diff --git a/activities.cpp b/activities.cpp index 25eb1c146..42c5db801 100644 --- a/activities.cpp +++ b/activities.cpp @@ -1,218 +1,218 @@ /******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Gräßlin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "activities.h" // KWin #include "client.h" #include "workspace.h" // KDE #include #include // Qt #include #include #include #include namespace KWin { KWIN_SINGLETON_FACTORY(Activities) Activities::Activities(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_controller(new KActivities::Controller(this)) { connect(m_controller, &KActivities::Controller::activityRemoved, this, &Activities::slotRemoved); connect(m_controller, &KActivities::Controller::activityRemoved, this, &Activities::removed); connect(m_controller, &KActivities::Controller::activityAdded, this, &Activities::added); connect(m_controller, &KActivities::Controller::currentActivityChanged, this, &Activities::slotCurrentChanged); } Activities::~Activities() { s_self = NULL; } KActivities::Consumer::ServiceStatus Activities::serviceStatus() const { return m_controller->serviceStatus(); } void Activities::setCurrent(const QString &activity) { m_controller->setCurrentActivity(activity); } void Activities::slotCurrentChanged(const QString &newActivity) { if (m_current == newActivity) { return; } m_previous = m_current; m_current = newActivity; emit currentChanged(newActivity); } void Activities::slotRemoved(const QString &activity) { foreach (Client * client, Workspace::self()->clientList()) { client->setOnActivity(activity, false); } //toss out any session data for it KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), QByteArray("SubSession: ").append(activity.toUtf8()).constData()); cg.deleteGroup(); } void Activities::toggleClientOnActivity(Client* c, const QString &activity, bool dont_activate) { //int old_desktop = c->desktop(); bool was_on_activity = c->isOnActivity(activity); bool was_on_all = c->isOnAllActivities(); //note: all activities === no activities bool enable = was_on_all || !was_on_activity; c->setOnActivity(activity, enable); if (c->isOnActivity(activity) == was_on_activity && c->isOnAllActivities() == was_on_all) // No change return; Workspace *ws = Workspace::self(); if (c->isOnCurrentActivity()) { if (c->wantsTabFocus() && options->focusPolicyIsReasonable() && !was_on_activity && // for stickyness changes //FIXME not sure if the line above refers to the correct activity !dont_activate) ws->requestFocus(c); else ws->restackClientUnderActive(c); } else ws->raiseClient(c); //notifyWindowDesktopChanged( c, old_desktop ); auto transients_stacking_order = ws->ensureStackingOrder(c->transients()); for (auto it = transients_stacking_order.constBegin(); it != transients_stacking_order.constEnd(); ++it) { Client *c = dynamic_cast(*it); if (!c) { continue; } toggleClientOnActivity(c, activity, dont_activate); } ws->updateClientArea(); } bool Activities::start(const QString &id) { Workspace *ws = Workspace::self(); if (ws->sessionSaving()) { return false; //ksmserver doesn't queue requests (yet) } if (!all().contains(id)) { return false; //bogus id } ws->loadSubSessionInfo(id); QDBusInterface ksmserver("org.kde.ksmserver", "/KSMServer", "org.kde.KSMServerInterface"); if (ksmserver.isValid()) { ksmserver.asyncCall("restoreSubSession", id); } else { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "couldn't get ksmserver interface"; return false; } return true; } bool Activities::stop(const QString &id) { if (Workspace::self()->sessionSaving()) { return false; //ksmserver doesn't queue requests (yet) //FIXME what about session *loading*? } //ugly hack to avoid dbus deadlocks QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "reallyStop", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, id)); //then lie and assume it worked. return true; } void Activities::reallyStop(const QString &id) { Workspace *ws = Workspace::self(); if (ws->sessionSaving()) return; //ksmserver doesn't queue requests (yet) qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << id; QSet saveSessionIds; QSet dontCloseSessionIds; const ClientList &clients = ws->clientList(); for (ClientList::const_iterator it = clients.constBegin(); it != clients.constEnd(); ++it) { const Client* c = (*it); const QByteArray sessionId = c->sessionId(); if (sessionId.isEmpty()) { - continue; + continue; //TODO support old wm_command apps too? } //qDebug() << sessionId; //if it's on the activity that's closing, it needs saving //but if a process is on some other open activity, I don't wanna close it yet //this is, of course, complicated by a process having many windows. if (c->isOnAllActivities()) { dontCloseSessionIds << sessionId; continue; } const QStringList activities = c->activities(); foreach (const QString & activityId, activities) { if (activityId == id) { saveSessionIds << sessionId; } else if (running().contains(activityId)) { dontCloseSessionIds << sessionId; } } } ws->storeSubSession(id, saveSessionIds); QStringList saveAndClose; QStringList saveOnly; foreach (const QByteArray & sessionId, saveSessionIds) { if (dontCloseSessionIds.contains(sessionId)) { saveOnly << sessionId; } else { saveAndClose << sessionId; } } qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "saveActivity" << id << saveAndClose << saveOnly; //pass off to ksmserver QDBusInterface ksmserver("org.kde.ksmserver", "/KSMServer", "org.kde.KSMServerInterface"); if (ksmserver.isValid()) { ksmserver.asyncCall("saveSubSession", id, saveAndClose, saveOnly); } else { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "couldn't get ksmserver interface"; } } } // namespace diff --git a/sm.cpp b/sm.cpp index 08810a472..ca1edeae5 100644 --- a/sm.cpp +++ b/sm.cpp @@ -1,519 +1,532 @@ /******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "sm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "workspace.h" #include "client.h" #include #include #include #include namespace KWin { static bool gs_sessionManagerIsKSMServer = false; static KConfig *sessionConfig(QString id, QString key) { static KConfig *config = nullptr; static QString lastId; static QString lastKey; static QString pattern = QString(QLatin1String("session/%1_%2_%3")).arg(qApp->applicationName()); if (id != lastId || key != lastKey) { delete config; config = nullptr; } lastId = id; lastKey = key; if (!config) { config = new KConfig(pattern.arg(id).arg(key), KConfig::SimpleConfig); } return config; } void Workspace::saveState(QSessionManager &sm) { // If the session manager is ksmserver, save stacking // order, active window, active desktop etc. in phase 1, // as ksmserver assures no interaction will be done // before the WM finishes phase 1. Saving in phase 2 is // too late, as possible user interaction may change some things. // Phase2 is still needed though (ICCCM 5.2) KConfig *config = sessionConfig(sm.sessionId(), sm.sessionKey()); if (!sm.isPhase2()) { KConfigGroup cg(config, "Session"); cg.writeEntry("AllowsInteraction", sm.allowsInteraction()); sessionSaveStarted(); if (gs_sessionManagerIsKSMServer) // save stacking order etc. before "save file?" etc. dialogs change it storeSession(config, SMSavePhase0); config->markAsClean(); // don't write Phase #1 data to disk sm.release(); // Qt doesn't automatically release in this case (bug?) sm.requestPhase2(); return; } storeSession(config, gs_sessionManagerIsKSMServer ? SMSavePhase2 : SMSavePhase2Full); config->sync(); // inform the smserver on how to clean-up after us const QString localFilePath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation) + QLatin1Char('/') + config->name(); if (QFile::exists(localFilePath)) { // expectable for the sync sm.setDiscardCommand(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("rm") << localFilePath); } } // I bet this is broken, just like everywhere else in KDE void Workspace::commitData(QSessionManager &sm) { if (!sm.isPhase2()) sessionSaveStarted(); } // Workspace /*! Stores the current session in the config file \sa loadSessionInfo() */ void Workspace::storeSession(KConfig* config, SMSavePhase phase) { KConfigGroup cg(config, "Session"); int count = 0; int active_client = -1; for (ClientList::Iterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it) { Client* c = (*it); QByteArray sessionId = c->sessionId(); + QByteArray wmCommand = c->wmCommand(); if (sessionId.isEmpty()) - continue; + // remember also applications that are not XSMP capable + // and use the obsolete WM_COMMAND / WM_SAVE_YOURSELF + if (wmCommand.isEmpty()) + continue; count++; if (c->isActive()) active_client = count; if (phase == SMSavePhase2 || phase == SMSavePhase2Full) storeClient(cg, count, c); } if (phase == SMSavePhase0) { // it would be much simpler to save these values to the config file, // but both Qt and KDE treat phase1 and phase2 separately, // which results in different sessionkey and different config file :( session_active_client = active_client; session_desktop = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current(); } else if (phase == SMSavePhase2) { cg.writeEntry("count", count); cg.writeEntry("active", session_active_client); cg.writeEntry("desktop", session_desktop); } else { // SMSavePhase2Full cg.writeEntry("count", count); cg.writeEntry("active", session_active_client); cg.writeEntry("desktop", VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current()); } } void Workspace::storeClient(KConfigGroup &cg, int num, Client *c) { c->setSessionInteract(false); //make sure we get the real values QString n = QString::number(num); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("sessionId") + n, c->sessionId().constData()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("windowRole") + n, c->windowRole().constData()); + cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("wmCommand") + n, c->wmCommand().constData()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("resourceName") + n, c->resourceName().constData()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("resourceClass") + n, c->resourceClass().constData()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("geometry") + n, QRect(c->calculateGravitation(true), c->clientSize())); // FRAME cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("restore") + n, c->geometryRestore()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("fsrestore") + n, c->geometryFSRestore()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("maximize") + n, (int) c->maximizeMode()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("fullscreen") + n, (int) c->fullScreenMode()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("desktop") + n, c->desktop()); // the config entry is called "iconified" for back. comp. reasons // (kconf_update script for updating session files would be too complicated) cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("iconified") + n, c->isMinimized()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("opacity") + n, c->opacity()); // the config entry is called "sticky" for back. comp. reasons cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("sticky") + n, c->isOnAllDesktops()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("shaded") + n, c->isShade()); // the config entry is called "staysOnTop" for back. comp. reasons cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("staysOnTop") + n, c->keepAbove()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("keepBelow") + n, c->keepBelow()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("skipTaskbar") + n, c->originalSkipTaskbar()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("skipPager") + n, c->skipPager()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("skipSwitcher") + n, c->skipSwitcher()); // not really just set by user, but name kept for back. comp. reasons cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("userNoBorder") + n, c->noBorder()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("windowType") + n, windowTypeToTxt(c->windowType())); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("shortcut") + n, c->shortcut().toString()); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("stackingOrder") + n, unconstrained_stacking_order.indexOf(c)); // KConfig doesn't support long so we need to live with less precision on 64-bit systems cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("tabGroup") + n, static_cast(reinterpret_cast(c->tabGroup()))); cg.writeEntry(QLatin1String("activities") + n, c->activities()); } void Workspace::storeSubSession(const QString &name, QSet sessionIds) { //TODO clear it first KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), QLatin1String("SubSession: ") + name); int count = 0; int active_client = -1; for (ClientList::Iterator it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); ++it) { Client* c = (*it); QByteArray sessionId = c->sessionId(); + QByteArray wmCommand = c->wmCommand(); if (sessionId.isEmpty()) - continue; + // remember also applications that are not XSMP capable + // and use the obsolete WM_COMMAND / WM_SAVE_YOURSELF + if (wmCommand.isEmpty()) + continue; if (!sessionIds.contains(sessionId)) continue; qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "storing" << sessionId; count++; if (c->isActive()) active_client = count; storeClient(cg, count, c); } cg.writeEntry("count", count); cg.writeEntry("active", active_client); //cg.writeEntry( "desktop", currentDesktop()); } /*! Loads the session information from the config file. \sa storeSession() */ void Workspace::loadSessionInfo(const QString &key) { // NOTICE: qApp->sessionKey() is outdated when this gets invoked // the key parameter is cached from the application constructor. session.clear(); KConfigGroup cg(sessionConfig(qApp->sessionId(), key), "Session"); addSessionInfo(cg); } void Workspace::addSessionInfo(KConfigGroup &cg) { m_initialDesktop = cg.readEntry("desktop", 1); int count = cg.readEntry("count", 0); int active_client = cg.readEntry("active", 0); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { QString n = QString::number(i); SessionInfo* info = new SessionInfo; session.append(info); info->sessionId = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("sessionId") + n, QString()).toLatin1(); info->windowRole = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("windowRole") + n, QString()).toLatin1(); + info->wmCommand = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("wmCommand") + n, QString()).toLatin1(); info->resourceName = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("resourceName") + n, QString()).toLatin1(); info->resourceClass = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("resourceClass") + n, QString()).toLower().toLatin1(); info->geometry = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("geometry") + n, QRect()); info->restore = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("restore") + n, QRect()); info->fsrestore = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("fsrestore") + n, QRect()); info->maximized = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("maximize") + n, 0); info->fullscreen = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("fullscreen") + n, 0); info->desktop = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("desktop") + n, 0); info->minimized = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("iconified") + n, false); info->opacity = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("opacity") + n, 1.0); info->onAllDesktops = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("sticky") + n, false); info->shaded = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("shaded") + n, false); info->keepAbove = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("staysOnTop") + n, false); info->keepBelow = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("keepBelow") + n, false); info->skipTaskbar = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("skipTaskbar") + n, false); info->skipPager = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("skipPager") + n, false); info->skipSwitcher = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("skipSwitcher") + n, false); info->noBorder = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("userNoBorder") + n, false); info->windowType = txtToWindowType(cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("windowType") + n, QString()).toLatin1().constData()); info->shortcut = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("shortcut") + n, QString()); info->active = (active_client == i); info->stackingOrder = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("stackingOrder") + n, -1); info->tabGroup = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("tabGroup") + n, 0); info->tabGroupClient = NULL; info->activities = cg.readEntry(QLatin1String("activities") + n, QStringList()); } } void Workspace::loadSubSessionInfo(const QString &name) { KConfigGroup cg(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), QLatin1String("SubSession: ") + name); addSessionInfo(cg); } /*! Returns a SessionInfo for client \a c. The returned session info is removed from the storage. It's up to the caller to delete it. This function is called when a new window is mapped and must be managed. We try to find a matching entry in the session. May return 0 if there's no session info for the client. */ SessionInfo* Workspace::takeSessionInfo(Client* c) { SessionInfo *realInfo = 0; QByteArray sessionId = c->sessionId(); QByteArray windowRole = c->windowRole(); + QByteArray wmCommand = c->wmCommand(); QByteArray resourceName = c->resourceName(); QByteArray resourceClass = c->resourceClass(); // First search ``session'' if (! sessionId.isEmpty()) { // look for a real session managed client (algorithm suggested by ICCCM) foreach (SessionInfo * info, session) { if (realInfo) break; if (info->sessionId == sessionId && sessionInfoWindowTypeMatch(c, info)) { if (! windowRole.isEmpty()) { if (info->windowRole == windowRole) { realInfo = info; session.removeAll(info); } } else { if (info->windowRole.isEmpty() && info->resourceName == resourceName && info->resourceClass == resourceClass) { realInfo = info; session.removeAll(info); } } } } } else { // look for a sessioninfo with matching features. foreach (SessionInfo * info, session) { if (realInfo) break; if (info->resourceName == resourceName && info->resourceClass == resourceClass && sessionInfoWindowTypeMatch(c, info)) { - realInfo = info; - session.removeAll(info); + if (wmCommand.isEmpty() || info->wmCommand == wmCommand) { + realInfo = info; + session.removeAll(info); + } } } } // Set tabGroupClient for other clients in the same group if (realInfo && realInfo->tabGroup) { foreach (SessionInfo * info, session) { if (!info->tabGroupClient && info->tabGroup == realInfo->tabGroup) info->tabGroupClient = c; } } return realInfo; } bool Workspace::sessionInfoWindowTypeMatch(Client* c, SessionInfo* info) { if (info->windowType == -2) { // undefined (not really part of NET::WindowType) return !c->isSpecialWindow(); } return info->windowType == c->windowType(); } static const char* const window_type_names[] = { "Unknown", "Normal" , "Desktop", "Dock", "Toolbar", "Menu", "Dialog", "Override", "TopMenu", "Utility", "Splash" }; // change also the two functions below when adding new entries const char* Workspace::windowTypeToTxt(NET::WindowType type) { if (type >= NET::Unknown && type <= NET::Splash) return window_type_names[ type + 1 ]; // +1 (unknown==-1) if (type == -2) // undefined (not really part of NET::WindowType) return "Undefined"; qFatal("Unknown Window Type"); return NULL; } NET::WindowType Workspace::txtToWindowType(const char* txt) { for (int i = NET::Unknown; i <= NET::Splash; ++i) if (qstrcmp(txt, window_type_names[ i + 1 ]) == 0) // +1 return static_cast< NET::WindowType >(i); return static_cast< NET::WindowType >(-2); // undefined } // KWin's focus stealing prevention causes problems with user interaction // during session save, as it prevents possible dialogs from getting focus. // Therefore it's temporarily disabled during session saving. Start of // session saving can be detected in SessionManager::saveState() above, // but Qt doesn't have API for saying when session saved finished (either // successfully, or was canceled). Therefore, create another connection // to session manager, that will provide this information. // Similarly the remember feature of window-specific settings should be disabled // during KDE shutdown when windows may move e.g. because of Kicker going away // (struts changing). When session saving starts, it can be cancelled, in which // case the shutdown_cancelled callback is invoked, or it's a checkpoint that // is immediatelly followed by save_complete, or finally it's a shutdown that // is immediatelly followed by die callback. So getting save_yourself with shutdown // set disables window-specific settings remembering, getting shutdown_cancelled // re-enables, otherwise KWin will go away after die. static void save_yourself(SmcConn conn_P, SmPointer ptr, int, Bool shutdown, int, Bool) { SessionSaveDoneHelper* session = reinterpret_cast< SessionSaveDoneHelper* >(ptr); if (conn_P != session->connection()) return; if (shutdown) RuleBook::self()->setUpdatesDisabled(true); SmcSaveYourselfDone(conn_P, True); } static void die(SmcConn conn_P, SmPointer ptr) { SessionSaveDoneHelper* session = reinterpret_cast< SessionSaveDoneHelper* >(ptr); if (conn_P != session->connection()) return; // session->saveDone(); we will quit anyway session->close(); } static void save_complete(SmcConn conn_P, SmPointer ptr) { SessionSaveDoneHelper* session = reinterpret_cast< SessionSaveDoneHelper* >(ptr); if (conn_P != session->connection()) return; session->saveDone(); } static void shutdown_cancelled(SmcConn conn_P, SmPointer ptr) { SessionSaveDoneHelper* session = reinterpret_cast< SessionSaveDoneHelper* >(ptr); if (conn_P != session->connection()) return; RuleBook::self()->setUpdatesDisabled(false); // re-enable // no need to differentiate between successful finish and cancel session->saveDone(); } void SessionSaveDoneHelper::saveDone() { if (Workspace::self()) Workspace::self()->sessionSaveDone(); } SessionSaveDoneHelper::SessionSaveDoneHelper() { SmcCallbacks calls; calls.save_yourself.callback = save_yourself; calls.save_yourself.client_data = reinterpret_cast< SmPointer >(this); calls.die.callback = die; calls.die.client_data = reinterpret_cast< SmPointer >(this); calls.save_complete.callback = save_complete; calls.save_complete.client_data = reinterpret_cast< SmPointer >(this); calls.shutdown_cancelled.callback = shutdown_cancelled; calls.shutdown_cancelled.client_data = reinterpret_cast< SmPointer >(this); char* id = NULL; char err[ 11 ]; conn = SmcOpenConnection(NULL, 0, 1, 0, SmcSaveYourselfProcMask | SmcDieProcMask | SmcSaveCompleteProcMask | SmcShutdownCancelledProcMask, &calls, NULL, &id, 10, err); if (id != NULL) free(id); if (conn == NULL) return; // no SM // detect ksmserver // NOTICE: no idea whether the assumptions about it in Workspace::saveState() // still hold for KF5/Plasma 5 #warning assuming special behavior in ksmserver to be still present in KF5 char* vendor = SmcVendor(conn); gs_sessionManagerIsKSMServer = qstrcmp(vendor, "KDE") == 0; free(vendor); // set the required properties, mostly dummy values SmPropValue propvalue[ 5 ]; SmProp props[ 5 ]; propvalue[ 0 ].length = sizeof(unsigned char); unsigned char value0 = SmRestartNever; // so that this extra SM connection doesn't interfere propvalue[ 0 ].value = &value0; props[ 0 ].name = const_cast< char* >(SmRestartStyleHint); props[ 0 ].type = const_cast< char* >(SmCARD8); props[ 0 ].num_vals = 1; props[ 0 ].vals = &propvalue[ 0 ]; struct passwd* entry = getpwuid(geteuid()); propvalue[ 1 ].length = entry != NULL ? strlen(entry->pw_name) : 0; propvalue[ 1 ].value = (SmPointer)(entry != NULL ? entry->pw_name : ""); props[ 1 ].name = const_cast< char* >(SmUserID); props[ 1 ].type = const_cast< char* >(SmARRAY8); props[ 1 ].num_vals = 1; props[ 1 ].vals = &propvalue[ 1 ]; propvalue[ 2 ].length = 0; propvalue[ 2 ].value = (SmPointer)(""); props[ 2 ].name = const_cast< char* >(SmRestartCommand); props[ 2 ].type = const_cast< char* >(SmLISTofARRAY8); props[ 2 ].num_vals = 1; props[ 2 ].vals = &propvalue[ 2 ]; propvalue[ 3 ].length = strlen("kwinsmhelper"); propvalue[ 3 ].value = (SmPointer)"kwinsmhelper"; props[ 3 ].name = const_cast< char* >(SmProgram); props[ 3 ].type = const_cast< char* >(SmARRAY8); props[ 3 ].num_vals = 1; props[ 3 ].vals = &propvalue[ 3 ]; propvalue[ 4 ].length = 0; propvalue[ 4 ].value = (SmPointer)(""); props[ 4 ].name = const_cast< char* >(SmCloneCommand); props[ 4 ].type = const_cast< char* >(SmLISTofARRAY8); props[ 4 ].num_vals = 1; props[ 4 ].vals = &propvalue[ 4 ]; SmProp* p[ 5 ] = { &props[ 0 ], &props[ 1 ], &props[ 2 ], &props[ 3 ], &props[ 4 ] }; SmcSetProperties(conn, 5, p); notifier = new QSocketNotifier(IceConnectionNumber(SmcGetIceConnection(conn)), QSocketNotifier::Read, this); connect(notifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(processData())); } SessionSaveDoneHelper::~SessionSaveDoneHelper() { close(); } void SessionSaveDoneHelper::close() { if (conn != NULL) { delete notifier; SmcCloseConnection(conn, 0, NULL); } conn = NULL; } void SessionSaveDoneHelper::processData() { if (conn != NULL) IceProcessMessages(SmcGetIceConnection(conn), 0, 0); } void Workspace::sessionSaveDone() { session_saving = false; //remove sessionInteract flag from all clients foreach (Client * c, clients) { c->setSessionInteract(false); } } } // namespace diff --git a/sm.h b/sm.h index 4c5fda6e0..529187d84 100644 --- a/sm.h +++ b/sm.h @@ -1,102 +1,103 @@ /******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #ifndef KWIN_SM_H #define KWIN_SM_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class QSocketNotifier; namespace KWin { class Client; struct SessionInfo { QByteArray sessionId; QByteArray windowRole; + QByteArray wmCommand; QByteArray wmClientMachine; QByteArray resourceName; QByteArray resourceClass; QRect geometry; QRect restore; QRect fsrestore; int maximized; int fullscreen; int desktop; bool minimized; bool onAllDesktops; bool shaded; bool keepAbove; bool keepBelow; bool skipTaskbar; bool skipPager; bool skipSwitcher; bool noBorder; NET::WindowType windowType; QString shortcut; bool active; // means 'was active in the saved session' int stackingOrder; float opacity; int tabGroup; // Unique identifier for the client group that this window is in Client* tabGroupClient; // The first client created that has an identical identifier QStringList activities; }; enum SMSavePhase { SMSavePhase0, // saving global state in "phase 0" SMSavePhase2, // saving window state in phase 2 SMSavePhase2Full // complete saving in phase2, there was no phase 0 }; class KWIN_EXPORT SessionSaveDoneHelper : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: SessionSaveDoneHelper(); virtual ~SessionSaveDoneHelper(); SmcConn connection() const { return conn; } void saveDone(); void close(); private Q_SLOTS: void processData(); private: QSocketNotifier* notifier; SmcConn conn; }; } // namespace #endif diff --git a/toplevel.cpp b/toplevel.cpp index 999dac493..2a0e8bca0 100644 --- a/toplevel.cpp +++ b/toplevel.cpp @@ -1,528 +1,541 @@ /******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "toplevel.h" #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES #include "activities.h" #endif #include "atoms.h" #include "client.h" #include "client_machine.h" #include "effects.h" #include "screens.h" #include "shadow.h" #include "xcbutils.h" #include #include namespace KWin { Toplevel::Toplevel() : m_visual(XCB_NONE) , bit_depth(24) , info(NULL) , ready_for_painting(true) , m_isDamaged(false) , m_client() , damage_handle(None) , is_shape(false) , effect_window(NULL) , m_clientMachine(new ClientMachine(this)) , wmClientLeaderWin(0) , unredirect(false) , unredirectSuspend(false) , m_damageReplyPending(false) , m_screen(0) , m_skipCloseAnimation(false) { connect(this, SIGNAL(damaged(KWin::Toplevel*,QRect)), SIGNAL(needsRepaint())); connect(screens(), SIGNAL(changed()), SLOT(checkScreen())); connect(screens(), SIGNAL(countChanged(int,int)), SLOT(checkScreen())); setupCheckScreenConnection(); } Toplevel::~Toplevel() { assert(damage_handle == None); delete info; } QDebug& operator<<(QDebug& stream, const Toplevel* cl) { if (cl == NULL) return stream << "\'NULL\'"; cl->debug(stream); return stream; } QDebug& operator<<(QDebug& stream, const ToplevelList& list) { stream << "LIST:("; bool first = true; for (ToplevelList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { if (!first) stream << ":"; first = false; stream << *it; } stream << ")"; return stream; } QRect Toplevel::decorationRect() const { return rect(); } void Toplevel::detectShape(Window id) { const bool wasShape = is_shape; is_shape = Xcb::Extensions::self()->hasShape(id); if (wasShape != is_shape) { emit shapedChanged(); } } // used only by Deleted::copy() void Toplevel::copyToDeleted(Toplevel* c) { geom = c->geom; m_visual = c->m_visual; bit_depth = c->bit_depth; info = c->info; m_client.reset(c->m_client, false); ready_for_painting = c->ready_for_painting; damage_handle = None; damage_region = c->damage_region; repaints_region = c->repaints_region; is_shape = c->is_shape; effect_window = c->effect_window; if (effect_window != NULL) effect_window->setWindow(this); resource_name = c->resourceName(); resource_class = c->resourceClass(); m_clientMachine = c->m_clientMachine; m_clientMachine->setParent(this); wmClientLeaderWin = c->wmClientLeader(); opaque_region = c->opaqueRegion(); m_screen = c->m_screen; m_skipCloseAnimation = c->m_skipCloseAnimation; m_internalFBO = c->m_internalFBO; } // before being deleted, remove references to everything that's now // owner by Deleted void Toplevel::disownDataPassedToDeleted() { info = NULL; } QRect Toplevel::visibleRect() const { QRect r = decorationRect(); if (hasShadow() && !shadow()->shadowRegion().isEmpty()) { r |= shadow()->shadowRegion().boundingRect(); } return r.translated(geometry().topLeft()); } Xcb::Property Toplevel::fetchWmClientLeader() const { return Xcb::Property(false, window(), atoms->wm_client_leader, XCB_ATOM_WINDOW, 0, 10000); } void Toplevel::readWmClientLeader(Xcb::Property &prop) { wmClientLeaderWin = prop.value(window()); } void Toplevel::getWmClientLeader() { auto prop = fetchWmClientLeader(); readWmClientLeader(prop); } /*! Returns sessionId for this client, taken either from its window or from the leader window. */ QByteArray Toplevel::sessionId() const { QByteArray result = Xcb::StringProperty(window(), atoms->sm_client_id); if (result.isEmpty() && wmClientLeaderWin && wmClientLeaderWin != window()) result = Xcb::StringProperty(wmClientLeaderWin, atoms->sm_client_id); return result; } +/*! + Returns command property for this client, + taken either from its window or from the leader window. + */ +QByteArray Toplevel::wmCommand() +{ + QByteArray result = Xcb::StringProperty(window(), XCB_ATOM_WM_COMMAND); + if (result.isEmpty() && wmClientLeaderWin && wmClientLeaderWin != window()) + result = Xcb::StringProperty(wmClientLeaderWin, XCB_ATOM_WM_COMMAND); + result.replace(0, ' '); + return result; +} + void Toplevel::getWmClientMachine() { m_clientMachine->resolve(window(), wmClientLeader()); } /*! Returns client machine for this client, taken either from its window or from the leader window. */ QByteArray Toplevel::wmClientMachine(bool use_localhost) const { if (!m_clientMachine) { // this should never happen return QByteArray(); } if (use_localhost && m_clientMachine->isLocal()) { // special name for the local machine (localhost) return ClientMachine::localhost(); } return m_clientMachine->hostName(); } /*! Returns client leader window for this client. Returns the client window itself if no leader window is defined. */ Window Toplevel::wmClientLeader() const { if (wmClientLeaderWin) return wmClientLeaderWin; return window(); } void Toplevel::getResourceClass() { setResourceClass(QByteArray(info->windowClassName()).toLower(), QByteArray(info->windowClassClass()).toLower()); } void Toplevel::setResourceClass(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &className) { resource_name = name; resource_class = className; emit windowClassChanged(); } double Toplevel::opacity() const { if (info->opacity() == 0xffffffff) return 1.0; return info->opacity() * 1.0 / 0xffffffff; } void Toplevel::setOpacity(double new_opacity) { double old_opacity = opacity(); new_opacity = qBound(0.0, new_opacity, 1.0); if (old_opacity == new_opacity) return; info->setOpacity(static_cast< unsigned long >(new_opacity * 0xffffffff)); if (compositing()) { addRepaintFull(); emit opacityChanged(this, old_opacity); } } void Toplevel::setReadyForPainting() { if (!ready_for_painting) { ready_for_painting = true; if (compositing()) { addRepaintFull(); emit windowShown(this); if (Client *cl = dynamic_cast(this)) { if (cl->tabGroup() && cl->tabGroup()->current() == cl) cl->tabGroup()->setCurrent(cl, true); } } } } void Toplevel::deleteEffectWindow() { delete effect_window; effect_window = NULL; } void Toplevel::checkScreen() { if (screens()->count() == 1) { if (m_screen != 0) { m_screen = 0; emit screenChanged(); } return; } const int s = screens()->number(geometry().center()); if (s != m_screen) { m_screen = s; emit screenChanged(); } } void Toplevel::setupCheckScreenConnection() { connect(this, SIGNAL(geometryShapeChanged(KWin::Toplevel*,QRect)), SLOT(checkScreen())); connect(this, SIGNAL(geometryChanged()), SLOT(checkScreen())); checkScreen(); } void Toplevel::removeCheckScreenConnection() { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(geometryShapeChanged(KWin::Toplevel*,QRect)), this, SLOT(checkScreen())); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(geometryChanged()), this, SLOT(checkScreen())); } int Toplevel::screen() const { return m_screen; } bool Toplevel::isOnScreen(int screen) const { return screens()->geometry(screen).intersects(geometry()); } bool Toplevel::isOnActiveScreen() const { return isOnScreen(screens()->current()); } void Toplevel::getShadow() { QRect dirtyRect; // old & new shadow region const QRect oldVisibleRect = visibleRect(); if (hasShadow()) { dirtyRect = shadow()->shadowRegion().boundingRect(); effectWindow()->sceneWindow()->shadow()->updateShadow(); } else { Shadow::createShadow(this); } if (hasShadow()) dirtyRect |= shadow()->shadowRegion().boundingRect(); if (oldVisibleRect != visibleRect()) emit paddingChanged(this, oldVisibleRect); if (dirtyRect.isValid()) { dirtyRect.translate(pos()); addLayerRepaint(dirtyRect); } } bool Toplevel::hasShadow() const { if (effectWindow() && effectWindow()->sceneWindow()) { return effectWindow()->sceneWindow()->shadow() != NULL; } return false; } Shadow *Toplevel::shadow() { if (effectWindow() && effectWindow()->sceneWindow()) { return effectWindow()->sceneWindow()->shadow(); } else { return NULL; } } const Shadow *Toplevel::shadow() const { if (effectWindow() && effectWindow()->sceneWindow()) { return effectWindow()->sceneWindow()->shadow(); } else { return NULL; } } bool Toplevel::wantsShadowToBeRendered() const { return true; } void Toplevel::getWmOpaqueRegion() { const auto rects = info->opaqueRegion(); QRegion new_opaque_region; for (const auto &r : rects) { new_opaque_region += QRect(r.pos.x, r.pos.y, r.size.width, r.size.height); } opaque_region = new_opaque_region; } bool Toplevel::isClient() const { return false; } bool Toplevel::isDeleted() const { return false; } bool Toplevel::isOnCurrentActivity() const { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES if (!Activities::self()) { return true; } return isOnActivity(Activities::self()->current()); #else return true; #endif } void Toplevel::elevate(bool elevate) { if (!effectWindow()) { return; } effectWindow()->elevate(elevate); addWorkspaceRepaint(visibleRect()); } pid_t Toplevel::pid() const { return info->pid(); } xcb_window_t Toplevel::frameId() const { return m_client; } Xcb::Property Toplevel::fetchSkipCloseAnimation() const { return Xcb::Property(false, window(), atoms->kde_skip_close_animation, XCB_ATOM_CARDINAL, 0, 1); } void Toplevel::readSkipCloseAnimation(Xcb::Property &property) { setSkipCloseAnimation(property.toBool()); } void Toplevel::getSkipCloseAnimation() { Xcb::Property property = fetchSkipCloseAnimation(); readSkipCloseAnimation(property); } bool Toplevel::skipsCloseAnimation() const { return m_skipCloseAnimation; } void Toplevel::setSkipCloseAnimation(bool set) { if (set == m_skipCloseAnimation) { return; } m_skipCloseAnimation = set; emit skipCloseAnimationChanged(); } void Toplevel::setSurface(KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface *surface) { if (m_surface == surface) { return; } using namespace KWayland::Server; if (m_surface) { disconnect(m_surface, &SurfaceInterface::damaged, this, &Toplevel::addDamage); } m_surface = surface; connect(m_surface, &SurfaceInterface::damaged, this, &Toplevel::addDamage); connect(m_surface, &SurfaceInterface::subSurfaceTreeChanged, this, [this] { // TODO improve to only update actual visual area if (ready_for_painting) { addDamageFull(); m_isDamaged = true; } } ); connect(m_surface, &SurfaceInterface::destroyed, this, [this] { m_surface = nullptr; } ); } void Toplevel::addDamage(const QRegion &damage) { m_isDamaged = true; damage_region += damage; for (const QRect &r : damage.rects()) { emit damaged(this, r); } } QByteArray Toplevel::windowRole() const { return QByteArray(info->windowRole()); } void Toplevel::setDepth(int depth) { if (bit_depth == depth) { return; } const bool oldAlpha = hasAlpha(); bit_depth = depth; if (oldAlpha != hasAlpha()) { emit hasAlphaChanged(); } } QRegion Toplevel::inputShape() const { if (m_surface) { return m_surface->input(); } else { // TODO: maybe also for X11? return QRegion(); } } void Toplevel::setInternalFramebufferObject(const QSharedPointer &fbo) { if (m_internalFBO != fbo) { discardWindowPixmap(); m_internalFBO = fbo; } setDepth(32); } QMatrix4x4 Toplevel::inputTransformation() const { QMatrix4x4 m; m.translate(-x(), -y()); return m; } quint32 Toplevel::windowId() const { return window(); } } // namespace diff --git a/toplevel.h b/toplevel.h index f2a15ab58..57b30837b 100644 --- a/toplevel.h +++ b/toplevel.h @@ -1,808 +1,809 @@ /******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #ifndef KWIN_TOPLEVEL_H #define KWIN_TOPLEVEL_H // kwin #include "input.h" #include "utils.h" #include "virtualdesktops.h" #include "xcbutils.h" // KDE #include // Qt #include #include // xcb #include #include // XLib #include #include // system #include // c++ #include class QOpenGLFramebufferObject; namespace KWayland { namespace Server { class SurfaceInterface; } } namespace KWin { class ClientMachine; class EffectWindowImpl; class Shadow; /** * Enum to describe the reason why a Toplevel has to be released. */ enum class ReleaseReason { Release, ///< Normal Release after e.g. an Unmap notify event (window still valid) Destroyed, ///< Release after an Destroy notify event (window no longer valid) KWinShutsDown ///< Release on KWin Shutdown (window still valid) }; class KWIN_EXPORT Toplevel : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(bool alpha READ hasAlpha NOTIFY hasAlphaChanged) Q_PROPERTY(qulonglong frameId READ frameId) Q_PROPERTY(QRect geometry READ geometry NOTIFY geometryChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QRect visibleRect READ visibleRect) Q_PROPERTY(int height READ height) Q_PROPERTY(qreal opacity READ opacity WRITE setOpacity NOTIFY opacityChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QPoint pos READ pos) Q_PROPERTY(int screen READ screen NOTIFY screenChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QSize size READ size) Q_PROPERTY(int width READ width) Q_PROPERTY(qulonglong windowId READ windowId CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(int x READ x) Q_PROPERTY(int y READ y) Q_PROPERTY(int desktop READ desktop) /** * Whether the window is on all desktops. That is desktop is -1. **/ Q_PROPERTY(bool onAllDesktops READ isOnAllDesktops) Q_PROPERTY(QRect rect READ rect) Q_PROPERTY(QPoint clientPos READ clientPos) Q_PROPERTY(QSize clientSize READ clientSize) Q_PROPERTY(QByteArray resourceName READ resourceName NOTIFY windowClassChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QByteArray resourceClass READ resourceClass NOTIFY windowClassChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QByteArray windowRole READ windowRole NOTIFY windowRoleChanged) /** * Returns whether the window is a desktop background window (the one with wallpaper). * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool desktopWindow READ isDesktop) /** * Returns whether the window is a dock (i.e. a panel). * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool dock READ isDock) /** * Returns whether the window is a standalone (detached) toolbar window. * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool toolbar READ isToolbar) /** * Returns whether the window is a torn-off menu. * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool menu READ isMenu) /** * Returns whether the window is a "normal" window, i.e. an application or any other window * for which none of the specialized window types fit. * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool normalWindow READ isNormalWindow) /** * Returns whether the window is a dialog window. * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool dialog READ isDialog) /** * Returns whether the window is a splashscreen. Note that many (especially older) applications * do not support marking their splash windows with this type. * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool splash READ isSplash) /** * Returns whether the window is a utility window, such as a tool window. * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool utility READ isUtility) /** * Returns whether the window is a dropdown menu (i.e. a popup directly or indirectly open * from the applications menubar). * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DROPDOWN_MENU at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool dropdownMenu READ isDropdownMenu) /** * Returns whether the window is a popup menu (that is not a torn-off or dropdown menu). * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_POPUP_MENU at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool popupMenu READ isPopupMenu) /** * Returns whether the window is a tooltip. * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool tooltip READ isTooltip) /** * Returns whether the window is a window with a notification. * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool notification READ isNotification) /** * Returns whether the window is an On Screen Display. */ Q_PROPERTY(bool onScreenDisplay READ isOnScreenDisplay) /** * Returns whether the window is a combobox popup. * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_COMBO at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool comboBox READ isComboBox) /** * Returns whether the window is a Drag&Drop icon. * See _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DND at http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(bool dndIcon READ isDNDIcon) /** * Returns the NETWM window type * See http://standards.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html . */ Q_PROPERTY(int windowType READ windowType) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList activities READ activities NOTIFY activitiesChanged) /** * Whether this Toplevel is managed by KWin (it has control over its placement and other * aspects, as opposed to override-redirect windows that are entirely handled by the application). **/ Q_PROPERTY(bool managed READ isClient CONSTANT) /** * Whether this Toplevel represents an already deleted window and only kept for the compositor for animations. **/ Q_PROPERTY(bool deleted READ isDeleted CONSTANT) /** * Whether the window has an own shape **/ Q_PROPERTY(bool shaped READ shape NOTIFY shapedChanged) /** * Whether the window does not want to be animated on window close. * There are legit reasons for this like a screenshot application which does not want it's * window being captured. **/ Q_PROPERTY(bool skipsCloseAnimation READ skipsCloseAnimation WRITE setSkipCloseAnimation NOTIFY skipCloseAnimationChanged) /** * The Id of the Wayland Surface associated with this Toplevel. * On X11 only setups the value is @c 0. **/ Q_PROPERTY(quint32 surfaceId READ surfaceId NOTIFY surfaceIdChanged) /** * Interface to the Wayland Surface. * Relevant only in Wayland, in X11 it will be nullptr */ Q_PROPERTY(KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface *surface READ surface) public: explicit Toplevel(); virtual xcb_window_t frameId() const; xcb_window_t window() const; /** * @return a unique identifier for the Toplevel. On X11 same as @link {window} **/ virtual quint32 windowId() const; QRect geometry() const; QSize size() const; QPoint pos() const; QRect rect() const; int x() const; int y() const; int width() const; int height() const; bool isOnScreen(int screen) const; // true if it's at least partially there bool isOnActiveScreen() const; int screen() const; // the screen where the center is virtual QPoint clientPos() const = 0; // inside of geometry() /** * Describes how the client's content maps to the window geometry including the frame. * The default implementation is a 1:1 mapping meaning the frame is part of the content. **/ virtual QPoint clientContentPos() const; virtual QSize clientSize() const = 0; virtual QRect visibleRect() const; // the area the window occupies on the screen virtual QRect decorationRect() const; // rect including the decoration shadows virtual QRect transparentRect() const = 0; virtual bool isClient() const; virtual bool isDeleted() const; // prefer isXXX() instead // 0 for supported types means default for managed/unmanaged types virtual NET::WindowType windowType(bool direct = false, int supported_types = 0) const = 0; bool hasNETSupport() const; bool isDesktop() const; bool isDock() const; bool isToolbar() const; bool isMenu() const; bool isNormalWindow() const; // normal as in 'NET::Normal or NET::Unknown non-transient' bool isDialog() const; bool isSplash() const; bool isUtility() const; bool isDropdownMenu() const; bool isPopupMenu() const; // a context popup, not dropdown, not torn-off bool isTooltip() const; bool isNotification() const; bool isOnScreenDisplay() const; bool isComboBox() const; bool isDNDIcon() const; virtual bool isLockScreen() const; virtual bool isInputMethod() const; virtual int desktop() const = 0; virtual QStringList activities() const = 0; bool isOnDesktop(int d) const; bool isOnActivity(const QString &activity) const; bool isOnCurrentDesktop() const; bool isOnCurrentActivity() const; bool isOnAllDesktops() const; bool isOnAllActivities() const; virtual QByteArray windowRole() const; QByteArray sessionId() const; QByteArray resourceName() const; QByteArray resourceClass() const; + QByteArray wmCommand(); QByteArray wmClientMachine(bool use_localhost) const; const ClientMachine *clientMachine() const; Window wmClientLeader() const; pid_t pid() const; static bool resourceMatch(const Toplevel* c1, const Toplevel* c2); bool readyForPainting() const; // true if the window has been already painted its contents xcb_visualid_t visual() const; bool shape() const; QRegion inputShape() const; virtual void setOpacity(double opacity); virtual double opacity() const; int depth() const; bool hasAlpha() const; virtual bool setupCompositing(); virtual void finishCompositing(ReleaseReason releaseReason = ReleaseReason::Release); bool updateUnredirectedState(); bool unredirected() const; void suspendUnredirect(bool suspend); Q_INVOKABLE void addRepaint(const QRect& r); Q_INVOKABLE void addRepaint(const QRegion& r); Q_INVOKABLE void addRepaint(int x, int y, int w, int h); Q_INVOKABLE void addLayerRepaint(const QRect& r); Q_INVOKABLE void addLayerRepaint(const QRegion& r); Q_INVOKABLE void addLayerRepaint(int x, int y, int w, int h); Q_INVOKABLE virtual void addRepaintFull(); // these call workspace->addRepaint(), but first transform the damage if needed void addWorkspaceRepaint(const QRect& r); void addWorkspaceRepaint(int x, int y, int w, int h); QRegion repaints() const; void resetRepaints(); QRegion damage() const; void resetDamage(); EffectWindowImpl* effectWindow(); const EffectWindowImpl* effectWindow() const; /** * Window will be temporarily painted as if being at the top of the stack. * Only available if Compositor is active, if not active, this method is a no-op. **/ void elevate(bool elevate); /** * @returns Whether the Toplevel has a Shadow or not * @see shadow **/ bool hasShadow() const; /** * Returns the pointer to the Toplevel's Shadow. A Shadow * is only available if Compositing is enabled and the corresponding X window * has the Shadow property set. * If a shadow is available @link hasShadow returns @c true. * @returns The Shadow belonging to this Toplevel, may be @c NULL. * @see hasShadow **/ const Shadow *shadow() const; Shadow *shadow(); /** * Updates the Shadow associated with this Toplevel from X11 Property. * Call this method when the Property changes or Compositing is started. **/ void getShadow(); /** * Whether the Toplevel currently wants the shadow to be rendered. Default * implementation always returns @c true. **/ virtual bool wantsShadowToBeRendered() const; /** * This method returns the area that the Toplevel window reports to be opaque. * It is supposed to only provide valuable information if @link hasAlpha is @c true . * @see hasAlpha **/ const QRegion& opaqueRegion() const; virtual Layer layer() const = 0; /** * Resets the damage state and sends a request for the damage region. * A call to this function must be followed by a call to getDamageRegionReply(), * or the reply will be leaked. * * Returns true if the window was damaged, and false otherwise. */ bool resetAndFetchDamage(); /** * Gets the reply from a previous call to resetAndFetchDamage(). * Calling this function is a no-op if there is no pending reply. * Call damage() to return the fetched region. */ void getDamageRegionReply(); bool skipsCloseAnimation() const; void setSkipCloseAnimation(bool set); quint32 surfaceId() const; KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface *surface() const; void setSurface(KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface *surface); virtual void setInternalFramebufferObject(const QSharedPointer &fbo); const QSharedPointer &internalFramebufferObject() const; /** * @returns Transformation to map from global to window coordinates. * * Default implementation returns a translation on negative pos(). * @see pos **/ virtual QMatrix4x4 inputTransformation() const; /** * @brief Finds the Toplevel matching the condition expressed in @p func in @p list. * * The method is templated to operate on either a list of Toplevels or on a list of * a subclass type of Toplevel. * @param list The list to search in * @param func The condition function (compare std::find_if) * @return T* The found Toplevel or @c null if there is no matching Toplevel */ template static T *findInList(const QList &list, std::function func); Q_SIGNALS: void opacityChanged(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel, qreal oldOpacity); void damaged(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel, const QRect& damage); void propertyNotify(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel, long a); void geometryChanged(); void geometryShapeChanged(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel, const QRect& old); void paddingChanged(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel, const QRect& old); void windowClosed(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel, KWin::Deleted* deleted); void windowShown(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel); void windowHidden(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel); /** * Signal emitted when the window's shape state changed. That is if it did not have a shape * and received one or if the shape was withdrawn. Think of Chromium enabling/disabling KWin's * decoration. **/ void shapedChanged(); /** * Emitted whenever the state changes in a way, that the Compositor should * schedule a repaint of the scene. **/ void needsRepaint(); void activitiesChanged(KWin::Toplevel* toplevel); /** * Emitted whenever the Toplevel's screen changes. This can happen either in consequence to * a screen being removed/added or if the Toplevel's geometry changes. * @since 4.11 **/ void screenChanged(); void skipCloseAnimationChanged(); /** * Emitted whenever the window role of the window changes. * @since 5.0 **/ void windowRoleChanged(); /** * Emitted whenever the window class name or resource name of the window changes. * @since 5.0 **/ void windowClassChanged(); /** * Emitted when a Wayland Surface gets associated with this Toplevel. * @since 5.3 **/ void surfaceIdChanged(quint32); /** * @since 5.4 **/ void hasAlphaChanged(); protected Q_SLOTS: /** * Checks whether the screen number for this Toplevel changed and updates if needed. * Any method changing the geometry of the Toplevel should call this method. **/ void checkScreen(); void setupCheckScreenConnection(); void removeCheckScreenConnection(); void setReadyForPainting(); protected: virtual ~Toplevel(); void setWindowHandles(xcb_window_t client); void detectShape(Window id); virtual void propertyNotifyEvent(xcb_property_notify_event_t *e); virtual void damageNotifyEvent(); virtual void clientMessageEvent(xcb_client_message_event_t *e); void discardWindowPixmap(); void addDamageFull(); virtual void addDamage(const QRegion &damage); Xcb::Property fetchWmClientLeader() const; void readWmClientLeader(Xcb::Property &p); void getWmClientLeader(); void getWmClientMachine(); /** * @returns Whether there is a compositor and it is active. **/ bool compositing() const; /** * This function fetches the opaque region from this Toplevel. * Will only be called on corresponding property changes and for initialization. **/ void getWmOpaqueRegion(); void getResourceClass(); void setResourceClass(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &className = QByteArray()); Xcb::Property fetchSkipCloseAnimation() const; void readSkipCloseAnimation(Xcb::Property &prop); void getSkipCloseAnimation(); virtual void debug(QDebug& stream) const = 0; void copyToDeleted(Toplevel* c); void disownDataPassedToDeleted(); friend QDebug& operator<<(QDebug& stream, const Toplevel*); void deleteEffectWindow(); virtual bool shouldUnredirect() const = 0; void setDepth(int depth); QRect geom; xcb_visualid_t m_visual; int bit_depth; NETWinInfo* info; bool ready_for_painting; QRegion repaints_region; // updating, repaint just requires repaint of that area QRegion layer_repaints_region; protected: bool m_isDamaged; private: // when adding new data members, check also copyToDeleted() Xcb::Window m_client; xcb_damage_damage_t damage_handle; QRegion damage_region; // damage is really damaged window (XDamage) and texture needs bool is_shape; EffectWindowImpl* effect_window; QByteArray resource_name; QByteArray resource_class; ClientMachine *m_clientMachine; WId wmClientLeaderWin; bool unredirect; bool unredirectSuspend; // when unredirected, but pixmap is needed temporarily bool m_damageReplyPending; QRegion opaque_region; xcb_xfixes_fetch_region_cookie_t m_regionCookie; int m_screen; bool m_skipCloseAnimation; quint32 m_surfaceId = 0; KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface *m_surface = nullptr; /** * An FBO object KWin internal windows might render to. **/ QSharedPointer m_internalFBO; // when adding new data members, check also copyToDeleted() }; inline xcb_window_t Toplevel::window() const { return m_client; } inline void Toplevel::setWindowHandles(xcb_window_t w) { assert(!m_client.isValid() && w != XCB_WINDOW_NONE); m_client.reset(w, false); } inline QRect Toplevel::geometry() const { return geom; } inline QSize Toplevel::size() const { return geom.size(); } inline QPoint Toplevel::pos() const { return geom.topLeft(); } inline int Toplevel::x() const { return geom.x(); } inline int Toplevel::y() const { return geom.y(); } inline int Toplevel::width() const { return geom.width(); } inline int Toplevel::height() const { return geom.height(); } inline QRect Toplevel::rect() const { return QRect(0, 0, width(), height()); } inline bool Toplevel::readyForPainting() const { return ready_for_painting; } inline xcb_visualid_t Toplevel::visual() const { return m_visual; } inline bool Toplevel::isDesktop() const { return windowType() == NET::Desktop; } inline bool Toplevel::isDock() const { return windowType() == NET::Dock; } inline bool Toplevel::isMenu() const { return windowType() == NET::Menu; } inline bool Toplevel::isToolbar() const { return windowType() == NET::Toolbar; } inline bool Toplevel::isSplash() const { return windowType() == NET::Splash; } inline bool Toplevel::isUtility() const { return windowType() == NET::Utility; } inline bool Toplevel::isDialog() const { return windowType() == NET::Dialog; } inline bool Toplevel::isNormalWindow() const { return windowType() == NET::Normal; } inline bool Toplevel::isDropdownMenu() const { return windowType() == NET::DropdownMenu; } inline bool Toplevel::isPopupMenu() const { return windowType() == NET::PopupMenu; } inline bool Toplevel::isTooltip() const { return windowType() == NET::Tooltip; } inline bool Toplevel::isNotification() const { return windowType() == NET::Notification; } inline bool Toplevel::isOnScreenDisplay() const { return windowType() == NET::OnScreenDisplay; } inline bool Toplevel::isComboBox() const { return windowType() == NET::ComboBox; } inline bool Toplevel::isDNDIcon() const { return windowType() == NET::DNDIcon; } inline bool Toplevel::isLockScreen() const { return false; } inline bool Toplevel::isInputMethod() const { return false; } inline QRegion Toplevel::damage() const { return damage_region; } inline QRegion Toplevel::repaints() const { return repaints_region.translated(pos()) | layer_repaints_region; } inline bool Toplevel::shape() const { return is_shape; } inline int Toplevel::depth() const { return bit_depth; } inline bool Toplevel::hasAlpha() const { return depth() == 32; } inline const QRegion& Toplevel::opaqueRegion() const { return opaque_region; } inline EffectWindowImpl* Toplevel::effectWindow() { return effect_window; } inline const EffectWindowImpl* Toplevel::effectWindow() const { return effect_window; } inline bool Toplevel::isOnAllDesktops() const { return desktop() == NET::OnAllDesktops; } inline bool Toplevel::isOnAllActivities() const { return activities().isEmpty(); } inline bool Toplevel::isOnDesktop(int d) const { return desktop() == d || /*desk == 0 ||*/ isOnAllDesktops(); } inline bool Toplevel::isOnActivity(const QString &activity) const { return activities().isEmpty() || activities().contains(activity); } inline bool Toplevel::isOnCurrentDesktop() const { return isOnDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current()); } inline QByteArray Toplevel::resourceName() const { return resource_name; // it is always lowercase } inline QByteArray Toplevel::resourceClass() const { return resource_class; // it is always lowercase } inline bool Toplevel::unredirected() const { return unredirect; } inline const ClientMachine *Toplevel::clientMachine() const { return m_clientMachine; } inline quint32 Toplevel::surfaceId() const { return m_surfaceId; } inline KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface *Toplevel::surface() const { return m_surface; } inline const QSharedPointer &Toplevel::internalFramebufferObject() const { return m_internalFBO; } inline QPoint Toplevel::clientContentPos() const { return QPoint(0, 0); } template inline T *Toplevel::findInList(const QList &list, std::function func) { static_assert(std::is_base_of::value, "U must be derived from T"); const auto it = std::find_if(list.begin(), list.end(), func); if (it == list.end()) { return nullptr; } return *it; } QDebug& operator<<(QDebug& stream, const Toplevel*); QDebug& operator<<(QDebug& stream, const ToplevelList&); } // namespace Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KWin::Toplevel*) #endif