diff --git a/src/taskview.cpp b/src/taskview.cpp index 7266671..99161d8 100644 --- a/src/taskview.cpp +++ b/src/taskview.cpp @@ -1,658 +1,657 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2003 by Scott Monachello * Copyright (C) 2019 Alexander Potashev * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #include "taskview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dialogs/exportdialog.h" #include "desktoptracker.h" #include "dialogs/edittimedialog.h" #include "dialogs/taskpropertiesdialog.h" #include "export/export.h" #include "focusdetector.h" #include "dialogs/historydialog.h" #include "idletimedetector.h" #include "import/plannerparser.h" #include "ktimetracker.h" #include "ktimetrackerutility.h" #include "ktt_debug.h" #include "model/eventsmodel.h" #include "model/projectmodel.h" #include "model/task.h" #include "model/tasksmodel.h" #include "treeviewheadercontextmenu.h" #include "widgets/taskswidget.h" void deleteEntry(const QString& key) { KConfigGroup config = KSharedConfig::openConfig()->group(QString()); config.deleteEntry(key); config.sync(); } TaskView::TaskView(QWidget *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_filterProxyModel(new QSortFilterProxyModel(this)) , m_storage(new TimeTrackerStorage()) , m_focusTrackingActive(false) , m_lastTaskWithFocus(nullptr) , m_focusDetector(new FocusDetector()) , m_tasksWidget(nullptr) { m_filterProxyModel->setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); m_filterProxyModel->setRecursiveFilteringEnabled(true); m_filterProxyModel->setSortRole(Task::SortRole); connect(m_focusDetector, &FocusDetector::newFocus, this, &TaskView::newFocusWindowDetected); // set up the minuteTimer m_minuteTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_minuteTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &TaskView::minuteUpdate); m_minuteTimer->start(1000 * secsPerMinute); // Set up the idle detection. m_idleTimeDetector = new IdleTimeDetector(KTimeTrackerSettings::period()); connect(m_idleTimeDetector, &IdleTimeDetector::subtractTime, this, &TaskView::subtractTime); connect(m_idleTimeDetector, &IdleTimeDetector::stopAllTimers, this, &TaskView::stopAllTimers); if (!IdleTimeDetector::isIdleDetectionPossible()) { KTimeTrackerSettings::setEnabled(false); } // Setup auto save timer m_autoSaveTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_autoSaveTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &TaskView::save); // Connect desktop tracker events to task starting/stopping m_desktopTracker = new DesktopTracker(); connect(m_desktopTracker, &DesktopTracker::reachedActiveDesktop, this, &TaskView::startTimerForNow); connect(m_desktopTracker, &DesktopTracker::leftActiveDesktop, this, &TaskView::stopTimerFor); } void TaskView::newFocusWindowDetected(const QString &taskName) { QString newTaskName = taskName; newTaskName.remove('\n'); if (!m_focusTrackingActive) { return; } bool found = false; // has taskName been found in our tasks stopTimerFor(m_lastTaskWithFocus); for (Task *task : storage()->tasksModel()->getAllTasks()) { if (task->name() == newTaskName) { found = true; startTimerForNow(task); m_lastTaskWithFocus = task; } } if (!found) { if (!addTask(newTaskName)) { KMessageBox::error( nullptr, i18n("Error storing new task. Your changes were not saved. " "Make sure you can edit your iCalendar file. " "Also quit all applications using this file and remove " "any lock file related to its name from ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc/lock/ ")); } for (Task *task : storage()->tasksModel()->getAllTasks()) { if (task->name() == newTaskName) { startTimerForNow(task); m_lastTaskWithFocus = task; } } } emit updateButtons(); } TimeTrackerStorage *TaskView::storage() { return m_storage; } TaskView::~TaskView() { delete m_storage; KTimeTrackerSettings::self()->save(); } void TaskView::load(const QUrl &url) { if (m_tasksWidget) { - delete m_tasksWidget; - m_tasksWidget = nullptr; + qFatal("TaskView::load must be called only once"); } // if the program is used as an embedded plugin for konqueror, there may be a need // to load from a file without touching the preferences. QString err = m_storage->load(this, url); if (!err.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(m_tasksWidget, err); qCDebug(KTT_LOG) << "Leaving TaskView::load"; return; } m_tasksWidget = new TasksWidget(dynamic_cast(parent()), m_filterProxyModel, nullptr); connect(m_tasksWidget, &TasksWidget::updateButtons, this, &TaskView::updateButtons); connect(m_tasksWidget, &TasksWidget::contextMenuRequested, this, &TaskView::contextMenuRequested); connect(m_tasksWidget, &TasksWidget::taskDoubleClicked, this, &TaskView::onTaskDoubleClicked); m_tasksWidget->setRootIsDecorated(true); reconfigureModel(); m_tasksWidget->reconfigure(); // Connect to the new model created by TimeTrackerStorage::load() auto *tasksModel = m_storage->tasksModel(); m_filterProxyModel->setSourceModel(tasksModel); m_tasksWidget->setSourceModel(tasksModel); for (int i = 0; i <= tasksModel->columnCount(QModelIndex()); ++i) { m_tasksWidget->resizeColumnToContents(i); } // Table header context menu auto *headerContextMenu = new TreeViewHeaderContextMenu(this, m_tasksWidget, QVector{0}); connect(headerContextMenu, &TreeViewHeaderContextMenu::columnToggled, this, &TaskView::slotColumnToggled); connect(tasksModel, &TasksModel::taskCompleted, this, &TaskView::stopTimerFor); connect(tasksModel, &TasksModel::taskDropped, this, &TaskView::reFreshTimes); connect(tasksModel, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved, this, &TaskView::taskAboutToBeRemoved); connect(storage()->eventsModel(), &EventsModel::timesChanged, this, &TaskView::reFreshTimes); // Register tasks with desktop tracker for (Task *task : storage()->tasksModel()->getAllTasks()) { m_desktopTracker->registerForDesktops(task, task->desktops()); } // Start all tasks that have an event without endtime for (Task *task : storage()->tasksModel()->getAllTasks()) { if (!m_storage->allEventsHaveEndTime(task)) { task->resumeRunning(); m_activeTasks.append(task); emit updateButtons(); if (m_activeTasks.count() == 1) { emit timersActive(); } emit tasksChanged(m_activeTasks); } } if (tasksModel->topLevelItemCount() > 0) { m_tasksWidget->restoreItemState(); m_tasksWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_filterProxyModel->mapFromSource( tasksModel->index(tasksModel->topLevelItem(0), 0))); if (!m_desktopTracker->startTracking().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(nullptr, i18n("Your virtual desktop number is too high, desktop tracking will not work.")); } } storage()->projectModel()->refresh(); tasksWidget()->refresh(); for (int i = 0; i <= tasksModel->columnCount(QModelIndex()); ++i) { m_tasksWidget->resizeColumnToContents(i); } } void TaskView::closeStorage() { m_storage->closeStorage(); } QString TaskView::reFreshTimes() { storage()->projectModel()->refreshTimes(); tasksWidget()->refresh(); return QString(); } void TaskView::importPlanner(const QString& fileName) { storage()->projectModel()->importPlanner(fileName, m_tasksWidget->currentItem()); tasksWidget()->refresh(); } void TaskView::save() { qCDebug(KTT_LOG) << "Entering TaskView::save()"; QString err = m_storage->save(); if (!err.isNull()) { KMessageBox::error(m_tasksWidget, err); } } void TaskView::startCurrentTimer() { startTimerForNow(m_tasksWidget->currentItem()); } void TaskView::startTimerFor(Task *task, const QDateTime &startTime) { bool activeTasksWasEmpty = storage()->tasksModel()->getActiveTasks().isEmpty(); qCDebug(KTT_LOG) << "Entering function"; if (task != nullptr && !task->isRunning()) { if (!task->isComplete()) { if (KTimeTrackerSettings::uniTasking()) { stopAllTimers(); } m_idleTimeDetector->startIdleDetection(); task->setRunning(true, startTime); m_activeTasks.append(task); emit updateButtons(); emit tasksChanged(m_activeTasks); } } if (activeTasksWasEmpty && !storage()->tasksModel()->getActiveTasks().isEmpty()) { emit timersActive(); } } void TaskView::startTimerForNow(Task *task) { startTimerFor(task, QDateTime::currentDateTime()); } void TaskView::clearActiveTasks() { m_activeTasks.clear(); } void TaskView::stopAllTimers(const QDateTime& when) { qCDebug(KTT_LOG) << "Entering function"; QProgressDialog dialog( i18nc("@info:progress", "Stopping timers..."), i18n("Cancel"), 0, m_activeTasks.count(), m_tasksWidget); if (m_activeTasks.count() > 1) { dialog.show(); } for (Task *task : m_activeTasks) { QApplication::processEvents(); task->setRunning(false, when); dialog.setValue(dialog.value() + 1); } m_idleTimeDetector->stopIdleDetection(); m_activeTasks.clear(); emit updateButtons(); emit timersInactive(); emit tasksChanged(m_activeTasks); } void TaskView::toggleFocusTracking() { m_focusTrackingActive = !m_focusTrackingActive; if (m_focusTrackingActive) { // FIXME: should get the currently active window and start tracking it? } else { stopTimerFor(m_lastTaskWithFocus); } emit updateButtons(); } void TaskView::stopTimerFor(Task* task) { qCDebug(KTT_LOG) << "Entering function"; if (task != nullptr && task->isRunning()) { m_activeTasks.removeAll(task); task->setRunning(false); if (m_activeTasks.count() == 0) { m_idleTimeDetector->stopIdleDetection(); emit timersInactive(); } emit updateButtons(); } emit tasksChanged(m_activeTasks); } void TaskView::stopCurrentTimer() { stopTimerFor(m_tasksWidget->currentItem()); if (m_focusTrackingActive && m_lastTaskWithFocus == m_tasksWidget->currentItem()) { toggleFocusTracking(); } } void TaskView::minuteUpdate() { storage()->tasksModel()->addTimeToActiveTasks(1); } void TaskView::newTask(const QString &caption, Task *parent) { QPointer dialog = new TaskPropertiesDialog( m_tasksWidget->parentWidget(), caption, QString(), QString(), DesktopList()); if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QString taskName = i18n("Unnamed Task"); if (!dialog->name().isEmpty()) { taskName = dialog->name(); } QString taskDescription = dialog->description(); auto desktopList = dialog->desktops(); // If all available desktops are checked, disable auto tracking, // since it makes no sense to track for every desktop. if (desktopList.size() == m_desktopTracker->desktopCount()) { desktopList.clear(); } int64_t total = 0; int64_t session = 0; auto *task = addTask(taskName, taskDescription, total, session, desktopList, parent); if (!task) { KMessageBox::error(nullptr, i18n( "Error storing new task. Your changes were not saved. " "Make sure you can edit your iCalendar file. Also quit " "all applications using this file and remove any lock " "file related to its name from ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc/lock/")); } } delete dialog; emit updateButtons(); } Task *TaskView::addTask( const QString& taskname, const QString& taskdescription, int64_t total, int64_t session, const DesktopList& desktops, Task* parent) { qCDebug(KTT_LOG) << "Entering function; taskname =" << taskname; m_tasksWidget->setSortingEnabled(false); Task *task = new Task( taskname, taskdescription, total, session, desktops, storage()->projectModel(), parent); if (task->uid().isNull()) { qFatal("failed to generate UID"); } m_desktopTracker->registerForDesktops(task, desktops); m_tasksWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_filterProxyModel->mapFromSource(storage()->tasksModel()->index(task, 0))); task->invalidateCompletedState(); m_tasksWidget->setSortingEnabled(true); return task; } void TaskView::newSubTask() { Task* task = m_tasksWidget->currentItem(); if (!task) { return; } newTask(i18nc("@title:window", "New Sub Task"), task); m_tasksWidget->setExpanded(m_filterProxyModel->mapFromSource(storage()->tasksModel()->index(task, 0)), true); storage()->projectModel()->refresh(); tasksWidget()->refresh(); } void TaskView::editTask() { qCDebug(KTT_LOG) <<"Entering editTask"; Task* task = m_tasksWidget->currentItem(); if (!task) { return; } auto oldDeskTopList = task->desktops(); QPointer dialog = new TaskPropertiesDialog( m_tasksWidget->parentWidget(), i18nc("@title:window", "Edit Task"), task->name(), task->description(), oldDeskTopList); if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QString name = i18n("Unnamed Task"); if (!dialog->name().isEmpty()) { name = dialog->name(); } // setName only does something if the new name is different task->setName(name); task->setDescription(dialog->description()); auto desktopList = dialog->desktops(); // If all available desktops are checked, disable auto tracking, // since it makes no sense to track for every desktop. if (desktopList.size() == m_desktopTracker->desktopCount()) { desktopList.clear(); } // only do something for autotracking if the new setting is different if (oldDeskTopList != desktopList) { task->setDesktopList(desktopList); m_desktopTracker->registerForDesktops(task, desktopList); } emit updateButtons(); } delete dialog; } void TaskView::setPerCentComplete(int completion) { Task* task = m_tasksWidget->currentItem(); if (!task) { KMessageBox::information(nullptr, i18n("No task selected.")); return; } if (completion < 0) { completion = 0; } if (completion < 100) { task->setPercentComplete(completion); task->invalidateCompletedState(); emit updateButtons(); } } void TaskView::deleteTaskBatch(Task* task) { QString uid = task->uid(); task->remove(); deleteEntry(uid); // forget if the item was expanded or collapsed task->delete_recursive(); // Stop idle detection if no more counters are running if (storage()->tasksModel()->getActiveTasks().isEmpty()) { m_idleTimeDetector->stopIdleDetection(); emit timersInactive(); } emit tasksChanged(m_activeTasks); } void TaskView::deleteTask(Task* task) /* Attention when popping up a window asking for confirmation. If you have "Track active applications" on, this window will create a new task and make this task running and selected. */ { if (!task) { task = m_tasksWidget->currentItem(); } if (!m_tasksWidget->currentItem()) { KMessageBox::information(nullptr, i18n("No task selected.")); } else { int response = KMessageBox::Continue; if (KTimeTrackerSettings::promptDelete()) { response = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, i18n("Are you sure you want to delete the selected task and its entire history?\n" "Note: All subtasks and their history will also be deleted."), i18nc("@title:window", "Deleting Task"), KStandardGuiItem::del()); } if (response == KMessageBox::Continue) { deleteTaskBatch(task); } } } void TaskView::markTaskAsComplete() { if (!m_tasksWidget->currentItem()) { KMessageBox::information(nullptr, i18n("No task selected.")); return; } m_tasksWidget->currentItem()->setPercentComplete(100); m_tasksWidget->currentItem()->invalidateCompletedState(); emit updateButtons(); } void TaskView::subtractTime(int64_t minutes) { storage()->tasksModel()->addTimeToActiveTasks(-minutes); } void TaskView::markTaskAsIncomplete() { setPerCentComplete(50); // if it has been reopened, assume half-done } void TaskView::slotColumnToggled(int column) { switch (column) { case 1: KTimeTrackerSettings::setDisplaySessionTime(!m_tasksWidget->isColumnHidden(1)); break; case 2: KTimeTrackerSettings::setDisplayTime(!m_tasksWidget->isColumnHidden(2)); break; case 3: KTimeTrackerSettings::setDisplayTotalSessionTime(!m_tasksWidget->isColumnHidden(3)); break; case 4: KTimeTrackerSettings::setDisplayTotalTime(!m_tasksWidget->isColumnHidden(4)); break; case 5: KTimeTrackerSettings::setDisplayPriority(!m_tasksWidget->isColumnHidden(5)); break; case 6: KTimeTrackerSettings::setDisplayPercentComplete(!m_tasksWidget->isColumnHidden(6)); break; } KTimeTrackerSettings::self()->save(); } bool TaskView::isFocusTrackingActive() const { return m_focusTrackingActive; } void TaskView::reconfigureModel() { /* idleness */ m_idleTimeDetector->setMaxIdle(KTimeTrackerSettings::period()); m_idleTimeDetector->toggleOverAllIdleDetection(KTimeTrackerSettings::enabled()); /* auto save */ if (KTimeTrackerSettings::autoSave()) { m_autoSaveTimer->start(KTimeTrackerSettings::autoSavePeriod() * 1000 * secsPerMinute); } else if (m_autoSaveTimer->isActive()) { m_autoSaveTimer->stop(); } storage()->projectModel()->refresh(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TaskView::onTaskDoubleClicked(Task *task) { if (task->isRunning()) { // if task is running, stop it stopCurrentTimer(); } else if (!task->isComplete()) { // if task is not running, start it stopAllTimers(); startCurrentTimer(); } } void TaskView::editTaskTime(const QString& taskUid, int64_t minutes) { // update session time if the time was changed auto* task = m_storage->tasksModel()->taskByUID(taskUid); if (task) { task->changeTime(minutes, m_storage->eventsModel()); } } void TaskView::taskAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) { if (first != last) { qFatal("taskAboutToBeRemoved: unexpected removal of multiple items at once"); } TasksModelItem *item = nullptr; if (parent.isValid()) { // Nested task auto *parentItem = storage()->tasksModel()->item(parent); if (!parentItem) { qFatal("taskAboutToBeRemoved: parentItem is nullptr"); } item = parentItem->child(first); } else { // Top-level task item = storage()->tasksModel()->topLevelItem(first); } if (!item) { qFatal("taskAboutToBeRemoved: item is nullptr"); } // We use static_cast here instead of dynamic_cast because this // taskAboutToBeRemoved() slot is called from TasksModelItem's destructor // when the Task object is already destructed, thus dynamic_cast would // return nullptr. auto *task = dynamic_cast(item); if (!task) { qFatal("taskAboutToBeRemoved: task is nullptr"); } // Handle task deletion DesktopList desktopList; m_desktopTracker->registerForDesktops(task, desktopList); m_activeTasks.removeAll(task); emit tasksChanged(m_activeTasks); } diff --git a/src/taskview.h b/src/taskview.h index fe14c1b..14d8362 100644 --- a/src/taskview.h +++ b/src/taskview.h @@ -1,210 +1,211 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2003 by Scott Monachello * Copyright (C) 2019 Alexander Potashev * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ #ifndef KTIMETRACKER_TASK_VIEW #define KTIMETRACKER_TASK_VIEW #include #include "desktoplist.h" #include "timetrackerstorage.h" #include "reportcriteria.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QTimer; class QSortFilterProxyModel; class QMenu; QT_END_NAMESPACE class DesktopTracker; class IdleTimeDetector; class Task; class TimeTrackerStorage; class FocusDetector; class TasksModel; class TasksWidget; /** * Container and interface for the tasks. */ class TaskView : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit TaskView(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~TaskView() override; - //BEGIN model specified - /** Load the view from storage. */ + /** + * Load the view from storage. + * + * Must be called only once. If you need to open another file, + * please create a new TaskView object. + */ void load(const QUrl& url); /** Close the storage and release lock. */ void closeStorage(); /** Add a task to view and storage. */ Task *addTask( const QString& taskname, const QString& taskdescription = QString(), int64_t total = 0, int64_t session = 0, const DesktopList& desktops = QVector(0,0), Task* parent = nullptr); - //END - //BEGIN behavior /** Returns whether the focus tracking is currently active. */ bool isFocusTrackingActive() const; - //END TasksWidget *tasksWidget() { return m_tasksWidget; } public Q_SLOTS: /** Save to persistent storage. */ void save(); /** Start the timer on the current item (task) in view. */ void startCurrentTimer(); /** Stop the timer for the current item in the view. */ void stopCurrentTimer(); /** Stop all running timers. * @param when When the timer stopped - this makes sense if the idletime- * detector detects the user stopped working 5 minutes ago. */ void stopAllTimers(const QDateTime &when = QDateTime::currentDateTime()); /** Toggles the automatic tracking of focused windows */ void toggleFocusTracking(); /** Display edit task dialog and create a new task with results. * @param caption Window title of the edit task dialog */ void newTask(const QString &caption, Task *parent); /** used to import tasks from imendio planner */ void importPlanner(const QString &fileName); /** Calls newTask dialog with caption "New Sub Task". */ void newSubTask(); /** Calls editTask dialog for the current task. */ void editTask(); /** * Returns a pointer to storage object. * * This is poor object oriented design--the task view should * expose wrappers around the storage methods we want to access instead of * giving clients full access to objects that we own. * * Hopefully, this will be redesigned as part of the Qt4 migration. */ TimeTrackerStorage* storage(); /** * Deletes the given or the current task (and children) from the view. * It does this in batch mode, no user dialog. * @param task Task to be deleted. If empty, the current task is deleted. * if non-existent, an error message is displayed. */ void deleteTaskBatch(Task *task); /** * Deletes the given or the current task (and children) from the view. * Depending on configuration, there may be a user dialog. * @param task Task to be deleted. If empty, the current task is deleted. * if non-existent, an error message is displayed. */ void deleteTask(Task* task = nullptr); /** Sets % completed for the current task. * @param completion The percentage complete to mark the task as. */ void setPerCentComplete(int completion); void markTaskAsComplete(); void markTaskAsIncomplete(); /** Subtracts time from all active tasks, and does not log event. */ void subtractTime(int64_t minutes); /** receiving signal that a task is being deleted */ void taskAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last); /** starts timer for task. * @param task task to start timer of * @param startTime if taskview has been modified by another program, we have to set the starting time to not-now. */ void startTimerFor(Task *task, const QDateTime& startTime); void startTimerForNow(Task *task); void stopTimerFor(Task *task); /** clears all active tasks. Needed e.g. if iCal file was modified by another program and taskview is cleared without stopping tasks IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, CALL stopAllTimers INSTEAD */ void clearActiveTasks(); /** Reconfigures taskView depending on current configuration. */ void reconfigureModel(); /** Refresh the times of the tasks, e.g. when the history has been changed by the user */ QString reFreshTimes(); void onTaskDoubleClicked(Task *task); void editTaskTime(const QString& taskUid, int64_t minutes); Q_SIGNALS: void updateButtons(); void timersActive(); void timersInactive(); /** Used to update text in tray icon */ void tasksChanged(const QList &activeTasks); void setStatusBarText(const QString &text); void contextMenuRequested(const QPoint&); private: // member variables QSortFilterProxyModel* m_filterProxyModel; IdleTimeDetector* m_idleTimeDetector; QTimer *m_minuteTimer; QTimer *m_autoSaveTimer; DesktopTracker* m_desktopTracker; TimeTrackerStorage *m_storage; bool m_focusTrackingActive; Task* m_lastTaskWithFocus; QList m_activeTasks; FocusDetector *m_focusDetector; TasksWidget *m_tasksWidget; public Q_SLOTS: void minuteUpdate(); /** React on the focus having changed to Window QString **/ void newFocusWindowDetected(const QString&); void slotColumnToggled(int); }; #endif // KTIMETRACKER_TASK_VIEW