diff --git a/app/widgets/views/Browser.qml b/app/widgets/views/Browser.qml index 19ddf5d..81b09d1 100644 --- a/app/widgets/views/Browser.qml +++ b/app/widgets/views/Browser.qml @@ -1,615 +1,616 @@ import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import "../../widgets_templates" import "../terminal" import org.kde.kirigami 2.0 as Kirigami import org.kde.mauikit 1.0 as Maui import "../../Index.js" as INX Maui.Page { property string currentPath: inx.homePath() property var copyPaths : [] property var cutPaths : [] property bool isCopy : false property bool isCut : false property bool selectionMode : false property bool detailsView: false property bool previews: false property bool hidden : true property bool terminalVisible : false property bool pathExists : inx.fileExists(currentPath) property alias terminal : terminalLoader.item property alias selectionBar : selectionBar property alias grid : viewLoader.item property alias detailsDrawer: detailsDrawer property alias browserMenu: browserMenu property var previousPath: [] property var nextPath: [] property var pathType : ({ directory : 0, tags : 1, applications : 2, none: 3 }) property int currentPathType : views.none property int thumbnailsSize : iconSizes.large margins: 0 Connections { target: inx onPathModified: browser.refresh() onItemReady: browser.append(item) } BrowserMenu { id: browserMenu } DetailsDrawer { id: detailsDrawer } Component { id: listViewBrowser Maui.ListBrowser { showPreviewThumbnails: previews showEmblem: currentPathType !== pathType.applications rightEmblem: "document-share" leftEmblem: "emblem-added" } } Component { id: gridViewBrowser Maui.GridBrowser { itemSize : thumbnailsSize showEmblem: currentPathType !== pathType.applications showPreviewThumbnails: previews rightEmblem: "document-share" leftEmblem: "emblem-added" } } Connections { target: viewLoader.item onItemClicked: openItem(index) onItemDoubleClicked: { var item = viewLoader.item.model.get(index) if(inx.isDir(item.path)) browser.openFolder(item.path) else browser.openFile(item.path) } onItemRightClicked: itemMenu.show([viewLoader.item.model.get(index).path]) onLeftEmblemClicked: browser.addToSelection(item, true) onRightEmblemClicked: isAndroid ? Maui.Android.shareDialog([item.path]) : shareDialog.show([item.path]) onAreaClicked: { if(!isMobile && mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) browserMenu.show() else return } onAreaRightClicked: browserMenu.show() } focus: true Maui.Holder { id: holder visible: false/*|| !inx.fileExists(currentPath)*/ z: -1 emoji: pathExists ? "qrc:/assets/MoonSki.png" : "qrc:/assets/ElectricPlug.png" isMask: false title : pathExists ? "Folder is empty!" : "Folder doesn't exists!" body: pathExists ? "You can add new files to it" : "Create Folder?" emojiSize: iconSizes.huge } Keys.onSpacePressed: detailsDrawer.show(viewLoader.item.model.get(viewLoader.item.currentIndex).path) floatingBar: true footBarOverlap: true headBarExit: false + altToolBars: isMobile headBar.rightContent: [ Maui.ToolButton { iconName: "visibility" onClicked: INX.showHiddenFiles() tooltipText: qsTr("Hidden files...") iconColor: hidden ? highlightColor : textColor }, Maui.ToolButton { iconName: "view-preview" onClicked: INX.showPreviews() tooltipText: qsTr("Previews...") iconColor: previews ? highlightColor : textColor }, Maui.ToolButton { iconName: "bookmark-new" onClicked: INX.bookmarkFolder() tooltipText: qsTr("Bookmark...") }, Maui.ToolButton { iconName: "overflow-menu" onClicked: browserMenu.show() tooltipText: qsTr("Menu...") } ] headBar.leftContent: [ Maui.ToolButton { id: viewBtn // iconColor: floatingBar ? altColorText : textColor iconName: browser.detailsView ? "view-list-icons" : "view-list-details" onClicked: browser.switchView() }, Maui.ToolButton { iconName: "folder-add" onClicked: INX.createFolder() tooltipText: qsTr("New folder...") }, Maui.ToolButton { iconName: "sort-name" tooltipText: qsTr("Sort by...") } ] // footBar.leftContent: Maui.ToolButton // { // id: viewBtn // iconColor: floatingBar ? altColorText : textColor // iconName: browser.detailsView ? "view-list-icons" : "view-list-details" // onClicked: browser.switchView() // } footBar.middleContent: Row { spacing: space.medium Maui.ToolButton { iconName: "go-previous" iconColor: floatingBar ? altColorText : textColor onClicked: browser.goBack() } Maui.ToolButton { iconName: "go-up" iconColor: floatingBar ? altColorText : textColor onClicked: browser.goUp() } Maui.ToolButton { iconName: "go-next" iconColor: floatingBar ? altColorText : textColor onClicked: browser.goNext() } } // footBar.rightContent: [ // // Maui.ToolButton // // { // // iconName: "documentinfo" // // iconColor: browser.detailsDrawer.visible ? highlightColor : textColor // // onClicked: browser.detailsDrawer.visible ? browser.detailsDrawer.close() : // // browser.detailsDrawer.show(browser.currentPath) // // }, // Maui.ToolButton // { // iconName: "overflow-menu" // iconColor: floatingBar ? altColorText : textColor // onClicked: browser.browserMenu.show() // } // ] ColumnLayout { spacing: 0 anchors.fill: parent visible: !holder.visible z: holder.z + 1 Item { id: browserContainer Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.margins: detailsView ? unit : contentMargins * 2 z: holder.z + 1 ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent Loader { id: viewLoader z: holder.z + 1 sourceComponent: detailsView ? listViewBrowser : gridViewBrowser Layout.margins: detailsView ? unit : contentMargins * 2 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true } Maui.SelectionBar { id: selectionBar Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.leftMargin: contentMargins*2 Layout.rightMargin: contentMargins*2 Layout.bottomMargin: contentMargins*2 z: holder.z +1 onIconClicked: itemMenu.show(selectedPaths) onExitClicked: clearSelection() } } anchors.top: parent.top anchors.bottom: terminalVisible ? handle.top : parent.bottom } Rectangle { id: handle visible: terminalVisible Layout.fillWidth: true height: 5 color: "transparent" Kirigami.Separator { anchors { bottom: parent.bottom right: parent.right left: parent.left } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent drag.target: parent drag.axis: Drag.YAxis drag.smoothed: true cursorShape: Qt.SizeVerCursor } } Loader { id: terminalLoader visible: terminalVisible focus: true Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom Layout.minimumHeight: 100 Layout.maximumHeight: parent.height *0.5 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.top: handle.bottom source: !isMobile ? "../terminal/Terminal.qml" : "" } } function openItem(index) { var item = viewLoader.item.model.get(index) if(selectionMode && !inx.isDir(item.path)) addToSelection(item, true) else { var path = item.path if(inx.isDir(path)) browser.openFolder(path) else if(inx.isCustom(path)) browser.openFolder(path) else if(inx.isApp(path)) browser.launchApp(path) else { if (isMobile) detailsDrawer.show(path) else browser.openFile(path) } } } function clear() { viewLoader.item.model.clear() } function launchApp(path) { inx.runApplication(path, "") } function openFile(path) { inx.openFile(path) } function openFolder(path) { previousPath.push(currentPath) populate(path) if(!isMobile) terminal.session.sendText("cd " + currentPath + "\n") // if(selectedPaths.length > 0) // clearSelection() } function openAppsPath(path) { setPath(path, pathType.applications) var items = inx.getCustomPathContent(path) if(items.length > 0) for(var i in items) viewLoader.item.model.append(items[i]) for(i=0; i < placesSidebar.count; i++) if(currentPath === placesSidebar.model.get(i).path) placesSidebar.currentIndex = i } function populate(path) { clear() if(path.indexOf("#apps") === 0) { browser.openAppsPath(path) return; } setPath(path, pathType.directory) /* Get directory configs */ var iconsize = Maui.FM.dirConf(path+"/.directory")["iconsize"] || iconSizes.large thumbnailsSize = parseInt(iconsize) detailsView = Maui.FM.dirConf(path+"/.directory")["detailview"] === "true" ? true : false if(!isAndroid) terminalVisible = Maui.FM.dirConf(path+"/.directory")["showterminal"] === "true" ? true : false previews = Maui.FM.dirConf(path+"/.directory")["showthumbnail"] === "true" ? true : false // hidden = Maui.FM.dirConf(path+"/.directory")["hidden"] if(!detailsView) grid.adaptGrid() /* should it really return the paths or just use the signal? */ var items = inx.getPathContent(path) for(var i=0; i < placesSidebar.count; i++) if(currentPath === placesSidebar.model.get(i).path) placesSidebar.currentIndex = i inx.watchPath(currentPath) } function append(item) { viewLoader.item.model.append(item) } function goBack() { nextPath.push(currentPath) populate(previousPath.pop()) } function goNext() { openFolder(nextPath.pop()) } function goUp() { openFolder(inx.parentDir(currentPath)) } function refresh() { var pos = browser.grid.contentY populate(currentPath) browser.grid.contentY = pos } function addToSelection(item, append) { selectionBar.append(item) } function clearSelection() { clean() browser.selectionMode = false } function clean() { copyPaths = [] cutPaths = [] browserMenu.pasteFiles = 0 selectionBar.clear() } function copy(paths) { copyPaths = paths isCut = false isCopy = true } function cut(paths) { cutPaths = paths isCut = true isCopy = false } function paste() { if(isCopy) inx.copy(copyPaths, currentPath) else if(isCut) if(inx.cut(cutPaths, currentPath)) clearSelection() } function remove(paths) { for(var i in paths) inx.remove(paths[i]) } function switchView() { detailsView = !detailsView Maui.FM.setDirConf(currentPath+"/.directory", "MAUIFM", "DetailView", detailsView) populate(currentPath) } function bookmarkFolder(paths) { if(paths.length > 0) { for(var i in paths) { if(inx.isDefaultPath(paths[i])) continue inx.bookmark(paths[i]) } placesSidebar.populate() } } function populateTags(myTag) { clear() inx.getTagContent(myTag) setPath(myTag, pathType.tags) } function setPath(path, type) { currentPathType = type currentPath = path pathBar.append(currentPath) } function zoomIn() { switch(thumbnailsSize) { case iconSizes.tiny: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.small break case iconSizes.small: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.medium break case iconSizes.medium: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.big break case iconSizes.big: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.large break case iconSizes.large: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.huge break case iconSizes.huge: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.enormous break case iconSizes.enormous: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.enormous break default: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.large } Maui.FM.setDirConf(currentPath+"/.directory", "MAUIFM", "IconSize", thumbnailsSize) grid.adaptGrid() } function zoomOut() { switch(thumbnailsSize) { case iconSizes.tiny: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.tiny break case iconSizes.small: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.tiny break case iconSizes.medium: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.small break case iconSizes.big: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.medium break case iconSizes.large: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.big break case iconSizes.huge: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.large break case iconSizes.enormous: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.huge break default: thumbnailsSize = iconSizes.large } Maui.FM.setDirConf(currentPath+"/.directory", "MAUIFM", "IconSize", thumbnailsSize) grid.adaptGrid() } } diff --git a/mauikit b/mauikit index cd31b85..eefb5bf 160000 --- a/mauikit +++ b/mauikit @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit cd31b85981a0d1fd912cfb2b2dcf5435d707bdc2 +Subproject commit eefb5bf6a49341cc496a0d702d722dd9e6b66db2