diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index f849737..96f12fa 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -1,73 +1,73 @@ # Contributing to libkscreen - [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) - [Submission Guideline](#submission-guideline) - [Commit Message Guideline](#commit-message-guideline) - [Contact](#contact) ## Code of Conduct The [KDE Community Code of Conduct][kde-coc] is applied. You can reach out to the [Commmunity Working Group][community-working-group] if you have questions about the Code of Conduct or if you want to get help on solving an issue with another contributor or maintainer. ## Submission Guideline The project follows the [Frameworks Coding Style][frameworks-style]. All non-trivial patches need to go through [Phabricator reviews][phab-reviews]. Commits are applied directly on top of master or a bug-fix branch and without merge commits. Larger changes must be split up into smaller logical commits each with a separate review. These reviews must be marked with Phabricator's online tools as dependent on each other. libkscreen is released as part of Plasma. See the [Plasma schedule][plasma-schedule] for information on when the next new major version is released from master branch or a minor release with changes from one of the bug-fix branches. ## Commit Message Guideline -Besides the [KDE Commit Policy][commit-policy] the [Conventional Commits 1.0.0-beta.4][conventional-commits] specification is applied with the following amendments: +Besides the [KDE Commit Policy][commit-policy] the [Conventional Commits 1.0.0][conventional-commits] specification is applied with the following amendments: * Only the following types are allowed: * build: changes to the CMake build system, dependencies or other build-related tooling * docs: documentation only changes to overall project or code * feat: new feature * fix: bug fix * perf: performance improvement * refactor: rewrite of code logic that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature * style: improvements to code style without logic change * test: addition of a new test or correction of an existing one * Only the following optional scopes are allowed: * api * kwayland * qscreen * randr * Angular's [Revert][angular-revert] and [Subject][angular-subject] policies are applied. * Breaking changes are supposed to be pointed out only in prose in the commit body. * When a commit closes a bug on [Bugzilla][bugzilla] or when the commit has an associated Phabricator review special keywords must be used in the commit body to link the respective bug or review. See [here][commit-policy-keywords] for more information on these and other possible keywords. [Arcanist][arcanist] should be used for automating usage of the review keyword. Commits deliberately ignoring this guideline will be reverted. ### Example fix(api): provide correct return value For function exampleFunction the return value was incorrect. Instead provide the correct value A by changing B to C. BUG: Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/ ## Contact Real-time communication about the project happens on the IRC channel `#plasma` on freenode and the bridged Matrix room `#plasma:kde.org`. Emails about the project can be sent to the [plasma-devel][plasma-devel] mailing list. [kde-coc]: https://kde.org/code-of-conduct [community-working-group]: https://ev.kde.org/workinggroups/cwg.php [frameworks-style]: https://community.kde.org/Policies/Frameworks_Coding_Style [phab-reviews]: https://phabricator.kde.org/differential [plasma-schedule]: https://community.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_5 [commit-policy]: https://community.kde.org/Policies/Commit_Policy -[conventional-commits]: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0-beta.4/#specification +[conventional-commits]: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#specification [angular-revert]: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/3cf2005a936bec2058610b0786dd0671dae3d358/CONTRIBUTING.md#revert [angular-subject]: https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/3cf2005a936bec2058610b0786dd0671dae3d358/CONTRIBUTING.md#subject [bugzilla]: https://bugs.kde.org/describecomponents.cgi?product=KScreen [commit-policy-keywords]: https://community.kde.org/Policies/Commit_Policy#Special_keywords_in_GIT_and_SVN_log_messages [arcanist]: https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/arcanist [plasma-devel]: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/plasma-devel