diff --git a/doc/windowbehaviour/index.docbook b/doc/windowbehaviour/index.docbook index 75060404f..75f030556 100644 --- a/doc/windowbehaviour/index.docbook +++ b/doc/windowbehaviour/index.docbook @@ -1,672 +1,672 @@ ]>
Window Behavior &Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail; &Jost.Schenck; &Jost.Schenck.mail; 2015-07-14 Plasma 5.3 KDE KControl system settings actions window placement window size Window Behavior In the upper part of this control module you can see several tabs: Focus, Titlebar Actions, Window Actions, Moving and Advanced. In the Focus panel you can configure how windows gain or lose focus, &ie; become active or inactive. Using Titlebar Actions and Window Actions you can configure how titlebars and windows react to mouse clicks. Moving allows you to configure how windows move and place themselves when started. The Advanced options cover some specialized options like window shading. Please note that the configuration in this module will not take effect if you do not use &kde;'s native window manager, &kwin;. If you do use a different window manager, please refer to its documentation for how to customize window behavior. Focus The focus of the desktop refers to the window which the user is currently working on. The window with focus is often referred to as the active window. Focus does not necessarily mean the window is the one at the front — this is referred to as raised, and although this is configured here as well, focus and raising of windows are configured independently. Focus Policy There are six methods &kde; can use to determine the current focus: Click To Focus A window becomes active when you click into it. This behaviour is common on other operating systems and likely what you want. Click To Focus - Mouse Precedence This is mostly the same as Click To Focus. If an active window has to be chosen by the system (⪚ because the currently active one was closed) the window under the mouse is the preferred candidate. Unusual, but possible variant of Click To Focus. Focus Follows Mouse Moving the mouse pointer actively over a normal window activates it. New windows such as the mini command line invoked with &Alt;F2 will receive the focus, without you having to point the mouse at them explicitly. ⪚ windows randomly appearing under the mouse will not gain the focus. Focus stealing prevention takes place as usual. Think as Click To Focus just without having to actually click. In other window managers, this is sometimes known as Sloppy focus follows mouse. Focus Follows Mouse - Mouse Precedence This is mostly the same as Focus Follows Mouse. If an active window has to be chosen by the system (⪚ because the currently active one was closed) the window under the mouse is the preferred candidate. Choose this, if you want a hover controlled focus. Focus Under Mouse The window that happens to be under the mouse pointer becomes active. If the mouse is not over a window (for instance, it's on the desktop) the last window that was under the mouse has focus. New windows such as the mini command line invoked with &Alt;F2 will not receive the focus, you must move the mouse over them to type. Focus Strictly Under Mouse Similar to Focus Under Mouse, but even more strict with its interpretation. Only the window under the mouse pointer is active. If the mouse pointer is not over a window, no window has focus. New windows such as the mini command line invoked with &Alt;F2 will not receive the focus, you must move the mouse over them to type. Note that Focus Under Mouse and Focus Strictly Under Mouse prevent certain features, such as Focus stealing prevention and the &Alt; walk-through-windows dialog, from working properly. Focus stealing prevention level This option specifies how much KWin will try to prevent unwanted focus stealing caused by unexpected activation of new windows. None Prevention is turned off and new windows always become activated. Low Prevention is enabled; when some window does not have support for the underlying mechanism and KWin cannot reliably decide whether to activate the window or not, it will be activated. This setting may have both worse and better results than the medium level, depending on the applications. Medium Prevention is enabled. High New windows get activated only if no window is currently active or if they belong to the currently active application. This setting is probably not really usable when not using mouse focus policy. Extreme All windows must be explicitly activated by the user. Windows that are prevented from stealing focus are marked as demanding attention, which by default means their taskbar entry will be highlighted. This can be changed in the Notifications control module. Raising window Once you have determined the focus policy, there are the window raising options. With a click to focus policy by default Click raises active window is enabled and raise on hover is not available. With a hover to focus policy you can alternatively use auto raise. By placing a mark in front of Raise on hover, delayed by, &kde; can bring a window to the front if the mouse is over that window for a specified period of time. You can determine the delay for this option by using the spin box control. Setting the delay too short will cause a rapid fire changing of windows, which can be quite distracting. Most people will like a delay of 100-300 ms. This is responsive, but it will let you slide over the corners of a window on your way to your destination without bringing that window to the front. If you do not use auto raise, make sure the Click raises active window option has a mark in front of it. You will not be happy with both auto raise and Click raise active window disabled, the net effect is that windows are not raised at all. Titlebar Actions In this panel you can configure what happens to windows when a mousebutton is clicked on their titlebars. Titlebar double-click In this drop down box you can select either Shade, several variations of Maximize or Lower, Close and On All Desktops. Selecting Maximize causes &kde; to maximize the window whenever you doubleclick on the titlebar. You can further choose to maximize windows only horizontally or only vertically. Shade, on the other hand, causes the window to be reduced to simply the titlebar. Double clicking on the titlebar again, restores the window to its normal size. Similar options are available for Wheel event. You can have windows automatically unshade when you simply place the mouse over their shaded titlebar. Just check the Enable hover check box in the Advanced tab of this module. This is a great way to reclaim desktop space when you are cutting and pasting between a lot of windows, for example. <guilabel>Titlebar & Frame</guilabel> This section allows you to determine what happens when you single click on the titlebar or frame of a window. Notice that you can have different actions associated with the same click depending on whether the window is active or not. For each combination of mousebuttons, Active and Inactive, you can select the most appropriate choice. The actions are as follows: Raise Will bring the window to the top of the display. All other windows which overlap with this one, will be hidden below it. Lower Will move this window to the bottom of the display. This will get the window out of the way. Toggle Raise & Lower This will raise windows which are not on top, and lower windows which are already on top. Nothing Just like it says. Nothing happens. Operations Menu Will bring up a small submenu, where you can choose window related commands (&ie; Maximize, Minimize, Close, &etc;). <guilabel>Maximize Button</guilabel> This section allows you to determine the behavior of the three mouse buttons onto the maximize button. You have the choice between vertical only, horizontal only or both directions. Window Actions <guilabel>Inactive Inner Window</guilabel> This part of the module, allows you to configure what happens when you click on an inactive window, with any of the three mouse buttons or use the mouse wheel. Your choices are as follows: Activate, Raise & Pass Click This makes the clicked window active, raises it to the top of the display, and passes a mouse click to the application within the window. Activate & Pass Click This makes the clicked window active and passes a mouse click to the application within the window. Activate This simply makes the clicked window active. The mouse click is not passed on to the application within the window. Activate & Raise This makes the clicked window active and raises the window to the top of the display. The mouse click is not passed on to the application within the window. <guilabel>Inner Window, Titlebar & Frame</guilabel> This bottom section, allows you to configure additional actions, when -a modifier key (by default &Alt;) is pressed, and a mouse click is +a modifier key (by default &Meta;) is pressed, and a mouse click is made on a window. Once again, you can select different actions for Left, Middle and Right button clicks and the Mouse wheel. Your choices are: Move Allows you to drag the selected window around the desktop. Lower Will move this window to the bottom of the display. This will get the window out of the way. Nothing Just like it says. Nothing happens. Raise Will bring the window to the top of the display. All other windows which overlap with this one, will be hidden below it. Resize Allows you to change the size of the selected window. Toggle Raise & Lower This will raise windows which are not on top, and lower windows which are already on top. Activate Make this window active. Moving <guilabel>Windows</guilabel> The options here determine how windows appear on screen when you are moving them. Display window geometry when moving or resizing Enable this option if you want a window's geometry to be displayed while it is being moved or resized. The window position relative to the top-left corner of the screen is displayed together with its size. <guilabel>Snap Zones</guilabel> The rest of this page allows you to configure the Snap Zones. These are like a magnetic field along the side of the desktop and each window, which will make windows snap alongside when moved near. Border snap zone: Here you can set the snap zone for screen borders. Moving a window within the configured distance will make it snap to the edge of the desktop. Window snap zone: Here you can set the snap zone for windows. As with screen borders, moving a window near to another will make it snap to the edge as if the windows were magnetized. Center snap zone: Here you can set the snap zone for the screen center, &ie; the strength of the magnetic field which will make windows snap to the center of the screen when moved near it. Snap windows only when overlapping If checked, windows will not snap together if they are only near each other, they must be overlapping, by the configured amount or less. Advanced In the Advanced panel you can do more advanced fine tuning to the window behavior. Shading Enable hover If this option is enabled, a shaded window will un-shade automatically when the mouse pointer has been over the titlebar for some time. Use the spinbox to configure the delay un-shading. Placement The placement policy determines where a new window will appear on the desktop. Minimal Overlapping will try to achieve a minimum overlap of windows, Cascaded will cascade the windows, and Random will use a random position. Centered will open all new windows in the center of the screen, and In Top-Left Corner will open all windows with their top left corner in the top left corner of the screen. Special Window Hide utility windows for inactive applications When turned on, utility windows (tool windows, torn-off menus,...) of inactive applications will be hidden and will be shown only when the application becomes active. Note that applications have to mark the windows with the proper window type for this feature to work.
diff --git a/options.cpp b/options.cpp index f38f6032a..060a0cec2 100644 --- a/options.cpp +++ b/options.cpp @@ -1,1092 +1,1092 @@ /******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Gräßlin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "options.h" #include "config-kwin.h" #include "utils.h" #include "platform.h" #ifndef KCMRULES #include #include "screens.h" #include "settings.h" #include #include #endif //KCMRULES namespace KWin { #ifndef KCMRULES int currentRefreshRate() { return Options::currentRefreshRate(); } int Options::currentRefreshRate() { int rate = -1; QString syncScreenName(QLatin1String("primary screen")); if (options->refreshRate() > 0) { // use manually configured refresh rate rate = options->refreshRate(); } else if (Screens::self()->count() > 0) { // prefer the refreshrate calculated from the screens mode information // at least the nvidia driver reports 50Hz BS ... *again*! int syncScreen = 0; if (Screens::self()->count() > 1) { const QByteArray syncDisplayDevice(qgetenv("__GL_SYNC_DISPLAY_DEVICE")); // if __GL_SYNC_DISPLAY_DEVICE is exported, the GPU shall sync to that device // so we try to use its refresh rate if (!syncDisplayDevice.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < Screens::self()->count(); ++i) { if (Screens::self()->name(i) == syncDisplayDevice) { syncScreenName = Screens::self()->name(i); syncScreen = i; break; } } } } rate = qRound(Screens::self()->refreshRate(syncScreen)); // TODO forward float precision? } // 0Hz or less is invalid, so we fallback to a default rate if (rate <= 0) rate = 60; // and not shitty 50Hz for sure! *grrr* // QTimer gives us 1msec (1000Hz) at best, so we ignore anything higher; // however, additional throttling prevents very high rates from taking place anyway else if (rate > 1000) rate = 1000; qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Vertical Refresh rate " << rate << "Hz (" << syncScreenName << ")"; return rate; } Options::Options(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_settings(new Settings(kwinApp()->config())) , m_focusPolicy(ClickToFocus) , m_nextFocusPrefersMouse(false) , m_clickRaise(false) , m_autoRaise(false) , m_autoRaiseInterval(0) , m_delayFocusInterval(0) , m_shadeHover(false) , m_shadeHoverInterval(0) , m_separateScreenFocus(false) , m_placement(Placement::NoPlacement) , m_borderSnapZone(0) , m_windowSnapZone(0) , m_centerSnapZone(0) , m_snapOnlyWhenOverlapping(false) , m_rollOverDesktops(false) , m_focusStealingPreventionLevel(0) , m_killPingTimeout(0) , m_hideUtilityWindowsForInactive(false) , m_compositingMode(Options::defaultCompositingMode()) , m_useCompositing(Options::defaultUseCompositing()) , m_hiddenPreviews(Options::defaultHiddenPreviews()) , m_glSmoothScale(Options::defaultGlSmoothScale()) , m_xrenderSmoothScale(Options::defaultXrenderSmoothScale()) , m_maxFpsInterval(Options::defaultMaxFpsInterval()) , m_refreshRate(Options::defaultRefreshRate()) , m_vBlankTime(Options::defaultVBlankTime()) , m_glStrictBinding(Options::defaultGlStrictBinding()) , m_glStrictBindingFollowsDriver(Options::defaultGlStrictBindingFollowsDriver()) , m_glCoreProfile(Options::defaultGLCoreProfile()) , m_glPreferBufferSwap(Options::defaultGlPreferBufferSwap()) , m_glPlatformInterface(Options::defaultGlPlatformInterface()) , m_windowsBlockCompositing(true) , OpTitlebarDblClick(Options::defaultOperationTitlebarDblClick()) , CmdActiveTitlebar1(Options::defaultCommandActiveTitlebar1()) , CmdActiveTitlebar2(Options::defaultCommandActiveTitlebar2()) , CmdActiveTitlebar3(Options::defaultCommandActiveTitlebar3()) , CmdInactiveTitlebar1(Options::defaultCommandInactiveTitlebar1()) , CmdInactiveTitlebar2(Options::defaultCommandInactiveTitlebar2()) , CmdInactiveTitlebar3(Options::defaultCommandInactiveTitlebar3()) , CmdTitlebarWheel(Options::defaultCommandTitlebarWheel()) , CmdWindow1(Options::defaultCommandWindow1()) , CmdWindow2(Options::defaultCommandWindow2()) , CmdWindow3(Options::defaultCommandWindow3()) , CmdWindowWheel(Options::defaultCommandWindowWheel()) , CmdAll1(Options::defaultCommandAll1()) , CmdAll2(Options::defaultCommandAll2()) , CmdAll3(Options::defaultCommandAll3()) , CmdAllWheel(Options::defaultCommandAllWheel()) , CmdAllModKey(Options::defaultKeyCmdAllModKey()) , electric_border_maximize(false) , electric_border_tiling(false) , electric_border_corner_ratio(0.0) , borderless_maximized_windows(false) , show_geometry_tip(false) , condensed_title(false) { m_settings->setDefaults(); syncFromKcfgc(); m_configWatcher = KConfigWatcher::create(m_settings->sharedConfig()); connect(m_configWatcher.data(), &KConfigWatcher::configChanged, this, [this](const KConfigGroup &group, const QByteArrayList &names) { if (group.name() == QLatin1String("KDE") && names.contains(QByteArrayLiteral("AnimationDurationFactor"))) { emit animationSpeedChanged(); } }); } Options::~Options() { } void Options::setFocusPolicy(FocusPolicy focusPolicy) { if (m_focusPolicy == focusPolicy) { return; } m_focusPolicy = focusPolicy; emit focusPolicyChanged(); if (m_focusPolicy == ClickToFocus) { setAutoRaise(false); setAutoRaiseInterval(0); setDelayFocusInterval(0); } } void Options::setNextFocusPrefersMouse(bool nextFocusPrefersMouse) { if (m_nextFocusPrefersMouse == nextFocusPrefersMouse) { return; } m_nextFocusPrefersMouse = nextFocusPrefersMouse; emit nextFocusPrefersMouseChanged(); } void Options::setClickRaise(bool clickRaise) { if (m_autoRaise) { // important: autoRaise implies ClickRaise clickRaise = true; } if (m_clickRaise == clickRaise) { return; } m_clickRaise = clickRaise; emit clickRaiseChanged(); } void Options::setAutoRaise(bool autoRaise) { if (m_focusPolicy == ClickToFocus) { autoRaise = false; } if (m_autoRaise == autoRaise) { return; } m_autoRaise = autoRaise; if (m_autoRaise) { // important: autoRaise implies ClickRaise setClickRaise(true); } emit autoRaiseChanged(); } void Options::setAutoRaiseInterval(int autoRaiseInterval) { if (m_focusPolicy == ClickToFocus) { autoRaiseInterval = 0; } if (m_autoRaiseInterval == autoRaiseInterval) { return; } m_autoRaiseInterval = autoRaiseInterval; emit autoRaiseIntervalChanged(); } void Options::setDelayFocusInterval(int delayFocusInterval) { if (m_focusPolicy == ClickToFocus) { delayFocusInterval = 0; } if (m_delayFocusInterval == delayFocusInterval) { return; } m_delayFocusInterval = delayFocusInterval; emit delayFocusIntervalChanged(); } void Options::setShadeHover(bool shadeHover) { if (m_shadeHover == shadeHover) { return; } m_shadeHover = shadeHover; emit shadeHoverChanged(); } void Options::setShadeHoverInterval(int shadeHoverInterval) { if (m_shadeHoverInterval == shadeHoverInterval) { return; } m_shadeHoverInterval = shadeHoverInterval; emit shadeHoverIntervalChanged(); } void Options::setSeparateScreenFocus(bool separateScreenFocus) { if (m_separateScreenFocus == separateScreenFocus) { return; } m_separateScreenFocus = separateScreenFocus; emit separateScreenFocusChanged(m_separateScreenFocus); } void Options::setPlacement(int placement) { if (m_placement == static_cast(placement)) { return; } m_placement = static_cast(placement); emit placementChanged(); } void Options::setBorderSnapZone(int borderSnapZone) { if (m_borderSnapZone == borderSnapZone) { return; } m_borderSnapZone = borderSnapZone; emit borderSnapZoneChanged(); } void Options::setWindowSnapZone(int windowSnapZone) { if (m_windowSnapZone == windowSnapZone) { return; } m_windowSnapZone = windowSnapZone; emit windowSnapZoneChanged(); } void Options::setCenterSnapZone(int centerSnapZone) { if (m_centerSnapZone == centerSnapZone) { return; } m_centerSnapZone = centerSnapZone; emit centerSnapZoneChanged(); } void Options::setSnapOnlyWhenOverlapping(bool snapOnlyWhenOverlapping) { if (m_snapOnlyWhenOverlapping == snapOnlyWhenOverlapping) { return; } m_snapOnlyWhenOverlapping = snapOnlyWhenOverlapping; emit snapOnlyWhenOverlappingChanged(); } void Options::setRollOverDesktops(bool rollOverDesktops) { if (m_rollOverDesktops == rollOverDesktops) { return; } m_rollOverDesktops = rollOverDesktops; emit rollOverDesktopsChanged(m_rollOverDesktops); } void Options::setFocusStealingPreventionLevel(int focusStealingPreventionLevel) { if (!focusPolicyIsReasonable()) { focusStealingPreventionLevel = 0; } if (m_focusStealingPreventionLevel == focusStealingPreventionLevel) { return; } m_focusStealingPreventionLevel = qMax(0, qMin(4, focusStealingPreventionLevel)); emit focusStealingPreventionLevelChanged(); } void Options::setOperationTitlebarDblClick(WindowOperation operationTitlebarDblClick) { if (OpTitlebarDblClick == operationTitlebarDblClick) { return; } OpTitlebarDblClick = operationTitlebarDblClick; emit operationTitlebarDblClickChanged(); } void Options::setOperationMaxButtonLeftClick(WindowOperation op) { if (opMaxButtonLeftClick == op) { return; } opMaxButtonLeftClick = op; emit operationMaxButtonLeftClickChanged(); } void Options::setOperationMaxButtonRightClick(WindowOperation op) { if (opMaxButtonRightClick == op) { return; } opMaxButtonRightClick = op; emit operationMaxButtonRightClickChanged(); } void Options::setOperationMaxButtonMiddleClick(WindowOperation op) { if (opMaxButtonMiddleClick == op) { return; } opMaxButtonMiddleClick = op; emit operationMaxButtonMiddleClickChanged(); } void Options::setCommandActiveTitlebar1(MouseCommand commandActiveTitlebar1) { if (CmdActiveTitlebar1 == commandActiveTitlebar1) { return; } CmdActiveTitlebar1 = commandActiveTitlebar1; emit commandActiveTitlebar1Changed(); } void Options::setCommandActiveTitlebar2(MouseCommand commandActiveTitlebar2) { if (CmdActiveTitlebar2 == commandActiveTitlebar2) { return; } CmdActiveTitlebar2 = commandActiveTitlebar2; emit commandActiveTitlebar2Changed(); } void Options::setCommandActiveTitlebar3(MouseCommand commandActiveTitlebar3) { if (CmdActiveTitlebar3 == commandActiveTitlebar3) { return; } CmdActiveTitlebar3 = commandActiveTitlebar3; emit commandActiveTitlebar3Changed(); } void Options::setCommandInactiveTitlebar1(MouseCommand commandInactiveTitlebar1) { if (CmdInactiveTitlebar1 == commandInactiveTitlebar1) { return; } CmdInactiveTitlebar1 = commandInactiveTitlebar1; emit commandInactiveTitlebar1Changed(); } void Options::setCommandInactiveTitlebar2(MouseCommand commandInactiveTitlebar2) { if (CmdInactiveTitlebar2 == commandInactiveTitlebar2) { return; } CmdInactiveTitlebar2 = commandInactiveTitlebar2; emit commandInactiveTitlebar2Changed(); } void Options::setCommandInactiveTitlebar3(MouseCommand commandInactiveTitlebar3) { if (CmdInactiveTitlebar3 == commandInactiveTitlebar3) { return; } CmdInactiveTitlebar3 = commandInactiveTitlebar3; emit commandInactiveTitlebar3Changed(); } void Options::setCommandWindow1(MouseCommand commandWindow1) { if (CmdWindow1 == commandWindow1) { return; } CmdWindow1 = commandWindow1; emit commandWindow1Changed(); } void Options::setCommandWindow2(MouseCommand commandWindow2) { if (CmdWindow2 == commandWindow2) { return; } CmdWindow2 = commandWindow2; emit commandWindow2Changed(); } void Options::setCommandWindow3(MouseCommand commandWindow3) { if (CmdWindow3 == commandWindow3) { return; } CmdWindow3 = commandWindow3; emit commandWindow3Changed(); } void Options::setCommandWindowWheel(MouseCommand commandWindowWheel) { if (CmdWindowWheel == commandWindowWheel) { return; } CmdWindowWheel = commandWindowWheel; emit commandWindowWheelChanged(); } void Options::setCommandAll1(MouseCommand commandAll1) { if (CmdAll1 == commandAll1) { return; } CmdAll1 = commandAll1; emit commandAll1Changed(); } void Options::setCommandAll2(MouseCommand commandAll2) { if (CmdAll2 == commandAll2) { return; } CmdAll2 = commandAll2; emit commandAll2Changed(); } void Options::setCommandAll3(MouseCommand commandAll3) { if (CmdAll3 == commandAll3) { return; } CmdAll3 = commandAll3; emit commandAll3Changed(); } void Options::setKeyCmdAllModKey(uint keyCmdAllModKey) { if (CmdAllModKey == keyCmdAllModKey) { return; } CmdAllModKey = keyCmdAllModKey; emit keyCmdAllModKeyChanged(); } void Options::setShowGeometryTip(bool showGeometryTip) { if (show_geometry_tip == showGeometryTip) { return; } show_geometry_tip = showGeometryTip; emit showGeometryTipChanged(); } void Options::setCondensedTitle(bool condensedTitle) { if (condensed_title == condensedTitle) { return; } condensed_title = condensedTitle; emit condensedTitleChanged(); } void Options::setElectricBorderMaximize(bool electricBorderMaximize) { if (electric_border_maximize == electricBorderMaximize) { return; } electric_border_maximize = electricBorderMaximize; emit electricBorderMaximizeChanged(); } void Options::setElectricBorderTiling(bool electricBorderTiling) { if (electric_border_tiling == electricBorderTiling) { return; } electric_border_tiling = electricBorderTiling; emit electricBorderTilingChanged(); } void Options::setElectricBorderCornerRatio(float electricBorderCornerRatio) { if (electric_border_corner_ratio == electricBorderCornerRatio) { return; } electric_border_corner_ratio = electricBorderCornerRatio; emit electricBorderCornerRatioChanged(); } void Options::setBorderlessMaximizedWindows(bool borderlessMaximizedWindows) { if (borderless_maximized_windows == borderlessMaximizedWindows) { return; } borderless_maximized_windows = borderlessMaximizedWindows; emit borderlessMaximizedWindowsChanged(); } void Options::setKillPingTimeout(int killPingTimeout) { if (m_killPingTimeout == killPingTimeout) { return; } m_killPingTimeout = killPingTimeout; emit killPingTimeoutChanged(); } void Options::setHideUtilityWindowsForInactive(bool hideUtilityWindowsForInactive) { if (m_hideUtilityWindowsForInactive == hideUtilityWindowsForInactive) { return; } m_hideUtilityWindowsForInactive = hideUtilityWindowsForInactive; emit hideUtilityWindowsForInactiveChanged(); } void Options::setCompositingMode(int compositingMode) { if (m_compositingMode == static_cast(compositingMode)) { return; } m_compositingMode = static_cast(compositingMode); emit compositingModeChanged(); } void Options::setUseCompositing(bool useCompositing) { if (m_useCompositing == useCompositing) { return; } m_useCompositing = useCompositing; emit useCompositingChanged(); } void Options::setHiddenPreviews(int hiddenPreviews) { if (m_hiddenPreviews == static_cast(hiddenPreviews)) { return; } m_hiddenPreviews = static_cast(hiddenPreviews); emit hiddenPreviewsChanged(); } void Options::setGlSmoothScale(int glSmoothScale) { if (m_glSmoothScale == glSmoothScale) { return; } m_glSmoothScale = glSmoothScale; emit glSmoothScaleChanged(); } void Options::setXrenderSmoothScale(bool xrenderSmoothScale) { if (m_xrenderSmoothScale == xrenderSmoothScale) { return; } m_xrenderSmoothScale = xrenderSmoothScale; emit xrenderSmoothScaleChanged(); } void Options::setMaxFpsInterval(qint64 maxFpsInterval) { if (m_maxFpsInterval == maxFpsInterval) { return; } m_maxFpsInterval = maxFpsInterval; emit maxFpsIntervalChanged(); } void Options::setRefreshRate(uint refreshRate) { if (m_refreshRate == refreshRate) { return; } m_refreshRate = refreshRate; emit refreshRateChanged(); } void Options::setVBlankTime(qint64 vBlankTime) { if (m_vBlankTime == vBlankTime) { return; } m_vBlankTime = vBlankTime; emit vBlankTimeChanged(); } void Options::setGlStrictBinding(bool glStrictBinding) { if (m_glStrictBinding == glStrictBinding) { return; } m_glStrictBinding = glStrictBinding; emit glStrictBindingChanged(); } void Options::setGlStrictBindingFollowsDriver(bool glStrictBindingFollowsDriver) { if (m_glStrictBindingFollowsDriver == glStrictBindingFollowsDriver) { return; } m_glStrictBindingFollowsDriver = glStrictBindingFollowsDriver; emit glStrictBindingFollowsDriverChanged(); } void Options::setGLCoreProfile(bool value) { if (m_glCoreProfile == value) { return; } m_glCoreProfile = value; emit glCoreProfileChanged(); } void Options::setWindowsBlockCompositing(bool value) { if (m_windowsBlockCompositing == value) { return; } m_windowsBlockCompositing = value; emit windowsBlockCompositingChanged(); } void Options::setGlPreferBufferSwap(char glPreferBufferSwap) { if (glPreferBufferSwap == 'a') { // buffer copying is very fast with the nvidia blob // but due to restrictions in DRI2 *incredibly* slow for all MESA drivers // see https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.7/doc/dri2proto/dri2proto.txt, item 2.5 if (GLPlatform::instance()->driver() == Driver_NVidia) glPreferBufferSwap = CopyFrontBuffer; else if (GLPlatform::instance()->driver() != Driver_Unknown) // undetected, finally resolved when context is initialized glPreferBufferSwap = ExtendDamage; } if (m_glPreferBufferSwap == (GlSwapStrategy)glPreferBufferSwap) { return; } m_glPreferBufferSwap = (GlSwapStrategy)glPreferBufferSwap; emit glPreferBufferSwapChanged(); } void Options::setGlPlatformInterface(OpenGLPlatformInterface interface) { // check environment variable const QByteArray envOpenGLInterface(qgetenv("KWIN_OPENGL_INTERFACE")); if (!envOpenGLInterface.isEmpty()) { if (qstrcmp(envOpenGLInterface, "egl") == 0) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Forcing EGL native interface through environment variable"; interface = EglPlatformInterface; } else if (qstrcmp(envOpenGLInterface, "glx") == 0) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Forcing GLX native interface through environment variable"; interface = GlxPlatformInterface; } } if (kwinApp()->shouldUseWaylandForCompositing() && interface == GlxPlatformInterface) { // Glx is impossible on Wayland, enforce egl qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Forcing EGL native interface for Wayland mode"; interface = EglPlatformInterface; } #if !HAVE_EPOXY_GLX qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Forcing EGL native interface as compiled without GLX support"; interface = EglPlatformInterface; #endif if (QOpenGLContext::openGLModuleType() == QOpenGLContext::LibGLES) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Forcing EGL native interface as Qt uses OpenGL ES"; interface = EglPlatformInterface; } else if (qstrcmp(qgetenv("KWIN_COMPOSE"), "O2ES") == 0) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Forcing EGL native interface as OpenGL ES requested through KWIN_COMPOSE environment variable."; interface = EglPlatformInterface; } if (m_glPlatformInterface == interface) { return; } m_glPlatformInterface = interface; emit glPlatformInterfaceChanged(); } void Options::reparseConfiguration() { m_settings->config()->reparseConfiguration(); } void Options::updateSettings() { loadConfig(); // Read button tooltip animation effect from kdeglobals // Since we want to allow users to enable window decoration tooltips // and not kstyle tooltips and vise-versa, we don't read the // "EffectNoTooltip" setting from kdeglobals. // QToolTip::setGloballyEnabled( d->show_tooltips ); // KDE4 this probably needs to be done manually in clients // Driver-specific config detection reloadCompositingSettings(); emit configChanged(); } void Options::loadConfig() { m_settings->load(); syncFromKcfgc(); // Electric borders KConfigGroup config(m_settings->config(), "Windows"); OpTitlebarDblClick = windowOperation(config.readEntry("TitlebarDoubleClickCommand", "Maximize"), true); setOperationMaxButtonLeftClick(windowOperation(config.readEntry("MaximizeButtonLeftClickCommand", "Maximize"), true)); setOperationMaxButtonMiddleClick(windowOperation(config.readEntry("MaximizeButtonMiddleClickCommand", "Maximize (vertical only)"), true)); setOperationMaxButtonRightClick(windowOperation(config.readEntry("MaximizeButtonRightClickCommand", "Maximize (horizontal only)"), true)); // Mouse bindings config = KConfigGroup(m_settings->config(), "MouseBindings"); // TODO: add properties for missing options CmdTitlebarWheel = mouseWheelCommand(config.readEntry("CommandTitlebarWheel", "Nothing")); CmdAllModKey = (config.readEntry("CommandAllKey", "Meta") == QStringLiteral("Meta")) ? Qt::Key_Meta : Qt::Key_Alt; CmdAllWheel = mouseWheelCommand(config.readEntry("CommandAllWheel", "Nothing")); setCommandActiveTitlebar1(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar1", "Raise"), true)); setCommandActiveTitlebar2(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar2", "Nothing"), true)); setCommandActiveTitlebar3(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandActiveTitlebar3", "Operations menu"), true)); setCommandInactiveTitlebar1(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar1", "Activate and raise"), true)); setCommandInactiveTitlebar2(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar2", "Nothing"), true)); setCommandInactiveTitlebar3(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandInactiveTitlebar3", "Operations menu"), true)); setCommandWindow1(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandWindow1", "Activate, raise and pass click"), false)); setCommandWindow2(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandWindow2", "Activate and pass click"), false)); setCommandWindow3(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandWindow3", "Activate and pass click"), false)); setCommandWindowWheel(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandWindowWheel", "Scroll"), false)); setCommandAll1(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandAll1", "Move"), false)); setCommandAll2(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandAll2", "Toggle raise and lower"), false)); setCommandAll3(mouseCommand(config.readEntry("CommandAll3", "Resize"), false)); // TODO: should they be moved into reloadCompositingSettings? config = KConfigGroup(m_settings->config(), "Compositing"); setMaxFpsInterval(1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 / config.readEntry("MaxFPS", Options::defaultMaxFps())); setRefreshRate(config.readEntry("RefreshRate", Options::defaultRefreshRate())); setVBlankTime(config.readEntry("VBlankTime", Options::defaultVBlankTime()) * 1000); // config in micro, value in nano resolution // Modifier Only Shortcuts config = KConfigGroup(m_settings->config(), "ModifierOnlyShortcuts"); m_modifierOnlyShortcuts.clear(); if (config.hasKey("Shift")) { m_modifierOnlyShortcuts.insert(Qt::ShiftModifier, config.readEntry("Shift", QStringList())); } if (config.hasKey("Control")) { m_modifierOnlyShortcuts.insert(Qt::ControlModifier, config.readEntry("Control", QStringList())); } if (config.hasKey("Alt")) { m_modifierOnlyShortcuts.insert(Qt::AltModifier, config.readEntry("Alt", QStringList())); } m_modifierOnlyShortcuts.insert(Qt::MetaModifier, config.readEntry("Meta", QStringList{QStringLiteral("org.kde.plasmashell"), QStringLiteral("/PlasmaShell"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.PlasmaShell"), QStringLiteral("activateLauncherMenu")})); } void Options::syncFromKcfgc() { setShowGeometryTip(m_settings->geometryTip()); setCondensedTitle(m_settings->condensedTitle()); setFocusPolicy(m_settings->focusPolicy()); setNextFocusPrefersMouse(m_settings->nextFocusPrefersMouse()); setSeparateScreenFocus(m_settings->separateScreenFocus()); setRollOverDesktops(m_settings->rollOverDesktops()); setFocusStealingPreventionLevel(m_settings->focusStealingPreventionLevel()); #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_DECORATIONS setPlacement(m_settings->placement()); #else setPlacement(Placement::Maximizing); #endif setAutoRaise(m_settings->autoRaise()); setAutoRaiseInterval(m_settings->autoRaiseInterval()); setDelayFocusInterval(m_settings->delayFocusInterval()); setShadeHover(m_settings->shadeHover()); setShadeHoverInterval(m_settings->shadeHoverInterval()); setClickRaise(m_settings->clickRaise()); setBorderSnapZone(m_settings->borderSnapZone()); setWindowSnapZone(m_settings->windowSnapZone()); setCenterSnapZone(m_settings->centerSnapZone()); setSnapOnlyWhenOverlapping(m_settings->snapOnlyWhenOverlapping()); setKillPingTimeout(m_settings->killPingTimeout()); setHideUtilityWindowsForInactive(m_settings->hideUtilityWindowsForInactive()); setBorderlessMaximizedWindows(m_settings->borderlessMaximizedWindows()); setElectricBorderMaximize(m_settings->electricBorderMaximize()); setElectricBorderTiling(m_settings->electricBorderTiling()); setElectricBorderCornerRatio(m_settings->electricBorderCornerRatio()); setWindowsBlockCompositing(m_settings->windowsBlockCompositing()); } bool Options::loadCompositingConfig (bool force) { KConfigGroup config(m_settings->config(), "Compositing"); bool useCompositing = false; CompositingType compositingMode = NoCompositing; QString compositingBackend = config.readEntry("Backend", "OpenGL"); if (compositingBackend == QStringLiteral("XRender")) compositingMode = XRenderCompositing; else if (compositingBackend == "QPainter") compositingMode = QPainterCompositing; else compositingMode = OpenGLCompositing; if (const char *c = getenv("KWIN_COMPOSE")) { switch(c[0]) { case 'O': qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Compositing forced to OpenGL mode by environment variable"; compositingMode = OpenGLCompositing; useCompositing = true; break; case 'X': qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Compositing forced to XRender mode by environment variable"; compositingMode = XRenderCompositing; useCompositing = true; break; case 'Q': qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Compositing forced to QPainter mode by environment variable"; compositingMode = QPainterCompositing; useCompositing = true; break; case 'N': if (getenv("KDE_FAILSAFE")) qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Compositing disabled forcefully by KDE failsafe mode"; else qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Compositing disabled forcefully by environment variable"; compositingMode = NoCompositing; break; default: qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Unknown KWIN_COMPOSE mode set, ignoring"; break; } } setCompositingMode(compositingMode); const bool platformSupportsNoCompositing = kwinApp()->platform()->supportedCompositors().contains(NoCompositing); if (m_compositingMode == NoCompositing && platformSupportsNoCompositing) { setUseCompositing(false); return false; // do not even detect compositing preferences if explicitly disabled } // it's either enforced by env or by initial resume from "suspend" or we check the settings setUseCompositing(useCompositing || force || config.readEntry("Enabled", Options::defaultUseCompositing() || !platformSupportsNoCompositing)); if (!m_useCompositing) return false; // not enforced or necessary and not "enabled" by settings return true; } void Options::reloadCompositingSettings(bool force) { if (!loadCompositingConfig(force)) { return; } m_settings->load(); syncFromKcfgc(); // Compositing settings KConfigGroup config(m_settings->config(), "Compositing"); setGlSmoothScale(qBound(-1, config.readEntry("GLTextureFilter", Options::defaultGlSmoothScale()), 2)); setGlStrictBindingFollowsDriver(!config.hasKey("GLStrictBinding")); if (!isGlStrictBindingFollowsDriver()) { setGlStrictBinding(config.readEntry("GLStrictBinding", Options::defaultGlStrictBinding())); } setGLCoreProfile(config.readEntry("GLCore", Options::defaultGLCoreProfile())); char c = 0; const QString s = config.readEntry("GLPreferBufferSwap", QString(Options::defaultGlPreferBufferSwap())); if (!s.isEmpty()) c = s.at(0).toLatin1(); if (c != 'a' && c != 'c' && c != 'p' && c != 'e') c = 0; setGlPreferBufferSwap(c); m_xrenderSmoothScale = config.readEntry("XRenderSmoothScale", false); HiddenPreviews previews = Options::defaultHiddenPreviews(); // 4 - off, 5 - shown, 6 - always, other are old values int hps = config.readEntry("HiddenPreviews", 5); if (hps == 4) previews = HiddenPreviewsNever; else if (hps == 5) previews = HiddenPreviewsShown; else if (hps == 6) previews = HiddenPreviewsAlways; setHiddenPreviews(previews); auto interfaceToKey = [](OpenGLPlatformInterface interface) { switch (interface) { case GlxPlatformInterface: return QStringLiteral("glx"); case EglPlatformInterface: return QStringLiteral("egl"); default: return QString(); } }; auto keyToInterface = [](const QString &key) { if (key == QStringLiteral("glx")) { return GlxPlatformInterface; } else if (key == QStringLiteral("egl")) { return EglPlatformInterface; } return defaultGlPlatformInterface(); }; setGlPlatformInterface(keyToInterface(config.readEntry("GLPlatformInterface", interfaceToKey(m_glPlatformInterface)))); } // restricted should be true for operations that the user may not be able to repeat // if the window is moved out of the workspace (e.g. if the user moves a window // by the titlebar, and moves it too high beneath Kicker at the top edge, they -// may not be able to move it back, unless they know about Alt+LMB) +// may not be able to move it back, unless they know about Meta+LMB) Options::WindowOperation Options::windowOperation(const QString &name, bool restricted) { if (name == QStringLiteral("Move")) return restricted ? MoveOp : UnrestrictedMoveOp; else if (name == QStringLiteral("Resize")) return restricted ? ResizeOp : UnrestrictedResizeOp; else if (name == QStringLiteral("Maximize")) return MaximizeOp; else if (name == QStringLiteral("Minimize")) return MinimizeOp; else if (name == QStringLiteral("Close")) return CloseOp; else if (name == QStringLiteral("OnAllDesktops")) return OnAllDesktopsOp; else if (name == QStringLiteral("Shade")) return ShadeOp; else if (name == QStringLiteral("Operations")) return OperationsOp; else if (name == QStringLiteral("Maximize (vertical only)")) return VMaximizeOp; else if (name == QStringLiteral("Maximize (horizontal only)")) return HMaximizeOp; else if (name == QStringLiteral("Lower")) return LowerOp; return NoOp; } Options::MouseCommand Options::mouseCommand(const QString &name, bool restricted) { QString lowerName = name.toLower(); if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("raise")) return MouseRaise; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("lower")) return MouseLower; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("operations menu")) return MouseOperationsMenu; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("toggle raise and lower")) return MouseToggleRaiseAndLower; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("activate and raise")) return MouseActivateAndRaise; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("activate and lower")) return MouseActivateAndLower; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("activate")) return MouseActivate; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("activate, raise and pass click")) return MouseActivateRaiseAndPassClick; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("activate and pass click")) return MouseActivateAndPassClick; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("scroll")) return MouseNothing; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("activate and scroll")) return MouseActivateAndPassClick; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("activate, raise and scroll")) return MouseActivateRaiseAndPassClick; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("activate, raise and move")) return restricted ? MouseActivateRaiseAndMove : MouseActivateRaiseAndUnrestrictedMove; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("move")) return restricted ? MouseMove : MouseUnrestrictedMove; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("resize")) return restricted ? MouseResize : MouseUnrestrictedResize; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("shade")) return MouseShade; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("minimize")) return MouseMinimize; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("close")) return MouseClose; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("increase opacity")) return MouseOpacityMore; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("decrease opacity")) return MouseOpacityLess; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("nothing")) return MouseNothing; return MouseNothing; } Options::MouseWheelCommand Options::mouseWheelCommand(const QString &name) { QString lowerName = name.toLower(); if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("raise/lower")) return MouseWheelRaiseLower; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("shade/unshade")) return MouseWheelShadeUnshade; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("maximize/restore")) return MouseWheelMaximizeRestore; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("above/below")) return MouseWheelAboveBelow; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("previous/next desktop")) return MouseWheelPreviousNextDesktop; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("change opacity")) return MouseWheelChangeOpacity; if (lowerName == QStringLiteral("nothing")) return MouseWheelNothing; return MouseWheelNothing; } bool Options::showGeometryTip() const { return show_geometry_tip; } bool Options::condensedTitle() const { return condensed_title; } Options::MouseCommand Options::wheelToMouseCommand(MouseWheelCommand com, int delta) const { switch(com) { case MouseWheelRaiseLower: return delta > 0 ? MouseRaise : MouseLower; case MouseWheelShadeUnshade: return delta > 0 ? MouseSetShade : MouseUnsetShade; case MouseWheelMaximizeRestore: return delta > 0 ? MouseMaximize : MouseRestore; case MouseWheelAboveBelow: return delta > 0 ? MouseAbove : MouseBelow; case MouseWheelPreviousNextDesktop: return delta > 0 ? MousePreviousDesktop : MouseNextDesktop; case MouseWheelChangeOpacity: return delta > 0 ? MouseOpacityMore : MouseOpacityLess; default: return MouseNothing; } } #endif double Options::animationTimeFactor() const { #ifndef KCMRULES return m_settings->animationDurationFactor(); #else return 0; #endif } Options::WindowOperation Options::operationMaxButtonClick(Qt::MouseButtons button) const { return button == Qt::RightButton ? opMaxButtonRightClick : button == Qt::MidButton ? opMaxButtonMiddleClick : opMaxButtonLeftClick; } QStringList Options::modifierOnlyDBusShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifier mod) const { return m_modifierOnlyShortcuts.value(mod); } bool Options::isUseCompositing() const { return m_useCompositing || kwinApp()->platform()->requiresCompositing(); } } // namespace diff --git a/workspace.cpp b/workspace.cpp index d2892ac7d..5b6524495 100644 --- a/workspace.cpp +++ b/workspace.cpp @@ -1,2769 +1,2769 @@ /******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak Copyright (C) 2019 Vlad Zahorodnii This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ // own #include "workspace.h" // kwin libs #include // kwin #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES #include "activities.h" #endif #include "appmenu.h" #include "atoms.h" #include "x11client.h" #include "composite.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "dbusinterface.h" #include "deleted.h" #include "effects.h" #include "focuschain.h" #include "group.h" #include "input.h" #include "internal_client.h" #include "logind.h" #include "moving_client_x11_filter.h" #include "killwindow.h" #include "netinfo.h" #include "outline.h" #include "placement.h" #include "rules.h" #include "screenedge.h" #include "screens.h" #include "platform.h" #include "scripting/scripting.h" #include "syncalarmx11filter.h" #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX #include "tabbox.h" #endif #include "unmanaged.h" #include "useractions.h" #include "virtualdesktops.h" #include "was_user_interaction_x11_filter.h" #include "wayland_server.h" #include "xcbutils.h" #include "main.h" #include "decorations/decorationbridge.h" #include "xwaylandclient.h" // KDE #include #include #include #include // Qt #include namespace KWin { extern int screen_number; extern bool is_multihead; ColorMapper::ColorMapper(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_default(defaultScreen()->default_colormap) , m_installed(defaultScreen()->default_colormap) { } ColorMapper::~ColorMapper() { } void ColorMapper::update() { xcb_colormap_t cmap = m_default; if (X11Client *c = dynamic_cast(Workspace::self()->activeClient())) { if (c->colormap() != XCB_COLORMAP_NONE) { cmap = c->colormap(); } } if (cmap != m_installed) { xcb_install_colormap(connection(), cmap); m_installed = cmap; } } Workspace* Workspace::_self = nullptr; Workspace::Workspace() : QObject(nullptr) , m_compositor(nullptr) // Unsorted , active_popup(nullptr) , active_popup_client(nullptr) , m_initialDesktop(1) , active_client(nullptr) , last_active_client(nullptr) , most_recently_raised(nullptr) , movingClient(nullptr) , delayfocus_client(nullptr) , force_restacking(false) , showing_desktop(false) , was_user_interaction(false) , block_focus(0) , m_userActionsMenu(new UserActionsMenu(this)) , client_keys_dialog(nullptr) , client_keys_client(nullptr) , global_shortcuts_disabled_for_client(false) , workspaceInit(true) , startup(nullptr) , set_active_client_recursion(0) , block_stacking_updates(0) , m_sessionManager(new SessionManager(this)) { // If KWin was already running it saved its configuration after loosing the selection -> Reread QFuture reparseConfigFuture = QtConcurrent::run(options, &Options::reparseConfiguration); ApplicationMenu::create(this); _self = this; #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES Activities *activities = nullptr; if (kwinApp()->usesKActivities()) { activities = Activities::create(this); } if (activities) { connect(activities, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QString)), SLOT(updateCurrentActivity(QString))); } #endif // PluginMgr needs access to the config file, so we need to wait for it for finishing reparseConfigFuture.waitForFinished(); options->loadConfig(); options->loadCompositingConfig(false); delayFocusTimer = nullptr; RuleBook::create(this)->load(); kwinApp()->createScreens(); ScreenEdges::create(this); // VirtualDesktopManager needs to be created prior to init shortcuts // and prior to TabBox, due to TabBox connecting to signals // actual initialization happens in init() VirtualDesktopManager::create(this); //dbus interface new VirtualDesktopManagerDBusInterface(VirtualDesktopManager::self()); #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX // need to create the tabbox before compositing scene is setup TabBox::TabBox::create(this); #endif if (Compositor::self()) { m_compositor = Compositor::self(); } else { Q_ASSERT(kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationMode::OperationModeX11); m_compositor = X11Compositor::create(this); } connect(this, &Workspace::currentDesktopChanged, m_compositor, &Compositor::addRepaintFull); connect(m_compositor, &QObject::destroyed, this, [this] { m_compositor = nullptr; }); auto decorationBridge = Decoration::DecorationBridge::create(this); decorationBridge->init(); connect(this, &Workspace::configChanged, decorationBridge, &Decoration::DecorationBridge::reconfigure); connect(m_sessionManager, &SessionManager::loadSessionRequested, this, &Workspace::loadSessionInfo); connect(m_sessionManager, &SessionManager::prepareSessionSaveRequested, this, [this](const QString &name) { storeSession(name, SMSavePhase0); }); connect(m_sessionManager, &SessionManager::finishSessionSaveRequested, this, [this](const QString &name) { storeSession(name, SMSavePhase2); }); new DBusInterface(this); Outline::create(this); initShortcuts(); init(); } void Workspace::init() { KSharedConfigPtr config = kwinApp()->config(); Screens *screens = Screens::self(); // get screen support connect(screens, SIGNAL(changed()), SLOT(desktopResized())); screens->setConfig(config); screens->reconfigure(); connect(options, SIGNAL(configChanged()), screens, SLOT(reconfigure())); ScreenEdges *screenEdges = ScreenEdges::self(); screenEdges->setConfig(config); screenEdges->init(); connect(options, SIGNAL(configChanged()), screenEdges, SLOT(reconfigure())); connect(VirtualDesktopManager::self(), SIGNAL(layoutChanged(int,int)), screenEdges, SLOT(updateLayout())); connect(this, &Workspace::clientActivated, screenEdges, &ScreenEdges::checkBlocking); FocusChain *focusChain = FocusChain::create(this); connect(this, &Workspace::clientRemoved, focusChain, &FocusChain::remove); connect(this, &Workspace::clientActivated, focusChain, &FocusChain::setActiveClient); connect(VirtualDesktopManager::self(), SIGNAL(countChanged(uint,uint)), focusChain, SLOT(resize(uint,uint))); connect(VirtualDesktopManager::self(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(uint,uint)), focusChain, SLOT(setCurrentDesktop(uint,uint))); connect(options, SIGNAL(separateScreenFocusChanged(bool)), focusChain, SLOT(setSeparateScreenFocus(bool))); focusChain->setSeparateScreenFocus(options->isSeparateScreenFocus()); // create VirtualDesktopManager and perform dependency injection VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); connect(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::desktopRemoved, this, [this](KWin::VirtualDesktop *desktop) { //Wayland if (kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationModeWaylandOnly || kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationModeXwayland) { for (auto it = m_allClients.constBegin(); it != m_allClients.constEnd(); ++it) { if (!(*it)->desktops().contains(desktop)) { continue; } if ((*it)->desktops().count() > 1) { (*it)->leaveDesktop(desktop); } else { sendClientToDesktop(*it, qMin(desktop->x11DesktopNumber(), VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count()), true); } } //X11 } else { for (auto it = m_allClients.constBegin(); it != m_allClients.constEnd(); ++it) { if (!(*it)->isOnAllDesktops() && ((*it)->desktop() > static_cast(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count()))) { sendClientToDesktop(*it, VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count(), true); } } } } ); connect(vds, SIGNAL(countChanged(uint,uint)), SLOT(slotDesktopCountChanged(uint,uint))); connect(vds, SIGNAL(currentChanged(uint,uint)), SLOT(slotCurrentDesktopChanged(uint,uint))); vds->setNavigationWrappingAround(options->isRollOverDesktops()); connect(options, SIGNAL(rollOverDesktopsChanged(bool)), vds, SLOT(setNavigationWrappingAround(bool))); vds->setConfig(config); // Now we know how many desktops we'll have, thus we initialize the positioning object Placement::create(this); // positioning object needs to be created before the virtual desktops are loaded. vds->load(); vds->updateLayout(); //makes sure any autogenerated id is saved, necessary as in case of xwayland, load will be called 2 times // load is needed to be called again when starting xwayalnd to sync to RootInfo, see BUG 385260 vds->save(); if (!VirtualDesktopManager::self()->setCurrent(m_initialDesktop)) VirtualDesktopManager::self()->setCurrent(1); reconfigureTimer.setSingleShot(true); updateToolWindowsTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&reconfigureTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotReconfigure())); connect(&updateToolWindowsTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateToolWindows())); // TODO: do we really need to reconfigure everything when fonts change? // maybe just reconfigure the decorations? Move this into libkdecoration? QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect(QString(), QStringLiteral("/KDEPlatformTheme"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.KDEPlatformTheme"), QStringLiteral("refreshFonts"), this, SLOT(reconfigure())); active_client = nullptr; initWithX11(); Scripting::create(this); if (auto server = waylandServer()) { connect(server, &WaylandServer::shellClientAdded, this, &Workspace::addShellClient); connect(server, &WaylandServer::shellClientRemoved, this, &Workspace::removeShellClient); } // SELI TODO: This won't work with unreasonable focus policies, // and maybe in rare cases also if the selected client doesn't // want focus workspaceInit = false; // broadcast that Workspace is ready, but first process all events. QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "workspaceInitialized", Qt::QueuedConnection); // TODO: ungrabXServer() } void Workspace::initWithX11() { if (!kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { connect(kwinApp(), &Application::x11ConnectionChanged, this, &Workspace::initWithX11, Qt::UniqueConnection); return; } disconnect(kwinApp(), &Application::x11ConnectionChanged, this, &Workspace::initWithX11); atoms->retrieveHelpers(); // first initialize the extensions Xcb::Extensions::self(); ColorMapper *colormaps = new ColorMapper(this); connect(this, &Workspace::clientActivated, colormaps, &ColorMapper::update); // Call this before XSelectInput() on the root window startup = new KStartupInfo( KStartupInfo::DisableKWinModule | KStartupInfo::AnnounceSilenceChanges, this); // Select windowmanager privileges selectWmInputEventMask(); // Compatibility int32_t data = 1; xcb_change_property(connection(), XCB_PROP_MODE_APPEND, rootWindow(), atoms->kwin_running, atoms->kwin_running, 32, 1, &data); if (kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationModeX11) { m_wasUserInteractionFilter.reset(new WasUserInteractionX11Filter); m_movingClientFilter.reset(new MovingClientX11Filter); } if (Xcb::Extensions::self()->isSyncAvailable()) { m_syncAlarmFilter.reset(new SyncAlarmX11Filter); } updateXTime(); // Needed for proper initialization of user_time in Client ctor const uint32_t nullFocusValues[] = {true}; m_nullFocus.reset(new Xcb::Window(QRect(-1, -1, 1, 1), XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_ONLY, XCB_CW_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT, nullFocusValues)); m_nullFocus->map(); RootInfo *rootInfo = RootInfo::create(); const auto vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); vds->setRootInfo(rootInfo); // load again to sync to RootInfo, see BUG 385260 vds->load(); vds->updateRootInfo(); rootInfo->setCurrentDesktop(vds->currentDesktop()->x11DesktopNumber()); // TODO: only in X11 mode // Extra NETRootInfo instance in Client mode is needed to get the values of the properties NETRootInfo client_info(connection(), NET::ActiveWindow | NET::CurrentDesktop); if (!qApp->isSessionRestored()) { m_initialDesktop = client_info.currentDesktop(); vds->setCurrent(m_initialDesktop); } // TODO: better value rootInfo->setActiveWindow(None); focusToNull(); if (!qApp->isSessionRestored()) ++block_focus; // Because it will be set below { // Begin updates blocker block StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); Xcb::Tree tree(rootWindow()); xcb_window_t *wins = xcb_query_tree_children(tree.data()); QVector windowAttributes(tree->children_len); QVector windowGeometries(tree->children_len); // Request the attributes and geometries of all toplevel windows for (int i = 0; i < tree->children_len; i++) { windowAttributes[i] = Xcb::WindowAttributes(wins[i]); windowGeometries[i] = Xcb::WindowGeometry(wins[i]); } // Get the replies for (int i = 0; i < tree->children_len; i++) { Xcb::WindowAttributes attr(windowAttributes.at(i)); if (attr.isNull()) { continue; } if (attr->override_redirect) { if (attr->map_state == XCB_MAP_STATE_VIEWABLE && attr->_class != XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_ONLY) // ### This will request the attributes again createUnmanaged(wins[i]); } else if (attr->map_state != XCB_MAP_STATE_UNMAPPED) { if (Application::wasCrash()) { fixPositionAfterCrash(wins[i], windowGeometries.at(i).data()); } // ### This will request the attributes again createClient(wins[i], true); } } // Propagate clients, will really happen at the end of the updates blocker block updateStackingOrder(true); saveOldScreenSizes(); updateClientArea(); // NETWM spec says we have to set it to (0,0) if we don't support it NETPoint* viewports = new NETPoint[VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count()]; rootInfo->setDesktopViewport(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count(), *viewports); delete[] viewports; QRect geom; for (int i = 0; i < screens()->count(); i++) { geom |= screens()->geometry(i); } NETSize desktop_geometry; desktop_geometry.width = geom.width(); desktop_geometry.height = geom.height(); rootInfo->setDesktopGeometry(desktop_geometry); setShowingDesktop(false); } // End updates blocker block // TODO: only on X11? AbstractClient* new_active_client = nullptr; if (!qApp->isSessionRestored()) { --block_focus; new_active_client = findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, client_info.activeWindow()); } if (new_active_client == nullptr && activeClient() == nullptr && should_get_focus.count() == 0) { // No client activated in manage() if (new_active_client == nullptr) new_active_client = topClientOnDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current(), -1); if (new_active_client == nullptr) new_active_client = findDesktop(true, VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current()); } if (new_active_client != nullptr) activateClient(new_active_client); } Workspace::~Workspace() { blockStackingUpdates(true); // TODO: grabXServer(); // Use stacking_order, so that kwin --replace keeps stacking order const QList stack = stacking_order; // "mutex" the stackingorder, since anything trying to access it from now on will find // many dangeling pointers and crash stacking_order.clear(); for (auto it = stack.constBegin(), end = stack.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) { X11Client *c = qobject_cast(const_cast(*it)); if (!c) { continue; } // Only release the window c->releaseWindow(true); // No removeClient() is called, it does more than just removing. // However, remove from some lists to e.g. prevent performTransiencyCheck() // from crashing. clients.removeAll(c); m_allClients.removeAll(c); } X11Client::cleanupX11(); if (waylandServer()) { const QList shellClients = waylandServer()->clients(); for (AbstractClient *client : shellClients) { client->destroyClient(); } } for (auto it = unmanaged.begin(), end = unmanaged.end(); it != end; ++it) (*it)->release(ReleaseReason::KWinShutsDown); for (InternalClient *client : m_internalClients) { client->destroyClient(); } if (auto c = kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { xcb_delete_property(c, kwinApp()->x11RootWindow(), atoms->kwin_running); } for (auto it = deleted.begin(); it != deleted.end();) { emit deletedRemoved(*it); it = deleted.erase(it); } delete RuleBook::self(); kwinApp()->config()->sync(); RootInfo::destroy(); delete startup; delete Placement::self(); delete client_keys_dialog; qDeleteAll(session); // TODO: ungrabXServer(); Xcb::Extensions::destroy(); _self = nullptr; } void Workspace::setupClientConnections(AbstractClient *c) { connect(c, &Toplevel::needsRepaint, m_compositor, &Compositor::scheduleRepaint); connect(c, &AbstractClient::desktopPresenceChanged, this, &Workspace::desktopPresenceChanged); connect(c, &AbstractClient::minimizedChanged, this, std::bind(&Workspace::clientMinimizedChanged, this, c)); } X11Client *Workspace::createClient(xcb_window_t w, bool is_mapped) { StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); X11Client *c = nullptr; if (kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationModeX11) { c = new X11Client(); } else { c = new XwaylandClient(); } setupClientConnections(c); if (X11Compositor *compositor = X11Compositor::self()) { connect(c, &X11Client::blockingCompositingChanged, compositor, &X11Compositor::updateClientCompositeBlocking); } connect(c, SIGNAL(clientFullScreenSet(KWin::X11Client *,bool,bool)), ScreenEdges::self(), SIGNAL(checkBlocking())); if (!c->manage(w, is_mapped)) { X11Client::deleteClient(c); return nullptr; } addClient(c); return c; } Unmanaged* Workspace::createUnmanaged(xcb_window_t w) { if (X11Compositor *compositor = X11Compositor::self()) { if (compositor->checkForOverlayWindow(w)) { return nullptr; } } Unmanaged* c = new Unmanaged(); if (!c->track(w)) { Unmanaged::deleteUnmanaged(c); return nullptr; } connect(c, &Unmanaged::needsRepaint, m_compositor, &Compositor::scheduleRepaint); addUnmanaged(c); emit unmanagedAdded(c); return c; } void Workspace::addClient(X11Client *c) { Group* grp = findGroup(c->window()); emit clientAdded(c); if (grp != nullptr) grp->gotLeader(c); if (c->isDesktop()) { if (active_client == nullptr && should_get_focus.isEmpty() && c->isOnCurrentDesktop()) requestFocus(c); // TODO: Make sure desktop is active after startup if there's no other window active } else { FocusChain::self()->update(c, FocusChain::Update); } clients.append(c); m_allClients.append(c); if (!unconstrained_stacking_order.contains(c)) unconstrained_stacking_order.append(c); // Raise if it hasn't got any stacking position yet if (!stacking_order.contains(c)) // It'll be updated later, and updateToolWindows() requires stacking_order.append(c); // c to be in stacking_order markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); updateClientArea(); // This cannot be in manage(), because the client got added only now updateClientLayer(c); if (c->isDesktop()) { raiseClient(c); // If there's no active client, make this desktop the active one if (activeClient() == nullptr && should_get_focus.count() == 0) activateClient(findDesktop(true, VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current())); } c->checkActiveModal(); checkTransients(c->window()); // SELI TODO: Does this really belong here? updateStackingOrder(true); // Propagate new client if (c->isUtility() || c->isMenu() || c->isToolbar()) updateToolWindows(true); updateTabbox(); } void Workspace::addUnmanaged(Unmanaged* c) { unmanaged.append(c); markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); } /** * Destroys the client \a c */ void Workspace::removeClient(X11Client *c) { if (c == active_popup_client) closeActivePopup(); if (m_userActionsMenu->isMenuClient(c)) { m_userActionsMenu->close(); } if (client_keys_client == c) setupWindowShortcutDone(false); if (!c->shortcut().isEmpty()) { c->setShortcut(QString()); // Remove from client_keys clientShortcutUpdated(c); // Needed, since this is otherwise delayed by setShortcut() and wouldn't run } Q_ASSERT(clients.contains(c)); // TODO: if marked client is removed, notify the marked list clients.removeAll(c); m_allClients.removeAll(c); markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); attention_chain.removeAll(c); Group* group = findGroup(c->window()); if (group != nullptr) group->lostLeader(); if (c == most_recently_raised) most_recently_raised = nullptr; should_get_focus.removeAll(c); Q_ASSERT(c != active_client); if (c == last_active_client) last_active_client = nullptr; if (c == delayfocus_client) cancelDelayFocus(); emit clientRemoved(c); updateStackingOrder(true); updateClientArea(); updateTabbox(); } void Workspace::removeUnmanaged(Unmanaged* c) { Q_ASSERT(unmanaged.contains(c)); unmanaged.removeAll(c); emit unmanagedRemoved(c); markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); } void Workspace::addDeleted(Deleted* c, Toplevel *orig) { Q_ASSERT(!deleted.contains(c)); deleted.append(c); const int unconstraintedIndex = unconstrained_stacking_order.indexOf(orig); if (unconstraintedIndex != -1) { unconstrained_stacking_order.replace(unconstraintedIndex, c); } else { unconstrained_stacking_order.append(c); } const int index = stacking_order.indexOf(orig); if (index != -1) { stacking_order.replace(index, c); } else { stacking_order.append(c); } markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); connect(c, &Deleted::needsRepaint, m_compositor, &Compositor::scheduleRepaint); } void Workspace::removeDeleted(Deleted* c) { Q_ASSERT(deleted.contains(c)); emit deletedRemoved(c); deleted.removeAll(c); unconstrained_stacking_order.removeAll(c); stacking_order.removeAll(c); markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); if (!c->wasClient()) { return; } if (X11Compositor *compositor = X11Compositor::self()) { compositor->updateClientCompositeBlocking(); } } void Workspace::addShellClient(AbstractClient *client) { setupClientConnections(client); client->updateDecoration(false); updateClientLayer(client); const QRect area = clientArea(PlacementArea, Screens::self()->current(), client->desktop()); bool placementDone = false; if (client->isInitialPositionSet()) { placementDone = true; } if (client->isFullScreen()) { placementDone = true; } if (client->maximizeMode() == MaximizeMode::MaximizeFull) { placementDone = true; } if (client->rules()->checkPosition(invalidPoint, true) != invalidPoint) { placementDone = true; } if (!placementDone) { client->placeIn(area); } m_allClients.append(client); if (!unconstrained_stacking_order.contains(client)) { unconstrained_stacking_order.append(client); // Raise if it hasn't got any stacking position yet } if (!stacking_order.contains(client)) { // It'll be updated later, and updateToolWindows() requires stacking_order.append(client); // client to be in stacking_order } markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); updateStackingOrder(true); updateClientArea(); if (client->wantsInput() && !client->isMinimized()) { activateClient(client); } updateTabbox(); connect(client, &AbstractClient::windowShown, this, [this, client] { updateClientLayer(client); // TODO: when else should we send the client through placement? if (client->hasTransientPlacementHint()) { const QRect area = clientArea(PlacementArea, Screens::self()->current(), client->desktop()); client->placeIn(area); } markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); updateStackingOrder(true); updateClientArea(); if (client->wantsInput()) { activateClient(client); } }); connect(client, &AbstractClient::windowHidden, this, [this] { // TODO: update tabbox if it's displayed markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); updateStackingOrder(true); updateClientArea(); }); } void Workspace::removeShellClient(AbstractClient *client) { m_allClients.removeAll(client); if (client == most_recently_raised) { most_recently_raised = nullptr; } if (client == delayfocus_client) { cancelDelayFocus(); } if (client == last_active_client) { last_active_client = nullptr; } if (client_keys_client == client) { setupWindowShortcutDone(false); } if (!client->shortcut().isEmpty()) { client->setShortcut(QString()); // Remove from client_keys } clientHidden(client); emit clientRemoved(client); markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); updateStackingOrder(true); updateClientArea(); updateTabbox(); } void Workspace::updateToolWindows(bool also_hide) { // TODO: What if Client's transiency/group changes? should this be called too? (I'm paranoid, am I not?) if (!options->isHideUtilityWindowsForInactive()) { for (auto it = clients.constBegin(); it != clients.constEnd(); ++it) (*it)->hideClient(false); return; } const Group* group = nullptr; auto client = active_client; // Go up in transiency hiearchy, if the top is found, only tool transients for the top mainwindow // will be shown; if a group transient is group, all tools in the group will be shown while (client != nullptr) { if (!client->isTransient()) break; if (client->groupTransient()) { group = client->group(); break; } client = client->transientFor(); } // Use stacking order only to reduce flicker, it doesn't matter if block_stacking_updates == 0, // I.e. if it's not up to date // SELI TODO: But maybe it should - what if a new client has been added that's not in stacking order yet? QVector to_show, to_hide; for (auto it = stacking_order.constBegin(); it != stacking_order.constEnd(); ++it) { auto c = qobject_cast(*it); if (!c) { continue; } if (c->isUtility() || c->isMenu() || c->isToolbar()) { bool show = true; if (!c->isTransient()) { if (!c->group() || c->group()->members().count() == 1) // Has its own group, keep always visible show = true; else if (client != nullptr && c->group() == client->group()) show = true; else show = false; } else { if (group != nullptr && c->group() == group) show = true; else if (client != nullptr && client->hasTransient(c, true)) show = true; else show = false; } if (!show && also_hide) { const auto mainclients = c->mainClients(); // Don't hide utility windows which are standalone(?) or // have e.g. kicker as mainwindow if (mainclients.isEmpty()) show = true; for (auto it2 = mainclients.constBegin(); it2 != mainclients.constEnd(); ++it2) { if ((*it2)->isSpecialWindow()) show = true; } if (!show) to_hide.append(c); } if (show) to_show.append(c); } } // First show new ones, then hide for (int i = to_show.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) // From topmost // TODO: Since this is in stacking order, the order of taskbar entries changes :( to_show.at(i)->hideClient(false); if (also_hide) { for (auto it = to_hide.constBegin(); it != to_hide.constEnd(); ++it) // From bottommost (*it)->hideClient(true); updateToolWindowsTimer.stop(); } else // setActiveClient() is after called with NULL client, quickly followed // by setting a new client, which would result in flickering resetUpdateToolWindowsTimer(); } void Workspace::resetUpdateToolWindowsTimer() { updateToolWindowsTimer.start(200); } void Workspace::slotUpdateToolWindows() { updateToolWindows(true); } void Workspace::slotReloadConfig() { reconfigure(); } void Workspace::reconfigure() { reconfigureTimer.start(200); } /** * Reread settings */ void Workspace::slotReconfigure() { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Workspace::slotReconfigure()"; reconfigureTimer.stop(); bool borderlessMaximizedWindows = options->borderlessMaximizedWindows(); kwinApp()->config()->reparseConfiguration(); options->updateSettings(); emit configChanged(); m_userActionsMenu->discard(); updateToolWindows(true); RuleBook::self()->load(); for (auto it = m_allClients.begin(); it != m_allClients.end(); ++it) { (*it)->setupWindowRules(true); (*it)->applyWindowRules(); RuleBook::self()->discardUsed(*it, false); } if (borderlessMaximizedWindows != options->borderlessMaximizedWindows() && !options->borderlessMaximizedWindows()) { // in case borderless maximized windows option changed and new option // is to have borders, we need to unset the borders for all maximized windows for (auto it = m_allClients.begin(); it != m_allClients.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->maximizeMode() == MaximizeFull) (*it)->checkNoBorder(); } } } void Workspace::slotCurrentDesktopChanged(uint oldDesktop, uint newDesktop) { closeActivePopup(); ++block_focus; StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); updateClientVisibilityOnDesktopChange(newDesktop); // Restore the focus on this desktop --block_focus; activateClientOnNewDesktop(newDesktop); emit currentDesktopChanged(oldDesktop, movingClient); } void Workspace::updateClientVisibilityOnDesktopChange(uint newDesktop) { for (auto it = stacking_order.constBegin(); it != stacking_order.constEnd(); ++it) { X11Client *c = qobject_cast(*it); if (!c) { continue; } if (!c->isOnDesktop(newDesktop) && c != movingClient && c->isOnCurrentActivity()) { (c)->updateVisibility(); } } // Now propagate the change, after hiding, before showing if (rootInfo()) { rootInfo()->setCurrentDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current()); } if (movingClient && !movingClient->isOnDesktop(newDesktop)) { movingClient->setDesktop(newDesktop); } for (int i = stacking_order.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; --i) { X11Client *c = qobject_cast(stacking_order.at(i)); if (!c) { continue; } if (c->isOnDesktop(newDesktop) && c->isOnCurrentActivity()) c->updateVisibility(); } if (showingDesktop()) // Do this only after desktop change to avoid flicker setShowingDesktop(false); } void Workspace::activateClientOnNewDesktop(uint desktop) { AbstractClient* c = nullptr; if (options->focusPolicyIsReasonable()) { c = findClientToActivateOnDesktop(desktop); } // If "unreasonable focus policy" and active_client is on_all_desktops and // under mouse (Hence == old_active_client), conserve focus. // (Thanks to Volker Schatz ) else if (active_client && active_client->isShown(true) && active_client->isOnCurrentDesktop()) c = active_client; if (!c) c = findDesktop(true, desktop); if (c != active_client) setActiveClient(nullptr); if (c) requestFocus(c); else focusToNull(); } AbstractClient *Workspace::findClientToActivateOnDesktop(uint desktop) { if (movingClient != nullptr && active_client == movingClient && FocusChain::self()->contains(active_client, desktop) && active_client->isShown(true) && active_client->isOnCurrentDesktop()) { // A requestFocus call will fail, as the client is already active return active_client; } // from actiavtion.cpp if (options->isNextFocusPrefersMouse()) { auto it = stackingOrder().constEnd(); while (it != stackingOrder().constBegin()) { X11Client *client = qobject_cast(*(--it)); if (!client) { continue; } if (!(client->isShown(false) && client->isOnDesktop(desktop) && client->isOnCurrentActivity() && client->isOnActiveScreen())) continue; if (client->frameGeometry().contains(Cursors::self()->mouse()->pos())) { if (!client->isDesktop()) return client; break; // unconditional break - we do not pass the focus to some client below an unusable one } } } return FocusChain::self()->getForActivation(desktop); } /** * Updates the current activity when it changes * do *not* call this directly; it does not set the activity. * * Shows/Hides windows according to the stacking order */ void Workspace::updateCurrentActivity(const QString &new_activity) { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES if (!Activities::self()) { return; } //closeActivePopup(); ++block_focus; // TODO: Q_ASSERT( block_stacking_updates == 0 ); // Make sure stacking_order is up to date StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); // Optimized Desktop switching: unmapping done from back to front // mapping done from front to back => less exposure events //Notify::raise((Notify::Event) (Notify::DesktopChange+new_desktop)); for (auto it = stacking_order.constBegin(); it != stacking_order.constEnd(); ++it) { X11Client *c = qobject_cast(*it); if (!c) { continue; } if (!c->isOnActivity(new_activity) && c != movingClient && c->isOnCurrentDesktop()) { c->updateVisibility(); } } // Now propagate the change, after hiding, before showing //rootInfo->setCurrentDesktop( currentDesktop() ); /* TODO someday enable dragging windows to other activities if ( movingClient && !movingClient->isOnDesktop( new_desktop )) { movingClient->setDesktop( new_desktop ); */ for (int i = stacking_order.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; --i) { X11Client *c = qobject_cast(stacking_order.at(i)); if (!c) { continue; } if (c->isOnActivity(new_activity)) c->updateVisibility(); } //FIXME not sure if I should do this either if (showingDesktop()) // Do this only after desktop change to avoid flicker setShowingDesktop(false); // Restore the focus on this desktop --block_focus; AbstractClient* c = nullptr; //FIXME below here is a lot of focuschain stuff, probably all wrong now if (options->focusPolicyIsReasonable()) { // Search in focus chain c = FocusChain::self()->getForActivation(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current()); } // If "unreasonable focus policy" and active_client is on_all_desktops and // under mouse (Hence == old_active_client), conserve focus. // (Thanks to Volker Schatz ) else if (active_client && active_client->isShown(true) && active_client->isOnCurrentDesktop() && active_client->isOnCurrentActivity()) c = active_client; if (!c) c = findDesktop(true, VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current()); if (c != active_client) setActiveClient(nullptr); if (c) requestFocus(c); else focusToNull(); // Not for the very first time, only if something changed and there are more than 1 desktops //if ( effects != NULL && old_desktop != 0 && old_desktop != new_desktop ) // static_cast( effects )->desktopChanged( old_desktop ); if (compositing() && m_compositor) m_compositor->addRepaintFull(); #else Q_UNUSED(new_activity) #endif } void Workspace::slotDesktopCountChanged(uint previousCount, uint newCount) { Q_UNUSED(previousCount) Placement::self()->reinitCascading(0); resetClientAreas(newCount); } void Workspace::resetClientAreas(uint desktopCount) { // Make it +1, so that it can be accessed as [1..numberofdesktops] workarea.clear(); workarea.resize(desktopCount + 1); restrictedmovearea.clear(); restrictedmovearea.resize(desktopCount + 1); screenarea.clear(); updateClientArea(true); } void Workspace::selectWmInputEventMask() { uint32_t presentMask = 0; Xcb::WindowAttributes attr(rootWindow()); if (!attr.isNull()) { presentMask = attr->your_event_mask; } Xcb::selectInput(rootWindow(), presentMask | XCB_EVENT_MASK_KEY_PRESS | XCB_EVENT_MASK_PROPERTY_CHANGE | XCB_EVENT_MASK_COLOR_MAP_CHANGE | XCB_EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_REDIRECT | XCB_EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_NOTIFY | XCB_EVENT_MASK_FOCUS_CHANGE | // For NotifyDetailNone XCB_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE ); } /** * Sends client \a c to desktop \a desk. * * Takes care of transients as well. */ void Workspace::sendClientToDesktop(AbstractClient* c, int desk, bool dont_activate) { if ((desk < 1 && desk != NET::OnAllDesktops) || desk > static_cast(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count())) return; int old_desktop = c->desktop(); bool was_on_desktop = c->isOnDesktop(desk) || c->isOnAllDesktops(); c->setDesktop(desk); if (c->desktop() != desk) // No change or desktop forced return; desk = c->desktop(); // Client did range checking if (c->isOnDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current())) { if (c->wantsTabFocus() && options->focusPolicyIsReasonable() && !was_on_desktop && // for stickyness changes !dont_activate) requestFocus(c); else restackClientUnderActive(c); } else raiseClient(c); c->checkWorkspacePosition( QRect(), old_desktop ); auto transients_stacking_order = ensureStackingOrder(c->transients()); for (auto it = transients_stacking_order.constBegin(); it != transients_stacking_order.constEnd(); ++it) sendClientToDesktop(*it, desk, dont_activate); updateClientArea(); } /** * checks whether the X Window with the input focus is on our X11 screen * if the window cannot be determined or inspected, resturn depends on whether there's actually * more than one screen * * this is NOT in any way related to XRandR multiscreen * */ extern bool is_multihead; // main.cpp bool Workspace::isOnCurrentHead() { if (!is_multihead) { return true; } Xcb::CurrentInput currentInput; if (currentInput.window() == XCB_WINDOW_NONE) { return !is_multihead; } Xcb::WindowGeometry geometry(currentInput.window()); if (geometry.isNull()) { // should not happen return !is_multihead; } return rootWindow() == geometry->root; } void Workspace::sendClientToScreen(AbstractClient* c, int screen) { c->sendToScreen(screen); } /** * Delayed focus functions */ void Workspace::delayFocus() { requestFocus(delayfocus_client); cancelDelayFocus(); } void Workspace::requestDelayFocus(AbstractClient* c) { delayfocus_client = c; delete delayFocusTimer; delayFocusTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(delayFocusTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(delayFocus())); delayFocusTimer->setSingleShot(true); delayFocusTimer->start(options->delayFocusInterval()); } void Workspace::cancelDelayFocus() { delete delayFocusTimer; delayFocusTimer = nullptr; } bool Workspace::checkStartupNotification(xcb_window_t w, KStartupInfoId &id, KStartupInfoData &data) { return startup->checkStartup(w, id, data) == KStartupInfo::Match; } /** * Puts the focus on a dummy window * Just using XSetInputFocus() with None would block keyboard input */ void Workspace::focusToNull() { if (m_nullFocus) { m_nullFocus->focus(); } } void Workspace::setShowingDesktop(bool showing) { const bool changed = showing != showing_desktop; if (rootInfo() && changed) { rootInfo()->setShowingDesktop(showing); } showing_desktop = showing; AbstractClient *topDesk = nullptr; { // for the blocker RAII StackingUpdatesBlocker blocker(this); // updateLayer & lowerClient would invalidate stacking_order for (int i = stacking_order.count() - 1; i > -1; --i) { AbstractClient *c = qobject_cast(stacking_order.at(i)); if (c && c->isOnCurrentDesktop()) { if (c->isDock()) { c->updateLayer(); } else if (c->isDesktop() && c->isShown(true)) { c->updateLayer(); lowerClient(c); if (!topDesk) topDesk = c; if (auto group = c->group()) { foreach (X11Client *cm, group->members()) { cm->updateLayer(); } } } } } } // ~StackingUpdatesBlocker if (showing_desktop && topDesk) { requestFocus(topDesk); } else if (!showing_desktop && changed) { const auto client = FocusChain::self()->getForActivation(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current()); if (client) { activateClient(client); } } if (changed) emit showingDesktopChanged(showing); } void Workspace::disableGlobalShortcutsForClient(bool disable) { if (global_shortcuts_disabled_for_client == disable) return; QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(QStringLiteral("org.kde.kglobalaccel"), QStringLiteral("/kglobalaccel"), QStringLiteral("org.kde.KGlobalAccel"), QStringLiteral("blockGlobalShortcuts")); message.setArguments(QList() << disable); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().asyncCall(message); global_shortcuts_disabled_for_client = disable; - // Update also Alt+LMB actions etc. + // Update also Meta+LMB actions etc. for (auto it = clients.constBegin(); it != clients.constEnd(); ++it) (*it)->updateMouseGrab(); } QString Workspace::supportInformation() const { QString support; const QString yes = QStringLiteral("yes\n"); const QString no = QStringLiteral("no\n"); support.append(ki18nc("Introductory text shown in the support information.", "KWin Support Information:\n" "The following information should be used when requesting support on e.g. https://forum.kde.org.\n" "It provides information about the currently running instance, which options are used,\n" "what OpenGL driver and which effects are running.\n" "Please post the information provided underneath this introductory text to a paste bin service\n" "like https://paste.kde.org instead of pasting into support threads.\n").toString()); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n==========================\n\n")); // all following strings are intended for support. They need to be pasted to e.g forums.kde.org // it is expected that the support will happen in English language or that the people providing // help understand English. Because of that all texts are not translated support.append(QStringLiteral("Version\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("=======\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("KWin version: ")); support.append(QStringLiteral(KWIN_VERSION_STRING)); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Qt Version: ")); support.append(QString::fromUtf8(qVersion())); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Qt compile version: %1\n").arg(QStringLiteral(QT_VERSION_STR))); support.append(QStringLiteral("XCB compile version: %1\n\n").arg(QStringLiteral(XCB_VERSION_STRING))); support.append(QStringLiteral("Operation Mode: ")); switch (kwinApp()->operationMode()) { case Application::OperationModeX11: support.append(QStringLiteral("X11 only")); break; case Application::OperationModeWaylandOnly: support.append(QStringLiteral("Wayland Only")); break; case Application::OperationModeXwayland: support.append(QStringLiteral("Xwayland")); break; } support.append(QStringLiteral("\n\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Build Options\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("=============\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("KWIN_BUILD_DECORATIONS: ")); #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_DECORATIONS support.append(yes); #else support.append(no); #endif support.append(QStringLiteral("KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX: ")); #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX support.append(yes); #else support.append(no); #endif support.append(QStringLiteral("KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES: ")); #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES support.append(yes); #else support.append(no); #endif support.append(QStringLiteral("HAVE_DRM: ")); #if HAVE_DRM support.append(yes); #else support.append(no); #endif support.append(QStringLiteral("HAVE_GBM: ")); #if HAVE_GBM support.append(yes); #else support.append(no); #endif support.append(QStringLiteral("HAVE_EGL_STREAMS: ")); #if HAVE_EGL_STREAMS support.append(yes); #else support.append(no); #endif support.append(QStringLiteral("HAVE_X11_XCB: ")); #if HAVE_X11_XCB support.append(yes); #else support.append(no); #endif support.append(QStringLiteral("HAVE_EPOXY_GLX: ")); #if HAVE_EPOXY_GLX support.append(yes); #else support.append(no); #endif support.append(QStringLiteral("HAVE_WAYLAND_EGL: ")); #if HAVE_WAYLAND_EGL support.append(yes); #else support.append(no); #endif support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); if (auto c = kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("X11\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("===\n")); auto x11setup = xcb_get_setup(c); support.append(QStringLiteral("Vendor: %1\n").arg(QString::fromUtf8(QByteArray::fromRawData(xcb_setup_vendor(x11setup), xcb_setup_vendor_length(x11setup))))); support.append(QStringLiteral("Vendor Release: %1\n").arg(x11setup->release_number)); support.append(QStringLiteral("Protocol Version/Revision: %1/%2\n").arg(x11setup->protocol_major_version).arg(x11setup->protocol_minor_version)); const auto extensions = Xcb::Extensions::self()->extensions(); for (const auto &e : extensions) { support.append(QStringLiteral("%1: %2; Version: 0x%3\n").arg(QString::fromUtf8(e.name)) .arg(e.present ? yes.trimmed() : no.trimmed()) .arg(QString::number(e.version, 16))); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); } if (auto bridge = Decoration::DecorationBridge::self()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("Decoration\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("==========\n")); support.append(bridge->supportInformation()); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("Platform\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("==========\n")); support.append(kwinApp()->platform()->supportInformation()); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Options\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("=======\n")); const QMetaObject *metaOptions = options->metaObject(); auto printProperty = [] (const QVariant &variant) { if (variant.type() == QVariant::Size) { const QSize &s = variant.toSize(); return QStringLiteral("%1x%2").arg(QString::number(s.width())).arg(QString::number(s.height())); } if (QLatin1String(variant.typeName()) == QLatin1String("KWin::OpenGLPlatformInterface") || QLatin1String(variant.typeName()) == QLatin1String("KWin::Options::WindowOperation")) { return QString::number(variant.toInt()); } return variant.toString(); }; for (int i=0; ipropertyCount(); ++i) { const QMetaProperty property = metaOptions->property(i); if (QLatin1String(property.name()) == QLatin1String("objectName")) { continue; } support.append(QStringLiteral("%1: %2\n").arg(property.name()).arg(printProperty(options->property(property.name())))); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nScreen Edges\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral( "============\n")); const QMetaObject *metaScreenEdges = ScreenEdges::self()->metaObject(); for (int i=0; ipropertyCount(); ++i) { const QMetaProperty property = metaScreenEdges->property(i); if (QLatin1String(property.name()) == QLatin1String("objectName")) { continue; } support.append(QStringLiteral("%1: %2\n").arg(property.name()).arg(printProperty(ScreenEdges::self()->property(property.name())))); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nScreens\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral( "=======\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Multi-Head: ")); if (is_multihead) { support.append(QStringLiteral("yes\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Head: %1\n").arg(screen_number)); } else { support.append(QStringLiteral("no\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("Active screen follows mouse: ")); if (screens()->isCurrentFollowsMouse()) support.append(QStringLiteral(" yes\n")); else support.append(QStringLiteral(" no\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Number of Screens: %1\n\n").arg(screens()->count())); for (int i=0; icount(); ++i) { const QRect geo = screens()->geometry(i); support.append(QStringLiteral("Screen %1:\n").arg(i)); support.append(QStringLiteral("---------\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Name: %1\n").arg(screens()->name(i))); support.append(QStringLiteral("Geometry: %1,%2,%3x%4\n") .arg(geo.x()) .arg(geo.y()) .arg(geo.width()) .arg(geo.height())); support.append(QStringLiteral("Scale: %1\n").arg(screens()->scale(i))); support.append(QStringLiteral("Refresh Rate: %1\n\n").arg(screens()->refreshRate(i))); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nCompositing\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral( "===========\n")); if (effects) { support.append(QStringLiteral("Compositing is active\n")); switch (effects->compositingType()) { case OpenGL2Compositing: case OpenGLCompositing: { GLPlatform *platform = GLPlatform::instance(); if (platform->isGLES()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("Compositing Type: OpenGL ES 2.0\n")); } else { support.append(QStringLiteral("Compositing Type: OpenGL\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL vendor string: ") + QString::fromUtf8(platform->glVendorString()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL renderer string: ") + QString::fromUtf8(platform->glRendererString()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL version string: ") + QString::fromUtf8(platform->glVersionString()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL platform interface: ")); switch (platform->platformInterface()) { case GlxPlatformInterface: support.append(QStringLiteral("GLX")); break; case EglPlatformInterface: support.append(QStringLiteral("EGL")); break; default: support.append(QStringLiteral("UNKNOWN")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); if (platform->supports(LimitedGLSL) || platform->supports(GLSL)) support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL shading language version string: ") + QString::fromUtf8(platform->glShadingLanguageVersionString()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Driver: ") + GLPlatform::driverToString(platform->driver()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); if (!platform->isMesaDriver()) support.append(QStringLiteral("Driver version: ") + GLPlatform::versionToString(platform->driverVersion()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("GPU class: ") + GLPlatform::chipClassToString(platform->chipClass()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL version: ") + GLPlatform::versionToString(platform->glVersion()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); if (platform->supports(LimitedGLSL) || platform->supports(GLSL)) support.append(QStringLiteral("GLSL version: ") + GLPlatform::versionToString(platform->glslVersion()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); if (platform->isMesaDriver()) support.append(QStringLiteral("Mesa version: ") + GLPlatform::versionToString(platform->mesaVersion()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); if (platform->serverVersion() > 0) support.append(QStringLiteral("X server version: ") + GLPlatform::versionToString(platform->serverVersion()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); if (platform->kernelVersion() > 0) support.append(QStringLiteral("Linux kernel version: ") + GLPlatform::versionToString(platform->kernelVersion()) + QStringLiteral("\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Direct rendering: ")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Requires strict binding: ")); if (!platform->isLooseBinding()) { support.append(QStringLiteral("yes\n")); } else { support.append(QStringLiteral("no\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("GLSL shaders: ")); if (platform->supports(GLSL)) { if (platform->supports(LimitedGLSL)) { support.append(QStringLiteral(" limited\n")); } else { support.append(QStringLiteral(" yes\n")); } } else { support.append(QStringLiteral(" no\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("Texture NPOT support: ")); if (platform->supports(TextureNPOT)) { if (platform->supports(LimitedNPOT)) { support.append(QStringLiteral(" limited\n")); } else { support.append(QStringLiteral(" yes\n")); } } else { support.append(QStringLiteral(" no\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("Virtual Machine: ")); if (platform->isVirtualMachine()) { support.append(QStringLiteral(" yes\n")); } else { support.append(QStringLiteral(" no\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("OpenGL 2 Shaders are used\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral("Painting blocks for vertical retrace: ")); if (m_compositor->scene()->blocksForRetrace()) support.append(QStringLiteral(" yes\n")); else support.append(QStringLiteral(" no\n")); break; } case XRenderCompositing: support.append(QStringLiteral("Compositing Type: XRender\n")); break; case QPainterCompositing: support.append("Compositing Type: QPainter\n"); break; case NoCompositing: default: support.append(QStringLiteral("Something is really broken, neither OpenGL nor XRender is used")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nLoaded Effects:\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral( "---------------\n")); foreach (const QString &effect, static_cast(effects)->loadedEffects()) { support.append(effect + QStringLiteral("\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nCurrently Active Effects:\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral( "-------------------------\n")); foreach (const QString &effect, static_cast(effects)->activeEffects()) { support.append(effect + QStringLiteral("\n")); } support.append(QStringLiteral("\nEffect Settings:\n")); support.append(QStringLiteral( "----------------\n")); foreach (const QString &effect, static_cast(effects)->loadedEffects()) { support.append(static_cast(effects)->supportInformation(effect)); support.append(QStringLiteral("\n")); } } else { support.append(QStringLiteral("Compositing is not active\n")); } return support; } X11Client *Workspace::findClient(std::function func) const { if (X11Client *ret = Toplevel::findInList(clients, func)) { return ret; } return nullptr; } AbstractClient *Workspace::findAbstractClient(std::function func) const { if (AbstractClient *ret = Toplevel::findInList(m_allClients, func)) { return ret; } if (InternalClient *ret = Toplevel::findInList(m_internalClients, func)) { return ret; } return nullptr; } Unmanaged *Workspace::findUnmanaged(std::function func) const { return Toplevel::findInList(unmanaged, func); } Unmanaged *Workspace::findUnmanaged(xcb_window_t w) const { return findUnmanaged([w](const Unmanaged *u) { return u->window() == w; }); } X11Client *Workspace::findClient(Predicate predicate, xcb_window_t w) const { switch (predicate) { case Predicate::WindowMatch: return findClient([w](const X11Client *c) { return c->window() == w; }); case Predicate::WrapperIdMatch: return findClient([w](const X11Client *c) { return c->wrapperId() == w; }); case Predicate::FrameIdMatch: return findClient([w](const X11Client *c) { return c->frameId() == w; }); case Predicate::InputIdMatch: return findClient([w](const X11Client *c) { return c->inputId() == w; }); } return nullptr; } Toplevel *Workspace::findToplevel(std::function func) const { if (X11Client *ret = Toplevel::findInList(clients, func)) { return ret; } if (Unmanaged *ret = Toplevel::findInList(unmanaged, func)) { return ret; } if (InternalClient *ret = Toplevel::findInList(m_internalClients, func)) { return ret; } return nullptr; } void Workspace::forEachToplevel(std::function func) { std::for_each(m_allClients.constBegin(), m_allClients.constEnd(), func); std::for_each(deleted.constBegin(), deleted.constEnd(), func); std::for_each(unmanaged.constBegin(), unmanaged.constEnd(), func); std::for_each(m_internalClients.constBegin(), m_internalClients.constEnd(), func); } bool Workspace::hasClient(const AbstractClient *c) { if (auto cc = dynamic_cast(c)) { return hasClient(cc); } else { return findAbstractClient([c](const AbstractClient *test) { return test == c; }) != nullptr; } return false; } void Workspace::forEachAbstractClient(std::function< void (AbstractClient*) > func) { std::for_each(m_allClients.constBegin(), m_allClients.constEnd(), func); std::for_each(m_internalClients.constBegin(), m_internalClients.constEnd(), func); } Toplevel *Workspace::findInternal(QWindow *w) const { if (!w) { return nullptr; } if (kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationModeX11) { return findUnmanaged(w->winId()); } for (InternalClient *client : m_internalClients) { if (client->internalWindow() == w) { return client; } } return nullptr; } bool Workspace::compositing() const { return m_compositor && m_compositor->scene(); } void Workspace::markXStackingOrderAsDirty() { m_xStackingDirty = true; if (kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { m_xStackingQueryTree.reset(new Xcb::Tree(kwinApp()->x11RootWindow())); } } void Workspace::setWasUserInteraction() { if (was_user_interaction) { return; } was_user_interaction = true; // might be called from within the filter, so delay till we now the filter returned QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [this] { m_wasUserInteractionFilter.reset(); } ); } void Workspace::updateTabbox() { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX TabBox::TabBox *tabBox = TabBox::TabBox::self(); if (tabBox->isDisplayed()) { tabBox->reset(true); } #endif } void Workspace::addInternalClient(InternalClient *client) { m_internalClients.append(client); setupClientConnections(client); client->updateLayer(); if (client->isDecorated()) { client->keepInArea(clientArea(FullScreenArea, client)); } markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); updateStackingOrder(true); updateClientArea(); emit internalClientAdded(client); } void Workspace::removeInternalClient(InternalClient *client) { m_internalClients.removeOne(client); markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); updateStackingOrder(true); updateClientArea(); emit internalClientRemoved(client); } Group* Workspace::findGroup(xcb_window_t leader) const { Q_ASSERT(leader != XCB_WINDOW_NONE); for (auto it = groups.constBegin(); it != groups.constEnd(); ++it) if ((*it)->leader() == leader) return *it; return nullptr; } // Client is group transient, but has no group set. Try to find // group with windows with the same client leader. Group* Workspace::findClientLeaderGroup(const X11Client *c) const { Group* ret = nullptr; for (auto it = clients.constBegin(); it != clients.constEnd(); ++it) { if (*it == c) continue; if ((*it)->wmClientLeader() == c->wmClientLeader()) { if (ret == nullptr || ret == (*it)->group()) ret = (*it)->group(); else { // There are already two groups with the same client leader. // This most probably means the app uses group transients without // setting group for its windows. Merging the two groups is a bad // hack, but there's no really good solution for this case. QList old_group = (*it)->group()->members(); // old_group autodeletes when being empty for (int pos = 0; pos < old_group.count(); ++pos) { X11Client *tmp = old_group[ pos ]; if (tmp != c) tmp->changeClientLeaderGroup(ret); } } } } return ret; } void Workspace::updateMinimizedOfTransients(AbstractClient* c) { // if mainwindow is minimized or shaded, minimize transients too if (c->isMinimized()) { for (auto it = c->transients().constBegin(); it != c->transients().constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->isModal()) continue; // there's no reason to hide modal dialogs with the main client // but to keep them to eg. watch progress or whatever if (!(*it)->isMinimized()) { (*it)->minimize(); updateMinimizedOfTransients((*it)); } } if (c->isModal()) { // if a modal dialog is minimized, minimize its mainwindow too foreach (AbstractClient * c2, c->mainClients()) c2->minimize(); } } else { // else unmiminize the transients for (auto it = c->transients().constBegin(); it != c->transients().constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->isMinimized()) { (*it)->unminimize(); updateMinimizedOfTransients((*it)); } } if (c->isModal()) { foreach (AbstractClient * c2, c->mainClients()) c2->unminimize(); } } } /** * Sets the client \a c's transient windows' on_all_desktops property to \a on_all_desktops. */ void Workspace::updateOnAllDesktopsOfTransients(AbstractClient* c) { for (auto it = c->transients().constBegin(); it != c->transients().constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it)->isOnAllDesktops() != c->isOnAllDesktops()) (*it)->setOnAllDesktops(c->isOnAllDesktops()); } } // A new window has been mapped. Check if it's not a mainwindow for some already existing transient window. void Workspace::checkTransients(xcb_window_t w) { for (auto it = clients.constBegin(); it != clients.constEnd(); ++it) (*it)->checkTransient(w); } /** * Resizes the workspace after an XRANDR screen size change */ void Workspace::desktopResized() { QRect geom = screens()->geometry(); if (rootInfo()) { NETSize desktop_geometry; desktop_geometry.width = geom.width(); desktop_geometry.height = geom.height(); rootInfo()->setDesktopGeometry(desktop_geometry); } updateClientArea(); saveOldScreenSizes(); // after updateClientArea(), so that one still uses the previous one // TODO: emit a signal instead and remove the deep function calls into edges and effects ScreenEdges::self()->recreateEdges(); if (effects) { static_cast(effects)->desktopResized(geom.size()); } } void Workspace::saveOldScreenSizes() { olddisplaysize = screens()->displaySize(); oldscreensizes.clear(); for( int i = 0; i < screens()->count(); ++i ) oldscreensizes.append( screens()->geometry( i )); } /** * Updates the current client areas according to the current clients. * * If the area changes or force is @c true, the new areas are propagated to the world. * * The client area is the area that is available for clients (that * which is not taken by windows like panels, the top-of-screen menu * etc). * * @see clientArea() */ void Workspace::updateClientArea(bool force) { const Screens *s = Screens::self(); int nscreens = s->count(); const int numberOfDesktops = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count(); QVector< QRect > new_wareas(numberOfDesktops + 1); QVector< StrutRects > new_rmoveareas(numberOfDesktops + 1); QVector< QVector< QRect > > new_sareas(numberOfDesktops + 1); QVector< QRect > screens(nscreens); QRect desktopArea; for (int i = 0; i < nscreens; i++) { desktopArea |= s->geometry(i); } for (int iS = 0; iS < nscreens; iS ++) { screens [iS] = s->geometry(iS); } for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfDesktops; ++i) { new_wareas[ i ] = desktopArea; new_sareas[ i ].resize(nscreens); for (int iS = 0; iS < nscreens; iS ++) new_sareas[ i ][ iS ] = screens[ iS ]; } for (auto it = clients.constBegin(); it != clients.constEnd(); ++it) { if (!(*it)->hasStrut()) continue; QRect r = (*it)->adjustedClientArea(desktopArea, desktopArea); // sanity check that a strut doesn't exclude a complete screen geometry // this is a violation to EWMH, as KWin just ignores the strut for (int i = 0; i < Screens::self()->count(); i++) { if (!r.intersects(Screens::self()->geometry(i))) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "Adjusted client area would exclude a complete screen, ignore"; r = desktopArea; break; } } StrutRects strutRegion = (*it)->strutRects(); const QRect clientsScreenRect = KWin::screens()->geometry((*it)->screen()); for (auto strut = strutRegion.begin(); strut != strutRegion.end(); strut++) { *strut = StrutRect((*strut).intersected(clientsScreenRect), (*strut).area()); } // Ignore offscreen xinerama struts. These interfere with the larger monitors on the setup // and should be ignored so that applications that use the work area to work out where // windows can go can use the entire visible area of the larger monitors. // This goes against the EWMH description of the work area but it is a toss up between // having unusable sections of the screen (Which can be quite large with newer monitors) // or having some content appear offscreen (Relatively rare compared to other). bool hasOffscreenXineramaStrut = (*it)->hasOffscreenXineramaStrut(); if ((*it)->isOnAllDesktops()) { for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfDesktops; ++i) { if (!hasOffscreenXineramaStrut) new_wareas[ i ] = new_wareas[ i ].intersected(r); new_rmoveareas[ i ] += strutRegion; for (int iS = 0; iS < nscreens; iS ++) { const auto geo = new_sareas[ i ][ iS ].intersected( (*it)->adjustedClientArea(desktopArea, screens[ iS ])); // ignore the geometry if it results in the screen getting removed completely if (!geo.isEmpty()) { new_sareas[ i ][ iS ] = geo; } } } } else { if (!hasOffscreenXineramaStrut) new_wareas[(*it)->desktop()] = new_wareas[(*it)->desktop()].intersected(r); new_rmoveareas[(*it)->desktop()] += strutRegion; for (int iS = 0; iS < nscreens; iS ++) { // qDebug() << "adjusting new_sarea: " << screens[ iS ]; const auto geo = new_sareas[(*it)->desktop()][ iS ].intersected( (*it)->adjustedClientArea(desktopArea, screens[ iS ])); // ignore the geometry if it results in the screen getting removed completely if (!geo.isEmpty()) { new_sareas[(*it)->desktop()][ iS ] = geo; } } } } if (waylandServer()) { auto updateStrutsForWaylandClient = [&] (AbstractClient *c) { // assuming that only docks have "struts" and that all docks have a strut if (!c->hasStrut()) { return; } auto margins = [c] (const QRect &geometry) { QMargins margins; if (!geometry.intersects(c->frameGeometry())) { return margins; } // figure out which areas of the overall screen setup it borders const bool left = c->frameGeometry().left() == geometry.left(); const bool right = c->frameGeometry().right() == geometry.right(); const bool top = c->frameGeometry().top() == geometry.top(); const bool bottom = c->frameGeometry().bottom() == geometry.bottom(); const bool horizontal = c->frameGeometry().width() >= c->frameGeometry().height(); if (left && ((!top && !bottom) || !horizontal)) { margins.setLeft(c->frameGeometry().width()); } if (right && ((!top && !bottom) || !horizontal)) { margins.setRight(c->frameGeometry().width()); } if (top && ((!left && !right) || horizontal)) { margins.setTop(c->frameGeometry().height()); } if (bottom && ((!left && !right) || horizontal)) { margins.setBottom(c->frameGeometry().height()); } return margins; }; auto marginsToStrutArea = [] (const QMargins &margins) { if (margins.left() != 0) { return StrutAreaLeft; } if (margins.right() != 0) { return StrutAreaRight; } if (margins.top() != 0) { return StrutAreaTop; } if (margins.bottom() != 0) { return StrutAreaBottom; } return StrutAreaInvalid; }; const auto strut = margins(KWin::screens()->geometry(c->screen())); const StrutRects strutRegion = StrutRects{StrutRect(c->frameGeometry(), marginsToStrutArea(strut))}; QRect r = desktopArea - margins(KWin::screens()->geometry()); if (c->isOnAllDesktops()) { for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfDesktops; ++i) { new_wareas[ i ] = new_wareas[ i ].intersected(r); for (int iS = 0; iS < nscreens; ++iS) { new_sareas[ i ][ iS ] = new_sareas[ i ][ iS ].intersected(screens[iS] - margins(screens[iS])); } new_rmoveareas[ i ] += strutRegion; } } else { new_wareas[c->desktop()] = new_wareas[c->desktop()].intersected(r); for (int iS = 0; iS < nscreens; iS++) { new_sareas[c->desktop()][ iS ] = new_sareas[c->desktop()][ iS ].intersected(screens[iS] - margins(screens[iS])); } new_rmoveareas[ c->desktop() ] += strutRegion; } }; const auto clients = waylandServer()->clients(); for (auto c : clients) { updateStrutsForWaylandClient(c); } } #if 0 for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfDesktops(); ++i) { for (int iS = 0; iS < nscreens; iS ++) qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "new_sarea: " << new_sareas[ i ][ iS ]; } #endif bool changed = force; if (screenarea.isEmpty()) changed = true; for (int i = 1; !changed && i <= numberOfDesktops; ++i) { if (workarea[ i ] != new_wareas[ i ]) changed = true; if (restrictedmovearea[ i ] != new_rmoveareas[ i ]) changed = true; if (screenarea[ i ].size() != new_sareas[ i ].size()) changed = true; for (int iS = 0; !changed && iS < nscreens; iS ++) if (new_sareas[ i ][ iS ] != screenarea [ i ][ iS ]) changed = true; } if (changed) { workarea = new_wareas; oldrestrictedmovearea = restrictedmovearea; restrictedmovearea = new_rmoveareas; screenarea = new_sareas; if (rootInfo()) { NETRect r; for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfDesktops; i++) { r.pos.x = workarea[ i ].x(); r.pos.y = workarea[ i ].y(); r.size.width = workarea[ i ].width(); r.size.height = workarea[ i ].height(); rootInfo()->setWorkArea(i, r); } } for (auto it = m_allClients.constBegin(); it != m_allClients.constEnd(); ++it) (*it)->checkWorkspacePosition(); oldrestrictedmovearea.clear(); // reset, no longer valid or needed } } void Workspace::updateClientArea() { updateClientArea(false); } /** * Returns the area available for clients. This is the desktop * geometry minus windows on the dock. Placement algorithms should * refer to this rather than Screens::geometry. */ QRect Workspace::clientArea(clientAreaOption opt, int screen, int desktop) const { if (desktop == NETWinInfo::OnAllDesktops || desktop == 0) desktop = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current(); if (screen == -1) screen = screens()->current(); const QSize displaySize = screens()->displaySize(); QRect sarea, warea; if (is_multihead) { sarea = (!screenarea.isEmpty() && screen < screenarea[ desktop ].size()) // screens may be missing during KWin initialization or screen config changes ? screenarea[ desktop ][ screen_number ] : screens()->geometry(screen_number); warea = workarea[ desktop ].isNull() ? screens()->geometry(screen_number) : workarea[ desktop ]; } else { sarea = (!screenarea.isEmpty() && screen < screenarea[ desktop ].size()) // screens may be missing during KWin initialization or screen config changes ? screenarea[ desktop ][ screen ] : screens()->geometry(screen); warea = workarea[ desktop ].isNull() ? QRect(0, 0, displaySize.width(), displaySize.height()) : workarea[ desktop ]; } switch(opt) { case MaximizeArea: case PlacementArea: return sarea; case MaximizeFullArea: case FullScreenArea: case MovementArea: case ScreenArea: if (is_multihead) return screens()->geometry(screen_number); else return screens()->geometry(screen); case WorkArea: if (is_multihead) return sarea; else return warea; case FullArea: return QRect(0, 0, displaySize.width(), displaySize.height()); } abort(); } QRect Workspace::clientArea(clientAreaOption opt, const QPoint& p, int desktop) const { return clientArea(opt, screens()->number(p), desktop); } QRect Workspace::clientArea(clientAreaOption opt, const AbstractClient* c) const { return clientArea(opt, c->frameGeometry().center(), c->desktop()); } QRegion Workspace::restrictedMoveArea(int desktop, StrutAreas areas) const { if (desktop == NETWinInfo::OnAllDesktops || desktop == 0) desktop = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current(); QRegion region; foreach (const StrutRect & rect, restrictedmovearea[desktop]) if (areas & rect.area()) region += rect; return region; } bool Workspace::inUpdateClientArea() const { return !oldrestrictedmovearea.isEmpty(); } QRegion Workspace::previousRestrictedMoveArea(int desktop, StrutAreas areas) const { if (desktop == NETWinInfo::OnAllDesktops || desktop == 0) desktop = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current(); QRegion region; foreach (const StrutRect & rect, oldrestrictedmovearea.at(desktop)) if (areas & rect.area()) region += rect; return region; } QVector< QRect > Workspace::previousScreenSizes() const { return oldscreensizes; } int Workspace::oldDisplayWidth() const { return olddisplaysize.width(); } int Workspace::oldDisplayHeight() const { return olddisplaysize.height(); } /** * Client \a c is moved around to position \a pos. This gives the * workspace the opportunity to interveniate and to implement * snap-to-windows functionality. * * The parameter \a snapAdjust is a multiplier used to calculate the * effective snap zones. When 1.0, it means that the snap zones will be * used without change. */ QPoint Workspace::adjustClientPosition(AbstractClient* c, QPoint pos, bool unrestricted, double snapAdjust) { QSize borderSnapZone(options->borderSnapZone(), options->borderSnapZone()); QRect maxRect; int guideMaximized = MaximizeRestore; if (c->maximizeMode() != MaximizeRestore) { maxRect = clientArea(MaximizeArea, pos + c->rect().center(), c->desktop()); QRect geo = c->frameGeometry(); if (c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal && (geo.x() == maxRect.left() || geo.right() == maxRect.right())) { guideMaximized |= MaximizeHorizontal; borderSnapZone.setWidth(qMax(borderSnapZone.width() + 2, maxRect.width() / 16)); } if (c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical && (geo.y() == maxRect.top() || geo.bottom() == maxRect.bottom())) { guideMaximized |= MaximizeVertical; borderSnapZone.setHeight(qMax(borderSnapZone.height() + 2, maxRect.height() / 16)); } } if (options->windowSnapZone() || !borderSnapZone.isNull() || options->centerSnapZone()) { const bool sOWO = options->isSnapOnlyWhenOverlapping(); const int screen = screens()->number(pos + c->rect().center()); if (maxRect.isNull()) maxRect = clientArea(MovementArea, screen, c->desktop()); const int xmin = maxRect.left(); const int xmax = maxRect.right() + 1; //desk size const int ymin = maxRect.top(); const int ymax = maxRect.bottom() + 1; const int cx(pos.x()); const int cy(pos.y()); const int cw(c->width()); const int ch(c->height()); const int rx(cx + cw); const int ry(cy + ch); //these don't change int nx(cx), ny(cy); //buffers int deltaX(xmax); int deltaY(ymax); //minimum distance to other clients int lx, ly, lrx, lry; //coords and size for the comparison client, l // border snap const int snapX = borderSnapZone.width() * snapAdjust; //snap trigger const int snapY = borderSnapZone.height() * snapAdjust; if (snapX || snapY) { QRect geo = c->frameGeometry(); QMargins frameMargins = c->frameMargins(); // snap to titlebar / snap to window borders on inner screen edges AbstractClient::Position titlePos = c->titlebarPosition(); if (frameMargins.left() && (titlePos == AbstractClient::PositionLeft || (c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal) || screens()->intersecting(geo.translated(maxRect.x() - (frameMargins.left() + geo.x()), 0)) > 1)) { frameMargins.setLeft(0); } if (frameMargins.right() && (titlePos == AbstractClient::PositionRight || (c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeHorizontal) || screens()->intersecting(geo.translated(maxRect.right() + frameMargins.right() - geo.right(), 0)) > 1)) { frameMargins.setRight(0); } if (frameMargins.top() && (titlePos == AbstractClient::PositionTop || (c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical) || screens()->intersecting(geo.translated(0, maxRect.y() - (frameMargins.top() + geo.y()))) > 1)) { frameMargins.setTop(0); } if (frameMargins.bottom() && (titlePos == AbstractClient::PositionBottom || (c->maximizeMode() & MaximizeVertical) || screens()->intersecting(geo.translated(0, maxRect.bottom() + frameMargins.bottom() - geo.bottom())) > 1)) { frameMargins.setBottom(0); } if ((sOWO ? (cx < xmin) : true) && (qAbs(xmin - cx) < snapX)) { deltaX = xmin - cx; nx = xmin - frameMargins.left(); } if ((sOWO ? (rx > xmax) : true) && (qAbs(rx - xmax) < snapX) && (qAbs(xmax - rx) < deltaX)) { deltaX = rx - xmax; nx = xmax - cw + frameMargins.right(); } if ((sOWO ? (cy < ymin) : true) && (qAbs(ymin - cy) < snapY)) { deltaY = ymin - cy; ny = ymin - frameMargins.top(); } if ((sOWO ? (ry > ymax) : true) && (qAbs(ry - ymax) < snapY) && (qAbs(ymax - ry) < deltaY)) { deltaY = ry - ymax; ny = ymax - ch + frameMargins.bottom(); } } // windows snap int snap = options->windowSnapZone() * snapAdjust; if (snap) { for (auto l = m_allClients.constBegin(); l != m_allClients.constEnd(); ++l) { if ((*l) == c) continue; if ((*l)->isMinimized()) continue; // is minimized if (!(*l)->isShown(false)) continue; if (!((*l)->isOnDesktop(c->desktop()) || c->isOnDesktop((*l)->desktop()))) continue; // wrong virtual desktop if (!(*l)->isOnCurrentActivity()) continue; // wrong activity if ((*l)->isDesktop() || (*l)->isSplash()) continue; lx = (*l)->x(); ly = (*l)->y(); lrx = lx + (*l)->width(); lry = ly + (*l)->height(); if (!(guideMaximized & MaximizeHorizontal) && (((cy <= lry) && (cy >= ly)) || ((ry >= ly) && (ry <= lry)) || ((cy <= ly) && (ry >= lry)))) { if ((sOWO ? (cx < lrx) : true) && (qAbs(lrx - cx) < snap) && (qAbs(lrx - cx) < deltaX)) { deltaX = qAbs(lrx - cx); nx = lrx; } if ((sOWO ? (rx > lx) : true) && (qAbs(rx - lx) < snap) && (qAbs(rx - lx) < deltaX)) { deltaX = qAbs(rx - lx); nx = lx - cw; } } if (!(guideMaximized & MaximizeVertical) && (((cx <= lrx) && (cx >= lx)) || ((rx >= lx) && (rx <= lrx)) || ((cx <= lx) && (rx >= lrx)))) { if ((sOWO ? (cy < lry) : true) && (qAbs(lry - cy) < snap) && (qAbs(lry - cy) < deltaY)) { deltaY = qAbs(lry - cy); ny = lry; } //if ( (qAbs( ry-ly ) < snap) && (qAbs( ry - ly ) < deltaY )) if ((sOWO ? (ry > ly) : true) && (qAbs(ry - ly) < snap) && (qAbs(ry - ly) < deltaY)) { deltaY = qAbs(ry - ly); ny = ly - ch; } } // Corner snapping if (!(guideMaximized & MaximizeVertical) && (nx == lrx || nx + cw == lx)) { if ((sOWO ? (ry > lry) : true) && (qAbs(lry - ry) < snap) && (qAbs(lry - ry) < deltaY)) { deltaY = qAbs(lry - ry); ny = lry - ch; } if ((sOWO ? (cy < ly) : true) && (qAbs(cy - ly) < snap) && (qAbs(cy - ly) < deltaY)) { deltaY = qAbs(cy - ly); ny = ly; } } if (!(guideMaximized & MaximizeHorizontal) && (ny == lry || ny + ch == ly)) { if ((sOWO ? (rx > lrx) : true) && (qAbs(lrx - rx) < snap) && (qAbs(lrx - rx) < deltaX)) { deltaX = qAbs(lrx - rx); nx = lrx - cw; } if ((sOWO ? (cx < lx) : true) && (qAbs(cx - lx) < snap) && (qAbs(cx - lx) < deltaX)) { deltaX = qAbs(cx - lx); nx = lx; } } } } // center snap snap = options->centerSnapZone() * snapAdjust; //snap trigger if (snap) { int diffX = qAbs((xmin + xmax) / 2 - (cx + cw / 2)); int diffY = qAbs((ymin + ymax) / 2 - (cy + ch / 2)); if (diffX < snap && diffY < snap && diffX < deltaX && diffY < deltaY) { // Snap to center of screen nx = (xmin + xmax) / 2 - cw / 2; ny = (ymin + ymax) / 2 - ch / 2; } else if (options->borderSnapZone()) { // Enhance border snap if ((nx == xmin || nx == xmax - cw) && diffY < snap && diffY < deltaY) { // Snap to vertical center on screen edge ny = (ymin + ymax) / 2 - ch / 2; } else if (((unrestricted ? ny == ymin : ny <= ymin) || ny == ymax - ch) && diffX < snap && diffX < deltaX) { // Snap to horizontal center on screen edge nx = (xmin + xmax) / 2 - cw / 2; } } } pos = QPoint(nx, ny); } return pos; } QRect Workspace::adjustClientSize(AbstractClient* c, QRect moveResizeGeom, int mode) { //adapted from adjustClientPosition on 29May2004 //this function is called when resizing a window and will modify //the new dimensions to snap to other windows/borders if appropriate if (options->windowSnapZone() || options->borderSnapZone()) { // || options->centerSnapZone ) const bool sOWO = options->isSnapOnlyWhenOverlapping(); const QRect maxRect = clientArea(MovementArea, c->rect().center(), c->desktop()); const int xmin = maxRect.left(); const int xmax = maxRect.right(); //desk size const int ymin = maxRect.top(); const int ymax = maxRect.bottom(); const int cx(moveResizeGeom.left()); const int cy(moveResizeGeom.top()); const int rx(moveResizeGeom.right()); const int ry(moveResizeGeom.bottom()); int newcx(cx), newcy(cy); //buffers int newrx(rx), newry(ry); int deltaX(xmax); int deltaY(ymax); //minimum distance to other clients int lx, ly, lrx, lry; //coords and size for the comparison client, l // border snap int snap = options->borderSnapZone(); //snap trigger if (snap) { deltaX = int(snap); deltaY = int(snap); #define SNAP_BORDER_TOP \ if ((sOWO?(newcyymax):true) && (qAbs(ymax-newry)xmax):true) && (qAbs(xmax-newrx)windowSnapZone(); if (snap) { deltaX = int(snap); deltaY = int(snap); for (auto l = m_allClients.constBegin(); l != m_allClients.constEnd(); ++l) { if ((*l)->isOnDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current()) && !(*l)->isMinimized() && (*l) != c) { lx = (*l)->x() - 1; ly = (*l)->y() - 1; lrx = (*l)->x() + (*l)->width(); lry = (*l)->y() + (*l)->height(); #define WITHIN_HEIGHT ((( newcy <= lry ) && ( newcy >= ly )) || \ (( newry >= ly ) && ( newry <= lry )) || \ (( newcy <= ly ) && ( newry >= lry )) ) #define WITHIN_WIDTH ( (( cx <= lrx ) && ( cx >= lx )) || \ (( rx >= lx ) && ( rx <= lrx )) || \ (( cx <= lx ) && ( rx >= lrx )) ) #define SNAP_WINDOW_TOP if ( (sOWO?(newcyly):true) \ && WITHIN_WIDTH \ && (qAbs( ly - newry ) < deltaY) ) { \ deltaY = qAbs( ly - newry ); \ newry=ly; \ } #define SNAP_WINDOW_LEFT if ( (sOWO?(newcxlx):true) \ && WITHIN_HEIGHT \ && (qAbs( lx - newrx ) < deltaX)) \ { \ deltaX = qAbs( lx - newrx ); \ newrx=lx; \ } #define SNAP_WINDOW_C_TOP if ( (sOWO?(newcylry):true) \ && (newcx == lrx || newrx == lx) \ && qAbs(lry-newry) < deltaY ) { \ deltaY = qAbs( lry - newry - 1 ); \ newry = lry - 1; \ } #define SNAP_WINDOW_C_LEFT if ( (sOWO?(newcxlrx):true) \ && (newcy == lry || newry == ly) \ && qAbs(lrx-newrx) < deltaX ) { \ deltaX = qAbs( lrx - newrx - 1 ); \ newrx = lrx - 1; \ } switch(mode) { case AbstractClient::PositionBottomRight: SNAP_WINDOW_BOTTOM SNAP_WINDOW_RIGHT SNAP_WINDOW_C_BOTTOM SNAP_WINDOW_C_RIGHT break; case AbstractClient::PositionRight: SNAP_WINDOW_RIGHT SNAP_WINDOW_C_RIGHT break; case AbstractClient::PositionBottom: SNAP_WINDOW_BOTTOM SNAP_WINDOW_C_BOTTOM break; case AbstractClient::PositionTopLeft: SNAP_WINDOW_TOP SNAP_WINDOW_LEFT SNAP_WINDOW_C_TOP SNAP_WINDOW_C_LEFT break; case AbstractClient::PositionLeft: SNAP_WINDOW_LEFT SNAP_WINDOW_C_LEFT break; case AbstractClient::PositionTop: SNAP_WINDOW_TOP SNAP_WINDOW_C_TOP break; case AbstractClient::PositionTopRight: SNAP_WINDOW_TOP SNAP_WINDOW_RIGHT SNAP_WINDOW_C_TOP SNAP_WINDOW_C_RIGHT break; case AbstractClient::PositionBottomLeft: SNAP_WINDOW_BOTTOM SNAP_WINDOW_LEFT SNAP_WINDOW_C_BOTTOM SNAP_WINDOW_C_LEFT break; default: abort(); break; } } } } // center snap //snap = options->centerSnapZone; //if (snap) // { // // Don't resize snap to center as it interferes too much // // There are two ways of implementing this if wanted: // // 1) Snap only to the same points that the move snap does, and // // 2) Snap to the horizontal and vertical center lines of the screen // } moveResizeGeom = QRect(QPoint(newcx, newcy), QPoint(newrx, newry)); } return moveResizeGeom; } /** * Marks the client as being moved or resized by the user. */ void Workspace::setMoveResizeClient(AbstractClient *c) { Q_ASSERT(!c || !movingClient); // Catch attempts to move a second // window while still moving the first one. movingClient = c; if (movingClient) ++block_focus; else --block_focus; } // When kwin crashes, windows will not be gravitated back to their original position // and will remain offset by the size of the decoration. So when restarting, fix this // (the property with the size of the frame remains on the window after the crash). void Workspace::fixPositionAfterCrash(xcb_window_t w, const xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geometry) { NETWinInfo i(connection(), w, rootWindow(), NET::WMFrameExtents, NET::Properties2()); NETStrut frame = i.frameExtents(); if (frame.left != 0 || frame.top != 0) { // left and top needed due to narrowing conversations restrictions in C++11 const uint32_t left = frame.left; const uint32_t top = frame.top; const uint32_t values[] = { geometry->x - left, geometry->y - top }; xcb_configure_window(connection(), w, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y, values); } } } // namespace