Paste P526

Masterwork From Distant Lands

Authored by davidedmundson on Jan 24 2020, 11:34 AM.
Activity integer
cpu/<processor ID | System>
clock float
user float
nice float
sys float
TotalLoad float
idle float
wait float
usedspace integer
freespace integer
filllevel integer
totalio float
rio float
wio float
rblk float
wblk float
totalio integer
rio integer
wio integer
rblk integer
wblk integer
rtim integer
wtim integer
ioqueue integer
lmsensors/<misc ID>
temp1 float
cpu/system/loadavg1 float
cpu/system/loadavg5 float
cpu/system/loadavg15 float
total integer
free integer
available integer
used integer
application integer
buf integer
cached integer
/allocated integer
used integer
free integer
dirty integer
writeback integer
data float
dataTotal float
packets float
packetsTotal float
errors float
errorsTotal float
drops float
dropsTotal float
fifo float
fifoTotal float
frame float
frameTotal float
compressed float
compressedTotal float
multicast float
multicastTotal float
data float
dataTotal float
packets float
packetsTotal float
errors float
errorsTotal float
drops float
dropsTotal float
fifo float
fifoTotal float
collisions float
collisionsTotal float
carrier float
carrierTotal float
compressed float
compressedTotal float
quality float
signal float
noise float
nwid float
nwidTotal float
crypt float
cryptTotal float
frag float
fragTotal float
retry float
retryTotal float
misc float
miscTotal float
beacon float
beaconTotal float
Clearly useless:
cpu/interrupts/int00 float
cpu/interrupts/int01 float
cpu/interrupts/int02 float
cpu/interrupts/int03 float
cpu/interrupts/int04 float
cpu/interrupts/int05 float
cpu/interrupts/int06 float
cpu/interrupts/int07 float
cpu/interrupts/int08 float
cpu/interrupts/int09 float
cpu/interrupts/int10 float
cpu/interrupts/int11 float
cpu/interrupts/int12 float
cpu/interrupts/int13 float
cpu/interrupts/int14 float
cpu/interrupts/int15 float
cpu/interrupts/int16 float
cpu/interrupts/int17 float
cpu/interrupts/int18 float
cpu/interrupts/int19 float
cpu/interrupts/int20 float
cpu/interrupts/int21 float
cpu/interrupts/int22 float
cpu/interrupts/int23 float
cpu/interrupts/int24 float
cpu/context float
cpu/pageIn float
cpu/pageOut float
davidedmundson edited the content of this paste. (Show Details)Jan 24 2020, 11:34 AM
davidedmundson changed the title of this paste from untitled to Masterwork From Distant Lands.