diff --git a/conf.py b/conf.py index 01ea41544..606c9e511 100644 --- a/conf.py +++ b/conf.py @@ -1,342 +1,357 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder. # # This file does only contain a selection of the most common options. For a # full list see the documentation: # http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/config # -- Path setup -------------------------------------------------------------- # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. # # import os # import sys # sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- project = 'Krita Manual' propername = 'Krita Manual' description = 'The official Krita Documentation' copyright = 'licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3+ unless stated otherwise' author = 'Krita Foundation' import os import subprocess # Get the git description if possible, to put it in the footer. try: gitcommitfriendly = subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe", "--always"]).decode("utf-8").strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: gitcommitfriendly = None # We use the full githash for the epub identifier, if not, use the release number. try: gitcommithash = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).decode("utf-8").strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: gitcommithash = release # The short X.Y version version = '4.0' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags release = '4.0.3' # -- General configuration --------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. # # needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'sphinx.ext.coverage', 'sphinx.ext.ifconfig', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.githubpages', ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix(es) of source filenames. # You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string: # # source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md'] source_suffix = '.rst' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. # # This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. # Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. language = 'en' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. # This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path . exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store'] html_extra_path = ['.htaccess'] # copy over .htaccess file to each langaguge # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # A string of reStructuredText that will be included at the end of every source file that is read. # This is a possible place to add substitutions that should be available in every file (another being rst_prolog). rst_epilog = """ .. |mouseleft| image:: /images/icons/Krita_mouse_left.png .. |mouseright| image:: /images/icons/Krita_mouse_right.png .. |mousemiddle| image:: /images/icons/Krita_mouse_middle.png .. |mousescroll| image:: /images/icons/Krita_mouse_scroll.png .. |toolshapeselection| image:: /images/icons/shape_select_tool.svg .. |toolshapeedit| image:: /images/icons/shape_edit_tool.svg .. |tooltext| image:: /images/icons/text-tool.svg .. |toolcalligraphy| image:: /images/icons/calligraphy_tool.svg .. |toolgradientedit| image:: /images/icons/gradient_edit_tool.svg .. |toolpatternedit| image:: /images/icons/pattern_tool.svg .. |toolfreehandbrush| image:: /images/icons/freehand_brush_tool.svg .. |toolline| image:: /images/icons/line_tool.svg .. |toolrectangle| image:: /images/icons/rectangle_tool.svg .. |toolellipse| image:: /images/icons/ellipse_tool.svg .. |toolpolygon| image:: /images/icons/polygon_tool.svg .. |toolpolyline| image:: /images/icons/polyline_tool.svg .. |toolbeziercurve| image:: /images/icons/bezier_curve.svg .. |toolfreehandpath| image:: /images/icons/freehand_path_tool.svg .. |tooldyna| image:: /images/icons/dyna_tool.svg .. |toolmultibrush| image:: /images/icons/multibrush_tool.svg .. |toolassistant| image:: /images/icons/assistant_tool.svg .. |toolmove| image:: /images/icons/move_tool.svg .. |tooltransform| image:: /images/icons/transform_tool.svg .. |toolgrid| image:: /images/icons/grid_tool.svg .. |toolperspectivegrid| image:: /images/icons/perspectivegrid_tool.svg .. |toolmeasure| image:: /images/icons/measure_tool.svg .. |toolcolorpicker| image:: /images/icons/color_picker_tool.svg .. |toolfill| image:: /images/icons/fill_tool.svg .. |toolgradient| image:: /images/icons/gradient_drawing_tool.svg .. |toolcolorizemask| image:: /images/icons/colorizemask_tool.svg .. |toolsmartpatch| image:: /images/icons/smart_patch_tool.svg .. |toolcrop| image:: /images/icons/crop_tool.svg .. |toolselectrect| image:: /images/icons/rectangular_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectellipse| image:: /images/icons/elliptical_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectpolygon| image:: /images/icons/polygonal_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectpath| image:: /images/icons/path_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectoutline| image:: /images/icons/outline_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectcontiguous| image:: /images/icons/contiguous_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectsimilar| image:: /images/icons/similar_select_tool.svg .. |toolpan| image:: /images/icons/pan_tool.svg .. |toolzoom| image:: /images/icons/zoom_tool.svg """ # -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. # html_theme = 'theme' html_theme_path = ['.'] # make sphinx search for themes in current dir # the favicon has a property to set it in the documentation, but we don't need to use this # sphinx appears to automatically search in the theme folder and find the file #html_favicon = './theme/static/images/favicon.ico' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. # html_theme_options = { 'sticky_navigation': True, 'collapse_navigation': True, 'prev_next_buttons_location': 'bottom' } # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['theme/static'] # Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names # to template names. # # The default sidebars (for documents that don't match any pattern) are # defined by theme itself. Builtin themes are using these templates by # default: ``['localtoc.html', 'relations.html', 'sourcelink.html', # 'searchbox.html']``. # # html_sidebars = {} html_title = project + " version " + release html_context = { 'build_id': os.getenv('BUILD_NUMBER', None), 'build_url': os.getenv('BUILD_URL', None), 'commit' : gitcommitfriendly } # -- Options for HTMLHelp output --------------------------------------------- # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'documentationProjectNamedoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------ +latex_engine = 'xelatex' latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). # # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', + 'maxlistdepth': '8', + 'figure_align':'ht!', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). # # 'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. # - # 'preamble': '', + 'preamble': r''' +\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} +\let\oincludegraphics\includegraphics +\renewcommand{\includegraphics}[2][]{ + \oincludegraphics[#1,max width=\linewidth,max height=\textheight]{#2} +} + ''', + 'tableofcontents':'\sphinxtableofcontents', # Latex figure (float) alignment # # 'figure_align': 'htbp', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ (master_doc, 'kritaManual.tex', project, author, 'manual'), ] +latex_show_pagerefs=True +# copy latex scripts to build dir +latex_additional_files = [ + "latexImageMakefile", +] # -- Internationalization Options -------------------------------------------- locale_dirs = ['locale/'] # Where the PO files will be stored at gettext_compact = False # optional. gettext_additional_targets = ['image'] # allows images to be translatable # -- Options for manual page output ------------------------------------------ # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ (master_doc, project, propername, [author], 1) ] # -- Options for Texinfo output ---------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ (master_doc, project, propername, author, project, description, 'Manual'), ] # -- Options for Epub output ------------------------------------------------- # Bibliographic Dublin Core info. # filename # epub_basename = project.replace(' ', '_') + '_' + language epub_title = project+" "+version epub_description = description # Technically speaking dublincore accepts multiple author and contributor elements, but # the sphinx builder only accepts one. epub_author = author epub_publisher = author epub_copyright = copyright epub_cover = ('_static/images/manual_cover.png', '') # The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number # or the project homepage. # The above is false and perhaps a mistake in sphinx' documentation. # epub_uid maps to id, which is the dc identifier id # which in turn should be the used scheme. if os.getenv('BUILD_ID', None) is None: # There is no uniform resource name for git, but just randomly pasting a githash is bad form. epub_identifier = 'git:'+gitcommithash epub_uid = 'githash' if gitcommithash == release: epub_uid = 'release' # there's also no urn for releases, as technically some database thing should be used for that. epub_identifier = '_'.join(['Krita_Manual_Build', language, release]) else: epub_uid = 'url' epub_identifier = os.getenv('BUILD_URL', '') # Not actually used anywhere? Docs say that this should be what the epub uid is used for but... epub_scheme = 'URL' # A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file. epub_exclude_files = ['search.html', '.htaccess'] epub_tocscope = 'includehidden' # -- Extension configuration ------------------------------------------------- # -- Options for intersphinx extension --------------------------------------- # Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. intersphinx_mapping = {'https://docs.python.org/': None} diff --git a/latexImageMakefile b/latexImageMakefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..136128f2d --- /dev/null +++ b/latexImageMakefile @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# Makefile Krita docs latex-imageconvert +# Convert all non standard image formats to latex friendly +# +# Latex can work with svg, but inkscape is needed! +# +WDIR=${PWD} + +SVGCC=inkscape +# image conversion +SIPS=sips +CONVERT=convert + + +SVGToPDF := $(wildcard *.svg) +GIFToPNG := $(wildcard *.gif) +svgConverted := $(SVGToPDF:.svg=.pdf) +gifConverted := $(GIFToPNG:.gif=.png) + +all: $(gifConverted) $(svgConverted) + # Modify paths from original tex file + sed -i -e 's/}\.svg/}\.pdf/g; s/}\.gif/}\.png/g' kritaManual.tex + sed -i -e 's/^LATEXMKOPTS.*$//LATEXMKOPTS=-xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode/' Makefile + # compile TeX file + # xelatex kritaManual.tex -interaction nonstopmode + +%.pdf: %.svg + $(SVGCC) $(WDIR)/$< -z -A $(WDIR)/$@ + +%.png: %.gif +ifeq ($(TERM_PROGRAM),Apple_Terminal) + $(SIPS) -s format png $< --out $@ +else + $(CONVERT) $< -flatten PNG32:$@ +endif + +clean: + rm $(gifConverted) $(svgConverted) diff --git a/reference_manual/dockers/palette_docker.rst b/reference_manual/dockers/palette_docker.rst index 0c0b2f181..d5edae8af 100644 --- a/reference_manual/dockers/palette_docker.rst +++ b/reference_manual/dockers/palette_docker.rst @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ .. meta:: :description: Overview of the palette docker. .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier - Scott Petrovic - Raghavendra Kamath :license: GNU free documentation license 1.3 or later. .. index:: Palettes, Color .. _palette_docker: ============== Palette Docker ============== The palette docker displays various color swatches for quick use. Since 4.0, it also supports editing palettes and organizing colors into groups. .. image:: /images/en/Palette-docker.png You can choose from various default palette or you can add your own colors to the palette. To choose from the default palettes click on the icon in the bottom left corner of the docker, it will show a list of pre-loaded color palettes. You can click on one and to load it into the docker, or click on import resources (folder icon) to load your own color palette. Creating a new palette can be done by filling out the :guilabel:`name` input, pressing :guilabel:`Save` and selecting your new palette from the list. * Selecting colors is done by |mouseleft| on a swatch. * Pressing the delete icon will remove the selected swatch or group. When removing a group, Krita will always ask whether you'd like to keep the swatches. If so, they will be added to the default group above. .. versionadded:: 4.0 - * Double |mouseleft| a swatch will call up the edit window where you can change the color, the name, the id and whether it's a spot color. On a group this will allow you to set the group name. - * |mouseleft| drag will allow you to drag and drop swatches and groups to order them. - * Pressing the :guilabel:`+` icon will allow you to add a new swatch. - * Pressing the Folder icon will allow you to add a new group. +* Double |mouseleft| a swatch will call up the edit window where you can change the color, the name, the id and whether it's a spot color. On a group this will allow you to set the group name. +* |mouseleft| drag will allow you to drag and drop swatches and groups to order them. +* Pressing the :guilabel:`+` icon will allow you to add a new swatch. +* Pressing the Folder icon will allow you to add a new group. The edit and new color dialogs ask for the following: Color The color of the swatch. Name The Name of the color in a human readable format. ID The ID is a number that can be used to index colors. Where Name can be something like "Pastel Peach", ID will probably be something like "RY75". Spot color Currently not used for anything within Krita itself, but spot colors are a toggle to keep track of colors that represent a real world paint that a printer can match. Keeping track of such colors is useful in a printing workflow, and it can also be used with python to recognise spot colors. If you find the size of color swatches too small, you can increase the size by hovering your mouse over the palette and scrolling while holding :kbd:`Ctrl`. Krita's native palette format is since 4.0 :ref:`file_kpl`. It also supports importing... * Gimp Palettes(.gpl) * Microsoft RIFF palette(.riff) * Photoshop Binary Palettes(.act) * PaintShop Pro palettes(.psp) * Photoshop Swatches (.aco) * Scribus XML (.xml) * Swatchbooker (.sbz). diff --git a/reference_manual/list_supported_tablets.rst b/reference_manual/list_supported_tablets.rst index a7dfea8cb..9b40673b1 100644 --- a/reference_manual/list_supported_tablets.rst +++ b/reference_manual/list_supported_tablets.rst @@ -1,764 +1,765 @@ .. meta:: :description: Reference list of tablets that work and don't work with Krita. .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - YMarnet - Scott Petrovic - Michael John - PGeier - Aster Wang - Richard Brook - Timothée Giet - Alvin Wong - Raghavendra Kamath - Radianart - Thorben Kruger - Boudewijn Rempt - Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier :license: GNU free documentation license 1.3 or later. .. index:: Tablets .. _list_supported_tablets: ============================= The List of Supported Tablets ============================= This is specifically about support on Windows, not Linux or OSX. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 + :widths: 1 2 1 * - Brand - Model - Supported * - Adesso - CyberTablet T12 - ❓ Unknown * - Adesso - CyberTablet Z12 - ❓ Unknown * - Adesso - CyberTablet T10 - ❓ Unknown * - Adesso - CyberTablet T22HD - ❓ Unknown * - Adesso - CyberTablet M14 - ❓ Unknown * - Adesso - CyberTablet W10 - ❓ Unknown * - Adesso - CyberTablet Z8 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Aiptek - HyperPen Mini - ❓ Unknown * - Aiptek - MediaTablet 10000u - ❓ Unknown * - Aiptek - MediaTablet 14000u - ❓ Unknown * - Aiptek - MediaTablet Ultimate II - ❓ Unknown * - Aiptek - MyNote Bluetooth - ❓ Unknown * - Aiptek - MyNote Pen - ❓ Unknown * - Aiptek - SlimTablet 600u Premium II - ❓ Unknown * - Artisul - (by UC-Logic)D13 - ❌ Reported to not work * - Artisul - (by UC-Logic)D10 - ❌ Reported to not work * - Artisul - (by UC-Logic)Pencil (S/M) - ❌ Reported to not work * - Bosto - 22HDX - ❌ Reported to be broken * - Bosto - 22UX - ❌ Reported to be broken * - Bosto - 22HD Mini - ❌ Reported to be broken * - Bosto - 22U Mini - ❓ Unknown * - Bosto - 14WX - ❓ Unknown * - Bosto - 13HD - ❓ Unknown * - CalComp - DrawingBoard VI - ❓ Unknown * - CalComp - Creation Station - ❓ Unknown * - CalComp - SummaSketch - ❓ Unknown * - Dynalink - FreeDraw 4x5 - ❓ Unknown * - Elmo - CRA-1 wireless tablet - ❓ Unknown * - Gaomon - S56K - ❓ Unknown * - Gaomon - GM185 - ❓ Unknown * - Gaomon - M10K - ❓ Unknown * - Gaomon - P1560 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Genius - EasyPen - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen 340 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen F610E - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen i405 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen i405X - ❓ Reported to be working on Linux only for 2.9.x versions * - Genius - EasyPen i405XE - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen M406 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen M406W - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen M406WE - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen M406XE - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen M506 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen M506A - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen M508W - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen M610 - ❌ Reported to be broken * - Genius - EasyPen M610X - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - EasyPen M610XA - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - G-Pen 340 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - G-Pen 450 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - G-Pen 560 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - G-Pen F350 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - G-Pen F509 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - G-Pen F610 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - G-Pen M609 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - G-Pen M609X - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - G-Pen M712 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - G-Pen M712X - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - MousePen 8x6 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - MousePen i608 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - MousePen i608X - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - MousePen i608XE - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - MousePen M508 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - MousePen M508W - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - MousePen M508X - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - MousePen M508XA - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - PenSketch 9x12 - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - PenSketch M912 - ❌ Reported to be broken * - Genius - PenSketch T609A - ❓ Unknown * - Genius - WizardPen 5x4 - ❓ Unknown * - Hanvon - ESP2210 - ❓ Unknown * - Hanvon - HW-S05 - ❓ Unknown * - Hanvon - Sell T&Mouse - ❓ Unknown * - Hanvon - Sell Writing Tablet (SuperPen 0403) - ❓ Unknown * - Hanvon - Sell Writing Tablet (SuperPen 0503) - ❓ Unknown * - Hanvon - Sell Painting Master (0504) - ❓ Unknown * - Hanvon - Sell Painting Master (0605) - ❓ Unknown * - Hanvon - Sell Painting Master (0806) - ❌ Reported to be broken * - Huion / Turcom - H420 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - W58 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - 680TF - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - G10T - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - H610 - ✔️ Supported * - Huion / Turcom - H610PRO - ✔️ Supported * - Huion / Turcom - H690 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - WH1409 - ✔️ Supported * - Huion / Turcom - 1060Plus - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - New 1060Plus - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - K26 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - K58 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - W58 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - 680S - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - P608N - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - H58L - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - DWH96 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - G-T156HD (KAMVAS) - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - GT-185 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - GT-190 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - GT-191 (KAMVAS) - ❓ Reported to work with `experimental user space driver `_ * - Huion / Turcom - GT-220 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - PC185HD - ✔️ Supported * - Huion / Turcom - PC2150 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Huion / Turcom - Inspiroy Q11K - ✔️ Supported * - KB Gear - JamStudio - ❓ Unknown * - KB Gear - Pablo Internet Edition - ❓ Unknown * - KB Gear - Sketchboard Studio - ❓ Unknown * - Microsoft - Surface Pro Surface Pro 2 - ✔️ Supported * - Microsoft - Surface Pro 3 Surface Pro 4 Surface Studio Surface Pro (2017) Surface Laptop - ✔️ Supported * - Monoprice - 8x6" - ❓ Unknown * - Monoprice - MP1060-HA60 (10x6.25") - ❓ Unknown * - Monoprice - 10x6.25" (110594) - ❓ Unknown * - Monoprice - 8x6" MP Select Professional - ❓ Unknown * - Monoprice - "8x6"" MP Select Professional with Quick Select Wheel" - ❓ Unknown * - Monoprice - 12x9" (106815) - ❓ Reported to work with some issues * - Monoprice - MP 22-inch (114481) - ❓ Unknown * - Parblo - A610 - ❌ Reported to be broken * - Parblo - Bay B960 - ❓ Unknown * - Parblo - GT19 - ❓ Unknown * - Parblo - GT22HD - ❓ Unknown * - Parblo - Coast22 - ❓ Unknown * - Parblo - Coast10 - ❓ Unknown * - Parblo - Island A609 - ❓ Reported to work, but tablet is low-quality and not recommended. * - PenPower - TOOYA Master - ❓ Unknown * - PenPower - TOOYA X - ❓ Unknown * - PenPower - Monet - ❓ Unknown * - PenPower - Picasso - ❓ Unknown * - Perixx - Peritab-502EVO - ❓ Unknown * - Perixx - Peritab 502 - ❓ Unknown * - Perixx - Peritab 302 - ❓ Unknown * - Samsung - Galaxy Book - ✔️ Supported * - Trust - Flex Design - ❓ Unknown * - Trust - Slimline Widescreen - ❌ Reported to be broken * - Trust - Slimline Sketch - ❓ Unknown * - Trust - Slimline Mini - ❓ Unknown * - Trust - TB2100 - ❓ Unknown * - Trust - TB3100 - ❓ Unknown * - Turcom / Huion - Interactive Pen Display - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Turcom / Huion - TS-6608 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Turcom / Huion - TS-6580B Pro - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Turcom / Huion - TS-6580W Pro - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Turcom / Huion - TS-6610H Professional Wide - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Turcom / Huion - TS-690 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Turcom / Huion - TS-680 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Turcom / Huion - TS-6540 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - UC-Logic / Digipro - DigiPro WP4030 - ❓ Unknown * - UC-Logic / Digipro - WP806U - ❓ Unknown * - Ugee - HK1060pro - ❓ Unknown * - Ugee - HK1560 - ❓ Unknown * - Ugee - UG-1910B - ❓ Unknown * - Ugee - UG-2150 - ❓ Reported to work with the new drivers released January 2018 * - Ugee - EX05 - ❓ Unknown * - Ugee - EX07 - ❓ Unknown * - Ugee - G3 - ❓ Reported to work on windows 7 * - Ugee - G5 - ❓ Working with Windows with official drivers installed.No drivers are currently available under Linux. * - Ugee - M504 - ❓ Unknown * - Ugee - M708 - ❌ Reported to be broken, connected strokes * - Ugee - M6370 - ❓ Unknown * - Ugee - M1000L - ❌ Reported to be broken * - Ugee - Chocolate - ❓ Unknown * - Ugee - CV720 - ❓ Unknown * - Ugee - Rainbow 3 - ❓ Unknown * - VisTablet - Mini - ❓ Unknown * - VisTablet - Mini Plus - ❓ Unknown * - VisTablet - VT Original - ❓ Unknown * - VisTablet - Realm Pro - ❓ Unknown * - VisTablet - Realm Graphic - ❓ Unknown * - VisTablet - VT 12" Touch - ❓ Unknown * - Wacom - Intuos Draw - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Intuos Art - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Intuos Photo - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Intuos Comic - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Intuos 3D - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Intuos Pro (S/M/L) - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Intuos Pro Paper - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq Pro 13 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq Pro 16 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq 13HD - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq 22HD - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq 22HD Touch - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq 27 QHD - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq 27 QHD Touch - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq Companion - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq Companion 2 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq Companion Hybrid - ✔️ Supported * - Wacom - MobileStudio Pro 13 - ✔️ Supported * - Wacom - MobileStudio Pro 16 - ✔️ Supported * - Wacom - Intuos 5 - ✔️ Supported * - Wacom - Intuos 4 - ✔️ Supported * - Wacom - Intuos 3 - ✔️ Supported * - Wacom - Intuos 2 (XD) - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq 12WX - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq 24HD - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Bamboo Create - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Bamboo Capture - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Bamboo Connect - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Bamboo Splash - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Bamboo CTL - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Bamboo CTH - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Bamboo CTE - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Bamboo One - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq20 (DTZ) - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Cintiq21 - ✔️ Reported to work * - Wacom - Intuos (GD) - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Graphire2 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Wacom - Graphire (ET) - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Waltop - Venus M - ❓ Unknown * - Waltop - Media - ❓ Unknown * - Waltop - Q-Pad - ❓ Unknown * - XP Pen - Artist 16 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - XP Pen - Artist 22 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - XP Pen - Artist 22E - ✔️ Supposed to work * - XP Pen - Artist Display 10S - ✔️ Supposed to work * - XP Pen - Star 05 Wireless - ✔️ Works with the Star 04 driver * - XP Pen - Star G540 Game Play - ❓ Unknown * - XP Pen - Star G430 Game Play - ✔️ Supposed to work * - XP Pen - Star 04 Flash Memory - ❓ Unknown * - XP Pen - Star 03 Express Keys - ✔️ Works * - XP Pen - Star 02 Touch Hot Keys - ❓ Unknown * - XP Pen - Star 01 Pen Tablet - ❓ Unknown * - Yiynova - SP 1001 (UC-Logic) - ❓ Unknown * - Yiynova - MVP10U - ✔️ Supported * - Yiynova - MVP10U HD - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MVP10U HD+IPS - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - DP10U+ - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - DP10U - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - DP10 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - DP10S - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - DP10HD - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MSP15 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MSP19 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MSP19U - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MSP19U+ - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MSP19U+ (V5) - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MVP22U+IPS (V3) - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MVP20U+RH - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MVP22U+DT - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MVP22U+RH - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MJP19 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - MKP19 - ✔️ Supposed to work * - Yiynova - YA20HD - ✔️ Supposed to work .. seealso:: Pages you might want to check : `Huion's krita support topic on deviant art `_ `List of tablets models and branding `_