i.e. syscalls like read() and pread(). qlonglong ioWriteSyscalls() const; void setIoWriteSyscalls(qlonglong number); ///< Number of write I/O operations, i.e. syscalls like write() and pwrite(). qlonglong ioCharactersActuallyRead() const; void setIoCharactersActuallyRead(qlonglong number); ///< Number of bytes which this process really did cause to be fetched from the storage layer. qlonglong ioCharactersActuallyWritten() const; void setIoCharactersActuallyWritten(qlonglong number); ///< Attempt to count the number of bytes which this process caused to be sent to the storage layer. long ioCharactersReadRate() const; void setIoCharactersReadRate(long number); ///< The rate, in bytes per second, which this task has caused to be read from storage long ioCharactersWrittenRate() const; void setIoCharactersWrittenRate(long number); ///< The rate, in bytes per second, which this task has caused, or shall cause to be written to disk. long ioReadSyscallsRate() const; void setIoReadSyscallsRate(long number); ///< Number of read I/O operations per second, i.e. syscalls like read() and pread(). long ioWriteSyscallsRate() const; void setIoWriteSyscallsRate(long number); ///< Number of write I/O operations per second, i.e. syscalls like write() and pwrite(). long ioCharactersActuallyReadRate() const; void setIoCharactersActuallyReadRate(long number); ///< Number of bytes per second which this process really did cause to be fetched from the storage layer. long ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate() const; void setIoCharactersActuallyWrittenRate(long number); ///< Attempt to count the number of bytes per second which this process caused to be sent to the storage layer. int numThreads() const; ///< Number of threads that this process has, including the main one. 0 if not known void setNumThreads(int number); ///< The number of threads that this process has, including this process. int noNewPrivileges() const; void setNoNewPrivileges(int number); ///< Linux process flag NoNewPrivileges int index() const; ///< Each process has a parent process. Each sibling has a unique number to identify it under that parent. This is that number. void setIndex(int index); qlonglong& vmSizeChange() const; // REF, make non-ref later! ///< The change in vmSize since last update, in KiB qlonglong& vmRSSChange() const; // REF, make non-ref later! ///< The change in vmRSS since last update, in KiB qlonglong& vmURSSChange() const; // REF, make non-ref later! ///< The change in vmURSS since last update, in KiB qlonglong vmPSSChange() const; ///< The change in vmPSS since last update, in KiB. unsigned long& pixmapBytes() const; // REF, make non-ref later! ///< The number of bytes used for pixmaps/images and not counted by vmRSS or vmURSS bool& hasManagedGuiWindow() const; // REF, make non-ref later! - QElapsedTimer timeKillWasSent() const; ///< This is usually a NULL time. When trying to kill a process, this is the time that the kill signal was sent to the process. + QTime timeKillWasSent() const; ///< This is usually a NULL time. When trying to kill a process, this is the time that the kill signal was sent to the process. QString translatedStatus() const; ///< Returns a translated string of the status. e.g. "Running" etc QString niceLevelAsString() const; ///< Returns a simple translated string of the nice priority. e.g. "Normal", "High", etc QString ioniceLevelAsString() const; ///< Returns a simple translated string of the io nice priority. e.g. "Normal", "High", etc QString ioPriorityClassAsString() const; ///< Returns a translated string of the io nice class. i.e. "None", "Real Time", "Best Effort", "Idle" QString schedulerAsString() const; ///< Returns a translated string of the scheduler class. e.g. "FIFO", "Round Robin", "Batch" QString cGroup() const; void setCGroup(const QString &cGroup); ///< Linux Control Group (cgroup) QString macContext() const; void setMACContext(const QString &macContext); ///< Mandatory Access Control (SELinux or AppArmor) Context /** This is the number of 1/1000ths of a second since this * particular process was last updated compared to when all the processes * were updated. The purpose is to allow a more fine tracking of the time * a process has been running for. * * This is updated in processes.cpp and so shouldn't be touched by the * OS dependant classes. */ int elapsedTimeMilliSeconds() const; void setElapsedTimeMilliSeconds(int value); /** An enum to keep track of what changed since the last update. Note that we * the maximum we can use is 0x4000, so some of the enums represent multiple variables */ enum Change { Nothing = 0x0, Uids = 0x1, Gids = 0x2, Tracerpid = 0x4, Tty = 0x8, Usage = 0x10, TotalUsage = 0x20, NiceLevels = 0x40, VmSize = 0x80, VmRSS = 0x100, VmURSS = 0x200, Name = 0x400, Command = 0x800, Status = 0x1000, Login = 0x2000, IO = 0x4000, NumThreads = 0x8000, VmPSS = 0x10000, }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Changes, Change) Changes changes() const; /**< A QFlags representing what has changed */ void setChanges(Change changes); private: void clear(); private: ProcessPrivate* const d; }; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Process::Changes) } #endif diff --git a/processcore/processes.cpp b/processcore/processes.cpp index 49e13cd..2e4da96 100644 --- a/processcore/processes.cpp +++ b/processcore/processes.cpp @@ -1,545 +1,544 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2007 John Tapsell This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "processes.h" #include "processes_base_p.h" #include "processes_local_p.h" #include "processes_remote_p.h" #include "processes_atop_p.h" #include "process.h" #include #include #include #include -#include //for sysconf #include /* if porting to an OS without signal.h please #define SIGTERM to something */ #include namespace KSysGuard { class Q_DECL_HIDDEN Processes::Private { public: Private(Processes *q_ptr) { mFakeProcess.setParent(&mFakeProcess); mAbstractProcesses = nullptr; mHistoricProcesses = nullptr; mIsLocalHost = true; mProcesses.insert(-1, &mFakeProcess); mElapsedTimeMilliSeconds = 0; mHavePreviousIoValues = false; mUpdateFlags = nullptr; mUsingHistoricalData = false; q = q_ptr; } ~Private(); void markProcessesAsEnded(long pid); QSet mToBeProcessed; QSet mProcessedLastTime; QSet mEndedProcesses; ///< Processes that have finished QHash mProcesses; ///< This must include mFakeProcess at pid -1 QList mListProcesses; ///< A list of the processes. Does not include mFakeProcesses Process mFakeProcess; ///< A fake process with pid -1 just so that even init points to a parent AbstractProcesses *mAbstractProcesses; ///< The OS specific code to get the process information ProcessesATop *mHistoricProcesses; ///< A way to get historic information about processes bool mIsLocalHost; ///< Whether this is localhost or not - QElapsedTimer mLastUpdated; ///< This is the time we last updated. Used to calculate cpu usage. + QTime mLastUpdated; ///< This is the time we last updated. Used to calculate cpu usage. long mElapsedTimeMilliSeconds; ///< The number of milliseconds (1000ths of a second) that passed since the last update Processes::UpdateFlags mUpdateFlags; bool mHavePreviousIoValues; ///< This is whether we updated the IO value on the last update bool mUsingHistoricalData; ///< Whether to return historical data for updateProcess() etc Processes *q; }; Processes::Private::~Private() { Q_FOREACH(Process *process, mProcesses) { if(process != &mFakeProcess) delete process; } mProcesses.clear(); mListProcesses.clear(); delete mAbstractProcesses; mAbstractProcesses = nullptr; } Processes::Processes(const QString &host, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), d(new Private(this)) { if(host.isEmpty()) { d->mAbstractProcesses = new ProcessesLocal(); } else { ProcessesRemote *remote = new ProcessesRemote(host); d->mAbstractProcesses = remote; connect(remote, &ProcessesRemote::runCommand, this, &Processes::runCommand); } d->mIsLocalHost = host.isEmpty(); connect( d->mAbstractProcesses, &AbstractProcesses::processesUpdated, this, &Processes::processesUpdated); } Processes::~Processes() { delete d; } Processes::Error Processes::lastError() const { return d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode; } Process *Processes::getProcess(long pid) const { return d->mProcesses.value(pid); } const QList &Processes::getAllProcesses() const { return d->mListProcesses; } int Processes::processCount() const { return d->mListProcesses.count(); } bool Processes::updateProcess( Process *ps, long ppid) { Process *parent = d->mProcesses.value(ppid, &d->mFakeProcess); Q_ASSERT(parent); //even init has a non-null parent - the mFakeProcess if(ps->parent() != parent) { emit beginMoveProcess(ps, parent/*new parent*/); //Processes has been reparented Process *p = ps; do { p = p->parent(); p->numChildren()--; } while (p->pid()!= -1); Q_ASSERT(ps != parent); ps->parent()->children().removeAll(ps); ps->setParent(parent); //the parent has changed parent->children().append(ps); p = ps; do { p = p->parent(); p->numChildren()++; } while (p->pid()!= -1); emit endMoveProcess(); Q_ASSERT(ps != parent); ps->setParent(parent); } ps->setParentPid(ppid); bool success = updateProcessInfo(ps); emit processChanged(ps, false); return success; } bool Processes::updateProcessInfo(Process *ps) { //Now we can actually get the process info qlonglong oldUserTime = ps->userTime(); qlonglong oldSysTime = ps->sysTime(); qlonglong oldIoCharactersRead = 0; qlonglong oldIoCharactersWritten = 0; qlonglong oldIoReadSyscalls = 0; qlonglong oldIoWriteSyscalls = 0; qlonglong oldIoCharactersActuallyRead = 0; qlonglong oldIoCharactersActuallyWritten = 0; if(d->mUpdateFlags.testFlag(Processes::IOStatistics)) { oldIoCharactersRead = ps->ioCharactersRead(); oldIoCharactersWritten = ps->ioCharactersWritten(); oldIoReadSyscalls = ps->ioReadSyscalls(); oldIoWriteSyscalls = ps->ioWriteSyscalls(); oldIoCharactersActuallyRead = ps->ioCharactersActuallyRead(); oldIoCharactersActuallyWritten = ps->ioCharactersActuallyWritten(); } ps->setChanges(Process::Nothing); bool success; if(d->mUsingHistoricalData) success = d->mHistoricProcesses->updateProcessInfo(ps->pid(), ps); else success = d->mAbstractProcesses->updateProcessInfo(ps->pid(), ps); //Now we have the process info. Calculate the cpu usage and total cpu usage for itself and all its parents if(!d->mUsingHistoricalData && d->mElapsedTimeMilliSeconds != 0) { //Update the user usage and sys usage #ifndef Q_OS_NETBSD /* The elapsed time is the d->mElapsedTimeMilliSeconds * (which is of the order 2 seconds or so) plus a small * correction where we get the amount of time elapsed since * we start processing. This is because the processing itself * can take a non-trivial amount of time. */ int elapsedTime = ps->elapsedTimeMilliSeconds(); ps->setElapsedTimeMilliSeconds(d->mLastUpdated.elapsed()); elapsedTime = ps->elapsedTimeMilliSeconds() - elapsedTime + d->mElapsedTimeMilliSeconds; if(elapsedTime) { ps->setUserUsage((int)(((ps->userTime() - oldUserTime)*1000.0) / elapsedTime)); ps->setSysUsage((int)(((ps->sysTime() - oldSysTime)*1000.0) / elapsedTime)); } #endif if(d->mUpdateFlags.testFlag(Processes::IOStatistics)) { if( d->mHavePreviousIoValues ) { ps->setIoCharactersReadRate((ps->ioCharactersRead() - oldIoCharactersRead) * 1000.0 / elapsedTime); ps->setIoCharactersWrittenRate((ps->ioCharactersWritten() - oldIoCharactersWritten) * 1000.0 / elapsedTime); ps->setIoReadSyscallsRate((ps->ioReadSyscalls() - oldIoReadSyscalls) * 1000.0 / elapsedTime); ps->setIoWriteSyscallsRate((ps->ioWriteSyscalls() - oldIoWriteSyscalls) * 1000.0 / elapsedTime); ps->setIoCharactersActuallyReadRate((ps->ioCharactersActuallyRead() - oldIoCharactersActuallyRead) * 1000.0 / elapsedTime); ps->setIoCharactersActuallyWrittenRate((ps->ioCharactersActuallyWritten() - oldIoCharactersActuallyWritten) * 1000.0 / elapsedTime); } else d->mHavePreviousIoValues = true; } else if(d->mHavePreviousIoValues) { d->mHavePreviousIoValues = false; ps->setIoCharactersReadRate(0); ps->setIoCharactersWrittenRate(0); ps->setIoReadSyscallsRate(0); ps->setIoWriteSyscallsRate(0); ps->setIoCharactersActuallyReadRate(0); ps->setIoCharactersActuallyWrittenRate(0); } } if(d->mUsingHistoricalData || d->mElapsedTimeMilliSeconds != 0) { ps->setTotalUserUsage(ps->userUsage()); ps->setTotalSysUsage(ps->sysUsage()); if(ps->userUsage() != 0 || ps->sysUsage() != 0) { Process *p = ps->parent(); while(p->pid() != -1) { p->totalUserUsage() += ps->userUsage(); p->totalSysUsage() += ps->sysUsage(); emit processChanged(p, true); p = p->parent(); } } } return success; } bool Processes::addProcess(long pid, long ppid) { Process *parent = d->mProcesses.value(ppid); if(!parent) { //Under race conditions, the parent could have already quit //In this case, attach to top leaf parent = &d->mFakeProcess; Q_ASSERT(parent); //even init has a non-null parent - the mFakeProcess } //it's a new process - we need to set it up Process *ps = new Process(pid, ppid, parent); emit beginAddProcess(ps); d->mProcesses.insert(pid, ps); ps->setIndex(d->mListProcesses.count()); d->mListProcesses.append(ps); ps->parent()->children().append(ps); Process *p = ps; do { Q_ASSERT(p); p = p->parent(); p->numChildren()++; } while (p->pid() != -1); ps->setParentPid(ppid); //Now we can actually get the process info bool success = updateProcessInfo(ps); emit endAddProcess(); return success; } bool Processes::updateOrAddProcess( long pid) { long ppid; if(d->mUsingHistoricalData) ppid = d->mHistoricProcesses->getParentPid(pid); else ppid = d->mAbstractProcesses->getParentPid(pid); if (ppid == pid) //Shouldn't ever happen ppid = -1; if(d->mToBeProcessed.contains(ppid)) { //Make sure that we update the parent before we update this one. Just makes things a bit easier. d->mToBeProcessed.remove(ppid); d->mProcessedLastTime.remove(ppid); //It may or may not be here - remove it if it is there updateOrAddProcess(ppid); } Process *ps = d->mProcesses.value(pid); if(!ps) return addProcess(pid, ppid); else return updateProcess(ps, ppid); } void Processes::updateAllProcesses(long updateDurationMS, Processes::UpdateFlags updateFlags) { d->mUpdateFlags = updateFlags; if(d->mUsingHistoricalData || d->mLastUpdated.elapsed() >= updateDurationMS || !d->mLastUpdated.isValid()) { d->mElapsedTimeMilliSeconds = d->mLastUpdated.restart(); if(d->mUsingHistoricalData) d->mHistoricProcesses->updateAllProcesses(d->mUpdateFlags); else d->mAbstractProcesses->updateAllProcesses(d->mUpdateFlags); //For a local machine, this will directly call Processes::processesUpdated() } } void Processes::processesUpdated() { //First really delete any processes that ended last time long pid; { QSetIterator i(d->mEndedProcesses); while( i.hasNext() ) { pid = i.next(); deleteProcess(pid); } } if(d->mUsingHistoricalData) d->mToBeProcessed = d->mHistoricProcesses->getAllPids(); else d->mToBeProcessed = d->mAbstractProcesses->getAllPids(); QSet beingProcessed(d->mToBeProcessed); //keep a copy so that we can replace mProcessedLastTime with this at the end of this function { QMutableSetIterator i(d->mToBeProcessed); while( i.hasNext()) { pid = i.next(); i.remove(); d->mProcessedLastTime.remove(pid); //It may or may not be here - remove it if it is there updateOrAddProcess(pid); //This adds the process or changes an existing one i.toFront(); //we can remove entries from this set elsewhere, so our iterator might be invalid. Reset it back to the start of the set } } { QSetIterator i(d->mProcessedLastTime); while( i.hasNext()) { //We saw these pids last time, but not this time. That means we have to mark them for deletion now pid = i.next(); d->markProcessesAsEnded(pid); } d->mEndedProcesses = d->mProcessedLastTime; } d->mProcessedLastTime = beingProcessed; //update the set for next time this function is called emit updated(); } void Processes::Private::markProcessesAsEnded(long pid) { Q_ASSERT(pid >= 0); Process *process = mProcesses.value(pid); if(!process) return; process->setStatus(Process::Ended); emit q->processChanged(process, false); } void Processes::deleteProcess(long pid) { Q_ASSERT(pid >= 0); Process *process = d->mProcesses.value(pid); if(!process) return; Q_FOREACH( Process *it, process->children()) { d->mProcessedLastTime.remove(it->pid()); deleteProcess(it->pid()); } emit beginRemoveProcess(process); d->mProcesses.remove(pid); d->mListProcesses.removeAll(process); process->parent()->children().removeAll(process); Process *p = process; do { Q_ASSERT(p); p = p->parent(); p->numChildren()--; } while (p->pid() != -1); #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG int i = 0; #endif Q_FOREACH( Process *it, d->mListProcesses ) { if(it->index() > process->index()) it->setIndex(it->index() - 1); #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG Q_ASSERT(it->index() == i++); #endif } delete process; emit endRemoveProcess(); } bool Processes::killProcess(long pid) { return sendSignal(pid, SIGTERM); } bool Processes::sendSignal(long pid, int sig) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = Unknown; if(d->mUsingHistoricalData) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = NotSupported; return false; } return d->mAbstractProcesses->sendSignal(pid, sig); } bool Processes::setNiceness(long pid, int priority) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = Unknown; if(d->mUsingHistoricalData) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = NotSupported; return false; } return d->mAbstractProcesses->setNiceness(pid, priority); } bool Processes::setScheduler(long pid, KSysGuard::Process::Scheduler priorityClass, int priority) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = Unknown; if(d->mUsingHistoricalData) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = NotSupported; return false; } return d->mAbstractProcesses->setScheduler(pid, priorityClass, priority); } bool Processes::setIoNiceness(long pid, KSysGuard::Process::IoPriorityClass priorityClass, int priority) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = Unknown; if(d->mUsingHistoricalData) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = NotSupported; return false; } return d->mAbstractProcesses->setIoNiceness(pid, priorityClass, priority); } bool Processes::supportsIoNiceness() { if(d->mUsingHistoricalData) return false; return d->mAbstractProcesses->supportsIoNiceness(); } long long Processes::totalPhysicalMemory() { return d->mAbstractProcesses->totalPhysicalMemory(); } long Processes::numberProcessorCores() { return d->mAbstractProcesses->numberProcessorCores(); } void Processes::answerReceived( int id, const QList& answer ) { KSysGuard::ProcessesRemote *processes = qobject_cast(d->mAbstractProcesses); if(processes) processes->answerReceived(id, answer); } QList< QPair > Processes::historiesAvailable() const { if(!d->mIsLocalHost) return QList< QPair >(); if(!d->mHistoricProcesses) d->mHistoricProcesses = new ProcessesATop(); return d->mHistoricProcesses->historiesAvailable(); } void Processes::useCurrentData() { if(d->mUsingHistoricalData) { delete d->mHistoricProcesses; d->mHistoricProcesses = nullptr; connect( d->mAbstractProcesses, &AbstractProcesses::processesUpdated, this, &Processes::processesUpdated); d->mUsingHistoricalData = false; } } bool Processes::setViewingTime(const QDateTime &when) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = Unknown; if(!d->mIsLocalHost) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = NotSupported; return false; } if(!d->mUsingHistoricalData) { if(!d->mHistoricProcesses) d->mHistoricProcesses = new ProcessesATop(); disconnect( d->mAbstractProcesses, &AbstractProcesses::processesUpdated, this, &Processes::processesUpdated); connect( d->mHistoricProcesses, &AbstractProcesses::processesUpdated, this, &Processes::processesUpdated); d->mUsingHistoricalData = true; } return d->mHistoricProcesses->setViewingTime(when); } bool Processes::loadHistoryFile(const QString &filename) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = Unknown; if(!d->mIsLocalHost) { d->mAbstractProcesses->errorCode = NotSupported; return false; } if(!d->mHistoricProcesses) d->mHistoricProcesses = new ProcessesATop(false); return d->mHistoricProcesses->loadHistoryFile(filename); } QString Processes::historyFileName() const { if(!d->mIsLocalHost || !d->mHistoricProcesses) return QString(); return d->mHistoricProcesses->historyFileName(); } QDateTime Processes::viewingTime() const { if(!d->mIsLocalHost || !d->mHistoricProcesses) return QDateTime(); return d->mHistoricProcesses->viewingTime(); } bool Processes::isHistoryAvailable() const { if(!d->mIsLocalHost) return false; if(!d->mHistoricProcesses) d->mHistoricProcesses = new ProcessesATop(); return d->mHistoricProcesses->isHistoryAvailable(); } } diff --git a/processcore/processes_atop_p.cpp b/processcore/processes_atop_p.cpp index 422de35..c8c2b56 100644 --- a/processcore/processes_atop_p.cpp +++ b/processcore/processes_atop_p.cpp @@ -1,379 +1,379 @@ /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2007 John Tapsell This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "processes_atop_p.h" #include "process.h" #include "atop_p.h" #include "processcore_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace KSysGuard { class ProcessesATop::Private { public: Private(); ~Private(); QFile atopLog; bool ready; bool loadDataForHistory(int index); bool loadHistoryFile(const QString &filename); RawHeader rh; RawRecord rr; // SStat sstats; PStat *pstats; QList pids; //This is a list of process pid's, in the exact same order as pstats QString lastError; QList historyOffsets; //< The file offset where each history is stored QList< QPair > historyTimes; //< The end time for each history record and its interval, probably in order from oldest to newest int currentlySelectedIndex; }; ProcessesATop::Private::Private() : ready(false), pstats(nullptr), currentlySelectedIndex(-1) { } ProcessesATop::Private::~Private() { } QString ProcessesATop::historyFileName() const { return d->atopLog.fileName(); } bool ProcessesATop::loadHistoryFile(const QString &filename) { return d->loadHistoryFile(filename); } bool ProcessesATop::Private::loadHistoryFile(const QString &filename) { atopLog.setFileName(filename); ready = false; currentlySelectedIndex = -1; if(!atopLog.exists()) { lastError = QLatin1String("File ") + filename + QLatin1String(" does not exist"); return false; } if(!atopLog.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { lastError = QLatin1String("Could not open file ") + filename; return false; } int sizeRead = atopLog.read((char*)(&rh), sizeof(RawHeader)); if(sizeRead != sizeof(RawHeader)) { lastError = QLatin1String("Could not read header from file ") + filename; return false; } if(rh.magic != ATOPLOGMAGIC) { lastError = QLatin1String("File ") + filename + QLatin1String(" does not contain raw atop/atopsar output (wrong magic number)"); return false; } if (/*rh.sstatlen != sizeof(SStat) ||*/ rh.pstatlen != sizeof(PStat) || rh.rawheadlen != sizeof(RawHeader) || rh.rawreclen != sizeof(RawRecord) ) { lastError = QLatin1String("File ") + filename + QLatin1String(" has incompatible format"); if (rh.aversion & 0x8000) { lastError = QStringLiteral("(created by version %1.%2. This program understands the format written by version 1.23") .arg((rh.aversion >> 8) & 0x7f).arg(rh.aversion & 0xff); } return false; } /* Read the first data header */ int offset = atopLog.pos(); historyTimes.clear(); historyOffsets.clear(); while( !atopLog.atEnd() && atopLog.read((char*)(&rr), sizeof(RawRecord)) == sizeof(RawRecord) ) { historyOffsets << offset; historyTimes << QPair(QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(rr.curtime), rr.interval); offset += sizeof(RawRecord) + rr.scomplen + rr.pcomplen; atopLog.seek(offset); } if(currentlySelectedIndex >= historyOffsets.size()) currentlySelectedIndex = historyOffsets.size() - 1; ready = true; return true; } bool ProcessesATop::Private::loadDataForHistory(int index) { delete [] pstats; pstats = nullptr; atopLog.seek(historyOffsets.at(index)); /*Read the first data header */ if( atopLog.read((char*)(&rr), sizeof(RawRecord)) != sizeof(RawRecord) ) { lastError = QStringLiteral("Could not read data header"); return false; } if( historyTimes.at(index).first != QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(rr.curtime) || historyTimes.at(index).second != rr.interval) { lastError = QStringLiteral("INTERNAL ERROR WITH loadDataForHistory"); ready = false; return false; } atopLog.seek(atopLog.pos() + rr.scomplen); QByteArray processRecord; processRecord.resize(rr.pcomplen); // qToBigEndian( rr.pcomplen, (uchar*)processRecord.data() ); unsigned int dataRead = 0; do { int ret = atopLog.read( processRecord.data() + dataRead, rr.pcomplen - dataRead); if(ret == -1) { lastError = QStringLiteral("Stream interrupted while being read"); return false; } dataRead += ret; } while(dataRead < rr.pcomplen); Q_ASSERT(dataRead == rr.pcomplen); //Q_ASSERT( (index + 1 ==historyTimes.count()) || atopLog.pos() == historyTimes.at(index+1)); pstats = new PStat[ rr.nlist ]; unsigned long uncompressedLength= sizeof(struct PStat) * rr.nlist; int ret = uncompress((Byte *)pstats, &uncompressedLength, (Byte *)processRecord.constData(), rr.pcomplen); if(ret != Z_OK && ret != Z_STREAM_END && ret != Z_NEED_DICT) { switch(ret) { case Z_MEM_ERROR: lastError = QStringLiteral("Could not uncompress record data due to lack of memory"); break; case Z_BUF_ERROR: lastError = QStringLiteral("Could not uncompress record data due to lack of room in buffer"); break; case Z_DATA_ERROR: lastError = QStringLiteral("Could not uncompress record data due to corrupted data"); break; default: lastError = QLatin1String("Could not uncompress record data due to unexpected error: ") + QString::number(ret); break; } delete [] pstats; pstats = nullptr; return false; } pids.clear(); for(uint i = 0; i < rr.nlist; i++) { pids << pstats[i].gen.pid; } return true; } ProcessesATop::ProcessesATop(bool loadDefaultFile) : d(new Private()) { if(loadDefaultFile) loadHistoryFile(QStringLiteral("/var/log/atop.log")); } bool ProcessesATop::isHistoryAvailable() const { return d->ready; } long ProcessesATop::getParentPid(long pid) { int index = d->pids.indexOf(pid); if(index < 0) return 0; return d->pstats[index].gen.ppid; } bool ProcessesATop::updateProcessInfo( long pid, Process *process) { int index = d->pids.indexOf(pid); if(index < 0) return false; PStat &p = d->pstats[index]; process->setParentPid(p.gen.ppid); process->setUid(p.gen.ruid); process->setEuid(p.gen.ruid); process->setSuid(p.gen.ruid); process->setFsuid(p.gen.ruid); process->setGid(p.gen.rgid); process->setEgid(p.gen.rgid); process->setSgid(p.gen.rgid); process->setFsgid(p.gen.rgid); process->setTracerpid(-1); process->setNumThreads(p.gen.nthr); // process->setTty process->setUserTime(p.cpu.utime * 100/d->rh.hertz);//check - divide by interval maybe? process->setSysTime(p.cpu.stime * 100/d->rh.hertz); //check process->setUserUsage(process->userTime() / d->rr.interval); process->setSysUsage(process->sysTime() / d->rr.interval); process->setNiceLevel(p.cpu.nice); // process->setscheduler(p.cpu.policy); process->setVmSize(p.mem.vmem); process->setVmRSS(p.mem.rmem); process->vmSizeChange() = p.mem.vgrow; process->vmRSSChange() = p.mem.rgrow; process->setVmURSS(0); process->vmURSSChange() = 0; /* Fill in name and command */ QString name = QString::fromUtf8(p.gen.name, qstrnlen(p.gen.name,PNAMLEN)); QString command = QString::fromUtf8(p.gen.cmdline, qstrnlen(p.gen.cmdline,CMDLEN)); //cmdline separates parameters with the NULL character if(!command.isEmpty()) { if(command.startsWith(name)) { int index = command.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\0')); name = command.left(index); } command.replace(QLatin1Char('\0'), QLatin1Char(' ')); } process->setName(name); process->setCommand(command); /* Fill in state */ switch(p.gen.state) { case 'E': process->setStatus(Process::Ended); break; case 'R': process->setStatus(Process::Running); break; case 'S': process->setStatus(Process::Sleeping); break; case 'D': process->setStatus(Process::DiskSleep); break; case 'Z': process->setStatus(Process::Zombie); break; case 'T': process->setStatus(Process::Stopped); break; case 'W': process->setStatus(Process::Paging); break; default: process->setStatus(Process::OtherStatus); break; } return true; } QDateTime ProcessesATop::viewingTime() const { if(!d->ready) return QDateTime(); return d->historyTimes.at(d->currentlySelectedIndex).first; } bool ProcessesATop::setViewingTime(const QDateTime &when) { QPair tmpWhen(when, 0); - QList< QPair >::iterator i = std::upper_bound(d->historyTimes.begin(), d->historyTimes.end(), tmpWhen); + QList< QPair >::iterator i = qUpperBound(d->historyTimes.begin(), d->historyTimes.end(), tmpWhen); if(i->first == when || (i->first > when && i->first.addSecs(-i->second) <= when)) { //We found the time :) d->currentlySelectedIndex = i - d->historyTimes.begin(); bool success = d->loadDataForHistory(d->currentlySelectedIndex); if(!success) qCWarning(LIBKSYSGUARD_PROCESSCORE) << d->lastError; return success; } return false; } QList< QPair > ProcessesATop::historiesAvailable() const { return d->historyTimes; } QSet ProcessesATop::getAllPids( ) { return d->pids.toSet(); } bool ProcessesATop::sendSignal(long pid, int sig) { Q_UNUSED(pid); Q_UNUSED(sig); errorCode = Processes::NotSupported; return false; } bool ProcessesATop::setNiceness(long pid, int priority) { Q_UNUSED(pid); Q_UNUSED(priority); errorCode = Processes::NotSupported; return false; } bool ProcessesATop::setScheduler(long pid, int priorityClass, int priority) { Q_UNUSED(pid); Q_UNUSED(priorityClass); Q_UNUSED(priority); errorCode = Processes::NotSupported; return false; } bool ProcessesATop::setIoNiceness(long pid, int priorityClass, int priority) { Q_UNUSED(pid); Q_UNUSED(priorityClass); Q_UNUSED(priority); errorCode = Processes::NotSupported; return false; } bool ProcessesATop::supportsIoNiceness() { return false; } long long ProcessesATop::totalPhysicalMemory() { return 0; } ProcessesATop::~ProcessesATop() { delete d; } } diff --git a/processui/ProcessFilter.cpp b/processui/ProcessFilter.cpp index 0e90ac6..ddb334b 100644 --- a/processui/ProcessFilter.cpp +++ b/processui/ProcessFilter.cpp @@ -1,155 +1,155 @@ /* KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard Copyright (c) 2006-2007 John Tapsell This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "processui_debug.h" /* For getuid() */ #include #include #include #include #include "ProcessModel.h" #include "ProcessModel_p.h" #include "ProcessFilter.h" bool ProcessFilter::filterAcceptsRow( int source_row, const QModelIndex & source_parent ) const { if( (mFilter == AllProcesses || mFilter == AllProcessesInTreeForm) && filterRegExp().isEmpty()) return true; //Shortcut for common case ProcessModel *model = static_cast(sourceModel()); const KSysGuard::Process *process; if(model->isSimpleMode()) { if(source_parent.isValid()) { qCDebug(LIBKSYSGUARD_PROCESSUI) << "Serious error with data. In simple mode, there should be no children"; return true; } process = model->getProcessAtIndex(source_row); } else { KSysGuard::Process *parent_process = nullptr; if(source_parent.isValid()) { parent_process = reinterpret_cast(source_parent.internalPointer()); Q_ASSERT(parent_process); } else { //if(!model->isSimpleMode()) { parent_process = model->getProcess(-1); //Get our 'special' process which should have the root init child Q_ASSERT(parent_process); //} } if(!model->isSimpleMode() && source_row >= parent_process->children().size()) { qCDebug(LIBKSYSGUARD_PROCESSUI) << "Serious error with data. Source row requested for a non existent row. Requested " << source_row << " of " << parent_process->children().size() << " for " << parent_process->pid(); return true; } process = parent_process->children().at(source_row); } Q_ASSERT(process); long uid = process->uid(); long euid = process->euid(); bool accepted = true; switch(mFilter) { case AllProcesses: case AllProcessesInTreeForm: break; case SystemProcesses: if( uid >= 100 && model->canUserLogin(uid)) accepted = false; break; case UserProcesses: if( (uid < 100 || !model->canUserLogin(uid)) && (euid < 100 || !model->canUserLogin(euid))) accepted = false; break; case OwnProcesses: { long ownuid = getuid(); if(uid != ownuid && process->suid() != ownuid && process->fsuid() != ownuid && euid != ownuid) accepted = false; break; } case ProgramsOnly: if(process->tty().isEmpty()) { if(!model->hasGUIWindow(process->pid())) accepted = false; } else { // login and getty kinda _are_ the tty, so I do not really count them as 'programs'. So make a special case and hide them // Their ppid are 1 (init) so by checking we try to avoid false matches, and speed up checking overall QString name = process->name().section(QLatin1Char(' '), 0,0); if(process->parentPid() == 1 && (name == QLatin1String("login") || name.endsWith(QLatin1String("getty")))) accepted = false; } break; default: break; } if(accepted) { if(filterRegExp().isEmpty()) return true; //Allow the user to search by PID if(QString::number(process->pid()).contains(filterRegExp())) return true; //None of our tests have rejected it. Pass it on to qsortfilterproxymodel's filter if(QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(source_row, source_parent)) return true; auto strings = filterRegExp().pattern().split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts); for (auto string : strings) { string = string.trimmed(); if (process->name().indexOf(string) != -1 || QString::number(process->pid()).indexOf(string) != -1) { return true; } } } //We did not accept this row at all. //If we are in flat mode, then give up now if(mFilter != AllProcessesInTreeForm) return false; //one of our children might be accepted, so accept this row if our children are accepted. QModelIndex source_index = sourceModel()->index(source_row, 0, source_parent); for(int i = 0 ; i < sourceModel()->rowCount(source_index); i++) { if(filterAcceptsRow(i, source_index)) return true; } return false; } bool ProcessFilter::lessThan(const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const { if(right.isValid() && left.isValid()) { Q_ASSERT(left.model()); Q_ASSERT(right.model()); const ProcessModel *model = static_cast(left.model()); return model->lessThan(left, right); } return QSortFilterProxyModel::lessThan(left,right); } void ProcessFilter::setFilter(State filter) { mFilter = filter; - invalidateFilter();//Tell the proxy view to refresh all its information + filterChanged();//Tell the proxy view to refresh all its information } diff --git a/processui/ProcessModel.cpp b/processui/ProcessModel.cpp index 894bca4..7f040bf 100644 --- a/processui/ProcessModel.cpp +++ b/processui/ProcessModel.cpp @@ -1,2369 +1,2369 @@ /* KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Chris Schlaeger Copyright (c) 2006-2007 John Tapsell This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ProcessModel.h" #include "ProcessModel_p.h" #include "timeutil.h" #include "processcore/extended_process_list.h" #include "processcore/formatter.h" #include "processcore/process.h" #include "processcore/process_attribute.h" #include "processcore/process_data_provider.h" #include "processui_debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define HEADING_X_ICON_SIZE 16 #define MILLISECONDS_TO_SHOW_RED_FOR_KILLED_PROCESS 2000 #define GET_OWN_ID #ifdef GET_OWN_ID /* For getuid*/ #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_XRES #include #endif extern QApplication* Qapp; static QString formatByteSize(qlonglong amountInKB, int units) { enum { UnitsAuto, UnitsKB, UnitsMB, UnitsGB, UnitsTB, UnitsPB }; static QString kString = i18n("%1 K", QString::fromLatin1("%1")); static QString mString = i18n("%1 M", QString::fromLatin1("%1")); static QString gString = i18n("%1 G", QString::fromLatin1("%1")); static QString tString = i18n("%1 T", QString::fromLatin1("%1")); static QString pString = i18n("%1 P", QString::fromLatin1("%1")); double amount; if (units == UnitsAuto) { if (amountInKB < 1024.0*0.9) units = UnitsKB; // amount < 0.9 MiB == KiB else if (amountInKB < 1024.0*1024.0*0.9) units = UnitsMB; // amount < 0.9 GiB == MiB else if (amountInKB < 1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*0.9) units = UnitsGB; // amount < 0.9 TiB == GiB else if (amountInKB < 1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*0.9) units = UnitsTB; // amount < 0.9 PiB == TiB else units = UnitsPB; } switch(units) { case UnitsKB: return kString.arg(QLocale().toString(amountInKB)); case UnitsMB: amount = amountInKB/1024.0; return mString.arg(QLocale().toString(amount, 'f', 1)); case UnitsGB: amount = amountInKB/(1024.0*1024.0); if(amount < 0.1 && amount > 0.05) amount = 0.1; return gString.arg(QLocale().toString(amount, 'f', 1)); case UnitsTB: amount = amountInKB/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0); if(amount < 0.1 && amount > 0.05) amount = 0.1; return tString.arg(QLocale().toString(amount, 'f', 1)); case UnitsPB: amount = amountInKB/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0); if(amount < 0.1 && amount > 0.05) amount = 0.1; return pString.arg(QLocale().toString(amount, 'f', 1)); default: return QLatin1String(""); // error } } ProcessModelPrivate::ProcessModelPrivate() : mBlankPixmap(HEADING_X_ICON_SIZE,1) { mBlankPixmap.fill(QColor(0,0,0,0)); mSimple = true; mIsLocalhost = true; mMemTotal = -1; mNumProcessorCores = 1; mProcesses = nullptr; mShowChildTotals = true; mShowCommandLineOptions = false; mShowingTooltips = true; mNormalizeCPUUsage = true; mIoInformation = ProcessModel::ActualBytes; #ifdef HAVE_XRES mHaveXRes = false; #endif mHaveTimer = false, mTimerId = -1, mMovingRow = false; mRemovingRow = false; mInsertingRow = false; #if HAVE_X11 mIsX11 = QX11Info::isPlatformX11(); #else mIsX11 = false; #endif } ProcessModelPrivate::~ProcessModelPrivate() { #if HAVE_X11 qDeleteAll(mPidToWindowInfo); #endif delete mProcesses; mProcesses = nullptr; } ProcessModel::ProcessModel(QObject* parent, const QString &host) : QAbstractItemModel(parent), d(new ProcessModelPrivate) { d->q=this; #ifdef HAVE_XRES if (d->mIsX11) { int event, error, major, minor; d->mHaveXRes = XResQueryExtension(QX11Info::display(), &event, &error) && XResQueryVersion(QX11Info::display(), &major, &minor); } #endif if(host.isEmpty() || host == QLatin1String("localhost")) { d->mHostName = QString(); d->mIsLocalhost = true; } else { d->mHostName = host; d->mIsLocalhost = false; } setupHeader(); d->setupProcesses(); #if HAVE_X11 d->setupWindows(); #endif d->mUnits = UnitsKB; d->mIoUnits = UnitsKB; } bool ProcessModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const { //Because we need to sort Descendingly by default for most of the headings, we often return left > right KSysGuard::Process *processLeft = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (left.internalPointer()); KSysGuard::Process *processRight = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (right.internalPointer()); Q_ASSERT(processLeft); Q_ASSERT(processRight); Q_ASSERT(left.column() == right.column()); switch(left.column()) { case HeadingUser: { /* Sorting by user will be the default and the most common. We want to sort in the most useful way that we can. We need to return a number though. This code is based on that sorting ascendingly should put the current user at the top First the user we are running as should be at the top. Then any other users in the system. Then at the bottom the 'system' processes. We then sort by cpu usage to sort by that, then finally sort by memory usage */ /* First, place traced processes at the very top, ignoring any other sorting criteria */ if(processLeft->tracerpid() >= 0) return true; if(processRight->tracerpid() >= 0) return false; /* Sort by username. First group into own user, normal users, system users */ if(processLeft->uid() != processRight->uid()) { //We primarily sort by username if(d->mIsLocalhost) { int ownUid = getuid(); if(processLeft->uid() == ownUid) return true; //Left is our user, right is not. So left is above right if(processRight->uid() == ownUid) return false; //Left is not our user, right is. So right is above left } bool isLeftSystemUser = processLeft->uid() < 100 || !canUserLogin(processLeft->uid()); bool isRightSystemUser = processRight->uid() < 100 || !canUserLogin(processRight->uid()); if(isLeftSystemUser && !isRightSystemUser) return false; //System users are less than non-system users if(!isLeftSystemUser && isRightSystemUser) return true; //They are either both system users, or both non-system users. //So now sort by username return d->getUsernameForUser(processLeft->uid(), false) < d->getUsernameForUser(processRight->uid(), false); } /* 2nd sort order - Graphics Windows */ //Both columns have the same user. Place processes with windows at the top if(processLeft->hasManagedGuiWindow() && !processRight->hasManagedGuiWindow()) return true; if(!processLeft->hasManagedGuiWindow() && processRight->hasManagedGuiWindow()) return false; /* 3rd sort order - CPU Usage */ int leftCpu, rightCpu; if(d->mSimple || !d->mShowChildTotals) { leftCpu = processLeft->userUsage() + processLeft->sysUsage(); rightCpu = processRight->userUsage() + processRight->sysUsage(); } else { leftCpu = processLeft->totalUserUsage() + processLeft->totalSysUsage(); rightCpu = processRight->totalUserUsage() + processRight->totalSysUsage(); } if(leftCpu != rightCpu) return leftCpu > rightCpu; /* 4th sort order - Memory Usage */ qlonglong memoryLeft = (processLeft->vmURSS() != -1) ? processLeft->vmURSS() : processLeft->vmRSS(); qlonglong memoryRight = (processRight->vmURSS() != -1) ? processRight->vmURSS() : processRight->vmRSS(); return memoryLeft > memoryRight; } case HeadingCPUUsage: { int leftCpu, rightCpu; if(d->mSimple || !d->mShowChildTotals) { leftCpu = processLeft->userUsage() + processLeft->sysUsage(); rightCpu = processRight->userUsage() + processRight->sysUsage(); } else { leftCpu = processLeft->totalUserUsage() + processLeft->totalSysUsage(); rightCpu = processRight->totalUserUsage() + processRight->totalSysUsage(); } return leftCpu > rightCpu; } case HeadingCPUTime: { return (processLeft->userTime() + processLeft->sysTime()) > (processRight->userTime() + processRight->sysTime()); } case HeadingMemory: { qlonglong memoryLeft = (processLeft->vmURSS() != -1) ? processLeft->vmURSS() : processLeft->vmRSS(); qlonglong memoryRight = (processRight->vmURSS() != -1) ? processRight->vmURSS() : processRight->vmRSS(); return memoryLeft > memoryRight; } case HeadingVmPSS: { return processLeft->vmPSS() > processRight->vmPSS(); } case HeadingStartTime: { return processLeft->startTime() > processRight->startTime(); } case HeadingNoNewPrivileges: return processLeft->noNewPrivileges() > processRight->noNewPrivileges(); case HeadingXMemory: return processLeft->pixmapBytes() > processRight->pixmapBytes(); case HeadingVmSize: return processLeft->vmSize() > processRight->vmSize(); case HeadingSharedMemory: { qlonglong memoryLeft = (processLeft->vmURSS() != -1) ? processLeft->vmRSS() - processLeft->vmURSS() : 0; qlonglong memoryRight = (processRight->vmURSS() != -1) ? processRight->vmRSS() - processRight->vmURSS() : 0; return memoryLeft > memoryRight; } case HeadingPid: return processLeft->pid() > processRight->pid(); case HeadingNiceness: //Sort by scheduler first if(processLeft->scheduler() != processRight->scheduler()) { if(processLeft->scheduler() == KSysGuard::Process::RoundRobin || processLeft->scheduler() == KSysGuard::Process::Fifo) return true; if(processRight->scheduler() == KSysGuard::Process::RoundRobin || processRight->scheduler() == KSysGuard::Process::Fifo) return false; if(processLeft->scheduler() == KSysGuard::Process::Other) return true; if(processRight->scheduler() == KSysGuard::Process::Other) return false; if(processLeft->scheduler() == KSysGuard::Process::Batch) return true; } if(processLeft->niceLevel() == processRight->niceLevel()) return processLeft->pid() < processRight->pid(); //Subsort by pid if the niceLevel is the same return processLeft->niceLevel() < processRight->niceLevel(); case HeadingTty: { if(processLeft->tty() == processRight->tty()) return processLeft->pid() < processRight->pid(); //Both ttys are the same. Sort by pid if(processLeft->tty().isEmpty()) return false; //Only left is empty (since they aren't the same) else if(processRight->tty().isEmpty()) return true; //Only right is empty //Neither left or right is empty. The tty string is like "tty10" so split this into "tty" and "10" //and sort by the string first, then sort by the number QRegExp regexpLeft(QStringLiteral("^(\\D*)(\\d*)$")); QRegExp regexpRight(regexpLeft); if(regexpLeft.indexIn(QString::fromUtf8(processLeft->tty())) == -1 || regexpRight.indexIn(QString::fromUtf8(processRight->tty())) == -1) return processLeft->tty() < processRight->tty(); int nameMatch = regexpLeft.cap(1).compare(regexpRight.cap(1)); if(nameMatch < 0) return true; if(nameMatch > 0) return false; return regexpLeft.cap(2).toInt() < regexpRight.cap(2).toInt(); } case HeadingIoRead: switch(d->mIoInformation) { case ProcessModel::Bytes: return processLeft->ioCharactersRead() > processRight->ioCharactersRead(); case ProcessModel::Syscalls: return processLeft->ioReadSyscalls() > processRight->ioReadSyscalls(); case ProcessModel::ActualBytes: return processLeft->ioCharactersActuallyRead() > processRight->ioCharactersActuallyRead(); case ProcessModel::BytesRate: return processLeft->ioCharactersReadRate() > processRight->ioCharactersReadRate(); case ProcessModel::SyscallsRate: return processLeft->ioReadSyscallsRate() > processRight->ioReadSyscallsRate(); case ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate: return processLeft->ioCharactersActuallyReadRate() > processRight->ioCharactersActuallyReadRate(); } return {}; // It actually never gets here since all cases are handled in the switch, but makes gcc not complain about a possible fall through case HeadingIoWrite: switch(d->mIoInformation) { case ProcessModel::Bytes: return processLeft->ioCharactersWritten() > processRight->ioCharactersWritten(); case ProcessModel::Syscalls: return processLeft->ioWriteSyscalls() > processRight->ioWriteSyscalls(); case ProcessModel::ActualBytes: return processLeft->ioCharactersActuallyWritten() > processRight->ioCharactersActuallyWritten(); case ProcessModel::BytesRate: return processLeft->ioCharactersWrittenRate() > processRight->ioCharactersWrittenRate(); case ProcessModel::SyscallsRate: return processLeft->ioWriteSyscallsRate() > processRight->ioWriteSyscallsRate(); case ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate: return processLeft->ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate() > processRight->ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate(); } } //Sort by the display string if we do not have an explicit sorting here if (data(left, ProcessModel::PlainValueRole).toInt() == data(right, ProcessModel::PlainValueRole).toInt()) { return data(left, Qt::DisplayRole).toString() < data(right, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); } return data(left, ProcessModel::PlainValueRole).toInt() < data(right, ProcessModel::PlainValueRole).toInt(); } ProcessModel::~ProcessModel() { delete d; } KSysGuard::Processes *ProcessModel::processController() const { return d->mProcesses; } const QVector ProcessModel::extraAttributes() const { return d->mExtraAttributes; } #if HAVE_X11 void ProcessModelPrivate::windowRemoved(WId wid) { WindowInfo *window = mWIdToWindowInfo.take(wid); if(!window) return; qlonglong pid = window->pid; QMultiHash::iterator i = mPidToWindowInfo.find(pid); while (i != mPidToWindowInfo.end() && i.key() == pid) { if(i.value()->wid == wid) { i = mPidToWindowInfo.erase(i); break; } else i++; } delete window; //Update the model so that it redraws and resorts KSysGuard::Process *process = mProcesses->getProcess(pid); if(!process) return; int row; if(mSimple) row = process->index(); else row = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); QModelIndex index2 = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingXTitle, process); emit q->dataChanged(index2, index2); } #endif #if HAVE_X11 void ProcessModelPrivate::setupWindows() { if (!mIsX11) { return; } connect( KWindowSystem::self(), SIGNAL(windowChanged(WId,uint)), this, SLOT(windowChanged(WId,uint))); connect( KWindowSystem::self(), &KWindowSystem::windowAdded, this, &ProcessModelPrivate::windowAdded); connect( KWindowSystem::self(), &KWindowSystem::windowRemoved, this, &ProcessModelPrivate::windowRemoved); //Add all the windows that KWin is managing - i.e. windows that the user can see const QList windows = KWindowSystem::windows(); for (auto it = windows.begin(); it != windows.end(); ++it ) { updateWindowInfo(*it, ~0u, true); } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_XRES bool ProcessModelPrivate::updateXResClientData() { if (!mIsX11) { return false; } XResClient *clients; int count; XResQueryClients(QX11Info::display(), &count, &clients); mXResClientResources.clear(); for (int i=0; i < count; i++) mXResClientResources.insert(-(qlonglong)(clients[i].resource_base), clients[i].resource_mask); if(clients) XFree(clients); return true; } void ProcessModelPrivate::queryForAndUpdateAllXWindows() { if (!mIsX11) { return; } updateXResClientData(); Window *children, dummy; unsigned int count; Status result = XQueryTree(QX11Info::display(), QX11Info::appRootWindow(), &dummy, &dummy, &children, &count); if(!result) return; if(!updateXResClientData()) return; for (uint i=0; i < count; ++i) { WId wid = children[i]; QMap::iterator iter = mXResClientResources.lowerBound(-(qlonglong)(wid)); if(iter == mXResClientResources.end()) continue; //We couldn't find it this time :-/ if(-iter.key() != (qlonglong)(wid & ~iter.value())) continue; //Already added this window //Get the PID for this window if we do not know it NETWinInfo info(QX11Info::connection(), wid, QX11Info::appRootWindow(), NET::WMPid, NET::Properties2()); qlonglong pid = info.pid(); if(!pid) continue; //We found a window with this client mXResClientResources.erase(iter); KSysGuard::Process *process = mProcesses->getProcess(pid); if(!process) return; //shouldn't really happen.. maybe race condition etc unsigned long previousPixmapBytes = process->pixmapBytes(); //Now update the pixmap bytes for this window bool success = XResQueryClientPixmapBytes(QX11Info::display(), wid, &process->pixmapBytes()); if(!success) process->pixmapBytes() = 0; if(previousPixmapBytes != process->pixmapBytes()) { int row; if(mSimple) row = process->index(); else row = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingXMemory, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } } if(children) XFree((char*)children); } #endif void ProcessModelPrivate::setupProcesses() { if(mProcesses) { #ifdef Q_WS_X11_DISABLE mWIdToWindowInfo.clear(); mPidToWindowInfo.clear(); #endif delete mProcesses; mProcesses = nullptr; q->beginResetModel(); q->endResetModel(); } mProcesses = new KSysGuard::ExtendedProcesses(); connect( mProcesses, &KSysGuard::Processes::processChanged, this, &ProcessModelPrivate::processChanged); connect( mProcesses, &KSysGuard::Processes::beginAddProcess, this, &ProcessModelPrivate::beginInsertRow); connect( mProcesses, &KSysGuard::Processes::endAddProcess, this, &ProcessModelPrivate::endInsertRow); connect( mProcesses, &KSysGuard::Processes::beginRemoveProcess, this, &ProcessModelPrivate::beginRemoveRow); connect( mProcesses, &KSysGuard::Processes::endRemoveProcess, this, &ProcessModelPrivate::endRemoveRow); connect( mProcesses, &KSysGuard::Processes::beginMoveProcess, this, &ProcessModelPrivate::beginMoveProcess); connect( mProcesses, &KSysGuard::Processes::endMoveProcess, this, &ProcessModelPrivate::endMoveRow); mNumProcessorCores = mProcesses->numberProcessorCores(); if(mNumProcessorCores < 1) mNumProcessorCores=1; //Default to 1 if there was an error getting the number mExtraAttributes = mProcesses->attributes(); for (int i = 0 ; i < mExtraAttributes.count(); i ++) { connect(mExtraAttributes[i], &KSysGuard::ProcessAttribute::dataChanged, this, [this, i](KSysGuard::Process *process) { const QModelIndex index = q->getQModelIndex(process, mHeadings.count() + i); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); }); } } #if HAVE_X11 void ProcessModelPrivate::windowChanged(WId wid, unsigned int properties) { updateWindowInfo(wid, properties, false); } void ProcessModelPrivate::windowAdded(WId wid) { updateWindowInfo(wid, ~0u, true); } void ProcessModelPrivate::updateWindowInfo(WId wid, unsigned int properties, bool newWindow) { if (!mIsX11) { return; } properties &= (NET::WMPid | NET::WMVisibleName | NET::WMName | NET::WMIcon); if(!properties) return; //Nothing interesting changed WindowInfo *w = mWIdToWindowInfo.value(wid); const qreal dpr = qApp->devicePixelRatio(); if(!w && !newWindow) return; //We do not have a record of this window and this is not a new window if(properties == NET::WMIcon) { if(w) { w->icon = KWindowSystem::icon(wid, HEADING_X_ICON_SIZE * dpr, HEADING_X_ICON_SIZE * dpr, true); w->icon.setDevicePixelRatio(dpr); } return; } /* Get PID for window */ NETWinInfo info(QX11Info::connection(), wid, QX11Info::appRootWindow(), NET::Properties(properties) & ~NET::WMIcon, NET::Properties2()); if(!w) { //We know that this must be a newWindow qlonglong pid = info.pid(); if(!(properties & NET::WMPid && pid)) return; //No PID for the window - this happens if the process did not set _NET_WM_PID //If we are to get the PID only, we are only interested in the XRes info for this, //so don't bother if we already have this info if(properties == NET::WMPid && mPidToWindowInfo.contains(pid)) return; w = new WindowInfo(wid, pid); mPidToWindowInfo.insertMulti(pid, w); mWIdToWindowInfo.insert(wid, w); } if(w && (properties & NET::WMIcon)) { w->icon = KWindowSystem::icon(wid, HEADING_X_ICON_SIZE * dpr, HEADING_X_ICON_SIZE * dpr, true); w->icon.setDevicePixelRatio(dpr); } if(properties & NET::WMVisibleName && info.visibleName()) w->name = QString::fromUtf8(info.visibleName()); else if(properties & NET::WMName) w->name = QString::fromUtf8(info.name()); else if(properties & (NET::WMName | NET::WMVisibleName)) w->name.clear(); KSysGuard::Process *process = mProcesses->getProcess(w->pid); if(!process) { return; //This happens when a new window is detected before we've read in the process } int row; if(mSimple) row = process->index(); else row = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); if(!process->hasManagedGuiWindow()) { process->hasManagedGuiWindow() = true; //Since this is the first window for a process, invalidate HeadingName so that //if we are sorting by name this gets taken into account QModelIndex index1 = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingName, process); emit q->dataChanged(index1, index1); } QModelIndex index2 = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingXTitle, process); emit q->dataChanged(index2, index2); } #endif void ProcessModel::update(long updateDurationMSecs, KSysGuard::Processes::UpdateFlags updateFlags) { if(updateFlags != KSysGuard::Processes::XMemory) { d->mProcesses->updateAllProcesses(updateDurationMSecs, updateFlags); if(d->mMemTotal <= 0) d->mMemTotal = d->mProcesses->totalPhysicalMemory(); } #ifdef HAVE_XRES //Add all the rest of the windows if(d->mHaveXRes && updateFlags.testFlag(KSysGuard::Processes::XMemory)) d->queryForAndUpdateAllXWindows(); #endif } QString ProcessModelPrivate::getStatusDescription(KSysGuard::Process::ProcessStatus status) const { switch( status) { case KSysGuard::Process::Running: return i18n("- Process is doing some work."); case KSysGuard::Process::Sleeping: return i18n("- Process is waiting for something to happen."); case KSysGuard::Process::Stopped: return i18n("- Process has been stopped. It will not respond to user input at the moment."); case KSysGuard::Process::Zombie: return i18n("- Process has finished and is now dead, but the parent process has not cleaned up."); case KSysGuard::Process::Ended: // return i18n("- Process has finished and no longer exists."); default: return QString(); } } KSysGuard::Process *ProcessModel::getProcessAtIndex(int index) const { Q_ASSERT(d->mSimple); return d->mProcesses->getAllProcesses().at(index); } int ProcessModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if(d->mSimple) { if(parent.isValid()) return 0; //In flat mode, none of the processes have children return d->mProcesses->processCount(); } //Deal with the case that we are showing it as a tree KSysGuard::Process *process; if(parent.isValid()) { if(parent.column() != 0) return 0; //For a treeview we say that only the first column has children process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (parent.internalPointer()); //when parent is invalid, it must be the root level which we set as 0 } else { process = d->mProcesses->getProcess(-1); } Q_ASSERT(process); int num_rows = process->children().count(); return num_rows; } int ProcessModel::columnCount ( const QModelIndex & ) const { return d->mHeadings.count() + d->mExtraAttributes.count(); } bool ProcessModel::hasChildren ( const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex() ) const { if(d->mSimple) { if(parent.isValid()) return 0; //In flat mode, none of the processes have children return !d->mProcesses->getAllProcesses().isEmpty(); } //Deal with the case that we are showing it as a tree KSysGuard::Process *process; if(parent.isValid()) { if(parent.column() != 0) return false; //For a treeview we say that only the first column has children process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (parent.internalPointer()); //when parent is invalid, it must be the root level which we set as 0 } else { process = d->mProcesses->getProcess(-1); } Q_ASSERT(process); bool has_children = !process->children().isEmpty(); Q_ASSERT((rowCount(parent) > 0) == has_children); return has_children; } QModelIndex ProcessModel::index ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent ) const { if(row<0) return QModelIndex(); if(column<0 || column >= columnCount() ) return QModelIndex(); if(d->mSimple) { if( parent.isValid()) return QModelIndex(); if( d->mProcesses->processCount() <= row) return QModelIndex(); return createIndex( row, column, d->mProcesses->getAllProcesses().at(row)); } //Deal with the case that we are showing it as a tree KSysGuard::Process *parent_process = nullptr; if(parent.isValid()) //not valid for init or children without parents, so use our special item with pid of 0 parent_process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (parent.internalPointer()); else parent_process = d->mProcesses->getProcess(-1); Q_ASSERT(parent_process); if(parent_process->children().count() > row) return createIndex(row,column, parent_process->children()[row]); else { return QModelIndex(); } } bool ProcessModel::isSimpleMode() const { return d->mSimple; } void ProcessModelPrivate::processChanged(KSysGuard::Process *process, bool onlyTotalCpu) { int row; if(mSimple) row = process->index(); else row = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); - if (process->timeKillWasSent().isValid()) { + if (!process->timeKillWasSent().isNull()) { int elapsed = process->timeKillWasSent().elapsed(); if (elapsed < MILLISECONDS_TO_SHOW_RED_FOR_KILLED_PROCESS) { if (!mPidsToUpdate.contains(process->pid())) mPidsToUpdate.append(process->pid()); QModelIndex index1 = q->createIndex(row, 0, process); QModelIndex index2 = q->createIndex(row, mHeadings.count()-1, process); emit q->dataChanged(index1, index2); if (!mHaveTimer) { mHaveTimer = true; mTimerId = startTimer(100); } } } int totalUpdated = 0; Q_ASSERT(row != -1); //Something has gone very wrong if(onlyTotalCpu) { if(mShowChildTotals) { //Only the total cpu usage changed, so only update that QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingCPUUsage, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } return; } else { if(process->changes() == KSysGuard::Process::Nothing) { return; //Nothing changed } if(process->changes() & KSysGuard::Process::Uids) { totalUpdated++; QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingUser, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } if(process->changes() & KSysGuard::Process::Tty) { totalUpdated++; QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingTty, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } if(process->changes() & (KSysGuard::Process::Usage | KSysGuard::Process::Status) || (process->changes() & KSysGuard::Process::TotalUsage && mShowChildTotals)) { totalUpdated+=2; QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingCPUUsage, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingCPUTime, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); //Because of our sorting, changing usage needs to also invalidate the User column index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingUser, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } if(process->changes() & KSysGuard::Process::Status) { totalUpdated+=2; QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingNoNewPrivileges, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingCGroup, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingMACContext, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } if(process->changes() & KSysGuard::Process::NiceLevels) { totalUpdated++; QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingNiceness, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } if(process->changes() & KSysGuard::Process::VmSize) { totalUpdated++; QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingVmSize, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } if(process->changes() & (KSysGuard::Process::VmSize | KSysGuard::Process::VmRSS | KSysGuard::Process::VmURSS)) { totalUpdated+=2; QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingMemory, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); QModelIndex index2 = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingSharedMemory, process); emit q->dataChanged(index2, index2); //Because of our sorting, changing usage needs to also invalidate the User column index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingUser, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } if (process->changes() & KSysGuard::Process::VmPSS) { totalUpdated++; auto index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingVmPSS, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } if(process->changes() & KSysGuard::Process::Name) { totalUpdated++; QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingName, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } if(process->changes() & KSysGuard::Process::Command) { totalUpdated++; QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingCommand, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } if(process->changes() & KSysGuard::Process::Login) { totalUpdated++; QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingUser, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } if(process->changes() & KSysGuard::Process::IO) { totalUpdated++; QModelIndex index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); index = q->createIndex(row, ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite, process); emit q->dataChanged(index, index); } /* Normally this would only be called if changes() tells * us to. We need to update the timestamp even if the value * didn't change though. */ auto historyMapEntry = mMapProcessCPUHistory.find(process); if(historyMapEntry != mMapProcessCPUHistory.end()) { auto &history = *historyMapEntry; unsigned long timestamp = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); // Only add an entry if the latest one is older than MIN_HIST_AGE if(history.isEmpty() || timestamp - history.constLast().timestamp > MIN_HIST_AGE) { if(history.size() == MAX_HIST_ENTRIES) { history.removeFirst(); } float usage = (process->totalUserUsage() + process->totalSysUsage()) / (100.0f * mNumProcessorCores); history.push_back({static_cast(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()), usage}); } } } } void ProcessModelPrivate::beginInsertRow( KSysGuard::Process *process) { Q_ASSERT(process); Q_ASSERT(!mRemovingRow); Q_ASSERT(!mInsertingRow); Q_ASSERT(!mMovingRow); mInsertingRow = true; #if HAVE_X11 process->hasManagedGuiWindow() = mPidToWindowInfo.contains(process->pid()); #endif if(mSimple) { int row = mProcesses->processCount(); q->beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), row, row ); return; } //Deal with the case that we are showing it as a tree int row = process->parent()->children().count(); QModelIndex parentModelIndex = q->getQModelIndex(process->parent(), 0); //Only here can we actually change the model. First notify the view/proxy models then modify q->beginInsertRows(parentModelIndex, row, row); } void ProcessModelPrivate::endInsertRow() { Q_ASSERT(!mRemovingRow); Q_ASSERT(mInsertingRow); Q_ASSERT(!mMovingRow); mInsertingRow = false; q->endInsertRows(); } void ProcessModelPrivate::beginRemoveRow( KSysGuard::Process *process ) { Q_ASSERT(process); Q_ASSERT(process->pid() >= 0); Q_ASSERT(!mRemovingRow); Q_ASSERT(!mInsertingRow); Q_ASSERT(!mMovingRow); mRemovingRow = true; mMapProcessCPUHistory.remove(process); if(mSimple) { return q->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), process->index(), process->index()); } else { int row = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); if(row == -1) { qCDebug(LIBKSYSGUARD_PROCESSUI) << "A serious problem occurred in remove row."; mRemovingRow = false; return; } return q->beginRemoveRows(q->getQModelIndex(process->parent(), 0), row, row); } } void ProcessModelPrivate::endRemoveRow() { Q_ASSERT(!mInsertingRow); Q_ASSERT(!mMovingRow); if(!mRemovingRow) return; mRemovingRow = false; q->endRemoveRows(); } void ProcessModelPrivate::beginMoveProcess(KSysGuard::Process *process, KSysGuard::Process *new_parent) { Q_ASSERT(!mRemovingRow); Q_ASSERT(!mInsertingRow); Q_ASSERT(!mMovingRow); if(mSimple) return; //We don't need to move processes when in simple mode mMovingRow = true; int current_row = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); Q_ASSERT(current_row != -1); int new_row = new_parent->children().count(); QModelIndex sourceParent = q->getQModelIndex( process->parent(), 0); QModelIndex destinationParent = q->getQModelIndex( new_parent, 0 ); mMovingRow = q->beginMoveRows(sourceParent, current_row, current_row, destinationParent, new_row); Q_ASSERT(mMovingRow); } void ProcessModelPrivate::endMoveRow() { Q_ASSERT(!mInsertingRow); Q_ASSERT(!mRemovingRow); if(!mMovingRow) return; mMovingRow = false; q->endMoveRows(); } QModelIndex ProcessModel::getQModelIndex( KSysGuard::Process *process, int column) const { Q_ASSERT(process); int pid = process->pid(); if (pid == -1) return QModelIndex(); //pid -1 is our fake process meaning the very root (never drawn). To represent that, we return QModelIndex() which also means the top element int row = 0; if(d->mSimple) { row = process->index(); } else { row = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); } Q_ASSERT(row != -1); return createIndex(row, column, process); } QModelIndex ProcessModel::parent ( const QModelIndex & index ) const { if(!index.isValid()) return QModelIndex(); KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); Q_ASSERT(process); if(d->mSimple) return QModelIndex(); else return getQModelIndex(process->parent(), 0); } QVariant ProcessModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if(orientation != Qt::Horizontal) return QVariant(); if(section < 0) return QVariant(); //is this needed? if (section >= d->mHeadings.count() && section < columnCount()) { int attr = section - d->mHeadings.count(); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return d->mExtraAttributes[attr]->shortName(); } return QVariant(); } switch( role ) { case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: { switch(section) { case HeadingPid: case HeadingTty: case HeadingMemory: case HeadingXMemory: case HeadingSharedMemory: case HeadingStartTime: case HeadingNoNewPrivileges: case HeadingIoRead: case HeadingIoWrite: case HeadingVmSize: case HeadingNiceness: // return QVariant(Qt::AlignRight); case HeadingUser: case HeadingCPUUsage: case HeadingCPUTime: case HeadingVmPSS: return QVariant(Qt::AlignCenter); } return QVariant(); } case Qt::ToolTipRole: { if(!d->mShowingTooltips) return QVariant(); switch(section) { case HeadingName: return i18n("The process name."); case HeadingUser: return i18n("The user who owns this process."); case HeadingTty: return i18n("The controlling terminal on which this process is running."); case HeadingNiceness: return i18n("The priority with which this process is being run. For the normal scheduler, this ranges from 19 (very nice, least priority) to -19 (top priority)."); case HeadingCPUUsage: if(d->mNumProcessorCores == 1) return i18n("The current CPU usage of the process."); else // i18n: %1 is always greater than 1, so do not worry about // nonsensical verbosity of the singular part. if(d->mNormalizeCPUUsage) return i18np("The current total CPU usage of the process, divided by the %1 processor core in the machine.", "The current total CPU usage of the process, divided by the %1 processor cores in the machine.", d->mNumProcessorCores); else return i18n("The current total CPU usage of the process."); case HeadingCPUTime: return i18n("The total user and system time that this process has been running for, displayed as minutes:seconds."); case HeadingVmSize: return i18n("This is the amount of virtual memory space that the process is using, included shared libraries, graphics memory, files on disk, and so on. This number is almost meaningless."); case HeadingMemory: return i18n("This is the amount of real physical memory that this process is using by itself, and approximates the Private memory usage of the process.
It does not include any swapped out memory, nor the code size of its shared libraries.
This is often the most useful figure to judge the memory use of a program. See What's This for more information.
"); case HeadingSharedMemory: return i18n("This is approximately the amount of real physical memory that this process's shared libraries are using.
This memory is shared among all processes that use this library.
"); case HeadingStartTime: return i18n("The elapsed time since the process was started."); case HeadingNoNewPrivileges: return i18n("Linux flag NoNewPrivileges, if set the process can't gain further privileges via setuid etc."); case HeadingCommand: return i18n("The command with which this process was launched."); case HeadingXMemory: return i18n("The amount of pixmap memory that this process is using."); case HeadingXTitle: return i18n("The title of any windows that this process is showing."); case HeadingPid: return i18n("The unique Process ID that identifies this process."); case HeadingIoRead: return i18n("The number of bytes read. See What's This for more information."); case HeadingIoWrite: return i18n("The number of bytes written. See What's This for more information."); case HeadingCGroup: return i18n("The control group (cgroup) where this process belongs."); case HeadingMACContext: return i18n("Mandatory Access Control (SELinux or AppArmor) context for this process."); case HeadingVmPSS: return i18n("The amount of private physical memory used by a process, with the amount of shared memory divided by the amount of processes using that shared memory added."); default: return QVariant(); } } case Qt::WhatsThisRole: { switch(section) { case HeadingName: return i18n("Technical information: The kernel process name is a maximum of 8 characters long, so the full command is examined. If the first word in the full command line starts with the process name, the first word of the command line is shown, otherwise the process name is used."); case HeadingUser: return i18n("The user who owns this process. If the effective, setuid etc user is different, the user who owns the process will be shown, followed by the effective user. The ToolTip contains the full information.

" "" "" "" "" #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX "" #endif "
Login Name/GroupThe username of the Real User/Group who created this process
Effective User/GroupThe process is running with privileges of the Effective User/Group. This is shown if different from the real user.
Setuid User/GroupThe saved username of the binary. The process can escalate its Effective User/Group to the Setuid User/Group.
File System User/GroupAccesses to the filesystem are checked with the File System User/Group. This is a Linux specific call. See setfsuid(2) for more information.
"); case HeadingVmSize: return i18n("This is the size of allocated address space - not memory, but address space. This value in practice means next to nothing. When a process requests a large memory block from the system but uses only a small part of it, the real usage will be low, VIRT will be high.

Technical information: This is VmSize in proc/*/status and VIRT in top."); case HeadingMemory: return i18n("Technical information: This is an approximation of the Private memory usage, calculated as VmRSS - Shared, from /proc/*/statm. This tends to underestimate the true Private memory usage of a process (by not including i/o backed memory pages), but is the best estimation that is fast to determine. This is sometimes known as URSS (Unique Resident Set Size). For an individual process, see \"Detailed Memory Information\" for a more accurate, but slower, calculation of the true Private memory usage."); case HeadingCPUUsage: return i18n("The CPU usage of a process and all of its threads."); case HeadingCPUTime: return i18n("The total system and user time that a process and all of its threads have been running on the CPU for. This can be greater than the wall clock time if the process has been across multiple CPU cores."); case HeadingSharedMemory: return i18n("Technical information: This is an approximation of the Shared memory, called SHR in top. It is the number of pages that are backed by a file (see kernel Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt). For an individual process, see \"Detailed Memory Information\" for a more accurate, but slower, calculation of the true Shared memory usage."); case HeadingStartTime: return i18n("Technical information: The underlying value (clock ticks since system boot) is retrieved from /proc/[pid]/stat"); case HeadingNoNewPrivileges: return i18n("Technical information: The flag is retrieved from /proc/[pid]/status"); case HeadingCommand: return i18n("Technical information: This is from /proc/*/cmdline"); case HeadingXMemory: return i18n("Technical information: This is the amount of memory used by the Xorg process for images for this process. This is memory used in addition to Memory and Shared Memory.
Technical information: This only counts the pixmap memory, and does not include resource memory used by fonts, cursors, glyphsets etc. See the xrestop program for a more detailed breakdown."); case HeadingXTitle: return i18n("Technical information: For each X11 window, the X11 property _NET_WM_PID is used to map the window to a PID. If a process' windows are not shown, then that application incorrectly is not setting _NET_WM_PID."); case HeadingPid: return i18n("Technical information: This is the Process ID. A multi-threaded application is treated a single process, with all threads sharing the same PID. The CPU usage etc will be the total, accumulated, CPU usage of all the threads."); case HeadingIoRead: case HeadingIoWrite: return i18n("This column shows the IO statistics for each process. The tooltip provides the following information:
" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
Characters ReadThe number of bytes which this task has caused to be read from storage. This is simply the sum of bytes which this process passed to read() and pread(). It includes things like tty IO and it is unaffected by whether or not actual physical disk IO was required (the read might have been satisfied from pagecache).
Characters WrittenThe number of bytes which this task has caused, or shall cause to be written to disk. Similar caveats apply here as with Characters Read.
Read SyscallsThe number of read I/O operations, i.e. syscalls like read() and pread().
Write SyscallsThe number of write I/O operations, i.e. syscalls like write() and pwrite().
Actual Bytes ReadThe number of bytes which this process really did cause to be fetched from the storage layer. Done at the submit_bio() level, so it is accurate for block-backed filesystems. This may not give sensible values for NFS and CIFS filesystems.
Actual Bytes WrittenAttempt to count the number of bytes which this process caused to be sent to the storage layer. This is done at page-dirtying time.

" "The number in brackets shows the rate at which each value is changing, determined from taking the difference between the previous value and the new value, and dividing by the update interval.

" "Technical information: This data is collected from /proc/*/io and is documented further in Documentation/accounting and Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt in the kernel source."); case HeadingCGroup: return i18n("Technical information: This shows Linux Control Group (cgroup) membership, retrieved from /proc/[pid]/cgroup. Control groups are used by Systemd and containers for limiting process group's usage of resources and to monitor them."); case HeadingMACContext: return i18n("Technical information: This shows Mandatory Access Control (SELinux or AppArmor) context, retrieved from /proc/[pid]/attr/current."); case HeadingVmPSS: return i18n("Technical information: This is often referred to as \"Proportional Set Size\" and is the closest approximation of the real amount of total memory used by a process. Note that the number of applications sharing shared memory is determined per shared memory section and thus can vary per memory section."); default: return QVariant(); } } case Qt::DisplayRole: return d->mHeadings[section]; default: return QVariant(); } } void ProcessModel::setSimpleMode(bool simple) { if(d->mSimple == simple) return; emit layoutAboutToBeChanged (); d->mSimple = simple; int flatrow; int treerow; QList flatIndexes; QList treeIndexes; foreach( KSysGuard::Process *process, d->mProcesses->getAllProcesses()) { flatrow = process->index(); treerow = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); flatIndexes.clear(); treeIndexes.clear(); for(int i=0; i < columnCount(); i++) { flatIndexes << createIndex(flatrow, i, process); treeIndexes << createIndex(treerow, i, process); } if(d->mSimple) //change from tree mode to flat mode changePersistentIndexList(treeIndexes, flatIndexes); else // change from flat mode to tree mode changePersistentIndexList(flatIndexes, treeIndexes); } emit layoutChanged(); } bool ProcessModel::canUserLogin(long uid ) const { if(uid == 65534) { //nobody user return false; } if(!d->mIsLocalhost) return true; //We only deal with localhost. Just always return true for non localhost int canLogin = d->mUidCanLogin.value(uid, -1); //Returns 0 if we cannot login, 1 if we can, and the default is -1 meaning we don't know if(canLogin != -1) return canLogin; //We know whether they can log in //We got the default, -1, so we don't know. Look it up KUser user(uid); if(!user.isValid()) { //for some reason the user isn't recognised. This might happen under certain security situations. //Just return true to be safe d->mUidCanLogin[uid] = 1; return true; } QString shell = user.shell(); if(shell == QLatin1String("/bin/false") ) //FIXME - add in any other shells it could be for false { d->mUidCanLogin[uid] = 0; return false; } d->mUidCanLogin[uid] = 1; return true; } QString ProcessModelPrivate::getTooltipForUser(const KSysGuard::Process *ps) const { QString userTooltip; if(!mIsLocalhost) { return xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Login Name: %1", getUsernameForUser(ps->uid(), true)); } else { KUser user(ps->uid()); if(!user.isValid()) userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "This user is not recognized for some reason."); else { if(!user.property(KUser::FullName).isValid()) userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "%1", user.property(KUser::FullName).toString()); userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Login Name: %1 (uid: %2)", user.loginName(), QString::number(ps->uid())); if(!user.property(KUser::RoomNumber).isValid()) userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", " Room Number: %1", user.property(KUser::RoomNumber).toString()); if(!user.property(KUser::WorkPhone).isValid()) userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", " Work Phone: %1", user.property(KUser::WorkPhone).toString()); } } if( (ps->uid() != ps->euid() && ps->euid() != -1) || (ps->uid() != ps->suid() && ps->suid() != -1) || (ps->uid() != ps->fsuid() && ps->fsuid() != -1)) { if(ps->euid() != -1) userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Effective User: %1", getUsernameForUser(ps->euid(), true)); if(ps->suid() != -1) userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Setuid User: %1", getUsernameForUser(ps->suid(), true)); if(ps->fsuid() != -1) userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "File System User: %1", getUsernameForUser(ps->fsuid(), true)); userTooltip += QLatin1String("
"); } if(ps->gid() != -1) { userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Group: %1", getGroupnameForGroup(ps->gid())); if( (ps->gid() != ps->egid() && ps->egid() != -1) || (ps->gid() != ps->sgid() && ps->sgid() != -1) || (ps->gid() != ps->fsgid() && ps->fsgid() != -1)) { if(ps->egid() != -1) userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Effective Group: %1", getGroupnameForGroup(ps->egid())); if(ps->sgid() != -1) userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Setuid Group: %1", getGroupnameForGroup(ps->sgid())); if(ps->fsgid() != -1) userTooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "File System Group: %1", getGroupnameForGroup(ps->fsgid())); } } return userTooltip; } QString ProcessModel::getStringForProcess(KSysGuard::Process *process) const { return i18nc("Short description of a process. PID, name, user", "%1: %2, owned by user %3", (long)(process->pid()), process->name(), d->getUsernameForUser(process->uid(), false)); } QString ProcessModelPrivate::getGroupnameForGroup(long gid) const { if(mIsLocalhost) { QString groupname = KUserGroup(gid).name(); if(!groupname.isEmpty()) return i18nc("Group name and group id", "%1 (gid: %2)", groupname, gid); } return QString::number(gid); } QString ProcessModelPrivate::getUsernameForUser(long uid, bool withuid) const { QString &username = mUserUsername[uid]; if(username.isNull()) { if(!mIsLocalhost) { username = QLatin1String(""); //empty, but not null } else { KUser user(uid); if(!user.isValid()) username = QLatin1String(""); else username = user.loginName(); } } if(username.isEmpty()) return QString::number(uid); if(withuid) return i18nc("User name and user id", "%1 (uid: %2)", username, (long int)uid); return username; } QVariant ProcessModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { //This function must be super duper ultra fast because it's called thousands of times every few second :( //I think it should be optimised for role first, hence the switch statement (fastest possible case) if (!index.isValid()) { return QVariant(); } if (index.column() > columnCount()) { return QVariant(); } //plugin stuff first if (index.column() >= d->mHeadings.count()) { int attr = index.column() - d->mHeadings.count(); switch (role) { case ProcessModel::PlainValueRole: { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); const QVariant value = d->mExtraAttributes[attr]->data(process); return value; } case Qt::DisplayRole: { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); const QVariant value = d->mExtraAttributes[attr]->data(process); return KSysGuard::Formatter::formatValue(value, d->mExtraAttributes[attr]->unit()); } case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); const QVariant value = d->mExtraAttributes[attr]->data(process); if (value.canConvert(QMetaType::LongLong) && static_cast(value.type()) != QMetaType::QString) { return Qt::AlignRight + Qt::AlignVCenter; } return Qt::AlignLeft + Qt::AlignVCenter; } } return QVariant(); } KFormat format; switch (role){ case Qt::DisplayRole: { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); switch(index.column()) { case HeadingName: if(d->mShowCommandLineOptions) return process->name(); else return process->name().section(QLatin1Char(' '), 0,0); case HeadingPid: return (qlonglong)process->pid(); case HeadingUser: if(!process->login().isEmpty()) return process->login(); if(process->uid() == process->euid()) return d->getUsernameForUser(process->uid(), false); else return QString(d->getUsernameForUser(process->uid(), false) + QStringLiteral(", ") + d->getUsernameForUser(process->euid(), false)); case HeadingNiceness: switch(process->scheduler()) { case KSysGuard::Process::Other: return process->niceLevel(); case KSysGuard::Process::SchedulerIdle: return i18nc("scheduler", "Idle"); //neither static nor dynamic priority matter case KSysGuard::Process::Batch: return i18nc("scheduler", "(Batch) %1", process->niceLevel()); //only dynamic priority matters case KSysGuard::Process::RoundRobin: return i18nc("Round robin scheduler", "RR %1", process->niceLevel()); case KSysGuard::Process::Fifo: if(process->niceLevel() == 99) return i18nc("Real Time scheduler", "RT"); else return i18nc("First in first out scheduler", "FIFO %1", process->niceLevel()); case KSysGuard::Process::Interactive: return i18nc("scheduler", "(IA) %1", process->niceLevel()); } return {}; // It actually never gets here since all cases are handled in the switch, but makes gcc not complain about a possible fall through case HeadingTty: return process->tty(); case HeadingCPUUsage: { double total; if(d->mShowChildTotals && !d->mSimple) total = process->totalUserUsage() + process->totalSysUsage(); else total = process->userUsage() + process->sysUsage(); if(d->mNormalizeCPUUsage) total = total / d->mNumProcessorCores; if(total < 1 && process->status() != KSysGuard::Process::Sleeping && process->status() != KSysGuard::Process::Running && process->status() != KSysGuard::Process::Ended) return process->translatedStatus(); //tell the user when the process is a zombie or stopped if(total < 0.5) return QString(); return QString(QString::number((int)(total+0.5)) + QLatin1Char('%')); } case HeadingCPUTime: { qlonglong seconds = (process->userTime() + process->sysTime())/100; return QStringLiteral("%1:%2").arg(seconds/60).arg((int)seconds%60, 2, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); } case HeadingMemory: if(process->vmURSS() == -1) { //If we don't have the URSS (the memory used by only the process, not the shared libraries) //then return the RSS (physical memory used by the process + shared library) as the next best thing return formatMemoryInfo(process->vmRSS(), d->mUnits, true); } else { return formatMemoryInfo(process->vmURSS(), d->mUnits, true); } case HeadingVmSize: return formatMemoryInfo(process->vmSize(), d->mUnits, true); case HeadingSharedMemory: if(process->vmRSS() - process->vmURSS() <= 0 || process->vmURSS() == -1) return QVariant(QVariant::String); return formatMemoryInfo(process->vmRSS() - process->vmURSS(), d->mUnits); case HeadingStartTime: { // NOTE: the next 6 lines are the same as in the next occurrence of 'case HeadingStartTime:' => keep in sync or remove duplicate code const auto clockTicksSinceSystemBoot = process->startTime(); const auto clockTicksPerSecond = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); // see man proc or http://superuser.com/questions/101183/what-is-a-cpu-tick const auto secondsSinceSystemBoot = (double)clockTicksSinceSystemBoot / clockTicksPerSecond; const auto systemBootTime = TimeUtil::systemUptimeAbsolute(); const auto absoluteStartTime = systemBootTime.addSecs(secondsSinceSystemBoot); const auto relativeStartTime = absoluteStartTime.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); return TimeUtil::secondsToHumanElapsedString(relativeStartTime); } case HeadingNoNewPrivileges: return QString::number(process->noNewPrivileges()); case HeadingCommand: { return process->command().replace(QLatin1Char('\n'),QLatin1Char(' ')); // It would be nice to embolden the process name in command, but this requires that the itemdelegate to support html text // QString command = process->command; // command.replace(process->name, "" + process->name + ""); // return "" + command; } case HeadingIoRead: { switch(d->mIoInformation) { case ProcessModel::Bytes: //divide by 1024 to convert to kB return formatMemoryInfo(process->ioCharactersRead() / 1024, d->mIoUnits, true); case ProcessModel::Syscalls: if( process->ioReadSyscalls()) return QString::number(process->ioReadSyscalls()); break; case ProcessModel::ActualBytes: return formatMemoryInfo(process->ioCharactersActuallyRead() / 1024, d->mIoUnits, true); case ProcessModel::BytesRate: if( process->ioCharactersReadRate() / 1024) return i18n("%1/s", formatMemoryInfo(process->ioCharactersReadRate() / 1024, d->mIoUnits, true)); break; case ProcessModel::SyscallsRate: if( process->ioReadSyscallsRate()) return QString::number(process->ioReadSyscallsRate()); break; case ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate: if( process->ioCharactersActuallyReadRate() / 1024) return i18n("%1/s", formatMemoryInfo(process->ioCharactersActuallyReadRate() / 1024, d->mIoUnits, true)); break; } return QVariant(); } case HeadingIoWrite: { switch(d->mIoInformation) { case ProcessModel::Bytes: return formatMemoryInfo(process->ioCharactersWritten() / 1024, d->mIoUnits, true); case ProcessModel::Syscalls: if( process->ioWriteSyscalls()) return QString::number(process->ioWriteSyscalls()); break; case ProcessModel::ActualBytes: return formatMemoryInfo(process->ioCharactersActuallyWritten() / 1024, d->mIoUnits, true); case ProcessModel::BytesRate: if(process->ioCharactersWrittenRate() / 1024) return i18n("%1/s", formatMemoryInfo(process->ioCharactersWrittenRate() / 1024, d->mIoUnits, true)); break; case ProcessModel::SyscallsRate: if( process->ioWriteSyscallsRate()) return QString::number(process->ioWriteSyscallsRate()); break; case ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate: if(process->ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate() / 1024) return i18n("%1/s", formatMemoryInfo(process->ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate() / 1024, d->mIoUnits, true)); break; } return QVariant(); } #if HAVE_X11 case HeadingXMemory: return formatMemoryInfo(process->pixmapBytes() / 1024, d->mUnits, true); case HeadingXTitle: { if(!process->hasManagedGuiWindow()) return QVariant(QVariant::String); WindowInfo *w = d->mPidToWindowInfo.value(process->pid(), NULL); if(!w) return QVariant(QVariant::String); else return w->name; } #endif case HeadingCGroup: return process->cGroup(); case HeadingMACContext: return process->macContext(); case HeadingVmPSS: return process->vmPSS() >= 0 ? formatMemoryInfo(process->vmPSS(), d->mUnits, true) : QVariant{}; default: return QVariant(); } break; } case Qt::ToolTipRole: { if(!d->mShowingTooltips) return QVariant(); KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); QString tracer; if(process->tracerpid() >= 0) { KSysGuard::Process *process_tracer = d->mProcesses->getProcess(process->tracerpid()); if(process_tracer) //it is possible for this to be not the case in certain race conditions tracer = xi18nc("tooltip. name,pid ","This process is being debugged by %1 (%2)", process_tracer->name(), (long int)process->tracerpid()); } switch(index.column()) { case HeadingName: { /* It would be nice to be able to show the icon in the tooltip, but Qt4 won't let us put * a picture in a tooltip :( QIcon icon; if(mPidToWindowInfo.contains(process->pid())) { WId wid; wid = mPidToWindowInfo[process->pid()].wid; icon = KWindowSystem::icon(wid); } if(icon.isValid()) { tooltip = i18n(""); firstrow = false; } for(int i = 0; i < d->mHeadings.size(); i++) { if(firstrow) { QString heading = d->mHeadings[i]; textHtmlHeaders += QLatin1String(""); if(i) { textCsvHeaders += QLatin1Char(','); textPlainHeaders += QLatin1String(", "); } textPlainHeaders += heading; heading.replace(QLatin1Char('"'), QLatin1String("\"\"")); textCsvHeaders += QLatin1Char('"') + heading + QLatin1Char('"'); } QModelIndex index2 = createIndex(index.row(), i, reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer())); QString display = data(index2, PlainValueRole).toString(); if(i) { textCsv += QLatin1Char(','); textPlain += QLatin1String(", "); } textHtml += QLatin1String(""); textPlain += display; display.replace(QLatin1Char('"'),QLatin1String("\"\"")); textCsv += QLatin1Char('"') + display + QLatin1Char('"'); } } } textHtml = QLatin1String("
%1", icon); } */ QString tooltip; if(process->parentPid() == -1) { //Give a quick explanation of init and kthreadd if(process->name() == QLatin1String("init") || process->name() == QLatin1String("systemd")) { tooltip = xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "%1The parent of all other processes and cannot be killed.Process ID: %2", process->name(), (long int)process->pid()); } else if(process->name() == QLatin1String("kthreadd")) { tooltip = xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "KThreaddManages kernel threads. The children processes run in the kernel, controlling hard disk access, etc."); } else { tooltip = xi18nc("@info:tooltip","%1Process ID: %2",process->name(), (long int)process->pid()); } } else { KSysGuard::Process *parent_process = d->mProcesses->getProcess(process->parentPid()); if(parent_process) { //In race conditions, it's possible for this process to not exist tooltip = xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "%1" "Process ID: %2" "Parent: %3" "Parent's ID: %4", process->name(), (long int)process->pid(), parent_process->name(), (long int)process->parentPid()); } else { tooltip = xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "%1" "Process ID: %2" "Parent's ID: %3", process->name(), (long int)process->pid(), (long int)process->parentPid()); } } if(process->numThreads() >= 1) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Number of threads: %1", process->numThreads()); if(!process->command().isEmpty()) { tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Command: %1", process->command()); } if(!process->tty().isEmpty()) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Running on: %1", QString::fromUtf8(process->tty())); if(!tracer.isEmpty()) return QStringLiteral("%1
%2").arg(tooltip).arg(tracer); return tooltip; } case HeadingStartTime: { // NOTE: the next 6 lines are the same as in the previous occurrence of 'case HeadingStartTime:' => keep in sync or remove duplicate code const auto clockTicksSinceSystemBoot = process->startTime(); const auto clockTicksPerSecond = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); const auto secondsSinceSystemBoot = (double)clockTicksSinceSystemBoot / clockTicksPerSecond; const auto systemBootTime = TimeUtil::systemUptimeAbsolute(); const auto absoluteStartTime = systemBootTime.addSecs(secondsSinceSystemBoot); const auto relativeStartTime = absoluteStartTime.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); return xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Clock ticks since system boot: %1" "Seconds since system boot: %2 (System boot time: %3)" "Absolute start time: %4" "Relative start time: %5", clockTicksSinceSystemBoot, secondsSinceSystemBoot, systemBootTime.toString(), absoluteStartTime.toString(), TimeUtil::secondsToHumanElapsedString(relativeStartTime)); } case HeadingCommand: { QString tooltip = xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "This process was run with the following command:" "%1", process->command()); if(!process->tty().isEmpty()) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Running on: %1", QString::fromUtf8(process->tty())); if (!tracer.isEmpty()) { return QStringLiteral("%1
%2").arg(tooltip).arg(tracer); } return tooltip; } case HeadingUser: { QString tooltip = d->getTooltipForUser(process); if(tracer.isEmpty()) { return tooltip; } return QString(tooltip + QStringLiteral("
") + tracer); } case HeadingNiceness: { QString tooltip; switch(process->scheduler()) { case KSysGuard::Process::Other: case KSysGuard::Process::Batch: case KSysGuard::Process::Interactive: tooltip = xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Nice level: %1 (%2)", process->niceLevel(), process->niceLevelAsString()); break; case KSysGuard::Process::RoundRobin: case KSysGuard::Process::Fifo: tooltip = xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "This is a real time process." "Scheduler priority: %1", process->niceLevel()); break; case KSysGuard::Process::SchedulerIdle: break; //has neither dynamic (niceness) or static (scheduler priority) priority } if(process->scheduler() != KSysGuard::Process::Other) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Scheduler: %1", process->schedulerAsString()); if(process->ioPriorityClass() != KSysGuard::Process::None) { if((process->ioPriorityClass() == KSysGuard::Process::RealTime || process->ioPriorityClass() == KSysGuard::Process::BestEffort) && process->ioniceLevel() != -1) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "I/O Nice level: %1 (%2)", process->ioniceLevel(), process->ioniceLevelAsString()); tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "I/O Class: %1", process->ioPriorityClassAsString()); } if(tracer.isEmpty()) return tooltip; return QString(tooltip + QStringLiteral("
") + tracer); } case HeadingCPUUsage: case HeadingCPUTime: { int divideby = (d->mNormalizeCPUUsage?d->mNumProcessorCores:1); QString tooltip = xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Process status: %1 %2" "User CPU usage: %3%" "System CPU usage: %4%", /* Please do not add here - the tooltip is appended to */ process->translatedStatus(), d->getStatusDescription(process->status()), (float)(process->userUsage()) / divideby, (float)(process->sysUsage()) / divideby); if(process->numThreads() >= 1) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Number of threads: %1", process->numThreads()); if(process->numChildren() > 0) { tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Number of children: %1" "Total User CPU usage: %2%" "Total System CPU usage: %3%" "Total CPU usage: %4%", process->numChildren(), (float)(process->totalUserUsage())/ divideby, (float)(process->totalSysUsage()) / divideby, (float)(process->totalUserUsage() + process->totalSysUsage()) / divideby); } if(process->userTime() > 0) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "CPU time spent running as user: %1 seconds", QString::number(process->userTime() / 100.0, 'f', 1)); if(process->sysTime() > 0) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "CPU time spent running in kernel: %1 seconds", QString::number(process->sysTime() / 100.0, 'f', 1)); if(process->niceLevel() != 0) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Nice level: %1 (%2)", process->niceLevel(), process->niceLevelAsString() ); if(process->ioPriorityClass() != KSysGuard::Process::None) { if((process->ioPriorityClass() == KSysGuard::Process::RealTime || process->ioPriorityClass() == KSysGuard::Process::BestEffort) && process->ioniceLevel() != -1) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "I/O Nice level: %1 (%2)", process->ioniceLevel(), process->ioniceLevelAsString() ); tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "I/O Class: %1", process->ioPriorityClassAsString() ); } if(!tracer.isEmpty()) return QString(tooltip + QStringLiteral("
") + tracer); return tooltip; } case HeadingVmSize: { return QVariant(); } case HeadingMemory: { QString tooltip; if(process->vmURSS() != -1) { //We don't have information about the URSS, so just fallback to RSS if(d->mMemTotal > 0) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Memory usage: %1 out of %2 (%3 %)", format.formatByteSize(process->vmURSS() * 1024), format.formatByteSize(d->mMemTotal * 1024), process->vmURSS() * 100 / d->mMemTotal); else tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Memory usage: %1
", format.formatByteSize(process->vmURSS() * 1024)); } if(d->mMemTotal > 0) tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "RSS Memory usage: %1 out of %2 (%3 %)", format.formatByteSize(process->vmRSS() * 1024), format.formatByteSize(d->mMemTotal * 1024), process->vmRSS() * 100 / d->mMemTotal); else tooltip += xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "RSS Memory usage: %1", format.formatByteSize(process->vmRSS() * 1024)); return tooltip; } case HeadingSharedMemory: { if(process->vmURSS() == -1) { return xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Your system does not seem to have this information available to be read."); } if(d->mMemTotal >0) return xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Shared library memory usage: %1 out of %2 (%3 %)", format.formatByteSize((process->vmRSS() - process->vmURSS()) * 1024), format.formatByteSize(d->mMemTotal * 1024), (process->vmRSS() - process->vmURSS()) * 100 / d->mMemTotal); else return xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Shared library memory usage: %1", format.formatByteSize((process->vmRSS() - process->vmURSS()) * 1024)); } case HeadingIoWrite: case HeadingIoRead: { //FIXME - use the formatByteRate functions when added return kxi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Characters read: %1 (%2 KiB/s)" "Characters written: %3 (%4 KiB/s)" "Read syscalls: %5 (%6 s⁻¹)" "Write syscalls: %7 (%8 s⁻¹)" "Actual bytes read: %9 (%10 KiB/s)" "Actual bytes written: %11 (%12 KiB/s)") .subs(format.formatByteSize(process->ioCharactersRead())) .subs(QString::number(process->ioCharactersReadRate() / 1024)) .subs(format.formatByteSize(process->ioCharactersWritten())) .subs(QString::number(process->ioCharactersWrittenRate() / 1024)) .subs(QString::number(process->ioReadSyscalls())) .subs(QString::number(process->ioReadSyscallsRate())) .subs(QString::number(process->ioWriteSyscalls())) .subs(QString::number(process->ioWriteSyscallsRate())) .subs(format.formatByteSize(process->ioCharactersActuallyRead())) .subs(QString::number(process->ioCharactersActuallyReadRate() / 1024)) .subs(format.formatByteSize(process->ioCharactersActuallyWritten())) .subs(QString::number(process->ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate() / 1024)) .toString(); } case HeadingXTitle: { #if HAVE_X11 const auto values = d->mPidToWindowInfo.values(process->pid()); if (values.count() == 1) { return values.first()->name; } QString tooltip; for (const auto &value : values) { if (!tooltip.isEmpty()) { tooltip += QLatin1Char('\n'); } tooltip += QLatin1String("• ") + value->name; } return tooltip; #endif return QVariant(QVariant::String); } case HeadingVmPSS: { if(process->vmPSS() == -1) { return xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Your system does not seem to have this information available to be read."); } if(d->mMemTotal > 0 ) { return xi18nc( "@info:tooltip", "Total memory usage: %1 out of %2 (%3 %)", format.formatByteSize(process->vmPSS() * 1024), format.formatByteSize(d->mMemTotal * 1024), qRound(process->vmPSS() * 1000.0 / d->mMemTotal) / 10.0 ); } else { return xi18nc( "@info:tooltip", "Shared library memory usage: %1", format.formatByteSize(process->vmPSS() * 1024) ); } } default: return QVariant(QVariant::String); } } case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: switch(index.column() ) { case HeadingUser: case HeadingCPUUsage: return QVariant(Qt::AlignCenter); case HeadingNiceness: case HeadingCPUTime: case HeadingStartTime: case HeadingNoNewPrivileges: case HeadingPid: case HeadingMemory: case HeadingXMemory: case HeadingSharedMemory: case HeadingVmSize: case HeadingIoWrite: case HeadingIoRead: case HeadingVmPSS: return QVariant(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); default: return QVariant(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); } case UidRole: { if(index.column() != 0) return QVariant(); //If we query with this role, then we want the raw UID for this. KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); return process->uid(); } case PlainValueRole: //Used to return a plain value. For copying to a clipboard etc { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); switch(index.column()) { case HeadingName: return process->name(); case HeadingPid: return (qlonglong)process->pid(); case HeadingUser: if(!process->login().isEmpty()) return process->login(); if(process->uid() == process->euid()) return d->getUsernameForUser(process->uid(), false); else return QString(d->getUsernameForUser(process->uid(), false) + QStringLiteral(", ") + d->getUsernameForUser(process->euid(), false)); case HeadingNiceness: return process->niceLevel(); case HeadingTty: return process->tty(); case HeadingCPUUsage: { double total; if(d->mShowChildTotals && !d->mSimple) total = process->totalUserUsage() + process->totalSysUsage(); else total = process->userUsage() + process->sysUsage(); if(d->mNormalizeCPUUsage) return total / d->mNumProcessorCores; else return total; } case HeadingCPUTime: return (qlonglong)(process->userTime() + process->sysTime()); case HeadingMemory: if(process->vmRSS() == 0) return QVariant(QVariant::String); if(process->vmURSS() == -1) { return (qlonglong)process->vmRSS(); } else { return (qlonglong)process->vmURSS(); } case HeadingVmSize: return (qlonglong)process->vmSize(); case HeadingSharedMemory: if(process->vmRSS() - process->vmURSS() < 0 || process->vmURSS() == -1) return QVariant(QVariant::String); return (qlonglong)(process->vmRSS() - process->vmURSS()); case HeadingStartTime: return process->startTime(); // 2015-01-03, gregormi: can maybe be replaced with something better later case HeadingNoNewPrivileges: return process->noNewPrivileges(); case HeadingCommand: return process->command(); case HeadingIoRead: switch(d->mIoInformation) { case ProcessModel::Bytes: return process->ioCharactersRead(); case ProcessModel::Syscalls: return process->ioReadSyscalls(); case ProcessModel::ActualBytes: return process->ioCharactersActuallyRead(); case ProcessModel::BytesRate: return (qlonglong)process->ioCharactersReadRate(); case ProcessModel::SyscallsRate: return (qlonglong)process->ioReadSyscallsRate(); case ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate: return (qlonglong)process->ioCharactersActuallyReadRate(); } return {}; // It actually never gets here since all cases are handled in the switch, but makes gcc not complain about a possible fall through case HeadingIoWrite: switch(d->mIoInformation) { case ProcessModel::Bytes: return process->ioCharactersWritten(); case ProcessModel::Syscalls: return process->ioWriteSyscalls(); case ProcessModel::ActualBytes: return process->ioCharactersActuallyWritten(); case ProcessModel::BytesRate: return (qlonglong)process->ioCharactersWrittenRate(); case ProcessModel::SyscallsRate: return (qlonglong)process->ioWriteSyscallsRate(); case ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate: return (qlonglong)process->ioCharactersActuallyWrittenRate(); } return {}; // It actually never gets here since all cases are handled in the switch, but makes gcc not complain about a possible fall through case HeadingXMemory: return (qulonglong)process->pixmapBytes(); #if HAVE_X11 case HeadingXTitle: { WindowInfo *w = d->mPidToWindowInfo.value(process->pid(), NULL); if(!w) return QString(); return w->name; } #endif case HeadingCGroup: return process->cGroup(); case HeadingMACContext: return process->macContext(); case HeadingVmPSS: return process->vmPSS() >= 0 ? process->vmPSS() : QVariant{}; default: return QVariant(); } break; } #if HAVE_X11 case WindowIdRole: { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); WindowInfo *w = d->mPidToWindowInfo.value(process->pid(), NULL); if(!w) return QVariant(); else return (int)w->wid; } #endif case PercentageRole: { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); Q_CHECK_PTR(process); switch(index.column()) { case HeadingCPUUsage: { float cpu; if(d->mSimple || !d->mShowChildTotals) cpu = process->userUsage() + process->sysUsage(); else cpu = process->totalUserUsage() + process->totalSysUsage(); cpu = cpu / 100.0; if(!d->mNormalizeCPUUsage) return cpu; return cpu / d->mNumProcessorCores; } case HeadingMemory: if(d->mMemTotal <= 0) return -1; if(process->vmURSS() != -1) return float(process->vmURSS()) / d->mMemTotal; else return float(process->vmRSS()) / d->mMemTotal; case HeadingSharedMemory: if(process->vmURSS() == -1 || d->mMemTotal <= 0) return -1; return float(process->vmRSS() - process->vmURSS())/d->mMemTotal; case HeadingVmPSS: if (process->vmPSS() == -1 || d->mMemTotal <= 0) { return -1; } return float(process->vmPSS()) / d->mMemTotal; default: return -1; } } case PercentageHistoryRole: { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); Q_CHECK_PTR(process); switch(index.column()) { case HeadingCPUUsage: { auto it = d->mMapProcessCPUHistory.find(process); if (it == d->mMapProcessCPUHistory.end()) { it = d->mMapProcessCPUHistory.insert(process, {}); it->reserve(ProcessModelPrivate::MAX_HIST_ENTRIES); } return QVariant::fromValue(*it); } default: {} } return QVariant::fromValue(QVector{}); } case Qt::DecorationRole: { if(index.column() == HeadingName) { #if HAVE_X11 KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); if(!process->hasManagedGuiWindow()) { if(d->mSimple) //When not in tree mode, we need to pad the name column where we do not have an icon return QIcon(d->mBlankPixmap); else //When in tree mode, the padding looks bad, so do not pad in this case return QVariant(); } WindowInfo *w = d->mPidToWindowInfo.value(process->pid(), NULL); if(w && !w->icon.isNull()) return w->icon; return QIcon(d->mBlankPixmap); #else return QVariant(); #endif } else if (index.column() == HeadingCPUUsage) { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); if(process->status() == KSysGuard::Process::Stopped || process->status() == KSysGuard::Process::Zombie) { // QPixmap pix = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon("button_cancel", KIconLoader::Small, // KIconLoader::SizeSmall, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), // 0L, true); } } return QVariant(); } case Qt::BackgroundRole: { if (index.column() != HeadingUser) { if (!d->mHaveTimer) //If there is no timer, then no processes are being killed, so no point looking for one return QVariant(); KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); - if (process->timeKillWasSent().isValid()) { + if (!process->timeKillWasSent().isNull()) { int elapsed = process->timeKillWasSent().elapsed(); if (elapsed < MILLISECONDS_TO_SHOW_RED_FOR_KILLED_PROCESS) {//Only show red for about 7 seconds int transparency = 255 - elapsed*250/MILLISECONDS_TO_SHOW_RED_FOR_KILLED_PROCESS; KColorScheme scheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::Selection); QBrush brush = scheme.background(KColorScheme::NegativeBackground); QColor color = brush.color(); color.setAlpha(transparency); brush.setColor(color); return brush; } } return QVariant(); } KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); if(process->status() == KSysGuard::Process::Ended) { return QColor(Qt::lightGray); } if(process->tracerpid() >= 0) { //It's being debugged, so probably important. Let's mark it as such return QColor(Qt::yellow); } if(d->mIsLocalhost && process->uid() == getuid()) { //own user return QColor(0, 208, 214, 50); } if(process->uid() < 100 || !canUserLogin(process->uid())) return QColor(218, 220,215, 50); //no color for system tasks //other users return QColor(2, 154, 54, 50); } case Qt::FontRole: { if(index.column() == HeadingCPUUsage) { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); if(process->userUsage() == 0) { QFont font; font.setItalic(true); return font; } } return QVariant(); } default: //This is a very very common case, so the route to this must be very minimal return QVariant(); } return QVariant(); //never get here, but make compiler happy } bool ProcessModel::hasGUIWindow(qlonglong pid) const { #if HAVE_X11 return d->mPidToWindowInfo.contains(pid); #else return false; #endif } bool ProcessModel::isLocalhost() const { return d->mIsLocalhost; } void ProcessModel::setupHeader() { //These must be in the same order that they are in the header file QStringList headings; headings << i18nc("process heading", "Name"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "Username"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "PID"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "TTY"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "Niceness"); // xgettext: no-c-format headings << i18nc("process heading", "CPU %"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "CPU Time"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "IO Read"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "IO Write"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "Virtual Size"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "Memory"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "Shared Mem"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "Relative Start Time"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "NNP"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "Command"); #if HAVE_X11 if (d->mIsX11) { headings << i18nc("process heading", "X11 Memory"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "Window Title"); } #endif headings << i18nc("process heading", "CGroup"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "MAC Context"); headings << i18nc("process heading", "Total Memory"); if(d->mHeadings.isEmpty()) { // If it's empty, this is the first time this has been called, so insert the headings d->mHeadings = headings; } else { // This was called to retranslate the headings. Just use the new translations and call headerDataChanged Q_ASSERT(d->mHeadings.count() == headings.count()); d->mHeadings = headings; headerDataChanged(Qt::Horizontal, 0 , headings.count()-1); } } void ProcessModel::retranslateUi() { setupHeader(); } KSysGuard::Process *ProcessModel::getProcess(qlonglong pid) { return d->mProcesses->getProcess(pid); } bool ProcessModel::showTotals() const { return d->mShowChildTotals; } void ProcessModel::setShowTotals(bool showTotals) //slot { if(showTotals == d->mShowChildTotals) return; d->mShowChildTotals = showTotals; QModelIndex index; foreach( KSysGuard::Process *process, d->mProcesses->getAllProcesses()) { if(process->numChildren() > 0) { int row; if(d->mSimple) row = process->index(); else row = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); index = createIndex(row, HeadingCPUUsage, process); emit dataChanged(index, index); } } } qlonglong ProcessModel::totalMemory() const { return d->mMemTotal; } void ProcessModel::setUnits(Units units) { if(d->mUnits == units) return; d->mUnits = units; QModelIndex index; foreach( KSysGuard::Process *process, d->mProcesses->getAllProcesses()) { int row; if(d->mSimple) row = process->index(); else row = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); index = createIndex(row, HeadingMemory, process); emit dataChanged(index, index); index = createIndex(row, HeadingXMemory, process); emit dataChanged(index, index); index = createIndex(row, HeadingSharedMemory, process); emit dataChanged(index, index); index = createIndex(row, HeadingVmSize, process); emit dataChanged(index, index); } } ProcessModel::Units ProcessModel::units() const { return (Units) d->mUnits; } void ProcessModel::setIoUnits(Units units) { if(d->mIoUnits == units) return; d->mIoUnits = units; QModelIndex index; foreach( KSysGuard::Process *process, d->mProcesses->getAllProcesses()) { int row; if(d->mSimple) row = process->index(); else row = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); index = createIndex(row, HeadingIoRead, process); emit dataChanged(index, index); index = createIndex(row, HeadingIoWrite, process); emit dataChanged(index, index); } } ProcessModel::Units ProcessModel::ioUnits() const { return (Units) d->mIoUnits; } void ProcessModel::setIoInformation( ProcessModel::IoInformation ioInformation ) { d->mIoInformation = ioInformation; } ProcessModel::IoInformation ProcessModel::ioInformation() const { return d->mIoInformation; } QString ProcessModel::formatMemoryInfo(qlonglong amountInKB, Units units, bool returnEmptyIfValueIsZero) const { //We cache the result of i18n for speed reasons. We call this function //hundreds of times, every second or so if(returnEmptyIfValueIsZero && amountInKB == 0) return QString(); static QString percentageString = i18n("%1%", QString::fromLatin1("%1")); if (units == UnitsPercentage) { if(d->mMemTotal == 0) return QLatin1String(""); //memory total not determined yet. Shouldn't happen, but don't crash if it does float percentage = amountInKB*100.0/d->mMemTotal; if(percentage < 0.1) percentage = 0.1; return percentageString.arg(percentage, 0, 'f', 1); } else return formatByteSize(amountInKB, units); } QString ProcessModel::hostName() const { return d->mHostName; } QStringList ProcessModel::mimeTypes() const { QStringList types; types << QStringLiteral("text/plain"); types << QStringLiteral("text/csv"); types << QStringLiteral("text/html"); return types; } QMimeData *ProcessModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const { QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData(); QString textCsv; QString textCsvHeaders; QString textPlain; QString textPlainHeaders; QString textHtml; QString textHtmlHeaders; QString display; int firstColumn = -1; bool firstrow = true; foreach (const QModelIndex &index, indexes) { if (index.isValid()) { if(firstColumn == -1) firstColumn = index.column(); else if(firstColumn != index.column()) continue; else { textCsv += QLatin1Char('\n'); textPlain += QLatin1Char('\n'); textHtml += QLatin1String("
") + heading + QLatin1String("") + display.toHtmlEscaped() + QLatin1String("
") + textHtmlHeaders + QLatin1String("") + textHtml + QLatin1String("
"); textCsv = textCsvHeaders + QLatin1Char('\n') + textCsv; textPlain = textPlainHeaders + QLatin1Char('\n') + textPlain; mimeData->setText(textPlain); mimeData->setHtml(textHtml); mimeData->setData(QStringLiteral("text/csv"), textCsv.toUtf8()); return mimeData; } Qt::ItemFlags ProcessModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return Qt::NoItemFlags; //Would this ever happen? KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast< KSysGuard::Process * > (index.internalPointer()); if(process->status() == KSysGuard::Process::Ended) return Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; else return Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled; } bool ProcessModel::isShowCommandLineOptions() const { return d->mShowCommandLineOptions; } void ProcessModel::setShowCommandLineOptions(bool showCommandLineOptions) { d->mShowCommandLineOptions = showCommandLineOptions; } bool ProcessModel::isShowingTooltips() const { return d->mShowingTooltips; } void ProcessModel::setShowingTooltips(bool showTooltips) { d->mShowingTooltips = showTooltips; } bool ProcessModel::isNormalizedCPUUsage() const { return d->mNormalizeCPUUsage; } void ProcessModel::setNormalizedCPUUsage(bool normalizeCPUUsage) { d->mNormalizeCPUUsage = normalizeCPUUsage; } void ProcessModelPrivate::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * event ) { Q_UNUSED(event); foreach (qlonglong pid, mPidsToUpdate) { KSysGuard::Process *process = mProcesses->getProcess(pid); - if (process && process->timeKillWasSent().isValid() && process->timeKillWasSent().elapsed() < MILLISECONDS_TO_SHOW_RED_FOR_KILLED_PROCESS) { + if (process && !process->timeKillWasSent().isNull() && process->timeKillWasSent().elapsed() < MILLISECONDS_TO_SHOW_RED_FOR_KILLED_PROCESS) { int row; if(mSimple) row = process->index(); else row = process->parent()->children().indexOf(process); QModelIndex index1 = q->createIndex(row, 0, process); QModelIndex index2 = q->createIndex(row, mHeadings.count()-1, process); emit q->dataChanged(index1, index2); } else { mPidsToUpdate.removeAll(pid); } } if (mPidsToUpdate.isEmpty()) { mHaveTimer = false; killTimer(mTimerId); mTimerId = -1; } } diff --git a/processui/ksysguardprocesslist.cpp b/processui/ksysguardprocesslist.cpp index 1ffead4..fbb8c40 100644 --- a/processui/ksysguardprocesslist.cpp +++ b/processui/ksysguardprocesslist.cpp @@ -1,1561 +1,1561 @@ /* KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 Chris Schlaeger Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 John Tapsell This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "ksysguardprocesslist.h" #include "../config-ksysguard.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //For SIGTERM #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ReniceDlg.h" #include "ui_ProcessWidgetUI.h" #include "scripting.h" #include "process_controller.h" #include "process_attribute.h" #include #include //Trolltech have a testing class for classes that inherit QAbstractItemModel. If you want to run with this run-time testing enabled, put the modeltest.* files in this directory and uncomment the next line //#define DO_MODELCHECK #ifdef DO_MODELCHECK #include "modeltest.h" #endif class ProgressBarItemDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate { public: ProgressBarItemDelegate(QObject *parent) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent) { } void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &opt, const QModelIndex &index) const override { QStyleOptionViewItem option = opt; initStyleOption(&option,index); float percentage = index.data(ProcessModel::PercentageRole).toFloat(); auto history = index.data(ProcessModel::PercentageHistoryRole).value>(); if (percentage >= 0 || history.size() > 1) drawPercentageDisplay(painter, option, percentage, history); else QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); } private: inline void drawPercentageDisplay(QPainter *painter, QStyleOptionViewItem &option, float percentage, const QVector &history) const { QStyle *style = option.widget ? option.widget->style() : QApplication::style(); const QRect &rect = option.rect; const int HIST_MS_PER_PX = 100; // 100 ms = 1 px -> 1 s = 10 px bool hasHistory = history.size() > 1; // Make sure that more than one entry is visible if (hasHistory) { int width = (history.crbegin()->timestamp - (history.crbegin() + 1)->timestamp) / HIST_MS_PER_PX; hasHistory = width < rect.width(); } // draw the background style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &option, painter, option.widget); QPalette::ColorGroup cg = option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled ? QPalette::Normal : QPalette::Disabled; if (cg == QPalette::Normal && !(option.state & QStyle::State_Active)) cg = QPalette::Inactive; //Now draw our percentage thingy int size = qMin(int(percentage * rect.height()), rect.height()); if(size > 2 ) { //make sure the line will have a width of more than 1 pixel painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); QColor color = option.palette.color(cg, QPalette::Link); color.setAlpha(33); painter->fillRect( rect.x(), rect.y() + rect.height() - size, rect.width(), size, color); } // Draw the history graph if(hasHistory) { QColor color = option.palette.color(cg, QPalette::Link); color.setAlpha(66); painter->setPen(Qt::NoPen); QPainterPath path; // From right to left path.moveTo(rect.right(), rect.bottom()); int xNow = rect.right(); auto now = history.constLast(); int height = qMin(int(rect.height() * now.value), rect.height()); path.lineTo(xNow, rect.bottom() - height); for(int index = history.size() - 2; index >= 0 && xNow > rect.left(); --index) { auto next = history.at(index); int width = (now.timestamp - next.timestamp) / HIST_MS_PER_PX; int xNext = qMax(xNow - width, rect.left()); now = next; xNow = xNext; int height = qMin(int(rect.height() * now.value), rect.height()); path.lineTo(xNow, rect.bottom() - height); } path.lineTo(xNow, rect.bottom()); path.lineTo(rect.right(), rect.bottom()); painter->fillPath(path, color); } // draw the text if (!option.text.isEmpty()) { QRect textRect = style->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_ItemViewItemText, &option, option.widget); if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) { painter->setPen(option.palette.color(cg, QPalette::HighlightedText)); } else { painter->setPen(option.palette.color(cg, QPalette::Text)); } painter->setFont(option.font); QTextOption textOption; textOption.setWrapMode(QTextOption::ManualWrap); textOption.setTextDirection(option.direction); textOption.setAlignment(QStyle::visualAlignment(option.direction, option.displayAlignment)); painter->drawText(textRect, option.text, textOption); } // draw the focus rect if (option.state & QStyle::State_HasFocus) { QStyleOptionFocusRect o; o.QStyleOption::operator=(option); o.rect = style->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_ItemViewItemFocusRect, &option, option.widget); o.state |= QStyle::State_KeyboardFocusChange; o.state |= QStyle::State_Item; QPalette::ColorGroup cg = (option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled) ? QPalette::Normal : QPalette::Disabled; o.backgroundColor = option.palette.color(cg, (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) ? QPalette::Highlight : QPalette::Window); style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect, &o, painter, option.widget); } } }; struct KSysGuardProcessListPrivate { KSysGuardProcessListPrivate(KSysGuardProcessList* q, const QString &hostName) : mModel(q, hostName), mFilterModel(q), mUi(new Ui::ProcessWidget()), mProcessContextMenu(nullptr), mUpdateTimer(nullptr), mToolsMenu(new QMenu(q)) { mScripting = nullptr; mNeedToExpandInit = false; mNumItemsSelected = -1; mResortCountDown = 2; //The items added initially will be already sorted, but without CPU info. On the second refresh we will have CPU usage, so /then/ we can resort renice = new QAction(i18np("Set Priority...", "Set Priority...", 1), q); renice->setShortcut(Qt::Key_F8); selectParent = new QAction(i18n("Jump to Parent Process"), q); selectTracer = new QAction(i18n("Jump to Process Debugging This One"), q); window = new QAction(i18n("Show Application Window"), q); resume = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("media-playback-start")), i18n("Resume Stopped Process"), q); terminate = new QAction(i18np("End Process", "End Processes", 1), q); terminate->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("process-stop"))); terminate->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Delete); kill = new QAction(i18np("Forcibly Kill Process", "Forcibly Kill Processes", 1), q); kill->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("process-stop"))); kill->setShortcut(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Delete); sigStop = new QAction(i18n("Suspend (STOP)"), q); sigCont = new QAction(i18n("Continue (CONT)"), q); sigHup = new QAction(i18n("Hangup (HUP)"), q); sigInt = new QAction(i18n("Interrupt (INT)"), q); sigTerm = new QAction(i18n("Terminate (TERM)"), q); sigKill = new QAction(i18n("Kill (KILL)"), q); sigUsr1 = new QAction(i18n("User 1 (USR1)"), q); sigUsr2 = new QAction(i18n("User 2 (USR2)"), q); //Set up '/' as a shortcut to jump to the quick search text widget jumpToSearchFilter = new QAction(i18n("Focus on Quick Search"), q); jumpToSearchFilter->setShortcuts(QList() << QKeySequence::Find << '/'); } ~KSysGuardProcessListPrivate() { delete mUi; mUi = nullptr; } /** The number rows and their children for the given parent in the mFilterModel model */ int totalRowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const; /** Helper function to setup 'action' with the given pids */ void setupKAuthAction(KAuth::Action &action, const QList & pids) const; /** fire a timer event if we are set to use our internal timer*/ void fireTimerEvent(); /** The process model. This contains all the data on all the processes running on the system */ ProcessModel mModel; /** The process filter. The mModel is connected to this, and this filter model connects to the view. This lets us * sort the view and filter (by using the combo box or the search line) */ ProcessFilter mFilterModel; KSysGuard::ProcessController *mProcessController = nullptr; /** The graphical user interface for this process list widget, auto-generated by Qt Designer */ Ui::ProcessWidget *mUi; /** The context menu when you right click on a process */ QMenu *mProcessContextMenu; /** A timer to call updateList() every mUpdateIntervalMSecs. * NULL is mUpdateIntervalMSecs is <= 0. */ QTimer *mUpdateTimer; /** The time to wait, in milliseconds, between updating the process list */ int mUpdateIntervalMSecs; /** Number of items that are selected */ int mNumItemsSelected; /** Class to deal with the scripting. NULL if scripting is disabled */ Scripting *mScripting; /** A counter to mark when to resort, so that we do not resort on every update */ int mResortCountDown; bool mNeedToExpandInit; QAction *renice; QAction *terminate; QAction *kill; QAction *selectParent; QAction *selectTracer; QAction *jumpToSearchFilter; QAction *window; QAction *resume; QAction *sigStop; QAction *sigCont; QAction *sigHup; QAction *sigInt; QAction *sigTerm; QAction *sigKill; QAction *sigUsr1; QAction *sigUsr2; QMenu* mToolsMenu; }; KSysGuardProcessList::KSysGuardProcessList(QWidget* parent, const QString &hostName) : QWidget(parent), d(new KSysGuardProcessListPrivate(this, hostName)) { qRegisterMetaType >(); qDBusRegisterMetaType >(); d->mProcessController = new KSysGuard::ProcessController(this); d->mProcessController->setWidget(window()); d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs = 0; //Set process to not update manually by default d->mUi->setupUi(this); d->mFilterModel.setSourceModel(&d->mModel); d->mUi->treeView->setModel(&d->mFilterModel); #ifdef DO_MODELCHECK new ModelTest(&d->mModel, this); #endif d->mUi->treeView->setItemDelegate(new ProgressBarItemDelegate(d->mUi->treeView)); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(d->mUi->treeView->header(), &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::showColumnContextMenu); d->mProcessContextMenu = new QMenu(d->mUi->treeView); d->mUi->treeView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(d->mUi->treeView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(showProcessContextMenu(QPoint))); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setSectionsClickable(true); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setSortIndicatorShown(true); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setCascadingSectionResizes(false); connect(d->mUi->btnKillProcess, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::killSelectedProcesses); connect(d->mUi->txtFilter, &QLineEdit::textChanged, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::filterTextChanged); connect(d->mUi->cmbFilter, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setStateInt(int))); connect(d->mUi->treeView, &QTreeView::expanded, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::expandAllChildren); connect(d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::selectionChanged); connect(&d->mFilterModel, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::rowsInserted); connect(&d->mFilterModel, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsRemoved, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::processListChanged); setMinimumSize(sizeHint()); d->mFilterModel.setFilterKeyColumn(-1); /* Hide various columns by default, to reduce information overload */ d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingVmSize); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingNiceness); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingTty); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingStartTime); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingNoNewPrivileges); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingCommand); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingPid); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingCPUTime); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingXMemory); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingCGroup); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingMACContext); d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingVmPSS); // NOTE! After this is all setup, the settings for the header are restored // from the user's last run. (in restoreHeaderState) // So making changes here only affects the default settings. To // test changes temporarily, comment out the lines in restoreHeaderState. // When you are happy with the changes and want to commit, increase the // value of PROCESSHEADERVERSION. This will force the header state // to be reset back to the defaults for all users. d->mUi->treeView->header()->resizeSection(ProcessModel::HeadingCPUUsage, d->mUi->treeView->header()->sectionSizeHint(ProcessModel::HeadingCPUUsage)); d->mUi->treeView->header()->resizeSection(ProcessModel::HeadingMemory, d->mUi->treeView->header()->sectionSizeHint(ProcessModel::HeadingMemory)); d->mUi->treeView->header()->resizeSection(ProcessModel::HeadingSharedMemory, d->mUi->treeView->header()->sectionSizeHint(ProcessModel::HeadingSharedMemory)); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Interactive); d->mUi->treeView->header()->setStretchLastSection(true); //Process names can have mixed case. Make the filter case insensitive. d->mFilterModel.setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); d->mFilterModel.setSortCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); d->mUi->txtFilter->installEventFilter(this); d->mUi->treeView->installEventFilter(this); d->mUi->treeView->setDragEnabled(true); d->mUi->treeView->setDragDropMode(QAbstractItemView::DragOnly); auto extraAttributes = d->mModel.extraAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < extraAttributes.count(); ++i) { auto attribute = extraAttributes.at(i); if (attribute->isVisibleByDefault()) { attribute->setEnabled(true); } else { d->mUi->treeView->header()->hideSection(ProcessModel::HeadingPluginStart + i); } } //Sort by username by default d->mUi->treeView->sortByColumn(ProcessModel::HeadingUser, Qt::AscendingOrder); // Add all the actions to the main widget, and get all the actions to call actionTriggered when clicked QList actions; actions << d->renice << d->kill << d->terminate << d->selectParent << d->selectTracer << d->window << d->jumpToSearchFilter; actions << d->resume << d->sigStop << d->sigCont << d->sigHup << d->sigInt << d->sigTerm << d->sigKill << d->sigUsr1 << d->sigUsr2; foreach(QAction *action, actions) { addAction(action); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, action]() { actionTriggered(action); }); } retranslateUi(); d->mUi->btnKillProcess->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("process-stop"))); d->mUi->btnKillProcess->setToolTip(i18n("End the selected process. Warning - you may lose unsaved work.
Right click on a process to send other signals.
See What's This for technical information.")); auto addByDesktopName = [this](const QString& desktopName) { auto kService = KService::serviceByDesktopName(desktopName); if (kService) { auto action = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(kService->icon()), kService->name(), this); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [kService](bool) { KRun::runService(*kService, { }, nullptr); }); d->mToolsMenu->addAction(action); } }; addByDesktopName(QStringLiteral("org.kde.konsole")); const QString ksysguardDesktopName = QStringLiteral("org.kde.ksysguard"); // The following expression is true when the libksysguard process list is _not_ embedded in KSysGuard. // Only then we add KSysGuard to the menu if (qApp->desktopFileName() != ksysguardDesktopName) { addByDesktopName(ksysguardDesktopName); } addByDesktopName(QStringLiteral("org.kde.ksystemlog")); addByDesktopName(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kinfocenter")); addByDesktopName(QStringLiteral("org.kde.filelight")); addByDesktopName(QStringLiteral("org.kde.sweeper")); addByDesktopName(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kmag")); addByDesktopName(QStringLiteral("htop")); // Add Run Command... // auto runCommandAction = new QAction(i18nc("@action:inmenu", "Run Command"), this); // //INFO: This is one way of how to find out the two required parameters for the globalShortcut method: // auto list = KGlobalAccel::getGlobalShortcutsByKey(QKeySequence(QStringLiteral("Alt+Space"))); // foreach (auto item, list) { // qDebug() << item.componentUniqueName() << item.uniqueName(); // //prints: 'krunner', 'run command' // } const auto runCommandShortcutList = KGlobalAccel::self()->globalShortcut(QStringLiteral("krunner"), QStringLiteral("run command")); runCommandAction->setShortcuts(runCommandShortcutList); runCommandAction->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("system-run"))); connect(runCommandAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [](){ KRun::runCommand(QStringLiteral("krunner"), nullptr); }); d->mToolsMenu->addAction(runCommandAction); // Add the xkill functionality... auto killWindowAction = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("document-close")), i18nc("@action:inmenu", "Kill a Window"), this); // Find shortcut of xkill functionality which is defined in KWin const auto killWindowShortcutList = KGlobalAccel::self()->globalShortcut(QStringLiteral("kwin"), QStringLiteral("Kill Window")); killWindowAction->setShortcuts(killWindowShortcutList); // We don't use xkill directly but the method in KWin which allows to press Esc to abort. auto killWindowKwinMethod = new QDBusInterface(QStringLiteral("org.kde.KWin"), QStringLiteral("/KWin"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.KWin")); // If KWin is not the window manager, then we disable the entry: if (!killWindowKwinMethod->isValid()) { killWindowAction->setEnabled(false); } connect(killWindowAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, killWindowKwinMethod](bool) { // with DBus call, always use the async method. // Otherwise it could wait up to 30 seconds in certain situations. killWindowKwinMethod->asyncCall(QStringLiteral("killWindow")); }); d->mToolsMenu->addAction(killWindowAction); d->mUi->btnTools->setMenu(d->mToolsMenu); } KSysGuardProcessList::~KSysGuardProcessList() { delete d; } QTreeView *KSysGuardProcessList::treeView() const { return d->mUi->treeView; } QLineEdit *KSysGuardProcessList::filterLineEdit() const { return d->mUi->txtFilter; } ProcessFilter::State KSysGuardProcessList::state() const { return d->mFilterModel.filter(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::setStateInt(int state) { setState((ProcessFilter::State) state); d->mUi->treeView->scrollTo( d->mUi->treeView->currentIndex()); } void KSysGuardProcessList::setState(ProcessFilter::State state) { //index is the item the user selected in the combo box d->mFilterModel.setFilter(state); d->mModel.setSimpleMode( (state != ProcessFilter::AllProcessesInTreeForm) ); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setCurrentIndex( (int)state); if(isVisible()) expandInit(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::filterTextChanged(const QString &newText) { d->mFilterModel.setFilterRegExp(newText.trimmed()); if(isVisible()) expandInit(); d->mUi->btnKillProcess->setEnabled(d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->hasSelection()); d->mUi->treeView->scrollTo(d->mUi->treeView->currentIndex()); } int KSysGuardProcessList::visibleProcessesCount() const { //This assumes that all the visible rows are processes. This is true currently, but might not be //true if we add support for showing threads etc if(d->mModel.isSimpleMode()) return d->mFilterModel.rowCount(); return d->totalRowCount(QModelIndex()); } int KSysGuardProcessListPrivate::totalRowCount(const QModelIndex &parent ) const { int numRows = mFilterModel.rowCount(parent); int total = numRows; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) { QModelIndex index = mFilterModel.index(i, 0,parent); //if it has children add the total if (mFilterModel.hasChildren(index)) total += totalRowCount(index); } return total; } void KSysGuardProcessListPrivate::setupKAuthAction(KAuth::Action &action, const QList & pids) const { action.setHelperId(QStringLiteral("org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper")); const int processCount = pids.count(); for(int i = 0; i < processCount; i++) { action.addArgument(QStringLiteral("pid%1").arg(i), pids[i]); } action.addArgument(QStringLiteral("pidcount"), processCount); } void KSysGuardProcessList::selectionChanged() { int numSelected = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows().size(); if(numSelected == d->mNumItemsSelected) return; d->mNumItemsSelected = numSelected; d->mUi->btnKillProcess->setEnabled(numSelected != 0); d->renice->setText(i18np("Set Priority...", "Set Priority...", numSelected)); d->kill->setText(i18np("Forcibly Kill Process", "Forcibly Kill Processes", numSelected)); d->terminate->setText(i18ncp("Context menu", "End Process", "End Processes", numSelected)); } void KSysGuardProcessList::showProcessContextMenu(const QModelIndex &index) { if(!index.isValid()) return; QRect rect = d->mUi->treeView->visualRect(index); QPoint point(rect.x() + rect.width()/4, rect.y() + rect.height()/2 ); showProcessContextMenu(point); } void KSysGuardProcessList::showProcessContextMenu(const QPoint &point) { d->mProcessContextMenu->clear(); const QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); const int numProcesses = selectedIndexes.size(); if(numProcesses == 0) { //No processes selected, so no process context menu //Check just incase we have no columns visible. In which case show the column context menu //so that users can unhide columns if there are no columns visible for(int i = 0; i < d->mFilterModel.columnCount(); ++i) { if(!d->mUi->treeView->header()->isSectionHidden(i)) return; } showColumnContextMenu(point); return; } QModelIndex realIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(selectedIndexes.at(0)); KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast (realIndex.internalPointer()); //If the selected process is a zombie, do not bother offering renice and kill options bool showSignalingEntries = numProcesses != 1 || process->status() != KSysGuard::Process::Zombie; if(showSignalingEntries) { d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->renice); QMenu *signalMenu = d->mProcessContextMenu->addMenu(i18n("Send Signal")); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigStop); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigCont); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigHup); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigInt); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigTerm); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigKill); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigUsr1); signalMenu->addAction(d->sigUsr2); } if(numProcesses == 1 && process->parentPid() > 1) { //As a design decision, I do not show the 'Jump to parent process' option when the //parent is just 'init'. KSysGuard::Process *parent_process = d->mModel.getProcess(process->parentPid()); if(parent_process) { //it should not be possible for this process to not exist, but check just incase QString parent_name = parent_process->name(); d->selectParent->setText(i18n("Jump to Parent Process (%1)", parent_name)); d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->selectParent); } } if(numProcesses == 1 && process->tracerpid() >= 0) { //If the process is being debugged, offer to select it d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->selectTracer); } if (numProcesses == 1 && !d->mModel.data(realIndex, ProcessModel::WindowIdRole).isNull()) { d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->window); } if(numProcesses == 1 && process->status() == KSysGuard::Process::Stopped) { //If the process is stopped, offer to resume it d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->resume); } if(numProcesses == 1 && d->mScripting) { foreach(QAction *action, d->mScripting->actions()) { d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(action); } } if (showSignalingEntries) { d->mProcessContextMenu->addSeparator(); d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->terminate); - if (numProcesses == 1 && process->timeKillWasSent().isValid()) + if (numProcesses == 1 && !process->timeKillWasSent().isNull()) d->mProcessContextMenu->addAction(d->kill); } d->mProcessContextMenu->popup(d->mUi->treeView->viewport()->mapToGlobal(point)); } void KSysGuardProcessList::actionTriggered(QObject *object) { if(!isVisible()) //Ignore triggered actions if we are not visible! return; //Reset the text back to normal d->selectParent->setText(i18n("Jump to Parent Process")); QAction *result = qobject_cast(object); if(result == nullptr) { //Escape was pressed. Do nothing. } else if(result == d->renice) { reniceSelectedProcesses(); } else if(result == d->terminate) { sendSignalToSelectedProcesses(SIGTERM, true); } else if(result == d->kill) { sendSignalToSelectedProcesses(SIGKILL, true); } else if(result == d->selectParent) { QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); int numProcesses = selectedIndexes.size(); if(numProcesses == 0) return; //No processes selected QModelIndex realIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(selectedIndexes.at(0)); KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast (realIndex.internalPointer()); if(process) selectAndJumpToProcess(process->parentPid()); } else if(result == d->selectTracer) { QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); int numProcesses = selectedIndexes.size(); if(numProcesses == 0) return; //No processes selected QModelIndex realIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(selectedIndexes.at(0)); KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast (realIndex.internalPointer()); if(process) selectAndJumpToProcess(process->tracerpid()); } else if(result == d->window) { QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); int numProcesses = selectedIndexes.size(); if(numProcesses == 0) return; //No processes selected foreach( const QModelIndex &index, selectedIndexes) { QModelIndex realIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(index); QVariant widVar= d->mModel.data(realIndex, ProcessModel::WindowIdRole); if( !widVar.isNull() ) { int wid = widVar.toInt(); KWindowSystem::activateWindow(wid); } } } else if(result == d->jumpToSearchFilter) { d->mUi->txtFilter->setFocus(); } else { int sig; if(result == d->resume || result == d->sigCont) sig = SIGCONT; //Despite the function name, this sends a signal, rather than kill it. Silly unix :) else if(result == d->sigStop) sig = SIGSTOP; else if(result == d->sigHup) sig = SIGHUP; else if(result == d->sigInt) sig = SIGINT; else if(result == d->sigTerm) sig = SIGTERM; else if(result == d->sigKill) sig = SIGKILL; else if(result == d->sigUsr1) sig = SIGUSR1; else if(result == d->sigUsr2) sig = SIGUSR2; else return; sendSignalToSelectedProcesses(sig, false); } } void KSysGuardProcessList::selectAndJumpToProcess(int pid) { KSysGuard::Process *process = d->mModel.getProcess(pid); if(!process) return; QModelIndex sourceIndex = d->mModel.getQModelIndex(process, 0); QModelIndex filterIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapFromSource( sourceIndex ); if(!filterIndex.isValid() && !d->mUi->txtFilter->text().isEmpty()) { //The filter is preventing us from finding the parent. Clear the filter //(It could also be the combo box - should we deal with that case as well?) d->mUi->txtFilter->clear(); filterIndex = d->mFilterModel.mapFromSource( sourceIndex ); } d->mUi->treeView->clearSelection(); d->mUi->treeView->setCurrentIndex(filterIndex); d->mUi->treeView->scrollTo( filterIndex, QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter); } void KSysGuardProcessList::showColumnContextMenu(const QPoint &point){ QMenu menu; QAction *action; int num_headings = d->mFilterModel.columnCount(); int index = d->mUi->treeView->header()->logicalIndexAt(point); if(index >= 0) { bool anyOtherVisibleColumns = false; for(int i = 0; i < num_headings; ++i) { if(i != index && !d->mUi->treeView->header()->isSectionHidden(i)) { anyOtherVisibleColumns = true; break; } } if(anyOtherVisibleColumns) { //selected a column. Give the option to hide it action = new QAction(&menu); action->setData(-index-1); //We set data to be negative (and minus 1) to hide a column, and positive to show a column action->setText(i18n("Hide Column '%1'", d->mFilterModel.headerData(index, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString())); menu.addAction(action); if(d->mUi->treeView->header()->sectionsHidden()) { menu.addSeparator(); } } } if(d->mUi->treeView->header()->sectionsHidden()) { for(int i = 0; i < num_headings; ++i) { if(d->mUi->treeView->header()->isSectionHidden(i)) { #ifndef HAVE_XRES if(i == ProcessModel::HeadingXMemory) continue; #endif action = new QAction(&menu); action->setText(i18n("Show Column '%1'", d->mFilterModel.headerData(i, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::DisplayRole).toString())); action->setData(i); //We set data to be negative (and minus 1) to hide a column, and positive to show a column menu.addAction(action); } } } QAction *actionAuto = nullptr; QAction *actionKB = nullptr; QAction *actionMB = nullptr; QAction *actionGB = nullptr; QAction *actionPercentage = nullptr; QAction *actionShowCmdlineOptions = nullptr; QAction *actionShowTooltips = nullptr; QAction *actionNormalizeCPUUsage = nullptr; QAction *actionIoCharacters = nullptr; QAction *actionIoSyscalls = nullptr; QAction *actionIoActualCharacters = nullptr; QAction *actionIoShowRate = nullptr; bool showIoRate = false; if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) showIoRate = d->mModel.ioInformation() == ProcessModel::BytesRate || d->mModel.ioInformation() == ProcessModel::SyscallsRate || d->mModel.ioInformation() == ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate; if( index == ProcessModel::HeadingVmSize || index == ProcessModel::HeadingMemory || index == ProcessModel::HeadingXMemory || index == ProcessModel::HeadingSharedMemory || index == ProcessModel::HeadingVmPSS || ( (index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) && d->mModel.ioInformation() != ProcessModel::Syscalls)) { //If the user right clicks on a column that contains a memory size, show a toggle option for displaying //the memory in different units. e.g. "2000 k" or "2 m" menu.addSeparator()->setText(i18n("Display Units")); QActionGroup *unitsGroup = new QActionGroup(&menu); /* Automatic (human readable)*/ actionAuto = new QAction(&menu); actionAuto->setText(i18n("Mixed")); actionAuto->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionAuto); unitsGroup->addAction(actionAuto); /* Kilobytes */ actionKB = new QAction(&menu); actionKB->setText((showIoRate)?i18n("Kilobytes per second"):i18n("Kilobytes")); actionKB->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionKB); unitsGroup->addAction(actionKB); /* Megabytes */ actionMB = new QAction(&menu); actionMB->setText((showIoRate)?i18n("Megabytes per second"):i18n("Megabytes")); actionMB->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionMB); unitsGroup->addAction(actionMB); /* Gigabytes */ actionGB = new QAction(&menu); actionGB->setText((showIoRate)?i18n("Gigabytes per second"):i18n("Gigabytes")); actionGB->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionGB); unitsGroup->addAction(actionGB); ProcessModel::Units currentUnit; if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) { currentUnit = d->mModel.ioUnits(); } else { actionPercentage = new QAction(&menu); actionPercentage->setText(i18n("Percentage")); actionPercentage->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionPercentage); unitsGroup->addAction(actionPercentage); currentUnit = d->mModel.units(); } switch(currentUnit) { case ProcessModel::UnitsAuto: actionAuto->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::UnitsKB: actionKB->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::UnitsMB: actionMB->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::UnitsGB: actionGB->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::UnitsPercentage: actionPercentage->setChecked(true); break; default: break; } unitsGroup->setExclusive(true); } else if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingName) { menu.addSeparator(); actionShowCmdlineOptions = new QAction(&menu); actionShowCmdlineOptions->setText(i18n("Display command line options")); actionShowCmdlineOptions->setCheckable(true); actionShowCmdlineOptions->setChecked(d->mModel.isShowCommandLineOptions()); menu.addAction(actionShowCmdlineOptions); } else if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingCPUUsage) { menu.addSeparator(); actionNormalizeCPUUsage = new QAction(&menu); actionNormalizeCPUUsage->setText(i18n("Divide CPU usage by number of CPUs")); actionNormalizeCPUUsage->setCheckable(true); actionNormalizeCPUUsage->setChecked(d->mModel.isNormalizedCPUUsage()); menu.addAction(actionNormalizeCPUUsage); } if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) { menu.addSeparator()->setText(i18n("Displayed Information")); QActionGroup *ioInformationGroup = new QActionGroup(&menu); actionIoCharacters = new QAction(&menu); actionIoCharacters->setText(i18n("Characters read/written")); actionIoCharacters->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionIoCharacters); ioInformationGroup->addAction(actionIoCharacters); actionIoSyscalls = new QAction(&menu); actionIoSyscalls->setText(i18n("Number of Read/Write operations")); actionIoSyscalls->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionIoSyscalls); ioInformationGroup->addAction(actionIoSyscalls); actionIoActualCharacters = new QAction(&menu); actionIoActualCharacters->setText(i18n("Bytes actually read/written")); actionIoActualCharacters->setCheckable(true); menu.addAction(actionIoActualCharacters); ioInformationGroup->addAction(actionIoActualCharacters); actionIoShowRate = new QAction(&menu); actionIoShowRate->setText(i18n("Show I/O rate")); actionIoShowRate->setCheckable(true); actionIoShowRate->setChecked(showIoRate); menu.addAction(actionIoShowRate); switch(d->mModel.ioInformation()) { case ProcessModel::Bytes: case ProcessModel::BytesRate: actionIoCharacters->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::Syscalls: case ProcessModel::SyscallsRate: actionIoSyscalls->setChecked(true); break; case ProcessModel::ActualBytes: case ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate: actionIoActualCharacters->setChecked(true); break; default: break; } } menu.addSeparator(); actionShowTooltips = new QAction(&menu); actionShowTooltips->setCheckable(true); actionShowTooltips->setChecked(d->mModel.isShowingTooltips()); actionShowTooltips->setText(i18n("Show Tooltips")); menu.addAction(actionShowTooltips); QAction *result = menu.exec(d->mUi->treeView->header()->mapToGlobal(point)); if(!result) return; //Menu cancelled if(result == actionAuto) { if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) d->mModel.setIoUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsAuto); else d->mModel.setUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsAuto); return; } else if(result == actionKB) { if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) d->mModel.setIoUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsKB); else d->mModel.setUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsKB); return; } else if(result == actionMB) { if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) d->mModel.setIoUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsMB); else d->mModel.setUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsMB); return; } else if(result == actionGB) { if(index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead || index == ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite) d->mModel.setIoUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsGB); else d->mModel.setUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsGB); return; } else if(result == actionPercentage) { d->mModel.setUnits(ProcessModel::UnitsPercentage); return; } else if(result == actionShowCmdlineOptions) { d->mModel.setShowCommandLineOptions(actionShowCmdlineOptions->isChecked()); return; } else if(result == actionNormalizeCPUUsage) { d->mModel.setNormalizedCPUUsage(actionNormalizeCPUUsage->isChecked()); return; } else if(result == actionShowTooltips) { d->mModel.setShowingTooltips(actionShowTooltips->isChecked()); return; } else if(result == actionIoCharacters) { d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::BytesRate:ProcessModel::Bytes); return; } else if(result == actionIoSyscalls) { d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::SyscallsRate:ProcessModel::Syscalls); return; } else if(result == actionIoActualCharacters) { d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate:ProcessModel::ActualBytes); return; } else if(result == actionIoShowRate) { showIoRate = actionIoShowRate->isChecked(); switch(d->mModel.ioInformation()) { case ProcessModel::Bytes: case ProcessModel::BytesRate: d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::BytesRate:ProcessModel::Bytes); break; case ProcessModel::Syscalls: case ProcessModel::SyscallsRate: d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::SyscallsRate:ProcessModel::Syscalls); break; case ProcessModel::ActualBytes: case ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate: d->mModel.setIoInformation((showIoRate)?ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate:ProcessModel::ActualBytes); break; default: break; } } int i = result->data().toInt(); //We set data to be negative to hide a column, and positive to show a column if(i < 0) { auto index = -1 - i; d->mUi->treeView->hideColumn(index); if (index >= ProcessModel::HeadingPluginStart) { d->mModel.extraAttributes().at(index - ProcessModel::HeadingPluginStart)->setEnabled(false); } } else { d->mUi->treeView->showColumn(i); if (i >= ProcessModel::HeadingPluginStart) { d->mModel.extraAttributes().at(i - ProcessModel::HeadingPluginStart)->setEnabled(true); } updateList(); d->mUi->treeView->resizeColumnToContents(i); d->mUi->treeView->resizeColumnToContents(d->mFilterModel.columnCount()); } menu.deleteLater(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::expandAllChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) { //This is called when the user expands a node. This then expands all of its //children. This will trigger this function again recursively. QModelIndex sourceParent = d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(parent); for(int i = 0; i < d->mModel.rowCount(sourceParent); i++) { d->mUi->treeView->expand(d->mFilterModel.mapFromSource(d->mModel.index(i,0, sourceParent))); } } void KSysGuardProcessList::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end ) { if(d->mModel.isSimpleMode() || parent.isValid()) { emit processListChanged(); return; //No tree or not a root node - no need to expand init } disconnect(&d->mFilterModel, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::rowsInserted); //It is a root node that we just inserted - expand it bool expanded = false; for(int i = start; i <= end; i++) { QModelIndex index = d->mFilterModel.index(i, 0, QModelIndex()); if(!d->mUi->treeView->isExpanded(index)) { if(!expanded) { disconnect(d->mUi->treeView, &QTreeView::expanded, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::expandAllChildren); expanded = true; } d->mUi->treeView->expand(index); d->mNeedToExpandInit = true; } } if(expanded) connect(d->mUi->treeView, &QTreeView::expanded, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::expandAllChildren); connect(&d->mFilterModel, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::rowsInserted); emit processListChanged(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::expandInit() { if(d->mModel.isSimpleMode()) return; //No tree - no need to expand init bool expanded = false; for(int i = 0; i < d->mFilterModel.rowCount(QModelIndex()); i++) { QModelIndex index = d->mFilterModel.index(i, 0, QModelIndex()); if(!d->mUi->treeView->isExpanded(index)) { if(!expanded) { disconnect(d->mUi->treeView, &QTreeView::expanded, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::expandAllChildren); expanded = true; } d->mUi->treeView->expand(index); } } if(expanded) connect(d->mUi->treeView, &QTreeView::expanded, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::expandAllChildren); } void KSysGuardProcessList::hideEvent ( QHideEvent * event ) //virtual protected from QWidget { //Stop updating the process list if we are hidden if(d->mUpdateTimer) d->mUpdateTimer->stop(); //stop any scripts running, to save on memory if(d->mScripting) d->mScripting->stopAllScripts(); //Disable all plugin-provided attributes for (auto attribute : d->mModel.extraAttributes()) { attribute->setEnabled(false); } QWidget::hideEvent(event); } void KSysGuardProcessList::showEvent ( QShowEvent * event ) //virtual protected from QWidget { //Start updating the process list again if we are shown again updateList(); QHeaderView *header = d->mUi->treeView->header(); d->mUi->treeView->sortByColumn(header->sortIndicatorSection(), header->sortIndicatorOrder()); auto attributes = d->mModel.extraAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.count(); ++i) { if (!header->isSectionHidden(ProcessModel::HeadingPluginStart + i)) { attributes.at(i)->setEnabled(true); } } QWidget::showEvent(event); } void KSysGuardProcessList::changeEvent( QEvent * event ) { if (event->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange) { d->mModel.retranslateUi(); d->mUi->retranslateUi(this); retranslateUi(); } QWidget::changeEvent(event); } void KSysGuardProcessList::retranslateUi() { d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::AllProcesses, QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-process-all"))); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::AllProcessesInTreeForm, QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-process-all-tree"))); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::SystemProcesses, QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-process-system"))); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::UserProcesses, QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-process-users"))); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::OwnProcesses, QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-process-own"))); d->mUi->cmbFilter->setItemIcon(ProcessFilter::ProgramsOnly, QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("view-process-all"))); } void KSysGuardProcessList::updateList() { if(isVisible()) { KSysGuard::Processes::UpdateFlags updateFlags = KSysGuard::Processes::StandardInformation; if(!d->mUi->treeView->isColumnHidden(ProcessModel::HeadingIoRead) || !d->mUi->treeView->isColumnHidden(ProcessModel::HeadingIoWrite)) updateFlags |= KSysGuard::Processes::IOStatistics; if(!d->mUi->treeView->isColumnHidden(ProcessModel::HeadingXMemory)) updateFlags |= KSysGuard::Processes::XMemory; d->mModel.update(d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs, updateFlags); if(d->mUpdateTimer) d->mUpdateTimer->start(d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs); emit updated(); if (QToolTip::isVisible() && qApp->topLevelAt(QCursor::pos()) == window()) { QWidget *w = d->mUi->treeView->viewport(); if(w->geometry().contains(d->mUi->treeView->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ))) { QHelpEvent event(QEvent::ToolTip, w->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ), QCursor::pos()); qApp->notify(w, &event); } } if(--d->mResortCountDown <= 0) { d->mResortCountDown = 2; //resort every second time //resort now QHeaderView *header= d->mUi->treeView->header(); d->mUi->treeView->sortByColumn(header->sortIndicatorSection(), header->sortIndicatorOrder()); } if( d->mNeedToExpandInit ) { expandInit(); d->mNeedToExpandInit = false; } } } int KSysGuardProcessList::updateIntervalMSecs() const { return d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs; } void KSysGuardProcessList::setUpdateIntervalMSecs(int intervalMSecs) { if(intervalMSecs == d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs) return; d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs = intervalMSecs; if(intervalMSecs <= 0) { //no point keep the timer around if we aren't updating automatically delete d->mUpdateTimer; d->mUpdateTimer = nullptr; return; } if(!d->mUpdateTimer) { //intervalMSecs is a valid time, so set up a timer d->mUpdateTimer = new QTimer(this); d->mUpdateTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(d->mUpdateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &KSysGuardProcessList::updateList); if(isVisible()) d->mUpdateTimer->start(d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs); } else d->mUpdateTimer->setInterval(d->mUpdateIntervalMSecs); } bool KSysGuardProcessList::reniceProcesses(const QList &pids, int niceValue) { auto result = d->mProcessController->setPriority(pids, niceValue); if (result == KSysGuard::ProcessController::Result::Success) { updateList(); return true; } else if (result == KSysGuard::ProcessController::Result::Error) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You do not have the permission to renice the process and there " "was a problem trying to run as root.")); } return true; } QList KSysGuardProcessList::selectedProcesses() const { QList processes; QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); for(int i = 0; i < selectedIndexes.size(); ++i) { KSysGuard::Process *process = reinterpret_cast (d->mFilterModel.mapToSource(selectedIndexes.at(i)).internalPointer()); processes << process; } return processes; } void KSysGuardProcessList::reniceSelectedProcesses() { QList pids; QPointer reniceDlg; { QList processes = selectedProcesses(); QStringList selectedAsStrings; if (processes.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You must select a process first.")); return; } int sched = -2; int iosched = -2; foreach(KSysGuard::Process *process, processes) { pids << process->pid(); selectedAsStrings << d->mModel.getStringForProcess(process); if(sched == -2) sched = (int)process->scheduler(); else if(sched != -1 && sched != (int)process->scheduler()) sched = -1; //If two processes have different schedulers, disable the cpu scheduler stuff if(iosched == -2) iosched = (int)process->ioPriorityClass(); else if(iosched != -1 && iosched != (int)process->ioPriorityClass()) iosched = -1; //If two processes have different schedulers, disable the cpu scheduler stuff } int firstPriority = processes.first()->niceLevel(); int firstIOPriority = processes.first()->ioniceLevel(); bool supportsIoNice = d->mModel.processController()->supportsIoNiceness(); if(!supportsIoNice) { iosched = -2; firstIOPriority = -2; } reniceDlg = new ReniceDlg(d->mUi->treeView, selectedAsStrings, firstPriority, sched, firstIOPriority, iosched); if(reniceDlg->exec() == QDialog::Rejected) { delete reniceDlg; return; } } //Because we've done into ReniceDlg, which calls processEvents etc, our processes list is no //longer valid QList renicePids; QList changeCPUSchedulerPids; QList changeIOSchedulerPids; foreach (long long pid, pids) { KSysGuard::Process *process = d->mModel.getProcess(pid); if (!process) continue; switch(reniceDlg->newCPUSched) { case -2: case -1: //Invalid, not changed etc. break; //So do nothing case KSysGuard::Process::Other: case KSysGuard::Process::Fifo: if(reniceDlg->newCPUSched != (int)process->scheduler()) { changeCPUSchedulerPids << pid; renicePids << pid; } else if(reniceDlg->newCPUPriority != process->niceLevel()) renicePids << pid; break; case KSysGuard::Process::RoundRobin: case KSysGuard::Process::Batch: if(reniceDlg->newCPUSched != (int)process->scheduler() || reniceDlg->newCPUPriority != process->niceLevel()) { changeCPUSchedulerPids << pid; } break; } switch(reniceDlg->newIOSched) { case -2: case -1: //Invalid, not changed etc. break; //So do nothing case KSysGuard::Process::None: if(reniceDlg->newIOSched != (int)process->ioPriorityClass()) { // Unfortunately linux doesn't actually let us set the ioniceness back to none after being set to something else if(process->ioPriorityClass() != KSysGuard::Process::BestEffort || reniceDlg->newIOPriority != process->ioniceLevel()) changeIOSchedulerPids << pid; } break; case KSysGuard::Process::Idle: if(reniceDlg->newIOSched != (int)process->ioPriorityClass()) { changeIOSchedulerPids << pid; } break; case KSysGuard::Process::BestEffort: if(process->ioPriorityClass() == KSysGuard::Process::None && reniceDlg->newIOPriority == (process->niceLevel() + 20)/5) break; //Don't set to BestEffort if it's on None and the nicelevel wouldn't change case KSysGuard::Process::RealTime: if(reniceDlg->newIOSched != (int)process->ioPriorityClass() || reniceDlg->newIOPriority != process->ioniceLevel()) { changeIOSchedulerPids << pid; } break; } } if(!changeCPUSchedulerPids.isEmpty()) { Q_ASSERT(reniceDlg->newCPUSched >= 0); if(!changeCpuScheduler(changeCPUSchedulerPids, (KSysGuard::Process::Scheduler) reniceDlg->newCPUSched, reniceDlg->newCPUPriority)) { delete reniceDlg; return; } } if(!renicePids.isEmpty()) { Q_ASSERT(reniceDlg->newCPUPriority <= 20 && reniceDlg->newCPUPriority >= -20); if(!reniceProcesses(renicePids, reniceDlg->newCPUPriority)) { delete reniceDlg; return; } } if(!changeIOSchedulerPids.isEmpty()) { if(!changeIoScheduler(changeIOSchedulerPids, (KSysGuard::Process::IoPriorityClass) reniceDlg->newIOSched, reniceDlg->newIOPriority)) { delete reniceDlg; return; } } delete reniceDlg; updateList(); } bool KSysGuardProcessList::changeIoScheduler(const QList< long long> &pids, KSysGuard::Process::IoPriorityClass newIoSched, int newIoSchedPriority) { auto result = d->mProcessController->setIOScheduler(pids, newIoSched, newIoSchedPriority); if (result == KSysGuard::ProcessController::Result::Success) { updateList(); return true; } else if (result == KSysGuard::ProcessController::Result::Error) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You do not have the permission to change the I/O priority of the process and there " "was a problem trying to run as root.")); } return false; } bool KSysGuardProcessList::changeCpuScheduler(const QList< long long> &pids, KSysGuard::Process::Scheduler newCpuSched, int newCpuSchedPriority) { auto result = d->mProcessController->setCPUScheduler(pids, newCpuSched, newCpuSchedPriority); if (result == KSysGuard::ProcessController::Result::Success) { updateList(); return true; } else if (result == KSysGuard::ProcessController::Result::Error) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You do not have the permission to change the CPU Scheduler for the process and there " "was a problem trying to run as root.")); } return false; } bool KSysGuardProcessList::killProcesses(const QList< long long> &pids, int sig) { auto result = d->mProcessController->sendSignal(pids, sig); if (result == KSysGuard::ProcessController::Result::Success) { updateList(); return true; } else if (result == KSysGuard::ProcessController::Result::Error) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You do not have the permission to kill the process and there " "was a problem trying to run as root.")); } return false; } void KSysGuardProcessList::killSelectedProcesses() { sendSignalToSelectedProcesses(SIGTERM, true); } void KSysGuardProcessList::sendSignalToSelectedProcesses(int sig, bool confirm) { QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); QStringList selectedAsStrings; QList< long long> selectedPids; QList processes = selectedProcesses(); foreach(KSysGuard::Process *process, processes) { selectedPids << process->pid(); if (!confirm) continue; QString name = d->mModel.getStringForProcess(process); selectedAsStrings << name; } if (selectedPids.isEmpty()) { if (confirm) KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You must select a process first.")); return; } else if (confirm && (sig == SIGTERM || sig == SIGKILL)) { int count = selectedAsStrings.count(); QString msg; QString title; QString dontAskAgainKey; QString closeButton; if (sig == SIGTERM) { msg = i18np("Are you sure you want to end this process? Any unsaved work may be lost.", "Are you sure you want to end these %1 processes? Any unsaved work may be lost", count); title = i18ncp("Dialog title", "End Process", "End %1 Processes", count); dontAskAgainKey = QStringLiteral("endconfirmation"); closeButton = i18n("End"); } else if (sig == SIGKILL) { msg = i18np("Are you sure you want to immediately and forcibly kill this process? Any unsaved work may be lost.", "Are you sure you want to immediately and forcibly kill these %1 processes? Any unsaved work may be lost", count); title = i18ncp("Dialog title", "Forcibly Kill Process", "Forcibly Kill %1 Processes", count); dontAskAgainKey = QStringLiteral("killconfirmation"); closeButton = i18n("Kill"); } int res = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(this, msg, selectedAsStrings, title, KGuiItem(closeButton, QStringLiteral("process-stop")), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), dontAskAgainKey); if (res != KMessageBox::Continue) return; } //We have shown a GUI dialog box, which processes events etc. //So processes is NO LONGER VALID if (!killProcesses(selectedPids, sig)) return; if (sig == SIGTERM || sig == SIGKILL) { foreach (long long pid, selectedPids) { KSysGuard::Process *process = d->mModel.getProcess(pid); if (process) process->timeKillWasSent().start(); d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); } } updateList(); } bool KSysGuardProcessList::showTotals() const { return d->mModel.showTotals(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::setShowTotals(bool showTotals) //slot { d->mModel.setShowTotals(showTotals); } ProcessModel::Units KSysGuardProcessList::units() const { return d->mModel.units(); } void KSysGuardProcessList::setUnits(ProcessModel::Units unit) { d->mModel.setUnits(unit); } void KSysGuardProcessList::saveSettings(KConfigGroup &cg) { /* Note that the ksysguard program does not use these functions. It saves the settings itself to an xml file instead */ cg.writeEntry("units", (int)(units())); cg.writeEntry("ioUnits", (int)(d->mModel.ioUnits())); cg.writeEntry("ioInformation", (int)(d->mModel.ioInformation())); cg.writeEntry("showCommandLineOptions", d->mModel.isShowCommandLineOptions()); cg.writeEntry("normalizeCPUUsage", d->mModel.isNormalizedCPUUsage()); cg.writeEntry("showTooltips", d->mModel.isShowingTooltips()); cg.writeEntry("showTotals", showTotals()); cg.writeEntry("filterState", (int)(state())); cg.writeEntry("updateIntervalMSecs", updateIntervalMSecs()); cg.writeEntry("headerState", d->mUi->treeView->header()->saveState()); //If we change, say, the header between versions of ksysguard, then the old headerState settings will not be valid. //The version property lets us keep track of which version we are cg.writeEntry("version", PROCESSHEADERVERSION); } void KSysGuardProcessList::loadSettings(const KConfigGroup &cg) { /* Note that the ksysguard program does not use these functions. It saves the settings itself to an xml file instead */ setUnits((ProcessModel::Units) cg.readEntry("units", (int)ProcessModel::UnitsKB)); d->mModel.setIoUnits((ProcessModel::Units) cg.readEntry("ioUnits", (int)ProcessModel::UnitsKB)); d->mModel.setIoInformation((ProcessModel::IoInformation) cg.readEntry("ioInformation", (int)ProcessModel::ActualBytesRate)); d->mModel.setShowCommandLineOptions(cg.readEntry("showCommandLineOptions", false)); d->mModel.setNormalizedCPUUsage(cg.readEntry("normalizeCPUUsage", true)); d->mModel.setShowingTooltips(cg.readEntry("showTooltips", true)); setShowTotals(cg.readEntry("showTotals", true)); setStateInt(cg.readEntry("filterState", (int)ProcessFilter::AllProcesses)); setUpdateIntervalMSecs(cg.readEntry("updateIntervalMSecs", 2000)); int version = cg.readEntry("version", 0); if(version == PROCESSHEADERVERSION) { //If the header has changed, the old settings are no longer valid. Only restore if version is the same restoreHeaderState(cg.readEntry("headerState", QByteArray())); } } void KSysGuardProcessList::restoreHeaderState(const QByteArray & state) { d->mUi->treeView->header()->restoreState(state); } bool KSysGuardProcessList::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if(obj == d->mUi->treeView) { if(keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->select(d->mUi->treeView->currentIndex(), QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows); showProcessContextMenu(d->mUi->treeView->currentIndex()); return true; } else if(keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousLine) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::SelectPreviousLine) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousPage) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::SelectPreviousPage)) { if (d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows().size() == 1 && d->mUi->treeView->selectionModel()->selectedRows().first().row() == 0) { // when first row is selected, pressing up or pgup moves to the textfield d->mUi->txtFilter->setFocus(); return true; } } else if (!keyEvent->text().isEmpty() && keyEvent->key() != Qt::Key_Tab && (!keyEvent->modifiers() || keyEvent->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier)) { // move to textfield and forward keyevent if user starts typing from treeview d->mUi->txtFilter->setFocus(); QApplication::sendEvent(d->mUi->txtFilter, event); return true; } } else { Q_ASSERT(obj == d->mUi->txtFilter); if (d->mUi->treeView->model()->rowCount() == 0) { // treeview is empty, do nothing return false; } if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { // pressing enter will send enter to the first row in the list // the focusin eventfilter will make sure the first row is selected if there was // no previous selection d->mUi->treeView->setFocus(); QApplication::sendEvent(d->mUi->treeView, event); return true; } else if(keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToNextLine) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::SelectNextLine) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToNextPage) || keyEvent->matches(QKeySequence::SelectNextPage)) { // attempting to move down by down-key or pgdown, or pressing enter will move focus // to the treeview d->mUi->treeView->setFocus(); return true; } } } return false; } ProcessModel *KSysGuardProcessList::processModel() { return &d->mModel; } void KSysGuardProcessList::setKillButtonVisible(bool visible) { d->mUi->btnKillProcess->setVisible(visible); } bool KSysGuardProcessList::isKillButtonVisible() const { return d->mUi->btnKillProcess->isVisible(); } bool KSysGuardProcessList::scriptingEnabled() const { return !!d->mScripting; } void KSysGuardProcessList::setScriptingEnabled(bool enabled) { if(!!d->mScripting == enabled) return; //Nothing changed if(!enabled) { delete d->mScripting; d->mScripting = nullptr; } else { d->mScripting = new Scripting(this); d->mScripting->hide(); } } diff --git a/processui/scripting.cpp b/processui/scripting.cpp index 6232acd..83cf895 100644 --- a/processui/scripting.cpp +++ b/processui/scripting.cpp @@ -1,328 +1,324 @@ /* KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard Copyright (c) 2009 John Tapsell Copyright (c) 2018 Fabian Vogt This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "scripting.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "processes.h" #include "ksysguardprocesslist.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_QTWEBENGINEWIDGETS #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #if HAVE_QTWEBENGINEWIDGETS class RemoteUrlInterceptor : public QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor { public: RemoteUrlInterceptor(QObject *parent) : QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor(parent) {} void interceptRequest(QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo &info) override { // Block non-GET/HEAD requests if(!QStringList({QStringLiteral("GET"), QStringLiteral("HEAD")}) .contains(QString::fromLatin1(info.requestMethod()))) info.block(true); // Block remote URLs if(!QStringList({QStringLiteral("blob"), QStringLiteral("data"), QStringLiteral("file")}).contains(info.requestUrl().scheme())) info.block(true); } }; #endif class ScriptingHtmlDialog : public QDialog { public: ScriptingHtmlDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(this); buttonBox->setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Close); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept); connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject); #if HAVE_QTWEBENGINEWIDGETS QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(&m_webView); layout->addWidget(buttonBox); setLayout(layout); layout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); m_webView.settings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::PluginsEnabled, false); -#if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 13, 0) m_webView.page()->profile()->setRequestInterceptor(new RemoteUrlInterceptor(this)); -#else - m_webView.page()->profile()->setUrlRequestInterceptor(new RemoteUrlInterceptor(this)); -#endif #endif } #if HAVE_QTWEBENGINEWIDGETS QWebEngineView *webView() { return &m_webView; } protected: QWebEngineView m_webView; #endif }; ProcessObject::ProcessObject(ProcessModel *model, int pid) { mModel = model; mPid = pid; } bool ProcessObject::fileExists(const QString &filename) { QFileInfo fileInfo(filename); return fileInfo.exists(); } QString ProcessObject::readFile(const QString &filename) { QFile file(filename); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return QString(); QTextStream stream(&file); QString contents = stream.readAll(); file.close(); return contents; } Scripting::Scripting(KSysGuardProcessList * parent) : QWidget(parent), mProcessList(parent) { mScriptingHtmlDialog = nullptr; loadContextMenu(); } void Scripting::runScript(const QString &path, const QString &name) { //Record the script name and path for use in the script helper functions mScriptPath = path; mScriptName = name; #if HAVE_QTWEBENGINEWIDGETS QUrl fileName = QUrl::fromLocalFile(path + QStringLiteral("index.html")); if(!mScriptingHtmlDialog) { mScriptingHtmlDialog = new ScriptingHtmlDialog(this); mWebChannel = new QWebChannel(mScriptingHtmlDialog); connect(mScriptingHtmlDialog, &QDialog::rejected, this, &Scripting::stopAllScripts); // Only show after page loaded to allow for layouting mScriptingHtmlDialog->connect(mScriptingHtmlDialog->webView(), &QWebEngineView::loadFinished, mScriptingHtmlDialog, &ScriptingHtmlDialog::show); QAction *refreshAction = new QAction(QStringLiteral("refresh"), mScriptingHtmlDialog); refreshAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence::Refresh); connect(refreshAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &Scripting::refreshScript); mScriptingHtmlDialog->addAction(refreshAction); QAction *zoomInAction = KStandardAction::zoomIn(this, SLOT(zoomIn()), mScriptingHtmlDialog); mScriptingHtmlDialog->addAction(zoomInAction); QAction *zoomOutAction = KStandardAction::zoomOut(this, SLOT(zoomOut()), mScriptingHtmlDialog); mScriptingHtmlDialog->addAction(zoomOutAction); } // Make the process information available to the script QWebEngineProfile *profile = mScriptingHtmlDialog->webView()->page()->profile(); QFile webChannelJsFile(QStringLiteral(":/qtwebchannel/qwebchannel.js")); webChannelJsFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString webChannelJs = QString::fromUtf8(webChannelJsFile.readAll()); /* Warning: Awful hack ahead! * WebChannel does not allow synchronous calls so we need to make * asynchronous calls synchronous. * The conversion is achieved by caching the result of all readFile * and fileExists calls and restarting the script on every result until * all requests can be fulfilled synchronously. * Another challenge is that WebEngine does not support reading * files from /proc over file:// (they are always empty) so we need * to keep using the ProcessObject helper methods. */ webChannelJs.append(QStringLiteral(R"JS( new QWebChannel(window.qt.webChannelTransport, function(channel) { window.process = channel.objects.process; window.process.realReadFile = window.process.readFile; window.process.realFileExists = window.process.fileExists; var files = {}; // Map of all read files. null means does not exist window.process.fileExists = function(name, cb) { if(cb) return window.process.realFileExists(name, cb); if (files[name] === null) return false; // Definitely does not exist if (typeof(files[name]) == 'string') return true; // Definitely exists window.process.realFileExists(name, function(r) { if(!r) { files[name] = null; refresh(); return; } window.process.realReadFile(name, function(r) { files[name] = r; refresh(); }); }); return true; // Might exist }; window.process.readFile = function(name,cb) { if(cb) return window.process.realReadFile(name, cb); if (typeof(files[name]) == 'string') return files[name]; // From cache window.process.fileExists(name); // Fill the cache return ''; }; refresh && refresh(); });)JS")); QWebEngineScript webChannelScript; webChannelScript.setSourceCode(webChannelJs); webChannelScript.setName(QStringLiteral("qwebchannel.js")); webChannelScript.setWorldId(QWebEngineScript::MainWorld); webChannelScript.setInjectionPoint(QWebEngineScript::DocumentCreation); webChannelScript.setRunsOnSubFrames(false); profile->scripts()->insert(webChannelScript); // Inject a style sheet that follows system colors, otherwise we might end up with black text on dark gray background const QString styleSheet = QStringLiteral( "body { background: %1; color: %2; }" \ "a { color: %3; }" \ "a:visited { color: %4; } " - ).arg(palette().window().color().name(), + ).arg(palette().background().color().name(), palette().text().color().name(), palette().link().color().name(), palette().linkVisited().color().name()); QString styleSheetJs = QStringLiteral("\nvar node = document.createElement('style');" "node.innerHTML = '%1';" "document.body.appendChild(node);").arg(styleSheet); QWebEngineScript styleSheetScript; styleSheetScript.setSourceCode(styleSheetJs); styleSheetScript.setName(QStringLiteral("stylesheet.js")); styleSheetScript.setWorldId(QWebEngineScript::MainWorld); styleSheetScript.setInjectionPoint(QWebEngineScript::DocumentReady); styleSheetScript.setRunsOnSubFrames(false); profile->scripts()->insert(styleSheetScript); setupJavascriptObjects(); mScriptingHtmlDialog->webView()->load(fileName); #else QMessageBox::critical(this, i18n("QtWebEngineWidgets not available"), i18n("KSysGuard library was compiled without QtWebEngineWidgets, please contact your distribution.")); #endif } #if HAVE_QTWEBENGINEWIDGETS void Scripting::zoomIn() { QWebEngineView *webView = mScriptingHtmlDialog->webView(); webView->setZoomFactor( webView->zoomFactor() * 1.1 ); } void Scripting::zoomOut() { QWebEngineView *webView = mScriptingHtmlDialog->webView(); if(webView->zoomFactor() > 0.1) //Prevent it getting too small webView->setZoomFactor( webView->zoomFactor() / 1.1 ); } void Scripting::refreshScript() { //Call any refresh function, if it exists mProcessList->processModel()->update(0, KSysGuard::Processes::XMemory); mProcessObject->anythingChanged(); if(mScriptingHtmlDialog && mScriptingHtmlDialog->webView() && mScriptingHtmlDialog->webView()->page()) { mScriptingHtmlDialog->webView()->page()->runJavaScript(QStringLiteral("refresh && refresh();")); } } void Scripting::setupJavascriptObjects() { mProcessList->processModel()->update(0, KSysGuard::Processes::XMemory); mProcessObject = new ProcessObject(mProcessList->processModel(), mPid); mWebChannel->registerObject(QStringLiteral("process"), mProcessObject); mScriptingHtmlDialog->webView()->page()->setWebChannel(mWebChannel); } #endif void Scripting::stopAllScripts() { if (mScriptingHtmlDialog) mScriptingHtmlDialog->deleteLater(); mScriptingHtmlDialog = nullptr; mProcessObject = nullptr; mScriptPath.clear(); mScriptName.clear(); } void Scripting::loadContextMenu() { //Clear any existing actions qDeleteAll(mActions); mActions.clear(); QStringList scripts; const QStringList dirs = QStandardPaths::locateAll(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("ksysguard/scripts/"), QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory); Q_FOREACH (const QString& dir, dirs) { QDirIterator it(dir, QStringList() << QStringLiteral("*.desktop"), QDir::NoFilter, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) { scripts.append(it.next()); } } foreach(const QString &script, scripts) { KDesktopFile desktopFile(script); if(!desktopFile.name().isEmpty() && !desktopFile.noDisplay()) { QAction *action = new QAction(desktopFile.readName(), this); action->setToolTip(desktopFile.readComment()); action->setIcon(QIcon(desktopFile.readIcon())); QString scriptPath = script; scriptPath.truncate(scriptPath.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'))); action->setProperty("scriptPath", QString(scriptPath + QLatin1Char('/'))); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &Scripting::runScriptSlot); mProcessList->addAction(action); mActions << action; } } } void Scripting::runScriptSlot() { QAction *action = static_cast(sender()); //All the files for the script should be in the scriptPath QString path = action->property("scriptPath").toString(); QList selectedProcesses = mProcessList->selectedProcesses(); if(selectedProcesses.isEmpty()) return; mPid = selectedProcesses[0]->pid(); runScript(path, action->text()); }