diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index 6e09762..1a6ca4b 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,400 +1,400 @@ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3) find_package(ECM 5.40.0 REQUIRED NO_MODULE) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) set(QT_MIN_VERSION "5.8.0") if(POLICY CMP0071) cmake_policy(SET CMP0071 NEW) endif() project(kaidan) set(APPLICATION_ID "im.kaidan.kaidan") set(APPLICATION_NAME "kaidan") set(APPLICATION_DISPLAY_NAME "Kaidan") if(UBUNTU_TOUCH) set(APPLICATION_NAME "${APPLICATION_ID}") endif() set(VERSION_STRING "0.4.0~dev") set(DEVELOPMENT_BUILD TRUE) set(ANDROID_VERSION_CODE 3) # CMake options option(I18N "Enable i18n support" FALSE) option(STATIC_BUILD "Build Kaidan statically") -option(UBUNTU_TOUCH "Building a Ubuntu Touch click (internal use only!)" FALSE) +option(UBUNTU_TOUCH "Building an Ubuntu Touch click (internal use only!)" FALSE) option(CLICK_ARCH "Architecture that will be used in the click's manifest") option(CLICK_DATE "Date used in the version number in the click's manifest") option(QUICK_COMPILER "Use QtQuick compiler to improve performance" FALSE) # Find includes in corresponding build directories set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) # Instruct CMake to run moc, uic and rcc automatically when needed. set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) set(AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS -Muri=${APPLICATION_ID}) # # Dependecies # # CMake module path set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_MODULE_PATH} ${ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR}) # CMake modules include include(KDEInstallDirs) include(KDECompilerSettings NO_POLICY_SCOPE) include(KDECMakeSettings) include(ECMInstallIcons) include(FeatureSummary) kde_enable_exceptions() # Find packages find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5 ${QT_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED NO_MODULE COMPONENTS Core Qml Quick Svg Sql QuickControls2 Xml) find_package(KF5Kirigami2 REQUIRED) pkg_search_module(QXmpp REQUIRED qxmpp>=0.9) # Optional QtQuickCompiler if(QUICK_COMPILER) find_package(Qt5QuickCompiler) set_package_properties(Qt5QuickCompiler PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Compile QML at build time" TYPE OPTIONAL ) endif() # Optional QWidget style integration (not on mobile) if(NOT UBUNTU_TOUCH AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS) find_package(Qt5Widgets) set_package_properties(Qt5Widgets PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Integration with QWidget based desktop styles" TYPE OPTIONAL ) endif() # Platform-specific if(Qt5Widgets_FOUND) add_definitions(-DHAVE_QWIDGETS -DQAPPLICATION_CLASS=QApplication) set(__Qt5Widgets_LIBRARIES Qt5::Widgets) else() add_definitions(-DQAPPLICATION_CLASS=QGuiApplication) endif() if(ANDROID) find_package(Qt5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS AndroidExtras) endif() if(ANDROID OR WIN32) pkg_search_module(OPENSSL REQUIRED openssl IMPORTED_TARGET) message(STATUS "Using OpenSSL ${OPENSSL_VERSION}") endif() # # Load submodules # # Main kaidan sources include("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/CMakeLists.txt") # I18n support if(I18N) include("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/i18n/CMakeLists.txt") endif() # # Sources / Resources # # Include bundled icons on Ubuntu Touch, Android, Windows, macOS and iOS if(UBUNTU_TOUCH OR ANDROID OR WIN32 OR APPLE) set(KAIDAN_ICONS_QRC kirigami-icons.qrc) endif() # Bundle images on Android, Windows, macOS and iOS if(ANDROID OR WIN32 OR APPLE) set(KAIDAN_IMAGES_QRC "data/images/images.qrc") endif() # Set app icon if(APPLE) set(KAIDAN_ICNS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/misc/macos/kaidan.icns") set_source_files_properties(${KAIDAN_ICNS} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION "Resources") elseif(WIN32) include(ECMAddAppIcon) file(GLOB WIN_ICONS_SRCS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/misc/windows/*kaidan.png") message(STATUS ${WIN_ICONS_SRCS}) ecm_add_app_icon(KAIDAN_ICNS ICONS ${WIN_ICONS_SRCS}) message(STATUS ${KAIDAN_ICNS}) endif() link_directories(${QXmpp_LIBDIR}) if(QUICK_COMPILER) qtquick_compiler_add_resources(KAIDAN_QML_QRC kaidan_qml.qrc) else() qt5_add_resources(KAIDAN_QML_QRC kaidan_qml.qrc) endif() add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} MACOSX_BUNDLE WIN32 ${KAIDAN_ICNS} ${KAIDAN_SOURCES} ${KAIDAN_QML_QRC} ${KAIDAN_ICONS_QRC} # only set if enabled ${KAIDAN_IMAGES_QRC} # ${I18N_QRC_CPP} # ) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::Core Qt5::Sql Qt5::Qml Qt5::Quick Qt5::Svg Qt5::Network Qt5::Xml ${__Qt5Widgets_LIBRARIES} # currently needs to be hardcoded for windows builds qxmpp ) target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${QXmpp_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) target_compile_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${QXmpp_CFLAGS_OTHER} ) if(ANDROID OR WIN32 OR IOS) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::QuickControls2 KF5::Kirigami2) endif() if(ANDROID OR WIN32) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PkgConfig::OPENSSL) endif() if(ANDROID) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::AndroidExtras) endif() if(STATIC_BUILD) add_definitions(-DQXMPP_BUILD) find_package(Perl REQUIRED) set(STATIC_DEPENDENCIES_CMAKE_FILE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/QtStaticDependencies.cmake") if(EXISTS ${STATIC_DEPENDENCIES_CMAKE_FILE}) file(REMOVE ${STATIC_DEPENDENCIES_CMAKE_FILE}) endif() get_target_property(QT_LIBDIR Qt5::Core LOCATION) get_filename_component(QT_LIBDIR ${QT_LIBDIR} DIRECTORY) macro(CONVERT_PRL_LIBS_TO_CMAKE _qt_component) if(TARGET Qt5::${_qt_component}) get_target_property(_lib_location Qt5::${_qt_component} LOCATION) execute_process(COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/utils/convert-prl-libs-to-cmake.pl --lib ${_lib_location} --libdir ${QT_LIBDIR} --out ${STATIC_DEPENDENCIES_CMAKE_FILE} --component ${_qt_component} --compiler ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} ) endif() endmacro() link_directories(${_qt5_install_prefix}/../) foreach(qt_module Gui Quick QuickControls2 Network Qml Svg Sql QSQLiteDriverPlugin QJpegPlugin QGifPlugin QSvgPlugin QSvgIconPlugin QICOPlugin QGenericEnginePlugin QLocalClientConnectionFactory QTcpServerConnectionFactory) CONVERT_PRL_LIBS_TO_CMAKE(${qt_module}) endforeach() if(WIN32) CONVERT_PRL_LIBS_TO_CMAKE(QWindowsIntegrationPlugin) elseif(IOS) foreach(qt_module QIOSIntegrationPlugin QMacHeifPlugin QMacJp2Plugin QICNSPlugin QTgaPlugin QTiffPlugin QWbmpPlugin QWebpPlugin) CONVERT_PRL_LIBS_TO_CMAKE(${qt_module}) endforeach() endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${STATIC_DEPENDENCIES_CMAKE_FILE}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find ${STATIC_DEPENDENCIES_CMAKE_FILE}") endif() include(${STATIC_DEPENDENCIES_CMAKE_FILE}) set(QT_QML_PATH ${_qt5Quick_install_prefix}) find_library(KIRIGAMI_PLUGIN kirigamiplugin PATHS ${Kirigami2_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${KDE_INSTALL_QMLDIR}/org/kde/kirigami.2) find_library(QUICK_PLUGIN qtquick2plugin PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/QtQuick.2) find_library(LABS_PLATFORM_PLUGIN qtlabsplatformplugin PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/Qt/labs/platform) find_library(GRAPHEFFECTS_PLUGIN qtgraphicaleffectsplugin PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/QtGraphicalEffects) find_library(GRAPHEFFECTS_PRIVATE_PLUGIN qtgraphicaleffectsprivate PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/private) find_library(QQC2_PLUGIN qtquickcontrols2plugin PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2) find_library(QQC2_MATERIAL_PLUGIN qtquickcontrols2materialstyleplugin PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/Material) find_library(QQC2_UNIVERSAL_PLUGIN qtquickcontrols2universalstyleplugin PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/Universal) find_library(QLAYOUTS_PLUGIN qquicklayoutsplugin PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/QtQuick/Layouts) find_library(QWINDOW_PLUGIN windowplugin PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/QtQuick/Window.2) find_library(QSHAPES_PLUGIN qmlshapesplugin PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/QtQuick/Shapes) find_library(QUICKSHAPES Qt5QuickShapes PATHS ${QT_LIBDIR}) find_library(QTEMPLATES_PLUGIN qtquicktemplates2plugin PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/QtQuick/Templates.2) find_library(QMODELS_PLUGIN modelsplugin PATHS ${QT_QML_PATH}/qml/QtQml/Models.2) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${plugin_libs} Qt5::QSQLiteDriverPlugin Qt5::QJpegPlugin Qt5::QGifPlugin Qt5::QSvgPlugin Qt5::QSvgIconPlugin Qt5::QICOPlugin Qt5::QGenericEnginePlugin Qt5::QLocalClientConnectionFactory Qt5::QTcpServerConnectionFactory ${KIRIGAMI_PLUGIN} ${QUICK_PLUGIN} ${LABS_PLATFORM_PLUGIN} ${GRAPHEFFECTS_PLUGIN} ${GRAPHEFFECTS_PRIVATE_PLUGIN} ${QQC2_PLUGIN} ${QQC2_MATERIAL_PLUGIN} ${QQC2_UNIVERSAL_PLUGIN} ${QLAYOUTS_PLUGIN} ${QWINDOW_PLUGIN} ${QSHAPES_PLUGIN} ${QUICKSHAPES} ${QTEMPLATES_PLUGIN} ${QMODELS_PLUGIN} ${__Qt5Widgets_LIBRARIES} ) if(WIN32) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::QWindowsIntegrationPlugin ) elseif(IOS) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::QIOSIntegrationPlugin Qt5::QMacHeifPlugin Qt5::QMacJp2Plugin Qt5::QICNSPlugin Qt5::QTgaPlugin Qt5::QTiffPlugin Qt5::QWbmpPlugin Qt5::QWebpPlugin ) endif() endif() # Set a custom plist file for the app bundle if(APPLE) if(IOS) set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/misc/ios/Info.plist) else() set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/misc/macos/Info.plist) endif() endif() # # Global C++ variables # # iOS-specific linker flags if(IOS) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS ${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} "-Wl,-e,_qt_main_wrapper -u _qt_registerPlatformPlugin") endif() if(UBUNTU_TOUCH) set(KAIDAN_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS UBUNTU_TOUCH=True) elseif(NOT ANDROID AND NOT IOS AND NOT WIN32 AND NOT APPLE) set(KAIDAN_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS NOTIFICATIONS_LIBNOTIFY=True) endif() if(STATIC_BUILD) set(KAIDAN_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS STATIC_BUILD=True ${KAIDAN_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS} ) endif() target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE DEBUG_SOURCE_PATH="${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" VERSION_STRING="${VERSION_STRING}" APPLICATION_ID="${APPLICATION_ID}" APPLICATION_NAME="${APPLICATION_NAME}" APPLICATION_DISPLAY_NAME="${APPLICATION_DISPLAY_NAME}" ${KAIDAN_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS} ) # # Install Kaidan # if(ANDROID) configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/misc/android/AndroidManifest.xml.in ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/misc/android/AndroidManifest.xml) endif() if(UBUNTU_TOUCH AND CLICK_ARCH) set(CLICK_VERSION ${VERSION_STRING}) if(DEVELOPMENT_BUILD) set(CLICK_VERSION "${CLICK_VERSION}.${CLICK_DATE}") endif() # will replace ${CLICK_ARCH} with its value configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/misc/ubuntu-touch/manifest.json.in ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/misc/ubuntu-touch/manifest.json) # install kaidan binary install(PROGRAMS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bin/${PROJECT_NAME} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} ) # install kaidan media install(DIRECTORY "data/images" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_DATADIR}/${APPLICATION_ID}" ) # install icon install(FILES "misc/kaidan.svg" "misc/ubuntu-touch/apparmor.json" "misc/ubuntu-touch/kaidan.desktop" "misc/ubuntu-touch/manifest.json" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ) elseif(UNIX AND NOT APPLE) # install kaidan binary install(PROGRAMS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bin/${PROJECT_NAME} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_BINDIR} ) # install kaidan media install(DIRECTORY "data/images" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_DATADIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}" ) # install icon (scalable + 128x) install(FILES "misc/kaidan.svg" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_DATADIR}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps" ) install(FILES "misc/kaidan-128x128.png" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_DATADIR}/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps" RENAME "kaidan.png" ) # install desktop file install(FILES "misc/kaidan.desktop" DESTINATION "${KDE_INSTALL_APPDIR}" ) # install metainfo install(FILES "misc/metadata.xml" DESTINATION "${KDE_INSTALL_METAINFODIR}" RENAME "im.kaidan.kaidan.appdata.xml" ) endif() feature_summary(WHAT ALL FATAL_ON_MISSING_REQUIRED_PACKAGES) diff --git a/src/qml/elements/RosterListItem.qml b/src/qml/elements/RosterListItem.qml index e54d358..1405fd6 100644 --- a/src/qml/elements/RosterListItem.qml +++ b/src/qml/elements/RosterListItem.qml @@ -1,187 +1,187 @@ /* * Kaidan - A user-friendly XMPP client for every device! * * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Kaidan developers and contributors * (see the LICENSE file for a full list of copyright authors) * * Kaidan is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, as a special exception, the author of Kaidan gives * permission to link the code of its release with the OpenSSL * project's "OpenSSL" library (or with modified versions of it that * use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), and distribute the * linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public License in * all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of * the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * do so, delete this exception statement from your version. * * Kaidan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Kaidan. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 as Controls import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import org.kde.kirigami 2.0 as Kirigami import im.kaidan.kaidan 1.0 Kirigami.SwipeListItem { id: listItem property string name property string jid property string lastMessage property int unreadMessages property string avatarImagePath property int presenceType property string statusMsg topPadding: 0 leftPadding: 0 bottomPadding: 0 height: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 3.5 RowLayout { spacing: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 0.5 // left border: presence Rectangle { id: presenceIndicator visible: presenceType !== Enums.PresInvisible width: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 0.3 height: parent.height color: presenceTypeToColor(presenceType) } // left: avatar Item { id: avatarSpace Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height - Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 0.8 Layout.preferredWidth: parent.height - Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 0.8 Controls.ToolTip { visible: hovered && !Kirigami.Settings.isMobile delay: Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval text: generateToolTipText(listItem.name, listItem.jid, listItem.presenceType, listItem.statusMsg) } RoundImage { id: avatar visible: avatarImagePath !== "" anchors.fill: parent source: avatarImagePath width: height fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit mipmap: true } TextAvatar { visible: avatarImagePath == "" anchors.fill: parent width: height id: textAvatar name: listItem.name } } // right side ColumnLayout { spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing Layout.fillWidth: true // contact name Kirigami.Heading { text: name textFormat: Text.PlainText elide: Text.ElideRight maximumLineCount: 1 level: 3 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.maximumHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 1.5 } // bottom RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Controls.Label { Layout.fillWidth: true elide: Text.ElideRight maximumLineCount: 1 text: { presenceType === Enums.PresError ? // error presence type qsTr("Error: Please check the JID.") : kaidan.utils.removeNewLinesFromString(lastMessage) } textFormat: Text.PlainText font.pixelSize: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 0.8 } } } // unread message counter MessageCounter { visible: unreadMessages > 0 counter: unreadMessages Layout.preferredHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 1.25 Layout.preferredWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 1.25 } } /** - * Returns the color beloning to the given presence status type + * Returns the color belonging to the given presence status type */ function presenceTypeToColor(type) { return type === Enums.PresOnline ? "green" : type === Enums.PresChat ? "darkgreen" : type === Enums.PresAway ? "orange" : type === Enums.PresDND ? "orange" : type === Enums.PresXA ? "orange" : type === Enums.PresError ? "red" : "silver" // unavailable (offline) } /** * Generates a styled text telling some basic information about the contact, * is used for a tooltip */ function generateToolTipText(name, jid, statusType, statusMsg) { // header (contact name) var string = "

" + name + "

" // in small: JID (only if differs name) if (name !== jid) { string += "
" + jid + "
" } // presence status type string += "" string += statusType === Enums.PresOnline ? qsTr("Available") : statusType === Enums.PresChat ? qsTr("Free for chat") : statusType === Enums.PresAway ? qsTr("Away") : statusType === Enums.PresDND ? qsTr("Do not disturb") : statusType === Enums.PresXA ? qsTr("Away for longer") : statusType === Enums.PresUnavailable ? qsTr("Offline") : statusType === Enums.PresError ? qsTr("Error") : "Invalid" // should never be displayed string += "" // presence status message if (statusMsg !== "") { string += ": " + statusMsg } return string } }