diff --git a/autotests/html/usr.bin.apparmor-profile-test.html b/autotests/html/usr.bin.apparmor-profile-test.html --- a/autotests/html/usr.bin.apparmor-profile-test.html +++ b/autotests/html/usr.bin.apparmor-profile-test.html @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ set rlimit data <= 100M, set rlimit nproc <= 10, set rlimit memlock <= 2GB, - set rlimit rss <= infinity, + set rlimit rss <= infinity, # Change Profile rules change_profile unsafe /** -> [^u/]**, diff --git a/autotests/reference/test.cil.ref b/autotests/reference/test.cil.ref --- a/autotests/reference/test.cil.ref +++ b/autotests/reference/test.cil.ref @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
; filecon
(filecon "/system/bin/run-as" file runas_exec_context)
-(filecon "/dev/socket/wpa_wlan[0-9]" any u:object_r:wpa.socket:s0-s0)
+(filecon "/dev/socket/wpa_wlan[0-9]" any u:object_r:wpa.socket:s0-s0)
(filecon "/data/local/mine" dir ())
(classcommon file any dir)
(file any dir)
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ (allow process httpd.object (file (read write)))

; Paths
"/data/(open "
"/data/[open "

diff --git a/autotests/reference/test.fc.ref b/autotests/reference/test.fc.ref --- a/autotests/reference/test.fc.ref +++ b/autotests/reference/test.fc.ref @@ -2,46 +2,46 @@
# Syntax of 'file_contexts' file and other SELinux configuration files:

-/usr/lib/.*/program/foo\.so -- user:role:type:s0:c0
+/usr/lib/.*/program/foo\.so -- user:role:type:s0:c0
/.* system_u:object_r:default_t:s0
/sys(/.*)? system_u:object_r:sysfs_t:s0
/xen(/.*)? system_u:object_r:xen_image_t:s1
-/mnt(/[^/]*)? -d system_u:object_r:mnt_t:s1-5
-/mnt(/[^/]*)? -l system_u:object_r:mnt_t:s0.s2
+/mnt(/[^/]*)? -d system_u:object_r:mnt_t:s1-5
+/mnt(/[^/]*)? -l system_u:object_r:mnt_t:s0.s2
/tmp/.* <>
/root(/.*)? system_u:object_r:admin_home_t:s0
-/dev/[0-9].* -c system_u:object_r:usb_device_t:s0
-/run/.*\.*pid <>
-/mnt/[^/]*/.* <>
+/dev/[0-9].* -c system_u:object_r:usb_device_t:s0
+/run/.*\.*pid <>
+/mnt/[^/]*/.* <>
/etc/[mg]dm(/.*)? system_u:object_r:xdm_etc_t:s5-s6:c0
/dev/(misc/)?psaux -c system_u:object_r:mouse_device_t:s0-s3:c0.c5

HOME_DIR/.+ system_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0
-HOME_DIR/((www)|(web)|(public_html))(/.+)? system_u:object_r:httpd_user_content_t:s0
-HOME_DIR/\.cache/google-chrome(/.*)? system_u:object_r:chrome_sandbox_home_t:s0
+HOME_DIR/((www)|(web)|(public_html))(/.+)? system_u:object_r:httpd_user_content_t:s0
+HOME_DIR/\.cache/google-chrome(/.*)? system_u:object_r:chrome_sandbox_home_t:s0

-/dev/(misc/)?rtc[0-9]* -c system_u:object_r:clock_device_t:s0-s2:c1
-/var/(db|adm)/sudo(/.*)? system_u:object_r:pam_var_run_t:s0
-/dev/pcd[0-3] -b system_u:object_r:removable_device_t:s0
+/dev/(misc/)?rtc[0-9]* -c system_u:object_r:clock_device_t:s0-s2:c1
+/var/(db|adm)/sudo(/.*)? system_u:object_r:pam_var_run_t:s0
+/dev/pcd[0-3] -b system_u:object_r:removable_device_t:s0
/etc/ppp(/.*)? -- system_u:object_r:pppd_etc_rw_t:s0
/var/www(/.*)? system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0
/usr/lib(.*/)?bin(/.*)? system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0
/dev/shm/.* <>
-/usr/lib/(sse2/)?hello-.*\.so.* -- system_u:object_r:textrel_shlib_t:s0
+/usr/lib/(sse2/)?hello-.*\.so.* -- system_u:object_r:textrel_shlib_t:s0
/sbin/grub.* -- system_u:object_r:bootloader_exec_t:s0.s3
/sbin/lilo.* -- system_u:object_r:bootloader_exec_t:s0
-/etc/group[-\+]? -- system_u:object_r:passwd_file_t:s0:c1-c5
-/etc/rc\.d/init\.d/mpd -- system_u:object_r:mpd_initrc_exec_t:s0
+/etc/group[-\+]? -- system_u:object_r:passwd_file_t:s0:c1-c5
+/etc/rc\.d/init\.d/mpd -- system_u:object_r:mpd_initrc_exec_t:s0

# Syntax of *.fc files, from the SELinux reference policy:

/run/sudo/ts/%{USERNAME} gen_context(system_u:object_r:pam_var_run_t,s0,c0)
-/etc/aiccu\.conf -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:aiccu_etc_t,s0-s2,c1.c5)
-HOME_DIR/\.mtpz-data -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:libmtp_home_t,s0)
+/etc/aiccu\.conf -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:aiccu_etc_t,s0-s2,c1.c5)
+HOME_DIR/\.mtpz-data -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:libmtp_home_t,s0)
/var/log/mariadb(/.*)? gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_log_t,s0)
-/dev/dasd[^/]* -b gen_context(system_u:object_r:fixed_disk_device_t,mls_systemhigh)
-/dev/dasd[^/]* -c gen_context(system_u:object_r:fixed_disk_device_t,mls_systemhigh)
+/dev/dasd[^/]* -b gen_context(system_u:object_r:fixed_disk_device_t,mls_systemhigh)
+/dev/dasd[^/]* -c gen_context(system_u:object_r:fixed_disk_device_t,mls_systemhigh)
HOME_ROOT -d gen_context(system_u:object_r:home_root_t,s0-mls_systemhigh,c1)
HOME_ROOT -l gen_context(system_u:object_r:home_root_t,s0)

@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ /success -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:etc_runtime_t,s0)
- /run/tmpfiles\.d/kmod\.conf -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:kmod_tmpfiles_conf_t,s0)
+ /run/tmpfiles\.d/kmod\.conf -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:kmod_tmpfiles_conf_t,s0)

# Tests
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ /hello(world


# Security contexts
diff --git a/autotests/reference/usr.bin.apparmor-profile-test.ref b/autotests/reference/usr.bin.apparmor-profile-test.ref --- a/autotests/reference/usr.bin.apparmor-profile-test.ref +++ b/autotests/reference/usr.bin.apparmor-profile-test.ref @@ -5,59 +5,59 @@ include

# Variable assignment
@{USER_DIR} = @{HOME}/Public @{HOME}/Desktop
@{USER_DIR} += @{HOME}/Hello

# Profile for /usr/bin/foo
-/usr/bin/foo (attach_disconnected, enforce) {
+/usr/bin/foo (attach_disconnected, enforce) {

include "/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/openssl"

- /{,**/} r,# Read only directories
+ /{,**/} r,# Read only directories

- owner /{home,media,mnt,srv,net}/** r,
- owner @{USER_DIR}/** rw,
- audit deny owner /**/* mx,
- /**.[tT][xX][tT] r, # txt
+ owner /{home,media,mnt,srv,net}/** r,
+ owner @{USER_DIR}/** rw,
+ audit deny owner /**/* mx,
+ /**.[tT][xX][tT] r, # txt

- owner file @{HOME}/.local/share/foo/{,**} rwkl,
- owner @{HOME}/.config/foo/{,**} rwk,
- owner @{HOME}/.config/* rw,
- owner @{HOME}/.config/*.[a-zA-Z0-9]* rwk,
- owner @{HOME}/.cache/foo/{,**} rwk,
+ owner file @{HOME}/.local/share/foo/{,**} rwkl,
+ owner @{HOME}/.config/foo/{,**} rwk,
+ owner @{HOME}/.config/* rw,
+ owner @{HOME}/.config/*.[a-zA-Z0-9]* rwk,
+ owner @{HOME}/.cache/foo/{,**} rwk,

- "/usr/share/**" r,
- "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/**" r,
- "/var/lib/flatpak/app/**/export/share/applications/*.desktop" r,
+ "/usr/share/**" r,
+ "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/**" r,
+ "/var/lib/flatpak/app/**/export/share/applications/*.desktop" r,

allow file /etc/nsswitch.conf r,
allow /etc/fstab r,
/etc/udev/udev.conf r,
- /etc/xdg/** r,
+ /etc/xdg/** r,
/etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf k,
- deny /etc/xdg/{autostart,systemd}/** r,
- deny /boot/** rwlkmx,
+ deny /etc/xdg/{autostart,systemd}/** r,
+ deny /boot/** rwlkmx,

- owner @{PROC}/@{pid}/{cmdline,mountinfo,mounts,stat,status,vmstat} r,
- /sys/devices/**/uevent r,
+ owner @{PROC}/@{pid}/{cmdline,mountinfo,mounts,stat,status,vmstat} r,
+ /sys/devices/**/uevent r,

/usr/bin/foo ixr,
/usr/bin/dolphin PUx,
- /usr/bin/* Pixr,
+ /usr/bin/* Pixr,
/usr/bin/khelpcenter Cx -> sanitized_helper,
/usr/bin/helloworld Cxr ->

- /usr/lib{,32,64}/{,@{multiarch}/}qt5/plugins/{,**/}*.so m,
- @{FOO_LIB}/{,**} mr,
+ /usr/lib{,32,64}/{,@{multiarch}/}qt5/plugins/{,**/}*.so m,
+ @{FOO_LIB}/{,**} mr,

- audit deny /dev/{audio,video}* rwlkmx,
+ audit deny /dev/{audio,video}* rwlkmx,

# Dbus rules
dbus (send)
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ =system
- ={Introspect,state}
- =(name=(org.freedesktop.NetworkManager|org.freedesktop.DBus)),
+ ={Introspect,state}
+ =(name=(org.freedesktop.NetworkManager|org.freedesktop.DBus)),
dbus (send)
- =/org/gnome/GConf/Database/*
- ={AddMatch,AddNotify,AllEntries,LookupExtended,RemoveNotify},
+ =/org/gnome/GConf/Database/*
+ ={AddMatch,AddNotify,AllEntries,LookupExtended,RemoveNotify},
dbus (bind)
@@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ signal (send, receive) =(int exists rtmin+8) =/usr/lib/hello/world//foo-helper,

# Child profile
- profile hello_world {
+ profile hello_world {
# File rules (three different ways)
- file /usr/lib{,32,64}/helloworld/**.so mr,
- /usr/lib{,32,64}/helloworld/** r,
- rk /usr/lib{,32,64}/helloworld/hello,file,
+ file /usr/lib{,32,64}/helloworld/**.so mr,
+ /usr/lib{,32,64}/helloworld/** r,
+ rk /usr/lib{,32,64}/helloworld/hello,file,

# Link rules (two ways)
l /foo1 -> /bar,
link /foo2 -> bar,
link /foo3 to bar,
- link subset /link* -> /**,
+ link subset /link* -> /**,

# Network rules
network inet6 tcp, #Allow access to tcp only for inet6 addresses
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ capability sys_chroot,

# Mount rules
- mount =(rw bind remount nodev noexec) =ecryptfs /home/*/.helloworld/ -> /home/*/helloworld/,
- mount in (rw, bind) / -> /run/hellowordd/*.mnt,
- mount =read-only =btrfs /dev/sd[a-z][1-9]* -> /media/*/*,
- umount /home/*/helloworld/,
+ mount =(rw bind remount nodev noexec) =ecryptfs /home/*/.helloworld/ -> /home/*/helloworld/,
+ mount in (rw, bind) / -> /run/hellowordd/*.mnt,
+ mount =read-only =btrfs /dev/sd[a-z][1-9]* -> /media/*/*,
+ umount /home/*/helloworld/,

# Pivot Root rules
pivot_root =/mnt/root/old/ /mnt/root/,
@@ -122,36 +122,36 @@ ptrace (read, trace, tracedby) =/usr/lib/hello/helloword,

# Unix rules
- unix (connect receive send) =(stream) =(label=unconfined addr=@/tmp/ibus/dbus-*),
+ unix (connect receive send) =(stream) =(label=unconfined addr=@/tmp/ibus/dbus-*),
unix (send,receive) =(stream) =0 =(addr=none),
unix =(label=@{profile_name},addr=@helloworld),

# Rlimit rule
set rlimit data <= 100M,
set rlimit nproc <= 10,
set rlimit memlock <= 2GB,
- set rlimit rss <= infinity,
+ set rlimit rss <= infinity,

# Change Profile rules
- change_profile unsafe /** -> [^u/]**,
- change_profile unsafe /** -> {u,un,unc,unco,uncon,unconf,unconfi,unconfin,unconfine},
+ change_profile unsafe /** -> [^u/]**,
+ change_profile unsafe /** -> {u,un,unc,unco,uncon,unconf,unconfi,unconfin,unconfine},
change_profile /bin/bash ->

# Alias
alias /usr/ -> /mnt/usr/,
- }
+ }

# Hat
- ^foo-helper {
+ ^foo-helper {
network unix stream,
unix stream,

- /usr/hi\"esc\x23esc\032esc\*es\{esc\ rw r, # Escape expressions
+ /usr/hi\"esc\x23esc\032esc\*es\{esc\ rw r, # Escape expressions

# Text after a variable is highlighted as path
file /my/path r,
@{FOO_LIB}file r,
@{FOO_LIB}#my/path r, #Comment
- }
+ }
diff --git a/data/syntax/apparmor.xml b/data/syntax/apparmor.xml --- a/data/syntax/apparmor.xml +++ b/data/syntax/apparmor.xml @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ - - - + + + + + + + ]> flags + xattrs audit - complain - enforce - mediate_deleted - attach_disconnected - chroot_relative - chroot_attach - chroot_no_attach - delegate_deleted - no_attach_disconnected - namespace_relative + enforce complain + mediate_deleted delegate_deleted + attach_disconnected no_attach_disconnected + chroot_relative namespace_relative + chroot_attach chroot_no_attach @@ -99,104 +100,63 @@ audit - + - audit_control - audit_read - audit_write - block_suspend - chown - dac_override - dac_read_search - fowner - fsetid - ipc_lock - ipc_owner - kill - lease - linux_immutable - mac_admin - mac_override - mknod - net_admin - net_bind_service - net_broadcast - net_raw - setgid - setfcap - setpcap - setuid - sys_admin - sys_boot - sys_chroot - sys_module - sys_nice - sys_pacct - sys_ptrace - sys_rawio - sys_resource - sys_time - sys_tty_config - syslog - wake_alarm + audit_control audit_read + audit_write block_suspend + chown dac_override + dac_read_search fowner + fsetid ipc_lock + ipc_owner kill + lease linux_immutable + mac_admin mac_override + mknod net_admin + net_bind_service net_broadcast + net_raw setgid + setfcap setpcap + setuid sys_admin + sys_boot sys_chroot + sys_module sys_nice + sys_pacct sys_ptrace + sys_rawio sys_resource + sys_time sys_tty_config + syslog wake_alarm - inet - ax25 - ipx - appletalk - netrom - bridge - atmpvc - x25 - inet6 - rose - netbeui - security - key - packet - ash - econet - atmsvc - sna - irda - pppox - wanpipe - bluetooth - netlink - rds - llc - can - tipc - iucv - rxrpc - isdn - phonet - ieee802154 - caif - alg - nfc - vsock - mpls - ib - kcm - smc + inet ax25 + ipx appletalk + netrom bridge + atmpvc x25 + inet6 rose + netbeui security + key packet + ash econet + atmsvc sna + irda pppox + wanpipe bluetooth + netlink rds + llc can + tipc iucv + rxrpc isdn + phonet ieee802154 + caif alg + nfc vsock + mpls ib + kcm smc - stream - dgram - seqpacket - rdm + stream dgram + seqpacket rdm raw @@ -209,157 +169,73 @@ to avoid conflicts with the 'unix' rule name. --> unix - + - fstype - vfstype - options - option + fstype vfstype + options option - r - w - rw - ro - read-only - suid - nosuid - dev - nodev - exec - noexec - sync - async - remount - mand - nomand - dirsync - atime - noatime - diratime - nodiratime - bind - B - move - M - rbind - R - verbose - silent - loud - acl - noacl - unbindable - make-unbindable - runbindable - make-runbindable - private - make-private - rprivate - make-rprivate - slave - make-slave - rslave - make-rslave - shared - make-shared - rshared - make-rshared - relatime - norelatime - iversion - noiversion - strictatime - user - nouser + r w + rw ro + read-only suid + nosuid dev + nodev exec + noexec sync + async remount + mand nomand + dirsync atime + noatime diratime + nodiratime bind + B move + M rbind + R verbose + silent loud + acl noacl + unbindable make-unbindable + runbindable make-runbindable + private make-private + rprivate make-rprivate + slave make-slave + rslave make-rslave + shared make-shared + rshared make-rshared + relatime norelatime + iversion noiversion + strictatime user + nouser - autofs - bdev - bpf - cachefs - cgroup - cgroup2 - cifs - coherent - configfs - cpuset - cramfs - debugfs - devfs - devpts - devtmpfs - ecryptfs - efs - fuse - fuseblk - fusectl - hugetlbfs - iso9660 - kernfs - mqueue - pipefs - proc - procfs - pstore - ramfs - romfs - rootfs - securityfs - selinuxfs - sockfs - specfs - squashfs - swapfs - sysfs - sysv - tmpfs - usbfs - vfat + autofs bdev bpf + cachefs cgroup cgroup2 + cifs coherent configfs + cpuset cramfs debugfs + devfs devpts devtmpfs + ecryptfs efs fuse + fuseblk fusectl hugetlbfs + iso9660 kernfs mqueue + pipefs proc procfs + pstore ramfs romfs + rootfs securityfs selinuxfs + sockfs specfs squashfs + swapfs sysfs sysv + tmpfs usbfs vfat - adfs - affs - apfs - btrfs - coda - exfat - ext2 - ext3 - ext4 - f2fs - fatx - hfs - hfsplus - hpfs - jfs - lvm2 - minix - msdos - ncpfs - nilfs - nilfs2 - nfs - nfs4 - ntfs - ntfs-3g - openzfs - qnx4 - qnx6 - reiser4 - reiserfs - smbfs - swap - tracefs - ubifs - udf - ufs - umsdos - urefs - xenix - xfs - zfs + adfs affs apfs + btrfs coda exfat + ext2 ext3 ext4 + f2fs fatx hfs + hfsplus hpfs jfs + lvm2 minix msdos + ncpfs nilfs nilfs2 + nfs nfs4 ntfs + ntfs-3g openzfs qnx4 + qnx6 reiser4 reiserfs + smbfs swap tracefs + ubifs udf ufs + umsdos urefs xenix + xfs zfs @@ -386,39 +262,17 @@ - bus - hup - int - quit - ill - trap - abrt - fpe - kill - usr1 - segv - usr2 - pipe - alrm - term - stkflt - chld - cont - stop - stp - ttin - ttou - urg - xcpu - xfsz - vtalrm - prof - winch - io - pwr - sys - emt - exists + bus hup int + quit ill trap + abrt fpe kill + usr1 segv usr2 + pipe alrm term + stkflt chld cont + stop stp ttin + ttou urg xcpu + xfsz vtalrm prof + winch io pwr + sys emt exists @@ -428,74 +282,51 @@ - peer - bus - path - interface - member - name + peer bus + path interface + member name name label - send - receive - bind - eavesdrop + send receive + bind eavesdrop system session - peer - set - label - type - protocol - addr - attr - opt + peer set + label type + protocol addr + attr opt - send - receive - bind - create - listen - accept - connect - shutdown - getattr - setattr - getopt - setopt + send receive + bind create + listen accept + connect shutdown + getattr setattr + getopt setopt - cpu - fsize - data - stack - core - rss - nofile - ofile - as - nproc - memlock - locks - sigpending - msgqueue - nice - rtprio + cpu fsize + data stack + core rss + nofile ofile + as nproc + memlock locks + sigpending msgqueue + nice rtprio rttime @@ -509,6 +340,11 @@ safe unsafe + + + if + exists + @@ -525,151 +361,90 @@ profile_name - HOME - HOMEDIRS - multiarch - pid - pids - PROC - securityfs - apparmorfs - sys - tid - XDG_DESKTOP_DIR - XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR - XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR - XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR - XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR - XDG_MUSIC_DIR - XDG_PICTURES_DIR - XDG_VIDEOS_DIR + HOME HOMEDIRS + multiarch pid + pids PROC + securityfs apparmorfs + sys tid + XDG_DESKTOP_DIR XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR + XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR + XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR XDG_MUSIC_DIR + XDG_PICTURES_DIR XDG_VIDEOS_DIR - abstractions/ - apache2-common - aspell - audio - authentication - base - bash - consoles - cups-client - dbus - dbus-accessibility - dbus-accessibility-strict - dbus-session - dbus-session-strict - dbus-strict - dconf - dovecot-common - enchant - fcitx - fcitx-strict - fonts - freedesktop.org - gnome - gnupg - ibus - kde - kerberosclient - launchpad-integration - ldapclient - libpam-systemd - likewise - mdns - mir - mozc - mysql - nameservice - nis - nvidia - openssl - orbit2 - p11-kit - perl - php - php5 - postfix-common - private-files - private-files-strict - python - ruby - samba - smbpass - ssl_certs - ssl_keys - svn-repositories - ubuntu-bittorrent-clients - ubuntu-browsers - ubuntu-console-browsers - ubuntu-console-email - ubuntu-email - ubuntu-feed-readers - ubuntu-gnome-terminal - ubuntu-helpers - ubuntu-konsole - ubuntu-media-players - ubuntu-unity7-base - ubuntu-unity7-launcher - ubuntu-unity7-messaging - ubuntu-xterm - user-download - user-mail - user-manpages - user-tmp - user-write - video - wayland - web-data - winbind - wutmp - X - xad - xdg-desktop + abstractions/ apache2-common + aspell audio + authentication base + bash consoles + cups-client dbus + dbus-accessibility dbus-accessibility-strict + dbus-session dbus-session-strict + dbus-strict dconf + dri-common dri-enumerate + dovecot-common enchant + fcitx fcitx-strict + fonts freedesktop.org + gnome gnupg + ibus kde + kerberosclient launchpad-integration + ldapclient libpam-systemd + likewise mdns + mir mozc + mysql nameservice + nis nvidia + openssl orbit2 + p11-kit perl + php php5 + postfix-common python + private-files private-files-strict + ruby samba + smbpass svn-repositories + ssl_certs ssl_keys + ubuntu-browsers ubuntu-bittorrent-clients + ubuntu-console-email ubuntu-console-browsers + ubuntu-email ubuntu-feed-readers + ubuntu-helpers ubuntu-gnome-terminal + ubuntu-konsole ubuntu-media-players + ubuntu-unity7-base ubuntu-unity7-launcher + ubuntu-xterm ubuntu-unity7-messaging + user-download user-mail + user-manpages user-tmp + user-write video + wayland web-data + winbind wutmp + X xad + xdg-desktop - ubuntu-browsers.d/ - java - mailto - multimedia - plugins-common - productivity - text-editors - ubuntu-integration - ubuntu-integration-xul - user-files + ubuntu-browsers.d/ java + mailto multimedia + plugins-common productivity + text-editors user-files + ubuntu-integration ubuntu-integration-xul - apparmor_api/ - change_profile - examine - find_mountpoint - introspect - is_enabled + apparmor_api/ change_profile + examine find_mountpoint + introspect is_enabled - tunables/ - alias - apparmorfs - dovecot - global - home - kernelvars - multiarch - ntpd - proc - securityfs - sys + tunables/ alias + apparmorfs dovecot + global home + kernelvars multiarch + ntpd proc + securityfs sys xdg-user-dirs - home.d/ - multiarch.d/ - xdg-user-dirs.d/ - site.local + home.d/ multiarch.d/ + xdg-user-dirs.d/ site.local local/ True False + + infinity + unspec none @@ -719,13 +494,13 @@ + - - - + + - - + + @@ -749,10 +524,9 @@ + - - @@ -762,16 +536,24 @@ - - + + + + + + + + + + @@ -801,18 +583,21 @@ - - + + + + + + - - + @@ -822,13 +607,20 @@ + + + + + - + - - + + + + @@ -842,80 +634,75 @@ - - - + - - + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - + - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - + - + - + + + - + @@ -927,10 +714,19 @@ - + + + + + + + + + + @@ -1054,9 +850,9 @@ - + - + @@ -1106,38 +902,40 @@ - - - + + + - + + + - + - - + + + + - - - - - - + + + + @@ -1148,6 +946,18 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + @@ -1167,46 +977,47 @@ - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + - - + + + - - - + - + + + - - - @@ -1221,18 +1032,19 @@ - + - - + + - + + @@ -1242,56 +1054,42 @@ - + - - + + - + - + - - + + - + - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + @@ -1308,47 +1106,47 @@ - - + + - + - - + + - - - - - - - + + + + + + + - - - - - + + + + + - + - - - - - - + + + + + + - - - - - + + + + + diff --git a/data/syntax/selinux-cil.xml b/data/syntax/selinux-cil.xml --- a/data/syntax/selinux-cil.xml +++ b/data/syntax/selinux-cil.xml @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ [ - + ]> - accept - acceptfrom - access - acquire_svc - add - add_child - add_color - add_glyph - add_name - admin - append - associate - attach_queue - audit_access - audit_control - audit_read - audit_write - bell - bind - blend - block_suspend - call - check_context - chfn - chown - chsh - compute_av - compute_create - compute_member - compute_relabel - compute_user - connect - connectto - contains - copy - create - create_files_as - crontab - dac_override - dac_read_search - dccp_recv - dccp_send - debug - delete - destroy - disable - drop - dyntransition - egress - enable - enforce_dest - enqueue - entrypoint - execheap - execmem - execmod - execstack - execute - execute_no_trans - expand - export - flow_in - flow_out - force_cursor - fork - forward_in - forward_out - fowner - freeze - fsetid - get_param - get_property - get_value - getattr - getcap - getfocus - getgrp - gethost - getopt - getpgid - getpwd - getrlimit - getsched - getserv - getsession - getstat - grab - halt - hide - hide_cursor - impersonate - implement - import - ingress - insert - install - install_module - ioctl - ipc_info - ipc_lock - ipc_owner - kill - lease - link - linux_immutable - list_child - list_property - listen - load_module - load_policy - lock - mac_admin - mac_override - manage - manage_subnet - map - mknod - mmap_zero - module_load - module_request - mount - mounton - name_bind - name_connect - net_admin - net_bind_service - net_broadcast - net_raw - newconn - next_value - nlmsg_read - nlmsg_readpriv - nlmsg_relay - nlmsg_tty_audit - nlmsg_write - nnp_transition - noatsecure - node_bind - nosuid_transition - open - override - passwd - paste - paste_after_confirm - polmatch - ptrace - query - quotaget - quotamod - quotaon - rawip_recv - rawip_send - read - read_policy - reboot - receive - record - recv - recv_msg - recvfrom - relabelfrom - relabelto - reload - remount - remove - remove_child - remove_color - remove_glyph - remove_name - rename - reparent - rlimitinh - rmdir - rootok - saver_getattr - saver_hide - saver_setattr - saver_show - search - select - send - send_msg - sendto - set_context_mgr - set_param - set_property - set_value - setattr - setbool - setcap - setcheckreqprot - setcontext - setcurrent - setenforce - setexec - setfcap - setfocus - setfscreate - setgid - setkeycreate - setopt - setpcap - setpgid - setrlimit - setsched - setsecparam - setsockcreate - setuid - share - shmemgrp - shmemhost - shmempwd - shmemserv - show - show_cursor - shutdown - sigchld - siginh - sigkill - signal - signull - sigstop - start - status - stop - swapon - sys_admin - sys_boot - sys_chroot - sys_module - sys_nice - sys_pacct - sys_ptrace - sys_rawio - sys_resource - sys_time - sys_tty_config - syslog - syslog_console - syslog_mod - syslog_read - tcp_recv - tcp_send - transfer - transition - translate - udp_recv - udp_send - uninstall - unix_read - unix_write - unlink - unmount - update - use - use_as_override - validate_trans - view - wake_alarm - write + accept acceptfrom access + acquire_svc add add_child + add_color add_glyph add_name + admin append associate + attach_queue audit_access audit_control + audit_read audit_write bell + bind blend block_suspend + call check_context chfn + chown chsh compute_av + compute_create compute_member compute_relabel + compute_user connect connectto + contains copy create + create_files_as crontab dac_override + dac_read_search dccp_recv dccp_send + debug delete destroy + disable drop dyntransition + egress enable enforce_dest + enqueue entrypoint execheap + execmem execmod execstack + execute execute_no_transexpand + export flow_in flow_out + force_cursor fork forward_in + forward_out fowner freeze + fsetid get_param get_property + get_value getattr getcap + getfocus getgrp gethost + getopt getpgid getpwd + getrlimit getsched getserv + getsession getstat grab + halt hide hide_cursor + impersonate implement import + ingress insert install + install_module ioctl ipc_info + ipc_lock ipc_owner kill + lease link linux_immutable + list_child list_property listen + load_module load_policy lock + mac_admin mac_override manage + manage_subnet map mknod + mmap_zero module_load module_request + mount mounton name_bind + name_connect net_admin net_bind_service + net_broadcast net_raw newconn + next_value nlmsg_read nlmsg_readpriv + nlmsg_relay nlmsg_tty_audit nlmsg_write + nnp_transition noatsecure node_bind + nosuid_transitionopen override + passwd paste paste_after_confirm + polmatch ptrace query + quotaget quotamod quotaon + rawip_recv rawip_send read + read_policy reboot receive + record recv recv_msg + recvfrom relabelfrom relabelto + reload remount remove + remove_child remove_color remove_glyph + remove_name rename reparent + rlimitinh rmdir rootok + saver_getattr saver_hide saver_setattr + saver_show search select + send send_msg sendto + set_context_mgr set_param set_property + set_value setattr setbool + setcap setcheckreqprot setcontext + setcurrent setenforce setexec + setfcap setfocus setfscreate + setgid setkeycreate setopt + setpcap setpgid setrlimit + setsched setsecparam setsockcreate + setuid share shmemgrp + shmemhost shmempwd shmemserv + show show_cursor shutdown + sigchld siginh sigkill + signal signull sigstop + start status stop + swapon sys_admin sys_boot + sys_chroot sys_module sys_nice + sys_pacct sys_ptrace sys_rawio + sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config + syslog syslog_console syslog_mod + syslog_read tcp_recv tcp_send + transfer transition translate + udp_recv udp_send uninstall + unix_read unix_write unlink + unmount update use + use_as_override validate_trans view + wake_alarm write - autofs - bdev - bpf - cachefs - cgroup - cgroup2 - cifs - coherent - configfs - cpuset - cramfs - debugfs - devfs - devpts - devtmpfs - ecryptfs - efs - fuse - fuseblk - fusectl - hugetlbfs - iso9660 - kernfs - mqueue - pipefs - proc - procfs - pstore - ramfs - romfs - rootfs - securityfs - selinuxfs - sockfs - specfs - squashfs - swapfs - sysfs - sysv - tmpfs - usbfs - vfat + autofs bdev bpf + cachefs cgroup cgroup2 + cifs coherent configfs + cpuset cramfs debugfs + devfs devpts devtmpfs + ecryptfs efs fuse + fuseblk fusectl hugetlbfs + iso9660 kernfs mqueue + pipefs proc procfs + pstore ramfs romfs + rootfs securityfs selinuxfs + sockfs specfs squashfs + swapfs sysfs sysv + tmpfs usbfs vfat - adfs - affs - apfs - btrfs - coda - exfat - ext2 - ext3 - ext4 - f2fs - fatx - hfs - hfsplus - hpfs - jfs - lvm2 - minix - msdos - ncpfs - nilfs - nilfs2 - nfs - nfs4 - ntfs-3g - qnx4 - qnx6 - reiser4 - reiserfs - smbfs - swap - tracefs - ubifs - udf - ufs - umsdos - urefs - xenix - xfs + adfs affs apfs + btrfs coda exfat + ext2 ext3 ext4 + f2fs fatx hfs + hfsplus hpfs jfs + lvm2 minix msdos + ncpfs nilfs nilfs2 + nfs nfs4 ntfs + ntfs-3g qnx4 qnx6 + reiser4 reiserfs smbfs + swap tracefs ubifs + udf ufs umsdos + urefs xenix xfs zfs @@ -659,8 +435,7 @@ - - + @@ -671,27 +446,28 @@ - + - + + @@ -768,6 +544,7 @@ + @@ -871,54 +648,63 @@ - + - + - - - + + + + + - + - + - + + + + - + + - + + + + @@ -954,12 +740,12 @@ - - - - - - + + + + + + diff --git a/data/syntax/selinux-fc.xml b/data/syntax/selinux-fc.xml --- a/data/syntax/selinux-fc.xml +++ b/data/syntax/selinux-fc.xml @@ -28,12 +28,14 @@ ========================================================================================== Change log: + * Version 2 [15-Mar-2018, by Nibaldo G.]: + - Small optimizations. Improvements in paths & PCRE Regex highlighting. * Version 1 [26-Jan-2018, by Nibaldo González]: - Initial version. --> - - - - + - + - - + - + + + + + - + - - - + - - - + + + + + + + + + + - - - - - - - + + + @@ -136,54 +139,62 @@ - - - + + + + - - - + + + + + - + - - + - + - + - + + + + - + - - + + - + - + + + + @@ -203,12 +214,12 @@ - - - - - - + + + + + +