diff --git a/src/doctor/doctor.cpp b/src/doctor/doctor.cpp index d6c6015..02da982 100644 --- a/src/doctor/doctor.cpp +++ b/src/doctor/doctor.cpp @@ -1,494 +1,494 @@ /************************************************************************************* * Copyright 2014-2016 Sebastian Kügler * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * *************************************************************************************/ #include "doctor.h" #include "dpmsclient.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../backendmanager_p.h" #include "../config.h" #include "../configoperation.h" #include "../getconfigoperation.h" #include "../setconfigoperation.h" #include "../edid.h" #include "../log.h" #include "../output.h" Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(KSCREEN_DOCTOR, "kscreen.doctor") static QTextStream cout(stdout); static QTextStream cerr(stderr); const static QString green = QStringLiteral("\033[01;32m"); const static QString red = QStringLiteral("\033[01;31m"); const static QString yellow = QStringLiteral("\033[01;33m"); const static QString blue = QStringLiteral("\033[01;34m"); const static QString bold = QStringLiteral("\033[01;39m"); const static QString cr = QStringLiteral("\033[0;0m"); namespace KScreen { namespace ConfigSerializer { // Exported private symbol in configserializer_p.h in KScreen extern QJsonObject serializeConfig(const KScreen::ConfigPtr &config); } } using namespace KScreen; Doctor::Doctor(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_config(nullptr) , m_changed(false) , m_dpmsClient(nullptr) { } Doctor::~Doctor() { } void Doctor::start(QCommandLineParser *parser) { m_parser = parser; if (m_parser->isSet("info")) { showBackends(); } if (parser->isSet("json") || parser->isSet("outputs") || !m_positionalArgs.isEmpty()) { KScreen::GetConfigOperation *op = new KScreen::GetConfigOperation(); connect(op, &KScreen::GetConfigOperation::finished, this, [this](KScreen::ConfigOperation *op) { configReceived(op); }); return; } if (m_parser->isSet("dpms")) { if (!QGuiApplication::platformName().startsWith(QLatin1String("wayland"))) { cerr << "DPMS is only supported on Wayland." << endl; // We need to kick the event loop, otherwise .quit() hangs QTimer::singleShot(0, qApp->quit); return; } m_dpmsClient = new DpmsClient(this); connect(m_dpmsClient, &DpmsClient::finished, qApp, &QCoreApplication::quit); const QString dpmsArg = m_parser->value(QStringLiteral("dpms")); if (dpmsArg == QStringLiteral("show")) { showDpms(); } else { setDpms(dpmsArg); } return; } if (m_parser->isSet("log")) { const QString logmsg = m_parser->value(QStringLiteral("log")); if (!Log::instance()->enabled()) { qCWarning(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Logging is disabled, unset KSCREEN_LOGGING in your environment."; } else { Log::log(logmsg); } } // We need to kick the event loop, otherwise .quit() hangs QTimer::singleShot(0, qApp->quit); } void KScreen::Doctor::setDpms(const QString& dpmsArg) { qDebug() << "SetDpms: " << dpmsArg; connect(m_dpmsClient, &DpmsClient::ready, this, [this, dpmsArg]() { cout << "DPMS.ready()"; if (dpmsArg == QStringLiteral("off")) { m_dpmsClient->off(); } else if (dpmsArg == QStringLiteral("on")) { m_dpmsClient->on(); } else { cout << "--dpms argument not understood (" << dpmsArg << ")"; } }); m_dpmsClient->connect(); } void Doctor::showDpms() { m_dpmsClient = new DpmsClient(this); connect(m_dpmsClient, &DpmsClient::ready, this, []() { cout << "DPMS.ready()"; }); m_dpmsClient->connect(); } void Doctor::showBackends() const { cout << "Environment: " << endl; auto env_kscreen_backend = (qgetenv("KSCREEN_BACKEND").isEmpty()) ? QStringLiteral("[not set]") : qgetenv("KSCREEN_BACKEND"); cout << " * KSCREEN_BACKEND : " << env_kscreen_backend << endl; auto env_kscreen_backend_inprocess = (qgetenv("KSCREEN_BACKEND_INPROCESS").isEmpty()) ? QStringLiteral("[not set]") : qgetenv("KSCREEN_BACKEND_INPROCESS"); cout << " * KSCREEN_BACKEND_INPROCESS : " << env_kscreen_backend_inprocess << endl; auto env_kscreen_logging = (qgetenv("KSCREEN_LOGGING").isEmpty()) ? QStringLiteral("[not set]") : qgetenv("KSCREEN_LOGGING"); cout << " * KSCREEN_LOGGING : " << env_kscreen_logging << endl; cout << "Logging to : " << (Log::instance()->enabled() ? Log::instance()->logFile() : "[logging disabled]") << endl; auto backends = BackendManager::instance()->listBackends(); auto preferred = BackendManager::instance()->preferredBackend(); cout << "Preferred KScreen backend : " << green << preferred.fileName() << cr << endl; cout << "Available KScreen backends:" << endl; Q_FOREACH(const QFileInfo f, backends) { auto c = blue; if (preferred == f) { c = green; } cout << " * " << c << f.fileName() << cr << ": " << f.absoluteFilePath() << endl; } cout << endl; } void Doctor::setOptionList(const QStringList &positionalArgs) { m_positionalArgs = positionalArgs; } void Doctor::parsePositionalArgs() { //qCDebug(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "POSARGS" << m_positionalArgs; Q_FOREACH(const QString &op, m_positionalArgs) { auto ops = op.split('.'); if (ops.count() > 2) { bool ok; int output_id = -1; if (ops[0] == QStringLiteral("output")) { Q_FOREACH (const auto &output, m_config->outputs()) { if (output->name() == ops[1]) { output_id = output->id(); } } if (output_id == -1) { output_id = ops[1].toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { cerr << "Unable to parse output id" << ops[1] << endl; qApp->exit(3); return; } } if (ops.count() == 3 && ops[2] == QStringLiteral("enable")) { if (!setEnabled(output_id, true)) { qApp->exit(1); return; }; } else if (ops.count() == 3 && ops[2] == QStringLiteral("disable")) { if (!setEnabled(output_id, false)) { qApp->exit(1); return; }; } else if (ops.count() == 4 && ops[2] == QStringLiteral("mode")) { QString mode_id = ops[3]; // set mode if (!setMode(output_id, mode_id)) { qApp->exit(9); return; } qCDebug(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Output" << output_id << "set mode" << mode_id; } else if (ops.count() == 4 && ops[2] == QStringLiteral("position")) { QStringList _pos = ops[3].split(','); if (_pos.count() != 2) { qCWarning(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Invalid position:" << ops[3]; qApp->exit(5); return; } int x = _pos[0].toInt(&ok); int y = _pos[1].toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { cerr << "Unable to parse position" << ops[3] << endl; qApp->exit(5); return; } QPoint p(x, y); qCDebug(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Output position" << p; if (!setPosition(output_id, p)) { qApp->exit(1); return; } } else if ((ops.count() == 4 || ops.count() == 5) && ops[2] == QStringLiteral("scale")) { // be lenient about . vs. comma as separator qreal scale = ops[3].replace(QStringLiteral(","), QStringLiteral(".")).toDouble(&ok); if (ops.count() == 5) { const auto dbl = ops[3] + QStringLiteral(".") + ops[4]; scale = dbl.toDouble(&ok); }; // set scale - if (!ok || scale == 0 || !setScale(output_id, scale)) { + if (!ok || qFuzzyCompare(scale, 0.0) || !setScale(output_id, scale)) { qCDebug(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Could not set scale " << scale << " to output " << output_id; qApp->exit(9); return; } } else if ((ops.count() == 4) && (ops[2] == QStringLiteral("orientation") || ops[2] == QStringLiteral("rotation"))) { const QString _rotation = ops[3].toLower(); bool ok = false; const QHash rotationMap({ {QStringLiteral("none"), KScreen::Output::None}, {QStringLiteral("normal"), KScreen::Output::None}, {QStringLiteral("left"), KScreen::Output::Left}, {QStringLiteral("right"), KScreen::Output::Right}, {QStringLiteral("inverted"), KScreen::Output::Inverted} }); KScreen::Output::Rotation rot = KScreen::Output::None; // set orientation if (rotationMap.contains(_rotation)) { ok = true; rot = rotationMap[_rotation]; } if (!ok || !setRotation(output_id, rot)) { qCDebug(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Could not set orientation " << _rotation << " to output " << output_id; qApp->exit(9); return; } } else { cerr << "Unable to parse arguments" << op << endl; qApp->exit(2); return; } } } } } void Doctor::configReceived(KScreen::ConfigOperation *op) { m_config = op->config(); if (m_parser->isSet("json")) { showJson(); qApp->quit(); } if (m_parser->isSet("outputs")) { showOutputs(); qApp->quit(); } parsePositionalArgs(); if (m_changed) { applyConfig(); m_changed = false; } } int Doctor::outputCount() const { if (!m_config) { qCWarning(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Invalid config."; return 0; } return m_config->outputs().count(); } void Doctor::showOutputs() const { if (!m_config) { qCWarning(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Invalid config."; return; } QHash typeString; typeString[KScreen::Output::Unknown] = QStringLiteral("Unknown"); typeString[KScreen::Output::VGA] = QStringLiteral("VGA"); typeString[KScreen::Output::DVI] = QStringLiteral("DVI"); typeString[KScreen::Output::DVII] = QStringLiteral("DVII"); typeString[KScreen::Output::DVIA] = QStringLiteral("DVIA"); typeString[KScreen::Output::DVID] = QStringLiteral("DVID"); typeString[KScreen::Output::HDMI] = QStringLiteral("HDMI"); typeString[KScreen::Output::Panel] = QStringLiteral("Panel"); typeString[KScreen::Output::TV] = QStringLiteral("TV"); typeString[KScreen::Output::TVComposite] = QStringLiteral("TVComposite"); typeString[KScreen::Output::TVSVideo] = QStringLiteral("TVSVideo"); typeString[KScreen::Output::TVComponent] = QStringLiteral("TVComponent"); typeString[KScreen::Output::TVSCART] = QStringLiteral("TVSCART"); typeString[KScreen::Output::TVC4] = QStringLiteral("TVC4"); typeString[KScreen::Output::DisplayPort] = QStringLiteral("DisplayPort"); Q_FOREACH (const auto &output, m_config->outputs()) { cout << green << "Output: " << cr << output->id() << " " << output->name(); cout << " " << (output->isEnabled() ? green + "enabled" : red + "disabled"); cout << " " << (output->isConnected() ? green + "connected" : red + "disconnected"); cout << " " << (output->isPrimary() ? green + "primary" : QString()); auto _type = typeString[output->type()]; cout << " " << yellow << (_type.isEmpty() ? "UnmappedOutputType" : _type); cout << blue << " Modes: " << cr; Q_FOREACH (auto mode, output->modes()) { auto name = QString("%1x%2@%3").arg(QString::number(mode->size().width()), QString::number(mode->size().height()), QString::number(qRound(mode->refreshRate()))); if (mode == output->currentMode()) { name = green + name + "*" + cr; } if (mode == output->preferredMode()) { name = name + "!"; } cout << mode->id() << ":" << name << " "; } const auto g = output->geometry(); cout << yellow << "Geometry: " << cr << g.x() << "," << g.y() << " " << g.width() << "x" << g.height() << " "; cout << yellow << "Scale: " << cr << output->scale() << " "; cout << yellow << "Rotation: " << cr << output->rotation() << " "; if (output->isPrimary()) { cout << blue << "primary"; } cout << endl; } } void Doctor::showJson() const { QJsonDocument doc(KScreen::ConfigSerializer::serializeConfig(m_config)); cout << doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Indented); } bool Doctor::setEnabled(int id, bool enabled = true) { if (!m_config) { qCWarning(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Invalid config."; return false; } Q_FOREACH (const auto &output, m_config->outputs()) { if (output->id() == id) { cout << (enabled ? "Enabling " : "Disabling ") << "output " << id << endl; output->setEnabled(enabled); m_changed = true; return true; } } cerr << "Output with id " << id << " not found." << endl; qApp->exit(8); return false; } bool Doctor::setPosition(int id, const QPoint &pos) { if (!m_config) { qCWarning(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Invalid config."; return false; } Q_FOREACH (const auto &output, m_config->outputs()) { if (output->id() == id) { qCDebug(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Set output position" << pos; output->setPos(pos); m_changed = true; return true; } } cout << "Output with id " << id << " not found." << endl; return false; } bool Doctor::setMode(int id, const QString &mode_id) { if (!m_config) { qCWarning(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Invalid config."; return false; } Q_FOREACH (const auto &output, m_config->outputs()) { if (output->id() == id) { // find mode Q_FOREACH (const KScreen::ModePtr mode, output->modes()) { auto name = QString("%1x%2@%3").arg(QString::number(mode->size().width()), QString::number(mode->size().height()), QString::number(qRound(mode->refreshRate()))); if (mode->id() == mode_id || name == mode_id) { qCDebug(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Taddaaa! Found mode" << mode->id() << name; output->setCurrentModeId(mode->id()); m_changed = true; return true; } } } } cout << "Output mode " << mode_id << " not found." << endl; return false; } bool Doctor::setScale(int id, qreal scale) { if (!m_config) { qCWarning(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Invalid config."; return false; } Q_FOREACH (const auto &output, m_config->outputs()) { if (output->id() == id) { output->setScale(scale); m_changed = true; return true; } } cout << "Output scale " << id << " invalid." << endl; return false; } bool Doctor::setRotation(int id, KScreen::Output::Rotation rot) { if (!m_config) { qCWarning(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "Invalid config."; return false; } Q_FOREACH (const auto &output, m_config->outputs()) { if (output->id() == id) { output->setRotation(rot); m_changed = true; return true; } } cout << "Output rotation " << id << " invalid." << endl; return false; } void Doctor::applyConfig() { if (!m_changed) { return; } auto setop = new SetConfigOperation(m_config, this); setop->exec(); qCDebug(KSCREEN_DOCTOR) << "setop exec returned" << m_config; qApp->exit(0); }