diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 28ba2ccd5..e03d5738e 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,679 +1,680 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1 FATAL_ERROR) project(KWIN) set(PROJECT_VERSION "5.11.90") set(PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR 5) set(QT_MIN_VERSION "5.7.0") set(KF5_MIN_VERSION "5.34.0") set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) find_package(ECM 0.0.11 REQUIRED NO_MODULE) include(FeatureSummary) include(WriteBasicConfigVersionFile) include(GenerateExportHeader) # where to look first for cmake modules, before ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/ is checked set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR}) find_package(Qt5 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS Concurrent Core DBus Quick QuickWidgets Script UiTools Widgets X11Extras ) find_package(Qt5Test ${QT_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG QUIET) set_package_properties(Qt5Test PROPERTIES PURPOSE "Required for tests" TYPE OPTIONAL ) add_feature_info("Qt5Test" Qt5Test_FOUND "Required for building tests") if (NOT Qt5Test_FOUND) set(BUILD_TESTING OFF CACHE BOOL "Build the testing tree.") endif() include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(KDECompilerSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(ECMOptionalAddSubdirectory) add_definitions(-DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0 -DQT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Clang") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-inconsistent-missing-override") endif() find_package(Qt5Multimedia QUIET) set_package_properties(Qt5Multimedia PROPERTIES PURPOSE "Runtime-only dependency for effect video playback" TYPE RUNTIME ) # required frameworks by Core find_package(KF5 ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Config ConfigWidgets CoreAddons Crash GlobalAccel I18n Init Notifications Package Plasma WidgetsAddons WindowSystem IconThemes IdleTime Wayland ) # required frameworks by config modules find_package(KF5 ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Completion Declarative KCMUtils KIO TextWidgets NewStuff Service XmlGui ) find_package(Threads) set_package_properties(Threads PROPERTIES PURPOSE "Needed for VirtualTerminal support in KWin Wayland" TYPE REQUIRED ) # optional frameworks find_package(KF5Activities ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG) set_package_properties(KF5Activities PROPERTIES PURPOSE "Enable building of KWin with kactivities support" TYPE OPTIONAL ) add_feature_info("KF5Activities" KF5Activities_FOUND "Enable building of KWin with kactivities support") find_package(KF5DocTools ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG) set_package_properties(KF5DocTools PROPERTIES PURPOSE "Enable building documentation" TYPE OPTIONAL ) add_feature_info("KF5DocTools" KF5DocTools_FOUND "Enable building documentation") find_package(KDecoration2 CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(KScreenLocker CONFIG REQUIRED) set_package_properties(KScreenLocker PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "For screenlocker integration in kwin_wayland") find_package(Breeze 5.9.0 CONFIG) set_package_properties(Breeze PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "For setting the default window decoration plugin") if(${Breeze_FOUND}) if(${BREEZE_WITH_KDECORATION}) set(HAVE_BREEZE_DECO true) else() set(HAVE_BREEZE_DECO FALSE) endif() else() set(HAVE_BREEZE_DECO FALSE) endif() add_feature_info("Breeze-Decoration" HAVE_BREEZE_DECO "Default decoration plugin Breeze") find_package(EGL) set_package_properties(EGL PROPERTIES TYPE RUNTIME PURPOSE "Required to build KWin with EGL support" ) find_package(epoxy) set_package_properties(epoxy PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "libepoxy" URL "http://github.com/anholt/libepoxy" TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "OpenGL dispatch library" ) set(HAVE_DL_LIBRARY FALSE) if(epoxy_HAS_GLX) find_library(DL_LIBRARY dl) if(DL_LIBRARY) set(HAVE_DL_LIBRARY TRUE) endif() endif() find_package(Wayland 1.2 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Cursor OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS Egl) set_package_properties(Wayland PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Required for building KWin with Wayland support" ) add_feature_info("Wayland::EGL" Wayland_Egl_FOUND "Enable building of Wayland backend and QPA with EGL support.") set(HAVE_WAYLAND_EGL FALSE) if(Wayland_Egl_FOUND) set(HAVE_WAYLAND_EGL TRUE) endif() find_package(XKB 0.7.0) set_package_properties(XKB PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Required for building KWin with Wayland support" ) find_package(Libinput 1.5) set_package_properties(Libinput PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required for input handling on Wayland.") find_package(UDev) set_package_properties(UDev PROPERTIES URL "http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/libudev/" DESCRIPTION "Linux device library." TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required for input handling on Wayland." ) set(HAVE_INPUT FALSE) if (Libinput_FOUND AND UDEV_FOUND) set(HAVE_INPUT TRUE) endif() set(HAVE_UDEV FALSE) if (UDEV_FOUND) set(HAVE_UDEV TRUE) endif() find_package(Libdrm 2.4.62) set_package_properties(Libdrm PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required for drm output on Wayland.") set(HAVE_DRM FALSE) if(Libdrm_FOUND AND UDEV_FOUND) set(HAVE_DRM TRUE) endif() find_package(gbm) set_package_properties(gbm PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required for egl ouput of drm backend.") set(HAVE_GBM FALSE) if(HAVE_DRM AND gbm_FOUND) set(HAVE_GBM TRUE) endif() find_package(libhybris) set_package_properties(libhybris PROPERTIES TYPE OPTIONAL PURPOSE "Required for libhybris backend") set(HAVE_LIBHYBRIS ${libhybris_FOUND}) find_package(X11) set_package_properties(X11 PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "X11 libraries" URL "http://www.x.org" TYPE REQUIRED ) add_feature_info("XInput" X11_Xinput_FOUND "Required for poll-free mouse cursor updates") set(HAVE_X11_XINPUT ${X11_Xinput_FOUND}) # All the required XCB components find_package(XCB 1.10 REQUIRED COMPONENTS XCB XFIXES DAMAGE COMPOSITE SHAPE SYNC RENDER RANDR KEYSYMS IMAGE SHM GLX CURSOR ICCCM ) set_package_properties(XCB PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED) # and the optional XCB dependencies if (XCB_ICCCM_VERSION VERSION_LESS "0.4") set(XCB_ICCCM_FOUND FALSE) endif() add_feature_info("XCB-ICCCM" XCB_ICCCM_FOUND "Required for building test applications for KWin") find_package(X11_XCB) set_package_properties(X11_XCB PROPERTIES PURPOSE "Required for building X11 windowed backend of kwin_wayland" TYPE OPTIONAL) # dependencies for QPA plugin if(Qt5Core_VERSION VERSION_LESS "5.8.0") find_package(Qt5PlatformSupport REQUIRED) else() find_package(Qt5FontDatabaseSupport REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5ThemeSupport REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5EventDispatcherSupport REQUIRED) endif() find_package(Freetype REQUIRED) set_package_properties(Freetype PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "A font rendering engine" URL "http://www.freetype.org" TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Needed for KWin's QPA plugin." ) find_package(Fontconfig REQUIRED) set_package_properties(Fontconfig PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Font access configuration library" URL "http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/fontconfig" TYPE REQUIRED PURPOSE "Needed for KWin's QPA plugin." ) find_package(Xwayland) set_package_properties(Xwayland PROPERTIES URL "http://x.org" DESCRIPTION "Xwayland X server" TYPE RUNTIME PURPOSE "Needed for running kwin_wayland" ) ########### configure tests ############### include(CMakeDependentOption) option(KWIN_BUILD_DECORATIONS "Enable building of KWin decorations." ON) option(KWIN_BUILD_KCMS "Enable building of KWin configuration modules." ON) option(KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX "Enable building of KWin Tabbox functionality" ON) option(KWIN_BUILD_XRENDER_COMPOSITING "Enable building of KWin with XRender Compositing support" ON) cmake_dependent_option(KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES "Enable building of KWin with kactivities support" ON "KF5Activities_FOUND" OFF) # Binary name of KWin set(KWIN_NAME "kwin") set(KWIN_INTERNAL_NAME_X11 "kwin_x11") set(KWIN_INTERNAL_NAME_WAYLAND "kwin_wayland") set(KWIN_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) # KWIN_HAVE_XRENDER_COMPOSITING - whether XRender-based compositing support is available: may be disabled if( KWIN_BUILD_XRENDER_COMPOSITING ) set( KWIN_HAVE_XRENDER_COMPOSITING 1 ) endif() include_directories(${XKB_INCLUDE_DIR}) include_directories(${epoxy_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(HAVE_EPOXY_GLX ${epoxy_HAS_GLX}) # for things that are also used by kwin libraries configure_file(libkwineffects/kwinconfig.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libkwineffects/kwinconfig.h ) # for kwin internal things set(HAVE_X11_XCB ${X11_XCB_FOUND}) include(CheckIncludeFile) include(CheckIncludeFiles) include(CheckSymbolExists) check_include_files(unistd.h HAVE_UNISTD_H) check_include_files(malloc.h HAVE_MALLOC_H) check_include_file("sys/prctl.h" HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H) check_symbol_exists(PR_SET_DUMPABLE "sys/prctl.h" HAVE_PR_SET_DUMPABLE) check_symbol_exists(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG "sys/prctl.h" HAVE_PR_SET_PDEATHSIG) check_include_file("sys/procctl.h" HAVE_SYS_PROCCTL_H) check_symbol_exists(PROC_TRACE_CTL "sys/procctl.h" HAVE_PROC_TRACE_CTL) if (HAVE_PR_SET_DUMPABLE OR HAVE_PROC_TRACE_CTL) set(CAN_DISABLE_PTRACE TRUE) endif() add_feature_info("prctl/procctl tracing control" CAN_DISABLE_PTRACE "Required for disallowing ptrace on kwin_wayland process") check_include_file("sys/sysmacros.h" HAVE_SYS_SYSMACROS_H) configure_file(config-kwin.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config-kwin.h ) check_include_file("linux/vt.h" HAVE_LINUX_VT_H) add_feature_info("linux/vt.h" HAVE_LINUX_VT_H "Required for virtual terminal support under wayland") check_include_file("linux/fb.h" HAVE_LINUX_FB_H) add_feature_info("linux/fb.h" HAVE_LINUX_FB_H "Required for the fbdev backend") ########### global ############### set(kwin_effects_dbus_xml ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/org.kde.kwin.Effects.xml) include_directories(BEFORE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/libkwineffects ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/libkwineffects ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/effects ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tabbox ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/platformsupport ) add_subdirectory( libkwineffects ) if(KWIN_BUILD_KCMS) add_subdirectory( kcmkwin ) endif() add_subdirectory( data ) add_subdirectory( effects ) add_subdirectory( scripts ) add_subdirectory( tabbox ) add_subdirectory(scripting) add_subdirectory(helpers) ########### next target ############### set(kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS workspace.cpp dbusinterface.cpp abstract_client.cpp client.cpp client_machine.cpp cursor.cpp debug_console.cpp tabgroup.cpp focuschain.cpp globalshortcuts.cpp input.cpp input_event.cpp input_event_spy.cpp keyboard_input.cpp keyboard_layout.cpp keyboard_layout_switching.cpp keyboard_repeat.cpp pointer_input.cpp touch_input.cpp netinfo.cpp placement.cpp atoms.cpp utils.cpp layers.cpp main.cpp options.cpp outline.cpp events.cpp killwindow.cpp geometrytip.cpp screens.cpp shadow.cpp sm.cpp group.cpp manage.cpp overlaywindow.cpp activation.cpp useractions.cpp geometry.cpp rules.cpp composite.cpp toplevel.cpp unmanaged.cpp scene.cpp scene_opengl.cpp screenlockerwatcher.cpp thumbnailitem.cpp lanczosfilter.cpp deleted.cpp effects.cpp effectloader.cpp virtualdesktops.cpp xcbutils.cpp x11eventfilter.cpp logind.cpp onscreennotification.cpp osd.cpp screenedge.cpp scripting/scripting.cpp scripting/workspace_wrapper.cpp scripting/meta.cpp scripting/scriptedeffect.cpp scripting/scriptingutils.cpp scripting/timer.cpp scripting/scripting_model.cpp scripting/dbuscall.cpp scripting/screenedgeitem.cpp scripting/scripting_logging.cpp decorations/decoratedclient.cpp decorations/decorationbridge.cpp decorations/decorationpalette.cpp decorations/settings.cpp decorations/decorationrenderer.cpp decorations/decorations_logging.cpp abstract_egl_backend.cpp platform.cpp shell_client.cpp wayland_server.cpp wayland_cursor_theme.cpp virtualkeyboard.cpp appmenu.cpp modifier_only_shortcuts.cpp xkb.cpp gestures.cpp popup_input_filter.cpp abstract_opengl_context_attribute_builder.cpp egl_context_attribute_builder.cpp was_user_interaction_x11_filter.cpp moving_client_x11_filter.cpp + effects_mouse_interception_x11_filter.cpp ) if(KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX) set( kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS ${kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS} tabbox/tabbox.cpp tabbox/clientmodel.cpp tabbox/desktopchain.cpp tabbox/desktopmodel.cpp tabbox/switcheritem.cpp tabbox/tabboxconfig.cpp tabbox/tabboxhandler.cpp tabbox/tabbox_logging.cpp tabbox/x11_filter.cpp ) endif() if(KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES) set( kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS ${kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS} activities.cpp ) endif() if(UDEV_FOUND) set(kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS ${kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS} udev.cpp ) endif() if(HAVE_INPUT) set(kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS ${kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS} libinput/context.cpp libinput/connection.cpp libinput/device.cpp libinput/events.cpp libinput/libinput_logging.cpp ) if (HAVE_LINUX_VT_H) set(kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS ${kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS} virtual_terminal.cpp ) endif() endif() kconfig_add_kcfg_files(kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS settings.kcfgc) qt5_add_dbus_adaptor( kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS org.kde.KWin.xml dbusinterface.h KWin::DBusInterface ) qt5_add_dbus_adaptor( kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS org.kde.kwin.Compositing.xml dbusinterface.h KWin::CompositorDBusInterface ) qt5_add_dbus_adaptor( kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS ${kwin_effects_dbus_xml} effects.h KWin::EffectsHandlerImpl ) qt5_add_dbus_interface( kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.xml screenlocker_interface) qt5_add_dbus_interface( kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS org.kde.kappmenu.xml appmenu_interface ) qt5_add_resources( kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS resources.qrc ) ki18n_wrap_ui(kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS debug_console.ui shortcutdialog.ui ) ########### target link libraries ############### set(kwin_OWN_LIBS kwineffects kwinxrenderutils kwin4_effect_builtins ) set(kwin_QT_LIBS Qt5::Concurrent Qt5::DBus Qt5::Quick Qt5::Script ) set(kwin_KDE_LIBS KF5::ConfigCore KF5::CoreAddons KF5::ConfigWidgets KF5::GlobalAccel KF5::GlobalAccelPrivate KF5::I18n KF5::Notifications KF5::Package KF5::Plasma KF5::WindowSystem KDecoration2::KDecoration KDecoration2::KDecoration2Private PW::KScreenLocker ) set(kwin_XLIB_LIBS ${X11_X11_LIB} ${X11_ICE_LIB} ${X11_SM_LIB} ) set(kwin_XCB_LIBS XCB::XCB XCB::XFIXES XCB::DAMAGE XCB::COMPOSITE XCB::SHAPE XCB::SYNC XCB::RENDER XCB::RANDR XCB::KEYSYMS XCB::SHM XCB::GLX XCB::ICCCM ) set(kwin_WAYLAND_LIBS XKB::XKB KF5::WaylandClient KF5::WaylandServer Wayland::Cursor ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} ) if(KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES) set(kwin_KDE_LIBS ${kwin_KDE_LIBS} KF5::Activities) endif() set(kwinLibs ${kwin_OWN_LIBS} ${kwin_QT_LIBS} ${kwin_KDE_LIBS} ${kwin_XLIB_LIBS} ${kwin_XCB_LIBS} ${kwin_WAYLAND_LIBS} ) if(UDEV_FOUND) set(kwinLibs ${kwinLibs} ${UDEV_LIBS}) endif() if(HAVE_INPUT) set(kwinLibs ${kwinLibs} Libinput::Libinput) endif() add_library(kwin SHARED ${kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS}) set_target_properties(kwin PROPERTIES VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION} SOVERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR} ) target_link_libraries(kwin ${kwinLibs}) generate_export_header(kwin EXPORT_FILE_NAME kwin_export.h) target_link_libraries(kwin kwinglutils ${epoxy_LIBRARY}) kf5_add_kdeinit_executable(kwin_x11 main_x11.cpp) target_link_libraries(kdeinit_kwin_x11 kwin KF5::Crash Qt5::X11Extras) install(TARGETS kwin ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS} LIBRARY NAMELINK_SKIP ) install(TARGETS kdeinit_kwin_x11 ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS} ) install(TARGETS kwin_x11 ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS} ) add_executable(kwin_wayland main_wayland.cpp) target_link_libraries(kwin_wayland kwin) install(TARGETS kwin_wayland ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS} ) add_subdirectory(platformsupport) add_subdirectory(plugins) ########### install files ############### install( FILES kwin.kcfg DESTINATION ${KCFG_INSTALL_DIR} RENAME ${KWIN_NAME}.kcfg ) install( FILES kwin.notifyrc DESTINATION ${KNOTIFYRC_INSTALL_DIR} RENAME ${KWIN_NAME}.notifyrc) install( FILES org.kde.KWin.xml org.kde.kwin.Compositing.xml org.kde.kwin.Effects.xml DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_DBUSINTERFACEDIR} ) install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/kwin_export.h DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR} COMPONENT Devel) # Install the KWin/Script service type install( FILES scripting/kwinscript.desktop DESTINATION ${SERVICETYPES_INSTALL_DIR} ) ecm_install_icons( ICONS 16-apps-kwin.png 32-apps-kwin.png 48-apps-kwin.png sc-apps-kwin.svgz DESTINATION ${ICON_INSTALL_DIR} THEME hicolor ) add_subdirectory(qml) add_subdirectory(autotests) add_subdirectory(tests) add_subdirectory(packageplugins) if (KF5DocTools_FOUND) add_subdirectory(doc) endif() feature_summary(WHAT ALL INCLUDE_QUIET_PACKAGES FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) set(CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_PREFIX}/KWinDBusInterface") configure_package_config_file(KWinDBusInterfaceConfig.cmake.in "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/KWinDBusInterfaceConfig.cmake" PATH_VARS KDE_INSTALL_DBUSINTERFACEDIR INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/KWinDBusInterfaceConfig.cmake DESTINATION ${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}) diff --git a/effects.cpp b/effects.cpp index ed4adc146..d5d06e205 100644 --- a/effects.cpp +++ b/effects.cpp @@ -1,2133 +1,2136 @@ /******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Martin Gräßlin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #include "effects.h" #include "effectsadaptor.h" +#include "effects_mouse_interception_x11_filter.h" #include "effectloader.h" #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES #include "activities.h" #endif #include "deleted.h" #include "client.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "group.h" #include "osd.h" #include "pointer_input.h" #include "unmanaged.h" #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX #include "tabbox.h" #endif #include "screenedge.h" #include "scripting/scriptedeffect.h" #include "screens.h" #include "screenlockerwatcher.h" #include "thumbnailitem.h" #include "virtualdesktops.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "kwinglutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include "composite.h" #include "xcbutils.h" #include "platform.h" #include "shell_client.h" #include "wayland_server.h" #include "decorations/decorationbridge.h" #include namespace KWin { //--------------------- // Static static QByteArray readWindowProperty(xcb_window_t win, xcb_atom_t atom, xcb_atom_t type, int format) { if (win == XCB_WINDOW_NONE) { return QByteArray(); } uint32_t len = 32768; for (;;) { Xcb::Property prop(false, win, atom, XCB_ATOM_ANY, 0, len); if (prop.isNull()) { // get property failed return QByteArray(); } if (prop->bytes_after > 0) { len *= 2; continue; } return prop.toByteArray(format, type); } } static void deleteWindowProperty(Window win, long int atom) { if (win == XCB_WINDOW_NONE) { return; } xcb_delete_property(kwinApp()->x11Connection(), win, atom); } static xcb_atom_t registerSupportProperty(const QByteArray &propertyName) { auto c = kwinApp()->x11Connection(); if (!c) { return XCB_ATOM_NONE; } // get the atom for the propertyName ScopedCPointer atomReply(xcb_intern_atom_reply(c, xcb_intern_atom_unchecked(c, false, propertyName.size(), propertyName.constData()), NULL)); if (atomReply.isNull()) { return XCB_ATOM_NONE; } // announce property on root window unsigned char dummy = 0; xcb_change_property(c, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, kwinApp()->x11RootWindow(), atomReply->atom, atomReply->atom, 8, 1, &dummy); // TODO: add to _NET_SUPPORTED return atomReply->atom; } //--------------------- EffectsHandlerImpl::EffectsHandlerImpl(Compositor *compositor, Scene *scene) : EffectsHandler(scene->compositingType()) , keyboard_grab_effect(NULL) , fullscreen_effect(0) , next_window_quad_type(EFFECT_QUAD_TYPE_START) , m_compositor(compositor) , m_scene(scene) , m_desktopRendering(false) , m_currentRenderedDesktop(0) , m_effectLoader(new EffectLoader(this)) , m_trackingCursorChanges(0) { qRegisterMetaType>(); connect(m_effectLoader, &AbstractEffectLoader::effectLoaded, this, [this](Effect *effect, const QString &name) { effect_order.insert(effect->requestedEffectChainPosition(), EffectPair(name, effect)); loaded_effects << EffectPair(name, effect); effectsChanged(); } ); m_effectLoader->setConfig(kwinApp()->config()); new EffectsAdaptor(this); QDBusConnection dbus = QDBusConnection::sessionBus(); dbus.registerObject(QStringLiteral("/Effects"), this); // init is important, otherwise causes crashes when quads are build before the first painting pass start m_currentBuildQuadsIterator = m_activeEffects.constEnd(); Workspace *ws = Workspace::self(); VirtualDesktopManager *vds = VirtualDesktopManager::self(); connect(ws, &Workspace::showingDesktopChanged, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::showingDesktopChanged); connect(ws, &Workspace::currentDesktopChanged, this, [this](int old, AbstractClient *c) { const int newDesktop = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current(); if (old != 0 && newDesktop != old) { emit desktopChanged(old, newDesktop, c ? c->effectWindow() : 0); // TODO: remove in 4.10 emit desktopChanged(old, newDesktop); } } ); connect(ws, &Workspace::desktopPresenceChanged, this, [this](AbstractClient *c, int old) { if (!c->effectWindow()) { return; } emit desktopPresenceChanged(c->effectWindow(), old, c->desktop()); } ); connect(ws, &Workspace::clientAdded, this, [this](Client *c) { if (c->readyForPainting()) slotClientShown(c); else connect(c, &Toplevel::windowShown, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotClientShown); } ); connect(ws, &Workspace::unmanagedAdded, this, [this](Unmanaged *u) { // it's never initially ready but has synthetic 50ms delay connect(u, &Toplevel::windowShown, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotUnmanagedShown); } ); connect(ws, &Workspace::clientActivated, this, [this](KWin::AbstractClient *c) { emit windowActivated(c ? c->effectWindow() : nullptr); } ); connect(ws, &Workspace::deletedRemoved, this, [this](KWin::Deleted *d) { emit windowDeleted(d->effectWindow()); elevated_windows.removeAll(d->effectWindow()); } ); connect(vds, &VirtualDesktopManager::countChanged, this, &EffectsHandler::numberDesktopsChanged); connect(Cursor::self(), &Cursor::mouseChanged, this, &EffectsHandler::mouseChanged); connect(ws, &Workspace::propertyNotify, this, [this](long int atom) { if (!registered_atoms.contains(atom)) return; emit propertyNotify(nullptr, atom); } ); connect(screens(), &Screens::countChanged, this, &EffectsHandler::numberScreensChanged); connect(screens(), &Screens::sizeChanged, this, &EffectsHandler::virtualScreenSizeChanged); connect(screens(), &Screens::geometryChanged, this, &EffectsHandler::virtualScreenGeometryChanged); #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES if (Activities *activities = Activities::self()) { connect(activities, &Activities::added, this, &EffectsHandler::activityAdded); connect(activities, &Activities::removed, this, &EffectsHandler::activityRemoved); connect(activities, &Activities::currentChanged, this, &EffectsHandler::currentActivityChanged); } #endif connect(ws, &Workspace::stackingOrderChanged, this, &EffectsHandler::stackingOrderChanged); #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX TabBox::TabBox *tabBox = TabBox::TabBox::self(); connect(tabBox, &TabBox::TabBox::tabBoxAdded, this, &EffectsHandler::tabBoxAdded); connect(tabBox, &TabBox::TabBox::tabBoxUpdated, this, &EffectsHandler::tabBoxUpdated); connect(tabBox, &TabBox::TabBox::tabBoxClosed, this, &EffectsHandler::tabBoxClosed); connect(tabBox, &TabBox::TabBox::tabBoxKeyEvent, this, &EffectsHandler::tabBoxKeyEvent); #endif connect(ScreenEdges::self(), &ScreenEdges::approaching, this, &EffectsHandler::screenEdgeApproaching); connect(ScreenLockerWatcher::self(), &ScreenLockerWatcher::locked, this, &EffectsHandler::screenLockingChanged); connect(kwinApp(), &Application::x11ConnectionChanged, this, [this] { registered_atoms.clear(); for (auto it = m_propertiesForEffects.keyBegin(); it != m_propertiesForEffects.keyEnd(); it++) { const auto atom = registerSupportProperty(*it); if (atom == XCB_ATOM_NONE) { continue; } m_compositor->keepSupportProperty(atom); m_managedProperties.insert(*it, atom); registerPropertyType(atom, true); } emit xcbConnectionChanged(); } ); // connect all clients for (Client *c : ws->clientList()) { setupClientConnections(c); } for (Unmanaged *u : ws->unmanagedList()) { setupUnmanagedConnections(u); } if (auto w = waylandServer()) { connect(w, &WaylandServer::shellClientAdded, this, [this](ShellClient *c) { if (c->readyForPainting()) slotShellClientShown(c); else connect(c, &Toplevel::windowShown, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotShellClientShown); } ); } reconfigure(); } EffectsHandlerImpl::~EffectsHandlerImpl() { unloadAllEffects(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::unloadAllEffects() { makeOpenGLContextCurrent(); if (keyboard_grab_effect != NULL) ungrabKeyboard(); setActiveFullScreenEffect(nullptr); for (auto it = loaded_effects.begin(); it != loaded_effects.end(); ++it) { Effect *effect = (*it).second; stopMouseInterception(effect); // remove support properties for the effect const QList properties = m_propertiesForEffects.keys(); for (const QByteArray &property : properties) { removeSupportProperty(property, effect); } delete effect; } loaded_effects.clear(); m_effectLoader->clear(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::setupAbstractClientConnections(AbstractClient* c) { connect(c, &AbstractClient::windowClosed, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotWindowClosed); connect(c, static_cast(&AbstractClient::clientMaximizedStateChanged), this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotClientMaximized); connect(c, &AbstractClient::clientStartUserMovedResized, this, [this](AbstractClient *c) { emit windowStartUserMovedResized(c->effectWindow()); } ); connect(c, &AbstractClient::clientStepUserMovedResized, this, [this](AbstractClient *c, const QRect &geometry) { emit windowStepUserMovedResized(c->effectWindow(), geometry); } ); connect(c, &AbstractClient::clientFinishUserMovedResized, this, [this](AbstractClient *c) { emit windowFinishUserMovedResized(c->effectWindow()); } ); connect(c, &AbstractClient::opacityChanged, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotOpacityChanged); connect(c, &AbstractClient::clientMinimized, this, [this](AbstractClient *c, bool animate) { // TODO: notify effects even if it should not animate? if (animate) { emit windowMinimized(c->effectWindow()); } } ); connect(c, &AbstractClient::clientUnminimized, this, [this](AbstractClient* c, bool animate) { // TODO: notify effects even if it should not animate? if (animate) { emit windowUnminimized(c->effectWindow()); } } ); connect(c, &AbstractClient::modalChanged, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotClientModalityChanged); connect(c, &AbstractClient::geometryShapeChanged, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotGeometryShapeChanged); connect(c, &AbstractClient::damaged, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotWindowDamaged); connect(c, &AbstractClient::unresponsiveChanged, this, [this, c](bool unresponsive) { emit windowUnresponsiveChanged(c->effectWindow(), unresponsive); } ); connect(c, &AbstractClient::windowShown, this, [this](Toplevel *c) { emit windowShown(c->effectWindow()); } ); connect(c, &AbstractClient::windowHidden, this, [this](Toplevel *c) { emit windowHidden(c->effectWindow()); } ); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::setupClientConnections(Client* c) { setupAbstractClientConnections(c); connect(c, &Client::paddingChanged, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotPaddingChanged); connect(c, &Client::propertyNotify, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotPropertyNotify); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::setupUnmanagedConnections(Unmanaged* u) { connect(u, &Unmanaged::windowClosed, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotWindowClosed); connect(u, &Unmanaged::opacityChanged, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotOpacityChanged); connect(u, &Unmanaged::geometryShapeChanged, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotGeometryShapeChanged); connect(u, &Unmanaged::paddingChanged, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotPaddingChanged); connect(u, &Unmanaged::damaged, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotWindowDamaged); connect(u, &Unmanaged::propertyNotify, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotPropertyNotify); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::reconfigure() { m_effectLoader->queryAndLoadAll(); } // the idea is that effects call this function again which calls the next one void EffectsHandlerImpl::prePaintScreen(ScreenPrePaintData& data, int time) { if (m_currentPaintScreenIterator != m_activeEffects.constEnd()) { (*m_currentPaintScreenIterator++)->prePaintScreen(data, time); --m_currentPaintScreenIterator; } // no special final code } void EffectsHandlerImpl::paintScreen(int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data) { if (m_currentPaintScreenIterator != m_activeEffects.constEnd()) { (*m_currentPaintScreenIterator++)->paintScreen(mask, region, data); --m_currentPaintScreenIterator; } else m_scene->finalPaintScreen(mask, region, data); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::paintDesktop(int desktop, int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData &data) { if (desktop < 1 || desktop > numberOfDesktops()) { return; } m_currentRenderedDesktop = desktop; m_desktopRendering = true; // save the paint screen iterator EffectsIterator savedIterator = m_currentPaintScreenIterator; m_currentPaintScreenIterator = m_activeEffects.constBegin(); effects->paintScreen(mask, region, data); // restore the saved iterator m_currentPaintScreenIterator = savedIterator; m_desktopRendering = false; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::postPaintScreen() { if (m_currentPaintScreenIterator != m_activeEffects.constEnd()) { (*m_currentPaintScreenIterator++)->postPaintScreen(); --m_currentPaintScreenIterator; } // no special final code } void EffectsHandlerImpl::prePaintWindow(EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time) { if (m_currentPaintWindowIterator != m_activeEffects.constEnd()) { (*m_currentPaintWindowIterator++)->prePaintWindow(w, data, time); --m_currentPaintWindowIterator; } // no special final code } void EffectsHandlerImpl::paintWindow(EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data) { if (m_currentPaintWindowIterator != m_activeEffects.constEnd()) { (*m_currentPaintWindowIterator++)->paintWindow(w, mask, region, data); --m_currentPaintWindowIterator; } else m_scene->finalPaintWindow(static_cast(w), mask, region, data); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::paintEffectFrame(EffectFrame* frame, QRegion region, double opacity, double frameOpacity) { if (m_currentPaintEffectFrameIterator != m_activeEffects.constEnd()) { (*m_currentPaintEffectFrameIterator++)->paintEffectFrame(frame, region, opacity, frameOpacity); --m_currentPaintEffectFrameIterator; } else { const EffectFrameImpl* frameImpl = static_cast(frame); frameImpl->finalRender(region, opacity, frameOpacity); } } void EffectsHandlerImpl::postPaintWindow(EffectWindow* w) { if (m_currentPaintWindowIterator != m_activeEffects.constEnd()) { (*m_currentPaintWindowIterator++)->postPaintWindow(w); --m_currentPaintWindowIterator; } // no special final code } Effect *EffectsHandlerImpl::provides(Effect::Feature ef) { for (int i = 0; i < loaded_effects.size(); ++i) if (loaded_effects.at(i).second->provides(ef)) return loaded_effects.at(i).second; return NULL; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::drawWindow(EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data) { if (m_currentDrawWindowIterator != m_activeEffects.constEnd()) { (*m_currentDrawWindowIterator++)->drawWindow(w, mask, region, data); --m_currentDrawWindowIterator; } else m_scene->finalDrawWindow(static_cast(w), mask, region, data); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::buildQuads(EffectWindow* w, WindowQuadList& quadList) { static bool initIterator = true; if (initIterator) { m_currentBuildQuadsIterator = m_activeEffects.constBegin(); initIterator = false; } if (m_currentBuildQuadsIterator != m_activeEffects.constEnd()) { (*m_currentBuildQuadsIterator++)->buildQuads(w, quadList); --m_currentBuildQuadsIterator; } if (m_currentBuildQuadsIterator == m_activeEffects.constBegin()) initIterator = true; } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::hasDecorationShadows() const { return false; } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::decorationsHaveAlpha() const { return true; } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::decorationSupportsBlurBehind() const { return Decoration::DecorationBridge::self()->needsBlur(); } // start another painting pass void EffectsHandlerImpl::startPaint() { m_activeEffects.clear(); m_activeEffects.reserve(loaded_effects.count()); for(QVector< KWin::EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it->second->isActive()) { m_activeEffects << it->second; } } m_currentDrawWindowIterator = m_activeEffects.constBegin(); m_currentPaintWindowIterator = m_activeEffects.constBegin(); m_currentPaintScreenIterator = m_activeEffects.constBegin(); m_currentPaintEffectFrameIterator = m_activeEffects.constBegin(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotClientMaximized(KWin::AbstractClient *c, MaximizeMode maxMode) { bool horizontal = false; bool vertical = false; switch (maxMode) { case MaximizeHorizontal: horizontal = true; break; case MaximizeVertical: vertical = true; break; case MaximizeFull: horizontal = true; vertical = true; break; case MaximizeRestore: // fall through default: // default - nothing to do break; } if (EffectWindowImpl *w = c->effectWindow()) { emit windowMaximizedStateChanged(w, horizontal, vertical); } } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotOpacityChanged(Toplevel *t, qreal oldOpacity) { if (t->opacity() == oldOpacity || !t->effectWindow()) { return; } emit windowOpacityChanged(t->effectWindow(), oldOpacity, (qreal)t->opacity()); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotClientShown(KWin::Toplevel *t) { Q_ASSERT(dynamic_cast(t)); Client *c = static_cast(t); disconnect(c, &Toplevel::windowShown, this, &EffectsHandlerImpl::slotClientShown); setupClientConnections(c); if (!c->tabGroup()) // the "window" has already been there emit windowAdded(c->effectWindow()); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotShellClientShown(Toplevel *t) { ShellClient *c = static_cast(t); setupAbstractClientConnections(c); emit windowAdded(t->effectWindow()); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotUnmanagedShown(KWin::Toplevel *t) { // regardless, unmanaged windows are -yet?- not synced anyway Q_ASSERT(dynamic_cast(t)); Unmanaged *u = static_cast(t); setupUnmanagedConnections(u); emit windowAdded(u->effectWindow()); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotWindowClosed(KWin::Toplevel *c, KWin::Deleted *d) { c->disconnect(this); if (d) { emit windowClosed(c->effectWindow()); } } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotClientModalityChanged() { emit windowModalityChanged(static_cast(sender())->effectWindow()); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotCurrentTabAboutToChange(EffectWindow *from, EffectWindow *to) { emit currentTabAboutToChange(from, to); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotTabAdded(EffectWindow* w, EffectWindow* to) { emit tabAdded(w, to); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotTabRemoved(EffectWindow *w, EffectWindow* leaderOfFormerGroup) { emit tabRemoved(w, leaderOfFormerGroup); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotWindowDamaged(Toplevel* t, const QRect& r) { if (!t->effectWindow()) { // can happen during tear down of window return; } emit windowDamaged(t->effectWindow(), r); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotGeometryShapeChanged(Toplevel* t, const QRect& old) { // during late cleanup effectWindow() may be already NULL // in some functions that may still call this if (t == NULL || t->effectWindow() == NULL) return; emit windowGeometryShapeChanged(t->effectWindow(), old); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotPaddingChanged(Toplevel* t, const QRect& old) { // during late cleanup effectWindow() may be already NULL // in some functions that may still call this if (t == NULL || t->effectWindow() == NULL) return; emit windowPaddingChanged(t->effectWindow(), old); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::setActiveFullScreenEffect(Effect* e) { fullscreen_effect = e; } Effect* EffectsHandlerImpl::activeFullScreenEffect() const { return fullscreen_effect; } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::grabKeyboard(Effect* effect) { if (keyboard_grab_effect != NULL) return false; if (kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationModeX11) { bool ret = grabXKeyboard(); if (!ret) return false; // Workaround for Qt 5.9 regression introduced with 2b34aefcf02f09253473b096eb4faffd3e62b5f4 // we no longer get any events for the root window, one needs to call winId() on the desktop window // TODO: change effects event handling to create the appropriate QKeyEvent without relying on Qt // as it's done already in the Wayland case. qApp->desktop()->winId(); } keyboard_grab_effect = effect; return true; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::ungrabKeyboard() { assert(keyboard_grab_effect != NULL); if (kwinApp()->operationMode() == Application::OperationModeX11) { ungrabXKeyboard(); } keyboard_grab_effect = NULL; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::grabbedKeyboardEvent(QKeyEvent* e) { if (keyboard_grab_effect != NULL) keyboard_grab_effect->grabbedKeyboardEvent(e); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::startMouseInterception(Effect *effect, Qt::CursorShape shape) { if (m_grabbedMouseEffects.contains(effect)) { return; } m_grabbedMouseEffects.append(effect); if (m_grabbedMouseEffects.size() != 1) { return; } if (kwinApp()->operationMode() != Application::OperationModeX11) { input()->pointer()->setEffectsOverrideCursor(shape); return; } // NOTE: it is intended to not perform an XPointerGrab on X11. See documentation in kwineffects.h // The mouse grab is implemented by using a full screen input only window if (!m_mouseInterceptionWindow.isValid()) { const QSize &s = screens()->size(); const QRect geo(0, 0, s.width(), s.height()); const uint32_t mask = XCB_CW_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT | XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK; const uint32_t values[] = { true, XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS | XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_RELEASE | XCB_EVENT_MASK_POINTER_MOTION }; m_mouseInterceptionWindow.reset(Xcb::createInputWindow(geo, mask, values)); defineCursor(shape); } else { defineCursor(shape); } m_mouseInterceptionWindow.map(); m_mouseInterceptionWindow.raise(); + m_x11MouseInterception = std::make_unique(m_mouseInterceptionWindow, this); // Raise electric border windows above the input windows // so they can still be triggered. ScreenEdges::self()->ensureOnTop(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::stopMouseInterception(Effect *effect) { if (!m_grabbedMouseEffects.contains(effect)) { return; } m_grabbedMouseEffects.removeAll(effect); if (kwinApp()->operationMode() != Application::OperationModeX11) { input()->pointer()->removeEffectsOverrideCursor(); return; } if (m_grabbedMouseEffects.isEmpty()) { m_mouseInterceptionWindow.unmap(); + m_x11MouseInterception.reset(); Workspace::self()->stackScreenEdgesUnderOverrideRedirect(); } } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::isMouseInterception() const { return m_grabbedMouseEffects.count() > 0; } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::touchDown(quint32 id, const QPointF &pos, quint32 time) { // TODO: reverse call order? for (auto it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it->second->touchDown(id, pos, time)) { return true; } } return false; } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::touchMotion(quint32 id, const QPointF &pos, quint32 time) { // TODO: reverse call order? for (auto it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it->second->touchMotion(id, pos, time)) { return true; } } return false; } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::touchUp(quint32 id, quint32 time) { // TODO: reverse call order? for (auto it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it->second->touchUp(id, time)) { return true; } } return false; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::registerGlobalShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut, QAction *action) { input()->registerShortcut(shortcut, action); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::registerPointerShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton pointerButtons, QAction *action) { input()->registerPointerShortcut(modifiers, pointerButtons, action); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::registerAxisShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, PointerAxisDirection axis, QAction *action) { input()->registerAxisShortcut(modifiers, axis, action); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::registerTouchpadSwipeShortcut(SwipeDirection direction, QAction *action) { input()->registerTouchpadSwipeShortcut(direction, action); } void* EffectsHandlerImpl::getProxy(QString name) { for (QVector< EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) if ((*it).first == name) return (*it).second->proxy(); return NULL; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::startMousePolling() { if (Cursor::self()) Cursor::self()->startMousePolling(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::stopMousePolling() { if (Cursor::self()) Cursor::self()->stopMousePolling(); } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::hasKeyboardGrab() const { return keyboard_grab_effect != NULL; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopResized(const QSize &size) { m_scene->screenGeometryChanged(size); if (m_mouseInterceptionWindow.isValid()) { m_mouseInterceptionWindow.setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, size.width(), size.height())); } emit screenGeometryChanged(size); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::slotPropertyNotify(Toplevel* t, long int atom) { if (!registered_atoms.contains(atom)) return; emit propertyNotify(t->effectWindow(), atom); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::registerPropertyType(long atom, bool reg) { if (reg) ++registered_atoms[ atom ]; // initialized to 0 if not present yet else { if (--registered_atoms[ atom ] == 0) registered_atoms.remove(atom); } } xcb_atom_t EffectsHandlerImpl::announceSupportProperty(const QByteArray &propertyName, Effect *effect) { PropertyEffectMap::iterator it = m_propertiesForEffects.find(propertyName); if (it != m_propertiesForEffects.end()) { // property has already been registered for an effect // just append Effect and return the atom stored in m_managedProperties if (!it.value().contains(effect)) { it.value().append(effect); } return m_managedProperties.value(propertyName, XCB_ATOM_NONE); } m_propertiesForEffects.insert(propertyName, QList() << effect); const auto atom = registerSupportProperty(propertyName); if (atom == XCB_ATOM_NONE) { return atom; } m_compositor->keepSupportProperty(atom); m_managedProperties.insert(propertyName, atom); registerPropertyType(atom, true); return atom; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::removeSupportProperty(const QByteArray &propertyName, Effect *effect) { PropertyEffectMap::iterator it = m_propertiesForEffects.find(propertyName); if (it == m_propertiesForEffects.end()) { // property is not registered - nothing to do return; } if (!it.value().contains(effect)) { // property is not registered for given effect - nothing to do return; } it.value().removeAll(effect); if (!it.value().isEmpty()) { // property still registered for another effect - nothing further to do return; } const xcb_atom_t atom = m_managedProperties.take(propertyName); registerPropertyType(atom, false); m_propertiesForEffects.remove(propertyName); m_compositor->removeSupportProperty(atom); // delayed removal } QByteArray EffectsHandlerImpl::readRootProperty(long atom, long type, int format) const { if (!kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { return QByteArray(); } return readWindowProperty(kwinApp()->x11RootWindow(), atom, type, format); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::activateWindow(EffectWindow* c) { if (AbstractClient* cl = dynamic_cast< AbstractClient* >(static_cast(c)->window())) Workspace::self()->activateClient(cl, true); } EffectWindow* EffectsHandlerImpl::activeWindow() const { return Workspace::self()->activeClient() ? Workspace::self()->activeClient()->effectWindow() : NULL; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::moveWindow(EffectWindow* w, const QPoint& pos, bool snap, double snapAdjust) { AbstractClient* cl = dynamic_cast< AbstractClient* >(static_cast(w)->window()); if (!cl || !cl->isMovable()) return; if (snap) cl->move(Workspace::self()->adjustClientPosition(cl, pos, true, snapAdjust)); else cl->move(pos); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowToDesktop(EffectWindow* w, int desktop) { AbstractClient* cl = dynamic_cast< AbstractClient* >(static_cast(w)->window()); if (cl && !cl->isDesktop() && !cl->isDock()) Workspace::self()->sendClientToDesktop(cl, desktop, true); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::windowToScreen(EffectWindow* w, int screen) { AbstractClient* cl = dynamic_cast< AbstractClient* >(static_cast(w)->window()); if (cl && !cl->isDesktop() && !cl->isDock()) Workspace::self()->sendClientToScreen(cl, screen); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::setShowingDesktop(bool showing) { Workspace::self()->setShowingDesktop(showing); } QString EffectsHandlerImpl::currentActivity() const { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_ACTIVITIES if (!Activities::self()) { return QString(); } return Activities::self()->current(); #else return QString(); #endif } int EffectsHandlerImpl::currentDesktop() const { return VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current(); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::numberOfDesktops() const { return VirtualDesktopManager::self()->count(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::setCurrentDesktop(int desktop) { VirtualDesktopManager::self()->setCurrent(desktop); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::setNumberOfDesktops(int desktops) { VirtualDesktopManager::self()->setCount(desktops); } QSize EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopGridSize() const { return VirtualDesktopManager::self()->grid().size(); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopGridWidth() const { return desktopGridSize().width(); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopGridHeight() const { return desktopGridSize().height(); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::workspaceWidth() const { return desktopGridWidth() * screens()->size().width(); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::workspaceHeight() const { return desktopGridHeight() * screens()->size().height(); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopAtCoords(QPoint coords) const { if (auto vd = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->grid().at(coords)) { return vd->x11DesktopNumber(); } return 0; } QPoint EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopGridCoords(int id) const { return VirtualDesktopManager::self()->grid().gridCoords(id); } QPoint EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopCoords(int id) const { QPoint coords = VirtualDesktopManager::self()->grid().gridCoords(id); if (coords.x() == -1) return QPoint(-1, -1); const QSize displaySize = screens()->size(); return QPoint(coords.x() * displaySize.width(), coords.y() * displaySize.height()); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopAbove(int desktop, bool wrap) const { return getDesktop(desktop, wrap); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopToRight(int desktop, bool wrap) const { return getDesktop(desktop, wrap); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopBelow(int desktop, bool wrap) const { return getDesktop(desktop, wrap); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopToLeft(int desktop, bool wrap) const { return getDesktop(desktop, wrap); } QString EffectsHandlerImpl::desktopName(int desktop) const { return VirtualDesktopManager::self()->name(desktop); } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::optionRollOverDesktops() const { return options->isRollOverDesktops(); } double EffectsHandlerImpl::animationTimeFactor() const { return options->animationTimeFactor(); } WindowQuadType EffectsHandlerImpl::newWindowQuadType() { return WindowQuadType(next_window_quad_type++); } EffectWindow* EffectsHandlerImpl::findWindow(WId id) const { if (Client* w = Workspace::self()->findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, id)) return w->effectWindow(); if (Unmanaged* w = Workspace::self()->findUnmanaged(id)) return w->effectWindow(); if (waylandServer()) { if (ShellClient *w = waylandServer()->findClient(id)) { return w->effectWindow(); } } return NULL; } EffectWindow* EffectsHandlerImpl::findWindow(KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface *surf) const { if (waylandServer()) { if (ShellClient *w = waylandServer()->findClient(surf)) { return w->effectWindow(); } } return nullptr; } EffectWindowList EffectsHandlerImpl::stackingOrder() const { ToplevelList list = Workspace::self()->xStackingOrder(); EffectWindowList ret; for (Toplevel *t : list) { if (EffectWindow *w = effectWindow(t)) ret.append(w); } return ret; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::setElevatedWindow(KWin::EffectWindow* w, bool set) { elevated_windows.removeAll(w); if (set) elevated_windows.append(w); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::setTabBoxWindow(EffectWindow* w) { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX if (AbstractClient* c = dynamic_cast< AbstractClient* >(static_cast< EffectWindowImpl* >(w)->window())) { TabBox::TabBox::self()->setCurrentClient(c); } #else Q_UNUSED(w) #endif } void EffectsHandlerImpl::setTabBoxDesktop(int desktop) { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX TabBox::TabBox::self()->setCurrentDesktop(desktop); #else Q_UNUSED(desktop) #endif } EffectWindowList EffectsHandlerImpl::currentTabBoxWindowList() const { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX EffectWindowList ret; const auto clients = TabBox::TabBox::self()->currentClientList(); for (auto c : clients) ret.append(c->effectWindow()); return ret; #else return EffectWindowList(); #endif } void EffectsHandlerImpl::refTabBox() { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX TabBox::TabBox::self()->reference(); #endif } void EffectsHandlerImpl::unrefTabBox() { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX TabBox::TabBox::self()->unreference(); #endif } void EffectsHandlerImpl::closeTabBox() { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX TabBox::TabBox::self()->close(); #endif } QList< int > EffectsHandlerImpl::currentTabBoxDesktopList() const { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX return TabBox::TabBox::self()->currentDesktopList(); #endif return QList< int >(); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::currentTabBoxDesktop() const { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX return TabBox::TabBox::self()->currentDesktop(); #endif return -1; } EffectWindow* EffectsHandlerImpl::currentTabBoxWindow() const { #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX if (auto c = TabBox::TabBox::self()->currentClient()) return c->effectWindow(); #endif return NULL; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::addRepaintFull() { m_compositor->addRepaintFull(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::addRepaint(const QRect& r) { m_compositor->addRepaint(r); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::addRepaint(const QRegion& r) { m_compositor->addRepaint(r); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::addRepaint(int x, int y, int w, int h) { m_compositor->addRepaint(x, y, w, h); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::activeScreen() const { return screens()->current(); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::numScreens() const { return screens()->count(); } int EffectsHandlerImpl::screenNumber(const QPoint& pos) const { return screens()->number(pos); } QRect EffectsHandlerImpl::clientArea(clientAreaOption opt, int screen, int desktop) const { return Workspace::self()->clientArea(opt, screen, desktop); } QRect EffectsHandlerImpl::clientArea(clientAreaOption opt, const EffectWindow* c) const { const Toplevel* t = static_cast< const EffectWindowImpl* >(c)->window(); if (const AbstractClient* cl = dynamic_cast< const AbstractClient* >(t)) return Workspace::self()->clientArea(opt, cl); else return Workspace::self()->clientArea(opt, t->geometry().center(), VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current()); } QRect EffectsHandlerImpl::clientArea(clientAreaOption opt, const QPoint& p, int desktop) const { return Workspace::self()->clientArea(opt, p, desktop); } QRect EffectsHandlerImpl::virtualScreenGeometry() const { return screens()->geometry(); } QSize EffectsHandlerImpl::virtualScreenSize() const { return screens()->size(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::defineCursor(Qt::CursorShape shape) { if (!m_mouseInterceptionWindow.isValid()) { input()->pointer()->setEffectsOverrideCursor(shape); return; } const xcb_cursor_t c = Cursor::x11Cursor(shape); if (c != XCB_CURSOR_NONE) { m_mouseInterceptionWindow.defineCursor(c); } } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::checkInputWindowEvent(xcb_button_press_event_t *e) { if (m_grabbedMouseEffects.isEmpty() || m_mouseInterceptionWindow != e->event) { return false; } for (Effect *effect : m_grabbedMouseEffects) { Qt::MouseButton button = x11ToQtMouseButton(e->detail); Qt::MouseButtons buttons = x11ToQtMouseButtons(e->state); const QEvent::Type type = ((e->response_type & ~0x80) == XCB_BUTTON_PRESS) ? QEvent::MouseButtonPress : QEvent::MouseButtonRelease; if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { buttons |= button; } else { buttons &= ~button; } QMouseEvent ev(type, QPoint(e->event_x, e->event_y), QPoint(e->root_x, e->root_y), button, buttons, x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers(e->state)); effect->windowInputMouseEvent(&ev); } return true; // eat event } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::checkInputWindowEvent(xcb_motion_notify_event_t *e) { if (m_grabbedMouseEffects.isEmpty() || m_mouseInterceptionWindow != e->event) { return false; } for (Effect *effect : m_grabbedMouseEffects) { QMouseEvent ev(QEvent::MouseMove, QPoint(e->event_x, e->event_y), QPoint(e->root_x, e->root_y), Qt::NoButton, x11ToQtMouseButtons(e->state), x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers(e->state)); effect->windowInputMouseEvent(&ev); } return true; // eat event } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::checkInputWindowEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (m_grabbedMouseEffects.isEmpty()) { return false; } foreach (Effect *effect, m_grabbedMouseEffects) { effect->windowInputMouseEvent(e); } return true; } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::checkInputWindowEvent(QWheelEvent *e) { if (m_grabbedMouseEffects.isEmpty()) { return false; } foreach (Effect *effect, m_grabbedMouseEffects) { effect->windowInputMouseEvent(e); } return true; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) { if (signal == QMetaMethod::fromSignal(&EffectsHandler::cursorShapeChanged)) { if (!m_trackingCursorChanges) { connect(Cursor::self(), &Cursor::cursorChanged, this, &EffectsHandler::cursorShapeChanged); Cursor::self()->startCursorTracking(); } ++m_trackingCursorChanges; } EffectsHandler::connectNotify(signal); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) { if (signal == QMetaMethod::fromSignal(&EffectsHandler::cursorShapeChanged)) { Q_ASSERT(m_trackingCursorChanges > 0); if (!--m_trackingCursorChanges) { Cursor::self()->stopCursorTracking(); disconnect(Cursor::self(), &Cursor::cursorChanged, this, &EffectsHandler::cursorShapeChanged); } } EffectsHandler::disconnectNotify(signal); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::checkInputWindowStacking() { if (m_grabbedMouseEffects.isEmpty()) { return; } if (kwinApp()->operationMode() != Application::OperationModeX11) { return; } m_mouseInterceptionWindow.raise(); // Raise electric border windows above the input windows // so they can still be triggered. TODO: Do both at once. ScreenEdges::self()->ensureOnTop(); } QPoint EffectsHandlerImpl::cursorPos() const { return Cursor::pos(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::reserveElectricBorder(ElectricBorder border, Effect *effect) { ScreenEdges::self()->reserve(border, effect, "borderActivated"); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::unreserveElectricBorder(ElectricBorder border, Effect *effect) { ScreenEdges::self()->unreserve(border, effect); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::registerTouchBorder(ElectricBorder border, QAction *action) { ScreenEdges::self()->reserveTouch(border, action); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::unregisterTouchBorder(ElectricBorder border, QAction *action) { ScreenEdges::self()->unreserveTouch(border, action); } unsigned long EffectsHandlerImpl::xrenderBufferPicture() { return m_scene->xrenderBufferPicture(); } QPainter *EffectsHandlerImpl::scenePainter() { return m_scene->scenePainter(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::toggleEffect(const QString& name) { if (isEffectLoaded(name)) unloadEffect(name); else loadEffect(name); } QStringList EffectsHandlerImpl::loadedEffects() const { QStringList listModules; for (QVector< EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) { listModules << (*it).first; } return listModules; } QStringList EffectsHandlerImpl::listOfEffects() const { return m_effectLoader->listOfKnownEffects(); } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::loadEffect(const QString& name) { makeOpenGLContextCurrent(); m_compositor->addRepaintFull(); return m_effectLoader->loadEffect(name); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::unloadEffect(const QString& name) { makeOpenGLContextCurrent(); m_compositor->addRepaintFull(); for (QMap< int, EffectPair >::iterator it = effect_order.begin(); it != effect_order.end(); ++it) { if (it.value().first == name) { qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "EffectsHandler::unloadEffect : Unloading Effect : " << name; if (activeFullScreenEffect() == it.value().second) { setActiveFullScreenEffect(0); } stopMouseInterception(it.value().second); // remove support properties for the effect const QList properties = m_propertiesForEffects.keys(); for (const QByteArray &property : properties) { removeSupportProperty(property, it.value().second); } delete it.value().second; effect_order.erase(it); effectsChanged(); return; } } qCDebug(KWIN_CORE) << "EffectsHandler::unloadEffect : Effect not loaded : " << name; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::reconfigureEffect(const QString& name) { for (QVector< EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) if ((*it).first == name) { kwinApp()->config()->reparseConfiguration(); makeOpenGLContextCurrent(); (*it).second->reconfigure(Effect::ReconfigureAll); return; } } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::isEffectLoaded(const QString& name) const { for (QVector< EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) if ((*it).first == name) return true; return false; } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::isEffectSupported(const QString &name) { // if the effect is loaded, it is obviously supported auto it = std::find_if(loaded_effects.constBegin(), loaded_effects.constEnd(), [name](const EffectPair &pair) { return pair.first == name; }); if (it != loaded_effects.constEnd()) { return true; } // next checks might require a context makeOpenGLContextCurrent(); m_compositor->addRepaintFull(); return m_effectLoader->isEffectSupported(name); } QList< bool > EffectsHandlerImpl::areEffectsSupported(const QStringList &names) { QList< bool > retList; for (const QString &name : names) { retList << isEffectSupported(name); } return retList; } void EffectsHandlerImpl::reloadEffect(Effect *effect) { QString effectName; for (QVector< EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it).second == effect) { effectName = (*it).first; break; } } if (!effectName.isNull()) { unloadEffect(effectName); m_effectLoader->loadEffect(effectName); } } void EffectsHandlerImpl::effectsChanged() { loaded_effects.clear(); m_activeEffects.clear(); // it's possible to have a reconfigure and a quad rebuild between two paint cycles - bug #308201 // qDebug() << "Recreating effects' list:"; for (const EffectPair & effect : effect_order) { // qDebug() << effect.first; loaded_effects.append(effect); } m_activeEffects.reserve(loaded_effects.count()); } QStringList EffectsHandlerImpl::activeEffects() const { QStringList ret; for(QVector< KWin::EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(), end = loaded_effects.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) { if (it->second->isActive()) { ret << it->first; } } return ret; } KWayland::Server::Display *EffectsHandlerImpl::waylandDisplay() const { if (waylandServer()) { return waylandServer()->display(); } return nullptr; } EffectFrame* EffectsHandlerImpl::effectFrame(EffectFrameStyle style, bool staticSize, const QPoint& position, Qt::Alignment alignment) const { return new EffectFrameImpl(style, staticSize, position, alignment); } QVariant EffectsHandlerImpl::kwinOption(KWinOption kwopt) { switch (kwopt) { case CloseButtonCorner: // TODO: this could become per window and be derived from the actual position in the deco return Decoration::DecorationBridge::self()->settings()->decorationButtonsLeft().contains(KDecoration2::DecorationButtonType::Close) ? Qt::TopLeftCorner : Qt::TopRightCorner; case SwitchDesktopOnScreenEdge: return ScreenEdges::self()->isDesktopSwitching(); case SwitchDesktopOnScreenEdgeMovingWindows: return ScreenEdges::self()->isDesktopSwitchingMovingClients(); default: return QVariant(); // an invalid one } } QString EffectsHandlerImpl::supportInformation(const QString &name) const { if (!isEffectLoaded(name)) { return QString(); } for (QVector< EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it).first == name) { QString support((*it).first + QLatin1String(":\n")); const QMetaObject *metaOptions = (*it).second->metaObject(); for (int i=0; ipropertyCount(); ++i) { const QMetaProperty property = metaOptions->property(i); if (qstrcmp(property.name(), "objectName") == 0) { continue; } support += QString::fromUtf8(property.name()) + QLatin1String(": ") + (*it).second->property(property.name()).toString() + QLatin1Char('\n'); } return support; } } return QString(); } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::isScreenLocked() const { return ScreenLockerWatcher::self()->isLocked(); } QString EffectsHandlerImpl::debug(const QString& name, const QString& parameter) const { QString internalName = name.toLower();; for (QVector< EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it).first == internalName) { return it->second->debug(parameter); } } return QString(); } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::makeOpenGLContextCurrent() { return m_scene->makeOpenGLContextCurrent(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::doneOpenGLContextCurrent() { m_scene->doneOpenGLContextCurrent(); } bool EffectsHandlerImpl::animationsSupported() const { static const QByteArray forceEnvVar = qgetenv("KWIN_EFFECTS_FORCE_ANIMATIONS"); if (!forceEnvVar.isEmpty()) { static const int forceValue = forceEnvVar.toInt(); return forceValue == 1; } return m_scene->animationsSupported(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::highlightWindows(const QVector &windows) { Effect *e = provides(Effect::HighlightWindows); if (!e) { return; } e->perform(Effect::HighlightWindows, QVariantList{QVariant::fromValue(windows)}); } PlatformCursorImage EffectsHandlerImpl::cursorImage() const { return kwinApp()->platform()->cursorImage(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::hideCursor() { kwinApp()->platform()->hideCursor(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::showCursor() { kwinApp()->platform()->showCursor(); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::startInteractiveWindowSelection(std::function callback) { kwinApp()->platform()->startInteractiveWindowSelection( [callback] (KWin::Toplevel *t) { if (t && t->effectWindow()) { callback(t->effectWindow()); } else { callback(nullptr); } } ); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::startInteractivePositionSelection(std::function callback) { kwinApp()->platform()->startInteractivePositionSelection(callback); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::showOnScreenMessage(const QString &message, const QString &iconName) { OSD::show(message, iconName); } void EffectsHandlerImpl::hideOnScreenMessage(OnScreenMessageHideFlags flags) { OSD::HideFlags osdFlags; if (flags.testFlag(OnScreenMessageHideFlag::SkipsCloseAnimation)) { osdFlags |= OSD::HideFlag::SkipCloseAnimation; } OSD::hide(osdFlags); } KSharedConfigPtr EffectsHandlerImpl::config() const { return kwinApp()->config(); } KSharedConfigPtr EffectsHandlerImpl::inputConfig() const { return kwinApp()->inputConfig(); } //**************************************** // EffectWindowImpl //**************************************** EffectWindowImpl::EffectWindowImpl(Toplevel *toplevel) : EffectWindow(toplevel) , toplevel(toplevel) , sw(NULL) { } EffectWindowImpl::~EffectWindowImpl() { QVariant cachedTextureVariant = data(LanczosCacheRole); if (cachedTextureVariant.isValid()) { GLTexture *cachedTexture = static_cast< GLTexture*>(cachedTextureVariant.value()); delete cachedTexture; } } bool EffectWindowImpl::isPaintingEnabled() { return sceneWindow()->isPaintingEnabled(); } void EffectWindowImpl::enablePainting(int reason) { sceneWindow()->enablePainting(reason); } void EffectWindowImpl::disablePainting(int reason) { sceneWindow()->disablePainting(reason); } const EffectWindowGroup* EffectWindowImpl::group() const { if (Client* c = dynamic_cast< Client* >(toplevel)) return c->group()->effectGroup(); return NULL; // TODO } void EffectWindowImpl::refWindow() { if (Deleted* d = dynamic_cast< Deleted* >(toplevel)) return d->refWindow(); abort(); // TODO } void EffectWindowImpl::unrefWindow() { if (Deleted* d = dynamic_cast< Deleted* >(toplevel)) return d->unrefWindow(); // delays deletion in case abort(); // TODO } void EffectWindowImpl::setWindow(Toplevel* w) { toplevel = w; setParent(w); } void EffectWindowImpl::setSceneWindow(Scene::Window* w) { sw = w; } QRegion EffectWindowImpl::shape() const { return sw ? sw->shape() : geometry(); } QRect EffectWindowImpl::decorationInnerRect() const { Client *client = dynamic_cast(toplevel); return client ? client->transparentRect() : contentsRect(); } QByteArray EffectWindowImpl::readProperty(long atom, long type, int format) const { if (!kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { return QByteArray(); } return readWindowProperty(window()->window(), atom, type, format); } void EffectWindowImpl::deleteProperty(long int atom) const { if (kwinApp()->x11Connection()) { deleteWindowProperty(window()->window(), atom); } } EffectWindow* EffectWindowImpl::findModal() { if (AbstractClient* c = dynamic_cast< AbstractClient* >(toplevel)) { if (AbstractClient* c2 = c->findModal()) return c2->effectWindow(); } return NULL; } template EffectWindowList getMainWindows(Toplevel *toplevel) { T *c = static_cast(toplevel); EffectWindowList ret; const auto mainclients = c->mainClients(); for (auto tmp : mainclients) ret.append(tmp->effectWindow()); return ret; } EffectWindowList EffectWindowImpl::mainWindows() const { if (dynamic_cast(toplevel)) { return getMainWindows(toplevel); } else if (toplevel->isDeleted()) { return getMainWindows(toplevel); } return EffectWindowList(); } WindowQuadList EffectWindowImpl::buildQuads(bool force) const { return sceneWindow()->buildQuads(force); } void EffectWindowImpl::setData(int role, const QVariant &data) { if (!data.isNull()) dataMap[ role ] = data; else dataMap.remove(role); emit effects->windowDataChanged(this, role); } QVariant EffectWindowImpl::data(int role) const { if (!dataMap.contains(role)) return QVariant(); return dataMap[ role ]; } EffectWindow* effectWindow(Toplevel* w) { EffectWindowImpl* ret = w->effectWindow(); return ret; } EffectWindow* effectWindow(Scene::Window* w) { EffectWindowImpl* ret = w->window()->effectWindow(); ret->setSceneWindow(w); return ret; } void EffectWindowImpl::elevate(bool elevate) { effects->setElevatedWindow(this, elevate); } void EffectWindowImpl::registerThumbnail(AbstractThumbnailItem *item) { if (WindowThumbnailItem *thumb = qobject_cast(item)) { insertThumbnail(thumb); connect(thumb, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), SLOT(thumbnailDestroyed(QObject*))); connect(thumb, SIGNAL(wIdChanged(qulonglong)), SLOT(thumbnailTargetChanged())); } else if (DesktopThumbnailItem *desktopThumb = qobject_cast(item)) { m_desktopThumbnails.append(desktopThumb); connect(desktopThumb, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), SLOT(desktopThumbnailDestroyed(QObject*))); } } void EffectWindowImpl::thumbnailDestroyed(QObject *object) { // we know it is a ThumbnailItem m_thumbnails.remove(static_cast(object)); } void EffectWindowImpl::thumbnailTargetChanged() { if (WindowThumbnailItem *item = qobject_cast(sender())) { insertThumbnail(item); } } void EffectWindowImpl::insertThumbnail(WindowThumbnailItem *item) { EffectWindow *w = effects->findWindow(item->wId()); if (w) { m_thumbnails.insert(item, QWeakPointer(static_cast(w))); } else { m_thumbnails.insert(item, QWeakPointer()); } } void EffectWindowImpl::desktopThumbnailDestroyed(QObject *object) { // we know it is a DesktopThumbnailItem m_desktopThumbnails.removeAll(static_cast(object)); } void EffectWindowImpl::referencePreviousWindowPixmap() { if (sw) { sw->referencePreviousPixmap(); } } void EffectWindowImpl::unreferencePreviousWindowPixmap() { if (sw) { sw->unreferencePreviousPixmap(); } } //**************************************** // EffectWindowGroupImpl //**************************************** EffectWindowList EffectWindowGroupImpl::members() const { EffectWindowList ret; for (Toplevel * c : group->members()) ret.append(c->effectWindow()); return ret; } //**************************************** // EffectFrameImpl //**************************************** EffectFrameImpl::EffectFrameImpl(EffectFrameStyle style, bool staticSize, QPoint position, Qt::Alignment alignment) : QObject(0) , EffectFrame() , m_style(style) , m_static(staticSize) , m_point(position) , m_alignment(alignment) , m_shader(NULL) , m_theme(new Plasma::Theme(this)) { if (m_style == EffectFrameStyled) { m_frame.setImagePath(QStringLiteral("widgets/background")); m_frame.setCacheAllRenderedFrames(true); connect(m_theme, SIGNAL(themeChanged()), this, SLOT(plasmaThemeChanged())); } m_selection.setImagePath(QStringLiteral("widgets/viewitem")); m_selection.setElementPrefix(QStringLiteral("hover")); m_selection.setCacheAllRenderedFrames(true); m_selection.setEnabledBorders(Plasma::FrameSvg::AllBorders); m_sceneFrame = Compositor::self()->scene()->createEffectFrame(this); } EffectFrameImpl::~EffectFrameImpl() { delete m_sceneFrame; } const QFont& EffectFrameImpl::font() const { return m_font; } void EffectFrameImpl::setFont(const QFont& font) { if (m_font == font) { return; } m_font = font; QRect oldGeom = m_geometry; if (!m_text.isEmpty()) { autoResize(); } if (oldGeom == m_geometry) { // Wasn't updated in autoResize() m_sceneFrame->freeTextFrame(); } } void EffectFrameImpl::free() { m_sceneFrame->free(); } const QRect& EffectFrameImpl::geometry() const { return m_geometry; } void EffectFrameImpl::setGeometry(const QRect& geometry, bool force) { QRect oldGeom = m_geometry; m_geometry = geometry; if (m_geometry == oldGeom && !force) { return; } effects->addRepaint(oldGeom); effects->addRepaint(m_geometry); if (m_geometry.size() == oldGeom.size() && !force) { return; } if (m_style == EffectFrameStyled) { qreal left, top, right, bottom; m_frame.getMargins(left, top, right, bottom); // m_geometry is the inner geometry m_frame.resizeFrame(m_geometry.adjusted(-left, -top, right, bottom).size()); } free(); } const QIcon& EffectFrameImpl::icon() const { return m_icon; } void EffectFrameImpl::setIcon(const QIcon& icon) { m_icon = icon; if (isCrossFade()) { m_sceneFrame->crossFadeIcon(); } if (m_iconSize.isEmpty() && !m_icon.availableSizes().isEmpty()) { // Set a size if we don't already have one setIconSize(m_icon.availableSizes().first()); } m_sceneFrame->freeIconFrame(); } const QSize& EffectFrameImpl::iconSize() const { return m_iconSize; } void EffectFrameImpl::setIconSize(const QSize& size) { if (m_iconSize == size) { return; } m_iconSize = size; autoResize(); m_sceneFrame->freeIconFrame(); } void EffectFrameImpl::plasmaThemeChanged() { free(); } void EffectFrameImpl::render(QRegion region, double opacity, double frameOpacity) { if (m_geometry.isEmpty()) { return; // Nothing to display } m_shader = NULL; setScreenProjectionMatrix(static_cast(effects)->scene()->screenProjectionMatrix()); effects->paintEffectFrame(this, region, opacity, frameOpacity); } void EffectFrameImpl::finalRender(QRegion region, double opacity, double frameOpacity) const { region = infiniteRegion(); // TODO: Old region doesn't seem to work with OpenGL m_sceneFrame->render(region, opacity, frameOpacity); } Qt::Alignment EffectFrameImpl::alignment() const { return m_alignment; } void EffectFrameImpl::align(QRect &geometry) { if (m_alignment & Qt::AlignLeft) geometry.moveLeft(m_point.x()); else if (m_alignment & Qt::AlignRight) geometry.moveLeft(m_point.x() - geometry.width()); else geometry.moveLeft(m_point.x() - geometry.width() / 2); if (m_alignment & Qt::AlignTop) geometry.moveTop(m_point.y()); else if (m_alignment & Qt::AlignBottom) geometry.moveTop(m_point.y() - geometry.height()); else geometry.moveTop(m_point.y() - geometry.height() / 2); } void EffectFrameImpl::setAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment) { m_alignment = alignment; align(m_geometry); setGeometry(m_geometry); } void EffectFrameImpl::setPosition(const QPoint& point) { m_point = point; QRect geometry = m_geometry; // this is important, setGeometry need call repaint for old & new geometry align(geometry); setGeometry(geometry); } const QString& EffectFrameImpl::text() const { return m_text; } void EffectFrameImpl::setText(const QString& text) { if (m_text == text) { return; } if (isCrossFade()) { m_sceneFrame->crossFadeText(); } m_text = text; QRect oldGeom = m_geometry; autoResize(); if (oldGeom == m_geometry) { // Wasn't updated in autoResize() m_sceneFrame->freeTextFrame(); } } void EffectFrameImpl::setSelection(const QRect& selection) { if (selection == m_selectionGeometry) { return; } m_selectionGeometry = selection; if (m_selectionGeometry.size() != m_selection.frameSize().toSize()) { m_selection.resizeFrame(m_selectionGeometry.size()); } // TODO; optimize to only recreate when resizing m_sceneFrame->freeSelection(); } void EffectFrameImpl::autoResize() { if (m_static) return; // Not automatically resizing QRect geometry; // Set size if (!m_text.isEmpty()) { QFontMetrics metrics(m_font); geometry.setSize(metrics.size(0, m_text)); } if (!m_icon.isNull() && !m_iconSize.isEmpty()) { geometry.setLeft(-m_iconSize.width()); if (m_iconSize.height() > geometry.height()) geometry.setHeight(m_iconSize.height()); } align(geometry); setGeometry(geometry); } QColor EffectFrameImpl::styledTextColor() { return m_theme->color(Plasma::Theme::TextColor); } } // namespace diff --git a/effects.h b/effects.h index b9eb3d36a..92c28c13c 100644 --- a/effects.h +++ b/effects.h @@ -1,535 +1,537 @@ /******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 2006 Lubos Lunak Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Martin Gräßlin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ #ifndef KWIN_EFFECTSIMPL_H #define KWIN_EFFECTSIMPL_H #include "kwineffects.h" #include "client.h" #include "scene.h" #include "xcbutils.h" #include #include namespace Plasma { class Theme; } namespace KWayland { namespace Server { class Display; } } class QDBusPendingCallWatcher; class QDBusServiceWatcher; namespace KWin { class AbstractThumbnailItem; class DesktopThumbnailItem; class WindowThumbnailItem; class Client; class Compositor; class Deleted; class EffectLoader; +class EffectsMouseInterceptionX11Filter; class Unmanaged; class KWIN_EXPORT EffectsHandlerImpl : public EffectsHandler { Q_OBJECT Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.kwin.Effects") Q_PROPERTY(QStringList activeEffects READ activeEffects) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList loadedEffects READ loadedEffects) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList listOfEffects READ listOfEffects) public: EffectsHandlerImpl(Compositor *compositor, Scene *scene); virtual ~EffectsHandlerImpl(); void prePaintScreen(ScreenPrePaintData& data, int time) override; void paintScreen(int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data) override; /** * Special hook to perform a paintScreen but just with the windows on @p desktop. **/ void paintDesktop(int desktop, int mask, QRegion region, ScreenPaintData& data); void postPaintScreen() override; void prePaintWindow(EffectWindow* w, WindowPrePaintData& data, int time) override; void paintWindow(EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data) override; void postPaintWindow(EffectWindow* w) override; void paintEffectFrame(EffectFrame* frame, QRegion region, double opacity, double frameOpacity) override; Effect *provides(Effect::Feature ef); void drawWindow(EffectWindow* w, int mask, QRegion region, WindowPaintData& data) override; void buildQuads(EffectWindow* w, WindowQuadList& quadList) override; void activateWindow(EffectWindow* c) override; EffectWindow* activeWindow() const override; void moveWindow(EffectWindow* w, const QPoint& pos, bool snap = false, double snapAdjust = 1.0) override; void windowToDesktop(EffectWindow* w, int desktop) override; void windowToScreen(EffectWindow* w, int screen) override; void setShowingDesktop(bool showing) override; QString currentActivity() const override; int currentDesktop() const override; int numberOfDesktops() const override; void setCurrentDesktop(int desktop) override; void setNumberOfDesktops(int desktops) override; QSize desktopGridSize() const override; int desktopGridWidth() const override; int desktopGridHeight() const override; int workspaceWidth() const override; int workspaceHeight() const override; int desktopAtCoords(QPoint coords) const override; QPoint desktopGridCoords(int id) const override; QPoint desktopCoords(int id) const override; int desktopAbove(int desktop = 0, bool wrap = true) const override; int desktopToRight(int desktop = 0, bool wrap = true) const override; int desktopBelow(int desktop = 0, bool wrap = true) const override; int desktopToLeft(int desktop = 0, bool wrap = true) const override; QString desktopName(int desktop) const override; bool optionRollOverDesktops() const override; QPoint cursorPos() const override; bool grabKeyboard(Effect* effect) override; void ungrabKeyboard() override; // not performing XGrabPointer void startMouseInterception(Effect *effect, Qt::CursorShape shape) override; void stopMouseInterception(Effect *effect) override; bool isMouseInterception() const; void registerGlobalShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut, QAction *action) override; void registerPointerShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, Qt::MouseButton pointerButtons, QAction *action) override; void registerAxisShortcut(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers, PointerAxisDirection axis, QAction *action) override; void registerTouchpadSwipeShortcut(SwipeDirection direction, QAction *action) override; void* getProxy(QString name) override; void startMousePolling() override; void stopMousePolling() override; EffectWindow* findWindow(WId id) const override; EffectWindow* findWindow(KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface *surf) const override; EffectWindowList stackingOrder() const override; void setElevatedWindow(KWin::EffectWindow* w, bool set) override; void setTabBoxWindow(EffectWindow*) override; void setTabBoxDesktop(int) override; EffectWindowList currentTabBoxWindowList() const override; void refTabBox() override; void unrefTabBox() override; void closeTabBox() override; QList< int > currentTabBoxDesktopList() const override; int currentTabBoxDesktop() const override; EffectWindow* currentTabBoxWindow() const override; void setActiveFullScreenEffect(Effect* e) override; Effect* activeFullScreenEffect() const override; void addRepaintFull() override; void addRepaint(const QRect& r) override; void addRepaint(const QRegion& r) override; void addRepaint(int x, int y, int w, int h) override; int activeScreen() const override; int numScreens() const override; int screenNumber(const QPoint& pos) const override; QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption, int screen, int desktop) const override; QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption, const EffectWindow* c) const override; QRect clientArea(clientAreaOption, const QPoint& p, int desktop) const override; QSize virtualScreenSize() const override; QRect virtualScreenGeometry() const override; double animationTimeFactor() const override; WindowQuadType newWindowQuadType() override; void defineCursor(Qt::CursorShape shape) override; bool checkInputWindowEvent(xcb_button_press_event_t *e); bool checkInputWindowEvent(xcb_motion_notify_event_t *e); bool checkInputWindowEvent(QMouseEvent *e); bool checkInputWindowEvent(QWheelEvent *e); void checkInputWindowStacking(); void reserveElectricBorder(ElectricBorder border, Effect *effect) override; void unreserveElectricBorder(ElectricBorder border, Effect *effect) override; void registerTouchBorder(ElectricBorder border, QAction *action) override; void unregisterTouchBorder(ElectricBorder border, QAction *action) override; unsigned long xrenderBufferPicture() override; QPainter* scenePainter() override; void reconfigure() override; QByteArray readRootProperty(long atom, long type, int format) const override; xcb_atom_t announceSupportProperty(const QByteArray& propertyName, Effect* effect) override; void removeSupportProperty(const QByteArray& propertyName, Effect* effect) override; bool hasDecorationShadows() const override; bool decorationsHaveAlpha() const override; bool decorationSupportsBlurBehind() const override; EffectFrame* effectFrame(EffectFrameStyle style, bool staticSize, const QPoint& position, Qt::Alignment alignment) const override; QVariant kwinOption(KWinOption kwopt) override; bool isScreenLocked() const override; bool makeOpenGLContextCurrent() override; void doneOpenGLContextCurrent() override; xcb_connection_t *xcbConnection() const override; xcb_window_t x11RootWindow() const override; // internal (used by kwin core or compositing code) void startPaint(); void grabbedKeyboardEvent(QKeyEvent* e); bool hasKeyboardGrab() const; void desktopResized(const QSize &size); void reloadEffect(Effect *effect) override; QStringList loadedEffects() const; QStringList listOfEffects() const; void unloadAllEffects(); QList elevatedWindows() const; QStringList activeEffects() const; /** * @returns Whether we are currently in a desktop rendering process triggered by paintDesktop hook **/ bool isDesktopRendering() const { return m_desktopRendering; } /** * @returns the desktop currently being rendered in the paintDesktop hook. **/ int currentRenderedDesktop() const { return m_currentRenderedDesktop; } KWayland::Server::Display *waylandDisplay() const override; bool animationsSupported() const override; PlatformCursorImage cursorImage() const override; void hideCursor() override; void showCursor() override; void startInteractiveWindowSelection(std::function callback) override; void startInteractivePositionSelection(std::function callback) override; void showOnScreenMessage(const QString &message, const QString &iconName = QString()) override; void hideOnScreenMessage(OnScreenMessageHideFlags flags = OnScreenMessageHideFlags()) override; KSharedConfigPtr config() const override; KSharedConfigPtr inputConfig() const override; Scene *scene() const { return m_scene; } bool touchDown(quint32 id, const QPointF &pos, quint32 time); bool touchMotion(quint32 id, const QPointF &pos, quint32 time); bool touchUp(quint32 id, quint32 time); void highlightWindows(const QVector &windows); public Q_SLOTS: void slotCurrentTabAboutToChange(EffectWindow* from, EffectWindow* to); void slotTabAdded(EffectWindow* from, EffectWindow* to); void slotTabRemoved(EffectWindow* c, EffectWindow* newActiveWindow); // slots for D-Bus interface Q_SCRIPTABLE void reconfigureEffect(const QString& name); Q_SCRIPTABLE bool loadEffect(const QString& name); Q_SCRIPTABLE void toggleEffect(const QString& name); Q_SCRIPTABLE void unloadEffect(const QString& name); Q_SCRIPTABLE bool isEffectLoaded(const QString& name) const; Q_SCRIPTABLE bool isEffectSupported(const QString& name); Q_SCRIPTABLE QList areEffectsSupported(const QStringList &names); Q_SCRIPTABLE QString supportInformation(const QString& name) const; Q_SCRIPTABLE QString debug(const QString& name, const QString& parameter = QString()) const; protected Q_SLOTS: void slotClientShown(KWin::Toplevel*); void slotShellClientShown(KWin::Toplevel*); void slotUnmanagedShown(KWin::Toplevel*); void slotWindowClosed(KWin::Toplevel *c, KWin::Deleted *d); void slotClientMaximized(KWin::AbstractClient *c, MaximizeMode maxMode); void slotOpacityChanged(KWin::Toplevel *t, qreal oldOpacity); void slotClientModalityChanged(); void slotGeometryShapeChanged(KWin::Toplevel *t, const QRect &old); void slotPaddingChanged(KWin::Toplevel *t, const QRect &old); void slotWindowDamaged(KWin::Toplevel *t, const QRect& r); void slotPropertyNotify(KWin::Toplevel *t, long atom); protected: void connectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) override; void disconnectNotify(const QMetaMethod &signal) override; void effectsChanged(); void setupAbstractClientConnections(KWin::AbstractClient *c); void setupClientConnections(KWin::Client *c); void setupUnmanagedConnections(KWin::Unmanaged *u); Effect* keyboard_grab_effect; Effect* fullscreen_effect; QList elevated_windows; QMultiMap< int, EffectPair > effect_order; QHash< long, int > registered_atoms; int next_window_quad_type; private: void registerPropertyType(long atom, bool reg); typedef QVector< Effect*> EffectsList; typedef EffectsList::const_iterator EffectsIterator; EffectsList m_activeEffects; EffectsIterator m_currentDrawWindowIterator; EffectsIterator m_currentPaintWindowIterator; EffectsIterator m_currentPaintEffectFrameIterator; EffectsIterator m_currentPaintScreenIterator; EffectsIterator m_currentBuildQuadsIterator; typedef QHash< QByteArray, QList< Effect*> > PropertyEffectMap; PropertyEffectMap m_propertiesForEffects; QHash m_managedProperties; Compositor *m_compositor; Scene *m_scene; bool m_desktopRendering; int m_currentRenderedDesktop; Xcb::Window m_mouseInterceptionWindow; QList m_grabbedMouseEffects; EffectLoader *m_effectLoader; int m_trackingCursorChanges; + std::unique_ptr m_x11MouseInterception; }; class EffectWindowImpl : public EffectWindow { Q_OBJECT public: explicit EffectWindowImpl(Toplevel *toplevel); virtual ~EffectWindowImpl(); void enablePainting(int reason) override; void disablePainting(int reason) override; bool isPaintingEnabled() override; void refWindow() override; void unrefWindow() override; const EffectWindowGroup* group() const override; QRegion shape() const override; QRect decorationInnerRect() const override; QByteArray readProperty(long atom, long type, int format) const override; void deleteProperty(long atom) const override; EffectWindow* findModal() override; EffectWindowList mainWindows() const override; WindowQuadList buildQuads(bool force = false) const override; void referencePreviousWindowPixmap() override; void unreferencePreviousWindowPixmap() override; const Toplevel* window() const; Toplevel* window(); void setWindow(Toplevel* w); // internal void setSceneWindow(Scene::Window* w); // internal const Scene::Window* sceneWindow() const; // internal Scene::Window* sceneWindow(); // internal void elevate(bool elevate); void setData(int role, const QVariant &data); QVariant data(int role) const; void registerThumbnail(AbstractThumbnailItem *item); QHash > const &thumbnails() const { return m_thumbnails; } QList const &desktopThumbnails() const { return m_desktopThumbnails; } private Q_SLOTS: void thumbnailDestroyed(QObject *object); void thumbnailTargetChanged(); void desktopThumbnailDestroyed(QObject *object); private: void insertThumbnail(WindowThumbnailItem *item); Toplevel* toplevel; Scene::Window* sw; // This one is used only during paint pass. QHash dataMap; QHash > m_thumbnails; QList m_desktopThumbnails; }; class EffectWindowGroupImpl : public EffectWindowGroup { public: explicit EffectWindowGroupImpl(Group* g); EffectWindowList members() const override; private: Group* group; }; class KWIN_EXPORT EffectFrameImpl : public QObject, public EffectFrame { Q_OBJECT public: explicit EffectFrameImpl(EffectFrameStyle style, bool staticSize = true, QPoint position = QPoint(-1, -1), Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::AlignCenter); virtual ~EffectFrameImpl(); void free() override; void render(QRegion region = infiniteRegion(), double opacity = 1.0, double frameOpacity = 1.0) override; Qt::Alignment alignment() const override; void setAlignment(Qt::Alignment alignment) override; const QFont& font() const override; void setFont(const QFont& font) override; const QRect& geometry() const override; void setGeometry(const QRect& geometry, bool force = false) override; const QIcon& icon() const override; void setIcon(const QIcon& icon) override; const QSize& iconSize() const override; void setIconSize(const QSize& size) override; void setPosition(const QPoint& point) override; const QString& text() const override; void setText(const QString& text) override; EffectFrameStyle style() const override { return m_style; }; Plasma::FrameSvg& frame() { return m_frame; } bool isStatic() const { return m_static; }; void finalRender(QRegion region, double opacity, double frameOpacity) const; void setShader(GLShader* shader) override { m_shader = shader; } GLShader* shader() const override { return m_shader; } void setSelection(const QRect& selection) override; const QRect& selection() const { return m_selectionGeometry; } Plasma::FrameSvg& selectionFrame() { return m_selection; } /** * The foreground text color as specified by the default Plasma theme. */ QColor styledTextColor(); private Q_SLOTS: void plasmaThemeChanged(); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(EffectFrameImpl) // As we need to use Qt slots we cannot copy this class void align(QRect &geometry); // positions geometry around m_point respecting m_alignment void autoResize(); // Auto-resize if not a static size EffectFrameStyle m_style; Plasma::FrameSvg m_frame; // TODO: share between all EffectFrames Plasma::FrameSvg m_selection; // Position bool m_static; QPoint m_point; Qt::Alignment m_alignment; QRect m_geometry; // Contents QString m_text; QFont m_font; QIcon m_icon; QSize m_iconSize; QRect m_selectionGeometry; Scene::EffectFrame* m_sceneFrame; GLShader* m_shader; Plasma::Theme *m_theme; }; inline QList EffectsHandlerImpl::elevatedWindows() const { if (isScreenLocked()) return QList(); return elevated_windows; } inline xcb_window_t EffectsHandlerImpl::x11RootWindow() const { return rootWindow(); } inline xcb_connection_t *EffectsHandlerImpl::xcbConnection() const { return connection(); } inline EffectWindowGroupImpl::EffectWindowGroupImpl(Group* g) : group(g) { } EffectWindow* effectWindow(Toplevel* w); EffectWindow* effectWindow(Scene::Window* w); inline const Scene::Window* EffectWindowImpl::sceneWindow() const { return sw; } inline Scene::Window* EffectWindowImpl::sceneWindow() { return sw; } inline const Toplevel* EffectWindowImpl::window() const { return toplevel; } inline Toplevel* EffectWindowImpl::window() { return toplevel; } } // namespace #endif diff --git a/effects_mouse_interception_x11_filter.cpp b/effects_mouse_interception_x11_filter.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e33dedbaa --- /dev/null +++ b/effects_mouse_interception_x11_filter.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +/******************************************************************** + KWin - the KDE window manager + This file is part of the KDE project. + +Copyright (C) 2017 Martin Flöser + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program. If not, see . +*********************************************************************/ +#include "effects_mouse_interception_x11_filter.h" +#include "effects.h" +#include "utils.h" + +#include + +namespace KWin +{ + +EffectsMouseInterceptionX11Filter::EffectsMouseInterceptionX11Filter(xcb_window_t window, EffectsHandlerImpl *effects) + : X11EventFilter(QVector{XCB_BUTTON_PRESS, XCB_BUTTON_RELEASE, XCB_MOTION_NOTIFY}) + , m_effects(effects) + , m_window(window) +{ +} + +bool EffectsMouseInterceptionX11Filter::event(xcb_generic_event_t *event) +{ + const uint8_t eventType = event->response_type & ~0x80; + if (eventType == XCB_BUTTON_PRESS || eventType == XCB_BUTTON_RELEASE) { + auto *me = reinterpret_cast(event); + if (m_window == me->event) { + const Qt::MouseButton button = x11ToQtMouseButton(me->detail); + Qt::MouseButtons buttons = x11ToQtMouseButtons(me->state); + const QEvent::Type type = (eventType == XCB_BUTTON_PRESS) ? QEvent::MouseButtonPress : QEvent::MouseButtonRelease; + if (type == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { + buttons |= button; + } else { + buttons &= ~button; + } + QMouseEvent ev(type, QPoint(me->event_x, me->event_y), QPoint(me->root_x, me->root_y), + button, buttons, x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers(me->state)); + return m_effects->checkInputWindowEvent(&ev); + } + } else if (eventType == XCB_MOTION_NOTIFY) { + const auto *me = reinterpret_cast(event); + if (m_window == me->event) { + QMouseEvent ev(QEvent::MouseMove, QPoint(me->event_x, me->event_y), QPoint(me->root_x, me->root_y), + Qt::NoButton, x11ToQtMouseButtons(me->state), x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers(me->state)); + return m_effects->checkInputWindowEvent(&ev); + } + } + return false; +} + +} diff --git a/effects_mouse_interception_x11_filter.h b/effects_mouse_interception_x11_filter.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..740a87a3e --- /dev/null +++ b/effects_mouse_interception_x11_filter.h @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/******************************************************************** + KWin - the KDE window manager + This file is part of the KDE project. + +Copyright (C) 2017 Martin Flöser + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program. If not, see . +*********************************************************************/ +#ifndef KWIN_EFFECTS_MOUSE_INTERCEPTION_X11_FILTER_H +#define KWIN_EFFECTS_MOUSE_INTERCEPTION_X11_FILTER_H + +#include "x11eventfilter.h" + +namespace KWin +{ +class EffectsHandlerImpl; + +class EffectsMouseInterceptionX11Filter : public X11EventFilter +{ +public: + explicit EffectsMouseInterceptionX11Filter(xcb_window_t window, EffectsHandlerImpl *effects); + + bool event(xcb_generic_event_t *event) override; + +private: + EffectsHandlerImpl *m_effects; + xcb_window_t m_window; +}; + +} + +#endif diff --git a/events.cpp b/events.cpp index 5f8ea61a6..61527446d 100644 --- a/events.cpp +++ b/events.cpp @@ -1,1411 +1,1392 @@ /******************************************************************** KWin - the KDE window manager This file is part of the KDE project. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *********************************************************************/ /* This file contains things relevant to handling incoming events. */ #include "client.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "focuschain.h" #include "netinfo.h" #include "workspace.h" #include "atoms.h" #ifdef KWIN_BUILD_TABBOX #include "tabbox.h" #endif #include "group.h" #include "rules.h" #include "unmanaged.h" #include "useractions.h" #include "effects.h" #include "screens.h" #include "xcbutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef XCB_ICCCM_FOUND #include #endif #include "composite.h" #include "x11eventfilter.h" #include "wayland_server.h" #include #ifndef XCB_GE_GENERIC #define XCB_GE_GENERIC 35 typedef struct xcb_ge_generic_event_t { uint8_t response_type; /**< */ uint8_t extension; /**< */ uint16_t sequence; /**< */ uint32_t length; /**< */ uint16_t event_type; /**< */ uint8_t pad0[22]; /**< */ uint32_t full_sequence; /**< */ } xcb_ge_generic_event_t; #endif namespace KWin { // **************************************** // Workspace // **************************************** static xcb_window_t findEventWindow(xcb_generic_event_t *event) { const uint8_t eventType = event->response_type & ~0x80; switch(eventType) { case XCB_KEY_PRESS: case XCB_KEY_RELEASE: return reinterpret_cast(event)->event; case XCB_BUTTON_PRESS: case XCB_BUTTON_RELEASE: return reinterpret_cast(event)->event; case XCB_MOTION_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->event; case XCB_ENTER_NOTIFY: case XCB_LEAVE_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->event; case XCB_FOCUS_IN: case XCB_FOCUS_OUT: return reinterpret_cast(event)->event; case XCB_EXPOSE: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_GRAPHICS_EXPOSURE: return reinterpret_cast(event)->drawable; case XCB_NO_EXPOSURE: return reinterpret_cast(event)->drawable; case XCB_VISIBILITY_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_MAP_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_MAP_REQUEST: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_REPARENT_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_CONFIGURE_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_CONFIGURE_REQUEST: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_GRAVITY_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_RESIZE_REQUEST: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_CIRCULATE_NOTIFY: case XCB_CIRCULATE_REQUEST: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_COLORMAP_NOTIFY: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; case XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE: return reinterpret_cast(event)->window; default: // extension handling if (eventType == Xcb::Extensions::self()->shapeNotifyEvent()) { return reinterpret_cast(event)->affected_window; } if (eventType == Xcb::Extensions::self()->damageNotifyEvent()) { return reinterpret_cast(event)->drawable; } return XCB_WINDOW_NONE; } } QVector s_xcbEerrors({ QByteArrayLiteral("Success"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadRequest"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadValue"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadWindow"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadPixmap"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadAtom"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadCursor"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadFont"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadMatch"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadDrawable"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadAccess"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadAlloc"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadColor"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadGC"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadIDChoice"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadName"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadLength"), QByteArrayLiteral("BadImplementation"), QByteArrayLiteral("Unknown")}); void Workspace::registerEventFilter(X11EventFilter *filter) { if (filter->isGenericEvent()) m_genericEventFilters.append(filter); else m_eventFilters.append(filter); } void Workspace::unregisterEventFilter(X11EventFilter *filter) { if (filter->isGenericEvent()) m_genericEventFilters.removeOne(filter); else m_eventFilters.removeOne(filter); } /*! Handles workspace specific XCB event */ bool Workspace::workspaceEvent(xcb_generic_event_t *e) { const uint8_t eventType = e->response_type & ~0x80; if (!eventType) { // let's check whether it's an error from one of the extensions KWin uses xcb_generic_error_t *error = reinterpret_cast(e); const QVector extensions = Xcb::Extensions::self()->extensions(); for (const auto &extension : extensions) { if (error->major_code == extension.majorOpcode) { QByteArray errorName; if (error->error_code < s_xcbEerrors.size()) { errorName = s_xcbEerrors.at(error->error_code); } else if (error->error_code >= extension.errorBase) { const int index = error->error_code - extension.errorBase; if (index >= 0 && index < extension.errorCodes.size()) { errorName = extension.errorCodes.at(index); } } if (errorName.isEmpty()) { errorName = QByteArrayLiteral("Unknown"); } qCWarning(KWIN_CORE, "XCB error: %d (%s), sequence: %d, resource id: %d, major code: %d (%s), minor code: %d (%s)", int(error->error_code), errorName.constData(), int(error->sequence), int(error->resource_id), int(error->major_code), extension.name.constData(), int(error->minor_code), extension.opCodes.size() > error->minor_code ? extension.opCodes.at(error->minor_code).constData() : "Unknown"); return true; } } return false; } if (eventType == XCB_GE_GENERIC) { xcb_ge_generic_event_t *ge = reinterpret_cast(e); foreach (X11EventFilter *filter, m_genericEventFilters) { if (filter->extension() == ge->extension && filter->genericEventTypes().contains(ge->event_type) && filter->event(e)) { return true; } } } else { foreach (X11EventFilter *filter, m_eventFilters) { if (filter->eventTypes().contains(eventType) && filter->event(e)) { return true; } } } if (effects && static_cast< EffectsHandlerImpl* >(effects)->hasKeyboardGrab() && (eventType == XCB_KEY_PRESS || eventType == XCB_KEY_RELEASE)) return false; // let Qt process it, it'll be intercepted again in eventFilter() if (eventType == XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY || eventType == XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE) { NET::Properties dirtyProtocols; NET::Properties2 dirtyProtocols2; rootInfo()->event(e, &dirtyProtocols, &dirtyProtocols2); if (dirtyProtocols & NET::DesktopNames) VirtualDesktopManager::self()->save(); if (dirtyProtocols2 & NET::WM2DesktopLayout) VirtualDesktopManager::self()->updateLayout(); } // events that should be handled before Clients can get them switch (eventType) { - case XCB_BUTTON_PRESS: - case XCB_BUTTON_RELEASE: { - auto *mouseEvent = reinterpret_cast(e); - if (effects && static_cast(effects)->checkInputWindowEvent(mouseEvent)) { - return true; - } - break; - } - case XCB_MOTION_NOTIFY: { - if (kwinApp()->operationMode() != Application::OperationModeX11) { - // ignore X11 pointer events generated on X windows if we are not on X - return true; - } - auto *mouseEvent = reinterpret_cast(e); - if (effects && static_cast(effects)->checkInputWindowEvent(mouseEvent)) { - return true; - } - break; - } case XCB_CONFIGURE_NOTIFY: if (reinterpret_cast(e)->event == rootWindow()) markXStackingOrderAsDirty(); break; }; const xcb_window_t eventWindow = findEventWindow(e); if (eventWindow != XCB_WINDOW_NONE) { if (Client* c = findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, eventWindow)) { if (c->windowEvent(e)) return true; } else if (Client* c = findClient(Predicate::WrapperIdMatch, eventWindow)) { if (c->windowEvent(e)) return true; } else if (Client* c = findClient(Predicate::FrameIdMatch, eventWindow)) { if (c->windowEvent(e)) return true; } else if (Client *c = findClient(Predicate::InputIdMatch, eventWindow)) { if (c->windowEvent(e)) return true; } else if (Unmanaged* c = findUnmanaged(eventWindow)) { if (c->windowEvent(e)) return true; } else { // We want to pass root window property events to effects if (eventType == XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY) { auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); if (event->window == rootWindow()) { emit propertyNotify(event->atom); } } } } switch (eventType) { case XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY: { const auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); if (event->parent == rootWindow() && !QWidget::find(event->window) && !event->override_redirect) { // see comments for allowClientActivation() updateXTime(); const xcb_timestamp_t t = xTime(); xcb_change_property(connection(), XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, event->window, atoms->kde_net_wm_user_creation_time, XCB_ATOM_CARDINAL, 32, 1, &t); } break; } case XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY: { const auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); return (event->event != event->window); // hide wm typical event from Qt } case XCB_REPARENT_NOTIFY: { //do not confuse Qt with these events. After all, _we_ are the //window manager who does the reparenting. return true; } case XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY: { return false; } case XCB_MAP_REQUEST: { updateXTime(); const auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); if (Client* c = findClient(Predicate::WindowMatch, event->window)) { // e->xmaprequest.window is different from e->xany.window // TODO this shouldn't be necessary now c->windowEvent(e); FocusChain::self()->update(c, FocusChain::Update); } else if ( true /*|| e->xmaprequest.parent != root */ ) { // NOTICE don't check for the parent being the root window, this breaks when some app unmaps // a window, changes something and immediately maps it back, without giving KWin // a chance to reparent it back to root // since KWin can get MapRequest only for root window children and // children of WindowWrapper (=clients), the check is AFAIK useless anyway // NOTICE: The save-set support in Client::mapRequestEvent() actually requires that // this code doesn't check the parent to be root. if (!createClient(event->window, false)) { xcb_map_window(connection(), event->window); const uint32_t values[] = { XCB_STACK_MODE_ABOVE }; xcb_configure_window(connection(), event->window, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE, values); } } return true; } case XCB_MAP_NOTIFY: { const auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); if (event->override_redirect) { Unmanaged* c = findUnmanaged(event->window); if (c == NULL) c = createUnmanaged(event->window); if (c) return c->windowEvent(e); } return (event->event != event->window); // hide wm typical event from Qt } case XCB_CONFIGURE_REQUEST: { const auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); if (event->parent == rootWindow()) { uint32_t values[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; const uint32_t value_mask = event->value_mask & (XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_WIDTH | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_HEIGHT | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH); int i = 0; if (value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X) { values[i++] = event->x; } if (value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y) { values[i++] = event->y; } if (value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_WIDTH) { values[i++] = event->width; } if (value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_HEIGHT) { values[i++] = event->height; } if (value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH) { values[i++] = event->border_width; } xcb_configure_window(connection(), event->window, value_mask, values); return true; } break; } case XCB_FOCUS_IN: { const auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); if (event->event == rootWindow() && (event->detail == XCB_NOTIFY_DETAIL_NONE || event->detail == XCB_NOTIFY_DETAIL_POINTER_ROOT || event->detail == XCB_NOTIFY_DETAIL_INFERIOR)) { Xcb::CurrentInput currentInput; updateXTime(); // focusToNull() uses xTime(), which is old now (FocusIn has no timestamp) // it seems we can "loose" focus reversions when the closing client hold a grab // => catch the typical pattern (though we don't want the focus on the root anyway) #348935 const bool lostFocusPointerToRoot = currentInput->focus == rootWindow() && event->detail == XCB_NOTIFY_DETAIL_INFERIOR; if (!currentInput.isNull() && (currentInput->focus == XCB_WINDOW_NONE || currentInput->focus == XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_POINTER_ROOT || lostFocusPointerToRoot)) { //kWarning( 1212 ) << "X focus set to None/PointerRoot, reseting focus" ; AbstractClient *c = mostRecentlyActivatedClient(); if (c != NULL) requestFocus(c, true); else if (activateNextClient(NULL)) ; // ok, activated else focusToNull(); } } } // fall through case XCB_FOCUS_OUT: return true; // always eat these, they would tell Qt that KWin is the active app default: if (eventType == Xcb::Extensions::self()->syncAlarmNotifyEvent() && Xcb::Extensions::self()->isSyncAvailable()) { for (Client *c : clients) c->syncEvent(reinterpret_cast< xcb_sync_alarm_notify_event_t* >(e)); for (Client *c : desktops) c->syncEvent(reinterpret_cast< xcb_sync_alarm_notify_event_t* >(e)); } else if (eventType == Xcb::Extensions::self()->fixesCursorNotifyEvent() && Xcb::Extensions::self()->isFixesAvailable()) { Cursor::self()->notifyCursorChanged(reinterpret_cast(e)->cursor_serial); } break; } return false; } // Used only to filter events that need to be processed by Qt first // (e.g. keyboard input to be composed), otherwise events are // handle by the XEvent filter above bool Workspace::workspaceEvent(QEvent* e) { if ((e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || e->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease || e->type() == QEvent::ShortcutOverride) && effects && static_cast< EffectsHandlerImpl* >(effects)->hasKeyboardGrab()) { static_cast< EffectsHandlerImpl* >(effects)->grabbedKeyboardEvent(static_cast< QKeyEvent* >(e)); return true; } return false; } // **************************************** // Client // **************************************** /*! General handler for XEvents concerning the client window */ bool Client::windowEvent(xcb_generic_event_t *e) { if (findEventWindow(e) == window()) { // avoid doing stuff on frame or wrapper NET::Properties dirtyProperties; NET::Properties2 dirtyProperties2; double old_opacity = opacity(); info->event(e, &dirtyProperties, &dirtyProperties2); // pass through the NET stuff if ((dirtyProperties & NET::WMName) != 0) fetchName(); if ((dirtyProperties & NET::WMIconName) != 0) fetchIconicName(); if ((dirtyProperties & NET::WMStrut) != 0 || (dirtyProperties2 & NET::WM2ExtendedStrut) != 0) { workspace()->updateClientArea(); } if ((dirtyProperties & NET::WMIcon) != 0) getIcons(); // Note there's a difference between userTime() and info->userTime() // info->userTime() is the value of the property, userTime() also includes // updates of the time done by KWin (ButtonPress on windowrapper etc.). if ((dirtyProperties2 & NET::WM2UserTime) != 0) { workspace()->setWasUserInteraction(); updateUserTime(info->userTime()); } if ((dirtyProperties2 & NET::WM2StartupId) != 0) startupIdChanged(); if (dirtyProperties2 & NET::WM2Opacity) { if (compositing()) { addRepaintFull(); emit opacityChanged(this, old_opacity); } else { // forward to the frame if there's possibly another compositing manager running NETWinInfo i(connection(), frameId(), rootWindow(), 0, 0); i.setOpacity(info->opacity()); } } if (dirtyProperties2 & NET::WM2FrameOverlap) { // ### Inform the decoration } if (dirtyProperties2.testFlag(NET::WM2WindowRole)) { emit windowRoleChanged(); } if (dirtyProperties2.testFlag(NET::WM2WindowClass)) { getResourceClass(); } if (dirtyProperties2.testFlag(NET::WM2BlockCompositing)) { setBlockingCompositing(info->isBlockingCompositing()); } if (dirtyProperties2.testFlag(NET::WM2GroupLeader)) { checkGroup(); updateAllowedActions(); // Group affects isMinimizable() } if (dirtyProperties2.testFlag(NET::WM2Urgency)) { updateUrgency(); } if (dirtyProperties2 & NET::WM2OpaqueRegion) { getWmOpaqueRegion(); } if (dirtyProperties2 & NET::WM2DesktopFileName) { setDesktopFileName(QByteArray(info->desktopFileName())); } } const uint8_t eventType = e->response_type & ~0x80; switch(eventType) { case XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY: unmapNotifyEvent(reinterpret_cast(e)); break; case XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY: destroyNotifyEvent(reinterpret_cast(e)); break; case XCB_MAP_REQUEST: // this one may pass the event to workspace return mapRequestEvent(reinterpret_cast(e)); case XCB_CONFIGURE_REQUEST: configureRequestEvent(reinterpret_cast(e)); break; case XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY: propertyNotifyEvent(reinterpret_cast(e)); break; case XCB_KEY_PRESS: updateUserTime(reinterpret_cast(e)->time); break; case XCB_BUTTON_PRESS: { const auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); updateUserTime(event->time); buttonPressEvent(event->event, event->detail, event->state, event->event_x, event->event_y, event->root_x, event->root_y, event->time); break; } case XCB_KEY_RELEASE: // don't update user time on releases // e.g. if the user presses Alt+F2, the Alt release // would appear as user input to the currently active window break; case XCB_BUTTON_RELEASE: { const auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); // don't update user time on releases // e.g. if the user presses Alt+F2, the Alt release // would appear as user input to the currently active window buttonReleaseEvent(event->event, event->detail, event->state, event->event_x, event->event_y, event->root_x, event->root_y); break; } case XCB_MOTION_NOTIFY: { const auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); motionNotifyEvent(event->event, event->state, event->event_x, event->event_y, event->root_x, event->root_y); workspace()->updateFocusMousePosition(QPoint(event->root_x, event->root_y)); break; } case XCB_ENTER_NOTIFY: { auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); enterNotifyEvent(event); // MotionNotify is guaranteed to be generated only if the mouse // move start and ends in the window; for cases when it only // starts or only ends there, Enter/LeaveNotify are generated. // Fake a MotionEvent in such cases to make handle of mouse // events simpler (Qt does that too). motionNotifyEvent(event->event, event->state, event->event_x, event->event_y, event->root_x, event->root_y); workspace()->updateFocusMousePosition(QPoint(event->root_x, event->root_y)); break; } case XCB_LEAVE_NOTIFY: { auto *event = reinterpret_cast(e); motionNotifyEvent(event->event, event->state, event->event_x, event->event_y, event->root_x, event->root_y); leaveNotifyEvent(event); // not here, it'd break following enter notify handling // workspace()->updateFocusMousePosition( QPoint( e->xcrossing.x_root, e->xcrossing.y_root )); break; } case XCB_FOCUS_IN: focusInEvent(reinterpret_cast(e)); break; case XCB_FOCUS_OUT: focusOutEvent(reinterpret_cast(e)); break; case XCB_REPARENT_NOTIFY: break; case XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE: clientMessageEvent(reinterpret_cast(e)); break; case XCB_EXPOSE: { xcb_expose_event_t *event = reinterpret_cast(e); if (event->window == frameId() && !Compositor::self()->isActive()) { // TODO: only repaint required areas triggerDecorationRepaint(); } break; } default: if (eventType == Xcb::Extensions::self()->shapeNotifyEvent() && reinterpret_cast(e)->affected_window == window()) { detectShape(window()); // workaround for #19644 updateShape(); } if (eventType == Xcb::Extensions::self()->damageNotifyEvent() && reinterpret_cast(e)->drawable == frameId()) damageNotifyEvent(); break; } return true; // eat all events } /*! Handles map requests of the client window */ bool Client::mapRequestEvent(xcb_map_request_event_t *e) { if (e->window != window()) { // Special support for the save-set feature, which is a bit broken. // If there's a window from one client embedded in another one, // e.g. using XEMBED, and the embedder suddenly loses its X connection, // save-set will reparent the embedded window to its closest ancestor // that will remains. Unfortunately, with reparenting window managers, // this is not the root window, but the frame (or in KWin's case, // it's the wrapper for the client window). In this case, // the wrapper will get ReparentNotify for a window it won't know, // which will be ignored, and then it gets MapRequest, as save-set // always maps. Returning true here means that Workspace::workspaceEvent() // will handle this MapRequest and manage this window (i.e. act as if // it was reparented to root window). if (e->parent == wrapperId()) return false; return true; // no messing with frame etc. } // also copied in clientMessage() if (isMinimized()) unminimize(); if (isShade()) setShade(ShadeNone); if (!isOnCurrentDesktop()) { if (workspace()->allowClientActivation(this)) workspace()->activateClient(this); else demandAttention(); } return true; } /*! Handles unmap notify events of the client window */ void Client::unmapNotifyEvent(xcb_unmap_notify_event_t *e) { if (e->window != window()) return; if (e->event != wrapperId()) { // most probably event from root window when initially reparenting bool ignore = true; if (e->event == rootWindow() && (e->response_type & 0x80)) ignore = false; // XWithdrawWindow() if (ignore) return; } // check whether this is result of an XReparentWindow - client then won't be parented by wrapper // in this case do not release the client (causes reparent to root, removal from saveSet and what not) // but just destroy the client Xcb::Tree tree(m_client); xcb_window_t daddy = tree.parent(); if (daddy == m_wrapper) { releaseWindow(); // unmapped from a regular client state } else { destroyClient(); // the client was moved to some other parent } } void Client::destroyNotifyEvent(xcb_destroy_notify_event_t *e) { if (e->window != window()) return; destroyClient(); } /*! Handles client messages for the client window */ void Client::clientMessageEvent(xcb_client_message_event_t *e) { Toplevel::clientMessageEvent(e); if (e->window != window()) return; // ignore frame/wrapper // WM_STATE if (e->type == atoms->wm_change_state) { if (e->data.data32[0] == XCB_ICCCM_WM_STATE_ICONIC) minimize(); return; } } /*! Handles configure requests of the client window */ void Client::configureRequestEvent(xcb_configure_request_event_t *e) { if (e->window != window()) return; // ignore frame/wrapper if (isResize() || isMove()) return; // we have better things to do right now if (fullscreen_mode == FullScreenNormal) { // refuse resizing of fullscreen windows // but allow resizing fullscreen hacks in order to let them cancel fullscreen mode sendSyntheticConfigureNotify(); return; } if (isSplash()) { // no manipulations with splashscreens either sendSyntheticConfigureNotify(); return; } if (e->value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_BORDER_WIDTH) { // first, get rid of a window border m_client.setBorderWidth(0); } if (e->value_mask & (XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_X | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_Y | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_HEIGHT | XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_WIDTH)) configureRequest(e->value_mask, e->x, e->y, e->width, e->height, 0, false); if (e->value_mask & XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE) restackWindow(e->sibling, e->stack_mode, NET::FromApplication, userTime(), false); // Sending a synthetic configure notify always is fine, even in cases where // the ICCCM doesn't require this - it can be though of as 'the WM decided to move // the window later'. The client should not cause that many configure request, // so this should not have any significant impact. With user moving/resizing // the it should be optimized though (see also Client::setGeometry()/plainResize()/move()). sendSyntheticConfigureNotify(); // SELI TODO accept configure requests for isDesktop windows (because kdesktop // may get XRANDR resize event before kwin), but check it's still at the bottom? } /*! Handles property changes of the client window */ void Client::propertyNotifyEvent(xcb_property_notify_event_t *e) { Toplevel::propertyNotifyEvent(e); if (e->window != window()) return; // ignore frame/wrapper switch(e->atom) { case XCB_ATOM_WM_NORMAL_HINTS: getWmNormalHints(); break; case XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: fetchName(); break; case XCB_ATOM_WM_ICON_NAME: fetchIconicName(); break; case XCB_ATOM_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR: readTransient(); break; case XCB_ATOM_WM_HINTS: getIcons(); // because KWin::icon() uses WMHints as fallback break; default: if (e->atom == atoms->motif_wm_hints) { getMotifHints(); } else if (e->atom == atoms->net_wm_sync_request_counter) getSyncCounter(); else if (e->atom == atoms->activities) checkActivities(); else if (e->atom == atoms->kde_first_in_window_list) updateFirstInTabBox(); else if (e->atom == atoms->kde_color_sheme) updateColorScheme(); else if (e->atom == atoms->kde_screen_edge_show) updateShowOnScreenEdge(); else if (e->atom == atoms->gtk_frame_extents) detectGtkFrameExtents(); else if (e->atom == atoms->kde_net_wm_appmenu_service_name) checkApplicationMenuServiceName(); else if (e->atom == atoms->kde_net_wm_appmenu_object_path) checkApplicationMenuObjectPath(); break; } } void Client::enterNotifyEvent(xcb_enter_notify_event_t *e) { if (e->event != frameId()) return; // care only about entering the whole frame #define MOUSE_DRIVEN_FOCUS (!options->focusPolicyIsReasonable() || \ (options->focusPolicy() == Options::FocusFollowsMouse && options->isNextFocusPrefersMouse())) if (e->mode == XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_NORMAL || (e->mode == XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_UNGRAB && MOUSE_DRIVEN_FOCUS)) { if (options->isShadeHover()) { cancelShadeHoverTimer(); if (isShade()) { shadeHoverTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(shadeHoverTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(shadeHover())); shadeHoverTimer->setSingleShot(true); shadeHoverTimer->start(options->shadeHoverInterval()); } } #undef MOUSE_DRIVEN_FOCUS enterEvent(QPoint(e->root_x, e->root_y)); return; } } void Client::leaveNotifyEvent(xcb_leave_notify_event_t *e) { if (e->event != frameId()) return; // care only about leaving the whole frame if (e->mode == XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_NORMAL) { if (!isMoveResizePointerButtonDown()) { setMoveResizePointerMode(PositionCenter); updateCursor(); } bool lostMouse = !rect().contains(QPoint(e->event_x, e->event_y)); // 'lostMouse' wouldn't work with e.g. B2 or Keramik, which have non-rectangular decorations // (i.e. the LeaveNotify event comes before leaving the rect and no LeaveNotify event // comes after leaving the rect) - so lets check if the pointer is really outside the window // TODO this still sucks if a window appears above this one - it should lose the mouse // if this window is another client, but not if it's a popup ... maybe after KDE3.1 :( // (repeat after me 'AARGHL!') if (!lostMouse && e->detail != XCB_NOTIFY_DETAIL_INFERIOR) { Xcb::Pointer pointer(frameId()); if (!pointer || !pointer->same_screen || pointer->child == XCB_WINDOW_NONE) { // really lost the mouse lostMouse = true; } } if (lostMouse) { leaveEvent(); cancelShadeHoverTimer(); if (shade_mode == ShadeHover && !isMoveResize() && !isMoveResizePointerButtonDown()) { shadeHoverTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(shadeHoverTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(shadeUnhover())); shadeHoverTimer->setSingleShot(true); shadeHoverTimer->start(options->shadeHoverInterval()); } if (isDecorated()) { // sending a move instead of a leave. With leave we need to send proper coords, with move it's handled internally QHoverEvent leaveEvent(QEvent::HoverMove, QPointF(-1, -1), QPointF(-1, -1), Qt::NoModifier); QCoreApplication::sendEvent(decoration(), &leaveEvent); } } if (options->focusPolicy() == Options::FocusStrictlyUnderMouse && isActive() && lostMouse) { workspace()->requestDelayFocus(0); } return; } } #define XCapL KKeyServer::modXLock() #define XNumL KKeyServer::modXNumLock() #define XScrL KKeyServer::modXScrollLock() void Client::grabButton(int modifier) { unsigned int mods[ 8 ] = { 0, XCapL, XNumL, XNumL | XCapL, XScrL, XScrL | XCapL, XScrL | XNumL, XScrL | XNumL | XCapL }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) m_wrapper.grabButton(XCB_GRAB_MODE_SYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, modifier | mods[ i ]); } void Client::ungrabButton(int modifier) { unsigned int mods[ 8 ] = { 0, XCapL, XNumL, XNumL | XCapL, XScrL, XScrL | XCapL, XScrL | XNumL, XScrL | XNumL | XCapL }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) m_wrapper.ungrabButton(modifier | mods[ i ]); } #undef XCapL #undef XNumL #undef XScrL /* Releases the passive grab for some modifier combinations when a window becomes active. This helps broken X programs that missinterpret LeaveNotify events in grab mode to work properly (Motif, AWT, Tk, ...) */ void Client::updateMouseGrab() { if (workspace()->globalShortcutsDisabled()) { m_wrapper.ungrabButton(); // keep grab for the simple click without modifiers if needed (see below) bool not_obscured = workspace()->topClientOnDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current(), -1, true, false) == this; if (!(!options->isClickRaise() || not_obscured)) grabButton(XCB_NONE); return; } if (isActive() && !TabBox::TabBox::self()->forcedGlobalMouseGrab()) { // see TabBox::establishTabBoxGrab() // first grab all modifier combinations m_wrapper.grabButton(XCB_GRAB_MODE_SYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC); // remove the grab for no modifiers only if the window // is unobscured or if the user doesn't want click raise // (it is unobscured if it the topmost in the unconstrained stacking order, i.e. it is // the most recently raised window) bool not_obscured = workspace()->topClientOnDesktop(VirtualDesktopManager::self()->current(), -1, true, false) == this; if (!options->isClickRaise() || not_obscured) ungrabButton(XCB_NONE); else grabButton(XCB_NONE); ungrabButton(XCB_MOD_MASK_SHIFT); ungrabButton(XCB_MOD_MASK_CONTROL); ungrabButton(XCB_MOD_MASK_CONTROL | XCB_MOD_MASK_SHIFT); } else { m_wrapper.ungrabButton(); // simply grab all modifier combinations m_wrapper.grabButton(XCB_GRAB_MODE_SYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC); } } static bool modKeyDown(int state) { const uint keyModX = (options->keyCmdAllModKey() == Qt::Key_Meta) ? KKeyServer::modXMeta() : KKeyServer::modXAlt(); return keyModX && (state & KKeyServer::accelModMaskX()) == keyModX; } // return value matters only when filtering events before decoration gets them bool Client::buttonPressEvent(xcb_window_t w, int button, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root, xcb_timestamp_t time) { if (isMoveResizePointerButtonDown()) { if (w == wrapperId()) xcb_allow_events(connection(), XCB_ALLOW_SYNC_POINTER, XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME); //xTime()); return true; } if (w == wrapperId() || w == frameId() || w == inputId()) { // FRAME neco s tohohle by se melo zpracovat, nez to dostane dekorace updateUserTime(time); const bool bModKeyHeld = modKeyDown(state); if (isSplash() && button == XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_1 && !bModKeyHeld) { // hide splashwindow if the user clicks on it hideClient(true); if (w == wrapperId()) xcb_allow_events(connection(), XCB_ALLOW_SYNC_POINTER, XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME); //xTime()); return true; } Options::MouseCommand com = Options::MouseNothing; bool was_action = false; if (bModKeyHeld) { was_action = true; switch(button) { case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_1: com = options->commandAll1(); break; case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_2: com = options->commandAll2(); break; case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_3: com = options->commandAll3(); break; case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_4: case XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_5: com = options->operationWindowMouseWheel(button == XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_4 ? 120 : -120); break; } } else { if (w == wrapperId()) { if (button < 4) { com = getMouseCommand(x11ToQtMouseButton(button), &was_action); } else if (button < 6) { com = getWheelCommand(Qt::Vertical, &was_action); } } } if (was_action) { bool replay = performMouseCommand(com, QPoint(x_root, y_root)); if (isSpecialWindow()) replay = true; if (w == wrapperId()) // these can come only from a grab xcb_allow_events(connection(), replay ? XCB_ALLOW_REPLAY_POINTER : XCB_ALLOW_SYNC_POINTER, XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME); //xTime()); return true; } } if (w == wrapperId()) { // these can come only from a grab xcb_allow_events(connection(), XCB_ALLOW_REPLAY_POINTER, XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME); //xTime()); return true; } if (w == inputId()) { x = x_root - geometry().x(); y = y_root - geometry().y(); // New API processes core events FIRST and only passes unused ones to the decoration QMouseEvent ev(QMouseEvent::MouseButtonPress, QPoint(x, y), QPoint(x_root, y_root), x11ToQtMouseButton(button), x11ToQtMouseButtons(state), Qt::KeyboardModifiers()); return processDecorationButtonPress(&ev, true); } if (w == frameId() && isDecorated()) { if (button >= 4 && button <= 7) { const Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers(state); // Logic borrowed from qapplication_x11.cpp const int delta = 120 * ((button == 4 || button == 6) ? 1 : -1); const bool hor = (((button == 4 || button == 5) && (modifiers & Qt::AltModifier)) || (button == 6 || button == 7)); const QPoint angle = hor ? QPoint(delta, 0) : QPoint(0, delta); QWheelEvent event(QPointF(x, y), QPointF(x_root, y_root), QPoint(), angle, delta, hor ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical, x11ToQtMouseButtons(state), modifiers); event.setAccepted(false); QCoreApplication::sendEvent(decoration(), &event); if (!event.isAccepted() && !hor) { if (titlebarPositionUnderMouse()) { performMouseCommand(options->operationTitlebarMouseWheel(delta), QPoint(x_root, y_root)); } } } else { QMouseEvent event(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, QPointF(x, y), QPointF(x_root, y_root), x11ToQtMouseButton(button), x11ToQtMouseButtons(state), x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers(state)); event.setAccepted(false); QCoreApplication::sendEvent(decoration(), &event); if (!event.isAccepted()) { processDecorationButtonPress(&event); } } return true; } return true; } // return value matters only when filtering events before decoration gets them bool Client::buttonReleaseEvent(xcb_window_t w, int button, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root) { if (w == frameId() && isDecorated()) { // wheel handled on buttonPress if (button < 4 || button > 7) { QMouseEvent event(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, QPointF(x, y), QPointF(x_root, y_root), x11ToQtMouseButton(button), x11ToQtMouseButtons(state) & ~x11ToQtMouseButton(button), x11ToQtKeyboardModifiers(state)); event.setAccepted(false); QCoreApplication::sendEvent(decoration(), &event); if (event.isAccepted() || !titlebarPositionUnderMouse()) { invalidateDecorationDoubleClickTimer(); // click was for the deco and shall not init a doubleclick } } } if (w == wrapperId()) { xcb_allow_events(connection(), XCB_ALLOW_SYNC_POINTER, XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME); //xTime()); return true; } if (w != frameId() && w != inputId() && w != moveResizeGrabWindow()) return true; if (w == frameId() && workspace()->userActionsMenu() && workspace()->userActionsMenu()->isShown()) { const_cast(workspace()->userActionsMenu())->grabInput(); } x = this->x(); // translate from grab window to local coords y = this->y(); // Check whether other buttons are still left pressed int buttonMask = XCB_BUTTON_MASK_1 | XCB_BUTTON_MASK_2 | XCB_BUTTON_MASK_3; if (button == XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_1) buttonMask &= ~XCB_BUTTON_MASK_1; else if (button == XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_2) buttonMask &= ~XCB_BUTTON_MASK_2; else if (button == XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_3) buttonMask &= ~XCB_BUTTON_MASK_3; if ((state & buttonMask) == 0) { endMoveResize(); } return true; } // return value matters only when filtering events before decoration gets them bool Client::motionNotifyEvent(xcb_window_t w, int state, int x, int y, int x_root, int y_root) { if (w == frameId() && isDecorated() && !isMinimized()) { // TODO Mouse move event dependent on state QHoverEvent event(QEvent::HoverMove, QPointF(x, y), QPointF(x, y)); QCoreApplication::instance()->sendEvent(decoration(), &event); } if (w != frameId() && w != inputId() && w != moveResizeGrabWindow()) return true; // care only about the whole frame if (!isMoveResizePointerButtonDown()) { if (w == inputId()) { int x = x_root - geometry().x();// + padding_left; int y = y_root - geometry().y();// + padding_top; if (isDecorated()) { QHoverEvent event(QEvent::HoverMove, QPointF(x, y), QPointF(x, y)); QCoreApplication::instance()->sendEvent(decoration(), &event); } } Position newmode = modKeyDown(state) ? PositionCenter : mousePosition(); if (newmode != moveResizePointerMode()) { setMoveResizePointerMode(newmode); updateCursor(); } return false; } if (w == moveResizeGrabWindow()) { x = this->x(); // translate from grab window to local coords y = this->y(); } handleMoveResize(QPoint(x, y), QPoint(x_root, y_root)); return true; } void Client::focusInEvent(xcb_focus_in_event_t *e) { if (e->event != window()) return; // only window gets focus if (e->mode == XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_UNGRAB) return; // we don't care if (e->detail == XCB_NOTIFY_DETAIL_POINTER) return; // we don't care if (!isShown(false) || !isOnCurrentDesktop()) // we unmapped it, but it got focus meanwhile -> return; // activateNextClient() already transferred focus elsewhere workspace()->forEachClient([](Client *client) { client->cancelFocusOutTimer(); }); // check if this client is in should_get_focus list or if activation is allowed bool activate = workspace()->allowClientActivation(this, -1U, true); workspace()->gotFocusIn(this); // remove from should_get_focus list if (activate) setActive(true); else { workspace()->restoreFocus(); demandAttention(); } } void Client::focusOutEvent(xcb_focus_out_event_t *e) { if (e->event != window()) return; // only window gets focus if (e->mode == XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_GRAB) return; // we don't care if (isShade()) return; // here neither if (e->detail != XCB_NOTIFY_DETAIL_NONLINEAR && e->detail != XCB_NOTIFY_DETAIL_NONLINEAR_VIRTUAL) // SELI check all this return; // hack for motif apps like netscape if (QApplication::activePopupWidget()) return; // When a client loses focus, FocusOut events are usually immediatelly // followed by FocusIn events for another client that gains the focus // (unless the focus goes to another screen, or to the nofocus widget). // Without this check, the former focused client would have to be // deactivated, and after that, the new one would be activated, with // a short time when there would be no active client. This can cause // flicker sometimes, e.g. when a fullscreen is shown, and focus is transferred // from it to its transient, the fullscreen would be kept in the Active layer // at the beginning and at the end, but not in the middle, when the active // client would be temporarily none (see Client::belongToLayer() ). // Therefore the setActive(false) call is moved to the end of the current // event queue. If there is a matching FocusIn event in the current queue // this will be processed before the setActive(false) call and the activation // of the Client which gained FocusIn will automatically deactivate the // previously active client. if (!m_focusOutTimer) { m_focusOutTimer = new QTimer(this); m_focusOutTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_focusOutTimer->setInterval(0); connect(m_focusOutTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [this]() { setActive(false); }); } m_focusOutTimer->start(); } // performs _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE void Client::NETMoveResize(int x_root, int y_root, NET::Direction direction) { if (direction == NET::Move) { // move cursor to the provided position to prevent the window jumping there on first movement // the expectation is that the cursor is already at the provided position, // thus it's more a safety measurement Cursor::setPos(QPoint(x_root, y_root)); performMouseCommand(Options::MouseMove, QPoint(x_root, y_root)); } else if (isMoveResize() && direction == NET::MoveResizeCancel) { finishMoveResize(true); setMoveResizePointerButtonDown(false); updateCursor(); } else if (direction >= NET::TopLeft && direction <= NET::Left) { static const Position convert[] = { PositionTopLeft, PositionTop, PositionTopRight, PositionRight, PositionBottomRight, PositionBottom, PositionBottomLeft, PositionLeft }; if (!isResizable() || isShade()) return; if (isMoveResize()) finishMoveResize(false); setMoveResizePointerButtonDown(true); setMoveOffset(QPoint(x_root - x(), y_root - y())); // map from global setInvertedMoveOffset(rect().bottomRight() - moveOffset()); setUnrestrictedMoveResize(false); setMoveResizePointerMode(convert[ direction ]); if (!startMoveResize()) setMoveResizePointerButtonDown(false); updateCursor(); } else if (direction == NET::KeyboardMove) { // ignore mouse coordinates given in the message, mouse position is used by the moving algorithm Cursor::setPos(geometry().center()); performMouseCommand(Options::MouseUnrestrictedMove, geometry().center()); } else if (direction == NET::KeyboardSize) { // ignore mouse coordinates given in the message, mouse position is used by the resizing algorithm Cursor::setPos(geometry().bottomRight()); performMouseCommand(Options::MouseUnrestrictedResize, geometry().bottomRight()); } } void Client::keyPressEvent(uint key_code, xcb_timestamp_t time) { updateUserTime(time); AbstractClient::keyPressEvent(key_code); } void Client::syncEvent(xcb_sync_alarm_notify_event_t* e) { if (e->alarm == syncRequest.alarm && e->counter_value.hi == syncRequest.value.hi && e->counter_value.lo == syncRequest.value.lo) { setReadyForPainting(); setupWindowManagementInterface(); syncRequest.isPending = false; if (syncRequest.failsafeTimeout) syncRequest.failsafeTimeout->stop(); if (isResize()) { if (syncRequest.timeout) syncRequest.timeout->stop(); performMoveResize(); } else // setReadyForPainting does as well, but there's a small chance for resize syncs after the resize ended addRepaintFull(); } } // **************************************** // Unmanaged // **************************************** bool Unmanaged::windowEvent(xcb_generic_event_t *e) { double old_opacity = opacity(); NET::Properties dirtyProperties; NET::Properties2 dirtyProperties2; info->event(e, &dirtyProperties, &dirtyProperties2); // pass through the NET stuff if (dirtyProperties2 & NET::WM2Opacity) { if (compositing()) { addRepaintFull(); emit opacityChanged(this, old_opacity); } } if (dirtyProperties2 & NET::WM2OpaqueRegion) { getWmOpaqueRegion(); } if (dirtyProperties2.testFlag(NET::WM2WindowRole)) { emit windowRoleChanged(); } if (dirtyProperties2.testFlag(NET::WM2WindowClass)) { getResourceClass(); } const uint8_t eventType = e->response_type & ~0x80; switch (eventType) { case XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY: release(ReleaseReason::Destroyed); break; case XCB_UNMAP_NOTIFY:{ workspace()->updateFocusMousePosition(Cursor::pos()); // may cause leave event // unmap notify might have been emitted due to a destroy notify // but unmap notify gets emitted before the destroy notify, nevertheless at this // point the window is already destroyed. This means any XCB request with the window // will cause an error. // To not run into these errors we try to wait for the destroy notify. For this we // generate a round trip to the X server and wait a very short time span before // handling the release. updateXTime(); // using 1 msec to not just move it at the end of the event loop but add an very short // timespan to cover cases like unmap() followed by destroy(). The only other way to // ensure that the window is not destroyed when we do the release handling is to grab // the XServer which we do not want to do for an Unmanaged. The timespan of 1 msec is // short enough to not cause problems in the close window animations. // It's of course still possible that we miss the destroy in which case non-fatal // X errors are reported to the event loop and logged by Qt. QTimer::singleShot(1, this, SLOT(release())); break; } case XCB_CONFIGURE_NOTIFY: configureNotifyEvent(reinterpret_cast(e)); break; case XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY: propertyNotifyEvent(reinterpret_cast(e)); break; case XCB_CLIENT_MESSAGE: clientMessageEvent(reinterpret_cast(e)); break; default: { if (eventType == Xcb::Extensions::self()->shapeNotifyEvent()) { detectShape(window()); addRepaintFull(); addWorkspaceRepaint(geometry()); // in case shape change removes part of this window emit geometryShapeChanged(this, geometry()); } if (eventType == Xcb::Extensions::self()->damageNotifyEvent()) damageNotifyEvent(); break; } } return false; // don't eat events, even our own unmanaged widgets are tracked } void Unmanaged::configureNotifyEvent(xcb_configure_notify_event_t *e) { if (effects) static_cast(effects)->checkInputWindowStacking(); // keep them on top QRect newgeom(e->x, e->y, e->width, e->height); if (newgeom != geom) { addWorkspaceRepaint(visibleRect()); // damage old area QRect old = geom; geom = newgeom; emit geometryChanged(); // update shadow region addRepaintFull(); if (old.size() != geom.size()) discardWindowPixmap(); emit geometryShapeChanged(this, old); } } // **************************************** // Toplevel // **************************************** void Toplevel::propertyNotifyEvent(xcb_property_notify_event_t *e) { if (e->window != window()) return; // ignore frame/wrapper switch(e->atom) { default: if (e->atom == atoms->wm_client_leader) getWmClientLeader(); else if (e->atom == atoms->kde_net_wm_shadow) getShadow(); else if (e->atom == atoms->kde_skip_close_animation) getSkipCloseAnimation(); break; } emit propertyNotify(this, e->atom); } void Toplevel::clientMessageEvent(xcb_client_message_event_t *e) { if (e->type == atoms->wl_surface_id) { m_surfaceId = e->data.data32[0]; if (auto w = waylandServer()) { if (auto s = KWayland::Server::SurfaceInterface::get(m_surfaceId, w->xWaylandConnection())) { setSurface(s); } } emit surfaceIdChanged(m_surfaceId); } } } // namespace