diff --git a/data/org.kde.kirogi.desktop b/data/org.kde.kirogi.desktop index 51e0aad..5b22bed 100755 --- a/data/org.kde.kirogi.desktop +++ b/data/org.kde.kirogi.desktop @@ -1,11 +1,32 @@ [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=kirogi -qwindowtitle %c %u Icon=kirogi GenericName=Drone ground control +GenericName[ca]=Control terrestre de drons +GenericName[es]=Control desde tierra de drones +GenericName[it]=Controllo da terra dei droni +GenericName[nl]=Besturing vanaf de grond voor drones +GenericName[pl]=Sterowanie dronem +GenericName[pt]=Controlo terrestre de drones +GenericName[sk]=Pozemné ovládanie dronov +GenericName[sv]=Markkontroll av drönare +GenericName[uk]=Програма для керування дроном +GenericName[x-test]=xxDrone ground controlxx Terminal=false Name=Kirogi +Name[ca]=Kirogi +Name[cs]=Kirogi +Name[es]=Kirogi +Name[it]=Kirogi +Name[nl]=Kirogi +Name[pl]=Kirogi +Name[pt]=Kirogi +Name[sk]=Kirogi +Name[sv]=Kirogi +Name[uk]=Kirogi +Name[x-test]=xxKirogixx Categories=Qt;KDE;Network;IRCClient;Science;Geoscience;RemoteAccess;Sports;Photography X-DBUS-StartupType=Unique X-DBUS-ServiceName=org.kde.kirogi StartupNotify=true diff --git a/src/lib/kirogivehiclesupportplugin.desktop b/src/lib/kirogivehiclesupportplugin.desktop index 913c9ad..ebaf9d2 100644 --- a/src/lib/kirogivehiclesupportplugin.desktop +++ b/src/lib/kirogivehiclesupportplugin.desktop @@ -1,5 +1,15 @@ [Desktop Entry] Type=ServiceType X-KDE-ServiceType=Kirogi/VehicleSupport X-KDE-Derived= Comment=Kirogi Vehicle Support Plugin +Comment[ca]=Connector de suport de vehicles Kirogi +Comment[es]=Complemento de uso de vehículos Kirogi +Comment[it]=Estensione di supporto per veicoli Kirogi +Comment[nl]=Kirogi plug-in voor ondersteuning van voertuig +Comment[pl]=Wtyczka obsługi pojazdu Kirogi +Comment[pt]='Plugin' de Suporte a Veículos do Kirogi +Comment[sk]=Plugin podpory vozidla Kirogi +Comment[sv]=Kirogi insticksprogram för fordonsstöd +Comment[uk]=Додаток підтримки дронів Kirogi +Comment[x-test]=xxKirogi Vehicle Support Pluginxx diff --git a/src/plugins/parrot/kirogiparrotplugin.json b/src/plugins/parrot/kirogiparrotplugin.json index 36c360b..f748196 100644 --- a/src/plugins/parrot/kirogiparrotplugin.json +++ b/src/plugins/parrot/kirogiparrotplugin.json @@ -1,16 +1,46 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Authors": [ { "Email": "hein@kde.org", - "Name": "Eike Hein" + "Name": "Eike Hein", + "Name[ca]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[cs]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[es]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[it]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[nl]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[pl]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[pt]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[sk]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[sv]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[uk]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[x-test]": "xxEike Heinxx" } ], "Description": "A Kirogi plugin to support Parrot UAVs", + "Description[ca]": "Un connector del Kirogi per admetre l'UAV Parrot", + "Description[es]": "Un complemento de Kirogi para usar los vehículos voladores no tripulados Parrot", + "Description[it]": "Un'estensione di Kirogi per supportare gli APR Parrot", + "Description[nl]": "Een Kirogi plug-in om Parrot UAV's te ondersteunen", + "Description[pl]": "Wtyczka Kirogi do obsługi Parrot UAVs", + "Description[pt]": "Um 'plugin' do Kirogi para ter suporte para os UAV's da Parrot", + "Description[sv]": "Ett Kirogi insticksprogram för att stödja Parrot drönare", + "Description[uk]": "Додаток до Kirogi для підтримки дронів Parrot", + "Description[x-test]": "xxA Kirogi plugin to support Parrot UAVsxx", "Icon": "uav", "Name": "Parrot", + "Name[ca]": "Parrot", + "Name[es]": "Parrot", + "Name[it]": "Parrot", + "Name[nl]": "Papegaai", + "Name[pl]": "Parrot", + "Name[pt]": "Parrot", + "Name[sk]": "Parrot", + "Name[sv]": "Parrot", + "Name[uk]": "Parrot", + "Name[x-test]": "xxParrotxx", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kirogi/VehicleSupport" ] } } diff --git a/src/plugins/ryzetello/kirogiryzetelloplugin.json b/src/plugins/ryzetello/kirogiryzetelloplugin.json index f243a55..28713bb 100644 --- a/src/plugins/ryzetello/kirogiryzetelloplugin.json +++ b/src/plugins/ryzetello/kirogiryzetelloplugin.json @@ -1,16 +1,47 @@ { "KPlugin": { "Authors": [ { "Email": "hein@kde.org", - "Name": "Eike Hein" + "Name": "Eike Hein", + "Name[ca]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[cs]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[es]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[it]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[nl]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[pl]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[pt]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[sk]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[sv]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[uk]": "Eike Hein", + "Name[x-test]": "xxEike Heinxx" } ], "Description": "A Kirogi plugin to support the Ryze Tello UAV", + "Description[ca]": "Un connector del Kirogi per admetre l'UAV Ryze Tello", + "Description[es]": "Un complemento de Kirogi para usar el vehículo volador no tripulado Ryze Tello", + "Description[it]": "Un'estensione di Kirogi per supportare gli APR Ryze Tello", + "Description[nl]": "Een Kirogi plug-in om de Ryze Tello UAV te ondersteunen", + "Description[pl]": "Wtyczka Kirogi do obsługi Ryze Tello UAV", + "Description[pt]": "Um 'plugin' do Kirogi para suportar o UAV Ryze Tello", + "Description[sv]": "Ett Kirogi insticksprogram för att stödja Ryze Tello drönare", + "Description[uk]": "Додаток до Kirogi для підтримки дронів Ryze Tello", + "Description[x-test]": "xxA Kirogi plugin to support the Ryze Tello UAVxx", "Icon": "uav", "Name": "Ryze Tello", + "Name[ca]": "Ryze Tello", + "Name[cs]": "Ryze Tello", + "Name[es]": "Ryze Tello", + "Name[it]": "Ryze Tello", + "Name[nl]": "Ryze Tello", + "Name[pl]": "Ryze Tello", + "Name[pt]": "Ryze Tello", + "Name[sk]": "Ryze Tello", + "Name[sv]": "Ryze Tello", + "Name[uk]": "Ryze Tello", + "Name[x-test]": "xxRyze Telloxx", "ServiceTypes": [ "Kirogi/VehicleSupport" ] } }