Switch lakademy.kde.org to Jekyll
Closed, InvalidPublic


lakademy.kde.org is currently a static website. There is a new version based on Jekyll on the 'jekyll-port' branch of websites/lakademy-kde-org.git. Switch the website to using the Jekyll version, via binary-factory.

nalvarez created this task.Oct 12 2018, 9:35 PM
nalvarez triaged this task as Normal priority.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: sysadmin. · View Herald TranscriptOct 12 2018, 9:35 PM

The new website is now live at lakademy-staging.kde.org, waiting for final approval.

Aracele & Filipe, could you comment on this please?

What's the status of this in regards to it being approved?

Me and @nalvarez were working on different proposals for the site generation. I don't know which Nicolás prefers.

My approach is on jekyll-port-subpages and uses a plugin to generate the website from a data file. Nicolás approach uses a collection of markdown files to generate them.

Well, let's make some decision. @nalvarez maybe using the data file approach it will be possible to generate translated versions just putting translations in the same file. What do you think?

Thanks for the update.

Based on the lack of response from Nicolas' i'm not sure if he'll be able to get to this soon.
Does anyone else involved with lakademy.kde.org have any thoughts with regards to this?

Filipe and Aracele, can we have a decision on this please?

bcooksley closed this task as Invalid.Nov 29 2018, 6:23 AM

Due to a lack of response despite numerous followups the infrastructure supporting this has now been removed.