diff --git a/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst b/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst index e792a413f..a0ac49173 100644 --- a/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst +++ b/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst @@ -1,466 +1,468 @@ .. meta:: :description: Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual. .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier - Micheal Abrahams - Agata Cacko :license: GNU free documentation license 1.3 or later. .. Website shorthands. Sphinx/reStructuredText prefers it if you use shorthands when repeating websites. .. _phabricator : https://phabricator.kde.org .. _KDE_gitlab : https://invent.kde.org/ .. _Manual Project Workboard : https://phabricator.kde.org/project/view/135/ .. _repository : https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org/tree/master .. _bugzilla : https://bugs.kde.org/ .. _krita_manual_contributors_guide: =============================== Krita Manual Contribution Guide =============================== Welcome to our new documentation! We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to handle translations much better than mediawiki can. The manual will include: A reference manual for Krita This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita.org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information. General concept tutorials. We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a basic workflow for preparing an image for the web. We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use color management or filter layers. In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita. A list of known tutorials and video tutorials Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people to share their knowledge. Contributor's Manual Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in places. krita.org tutorials There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new feature and the later stimulated by user request. FAQ This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one to update. For first timers ---------------- Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita. First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita development. If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a post on `the forum `_. Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system called :program:`Git`. .. _making_changes_sphinx: Making changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put it up for review. .. _merge-request-diff: Sending patches to Phabricator ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on contributing more to the project. Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to contribute to Krita Manual more than once). 1. Get the source text from the `repository`_. Save a copy of the text as it existed originally. 2. Modify it. 3. Tools to check whether your modifications work. You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ to check if your changes don't break the manual. 4. Bundle up the items into a zip. Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier for us to copy over. 5. Upload the zip on phabricator. 1. First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account. 2. Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task. 3. Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you associate with your kde identity account. 4. Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail address. .. _merge-request-edit: Creating merge requests using Edit mode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Recommended for users without a technical knowledge. Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request). If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to follow these instructions. #. Get a KDE identity. #. Login to `KDE_gitlab`_. #. Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`. #. You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``. #. Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work correctly. #. Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`. #. At the top of the page you should see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item. #. Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`. #. Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time). #. Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`. The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and paste the entire file you're editing). .. attention:: :guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure you select :guilabel:`Edit`. .. image:: /images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png :width: 1000px .. _merge-request-webide: Creating merge requests using WebIDE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit multiple files at once. Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-request-edit` instead). #. Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork. #. Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username). #. Make sure you're on the ``master`` branch. #. Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right side. #. Open the files you want to edit and make the changes. #. Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`. #. Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why. #. Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need to make a new merge request manually later. #. Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`. #. Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`. #. To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE. .. .. image:: /images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png .. :width: 1000px .. note:: If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: *An error occurred whilst committing your changes. Please try again.* In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE. .. _merge-request-terminal: Creating merge requests using command line ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line. Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-request-edit` instead). #. Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork. #. Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to check for errors. (You need to do this step only once). .. code-block:: bash # for ssh access - git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git - git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git + git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git + git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git # for https access - git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git - git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git + git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git + git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git #. Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making new changes: .. code-block:: bash git pull upstream master #. Make sure you create a new branch for your changes, since september 2019, all changes should be branched from ``master``. .. code-block:: bash git checkout master # and then: git checkout -b "/" #. After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`. .. code-block:: bash + # install the python3-sphinx package for your system. For example for Ubuntu: + sudo apt install python3-sphinx # make sure everything is correct make html git status git diff # add all of the files git add . # commit your changes git commit # submit your changes to your fork git push #. Finally, go to the website of the original repository, and then to Merge Requests. Select your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`. .. _new-merge-request: Guidelines for new merge requests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #. Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to Write a Git Commit Message `_ #. :guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too. #. :guilabel:`Target` should point to ``master``. #. If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`. #. Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few clicks. #. You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is accepted` in most cases. #. Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request. #. When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request. #. You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways. * If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip that says *Edit*) to use the Edit mode again. * If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE. * If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge request automatically. After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to ``Needs Review`` again. For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the technical section. .. note:: At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for you. General philosophy ------------------ This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with the manual, and for whom is the manual meant? Demographics and target audience(s) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase. Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users: * They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target. * Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures. * They are visual. * They are trying to achieve pretty pictures. Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used for pretty pictures. Other than that, we've observed the following groups: * High-school and college students trying out drawing software for illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials. * Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types: * Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with print. * Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally there's a scientist in there as well. * Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community. From these four groups... * there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of. * three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need migration guides and be told how. * two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software. * two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided through the most basic of steps. From that we can get the following rules: General Writing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use American English if possible. We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being American English by default. Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language. As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex than necessary, and thus scare away users. Avoid using gifs (open for debate) The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader of this in the introduction of the page. Keep it translation compatible This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate markup for a given text. Regarding photos and paintings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the focus. * Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions it's a photograph. * Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's obviously used in the context of photobashing. Regarding images in general ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with the figure directive. * If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text. * Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that they are using a program for drawing! * Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license. Protocol -------- So here we line out all the boring workflows. Tagging and Branches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch. Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as necessary. Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release: * The master branch will be tagged with the old version. * The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number and updated epub cover. The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to keep the pages intact for long enough. Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions? Removing Pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages: 1. Will first be marked deprecated. This can be done as so:: .. deprecated:: version number Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature. 2. Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated' 3. If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated section will be removed. Adding Pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Ensure that it is located in the right place. 2. Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted correctly. 3. Add the page to the TOC. 4. If the feature is new, add in versionadded:: .. versionadded:: version number optional something or the other. As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be relicensed under that. Changing Pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting page should be reviewed. If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more comfortable with a review), but you should add:: .. versionchanged:: version number This and that changed. In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the metadata section on top. Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep: .. code:: bash grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale} Faulty pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If a page slips through the cracks, either... * Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section. * Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_. * Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section 'documentation'. Proofreading ~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done. The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways: 1. Reviewing merge requests You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against typos as well! A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version control system. 2. Commenting on changes in the manual. Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the changes made. In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' comment. The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for style and grammar. For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them. Translating ~~~~~~~~~~~ Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community `_. To join the translation effort, go to the localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow translators. The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A translation team is able to work together on translating these files and uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be incorporated on a daily basis. Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`. Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this. Other ----- For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`. diff --git a/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index 1bc591d10..0ab17b2f3 100644 --- a/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1362 +1,1362 @@ # Translation of docs_krita_org_contributors_manual___krita_manual_readme.po to Catalan # Copyright (C) 2019 This_file_is_part_of_KDE # This file is distributed under the license LGPL version 2.1 or # version 3 or later versions approved by the membership of KDE e.V. # # Antoni Bella Pérez , 2019. # Josep Ma. Ferrer , 2019. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: contributors_manual\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-25 12:44+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Antoni Bella Pérez \n" "Language-Team: Catalan \n" "Language: ca\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 19.11.70\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "README del col·laborador per al Manual del Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "Guia de col·laboració al Manual del Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "Us donem la benvinguda a la nostra nova documentació!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" "Ens em mudat des de userbase.kde.org a docs.krita.org, després hem passat " "des de MediaWiki a Sphinx. Aquest últim canvi es deu al fet que Sphinx ens " "permet gestionar les traduccions molt millor que el MediaWiki." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "El manual inclourà:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "Un manual de referència per al Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" "Aquest és probablement el que tothom espera quan escriuen a docs.krita.org. " "En sec, bàsicament dóna el tipus d'informació «què fa aquest botó»." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" "En els últims dos anys hem descobert que per a certs tipus d'usuaris, un " "manual de referència, fins i tot amb alguns exemples, simplement no és " "suficient. El manual també ha de proporcionar explicacions ràpides i " "concises de les coses, i proporcionar un flux de treball bàsic per a " "preparar una imatge per a la web." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" "També hem descobert que certs conceptes, com la gestió del color i el maneig " "de les capes, estan molt més avançats en el Krita del que l'artista mitjà " "està acostumat. El Krita és lliure i molts dels seus usuaris no tenen " "capacitació formal en el treball artístic digital. Per tant, no existeix un " "coneixement previ centrat en l'artista sobre com utilitzar la gestió del " "color o les capes de filtratge." # skip-rule: punctuation-period #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "Guies d'aprenentatge dels conceptes generals" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" "A més, hi ha sistemes que són exclusius del Krita, per exemple, el sistema " "de pinzells, les màscares de transformació, l'herència alfa i els assistents " "de perspectiva. Finalment, hi ha usuaris que no estan familiaritzats amb els " "fluxos de treball de la pintura estàndard, i no són prou flexibles com per " "entendre com adaptar una guia d'aprenentatge per al Sai o Photoshop al Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "Una llista de les guies d'aprenentatge i vídeos coneguts" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" "Aparentment, una de les millors coses de l'equip del Krita és com connectem " "amb els artistes i reconeixem que estan fent coses genials. El mateix hauria " "de comptar per a les guies d'aprenentatge, especialment perquè hi ha formes " "d'utilitzar el Krita i formes d'apropar-se a la pintura que són úniques i " "hem d'encoratjar a les persones a compartir el seu coneixement." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "Manual dels col·laboradors" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" "El Krita és un programari de codi obert (lliure), que ens converteix " "efectivament en un projecte comunitari, amb dotzenes de voluntaris " "col·laborant per a millorar-lo. Això, per descomptat, requereix que fem un " "seguiment dels manuals i els procediments perquè vinguin i ens ajudin nous " "voluntaris. Els diversos llocs en els quals hem fet això s'han estès força " "i, sovint, no es mantenen. El manual del col·laborador és un intent de " "solidificar tota la informació. Per tant, en alguns llocs és molt tècnic." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "Guies d'aprenentatge a krita.org" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" "Hi ha hagut un munt de guies d'aprenentatge a krita.org i a la krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, les primeres se centren en explicar com utilitzar una " "característica nova i les segones són estimulades per les sol·licituds dels " "usuaris." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "PMF" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" "Aquesta ja està en línia i és una fusió de les diferents preguntes freqüents " "(PMF) que teníem. En l'actualitat s'està traduint i esperem que aquesta " "sigui la principal alhora d'actualitzar." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "Per primera vegada" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" "A diferència del Mediawiki, l'Sphinx funciona més en la manera com escrivim " "codi per al Krita." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" "El primer és el primer. Voldreu parlar amb nosaltres! Per això, podeu anar a " "l'`IRC a krita.org (#krita a freenode.org) `_ o, " "el que és més important, obrir un compte a `identity.kde.org `_. El compte que creeu a Identity es podrà utilitzar tant " "per accedir al fòrum com al `Phabricator `_, on " "organitzem el desenvolupament del Krita." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" "Si no teniu idea de per on començar, creeu un compte al KDE Identity i " "publiqueu `al fòrum `_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" "L'Sphinx funciona escrivint senzills fitxers de text amb el marcatge " "reStructuredText, i després pren aquests fitxers de text i els converteix en " "el manual. Portem un seguiment dels canvis en el manual posant-los en un " "sistema de control de versions anomenat :program:`Git`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "Fer canvis" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" "A causa que utilitzem el Git, només hi ha unes poques persones que poden " "pujar coses al sistema de control de versions, de manera que si voleu fer " "canvis, haureu de col·locar-los per a la seva revisió." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "Enviar pedaços al Phabricator" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" "Recomanat per als usuaris sense coneixements tècnics que no planegen " "col·laborar més en el projecte." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" "No es recomana quan planegeu col·laborar-hi més en el futur. (Vegeu :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` si no teniu coneixements tècnics i voleu col·laborar en " "el Manual del Krita més d'una vegada)." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "" "Obteniu el text d'origen des del `repositori `_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "Deseu una còpia del text tal com existia originalment." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "Modifiqueu-lo." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "Eines per a comprovar si funcionen les vostres modificacions." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" "Utilitzeu l'`Editor d'Sphinx en línia `_ " "per a verificar si els vostres canvis no trenquen el manual." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "Agrupeu els elements en un ZIP." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" "Poseu tots els fitxers que heu canviat en un fitxer ZIP. Això també inclou " "les imatges -si les heu canviat-. Intenteu mantenir els mateixos noms de " "fitxer, és més fàcil per a nosaltres copiar-los." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "Pugeu el ZIP al Phabricator." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" "Primer, aneu a phabricator.kde.org i inicieu la sessió al compte d'Identity." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "Aneu al `Manual Project Workboard`_ i creeu una tasca nova." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" "Expliqueu el que heu fet i empreu arrossega i deixa anar per a moure el " "fitxer ZIP al quadre d'entrada de text. Això hauria de pujar-lo. També " "necessitarem l'adreça de correu electrònic que associeu amb el vostre compte " "de KDE Identity." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" "Després, si s'accepten els canvis, algú amb accés d'entrega (commit) " "desempaquetarà aquests fitxers a la carpeta del manual i publicarà les " "diferències utilitzant l'adreça de correu." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "" "Crear sol·licituds de fusionat («merge request» -MR-) emprant el mode Edició" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "Recomanat per a usuaris sense coneixements tècnics." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" "No es recomana quan vulgueu canviar més d'un fitxer alhora. (Vegeu :ref:" "`merge-request-webide` o :ref:`merge-request-terminal` si voleu canviar més " "fitxers, o simplement editeu-ne un per a crear la sol·licitut de fusionat)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" "Si voleu contribuir amb molts canvis, recomanem que intenteu seguir aquestes " "instruccions." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "Obtingueu una identitat del KDE." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "Accediu al `GitLab del KDE `_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" "Aneu al `repositori `_ i premeu :guilabel:`Fork` (Bifurca)." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" "Ara hauríeu de ser redirigit a la bifurcació del vostre repositori. En " "general, es troba a ``invent.kde.org/NOM_KDE_PER_ACCEDIR/docs-krita-org``." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" "Torneu al repositori oficial. Assegureu-vos d'estar navegant per ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, no per la vostra pròpia bifurcació. Altrament, aquest " "mètode no funcionarà correctament." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" "El Gitlab té una opció per editar els fitxers al propi GitLab. Per accedir-" "hi, aneu a :menuselection:`Repositori --> Fitxers`." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" "A la part superior de la pàgina, veureu una llista desplegable amb " "``master`` com a element triat. Seleccioneu ``draft`` si els vostres canvis " "contenen alguna cosa més que errors tipogràfics." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" "Cerqueu el fitxer que voleu editar, obriu-lo i després feu clic a :guilabel:" "`Edita`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" "Feu els vostres canvis. (Nota: en aquest mode només podreu editar un fitxer " "alhora)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" "Aneu al quadre de text més petit que hi ha a continuació i escriviu un bon " "missatge a la secció del missatge d'entrega (commit) amb els canvis que heu " "realitzat. Quan acabeu, premeu :guilabel:`Commit changes` (Entrega els " "canvis). Això crearà una sol·licitud de fusionat, simplement completeu tots " "els camps com s'explica aquí: :ref:`new-merge-request`." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" "El desavantatge és que en aquest moment no hi ha forma de saber si emprant " "aquest mètode heu entregat errors amb el marcatge. Verifiqueu els vostres " "canvis amb l'`Editor d'Sphinx en línia `_ " "(simplement copieu i enganxeu tot el fitxer que esteu editant)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" ":guilabel:`Edita` i el :guilabel:`WebIDE` són dues coses diferents! " "Assegureu-vos que heu seleccionat :guilabel:`Edita`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "" "Crear sol·licituds de fusionat («merge request» -MR-) emprant el WebIDE" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" "Recomanat per a usuaris amb una mica de coneixement sobre Git que volen " "editar múltiples fitxers alhora." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" "No es recomana quan no sabeu què és una branca (en el seu lloc, vegeu :ref:" "`merge-request-edit`)." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" "Seguiu les anteriors instruccions per a iniciar una sessió al `GitLab del " "KDE `_ i creeu la vostra bifurcació." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" "Aneu a la vostra bifurcació (assegureu-vos que l'URL contingui el vostre nom " "d'usuari)." # skip-rule: t-acc_obe #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" "Assegureu-vos que esteu a ``draft``, no a ``master``, llevat que els vostres " "canvis continguin *només* correccions ortogràfiques i gramaticals." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" "Feu clic al :guilabel:`WebIDE`. Això hauria de portar-vos a una pàgina que " "té una llista de fitxers al costat esquerra i un gran espai buit per al " "contingut del fitxer al costat dret." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "Obriu els fitxers que voleu editar i feu els canvis." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" "Feu clic a :guilabel:`Commit...` (Entrega). Feu doble clic a tots els " "fitxers a la categoria :guilabel:`Unstaged changes` (Canvis sense " "classificar) per a moure'ls a :guilabel:`Staged changes` (Canvis preparats)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" "Feu clic a :guilabel:`Commit...` (entrega) de nou: s'expandirà un quadre de " "text per al missatge de l'entrega. Escriviu-hi un missatge que expliqui " "quins canvis heu realitzat i perquè." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "Feu clic a :guilabel:`Stage & Commit` (etapa i consigna)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "" "Crear sol·licituds de fusionat («merge request» -MR-) emprant la línia " "d'ordres" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" "# per a accés amb SSH\n" "git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# per a accés amb HTTPS\n" "git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "git pull upstream master" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" "# si els vostres canvis han d'anar a «master»\n" "git checkout master\n" "# si els vostres canvis han d'anar a «draft»\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# i després:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" # skip-rule: t-sp_pu #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" "# assegureu-vos que tot és correcte\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# afegiu tots els fitxers\n" "git add .\n" "# consigneu els vostres canvis\n" "git commit\n" "# entregueu els canvis a la vostra bifurcació\n" "git push" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "" "Directrius per a les noves sol·licituds de fusionat («merge request» -MR-)" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "Filosofia general" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "Demografia i públic objectiu" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "En general durant l'escriptura" # skip-rule: punctuation-period #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "Emprar l'anglès americà si és possible" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" # skip-rule: punctuation-period #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "Mantenir un idioma educat, però no utilitzeu llenguatge acadèmic" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "Eviteu utilitzar GIF (està obert al debat)" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "Mantenir-ho compatible amb la traducció" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "Pel que fa a les fotografies i pintures" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "Pel que fa a les imatges en general" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protocol" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "Etiquetatge i branques" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "Eliminar pàgines" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "Afegir pàgines" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "Canviar a les pàgines" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" # skip-rule: kct-locale #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "Pàgines amb defectes" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "Cal revisar" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "Traduir" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "Altres" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" "Per a les convencions del text reestructurat, comproveu les :ref:" "`krita_markup_conventions`." diff --git a/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index 6ab25c0df..9f80d286d 100644 --- a/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1183 +1,1183 @@ # Copyright (C) licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3+ unless stated otherwise # This file is distributed under the same license as the Krita Manual package. # Vit Pelcak , 2019. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Krita Manual 4.2\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-29 16:36+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Vit Pelcak \n" "Language-Team: Czech \n" "Language: cs\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 19.08.0\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "Často kladené dotazy" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" diff --git a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index 396624cac..7adad3fa7 100644 --- a/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1195 +1,1195 @@ # Spanish translations for docs_krita_org_contributors_manual___krita_manual_readme.po package. # Copyright (C) licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3+ unless stated otherwise # This file is distributed under the same license as the Krita Manual package. # # Automatically generated, 2019. # Eloy Cuadra , 2019. # Sofia Priego , %Y. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: " "docs_krita_org_contributors_manual___krita_manual_readme\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-19 19:53+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Sofia Priego \n" "Language-Team: Spanish \n" "Language: es\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 18.12.2\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "Bienvenido a nuestra nueva documentación" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "El manual incluirá:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "Un manual de referencia para Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "Tutoriales de conceptos generales." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "Manual del colaborador" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "Tutoriales de krita.org" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "Preguntas frecuentes" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "Envíe el zip a Phabricator." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "Envíe el zip a Phabricator." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "Filosofía general" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" #~ msgid "If you are not familiar with Git" #~ msgstr "Si no está familiarizado con Git" #~ msgid "If you are familiar with Git" #~ msgstr "Si está familiarizado con Git" diff --git a/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index 7a55fbb62..e7f7a31d2 100644 --- a/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1186 +1,1186 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Krita Manual 4.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-27 00:47+0100\n" "Last-Translator: KDE Francophone \n" "Language-Team: KDE Francophone \n" "Language: fr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: &\n" "X-Text-Markup: kde4\n" "X-Environment: kde\n" "X-Language: fr_FR\n" "X-Qt-Contexts: true\n" "Generated-By: Babel 0.9.6\n" "X-Source-Language: C\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "FAQ" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protocole" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" diff --git a/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index 6e9899916..7f957e113 100644 --- a/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1636 +1,1636 @@ # Copyright (C) licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3+ unless stated otherwise # This file is distributed under the same license as the Krita Manual package. # Valter Mura , 2019. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Krita Manual 4.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-17 11:28+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Valter Mura \n" "Language-Team: Italian \n" "Language: it\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 19.08.0\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "File Leggimi del collaboratore per il Manuale di Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "Guida per contribuire al Manuale di Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "Benvenuto alla nostra nuova documentazione." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" "Ci siamo spostati da userbase.kde.org a docs.krita.org, poi ci siamo " "spostati da Mediawiki a Sphinx. Quest'ultimo cambio si è reso necessario " "perché Sphinx ci permette di gestire le traduzioni molto meglio di quando " "faccia Mediawiki." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "Il manuale includerà:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "Un manuale di riferimento per Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" "Questo è quello che ognuno si aspetta quando digita docs.krita.org. Un tipo " "d'informazione asciutta, di base, in stile «cosa fa questo pulsante»." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" "Negli ultimi due anni, abbiamo notato che per certi tipi di utente non basta " "un manuale di riferimento, anche se contenente alcuni esempi. Il manuale " "deve fornire anche spiegazioni rapide e concise per le cose, e fornire un " "flusso di lavoro di base per la preparazione di un'immagine per il web." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" "Abbiamo anche notato che certi concetti, come la gestione dei colori e dei " "livelli sono molto più avanzati in Krita rispetto a quanto è abituato " "l'artista medio. Krita è gratuito e molti suoi utenti non avranno una " "preparazione formale nell'arte grafica digitale. Non è presente, dunque, una " "conoscenza preesistente rivolta agli artisti su come utilizzare la gestione " "dei colori o i livelli dei filtri." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "Esercitazioni dei concetti generali." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" "In aggiunta, ci sono sistemi che sono unici di Krita, per esempio il sistema " "dei pennelli, le maschere di trasformazione, l'eredità alfa e gli assistenti " "di prospettiva. Infine, esistono utenti che non hanno familiarità neanche " "con i flussi di lavoro standard di pittura, e non sono abbastanza flessibili " "per capire come convertire un'esercitazione per Sai o Photoshop a Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "Un elenco di esercitazioni e video conosciuti" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" "A quanto pare, uno dei grandi aspetti della squadra di Krita è il modo in " "cui si connette con gli artisti e riconosce la bontà del loro lavoro. Lo " "stesso deve valere per le esercitazioni, in particolar modo perché esistono " "modi per utilizzare Krita e modi di avvicinarsi alla pittura che sono unici " "e noi dobbiamo incoraggiare le persone a condividere le loro conoscenze." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "Manuale del collaboratore" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" "Krita è un software open source (gratuito), che ci rende davvero un progetto " "di comunità, con decine di volontari che cercano di renderlo migliore. " "Questo richiede, naturalmente, che si tenga traccia dei manuali e delle " "istruzioni affinché nuovi volontari arrivino e ci aiutino. I vari posti dove " "abbiamo lavorato su questo aspetto sono piuttosto conosciuti, e ricevono " "spesso poca manutenzione. Il manuale del collaboratore è un tentativo per " "consolidare tutte le informazioni. È pertanto molto tecnico in alcune parti." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "Esercitazioni di krita.org" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" "Nei siti krita.org e krita-foundation.tumblr.com si trovano un sacco di " "esercitazioni: il primo sito si focalizza sulla spiegazione dell'uso delle " "nuove funzionalità, il secondo è alimentato dalle richieste degli utenti." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "Domande ricorrenti" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" "È già in linea e si compone delle diverse Domande ricorrenti in nostro " "possesso. È in fase di traduzione e il nostro desiderio principale è " "mantenerlo sempre aggiornato." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "Per i principianti" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" "A differenza di Mediawiki, Sphinx funziona in modo più simile a come " "scriviamo il codice di Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" "Per prima cosa, vorrai parlare con noi! Per farlo, puoi collegarti al canale " "`IRC su krita.org (#krita su freenode.org) `_, o, " "più importante, creare un account in `identity.kde.org `_. L'account che crei in identity può essere utilizzato sia per " "l'accesso al forum, sia per `phabricator`_, il luogo dove organizziamo lo " "sviluppo di Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" "Se non sai dove iniziare, crea un'identità Kde e invia un post sul `forum " "`_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" "Sphinx funziona scrivendo semplici file di testo con linguaggio di marcatura " "reStructuredText, i quali vengono poi presi e trasformati nel manuale. " "Teniamo traccia delle modifiche, all'interno del manuale, inserendole " "all'interno di un sistema di controllo versione chiamato :program:`Git`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "Eseguire delle modifiche" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" "Siccome usiamo Git, solo poche persone possono inviare i file nel sistema di " "controllo versione. Se vuoi fare delle modifiche devi dunque impostarle per " "la revisione." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "Invio di patch a Phabricator" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" "Consigliato per gli utenti senza conoscenze tecniche che non hanno più " "intenzione di contribuire al progetto." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" "Non consigliato se hai intenzione di contribuire ancora in futuro (vedi :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` se non possiedi conoscenze tecniche e vuoi contribuire " "più di una volta al Manuale di Krita)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "Scarica il testo sorgente dal `repository`_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "Salva una copia del testo originale." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "Modificalo." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "Usa gli strumenti per verificare se la tua modifica funziona." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" "Puoi usare l'`Editor di Sphinx in linea `_ per verificare se le tue modifiche funzionano nel manuale." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "Metti insieme gli elementi in un file zip." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" "Metti insieme tutti i file che hai modificato in un file zip. Questo include " "anche le immagini, se le hai modificate. Cerca di mantenere gli stessi nomi " "file, è più facile per noi sovrascriverli." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "Carica il file zip in phabricator." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" "Per prima cosa, vai a phabricator.kde.org e accedi col tuo account identity." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "Vai al `Manual Project Workboard`_ e lì crea un nuovo task." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" "Spiega cosa hai fatto e usa il trascinamento per spostare il file zip nel " "riquadro di immissione. Quest'azione dovrebbe caricare il file. Avremo " "bisogno anche dell'indirizzo di posta elettronica associato al tuo account " "KDE Identity." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" "Poi, se le modifiche vengono accettate, qualcuno con autorizzazione al " "commit decomprimerà quei file nella cartella del manuale e invierà le " "differenze utilizzando l'indirizzo di posta elettronica." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "Creazione di richieste di fusione mediante la modalità Edit" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "Consigliato per gli utenti senza conoscenze tecniche." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" "Non consigliato se vuoi cambiare più di un file alla volta (vedi:ref:`merge-" "request-webide` o :ref:`merge-request-terminal` se vuoi cambiare più file o " "semplicemente modificarne solo uno per richiesta di fusione)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" "Se devi contribuire a molte modifiche, ti raccomandiamo di seguire queste " "istruzioni." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "Ottieni una identità KDE." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "Collegati a `KDE_gitlab`_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "Vai al `repository`_ e premi :guilabel:`fork`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" "Sarai ora reindirizzato al fork del tuo repository. In genere è posizionato " "in ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" "Torna al repository ufficiale. Assicurati di essere in ``Websites/Krita " "Documentation`` e non nel tuo fork personale: in caso contrario questo " "metodo non funzionerà correttamente." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" "GitLab possiede un'opzione per modificare i file al suo interno. Per " "accedere a questa funzione, vai a :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" "In cima alla pagina troverai un riquadro a tendina con ``master`` come " "elemento predefinito; seleziona ``draft`` se le tue modifiche contengono " "nient'altro che correzioni ortografiche." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "Trova il file da modificare, aprilo e fai clic su :guilabel:`Edit`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" "Apporta le modifiche (nota: in questa modalità puoi modificare solo un file " "alla volta)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" "Vai al riquadro di testo più piccolo e scrivi un messaggio sulle modifiche " "che hai fatto nella sezione dei messaggi di commit. Una volta terminato " "premi :guilabel:`Commit changes`. Verrà creata una richiesta di fusione, " "completa gli altri campi come spiegato qui: :ref:`new-merge-request`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" "L'aspetto negativo è che al momento non vi è modo di avvisarti se " "utilizzando questo metodo hai commesso errori col mark-up. Verifica gli " "errori con l'`Editor di Sphinx in linea `_ (copia e incolla tutto il file che stai modificando)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" ":guilabel:`Edit` e :guilabel:`WebIDE` sono due cose diverse! Assicurati di " "aver selezionato :guilabel:`Edit`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "Creazione di richieste di fusione mediante WebIDE" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" "Consigliato agli utenti che conoscono un po' Git e vogliono modificare più " "file alla volta." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" "Non consigliato se non sai cos'è un ramo (branch) (vedi invece :ref:`merge-" "request-edit`)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" "Per accedere a `KDE_gitlab`_ e creare il tuo fork, segui le istruzioni sopra " "riportate." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "Vai al tuo fork (accertati che l'URL contenga il tuo nome utente)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" "Assicurati di essere su ``draft`` e non su ``master``, a meno che le tue " "modifiche non contengano *solo* correzioni grammaticali e ortografiche." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" "Fai clic su :guilabel:`WebIDE`. Vieni indirizzato a una pagina contenente un " "elenco di file sulla sinistra e uno spazio vuoto per il loro contenuto sulla " "destra." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "Apri i file da modificare ed esegui le modifiche." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" "Fai clic su :guilabel:`Commit...`. Fai doppio clic su tutti i file nella " "categoria :guilabel:`Unstaged changes` per spostarli in :guilabel:`Staged " "changes`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" "Fai di nuovo clic su :guilabel:`Commit...` - si aprirà un riquadro per il " "messaggio di commit. Scrivi un messaggio esplicativo sulle modifiche " "apportate." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" "Accertati che le impostazioni siano corrette: devi selezionare :guilabel:" "`Create a new branch` (il nome del ramo dev'essere: ``[nome_utente]/" "[descrizione molto breve delle tue modifiche]``). Se hai completato le " "modifiche assicurati che sia spuntata l'opzione :guilabel:`Start a new merge " "request`. In caso contrario dovrai eseguire manualmente una nuova richiesta " "di fusione successivamente." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "Fai clic su :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "Compila correttamente tutti i campi: vedi :ref:`new-merge-request`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" "Per creare manualmente una nuova richiesta di fusione, vai al repository " "ufficiale del Manuale di Krita (assicurati che l'URL ora *non* contenga il " "tuo nome utente) e fai clic su :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` " "(pulsante verde acceso alla sinistra). Seleziona il tuo fork e il ramo che " "hai creato in WebIDE." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" "Se non possiedi un accesso push al repository ufficiale, GitLab non ti " "consentirà di salvare le tue modifiche, se stai modificando per sbaglio il " "repository ufficiale (e :guilabel:`Create a merge request` non ti sarà di " "aiuto per questo: devi ancora inviare le modifiche al tuo ramo, ma se non " "possiedi accesso push non lo puoi fare). Otterrai semplicemente il " "messaggio: `An error occurred whilst committing your changes. Please try " "again.`" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" "In questo caso, copia semplicemente il contenuto di tutti i file che hai " "modificato, vai al tuo fork e incollali nel WebIDE del fork." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "Creazione di richieste di fusione mediante riga di comando" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" "Consigliato agli utenti che sanno come funziona Git e come utilizzare la " "riga di comando." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" "Clona localmente il repository con:guilabel:`git clone`. La pagina del " "repository contiene gli URL da cui devi eseguire il git clone, e dopo poi " "inviare (push) al tuo fork. Il vantaggio di questa procedura è che puoi " "utilizzare tutti gli strumenti presenti nel computer per modificare questi " "file di testo, così come compilare localmente il manuale per controllare gli " "errori (devi procedere un passo alla volta)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" "# per l'accesso ssh\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# per l'accesso https\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" "Ricorda di estrarre sempre le modifiche dal repository ufficiale prima di " "eseguire quelle nuove:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "git pull upstream master" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" "Accertati di creare un nuovo ramo per le tue modifiche e di collegarlo al " "ramo corretto: ``master`` nel caso che le modifiche contengano solo " "correzioni ortografiche o di battitura, ``draft`` in tutti gli altri casi." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" "# se le modifiche devono andare in master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# se le modifiche devono andare in draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# poi:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" "Dopo aver apportato le modifiche, eseguine il commit e inviale al tuo fork. " "Per una descrizione dettagliata su come usare Git con terminale nel caso di " "questa procedura, consulta :ref:`forking_gitlab`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" "# assicurati che tutto sia corretto\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# aggiungi tutti i file\n" "git add .\n" "# esegui il commit delle tue modifiche\n" "git commit\n" "# invia le modifiche al tuo fork\n" "git push" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" "Per finire, vai al sito web del repository originale (assicurati di trovarti " "nel ramo corretto , `master` o `draft`), poi a Merge Requests. Seleziona il " "tuo fork e il ramo corretto e crea una nuova richiesta di fusione. Per le " "istruzioni su come compilare i campi consulta :ref:`new-merge-request`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "Linee guida per le richieste di fusione (merge requests)" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" "I tuoi messaggi di commit devono rispettare gli standard qui spiegati: `How " "to Write a Git Commit Message `_" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" ":guilabel:`Title` e :guilabel:`Description` devono spiegare quali modifiche " "hai fatto e perché le hai fatte, proprio come un messaggio di commit. Anche " "in questo caso segui le linee guida dal collegamento sopra indicato." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" ":guilabel:`Target` deve puntare a ``draft``, a meno che le modifiche " "contengano solo correzioni di errori ortografici o di battitura." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" "Se sei certo che la richiesta di fusione esiga delle modifiche successive, " "inizia il titolo della richiesta di fusione con :code:`[WIP]`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" "Accertati di aver attivato l'opzione :guilabel:`Allow commits from members " "who can merge to the target branch.` -- per ragioni tecniche si rende " "necessaria l'esecuzione del rebase della richiesta di fusione su master, " "operazione che modifica tecnicamente la richiesta, ma non ne cambia " "l'effettivo contenuto. Il rebase può essere eseguito da te o dal revisore -- " "se non vuoi preoccuparti troppo in seguito è meglio che attivi questa " "opzione, in modo che il revisore lo possa eseguire in pochi passaggi." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" "Nella maggior parte dei casi, puoi tranquillamente attivare l'opzione :" "guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is accepted`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" "A meno che i revisori non indichino diversamente, attiva l'opzione :guilabel:" "`Squash commits when merge request is accepted`. La prima riga del messaggio " "di commit proverrà dal :guilabel:`Titolo` della tua richiesta di fusione e " "il resto verrà preso dalla sua :guilabel:`Descrizione`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" "Quando hai terminato la tua richiesta di fusione, collegati a IRC e chiedi a " "qualcuno con accesso push di aggiungere l'etichetta ``Needs Review`` alla " "tua richiesta." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" "Se sono presenti errori, potresti ricevere dei commenti sulla tua richiesta " "di fusione. Correggi gli errori nel tuo ramo con uno dei metodi seguenti." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" "Se vuoi utilizzare la modalità :guilabel:`Edit`, vai alla sezione :guilabel:" "`Changes` della richiesta di fusione e fai clic sull'icona a forma di matita " "(che contiene il suggerimento `Edit`) per utilizzare di nuovo la modalità " "Modifica." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" "Se vuoi utilizzare la modalità :guilabel:`WebIDE`, vai al tuo fork, " "seleziona il ramo in cui sono presenti le modifiche e vai al WebIDE." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" "Se modifichi i file nel tuo computer e lavori col terminale, assicurati di " "trovarti nel ramo corretto e invia le tue modifiche - GitLab aggiornerà " "automaticamente la tua richiesta di fusione." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" "Dopo aver eseguito le modifiche, assicurati di chiedere a qualcuno di " "cambiare l'etichetta di nuovo in ``Needs Review``." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" "Per informazioni più dettagliate, consulta :ref:`forking_gitlab` nella " "sezione tecnica." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" "Al momento della stesura di questa guida, l'impostazione delle etichette " "sulle richieste di fusione è possibile solo dai collaboratori con permessi " "di scrittura nel repository ufficiale (se non sai cosa significa, " "probabilmente non sei uno di loro). Per questo motivo, quando crei o " "modifiche la tua richiesta di fusione devi accedere a IRC (vedi :ref:" "`the_krita_community`) e chiedere a qualcuno di impostare le etichette per " "te." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "Filosofia generale" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" "Serve per determinare quale sia uno stile di scrittura appropriato. Uno " "stile di scrittura, che si considerino o no le sue qualità pratiche o " "estetiche, si basa su un obiettivo o una filosofia generale. Cosa vogliamo " "ottenere col manuale e a chi è esso rivolto?" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "Popolazione di interesse e pubblico di riferimento" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" "Non possiamo parlare di uno specifico segmento di popolazione come se " "sapessimo che tutti gli utenti di Krita sono uomini di 55 anni. Krita è " "utilizzato da una grande varietà di persone, e siamo davvero molto " "orgogliosi di avere una base di utenti così varia." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "Tuttavia, sappiamo alcune cose sui nostri utenti:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" "Sono artisti. Questo è esplicitamente il tipo di utente cui siamo rivolti." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "Sappiamo, dunque, che preferiscono le belle immagini." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "Sono visivi." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "Cercano di realizzare belle immagini." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" "Dunque lo scopo implicito di ciascuna pagina dovrebbe essere descrivere la " "funzionalità utilizzata per ottenere belle immagini." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "Oltre a ciò, abbiamo osservato i gruppi seguenti:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" "Gli studenti delle scuole superiori e dei college provano il software " "grafico per le illustrazioni. In genere hanno qualche esperienza precedente " "di software grafico, tipo Painttool Sai o Photoshop, ma hanno bisogno di " "essere introdotti alle possibilità in :program:`Krita`. La forza di questo " "gruppo è che si condividono molte informazioni, quali suggerimenti, consigli " "ed esercitazioni." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" "I professionisti, persone che vivono guadagnando il proprio denaro col " "software grafico digitale. La forza di questo gruppo è che possiedono molte " "conoscenze e sono disposti a donare per migliorare il programma. Ce ne sono " "di due tipi:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" "Professionisti non tecnici. Sono persone che non comprendono veramente la " "parte prettamente tecnica di un pezzo di software, ma hanno sviluppato negli " "anni un metodo di lavoro solido e lavorano col software utilizzando il loro " "istinto finemente perfezionato. Sono in genere illustratori, pittori e " "persone che lavorano con la stampa." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" "Professionisti tecnici. Sono persone che utilizzano :program:`Krita` come " "parte di una serie di strumenti e sono interessati alla matematica precisa e " "la manipolazione precisa dei pixel. In genere lavorano nel settore dei " "giochi e dell'industria degli effetti speciali, ma tra di loro si trovano " "occasionalmente anche esperti scientifici." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" "Hobbisti adulti e anziani. Questo gruppo non sa molto sui computer e sembra " "sempre inciampare in quel piccolo gradino che manca da un'esercitazione. La " "forza del loro gruppo è che si adatta a metodi di lavoro non convenzionali " "tratti dalla vita reale di cui gli studenti non conoscono molto e per i " "quali i professionisti non hanno tempo, creando del buon materiale, e avendo " "pure influenze sugli atteggiamenti del primo gruppo nelle comunità più " "estese." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "Da questi quattro gruppi si evince che..." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" "ne esiste solo uno tecnico. È per tale motivo che abbiamo bisogno delle " "pagine concettuali, affinché si possa creare una base solida su cui basarsi " "per scrivere i testi dei nostri manuali." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" "tre di essi hanno avuto esperienza precedente col software e potrebbero aver " "bisogno di guide e procedure alla migrazione." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" "due di essi necessitano sapere come far cooperare Krita con altro software." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" "due di essi non sanno cosa stanno facendo e potrebbero avere la necessità di " "essere guidati attraverso i passaggi di base." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "Da tutto ciò possiamo ricavare le regole seguenti:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "Scrittura generale" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "Usa l'inglese americano, se possibile." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" "Nel manuale utilizziamo l'inglese americano, conformemente al suo uso " "predefinito per l'interfaccia grafica di Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "Usa un linguaggio garbato, ma non accademico." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" "Come comunità vogliamo essere graditi agli utenti, dunque cerchiamo di " "evitare un linguaggio che sia ostile. La volgarità non è permessa da KDE ma, " "all'opposto, uno stile accademico a cui né lo scrittore, né il lettore sono " "avvezzi, potrebbe trasmettere l'idea che il testo sia molto più complesso " "del dovuto e allontanare di conseguenza gli utenti." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "Evitare l'uso di immagini gif (aperto alla discussione)" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" "La ragione è che le persone affette da epilessia potrebbero avere problemi " "con immagini che si muovono ad alta velocità. Per lo stesso motivo, le " "immagini gif possono a volte veicolare un carico eccessivo di informazioni. " "Se non puoi fare a meno di utilizzare immagini gif, avvisa almeno il lettore " "di questo problema all'inizio della pagina." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "Mantieni il tutto compatibile con le traduzioni" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" "Questo significa l'uso di immagini svg per le infografiche, e l'uso del " "markup appropriato per un testo specificato." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "A proposito di foto e disegni" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" "Io scoraggerei l'uso di foto e disegni tradizionali nel manuale, se essi non " "illustrano un concetto. La ragione risiede nel fatto che è piuttosto " "stupido, e un po' disonesto, mostrare un lavoro di Rembrandt all'interno " "dell'interfaccia grafica di Krita, quando ci sono tanti lavori contemporanei " "che sono stati fatti con Krita. Tutti i disegni del fumetto Pepper&Carrot è " "stato fatto con Krita e sono disponibili i file originali, dunque se non hai " "a portata di mano un'immagine, inizia da lì. Le fotografie dovrebbero essere " "evitate, dato che Krita è un programma di disegno. Troppe foto possono dare " "l'impressione che Krita stia cercando di essere una soluzione per il ritocco " "fotografico, che non è per nulla il suo obbiettivo." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" "Naturalmente vogliamo ancora mostrare determinati concetti in gioco nelle " "fotografie e nei quadri dei maestri, quali l'effetto lucido o la luce " "indiretta. In questo caso, aggiungi un titolo che menziona il quadro o il " "pittore, oppure specifica che è una fotografia." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" "Le foto possono essere ancora utilizzate per il photobashing e simili, ma " "solo se utilizzate, ovviamente, in un contesto relativo al photobashing." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "A proposito delle immagini in generale" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" "Evita il testo nelle immagini e utilizza invece la didascalia. Puoi farlo " "con la direttiva figure." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" "Se proprio devi utilizzare del testo, crea un SVG, in modo che il testo " "all'interno possa essere facilmente manipolato, oppure cerca di minimizzarne " "la quantità." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" "Cerca di creare immagini di alta qualità. Diamo l'idea che stiamo " "utilizzando un programma di disegno!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" "Ricorda che il manuale è rilasciato sotto licenza GDPL 1.3, dunque anche " "immagini inviate saranno rilasciate sotto tale licenza. Nel caso di licenza " "CC-By-Sa/CC-By, assicurati che il file sia correttamente attribuito tramite " "una didascalia per figure. Inutile sottolinearlo, non inviare immagini " "protette da copyright restrittivo." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protocollo" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "Qui definiamo tutta la procedura di lavoro noiosa." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "Attribuzione di tag e rami" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "L'aggiunta e la rimozione di testi sarà fatta nel ramo ``draft``." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" "I risultati delle revisioni per le pagine vecchie saranno considerati " "correzioni di errori (bugfixes) e passeranno dunque al ramo ``master`` e " "fusi nel ramo ``draft``, laddove necessario." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "Prima che il ramo ``draft`` sia fuso per un rilascio spcificato:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "Nel ramo master sarà creato un tag con la versione vecchia." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" "Il ramo draft viene prima verificato due volte: che sia aggiornato sia il " "suo numero di versione, sia la copertina epub." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" "Il ramo ``draft`` non sarà fuso fino a un giorno prima del rilascio, per " "mantenere le pagine intatte per abbastanza tempo." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" "Ciascun rilascio conterrà una versione del file epub caricato come parte del " "processo di rilascio. .. Da dove scarico i file POT? E le versioni tradotte?" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "Rimozione delle pagine" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" "Se in una determinata versione una funzionalità viene rimossa, le pagine " "corrispondenti:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "saranno prima contrassegnate come disapprovate (deprecated)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "Questa azione si esegue in questo modo::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Testo che indica cosa l'utente deve fare senza questa funzionalità." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "Sarà collegata a una pagina chiamata «deprecated»" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" "Se la versione successiva si ripresenta, tutte le pagine collegate nella " "sezione «deprecated» saranno rimosse." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "Aggiunta delle pagine" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "Assicurati che si trovi nella posizione giusta." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" "Segui :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` in modo da assicurarti che la pagina " "sia correttamente formattata." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "Aggiungi la pagina all'indice dei contenuti." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "Se una funzionalità è nuova, aggiungi in versionadded::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " qualcosa di opzionale o altro." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" "Come per le immagini, non aggiungere testo se non hai il permesso di " "aggiungerlo. Ciò significa che il testo o è scritto da te, o l'autore " "originale ti ha permesso di trasferirlo. Il manuale è rilasciato con licenza " "GDPL 1.3+, dunque anche il testo sarà rilasciato sotto questa licenza." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "Modifica delle pagine" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" "Se riscrivi completamente una pagina, al contrario della revisione, la " "pagina risultante deve essere revisionata." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" "Se modifichi una pagina perché una funzionalità è stata cambiata, e sei " "autorizzato ad applicare direttamente i tuoi cambiamenti, la modifica può " "essere inviata senza revisione (a meno che tu non preferisca che sia " "revisionata), ma devi aggiungere::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " Questa e quella modificate." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" "In ogni caso, verifica se vuoi aggiungere te stesso al campo autore nella " "sezione metadati che si trova in alto." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" "L'uso di deprecated, versionadded e versionchanged col numero di versione ci " "consente di ricercare facilmente questi termini nel manuale col comando grep:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "Pagine difettose" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "Se una pagina sfugge al controllo, ..." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" "Crea una richiesta di fusione (merge request) come specificato nella " "sezione :ref:`making_changes_sphinx`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "Crea un'attività nel `Manual Project Workboard`_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" "Fai una segnalazione di errore in `bugzilla`_ sotto il progetto Krita alla " "sezione 'documentation'." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "Revisione" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "Ci sono due tipi di revisione da fare." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" "La più importante è **la revisione delle modifiche apportate dagli utenti**. " "Puoi farlo in `KDE_gitlab`_ in due modi:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "Revisione delle richieste di fusione (merge requests)" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" "Puoi aiutare a revisionare le richieste di fusione. La revisione delle " "richieste viene fatta in genere dai programmatori per ricercare errori nel " "codice altrui, ma dato che il codice di programmazione non è altro che " "normale testo, possiamo utilizzarla per controllare anche tutti i refusi!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" "Una richiesta di fusione (merge request) è un insieme di modifiche apportate " "a un documento (aggiunte, rimozioni) inserito in un file comprensibile dalla " "macchina. Quando un utente invia una richiesta di revisione (su un sistema " "come GitLab o GitHub esso si chiama merge o pull request), le persone " "responsabili dei file originali dovranno controllarli e commentare le parti " "che devono essere modificate. Questo permette loro di commentare su parti " "come refusi o scrittura eccessivamente elaborata, ma anche parti sbagliate. " "Dopo che è stata accettata, la patch può essere inviata (pushed) al sistema " "di controllo della versione." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "Commento delle modifiche nel manuale." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" "Il commento delle modifiche accade a posteriori. Puoi commentare una " "modifica andando al messaggio di invio (commit; dalla pagina del deposito, " "vai alla cronologia e fai clic su una voce), dove potrai fare commenti sulle " "modifiche apportate." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" "In entrambi i casi, l'interfaccia consiste in un'esposizione delle " "differenze: sulla sinistra si trova la vecchia versione, sulla destra la " "nuova. Le righe che sono state aggiunte saranno contrassegnate in verde e " "quelle che sono state rimosse in rosso. Per aggiungere un commento 'in " "linea' puoi fare clic sull'icona a forma di fumetto." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" "Il secondo importante passaggio in cui il manuale deve essere revisionato è " "**sull'intero file**. Molte pagine sono state verificate per la correttezza, " "ma non per lo stile e la grammatica." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" "Per questo passaggio dovrai seguire le indicazioni contenute nella sezione :" "ref:`making_changes_sphinx`, in modo da avere accesso completo alle pagine e " "poterle modificare." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "Traduzione" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" "La traduzione del manuale è gestita dalla `Comunità di localizzazione di KDE " "`_. Per collaborare al lavoro di traduzione, vai al " "sito della localizzazione, seleziona l'elenco delle `squadre di traduzione " "`_, seleziona la lingua in cui vuoi " "tradurre e segui le istruzioni contenute nella pagina della squadra per " "metterti in contatto con i traduttori esistenti." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" "La squadra di localizzazione ha accesso ai file PO di questo manuale, che è " "un tipo di file utilizzato dai programmi di traduzione come POEdit e " "Lokalize. Una squadra di traduzione è in grado di lavorare insieme alla " "traduzione di questi file e caricarli nel server SVN delle traduzioni. Ogni " "giorno uno speciale script preleverà le traduzioni da SVN e le invierà alla " "sezione del manuale per la loro incorporazione." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" "Se una squadra di traduzione vuole fornire le proprie immagini, queste " "possono essere tradotte. Tutte le immagini che si trovano nella cartella " "delle immagini sono, per impostazione predefinita, per il codice linguistico " "«en», ossia inglese. Quando vuoi tradurre un'immagine specifica, vai in " "quella cartella, crea una sotto-cartella col codice della tua lingua e " "aggiungici dentro le versioni tradotte delle immagini. In questo modo Sphinx " "ricercherà la versione italiana di :file:`/images/Pixels-brushstroke.png` " "in :file:`/images/it/Pixels-brushstroke.png` e una versione italiana di :" "file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:`/images/dockers/" "it/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" "Anche le traduzioni completate devono essere aggiunte allo script per la " "compilazione al fine di comparire in linea. Per farlo, le squadre di " "traduzione che sono certe dello stato della loro traduzione devono " "contattare la squadra di Krita principale tramite la mailing list kimageshop " "(kimageshop@kde.org) o foundation@krita.org." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "Altro" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" "Per le convenzioni del testo in formato «restructured», consulta :ref:" "`krita_markup_conventions`." #~ msgid "If you are not familiar with Git" #~ msgstr "Se non esperto di Git" #~ msgid "Now, there are two options to edit your fork of the manual." #~ msgstr "Ora, ci sono due opzioni per modificare il tuo fork del manuale." #~ msgid "" #~ "If you are not comfortable with git, gitlab has the web IDE. To access " #~ "this, go to :menuselection:`repository --> files` and there click :" #~ "guilabel:`web IDE`. Find the files and make your changes. Then when done " #~ "press 'commit', then :guilabel:`stage all changes` and write a nice " #~ "message in the commit section with the changes your made. The downside is " #~ "that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors with the mark up " #~ "using this method." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Se non conosci git, gitlab possiede un IDE (Ambiente di sviluppo tramite " #~ "interfaccia) web. Per accedervi, vai a :menuselection:`repository --> " #~ "files` e fai clic su :guilabel:`web IDE`. Cerca i file ed esegui le tue " #~ "modifiche. Quando hai finito, premi 'commit', poi :guilabel:`stage all " #~ "changes` e scrivi un messaggio nella sezione commit con le modifiche che " #~ "hai fatto. L'aspetto negativo è che attualmente non c'è modo di sapere se " #~ "hai fatto errori di markup utilizzando questo metodo." #~ msgid "" #~ "Finally, go to the original repository, and then to merge request. Select " #~ "the fork that you made your changes in and make a merge request. Label " #~ "the request with ``Needs Review``, that way the manual maintainers know " #~ "your changes are ready to be reviewed and possibly merged." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Infine, vai al repository originale, e poi nella sezione merge request. " #~ "Seleziona il fork in cui hai apportato le tue modifiche e crea una " #~ "richiesta di fusione (merge request). Etichetta la richiesta con ``Needs " #~ "Review``, in questo modo i responsabili del manuale sanno che le tue " #~ "modifiche sono pronte per essere revisionate e, possibilmente, integrate." diff --git a/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index df066eb04..4a98c4d2a 100644 --- a/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1180 +1,1180 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Krita Manual 4.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-02 16:12-0800\n" "Last-Translator: Japanese KDE translation team \n" "Language-Team: Japanese \n" "Language: ja\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: &\n" "X-Text-Markup: kde4\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" diff --git a/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index 89e178dc4..e6c9e435a 100644 --- a/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1184 +1,1184 @@ # Lithuanian translations for Krita Manual package. # Copyright (C) licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3+ unless stated otherwise # This file is distributed under the same license as the Krita Manual package. # Automatically generated, 2019. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Krita Manual 4.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-16 03:38+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" "Language-Team: lt\n" "Language: lt\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n" "%100>=20) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%100>10 && n%100<20) ? 2 : 3);\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" diff --git a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index 9a7e1b16b..bd9862f96 100644 --- a/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1189 +1,1189 @@ # Dutch translations for Krita Manual package # Nederlandse vertalingen voor het pakket Krita Manual. # Copyright (C) licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3+ unless stated otherwise # This file is distributed under the same license as the Krita Manual package. # # Automatically generated, 2019. # Freek de Kruijf , 2019. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Krita Manual 4.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-25 16:32+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Freek de Kruijf \n" "Language-Team: Dutch \n" "Language: nl\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 19.04.2\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "Readme van medewerker voor de Krita handleiding" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "Krita handleiding Gids voor bijdragen" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "Welkom bij onze nieuwe documentatie!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" "We zijn gegaan van userbase.kde.org naar docs.krita.org, daarna zijn we " "gegaan van Mediawiki naar Sphinx. Deze laatste wijziging is omdat Sphinx ons " "toestaat om vertalingen veel beter te behandelen dan mediawiki kan." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "De handleiding zal bevatten:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "Een referentie handleiding voor Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "Algemeen concept inleidingen." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "Een lijst met bekende inleidingen en video-inleidingen" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "Handleiding voor medewerkers" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "krita.org inleidingen" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "FAQ" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "Wijzig het." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protocol" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "Overig" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" diff --git a/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index c1203f18d..77c331fca 100644 --- a/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1637 +1,1637 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3+ unless stated otherwise # This file is distributed under the same license as the Krita Manual package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Krita Manual 4.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-03 14:26+0100\n" "Last-Translator: José Nuno Coelho Pires \n" "Language-Team: Portuguese \n" "Language: pt\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: phabricator krita Online diff repository POT program\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: draft master ref kritamarkupconventions Identity\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: Auditar Sphinx restructuredText versionchanged org\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: makingchangessphinx grep Phabricator Krita deprecated\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: documentation Mediawiki bugzilla kimageshop\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: versionadded push Diff ePub pushed MediaWiki POEdit\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: VFX merge Website GDPL GitHub PepperCarrot freenode\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: hobbie GitLab By pull docs Documentation Lokalize Sa\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: PO patches Photoshop aleradas reStructuredText\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: websites patch Painttool trazê fork Needs en\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: forkinggitlab pt KDEgitlab locale guilabel Review\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: Gitlab menuselection brushstroke reuinião build\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: images exclude recurse dir WebIDE the code members\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: image Write How screenshotwebidemode from make when\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: Squash add branch webide new checkout Create Stage\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: status screenshoteditmode commits who Staged Websites\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: Allow upstream Commit accepted remote target edit\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: gitlab request thekritacommunity Unstaged can WIP\n" "X-POFile-SpellExtra: commit Message changes\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "README dos Contribuintes para o Manual do Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "Guia de Contribuições para o Manual do Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "Bem-vindo(a) à nossa nova documentação!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" "Passámos do userbase.kde.org para o docs.krita.org, depois passámos do " "Mediawiki para o Sphinx. Esta última alteração ocorreu porque o Sphinx " "permite-nos tratar das traduções muito melhor que pode o MediaWiki." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "O manual irá incluir:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "Um manual de referência para o Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" "Este é o que provavelmente todos estarão à espera quando escreverem 'docs." "krita.org'. Directo, básico, com informações do tipo 'o que faz este botão'." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" "Descobrimos durante os últimos dois anos que, para certos tipos de " "utilizadores, um manual de referência, mesmo que tenha alguns exemplos, " "simplesmente não é o suficiente. O manual deverá também fornecer explicações " "rápidas e concisas para as coisas, assim que oferece um processo simples " "para preparar uma imagem para a Web." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" "Descobrimos também que certos conceitos, com a gestão de cores e o " "tratamento das camadas, estão muito mais avançados no Krita do que o artista " "médio está habituado. O Krita é gratuito e muitos dos utilizadores não terão " "uma formação formal sobre arte digital. Como tal, não existe um conhecimento " "prévio e focado nos artistas em como usar a gestão de cores ou as camadas de " "filtros." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "Tutoriais com conceitos gerais." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" "Para além disso, existem sistemas que são únicos ao Krita, como por exemplo " "o sistema de pincéis, as máscaras de transformação, a herança do alfa e os " "assistentes de perspectivas. Finalmente, existem utilizadores que não estão " "familiarizados com os processos de pintura padrão de todo, e que não são " "flexíveis o suficiente para compreender como migrar um tutorial do Sai ou " "Photoshop para o Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "Uma lista com tutoriais conhecidos e vídeos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" "Aparentemente, uma das coisas boas sobre a equipa do Krita é a forma como " "nos associamos com os artistas e que compreendemos como eles fazem as coisas " "giras. O mesmo também se deve aplicar nos tutoriais, especialmente porque " "existem formas de usar o Krita e formas de abordar a pintura que são únicas " "e que devemos encorajar as pessoas a partilhar o seu conhecimento." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "Manual do Contribuinte" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" "O Krita é uma aplicação de código aberto (e gratuito), que nos torna " "efectivamente um projecto comunitários, como dezenas de voluntários a " "contribuir para o tornar ainda melhor. Isto, como é óbvio, obriga-nos a " "acompanhar os manuais e os HOWTO's, para que os novos voluntários venham e " "nos ajudem. Os diversos locais onde isto já foi feito já foram relativamente " "espalhados e não estão a ser mantidos ultimamente. O manual dos " "contribuintes é uma forma de tentar consolidar toda a informação. Como tal, " "é muito técnico em certos sítios." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "Tutoriais do krita.org" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" "Foram feitos alguns tutoriais no krita.org e no krita-foundation.tumblr.com, " "focando-se o primeiro na explicação de uma nova funcionalidade e o último " "foi resultante de pedidos de utilizadores." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "FAQ" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" "Esta já se encontra na Internet e é uma junção de todas as diferentes FAQ's " "(Perguntas Frequentes) que temos tido. Está de momento a ser traduzida e " "esperamos que seja esta a principal a ser actualizada." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "Para os primeiros utilizadores" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" "Ao contrário do Mediawiki, o Sphinx funciona mais como se escrevêssemos " "código para o Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" "Antes de mais nada, irá querer falar connosco! Para isso, tanto poderá ir ao " "`IRC no krita.org (#krita no freenode.org) `_, " "ou, mais importante ainda, criar uma conta no `identity.kde.org `_. A conta que criar aí poderá ser usada tanto para " "aceder ao fórum como ao `phabricator`_, onde organizamos o desenvolvimento " "do Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" "Se não tiver nenhuma ideia por onde começar, crie uma conta no Identity do " "KDE e faça uma publicação no `fórum `_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" "O Sphinx funciona através da criação de ficheiros de texto simples com a " "formatação do reStructuredText, e então ele pega nesses ficheiros de texto e " "transforma-os no manual. Mantemos o registo histórico das alterações no " "manual, colocando-as num sistema de controlo de versões chamado :program:" "`Git`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "Fazer alterações" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" "Dado que usamos o Git, existem só algumas pessoas que conseguem colocar " "coisas no sistema de controlo de versões; por isso, se quiser fazer " "alterações, terá de as disponibilizar para revisão." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "Enviar as modificações para o Phabricator" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" "Recomendado para os utilizadores sem conhecimentos técnicos e que não " "planeiam contribuir mais para o projecto." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" "Não é recomendado quando planeia contribuir mais no futuro. (Veja em :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` se não tiver conhecimentos técnicos e quiser contribuir " "para o Manual do Krita mais que uma vez)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "Transfira o texto do código a partir do `repository`_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "Grave uma cópia do texto, como existia originalmente." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "Modifique-o." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "Ferramentas para verificar se as suas modificações resultam." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" "Poderá usar o `Editor Online do Sphinx `_ " "para verificar se as suas alterações não estragam nada." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "Reúna todos os itens num ZIP." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" "Coloque todos os ficheiros que alterou num ficheiro ZIP. Isto também inclui " "as imagens, caso as tenha alterado. Tente manter os mesmos nomes para os " "ficheiros, dado que será mais fácil para nós copiarmos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "Envie o ZIP para o Phabricator." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" "Primeiro vá a phabricator.kde.org e autentique-se com a sua conta do " "Identity." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "Vá ao `Quadro do Projecto do Manual`_ e crie lá uma nova tarefa." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" "Explique o que fez e use o arrastamento para mover o ficheiro ZIP para o " "campo de texto. Isso deverá ser o suficiente para enviar. Iremos também " "precisar do endereço de e-mail que associar com a sua conta de Identity do " "KDE." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" "Assim, se as alterações forem aceites, alguém com permissões de escrita irá " "descomprimir testes ficheiros para a pasta do manual e enviar as diferenças " "com esse endereço de e-mail." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "Criar pedidos de reunião com o modo de Edição" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "Recomendado para os utilizadores sem conhecimentos técnicos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" "Não é recomendado quando desejar mudar mais que um ficheiro de uma vez. " "(Veja o :ref:`merge-request-webide` ou o :ref:`merge-request-terminal` se " "quiser mudar mais ficheiros, ou edite apenas um ficheiro por cada pedido de " "reunião)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" "Se tiver um conjunto de alterações que deseja contribuir, recomendamos que " "tente seguir essas instruções." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "Obtenha uma identidade do KDE." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "Autentique-se no `KDE_gitlab`_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "Vá ao `repository`_ e carregue em :guilabel:`fork` (replicar)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" "Deverá ser encaminhado agora para a réplica do seu repositório. Normalmente " "está localizado em ``invent.kde.org/O_SEU_UTILIZADOR_KDE/docs-krita-org``." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" "Volte ao repositório oficial. Certifique-se que está a navegar ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation`` e não a sua réplica. Caso contrário, este método não " "irá funcionar correctamente." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" "O Gitlab tem uma opção para Editar os ficheiros no próprio Gitlab. Para " "aceder ao mesmo, vá a :menuselection:`Repositório --> Ficheiros`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" "No topo da página, poderá ver uma lista com o item ``master`` escolhido; por " "favor, seleccione ``draft`` se as suas alterações tiverem mais do que apenas " "correcções de erros ortográficos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" "Descubra o ficheiro que deseja editar, abra-o e depois carregue em :guilabel:" "`Editar`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" "Faça as suas alterações. (Nota: neste modo, poderá editar apenas um ficheiro " "de cada vez)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" "Vá ao campo de texto pequeno em baixo e escreva uma mensagem adequada na " "secção da mensagem de modificação com as alterações que fez. Quando " "terminar, carregue em :guilabel:`Commit changes` (Enviar as modificações). " "Isto irá criar um pedido de reunião para si; basta preencher todos os campos " "como está explicado aqui: :ref:`new-merge-request`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" "A desvantagem é que agora não existe uma forma de indicar se cometeu algum " "erro com a formatação se usar este método. Por favor, verifique as suas " "alterações com o `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "(basta copiar e colar o ficheiro inteiro que está a editar)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" "O :guilabel:`Editar` e o :guilabel:`WebIDE` são duas coisas diferentes! " "Certifique-se que selecciona o :guilabel:`Editar`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "Criar pedidos de reunião com o WebIDE" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" "Recomendado para os utilizadores com algum nível de conhecimento sobre o Git " "e que queiram editar vários ficheiros de cada vez." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" "Não recomendado quando não souber o que é uma ramificação (veja em " "alternativa :ref:`merge-request-edit`)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" "Siga as instruções acima para se autenticar no `KDE_gitlab`_ e crie a sua " "réplica." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "Vá à sua réplica (certifique-se que o URL contém o seu utilizador)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" "Certifique-se que está no ``draft``, não no ``master``, a menos que as suas " "alterações contenham *apenas* correcções ortográficas e gramaticais." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" "Carregue no :guilabel:`WebIDE`. Isto devê-lo-á conduzir a uma página que tem " "uma lista de ficheiros do lado esquerdo e um grande espaço vazio para o " "conteúdo do ficheiro do lado direito." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "Abra os ficheiros que deseja editar e faça as alterações." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" "Carregue em :guilabel:`Commit...` (Enviar). Faça duplo-click sobre todos os " "ficheiros na categoria :guilabel:`Unstaged changes` (Modificações não " "confirmadas) e mova-as para as :guilabel:`Staged changes` (Modificações " "confirmadas)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" "Carregue em :guilabel:`Commit...` (Enviar) de novo - irá expandir um campo " "de texto com a mensagem da modificação. Escreva a mensagem da modificação " "que explica as alterações que fez e porquê." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" "Certifique-se que a configuração está correcta: tem de seleccionar :guilabel:" "`Create a new branch` (Criar uma nova ramificação) - o nome da ramificação " "deverá ser: ``[utilizador]/[descrição muito curta das suas alterações]``). " "Se terminar as suas alterações, certifique-se que a opção :guilabel:`Iniciar " "um novo pedido de reunião` está assinalada. Caso contrário, terá de fazer " "manualmente um novo pedido de reunião mais tarde." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "Carregue em :guilabel:`Stage & Commit` (Confirmar & Enviar)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" "Preencha correctamente todos os campos: veja o :ref:`new-merge-request`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" "Para criar manualmente um novo pedido de reunião, vá ao repositório oficial " "do Manual do Krita (certifique-se que o URL *não* contém agora o seu " "utilizador) e carregue em :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (Criar um " "novo pedido de reunião) - o botão verde claro à esquerda. Seleccione a sua " "réplica e seleccione a ramificação que criou no WebIDE." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" "Se não tiver permissões para publicar no repositório oficial, o Gitlab não " "lhe permitirá gravar as suas alterações se estiver a editar o repositório " "oficial por engano (e a opção :guilabel:`Create a merge request` (Criar um " "pedido de reunião) não o irá ajudar também: terá à mesma de gravar as suas " "modificações na sua ramificação, mas se não tiver acesso de publicação, não " "o poderá fazer). Simplesmente irá mostrar a mensagem `Ocorreu um erro ao " "gravar as suas modificações. Por favor tente de novo.`" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" "Neste caso, basta copiar o conteúdo de todos os ficheiros que modificou, vá " "à sua réplica e cole-os no WebIDE da réplica." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "Criar pedidos de reunião com a linha de comandos" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" "Recomendado para os utilizadores que sabem como funciona o Git e como usar a " "linha de comandos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" "Clone o repositório a nível local com o :guilabel:`git clone`. A página do " "repositório tem os URL's a partir dos quais poderá fazer o 'git clone', " "podendo-os enviar depois para a sua própria réplica. A vantagem disto é que " "poderá usar todas as ferramentas no seu computador para editar esses " "ficheiros de texto, assim como compilar localmente o manual para procurar " "por erros." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" "# para o acesso por SSH\n" "git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# para o acesso por HTTPS\n" "git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" "Lembre-se de obter sempre todas as modificações do repositório oficial antes " "de fazer novas alterações:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "git pull upstream master" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" "Certifique-se que cria uma nova ramificação para as suas modificações e " "certifique-se que a criou a partir da ramificação correcta: ``master`` no " "caso de as suas alterações só terem correcções ortográficas, ``draft`` em " "todos os outros casos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" "# se as suas alterações precisam de ir para o 'master'\n" "git checkout master\n" "# se as suas alterações precisam de ir para o 'master'\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# e depois:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" "Depois de fazer as suas alterações, confirme-as e envie para a sua réplica. " "Para uma descrição detalhada de como usar o Git no terminal, no caso deste " "processo de trabalho, vá a :ref:`forking_gitlab`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" "# certifique-se que está tudo correcto\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# adicione todos os ficheiros\n" "git add .\n" "# confirme as suas alterações\n" "git commit\n" "# envie as suas alterações para a sua réplica\n" "git push" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" "Finalmente, vá à página Web do repositório original (certifique-se que está " "na ramificação correcta - `master` ou `draft`) e depois aos Pedidos de " "Reunião. Seleccione a sua réplica e a ramificação correcta e crie um novo " "pedido de reunião. Para mais instruções de preenchimento dos campos, veja :" "ref:`new-merge-request`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "Recomendações para os pedidos de reunião novos" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" "As suas mensagens de modificações devem estar em conformidade com as normas " "aqui explicadas: `How to Write a Git Commit Message `_" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" "O :guilabel:`Título` e a :guilabel:`Descrição` devem explicar as alterações " "que você fez e porque é que as fez, tal como numa mensagem de modificação, " "como tal siga também as instruções no endereço acima neste caso." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" "O :guilabel:`Destino` deverá apontar para ``draft``, a menos que as suas " "alterações só contenham erros ortográficos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" "Se tiver a certeza que o pedido de reunião irá obrigar a algumas alterações " "posteriores, inicie o título do seu pedido de reunião com :code:`[WIP]`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" "Certifique-se que assinalou a opção :guilabel:`Allow commits from members " "who can merge to the target branch.` (Permitir as modificações dos membros " "que podem reunir com a ramificação de destino) -- normalmente é necessário " "por razões técnicas que o pedido de reunião passe a basear-se no 'master', o " "que irá mudar a nível técnico o pedido de reunião, mas não altera o conteúdo " "actual do mesmo. Esta mudança de base poderá ser feita por si ou pelo " "revisor -- se não se quiser incomodar muito, é melhor assinalar esta opção " "para que o revisor possa ele mesmo fazê-lo ao assinalar algumas opções." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" "Pode assinalar à vontade o :guilabel:`Apagar a ramificação de origem quando " "o pedido de reunião for aceite` na maioria dos casos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" "A menos que os seus revisores lhe digam algo em contrário, assinale a opção :" "guilabel:`Squash commits when merge request is accepted` (Juntar as " "modificações quando o pedido for aceite). A primeira linha da mensagem de " "modificação virá do :guilabel:`Título` do seu pedido de reunião e o resto do " "mesmo será retirado da :guilabel:`Descrição` do pedido de reunião." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" "Quando acabar de criar o seu pedido de reunião, vá ao IRC e peça a alguém " "com permissões de publicação ('push') para adicionar a etiqueta ``Needs " "Review`` (Precisa de Revisão) no seu pedido de reunião." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" "Poderá obter reacções sobre o seu pedido de reunião se tiver erros. Basta " "corrigir os erros na sua ramificação de uma das seguintes formas." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" "Se quiser usar o modo de :guilabel:`Edição`, basta ir à secção de :guilabel:" "`Modificações` do pedido de reunião e carregue no ícone do lápis (com uma " "dica que diz `Editar`) para usar o modo de Edição de novo." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" "Se quiser usar o modo do :guilabel:`WebIDE`, vá à sua réplica, seleccione a " "ramificação onde estão as suas modificações e vá ao WebIDE." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" "Se editar os ficheiros no seu computador e trabalhar com o terminal, " "certifique-se que está na ramificação correcta e publique as suas " "modificações - o Gitlab irá actualizar automaticamente o seu pedido de " "reunião." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" "Depois de fazer as alterações, certifique-se que pede a alguém para mudar a " "etiqueta para ``Needs Review`` de novo." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" "Para informações mais detalhadas, consulte o :ref:`forking_gitlab` na secção " "técnica." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" "Na altura em que este guia foi escrito, a atribuição de etiquetas nos " "pedidos de reunião só é possível pelos colaboradores com permissões de " "escrita activas no repositório oficial. (Se não souber o que isto significa, " "provavelmente não será um deles). Por causa disso, quando criar ou modificar " "o seu pedido de reunião, terá de ir ao IRC (veja a :ref:" "`the_krita_community`) e peça a alguém para atribuir a etiqueta por si." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "Filosofia geral" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" "Isto é para determinar o que é um estilo apropriado de escrita. Um estilo de " "escrita, quer olhemos para as suas qualidades práticas ou estéticas, " "normalmente está marcado por um objectivo ou filosofia geral. O que queremos " "obter com o manual, e para quem se destina o manual?" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "Demografia e audiências-alvo" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" "Não podemos falar sobre demografia, no sentido em que que sabemos que todos " "os utilizadores do Krita são homens de 55 anos. O Krita é usado para uma " "quantidade bastante diferente de pessoas, e estamos de facto orgulhosos que " "temos uma base de utilizadores assim tão variada." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "Apesar disso, sabemos algumas coisas sobre os nossos utilizadores:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" "Eles são artistas. Isto é explicitamente o tipo de utilizadores em que nos " "focamos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "Como tal, sabemos que eles preferem imagens bonitas." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "Eles são visuais." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "Eles estão a tentar obter imagens bonitas." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" "Como tal, o objectivo implícito de cada página seria obter a funcionalidade " "usada para imagens bonitas." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "Para além disso, observámos os seguintes grupos:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" "Os estudantes do ensino secundário e superior que experimentar aplicações de " "desenho para ilustrações. Estes normalmente têm alguma experiência prévia " "com aplicações de desenho, como o Painttool Sai ou Photoshop, mas que " "precisam de ser apresentadas às possibilidades do :program:`Krita`. A força " "deste grupo é que eles partilham bastantes informações entre si, como " "sugestões, truques e tutoriais." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" "Os profissionais, as pessoas que ganham o seu dinheiro com aplicações de " "desenho digital. A força deste grupo é que temos bastantes conhecimentos e " "estamos dispostos a doá-los para melhor o programa. Estes vêm sob duas " "formas:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" "Os profissionais não-técnicos. Estas são as pessoas que não se preocupam " "realmente com os detalhes matemáticos de uma componente de 'software', mas " "que desenvolveram processos sólidos ao longo dos anos e que trabalham com as " "aplicações com os seus instintos mais apurados. Estes tendem a ser " "ilustradores, pintores e pessoas que lidam com a impressão." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" "Profissionais técnicos. Estas são pessoas que usam o :program:`Krita` como " "parte de um processo, e preocupam-se com as contas matemáticas e a " "manipulação dos pixels. Tendem a ser pessoas que trabalham no mundos dos " "jogos e da indústria do VFX, mas ocasionalmente encontra-se algum cientista " "entre eles." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" "Adultos e idosos com 'hobbie'. Este grupo não sabe muito sobre computadores, " "e normalmente ficam sempre confusos com algum pequeno passo em falta no " "tutorial. O seu poder no grupo é que adaptam processos pouco convencionais " "da vida real que os estudantes não conhecem e que os profissionais não têm " "tempo para adquirir conhecimentos, e que criam coisas bonitas com isso, " "assim como têm efeito de equilíbrio do primeiro grupo em toda a comunidade." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "A partir destes quatro grupos..." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" "só existe um que é técnico. É por isso que precisamos das páginas do " "conceito, para que possamos criar uma base sólida para escrever os nossos " "textos do manual." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" "três deles provavelmente terão alguma experiência prévia com as aplicações e " "poderão necessitar de guias de migração e explicar como se faz." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" "dois deles precisam de saber como ter o Krita a cooperar com outras " "aplicações." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" "dois deles não fazem a ideia do que estão a fazer e poderão ter de ser " "conduzidos pelos passos mais básicos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "A partir daí, ficamos com as seguintes regras:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "Escrita Geral" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "Use o Inglês dos EUA, se possível." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" "Usamos o Inglês dos EUA no manual, de acordo com a interface do Krita ser em " "Inglês dos EUA por omissão." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "Mantenha a linguagem educada, mas não use linguagem académica." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" "Como uma comunidade, queremos ser calorosos a dar as boas-vindas aos " "utilizadores, portanto tentamos evitar linguagem que não seja hospitaleira. " "O uso de calão já é algo não aceite pelo KDE, mas ir até ao outro extremo, " "com um estilo académico em que nem o escritor nem o leitor se vêem " "reconhecidos, poderá dar a ideia que o texto muito mais complexo que o " "necessário, o que poderá espantar os utilizadores." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "Evite usar GIF's (aberto a debate)" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" "A razão é que as pessoas com epilepsia podem ser afectadas por imagens em " "movimento rápido. De forma semelhante, os GIF's podem às vezes trazer muita " "da responsabilidade da explicação. Se não conseguir outra forma que não seja " "através de GIF's, ao menos notifique o leitor deste facto na introdução da " "página." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "Mantenha o texto compatível com traduções" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" "Isto consiste no uso do SVG para gráficos informativos, e usando a " "formatação adequada para um dado texto." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "Detalhes sobre as fotografias e pinturas" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" "Desejaria desencorajar o uso de fotografias e pinturas tradicionais no " "manual, caso não estejam a ilustrar um dado conceito. A razão é que é um " "pouco pateta e desonesto mostrar o trabalho de Rembrandt dentro da interface " "do Krita, quando temos tantos trabalhos modernos que foram feitos no Krita. " "Todas as obras da Pepper&Carrot foi feito no Krita e os ficheiros originais " "estão disponíveis, pelo que, quando não tem uma imagem à mão, comece por aí. " "As fotografias devem ser evitadas, porque o programa do Krita é um programa " "de pintura. Demasiadas fotografias poderão dar a impressão que o Krita está " "a tentar ser uma solução para retoque de fotografias, quando não é esse o " "foco." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" "Obviamente, gostaríamos de demonstrar certos conceitos em acção nas " "fotografias e pinturas de mestres, como o brilho ou a luz indirecta. Nesse " "caso, adicione uma legenda que mencione o nome da pintura ou do pintor, ou " "que mencione que é uma fotografia." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" "As fotografias ainda podem continuar a ser usadas para fins lúdicos ou " "outros fins semelhantes, mas só se estiver obviamente nesse contexto." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "Detalhes sobre as imagens em geral" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" "Evite texto nas imagens e use os títulos em alternativa. Poderá fazer isto " "com a instrução 'figure'." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" "Se não precisar de usar o texto, crie um SVG, para que o texto dentro dele " "possa ser manipulado com maior facilidade ou tente minimizar a quantidade de " "texto." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" "Tente criar as suas imagens com alta qualidade/bonitas. Convém dar a ideia " "às pessoas de que estão a usar um programa de desenho!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" "Lembre-se que o manual está licenciado segundo a GDPL 1.3, por isso as " "imagens enviadas serão licenciadas segundo estes termos. No caso do CC-By-Sa/" "CC-By, garanta que o ficheiro fica atribuído de forma adequada na legenda de " "uma figura. Não sendo necessário referi-lo, não submeta imagens que não " "possam ser licenciados segundo uma destas licenças." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protocolo" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "Como tal, iremos descrever aqui todos os procedimentos aborrecidos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "Marcação e Ramificações" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "A adição e remoção de texto será feita na ramificação ``draft``." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" "Os resultados de revisão das páginas antigas serão considerados correcções " "de erros e, como tal, irão para a ramificação ``master`` e serão reunidas " "com a ramificação ``draft`` de acordo com as necessidades." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "Antes de a ramificação ``draft`` ser reunida para uma dada versão:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "A ramificação ``master`` será marcada com a versão antiga." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" "A ramificação ``draft`` é verificada com atenção para saber se tem o número " "de versão actualizado e se actualizou a capa do ePub." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" "A ramificação ``draft`` não será reunida até ao dia antes de um dado " "lançamento, para manter as páginas intactas durante algum tempo." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" "Cada lançamento terá uma versão do ePub enviada como parte do processo de " "migração... De onde é que obtemos os ficheiros POT? Mesmo as versões " "traduzidas?" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "Remover as Páginas" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" "Se uma dada funcionalidade for removida numa determinada versão, as páginas " "correspondentes:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "Serão primeiro marcadas como obsoletas." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "Isto poderá ser feito da seguinte forma::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" ".. deprecated:: número de versão\n" "\n" " Texto para indicar o que o utilizador deverá fazer sem esta " "funcionalidade." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "Será associada a uma página chamada 'deprecated' (obsoleta)" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" "Se a próxima versão entrar, todas as páginas ligadas à secção obsoleta serão " "removidas." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "Adicionar Páginas" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "Certifique-se que se encontra no local correcto." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" "Siga as :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` para garantir que a página está " "formatada correctamente." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "Adicione a página ao índice analítico." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "Se a funcionalidade nova, adicione no 'versionadded'::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" ".. versionadded:: número de versão\n" "\n" " uma coisa opcional ou a outra." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" "Como no caso das imagens, não adicione texto que não tenha permissão para " "adicionar. Isto significa que o texto ou é escrito por si, ou que tenha " "autorização para o transcrever do autor original. O manual está na GDPL " "1.3+, pelo que o texto será licenciado de novo segundo estes termos." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "Modificar as Páginas" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" "Se remodelar por completo uma página, em vez de a rever simplesmente, a " "página resultante deverá ser revista." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" "Se mudar uma página porque mudou uma funcionalidade, e caso tenha acesso de " "escrita, a modificação poderá ser enviada por 'push' sem revisões (a menos " "que se sinta mais confortável com uma revisão), mas deverá adicionar::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" ".. versionchanged:: número de versão\n" "\n" " Isto e aquilo mudou." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" "Em todos os casos, verifique se se deseja adicionar a si mesmo no campo de " "autor, na secção de meta-dados no topo." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" "Usando o 'deprecated', o 'versionadded' e o 'versionchanged' com o número de " "versão, permite-nos pesquisar facilmente no manual por estes termos com o " "'grep':" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "Páginas com problemas" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "Se uma página passar nos pingos da chuva, então..." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "Faça um pedido de revisão pela secção :ref:`making_changes_sphinx`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "Crie uma tarefa no `Quadro do Projecto Manual`_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" "Crie um erro no `bugzilla`_ no projecto Krita, na secção " "'documentation' (documentação)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "Revisão de textos" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "Existem dois tipos de revisões que precisam de ser feitas." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" "A mais importante é **rever as alterações feitas pelas pessoas**. Poderá " "fazer isto no `KDE_gitlab`_ de duas formas:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "Rever os pedidos de reunião" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" "Poderá ajudar a rever os pedidos de reunião. A revisão de modificações é " "normalmente feita por programadores para descobrir erros no código uns dos " "outros, mas como o código de programação é baseado em texto, como no texto " "normal, podemos usar a revisão de 'patches' (modificações) para validar " "erros da mesma forma!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" "Uma modificação, ou 'patch', é um conjunto de alterações feitas num " "documento (adicionadas, removidas) que são colocadas num ficheiro legível " "para a máquina. Quando alguém submete um pedido de revisão (em sistemas como " "o GitLab ou o GitHub, isto é um pedido de 'merge' ou 'pull'), as pessoas que " "fazem a manutenção dos ficheiros originais terão de olhar para elas e " "poderão fazer comentários sobre as coisas que precisam de ser aleradas. Isto " "permite-lhes comentar sobre coisas como erros ortográficos, escrita " "demasiado complicada mas também por coisas que estejam incorrectas. Depois " "de ter sido aceite uma modificação, poderá ser enviada ('pushed') para o " "sistema de controlo de versões." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "Comentar as modificações no manual." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" "A auditoria de alterações ocorre após o sucedido. Poderá auditar uma " "modificação se for à mensagem de modificação (na página do repositório, vá " "ao histórico e depois carregue num elemento), onde poderá fazer comentários " "sobre as alterações efectuadas." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" "Em ambos os casos, a interface consiste na diferença a ser apresentada, " "estando do lado esquerdo a versão antiga e do lado direito a nova versão. As " "linhas que foram adicionadas ficarão marcadas a verde, enquanto que as " "linhas que foram removidas ficarão marcadas a vermelho. Poderá carregar numa " "linha para adicionar um comentário 'incorporado'." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" "A segunda forma mais importante em que o manual precisa de ser revisto é " "**em todo o ficheiro**. Muitas das páginas só foram verificadas a nível de " "correcção, mas não a nível de estilo e gramática." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" "Para tal, irá precisar de seguir a secção :ref:`making_changes_sphinx`, para " "que possa ter acesso total às páginas e editá-las." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "Tradução" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" "A tradução do manual é feita pela `comunidade de traduções do KDE `_. Para se juntar ao esforço de traduções, vá à página de " "localização, seleccione a lista de `equipas de tradução `_, seleccione a língua que deseja traduzir e siga as " "instruções na página da equipa para ficar em contacto com os colegas " "tradutores." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" "A equipa de traduções tem acesso aos ficheiros PO deste manual, o qual é um " "tipo de ficheiro usado pelos programas de traduções, como o POEdit e o " "Lokalize. Uma equipa de traduções será capaz de trabalhar em conjunto na " "tradução destes ficheiros e de os enviar para ao SVN das traduções. Nesse " "caso, um programa especial irá então pegar nas traduções do SVN e trazê-las " "para a secção do manual, para serem incorporadas numa base diária." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" "As imagens poderão ser traduzidas se uma equipa de traduções quiser fornecer " "as suas próprias imagens. Todas as imagens na pasta de imagens estão por " "omissão em 'en'. Quando quiser traduzir uma imagem específica, vá a essa " "pasta e adicione outra pasta com o código da sua língua para adicionar as " "versões traduzidas das imagens. Assim, o Sphinx irá procurar por uma versão " "em Português do :file:`/images/Pixels-brushstroke.png` em :file:`/images/pt/" "Pixels-brushstroke.png` e por uma versão em Português do :file:`/images/" "dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` em :file:`/images/dockers/pt/Krita-" "tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" "As traduções terminadas também precisam de ser adicionadas ao programa de " "compilação para aparecerem 'online'. As equipas de traduções que estão " "confiantes com o estado das suas traduções deverão contactar a equipa " "principal do Krita com a lista de correio 'kimageshop' (kimageshop@kde.org) " "ou em foundation@krita.org, para conseguir isto." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "Outro" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" "Para as convenções de restructuredText, consulte a página :ref:" "`krita_markup_conventions`." diff --git a/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index c05065bcd..4b0802a77 100644 --- a/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1182 +1,1182 @@ # translation of docs_krita_org_contributors_manual___krita_manual_readme.po to Slovak # Roman Paholik , 2019. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: " "docs_krita_org_contributors_manual___krita_manual_readme\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-01 12:50+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Roman Paholik \n" "Language-Team: Slovak \n" "Language: sk\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "FAQ" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "Zmeniť to" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protokol" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "Iné" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" diff --git a/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index 9264b2a4c..4c7122edc 100644 --- a/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1239 +1,1239 @@ # Copyright (C) licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3+ unless stated otherwise # This file is distributed under the same license as the Krita Manual package. # # Stefan Asserhäll , 2019. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Krita Manual 4.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-02 12:03+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Stefan Asserhäll \n" "Language-Team: Swedish \n" "Language: sv\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "Viktigt för bidragsgivare till Kritas handbok" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "Bidragshandledning för Kritas handbok" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "Välkommen till vår nya dokumentation!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "Handboken kommer att inkludera:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "En referensmanual för Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "Handledningar om generella begrepp." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "En lista över kända handledningar och videohandledningar" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "Handbok för bidragsgivare" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "krita.org tutorials" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "Svar på vanliga frågor" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "För nybörjare" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" "I motsats till Mediawiki, fungerar Sphinx mer på samma sätt som vi skriver " "kod för Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "Göra ändringar" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "Skicka programfixar till Phabricator" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "Ändra den." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "Verktyg för att kontrollera om dina ändringar fungerar." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" "Du kan använda `Sphinx-editorn på nätet `_ för att kontrollera att dina ändringar inte tar sönder handboken." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "Packa ihop objekten i en zip-fil." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "Ladda upp zip-filen till phabricator." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" "Gå först till phabricator.kde.org och logga in med din identitets konto." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "Gå till `Manual Project Workboard`_ och skapa en ny uppgift." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "Allmän filosofi" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "Trots det, vet vi en del om våra användare:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" "De är konstnärer. Det är den sortens användare som vi explicit riktar oss " "mot." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "Därför vet vi att de fördrar snygga bilder." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "De är visuella." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "De försöker åstadkomma snygga bilder." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "Förutom det har vi observerat följande grupper:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "Från dessa fyra grupper ..." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "Från detta kan vi erhålla följande regler:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "Använd amerikansk engelska om möjligt." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" "Vi använder amerikansk engelska i handboken, eftersom Kritas " "användargränssnitt standardmässigt är på amerikansk engelska." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "Håll språket hövligt, men använd inte akademiskt språk." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "Undvik användning av gif (öppet för diskussion)" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "Håll det översättningskompatibelt" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "Rörande foton och målningar" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "Rörande bilder i allmänhet" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protokoll" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "Taggning och grenar" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "Ta bort sidor" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "Det kan göras på följande sätt::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "Lägga till sidor" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "Säkerställ att den är placerad på rätt ställe." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "Lägg till sidan i innehållsförteckningen." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "Ändrade sidor" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "Felaktiga sidor" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "Korrekturläsning" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "Det finns två sorters korrekturgranskning som måste göras." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" "Den viktigaste är att **granska ändringar som personer gör**. Det kan man " "göra på `KDE_gitlab`_ på två olika sätt:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "Översättning" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "Övrigt" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" "För konventioner rörande omstrukturerad text, se :ref:" "`krita_markup_conventions`." #~ msgid "If you are not familiar with Git" #~ msgstr "Om du inte är bekant med Git" #~ msgid "If you are familiar with Git" #~ msgstr "Om du är bekant med Git" #~ msgid "Get the source from the `repository`_ using :program:`Git` clone" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Hämta källkoden från `arkivet`_ genom att använda :program:`Git` clone" #~ msgid "Make changes" #~ msgstr "Utför ändringar" #~ msgid "Build locally (optional)" #~ msgstr "Bygg lokalt (valfritt)" #~ msgid "Generate a git diff." #~ msgstr "Generera en jämförelse i git." #~ msgid "Create a review request on phabricator" #~ msgstr "Skapa en granskningsförfrågan på phabricator" #~ msgid "Login into `phabricator`_ with your identity account." #~ msgstr "Logga in på `phabricator`_ med din identitets konto." #~ msgid "Go to differential." #~ msgstr "Gå till differential." #~ msgid "Upper-right --> \"Star\" menu --> Create Review Request." #~ msgstr "Uppe till höger --> \"stjärnmenyn\" --> Create Review Request." #~ msgid "Confirm the file is correct." #~ msgstr "Bekräfta att filen är riktig." #~ msgid "Then in the next screen:" #~ msgstr "Därefter, på nästa skärm:" #~ msgid "Tell us what you changed in the summary." #~ msgstr "Tala om för oss vad du ändrade i sammanfattningen." #~ msgid "Reviewing patches in differential." #~ msgstr "Granska programfixar i differential." diff --git a/locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index 68574fff2..10097ab67 100644 --- a/locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/uk_UA/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1740 +1,1740 @@ # Translation of docs_krita_org_contributors_manual___krita_manual_readme.po to Ukrainian # Copyright (C) 2019 This_file_is_part_of_KDE # This file is distributed under the license LGPL version 2.1 or # version 3 or later versions approved by the membership of KDE e.V. # # Yuri Chornoivan , 2019. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: " "docs_krita_org_contributors_manual___krita_manual_readme\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-02 11:18+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan \n" "Language-Team: Ukrainian \n" "Language: uk\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1 ? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n" "%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 19.04.0\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "Настанови для учасників написання підручника Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "Настанови учасника написання підручника Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "Вітаємо у нашій документації!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" "Ми спочатку перенесли дані з userbase.kde.org на docs.krita.org, а потім " "перейшли з Mediawiki на Sphinx. Цю заміну було виконано, оскільки Sphinx " "надає нам змогу значно розширити можливості роботи з перекладами, порівняно " "із можливостями mediawiki." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "До підручника буде включено таке:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "Довідник з Krita" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" "Це, ймовірно, те, що кожен очікує побачити, коли введе адресу docs.krita." "org. Короткий, базовий тип відомостей «для чого призначено цю кнопку»." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" "Протягом останніх двох років ми переконалися, що для певних категорій " "користувачів довідкового підручника, навіть із певними прикладами, просто " "недостатньо. У підручнику мають бути короткі і точні пояснення щодо " "принципів роботи, а також описи робочих процедур приготування зображень для " "оприлюднення у мережі." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" "Нами також було виявлено, що деякі інструменти, зокрема керування кольорами " "та робота з шарами, мають у Krita ширші можливості, ніж звик звичайний " "художник. Krita є безкоштовною програмою і багато з її користувачів не мають " "формальної підготовки у цифровому малюванні. Отже, у користувачів немає " "попереднього фокусованого на художнику значення щодо того, як користуватися " "керуванням кольорами або шарами фільтрування." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "Підручники із загальних понять" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" "Окрім того, існують системи, які є унікальними для Krita, наприклад, система " "пензлів, маски перетворення, успадкування прозорості та допоміжні засоби " "перспективи. Нарешті, існують користувачі, які не обізнані навіть із " "стандартними робочими процедурами з малювання, — таким користувачам важко " "зрозуміти, як скористатися настановами щодо малювання у Sai або Photoshop у " "Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "Список відомих підручників та відеопідручників" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" "Ймовірно, однією з найпрекрасніших речей, які можна сказати про команду " "Krita, є те, що ми тісно пов'язані із художниками і завжди вдячні їм за те, " "що вони роблять. Те саме має стосуватися підручників, особливо через те, що " "існують способи використання Krita та техніки малювання, які є унікальними " "для програми і ми хочемо, щоб користувачі ділилися ними із іншими " "користувачами." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "Підручник учасника розробки" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" "Krita є вільним програмним забезпеченням із відкритим кодом, тобто, " "фактично, проєктом спільноти, результатом зусиль десятків людей, які хочуть " "зробити програму кращою. Тому, звичайно ж, нам потрібні підручники і " "настанови для тих, хто хоче приєднатися до проєкту і допомогти нам. Різні " "платформи, на яких ми намагалися це зробити призводили до розпорошення " "зусиль та, почасти, до недостатнього супроводу вже створених навчальних " "матеріалів. Підручник учасника — спроба сконцентрувати усю наявну " "інформацію. Саме тому, у деяких місцях цього підручника ви можете зустріти " "доволі складні з технічної точки зору відомості." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "Підручники на krita.org" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" "На krita.org та krita-foundation.tumblr.com було багато навчальних " "матеріалів, на першому з цих сайтів акцент було зроблено на пояснення того, " "як користуватися новими можливостями, а на другому — на запитах користувачів." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "Поширені питання" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" "Цей розділ вже створено, він є об'єднанням різних розділів питань і " "відповідей. Цей розділ вже можна перекладати. Ми сподіваємося оновлювати " "його у першу чергу." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "Для початківців" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" "На відміну від Mediawiki, Sphinx працює у спосіб, подібний до того, у який " "ми пишемо коду для Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" "Спочатку, звичайно ж, канали для спілкування із нами! Для спілкування ви " "можете скористатися або `IRC на krita.org (#krita на freenode.org) `_, або, що важливіше, створити обліковий запис на " "`identity.kde.org `_. Обліковим записом, який ви " "створите на identity, можна скористатися як для доступу до форму, так і для " "роботи з `phabricator`_, системою, за допомогою якої ми упорядковуємо " "розробку Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" "Якщо не знаєте з чого почати, створіть обліковий запис KDE і допис на " "`форумі `_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" "Sphinx працює на основі написаних прости текстових файлів з розміткою " "reStructuredText. Система обробляє ці текстові файли і перетворює їх на " "підручник. Ми стежимо за змінами у підручнику, зберігаючи їх до системи " "керування версіями, яка має назву :program:`Git`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "Внесення змін" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" "Оскільки ми користуємося Git, доступ до запису до системи керування версіями " "має лише обмежене коло розробників. Якщо ви хочете внести якісь зміни до " "підручника, вам слід передати їх для рецензування." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "Надсилання латок за допомогою Phabricator" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" "Рекомендуємо користувачам, які не мають значного технічного досвіду і не " "планують подальшої участі у проєкті." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" "Не рекомендуємо, якщо ви плануєте подальші внески. (Див. :ref:`merge-request-" "edit`, якщо не маєте широких технічних знань, але хочете надалі вносити " "зміни до підручника з Krita)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "" "Отримайте початковий код у текстовому форматі зі сховища: `repository`_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "Збережіть копію тексту у початковому вигляді." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "Внесіть зміни." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "Інструменти для перевірки коректності внесених змін." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" "Ви можете скористатися `інтернет-редактором Sphinx `_, щоб переконатися, що внесені вами зміни не порушують " "синтаксичних правил підручника." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "Запакуйте змінені файли до архіву zip." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" "Запакуйте усі змінені вами файли до архіву zip. Це стосується і зображень, " "якщо ви вносили до них зміни. Намагайтеся не змінювати назв файлів. Так нам " "легше буде замінювати старі версії." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "Вивантажте zip на phabricator." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" "Перейдіть на сторінку phabricator.kde.org і увійдіть до вашого облікового " "запису." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "" "Перейдіть до пункту `Manual Project Workboard`_ і створіть новий запис " "завдання." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" "Наведіть пояснення щодо внесених змін і скористайтеся перетягуванням зі " "скиданням для пересування файла zip до поля для введення тексту. Архів має " "бути вивантажено. Нам також буде потрібна адреса вашої електронної пошти, " "яку пов'язано із вашим обліковим записом профілю KDE." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" "Далі, якщо внесені вами зміни буде прийнято, один з розробників із доступом " "на запис змін розпакує ці файли до теки підручника і запише відмінності до " "сховища, скориставшись для вашого запису авторських прав вашою адресою " "електронної пошти." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "Створення запитів щодо об'єднання за допомогою режиму редагування" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "Рекомендуємо користувачам, у яких немає значного технічного досвіду." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" "Не рекомендуємо, якщо хочете внести зміни до декількох файлів одночасно. " "(Див. :ref:`merge-request-webide` або :ref:`merge-request-terminal`, якщо " "хочете внести зміни до декількох файлів або просто створіть запит щодо " "об'єднання для змін у кожному з файлів)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" "Якщо ви хочете змінити значну частину підручника, рекомендуємо скористатися " "саме цими настановами." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "Отримайте власний обліковий запис KDE." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "Увійдіть до `KDE_gitlab`_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" "Перейдіть до сторінки `repository`_, натисніть кнопку :guilabel:`fork`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" "У відповідь має бути відкрито сторінку відгалуження сховища. Типово, це буде " "сторінка ``invent.kde.org/ВАШ_ПСЕВДОНІМ_У_KDE/docs-krita-org``." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" "Поверніться до офіційного сховища. Переконайтеся, що ви переглядаєте " "сторінку ``Websites/Krita Documentation``, а не сторінку створеного вами " "відгалуження. Якщо ви цього не зробите, цей спосіб не спрацює належним чином." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" "У Gitlab передбачено можливість редагувати файли на самому gitlab. Щоб " "отримати доступ до цієї можливості, скористайтеся пунктом :menuselection:" "`Repository --> Files`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" "У верхній частині сторінки буде показано спадне меню із вибраним пунктом " "``master``. Будь ласка, виберіть ``draft``, якщо внесені вами зміни є чимось " "більшим за виправлення друкарських помилок." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" "Знайдіть файл, який ви хочете редагувати, відкрийте його, а далі, натисніть " "кнопку :guilabel:`Edit`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" "Внесіть зміни. (Зауваження: у цьому режимі одночасно можна редагувати лише " "один файл)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" "Перейдіть до меншої панелі для введення тексту, яку розташовано нижче, і " "впишіть відповідне до внеску повідомлення. Після цього, натисніть кнопку :" "guilabel:`Commit changes`. У відповідь буде автоматично створено запит щодо " "об'єднання. Достатньо лише заповнити усі поля, які описано тут: :ref:`new-" "merge-request`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" "Недоліком є те, що за поточних умов неможливо визначити, чи є помилки у " "розмітці, якщо ви використовуєте цей спосіб. Будь ласка, перевіряйте внесені " "вами зміни за допомогою `Online Sphinx Editor `_ (просто скопіюйте і вставте увесь вміст файла, який ви редагуєте)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" ":guilabel:`Edit` і :guilabel:`WebIDE` — два різних інструменти! Вам слід " "вибрати :guilabel:`Edit`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "Створення запитів щодо об'єднання за допомогою WebIDE" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" "Рекомендуємо для користувачів, які мають певні знання з Git і хочуть внести " "зміни до декількох файлів одночасно." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" "Не рекомендуємо тим, хто нічого не знає про гілки у сховищі (вам варто " "скористатися порадами з розділу :ref:`merge-request-edit`)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" "Виконайте наведені вище настанови щодо входу до системи `KDE_gitlab`_ і " "створення вашого відгалуження сховища." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" "Перейдіть до вашого відгалуження (переконайтеся, що адреса сторінки містить " "ваше ім'я користувача)." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" "Переконайтеся, що ви працюєте з гілкою ``draft``, а не ``master``, якщо ваші " "зміни є чимось більшим за виправлення помилок або граматики." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" "Натисніть кнопку :guilabel:`WebIDE`. У відповідь буде відкрито сторінку зі " "списком файлів ліворуч і великою порожньою панеллю для вмісту файлів " "праворуч." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "Відкрийте файли, які слід змінити, і внесіть потрібні зміни." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" "Натисніть кнопку :guilabel:`Commit...`. Двічі клацніть на пунктах усіх " "файлів у категорії :guilabel:`Unstaged changes`, щоб пересунути їх до " "списку :guilabel:`Staged changes`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" "Натисніть кнопку :guilabel:`Commit...` ще раз. У відповідь буде знову " "відкрито панель для введення текстового повідомлення із описом внеску. " "Впишіть повідомлення щодо внеску, яке описує внесені вами зміни і причини " "для внесення цих змін." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" "Переконайтеся, що параметри вказано правильно: вам слід позначити пункт :" "guilabel:`Create a new branch` (назвою гілки має бути ``[користувач]/" "[короткий опис ваших змін]``). Якщо внесення змін завершено, переконайтеся, " "що позначено пункт :guilabel:`Start a new merge request`. Якщо ви плануєте " "подальші зміни, вам доведеться створити запит щодо об'єднання пізніше вручну." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "Натисніть кнопку :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "Заповніть усі поля належним чином: див. :ref:`new-merge-request`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" "Щоб створити запит щодо об'єднання вручну, перейдіть до сторінки офіційного " "підручника з Krita (переконайтеся, що у адресі сторінки *немає* вашого імені " "користувача) і натисніть кнопку :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` " "(яскраво-зелена кнопка ліворуч). Виберіть ваше відгалуження і гілку, яку " "було створено за допомогою WebIDE." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" "Якщо у вас немає прав щодо запису ваших мін до офіційного сховища, gitlab не " "дозволить вам зберегти зміни, якщо ви помилково редагували офіційне сховище " "(і :guilabel:`Create a merge request` не допоможе — вам все одно якось треба " "внести зміни до вашої гілки, але якщо у вас немає прав запису, ви не зможете " "цього зробити). Програма просто показуватиме таке повідомлення: `An error " "occurred whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" "У цьому випадку, просто скопіюйте вміст усіх змінених файлів, перейдіть до " "вашого відгалуження і вставте зміни до WebIDE відгалуження." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "Створення запитів щодо об'єднання за допомогою командного рядка" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" "Рекомендуємо для користувачів, які знають, як працює Git, і знайомі із " "принципами роботи командного рядка." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" "ви можете клонувати сховище локально за допомогою команди :guilabel:`git " "clone`. На сторінці сховища є адреси, з який можна клонувати дані git. Далі, " "ви можете записати (push) внесені змінні до вашого відгалуження. Перевагою " "цього способу є те, що ви можете скористатися усіма інструментами вашої " "операційної системи для редагування текстових файлів, а також зібрати " "підручник локально, щоб перевірити, чи не припустилися ви якихось помилок. " "(Цей крок має бути виконано лише один раз.)" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" "# для доступу за допомогою ssh\n" "git clone git@invent.kde.org:<користувач>/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# для доступу за допомогою https\n" "git clone https://invent.kde.org/<користувач>/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" "Не забувайте перед внесенням змін отримати найновішу версію із офіційного " "сховища:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "git pull upstream master" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" "Не забудьте створити нову гілку для ваших змін і переконатися, що її " "відгалужено від належної гілки: ``master``, якщо ваші зміни — це просто " "виправлення друкарських помилок, ``draft`` — в усіх інших випадках." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" "# якщо ваші зміни має бути збережено у гілці master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# якщо ваші зміни має бути збережено у гілці draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# потім:\n" "git checkout -b \"<користувач>/<опис нової можливості>\"" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" "Після внесення змін, запишіть їх до вашої копії (commit) і надішліть (push) " "до вашого відгалуження. Докладний опис користування Git у терміналі для цієї " "процедури редагування підручника наведено тут: :ref:`forking_gitlab`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" "# переконайтеся, що все працює як слід\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# додайте усі файли\n" "git add .\n" "# запишіть ваші зміни\n" "git commit\n" "# надішліть ваші зміни до відгалуження\n" "git push" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" "Нарешті, перейдіть до сторінки сайта початкового сховища (переконайтеся, що " "відкрито належну гілку, `master` або `draft`), а потім перейдіть до розділу " "Merge Requests. Виберіть ваше відгалуження і належну гілку, потім створіть " "запит щодо об'єднання. Настанови щодо заповнення полів запиту можна знайти у " "розділі :ref:`new-merge-request`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "Настанови щодо нових запитів щодо об'єднання" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" "Ваші повідомлення внесків мають відповідати стандартам, які описано тут: " "`How to Write a Git Commit Message `_" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" "Поля :guilabel:`Title` і :guilabel:`Description` мають містити пояснення " "щодо внесених вами змін і причин внесення цих змін, подібно до повідомлення " "внеску. Тому при заповненні цих полів слід також дотримуватися наведених " "вище настанов." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" ":guilabel:`Target` має вказувати на ``draft``, якщо ваші зміни є чимось " "більшим за виправлення друкарських помилок." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" "Якщо ви думаєте, що ваш запит щодо об'єднання потребуватиме подальших змін, " "розпочніть заголовок вашого запиту щодо об'єднання із :code:`[WIP]`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" "Не забудьте позначити пункт :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can " "merge to the target branch.` — відповідні дії часто потрібні з технічних " "причин, оскільки запит щодо об'єднання переноситься до гілки master, що, " "технічно, змінює запит, але не змінює його вміст. Перенесення може бути " "виконано вами або рецензентом. Якщо ви не хочете, щоб вас пізніше турбували, " "просто позначте цей пункт, щоб рецензент міг зробити це самостійно, — для " "цього йому достатньо буде лише декілька раз клацнути кнопкою миші." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" "У більшості випадків можна просто позначити і пункт :guilabel:`Delete source " "branch when merge request is accepted`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" "Якщо рецензенти не вимагатимуть іншого, позначте пункт :guilabel:`Squash " "commits when merge request is accepted`. Перший рядок повідомлення внеску, " "буде взято з поля :guilabel:`Title` вашого запиту щодо об'єднання, а решту " "буде взято з поля :guilabel:`Description` запиту щодо об'єднання." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" "Коли завершите створення запиту щодо об'єднання, перейдіть до IRC і " "попросіть когось із доступом до запису сховища додати мітку ``Needs Review`` " "до вашого запиту щодо об'єднання." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" "Якщо у новому коді буде виявлено помилки, вас можуть попросити їх виправити. " "Виправте помилку у вашому відгалуженні у один із описаних нижче способів." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" "Якщо ви хочете скористатися режимом :guilabel:`Edit`, просто перейдіть до " "розділу :guilabel:`Changes` сторінки запиту щодо об'єднання і натисніть на " "піктограмі із зображенням олівця (її підказкою є `Edit`), щоб знову перейти " "до режиму редагування." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" "Якщо ви хочете скористатися режимом :guilabel:`WebIDE`, виберіть гілку із " "внесеними вами змінами і перейдіть до WebIDE." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" "Якщо ви редагуєте файли на вашому комп'ютері і працюєте з терміналом, " "переконайтеся, що вибрано належну гілку і запишіть ваші зміни до сховища — " "gitlab автоматично оновить ваш запит щодо об'єднання." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" "Після внесення змін знову попросіть когось змінити мітку на ``Needs Review``." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" "Щоб дізнатися більше, ознайомтеся із розділом :ref:`forking_gitlab` у " "технічній главі." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" "На час написання цього підручника встановлення міток для запитів щодо " "об'єднання було можливим лише для учасників із правами запису до офіційного " "сховища. (Якщо ви не знаєте, що це усе означає, ймовірно, у вас немає таких " "прав.) Через це, коли ви створюєте запит щодо об'єднання або вносите до " "запиту зміни, вам слід звернутися до IRC (див. :ref:`the_krita_community`) і " "попросити когось встановити відповідну мітку." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "Загальна філософія" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" "Цей розділ присвячено визначенню відповідного стилю викладення. Стиль " "викладення, розглядатимемо ми його практичні чи естетичні якості, зазвичай, " "визначається призначенням або загальною філософією матеріалу. Чого ж ми " "хочемо досягти у підручнику і для кого призначено сам підручник?" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "Демографія і цільова аудиторія" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" "Ми не можемо нічого сказати щодо демографічного зрізу у сенсі того, що, " "наприклад, ми знаємо, що усі користувачі Krita є чоловіками 55 років. Krita " "використовують зовсім різні люди, і ми навіть дещо пишаємося тим, що у нас " "така різнорідна база користувачів." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "Незважаючи на це, ми дещо знаємо про наших користувачів:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "Вони художники. Це саме той тип користувачів, на яких ми розраховуємо." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "Тому ми знаємо, що вони надають перевагу зображенням." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "Вони мислять візуально." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "Вони намагаються досягти краси у зображеннях." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" "Тому неявною метою створення кожної сторінки підручника має бути " "використання певної можливості для отримання ілюстративних прикладів." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "Крім того, нашими цільовими групами є такі:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" "Учні старших класів та студенти, які користуються програмним забезпеченням " "для малювання для створення ілюстрацій. Ця категорія користувачів, зазвичай, " "вже має досвід користування іншим програмним забезпеченням для малювання, " "зокрема Painttool Sai або Photoshop, але потребує вступних відомостей щодо " "можливостей :program:`Krita`. Перевага цієї групи полягає у тому, що " "користувачі з неї активно діляться інформацією, зокрема підказками та " "настановами, між собою." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" "Професіонали, люди, які заробляють гроші за допомогою програмного " "забезпечення для цифрового малювання. Перевага цієї групи полягає у тому, що " "користувачі з неї володіють багатьма унікальними методиками малювання і " "можуть ділитися ними та фінансово підтримувати розробку програми. " "Користувачів з цієї групи можна поділити на два типи:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" "Професіонали-гуманітарії. Це користувачі, які не дуже розуміються на " "математичних принципах роботи програмного забезпечення, але які мають " "величезний досвід і користуються ним для роботи із програмним забезпеченням, " "покладаючись на власні інстинкти. Такі користувачі трапляються серед " "ілюстраторів, художників та тих, хто має справу із друкарством." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" "Професіонали-технологи. Це користувачі, які використовують :program:`Krita` " "як частину технологічного конвеєра і розуміються на точній математиці та " "роботі з пікселями. Такі користувачі трапляються серед тих, хто працює у " "ігровій індустрії та просторовому моделюванні, але серед них є і справжні " "науковці." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" "Дорослі аматори та аматори у віці. Користувачі з цієї групи не дуже-то " "знаються на комп'ютерах. У них виникають труднощі, якщо у настановах з " "певної причини пропущено якийсь крок. Перевага цієї групи полягає у тому, що " "користувачі з неї можуть придумувати незвичайні робочі процедури з реального " "життя, такі процедури, про які нічого невідомо студентами, і на які немає " "часу у професіоналів. Ці процедури надають змогу створювати унікальні речі. " "Такі користувачі корисні також тим, що можуть модерувати надмірний ентузіазм " "користувачів з першої групи у великій спільноті." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "З цих чотирьох груп…" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" "Лише одна група є технічною. Ось чому на потрібні сторінки щодо понять: вони " "створюють надійну основу для побудови решти текстів підручника." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" "Три з цих груп, ймовірно, вже мали попередній досвід із іншим програмним " "забезпечення і можуть потребувати настанов із переходу на використання Krita." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" "двом з них потрібні дані щодо того, як змусити Krita працювати із іншим " "програмним забезпеченням." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" "дві з них не мають гадки про те, що вони роблять, і можуть потребувати " "настанов щодо виконання навіть дуже простих дій." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "Звідси, маємо такі правила:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "Загальні зауваження щодо текстів" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "Використовуйте американську англійську, якщо можливо." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" "У підручнику ми використовуємо американську англійську, оскільки базовий " "інтерфейс користувача Krita використовує американську англійську." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "Мова підручника має бути ввічливою, але не занадто академічною." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" "Як спільнота, ми маємо добре поводитися один з одним, тому маємо уникати " "будь-яких моментів у спілкуванні, які можуть когось образити. Грубощі є " "неприйнятними вже на рівні KDE, але, з іншого боку, спілкування в " "академічному стилі, де є певне відчуження між автором тексту і читачем, може " "створити враження, що текст є надто складним і відлякати користувачів." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "Уникайте використання gif (можливі варіанти)" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" "Причиною цього є те, що у людей з епілепсією швидка зміна зображення може " "призвести до нападу. Крім того, gif іноді містять надто велику частину " "пояснення. Якщо ви все ж не можете обійтися без gif, принаймні попередьте " "про це читачів у вступі до сторінки." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "Намагайтеся продумувати наперед можливість перекладу" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" "Зокрема, користуйтеся svg для інфографіки та використовуйте відповідну " "розмітку для тексту." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "Щодо фотографій та малюнків" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" "Не варто використовувати фотографії і традиційні карти у підручнику, якщо " "вони не ілюструють якусь концепцію. Причиною є те, що доволі нерозумно і " "дещо нечесно показувати роботу Рембрандта у графічному інтерфейсі Krita, " "коли ми маємо так багато сучасних робіт, які було створено у Krita. У Krita " "було створено увесь комікс pepper&carrot, доступні початкові файли, отже, " "якщо у вас немає потрібних вам зображень, ви можете скористатися цим " "коміксом. Фотографій слід уникати, оскільки Krita є програмою для малювання. " "Забагато фотографій може створити враження, що Krita — програма для " "ретушування фотографій, що, звичайно ж, не є основним призначенням програми." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" "Звичайно ж, для показу роботи певних інструментів, зокрема глазурування та " "розсіяного світла, можна скористатися фотографіями та полотнами майстрів. " "Якщо ви використовуєте фотографію або якесь відоме полотно, не забудьте " "згадати у підписів назву картини або ім'я художника чи вказати, що " "використано фотографію." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" "Фотографіями можна скористатися у межах фотобашинґу (домальовування на " "фотографії), але якщо їх використано саме у контексті фотобашинґу." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "Щодо зображень загалом" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" "Уникайте тексту на зображеннях — використовуйте для текстових повідомлень " "підпис. Створити підпис можна за допомогою команди figure." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" "Якщо хочете використати текст на зображенні, або створіть SVG, щоб пізніше " "було легше працювати з цим текстом, або використовуйте якомога коротші " "написи." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" "Намагайтеся робити високоякісні і красиві зображення. Нехай читачі " "розуміють, що це програма для якісного малювання!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" "Не забувайте, що підручник випущено за умов ліцензування GDPL 1.3, тому " "зображення до нього повинні мати такі самі умови ліцензування. У випадку " "ліцензування CC-By-Sa/CC-By не забувайте належним чином повідомити про " "авторство у підписі до рисунка. Не варто навіть згадувати, але не надсилайте " "зображення, умови ліцензування яких конфліктують з умовами ліцензування " "підручника." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Протокол" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "Отже, тут ми розповідаємо про усі нудні робочі процедури." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "Мітки і гілки" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "Додавання і вилучення тексту виконується у гілці ``draft``." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" "Виправлення друкарських помилок на старих сторінках розглядатиметься як " "виправлення вад, а отже записуватиметься до гілки ``master``, а зміни " "об'єднуватимуться із гілкою ``draft``, якщо у цьому виникатиме потреба." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "Перш ніж гілку ``draft`` буде об'єднано із гілкою певного випуску:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "Гілка master позначається міткою старої версії." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" "Виконується ретельна перевірка того, що у гілці draft оновлено номер версії " "та обкладинку epub." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" "Гілку ``draft`` не буде об'єднано із основною до настання дня перед " "випуском, щоб зберігати незмінність сторінок достатньо довго." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" "Для кожного випуску буде виконано окремо вивантаження версії epub, як " "частини приготувань до випуску." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "Вилучення сторінок" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" "Якщо у певній версії вилучено якусь можливість програми, відповідні сторінки:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "Буде спочатку позначено як застарілі." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "Зробити це можна так::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Пояснення щодо того, що робити користувачам без цієї можливості." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "Їх буде пов'язано зі сторінкою із назвою «deprecated»" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" "Після виходу наступної версії усі сторінки, які пов'язано із застарілим " "розділом «deprecated», буде вилучено." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "Додавання сторінок" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "Переконайтеся, що сторінку розміщено у належному місці." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" "Виконуєте настанови з розділу :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`, щоб " "забезпечити належне форматування сторінки." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "Додайте сторінку до таблиці змісту." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "Якщо можливість є новою, додайте versionadded::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" ".. versionadded:: номер версії\n" "\n" " Необов'язковий коментар." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" "Як і з зображеннями, не додавайте текст, на додавання якого ви не маєте " "права. Це означає, що текст або має бути написано вами, або у вас має бути " "дозвіл на портування тексту від його автора. Умови ліцензування підручника — " "GDPL 1.3+, отже текст буде ліцензовано за цими умовами." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "Внесення змін до сторінок" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" "Якщо ви повністю переписали сторінку, а не просто вичитали її, результат має " "пройти рецензування." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" "Якщо ви вносите зміни до сторінки, оскільки було змінено роботу якоїсь з " "можливостей програми, і маєте доступ на запис до сховища коду, зміни буде " "записано без рецензування (хіба що ви відчуватимете себе комфортніше із " "рецензуванням), але вам слід додати таке::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" ".. versionchanged:: номер версії\n" "\n" " Опис змін." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" "У всіх випадках можете додати ваше ім'я до поля авторів у розділі метаданих " "на початку сторінки." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" "Використання інструкцій deprecated, versionadded та versionchanged із " "номером версії полегшить нам пошуку у підручнику за відповідними ключами " "пошуку за допомогою grep:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "Помилкові сторінки" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "Якщо зі сторінкою щось не так…" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" "Створіть запит щодо об'єднання за настановами розділу :ref:" "`making_changes_sphinx`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "Створіть запис завдання на `Manual Project Workboard`_." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" "Створіть запис вади у `bugzilla`_, проєкт Krita, розділ «documentation»." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "Вичитка" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "Існує два вартих уваги типи вичитки." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" "Найважливішим є **рецензування внесених іншими авторами змін**. Зробити це " "можна за допомогою `KDE_gitlab`_ у два способи:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "Рецензування запитів щодо об'єднання" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" "Ви можете допомогти із рецензування запитів щодо об'єднання. Рецензування " "зазвичай виконують програмісти з метою виявлення помилок у коді, але " "оскільки код програм є текстом, як звичайний текст у книгах, ми можемо " "скористатися системою рецензування коду і для пошуку друкарських помилок!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" "Запит щодо об'єднання — запис змін у документі (доданих і вилучених рядків) " "у форматі придатного для читання комп'ютером файла. Коли хтось надсилає " "запит щодо рецензування (у системах, подібних до gitlab або github, це запит " "щодо об'єднання або отримання змін), користувачі, які здійснюють супровід " "початкових файлів, мають переглянути їх і можуть лишити коментарі щодо " "потрібних змін. Це надає змогу цим користувачам вказувати на помилки, " "зокрема друкарські, надто складне викладення матеріалу або помилкові " "твердження. Після прийняття латки її може бути записано до системи керування " "версіями." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "Коментування змін у підручнику." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" "Коментування змін відбувається після записування до сховища. Ви можете " "виконати коментування змін, відкривши повідомлення про внесок (на сторінці " "сховища перейдіть до журналу (history), а потім натисніть відповідний " "пункт). Там ви зможете додати коментарі щодо внесених змін." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" "У обох випадках у інтерфейсі буде показано відмінності між версіями. Ліворуч " "буде показано стару версію, а праворуч — нову версію. Рядки, які було " "додано, буде позначено зеленим кольором, а рядки, які було вилучено — " "червоним. Ви можете клацнути на рядку і додати рядковий коментар. Зазвичай, " "при рецензуванні ви переглядаєте увесь набір змін і вписуєте коментарі там, " "де це потрібно. Щоб надіслати рядкові коментарі, натисніть піктограму із " "зображенням виносної репліки." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" "Другим важливим способом вичитування підручника є **перевірка усього " "файла**. Багато сторінок проходили лише перевірку на відповідність настанов, " "але не на стиль та граматику." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" "Для такої вичитки вам слід скористатися настановами розділу :ref:" "`making_changes_sphinx`, щоб отримати повний доступ до сторінок та їхнього " "редагування." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "Переклад" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" "Переклад підручника виконує `спільнота локалізації KDE `_. Щоб долучитися до перекладачів, відкрийте сайт локалізації, виберіть " "`сторінку команд перекладачів `_, " "натисніть пункт команди мови, якою ви хочете перекладати і виконайте " "настанови на сторінці, яку буде відкрито, для встановлення зв'язку із " "колегами-перекладачами." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" "Команда з локалізації має доступ до файлів PO цього підручника. Цей тип " "файлів призначено для обробки у програмах для перекладу, зокрема POEdit та " "Lokalize. Команда перекладачів може працювати разом над перекладом цих " "файлів і вивантажувати результати до SVN перекладів. Далі, спеціальний " "скрипт отримає переклади з SVN і розмістить їх у розділі підручника для " "щоденного оновлення перекладу на сайті." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" "Зображення можна локалізувати, якщо команда перекладачів хоче надати " "локалізовані версії. Усі зображення у теці зображень (`images`) типово " "призначено для локалі 'en'. Якщо ви хочете створити перекладену версію " "певного зображення, просто перейдіть до цієї теки і додайте теку із назвою, " "яка є кодом вашої локалі, для додавання до цієї теки перекладених версій " "зображень. Наприклад, Sphinx шукатиме українську версію :file:`/images/" "Pixels-brushstroke.png` за адресою :file:`/images/uk_UA/Pixels-brushstroke." "png`, а українську версію :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` " "— :file:`/images/dockers/uk_UA/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" "Завершені переклади також має бути додано до скрипту збирання, щоб їх можна " "було бачити у інтернеті. Команди перекладачів, які впевнені у стані " "перекладу, мають повідомити про завершення перекладу основну команду Krita " "за допомогою списку листування kimageshop (kimageshop@kde.org) або " "foundation@krita.org, щоб розробники додали переклад на сайт документації." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "Інше" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" "Настанови щодо форматування тексту у коді restructured наведено у розділі :" "ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." #~ msgid "If you are not familiar with Git" #~ msgstr "Якщо ви не обізнані із Git" #~ msgid "Now, there are two options to edit your fork of the manual." #~ msgstr "Існує два варіанти редагування вашого відгалуження підручника." #~ msgid "" #~ "If you are not comfortable with git, gitlab has the web IDE. To access " #~ "this, go to :menuselection:`repository --> files` and there click :" #~ "guilabel:`web IDE`. Find the files and make your changes. Then when done " #~ "press 'commit', then :guilabel:`stage all changes` and write a nice " #~ "message in the commit section with the changes your made. The downside is " #~ "that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors with the mark up " #~ "using this method." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Якщо ви не почуваєтеся вільно у світі git, у gitlab передбачено " #~ "комплексне інтернет-середовище розробки. Щоб отримати доступ до нього, " #~ "скористайтеся меню :menuselection:`Repository --> Files` і натисніть " #~ "пункт :guilabel:`Web IDE`. Знайдіть потрібні вам файли і внесіть до них " #~ "зміни. Після завершення редагування натисніть кнопку 'Commit', потім :" #~ "guilabel:`Stage all changes` і впишіть повідомлення у розділ внеску " #~ "(commit) із описом внесених вами змін. Недоліком цього способу є те, що " #~ "ви не зможете визначити, чи немає помилок у зміненій вами розмітці." #~ msgid "" #~ "Finally, go to the original repository, and then to merge request. Select " #~ "the fork that you made your changes in and make a merge request. Label " #~ "the request with ``Needs Review``, that way the manual maintainers know " #~ "your changes are ready to be reviewed and possibly merged." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Нарешті, перейдіть на сторінку початкового сховища для створення запиту " #~ "щодо злиття (merge request). Виберіть сховище-відгалуження, до якого ви " #~ "внесли зміни, і створіть запит щодо злиття. Позначте запит як такий, що " #~ "потребує рецензування (``Needs Review``), щоб дати знати супровідникам " #~ "підручника, що ваші зміни готові до рецензування та можливого злиття із " #~ "основним сховищем." #~ msgid "If you are familiar with Git" #~ msgstr "Якщо ви обізнані з роботою Git" #~ msgid "Get the source from the `repository`_ using :program:`Git` clone" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Отримайте початковий код зі сховища (`repository`_) за допомогою " #~ "клонування у :program:`Git`" #~ msgid "Make changes" #~ msgstr "Внесіть зміни" #~ msgid "Build locally (optional)" #~ msgstr "Зберіть локально (необов'язково)" #~ msgid "Generate a git diff." #~ msgstr "Створіть різницю git." #~ msgid "" #~ "Go to the source directory in your terminal and write ``git diff > ../" #~ "mydiff.diff`` this will make a diff file in the folder above." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Перейдіть до каталогу початкового коду у терміналі і віддайте команду " #~ "``git diff > ../mydiff.diff``. Програма створить файл різниці у теці на " #~ "рівень вище." #~ msgid "Create a review request on phabricator" #~ msgstr "Створіть запит щодо рецензування на phabricator" #~ msgid "Login into `phabricator`_ with your identity account." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Увійдіть до `phabricator`_ за допомогою даних вашого облікового запису." #~ msgid "Go to differential." #~ msgstr "Перейдіть до розділу «Differential»." #~ msgid "Upper-right --> \"Star\" menu --> Create Review Request." #~ msgstr "Верхній правий кут --> Меню «Зірочка» --> Create Review Request." #~ msgid "" #~ "Upload the diff you made, select the correct repository (``websites-docs-" #~ "krita-org``, easier to find with ``Krita.org Documentation Website``, " #~ "*make sure you do not select docs-kde-org!*)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Вивантажте створений вами файл різниці, виберіть відповідне сховище " #~ "(``websites-docs-krita-org``, простіше знайти за допомогою критерію " #~ "пошуку ``Krita.org Documentation Website``, *не сплутайте із docs-kde-org!" #~ "*)." #~ msgid "Confirm the file is correct." #~ msgstr "Підтвердьте, що файл є правильним." #~ msgid "Then in the next screen:" #~ msgstr "Далі, на наступній сторінці:" #~ msgid "Add in Title/Short Summary." #~ msgstr "Додайте заголовок і коротке резюме." #~ msgid "Tell us what you changed in the summary." #~ msgstr "Повідомте у резюме про суть ваших змін." #~ msgid "(Optional) put your email in the comment if you want attribution." #~ msgstr "" #~ "(Необов'язково) Додайте до коментаря вашу адресу електронної пошти, якщо " #~ "хочете, щоб внесок було підписано із його використанням." #~ msgid "" #~ "Phabricator has a system that automatically tags the review request with " #~ "the Krita Manual team." #~ msgstr "" #~ "У Phabricator передбачено систему, яка автоматично позначає запит щодо " #~ "рецензування і спрямовує його до команди розробників підручника з Krita." #~ msgid "Reviewing patches in differential." #~ msgstr "Рецензуванням латок у differential." diff --git a/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index a569acafe..215c29336 100644 --- a/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1308 +1,1308 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: kdeorg\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-16 17:04\n" "Last-Translator: Guo Yunhe (guoyunhe)\n" "Language-Team: Chinese Simplified\n" "Language: zh_CN\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Generator: crowdin.com\n" "X-Crowdin-Project: kdeorg\n" "X-Crowdin-Language: zh-CN\n" "X-Crowdin-File: /kf5-trunk/messages/www/" "docs_krita_org_contributors_manual___krita_manual_readme.pot\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "Krita 手册的编写说明" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "Krita 手册写作指引" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "欢迎参加我们全新文档的编辑工作!" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" "新文档的网址已经从 userbase.kde.org 换成了 docs.krita.org ,文档系统也从 " "MediaWiki 换成了 Sphinx 。这是因为比起 Mediawiki,Sphinx 对多语言翻译的支持更" "好。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "我们会在手册中包括以下内容:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "Krita 的功能参考手册" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" "参考手册的内容大概是人们对“使用手册”的第一反应。它包含了如“某个按钮有什么" "用”这种枯燥乏味的基本信息。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" "然而在最近两年的观察中我们发现:功能参考手册这种文档形式,即使配有范例,对于" "某些用户而言还是不够友好。我们认为很有必要在使用手册里面介绍一些数字绘画领" "域,甚至是一般美术领域的基础知识,同时还要给用户介绍为互联网绘制图像的基本工" "作流程。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" "我们也留意到 Krita 中的某些概念,如色彩管理和图层操作等,其复杂程度远远超出了" "一般画手的日常理解范畴。Krita 是自由免费的,所以我们的许多用户也从未接受过正" "式的数字绘画培训。而在此之前,互联网上也很难找到面向画手编写的,关于色彩管理" "或者滤镜图层的教程。因此填补空白的任务就只能由我们自己来完成了。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "一般概念教程" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" "除此之外,Krita 还具备一些自己特有的系统,例如它的笔刷系统、变形蒙版、透明度" "继承方式和透视辅助尺等和其他软件有所区别。考虑到许多用户对最基本的数字绘画流" "程都不熟悉,思路也不够灵活,他们很难把针对 SAI 或者 Photoshop 编写的教程套用" "到 Krita 下面。所以我们也要针对这些方面编写自己的教程。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "教程和视频教程列表" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" "Krita 团队一直与使用软件的画手保持着密切的联系,对他们的创作进行支持和鼓励," "而对于教程的制作我们也秉持同样态度。每个人使用软件的习惯和对绘画的理解千差万" "别,我们应当鼓励人们分享他们的经验。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "参与者手册" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" "Krita 是一个自由开源软件,这意味着我们也是一个由社区推动的项目,众多志愿者们" "在为 Krita 的发展贡献力量。对于那些新加入的志愿者们来说,得到如何参与项目工作" "的指引至关重要。遗憾的是我们之前准备的相关材料过于零散且疏于维护。为了改善这" "种状况,本参与者手册将致力于充实相关信息,这自然也会包含大量技术性的内容。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "krita.org 教程" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" "krita.org 和 krita-foundation.tumblr.com 这两个网站上面一直在更新各种教程。前" "者主要介绍如何使用某项新功能,后者主要围绕用户关心的问题进行解答。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "常见问题解答" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" "我们已经把以前整理的无数个常见问题解答整合到了此页面,翻译工作也正在进行。我" "们打算从现在开始把它用作首选的常见问题解答页面,并一直保持其信息更新。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "新手指引" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" "与 Mediawiki 不同,为 Sphinx 编写文档的流程更像是我们为 Krita 编写代码的流" "程。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" "首先你要与我们建立联系。你可以通过我们的网站访问 `Krita 的 IRC 频道 `_ (位于 freenode.org 的 #krita 频道)。但更重要的是在 `KDE " "Identity 网站 `_ 上面创建一个账户,这个账户可以用" "来访问 KDE 的论坛和我们组织开发工作的 `Phabricator`_ 网站系统。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" "如果不知道应该如何开始,就先创建一个 KDE 身份账户,然后在 `论坛上面 `_ 发帖求教。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" "Sphinx 文档是通过使用了 reStructuredText 标记语言的纯文本编写的。Sphinx 系统" "会把你编写的纯文本代码转换成网页版手册和电子书。我们通过一个叫做 :program:" "`Git` 的版本控制系统来跟踪使用手册的内容变化。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "更改内容" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" "由于我们使用 Git,只有少数人有权限向版本控制系统中推送内容。如果你想要对手册" "内容作出更改,你必须把作出的改动送交审查。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "从 `repository`_ 中获取原始文档。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "把这个母本的原始文档复制为一个副本。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "对文档进行修改。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "检查代码是否正确。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "把修改后的文档打包成 ZIP 文件。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" "把你改动过的所有文件打包成一个 ZIP 文件,如果你更改了图像,也把它们包含进去。" "尽可能保持文件名不变,这有利于我们复制粘贴。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "把该 ZIP 文件上传至 Phabricator 网站" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "首先,访问 phabricator.kde.org 并使用你的 KDE Identity 账户进行登录。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "" "访问 `Manual Project Workboard`_ 页面,在该页面选择 Create a new task。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" "说明你改动的内容,然后把该 ZIP 文件拖放到输入框中以上传。你还要输入与你的 " "KDE 身份账户关联的电邮地址。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" "接下来,如果你的改动被接受了,具备推送权限的人员会帮你把那些文件解压到使用手" "册的文件夹并以你刚才输入的邮件地址推送代码变更。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "获取一个 KDE Identity 账户。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "登录到 `KDE_gitlab`_ 。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" "您应该会被重定向到您 fork 的仓库中。通常位于 ``invent.kde.org/" "YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "指导思想" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" "无论是从务实还是从审美的角度,写作行为的背后往往会有一个目的,这就是指导思" "想。写作的指导思想决定了写作的风格。我们想要通过使用手册达成什么目的,它的目" "标受众又是怎样的呢?" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "用户群体与目标受众" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" "Krita 的用户基数庞大,来自五湖四海、各行各业,我们为拥有如此多样化的用户群体" "而感到骄傲。也正因如此,我们在讨论 Krita 的用户群体时不能把每个人当成是 55 岁" "的老头子。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "尽管如此,我们还是能总结出一些共同点:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "他们都是画手,而画手就是我们服务的目标群体。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "他们喜欢精美的画作。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "他们以视觉方式思考。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "他们想要创作出精美的画作。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" "所以,使用手册的每个页面的目标都是教会他们使用所介绍的特性去创作出精美的画" "作。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "在这之上我们也留意到下列细分群体:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" "高中生和高校生。他们热衷于尝试各种不同的软件来进行绘画,往往对绘画软件已有一" "定经验,如 Paint Tool SAI 或 Photoshop 等,但对 :program:`Krita` 的用法并不熟" "悉。该群体的优势在于他们会积极地探讨问题和分享信息,如技巧和教程等。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" "从业人员,使用数字绘画软件来谋生的人员。该群体的优势是他们已经积累了丰富的行" "业经验,也乐意为改进程序而捐款。他们有两类人:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" "非技术从业人员。这些人不一定能理解软件里面比较数学化的部分,不过他们在长年与" "软件打交道的过程里磨练出了敏锐的直觉,建立了可靠的工作流程。他们大多是画手和" "负责印刷的人员。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" "技术从业人员。他们把 :program:`Krita` 用在软件流水线的一个环节,所以更加关注" "精确运算和像素信息的处理。他们大多供职于游戏和电影特效业界,但时不时也会出现" "一两位科研人员的身影。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" "成年和老年绘画爱好者。他们对计算机并不熟悉,特别容易被教程忽略的某个步骤给卡" "住。相比起人生经验欠缺的学生和无暇探索未知的从业人员,他们的优势是可以从生活" "实际出发建立一套非主流却不乏闪光点的工作流程。在社区整体中他们还发挥着平衡那" "些躁动的学生群体的功能。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "在这四个群体中..." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" "只有一个懂技术的群体。所以我们要准备一般概念页面,为手册的编写工作奠定一个坚" "实的基础。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" "有三个群体很有可能已经使用过别的绘画软件,他们需要指引来迁移至 Krita,向他们" "介绍想要的功能如何使用。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "有两个群体需要学习如何使用 Krita 与其他软件进行配合。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" "有两个群体严重缺乏相关经验和知识,可能需要在最基本的环节为他们提供指引。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "从上面的分析我们可以得出以下准则:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "写作通则" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "尽可能使用美式英语" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" "因为 Krita 的界面默认使用美式英语,所以我们在使用说明中也使用美式英语。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "文明用语,但不要使用学术语言" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" "作为一个社区,我们希望能对用户展现出友好的姿态,所以要避免使用那些不友好的行" "文方式。KDE 社区反对粗俗的言行,但我们也不鼓励过于学术化的文风。如果作者忽视" "了这一点而读者又没有意识到这只是一种写作风格,那么文字就会显得过于繁复,容易" "吓倒我们的用户。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "避免使用 GIF 图像" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" "这是因为癫痫患者易受快速移动的图像影响而发病。GIF 动画的概念也不好解释。如果" "非得使用 GIF,应在页面的导入部分对读者进行相关提示。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "保持文章的翻译友好性" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "这包括在信息图中使用 SVG 图像,为文字选用适合的标记等。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "关于照片和传统画作" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" "我们不鼓励大家在使用手册里使用照片和传统画作,除非它们被用来解释某种概念。理" "由很简单,使用 Krita 创作的新作那么多,又何必在 Krita 的界面里用伦勃朗的名作" "示例,这不但莫名其妙,还可以说带有某种欺骗性。Pepper & Carrot 漫画是用 Krita " "创作的,它们的源文件也是公开的,如果你要找一张图使用,可以考虑采用这部作品的" "素材。Krita 是绘画软件,要是在使用手册里展示太多照片,会让人感到 Krita 是一款" "修图软件,而这并不是我们的目标。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" "当然,我们也需要通过照片和绘画名作来介绍某些概念,例如厚涂法和间接光照等。使" "用名作和照片时应为图像配上说明文字。如果是画作,应介绍作品名称和作者。如果是" "照片,则应注明它是一张照片。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "照片可以用于后期拼接,但只应在后期拼接的有关文章中使用。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "图像通则" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" "避免在图像中直接嵌入文本,尽量使用配图文字。你可以用 figure 标记生成带说明文" "字的图像。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" "如果必须使用文字,应将图像制作成 SVG 以便于日后修改,或将字数控制在最小限度。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "尽可能制作精美的图像,让人们知晓这是一款绘画用的软件。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" "请牢记本手册是用 GDPL 1.3 许可证发布的,它包含的图像也将以相同许可证发布。如" "果图像是 CC-BY-SA/CC-BY 许可证授权的,记得用 figure 标记给它们的作者进行署" "名。切勿使用那些无法通过上述许可证发布的图像。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "写作流程" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "现在让我们介绍一下整个无聊的写作流程吧。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "标记和分支" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "内容的增删作业将在 ``draft`` 分支进行。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" "对已有页面审校被视作问题修复,因此将被推送至 ``master`` 分支,然后再按需合并" "至 ``draft`` 分支。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "在 ``draft`` 分支为新版本发布进行合并之前:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "现有的 master 分支将会被标记为旧版本。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "首先检查该 draft 分支是否更新了版本号和 epub 封面。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "该 ``draft`` 分支在新版发布的前一天才会被合并,以保持页面的一致性。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "作为每次新版发布流程的一部分,新版的 epub 文件也要进行上传。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "移除页面" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "首先相关页面将被标记为已废弃。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "做法如下::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "该页面将在一个叫做“已废弃”的页面显示链接" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "新增页面" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "确保页面所在的位置正确。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "按照 :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` 的要求编写页面,保证格式正确。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "将页面添加到 TOC。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "如果这是一项新特性,把首次出现的版本号添加至 versionadded::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" "与使用图像时一样,切勿将未经授权的文字写入页面。这意味着你添加的文字要么是你" "原创的,要么是文字的原作者授权你转载的。本使用手册使用 GDPL 1.3+ 许可证发布," "所有文字也将用该许可证重新发布。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "更改页面" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" "如果你完全重写了某个页面,而不是单纯地进行审校,则重写的成果应被提交审查。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" "如果你根据软件特性的变化改写页面,而你也拥有提交权限,则该改动的推送可以无需" "审查 (除非你认为需要审查)。不过你要在页面上加入::" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "无论是哪种情况,请选择是否要把你自己添加到顶部元数据区域的作者字段中。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" "把 deprecated、versionadded 和 versionchanged 标记指令配合版本号使用,这样我" "们便可以使用 grep 命令来对被标记的页面进行查找:" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "报告页面问题" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "如果某个页面的内容有问题,可以..." #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "在 Phabricator 的 `Manual Project Workboard`_ 上面创建一个任务。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "在 `bugzilla`_ 的 Krita 项目的“文档”组件处提交问题报告。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "审校" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "审校工作有两类。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" "第二类审校工作是 **针对整个文件** 进行的。很多页面仅接受过正确性检查,而写作" "风格和语法则被忽略了。而这就是整体审校的意义了。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" "要进行整体审校,请参考 :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` 一节,获取页面的完整访问" "权限以便进行编辑。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "翻译" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" "使用手册的翻译工作由 `KDE 本地化社区 `_ 负责进行。要加" "入翻译团队,可访问该网站,在 `翻译小组列表 `_ 处选择你要翻译的语言,然后按照该小组页面上的指引来与其他翻译人员建立联" "系。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" "本地化小组成员有权限访问本手册的 PO 文件,这是一种专门用于翻译的文件格式,可" "用 POEdit 和 Lokalize 打开。翻译小组对这些文件进行翻译后上传至 KDE 翻译的 " "SVN 系统。一个特殊的脚本每天都会从该 SVN 把新的译文取回并整合进使用手册项目" "里。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" "翻译的成果还需要被添加到编译脚本里才能在网上显示。对成果感到自信的翻译小组请" "通过 kimageshop 邮件列表 (kimageshop@kde.org) 或电邮地址 foundation@krita." "org 联系 Krita 核心团队协助处理。" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "其他" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" diff --git a/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po b/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po index a12eae44c..4cd644a0f 100644 --- a/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po +++ b/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.po @@ -1,1183 +1,1183 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3+ unless stated otherwise # This file is distributed under the same license as the Krita Manual package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Krita Manual 4.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-02 03:06+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: Chinese \n" "Language: zh\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_editmode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:None msgid ".. image:: images/gitlab/screenshot_webidemode.png" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:1 msgid "Contributor's Readme for the Krita Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:26 msgid "Krita Manual Contribution Guide" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:28 msgid "Welcome to our new documentation!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:30 msgid "" "We've moved from userbase.kde.org to docs.krita.org, then we moved from " "Mediawiki to Sphinx. This latter change is because Sphinx allows us to " "handle translations much better than mediawiki can." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:32 msgid "The manual will include:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:34 msgid "A reference manual for Krita" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:35 msgid "" "This one is probably what everyone is expecting when they type in docs.krita." "org. Dry, basic, 'what does this button do' type of information." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:37 msgid "" "We've found over the past two years that for certain types of users, a " "reference manual, even with some examples, just isn't enough. The manual " "should also provide fast and concise explanations for things, and provide a " "basic workflow for preparing an image for the web." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:39 msgid "" "We also have found that certain concepts, such as color management and layer " "handling are far more advanced in Krita than the average artist is used to. " "Krita is free and many of its users will not have formal training in digital " "artwork. So there is no pre-existing artist-focused knowledge on how to use " "color management or filter layers." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:40 msgid "General concept tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:41 msgid "" "In addition there are systems that are unique to Krita, for example the " "brush system, the transform masks, the alpha inheritance and the perspective " "assistants. Finally, there are users who aren't familiar with even standard " "painting workflows, and are not flexible enough to understand how to port a " "tutorial for Sai or Photoshop to Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:42 msgid "A list of known tutorials and video tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:43 msgid "" "Apparently, one of the great things about Krita's team is how we connect " "with artists and acknowledge that they're doing cool stuff. The same should " "count for tutorials, especially because there are ways of using Krita and " "ways of approaching painting that are unique and we should encourage people " "to share their knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:44 msgid "Contributor's Manual" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:45 msgid "" "Krita is (free) open source software, which makes us effectively a community " "project, with dozens of volunteers pitching in to make it better. This, of " "course, requires we keep track of manuals and howto's for new volunteers to " "come in and help us. The various places we've done this have been rather " "spread out, and are often under maintained. The contributor's manual is an " "attempt to solidify all the information. It is therefore very technical in " "places." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:46 msgid "krita.org tutorials" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:47 msgid "" "There have been a bunch of tutorials on the krita.org and the krita-" "foundation.tumblr.com, the former focusing on explaining how to use a new " "feature and the later stimulated by user request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:49 msgid "" "This one is already online and a merger of the different FAQs that we had. " "It's currently being translated and we hope to keep this one the primary one " "to update." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:52 msgid "For first timers" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:54 msgid "Unlike Mediawiki, Sphinx works more like how we write code for Krita." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:56 msgid "" "First things first, you will want to talk to us! For this you can either go " "to the `IRC on krita.org (#krita on freenode.org) `_, or, more importantly, make an account at `identity.kde.org `_. The account you make at identity can be used to both " "access the forum as well as the `phabricator`_, where we organise Krita " "development." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:58 msgid "" "If you have no idea where to begin, make a Kde identity account and make a " "post on `the forum `_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:60 msgid "" "Sphinx works by writing simple text files with reStructuredText mark up, and " "then it takes those text files and turns them into the manual. We keep track " "of changes in the manual by putting them into a version control system " "called :program:`Git`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:65 msgid "Making changes" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:67 msgid "" "Because we use Git, there's only a few people who can put things into the " "version control system, so if you want to make changes you will need to put " "it up for review." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:73 msgid "Sending patches to Phabricator" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:75 msgid "" "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge who don't plan on " "contributing more to the project." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:77 msgid "" "Not recommended when you plan to contribute more in the future. (See :ref:" "`merge-request-edit` if you don't have technical knowledge and want to " "contribute to Krita Manual more than once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:79 msgid "Get the source text from the `repository`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:81 msgid "Save a copy of the text as it existed originally." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:83 msgid "Modify it." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:84 msgid "Tools to check whether your modifications work." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:86 msgid "" "You can use the `Online Sphinx Editor `_ " "to check if your changes don't break the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:88 msgid "Bundle up the items into a zip." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:90 msgid "" "Put all the files you changed into a zip file. This also includes the images " "if you're changing them. Try to keep the filenames the same, that's easier " "for us to copy over." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:92 msgid "Upload the zip on phabricator." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:94 msgid "First, go to phabricator.kde.org and log in with your identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:95 msgid "Go to the `Manual Project Workboard`_ and there create a new task." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:96 msgid "" "Explain what you did and use drag and drop to move the zip file to the input " "textbox. That should upload it. We will also need the email address you " "associate with your kde identity account." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:97 msgid "" "Then, if the changes are accepted, someone with commit access will unpack " "those files into the manual folder and push the differences using the mail " "address." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:103 msgid "Creating merge requests using Edit mode" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:105 msgid "Recommended for users without a technical knowledge." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:107 msgid "" "Not recommended when you want to change more than one file at once. (See :" "ref:`merge-request-webide` or :ref:`merge-request-terminal` if you want to " "change more files, or simply edit only one per merge request)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:110 msgid "" "If you have a lot of changes you want to contribute, we recommend trying to " "follow these instructions." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:112 msgid "Get a KDE identity." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:113 msgid "Login to `KDE_gitlab`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:114 msgid "Go to the `repository`_ and press :guilabel:`fork`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:115 msgid "" "You should be redirected to the fork of your repository now. Typically it's " "located at ``invent.kde.org/YOUR_KDE_LOGIN_NAME/docs-krita-org``." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:117 msgid "" "Come back to the official repository. Make sure you're browsing ``Websites/" "Krita Documentation``, not your own fork. Otherwise this method won't work " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:119 msgid "" "Gitlab has an option to Edit files in the gitlab itself. To access this, go " "to :menuselection:`Repository --> Files`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:121 msgid "" "At the top of the page you see a dropbox with ``master`` as a chosen item; " "please select ``draft`` if your changes contain anything other than pure " "typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:123 msgid "" "Find the file you want to edit, open it and then click :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:125 msgid "" "Make your changes. (Note: in this mode you can edit only one file at a time)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:127 msgid "" "Go to the smaller textbox below and write a nice message in the commit " "message section with the changes you've made. When done, press :guilabel:" "`Commit changes`. This will make a merge request for you, just fill in all " "of the fields as explained here: :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:129 msgid "" "The downside is that right now there's no way to tell if you made errors " "with the mark up using this method. Please check your changes with the " "`Online Sphinx Editor `_ (just copy and " "paste the entire file you're editing)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:133 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Edit` and :guilabel:`WebIDE` are two different things! Make sure " "you select :guilabel:`Edit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:142 msgid "Creating merge requests using WebIDE" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:144 msgid "" "Recommended for users with a bit of knowledge about Git that want to edit " "multiple files at once." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:146 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:188 msgid "" "Not recommended when you don't know what a branch is (see :ref:`merge-" "request-edit` instead)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:149 #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:190 msgid "" "Follow the instructions above to login to `KDE_gitlab`_ and create your fork." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:151 msgid "Go to your fork (make sure the url contains your username)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:153 msgid "" "Make sure you're on ``draft``, not on ``master``, unless your changes " "contain *only* spelling and grammatical fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:155 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`WebIDE`. This should take you to a page that has a list of " "files on the left side and a big empty space for file contents on the right " "side." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:157 msgid "Open the files you want to edit and make the changes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:159 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...`. Double-click on all files in the :guilabel:" "`Unstaged changes` category to move them to :guilabel:`Staged changes`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:161 msgid "" "Click :guilabel:`Commit...` again - it will expand a commit message textbox. " "Write commit message that explains what changes have you made and why." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:163 msgid "" "Make sure the settings are correct: you need to select :guilabel:`Create a " "new branch` (the name of the branch should be: ``[username]/[very short " "description of your changes]``). If you finished your changes, make sure " "that :guilabel:`Start a new merge request` is checked. Otherwise you'll need " "to make a new merge request manually later." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:165 msgid "Click :guilabel:`Stage & Commit`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:167 msgid "Fill all of the fields correctly: see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:169 msgid "" "To create a new merge request manually, go to Krita Manual official " "repository (make sure the url *doesn't* contain your username now) and " "click :guilabel:`Create a new merge request` (bright green button at the " "left). Select your fork and select the branch that you've created in WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:176 msgid "" "If you don't have a push access to the official repository, gitlab won't " "allow you to save your changes if you were editing the official repository " "by mistake (and :guilabel:`Create a merge request` won't help with that: you " "still need to commit your changes to your branch, but if you don't have push " "access, you can't do it). It will just show the message: `An error occurred " "whilst committing your changes. Please try again.`" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:178 msgid "" "In this case, simply copy contents of all of the files you changed, go to " "your fork and paste them in the fork WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:184 msgid "Creating merge requests using command line" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:186 msgid "" "Recommended for users that know how Git works and how to use command line." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:192 msgid "" "Clone the repository locally with :guilabel:`git clone`. The repository page " "has the urls you can perform git clone from, and you can then push to your " "fork. The advantage of this is that you can use all the tools on your " "computer to edit these text files as well as build the manual locally to " "check for errors. (You need to do this step only once)." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:195 msgid "" "# for ssh access\n" -"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git\n" +"git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git\n" "\n" "# for https access\n" -"git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git\n" -"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git" +"git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git\n" +"git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:206 msgid "" "Remember to always pull changes from the official repository before making " "new changes:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:208 msgid "git pull upstream master" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:213 msgid "" "Make sure you create a new branch for your changes and make sure you " "branched from the correct branch: ``master`` in case if your changes only " "contain typo fixes, ``draft`` in all other cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:216 msgid "" "# if your changes need to go to master\n" "git checkout master\n" "# if your changes need to go to draft\n" "git checkout draft\n" "\n" "# and then:\n" "git checkout -b \"/\"" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:228 msgid "" "After you make your changes, commit them and push to your fork. For a " "detailed description of how to use Git in terminal in case of this workflow, " "go to :ref:`forking_gitlab`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:230 msgid "" "# make sure everything is correct\n" "make html\n" "git status\n" "git diff\n" "# add all of the files\n" "git add .\n" "# commit your changes\n" "git commit\n" "# submit your changes to your fork\n" "git push" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:243 msgid "" "Finally, go to the website of the original repository (make sure you're on " "the correct branch, `master` or `draft`), and then to Merge Requests. Select " "your fork and the correct branch and create a new merge request. For " "instruction on how to fill the fields, see :ref:`new-merge-request`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:249 msgid "Guidelines for new merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:251 msgid "" "Your commit messages should conform to standards explained here: `How to " "Write a Git Commit Message `_" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:253 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Title` and :guilabel:`Description` should explain what changes " "did you make and why did you make them, just like a commit message, so " "follow the guidelines from the link above in this case, too." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:255 msgid "" ":guilabel:`Target` should point to ``draft``, unless your changes contain " "only typo fixes." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:257 msgid "" "If you're sure the merge request will demand some changes later, start the " "title of your merge request with :code:`[WIP]`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:259 msgid "" "Make sure you checked :guilabel:`Allow commits from members who can merge to " "the target branch.` -- it is often needed for technical reasons that merge " "request is rebased on master, which technically changes the merge request, " "but it doesn't change the actual content of it. Rebase can be done by you or " "by the reviewer -- if you don't want to be bothered later too much, better " "check this checkbox so the reviewer can do it themselves with only a few " "clicks." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:261 msgid "" "You can safely check :guilabel:`Delete source branch when merge request is " "accepted` in most cases." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:263 msgid "" "Unless your reviewers tell you otherwise, check :guilabel:`Squash commits " "when merge request is accepted`. The first line of the commit message will " "come from the :guilabel:`Title` of your merge request and the rest of it " "will be taken from the :guilabel:`Description` of the merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:265 msgid "" "When you finish creating your merge request, go to IRC and ask someone with " "push access to add the ``Needs Review`` label on your merge request." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:267 msgid "" "You might get feedback on your merge request if it has mistakes. Just fix " "the mistakes in your branch in one of the following ways." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:269 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`Edit` mode, just go to :guilabel:`Changes` " "section of the merge request and click on the pencil icon (with a tooltip " "that says `Edit`) to use the Edit mode again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:271 msgid "" "If you want to use :guilabel:`WebIDE` mode, go to your fork, select the " "branch your changes are on and go to the WebIDE." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:273 msgid "" "If you edit files on your computer and work with terminal, make sure you're " "on the correct branch and push your changes - gitlab will update your merge " "request automatically." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:275 msgid "" "After making changes, make sure you ask someone to change the label to " "``Needs Review`` again." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:278 msgid "" "For more detailed information, check out :ref:`forking_gitlab` in the " "technical section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:282 msgid "" "At the time of writing this guide setting labels on merge requests is only " "possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If " "you don't know what that means, you're most probably not one of them). " "Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need to " "get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for " "you." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:286 msgid "General philosophy" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:288 msgid "" "This is for determining what is an appropriate writing style. A writing " "style, whether we consider its practical or aesthetic qualities, is usually " "underpinned by a goal or general philosophy. What do we want to achieve with " "the manual, and for whom is the manual meant?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:291 msgid "Demographics and target audience(s)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:293 msgid "" "We cannot talk about a demographic in the sense that we know all Krita users " "are 55 year old men. Krita is used by a hugely different amount of people, " "and we are actually kind of proud that we have such a varied userbase." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:295 msgid "Despite that, we know a couple of things about our users:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:297 msgid "They are artists. This is explicitly the type of users that we target." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:299 msgid "Therefore, we know they prefer pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:300 msgid "They are visual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:301 msgid "They are trying to achieve pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:303 msgid "" "Therefore, the implicit goal of each page would be to get the feature used " "for pretty pictures." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:305 msgid "Other than that, we've observed the following groups:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:307 msgid "" "High-school and college students trying out drawing software for " "illustrations. These usually have some previous experience with drawing " "software, like Painttool Sai or Photoshop, but need to be introduced to " "possibilities in :program:`Krita`. This group's strength is that they share " "a lot of information with each other like tips and tricks and tutorials." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:308 msgid "" "Professionals, people who earn their money with digital drawing software. " "The strength of this group is that they have a lot of know-how and are " "willing to donate to improve the program. These come in two types:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:310 msgid "" "Non technical professionals. These are people who do not really grasp the " "more mathematical bits of a piece of software, but have developed solid " "workflows over the years and work with software using their finely honed " "instincts. These tend to be illustrators, painters and people working with " "print." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:311 msgid "" "Technical professionals. These are people who use :program:`Krita` as part " "of a pipeline, and care about the precise maths and pixel pushing. These " "tend to be people working in the games and VFX industry, but occasionally " "there's a scientist in there as well." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:313 msgid "" "Adult and elderly hobbyists. This group doesn't know much about computers, " "and they always seem to get snagged on that one little step missing from a " "tutorial. Their strength as a group is that they adapt unconventional " "workflows from real life that the student wouldn't know about and the " "professional has no time for and create cool stuff with that, as well as " "that they have a tempering effect on the first group in the larger community." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:315 msgid "From these four groups..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:317 msgid "" "there's only one that is technical. Which is why we need the concept pages, " "so that we can create a solid base to write our manual texts on top of." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:318 msgid "" "three of them likely have previous experience with software and may need " "migration guides and be told how." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:319 msgid "" "two of them need to know how to get Krita to cooperate with other software." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:320 msgid "" "two of them have no clue what they are doing and may need to be guided " "through the most basic of steps." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:322 msgid "From that we can get the following rules:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:325 msgid "General Writing" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:327 msgid "Use American English if possible." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:328 msgid "" "We use American English in the manual, in accordance to Krita's UI being " "American English by default." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:329 msgid "Keep the language polite, but do not use academic language." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:330 msgid "" "As a community, we want to be welcoming to the users, so we try to avoid " "language that is unwelcoming. Swearing is already not condoned by KDE, but " "going to the far other end, an academic style where neither writer nor " "reader is acknowledged might give the idea that the text is far more complex " "than necessary, and thus scare away users." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:331 msgid "Avoid using gifs (open for debate)" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:332 msgid "" "The reason is that people with epilepsy may be affected by fast moving " "images. Similarly, gifs can sometimes carry too much of the burden of " "explanation. If you can't help but use gifs, at the least notify the reader " "of this in the introduction of the page." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "Keep it translation compatible" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:334 msgid "" "This consists of using svg for infographics, and using the appropriate " "markup for a given text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:337 msgid "Regarding photos and paintings" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:339 msgid "" "I would like to discourage photos and traditional paintings in the manual if " "they are not illustrating a concept. The reason is that it is very silly and " "a little dishonest to show Rembrandt's work inside the Krita GUI, when we " "have so many modern works that were made in Krita. All of the pepper&carrot " "artwork was made in Krita and the original files are available, so when you " "do not have an image handy, start there. Photos should be avoided because " "Krita is a painting program. Too many photos can give the impression Krita " "is trying to be a solution for photo retouching, which really isn't the " "focus." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:340 msgid "" "Of course, we still want to show certain concepts in play in photos and " "master paintings, such as glossing or indirect light. In this case, add a " "caption that mentions the name of the painting or the painter, or mentions " "it's a photograph." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:341 msgid "" "Photos can still be used for photobashing and the like, but only if it's " "obviously used in the context of photobashing." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:344 msgid "Regarding images in general" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:346 msgid "" "Avoid text in the images and use the caption instead. You can do this with " "the figure directive." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:347 msgid "" "If you do need to use text, make either an SVG, so the text inside can be " "manipulated easier, or try to minimize the amount of text." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:348 msgid "" "Try to make your images high quality/cute. Let's give people the idea that " "they are using a program for drawing!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:349 msgid "" "Remember that the manual is licensed under GDPL 1.3, so images submitted " "will be licensed under that. In the case of CC-By-Sa/CC-By ensure that the " "file gets attributed appropriately through a figure caption. Needless to " "say, don't submit images that cannot be licensed under either license." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:352 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:354 msgid "So here we line out all the boring workflows." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:357 msgid "Tagging and Branches" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:359 msgid "Adding and removing text will be done in the ``draft`` branch." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:361 msgid "" "Proofreading results for old pages will be considered as bugfixes and thus " "will go into the ``master`` branch and merged into the ``draft`` branch as " "necessary." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:363 msgid "Before the ``draft`` branch is merged for a given release:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:365 msgid "The master branch will be tagged with the old version." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:366 msgid "" "The draft branch is first double checked that it has updated version number " "and updated epub cover." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:368 msgid "" "The ``draft`` branch will not be merged until the day before a release to " "keep the pages intact for long enough." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:370 msgid "" "Each release will have a version of the epub uploaded as part of the release " "process. .. Where do we get the POT files from? Even the translated versions?" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:374 msgid "Removing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:376 msgid "If a feature is removed in a certain version, the corresponding pages:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:378 msgid "Will first be marked deprecated." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:380 msgid "This can be done as so::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:382 msgid "" ".. deprecated:: version number\n" "\n" " Text to indicate what the user should do without this feature." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:386 msgid "Will be linked on a page called 'deprecated'" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:387 msgid "" "If the next version rolls around, all the pages linked in the deprecated " "section will be removed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:390 msgid "Adding Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:392 msgid "Ensure that it is located in the right place." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:393 msgid "" "Follow the :ref:`krita_markup_conventions` to ensure the page is formatted " "correctly." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:394 msgid "Add the page to the TOC." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:395 msgid "If the feature is new, add in versionadded::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:397 msgid "" ".. versionadded:: version number\n" "\n" " optional something or the other." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:401 msgid "" "As with images, don't add text that you do not have permission to add. This " "means that text is either written by you, or you have permission to port it " "from the original author. The manual is GDPL 1.3+ so the text will be " "relicensed under that." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:405 msgid "Changing Pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:407 msgid "" "If you fully rewrite a page, as opposed to proofreading it, the resulting " "page should be reviewed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:409 msgid "" "If you change a page because a feature has changed, and you have commit " "access, the change can be pushed without review (unless you feel more " "comfortable with a review), but you should add::" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:411 msgid "" ".. versionchanged:: version number\n" "\n" " This and that changed." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:415 msgid "" "In all cases, check if you want to add yourself to the author field in the " "metadata section on top." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:417 msgid "" "Using deprecated, versionadded and versionchanged with the version number " "allows us to easily search the manual for these terms with grep:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:422 msgid "grep -d recurse versionadded * --exclude-dir={_build,locale}" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:424 msgid "Faulty pages" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:426 msgid "If a page slips through the cracks, either..." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:428 msgid "Make a merge request per the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:429 msgid "Make a task at the `Manual Project Workboard`_." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:430 msgid "" "Make a bug at `bugzilla`_ under the project Krita in the section " "'documentation'." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:433 msgid "Proofreading" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:435 msgid "There are two types of proofreading that needs to be done." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:437 msgid "" "The most important one is **reviewing changes people make**. You can do this " "on `KDE_gitlab`_ in two ways:" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:439 msgid "Reviewing merge requests" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:441 msgid "" "You can help review merge requests. Request reviewing is usually done by " "programmers to find mistakes in each other's code, but because programming " "code is text based just like regular text, we can use this to check against " "typos as well!" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:443 msgid "" "A merge request, is an amount of changes done in a document (added, removed) " "put into a machine readable file. When someone submits a review request (on " "system like gitlab or github this is a merge or pull request), people who " "maintain the original files will have to look them over and can make " "comments about things needing to change. This allows them to comment on " "things like typos, over-complicated writing but also things that are " "incorrect. After a patch has been accepted it can be pushed into the version " "control system." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:445 msgid "Commenting on changes in the manual." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:447 msgid "" "Commenting changes happens after the fact. You can comment on a change by " "going to the commit message (from the repository page, go to history and " "then click on an entry), where you will be able to make comments on the " "changes made." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:449 msgid "" "In both cases, the interface consists of the difference being shown, with on " "the left the old version, and on the right the new version. Lines that have " "been added will be marked in green while lines that have been removed will " "be marked with red. You can click a speech bubble icon to add an 'inline' " "comment." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:451 msgid "" "The second major way the manual needs to be proofread is **over the whole " "file**. Many of the pages have only been checked for correctness but not for " "style and grammar." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:453 msgid "" "For this you will need to follow the :ref:`making_changes_sphinx` section, " "so that you can have full access to the pages and edit them." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:456 msgid "Translating" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:458 msgid "" "Translation of the manual is handled by the `KDE localization community " "`_. To join the translation effort, go to the " "localization site, select the list of `translation teams `_, select the language you wish to translate for, and " "follow the instructions on the team page to get in contact with fellow " "translators." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:460 msgid "" "The localization team has access to the PO files for this manual, which is a " "file type used by translation programs like POEdit and Lokalize. A " "translation team is able to work together on translating these files and " "uploading them to the translations SVN. A special script will then take the " "translations from the SVN and bring them to the manual section to be " "incorporated on a daily basis." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:462 msgid "" "Images can be translated if a translation team wants to provide their own " "images. All images in the image folder are by default for 'en'. When you " "want to translate a specific image, go into that folder and add another " "folder with your language code to add in the translated versions of images. " "So Sphinx will search for a dutch version of :file:`/images/Pixels-" "brushstroke.png` at :file:`/images/nl/Pixels-brushstroke.png` and for a " "dutch version of :file:`/images/dockers/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png` in :file:" "`/images/dockers/nl/Krita-tutorial2-I.1-2.png`." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:464 msgid "" "Finished translations also need to be added to the build script to show up " "online. Translator teams which are confident in the state of their " "translation should contact the main Krita team via the kimageshop " "mailinglist(kimageshop@kde.org), or foundation@krita.org, to accomplish this." msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:467 msgid "Other" msgstr "" #: ../../contributors_manual/krita_manual_readme.rst:469 msgid "" "For restructured text conventions, check :ref:`krita_markup_conventions`." msgstr "" diff --git a/untranslatable_pages/building_krita.rst b/untranslatable_pages/building_krita.rst index 4310bbd4b..cf64d2859 100644 --- a/untranslatable_pages/building_krita.rst +++ b/untranslatable_pages/building_krita.rst @@ -1,281 +1,281 @@ .. meta:: :description: Guide to building Krita from source. .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Boudewijn Rempt - Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier - images and latter parts by David Revoy :license: GNU free documentation license 1.3 or later. .. _building_krita: ========================== Building Krita from Source ========================== If you want to help developing Krita, or if you want to run the latest version of Krita on macOS, you need to know how to build Krita yourself. If you merely want to run the latest version of Krita on Windows or Linux, to test a bug or play with, you can use the `nightly build for Windows `_ or the `nightly build for Linux `_ .. contents:: You can build Krita on Linux, Windows and OSX. The libraries Krita needs (for instance to load and save various image types) are called dependencies. Linux is the easiest operating system to build Krita on because all the libraries that Krita needs are available on most recent Linux distributions. For an easy guide to building Krita see `Building Krita on Linux for Cats `_. On OSX you can use tools like homebrew to get the dependencies, or build the dependencies manually. Building the dependencies manually is recommended because we have a number of changes to the source for libraries to make them function better with Krita. On Windows you will have to build the dependencies yourself. The build instructions for OSX/macOS and Windows are maintained as part of `Krita's source code repository `__. You will need to VERY carefully follow these instructions. Building on Linux ----------------- This page only deals with building Krita on Linux. However, some remarks are the same for all operating systems, especially when it comes to running cmake and dealing with errors. You need to be familiar with using a terminal. -There are two options: you can either build Krita in your home directory, or use `Docker `_, which makes setting up a development environment easier. +There are two options: you can either build Krita in your home directory, or use :ref:`Docker `, which makes setting up a development environment easier. Preparing your development environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_001-init-dir_001_by-deevad.jpg The most convenient layout is as follows: * $HOME/kritadev/krita -- the source code * $HOME/kritadev/build -- the location where you compile krita * $HOME/kritadev/install -- the location where you install krita to and run krita from we will call the "kritadev" folder your build root. Note: type in what's shown after '>' in the following commands .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~>mkdir kritadev you@yourcomputer:~/>cd kritadev you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev> mkdir build you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev> mkdir install Getting the Source Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_002-git-clone_001_by-deevad.jpg Open a terminal and enter the build root. Clone Krita from kde's git infrastructure (not github): .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev> git clone git://anongit.kde.org/krita.git Configuring the Build ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_004-configure_001_by-deevad.jpg .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev> cd build Krita uses cmake (https://cmake.org) to define how Krita is built on various platforms. You first need to run cmake to generate the build system, in the :file:`kritadevs/build` directory, then run make to make Krita, then run make install to install krita. .. code:: you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/build>cmake ../krita \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/kritadev/install \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DKRITA_DEVS=ON .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_003-get-libs_001_by-deevad.jpg Unless you have installed all the dependencies Krita needs, on first running cmake, cmake will complain about missing dependencies. For instance: .. code:: -- The following RECOMMENDED packages have not been found: * GSL, Required by Krita's Transform tool. This is not an error, and you can fix this by installing the missing package using your distribution's package manager. Do not download these packages manually from the source website and build them manually. Do use your distribution's package manager to find the right packages. For example, for Ubuntu, you can start with: .. code:: you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/build>apt-get build-dep krita Which will install all the dependencies of the version of Krita in the repositories. However, the development version might use different dependencies, to find these, you can use ``apt-cache search``: .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/build>apt-cache search quazip libquazip-dev - C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (development files, Qt4 build) libquazip-doc - C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (documentation) libquazip-headers - C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (development header files) libquazip1 - C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (Qt4 build) libquazip5-1 - C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (Qt5 build) libquazip5-dev - C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (development files, Qt5 build) libquazip5-headers - C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (development header files, Qt5 build) You will want to get the 'dev' library here, because you're doing dev, and then Krita is using Qt5, so select that one. If this doesn't help, check the `Ubuntu packages search `_. If all dependencies have been installed, cmake will output something like this: .. code:: console -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/boud/dev/b-krita **Until that is shown, cmake has not succeeded and you cannot build Krita.** When this is shown, you can build Krita: .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_005-build_001_by-deevad.jpg .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/build> make You can speed this up by enabling multithreading. To do so, you first figure out how many threads your processor can handle: .. code:: console cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l Then, add the resulting number with -j (for 'Jobs') at the end, so for example: .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/build> make -j4 Installing ~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_006-installing_by-deevad.jpg When the build has fully succeeded, you can install: .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/build> make install And when that is complete, you can run Krita: .. code:: you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/build>../install/bin/krita Environment Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, to get Krita to work by just typing ``krita`` into the terminal, we'll need to set up some environment variables. This will allow your system to know where Krita is located. .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_007-making-path_by-deevad.jpg Let's show to your system the right path, inside a terminal, copy line by line : .. code:: console export KDEDIRS=$HOME/kritadev/install:$KDEDIRS export PATH=$HOME/kritadev/install/bin:$PATH You will now be able to run Krita by typing ``krita`` into the terminal. .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_008-running-success_by-deevad.jpg Environment variables are never permanent. So we need to configure the system to set them each time you login. To set them at any login, write them with your favorite text editor at the end of your :file:`~/.profile` file (on certain distributions, the profile is named xprofile, check the hidden files in your :file:`home/{your-user-name}` folder). Updating ~~~~~~~~ .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_009-want-update_by-deevad.jpg Now, Krita is in constant development, so you will want to update your build from time to time. Maybe a cool feature got in, or a bug was fixed, or you just want the latest source. .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_010-git-update_by-deevad.jpg First, we get the new source from the git repository: .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~> cd ~/kritadev/krita/ you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/krita> git pull If you want to get the code from a specific branch, you will need to ``checkout`` that branch first: .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/krita> git checkout you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/krita> git pull .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_011-git-update-success_by-deevad.jpg Then, we build again: .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/krita> cd ~/kritadev/build/ you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/build> make install If you update daily, you might want to automate these command by making your own minimal bash script. Trouble Shooting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_012-git-update-fail_by-deevad.jpg The recent development version might break, or sometime be just unusable. Experimental changes are made daily. This will affect your productivity if you don't know how to 'go back in time' (for example, your favorite brush doesn't work anymore). But if you know how to do it, *no issue can really affect you*, because you know how to come back to a previous state. .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_013_by-deevad.jpg To travel the source in time we need to read the timeline history. The terminal tool for it is ``git log``. .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~> cd ~/kritadev/krita/ you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/krita> git log With git log, you can consult all the last changes to the code, the 'commit'. What we're interested in is the long identification number, the 'git hash' (such as ``cca5819b19e0da3434192c5b352285b987a48796``). You can scroll the ``git log``, copy the ID number then quit(letter :kbd:`Q` on keyboard). Then time-travel in your source directory: .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/krita> git checkout cca5819b19e0da3434192c5b352285b987a48796 you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/krita> git pull And, we build again: .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/krita> cd ~/kritadev/build/ you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/build> make install .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_intro_by-deevad.jpg To update again to the actual and 'fresh from a minute ago' source-code named ``master``, simply ask git to come back to it with ``git checkout`` then ``pull`` to update : .. code:: console you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/krita> git checkout master you@yourcomputer:~/kritadev/krita> git pull Common problems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_012-git-update-fail_by-deevad.jpg Outside of the source being unstable, there's the following common problems: * The most common problem is a missing dependency. Install it. A missing dependency is not an "error" that you need to report to the other Krita developers. * A dependency can also be too old. CMake will report when the version of a dependency is too old. That is also not an "error". You might need to update your Linux installation to a newer version. * You can also have a successful build, then update your linux installation, and then find that Krita no longer builds. A library got updated, and you need to remove the ``CMakeCache.txt`` file in your build dir and run cmake again. * Sometimes, changes in Krita's source code from git revision to git revision make it necessary to make your installation and/or build dir empty and build from scratch. One example is where a plugin is removed from Krita; the plugin will be in your install dir, and won't get updated when Krita's internals change. diff --git a/untranslatable_pages/intro_hacking_krita.rst b/untranslatable_pages/intro_hacking_krita.rst index 9b96ca21c..821c87aa9 100644 --- a/untranslatable_pages/intro_hacking_krita.rst +++ b/untranslatable_pages/intro_hacking_krita.rst @@ -1,322 +1,322 @@ .. meta:: :description: Introduction to hacking Krita. .. metadata-placeholder :authors: - Michael Abrahams - Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier - Boudewijn Rempt - Agata Cacko :license: GNU free documentation license 1.3 or later. .. _gitlab : https://invent.kde.org .. _repository : https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita .. _bugzilla : https://bugs.kde.org/ .. _Krita developer IRC : https://krita.org/irc/ .. _API guide : https://api.kde.org/extragear-api/graphics-apidocs/krita/html/index.html .. _intro_hacking_krita: ============================= Introduction to Hacking Krita ============================= .. contents:: Getting started with KDE Software --------------------------------- Krita is a great place to start even if you are brand new to KDE development. We'd love to have you join! You'll be able to work on one of the coolest and fastest-growing open source painting programs out there. Krita also benefits from a modular architecture and the use of the KDE Frameworks and Qt libraries, which makes it easier to focus on new features instead of reinventing the wheel. And it makes coding fun! To work on Krita, you have to use C++ and Qt. It's a good way to learn both, actually! KDE has undergone big changes since a major `2014 reorganization `_. As a result, working with KDE software has never been easier. Unfortunately, since the changes were so widespread, the documentation has not caught up at all. If you are embarking on this journey, it would be very generous to share your discoveries with others and update pages. (= Getting Started --------------- Here's some links to get your started. #. Most important, the `repository`_. There is a `mirror on Github `_, however note that we do not use Github for development, do not create pull requests or file issues on github. #. KDE Developer wiki - The KDE Techbase Wiki has instructions for new developers. On top of basic tools like C++, git, and general notions such as building software libraries, some special tools that are particular to Krita are Qt, CMake, and KDE Frameworks. It can be very helpful to get started by finding some of the articles discussing these tools and reading up. Here are some of the more useful pages to get you started: * https://techbase.kde.org/Development * https://techbase.kde.org/Contribute * https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Git/Configuration * https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials * https://booki.flossmanuals.net/kde-guide/ * https://doc.qt.io/ Qt has some of the best documentation of any software library. #. Set up your development environment and build Krita! #. Find a few bugs to fix in `KDE's Bugtracking system `_. It's often a good idea to get some experience with the code through fixing bugs, to get familiar with the development process without being overwhelmed. Though there's nothing against working on that cool feature that scratches your itch! #. If you intend to be a regular contributor to Krita, even just for bugreports and feature discussion, the first thing you will want to do is register for a `KDE Identity account `_. This serves as your mostly-universal login to KDE code repositories and websites. Building Krita -------------- .. image:: /images/untranslatable/cat_guide/Krita-building_for-cats_intro_by-deevad.jpg -To get started, all you need to do is get a copy of Krita and build it! This is not all that much much different from building something off GitHub... except that Krita is a very large compared to most software. There are :ref:`build guides ` to get you going on various platforms, but of course Linux is easiest. +To get started, all you need to do is get a copy of Krita and build it! This is not all that much much different from building something off GitHub... except that Krita is very large compared to most software. There are :ref:`build guides ` to get you going on various platforms, but of course Linux is easiest. Working with the Krita codebase ------------------------------- Here's some pointers for working with our codebase. Architecture The code base changes all the time with Krita, we're not afraid of big refactorings, so there is no up to date documentation on the code architecture. There have been some written in the past, but they quickly became outdated and of little use. There is a fairly up to date `API guide`_ if you want to look at how the code is structured. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) The most popular IDEs that we use are Qt Creator, Emacs, KDevelop, or vim. Qt Creator has the advantage of the ctrl-k menu, which lets you leap to classes, lines, everywhere. You don't have to build with Qt Creator though! It can be easier to jump to the terminal, do a 'make', check what's up, and then jump back to the IDE. Resources The most important step to learning the code is to really understand memory management: pointers, smart pointers and pointer arithmetic. This is something that Java and C# developers will need to spend a little more time understanding. Here are a couple resources to get you more familiar with C++ and Qt: * `Qt Concepts `_ * `Design Patterns with Qt `_ * C++ in a Nutshell by O'Reilly (book) Debugging ~~~~~~~~~ There are large and small problems. For small problems the debugger in Qt Creator (run external application) or adding qDebug messages to the code is fine. If the problem is difficult, the first step should always be to write a unit test. A small bit of code that follows a set pattern and exercises the faulty code and shows the problem. That helps so much figuring out a fix and keeping it fixed. When you run a debug build of Krita, you may be surprised how little debug output you see. This is because most of Krita's debugging information is turned off by default. The debug statements are grouped into categories such as ``dbgUI``, ``dbgKrita`` and so on. The output categories are controlled by an environment variable ``QT_LOGGING_RULES``. The list of Krita's debug categories is contained in ``kis_debug.h`` and ``main.cc``, and the rules for the environment variable are described in the `Qt reference for QLoggingCategory `_. As an example, to enable most of Krita's debug output, you can run the following: ``export QT_LOGGING_RULES="krita*=true"; krita`` Using the rule ``*=true`` will produce a firehose, if you want it. Tips when Tackling Issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features and Refactorings Sometimes you just know that a lot of work is going to be needed to reach a particular goal. These will go in separate feature branches off 'master'. Performance Improvements Sometimes you don't feel like working on a feature -- or someone mentioned something being particularly slow. The first thing to do then is carry out that scenario when Krita runs under `callgrind `_ and `vtune `_. These tools show bottlenecks at the end of a run. It's important to use both, since both give different insights! Bugs Sometimes you rummage around the bugs on b.k.o to see what looks like a nice Saturday morning fix. Sometimes a bug is really urgent (like all data loss bugs). Sometimes someone on IRC or the forum mentions a bug. The first thing to do is reproduce it. The second thing is to look in the code to see what is going on. If it's a crash bug, especially one that seems mysterious, it might help to google for a few of the key lines in the backtrace. Sometimes it's a distribution issue! Blockers If you are helping with Krita and your progress is being blocked by something - let us know! Talk with us on the `Krita developer IRC`_ and we will see what we can do to help! Calligra and Krita ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In October 2015, the Krita project separated from the rest of the Calligra office suite. The new repository still clearly contains this history. Most source code files will have one of two prefixes. "Ko" stands for KOffice, the original name of Calligra office suite. These files mostly comprise basic, lower-level libraries. "Kis" stands for KImageShop, the original name of Krita. These files are where most of the painting-specific functionality is maintained. Krita 2.9 stable is built from the Calligra repo. Krita 3.x and above is built from the Krita repo. Style guidelines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See ``HACKING`` in the codebase. Development Philosophy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Krita is nearly ten years old, consists of something like a million lines of code, and has had many individual contributors throughout the years. If you run into something in the code that doesn't make sense to you, it may very well not make sense to anyone. Developing a codebase this large is an art form, you should feel confident in making risky changes even if you're not sure they'll work, you can always go back with ``git checkout -- *`` if you mess it up! Getting in Touch ---------------- If you're working on a bug fix, or maybe a bit of GUI polish, you might get stumped. The best thing to do then is to get in touch with the rest of the Krita team. Part of the fun of working on an open source application is the community, after all! Join us on ``#krita on irc.freenode.net`` (keep in mind that most people are in Europe or India) and just ask your question. Stay around, especially if you don't get an answer immediately. Some of the developers have their irc client open permanently and will often answer questions hours later! You can also send mail to the mailinglist: ``kimageshop@kde.org``. It's better not to send mail to individual developers directly, you might accidentally pick someone who hasn't got the answer, and miss the chance of getting your question answered by another Krita developer. Contributing Patches -------------------- .. edit me! add links to techbase for gitlab, not sure if they're written yet. Patch review and development tracking happens on `gitlab`_. To log in, enter your KDE Identity in the LDAP login field. You can join the `Krita: Next `_. If you are used to Github, `the transition to gitlab is not difficult `_, but it is slightly different. To push to invent.kde.org, you will not need to have SSH access setup, but you do KDE identity account. If several of your merge requests are accepted, you can get a commiter's account, which will allow you to push directly to the repositories. You can read more about that here: `Getting a developer account `_ .. attention:: Since moving to the gitlab instance, we don't use ``git@git.kde.org:krita`` but rather ``git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita``. Gitlab will not be able to see your commits if you push to the former. You can use ``git remote set-url origin git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita`` to get everything pointing correctly. So then, how does an aspiring contributor submit patches? .. _forking_gitlab: Forking on Gitlab ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Forking on gitlab is done by going to the `repository`_ and pressing :guilabel:`fork`. You will then make a personal fork of the repository. Your fork will probably be located here: :: https://invent.kde.org//krita #. In your fork, you press :guilabel:`clone` to get the git urls to do the ``git clone`` from. You can then pull and push your commits from these. .. code-block:: bash # for ssh access - git clone git@invent.kde.org:/krita.git + git clone git@invent.kde.org:/docs-krita-org.git # for https access - git clone https://invent.kde.org//krita.git + git clone https://invent.kde.org//docs-krita-org.git You can also use the :guilabel:`Web IDE` to make your changes directly on invent.kde.org, but because Krita is a c++ program, we don't recommend this outside of typo fixes and doxygen documentation strings. You wouldn't be able to see the effect of your changes, after all! #. Set up a new remote which points to the official repository, so you'll be able to update your local master branch. .. code-block:: bash # for ssh access - git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:kde/krita.git + git remote add upstream git@invent.kde.org:websites/docs-krita-org.git # for https access - git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/kde/krita.git + git remote add upstream https://invent.kde.org/websites/docs-krita-org.git After that, you can see all of your urls using: .. code-block:: bash git remote --verbose As you can see, `origin` points to your fork, while `upstream` points to the official repository. #. Create a new branch and checkout to it. .. code-block:: bash git checkout -b "/" #. Make your first fix, push everything to your branch in your fork. .. code-block:: bash # make sure you didn't leave any unnecessary debug or unfinished code git diff # stage all changes git add . # make sure that all added files are the ones you want to have in your commit git status # commit changes (here, write a commit messages that follows the rules) git commit # push to your branch git push .. attention:: Make sure all of your commits go to your own branch, not onto master. #. Once you're done, login to the KDE gitlab instance, go to :menuselection:`merge requests` and press :guilabel:`new merge request` #. Make sure your merge request is between the branch from your fork and the official master branch. #. Write a detailed description about the changes that you are proposing with your merge request. If it is a change in the user interface, it would be good if you can provide screenshots through attachments. .. tip:: The Krita repository has a merge request template that labels your request appropriately and gives a checklist of common formalities that all patches should adhere to. You can select it from the :guilabel:`Template` drop down. The Krita developers will be notified of new merge requests, and they will try to review your request as soon as possible. If you suspect your patch slipped through the cracks, don't hesitate to contact us through the means described above. Update the master branch in your fork ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After working for some time, you may want to update the master branch of your fork to be in sync with the master branch of the official repository. #. Checkout the master branch in your working environment. .. code-block:: bash git checkout master #. Pull changes from the official repository. .. code-block:: bash git pull --ff-only upstream master #. Push it to your fork. .. code-block:: bash git push The other possibility is to just delete the fork you worked previously on and create another one -- it will be up-to-date with official repository's master branch already. Label workflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Make sure the state of your merge request is labeled correctly. The picture below shows the basic label workflow that your merge request should go through: .. image:: /images/untranslatable/Merge_Request_Label_Workflow.png :width: 1000px #. When you create a merge request, mark it with WIP to make sure no one will accidentally merge your request prematurely. #. When you finish your work, label it with ``Needs Review``. That will let developers know your merge request is ready. #. A Krita developer will read and test your merge request. After that they will write comments and label the merge request accordingly: * If the merge request is ready to be merged, with ``Approved`` label. * If it requires changes to proceed, with ``Needs Changes`` label. #. If your merge request is in ``Needs Changes`` state, please address the concerns of the reviewer and submit the code to your branch. Gitlab will update your merge request accordingly. Add ``Needs Review`` label to your MR again. #. When your merge request is in the ``Approved`` state, you can either merge the code yourself to master if you have developer access, or wait for KDE developer to do it for you. .. attention:: If you have developer access and merge someone's merge request to the repository, you are partially responsible for the code. * Don't merge MRs that weren't approved! * Read and test extensively all MRs before you approve or merge! .. note:: In time of writing, setting labels on merge requests were only possible by contributors with write access to the official repository. (If you don't know what that means, that probably means you're not one of them). Because of that, when you create or change your merge request you need you get on IRC (see :ref:`the_krita_community`) and ask someone to label it for you. How to prepare your commits for a merge request ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After merging to master, your commits should fit nicely in the Krita git history. * Commit messages should clearly and concisely state what changes you made with that particular commit and why -- see `How to Write a Git Commit Message `_. * Every commit should be compilable and follow the KDE commit guidelines -- see `KDE Commit Policy `_. * Commits should be self-contained: if you code a bigger feature, it's better if you divide the code into bits that can possibly exist independently. * When you add new features during the development, it's fine to add new commits. * If you only need to fix previous commits, don't add new ones -- instead, amend the ones that you made before and force-push your new commits to the branch in your fork. .. code-block:: bash # if you already committed your changes... git commit # ...add all changed files the "staged" state git add . # and amend the previous commit git commit --amend .. note:: You can only force-push to your own branch on your own fork. If you need to remove changes from one of the commits that are already in the official repository, please use ``git revert``. * When you want to reduce the number of commits: * you can squash them before making a merge request. * if you have developer access, you can squash the commits just before merging with master. * See the `Beginner's guide to rebasing and squashing `_ for further guidance. * Your work should go to a new branch, instead of master. * Your commits will be rebased and put in master using fast-forward merge. If you need a manual merge (if, for example, you're working on a big feature) and you don't have the commit access, please contact a Krita developer. .. https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=288&t=125955