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If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. # # import os # import sys # sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- project = 'Krita Manual' propername = 'Krita Manual' description = 'The official Krita Documentation' copyright = 'licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3+ unless stated otherwise' author = 'Krita Foundation' import os import subprocess # Get the git description if possible, to put it in the footer. try: gitcommitfriendly = subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe", "--always"]).decode("utf-8").strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: gitcommitfriendly = None # We use the full githash for the epub identifier, if not, use the release number. try: gitcommithash = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).decode("utf-8").strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: gitcommithash = release # The short X.Y version version = '4.0' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags release = '4.0.3' # -- General configuration --------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. # # needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'sphinx.ext.coverage', 'sphinx.ext.ifconfig', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode', 'sphinx.ext.githubpages', ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix(es) of source filenames. # You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string: # # source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md'] source_suffix = '.rst' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. # # This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. # Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. language = 'en' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. # This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path . exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store'] -html_extra_path = ['.htaccess'] # copy over .htaccess file to each langaguge +html_extra_path = ['.htaccess', '404.php'] # copy over .htaccess file to each langaguge # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # A string of reStructuredText that will be included at the end of every source file that is read. # This is a possible place to add substitutions that should be available in every file (another being rst_prolog). rst_epilog = """ .. |mouseleft| image:: /images/icons/Krita_mouse_left.png .. |mouseright| image:: /images/icons/Krita_mouse_right.png .. |mousemiddle| image:: /images/icons/Krita_mouse_middle.png .. |mousescroll| image:: /images/icons/Krita_mouse_scroll.png .. |toolshapeselection| image:: /images/icons/shape_select_tool.svg .. |toolshapeedit| image:: /images/icons/shape_edit_tool.svg .. |tooltext| image:: /images/icons/text-tool.svg .. |toolcalligraphy| image:: /images/icons/calligraphy_tool.svg .. |toolgradientedit| image:: /images/icons/gradient_edit_tool.svg .. |toolpatternedit| image:: /images/icons/pattern_tool.svg .. |toolfreehandbrush| image:: /images/icons/freehand_brush_tool.svg .. |toolline| image:: /images/icons/line_tool.svg .. |toolrectangle| image:: /images/icons/rectangle_tool.svg .. |toolellipse| image:: /images/icons/ellipse_tool.svg .. |toolpolygon| image:: /images/icons/polygon_tool.svg .. |toolpolyline| image:: /images/icons/polyline_tool.svg .. |toolbeziercurve| image:: /images/icons/bezier_curve.svg .. |toolfreehandpath| image:: /images/icons/freehand_path_tool.svg .. |tooldyna| image:: /images/icons/dyna_tool.svg .. |toolmultibrush| image:: /images/icons/multibrush_tool.svg .. |toolassistant| image:: /images/icons/assistant_tool.svg .. |toolmove| image:: /images/icons/move_tool.svg .. |tooltransform| image:: /images/icons/transform_tool.svg .. |toolgrid| image:: /images/icons/grid_tool.svg .. |toolperspectivegrid| image:: /images/icons/perspectivegrid_tool.svg .. |toolmeasure| image:: /images/icons/measure_tool.svg .. |toolcolorpicker| image:: /images/icons/color_picker_tool.svg .. |toolfill| image:: /images/icons/fill_tool.svg .. |toolgradient| image:: /images/icons/gradient_drawing_tool.svg .. |toolcolorizemask| image:: /images/icons/colorizemask_tool.svg .. |toolsmartpatch| image:: /images/icons/smart_patch_tool.svg .. |toolcrop| image:: /images/icons/crop_tool.svg .. |toolselectrect| image:: /images/icons/rectangular_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectellipse| image:: /images/icons/elliptical_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectpolygon| image:: /images/icons/polygonal_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectpath| image:: /images/icons/path_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectoutline| image:: /images/icons/outline_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectcontiguous| image:: /images/icons/contiguous_select_tool.svg .. |toolselectsimilar| image:: /images/icons/similar_select_tool.svg .. |toolpan| image:: /images/icons/pan_tool.svg .. |toolzoom| image:: /images/icons/zoom_tool.svg """ # -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. # html_theme = 'theme' html_theme_path = ['.'] # make sphinx search for themes in current dir # the favicon has a property to set it in the documentation, but we don't need to use this # sphinx appears to automatically search in the theme folder and find the file #html_favicon = './theme/static/images/favicon.ico' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. # html_theme_options = { 'sticky_navigation': True, 'collapse_navigation': True, 'prev_next_buttons_location': 'bottom' } # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['theme/static'] # Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names # to template names. # # The default sidebars (for documents that don't match any pattern) are # defined by theme itself. Builtin themes are using these templates by # default: ``['localtoc.html', 'relations.html', 'sourcelink.html', # 'searchbox.html']``. # # html_sidebars = {} html_title = project + " version " + release html_context = { 'build_id': os.getenv('BUILD_NUMBER', None), 'build_url': os.getenv('BUILD_URL', None), 'commit' : gitcommitfriendly } # -- Options for HTMLHelp output --------------------------------------------- # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'documentationProjectNamedoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------ latex_engine = 'xelatex' latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). # # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', 'maxlistdepth': '8', 'figure_align':'ht!', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). # # 'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. # 'preamble': r''' \usepackage[export]{adjustbox} \let\oincludegraphics\includegraphics \renewcommand{\includegraphics}[2][]{ \oincludegraphics[#1,max width=\linewidth,max height=\textheight]{#2} } ''', 'tableofcontents':'\sphinxtableofcontents', # Latex figure (float) alignment # # 'figure_align': 'htbp', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ (master_doc, 'kritaManual.tex', project, author, 'manual'), ] latex_show_pagerefs=True # copy latex scripts to build dir latex_additional_files = [ "latexImageMakefile", ] # -- Internationalization Options -------------------------------------------- locale_dirs = ['locale/'] # Where the PO files will be stored at gettext_compact = False # optional. gettext_additional_targets = ['image'] # allows images to be translatable # -- Options for manual page output ------------------------------------------ # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ (master_doc, project, propername, [author], 1) ] # -- Options for Texinfo output ---------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ (master_doc, project, propername, author, project, description, 'Manual'), ] # -- Options for Epub output ------------------------------------------------- # Bibliographic Dublin Core info. # filename # epub_basename = project.replace(' ', '_') + '_' + language epub_title = project+" "+version epub_description = description # Technically speaking dublincore accepts multiple author and contributor elements, but # the sphinx builder only accepts one. epub_author = author epub_publisher = author epub_copyright = copyright epub_cover = ('_static/images/manual_cover.png', '') # The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number # or the project homepage. # The above is false and perhaps a mistake in sphinx' documentation. # epub_uid maps to id, which is the dc identifier id # which in turn should be the used scheme. if os.getenv('BUILD_ID', None) is None: # There is no uniform resource name for git, but just randomly pasting a githash is bad form. epub_identifier = 'git:'+gitcommithash epub_uid = 'githash' if gitcommithash == release: epub_uid = 'release' # there's also no urn for releases, as technically some database thing should be used for that. epub_identifier = '_'.join(['Krita_Manual_Build', language, release]) else: epub_uid = 'url' epub_identifier = os.getenv('BUILD_URL', '') # Not actually used anywhere? Docs say that this should be what the epub uid is used for but... epub_scheme = 'URL' # A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file. epub_exclude_files = ['search.html', '.htaccess', '404.xhtml'] epub_tocscope = 'includehidden' # -- Extension configuration ------------------------------------------------- # -- Options for intersphinx extension --------------------------------------- # Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. intersphinx_mapping = {'https://docs.python.org/': None} diff --git a/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/user_manual/getting_started.po b/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/user_manual/getting_started.po index d076c934d..c213c66d7 100644 --- a/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/user_manual/getting_started.po +++ b/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/user_manual/getting_started.po @@ -1,405 +1,405 @@ # SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) 2018 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Krita Manual # package. # FIRST AUTHOR , 2018. -# Elisa De Castro Guerra , 2018 +# Elisa De Castro Guerra , 2018. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Krita Manual 1.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-18 16:21+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-28 14:46+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-30 10:31+0200\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.3.4\n" "Last-Translator: Elisa De Castro Guerra \n" "Language-Team: French \n" "Language: fr_FR\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:5 msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "Pour commencer" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:7 msgid "" "Welcome to the Krita Manual! In this section, we'll try to get you up to " "speed." msgstr "" "Bienvenue sur le manuel de Krita. Dans cette section, nous essaierons de " "vous guider au mieux." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:9 msgid "" "If you are familiar with digital painting, we recommend checking out " "the :ref:`introduction_from_other_software` category, which contains " "guides that get you up to speed with Krita by comparing its functions to " "other software." msgstr "" "Si vous connaissez déjà la peinture numérique, nous vous recommandons : " -"la catégorie ref:'introduction_depuis_autre_logiciel' qui contient des " +"la catégorie ref:`introduction_depuis_autre_logiciel` qui contient des " "guides pour connaître les spécificités de Krita par rapport aux autres " "logiciels." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:11 msgid "" "If you are new to digital art, just start with :ref:`installation`, " "which deals with installing Krita, and continue on to :ref:" "`starting_with_krita`, which helps with making a new document and saving " "it, :ref:`basic_concepts`, in which we'll try to quickly cover the big " "categories of Krita's functionality, and finally, :ref:`navigation`, " "which helps you find basic usage help, such as panning, zooming and " "rotating." msgstr "" "Si vous êtes débutant en peinture numérique, nous vous conseillons de " -"commencer avec :ref'installation', pour savoir comment bien installer " -"Krita, et de continuer avec :ref:'commencer_avec_krita', expliquant " -"comment créer un premier document et l'enregistrer, :" -"ref:'concepts_basiques', dans lequel nous tentons de couvrir les " -"fonctionnalités principales de Krita, et pour finir, :ref:'navigation' " +"commencer avec :ref:`installation`, pour savoir comment bien installer " +"Krita, et de continuer avec :ref:`commencer_avec_krita`, expliquant " +"comment créer un premier document et l'enregistrer, :ref:" +"`concepts_basiques`, dans lequel nous tentons de couvrir les " +"fonctionnalités principales de Krita, et pour finir, :ref:`navigation` " "indiquant l'utilisation de base du logiciel comme se déplacer, zoomer et " "pivoter." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:13 msgid "" "When you have mastered those, you can look into the dedicated " "introduction pages for functionality in the :ref:`user_manual`, read " "through the over arching concepts behind (digital) painting in the :ref:" "`general_concepts` section, or just search the :ref:`reference_manual` " "for what a specific button does." msgstr "" "Une fois que tout cela est maîtrisé, nous vous invitons à regarder les " -"pages d'introduction dédiées des fonctionnalités dans :" -"ref:'manuel_utilisation', pour en savoir plus sur les concepts de la " -"peinture numérique lisez : ref:'general_concepts', ou cherchez dans :" -"ref:'reference_manuel' l'usage spécifique d'un bouton. " +"pages d'introduction dédiées des fonctionnalités dans :ref:" +"`manuel_utilisation`, pour en savoir plus sur les concepts de la " +"peinture numérique lisez : ref:`general_concepts`, ou cherchez dans :ref:" +"`reference_manuel` l'usage spécifique d'un bouton. " #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:25 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_left.png\n" " :alt: mouseleft" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_left.png\n" " :alt: clic gauche" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:27 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_right.png\n" " :alt: mouseright" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_right.png\n" " :alt: clic droit" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:29 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_middle.png\n" " :alt: mousemiddle" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_middle.png\n" " :alt: clic du milieu" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:31 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_scroll.png\n" " :alt: mousescroll" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_scroll.png\n" " :alt: scroll" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:33 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/shape_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolshapeselection" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/shape_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil se selection de forme" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:35 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/shape_edit_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolshapeedit" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/shape_edit_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil d'édition de forme" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:37 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/text-tool.svg\n" " :alt: tooltext" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/text-tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil texte" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:39 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/calligraphy_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolcalligraphy" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/calligraphy_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil calligraphie" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:41 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/gradient_edit_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolgradientedit" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/gradient_edit_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil d'édition de dégradé " #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:43 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/pattern_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolpatternedit" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/pattern_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil d'édition de motif" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:45 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/freehand_brush_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolfreehandbrush" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/freehand_brush_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil de brosse libre" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:47 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/line_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolline" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/line_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil ligne" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:49 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/rectangle_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolrectangle" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/rectangle_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil rectangle" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:51 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/ellipse_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolellipse" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/ellipse_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil ellipse" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:53 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/polygon_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolpolygon" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/polygon_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil polygone " #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:55 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/polyline_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolpolyline" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/polyline_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil polyligne" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:57 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/bezier_curve.svg\n" " :alt: toolbeziercurve" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/bezier_curve.svg\n" " :alt: outil courbe de bézier " #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:59 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/freehand_path_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolfreehandpath" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/freehand_path_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil libre de chemin" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:61 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/dyna_tool.svg\n" " :alt: tooldyna" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/dyna_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil dyna " #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:63 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/multibrush_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolmultibrush" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/multibrush_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil multibrosse" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:65 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/assistant_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolassistant" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/assistant_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil assistant" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:67 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/move_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolmove" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/move_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil déplacer" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:69 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/transform_tool.svg\n" " :alt: tooltransform" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/transform_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil transformation" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:71 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/grid_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolgrid" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/grid_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil grille" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:73 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/perspectivegrid_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolperspectivegrid" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/perspectivegrid_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil perspective" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:75 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/measure_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolmeasure" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/measure_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil mesure" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:77 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/color_picker_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolcolorpicker" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/color_picker_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil pipette" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:79 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/fill_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolfill" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/fill_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil remplissage" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:81 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/gradient_drawing_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolgradient" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/gradient_drawing_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil dégradé" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:83 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/colorizemask_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolcolorizemask" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/colorizemask_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil masque de colorisation" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:85 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/smart_patch_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolsmartpatch" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/smart_patch_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil clone intelligent" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:87 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/crop_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolcrop" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/crop_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil découpage" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:89 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/rectangular_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectrect" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/rectangular_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil sélection rectangulaire" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:91 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/elliptical_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectellipse" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/elliptical_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil sélection elliptique" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:93 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/polygonal_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectpolygon" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/polygonal_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil sélection polygonale" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:95 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/path_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectpath" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/path_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil sélection de chemin" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:97 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/outline_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectoutline" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/outline_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil selection de contour" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:99 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/contiguous_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectcontiguous" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/contiguous_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil de sélection contigue" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:101 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/similar_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectsimilar" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/similar_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil de sélection similaire" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:103 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/pan_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolpan" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/pan_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil déplacement du canevas" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started.rst:105 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/zoom_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolzoom" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/zoom_tool.svg\n" " :alt: zoom" diff --git a/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/user_manual/getting_started/installation.po b/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/user_manual/getting_started/installation.po index 5c64fdf6b..66b292599 100644 --- a/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/user_manual/getting_started/installation.po +++ b/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/user_manual/getting_started/installation.po @@ -1,672 +1,674 @@ -# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) 2018 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Krita Manual # package. # FIRST AUTHOR , 2018. -# Elisa De Castro Guerra , 2018 +# Elisa De Castro Guerra , 2018. +# Timo , 2018. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Krita Manual 1.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-18 16:21+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-28 18:11+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-30 13:37+0100\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Generated-By: Babel 2.3.4\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" -"Last-Translator: Elisa De Castro Guerra \n" +"Last-Translator: Timo \n" "Language-Team: French \n" "Language: fr_FR\n" -"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:17 msgid "Installation" msgstr "Installation" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:20 msgid "Windows" msgstr "Windows" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:22 msgid "" "Windows users can download the latest releases from our `website. " "`__\\ Click on 64bit or 32bit " "according to the architecture of your OS. Go to the `KDE `__ download directory to get the " "portable zip-file version of Krita instead of the setup.exe installer." msgstr "" "Les utilisateurs de Windows peuvent télécharger la dernière version " -"disponible sur notre 'site. `__\\ choisissez 64bit ou 32bit selon l'architecture de votre " -"système. Allez sur le `KDE `__dossier de téléchargement pour récupérer la version compacte du " -"logiciel plutôt que l'installeur setup.exe." +"système. Allez sur le dossier de téléchargement `KDE `__pour récupérer la version compacte " +"du logiciel plutôt que l'installeur setup.exe." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:30 msgid "" "Krita requires Windows Vista or newer. INTEL GRAPHICS CARD USERS: IF YOU " "SEE A BLACK OR BLANK WINDOW: UPDATE YOUR DRIVERS!" msgstr "" "Krita nécessite au moins Windows Vista ou des versions plus récentes de " "Windows. POUR LES UTILISATEURS DE CARTES GRAPHIQUES INTEL : SI UN ÉCRAN " "NOIR APPARAÎT OU UNE FENÊTRE NOIRE : METTEZ VOS DRIVERS À JOUR ! " #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:34 msgid "Linux" msgstr "Linux" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:36 msgid "" "Many Linux distributions package the latest version of Krita. Sometimes " "you will have to enable an extra repository. Krita runs fine under on " "desktop: KDE, Gnome, LXDE -- even though it is a KDE SC application and " "needs the KDE libraries. You might also want to install the KDE " "systemsettings module and tweak the gui theme and fonts used, depending " "on your distributions" msgstr "" "De nombreuses distributions packagent la dernière version de Krita. " "Parfois vous devez activer des dépôts externes. Krita tourne bien avec " "les gestionnaire de bureau : KDE, Gnome, LXDE -- quand bien même il " "s'agit d'une application KDE SC et nécessite des bibliothèques KDE. Vous " "aurez probablement besoin d'installer des modules de configuration " "système de KDE, personnaliser le thème graphique et les fontes selon " "votre distribution" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:44 msgid "Nautilus/Nemo file extensions" msgstr "Nautilus/Nemo extensions de fichier" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:46 msgid "" "Put here at the beginning, before we start on the many distro specific " "ways to get the program itself." msgstr "" "Mis en place dès le début, avant même de travailler sur Krita pour des " "distributions spécifiques." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:49 msgid "" "Since April 2016, KDE's Dolphin will show kra and ora thumbnails by " "default, but Nautilus and it's derivatives will need an extension. `We " "recommend Moritz Molch's extensions for XCF, KRA, ORA and PSD thumbnails " "`__." msgstr "" "Depuis avril 2016, Dolphin de KDE affiche les fichiers .kra et .ora par " "défaut, mais Nautilus et ses dérivés ont besoin, pour cela, d'une " -"extension. Nous recommandons 'celle de Moritz Molch pour afficher les " +"extension. Nous recommandons `celle de Moritz Molch pour afficher les " "vignettes des fichiers XCF, ORA et PSD `__." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:55 msgid "Appimages" msgstr "Appimages" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:57 #, python-format msgid "" "For Krita 3.0 and later, first try out the appimage from the website " "first. **90% of the time this is by far the easiest way to get the " "latest Krita.** Just download the appimage, and then use the file " "properties or the bash command chmod to make the appimage executable. " "Double click it, and enjoy Krita. (Or run it in the terminal with ./" "appimagename.appimage)" msgstr "" "Pour Krita 3.0 et suivant, essayez l'appimage que nous proposons. " "**90% du temps c'est la façon la plus simple d'avoir la dernière version " "de Krita.** Il suffit de télécharger l'appimage, et d'aller dans les " -"propriété ou d'utiliser la ligne de commande de bach chmod pour rendre " +"propriété ou d'utiliser la ligne de commande de bash chmod pour rendre " "l'appimage exécutable. Double cliquez ensuite dessus et profitez de " "Krita. (Ou dans un terminal : run ./appimagenom.appimage)" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:73 msgid "" "Appimages are ISOs with all the necessary libraries inside, meaning no " "fiddling with repositories and dependencies, at the cost of a slight bit " "more diskspace taken up(And this size would only be bigger if you were " "using Plasma to begin with)." msgstr "" "Appimage est un format d'application portable contenant toutes les " "bibliothèques nécessaires, ce qui signifie qu'il n'est pas nécessaire " "d'installer des dépôts et des dépendances, au prix d'un peu plus " "d'espace disque occupé (et la taille est plus grande uniquement si vous " "utilisiez Plasma)." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:79 msgid "Ubuntu and Kubuntu" msgstr "Ubuntu et Kubuntu" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:81 msgid "" "It does not matter which version of Ubuntu you use, Krita will run just " "fine. However, by default, only a very old version of Krita is " "available. You should either use the appimage, or the snap available " "from Ubuntu's app store." msgstr "" "Peu importe la version d'ubuntu que vous utilisez, Krita fonctionnera " "très bien. Cependant, par défaut, seule une ancienne version de Krita " "est disponible. Vous devriez utiliser l'appimage, ou récupérer le snap " "sur la logithèque Ubuntu." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:87 msgid "OpenSUSE" msgstr "OpenSUSE" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:89 msgid "The most latest stable builds are available from KDE:Extra repo:" msgstr "" "Les dernières version stables sont disponible auprès de KDE:Extra repo:" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:91 msgid "http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Extra/" msgstr "http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Extra/" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:94 msgid "" "Krita is also in the official repos as *calligra-krita* , you can " "install it from Yast." msgstr "" "Krita est aussi dans le dépôt officiel connu sous le nom de *calligra-" "krita*, vous pouvez l'installer depuis YaST." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:97 msgid "Fedora" msgstr "Fedora" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:99 msgid "" "Krita is in the official repos as **calligra-krita** , you can install " "it by using packagekit (Add/Remove Software ) or by writing the command " "below in terminal ``yum install calligra-krita`` Or ``dnf install " "calligra-krita`` if you are using fedora 22." msgstr "" "Krita est dans le dépôt officiel sous le nom de **calligra-krita**, vous " "pouvez l'installer en utilisant packagekit (Installer/Supprimer " "Logiciel) ou avec la commande depuis un terminal ``yum install calligra-" "krita`` ou ``dnf install calligra-krita`` si vous utilisez fedora 22." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:105 msgid "Debian" msgstr "Debian" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:107 msgid "" "The latest version of Krita available in Debian is 2.6. Jessie (stable) " "has 2.8.5+dfsg-1+b2." msgstr "" "La dernière version de Krita disponible pour Debian Jessie (version " "stable) est 2.6 comme 2.8.5+dfsg-1+b2." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:111 msgid "Arch" msgstr "Arch" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:113 msgid "" "Arch Linux provides krita package in the Extra repository. You can " "install Krita by using the command below ``pacman -S krita`` You can " "install the most recent build of Krita using Yaourt repository with the " "help of command below ``yaourt -S krita-git``" msgstr "" "Arch Linux fournit le paquet Krita dans le dépôt Extra. Vous pouvez " "installer Krita en utilisant la commande ``pacman -S krita``Vous pouvez " "installer la version la plus récente de Krita en utilisant le dépôt " "Yaourt avec l'aide de la commande ``yaourt -S krita-git``" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:119 msgid "OS X" msgstr "OS X" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:122 msgid "" "Mac OSX is very experimental right now and unstable, don't use it for " "production purpose" msgstr "" "Krita pour Mac OSX est très expérimental actuellement et instable. Nous " "vous déconseillons de l'utiliser pour un usage professionnel." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:124 msgid "" "You can download the latest binary if you want from our `website " "`__. It has only been " "reported to work with Mac OSX 10.9." msgstr "" "Vous pouvez télécharger la dernière version des binaires de Krita sur " "notre site `internet `__. " "uniquement la version pour Mac OSX 10.9 fonctionne." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:129 msgid "Source" msgstr "Source" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:131 msgid "" "While it is certainly more difficult to compile Krita from source than " "it is to install from prebuilt packages, there are certain advantages " "that might make the effort worth it:" msgstr "" "Bien qu'il soit certainement plus difficile de compiler Krita depuis les " "sources que de l'installer depuis des paquets prédéfinis, il y a " "certains avantages à le faire : " #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:135 msgid "" "You can follow the development of Krita on the foot. If you compile " "Krita regularly from the development repository, you will be able to " "play withall the new features that the developers are working on." msgstr "" "Vous pouvez suivre le développement de Krita pas à pas et compiler sa " "version en développement. Vous serez en mesure de jouer pleinement avec " "les nouvelles fonctionnalités sur lesquelles les développeurs " "travaillent." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:138 msgid "" "You can compile optimized for your processor. Most pre-built packages " "are built for the lowest-common denominator." msgstr "" "Vous pouvez compiler afin d'optimiser Krita pour le processeur de votre " "ordinateur. La plupart des packages prédéfinis sont fabriqué pour les " "plus basses performances des ordinateurs." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:140 msgid "You will be getting all the bug fixes as soon as possible as well." msgstr "Vous aurez les résolutions de bug les plus récentes." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:141 msgid "" "You can help the developers by giving us your feedback on features as " "they are being developed and you can test bug fixes for us. This is " "hugely important, which is why our regular testers get their name in the " "about box just like developers." msgstr "" "Vous pouvez aider les développeurs en leur rapportant votre avis sur les " "fonctionnalités en cours de développement et vous pouvez tester les " "corrections de bug pour nous. Ceci est extrêmement important, c'est " "pourquoi nos testeurs réguliers ont leur nom dans le \"à propos\" comme " "nos développeurs." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:146 msgid "" "Of course, there are also disadvantages: when building from the current " "development source repository you also get all the unfinished features. " "It might mean less stability for a while, or things shown in the user " "interface that don't work. But in practice, there seldom is really bad " "instability, and if it is, it's easy for you to go back to a revision " "that does work." msgstr "" "Bien entendu, il y a également des désavantages : vous aurez également " "affaire à des fonctionnalités non terminées, Krita sera moins stable " "quelques temps, ou des boutons sur l'interface ne marcheront pas encore. " "Mais, en pratique, l'instabilité est plutôt rare, et si c'est le cas, " "vous pourrez toujours revenir à une version antérieure." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:153 msgid "" "So... If you want to start compiling from source, begin with the latest " "build instructions from the excellent illustrated `guide `__ by " "David Revoy." msgstr "" "Alors... si vous souhaitez compiler depuis les sources, commencez avec " "les dernières instructions illustrées par le talentueux illustrateur " "dans le `guide `__ de David Revoy." #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:158 msgid "" "There is more information and troubleshooting help on the `Calligra " "`__ wiki:" msgstr "" "Vous trouverez de plus amples informations et dépannages sur le " "`Calligra `__ wiki:" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:161 msgid "" "If you encounter any problems, or if you are new to compiling software, " "don't hesitate to contact the Krita developers. There are three main " "communication channels:" msgstr "" "Si vous rencontrez des problèmes, ou si vous débutez en compilation de " "logiciels, n'hésitez pas à contacter les développeurs Krita. Vous avez " "le choix entre trois canaux principaux de communications:" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:165 msgid "irc: irc.freenode.net, channel #krita" msgstr "irc: irc.freenode.net, channel #krita" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:166 msgid "`mailing list `__" msgstr "" "`liste de diffusion `__" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:167 msgid "`forums `__" msgstr "`forums `__" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:170 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_left.png\n" " :alt: mouseleft" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_left.png\n" " :alt: clic gauche" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:172 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_right.png\n" " :alt: mouseright" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_right.png\n" " :alt: clic droit" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:174 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_middle.png\n" " :alt: mousemiddle" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_middle.png\n" " :alt: clic du milieu" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:176 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_scroll.png\n" " :alt: mousescroll" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/Krita_mouse_scroll.png\n" " :alt: scroll" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:178 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/shape_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolshapeselection" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/shape_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil sélection de forme" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:180 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/shape_edit_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolshapeedit" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/shape_edit_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil modification de forme" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:182 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/text-tool.svg\n" " :alt: tooltext" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/text-tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil texte" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:184 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/calligraphy_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolcalligraphy" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/calligraphy_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil calligraphie" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:186 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/gradient_edit_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolgradientedit" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/gradient_edit_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil modification dégradé" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:188 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/pattern_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolpatternedit" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/pattern_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil modification motif" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:190 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/freehand_brush_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolfreehandbrush" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/freehand_brush_tool.svg\n" " :alt: brosse libre" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:192 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/line_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolline" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/line_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil ligne" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:194 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/rectangle_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolrectangle" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/rectangle_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil rectangle" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:196 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/ellipse_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolellipse" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/ellipse_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil ellipse" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:198 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/polygon_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolpolygon" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/polygon_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil polygone" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:200 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/polyline_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolpolyline" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/polyline_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil polyligne" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:202 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/bezier_curve.svg\n" " :alt: toolbeziercurve" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/bezier_curve.svg\n" " :alt: outil courbe de bézier" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:204 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/freehand_path_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolfreehandpath" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/freehand_path_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil chemin libre " #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:206 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/dyna_tool.svg\n" " :alt: tooldyna" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/dyna_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil dyna" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:208 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/multibrush_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolmultibrush" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/multibrush_tool.svg\n" " :alt: multibrosse" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:210 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/assistant_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolassistant" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/assistant_tool.svg\n" " :alt: assistant" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:212 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/move_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolmove" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/move_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil déplacement" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:214 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/transform_tool.svg\n" " :alt: tooltransform" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/transform_tool.svg\n" " :alt: transformation" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:216 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/grid_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolgrid" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/grid_tool.svg\n" " :alt: grille" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:218 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/perspectivegrid_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolperspectivegrid" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/perspectivegrid_tool.svg\n" " :alt: grille en perspective" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:220 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/measure_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolmeasure" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/measure_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil mesure" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:222 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/color_picker_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolcolorpicker" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/color_picker_tool.svg\n" " :alt: outil pipette" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:224 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/fill_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolfill" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/fill_tool.svg\n" " :alt: remplissage" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:226 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/gradient_drawing_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolgradient" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/gradient_drawing_tool.svg\n" " :alt: dégradé" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:228 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/colorizemask_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolcolorizemask" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/colorizemask_tool.svg\n" " :alt: masque de colorisation" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:230 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/smart_patch_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolsmartpatch" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/smart_patch_tool.svg\n" " :alt: clonage intelligent" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:232 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/crop_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolcrop" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/crop_tool.svg\n" " :alt: découpe" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:234 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/rectangular_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectrect" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/rectangular_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: sélection rectangulaire" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:236 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/elliptical_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectellipse" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/elliptical_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: sélection elliptique" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:238 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/polygonal_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectpolygon" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/polygonal_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: sélection polygonale" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:240 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/path_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectpath" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/path_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: sélection des chemins" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:242 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/outline_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectoutline" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/outline_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: sélection de contour" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:244 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/contiguous_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectcontiguous" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/contiguous_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: sélection continue" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:246 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/similar_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolselectsimilar" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/similar_select_tool.svg\n" " :alt: sélection similaire" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:248 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/pan_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolpan" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/pan_tool.svg\n" " :alt: déplacement du canvas" #: ../../user_manual/getting_started/installation.rst:250 msgid "" ".. image:: images/icons/zoom_tool.svg\n" " :alt: toolzoom" msgstr "" ".. image:: images/icons/zoom_tool.svg\n" " :alt: zoom" + + diff --git a/theme/static/css/theme.css b/theme/static/css/theme.css index f7790f761..4898c595a 100644 --- a/theme/static/css/theme.css +++ b/theme/static/css/theme.css @@ -1,7221 +1,7214 @@ * { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box } article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section 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