File Metadata

Feb 12 2018, 5:34 PM


Openbox-Message: Unable to find a valid menu file "/var/lib/openbox/debian-menu.xml"
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-ubuntu'
kbuildsycoca5 running...
cd obj-aarch64-linux-gnu && make -j1 test ARGS\+=-j1
Running tests...
/usr/bin/ctest --force-new-ctest-process -j1
Test project /tmp/autopkgtest.PtV6sW/build.gpW/src/obj-aarch64-linux-gnu
Start 1: encoding_utf8.txt_create
1/66 Test #1: encoding_utf8.txt_create ................ Passed 0.15 sec
Start 2: encoding_utf8.txt_diff
2/66 Test #2: encoding_utf8.txt_diff .................. Passed 0.04 sec
Start 3: encoding_latin15.txt_create
3/66 Test #3: encoding_latin15.txt_create ............. Passed 0.12 sec
Start 4: encoding_latin15.txt_diff
4/66 Test #4: encoding_latin15.txt_diff ............... Passed 0.04 sec
Start 5: encoding_utf32.txt_create
5/66 Test #5: encoding_utf32.txt_create ............... Passed 0.11 sec
Start 6: encoding_utf32.txt_diff
6/66 Test #6: encoding_utf32.txt_diff ................. Passed 0.04 sec
Start 7: encoding_utf16.txt_create
7/66 Test #7: encoding_utf16.txt_create ............... Passed 0.11 sec
Start 8: encoding_utf16.txt_diff
8/66 Test #8: encoding_utf16.txt_diff ................. Passed 0.04 sec
Start 9: encoding_utf32be.txt_create
9/66 Test #9: encoding_utf32be.txt_create ............. Passed 0.11 sec
Start 10: encoding_utf32be.txt_diff
10/66 Test #10: encoding_utf32be.txt_diff ............... Passed 0.04 sec
Start 11: encoding_utf16be.txt_create
11/66 Test #11: encoding_utf16be.txt_create ............. Passed 0.11 sec
Start 12: encoding_utf16be.txt_diff
12/66 Test #12: encoding_utf16be.txt_diff ............... Passed 0.04 sec
Start 13: encoding_cyrillic_utf8.txt_create
13/66 Test #13: encoding_cyrillic_utf8.txt_create ....... Passed 0.11 sec
Start 14: encoding_cyrillic_utf8.txt_diff
14/66 Test #14: encoding_cyrillic_utf8.txt_diff ......... Passed 0.04 sec
Start 15: encoding_cp1251.txt_create
15/66 Test #15: encoding_cp1251.txt_create .............. Passed 0.12 sec
Start 16: encoding_cp1251.txt_diff
16/66 Test #16: encoding_cp1251.txt_diff ................ Passed 0.04 sec
Start 17: encoding_koi8-r.txt_create
17/66 Test #17: encoding_koi8-r.txt_create .............. Passed 0.13 sec
Start 18: encoding_koi8-r.txt_diff
18/66 Test #18: encoding_koi8-r.txt_diff ................ Passed 0.11 sec
Start 19: encoding_one-char-latin-15.txt_create
19/66 Test #19: encoding_one-char-latin-15.txt_create ... Passed 0.18 sec
Start 20: encoding_one-char-latin-15.txt_diff
20/66 Test #20: encoding_one-char-latin-15.txt_diff ..... Passed 0.08 sec
Start 21: kateindenttest_testPython
21/66 Test #21: kateindenttest_testPython ............... Passed 1.49 sec
Start 22: kateindenttest_testCstyle
22/66 Test #22: kateindenttest_testCstyle ............... Passed 4.75 sec
Start 23: kateindenttest_testCppstyle
23/66 Test #23: kateindenttest_testCppstyle ............. Passed 5.08 sec
Start 24: kateindenttest_testCMake
24/66 Test #24: kateindenttest_testCMake ................ Passed 0.96 sec
Start 25: kateindenttest_testRuby
25/66 Test #25: kateindenttest_testRuby ................. Passed 4.48 sec
Start 26: kateindenttest_testHaskell
26/66 Test #26: kateindenttest_testHaskell .............. Passed 0.84 sec
Start 27: kateindenttest_testLatex
27/66 Test #27: kateindenttest_testLatex ................ Passed 0.74 sec
Start 28: kateindenttest_testPascal
28/66 Test #28: kateindenttest_testPascal ............... Passed 6.91 sec
Start 29: kateindenttest_testAda
29/66 Test #29: kateindenttest_testAda .................. Passed 3.09 sec
Start 30: kateindenttest_testXml
30/66 Test #30: kateindenttest_testXml .................. Passed 1.06 sec
Start 31: kateindenttest_testNormal
31/66 Test #31: kateindenttest_testNormal ............... Passed 0.59 sec
Start 32: kateindenttest_testReplicode
32/66 Test #32: kateindenttest_testReplicode ............ Passed 0.95 sec
Start 33: katetextbuffertest
33/66 Test #33: katetextbuffertest ...................... Passed 0.26 sec
Start 34: range_test
34/66 Test #34: range_test .............................. Passed 0.36 sec
Start 35: undomanager_test
35/66 Test #35: undomanager_test ........................ Passed 1.00 sec
Start 36: plaintextsearch_test
36/66 Test #36: plaintextsearch_test .................... Passed 0.52 sec
Start 37: regexpsearch_test
37/66 Test #37: regexpsearch_test ....................... Passed 0.46 sec
Start 38: scriptdocument_test
38/66 Test #38: scriptdocument_test ..................... Passed 1.04 sec
Start 39: wordcompletiontest
39/66 Test #39: wordcompletiontest ...................... Passed 6.40 sec
Start 40: searchbar_test
40/66 Test #40: searchbar_test .......................... Passed 4.82 sec
Start 41: movingcursor_test
41/66 Test #41: movingcursor_test ....................... Passed 0.87 sec
Start 42: configinterface_test
42/66 Test #42: configinterface_test .................... Passed 0.80 sec
Start 43: messagetest
43/66 Test #43: messagetest ............................. Passed 4.10 sec
Start 44: kte_documentcursor
44/66 Test #44: kte_documentcursor ...................... Passed 0.60 sec
Start 45: bug313769
45/66 Test #45: bug313769 ............................... Passed 2.44 sec
Start 46: katedocument_test
46/66 Test #46: katedocument_test ....................... Passed 1.46 sec
Start 47: movingrange_test
47/66 Test #47: movingrange_test ........................ Passed 1.16 sec
Start 48: kateview_test
48/66 Test #48: kateview_test ........................... Passed 2.13 sec
Start 49: revision_test
49/66 Test #49: revision_test ........................... Passed 0.30 sec
Start 50: modificationsystem_test
50/66 Test #50: modificationsystem_test ................. Passed 0.28 sec
Start 51: templatehandler_test
51/66 Test #51: templatehandler_test .................... Passed 3.07 sec
Start 52: katefoldingtest
52/66 Test #52: katefoldingtest ......................... Passed 1.67 sec
Start 53: bug286887
53/66 Test #53: bug286887 ............................... Passed 2.39 sec
Start 54: katewildcardmatcher_test
54/66 Test #54: katewildcardmatcher_test ................ Passed 0.19 sec
Start 55: completion_test
55/66 Test #55: completion_test ......................... Passed 42.21 sec
Start 56: commands_test
56/66 Test #56: commands_test ........................... Passed 1.04 sec
Start 57: scripting_test
57/66 Test #57: scripting_test .......................... Passed 0.57 sec
Start 58: bug313759
58/66 Test #58: bug313759 ............................... Passed 3.35 sec
Start 59: bug317111
59/66 Test #59: bug317111 ............................... Passed 0.78 sec
Start 60: bug205447
60/66 Test #60: bug205447 ............................... Passed 0.54 sec
Start 61: katesyntaxtest
61/66 Test #61: katesyntaxtest .......................... Passed 2.60 sec
Start 62: vimode_modes
62/66 Test #62: vimode_modes ............................ Passed 7.74 sec
Start 63: vimode_view
63/66 Test #63: vimode_view ............................. Passed 1.54 sec
Start 64: vimode_completion
64/66 Test #64: vimode_completion .......................***Failed 1.68 sec
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-ubuntu'
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QMainWindow "", which already has a layout
QWidget::setLayout: Attempting to set QLayout "" on QMainWindow "", which already has a layout
********* Start testing of CompletionTest *********
Config: Using QtTest library 5.9.3, Qt 5.9.3 (arm64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 7.3.0)
PASS : CompletionTest::initTestCase()
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\ctrl-p\\enter" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() word: [ (0, 0) -> (0, 0) ] ( "" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\ctrl-p\\ctrl-p\\enter" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() word: [ (0, 0) -> (0, 0) ] ( "" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\ctrl-p\\ctrl-p\\ctrl-p\\enter" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() word: [ (0, 0) -> (0, 0) ] ( "" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\ctrl-p\\ctrl-p\\ctrl-p\\ctrl-p\\enter" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() word: [ (0, 0) -> (0, 0) ] ( "" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\ctrl- \\enter" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() word: [ (0, 0) -> (0, 0) ] ( "" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "ea" on text "compl"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\ctrl- \\enter" on text "compl"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() word: [ (0, 0) -> (0, 5) ] ( "compl" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "ea" on text "(w_123"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\ctrl- \\enter" on text "(w_123"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() word: [ (0, 1) -> (0, 6) ] ( "w_123" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "6li" on text "(w_123comp"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\ctrl- \\enter" on text "(w_123comp"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() word: [ (0, 1) -> (0, 10) ] ( "w_123comp" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "6li" on text "(w_123comp"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\ctrl- \\enter" on text "(w_123comp"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() word: [ (0, 1) -> (0, 10) ] ( "w_123comp" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "$a\\ctrl- \\enter" on text "object->"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() word: [ (0, 8) -> (0, 8) ] ( "" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "X" on text "object->functionCall()"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() Fleep
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "$a\\ctrl- \\enter" on text "object->"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() word: [ (0, 8) -> (0, 8) ] ( "" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "X" on text "object->functionCall()"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests()
>>> running command "f(i\\ctrl- \\enter" on text "object->("
FAIL! : CompletionTest::FakeCodeCompletionTests() Compared values are not the same
Actual (m_docChanges[0].changeRange()) : Range[0, 8 - 1, 0]
Expected (Range(Cursor(0, 8), Cursor(0, 20))): Range[0, 8 - 0, 20]
Loc: [/tmp/autopkgtest.PtV6sW/build.gpW/src/autotests/src/vimode/completion.cpp(228)]
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\ctrl-p" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\return" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\ctrl- " on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\return" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\ctrl-n" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\return" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\ctrl- \\ctrl-p" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\return" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\ctrl- \\ctrl-n\\ctrl-n\\ctrl-n" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\return" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\ctrl- " on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\return\\ctrl-c" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "gg." on text "completion1"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "i" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\return\\ctrl-cgg." on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "ic" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\enterb" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "ic" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\returnb" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "ic" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\esc" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "ic" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\ctrl-c" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "ic" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\ctrl-[" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "i\\right\\right\\right\\right\\right\\ctrl- \\enterfirstArg" on text "funct\nnoa\ncomtail\ncomtail"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests() word: [ (0, 0) -> (0, 5) ] ( "funct" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\home\\down\\right\\right\\right\\ctrl- \\enter" on text "functionwithargs(firstArg)\nnoa\ncomtail\ncomtail"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests() word: [ (1, 0) -> (1, 3) ] ( "noa" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\home\\down\\right\\right\\right\\ctrl- \\enter" on text "functionwithargs(firstArg)\nnoargfunction()\ncomtail\ncomtail"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests() word: [ (2, 0) -> (2, 7) ] ( "comtail" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "\\home\\down\\right\\right\\right\\ctrl- \\enter\\ctrl-c" on text "functionwithargs(firstArg)\nnoargfunction()\ncompletionA\ncomtail"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests() word: [ (3, 0) -> (3, 7) ] ( "comtail" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "gg." on text "funct\nnoa\ncomtail\ncomtail"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running command "ciw\\ctrl- \\enter\\ctrl-c" on text ""
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests() word: [ (0, 0) -> (0, 0) ] ( "" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "ciw\\ctrl- \\enter\\ctrl-c" on text "completionA"
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests() word: [ (0, 0) -> (0, 0) ] ( "" )
QDEBUG : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
>>> running further keypresses "." on text "completionB"
PASS : CompletionTest::CompletionTests()
PASS : CompletionTest::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 3 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 1007ms
********* Finished testing of CompletionTest *********
Start 65: vimode_keys
65/66 Test #65: vimode_keys ............................. Passed 17.99 sec
Start 66: vimode_emulatedcommandbar
66/66 Test #66: vimode_emulatedcommandbar ............... Passed 63.96 sec
98% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 66
Total Test time (real) = 213.22 sec
The following tests FAILED:
64 - vimode_completion (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
Makefile:132: recipe for target 'test' failed
make: *** [test] Error 8
dh_auto_test: cd obj-aarch64-linux-gnu && make -j1 test ARGS\+=-j1 returned exit code 2
XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":99"
after 96163 requests (96163 known processed) with 0 events remaining.